#jane foster
martianbugsbunny · 7 months
Okay so maybe rewatching Thor for the Loki content was a bad idea because wow the ending of Loki really does parallel the ending of that movie, the way Jane searches for Thor with her scientific equipment because that's how she found him in the first place, the way Mobius waits for Loki at his own spot on the timeline because he knows that's where Loki would choose to be, the way both brothers know their loves still have hope for them and they smile
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shambelle97 · 6 months
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He deserves to say goodbye. 💚
Art by: raychelwho
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mmobiuses · 7 months
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Some years ago, my brother was banished from Asgard, and sent to Earth. And when he came back, he was different. Changed somehow. I thought it was weakness. I mocked him. Said he'd gone soft.
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marvelladiesdaily · 2 months
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dir. Taika Waititi.
[id in alt]
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m1ghtythor · 7 months
I just don’t get how people can be so mean to some female characters. Like what’s the point of hating on them continuously?
People started calling Kamala crazy and obsessed because she met her idol, she was pretty excited (who wouldn’t BE?!), but when Peter Parker behaved the same way towards Tony everyone was like: “Omg!! He’s such a cute baby🥺🥺 They have a father-son relationship! So cute uwu!”. LIKE???!!!?!
Another example, Starlord singing and dancing in front of the enemy: “Oh my gosh!! So quirky!! Chris Pratt is the best🤣” . Jennifer Walters/SheHulk twerking with Megan Thee Stallion: “Mcu is in shambles” “This is what feminists like” “Cringe”
Again, Jane Foster has been called annoying, bitchy, or USELESS since 2011 (she only an astrophysicist who proved the existence of the einstein-rosen bridge, won a nobel prize, she’s the reason Thor is part of the avengers, and she’s also a cutie, nothing serious.) She was also called evil, you know by who? Fans of the same guy who took New York as hostage killing millions of people, yeah. She’s a bitch because Frigga died defending her, of course!!! It’s not (partially) Loki’s fault for showing the Dark Elves the fastest way out of the cells. (And I’m saying this as a Loki fan)
I could go on and on talking about Riri as the new ironman or Miguel O’Hara fans hating on Spider-Gwen. (OR LITERALLY THE WHOLE INTERNET ISSUE WITH BRIE LARSON/CAPTAIN MARVEL FOR SOME REASON?!!?)
You have all the rights to dislike a character, just don’t be sexist and incoherent, it’s easy. Why would you hate women for the same reason you love those men?
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moonydustx · 2 years
So you mean the whole of Marvel's Phase 4 was about grief and what's the worst (or best) loss can bring us? I still can't believe I realized this just now rewatching Thor.
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beheworthy · 2 months
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"Human lives are fleeting. They are nothing. You'd be better served by what lies in front of you."
Thor: The Dark World (2013) // Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)
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ayo-edebiri · 2 years
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Thor: love and thunder + text posts (valkyrie and jane edition)
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woulddieforloki · 2 years
I keep seeing people say that killing off Jane was misogynistic and that they fridged her, but I really don't think that's true. They didn't bring Jane back for Thor's character development. She didn't really change him or motivate him. She made him happy and her death hurt him, but it didn't further the plot or his character arc. She was in this movie for her. This was the conclusion to a character arc that was abandoned years ago. She was in Thor's movie, but she wasn't a part of his story. She was her own story, and she lived and died on her own terms, and I think that's so much more powerful than letting her disappear like she did after TDW with only two brief, vague mentions of her afterward.
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jiyascepter · 5 months
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#punchable face
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valkyrie and jane smacking their badass weapons together after having a heart2heart and a little dance party while standing in a doorway was better than that entire shot of the “she’s got help” women in endgame I’m just sayin
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osthejukeboxgod · 2 years
List of things from Thor: love and thunder that drive me insane:
1)giving Zeus an Italian accent.
2) love and thunder.
Love and fucking thunder.
3) korg and Dwayne.
4)giving Zeus an Italian accent.
3) it's not lady Thor!!!!! ITS THE MIGHTY THOR!!!!!
6)the damn goats and their incessant screaming
7) that scene? With Valkyrie and Jane with the speakers and the music and the head bopping. Fucking adorable
Okay some of you mentioned these in the reblogs i can't believe i forgot about them but.
8) the insanely superpowered army of literal children. The laser eyed teddy bear. That was. Peak cinema. I love this movie :')
9) OH!!!!stormbreaker and mjolnir and their personalities. It's VERY magnus chase and the gods of Asgard.
10) okay and of course, that little hand smooch val gives the Greek lady in omnipotent city
Edit 2:
Thank you to the 20 something people telling me it's a Greek accent. If 20 more do the same in the comments I might consider continuing to do absolutely nothing about it.
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taraljc · 6 months
It would bring me so much joy if Loki went back to like 2010 and audited all of Jane Foster's lectures and read all of her published papers and all of her books, during his 200 plus years of learning everything there was to know about mechanical engineering, theoretical physics, and temporal mechanics.
Because I kept thinking it's not like he can stick around in the TVA grabbing books off the shelf and sitting alone in a corner to teach himself.
Why not go down to the sacred timeline and spend several hundred years actually taking classes? He could have actually enrolled at university and been Erik Selvig's best student 20 years before the Battle of New York. He's a shape shifter! or he could have just worn glasses and a sweater. He could have taken every single one of Ouroboros' classes at Caltech in the 90s multiple times!
And he didn't have to just go to Earth, I mean he could have taken classes on Xandar for all we know. Or even revisited libraries in Asgard, going there when he specifically knew no one would catch him.
It just brings me this little moment of joy, the idea of him showing up at one of Jane's book signings, and telling her sincerely how much he learned from her and Jane being too distracted to notice it's her ex-boyfriend's dead brother whom she hasn't seen in like 12 years because let's face it--it's Jane. She tends to be intensely focused on whatever is currently directly in front of her and everything else in the periphery is lost forever.
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marveldaily · 2 years
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But I'm tired of giving myself over to the idea of fate and trying to figure out what the universe wants from me. I wanna live in the moment, I wanna live like there's no tomorrow. I wanna be with you, Jane. Thor: Love and Thunder 2022 | dir. Taika Waititi
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spaceshiprocket · 2 months
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Thor by Bill Sienkiewicz
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marv-el-spot · 2 years
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