#jake seresin x sister!reader fanfic
callsign-dexter · 7 months
Together Against the World
Request: ok love bare with me on this plz lol 😂
so I was wondering if you could write a hangman x sister reader?
like maybe the little sister is significantly younger than hangman but after some incident he got full custody of her (you can choose what happened) and maybe the dagger team don’t know until they see him playing with her on the beach so they go over and question him about it and he explains but they are all in shock (because who could not be after seeing someone like Jake with a kid) at first they think the reader is his kid but Jake explains that even though legally you are we are only his sister. Maybe even the reader falls and gets hurt and Jake goes into full on loving parent mode.
maybe the reader is like 5
anyways sorry for the word dump and this is 100% your choice sorry for my bad punctua
Pairings: Jake Seresin x Sister!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, car crash
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Nobody ever thinks that a tragedy could happen to them until it does, they always think “That’ll never happen to me.” but the funny thing about tragedy is that it doesn’t care who you are. Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin thought the same way until he got the news that his parents and his 1-year-old sister, you, were in an accident and it had instantly killed his parents and that he needed to come pick his sister up from the hospital in Texas. You had some broken bones and some cuts and bruises but you were ok. Jake had to go to court and fill out paperwork and go before a judge for him to get full custody of you considering that your sister had been in the picture for a while. Besides Jake wouldn’t let anyone else have you after all he was your favorite.
4 years later you were now 5 years old and living your best life with your brother and you wouldn’t have it any other way. Sure, you moved a lot but as long as you had Jake nothing mattered. Jake loves having you around and wouldn’t change a thing and it changed his life for the better. He hadn’t been picking up random chicks from the bar and his drinking was cut down considerably. Not many people knew about you and Jake liked to keep it that way, it was a way to protect you, the only people that knew about you were the ones that needed to know like the higher-ups in the Navy. Jake hated pulling you out of schools and shoving you into new ones but all that would change after this special detachment you had brought it up one night during dinner before the move. Jake had noticed you were quiet and that concerned him since you were a mini version of him.
“Jakey?” You asked as you pushed food around on your plate.
“Yes, Peach?” He asked you, Peach, a nickname that came from you eating and loving peaches.
“Are we ever gonna stay in one place?” You asked him, looking at him with green doe eyes. Jake stopped eating and looked at you.
“I promise after this special detachment I’m putting in a request for a permanent station.” He said and you nodded “Finish your supper and get ready for bed I’ll be up to read to you after I clean up.” He said and you nodded. You both finished and you were off to get ready for bed. As you were getting ready for bed and Jake was cleaning up, he began thinking to himself about how your whole life was uprooted. He hated that you couldn’t grow attached to babysitters or make friends because you ended up moving in a month after getting to the new station. He promised to himself that he would put in a request to stay at Top Gun just so you didn’t have to keep moving around. As he finished up putting food away and cleaning the kitchen, he headed upstairs in your rental base house and to your room. As he was walking, he was looking at all the boxes packed and ready to go and when he reached your room and saw all of the boxes that had yet to be unpacked, he felt sad and frowned but that didn’t last long because he looked at you smiling at him. He read to you until you were asleep and then he turned the light out and cracked the door. Jake didn’t go to bed right away, instead he sat on the couch and grabbed his computer and started to look at a house in lovely Miramar. He figured he would move a week before that way he could get you settled and buy some furniture. After an hour of searching, he found the perfect one close to the beach, base, and schools and they had good ratings. He smiled and requested an appointment to look at it when you both arrived there in the morning. Jake closed his laptop and got ready for bed himself.
The next morning, he was up bright and early moving boxes into his truck and the mini trailer had hitched to the back. When he got to your room, he was sure to be quiet and got all of the boxes and then he decided to wake you up. “Hey, Y/N/N. Time to wake up. You can sleep in the truck.” He said and he heard you groan but you woke up and rubbed your eyes and nodded he raised your hands up and he chuckled. He stood up and picked you up and carried you out to the truck. He gently carried you down the stairs and you clung to him like your life depended on it and true to your fashion you fell asleep on him. He swore you could fall asleep anywhere and he was envious of it. When he got you situated in the truck he went back and did a once through making sure both of you had gotten everything as well as grabbing your sheets and comforter. When he got back to the truck you were still sleeping like a rock and he chuckled and shook his head, he tossed the sheets and comforter into the trailer in a box and then he got into the truck and started the 5 hr. drive from Lemoore to Miramar.
2 hrs. into the drive you had woken up and he kept you entertained with anything he could and you both stopped and got food at an IHop and then were back on the road. The rest of the ride was filled with off key singing and games. Your big brother was your world and everything you wanted in a male figure. “Are we there yet?” You asked, looking up at him and Jake chuckled.
“15 more minutes.” He said
“Fine.” You huffed but rolled your eyes and sighed and he chuckled. “But 15 minutes is too long.” You whined.
“Play on your tablet and it’ll go by faster.” He said and you grabbed it and your attention was focused on that. Music was playing softly in the background for Jake’s entertainment. True to his word 15 minutes did go by fast and you were pulling into a neighborhood and you looked up and forward your brow.
“Jakey?” You asked and he looked up.
“What’s up, Peach?” He asked
“What are we doing?” You asked
“Looking at a house.” He said and you nodded. He parked in the driveway and got out and then got you out and sat you down and then he saw the relator walk up to him.
“Good afternoon! I’m Alicia London. You must be Jake Seresin. I must say you have a beautiful daughter.” She said and Jake shook his head and smiled. He got that all the time.
“Yes, I’m Jake but this is my sister.” He said as you hid further into his leg.
“My apologies!” She said, embarrassed.
“No worries, ma’am.” He said
“Shall we have a look at the house?” She asked and he nodded. As you both were getting a tour, he was loving it especially the backyard. As they finished, he was smiling. “So, what do you think?” She asked.
“It’s perfect. I wanna go ahead and buy it. It’s in my price range and it’s a good distance from the base and school.” He said and she seemed shocked.
“Of course, Mr. Seresin. I’ll get the paperwork started and you can move in today.” She said and he nodded.
“That would be great. Also please call me Jake. Mr. Seresin has since passed.” Jake said and she nodded and walked out of the room he turned to look at you.
“What do you think?” He asked and you seemed to look around for a minute.
“I like it!” You shouted and he smiled. Alicia walked back in.
“Good news! You got the house since no others were interested in it and here is the key.” She said and handed it to him. “All I need you to do is sign the papers and then the rest can be handled at a later time.” She said and he smiled. “I’ll get out of your hair and let you settle in and I’ll be in contact.” She said and he nodded and left. Jake started to move everything in with your help and once everything was set up you both went shopping. First you went to furniture stores and found everything you both liked and then the grocery store. The furniture was delivered the same day and in about an hour everything was put together and ready to go.
When Jake dropped you off at your new school the next morning he had stopped by the bank and got everything sorted and now it was time for him to figure things out like finding a babysitter for you. He met with a lot of people but he settled for an 18-year-old that was going to school and needed a part time job named Bailey. When he went to pick you up from school you were in much better spirits and loving Miramar.
A week passed quickly and now it was time for him to go and meet his squad while you stayed home with your new babysitter. When she got there, he introduced you two and both of you hit it off. As he was preparing to leave, he got down on your level “You be good for Bailey and do what she says. Understand?” He asked in a parental tone and you nodded.
“You got it, Jakey!” You said and hugged him he hugged you back and turned to Bailey.
“If you have any problems or questions don’t hesitate to call. I should be back by 10:30.” He said and she nodded.
“You got it, Jake.” She said and he bid you both a goodbye and then left. When Jake got to the Hard Deck nobody else was there but he didn’t have to last long because Javy was calling out his name and they greeted each other.
“Long time no see man!” Javy said and they both smiled.
“You got that right!” Jake said as they grabbed drinks from Penny and they thanked her and walked over to the pool table and dart board.
“How’s Y/N doing?” Javy asked, taking a sip from his drink.
“Settling in better than i expected. She loves her new school and her babysitter.” Jake said, throwing a dart and then taking a drink of his beer. They continued to talk until the other showed up and after having a little argument with Bradley and throwing someone overboard along with Rooster playing the piano, it was 10 PM. “Well, I better get going.” Jake said and that shocked everyone.
“Leaving so soon, Hangman?” Bradley said and Jake just scoffed.
“Like you would want to know.” He said and walked off and out of the bar confusing his teammates.
“What do you think he is hiding? A secret family, girlfriend, or kid?” Natasha said and everybody shrugged and chipped in their answers but Javy, he knew the truth.
Jake got home right at 10:30 and parked in the driveway and headed inside. Everything was probably neater than he left it and smiled. He walked into the living room to see his baby sister and Bailey curled up on the couch and he smiled. Bailey noticed him and smiled “She wasn't too much trouble, was she?” He asked as he walked over and stroked his sister’s hair. Bailey shook her head.
“Not in the least bit. She is the sweetest little girl ever. She didn’t put up a fight when I told her to brush her teeth or get changed for bed. She wanted to stay up but as soon as we put on the second movie she was out like a light.” Bailey said standing up making sure the girl didn’t fall off the couch and Jake smiled.
“Good, she seemed to really take to you. It’s not often that happens.” Jake said as he pulled out his wallet and gave her the money.
“I really like her too. If you need me anytime, let me know.” She said and Jake nodded and walked her to the door and made sure she got her car safely and then locked the door. He walked over to Y/N and picked her up and she clung to him like her life depended on it. He walked up the stairs and to her room and gently put her into bed.
“Good night, Peach. I love you.” He said and kissed her forehead and got ready for bed himself.
Every time after training instead of going out to The Hard Deck or hanging out with the squad he would rush out of the locker room that way he could go and pick up his sister from school and hang out with her. “Hangman, you coming to The Hard Deck?” Nat asked as he collected her things.
“Nope. I got some stuff to do and someone that I need to take care of.” Jake said and headed out without a word again confusing the group.
“He’s hiding something. I wanna know what it is.” Bradley said and again they all nodded and carried on with their day and night. Javy hadn’t said a word wanting to keep Jake’s promise that he wanted to keep her a secret until they knew everything was going to be ok.
The day of the dogfight football came and they, besides Javy, were determined to get an answer out of Jake as they started playing, they didn’t bring it up. They agreed to bring it up when it was well into the game that way, he would be too focused on the game to think about anything else. “So, Hangman. Have you got anyone back home?” Bradley asked as they set up for another hike. Jake smirked.
“That is none of your business, Rooster.” Jake said as they continued to play the game. It was well into the day and the game when they decided for a break. Jake went and got his drink and checked his phone and about dropped it when he saw that he had several missed calls from Bailey and he instantly called back making sure that nobody was around him.
“Bailey. What’s wrong?” Jake asked as soon as she answered the phone.
“Jake, I’m sorry I called you so many times. Y/N’s school called and said that she had an accident at school and they rushed her to the ER. We’re still here.” Bailey said and he could hear in her voice that she was panicked.
“No, I’m sorry that I didn’t have my phone on me. I was busy with work. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Did they say what happened to her?” Jake said, already throwing on a t-shirt and grabbing his stuff.
“No, they didn’t or at least not to me. We’ll see you when you get here.” Bailey said and they hung up.
Jake walked over to Maverick, and he smiled at the young aviator but frowned when he saw his face “Everything ok?” Maverick asked and Jake shook his head.
“My sister is in the hospital. I need to go.” Jake said and Maverick nodded, he knew all about Y/N then again it was in Jake’s record.
“You go to her and take Javy with you. Tell Y/N I said hi.” Maverick said and Jake nodded and rushed off, Maverick knew those two were best friends, but not before Javy caught him.
“Everything ok with Y/N/N?” Javy asked and Jake shook his head “I’m coming with you.” He said and Jake nodded and they headed off. This didn’t go unnoticed by the rest and they instantly went to Maverick.
“Where are they off to?” Bob asked out of curiosity.
“Jake had an emergency he needed to tend to and Javy went with him.” Maverick said not wanting to spill his secret. Nobody said anything too worried about their team members.
Jake and Javy made it to the hospital in record time and went to the front desk and they led her to her room. “Jakey! Javy!” you said excitedly.
“Hey, Peach and Bailey.” Jake said and hugged you carefully.
“Hey there, Sweetie.” Javy said and then the doctor walked in.
“You must be Jake. I’m Dr. Zeke.” Dr. Zeke said and shook his hand.
“Yea that’s me. I’m her brother. What happened?” Jake asked as Bailey and Javy stepped out of the room to give them some time to talk.
“It seemed like she took a fall on the playground and was unconscious for a minute and when she woke up was a little disoriented so she was brought her. Over the few hours we have been keeping an eye on her and she seems to be improving. She’s actually ready to go home.” Dr. Zeke said and Jake nodded and they talked more and then he was signing discharge papers and they were heading home. The rest of the day and night was spent cuddling and watching movies. Javy and Bailey had left the hospital.
The mission came and went and was successful. Everyone was spending the much-needed time off the second day off they had gotten the announcement that they were officially a squadron. It was spent mostly at The Hard Deck, the beach, or with each other, surprisingly. Everyone but Jake, that is, he was spending it with you. “Jakey?” You asked as you were eating lunch and he looked up at you.
“Yes, Peach?” He asked back.
“Can we go to the beach?” You asked excitedly and he smiled.
“Of course! Do you wanna go after lunch?” He asked and you nodded enthusiastically. He chuckled “Ok, finish up and then go and get ready.” He said and he watched you quickly eat and then scamper off. He then got himself ready and a bag ready and when you padded downstairs he smiled and you two headed off to the beach. The truck ride was filled with music and singing and occasionally laughing. Jake found a spot and parked and now you two had sat off towards the beach and the water.
The Daggers, as they were officially called now, were at the beach hanging out and playing some dogfight football. As they were sitting on the beach talking and laughing along with sharing stories. A shriek caught Bradley’s attention and looked up "Is that Jake... with a child?" Rooster asked, squinting against the sun, looking at what may be his wingman. This caught everyone’s attention and looked in his direction. What they saw was Jake and a little girl in the water and Jake holding her up as a wave came up.
“I believe it is.” Nat said as they watched the both of you come out of the water/
“Should we go say hi?” Bob asked and everyone nodded so they got up and headed over. Jake saw them coming when he turned his head and he sighed, they were going to find out sooner or later. “Hey, Jake.” Bob said when they reached him.
“Hey guys.” Jake greeted and then he felt a tug on his arm and he looked down to see you looking up at him.
“Jakey?” You asked and hid further behind him while looking at the group of strangers.
“Y/N/N I want you to meet Natasha, Bradley, Bob, Ruben, and Mickey.” Jake said pointing at each and every one of them. Everyone greeted everyone and then you saw Javy.
“Javy!” You yelled out and ran to him and hugged him and he quickly picked you up and hugged you.
“We didn’t know you had a kid.” Bradley said and Jake shook his head.
“Not my kid. My sister.” Jake said as Javy put you down and you ran off to start building a sand castle as everyone went and sat down. “I got custody after our parents got into an accident when she was 1 and nobody was willing to take her.” Jake said a little mad at his siblings but he would never give you up for anything.
“I’m so sorry to hear that.” Bob said as you came up to them and pulled Bob up and to your sand castle so he could help and Bob couldn’t say no and he already loved you.
“She’s a good kid and once she warms up to you, she’ll be your friend for life.” Jake said and smirked pointing to Bob and you as an example. It wasn’t 10 minutes later you both came back to the group and you went to Bradley and stared at him, more specifically his mustache “Yea, Peach I had the same reaction.” He said and everyone chuckled while Bradley rolled his eyes but smiled. You touched it and then giggled and then went to your brother’s lap and sat down and then snuggled into him and was out like a light.
“Peach?” Mickey asked and Jake chuckled.
“Yea, she absolutely loves peaches.” He said and they chuckled.
“Jake, I’m glad you told us about her. She is so adorable.” Ruben said and everyone agreed.
“My old squad never cared and I didn’t trust them. The only people that know about her are the higher-ups, Maverick, Cyclone, Warlock, and Javy. But that is because she is on my record and Javy was there when I got the call and when I went to pick her up.” Jake said and Javy nodded conforming to it.
“If you need anything, I mean anything. We are here for you no matter what.” Natasha said and Jake smiled while everyone agreed.
“Thanks guys, that means so much to me.” Jake said as you moved slightly. He was very glad that he told them about you. Now he didn’t have to hide you and he had more help than ever especially when Bailey couldn’t make it. Your family just expanded to many cool aunts and uncles. You were going to be so protected.
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anurst · 10 months
Girl Bradshaw
Summary: the moment of truth. Can you and Bradley work out your differences?
A/n: oml im so sorry for the long wait. i just kind dropped off the face of the earth. i didnt really have any motivation to write but now i'm back! this chap is kinda short but another will be posted on Tuesday :D
Warning(s): angst, estranged family
Part 9: Sometimes I wish I was 10
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Before Jake, you never really fully believed in cloud nine. Now though, as you giddily walk through the halls of camp, your body tingles with newfound excitement. Electricity practically flows through your veins.
"I take it the date went well?" Amy's voice comes from behind you. Normally, you would have chastised her for sneaking up on you, but for now, you just smile as your cheeks slightly redden. Amy's smile widens even more as she latches onto your arm. "Oh my gosh! You have to tell me everything! And, I MEAN everything!" The both of you giggle as you push open the door to the gym.
The rest of your team turns to the pair of you and it's no secret that they're curious about your date. Carlos certainly isn't subtle as he wiggles his eyebrows at you. Jensen's the only one (besides Amy) who vocally asks you how you went. Just as you're about to recount last night's events, the doors swing open and a panting Bradley stands there.
Silence spreads for a couple seconds as Bradley gathers his breath. Offering a shaky smile, he rubs at the back of his neck. "Sorry for, uh, barging in, but I'm here to talk to Braidy."
When Nolan clears his throat, you roll your eyes and turn to face Jensen again. "We'll give you two a minute," he says and your eyes widen. No way he was actually going to leave you alone with Bradley?
Jensen gives you a small pat on the shoulder as your team shuffles by and out of the gym. The door closes behind them and each step that Bradley takes towards you seems to get louder.
Your fists clenched tightly together as you will yourself not to turn around. Turning around means acknowledging that Bradley's standing less than five feet away from you. The brother who abandoned you and seemingly forgot your existence bites his lip as he tries to find the right words. "(y/)– Braidy, please just hear me out."
"What if I don't want to?" 'Idiot, why'd you respond?'
"I'll keep finding you and repeating what I'm going to say. I'll keep apologizing until the world stops spinning. I know that sorry doesn't make up for the years of pain I put you through. That sorry won't just magically fix us. That it won't undo all the words I said. But, please Braidy, at least let me make it up to you."
Make it up to you? What if there's nothing that can be done? What if you're finally done with Bradley and that painful chapter of your life?
"I don't care Bradley. I don't want to fix us."
"Braidy, you're my sister–"
"SO I WASN'T YOUR SISTER BACK THEN?" you yell before you can properly think. There's a heavy burn in your chest and a part of you think it'll burst any moment. Every breath you take feels as though you're inhaling smoke. Your eyes meet Bradley's and the suffocating feeling vanishes.
You feel like you're ten again. A fifteen-year-old Bradley wipes the fat tears that roll down your cheeks. One hand comes up to ruffle at your hair and he quietly cooes at you to stop crying. Soft reassurances of 'everything is gonna be okay' repeat after one another as more tears fall.
The calm and warm reassurance that Bradley constantly provided for you returns and it scares you. It scares you that after so much pain and heartbreak, Bradley can still make you feel so warm with just a simple look.
It's almost as though nothing has changed and time hasn't past. And if you're completely honest, that thought doesn't invoke any fear. Because right now, in this moment as you stare into your brother's eyes, you wish you were ten again.
Bradley slowly lifts a hand to wipe at the tear that rolls down your cheek. His other hand wrap around the back of your head and brings you closer. Soft whispers come from Bradley's lips but you hardly hear them over your sobs.
"Everything's going to be okay. Just let me make it up to you."
"…You can’t…” you whisper as you push yourself out of Bradley's arms. Furiously wiping at your cheeks, your arms wrap around your torso as you direct your gaze to the floor. "I can't even look at you, Bradley. Every time that I do, I'm just reminded of the worst event of my life. I don't think you can make it up to me, so just, please, leave me alone." You take a step back and swallow the lump at the back of your throat. "I'm happy with the life I've made. I'm happy with my friends and family. I appreciate you apologizing, but I don't accept it."
Before Bradley can say anything, you quickly turn and walk out of the gym. Weirdly enough, the weight returns and it feels like you can't breathe. Walking away from Bradley might be the wrong decision, you think. But, that doesn't stop you from continuing down the halls.
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Taglist: @potato-girl99981 @callsign-cacti @caitsymichelle13 @darhk-angel @madkill44 @cherrycola27 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @clockworkballerina @krismdavis @phantomxoxo @piceous21 @laneyspaulding19 @multifandomfangirll @moron-says-what @rhirhikingston @startrekfangirl2233 @mightiestheroes @gizmodear @meritxellao @adaydreamaway
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plutotcles · 2 years
I DID IT, DAD, ARE YOU PROUD? ━━━ Jake Seresin.
→ back to. . . series masterlist.
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PAIRING, Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Malorie "Raven" Bradshaw (OC)
CHAPTER SUMMARY, Malorie knows that her graduation from Top Gun is something that she should look forward to, however knowing that no one would be there for her put a damper on that.
WARNINGS, past abusive relationship!, mentions of drinking, death, absent family and family issues
The day of your graduation was one of the happiest moments in the career of every Top Gun student. — The moment that all the hard work, every restless hour spend sweating into the uncomfortable material of a flight suit and the days and weeks wasted on sea, away from the ones that loved you finally paid off. The best of the best, the elite... there were many words for what they had accomplished but none could compensate for the feeling of standing on the podium, knowing that this was your moment.
As the day of her own graduation arrived on a sunny Friday evening with just the right temperature to be in a stiff uniform, Malorie did not the share excitement that made most of her classmates grin widley and roam around the base as if they were floating. Instead she was nothing but a miserable face, watching her classmate embraced her mother with an aching heart and a grip to her dogtags, her callsign Raven, a homage to her dad's call sign Goose, daintly engraved in them.
Growing up Malorie had always envied the little girls with their fathers, perhaps that was why she barely visited her godfather Ice as time moved forward, the sight of him with his daughters leaving a bitter taste.
Nick Bradshaw had died, years and years ago in an accident. He had been a Top Gun student just like Malorie was — He too had found comfort thousand feet up in the air, G-forces pushing your body in your seat, your vision tunneling, seconds from passing out — Her father had found his life and purpose in a F-14. He also lost it in a F-14.
It had been supposed to be just a training session just like every other day when the plane got caught up in turbulence and came plunging to the ground. When ejecting her father had hit his head on the canopy and had died moments later from the consequences in the arms of his best friend and pilot Pete "Maverick" Mitchell. When his body had been retrieved after the accident they had found two pictures in the inside of his flight suit: a picture of a one year old Bradley wrapped up in his mother Carole's arms and the first ultrasound picture that had been taken of Malorie.
For the years following that it had been Malorie, Bradley and Carole against the world. Pete and his Wingman Tom "Iceman" Kazansky had swooped in to help immediately but no one could ever replace the man that was Nick Bradshaw.
Years later when the grief had settled and the emptiness in the heart was nothing but a subtle ache that followed one everywhere life had finally started to feel like it was alright and the Bradshaw family was finally content again. Until they weren't anymore.
It had come so quick and unexpected, Malorie hadn't even realized what was happening until it was almost over — One day her mother was dancing around the kitchen in a summer dress, giggling and singing and the next she was in a hospital bed, the life nearly entirely drained from her face as he watched her kids with a ghost of a grin, "I love you so much, my babies. I would never leave you.", she had said and Malorie had believed her.
Her mother died the morning after, one hand grasping Malorie's and the other one ruffling Bradley's hair.
It was then that shit truly went down.
For a brief few years Bradley and Malorie, 15 and 13 of age by the time their mother had been buried, had lived with Mav — It had been a chaotic few years. Malorie loved Mav. He was the closest thing to a father, she ever had but he was not cut out to be a family person. He wasn't suited to stay at home and cook at least one meal a day.
When Bradley was 17 he decided to follow their father's footsteps and enter the Naval Academy — He had been overjoyed and even promised to take her for a joyride one day but his excitement was shortlived when he got the call that his papers had been pulled by none other than Maverick.
Malorie didn't even process what was happening, all she knew was that Bradley had left over night and wasn't returning her calls anymore. Another person had left her.
The last remaining piece of family she had was Pete then and when the final moment came for him to leave to, Malorie was already predicting it. She had come so accustomed to people leaving, she didn't even bat an eyelid when he pulled her papers too and she came home that night to the house empty and the few things that solely belonged to Mav gone — He had called her that evening but she hadn't picked up.
She was on her own.
Over the years, Malorie had still stayed in contact with Ice and even visited from time to time, especially when she had entered the Academy in 2008 and Ice had just risen to Rear Admiral. He was the reason, why she had showed up to her graduation in the first place.
As Malorie made her way around the place, she could already see her uncle near the podium alongside the other admirals. He stood proud and tall, stoic as his call sign suggested but Malorie knew the man that stood beneath that cold exterior. He smiled warmly as she spotted her amongst the crowd, waving her over.
"Uncle Ice!", she greeted him, sighing as he gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze. He didn't blame her — To Ice there had been nothing better than his graduation from Top Gun, he had spend all day basking in the attention he was getting but Malorie had gone through too much for that.
"Hello darling," he beamed, pulling her into a sweet hug, "How are you holding up?"
"I'm getting by.", Malorie muttered and Ice watched with a heavy heart as her eyes darted around the crowd, hastily searching for someone, "He is not coming, is he?"
He lowered his head, "I don't think so."
Her shoulders slumped but she knew it was her fault for thinking her brother would show up in the first place. Malorie wasn't even sure if he knew that she had followed his example and had joined the Navy.
When Malorie had enlisted in the Academy in 2008, her brother had just entered his last year — Malorie had known that he was there, that she would inevitably one day run into him, still when the moment had come her inital reaction had been to bolt but Bradley hadn't even acknowledged her. He had walked straight past her, not even gifting her the relief of a last glance. Looking back now, Malorie wasn't sure if it was because he had simply deemed her as not his burden anymore or if he genuinely hadn't realized who he had bumped into.
After that incident, Malorie had decided to stay as far away from her brother as possible but that didn't mean that some part of her — The seventeen year old girl that had been left and abandoned to fend for herself all those years ago wished for him to come back and tell her he is proud of her.
"I'm sorry.", Ice muttered, taking her hand in his for a brief moment of comfort, "I know it's not much but I'm proud of you and god knows your dad would be too.", with one hand he brushed the multiple medals that graced her chest, smiling fondly.
Malorie felt her eyes well up with tears. She wished she had met her father.
"Now go and make some acquaintances. Can't have you rely on me for dating advice forever.", he grinned, although his face fell as he broke into a coughing fit.
Malorie frowned, "Are you okay?"
Ice wheezed painfully but nodded, "I've been having this sore throat for a few weeks now but I'm gonna be fine," he relented when he saw her face twist with worry, "Probably just a cough."
Malorie nodded but her frown stayed persistent.
"Go!", he stressed pointedly with a swift motion of his hand. Malorie rolled her eyes but complied.
The ceremony had wrapped up well over an hour ago but the place was still lively with friends and family celebrating all around. Malorie felt herself become frustrated — The chatter and laughing gave her a pounding headache and her body yearned for a strong drink and a cigarette.
She knew she should be packing. Tomorrow she would be reporting to deployment first thing in the morning but that was tomorrow and tonight she could still live.
Just as she was about to leave for her car, a warm hand grasped her arm, not painfully tight but tight enought to make her halt in her movement, "What? You wanna leave without saying hello?", a familiar voice teased.
Malorie's head snapped around to face him with a genuine grin, "Jake!"
Jake Seresin had been in her brother's graduation class — His reputation hurried ahead of him and Malorie had originally made it her mission to keep away from him. She heard the stories — Hangman, they had called him and Jake prided himself with his call sign. He basked in the pleasure of leaving people to hang out to dry for just a slight moment of glory just to himself. Jake Seresin had been everything Malorie was afraid of becoming but that was before, when all she had of Jake were whispers in the halls and brief moments during training.
But things had changed — Jake had changed. At least in Malorie's eyes.
Malorie remembered the night vividly — the dimly lit hall, the sound of pounding footsteps running down the hall, the face of her boyfriend distorted in fury.
Malorie had been in love once. The relationship had started of tender and sweet and she had once even thought that they would last forever. However her carefully build up paradise had crumbled down slowly and tediously just three years later. Malorie had noticed the change in him quite early on — The way he would pry more every night about the people she talked with that day, the way his grip tightened on her ever so slightly whenever she talked with another guy, just tight enough for it feel uncomfortable but not enough to hurt. It was all so painfully oblivious and still when it came down to that very night in the Academy Malorie felt like she walked straight into a wall with no warning.
Her boyfriend had laid his hand on her more than once in their relationship, he had always made it up in the morning with breakfast in bed and a bouquet of her favorite flowers but that could never take back the bruises and the scars and the mornings spend in the bathroom, trying to cover it up. Over the months it had gotten worse and worse and when the time came around for Malorie to leave for the Naval Academy, her boyfriend had reached his breakdown. The thought of Malorie being constantly surrounded by men who were all trained and confident with him being thousand miles away was enough for him to go absolutely crazy.
Every day after school Malorie would open up her phone to hundreds of missed calls and angry messages. She tried to reason with him every day that she was there to focus on her career and that he was the only one she would ever love but to no avail.
Malorie had never expected him to actually show up at the Academy, rapping against her door in the middle of the night. But he was there. Malorie remember stepping inside the hallway with him but she had barely closed the door behind her when he already pounced at her with his fists.
This is how I die, Malorie had thought in that moment — and she had felt at peace with it.
But her boyfriend couldn't even get many hits in when suddenly there were rapid footsteps racing down the hallway and he had been ripped away from her — Jake Seresin, her savior in uniform.
Now he was here, once again a shine of light in a world of darkness. The one to show up when no one else did.
"Raven!", he smiled, pulling her in a tight hug, "I am so proud of you! Man, watching you up there had me almost emotional."
Malorie frowned at his words but melted into his embrace nevertheless, "What are you doing here? Were you that bad that they only let you graduate now?"
"Please", Jake scoffed, detaching himself from her but still keeping a comforting hand on her back, "I'm here for you, you dummy. Need to make sure everyone knows my favorite girl is a badass pilot."
"Your favorite girl, hm?", Malorie hummed, leaning her head against his arm, "Well your favorite girl was just about to get the fuck out of here and get herself a drink."
Jake grinned, showing off a row of perfect teeth, "Now we're talking.", he feigned a bow, extending one arm towards the parking lot, "After you, madame."
Malorie's car — a red Pontiac GTO with white vinyl upholstery was her pride and joy. She had bought it all the way back in 2006 after she had saved up every paycheck she got since her 16th birthday for it. It had been with her through everything: Moving out of her childhood home into her first apartment, moving in with her boyfriend, the Naval Academy. It worked like that too. The car itself was from 1964 but had been remodeled to have an upgraded engine, factory AC and a MP3 radio upgrade just before Malorie bought it. The air conditioning had stopped working in 2010 mid-drive and when you wanted to play a song the only sound that came out of the speakers was rustling and murmuring, it smelled like wine and cigarettes in it but nevertheless Malorie would never sell it even if it was the last thing she would do.
"Your car is still driveable?", Jake exclaimed in disbelief as his eyes fell on the red Pontiac sitting in between a Jeep and an Audi, both obviously a recent purchase, like an outcast.
Malorie nodded proudly, absentmindedly brushing the hood of her car. Jake watched her every movement, his always so cocky, confident exterior melting every so slightly at the girl he had grown so fond of.
"C'mon", he muttered, snapping himself out of his daze, "I'll drive — I think you need that drink more than me."
The bar they went to was stationed right at the beach, it was run down and stiffy but the prices were cheap and the drinks strong so it was a popular choice amongst the Top Gun students. Jake and Malorie sat down in a booth next to the window and immediately ordered a beer each.
"So, Hangman", Malorie started as they were settled, "Aren't you supposed to be in like... Cuba?"
"Spain, actually," he corrected, clearing his throat, "I'm on leave right now. I came home yesterday."
Malorie halted in her movement, "You came home yesterday? What are you doing spending your time in this filthy bar instead of with your family?"
"Wanted to be here for you, 's all.", he murmured under his breath, taking a big swing from his beer, "Had to pull a few strings but I'm here, aren't I?", he stopped, starring at his beer intensely.
"But... why?", Malorie stressed, leaning slightly forward to have a better look at his expression.
Jake visibly hesitated for a moment before he too leaned forward, swallowing deeply, "Your my favorite friend, Mal. I didn't want you to be alone for your big day."
Malorie felt her heart swell at his words — He had driven all this way just for her? Her own brother hadn't even texted her in years and here Jake was trading precious hours with his family solely so that Malorie had someone there for her graduation, "Jake Seresin, you fucker, you're gonna make me cry.", she giggled, bringing the one hand that wasn't occupied to where her heart sat. It thumbed rapidly against her rip cage under her fingertips and Malorie swore it would leap straight out of her chest if Jake continued to look at her with so much care and love.
After that particular night in 2008 Jake and Malorie had spend more and more days and nights together and even after Jake's graduation they had still talked and texted almost everyday. At first it had felt unfamiliar and menacing to have someone love and care for you so deeply after being abandoned on the side by so many. Malorie remembered waking up every morning thinking that that would be the day that Jake finally left her too — But that day never came. Even almost four years and thousand miles later Jake was still there, going above and beyond for her.
"Don't flatter yourself, Raven.", Jake teased, retrieving his hand and Malorie couldn't help but scoff: That was the Hangman, everyone knew.
They stayed in that bar for another three hours, talking and drinking the night away. Malorie knew that things would change when the morning came and she would leave for deployment but for now she could stay in this moment forever — When it was just her and Jake and when for a moment, she found where she belonged.
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marie-swriting · 2 years
Need More Fanfics ?
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The Longer That You Stay, The Ice Is Melting (Jake "Hangman" Seresin x reader) by deactivated tumblr account
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stillsaltyaboutmcr · 1 year
Voice of an Angel- Jake Seresin
A Jake Seresin x female!reader where Jake brings her home for the Holidays for the first time. During the time, his family goes to their church for the Christmas service and Jake hears the reader sing for the first time and he’s taken aback. 
Song Reference: https://youtu.be/eOW8CKEhrAI  (Shine on us)
https://youtu.be/ifCWN5pJGIE (Mary Did You Know)
( I grew up in a Christian household, so this song was a staple at our christmas service, and when I went to the service this year, I couldn’t help this idea from needing to be written)
This is a shorter fanfic than I usually write, but i didn’t really know how to get to the point or end it lmao
Warnings: Religion, Jake being a simp, Jake also being cocky about his family’s musical ability, Church, mentions of christianity
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(this tux is what I imagine Hangman wears to church when he’s home)
You were busy readying yourself in the bathroom connected to the guest bedroom as you listen to the Seresin family downstairs sing hymns. They were a very religious family, not that it bothered you, but they were very muscially talented. This was your first Christmas spent with Jake’s family, last year was spent with yours. You’ve been together for a little over two years, but he’s never heard you sing. To be honest you were too scared, knowing the family he came from. 
Downstairs you could hear them singing Mary Did You Know, a classic Christmas song. You could distinctly pick out all of the voices. His mom proudly singing the alto part and playing piano, his sisters singing melody and his dad on bass. Jake was playing guitar and singing tenor, all of them a perfectly balanced choir. His sisters’ husbands didn’t have a musical bone in their body and usually just sat and listened. They sounded beautiful, like professionals. You heard his oldest sister, Georgia hit a high note, an impressive one at that while the youngest sister, Dottie sat right under her continuing the chorus while the rest of them filled in the spaces.
You finished up, putting perfume on and headed downstairs as they finished, beginning to put their shoes on. “Hey darling, how did we sound?” Jake drawled as he looked at you. “You look beautiful.”
“You guys amaze me every time I hear you sing. I wish I had a fraction of the talent you all had.” You shrug in defeat as you all load into your respective cars.You and Jake drove together and the whole ride to church, he was singing his heart out to all of his childhood favorites that he had learned in church, one of them you had never heard. It was apparently called ‘Shine on Us’ and you loved it. He sounded amazing singing it. 
“Hey baby, you need to learn this one, we sing it every year at this service.” The service you all were headed to was known as the ‘Candlelight Service’. It was usually held in the evening, so it was dark out when you arrived. 
“You do?” It was all you could muster out. You were never musically inclined, neither was your family. When you started dating Jake and found out how talented he and his family was, you were afraid to disappoint them with your musical ability. 
Jake’s church was a large church with a huge congregation. Every member sang one of four parts; soprano, alto, tenor or bass. He had shared videos with you, but it was your first time here in person. 
You all grabbed your candles and sat in a pew. Jake put his arm around you as you two sat in the middle of his pew, surrounded by his family. “I’m so glad I was finally able to bring you here.” He beamed at you. “I love you.” He planted a small kiss to your lips. 
“I’m really glad I was able to make it. Your church is beautiful. The stained glass windows are gorgeous.” You remarked the beauty of the building as the preacher began the service. 
The sermon had finished and the pastor instructed everyone to line the outer edges of the room. The flame was passed around to everyone’s candles as they lit up the room one by one. Everyone had left their pews and were now spread around the four walls, in a square. This was the first singing of the night, and you were so excited to hear the voices in person. The pianist and organist began playing a the words were projected at the front on a screen. Everyone began singing, you just listening to the first chorus as everyone sang, as Jake sang next to you, taking the lower parts. It was beautiful. 
As the chorus ended, you jumped in and you noticed Jake’s voice seemed louder. As you turned to look at him and he was staring at you, wide-eyed. You returned with a confused look and he shook his head as he returned to facing forward. You sang the whole song, jumping on a higher or lower melody, listening to his mother or sister for reference. The song ended, and everyone blew out their candles and exited into the lobby, visiting with one another. 
Jake pulled you aside right outside of the door and looked at you like he was about to say the most serious thing ever. “When were you gonna tell me you could sing like that?” He was baffled this you’d been dating this long and he never knew the pipes you had. 
“I can’t, or at least I always believed I couldn’t.” You looked down before messing with your hands. 
“Baby, you’ve got a beautiful voice.” He smirked before continuing, lowering his voice so only the two of you could hear. “You’ve been hiding it in those gorgeous tits of yours, haven’t you?”
You smacked his so fast, the sentence had barely left his mouth. “Jake Seresin! We are in church!” You silently scolded him. 
“Hey! You’re the one that kept a secret!” He smiled at you before leading you over to his family. “You’re gonna have to show that off when we get home.”
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mountainrooster · 2 years
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I posted 22 times in 2022
That's 22 more posts than 2021!
11 posts created (50%)
11 posts reblogged (50%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 21 of my posts in 2022
Only 5% of my posts had no tags
#jake seresin - 6 posts
#top gun maverick - 6 posts
#jake hangman seresin - 6 posts
#tgm fanfic - 5 posts
#robert bob floyd - 5 posts
#jake seresin x reader - 5 posts
#tgm fanfiction - 4 posts
#fics like this inspire me to continue my own wips - 3 posts
#bob floyd - 3 posts
#top gun maverick fanfiction - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 112 characters
#it's like when you pick up a puppy by the scruff and they just dangle there looking at you with those puppy eyes
My Top Posts in 2022:
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gorgeous [coming soon]
= five moments bob floyd was the most gorgeous man in the world
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19 nkotes - Posted October 12, 2022
Midnights is Jake seresin coded. Mastermind is Hangster coded. All up for discussion.
20 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
callsign? you mean my military assigned gamertag?
32 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
jake "hangman" seresin
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bedside lover
wish you were sober [coming soon]
See the full post
37 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I have 11 WIPS on my masterlist and no self-control so we'll see where this goes. the tagging on this is going to be a nightmare
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wait for it [rooster x gold star kid reader]
= (gold star child: someone who has lost a parent in active service) i saw a tumblr post a set of images related to this song and you cannot tell me that "wait for it" from Hamilton is not the most bradley "rooster" bradshaw song ever. 
my mother was a genius / my father commanded respect / when they died they left no instructions / just a legacy to protect
and everything hangman says about him "waiting for the perfect moment that never comes". this would probably be a series that starts in high school to post uranium mission. anyways they're both hard-core achievers and perfectionists because where they're headed, a little mistake could mean death, something they both know very well. 
[angst, friends to lovers slowburn, hurt/comfort, some character death]
at my worst, I worry you’ll realize you deserve better. at my best, I worry you won’t. 
= definitely a bob or hangman standalone, maybe both. someone says something particularly harsh to hangman and he starts to wonder why you love him, and if you were just settling for him in the first place. bob is shy and not actually insecure most of the time, but surrounded by pilots that are more open and confident, he's worried he isn't good enough for you.
= HOLY CRAP @jupitercomet's "je te laisserai des mots" little women inspired fic is so GOOD. I like little women but pride and prejudice with jake. imagine it. reader would either be a jane type or lizzie type, but I'm way better at writing jane types (see: I am not very witty but I am very kind). you and your sisters have to try and marry rich so that you can save the family from extreme poverty when your father dies and you happen to meet jake at the ball where your first impressions of him are actually horrible. definitely a series.
[enemies to lovers, banter, fun dagger squad relations, period drama pride and prejudice au]
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52 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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callsign-dexter · 8 months
Heart to Break
Summary: Y/N has run out of heart to break. But she doesn't have to worry about anything because big brother Jake is there for her and maybe someone in The Dagger Squad if she'll let her heart love again.
Pairings: Jake Seresin x Sister!Reader, Bob Floyd x Seresin!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, heartbreak, alcohol, Soft!Big Brother!Jake, Protective!Big Brother!Jake, cheating (reader is not the one cheating), smut, cursing
A/N: Based of the song Heart to Break by Ryan Griffin
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Jake is madly driving through the streets at night. He's pissed. Where is he driving to? He is driving to your house, his 4 years younger sister's house. Why was he driving through the streets late at night? Well, that would be because your aviator boyfriend of 1 year had decided to cheat on you with a fellow female aviator who was your so-called best friend, Avery 'Syren' Rania. All three of you had gone to the Navy and all three of you made it to Top Gun. You are a single-seater pilot of the F-18.
Jake was furious at your now ex-boyfriend who broke his sister's heart. Jake was very protective of you especially since you had decided to follow his steps in becoming a pilot and you loved it and weren't going to look back. Jake hated all of your boyfriends but he hated this one most of all, he was too much like himself and that's the men he tried to shield you away from. You lived fairly close to him but yet so far away, well at least to Jake.
When Jake arrived he noticed your boyfriend’s car pull up at the same time and that just made his blood boil. He also had the nerve to bring the girl he cheated on you with. When Jake stepped out at the same time your ex-boyfriend did and he turned around he froze. "Lieutenant Commander Seresin. What are you doing here?" Jordan 'Sleek' Fielding, your ex-boyfriend, asked feeling nervous. Jake had moved closer to him and he was towering over him.
"I should really be asking you that Lieutenant Fielding. I came here because my sister is upset and I don't like it when she is upset." Jake said and he watched Jordan's face pale.
"I didn't know she was your sister." He said and Jake looked at him like he had two heads.
"We have the same last name." Jake said. Jordan was not the smartest and everyone wondered how he got into Top Gun. "I think it is best for you to leave." Jake said and Jordan shook his head.
"I have to apologize to her and win her back." He said and Jake shook his head blood boiling further.
"If you wanted to do that then you shouldn't have brought your side piece or cheated on her. I suggest you and Lieutenant Rania leave before it turns out badly for you." Jake said and Jordan hung his head and started to walk to his car "Do not expect me to go easy on you both when Monday comes around." Jake said and Jordan nodded his head. When The Daggers had come back from the Uranium Mission they were announced as an official and they all got promoted. Jake watched Jordan leave and when his car was out of sight he walked up to your front porch and into the house using his spare key. "Y/N/N it's me!" Jake yelled out into the house and he heard you feet padding down the stairs and tackling him into a hug. You just started to bawl.
"Why me?" You asked him mumbling into his chest "Why me Jakey? Was I not good enough for him?" You asked and Jake held you tighter.
"It absolutely not your fault. He doesn't know what he is missing. They showed up when I did." Jake said
"I know. I heard. I knew you would handle it." You said taking a step back from him. He led you to the couch and sat you down.
"Now tell me what happened." He said and you took a deep breath and begun telling the story as it was fresh in your mind since it did only happen a few hours ago.
You had just left the base after a long day of training you had a very good day and you did very move by the book. You had stayed a little bit later than everyone else on base going over your jet and talking with some of The Daggers and your brother. You changed into your civilian clothes. You were also having your 1 year anniversary with your long time boyfriend adding to your good mood. You've had boyfriends in the past but all of them had broken your heart. When you loved you loved hard but the men you were with just didn't put in the effort like you did.
When you had met Jordan he was different. He put in the effort that you did and truly loved you and loved you for who you were and not just trying to get on your brother's good side. You thought he was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with and have children with. Boy were you wrong.
When you left base you stopped to pick up some stuff for tonight and then headed to Jordan's place. When you pulled up you saw Avery's car there and were confused. You brushed it off and killed the engine to your car and headed to the front door. You used the key you had and walked in and you saw clothes thrown everywhere confusion grew in you. Then you heard moaning coming from the bedroom your heart sank. You walked into the bedroom and found your boyfriend thrusting inside of your so called best friend and you tears welled in your eyes. "Did our 1 year mean nothing to you?" You asked him and he stopped and pulled out and they covered up.
"Y/N. It's not what it looks like." Jordan said and you raised an eyebrow.
"It looked like my boyfriend of 1 year was fucking my so called best friend." You said and they looked down. "How long?" You asked.
"1 year." Jordan asked and tears did fall from your eyes he had been cheating on you for all of your relationship. You tilted your head back and laughed.
"You know what. Happy 1 year anniversary. You both deserve each other." You said and throwing your key at them and stormed out of the house. Luckily for you all of your clothing was at your house and you hardly had anything there. You rushed out of the building and into to your car. They were yelling at you and you saw them standing in the front door but you didn't give them second look.
You arrived back at your house and quickly parked the car and killed the engine and ran into the house. Once in you locked the door and ran upstairs and into your bedroom closing the door and sliding down it. You called the only person you knew would help you in a time like this your big brother, Jake. You grabbed your phone and dialed his number. He answered on the first ring.
"Jake?" You asked when you heard the phone call go through.
"What's up sis?" He asked and you could hear a football game going on.
"He cheated on me." You said
"What?" He asked now furious.
"He cheated on me with Syren." You said through the tears
"That son of a bitch. On my way." Jake said "Do you want me to stay on the phone?" He asked and you shook your head and then realized that he couldn't see you.
"No. Be safe. I love you." You said
"I love you too, sis." Jake said and hung up the phone.
Once you were done explaining he pulled you into a hug and comforted you while you cried into his chest. "It's gonna be ok." He said.
"I'm just all out of heart to break." You said and he swore his heart broke.
"Let's get you to bed and tomorrow night you are coming out to The Hard Deck with us." Jake said and you nodded and he helped you up and get ready for bed. He pulled back the covers once you were ready for bed. He had put on a pair of his sweats from the clothes he had stored at your house. Once he was satisfied that you were comfortable he slid in behind you and cuddled you like he had down when you guys were younger and you would run to him after nightmares. He didn't fall asleep until he knew you were fast asleep. He was pissed but he would handle it later right now his little sister needed him.
The next morning you woke up to an empty bed and the smell of Jake's homemade delicious waffles came wafting up to your bedroom and you smiled. You got up and passed by a mirror and saw you appearance, you had tear tracks stained on your cheeks and you hair was a mess. The events came back and another wave a tears came rolling down and you wiped them away and headed downstairs. Jake looked up when he heard you coming down the stairs he smiled. "There is my beautiful little sister." He said and you looked down and smiled and pushed him slightly and then he pulled you into a hug. "Now eat up. We have a big day planned and then you're coming to The Hard Deck with us." He said shoving a plate into your hands and guiding you to the table where he had drinks and syrup already out. A second later he joined you.
True to his word he kept you busy and your mind off of what happened. He took you to the store and got you some groceries and then to several other places. He even took you to the beach where all of the other Daggers were and you all hung out. None of them brought up what happened and you know Jake had told them. One of them had caught your eye but you didn't want get into another relationship and have it go down the drain. That person being Robert 'Bob' Floyd. He had always been so sweet to you but he was your instructor and you didn't want anything to get you both in trouble. You didn't know Bob had felt the same way. When the beach trip had come to and end Jake took you back to your house considering it was 5 PM and you had to be ready at 7 PM for when Jake picked you up.
When 7 PM rolled around you were ready and putting the finishing touches to your lipstick in the mirror in the hallway downstairs. When Jake walked in and smiled "Well look at my little sister all dolled up and ready to blow the men away." He said and you looked up and smiled.
"You're too sweet." You said and hugged him.
"That's how big brothers are supposed to be." He said "You ready?" He asked and you nodded. You both walked out of the house and to his truck. He helped you in and you were both on your way. It was a short drive to The Hard Deck considering you live fairly close to the well known bar.
Jake parked and got out and then helped you out and you were both walking to the building. You both greeted Penny and then you spotted your friends which Jake encouraged you to go and you knew he would keep an eye on you. He watched you dance and have and smiled. Bradley walked over and greeted Jake and the others followed. "She looks happy." Bob said smiling and Jake smiled and nodded.
"You'd never know if she didn't tell you, she won't tell you. She's out there dancing hidin' it well, hidin' it well, yeah and she's beautiful. Got every eye on her. No, you ain't the first to want her." Jake said to Bob, he had been noticing the looks he had been sending your way and vice versa. By now the others had joined.
"I wanna beat the shit out of him." Bradley said and everyone nodded and Jake continued.
"Lookin' at her, can you imagine? 'Cause I can't imagine, lettin' her go once you had her, the way he had her. 'Cause she's beautiful, take your breath in a second. If he shows up here tonight. She's gonna wreck him." Jake said taking his eyes off of you and to Bob for a brief second and then back to you.
"I can't imagine why he would let her go or cheat on her. I would never do that." Bob said.
"Don't take it personal if she don't wanna talk. You got to understand, that girl has heard it all. She'll drink the drink you buy and then she'll walk away. She's just all out of heart to break. I've seen it happen plenty of times until she found Jordon and I hated each and everyone of them." Jake said. "That dress, that hair, those heels. That lipstick ain't for you. That's just for just in case he walks into the room. She'll make you miss her, wanna get her back. But it's too late. She's just all out of heart to break. She ain't heartless for heartless sake. Far from it, when she loves she loves hard." Jake finished. He really did love you and wanted to protect you no matter what even if that means scaring away the other guys away from you.
The door chiming caught his attention and he looked up and it was Jordan and Avery. Jake was pissed. He watched them look across the room and then they found his eyes and they froze but they kept walking on. They grabbed drinks and found a empty table. Jake never took his eyes off of Jordan and he watched him hold Avery close and then his eyes met you and emotions ran through his face and Jake smirked. Jordan was realizing what he has lost and he turned to Bob. "You want to get back at Jordan for me then go dance with my sister." He said and Bob looked at him.
"Seriously?" He asked and Jake nodded.
"I've seen the way you two look at each other and I'm fine with it. I know you won't break her heart. Just be fragile with her love and heart." Jake said and Bob nodded and watched him walk over to you and grab your attention and watched you smile at him. You two danced and then stood there talking and laughing you touched his arm and he blushed and when you stumbled a little bit due to someone bumping into you he caught you and held you close. Jake watched Jordan frown and he watched Avery try to get his attention and failing. Jake smirked his signature smirk this is what he wanted.
"You're enjoying this." Bradley said and Jake nodded.
"He's seeing what he is missing." Jake said taking a sip of his beer. You may be out of heart to break but he knew Bob would take good care of you and show you what love is. Bob is the only man he would approve of being with you because Jake knew he would make your heart whole again.
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