#jay basham
doctor-aceus-art · 10 months
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These two 🥺
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purpleandgreen13 · 2 years
Happy Luau from the Grapefruit Sky Discord Server!
We held a gift exchange for this year's event and I was lucky enough to get to write for Doctor Aceus! As the first day of posting is today, I've decided to space their fic out in chapters throughout the submission window!
Here's the first chapter, me playing fast and loose with doc's canon! https://archiveofourown.org/works/40591719/chapters/101698929
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shinji-hibiki · 2 months
Gimme your top 5 genres (however niche u want) you like to listen to!!
oh my god Awesome question. generally im a big enjoyer of rock and metal but ill get into some of the more specific genres i like!! (not really in any order)
This one is a little broad because there are so many genres and artists that overlap and I get a bit confused at how people categorize music. However. Fuzzy guitars incomprehensible vocals... the distortion...the Reverb...god
I got into this genre at the beginning of the pandemic and it completely bore itself into me. I could gush about how it makes me feel forever but this subset of music was just made for me. Here's some of my favourite fuzzy tunes for u...
Progressive Metal
Ohhh yeah. having a true Music Liker moment but i love it when songs are 11 minutes long and have like 3 separate breakdowns.
You got your Tool. you got Dream Theater. Caligula's Horse. My mom even recently got me into Sleep Token (lol) Hell, dir en grey has some prog metal under their belt dude it Rules
If you want to have a Really transcendent progressive metal experience lay down before u sleep and listen to This Shit:
Darkwave/Gothic Rock
Covers classic staples in the gothic scenes like Type O Negative, Sisters of Mercy, Siouxsie, The Cure, Bauhaus, etc.. and newer contemporaries of overlapping genres like Drab Majesty, Cold Cave, Linea Aspera, Rendez Vous!!
listen 2 some truly sexy darkwave stuff i dare you. its so good. both of these examples are really gay especially workout
Indie/Contemporary Folk
During and after the pandemic, my musical sensibilities shifted considerably based on my relationship with my immediate surroundings. Long story short, now that I didn't have to go to fucking Public School, it was a lot easier to realize that I lived in a beautiful town that I could explore and connect to all on my own.
This was the kind of music that I listened to while drinking tea on the porch with my cat, biking to the shore, walking into the woods, thinking about the boy i still liked. those days kind of served to clue me in that i was a real person with a real life to live i guess lol
Post-Punk (The Weird Kind)
I'm not very good with music labels so I really didn't know what Post-Punk entailed for a while. But looking into it, I realized it's a really broad label covering a lot of shit that I really like.
Post-punk mostly encompasses some of the experimental artsy type nerd music I like!! Devo! Talking Heads! Squid! Viagra Boys! Technically it also encompasses the gothic rock stuff above too but. Oh well. Hey you should listen to squid listen to them do it
if u listen to any of the above i will love you forever. i am holding your hand and leading you. do not be scared
@good-wine-and-cheese thank u so much 4 prompting this and now im curious!!! whatre YOUR top 5 genres..
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stardew-atlantis · 2 years
Meet the Farmers (Pixel Portrait Masterpost)
Hello all!
During my recent stardew modding hyperfixation (I say recent, it's been like a year now😅) I've taken up making stardew-style portraits of farmers! I started with my 3, and then started making some for my friends, and now I've got about a dozen farmers from my fantastically talented stardew friends. (aka, this is a very long post)
So, without further ado, I'd like to introduce you all to the squad!
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Name: Sadie "SJ" V
Pronouns: She/They
Farm: Atlantis Farm
In-game spouse/partner: Harvey
Creator: Atlantis
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Name: Zephyr V
Pronouns: He/Him
Farm: Atlantis Farm
In-game spouse/partner: Elliott
Creator: Atlantis
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Name: Isaac
Pronouns: He/Him
Farm: N/A
In-game spouse/partner: Leah (QPR)
Creator: Atlantis
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Name: May
Pronouns: She/Her
Farm: Runaway Farm
In-game spouse/partner: Harvey
Creator: Runawayface (@runawayface)
Notes: Runa is an awesome writer who wrote an epic Harvey/May saga called Runaway, and then founded a server for the largest collection of Harvey fans this side of the internet (and we love you for it) ^_^
Runa's Tumblr
Runaway (Ao3)
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Name: Magdalene "Maggie" Yates
Pronouns: She/Her
Farm: Evergreen Farm
In-game spouse/partner: Harvey (Eventually😉)
Creator: Runawayface
Notes: Maggie also has her own fic as well called Plan To Be Surprised (and it features some fantastically written Ace Content) ^_^
Runa's Tumblr
Plan To Be Surprised (Ao3)
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Name: Hannah Darling
Pronouns: She/Her
Farm: BookNook Farm
In-game spouse/partner: Harvey
Creator: Hannah (@hannahstumble)
Notes: Hannah is what we in GFS like to call a "wizard" aka, both a talented writer and artist. She is also the creator of our favorite GFS mascot, Baby the Junimo.
Hannah's Art Blog
Hannah's Ao3
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Name: Jay Basham
Pronouns: They/Them
Farm: Sour Cherry Farm
In-game spouse/partner: Harvey
Creator: DoctorAceus (@doctoraceus)
Notes: Aceus is an incredibly talented artist and beloved Harvey simp (that is responsible for at least half of all the art of my two favorite nerds)
DoctorAceus Art Blog
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Name: Liz Secretia
Pronouns: She/They
Farm: Footman Farm
In-game spouse/partner: Shane
Creator: Lizardfootman (@lizardfootman)
Notes: Liz, my beloved, another wonderful artist. There is no stardew character that Liz cannot DILF-ify.
Lizard's art blog
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Name: Leslie MacDonald
Pronouns: She/Her
Farm: MacDonald's Farm
In-game spouse/partner: Harvey
Creator: PhillyPumpkin (@phillypumpkin)
Notes: Philly is another wizard, a wonderful writer and artist. She's got an awesome fic about Leslie and Harvey, and her landscapes look like photographs, seriously.
Philly's Tumblr
Fall The Way Down (Ao3)
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Name: Molly Sinclair
Pronouns: She/Her
Farm: Crystalbrook Farm
In-game spouse/partner: Elliott
Creator: Mosaic (@barrebard)
Notes: Mosaic is an amazing writer, and has one of the best Elliott fics I've ever seen (It even has ace content?? Incredible.)
Plot Twist (Ao3)
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Name: Quill Barnes
Pronouns: They/Them
Farm: Midmorning Farm
In-game spouse/partner: Harvey
Creator: Jellyaris (@jellyaris)
Notes: The Harvey server is full of wizards (and wizard simps, coincidentally). Another amazing writer/Artist combo, despite their incorrect opinions on eggs 😉
Jelly's Tumblr
Dandelions (Ao3)
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Name: Mallard Coleridge
Pronouns: She/Her
Farm: Coleridge Farm
In-game spouse/partner: Sam
Creator: Sixx (@carpsurprise)
Notes: The queen and her loyal court jester, Sixx is another excellent stardew writer (with some really cool lore about the old mariner!!)
Sixx's Tumblr
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Name: Bast Gray
Pronouns: She/Her
Farm: Eclipse Farm
In-game spouse/partner: Harvey
Creator: Bast (@purpledemoncat)
Notes: I didn't even make this one! Bast, the brilliant artist that she is, designed the portrait herself! (I helped by making the little sprite ^_^) Bast is so cool she transcends dimensions (she makes an appearance in my fic too!)
Bast's Art Blog
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Name: Florencia Macé Rosebud
Pronouns: She/Her
Farm: Rosebud Farm
In-game spouse/partner: Harvey
Creator: Maci (@macithemaci)
Notes: Last, but certainly not least, my first ever stardew friend, Maci. Maci actually made the portrait for this one too! (As well as an entire set of portraits for Mace) I simply provided a lil sprite to go along with her ^_^
Maci's Tumblr
Mace Portrait Set
Whew, that was a long post. If you made it this far, thanks for reading! This has been the mass of portraits that I have been creating/collecting since the beginning of 2022.
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skippyv20 · 3 years
The article on Virginia Roberts “lying"  is not from a reputable news source. The article  is written by Jay Beecher - he is pro-Ghislane Maxwell.  
"Now, today, we can reveal the latest to join Basham’s not-so-exclusive club is a man named Jay Beecher. He claims to be a ‘journalist’ and also the founder of an organisation with a currently defunct site named Vote Watch.
  Vote Watch, curiously, according to a Patreon page supported by just 43 people, was something that aimed to “provide groundbreaking reports exposing media bias, left-wing extremism, and corruption.” It set out to “expose crooked politicians [with]… undercover journalism, exclusive news, and in-depth investigations,” but now Beecher has plainly turned to the very, very dark side and is being lauded by RealGhislaine.com for supporting convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged head honcho." 
Thank you. They looked good. Wrote intelligently. Here is the thing….if they said all that VG said was lies….and had nothing to back it up…I would agree with you. However, each of the inconsistencies are backed up with other articles. My concern, is that given what happened with Bashir, and MM appearing….I am unwilling to take anything as gospel truth. I will also say, it is possible that VG has trouble recalling memories due to trauma. I await further information to come out.
This journalist? May or may not be…I don’t know…Mio thinks he is one…and we know that’s a lie. Again, it is not just a Jay Beecher making these claims about VG…❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Starring Charlize Theron, KiKi Layne, Matthias Schoenaerts, Marwan Kenzari, Luca Marinelli, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Harry Melling, Veronica Ngo, Natacha Karam, Mette Towley, Anamaria Marinca, Micheal Ward, Shala Nyx, Majid Essaidi, Joey Ansah, Andrei Zayats, Olivia Ross, Peter Basham, Nadia Niazi, Mehdi Lamrini, Aanya Hirdaramani and Jordan Holland.
Screenplay by Greg Rucka.
Directed by Gina Prince-Bythewood.
Distributed by Netflix. 125 minutes. Rated R.
Superhero films have become so ubiquitous in modern film that the question is not so much “Should they make an arty, morose and introverted superhero drama with Charlize Theron that will debut on Netflix?” The question is “Why wouldn’t they?”
The Old Guard is not really a typical superhero film, but that’s not what it’s trying to be. It is pondering some deeper questions, developing characters, trying to put the whole idea of the hero lifestyle on trial.
Sure, there is enough mad action to keep the fanboys onboard, but what is most notable about The Old Guard is the silent moments, the deep conversations, the sheer gravity of being given a power you don’t fully understand, nor particularly want.
It has an unhurried pace. It is not all bang-bang action. It is much more reflective. The film has all the time in the world and refuses to rush headlong into genre clichés.
As do the five superheroes here. For their power – or their curse – is immortality. Or sort of. They generally can’t be killed, no matter what happens to them. Shoot them, blow them up, stab them, throw them out of a high-rise window – it doesn’t matter. It hurts them (hurts like hell, it seems), but they will come back. Eventually they are going to die, or at the very least slowly lose their ability to heal, but not until they have lived through millennia and survived thousands of traumatic deaths through the years.  
This underground group of mercenaries is led by Andy (Theron), an ageless leader who has been protecting the people of Earth for centuries. She has put together a rag-tag crew of similarly-powered heroes – Booker (Matthias Schoenaerts), Joe (Marwan Kenzari), Nicky (Luca Marinelli). Together they roam the planet in secret, righting wrongs, protecting the innocent and fighting evil.
Things change for them in three distinct ways. They learn of a new immortal, a soldier named Nile (KiKi Layne), and set out to recruit her into their team. They are also ambushed by a covert former CIA agent (Chiwetel Ejiofor), who has joined forces with a power-mad biotech executive (Harry Melling) who is determined to find the secret behind the teams powers – regardless of who he has to hurt or kill to gain the information.
The final change is one that Andy tries her best to obscure. Her powers seem to be weakening, her ability to heal is slowing down. Is she coming to the end of the line? Is she recruiting Nile to take her place as the strong woman in charge of their team?
This is pretty much it. Andy and her team hide out; fighting off mercenaries, private soldiers and killers who are tracking them across the globe. They talk, ponder their fates, deal with betrayals, love and pain, at the same time trying to find out who is targeting them.
Elegantly directed by Gina Prince-Bythewood (Love & Basketball), The Old Guard takes an overdone genre and gives it handsome nuance. It’s not really a popcorn action film like so many similar films, nor is it a morose and depressing mope fest like some. (We’re looking at you, Zack Snyder’s DC films…)
While I can’t see The Old Guard being the type of film that people obsessively watch over and over, it is a smart and unique look at some overdone action tropes.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2020 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: July 10, 2020.
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blogts03 · 4 years
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เว็บ TBSBET กลุ่มอื่นของพรีเมียร์ลีกในช่วงฤดูกาล: รันจิน
Pablo Fornals, Philip Billing แล้วก็ Pascal Gross คุณลักษณะทั้งปวงครอบคลุมระยะทางเยอะที่สุดในพรีเมียร์ลีกฤดูนี้ เกี่ยวกับสกายสปอร์ตในอาทิตย์นี้พวกเรากำลังเอ่ยถึงกลุ่มพรีเมียร์ลีกของฤดู - แม้กระนั้นผู้ใดกันจะก่อให้มันเป็น XIs ลู่ทางโดยขึ้นกับสถิติอะไรบางอย่าง? วันนี้พวกเรากำลังมอง Running XI ที่ดีเยี่ยมที่สุด ... นี่เป็นด้านที่เต็มไปด้วยผู้เล่นที่มีความทรหดอดทนสูง - เพศชายที่ปกคลุมพื้นมากยิ่งกว่าผู้อื่นในตำแหน่งของพวกเขาในช่วงฤดูกาลนี้ เหมือนกับ XI หนทางของพวกเราแต่ละต้นแบบจะใช้ 4-3-3 แล้วก็ผู้เล่นศูนย์รวมจำเป็นต้องเล่นอย่างต่ำ 50 เปอร์เซ็นต์ของฤดู ปกป้อง ในด้านการคุ้มครอง Chris Basham แล้วก็ Jack O'Connell ของ Sheffield United มีชื่อดังในพักหลังการซัดซ้อนแล้วก็การบุกทะยานไปด้านหน้าสำหรับในการจู่โจมมากยิ่งกว่าแนวรับกึ่งกลางพรีเมียร์ลีกโดยเฉลี่ย ด้านใดด้านหนึ่งของพวกเขาเป็นดินแดนเบิร์นที่ครอบคลุมพื้นดินเพิ่มมากขึ้นแล้วก็ลงในสนามกว่าแนวรับอะไรก็แล้วแต่ข้างเซดริก Soares ของอาร์เซนอลที่ครีพสำหรับการเล่นเพียงพอในช่วงฤดูกาลนี้ในตอนที่เซาแธมป์ตัน ในจุดหมาย Tim Krul ของ Norwich เฉลี่ย 5.6km ครอบคลุมต่อ 90 นาทีซึ่งเป็นผู้เฝ้าประตูพรีเมียร์ลีกเยอะที่สุดและก็แทบ 2 กิโลเมตร มากยิ่งกว่าผลตอบแทนต่ำสุด มิดฟิลด์ James Ward-Prowse ของเซาแธมป์ตันได้ครอบคลุมมากยิ่งกว่าผู้เล่นพรีเมียร์ลีกผู้อื่นในช่วงฤดูกาลนี้ แม้กระนั้นเขาก็เล่นทุกนาที นี่เป็นเกี่ยวกับคนที่ครอบคลุมสูงที่สุดต่อ 90 นาที สำหรับประเด็นนั้นขว้างโบลฟอร์แนลส์ของเวสต์หมูแฮมนำแนวทางการโดยรวมเฉลี่ย 12.4 กิโลเมตร ต่อการเล่นที่น่าประทับใจ 90 นาทีซึ่งสูงยิ่งกว่าผู้เล่นอื่นราว 400 เมตร ผลตอบแทนชั้นหนึ่งเป็นกองกลางศูนย์กลางทุกคนปฏิบัติภารกิจแบบกล่องต่อกล่องด้วย Philip Billing แล้วก็ Pascal Gross ของ Brighton Bournemouth ตัวเลือกต่อไปเพื่อทำให้ XI นี้ จู่โจม สำหรับเพื่อการจู่โจมริยาดมาห์เรซของแมนเชสเตอร์บางทีอาจอยู่ภายใต้เรดาร์เพื่อใช้พลังงานของเขาครอบคลุมพื้นดินต่อ 90 นาทีมากยิ่งกว่าพรีเมียร์ลีกในช่วงฤดูกาลนี้ ที่น่าอัศจรรย์ก็คืออาจจะมีการรวม Roberto Firmino ของหงส์แดง - เจอกับคู่อริที่กำลังประจันหน้ากับคู่อริขณะที่ Jay Rodriguez ของ Burnley เพิ่มเติมท่าเรือรอบในที่สุด ถ้าเกิดคุณอยากด้านที่จะให้ความบากบั่นสูงสุดและไม่หยุดวิ่งเพื่อหาต้นเหตุนี่เป็นกลุ่ม
ขอบคุณผู้สนับสนุน TS911 เว็บ แทงบอลออนไลน์ และ คาสิโนออนไลน์ ที่ดีที่สุดอันดับ 1 ในปี 2019-2020 ร่วมสนุกได้แล้ววันนี้พร้อมรับเครดิตฟรีสูงสุดถึง 1,500 บาท สนใจสมัคร คลิกที่นี่
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katherinechris · 6 years
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1999-2000 Emmy Awards
Outstanding Makeup For A Series
The X-Files - Theef ** WINNER ** Cheri Montesanto Medcalf, Head Makeup Artist; Kevin Westmore, LaVerne Basham, Gregory Funk, Cindy Williams, Makeup Artists
also nominated: Angel, MadTV, Star Trek: Voyager, That 70s Show
Outstanding Visual Effects For A Series
The X-Files - First Person Shooter ** WINNER ** Bill Millar, Visual Effects Producer; Deena Burkett, Visual Effects Supervisor; Monique Klauer, Visual Effects Coordinator; Don Greenberg, Jeff Zaman, Steve Scott, Steve Strassburger, Visual Effects Compositors; Cory Strassburger, Visual Effects Animator
The X-Files - Rush Bill Millar, Visual Effects Producer; Deena Burkett, Visual Effects Supervisor; Monique Klauer, Visual Effects Coordinators; Don Greenberg, Visual Effects Compositor
also nominated: Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: Voyager, Stargate SG-1,
Outstanding Sound Mixing For A Series
The X-Files - First Person Shooter ** WINNER ** Steve Cantamessa, Production Mixer; David J. West, Harry Andronis, Ray O’Reilly, Re-Recording Mixers
also nominated: ER, Law & Order, NYPD Blue, The Sopranos, The West Wing
Outstanding Sound Editing For A Series
The X-Files - First Person Shooter Thierry J. Couturier, Sound Supervisor; Cecilia Perna, Sound Effects Editor; Debby Ruby-Winsberg, Donna Beltz, Jay Levine, Ken Gladden, Mike Kimball, Stuart Calderon, Susan Welsh, Sound Editors; Jeff Charbonneau, Music Editor; Mike Salvetta, Sharon Michaels, Foley Artists
Winner: Third Watch also nominated: ER, The Others, Star Trek: Voyager
Outstanding Music Composition For A Series (Dramatic Underscore)
The X-Files - Theef Mark Snow
Winner: Xena: Warrior Princess also nominated: Falcone, Felicity, Star Trek: Voyager
1999-2000 Screen Actor's Guild Awards
These are the X-Files related nominations for the 1999-2000 Screen Actor's Guild Awards. The awards were be presented on Sunday, March 12, 2000 and aired on TNT (Turner Network Television).
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series
David Duchovny
Winner: James Gandolfini (The Sopranos) also nominated: Dennis Franz (NYPD Blue), Rick Schroder (NYPD Blue), Martin Sheen (The West Wing)
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series
Gillian Anderson
Winner: Edie Falco (The Sopranos) also nominated: Lorraine Bracco (The Sopranos), Nancy Marchand (The Sopranos), Annie Potts (Any Day Now)
1999-2000 Miscellaneous Awards
Publicists Guild of America
Television Showmanship Award Chris Carter ** WINNER ** for the "exceptional impact" Carter has had on TV.
TV Guide Awards
Favorite Actor in a Drama David Duchovny Winner: David James Elliot (JAG) also nominated: Dennis Franz (NYPD Blue), Sam Waterston (Law & Order)
Favorite Actress in a Drama Gillian Anderson Winner: Melina Kanakaredes (Providence) also nominated: Roma Downey (Touched by an Angel), Julianna Margulies (ER)
Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy Show (online category) X-Files Winner: Buffy the Vampire Slayer also nominated: Charmed
Art Director Guild Awards
Television Series X-Files - Amor Fati also nominated: The Magnificent Seven (Chinatown), Roswell (Monster), Star Trek Voyager (11:59), West Wing (Pilot)
First Annual Hollywood Makeup Artists and Hair Stylists Guild Awards
Best Period Makeup - Television (For a Single Episode of a Regular Series - Sitcom, Drama, or Daytime) X-Files - Triangle ** WINNER ** Cheri Montesanto-Medcalf, Kevin Westmore and LaVerne Basham also nominated: Rude Awakenings (Between a Rock Star and Hard Place), Freaks & Geeks (Pilot), Providence (He's Come Undone)
Best Character Makeup - Television X-Files - Two Fathers/One Son Cheri Montesanto-Medcalf and Kevin Westmore also nominated: Mad TV (Episode #505), Mad TV (Episode #507), Providence (He's Come Undone)
American Society of Cinematographers
Outstanding Achievement in Cinematography in Regular Series Bill Roe, The X-Files, Agua Mala ** WINNER **
British Independant Film Awards
Best Actress Gillian Anderson (House of Mirth) ** WINNER ** also nominated: Kate Ashfield (The Low Down), Brenda Blethyn (Saving Grace), Julie Walters (Billy Elliot), Emily Watson (The Luzhin Defence)
 These are the X-Files related nominations for the 1999 Emmy Awards (for the period of June 1, 1998 through May 31, 1999). The awards were televised by Fox on Sunday, September 12th, 1999. The Creative Arts Awards were given out on August 28, 1999.
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series
Gillian Anderson as Dana Scully
Winner Edie Falco (The Sopranos)
also nominated: Lorraine Bracco (The Sopranos), Christine Lahti (Chicago Hope), Julianna Margulies (ER)
Outstanding Makeup for a Series
The X-Files - Two Fathers/One Son Parts I & II ** WINNER ** Cheri Montesanto-Medcalf, Head Makeup Artist; Laverne Basham, Makeup Artist for Duchovny & Anderson; John Vulich, Makeup Effects Artist; Kevin Westmore, Greg Funk, John Wheaton, Mark Shostrom, Rick Stratton, Jake Garber, Craig Reardon, Fionagh Cush, Steve LaPorte, Kevin Haney, Jane Aull, Peri Sorel, Jeanne Van Phue, Julie Socash, Makeup Artists
also nominated: Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Saturday Night Live, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Tracey Takes On...
Outstanding Art Direction for a Series
The X-Files - One Son Corey Kaplan - Production Designer, Lauren Polizzi & Sandy Getzler - Art Directors, Tim Stepeck - Set Decorator
Winner Buddy Faro also nominated: Ally McBeal, The Sopranos, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Outstanding Cinematography for a Series
The X-Files - The Unnatural Bill Roe - Director of Photography
Winner Felicity also nominated: Chicago Hope, JAG, The Practice
Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing for a Series
The X-Files - S.R. 819 Heather MacDougall - Editor
Winner The Sopranos also nominated: Ally McBeal, ER
Outstanding Music Composition for a Series (Dramatic Underscore)
The X-Files - S.R. 819 Mark Snow - Composer
Winner Invasion America also nominated: Fantasy Island, The Simpsons, Xena: Warrior Princess
Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series
Veronica Cartwright as Cassandra Spender (Two Fathers & One Son)
Winner Debra Monk (NYPD Blue) also nominated: Patty Duke (Touched by an Angel), Julia Roberts (Law & Order), Marion Ross (Touched by an Angel)
Outstanding Sound Editing for a Series
The X-Files - Triangle Thierry J. Couturier, Supervising Sound Editor; Stuart Calderon, Michael Goodman, Jay Levine, Maciek Malish, George Nemzer, Cecilia Perna, Chris Reeves, Gabrielle Reeves, Sound Editors; Jeff Charbonneau, Music Editor; Gary Marullo, Mike Salvetta, Foley Artists
Winner ER also nominated: Buffy The Vampire Slayer, The Pretender, The Sopranos
 These are the X-Files related nominations & awards for the 1999 Golden Globes.
Best TV Series - Drama
The X-Files
Winner The Practice also nominated: ER, Felicity, Law & Order
Best Performance by an Actress in a TV Series - Drama
Gillian Anderson
Winner Keri Russell (Felicity) also nominated: Julianna Margulies (ER), Kim Delaney (NYPD Blue), Roma Downey (Touched by an Angel)
Best Performance by an Actor in a TV Series - Drama
David Duchovny
Winner Dylan McDermott also nominated: Anthony Edwards (ER), Lance Henrickson (Millennium), Jimmy Smitts (NYPD Blue)
 These are the X-Files related nominations & awards for the 1998-1999 Screen Actor's Guild Awards.
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series
David Duchovny
Winner Sam Waterston (Law & Order) also nominated: Anthony Edwards (ER), Dennis Franz (NYPD Blue), Jimmy Smits (NYPD Blue)
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series
Gillian Anderson
Winner Julianna Margulies (ER) also nominated: Kim Delaney (NYPD Blue), Christine Lahti (Chicago Hope), Annie Potts (Any Day Now)
Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series:
The X-Files Gillian Anderson, William B. Davis, David Duchovny, Chris Owens, James Pickens Jr, Mitch Pileggi
Winner ER also nominated: Law & Order, NYPD Blue, The Practice
 Viewers for Quality Television:
Best Actress in a Quality Drama Gillian Anderson, The X-Files ** WINNER **
Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror (Saturn Awards):
Best Series on Network TV The X-Files ** WINNER **
Blockbuster Entertainment Awards
Favorite Actress - Science Fiction Gillian Anderson, The X-Files ** WINNER **
American Comedy Awards
Funniest Male Guest Appearance in a Television Series David Duchovny, The Larry Sanders Show ** WINNER **
Producer's Guild of America Awards
The Vision Award for Artistic Achievement Chris Carter, The X-Files ** WINNER **
TV Guide Awards
Favorite Actor in a Drama David Duchovny, The X-Files ** WINNER ** Favorite Actress in a Drama Gillian Anderson, The X-Files - nominee (online) Best Dressed - Drama David Duchovny, The X-Files ** WINNER ** (online) Sexiest Male - Drama David Duchovny, The X-Files ** WINNER **
Directors's Guild of America Awards
Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Dramatic Series Chris Carter, The X-Files, Triangle - nominee
American Society of Cinematographers
Outstanding Achievement in Cinematography in Regular Series Bill Roe, The X-Files, Drive ** WINNER ** Outstanding Achievement in Cinematography in Regular Series Joel Ransom, The X-Files, Travelers - nominee
BAFTA Awards
Best International Programme or Series The X-Files ** WINNER **
 These are the X-Files related nominations & awards for the 1998 Emmy Awards (for the period of June 1, 1997 through May 31, 1998). The awards were presented Sunday, September 13th, on NBC, and the "Creative Arts" Awards were televised on TV Land September 11th. Congratulations to the X-Files for being the most nominated television series (tied with ER -- both with 16 nominations)!
Outstanding Drama Series
The X-Files
Winner The Practice also nominated: ER, Law & Order, NYPD Blue
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series
David Duchovny as Fox Mulder episode - Redux II
Winner Andre Braugher also nominated: Anthony Edwards, Dennis Franz, Jimmy Smits
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series
Gillian Anderson as Dana Scully
Winner Christine Lahti also nominated: Roma Downey, Julianna Margulies, Jane Seymore
Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series
The X-Files - Post-Modern Prometheus Chris Carter - Writer
Winner NYPD Blue also nominated: Homicide: Life on the Street, NYPD Blue, The Practice
Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series
The X-Files - Post-Modern Prometheus Chris Carter - Director
Winner (tie) Brooklyn South & NYPD Blue also nominated: Chicago Hope, ER
Outstanding Art Direction for a Series
The X-Files - Post-Modern Prometheus ** WINNER ** Graeme Murray - Production Designer, Greg Loewen - Art Directory, Shirley Inget - Set Decorator
also nominated: Ally McBeal, Dharma & Greg, Nothing Sacred, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing for a Series
The X-Files - Kill Switch ** WINNER ** Heather MacDougall - Editor The X-Files - Mind's Eye Casey Rohrs - Editor The X-Files - Post-Modern Prometheus Lynne Willingham - Editor
also nominated: Ally McBeal, Chicago Hope, ER
Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series
Veronica Cartwright as Cassandra Spender (Patient X & The Red and the Black) Lili Taylor as Marty Glenn (Mind's Eye)
Winner Cloris Leachman also nominated: Swoosie Kurtz, Alfre Woodard
Outstanding Cinematography for a Series
The X-Files - Post-Modern Prometheus Joel Ransom - Director of Photography
Winner Law & Order also nominated: Chicago Hope, Earth: Final Conflict, JAG
Outstanding Sound Editing for a Series
The X-Files - The Red and the Black Thierry Couturier - Supervising Sound Editor; Maciek Malish, M.P.S.E., Jay Levine, Gabrielle Reeves, Michael Goodman, Ira Leslie, M.P.S.E., Chris Fradkin, Rick Henson, M.P.S.E., Michael Kimball - Sound Editors; Jeff Charbonneau - Music Editor; Gary Marullo, Mike Salvetta - Foley Artists
Winner ER also nominated: Millennium, Soldier of Fortune, Inc., The Visitor
Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Drama Series
The X-Files - The Red and the Black Michael Williamson - Production Mixer; David J. West, Harry T. Andronis, Kurt Kassulke - Re-Recording Mixers
Winner Chicago Hope also nominated: ER, ER, NYPD Blue
Outstanding Makeup for a Series
The X-Files - Post-Modern Prometheus Laverne Basham, Pearl Loule - Makeup Artists, Toby Lindala, Dave Coughtry, Rachel Griffin, Robin Lindala, Leanne Rae Podavin, Brad Proctor, Geoff Redknap, Tony Wohlgemuth, Wayne Dang, Vince Yoshida - Prosthetic Makeup Artists
Winner Buffy the Vampire Slayer also nominated: Babylon 5, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Tracey Takes On...
Outstanding Music Composition for a Series (Dramatic Underscore)
The X-Files - Post-Modern Prometheus Mark Snow - Composer
Winner Buffy the Vampire Slayer also nominated: Roar, The Simpsons, Stargate SG-1
Honorable Mention -- since he is an X-Files character, after all: Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series
Charles Nelson Reilly as Jose Chung - Millennium (Jose Chung's Doomsday Defense) Winner John Larroquette (The Practice) also nominated: Bruce Davidson (Touched by an Angel), Vincent D'Onofrio (Homicide: Life on the Streets), Charles Durning (Homicide: Life on the Streets)
 These are the X-Files related nominations & awards for the 1998 Golden Globes.
Best TV Series - Drama
The X-Files ** WINNER **
also nominated: Chicago Hope, NYPD Blue, ER, Law & Order
Best Performance by an Actress in a TV Series - Drama
Gillian Anderson
Winner Christine Lahti (Chicago Hope) also nominated: Julianna Margulies (ER), Kim Delaney (NYPD Blue), Roma Downey (Touched by an Angel)
Best Performance by an Actor in a TV Series - Drama
David Duchovny
Winner Anthony Edwards (ER) also nominated: George Clooney (ER), Lance Henrickson (Millennium), Kevin Anderson (Nothing Sacred)
 These are the X-Files related nominations & awards for the 1997 Emmy Awards (for the period of June 1, 1996 through May 31, 1997).
Outstanding Drama Series
The X-Files
Winner Law & Order also nominated: Chicago Hope, ER, NYPD Blue
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series
Gillian Anderson as Dana Scully ** WINNER **
also nominated: Christine Lahti (Chicago Hope), Julianna Margulies (ER), Sherry Stringfield (ER), Roma Downey (Touched by an Angel)
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series
David Duchovny as Fox Mulder
Winner Dennis Franz (NYPD Blue) also nominated: Anthony Edwards, Sam Waterston, Jimmy Smits
Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series
The X-Files - Memento Mori Chris Carter - Writer; Vince Gilligan - Writer, John Shiban - Writer, Frank Spotnitz - Writer
Winner NYPD Blue also nominated: ER, ER, NYPD Blue
Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series
The X-Files - Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man James Wong - Director
WinnerNYPD Blue also nominated: ER, ER, ER
Outstanding Art Direction for a Series
The X-Files - Memento Mori ** WINNER ** Graeme Murray - Production Designer, Gary P. Allen - Art Director, Shirley Inget - Set Decorator
also nominated: 7th Heaven, The Drew Carey Show, NYPD Blue, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Outstanding Music Composition for a Series (Dramatic Underscore)
The X-Files - Paper Hearts Mark Snow - Composer
Winner The Cape also nominated: Early Edition, Orleans, Xena: Warrior Princess
Outstanding Sound Editing for a Series
The X-Files - Tempus Fugit ** WINNER ** Stuart Calderon, Sound Editor; Jeff Charbonneau, Music Editor; Thierry J. Couturier, Sound Supervisor; Chris Fradkin, Sound Editor; Ira Leslie, Sound Editor; Jay Levine, Sound Editor; Maciek Malish, Sound Editor; Gary Marullo, Foley Artist; Chris Reeves, Sound Editor; Debby Ruby-Winsburg, Sound Editor; Mike Salvetta, Foley Artist; Susan Welsh, Sound Editor
also nominated: The Cape, Chicago Hope, Nash Bridges, Profiler
Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Drama Series
The X-Files - Tempus Fugit Harry Andronis, Re-Recording Mixer; Nello Torri, Re-Recording Mixer; David West, Re-Recording Mixer; Michael Williamson, Production Mix
Winner ER also nominated: Law & Order, Star Trek, Voyager, NYPD Blue
Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing for a Series
The X-Files - Tempus Fugit Heather MacDougall - Editor The X-Files - Terma Jim Gross - Editor
Winner ER also nominated: Chicago Hope, ER, Law & Order
Outstanding Makeup for a Series
The X-Files - Leonard Betts Laverne Basham, Makeup Artist; Toby Lindala, Effects Makeup Artist
Winner Tracey Takes On... also nominated: Babylon 5, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
 These are the X-Files related nominations & awards for the 1997 Golden Globes. Congratulations to the X-Files for winning every category they were nominated in!!
Best TV Series - Drama
The X-Files ** WINNER **
also nominated: Party of Five, Chicago Hope, NYPD Blue, ER
Best Performance by an Actress in a TV Series - Drama
Gillian Anderson ** WINNER **
also nominated: Christine Lahti (Chicago Hope), Heather Locklear (Melrose Place), Jane Seymour (Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman), Sherry Stringfield (ER)
Best Performance by an Actor in a TV Series - Drama
David Duchovny ** WINNER **
also nominated: Jimmy Smits (NYPD Blue), Anthony Edwards (ER), George Clooney (ER), Lance Henrickson (Millennium)
 These are the X-Files related nominations & awards for the 1996-1997 Screen Actor's Guild Awards.
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series
Gillian Anderson ** WINNER **
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series
David Duchovny - nominee
Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series:
The X-Files - nominee Gillian Anderson, William B. Davis, David Duchovny, Nicolas Lea, Mitch Pileggi, Stephen Williams
 These are the X-Files related nominations & awards for the 1996 Emmy Awards (for the period of June 1, 1995 through May 31, 1996).
Outstanding Drama Series
The X-Files
Winner ER also nominated: Chicago Hope, Law & Order, NYPD Blue
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series
Gillian Anderson as Dana Scully Episode: Piper Maru
Winner Kathy Baker (Picket Fences) also nominated: Christine Lahti (Chicago Hope), Sherry Stringfield (ER), Angela Lansbury (Murder, She Wrote)
Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series
Peter Boyle as Clyde Bruckman (Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose) ** WINNER **
also nominated: Michael Jeter (Chicago Hope), Richard Pryor (Chicago Hope), Rip Torn (Chicago Hope), Danny Glover (Fallen Angels)
Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series
The X-Files - Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose ** WINNER ** Darin Morgan - Writer
also nominated: ER, ER, Murder One, NYPD Blue
Outstanding Art Direction for a Series
The X-Files - Jose Chung's From Outer Space Shirley Inget - Set Decorator, Graeme Murray - Art Director
Winner Murder One also nominated: Cybill, Murder She Wrote, NYPD Blue
Outstanding Cinematography for a Series
The X-Files - Grotesque ** WINNER ** John S. Bartley, C.S.C. - Director of Photography
also nominated: Babylon 5, Chicago Hope, Dave's World, ER, Murder One
Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Drama Series
The X-Files - Nisei ** WINNER ** Nello Torri, Re-Recording Mixer; Doug Turner, Re-Recording Mixer; David J. West, Re-Recording Mixer; Michael Williamson, Production Mixer
also nominated: American Gothic, Chicago Hope, ER, Lois & Clark: The New Adventures Of Superman, NYPD Blue
Outstanding Sound Editing for a Series
The X-Files - Nisei ** WINNER ** Jeff Charbonneau, Music Editor; Thierry J. Couturier, Supervising Sound Editor; Michael Goodman, Dialogue Editor; Rick Hinson, Sound Effects Editor; Jerry Jacobson, Sound Effects Editor; Michael Kimball, Sound Effects Editor; Ira Leslie, Sound Effects Editor; Maciek Malish, Dialogue Editor; Kitty Malone, Foley Artist; Greg Pusateri, Sound Effects Editor; Chris Reeves, Dialogue Editor; Debra Ruby-Winsberg, ADR Editor; Joe Sabella, Foley Artist; Marty Stein, Dialogue Editor; Susan Welsh, Sound Effects Editor
also nominated: Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, Law & Order, Party of Five, Sliders, Strange Luck
 These are the X-Files related nominations & awards for the 1995 Emmy Awards (for the period of June 1, 1994 through May 31, 1995).
Outstanding Drama Series
The X-Files
Winner NYPD Blue also nominated: Chicago Hope, ER, Law & Order
Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series
The X-Files - Duane Barry Chris Carter - Writer
Winner ER also nominated: ER, My So-Called Life, NYPD Blue
Outstanding Cinematography for a Series
The X-Files - One Breath John S. Bartley, C.S.C. - Director of Photography
Winner Chicago Hope also nominated: Babylon 5, Chicago Hope, Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, NYPD Blue, Star Trek: Voyager
Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing for a Series
The X-Files - Duane Barry James Coblentz - Editor The X-Files - Sleepless Stephen Mark - Editor
Winner ER also nominated: Chicago Hope, Chicago Hope, ER
Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series
CCH Pounder as Agent Kazdin (Duane Barry)
Winner Shirley Knight (NYPD Blue) also nominated: Colleen Flynn (ER), Rosemary Clooney (ER), Amy Brenneman (NYPD Blue)
Outstanding Sound Editing for a Series
The X-Files - Duane Barry Thierry Couturier, Supervising Sound Editor; Maciek Malish, Dialogue Editor; Chris Reeves, Dialogue Editor; Marty Stein, Dialogue Editor; Jay Levine, Dialogue Editor; Stuart Calderon, Sound Effects Editor; Michael Kimball, Sound Effects Editor; David Van Slyke, Sound Effects Editor; Susan Welsh, Sound Effects Editor; Chris Fradkin, Sound Effects Editor; Matt West, Sound Effects Editor; Ira Leslie, Sound Effects Editor; Jeff Charbonneau, Music Editor; Debby Ruby Winsberg, ADR Editor; Kitty Malone, Foley Artist; Yvonne Preble, Foley Artist
Winner ER also nominated: Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, Earth 2, The Marshal
1993 - 1994 Emmy Awards
These are the X-Files related nominations & awards for the 1994 Emmy Awards (for the period of June 1, 1993 through May 31, 1994).
Outstanding Individual Achievement in Graphic Design and Title Sequences
The X-Files ** WINNER ** James Castle - Title Designer, Bruce Bryant - Title Designer, Carol Johnsen - Title Designer
also nominated: Birdland, Late Show With David Letterman, Rolling Stone '93: The Year In Review, South of Sunset, Tekwar
Outstanding Individual Achievement in Main Title Theme Music
The X-Files Mark Snow - Composer
Winner seaQuest DSV also nominated: Frasier, Lois & Clark: The New Adventures Of Superman, NYPD Blue
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doctor-aceus-art · 6 months
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A warm cuddely bubble bath to get some rest after a long day on the farm and the clinic
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Vengeance (2003)
In 1995, the Easter Bunny was cast in a cameo role in Kevin Smith’s movie “Mallrats”. Playing himself, his dreams of Tinseltown stardom soon took a disastrous turn. In his only scene, he came face to face with the infamous stoner duo of Jay and Silent Bob. Faster than you can say “snoochie boochies”, they proceded to beat the living crap out of him for the whole world to see. It was a damaging blow to his ego. Kids laughed. Santa hung his head in shame. It turned out to be his final film role.
Depressed, he turned his attention back to Easter baskets, but after 500 consecutive holidays, it can get a bit boring. His pride still wounded from his acting gig, he thought of the one thing that would redeem himself in the eyes of the public. He would get back his manho..uh,rabbithood. He would become the Easter Bunny…WWE Superstar.
Chomping at the bit and not even able to wait until his usual springtime appearance, the Bunny arrived in the WWE nine months early, in July 2003 at WWE Vengeance. Along with past and future JOTW’s the Conquistadors and the Brooklyn Brawler, he was entered into the first ever APA Invitational Bar Brawl. To win, you had be the last man (or bunny…or clown, as Doink was also brought out of the mothballs) standing and still drinking. Once the brawl began, things quickly went to “hell in a Easter basket”. Matt Hardy, Doink, and even Brother Love all proceded to stomp on the very green rookie. Poor Bunny never stood a chance. He spent the entire match getting pummeled while never once landing a punch. Sean O’ Haire would cause the most damage when he executed the first ever “Exorcist” headspin, turning the Bunny’s head around 180 degrees and then popping him in the face..uh, back of the head with a stiff jab. Mercifully,he was soon eliminated by being thrown through a glass window by the eventual winner ,Bradshaw.
Shed no tears for the Easter Bunny though. Despite the loss, he regained his pride and proved that he was still rabbit enough to maintain his yearly duties and realized what his goals truly were. Making kids happy on Easter. Lord knows, when you get your ass kicked by Brother Love of all people, you know you don’t belong anywhere near a wrestling ring.
Source: WrestleCrap
In the third match, Bradshaw, Chris Kanyon, Shannon Moore, Doink the Clown, Brother Love, Nunzio, Matt Hardy, Kanyon, Danny Basham, Doug Basham, the Easter Bunny, Sean O'Haire, John Hennigan, Orlando Jordan, Funaki, Los Conquistadores (Rob Conway and Johnny Jeter), the Brooklyn Brawler, Johnny Stamboli, Chuck Palumbo, Matt Cappotelli, and Spanky fought in the Acolytes Protection Agency Invitational Bar Room Brawl. During the match, Spanky was put through a table, Sean O'Haire used a pool cue and Brother Love threw Shannon Moore through a mirror. After knocking down Brother Love, Bradshaw won the match.
Source: Wikipedia
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stardew-atlantis · 3 years
Isn't it Obvious [Jay/Harvey]
Greetings. I wrote a gift fic for my friend @doctoraceus (hi friend)
Never written for anyone's farmer's other than mine so this was a really fun challenge. (Comic and Lore by @doctoraceus as well)
Summary: based on a comic from This Post
Warnings: None (lmk)
Word Count: 1.2k
It was a late summer night, many years ago, when everything changed for Harvey Sheffield. He and his best friend Jay were watching their favorite show like they always did on Saturday nights. Jay had a habit of reciting the actors' lines out loud, extremely exaggerated, with silly voices and over the top hand gestures. It never failed to make them both crack up laughing, but something about that night felt different.
It was at the age of 15 that Harvey knew he was in love with Jay Basham. Perhaps it had been even longer than that. Whenever he thought back to that night, he wondered if he had simply been too blind to realize it sooner.
Ever since Jay took down a bully for Harvey on the schoolyard when they were 10, they had been inseparable. Jay became his protector, no one dared to mess with him ever again. Nothing could keep the dynamic duo apart, not even when Jay got adopted and moved all the way out to Pelican Town to live on Sour Cherry Farm. It was clear that no amount of distance could keep them apart. Even when Harvey got accepted into medical school and followed his dream of becoming a doctor, they always kept in touch.
Dating was never something that ever worked out for Harvey. He tried it in university and medical school, but he just couldn't seem to find that connection that he was looking for. Perhaps, somewhere at the back of his mind, he secretly hoped that things would eventually work out with Jay in the end. He loved their late-night video chats and hour-long phone calls while he studied for his exams, but it was a poor substitute to having them by his side. He knew he would see them again someday, that was always the plan. So, when he found out that the local doctor was retiring in a little place called Pelican Town, he jumped at the chance and applied for the job.
On the day that Harvey moved into the small apartment above the clinic and finally got the chance to reunite with Jay, he was crushed to find that they were already in a relationship with Shane, the local ranch-hand. Harvey tried his best to convince himself that he was happy for them, but it was no use. When Jay seemed perfectly happy to pick up right where they left off, it only confirmed Harvey's suspicions. Jay only saw him as a friend, nothing more.
Despite his feelings, he was happy to have his best friend back after all those years apart. As busy as both their schedules were, Jay working on the farm full time and Harvey running the clinic with only one other employee, Jay still managed to stop by at least twice a week to chat over coffee or have lunch together at the saloon. Everything was back to normal.
Harvey never figured out why Jay's relationship with Shane ended. He tried to get them to talk about it, to offer comfort and support, but they refused to tell him what happened. All he knew was that it was Shane who ended things, and Jay did not want to talk about the reason why.
As the days went by and the seasons changed, Harvey and Jay grew even closer than they were before. Unfortunately for Harvey, it only made him fall deeper in love with them. With Harvey's somewhat limited experience with romantic relationships, he wasn't exactly sure what the etiquette was for something like this. What exactly is the appropriate amount of time that should pass before confessing your love for your childhood best friend who just got out of a long-term relationship? He thought it would be best to be subtle in his approach, as not to seem too eager. Showing up at the farm unannounced, under the guise that he was 'concerned they were overworking themselves'. It was true, he was concerned. Jay spent a lot of time tending the fields, going on fishing trips, and even fighting monsters down in the Pelican Town mines. But Harvey also wanted an excuse to see them more often. Instead of having coffee down in the clinic, Harvey often invited Jay up to his apartment so they could spend some more time together, but Jay always took it as more of a friendly gesture as opposed to an opportunity to get closer.
After all of his... well, ‘advances’ was probably the wrong word, nothing seemed to be getting through to Jay. Harvey knew he wasn't the best at flirting, but he was never one for bold gestures. Jay was always better at that. They were always the one to speak their mind whenever they got the chance. Harvey wished he could be that brave.
One sunny morning, Harvey was preparing his usual cup of coffee before getting ready to head to the library, when he noticed something strange about one of the mugs in his kitchen cupboard. It had a piece of paper taped to the side of it with what looked like a phone number on it. He immediately recognized the mug as one of the ones Jay brought over to have coffee with him. Harvey felt his heart rate speed up a little as the realization hit him.
Returning the mug was a perfect reason to show up at the farm for no reason. Maybe on the way there he could talk himself into finally confessing his feelings for Jay.
During the trip down the long dirt road to Sour Cherry Farm, he spotted a flash of orange down the path. They had blue denim overalls, short light blonde hair, and a pickaxe slung over their shoulder as they strutted along the path toward him.
"Jay!" He waved. "There you are, I was just on my way to see you."
"Hi Harvey!" Jay waved back, jogging toward him. The bright smile on their face nearly made him blush.
"Where are you off to this morning?" He asked.
"I was just about to go out to the mines." Jay replied, shifting the pickaxe to keep it from falling off their shoulder. "What can I do for you?"
"The mines? Oh. Well, please be careful. I wouldn't want to see you end up in the clinic. N-not that I don't want to see you, it's just- I mean of course I want to see you, but not in the clinic. I mean, um. Please take care of yourself." He managed to spit out.
Lately, Harvey often found himself getting nervous around Jay. He always felt safe around them, but hiding his feelings for so long made him a bit awkward whenever he tried to talk to them.
"I just wanted to return this." He added. "You forgot one of your coffee mugs at the clinic." Harvey suddenly remembered the note and quickly reached into his pocket. "Oh, and also apparently your phone number."
As he tried to hand both the mug and the slip of paper back to Jay, their cheeks turned an adorable shade of pink.
Harvey stared at the phone number in his hand and felt his own face beginning to heat up as it suddenly clicked.
Yet again, he had been too blind to realize what was right in front of him the whole time.
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skippyv20 · 2 years
Jay Beecher
is not a true fact checking "journalist" .  
Ghislaine Maxwell’s latest supporter revealed to be Jay Beecher, a far right-wing political writer and ex-Ukipper with associations to the quite rightly banned-from-Facebook ‘Politicalite’ PR peddler Brian Basham is doing his best to get just about anyone he can to come out to join the tedious twerp Richard Madeley in support of his client, the alleged child groomer and alleged sexual abuser, Ghislaine Maxwell. Frankly, for him, just about anyone who’ll bang the drum for the mucky madam as she seeks bail for a fourth time will now do
Now, today, we can reveal the latest to join Basham’s not-so-exclusive club is a man named Jay Beecher. He claims to be a ‘journalist’ and also the founder of an organisation with a currently defunct site named Vote Watch.
Vote Watch, curiously, according to a Patreon page supported by just 43 people, was something that aimed to “provide groundbreaking reports exposing media bias, left-wing extremism, and corruption.” It set out to “expose crooked politicians [with]… undercover journalism, exclusive news, and in-depth investigations,” but now Beecher has plainly turned to the very, very dark side and is being lauded by RealGhislaine.com for supporting convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged head honcho.
In two tweets that were subsequently shared by the ‘official’ @RealGhislaine campaign yesterday, Beecher announced:
“ONE TO WATCH: The new site has now been covered by the Mail, NY Post etc, & sets out to counter MSM bias & ‘fake news.’ GHISLAINE Maxwell’s Siblings, @RealGhislaine Launch New Website To Counter MSM Fiction.”
“Also worth remembering that they are Ghislaine’s brothers and sisters, so don’t deserve to be attacked simply for doing what anyone else would do – defend a family member they love.”
Elsewhere, Jay Beecher is heavily involved with producing content for the controversial far right website Politicalite – which claims to be a “proudly right-wing website that supports the silent majority of forgotten working-class men and women from across the UK. We back Britain’s vote for Brexit and America’s vote for President Trump.” Politicalite was deservedly banned from
Facebook “for violating the company’s hate-speech policies” in May 2020.
Beecher was also convicted of driving offences whilst standing as a Conservative candidate in a by-election for Peterborough City Council in June 2017. He was fined for driving whilst disqualified, driving with no insurance and having no MOT on his car, but in Maxwell-esque ‘innocence’ claimed: “This is a personal matter. It was a misunderstanding. It won’t affect me going forward.”
Thats where I know the name from! Thank you....😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
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junker-town · 4 years
Here’s our way-too-early 2021 NFL mock draft
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Clemson’s Trevor Lawrence and Ohio State’s Justin Fields are the early favorites to be the No. 1 pick in 2021.
Two quarterbacks will split opinions throughout the next college football season.
The 2021 NFL Draft will be the story of two quarterbacks. Trevor Lawrence of Clemson and Justin Fields of Ohio State are not only the top two quarterbacks going into next year’s draft, they just might be the top two players overall.
Lawrence has been a star since the moment he stepped onto the Clemson campus. He’s already started two years, and NFL teams have been looking forward to him becoming draft eligible after this season. He has a strong arm, athleticism, and a big frame.
Last season, Fields caught up with him in a hurry. After transferring from Georgia, Fields showed his electric athleticism for Ohio State while completing 67 percent of his throws for 41 touchdowns and three interceptions.
With those two at the top, it’s time for a way-too-early 2021 mock draft. These are always difficult to do. At this time last year, Joe Burrow wasn’t even in the discussion for the first round, let alone the first overall pick. In the next 12 months, a lot is going to change. Several of the players below won’t even be thought of as first-round picks. But they are now, so this is a look at how they could fall.
The draft order is based on the latest Super Bowl odds I could find after the draft. Teams with the same odds were randomized online. The only other change is putting the 49ers at No. 31 to properly represent the Super Bowl having an AFC and NFC team, so don’t get angry about the order.
1. Jacksonville Jaguars: Trevor Lawrence, QB, Clemson
If the Jaguars end up with the first pick, chances are the Gardner Minshew experiment didn’t work, head coach Doug Marrone got fired, and general manager Dave Caldwell probably did too.
2. Washington: Justin Fields, QB, Ohio State
By this time next year, if Washington has the second pick in the draft, head coach Ron Rivera might want his choice of quarterbacks.
3. Cincinnati Bengals: Penei Sewell, OT, Oregon
The Bengals have their franchise quarterback in Joe Burrow, but their line play has been suspect. Sewell is a dominant force for Oregon and won the Outland Trophy last season.
4. Carolina Panthers: Walker Little, OT, Stanford
Left tackle Russell Okung is on just a one-year deal in Carolina, and the Panthers could find his replacement in Little. The belief was that if Little didn’t get hurt last season, he could have been a first-round pick this year.
5. Miami Dolphins: Ja’Marr Chase, WR, LSU
The Dolphins didn’t take a wide receiver this year, and the options after DeVante Parker are average. The last time we saw Chase, he was torching Falcons first-round pick A.J. Terrell in the College Football Playoff National Championship Game.
6. New York Giants: Micah Parsons, LB, Penn State
The Giants waited until the sixth round to address linebacker in the draft and could target the position in 2021. Parsons is the next great Penn State linebacker; he had 109 tackles, 14 tackles for loss, and five sacks last season.
7. New York Jets: Gregory Rousseau, Edge, Miami
Usually it’s tough to project redshirt sophomores a year out, but Rousseau is coming off a season of 19.5 tackles for loss and 15.5 sacks.
8. Detroit Lions: Justyn Ross, WR, Clemson
Marvin Jones and Danny Amendola are both free agents after the season, and the Lions could look to add some youth to their wide receiver group.
9. Las Vegas Raiders: Jamie Newman, QB, Georgia
The Derek Carr speculation seems to never go away — and 2020 could be a breaking point. Carr’s contract is much more manageable after this season. A graduate transfer from Wake Forest, Newman is excellent on run-pass options and has a strong arm.
10. Miami Dolphins (from Texans): Marvin Wilson, DT, Florida State
Say hello to the 2021 version of Derrick Brown. Wilson surprised people by returning to Florida State for his senior season. That came after a season of 8.5 tackles for loss and five sacks even though he missed his last four games.
11. Arizona Cardinals: Trey Smith, G, Tennessee
Smith could be the rare top-of-the-first-round guard in 2021. The 6’6, 335-pound Smith has history at left tackle and left guard, and will probably be projected as an interior player in the NFL.
12. Atlanta Falcons: Carlos Basham, Edge, Wake Forest
Basham is coming off an impressive junior year when he had 18 tackles for loss and 11 sacks. If second-round pick Marlon Davidson plays inside, the Falcons could use another player on the outside.
13. Los Angeles Chargers: Alex Leatherwood, OT, Alabama
The Chargers didn’t take an offensive lineman in the draft, and could be in need of one at this time next year. Leatherwood has played guard and tackle for Alabama, and done both well.
14. Denver Broncos: Jay Tufele, DT, USC
The Broncos could continue to improve their defensive line in 2021 with Tufele after taking McTelvin Agim in the third round this year. Tufele improved as a pass rusher last season, and would be a nice fit on a team that runs a lot of three-down linemen looks.
15. Chicago Bears: DeVonta Smith, WR, Alabama
That’s right, not a tight end. And unfortunately, not a quarterback. Allen Robinson is a free agent after the season, and Alabama has another loaded wide receiver group to choose from in the draft.
16. Jacksonville Jaguars (from Rams): Samuel Cosmi, OT, Texas
If the Jaguars do take a quarterback at the top of the draft, it would be smart to target a pass blocker with their second pick. Cosmi started his first two seasons at right tackle for Texas and will switch to the left side this year.
17. Cleveland Browns: Jaylen Waddle, WR, Alabama
This one is a little bit of a leap — which is saying something about a mock draft that is coming out a year before the actual draft. The Browns have one of the most expensive wide receiver units in the NFL with Odell Beckham Jr. and Jarvis Landry. Beckham was rumored in trade talks last year and Landry is due a combined $31 million in 2021 and 2022. Something may have to give.
18. Pittsburgh Steelers: Patrick Surtain II, CB, Alabama
Joe Haden and Mike Hilton are both free agents after this season, and the Steelers could look to get younger at the position.
19. Buffalo Bills: Shaun Wade, CB, Ohio State
Veteran Josh Norman was brought in on just a one-year deal this offseason, so the Bills could go into next offseason looking for a long-term partner for Tre’Davious White.
20. Indianapolis Colts: Dylan Moses, LB, Alabama
If the Colts want to upgrade over Anthony Walker, the 2021 draft looks like it might be a good at linebacker. Moses was considered the best linebacker prospect in the nation before getting injured last season.
21. Tennessee Titans: Travis Etienne, RB, Clemson
If the Titans don’t want to give a big contract to Derrick Henry, they can find his replacement in the 2021 draft. Etienne is a speedy runner who has averaged a ridiculous 8.0 yards per carry the last two years.
22. Minnesota Vikings: Richard LeCounte, S, Georgia
Anthony Harris is playing on the franchise tag this season and might price himself out of Minnesota. If he does, the Vikings could maintain the strength of the position with LeCounte, a free safety with ball skills.
23. Green Bay Packers: Rondale Moore, WR, Purdue
A weapon for Aaron Rodgers? What a novel idea. Moore is a small receiver, but he showed as a freshman that he’s one of the best pass catchers in the nation. He only played four games last season, but should have a bounce-back junior year.
24. Seattle Seahawks: Cade Mays, OL, Tennessee
A transfer from Georgia, Mays has experience up and down the line. Offensive line is a perennial need for Seattle, which could use another player to go with third-round pick Damien Lewis.
25. Philadelphia Eagles: Paulson Adebo, CB, Stanford
The Eagles didn’t take a cornerback in the draft after trading for Darius Slay and giving him a three-year contract. They could go into the next draft needing someone to pair with him. Adebo could have been a top-64 pick in the draft this year.
26. New England Patriots: LaBryan Ray, DT, Alabama
The Patriots have taken edge defenders the last two drafts, and could turn their attention to the inside in 2021. Ray barely played last season after getting injured in September, but flashed next to Quinnen Williams in 2018.
27. Dallas Cowboys: Quincy Roche, Edge, Miami
A transfer from Temple, Roche comes to Miami with 26 career sacks. With Tyrone Crawford entering free agency next offseason, the Cowboys could save some money by replacing him.
28. New Orleans Saints: Israel Mukuamu, CB, South Carolina
Janoris Jenkins’ cap hit nearly triples in 2021 from $5.05 million to $14.2 million, so the Saints could look to get out from under his deal after this season. If so, they might go after a cornerback in next year’s draft.
29. Tampa Bay Buccaneers: Tylan Wallace, WR, Oklahoma State
Chris Godwin is a free agent after this season and could cash in big. If he does and leaves Tampa, his replacement can be found in the draft. In the last two seasons, Wallace has more than 2,300 receiving yards and 20 touchdowns.
30. Baltimore Ravens: Joe Tryon, Edge, Washington
The Ravens have a ton of high-priced free agents after this season, including pass rusher Matt Judon, wide receiver Willie Snead, left tackle Ronnie Stanley, and cornerbacks Jimmy Smith and Marlon Humphrey. That means they’ll have a lot of tough decisions to make. Judon is on the franchise tag this season and could go elsewhere.
31. San Francisco 49ers: Eric Stokes, CB, Georgia
The 49ers have numerous free agent cornerbacks after this season and might want to target that position in the 2021 draft. Stokes was Georgia’s leader in pass breakups last season with nine and was an All-SEC second team member.
32. Kansas City Chiefs: Jaylen Twyman, DL, Pittsburgh
If things between the Chiefs and Chris Jones fall apart, it will be imperative to find his replacement. Twyman had 10.5 sacks from his defensive tackle spot last year, just 0.5 sack shy of Aaron Donald’s single-season high at Pitt.
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artscampaigns-blog · 7 years
Save Research at CCW!
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Dear Prof Crow,
Having learnt about the restructuring of CCW and that the jobs of research staff specializing on East Asian art and design are put at risk, we are deeply concerned and would like to request you to consider rectifying the matter.
As much as we appreciate the college’s attempt to streamline resources, we nonetheless cannot understand why East Asia would ever be considered irrelevant. We strongly believe that exposures to different cultures are essential for well-rounded training for artists and designers. Our specialists in the area [names redacted] are established and respected scholars in their respective fields. They have been bringing to the school their expertise and substantial academic output, and also opportunities for research students to take part in international conferences and to publish in reputed journals. Further to helping students build their academic credentials, these connections also raise CCW’s international profile.
These staff members are critical for attracting students with diverse scholarly interests, who would otherwise not be here. Many of these students are international students who contribute substantially to the college’s finance, as their fees are way higher than domestic students. Although we do not see universities as profitable businesses, that such income is conducive to the college’s financial sustainability cannot be undermined.
At a personal level, those of us who are currently doing our PhD at CCW are very worried that our ongoing research might be jeopardized. We are sure that you would agree that academic expertise, connections in the respective fields, understanding of the students’ progress and a long-term relationship are all indispensable for PhD supervision. Although you have stated in your message to all research students on May 8 and discussion with student rep Amanda Johansson that our supervision will be continually taken care of, substitution is unpreferred as our current DOS/supervisors were originally appointed because they were the most suitable faculty members the college could offer to us.
Last but not least, we also fear that the case might damage CCW's reputation. The failure to acknowledge the importance of cross-cultural understanding might be seen as a sign of parochialism. The discontinuation of tenures without strong justifications and open communication is procedurally unjust. The unconsulted change of a pivotal part of our research programme can be alarming to both current as well as prospective students. Any one of these criticisms can put the college's good repute at risk.
In view of the above reasons, we hope that you would safeguard the tenures of these staff members. We trust that you would take it as your responsibility to protect the interests of the college and its research students. Thank you very much for your kind consideration.
Yours sincerely
Current PhD students, CCW
Stephanie Cheung
Gerard Choy
Mark Donoghue
Keun-hye Lee
Hiroki Yamamoto
Former PhD/MPhil Students and Graduates
Dr Raphael Jay Adjani, former member of faculty of Goldsmiths, University of London, 2000-2012 (graduated in 2011)
Dr Anna Basham, AHRC Research Fellow, Forgotten Japonisme project 2007-2010 (graduated in 2007)
Dr Nicolas Cambridge, Senior Lecturer in Fashion Marketing London Metropolitan University (graduated in 2008)
Dr Helena Čapková, School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda University, Tokyo (graduated in 2012)
Dr Toeingam Guptabutra, Faculty of Painting, Sculpture, and Graphic Art, Silpakorn University, Thailand (graduated in 2005)
Dr Alexandra Sophia Handal, Recent Solo Exhibition at Museum of Contemporary Art, Roskilde, Denmark (2016) (graduated in 2011)
Dr Kaoru Kojima-Kondo, Professor at Jissen Women’s University, Tokyo (graduated in 2007)
Dr Cindy Lisica, University of Houston, US (graduated in 2011)
Kiyoko Mitsuyama-Wdowiak, Independent Art Historian (MPhil, graduated in 2001)
Natasha Mrdalj, part-time art tutor, Croydon Metropolitan College (MPhil, graduated in 2015)
Dr Colin K Okashimo, Sculptor/Landscape Architect/Managing Director of Okashimo and Associates (Singapore) (graduated in 2007)
Dr Gabriela Pinheiro, Fine Arts Faculty, University of Porto, Portugal, (graduated 2001)
Dr Fabiola Martinez Rodriguez, Coordinator, Art History Program at Saint Louis University, Madrid (graduated in 2005)
Dr John Tran, Part-time lecturer at Nihon University and Waseda University, Tokyo (graduated in 2006)
Together with
Dr Hsin-tien Liao, Dean of the College of Humanities, National Taiwan University of Arts (PhD from University of Central England, with Professor Watanabe as External Supervisor)
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weopenviews · 4 years
* Kirkland facility reports symptoms in residents and staff * Pence defends Trump Jr claim Democrats want ‘millions’ to dieA nursing home in Washington state was placed on lockdown after a resident and a staff member tested positive for the coronavirus and more than 50 others showed respiratory symptoms, according to state health officials.The first coronavirus death in the US was confirmed in Washington state on Saturday.The US has confirmed approximately 60 cases of the severe respiratory illness. The World Health Organization has reported that 85,000 people have been sickened and more than 2,800 have died worldwide. The vast majority of cases have been in China but the virus is spreading, seriously affecting international travel, business and sporting and cultural events.Most coronavirus infections result in mild symptoms but some can lead to pneumonia. Older people, especially those with chronic illnesses, are vulnerable. Officials think the virus spreads mainly through coughs or sneezes.The Washington state nursing home, Life Care Center of Kirkland, has about 108 residents and 180 staff members. Officials reported that about 27 residents and 25 staff members had respiratory symptoms or had been hospitalized with respiratory conditions including pneumonia and were being tested for coronavirus. It was not immediately clear when those test results would be released.> We are very concerned about an outbreak in a setting where there are many older people> > Dr Jeff DuchinThe cases confirmed include a woman in her 40s who worked at the center and was in “satisfactory condition” as of Saturday. A woman in her 70s, a resident, was reported in serious condition.The Life Care Center announced it would not allow any visits from families, volunteers or vendors and was putting a hold on admissions.Ellie Basham, the executive director, said in a statement on Sunday any residents with symptoms were put in isolation and all associates must be screened before work. If they have symptoms they are sent home.“We are following the infection control recommendations from the [federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention], including proper hand-washing techniques and wearing masks, gowns and gloves when caring for any symptomatic patients,” Basham said.Dr Jeff Duchin, health officer for Seattle and King county, said on Saturday officials were investigating the situation at the facility and “would not be surprised to find additional cases”.A team of about 10 officials from the CDC traveled to Washington state to work with local health experts.“We are very concerned about an outbreak in a setting where there are many older people, as we would be wherever people who are susceptible might be gathering,” said Duchin.More than two dozen firefighters and police officers in Kirkland who have responded to calls at the Life Care Center over the last few weeks have been placed under quarantine, according to the city government. They are either at home or at a fire station.“None of them are presenting any symptoms and we hope they will be tested and cleared soon,” city manager Kurt Triplett said.A group of about 16 nursing students and one faculty member from the Lake Washington Institute of Technology visited the Life Care Center late last week, Dr Amy Morrison, president of the college, said in a statement. As of Saturday evening, school officials were awaiting instructions from public health officials.“The safety of our students, faculty and staff is our priority, so as a precautionary measure, we are disinfecting the college campus tomorrow,” Morrison said.Over the last few days, local officials reported four coronavirus cases in King county, which includes Seattle, including the man in his 50s who died. The patient, who was not immediately identified, was the first reported US death associated with the coronavirus. He was chronically ill and had no history of travel to affected areas or contact with a known Covid-19 case, officials said.Health officials said on Saturday they did not see any connection between the man who died and the nursing facility, but they were still investigating how those patients contracted the virus.On Sunday, state health officials reported two new cases in King county. A man in his 60s with underlying health conditions was reported to be in “critical but stable condition” while another man in his 60s, also with underlying health conditions, was in critical condition.One unidentified Washington state patient reportedly works for the US Postal Service. According to Kiro 7, a local news station, the man worked at a Seattle Network Distribution Center and no mail was sent out from the facility.Governor Jay Inslee declared a state of emergency in response to the new cases, saying state agencies should use “all resources necessary to prepare for and respond to the outbreak”.In January, Washington state reported the first case of coronavirus in the US when a man in his 30s was admitted to a hospital in Everett after returning from central China. He has since recovered.As of Sunday, eight people in Washington state had tested positive, officials said.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://ift.tt/32HtgSb
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doctor-aceus-art · 10 months
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Based on a drawing i made 2 years ago!
Original is under the cut
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