#jet tactician
hilarbees · 2 years
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Here are some more Another Eden sprites~ since this is basically all I have done for two years and all I ever seem to do anymore...........
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carlosyt14 · 3 months
A bit too much fun on Character AI
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Part 2 on reblog
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pupmuseboxmoved · 9 months
Tag dump 3/?
out of yips musebox musings { Yappy Pupper Note - Pup's PSA } { Neat Tunes and Beats - Music } { Crafted From Artful Paws - Kou's Art } { Man Made Weapon to Fight Against Dragons - Yuma Kisaragi } { Dual Blade Wielding Samurai and Leader of Unit 13 - Yamato } { Card Holder and Quick Witted Summoner - Mishiru } { Sly Hacker and Expert Marksman of Agent - Jet } { Dutiful Butler and Medical Skilled Martial Artist - Sakaki } { Arcane Swordsman and Mystic Knight - Yuujin } { Foreteller and Reaper of the Battlefield - Nabaru } { Destructive Force and Heavy Armored Warrior - Bastian } { Magically Attuned and Powerful Spellcaster - Rentsu } { Disciplined Master of the Blade and Samurai - Kirino } { Raven King and Wings Dancing in the Darkness - Naesala } { Hawk King and Lord of the Air - Tibarn } { Black Wolf of the Sands - Volug } { Silent Master of Winds - Soren } { Hero of the Blue Flames - Ike } { Jet-Black General - Zelgius } { Exalt's Deliverer and Trusted Tactician - Robin } { Fateful Royal with a Silent Bloodline - Corrin } { Professor and Fódlan's Star - Byleth } { Heron and White Prince - Reyson } { Friend of Nations - Ranulf }
{ Trusted Pals and Partners - Pokemon }
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pupmusebox · 22 days
Tag dump 3/?
out of yips musebox musings { Yappy Pupper Note - Pup's PSA } { Neat Tunes and Beats - Music } { Crafted From Artful Paws - Kou's Art } { Man Made Weapon to Fight Against Dragons - Yuma Kisaragi } { Dual Blade Wielding Samurai and Leader of Unit 13 - Yamato } { Card Holder and Quick Witted Summoner - Mishiru } { Sly Hacker and Expert Marksman of Agent - Jet } { Dutiful Butler and Medical Skilled Martial Artist - Sakaki } { Arcane Swordsman and Mystic Knight - Yuujin } { Foreteller and Reaper of the Battlefield - Nabaru } { Destructive Force and Heavy Armored Warrior - Bastian } { Magically Attuned and Powerful Spellcaster - Rentsu } { Disciplined Master of the Blade and Samurai - Kirino } { Raven King and Wings Dancing in the Darkness - Naesala } { Hawk King and Lord of the Air - Tibarn } { Black Wolf of the Sands - Volug } { Silent Master of Winds - Soren } { Hero of the Blue Flames - Ike } { Jet-Black General - Zelgius } { Exalt's Deliverer and Trusted Tactician - Robin } { Fateful Royal with a Silent Bloodline - Corrin } { Professor and Fódlan's Star - Byleth } { Heron and White Prince - Reyson } { Friend of Nations - Ranulf }
{ Trusted Pals and Partners - Pokemon }
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cienie-isengardu · 2 months
One of things I like about Zuko and Iroh’s relationship is that while no doubt Iroh is the voice of reason to his traumatized, angry and stubborn nephew, when left unsupervised he can be as much of a disaster as Zuko. And sure, Iroh is a wise man, great tactician and a renowned fighter/soldier but the moment Zuko let uncle out of sight, the man ended:
captured by Earth soldiers because he decided to relax in hot bath and fall asleep fully aware they are on enemy land and Earth Kingdom hates Fire Nation (saved by Zuko)
poisoned himself with the flower he wasn’t sure was edible but still decided to make a tea out of it and then was ready to test his luck with another plant he wasn’t again sure about, to save himself from the first problem (Zuko threw it away before something worse could happen)
betrayed their Fire Nation ethnicity when they pretended to be refugees inside Ba Sing Se city because of course Iroh needed to warm up his cold tea (Zuko immediately called out him on this dangerous stupidity; Jet unfortunately noticed the steam from now hot tea what lead to his and Zuko fight later)
with honorable mention
of Zuko being the voice of reason telling Iroh he can’t take all the pretty shells and other unnecessary stuff because they are carrying their own baggages on their backs now 
and Iroh spending who knows how much money on things that he found on sales even though he was supposed to buy himself only White Lotus pawn (and I’m still not sure if the money was part of Zuko’s ship budget or just Iroh’s own saving).
The thing I love about their dynamic is that yes, uncle Iroh is the voice of reason in the emotional struggles of Zuko (and as much a source of his frustration with all the proverbs), but Zuko too is the voice of reason when it comes down to Iroh indulging himself with things he finds pretty or comforting while totally ignoring the obvious danger or impracticality that would slow them down/burden in their journal. And I really really appreciate that Zuko is not less important to Iroh’s survival & safety than Iroh is to his and that their relationship is not one sided “wise mentor and hot-headed, stubborn student” because they both may drive each other crazy at times, and have different sense of comfort and safety but they will make sure the other is safe as sound as much as possible. And Zuko is not the only one that gets into trouble due to not thinking well about his actions.
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natrogersfics · 2 months
nat comes home to steve solving a really big problem. bonus points if he ain't doing too well.
Steve Rogers is highly intelligent.
This is a fact Natasha holds as gospel. And no, it’s not just because she’s married to the man. But even if that were the case, she knows that somewhere deep in the servers of one Nicholas J. Fury, she could find droves of IQ tests and reports that would only fortify the claim. She’s seen it in action, too – how quickly he had learned to pilot a modern jet just weeks out of the ice and how adept he had become at utilizing gear that Tony had just spun up in his workshop.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise then how naturally he’s taken to being a father. While it’s only been half a year since she and Sarah had come home, with how instantly he could alleviate whatever thought was burdening their daughter with his words or a single touch, one would never guess that this experience is still novel to him.
Of course, their little girl played a big role in that as well. Sarah is everything any parent could have hoped for in a child and more. Sweet, exceptionally smart, and above all else, caring. From experience, she knows that loving Sarah is as easy as breathing, and based on the way Steve’s eyes sparkle with adoration every single time he looks at her, she knows that he shares the sentiment.
Nevertheless, their daughter is still only three, and while her legion of aunts and uncles will swear up and down that she’s the most behaved child in the history of children, she also knows that Sarah can be just as curious and determined as three-year-olds come – something her father is just now becoming privy to. The hard way.
“Daddy,” Sarah whines from where she’s perched on their bathroom counter. “Can we go now?”
“Not yet, Princess,” Steve says, using that patient yet still gentle tone of his that he only ever uses with their daughter. “Daddy needs a little more time to wash off this…” – he takes the tube from Sarah’s grasp, reading the label – “full-coverage concealer.”
Steve’s voice falters with what can only be described as dread before he subsequently mutters a Christ under his breath, his hands coming to rest on his hips as he takes in the disaster zone that is their bathroom counter with the same intensity he would a schematic for their next mission. And as she leans against the doorframe watching all of this unfold, she has to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from chuckling.
Formulate a new plan on the fly while they were on the battlefield and had bullets raining down on them? He wasn’t coined the Man With a Plan for nothing. Take on multiple hostiles coming at him all by himself? He could do that all day. But knowing what to do when their daughter gets her hands on a stash of heavy-duty makeup? That, apparently, is the one time where Captain America, master tactician, finds himself completely out of his depth.
And boy, does their daughter sense it as she lets out an exasperated sigh. “Daddy-”
“Just a minute, love,” he says, scratching the back of his neck. “Daddy’s thinking…”
“But Daddy,” Sarah says, exaggerating every syllable. “Me and Uncle Bruce are having a tea party-”
“Oil,” Steve says, really more to himself than anyone else as he ignores Sarah’s plea. “Oil’s gotta get this off.” He turns to Sarah. “Stay here. I just have to grab something from the kitchen.”
She’s not sure if Sarah even truly understands the implication of her father’s words, but she certainly catches the uncertainty in them, and that’s enough to make the little girl’s eyes grow wide as saucers. “No!”
“There’s a cleansing balm under the sink,” she interjects, finally making her presence known and causing both Steve and Sarah to look her way, and she certainly doesn’t miss the way relief washes over the pair of them.
“Mama, you’re home!” Sarah greets happily at the same time Steve makes a comment about her being back early.
“Mission wrapped up faster than expected,” she tells Steve as she pushes off the frame. He steps aside as she nears, letting her take his place in front of Sarah, only for her brows to lift in amusement when she finally sees the full extent of their daughter’s handiwork. Not only did Sarah smother her complexion in concealer, but she also decided that she needed to use what she’s sure is her liquid lipstick as blush and her mascara to do her brows while she was at it. She laughs softly. “Hi, sweetheart.”
“I put makeup on, mama,” Sarah announces proudly. “All by myself!”
“And it won’t come off,” Steve adds.
“I can see that,” she says, stealing a glance at Steve and smirking when his expression clearly shows he does not buy that she’s only just arrived. She attempts to appear more serious as she turns back to Sarah. “What did I say about playing with my makeup, Little Miss?”
“Not to do it,” Sarah mumbles, eyes downturned. “But I wanted to be pretty like you, mama.”
“Oh, Sarah,” she sighs, tucking a finger under the girl’s chin and lifting it gently so her eyes can meet hers. “You don’t need any of this stuff to be pretty.”
“Daddy always says you’re beautiful when you wear makeup,” Sarah explains, pouting.
“I think mama’s beautiful all the time,” Steve clarifies, stepping closer to them and crouching down until he’s eye-level with Sarah so she can see him smile. “I think both my girls are.”
Sarah’s lips lift in a smile that mirrors Steve’s before she lets her big, blue eyes flicker between her parents. “I’m sorry.”
She and Steve share a quick glance, silently affirming how hard, if not outright impossible, it is to be mad at their daughter. “It’s okay, baby,” she says, running a hand through Sarah’s curls. “Makeup’s not bad, it’s just not for you yet. When you’re a little older, okay?” Sarah nods in agreement, and she leans down to dust a kiss to the crown of her head. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
It takes a quarter of a bottle of Micellar water, a few heaping scoops of cleansing balm, and many gripes from Sarah about her shirt getting wet, but eventually, they successfully get every trace of makeup off her face. “All right,” she says, lifting Sarah off the counter and setting her on her feet. “Why don’t you go pick out some clothes so I can drop you off at Uncle Bruce’s floor for your tea party?”
Sarah takes off with a squeal at her question, prompting her to shake her head at her daughter’s retreating figure.
“You know, I would’ve figured it out.”
She turns just as Steve throws another bunch of cotton pads into the trash. “Oh yeah,” she says, moving to rest her hip against the counter. “And would that have been before or after you doused our daughter in olive oil?”
“Hey, in my defense, none of it was coming off!”
“So your solution was to marinade her?” she challenges, unable to keep from chuckling when he glares at her. “Oh, come on. I’m kidding!” She hooks her fingers into his belt loops, playfully pulling him towards her so she can wrap her arms around his neck. “She’s been trying to get her fingers on that kit for days. She was bound to get it at some point.”
His hands find her waist as he lets out a sigh. “I’m sorry she ruined all your makeup,” he says. “I only looked away for a second to load the dishwasher, I swear.”
“She’s the daughter of two former SHIELD agents, what did you expect?” she says, laughing when he only shakes his head in concession. “Honestly, I’m just glad that I got here when I did.” He lifts his brow up in question, and she points towards the lip gloss stain on his collar. “Saves me from asking you where this came from. Because if I found this in the laundry? Believe me, you’d be prone on the ground right now.”
He scoffs as though the thought of him stepping out on her is the most ridiculous thing he’s ever heard, eliciting a laugh out of her. “Your mission go okay?”
“As okay as missions involving kids as hostages can go,” she says, shrugging. “We got them out and that’s all that matters.”
“And you kicked the crap out of the people who took them hostage, right?”
She rolls her eyes. “Naturally.”
He grins, and she swears she catches the pride that flashes in his eyes. “Well, we’re glad you’re home,” he says, pulling her in for a kiss. “Missed you.”
“Did you now?”
He hums in confirmation, and she can only grin as he leans down to capture her lips in his again before kissing a path down the side of her jaw. “I could tell you how much,” he says, his grip on her waist tightening as he pulls her even closer to whisper in her ear, “but I think you’d much prefer that I show you.”
“Actually…” she says, pulling away to show him the smirk that’s formed on her lips. “I’d much prefer to have a bathroom that’s not covered in makeup.” He throws his head back in a groan, and she chuckles as she pats his shoulder. “Get cleaning, soldier.”
He shakes his head as he watches her make her way out, a smug look practically plastered on her face. “Tease!”
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helix-enterprises117 · 3 months
Halo Reloaded: Rogue
Under the harsh artificial lights of the Autumn 2.0’s hangar bay, an impromptu arena was set, charged with an electric anticipation. Arrayed in a loose semi-circle, Blue, Red, Cobalt, and Silver Teams stood in full battle regalia, their armor a kaleidoscope of war-torn stories. In their midst, almost deceptively calm, stood John-117. His stance was relaxed, but there was an undeniable tension in the air, the kind that precedes storms.
Fred-104, of Blue-Team, took a step forward, his voice echoing slightly off the metallic walls. "John, you’re making a mistake. We’ve bled together, faced down the impossible. You don’t have to walk this path alone."
John’s helmet tilted slightly, considering Fred’s words. "This isn’t about us," he replied, his voice betraying a hint of underlying conflict. "It’s about Cortana. I can’t, I won’t, leave her to face whatever’s out there on her own."
Jerome-092, the de facto leader of Red-Team, chimed in with a mix of frustration and understanding. "You taught us to value the chain of command, to trust in the system. Why can't you follow your own advice?"
"It's not that simple," John countered, his tone firm. "This goes beyond orders. If there's a chance Cortana needs me, I have to try."
Yaz-112, her voice as cool and measured as her tactical mind, added, "We get loyalty, John. But defying direct orders? This is bigger than any single Spartan. We have to think about the consequences."
"Maybe you’re right," John conceded, though his stance remained unyielded. "But if there’s even a sliver of hope that I can help her, then I have to act. Consequences be damned."
With those final words, the uneasy truce shattered...
As the first move was made, John launched himself into the fray with a burst of speed that blurred the lines between human capability and machine-like efficiency. He met Kelly-087's charge head-on, their collision a thunderclap of power. Kelly, renowned for her unmatched speed, darted around John in a dizzying display, striking from all sides. But John, ever the tactician, anticipated her patterns, catching her mid-lunge and using her momentum to hurl her into a nearby Warthog, the impact echoing like a struck gong.
No sooner had Kelly been dealt with than Linda-058 took her shot from afar, her sniper rounds singing through the air. John twisted and dodged with preternatural agility, closing the distance between them with a calculated rush. He vaulted over a crate, grabbed a discarded energy sword, and deflected a bullet at the last second, the round grazing his armor. In a fluid motion, he disarmed Linda, their faces inches apart, before gently pushing her back with a nudge that said, "Gotcha."
The spectacle drew the attention of Jerome-092, Douglas-042, and Alice-130 of Red Team, who advanced as a cohesive unit. Jerome, leading the charge, was a behemoth, his every step shaking the ground. John met his advance with a defiant roar, their fists clashing with the force of cannon fire. Meanwhile, Douglas and Alice attempted a pincer maneuver, but John, ever vigilant, released a smoke grenade, obscuring their vision. Amidst the confusion, he engaged them in close combat, delivering a series of precise, disabling blows that left them momentarily incapacitated.
With Red Team down, Cobalt and Silver Teams joined the fray, their movements a whirlwind of strategic precision. Yet, John, standing at the eye of the storm, was a force of nature unto himself. He intercepted Yaz-112 and Karim-002 mid-assault, their fists and feet a blur of motion. John ducked, weaved, and countered, his armor scoring with each contact yet never yielding. A swift, judicious kick sent Karim skidding across the floor, while Yaz found herself caught in a lock that required her to yield lest her arm be broken.
Riz-028 and Kai-125 of Silver Team, not to be outdone, launched a coordinated aerial assault, jet packs igniting as they descended upon John like avenging angels. But John, predicting their trajectory, rolled away at the last moment, causing them to collide with each other instead. As they untangled themselves, John saluted them mockingly before moving on.
The climax of the battle saw John facing Vannak-134, his size and strength rivaling that of Jerome. Their duel was a masterpiece of power and agility, each blow from Vannak met with a parry or dodge from John. The hangar rang with the sound of their conflict until John, seizing an opening, executed a stunning judo throw that sent Vannak crashing into a stack of supply crates.
Breathing heavily, John scanned the hangar, his opponents defeated but unharmed, their respect for him undiminished by the battle.
As John reached the Condor, ready to make his escape, Kai-125’s voice crackled over the comm. "You know this makes you a traitor, right? There’s no turning back from this."John paused, his hand on the Condor’s hatch. "I know," he admitted, the weight of his decision clear in his voice. "But if there's the slightest chance I can save her, then it's a risk I'm willing to take."
He didn’t wait for a response, sealing the hatch behind him and launching into the unknown, leaving a wake of mixed feelings among his fellow Spartans. They understood his motivations, even if they couldn’t agree with his methods. John had made his choice, driven by a loyalty that transcended orders, a dedication to a friend that could not be swayed by protocol or decree.In the aftermath, as the Spartans regrouped, there was an unspoken agreement. John had chosen his path, driven by a bond that, to him, was worth any sacrifice. And while they couldn’t follow him down that path, they couldn’t help but respect his resolve. In the end, John did what he believed was right, consequences be damned.
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snowyknight-17 · 28 days
I’m gonna leave this WIP here for a bit…
NSFW under the cut
Featuring Hancock and other FO4 mentions
“Let me ask you something,” John sat lazily on his sofa drawing another puff from his cigarette; eyes hooded under a tilted tri-corner hat,
“Why me?” Hancock paused for affect watching Annie twiddle her thumbs and pull at her jacket,
“You come all this way for a tussle all the while passing up 3 to 4 other dicks on much prettier men.”
Annie only now realized she’d been holding her breath and let it out loudly; but before she could make her plea John put out his cig and lit another.
It was hard to not notice how smooth Hancock moved, like water, and Annie was here to swim.
“For instance, that ‘holier then thou’ Paladin of yours. Yeah I see him get an eyeful every time you turn around, big lumbering soldier gets all pink in the cheeks when you take lead. Or that boss of his,”
Hancock snapped his fingers trying to remember Elder Maxson’s name,
“Elder Scarface. I fuckin hate that bigot but don’t mean he wouldn’t turn to putty the second you touched his shoulder. Guy’s so frickin tightly wound, I bet he’d cum by the fifth bounce. Sure he acts like a war tactician, bloodline bred for excellence, deathclaw slayer but I’d bet my last cap he’d turn into a little red faced bitch/sub underneath you.”
The conjured image was not unpleasant. Maxson begging for release, reduced to a tear stained, blubbering mess. Hands bound of front of him trying to feel any inch of her sweat slicked skin…
Her ears began to beat to the rush of blood to her face, had the room always been this hot?
John was standing over his coffee table, fingering through his stash of chems; amongst the stash were random bullets, poker chips, buttons and a magazine of some porno called “Three’s a crowd”. The cover showed 3 men in a cramped space with the same amount of lust in their eyes that Annie had for Hancock. He pocketed a jet then shot a round of hydra into his shoulder.
Annie remembered the last time they traveled together a couple of months ago. Helping out the folks at The Slog, when suddenly 3 super mutants appeared. They were low on the totem pole though; carrying only one pipe rifle the other two had 2x4’s, so they went down pretty quick, but not before John took a wack to his right side from one of the boards. He recovered fast due to his ghoul flesh, but his shoulder joint would always get stiff in rainy weather. If he would only ask, she would rub it.
Hancock made no sign he’d just been jabbed by a needle. Just rotated his arm adjusting the tight muscle, retuning his cigarette to his lips. Giving her body a quick once over before continuing,
“How about that Boy Scout lieutenant of yours? He’d practically marry you if you asked nicely…”
“Preston is an angel and wouldn’t know how to fuck me into a mattress of his life depended on it.”
John snorted, “Don’t be too sure about that chica. Every time I meander my way to your castle, I can practically feel the buzz coming off him when you’re around. He may be a saint but he’s still a man.”
Preston was Annie’s friend. Her first friend. She knew he wanted more, but she didn’t feel the same. It felt wrong to think of him that way when she had no intention of cultivating a relationship with him.
By now Hancock was close. Close enough to feel his warmth, smell his tobacco, see little stains on his red coat from when he refills the oil lamps. He huffed a final draft of smoke just to the side of her, before dropping and stepping on the butt. He adjusted his hat and looked her in the eye. Black voids meeting pale blues.
“Or perhaps this is a social call for a whole other reason.” His rough hands were barely touching her hips. Gentle caresses over her dirty jeans, his fingers sliding into her back pockets, heat radiating off him now. The front corner of his hat brushing against her hair,
Annie looked up and saw a restraint set in his jaw. As she leaned in to kiss the ghoul, he leaned back away from her mouth, and with a softness asked,
“Any chance you’re here to forget about that doe eyed, southern man you’ve been chasing?”
The mention of Jake sucked the heat out of the room. Annie felt a humid cold spread over her, tears pricked at the corner of her eyes and weakness began to build.
Gods she loved him. Wanted him. Needed him; and what’s worse is Jake wanted her too. They kissed once after GNN was won. But Jake had to talk her down from taking more. While he wanted something between them to bloom, he just couldn’t give himself fully until his daughter was found. She understood. Hell she knew better than most what it means to have a child missing; her own son still in the clutches of ‘lord knows where’.
It made her sick to think about. Her baby boy, out there, somewhere. Was he safe? Well fed? Happy? Annie didn’t know. Was she terrible for wanting a distraction now and then in the arms of a lover while her dream guy worked endlessly looking for his baby?
Thick, wet tears trickled down her flush cheeks. They culminated in salty pools in the crease of her mouth only to be swiped away by Hancock’s thumb.
“What makes you think a boozy night with a mug like mine would make the ache go away?” His hands were no longer on her ass but on the small of her back, rubbing soothing circles.
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femuirdris · 7 months
Fire Emblem Heroes | Rating: G | Character Focus: Chrom, F!Robin | Ship(s): M!Chrobin, F!Chrobin
A new Robin is summoned to Askr, unbeknownst to Chrom.
Chrobin Week 2023, Day 1: Encounter
[Read on AO3!]
As he paraded through the Askr castle grounds, Chrom found a familiar hooded figure leaned up against a tree, a large tome in his hands.
“Oh, Robin! There you are! Are you up for a round of sparring? The summoner has some new training manuals I’d love to practice!”
The person returning his gaze was most certainly not Robin, despite sharing the same tactician’s coat and… outfit? How curious. They also shared the same silvery locks, but this one had much longer hair pulled into twin tails spilling from their hood. Their eyes were a deeper brown than the gold he knew. And yet… they seemed so familiar…
“Ah, then you know who I am?” Chrom asked, perplexed.
They chuckled. “Ha ha, very funny. Next you’re going to tell me that there are better places to study a tome than the ground.”
Chrom’s heart fluttered like a newborn pegasus at their smile, but despite the feeling of familiarity, he took a cautionary step back. “I-I am afraid we have never met.”
“Chrom,” they said sternly, standing up to put their hands on their hips, “It’s me, Robin! Your wife! Did the summoner’s portal give you amnesia?”
Wife… wife?!
“I-er, my apologies, milady, but—but I am happily married to… er… Robin… my husband Robin!”
“Your… but we’re… how…”
Chrom crossed his arms, doing his best to wrap his mind around how there could possibly be two Robins here—let alone one of another gender whom he had never met! At least when a second Robin showed up in his world, it was an alternate future version of the Robin he married. Gods, even that was difficult for him to grasp.
“I’m… not entirely familiar with what the summoner’s power entails, but… perhaps… Much like my daughter Lucina came to my time from her future…”
Her face lit up with realization. “There could be other worlds…! How fascinating… Other worlds with other mes… and—“ she paused, her lips pulling into a frown. “And Chroms who aren’t the one I know.”
Chrom stepped forward, placing a gentle but firm hand on her shoulder. “I may not be the Chrom from your world, and we may not have the same exact experiences, but fate brought us together all the same.”
She smiled once more, a warmer one this time. He took a moment to more closely evaluate her features—a rounder jaw, thinner brows, slightly fuller lips… but still unmistakably Robin. And unlike in his world, where Lucina’s future Robin was overtaken by Grima… this was Robin through and through.
She slowly touched a gloved hand to his face, her lips gently pursed as though she was throughly examining him, too. “You really are Chrom from another world, aren’t you?”
Her hand grazed his ear. “There.” She jetted a laugh from her nose, though Chrom couldn’t possibly fathom why. A missing battle scar, perhaps? Based on the blush painting her cheeks, maybe they had a scuffle during a sparring match—but she didn’t seem to be jumping to explain herself.
“You’ve the keen eye of a tactician! Fortunately for me, the differences between you and my Robin are not quite so subtle… though you still managed to fool me,” he joked, eliciting a shy giggle from Robin. “Would you like to meet him?”
She grinned, that familiar thirst for knowledge in her eyes. “Absolutely!”
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chatadile2 · 11 months
Hi! Would you be willing to share anything more about your sidestep? 👀 no pressure, of course, but I’d love to hear more about them!
Hihi, yee don't mind don't mind, thank you for the ask and the interest in her!
One thing before I do tho, that this might change later on mattering from how the next 2 books will be when they come out (not like I'm gonna really remember my choices, so probably will replay and deviate from how I did originally in most things), but overall it shouldn't really, just wanna let my Sidestep actually have a happy life after what happened and be able to heal <:D
Also this is going to be long from what I have written so far, way more than I expected, but hope it's alr :D
(It probably has spoilers in there, but tried to not say too much to make sure anyone reading won't be getting the full picture, till they get there. Also edited it, so it has a cut, cause realised that it might take up more space in searches than I want it to)
-Her name is Tiaxy Draconic (based on my sona since I like to have her in any kind of interactive book story to see what can happen with her and to enjoy the story a bit more personally), a gal with white skin, longer braided blond hair and green eyes, who is a seasoned tech-savy tactician, that becomes very conflicted by the events retribution towards her own self, her villain persona, puppet, life and emotions overall making things more complicated than ever,
-Big sweet toothed telepath, favourite sweet specifically is cheescake!
-Her villain name is Tiamat, based on the goddess and looks somewhat like what they designed for her in the game Smite (Overall my sona herself is connected in a way to the goddess in her own lore outside of the books, so seemed most fitting to make it her villain self's armor), but made to fit the story a bit better, other than with the armor having an expressive face on the helmet, which can show her emotions well enough when she wants it to that can be controlled with cams inside the head aimed at her face and with through the ui. The armor itself wouldn't be exactly like the book describes, being apart, but together, like the power armor in fallout (much more to my liking for what I'm imagining an armor of hers is). It's in the terrifying category with speed, jet boost and telepathy enhancing, helping to keep the "no hit record" alive and well enough that she only got hit majorly once, she isn't planning to get hit majorly anymore even if the armor can take it,
-Main motivation as a villain is justice and truth on the other side and she is an anarchist in the 1st playthrough, mattering from which I like, might switch to another (not really into the politics, but doesn't mean I didn't like punting a guy in one of the later missions tho),
-Her base is an abandoned office building (or whatever it was, can't remember the exact name atm), she refurbished it enough to live there, making sure her armor is close enough by for easy access, old apartment wasn't bad though, she lived well enough, manipulating rich peeps to give her their money, funding her life easily, puppet stayed above the apartment after she moved though,
-As a villain, she isn't trying to kill anyone, atleast any civilians (anyone else will get punted if they are in the way), knows they aren't the problem and tries to show the truth to them and to overall everyone, trying to plant doupt where it needs to be present, even if it's naive at that time, her goals are overall heroic rather than villanious,
-She might pretend a lot, masking as she had always done in fear of being seen and recognised, she is trying/starting to be more positive and genuine towards the end, not by much, but it's way bigger difference then in rebirth with her being very antisocial, it might bite her later though, like before, but hopefully can get out of trouble in the next books,
-Says she doesn't want to keep her friends, yet does, doesn't wanna interact with them, yet does and runs into them by accident a lot, doesn't want to love anyone, yet again does and says things she says she didn't actually want and why did she even do so, for example, she agreed to get together with Herald when she didn't exactly plan to, surpising even her own self and ofc making Herald very happy (he is too much of a positive influence on her, both physical and mental, and she couldn't say no, even tho she thinks she wanted to, she didn't, she can't deny it >:]),
-She overall knows something is wrong with her, broken (literally, yknow yknow when), and instead of keeping the destructive habits, tries to get herself together proper and tries to heal, as well as her own self allows and is able of course, and even tries to accept herself somewhat even if it's very hard, she agreed to see the therapist too by Ortega's wishes and recommendation in rebirth and didn't push them away too much in retri, didn't reveal too much either, but wasn't overall hostile, so didn't really regret it that much compared to when she agreed to it and said it helped some,
-Nightmares are still plenty regardless of change (which I hope will change later and she actually can get sleep, cause my god she needs it, every sidestep needs to have a good night sleep),
-As mentioned, she is starting to accept herself, so she is starting to use her puppet a bit less after 2 years and deciding to start going by herself more to wherever she needs to be or mainly in armor rather most of the time though,
-Speaking of the puppet, his name is Jake a white skinned, green eyed, black and green wild haired guy, who got together with Ortega in rebirth and are eternally flirting in retri, which is still the case by the end,
-Puppet met Ortega while boxing, getting some emotions out, they train whenever they can,
-As herself, she became Herald's coach, which was the extent she wanted the connection be, but things took a turn for possibly better than expected,
-Became even more friendly friends by retri with Steel, Ortega, Herald (ofc, who wouldn't) and Mortum through her puppet (broke my heart through the first playthrough tho of retri when Tia gave him the gun as herself and decided it's as good as of a time to tell him something very important [I never regretted anything more in my life, physical and mental damage irl that I didn't think was possible ;-;], hoping tho that it won't bite me later and actually be agood thing),
-Since she unintentionally (def intentionally, even if she doesn't realise) got closer with most of the rangers (other than Argent, they are netrual since rebirth), they all noticed something up with her and always ask "are you okay?", which she at the 4th time was like "why is everyone keep asking me this???", which was honestly pretty funny, getting asked so many times if she is, ofc she isn't, but she won't gonna say it just yet (she did admit it a bit though, with Ortega in rebirth, he did recommend the therapist for a reason),
-Spoon is still the best thing that happened interms of animal interactions, she enjoyed her time with Steel there a ton,
-Would absolutelly be a cat person, if she didn't know better, wouldn't mind a dog either (she needs a therapy dog by the end, I swear, hoping and praying here [even if that doesn't happen, rat king might be better for that purpose for Sidestep specifically]),
-Other than the rangers and a select few, she isn't fond of people regardless of how much change she goes through, that won't change, antisocial all the wayyy babbbyyyy other than friends ofc,
-Compared to rebirth, she calmed down a lot more from the high of her villain self's deput, still that doesn't mean she isn't excited to go and be the villain whenever the time comes, that's still exciting regardless, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have her doubts about wether or not it is truly the right path she decided upon after everything,
-Likes rainy days and water overall. Likes to just watch rainfall from her room, esp likes it when it pours. It's somehow pretty terapeutic just watching and listening to the rain fall. Whenever she is able, she does go to the beach to listen to the waves,
-Likes to wear an almost fully black coat, which is just a very dark shade of blue, likes the fact it is long and almost reach the ground, under it a light blue shirt, with long dark purple pants and formal-ish shoes that are made to make sure she can walk on wet and otherwise problematic surfaces without any trouble, and she wears white gloves.
And I think that's it atm, can't remember more from the top of my head and I think this is plenty for now anyways, I wrote down a lot more than I expected to have! Hopefully this can give a bit more inside into my darling Sidestep, since I'm an artist, I might even draw them depending on if I can stick with what I'm drawing and not just put it on the shelf for later, yknow yknow gjjfj.
Again, thank you for the interest in my gal! If you have anymore questions about her that are more specific and not answered here, just lmk! I don't mind talking about it and aswering, I rather enjoy doing so :]
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Welcome to the Resting Glitch Face pod!
This is the official tumblr account for the podcast Resting Glitch Face. We are a mostly woman Shadowrun AP set in the mean streets of St Louis in 2081. We are a character driven podcast with action, drama, and especially romance.
Our cast of characters includes:
Bianca aka Eris- the Face. She's a rich girl with a reckless streak trying to prove that she doesn't need her family's money or approval
Jo aka Collateral- the Muscle. She's a championship boxer grappling with mysterious latent magical abilities that killed her career, but are opening more and more doors
Val aka Binary- the Hacker. She's a technomancer who takes being the mom friend very seriously, but as the effects of a childhood spent in a medical testing center begin to surface, she struggles to hold on
Juilliard aka Jet- the Thief. She's an ex Prima Ballerina whose career was cut short and now uses her talents on the wrong side of the law, but her past is literally catching up with her
Also Featuring:
Cami aka Arsenal- the Tactician. She's an expert marksman with ties to the army, but she's beginning to feel the tension between the conflicting goals of her friends and the man she loves
You can tune in for a new episode every other Monday here or by searching your podcatcher of choice. We also have a fun and active community on our discord, which you can join here
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cyannchavez · 1 year
Gajevy Analysis
I'm so glad that I finally have the time to really dive deep into this topic. I have been wanting to do this for so long but never had the time! So I wanted to introduce you all to my deep, DEEP dive of Gajevy. In this essay I will talk about every single moment that features Gajeel and Levy in the manga I might even compare to the anime at certain points. Let me tell you I read the entire manga page by page to find every single Gajevy moment I could, big and small. In this essay we will explore the characteristics and personalities of these two wonderful characters and how they came together to become one of the most loved couples in Fairy Tail. So I hope that y'all enjoy this analysis as much as I enjoyed making it! 
        I wanna start off with the first half of this pair that we are introduced to in the beginning of the manga and that is Levy Mcgarden. Levy is a 17 year old girl with short but wild blue hair, we learn right away that she is very short for her age, maybe 5 ft 2in or even shorter it's never proven but she brings it up often. She has big brown eyes and her outfit consists of a yellow bikini top covered with a blue vest and khaki like shorts. Overall she's a real cutie, not only that but she is very sweet, loving and kind. 
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        She is also the leader of her own three person team Shadowgear. We learn more about her as time goes on from little appearances she makes in smaller panels. She's extremely intelligent and reads like there's no tomorrow. She doesn't like violence as she never joins in when her guild members fight, she's more of a tactician and peace maker. But she's quick on her feet and uses her attacks to her advantage when she has to use them. Her magic is awesome and slap yer grandma powerful. However, due to her peaceful and loving nature she tries to avoid using it if possible. She uses a holy type of magic called solid script. Writing runes and words into solid materials such as oil, iron, and stone. I for one think that her magic has so much potential but sadly it's so underutilized in the manga which makes sense considering levy doesn't like to fight but dang give me more please! Levy Mcgarden does indeed start off as a minor character but grows into so much more as the series goes on. We find this out as we reach chapter 47, a chapter that will change her character all together.
   We start off on chapter 47 with Natsu, Erza, Gray, Lucy and Happy returning home from their most recent mission. They comment on the guild looking so bizarre from far away but not really realizing exactly what's wrong with the guild until they get up close enough to see. They finally look at their guild hall which is deformed and destroyed by several metal looking beams. The beams protrude out from the building in every direction. Team Natsu travels down to the hall basement to get answers from the master. Who is less than helpful and is even drunk. However in that moment we can see he is upset and is drowning his sorrows in alcohol. We find out that a rival guild named Phantom Lord destroyed their guild hall in the middle of the night while everyone was sleeping peacefully in their homes. That next night everyone pairs up for safety reasons. While everyone is together, trying to remain safe for the night something sinister is happening in town. But before I talk about that I wanna bring up our antagonist of this arc. Gajeel Redfox, shockingly the other half of our favorite couple Gajevy. 
We meet Gajeel in his guild hall while he is eating with his back turned away from us. He knocks out a guild mate when they disturb him while he eats, turning so we can finally see what this man looks like. Gajeel is a towering man at least 6 ft tall, his eyes are blood red and he has long spiky jet black hair, he also adorns piercings totaling at about 21 piercings on his face not including the ones on his arms. He has a black Phantom lord emblem on his right shoulder. His fashion choice is a little strange. He wears a black shirt that fits into his iron studded belt. It is way longer in the back making it look like some kind of frayed, torn up cloak. He wears baggy white pants stuffed into black steel toed boots covered in iron studs. Safe to say this man is absolutely terrifying.
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 We learn a tiny bit about his personality other than “EVIL.” Gajeel is easily agitated as seen when he is disturbed while hes eating, he loves to fight, maim, and even torture. His magic which we find out later is Iron dragon slayer magic. He is introduced as Natsu's opposite, both being dragon slayers but one that was abandoned but found by Fairy Tail and raised with love and the other being abandoned and left to fight for himself. A perfect representation of nature vs nurture. Gajeel stands with his fist clenched ranting about how Phantom lord is a more powerful guild than Fairy Tail. His master Jose congratulates him on his destruction of the Fairy Tail guild hall. Gajeel goes on to explain that he doesn't think they were hard enough on them so he decided to leave them a little something extra, a present. 
During the night while everyone sleeps Gajeel stalks an unassuming Fairy tail team consisting of three people, Jet, Droy and to much of our shock Levy Mcgarden. This is where i'm gonna compare the manga to the anime. First off in the manga we don't see the attack take place we only see a cut straight to the next morning where we find the three mages crucified in a row on the sola tree in the middle of the park high up off the ground. They are beaten and bloody, their clothes are ripped, and Levy is branded with the Phantom Lord emblem on her stomach as a calling card. In the anime Gajeel is standing on the roof of a neighboring building stalking the three Fairy Tail members as they happily stroll along unassuming. Gajeel then leaps from atop a building and makes a direct beeline for Levy Mcgarden. I took a moment to go back and watch that episode recently using my handy dandy pause button to see the moment leading up to what would be one of the darkest moments in all of Fairy Tail. Levy is still turned away from her assailant while Jet and Droy turn around in surprise and fear realizing that they are about to be attacked. Levy on the other hand has yet to notice. You see Jet and Droy reach out for Levy to pull her away but it all happens too fast for them to reach her in time. I hit the play button and pause again quickly to see the two are now out of sight and Levy finally turns around. She looks surprised. From watching this scene I think we are seeing this from Gajeels point of view when he first saw Levy the two make direct eye contact. His red eyes meet her big brown ones and the scene cuts out to black after we get a close up of her left eye wide with surprise and fear. We hear a loud banging noise, the sound of metal coming into contact with a human body. In the anime the three are still strung up on the tree knocked unconscious. This on its own is absolutely soul crushing the fact that these three suffered through an entire night their arms stretched passed farther than they're normally supposed to stretch suspended in the air at least 20 ft off the ground with broken bones and hanging on by a thread makes me feel so sick to my stomach. Fairy Tail is normally a pretty light hearted story so this really blew me away during my first reading of the manga.  
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 Looking back on all this for this essay I realize Gajeel did this without his master's blessing without anyone else in their guild knowing. He receives praise from his master for doing so and Gajeel looks on laughing and bragging about what he has done. At this point in time Gajeel is still young, maybe 20 or 19 at the most. He wanted to please his master, like a kid who wants their fathers approval. He did this to get the admiration of the guild and master. He wanted to be the biggest baddest guy they had and this in itself really shows his age in my opinion. He has no remorse because no one has ever told him that hurting people isn't right, he's only ever been praised for it. He didn't need to do this. He had attacked the guild like he was told to do. Yet he still felt like he didn't get the reaction he wanted and proceeded to take drastic measures. He wanted to humiliate not only Fairy Tail but humiliate Levy, Jet and Droy and he did just that. 
This concludes the first meeting between Gajeel Redfox and Levy Mcgarden. So this begs the question, “how in the hell did these two end up together?” That we can kinda guess and piece together. Especially since Fairy Tail is a shonen we don't get much romance. But I have been able to piece together a hopefully accurate timeline showcasing the long and grueling walk these two had to take to come together in the end. 
The Battle of Fairy Tail 
We move on to our next arc where we see Gajeel once again yet this time he is a member of Fairy Tail. Brought on by none other than master Makarov. Everyone is rightfully angry, livid at the idea of Gajeel being a part of Fairy Tail so suddenly. Levy hides behind a wall shaking like a leaf, terribly afraid of Gajeel. She tries to reassure everyone that she is ok with him there and that everyone else should be ok with it as well yet she says this while her body shakes. Levy is afraid of Gajeel but as she tries to move on from this trauma she tries to be strong, speaking up in an effort to show she doesn't care that Gajeel is there even though she's not happy about it. Jet and Droy are less than happy when they see Gajeel even telling the dragon slayer to meet them where the attack took place to “talk.” Gajeel does take the time before his mission to meet up with the two men where he sees Levy yet again hiding behind the sola tree trying to shield herself from his view. She tries to talk Jet and Droy down, she explains that she no longer holds a grudge about that anymore. Not only is she in the exact place that night took place but she is also standing feet away from the man who attacked her and her friends. She is expecting Jet and Droy to get hurt, she has seen Gajeels strength. Jet and Droy don't listen, brushing off her words as they move forward to attack Gajeel. Shockingly we see Gajeel fall, getting hit by every attack that Jet and Droy send his way. Levy looks surprised that he is going down, she almost looks confused. Why is Gajeel getting beaten so easily when she's seen him fight? Levy is smart and she slowly figures out what Gajeel is doing before anyone else. When Laxus shows up and continues to beat Gajeel into the dirt she flinches at him being attacked. Even though she is afraid of Gajeel, Levy hates to see anyone be hurt. She watches nervously as he gets beaten covering her face with her hands realizing that the reason Gajeel is going down so easily is because he's trying to show them that he is one of them now, he is trying to gain their acceptance. 
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In one lightning fast moment Laxus shoots a bolt of electricity straight towards Levy, she shields her face preparing for the impact,…which never comes. She opens her eyes to see Gajeel standing in front of her bleeding and wounded.
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 Everyone stands in silence and in shock at how Gajeel protects Levy. Gajeel walks off beaten, wobbling away as the shocked Levy tries to get a word out. We don't know what she is going to say but I think she struggles for the first time in her life to get the right words out because she is so dazed and so confused as to why he saved her. She is so used to the evil Gajeel the fact that she is seeing that there is indeed something good inside him surprises her. 
This arc was a great arc for Gajeels redemption; people still don’t trust him at all except for Juvia. Levy still keeps her distance if possible.  After the ladies return from being turned to stone by Evergreen they all talk about how they are going to fight back against Laxus. Levy takes it upon herself to free Natsu and Gajeel from the runes that trap them in the guild hall.  
       I love this chapter and moment between Gajeel and Levy for two reasons, number one: this is the first time we see Gajeel and Levy have a normal interaction. They're talking as if they've been acquainted for a while and I find this very interesting. Gajeel is amazed at Levy's intelligence, you can literally see the gears in his brain turning as he tries to understand what levy is saying. Of course to him it's a jumbled mess of words and codes but he knows it means something and she's on the right track because they are forming TRUST.
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He is putting his trust into the woman that he has hurt in the past even though he thinks she has every right to hate him. She doesn't have to help him get out of there but he is now a member of Fairy Tail and she really believes that he can help fight for their guild after he jumped in front of a deadly attack to save her life. If he didnt care, he wouldn't have saved her but he did! Number two: Levy is so swept up in her love for puzzles and solving runes that she is comfortable in her environment once again. All the moments we have seen her prior with Gajeel have been with her in fear and uneasiness. But right now in this moment she feels strong and powerful, she's doing something for the good of her guild and is even telling Gajeel straight to his face what she has to do in order to get them out. I also love how dorky they are in this moment like they are so damn awkward around each other I can hardly stomach it, I fucking love that shit. 
After Levy finally gets them out of the guild hall Gajeel and Natsu battle Laxus until they are too exhausted to continue, while this is happening Levy is running as fast as she can to stop Laxus and let him know that Makarov is on death's door. When she arrives. She tries to convince Laxus to stop this whole madness and go see his grandfather one last time. Of course Laxus at this point is too far gone to listen and he activates Fairy law which of course doesn't hurt anyone. Gajeel lifts himself and asks Levy if she is ok. I love this part cause he is genuinely concerned for her safety like damn I'm getting all teary-eyed. We then watch Natsu almost die and Gajeel once again risks his life to save Fairy Tail. Levy again looks shocked that he is still putting his life on the line. I feel like this doesn't really cement her trust for him but it definitely gets the gears in her brain turning on how this man really is a member of Fairy Tail even though he still has a long way to go. 
Of course, Fairy Tail ends up winning this battle by the skin of their teeth. Gajeel is covered in full body bandages as he watches everyone laugh and talk after the fantasia parade. He looks down over everyone including team shadowgear kinda foreshadowing his involvement in their lives as time goes on. I have no idea if Hiro Mashima meant for Gajeel and Levy to end up together this early in the manga but this tiny little scene of him just staring at her makes me think he had the idea early on. I feel like Gajeel is watching out for her from afar, they haven't built that friendship yet so he isn't comfortable just talking to her or even Jet and Droy for that matter. So he watches them from far away. I also wanna talk about how Gajeel is a double agent at this point of the story. When we all thought this man was for sure going to betray Fairy Tail. He hands the master a note letting him know that he found Ivan and that his job as a double agent is all going according to plan. This is another way of Gajeel trying his best to gain the acceptance of not only the guild but his new master as well. This is a habit of Gajeels, putting himself in danger to prove himself. He has a tremendous amount of guilt for what he did and he does want to make up for it. 
This relationship does start off badly, we are all aware of that. Levy is still uneasy and nervous around Gajeel but she is coming around, Gajeel on the other hand is guilty of his wrongdoings and tries to keep his distance but shows Levy through his actions that he is sorry. Many fans of Fairy Tail bring this topic up often “why hasn't Gajeel apologized for what he did?” He may have apologized but we don't know because it is never shown. I honestly think Gajeel is too much of an awkward guy to try and put himself out there to apologize, I mean lets be honest Gajeel is not great with words. So he shows he is sorry by protecting his new family. 
We slowly make our way to one of the most important arcs of the story involving Gajeel and Levy and that is the S Class Trials. The master explains that he has picked the people for the trial that deserve S class, the people who strive for greatness and are powerful in strength, mind and body. When Levy's name is called she is rightfully excited at first but of course puts herself down. Saying she is not strong enough for the trials and is confused as to why the master chose her. The master didn't choose Levy just because. He has seen her strength, he has seen her work and he knows she is strong and capable. I want to remind you that this trial is not easy to complete. The master picks his candidates based on whether they are strong enough to do so and Levy is of course picked meaning that she can do this. He wouldn't put someone who isn't ready into the trials. 
Levy sits on a bench thinking and mulling over why she was chosen while Jet and Droy argue to be her partner. While this is happening Gajeel, who is upset that he wasn't chosen, comes up to Levy offering to be her partner for the trials. Levy explains that she doesn't know why he would even want to help her considering she is too small and weak and that they will probably lose right away. Gajeel rolls his eyes at this, picking her up by the back of her dress with ease. He tells her not to give up before she has even tried and lets loose that infamous line “I’ll make you big.” Levy blushes, at this point Gajeel and levy are still awkwardly tip-toeing around each other but this is one of their first interactions as actual acquaintances. This builds her confidence slightly, a fire growing inside her to win the trials and prove herself not only to her guild but to Gajeel that she is stronger than he thinks. 
The two start off the trials with the serenity route which makes Gajeel upset. He wants to fight but levy is relying on her brains for this portion of the trial and a whole lot of luck. They are exact opposites and have no idea how to work together at least not yet. Gajeel complains throughout the whole walk to find Mavis' resting place. Agitating Levy, this girl is an overthinker, as Gajeel complains about not being able to fight, Levy reads this as him not being interested in helping her get S Class but he is in it for himself and this has Levy thinking that when he said he’l make her big he didn't mean it he just wanted to fight. Levy feels insecure about herself once again because Gajeel had made her feel strong but now he makes it seem like he doesn't care. He does care. But like I said earlier Gajeel is not great with words. Levy takes off in anger leaving Gajeel behind. As Levy runs through the island as she thinks about everything that has happened between the two of them, the attack on her team still in the back of her mind, she hasn't fully healed yet and as she desperately tries to move on and put her trust in Gajeel she feels like she can't. She was really coming around to fully trusting Gajeel. She thinks to herself that she thought he was actually a nice guy deep down but he obviously hasn't changed. This upsets her because Levy is a smart woman, she reads people really well. When she saw that Gajeel was beginning to make a change for the better she truly believed that. But this makes her feel like he isn't changing as much as she thought he was.  
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Her thoughts are cut short when she is ambushed by two members of Grimoire Heart, they pin her down and prepare to literally slice her in two. Before that happens Gajeel jumps in and saves her life. He says that she is so tiny he had a hard time finding her so to never leave his side again. Levy looks on in surprise, proving everything she was thinking about him wrong. He cares, and he is there to help her, yes he loves to fight but he doesn't hesitate to protect her when she is in need. Levy wipes away her tears and stands to Gajeels back ready to fight with him. 
Gajeel and levy give it their all but are ultimately defeated. Gajeel realizes that they are in danger and tells Levy to run and that he will hold Grimoire Heart off while she goes and gets help. Levy is hesitant to leave him there alone. Considering he has protected her many times and she doesn't want to leave her friend behind to possibly die. He screams at her to leave and she does but not after giving him some iron to bring his strength back up. We finally come around to full on trust between these two. Gajeel trusts that Levy will get out and find backup and Levy trusts Gajeel to not die and make it out alive. The Iron with the heart in the middle is our first hint at Levy's feelings for Gajeel. This man has shown her time and time again that he will change and he will put in the effort to make it happen. This event brings the two tremendously close, they are now actually friends. 
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This part of the story is huge for Gajeel, Grimiore Heart reminding him of what he used to be. We get a few AMAZING panels of how Gajeel actually joined Fairy Tail. Gajeel is down on his luck living in the ruins of his guild hall, starving, lonely and homeless. Makarov Seeks him out asking if he is interested in joining Fairy Tail. This confuses Gajeel, considering everything he did to Fairy Tail. He tries to give the master reasons why he shouldn't join. He destroyed their guild hall, Makarov replies saying that they can just rebuild it. Gajeel then brings up what he did to team shadow gear and Makarov replies differently this time saying he will NEVER forgive him for that no matter what. But Makarov refuses to allow Gajeel to fall into the darkness. Makarov reaches out his hand saying that he's not trying to save Gajeel but he is just trying to show him the right path, the good path. The newly inspired Gajeel takes the master's hand joining Fairy Tail for good. 
This memory gives Gajeel the strength to continue, he has people he wants to protect, the people who gave him a chance, the people who helped him when he needed it the most. Gajeel delivers a final blow sending the members of Grimoire Heart flying. Gajeel passes out from exhaustion. He opens his eyes to Levy by his side in tears, and with backup. This moment is absolutely beautiful because Gajeel looks at her realizing that Levy actually cares for him seeing her tears and worries with his own eyes. She asks him if he is ok, and he smirks at her letting her know that he told her he could beat those guys. Levy smiles at him, her tears falling. Levy is so proud of Gajeel and what he has done not only for her but for their guild. Levy picks him up and drags him to camp, returning the favor after he saved her. These two characters have fully come around, becoming closer than most characters in the manga.
  The arc goes on with them arguing, making jokes, and picking little fights with each other, all in good fun of course. Before they are attacked by Acnologia they even hold hands going down together. Their newfound friendship still baffles me because I do feel like it was handled well. They aren't in love or anything just yet, but they really do put all their trust in each other and rely on each other and I LOVE THAT. 
Grand Magic Games 
This arc is kinda random but we see Gajeel show up in this arc as part of Fairy Tail team B. He's also suddenly wearing headbands……like where did he get that from hmmmm I wonder. It's funny but I definitely think Levy gives Gajeel the headbands to keep his crazy hair out of his face while he fights. It's not proven but Levy is the only one who wears headbands. COINCIDENCE I THINK NOT!
      Gajeel fights in the games and Levy is cheering him on the entire time. We don't know this in the beginning but the narrator of this arc is future Levy herself. Let me just say I was so heartbroken when we saw the future Levy all alone in the future scarred up and beaten. She is lonely and hidden away left alone to die. She writes to Lucy who will never receive the letter but she does this as a way to heal. She explains that they lost everyone, even her beloved. We all know who she is talking about here. We don't know what happened but Gajeel died. This is never brought up again and we can only assume that Levy ends up dying alone in the future at some point. After future Lucy is reunited with everyone in Fairy Tail in Heaven we see Gajeels silhouette, we see everyone really except for Levy. God, it kills me, Mashima of course never tells us what happened to her, but I'm certain that she lived and then died later. 
This arc is….WILD. We all know why too hehehe. In this arc Gajeel fights against Torafuzar, this fight takes place in an enclosed building that is filled to the top with water, poison water at that. As everyone floats around drowning Gajeel has iron insides so the poison doesn't affect him the way it affects everyone else. He holds his breath as best as he can, fighting for his life, he can feel his lungs begging for oxygen as he gets tossed around in the water, not being able to move as quickly as Torafuzar. We get the scene where he floats down into darkness unable to hold his breath any longer, believing that this is it, he is going to die. He begs for air but sees a small ball of light coming toward him. He tries to shoo the light away saying he needs air not light. The lights grow closer and when he thinks he can no longer hold on. Levy appears as the light he was seeing and she blows her last bit of air into his lungs.
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 Gajeel’s eyes open wide in shock. He suddenly has air. He spots Levy, confused, “why is she here and when did she get there?” She floats down into the darkness and he watches in shock and worry. Until he sees Torafuzar make a direct attack on levy, angry that she saved Gajeel. Gajeel jumps in right before Torafuzar is able to hurt Levy holding her close to his body and throwing his fist straight down on Torafuzars head. We have multiple translations of this scene. Gajeel says pretty much the same thing in all “Hands off,” “Don't you touch her” or “out of my way!” I love this scene for so many reasons, Gajeel has no idea what Levy did, only that she saved him when he thought he was a goner. This is the funny thing with these two they both will put their life on the line to save each other. I like to believe that they definitely have feelings for each other at this point. I mean it's hard to deny, considering they both will die for the other like wow! 
After Gajeel knocks Torafuzar to the bottom of the poisoned water, Gajeel tries to rouse Levy, shaking her back and forth and screaming at her to hang on and wake up. (Also why the hell can they talk in the water? Are they talking in the water? Or do they talk telepathically? This will forever confuse me but meh.) Levy finally jolts awake at her limit for air. Gajeel screams at her to produce more air for everyone. Levy shakes her head thinking to herself that she has no more air to give and that the only reason she gave him the air was that he was the closest. (sure levy…suuuuuure.) Gajeel grabs her screaming,  “What are you talking about, you're a wizard! Make some air with your magic!” Levy stares in confusion quickly turning to embarrassment when she realizes she didn't have to give Gajeel mouth-to-mouth in the first place she coulda just made it. This is hilarious, it kills me every time. But also People forget that this was an insane situation, Levy was probably low on air and panicking, she saw Gajeel and knew that he could save everyone so she did the first thing that came to mind. She isn't dumb she just couldn't think in a dangerous situation. 
Levy uses solid script crafting an air bubble the two burst from the water into the air bubble taking in gulps of air. Gajeel now has enough to fight. Gajeel swims off to take care of Torafuzar leaving Levy to take care of everyone else. “Gajeel thanks Levy for saving his life saying he would have been a goner without her. The fight goes on and Gajeel is grabbed by Torafuzar he struggles to escape but turns to check on Levy. He watches her air bubble blip out of existence and she passes out from taking in too much carbon-laced water. His eyes grow wide as he watches her sink, throwing him into a memory. 
This is a side of Gajeel we haven't seen in a long time. Gajeels memory consists of him standing in a room at the magic council, probably being charged with some crime he committed in the name of the Phantom Lord. As Gajeel walks out to leave, an old woman on the Magic Council named Belno follows Gajeel outside. She goes on to beg him to leave Phantom Lord, she says she has seen many young men just like him and every single one was lonely and sad deep down inside. Gajeel scoffs angrily at her for telling him what to do. He blows her off trying to ignore her words. She stops him one last time telling Gajeel that she doesn't need him to be an upstanding citizen but to give his life some meaning. Gajeel grows excited, turning to laugh that his life has plenty of meaning and that he is going to war with Fairy Tail. of course the war with Fairy Tail is a moment that he will regret for the rest of his life. After Gajeel, Levy, Jet, and Droy find Belno dead in her home, Gajeel seems upset as Levy tries to calm him. Gajeel then secretly travels to the roof to cry, heartbroken that Belno was watching out for him and he never gave her the time of day, he cries, saddened by the fact that Belno will never see who he is now and that he has given his life meaning. The meaning of his life being that he will keep his family and his friends safe no matter what. 
At the end of this arc, the guild has been destroyed and the master makes the decision to disband Fairy Tail for good. Everyone is heartbroken at this fact and goes their separate ways. Gajeel and Levy however decide to leave together with Pantherlily to join the magic council
This is our final arc in the story of Gajeel and Levy. We meet the two again with Pantherlily as they now work for the magic council custody enforcement unit. Levy returns from a mission where she infiltrated the cult. She explains that mixing in with the believers was super easy but getting out was hard. I love this about Levy, she infiltrated a whole ass cult which of course is crazy dangerous. Levy, Gajeel and Pantherlily talk about Gray and everything with him joining the cult. Gajeel states that they will stop him and that he is no longer their friend. Levy seems saddened by this but agrees nonetheless. Of course, we find out Gray was just doing the same thing Levy was doing and Gray knew it was Levy immediately and that she needed to work on her disguise. 
We fast forward to The ladies of Fairy tail in the bathhouse that belongs to blue Pegasus after traveling for a long while. The men sit on the other side of the bathhouse and they all chat through the gate. Gajeel gets thrown out by Elfman hitting Ichiya, and sending Gajeel flying through the gate naked. He lands right on top of a naked Levy. He mentions that he is cushioned but not by much (Which makes me so mad by the way Gajeel totally deserves to be hit after this comment.) She is embarrassed, punching Gajeel calling him a dummy while Gajeel screams out in pain. Gajeel isn't embarrassed about being on top of Levy naked in front of everyone but Levy freaks! 
Then we see the infamous blanket scene while everyone relaxes before the battle that they are certain is coming. We see Gajeel lying on his back shirtless staring at the ceiling, his waist covered by a blanket with stars on it. A few panels later we see Levy sleeping as well….with the same fucking star blanket! Like what!!!!! Of course, I believe that they were sleeping together in the same bed. This makes me think that over the past year that these two were in the magic council, their relationship has started to grow into something more than friends. We don't know exactly what happened in that past year but there had to be something. There is no awkwardness between them as they share a sleeping space but they are together. Another thing that supports this theory is that they are both on opposite sides of the bed, Gajeel being on the right side and Levy on the left. Idk maybe I’m crazy but I couldn't believe it when I saw it. 
We move on again seeing mavis explain that she fell in love with Zeref and because of her sins all this terrible stuff is happening. Gajeel interjects with my favorite line of his in the entire series. “It's not a sin to fall in love.” Alluding to Gajeels feelings about a certain blue-haired fairy. I feel Gajeel says this because he's been through something not really similar to Mavis but similar in how they feel about falling in love with someone. Mavis is upset about falling in love with Zeref and the bad things that came from it, viewing it as a sin. Gajeel is guilty about falling in love with Levy because of what he did to her when they first met and he feels he doesn't deserve it viewing it as a sin at one point but he is slowly coming around to accepting it. This makes Levy blush because deep down I think she knows what he's talking about. 
The next time we see them together Gajeel and Levy can't sleep before meeting up with Sabertooth. Gajeel sits crouched on the ledge of a mountain where Levy asks him if he's having trouble sleeping. He tells her that obviously, she's having trouble sleeping as well. She explains it’s because she is scared of the fight that's to come and she's worried that it will be the end for all of them. She says she isn't as strong as everyone else and she's afraid to die. Gajeel then blocks her in with a bunch of iron pillars before getting in front of her and leaning on one of them to talk to her. He tells her she is under arrest for doubting herself, she apologizes and Gajeel tells her that he promises that since she's under arrest he will throw her in the guild hall cell when they get back home. Levy smiles and nods. He isn't really talking about arresting her here. He's upset with her for doubting herself, yes but what he's really saying is that everything will be ok. They are going to make it home alive and together. I love this scene because they both understand each other without being direct with one another and I think that shows just how much they have grown together in the past year. 
The next part is…dark. We see Sabertooth never made it to the rendezvous point due to them being attacked and crucified. This shocks Gajeel and Levy; they are horrified. Levy knowing how terrible it feels to be crucified and Gajeel knowing what it feels like to crucify someone. They fight saving Sabertooth, until Gajeel gets his hands on Bloodman, the monster that crucified Sabertooth. Gajeel pins him against a tree asking him “do you have any idea how it feels to be crucified?” Gajeel is angry because Bloodman has forced Gajeel to relive the worst memory of his life. Crucifying team shadowgear, specifically crucifying the woman he now loves. Gajeel tells Boodman he's glad he gets to fight him and even if he dies that it's ok because he's been looking for a spot to be his final resting place. Levy gives him a sad look as he says this, heartbroken first off that Gajeel has to relive this terrible moment in his life and saddened by the fact that he says he doesn't mind dying. Gajeel fights with everything he has telling everyone to get away because the Bloodman is emitting magic barrier particles, a poison that means death for whoever comes in contact with it. Gajeel falls and as Bloodman prepares to attack him Levy jumps in front of him using her solid script shine. Bloodman is reeled back surprised, referring to Levy's magic at holy. 
Gajeel screams at Levy to get out of there but Levy turns revealing her makeshift mask. Stating that the poison can't get into her if she wears it. Gajeel believes her, Levy then scolds Gajeel saying that he shouldn't be talking the way he was about wanting to die. Gajeel tries to explain that he didn't mean it but Levy doesn't agree. She states that his life is important to her and she wants him to keep on living. 
The fight proceeds with Gajeel and Levy working together to defeat Bloodman. They almost drown once again after Bloodman tries to use a tartaros curse on them. Levy uses Solid Script Hole to drain all the poison water into the ground while Gajeel attacks. Gajeel and Levy work great together, I think back to the S Class trials when they had no idea how to work together but now they've been doing it for so long it's like second nature to them. Levy and Gajeel are then swept away by a sea of corpses. Gajeel wades as fast as he can through the corpses to pull Levy out with him. Both mages fall to the ground in exhaustion. Both are badly injured as they try to pick themselves up but Levy is having a hard time doing so. She collapses again and begins to cough up blood and poison. Gajeel panics, screaming that she needs to get her mask back on now. Then Levy confesses that the mask never worked in the first place. So this entire time she has been allowing the magic barrier particles to be absorbed through her skin filling her body with the poison. I wanna say that Bloodman literally didn't even touch the other people who died when they were fighting. Levy literally swam in the poison and inhaled the poison yet she is still alive…what a bad bitch. Gajeel freaks out at her rightfully so asking why in the hell she would even go there. And Levy replies weakly that all she wanted to do was save him. She then passes out. Gajeel screams her name in worry before telling her to hang on, and that he will handle Bloodman. Gajeel gets knocked around like a rag doll but continues to pursue Bloodman like there's no tomorrow desperate to win and desperate to save Levy. Gajeel thinks to himself about how he's always felt like the weakest of the Dragon Slayers and how he's always felt that he's fallen behind. At the time, beating Natsu and being the strongest is what he cared about the most. But now all he cares about is protecting Levy, the woman he fell in love with. 
Gajeel screams out that he will get Levy back home safe no matter what, keeping the promise he made to her a few chapters back when they were talking on the ledge of the mountain. After Bloodman disappears Gajeel turns to Levy with a smile on his face, and he says her name. But before he can go to her Gajeel is grabbed by Bloodman who is turning into this kinda hell portal thing that turns people completely into magic barrier particles. Gajeel squirms and struggles to break free realizing that the portal is pulling him inside. 
We reach the only chapter of Fairy Tail that has actually made me cry. Levy watches as Gajeel gets sucked into the portal; she uses all her strength to stand spitting up blood as she does so. Running to Gajeel to save him. Gajeel screams at her to stay away from him that if she touches him she too will die. He says that he can feel his body turning into a mass of magic barrier particles and it's too late to save him. Levy shakes this off saying she doesn't care what happens to her and that she WILL save him. Gajeel pins Levy to a rock in the same crucifixion style that both of them hate. Levy yells at him asking him what he thinks he's doing. Gajeel looks down ashamed that he is doing this to her once again saying that she left him with no other choice.
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Levy because she is such a freaking badass uses her foot to write the word sword cutting her free from her restraints Gajeel begs her to please stop but before she can reach Gajeel something stops her and holds her back. Lily. Gajeel gives a smile of relief as Lily holds Levy back from going any further. Levy fights to get out of Lily's grip begging him to let her go so she can save Gajeel screaming that if she doesn't do something Gajeel is going to die. She begins to cry in frustration and sadness. Until Gajeel says her name. He tells her that he used to be such a horrible person, but then he met her. She was able to bring out all the best parts of him. Parts of him he didn't even know he had. “You taught me what it means to love..and for that I will be eternally grateful.” Levy is crying so hard at this point realizing that Gajeel is going to die. Gajeel smiles at her his own tears forming in the corners of his eyes. He says that falling in love with her made him think about things he never thought he would think about. A future with her, a family with her, and just all around being happy with her. We get a few shots that I absolutely love. Gajeel laying in the grass with Levy laying on his chest, now I don't know if this is a memory of them taking a nap together or just him imagining what it would be like. But I like to think that this is a memory. A shot of Gajeel and Levy with their children, and a shot of levy giving him a smile.
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 Gajeel begins to let his tears fall as he's further sucked into the portal. He says “I really did want us to be together forever..and having that future snatched away from me is the most terrifying thing I've ever had to endure.” Levy screams for him begging him to stay with her but at this point, Gajeel's face is the only thing that can be seen in the portal. Gajeel tells Lily to get Levy back home and makes him promise that he will do so. Then in a blip, Gajeel is gone. Levy screams out his name crying for him with Lily. This was the most heartbreaking moment. The two people that loved Gajeel more than anything crying over his death. They hold each other sobbing. Gajeel never thought he would ever be loved by anyone. Lily and Levy truly changed that for him. They were his family, the people that he trusted more than anyone in all of Fairy Tail. 
Of course, we find out Gajeel is ALIVE! I held my breath man I was like there ain't no way this man is dead and we were all right. Gajeel thinks about how he supposedly died and blushes because he realizes that he totally confessed his undying love. Levy finds out he is alive and is so happy when she sees him again she gives him a big ole kiss….just kidding she dropkicks him in the face. He falls back and she straddles him crying telling him that he needs to keep his promise of taking her back to the guild, Gajeel smiles and nods. After a big fight with Acnologia everyone comes together again happy that they won. We get a tiny little shot of Gajeel holding Levy and Lily close. Levy cries tears of joy and Jet and Droy stand in the back cheering at the fact that they all finally won.
We end the Fairy Tail manga with Levy coming up to Gajeel through the narration of Lucy. It is a year later at this point and Lucy explains how Gajeel and Levy have grown even closer over the last year (meaning they're dating.) Levy whispers in Gajeel's ear something secretive and Gajeel gasps in shock blushing profusely. Lucy then begins to blush confused thinking she just heard Levy say the word baby. Wendy however knows as she is steaming in embarrassment. This of course confirms that Levy and Gajeel are indeed going to have a baby. Y'all know what that means. Y’all know where babies come from hehehehe. They even end up leaving the party, Lily goes to Jet and Droy asking if either of them has seen Levy and Gajeel. Jet and Droy yell at Lily not to ask them and to think about their feelings. Where did Gajeel and Levy go? Maybe they went to “celebrate?” 
The Fight
Now I wanna talk about their meeting. Gajeel used to be a terrible person and what he did to Levy, Jet, and Droy was completely inexcusable. It was not ok but it was integral to his development. Gajeel doesn't do an immediate 180 and Levy does not fall in love with him right away. Levy doesn't forgive right away either. He doesn't join Fairy tail and she immediately accepts it. Levy is terrified of Gajeel still she is actively hiding away from him in multiple panels. When Jet and Droy go to fight Gajeel Levy follows quietly; she doesn't say a word until Gajeel shows up. The only reason she tries to stop Jet and Droy in the first place is that she is afraid that they'll get hurt. She also, like I said before, hates violence it seems to me she honestly wants to move on and ignore Gajeel if she can. We have no idea what kind of fight they had that night of the attack and I don't think we will ever know. But I think it's important that we don't know. This moment is something that only Jet, Droy, Gajeel and Levy know and it stays that way because it's dark, and it's not easy to talk about. One thing that I hate seeing is the whole disgust with Levy falling for a man who hurt her. Now let me explain myself and why I think that is wrong! Levy is not a victim, Levy is a strong and capable wizard. Levy is a member of Fairy Tail even though she hates fighting and she tries to avoid it, she will fight if she has to. Don't forget that Levy is also the leader of her own fighting team, Levy's job is to be a fighter. Gajeel didn't just beat up a girl, he fought another mage. I believe 100% that Shadowgear fought him with everything they had, they just were on the losing end of the fight. Yes, sneaking up on Shadowgear was a shitty thing to do but they are enemies of course they're gonna fight. 
Levy's clothes 
After the Phantom lord arc, we see Levy again and she looks slightly different from when we last saw her. A few paragraphs above I really went into detail on how Levy dresses. Her outfits in Fairy Tail really tell us a lot. That being how she is feeling and her mental state. Levy is still very happy and sweet per the usual greeting Lucy as she returns from her mission. Levy is now dressed in a turtle-neck orange dress that reaches the middle of her thigh. Underneath she has another layer, long sleeves adorn her arms leaving her shoulders bare and long black leggings…in the summer. Why is she dressed this way? I believe this is far from just a fashion statement. This particular outfit covers not all but most of her skin. The only remaining skin is her face, shoulders, and hands. Levy is covering herself as a way to hide. After what happened with Gajeel she feels embarrassed, nervous, and maybe even exposed after having a dark guild emblem forced upon her bare stomach. Being covered is her way of protecting herself. At this time even though she may not say it, the attack on her team really did a number on her, and most importantly her confidence, the horrible event is still fresh in her mind. Early Levy is a fairly confident woman, she is a leader and she is very capable. Not being able to protect her team or herself really knocks Levy down and now she's struggling to believe in herself and believe in her confidence. 
She ends up changing her outfit again in the S class trials. Now more comfortable around Gajeel. She also has more confidence after Gajeel told her he'd make her big. She exchanges her orange turtle neck for a short orange dress that bares her legs and shoulders.
Levy is slowly growing, her trauma falling behind her.
The last outfit everyone loves including me is of course the white crop top with the word iron on it, the gray skirt and black leggings. This is her “I love Gajeel” outfit I swear to god. Levy is now complete again and she is stronger than ever before and I love that about her. She really did grow in so many ways…not in her height but in everything else hahaha. 
A common theme in Gajeel and Levy's relationship is the theme of forgiveness. Levy does not forgive Gajeel right away and Gajeel takes FOREVER to forgive himself. Gajeel and Levy don't talk about their first meeting which I understand. It's a sore subject. Gajeel however is a man of action. He shows that he will do anything for team Shadowgear and the guilds forgiveness. Protecting Levy is his way of apologizing. The man would take a bullet for this woman I kid you not. In the beginning it was a way of apologizing but now it's because she is his family and he loves her. Instead of being on his knees begging for forgiveness he gives Levy reasons to believe in him and to forgive him. Which is something that Levy needs. I don’t feel like she is one for taking apologies and just forgiving a person. I do think she wants to be shown that the person doing the apologizing is actually sincere. 
After a year of all this Levy finally gives Gajeel a shot by letting him help her with the S class trials. That scene with her running away from him after they argue on Tenrou Island isn’t just her being overly dramatic. This scene is important to Levy's development because she is fighting to forgive. Levy does want to let it go and trust Gajeel but to do that she needs to see it and believe it. The whole reason she runs away is that she thinks Gajeel hasn't changed when she was certain he had. He just doesn't know how to talk right that big ole dummy. Only after he saves her life again and they almost die together after Acnologia tries to kill them all does she truly and fully forgive him. 
It was a long road but Levy got there, Gajeel on the other hand has the hardest time forgiving himself. In stories like this, we always talk about the person who needs to do the forgiving, never the person who is searching for that forgiveness. Gajeel is a deeply emotional person. I know it might not look like it but he truly is. Gajeel was thrown into this life with nothing but the clothes on his back. This made him very tough and emotionally distant from everyone else but also himself. When he starts to try to earn Fairy Tails’ forgiveness he learns to express his feelings more. Jumping on stage to sing with passion, or crying when he finally gets to have PantherLily as his cat and partner, or being heartbroken about Makarovs sacrifice when he saves them from Acnalogia. This man is learning and thriving, however, there’s one thing that he just cannot get over and that is Levy. We kinda start to see a crush blooming between the two of them. Of course, Levy is good at showing it even though she really tries to hide it. But Gajeel on the other hand is quite different, Gajeel is comfortable around Levy, they are always seen together, and they train together. To the unknowing eye it may look like just pure friendship. He enjoys spending his time with her. We all know Gajeel prefers to be alone or with Lily, Levy is the only person that he hangs out with outside of the guild. But he is hesitant to show that he likes Levy more than a friend but goes out of his way to be with her on multiple occasions. 
When we reach the Alvarez arc he is flirting with her and picking on her. But he still doesn’t confess until he realizes he’s going to die. Gajeel explains how horrible of a person he used to be and Levy is the one who made him want to change. In that moment all the guilt and hurt that Gajeel has held onto all these years falls away as Levy cries for him. He feels like he doesn’t deserve her after what he did. Instead of telling Gajeel that she loves him she cries for him and begs him to stay with her and I think that shows Gajeel what she means by that. Gajeel was certain that no one would ever love him the way Levy does. I feel like another reason Gajeel was so emotional and heartbroken about losing his future with her is that he waited so long to forgive himself..too long. By the time he was ready to confess he was dying and it was too late. 
The path to forgiveness really is a righteous one, Levy forgave him, but not as quickly as everyone says she did. They worked together, they picked each other up constantly, and in the end, they both saved each other. Gajeel saves Levy from her fear of being weak, something that he caused by attacking her in the beginning. He picked her up and put her back together over years of working at it. Gajeel made Levy feel strong once again. Levy then fell in love with him. Levy saves Gajeel by believing in him, believing that he can change and that deep down he is a good person. She pushed him in ways no one else ever could. She pushed him to grow and become better. And in the end, Gajeel fell in love with her for it. 
How did they become who they are?
Sometimes I really look at how far Gajeel has come as a character and who he is as a person. Gajeel like I mentioned above is deeply emotional, he has hardened his heart over the years from being abandoned. The day that Metalicana “left” Gajeel was the day that made him decide he wouldn’t trust anyone ever again. It’s so sad to think about him as a kid wandering for days looking for his father only to come up with nothing. This leaves him homeless and desperate for help from anyone who will give it to him. And that is where I’m thinking Jose entered his life. Giving Gajeel food, a roof over his head, and a life in general. Jose used Gajeels vulnerability to his advantage, Gajeel being a child at the time or maybe even a young teen when he was recruited into Phantom Lord.  So Gajeel learned things all wrong, Jose drilled into him that he had to be the best and to do that he needed to hurt people to get what he wanted. Gajeel was tricked into thinking that Jose, his master, was a father figure and what does Gajeel do? He strives to please him, to show him that he is the best, that he can handle the harder jobs that Jose has to throw at him. While Gajeel sees this as Jose being kind to him, Jose sees Gajeel as a puppet or a pawn nothing more. So when Phantom Lord is disbanded
Gajeel is so lost, he knows nothing else but Phantom Lord so he once again falls into this depressive darkness. If Makarov had never gone to Gajeel that day, I don't think he would have ever joined Fairy Tail, or let alone see levy again. This huge difference between Jose and Levy is crazy because Levy on the other hand believed in Gajeel in a different way, encouraging him to fight and be the best but for good and good only. He struggles to put his trust in her but when he does he grows in all the best ways possible because this is the first time someone has worked to build him up not tear him down. 
We have no idea who Levy used to be before she joined Fairy Tail. Something that I will always wonder is what happened to Levy's parents for her to end up in Fairy Tail? The majority of the children in Fairy Tail have been through some pretty unimaginable things, things that no child should have to go through. There are a few panels and one cover page that show Levy as a little girl in Fairy Tail. She is very, very young in these panels and when we see her she is never smiling. She's frowning or looks sad or uncomfortable, I don't know, maybe I'm crazy but where on earth did this girl come from? It is mentioned in one scene while little Levy plays some kind of version of chess with Cana that she was younger than Cana. I have a theory as to why levy's backstory was never introduced. I think Levy was very young when her parents disappeared or died making her an orphan. She honestly could have been an orphan from the very beginning but we just don't know. Levy integrated into Fairy Tail at such a young age I don't think she even thinks about her real parents. She sees Fairy Tail as her only family. She grew up there and that's why she is the way she is, kind, loving and strong-minded, she learned from tons of good-hearted Fairy Tail mages, so it would make sense that her characteristics and qualities all derive from the people who raised her.
Two Mages and a baby
Gajeel and Levy are seen again and their story continues through the Fairy Tail 100 year quest. Gajeel and Levy are boyfriend and girlfriend now which is so weird to me. I mean I love it but it's just so crazy that it feels surreal. This story is set a little bit after the end of Fairy Tail and Gajeel and Levy are expecting their first child. Gajeel and Levy bicker like an old married couple but they also constantly flirt with each other like teenagers. Levy's unwavering trustful side comes out when they discuss Touka, Gajeel not trusting her stating that she's off for some reason he doesn't know why but he knows something's up. Levy combats this saying that they shouldn't be stalking her and that she is a Fairy Tail mage so why shouldn't they trust her. Gajeel goes on to say that everyone treated him badly when he joined. Levy scoffs, stating that it was because he used to be horrible. They get all up in each other’s faces and Lily tries to cool them down, they both turn telling him to shut up. Levy then stomps off angry, Juvia asks Gajeel if he's sure that fighting with levy was ok. Gajeel turns to state that if Touka is actually evil then she'd be putting levy in danger and he refuses to let that happen. 
It's not fully confirmed at this moment that Levy is pregnant. However, it is finally fully confirmed as Levy walks down the street after catching Gajeel and Juvia still stalking Touka. Gajeel lands on top of Juvia in a very suspicious-looking position on the middle of the sidewalk. Levy looks down at them and Gajeel tries to explain himself. Levy just says “carry on,” and walks away while Gjaeel screams for her to wait. Levy is not jealous in this scene. Levy is just agitated that they still aren't listening to what she had to say when she told them that stalking Touka wasn't a good idea. No she doesn't think Gajeel is cheating bahahaha. She holds her stomach and a little light pools inside, showing Levy's pregnancy.
 Gajeel is very protective of Levy that even when his mind was being controlled by Touka and Levy was fighting Natsu, Gajeel begged Natsu to not fight her afraid. Before Natsu punches Levy in the stomach, he stops mis-swing remembering that she's pregnant. We get a little flashback of Levy telling Lucy, Natsu, and wendy that she is expecting. Natsu asks her if the baby is his and Levy gets flustered screaming at him saying “there's no way in hell that it could be his.” Natsu is not that dumb seriously hahahaha I will never understand why he thinks this way.
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 Natsu is completely frozen in his place, giving Levy the moment to strike, sending him away on a carriage. Gajeel gets upset with Levy saying that what she did was really risky. He then begins to sulk after being beaten by Natsu again. Levy smiles saying that she doesn't care that he lost, holding his hand, she goes on to say that no matter what she will always think Gajeel is the best. We get another scene later on of Gajeel switching bodies with Levy while Sai uses his alchemy love bond which turns people into the person they love. Gajeel gets angry allowing God Serena to get away saying that this body is way too important right now and that if Sai even tries to put a scratch on it he'll smash him to pieces. 
Gajeel shows his affection for Levy constantly in this spin off and I absolutely love it. While Gajeel fights God Serena we get a scary panel of Gajeel being beaten when God Serena asks him if he has any last words, Gajeel looks on in anger and worry. We then see Gajeel slumped against the wall beaten and bloody. God Serena then replies “Oh? A woman's name? Too bad she will never see you again.”  Gajeel was so worried about leaving Levy alone and I think that's why he said her name, maybe even wanting to hear himself say her name one last time IDK but I was all sad.  I think this is an eye-opener for him because when he returns to the guild Levy scolds him for disappearing and that she was worried sick and that he is going to be a dad now so he needs to be close. Gajeel smirks, wrapping his arm around her stating that she's going to be a mom too. They walk off together. I assume Gajeel might be done with doing dangerous things at least for a while so that he can be with Levy and the baby. Gajeel is super excited for the baby, we even get a cover page of him making a baby crib while smiling, and Levy stands behind him smiling as well. Overall I think they are gonna be great parents. They're all grown up now and it literally brings a tear to my eye. We got a little spin off story of Gajeel laying on the ground in his house in his underwear exhausted because he is pushing himself so hard to make more money to support Levy and the baby. Levy comes home to a huge mess and starts to clean but notices Gajeels scars stating that he has so many and there are even more than before. We see a memory of Gajeel explaining that he will be ok and he just wants to make as much money as possible so he can support them. Levy smiles at the memory and lies down on the floor with Gajeel resting her head on his chest. It's absolutely beautiful and Gajeel doesn't even stir awake. He's so used to Levy's presence that he doesn't care; he knows it's her sleeping on him and he just lets her come in for a cuddle. So damn cute!
I feel so lucky that we get to see Gajeel and Levy’s actual romantic relationship, them getting ready to become parents, their flirting and being in love is just so beautiful! I do wonder if they will get married though, or if we will actually get something showing their engagement or even wedding! I cannot wait for this baby to be born or if its actually going to be twins like we all suspect. 
Gajeel and Levy are one of my favorite couples of all time. I'm so happy that I saw these two characters grow together in more ways than one. Seeing where the two of them are now is so fulfilling, being able to watch Gajeel change his ways and being able to watch Levy grow in strength was more than I could have ever asked for. The two of them deserve all the happiness coming their way after working hard for each other for so long. It definitely is a rollercoaster of a ride but it was all worth it in the end. Gajeel is one of the best once a villain and now a hero character i've ever seen. Levy really did bring out the best in him. Now we can't have one without the other. It's no longer just Gajeel or just Levy it's now Gajeel and Levy. Thank y'all so much for taking the time to read this. I hope you all enjoyed reading the entire timeline of how these two ended up together and how they lived, learned and loved. 
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kobblefort · 1 year
Rushsly: The Early Days 1
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So as you can see from the hatch covers I've established a glass-making economy!!! I also catastrophically fucked up trying to dig a moat and make a bridge over it. I think those merchants are just stuck. Well I got them out by designating the bridge+paved road to be deconstructed. Now I have to just make a big-ass bridge which is going to take forever and I don't know if it actually makes a difference but it feels like bigger bridges are slower/less reliable to me. I quite honestly find making defenses very annoying but if all my kobbles died I would be sad so oh well.
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I appointed this zesty girl to the position of "Caravan Tactician" (militia commander for you dwarf purists out there) literally just to make her move out of the construction area, but she has "Unmet need: Fight" so I think this could be good for her. She disdains romance AND friendship, I really like her vibe. Well let's hope that fucking bridge gets done soon and for real this time.
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Here is my tavern/dining hall overlap (I Don't Give A Fuck) which the kobolds decided to call "The Permanent Snack." The kobbles drink Dwarven wine and rice beer out of green glass goblets. I'll admit I went a little crazy with the jet blocks but when you find jet you make jet blocks and when you make jet blocks you use them, it's really just that simple. Ok? Don't freak out. It doesn't have to be a problem. You can just let things happen. Struggling for control will only tear it away from you sooner. I should know. Dwarf Fortress is a game about how you can do everything right but then your little guys all decide to just jump over a wall and get killed by zombies. You have to just "let the world be" as Big Boss says at the end of Metal Gear Solid 4, which is a game I fucking hate but we don't need to get into that now.
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Speaking of rocks and also things I hate, mining has been making me miserable because of this fucking kaolinite shit. This and the plaster-making rock which is named unfortunately close to an anti-Romani slur are the bane of my fucking existence because it means I have to set my auto-mining designations really carefully and specifically instead of just dragging out a big box over the entire floor once I've dug out the shafts.
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Here is a good example of what I was just talking about with the whole not having control over things. You might notice how the planned bridge is one pixel taller now! Well you see the kobolds decided they were simply not going to build it. They just automatically suspended construction every time it was ready because of "item blocking site." Can you see the item that blocked the site? I sure can't!!
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It's not on this Z-level either!!! But you have to just be thankful for what you have sometimes and you can't forget about that. Green glass isn't the most wildly profitable crafting material or anything but it's functionally infinite. So even if the canceled work orders notification window keeps filling up because your little guys keep forgetting they have entire hordes of charcoal and coke and bags of black sand it's okay, because eventually they will make coffins and statues and altars and serrated discs. Have you ever had the guy at a head shop try to prove how good American-blown glass is by just straight up dropping a bong on the floor and being like "that cheap Chinese shit would have just Shattered bro!" because I have, and I'll give you a word of advice, don't buy that fucking bong, the damage is already done, the only question now is whether it shatters right there in the shop or when you're home and it spews putrid bong water everywhere because you're a disgusting 19 year old bachelor who hasn't learned to actually take care of himself or his things and maybe never truly will. But maybe that's the specialty of American glass. You can pretend it's not broken, and it can pretend it's not broken, and for a while even though it is functionally broken and going to explode at just the clinking of a little ice cube a little too hard, you can tell everyone it isn't technically broken despite the structural damage being certain and irreversible since three weeks ago. I have this weird feeling that we pretend all sorts of things aren't broken in America
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Why the fuck is my main production floor like this, what the fuck is wrong with me lol.
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The glassblowing floor is quite nice though. I still need to make offices for my little buddies I'm not sure whether I should do it on a stone floor or just carve out into the one loamy sand floor I haven't touched yet.
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THEY'RE HAVING A PARTY!!! I love the song that plays when they do this. The way they "dance" by just shuffling positions around the room is also very cute and funny to me. I should probably tell them to pick up those dead critters though I don't know if they'll do it themselves. Probably not, right? What's a dead lizard on the floor at a party, right? A skink is a pretty big lizard to be quite honest. I dated a girl who had a pet skink and I remember being so surprised when I touched it. Their scales are very smooth and supple but completely firm. I mean they've got no give at all. Something about the skink was just like, this guy is harder than he ought to be. I forgot his name. I wish I was not such a shitty partner who took everything personal and broke up over fucking Facebook messenger but you can't turn back time. Besides she isn't even the one I became pitifully, embarrassingly obsessed with for the rest of my life. Parties are a time for socialization so let's learn about some more kobolds! It is almost the end of our first year and we received eight migrants.
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Man the cards sure are stacked against her!!! This is Osgi Ritelurk. She is a "competent weaver" but I feel like her miserable hater energies would be pretty well suited to the military if I end up taking that whole angle seriously instead of just focusing on moat + traps. I haven't built a good trap corridor in a while though so that might be what I end up doing instead. Do people still say "trapping out the bando" do people still say "bando." Part of me never left 2014. Why would I? Things still seem like they're going to turn out alright there
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On Speechlessmonstrous wants to help, but she also wants to fight. Been there
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Kikli is a complicated woman. She's like "I don't like to be tied down" but then she owns a pet cat. I guess that's not that weird. Cats will kinda figure their own shit out, they don't need all that much attention. Dogs you have to walk several times a day every day or they're going to go insane and apparently the only way you can deal with that is to just leave them in your apartment building hallway to bark it out for a few hours! It's not like that's a nightmare for the neighbors when it happens at 5 in the fucking morning several times a week or anything. Like sorry guys but you know how dogs are! Just put them in the fucking hallway and make them everyone else's problem like the fucking dad of the serial killer from Heavy Rain. Sorry. I swore I wasn't going to talk about David Cage. I'm not going to talk about David Cage.
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Her name is Ty Lovelyseduce
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Vala Knitpolish is 9 years old but has two lovers that's kind of fucking weird what kind of mod is this????? I guess it's not that weird if they're her age. I don't know. I don't think children should ever do anything. I think they should be basically hermetically sealed so that you never embarrass yourself and nothing fucked up ever happens. Well for a kobold 9 years old is not a child. She also already has the right political ideals. Again another good candidate for the military if I do one. Peasants always make me mad, like get out of the way and let someone actually good at things do them.
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"I'm killing you. I'm killing you. I'm not thinking about anything else. My programming is just, get that fucking guy" - Germ 98
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Some rabbits came to trade! I have to resist the urge to kill them. It's not their fault my stupid fucking piece of shit kobolds won't just build a fucking bridge and have to just manufacture imaginary reasons that they can't no matter how I set it up or what materials I use or fucking anything. They have nothing to do with it! But anger like electricity seeks the path of least resistance and I am angry enough to rob these fucking bastards for all of their shit and then put them in cages and throw the cages down a hole. But why would I do that
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Yeah come on in guys welcome to Rushsly I'm just trying to figure out why the kobolds have marked some of these tiles of the world just completely fucking forbidden and never to be touched!!!
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These tiles!!! These fucking tiles!!!
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Trying to get them to remove them led to this fucking disaster
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Col Lashshimmers: she was "often lustful" and "found the whole idea of introspection offensive." That's all we ever really learned about her I guess. She gets a green glass coffin in the floor I was thinking about putting offices on. I like to use the same layout for tombs as I do for bedrooms. Don't read too much into that please.
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I set up a lever to knock out the supports which I don't know why I built instead of sacrificing any more kobolds to these stupid fucking Cursed Tiles That Must Never Be Touched. Well I guess I get why they were superstitious now! Even though it's kind of their own fucking fault! I mean it's my fault I should have designated that more carefully so that they wouldn't just run out and kill themselves. There's always something you could have done. You didn't have to let anything happen, ever. If you had the courage to say "do you know how fucked up this is" instead of just running away and letting him dig his claws in deeper and convince her YOU were the problem. If you took a deep breath and slowed down and thought about what to do instead of just freaking out impulsively you wouldn't be here playing Dwarf Fortress alone until 4 in the morning, you'd be asleep in the arms of the only person you've truly loved for maybe your entire life. Sorry. I said I wasn't going to talk about David Cage.
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I don't know, I guess let's just try the bridge from another angle. Oh you guys are still here? Yeah, hold on, sorry for the wait and that you had to see a woman die in a construction accident. We'll sell you a box full of gems in exchange for a bunch of fruit, meat, booze and cheese please.
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I know they're rubbing their paws together pleased as fuck that they managed to pass off a barrel of "tomatillo wine" on us, that sounds fucked up. Well I don't know, I guess Bloody Mary's are supposed to be good. I've never had one and I probably never will.
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Destroying the fucked-up failbridge was strangely cathartic. Except we kind of might have accidentally hurt the lapine merchants. Well to be fair it said they "embarked on their journey" a while ago then they just sorta didn't. Like guys don't just stand around, it's fucking dangerous, you literally just saw someone die here a couple days ago, leave.
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We get a big fucking migrant wave which means I have to update the pasture which is already feeling like I built it too small because of fucking course I did but I don't want to break into cavern layers yet so I don't know, maybe we should actually just butcher some animals and eat meat. I think the horses should die first because they are horrific grotesque creatures from Hell that were spurned by God. (You can look this up, it's in textbooks)
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Lots of new faces!
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This bitch's job is Gelder. Her entire job, her purpose and passion in life, is chopping off the fucking nuts of animals. That's how she's made it this far. 28 years old. Gelder. Proficient gelder. Society has a place for each and every last one of us. It's just up to the stupid fucking socioeconomic systems we live under whether we actually get to get in or you just carry boxes full of phone cases back and forth until your legs give out and a guy who walks directly into walls because he's too busy staring at The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy on his phone to look where he's going calls you stupid because you can't figure out what the fuck he meant by his genuinely fucking inscrutable barely-English (even though English is his first language) instructions. Maybe your calling really is to chop the fucking balls off bulls but then you just have to tank emotional abuse from wine-drunk boomers at TGI Friday's until you die because you never met anyone who needed to hire a girl to cut their bull's balls off.
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"Sloppedshower" is such a funny surname that I'll resist my deep-seated impulse to kick this wet fucking blanket out. One of the things about hunters and rangers is that they clog up your notifications and waste all your ammo with their shitty hunting, and they LOVE to start guilds and demand big fancy guild-halls even though they contribute less than your average peasant because those guys are at least around to move stuff. How dare they unionize, even though it's actually just a minor annoyance to me that can be, 9 times out of 10, solved by allocating some resources I literally wasn't even doing anything with. I wonder if this is how the capitalist feels about my life, too. Does Kroger too function just the same as the petulant manchild playing his numbers-go-up game with the fake/abstract little people? "I love Undertime Sloppedshower," lol.
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I've hit the image limit so I'm probably going to stop here for the night. Osgi Ritelurk was taken by a strange mood. This is her chance to make it in the world. Once you create an artifact you've got it made. I've never seen a dwarf or kobold or whatever else recover from failing to make an artifact though, their tantrum usually just leads them down a spiral so bad they eventually just die because they stopped eating or whatever. I don't know if that's realistic or not. Maybe I failed to make my own artifact a while ago and everything since has been one long slow death spiral. But I don't know, life is full of second chances, especially when you don't think you deserve them. Was it actually squandered if it brought you here? You're still alive. You're not a simulation of a kobold or a dwarf, at least I don't think so, so you can tell yourself "oh well, let's try something else" instead of just going out and punching a guy who is carrying a big sword. Maybe you haven't even been taken by the strange mood that leads you to create your artifact in the first place yet. Maybe I haven't either. Maybe this could be my artifact. Oh jesus fucking christ I hope not
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pracses · 7 months
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Spoiler Warning for Loki: Season 2
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We're going to be talking about the difference between the Loki on the right and the Loki on the left. Loki on the left ascended beyond godhood to save one friend. While the Loki on the right ascended to godhood to save a group of friends.
You might be going now Jet, that's not much of a difference, but it actually very much is. The God of Stories ascended beyond godhood. Which means he is more than a god.
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Remember this? This was a god above the gods. Gods that feed on the stories that were being told of the gods of mythologies. He defeated them in order to ascend beyond and became more. He's able to shapeshift and teleport, two things the MCU's Loki cannot do. He's not changing his shape when he takes on other people's appearances, he's merely creating the illusion of the person. Whereas, comic Loki can only ever be himself. He is capable of molecular rearrangement, illusion casting, and telepathy.
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Now as far as his teleportation, this is what the God of Stories is capable of doing. As my friend so eloquently put it, he "Chalk zones" a door. And then walks through it into a space that has gods beyond gods. He then continues his journey with Verity's ghost and ascends beyond godhood. Again I said beyond godhood. Beyond is the key word here. And while the God of Stories and Goddess of the Moon remains rooted beyond godhood. While this is this Loki's abilities, let's look at the MCU Loki's abilities.
Let's look at the abilities of MCU's Loki. He has listed, Superhuman strength, duribility and stamina; as well as high longevity, intelligence, regenerative healing, and telekinesis. Along with this, he's a well known sorcerer and capable of using illusions, manipulating situations, and is a highly noted tactician. This all added upon being highly capable of handling the cold. But these are his base abilities regardless of which Loki we're referencing, isn't it? Let's look a little deeper using seasons 1 and 2 of Loki.
Throughout the show, we see Loki use astral projection and illusions in order to change how he looks or otherwise. The reason I don't count shape shifting as an ability for this Loki is due to his using illusions to make himself look different. These are both the same ability being shown rather than him physically changing his shape. In the media we've seen, he does show the ability to levitate, conjure, and teleport. However, the abilities, as we can already see, are vastly different aside from two of them, wouldn't you say?
In Loki episode 2, Mobius explains that variants are vastly different in their abilities as well as their appearances are different. Which brings us to more of what MCU Can do that the God of Stories can't. I will refer to him as the God of Time, and some more of his abilities are cryokinesis, energy blasts, time manipulation, and, somehow... give life to timelines. Here's where our spoilers come in.
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So these two Lokis are, in fact, not the same and vastly different in multiple ways. Loki: God of Time. Sitting on the Throne of Time. Watching over time itself. Now you remember Loki is able to create illusions??? I would be willing to bet that he can put illusions of himself onto the timeline on order to see his friends thrive. To watch their lives go on as though nothing ever happened. To watch them have lives on their respective timelines without having their lives be put on hold.
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To be the God he needs to be. For them. For Everyone.
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hasbr0mniverse · 1 year
Transformers Energon 2003 - Omnicon Skyblast - Skyblast is a young Omnicon, capable of great speed during flight. In jet mode, his Ariel maneuvers are considered an artform by his Autobot allies and Decepticon enemies. In robot mode, he possesses a powerful arsenal of piercing energon weapons that he wields with great confidence and grace. His favorite weapon is an Energon claw, which he has used to humble some of the toughest Decepticons. Although Skyblast is a skilled tactician and warrior, he feels that his time is better spent practicing his famed ariel stunts.
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animcsus · 4 months
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Spoiler Warning for Loki: Season 2
We’re going to be talking about the difference between the Loki on the right and the Loki on the left. Loki on the left ascended beyond godhood to save one friend. While the Loki on the right ascended to godhood to save a group of friends.
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You might be going now Jet, that’s not much of a difference, but it actually very much is. The God of Stories ascended beyond godhood. Which means he is more than a god.
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Remember this? This was a god above the gods. Gods that feed on the stories that were being told of the gods of mythologies. He defeated them in order to ascend beyond and became more. He’s able to shapeshift and teleport, two things the MCU’s Loki cannot do. He’s not changing his shape when he takes on other people’s appearances, he’s merely creating the illusion of the person. Whereas, comic Loki can only ever be himself. He is capable of molecular rearrangement, illusion casting, and telepathy.
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Now as far as his teleportation, this is what the God of Stories is capable of doing. As my friend so eloquently put it, he “Chalk zones” a door. And then walks through it into a space that has gods beyond gods. He then continues his journey with Verity’s ghost and ascends beyond godhood. Again I said beyond godhood. Beyond is the key word here. And while the God of Stories and Goddess of the Moon remains rooted beyond godhood. While this is this Loki’s abilities, let’s look at the MCU Loki’s abilities.
Let’s look at the abilities of MCU’s Loki. He has listed, Superhuman strength, duribility and stamina; as well as high longevity, intelligence, regenerative healing, and telekinesis. Along with this, he’s a well known sorcerer and capable of using illusions, manipulating situations, and is a highly noted tactician. This all added upon being highly capable of handling the cold. But these are his base abilities regardless of which Loki we’re referencing, isn’t it? Let’s look a little deeper using seasons 1 and 2 of Loki.
Throughout the show, we see Loki use astral projection and illusions in order to change how he looks or otherwise. The reason I don’t count shape shifting as an ability for this Loki is due to his using illusions to make himself look different. These are both the same ability being shown rather than him physically changing his shape. In the media we’ve seen, he does show the ability to levitate, conjure, and teleport. However, the abilities, as we can already see, are vastly different aside from two of them, wouldn’t you say?
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In Loki episode 2, Mobius explains that variants are vastly different in their abilities as well as their appearances are different. Which brings us to more of what MCU Can do that the God of Stories can’t. I will refer to him as the God of Time, and some more of his abilities are cryokinesis, energy blasts, time manipulation, and, somehow… give life to timelines. Here’s where our spoilers come in.
So these two Lokis are, in fact, not the same and vastly different in multiple ways. Loki: God of Time. Sitting on the Throne of Time. Watching over time itself. Now you remember Loki is able to create illusions??? I would be willing to bet that he can put illusions of himself onto the timeline on order to see his friends thrive. To watch their lives go on as though nothing ever happened. To watch them have lives on their respective timelines without having their lives be put on hold.
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To be the God he needs to be. For them. For Everyone.
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