thesaladcollective · 2 months
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*blows the dust off her Tumblr account*
Welp… it’s been about 5 years. Was feeling nostalgic for my Jenny & Penny webcomic that I shelved when the IT fandom on Tumblr slowly fizzled out. So I drew them again for the hell of it. Glad my style’s evolved since my last comic post because yeesh..
Any of y’all still here?
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thesaladcollective · 2 months
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So I decided to redraw the very first comic strip that was made in my Jenny & Penny series just to see the difference between the art I made in 2017 compared to now. As much as I'd love to redo all the comics like this, it's just not feasible unfortunately (I get too impatient lol). But it was nice to revisit the first strip. When I eventually add onto the series, the style will just randomly change mid story sooooo it is what it is. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also peep the new logo I made for the comic series. Me likey. Glad to see the fandom's not completely dead & there's even a few OG's still lingering around. Hope y'all enjoy. 🎈
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thesaladcollective · 26 days
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To human or not to human.. that is the question for our overthinky sewer clown.
🎈At long last!🎈
The next comic is here! We're finally continuing the story.. what, almost 5 years later? Welp.. I hate that there's such a massive jump in the art style since the previous strip in this series but c'est la vie.. that's what I get for being gone for eons.
[Disclaimer] I appreciate reblogs more than you know! All I ask is that you please don’t delete the original comments. They’re meant to go with the art.
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thesaladcollective · 2 months
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Hi there, figured I needed a pinned intro post & all that. 📌 I’m Jenny but many on here simply call me ‘Salad.’ I chose the randomly generated username Tumblr came up with thinking nothing much would become of this blog but THE JOKE WAS ON MEEEE. I’ve accepted my fate. 🥬🥗🍅
I’m a professional freelance illustrator who draws mostly furry trash outside of Tumblr & I'm into a bunch of other nerdy ish. Also AuDHD af. Back in the heyday of the IT fandom I was mostly known for my Jenny & Penny fan comic. Then life happened so I was forced to shelve the comic (& the entire blog) for quite a few years.
Now, randomly, I’ve kinda decided to revive my weird lil corner of Tumblr. Whether this fandom makes a comeback or eventually fades into obscurity, this blog's here because drawing Pennywise fluff stuff butters my biscuits. If my art does that for even just a handful of others too, then awesome.
Glad you’re here. 🎈
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thesaladcollective · 2 months
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Since I've made a (soft) comeback on here & Penny is giving me aaalll the dopamine right now, I figured I'd throw together a doodle page of his human form from my comic & drop some HC Human Form Penny Facts :
Dislikes being human for too long.
Appearance/movements start to slip into uncanny valley or straight up start reverting back if he’s not paying attention (which is a lot of the time). This requires a lot of reprimanding & reminders from Jenny. Also happens when, like the first fact above, he's been 'human' for too long. It wears the tired boi out.
Still drools but not as much as his default form.
Teeth stay sharp simply because he’s a brat & refuses to have normal human teeth.
Still tall af.
His bright orange hair color in his default form darkens to a more vibrant rust color when human.
Freckles for days.
Eyes turn a deep cerulean.
Fascinated by the taste of human food, which is amplified when in human form. He tends to go a little bonkers over it. (Him & Aximili would get along great in human form together - IYKYK) :::For some reason the colors got super muddied when this uploaded. His hair is much more vibrant on the original file. Get your act together, Tumblr:::
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thesaladcollective · 1 month
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Sneak peek at one of the sketched panels of the next strip. 👀🎈
Next strip, you say?! Yep, it’s finally happening.
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thesaladcollective · 23 days
How would Pennywise feel if he saw Jenny dressed up in a full blown clown outfit with the makeup and red nose and everything?
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He'd feel excited because that means it's Halloween & she's about to take him out on the town & he doesn't have to hide as a human in public for a night. (I was gonna do the red nose like you suggested but I just couldn't pass up the green to match her costume.)
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thesaladcollective · 20 days
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Wanted to show Jenny's full Halloween party fit from this Ask post.
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thesaladcollective · 5 years
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“It's called Fashion, sweetie, look IT up!”
The long-awaited next installment! I’ve missed doing these comics so much. Y’all don’t even know. My inbox was flooded with people inquiring. Sorry I was away for so long.
[Disclaimer] I appreciate reblogs more than you know! All I ask is that you please don’t delete the original comments. They’re meant to go with the art.
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thesaladcollective · 6 years
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Here’s (finally) the continuation of the last few comics. (Check previous ones as a refresher because it’s been a tick since I’ve uploaded. My apologies.)
Those poor fast food workers. As if their job working with the public ain’t hard enough, lol. She needs to make this trip as short as possible, haha.
[Disclaimer] I appreciate reblogs more than you know! All I ask is that you please don’t delete the original comments. They’re meant to go with the art.
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thesaladcollective · 6 years
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Continuation of the previous weeks’ comics. The long awaited human form of my hc Pennywise! He still kept them sharp teefis.
[Disclaimer] I appreciate reblogs more than you know! All I ask is that you please don’t delete the original comments. They’re meant to go with the art.
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thesaladcollective · 7 years
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...it really doesn’t make sense.
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thesaladcollective · 6 years
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Keep it together, Jenny!
This cliffhanger is a continuation of last week’s comic.
[Disclaimer] I appreciate reblogs more than you know! All I ask is that you please don’t delete the original comments. They’re meant to go with the art.
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thesaladcollective · 6 years
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Ruh roh. Looks like someone’s going shopping.
[Disclaimer] I appreciate reblogs more than you know! All I ask is that you please don’t delete the original comments. They’re meant to go with the art.
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thesaladcollective · 7 years
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This is the continuation of last week’s comic. Poor, confused Penny, lol.
[Disclaimer] I appreciate reblogs more than you know! All I ask is that you please don’t delete the original comments. They’re meant to go with the art.
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thesaladcollective · 7 years
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Maybe they’ll scare people with allergies?
@justbreadd gives me the best titles to use, lol
[Disclaimer] I appreciate reblogs more than you know! All I ask is that you please don’t delete the original comments. They’re meant to go with the art.
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