#jj maybank x you
maybankswhore · 3 days
Maybe jj and and high school sweetheart wife
jj would definitely be the kind’ve guy that settles down early on in life & would not gaf.
you and jj would meet in your sophmore year of high school.
at first jj was a total player. he was known as the guy who got around , & only called the ‘bad boy’ because he just didn’t care about rules and smoked weed.
charming as always , though , when you and him are partnered for a random first week of school project — he’s immediately obsessed with you.
he thinks you’re the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen and he has to have you.
you make him work for it , though.
and he loves that you do.
when he finally gets to call you his girlfriend — he flips the script.
everyone’s shocked at how easy he settled down for you.
they’re even more shocked when the two of you are still together by graduation.
you guys became the most adored couple at kildare.
after high school things get a little difficult because you two are going into adulthood and try figuring things out.
you break up a couple times but it only last about a week before jj is back at your apartment apologizing even if it isn’t his fault because he knows you’re it for him.
a couple years after high school ends and you’re both entering your mid-twenties , he proposes.
it’s a super simple , romantic wedding with your closest friends and jj literally can’t stop crying.
his vows? like poetry.
he’s been working on those since junior year of highschool because he knew he’d end up marrying you.
jj would be so soft with you.
he brags to everyone he meets that two of you are high school sweethearts.
“yeah— me and my wife met back in high school and have been together ever since. crazy , right? isn’t that amazing? she’s amazing.”
“i got so lucky to have the most beautiful girl in the world.”
he thinks it’s so special the two of you grew from teenagers together to adults.
“i know her way back when she had braces and colored her hair when she cried. watched her go from my girl , to my woman. my wife.”
cries when he listens to “margaret” by lana del rey for the first time because it makes him think of you.
“that song is so fucking sick for making me feel this right now on a tuesday.”
jj makes sure to be the best partner and wants to have the family he didn’t get when he was younger.
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“ guilty as sin? ,,
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jj maybank x fem!reader.
IN WHICH you and jj don’t know how to face each other after he drunkenly tells you to leave your boyfriend for him.
a/n — this is my first JJ fic but hopefully of many so lmk what else y’all wanna see 🤭🤭
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After the week you’d had, you never thought JJ would be the one gracing your presence. You never anticipated being stuck in silence with him like this. Typically, his company was welcomed. He was your safe space, your home. Your best friend. Quiet with him was something you always looked forward to. 
Although, last weekend certainly changed that. 
You two hadn’t spoken in a week. It was the longest you’d gone without talking to him since your parents moved to figure eight in the fourth grade; even then, that was only two days. You and JJ grew up neighbors before that. It was written in the stars that you were meant to be in his life, engraved in your bones. To grow up together, to laugh and cry together and to fall way too hard for him. And you knew JJ was messy. Messy and complicated and never someone you could tie down. 
But he was your best friend. 
JJ walked beside you as the sun set further off the shoreline, painfully ignoring the tears slipping down your face and the words bubbling up his throat. He clenched his jaw and grinded his teeth and fiddled with that stupid bandana to avoid wrecking the silence building up between the two of you. 
Above all else, your friendship was of utmost importance. Hence why when you’d written a love letter to him for Valentine’s day in the eighth grade and he never responded, you acted like you hadn’t written anything at all. Hence why when Topper Thornton started to give you romantic attention last year, you tapped into it. 
A little harmless flirting surely wouldn’t hurt, especially if it meant making JJ jealous. And, of course, he was. But did he say anything? No. And the more time that went on, the more you realized just how harmless being Topper’s girlfriend would be. You’d grown to like him, sure. But he’d never be JJ. 
Not even after last weekend’s incident. 
JJ held the front door to his house open for you, eyes glued to you like you’d valish if he happened to blink for too long. Despite the two of you not talking for a week, he still didn’t hesitate to answer your phone call when you’d dialed his number earlier. He didn’t hesitate to offer his house–his bed–when you told him your parents were divorcing.  
They’d been shouting and arguing and bickering and forgetting your existence for the past week. Your boyfriend graciously offered for you to stay at his, and you had anxiously been waiting for him to send word that you were all clear to head over. But Topper stopped responding. He hadn’t texted you since. 
That was three nights ago. 
The thought of that sunk into you with edges much more rigid than you’d anticipated. And when JJ left you alone in his room, it finally hit you. Everything you were feeling set into motion, toppling every wall you’d been building down to the floor. Sobs choked their way up your throat and your entire body shook where you stood. You weren’t okay. 
And JJ read you like a book. He always did. 
You’d been written in a language that only JJ took the time to learn. He knew you better than anyone else did, and you couldn’t fathom how or why. 
JJ was quiet when he walked back into his room. The only sound that announced his arrival was the clanking of the glass beer bottles against his wooden desk. He sat down the beverages before pulling you into a hug. He didn’t have to say anything to let you know that he wasn’t expecting you to reciprocate it. He just wanted to be there for you. 
Your arms slowly wrapped around him, and he took that as a sign to pull you even closer. He held your head to his chest, stroking his fingers down strands of your hair to say you were safe with him. Vulnerability was a difficult thing for him, but he knew he couldn’t let you break down alone. He’d never let you go through this alone. 
He stood there for as long as you needed, and you could tell he’d stay with you like that through the entire night if you’d asked. It was a breath of fresh air that you needed. 
When the sobs settled, JJ cupped your cheeks to wipe your tears. He moved your head up to look at him, and finally met your eyes for the first time since he’d picked you up. JJ took you in, looking back and forth between one eye and the other before convincing himself that you were gonna be alright. He was going to make sure of it. 
The way you leaned into his touch was a feeling he’d missed. He hadn’t let it hit him just how much he’d missed you, but his week had been rough without you. JJ took the moment to let his eyes fall shut once yours did, and his forehead pressed against your own. 
And in that moment, silence fell between the two of you in the way you were used to. It was a silence you’d begun to ache for. Comfortability. Safety. For just a moment, you convinced yourself that everything would work out. Everything was going to be okay, and you had nothing to worry about. You chose to focus on that instead of the looming dread that the moment would end before you wanted it to. You could feel the words gnawing at JJ through the stillness of his breathing. 
You’d stored the moment in the depths of your mind, knowing it would be safe there for the time being. It only took a minute before JJ took a hesitant breath, opening and closing his mouth like he knew the damage that he’d cause by breaking the silence. 
“Are we never going to talk about it?” His voice was soft; it was a question only meant for the two of you, but the gravity of it sent you spiraling right back to the second he was talking about. 
Watching your friends try to walk along the sand whilst tipsy never failed to make you smile. They were such a bunch of idiots, but they were the best kind out there. 
You’d agreed that for this beachfront party, you’d be the designated driver. It gave you an opportunity to see just how dumb the lot of you came across when you were intoxicated. It also gave you the opportunity to feel the raw anxiety of how long your boyfriend had left you on delivered for. 
“Y/N!” You heard a holler from nearby, looking up from your phone just in time to see JJ nearly trip over a stick in the sand. His stumbling brought you to your feet, walking over to him. He certainly was pie–eyed. He was drunk. He reeked of it. “Shit..” He tried to catch his balance, his barrings, holding onto your arms as you held onto his. “I–I’ve got something to tell you.” JJ slurred. 
Your smile fell a bit at how serious he seemed. There was a look in his eyes that told you he was nervous to keep going. “Jay? What’s up?”
His eyes scanned you like they were sober, glistening with something that made your stomach flip. Your breath vanished, your heart leapt, and you felt sinful for the butterflies that he gave you. You felt ashamed. 
“Leave him.” The words had more syllables than they were supposed to and were dripping with booze, but they still hit you like they would if delivered any other way. “Leave Topper–” JJ swayed a little too far to his right, almost toppling into you but catching his balance. 
The two of you were a dangerous inch apart. 
Your eyes met, glancing from one to the other as he glanced at your lips. You felt the world stop. “Leave him cause I…” You watched the struggle in his eyes. He was fighting back demons not to kiss you. “I love you.”
Wide eyes stared back into his own. You’d been waiting years to hear those three simple words from him. Hearing them drunk though felt like a jab to your ego. Part of you felt like it was wrong to accept them. 
You thought about it though. 
“JJ, you’re drunk.” You had to keep a stern tone with him, placing distance between the two of you. Stepping away to grab some water, his hand met your wrist to pull you back to him. 
You didn’t mean to look at him with such a startle, but the way your eyes met, you could tell you’d triggered something in him. Something that might’ve made him feel like he was acting like his father. You watched the way his eyes widened, and gears turned, because he instantly let go of you. 
He took steps back, muttering panicked apologies at your frozen figure. You tried to call out to him, to tell him that it was okay. You were okay and he didn’t have to stammer off, but he did. He ran off, and just like that, you didn’t hear from him. 
You two didn’t speak until he’d answered your phone call thirty minutes ago. And now you stood toe to toe, chest to chest, head to head. You felt the air thin between the two of you at his question, and let out the breath 
that you’d been storing next to the elephant in the room. “I really don’t want to.” You gave an honest answer, keeping your tone as gentle as you could. 
As you opened your eyes to meet him looking at you, your head craning up to look at him. Your nose traced the curve of his from the motion, but distance was instant to creep between you when your phone lit up. The screen was face up on his bed and flooded light into his bedroom. You looked towards it, taking paces over to check and see if it was a response from your boyfriend. 
Maybe it was wrong of him, but JJ kept his hands on you for as long as he could before you slipped from his grasp. His fingers lingered at your hips, his eyes held you longer than he was able, and he watched the falling of your expression at whatever notification had come popped up on your phone. 
His jaw clenched, hands running through his hair as he let out an exasperated sigh he’d been holding onto. “Christ, Y/N.. I can’t keep doing this..” JJ was flustered, both from frustration and whatever effect you’d had over him. He respected the space that stood between you, but never found the strength to look away, even as you caught the angered look in his eyes. 
Your brows pressed together, one arching higher than the other. “Keep doing what?” There was both agitation and genuine confusion in your tone, “Does it bother you to see me in a happy relationship?”
JJ scoffed, tongue outlining the inside of his mouth as he fought back a laugh. He stared at the ceiling as if he’d find an answer there other than brute honesty. He was unsuccessful. “Don’t bullshit me. I know you.” His words were short, almost as short as his breath. Almost as short as his temper, yet he was more composed than you were. “I can’t keep watching him hurt you like this.” 
He struck a nerve with his words. The sincerity he had, the audacity he had to question your happiness. Hell, you were far from happy; your relationship with Topper was nothing short of toxic and unfulfilling, but JJ calling it out? Like he had ever cared about you more than someone he could chest bump and catch a wave with?
You hoped smoke didn’t exhale through your nose with the breath you’d let out. Your fuse was growing short circuited. “God, you’ve got some nerve, Jay..” Angered paces closed the distance between you as you walked back over to him. “You’ve got some balls on you to say that after the stunt you pulled last weekend!” Your pointer finger poked at his chest with your accusation. 
The air between you was so thick, neither of you had confidence that a knife could do any damage. But there was something addictive about the anger you stared at each other with, something in the humidity of the tension. You two couldn’t look away from each other if you tried to. 
“Really? Do I?” His sarcastic, rhetorical questions carried with a snarky tone of voice. He almost mocked you. “Sorry that I actually care about you!” JJ couldn’t stop his voice from rising in volume. “I mean, God..” The last word snagged on a scoff, a chuckle. “How is he even your boyfriend? What do you guys even do together?” 
Seeing JJ short tempered was one thing, but you’d never seen him this aggravated before. It almost made you smirk at how much you’d ruffled his feathers; just how much you’d gotten under his skin, made him jealous. It was entertaining. 
But you were angered. Right. You were upset with him. You’d almost forgotten. 
JJ’s tongue dared to make a short appearance, wetting the gap between his lips as he hesitated. He knew this comment would cause damage, but he was in the thick of the moment. JJ’s voice finally lowered in volume, speaking through gritted teeth when he asked: “When was the last time he’s even kissed you?”
And that fucking did it. 
Toe to toe with him, you kept your head craned up to him, eying him from the two feet of space that kept you two separated. You couldn’t tell if your eyes sparked with tears or pure aggression. “Don’t you fucking go there, Maybank!” You snapped. “You’re walking a thin fucking line right now– I mean, seriously!” You were exasperated, cutting yourself off mid sentence from your loss of words, but you couldn’t lose this argument. You let out a scoff at him, narrowing your eyebrows. “Y’know, I bet you don’t even fucking remember what you said to me–”
JJ cut you off this time, only needing one stride to close the distance between you. “And what if I did remember?” His voice grew quieter, snagging on the ridged edges of his tone. The intensity of the room was still thick, but you’d suddenly forgotten to breathe with how little space there was between you. The atmosphere surrounding you changed appearance, revealing that it was never fully anger, rather than pure unadulterated attraction. 
Your heart pounded in your ears, caught in your throat, and ricocheted off of JJ’s chest, as it now threatened to touch your’s. Any breath that slipped through your lips tickled his own, and you felt the heaviness in each of the exhales he fanned across your face. The containment of his composure, and how difficult he had keeping a hold and restraint on himself. 
His eyes were glued to your lips despite the close proximity you stood at, and your own eyes were traitorous as they caught a glimpse of his. Soft, just slightly out of reach, and threatening any movement that you challenged. 
“What if I did remember? And what if..” He drank you up, how speechless he’d left you. JJ didn’t showcase the cockiness he’d felt, stumping you, leaving you at his whim in front of him. He took in the moment, savoring the ghost of your body slowly pressing against him. “What if I meant every word? And I..” His voice had grown huskier, timid and low and just for you. “I want to show you just how you deserve to be treated..”
You felt the gentle, light, brushing of his fingers just beyond your silhouette. He knew he was teasing you, but he was just testing waters. JJ didn’t want to cross a boundary that you didn’t permit him to. 
But it was you that began closing the gap, that brushed your lips against his. You left him speechless with just a taste, just a sliver of contact. You could hear the sharpness of his inhale; the breath that hitched at the back of his throat. It took every fiber of your body, every cell in your brain not to cave…but you were winning. 
The outline of a smirk ghosted across your lips, your mouths a very hazardous distance away from each other. Each breath was shared, each feeling reciprocated, but you couldn’t be the first one to falter. “You want me that bad, huh, Maybank?” You let the coyness ring through your low–toned question, the triumph of your teasing sing to him. And it was all the more satisfying when he had to swallow some of the tension before giving his response. 
It was almost too compelling, how high you got on his sudden nervousness. He was flushed, putty, speechless. There was a frog in his throat, and he couldn’t seem to let it out. Just by giving him a little preview of what you felt like, he couldn’t seem to catch a hold of himself. Alas, you couldn’t keep yourself contained forever. 
“Yeah, I do..” A breathless whisper, and you felt every spark attached to it. Each syllable of sincerity, and it drove you wild. 
You let the feeling soak in, letting your lips curl in victory. “Good.” You hummed, closing the aching gap between you and kissing him. You kissed JJ, holding his head in your hands and pushing him back against his wall. JJ was quick to reverse it, quick to bounce off the wall, and pin you there in his place. His hands traveled up the length of you, fingers pressing to your hips, your sides, padding dangerously close to sensitive spots you didn’t think he’d be so quick to find. 
The kiss was filled with more than just the bubbling rage you’d felt just moments prior; the passion that wasn’t fueled by anger at all. Neither of you could fight back the rising smiles at the realization of just how long this had been coming. Both of you wanted this for so long, and you knew neither of you would let the other go anytime soon. 
Especially with how turned on you were. 
Your lips parted with a gasp, JJ’s entire palm pressing to your clothed breast. His other hand found a way up your shirt. Sinful touches and breathy moans filled the room, and you felt totally consumed by each other. Possessed by lust, and overcome with an undying need for JJ. You needed him everywhere, in every way. And you couldn’t even believe this was happening. 
As JJ’s hands found your ass, kneaded the plush of it, you hopped into his arms and wrapped your legs around him. The grunt that he’d let out into the kiss only added to the knot growing in the depths of your stomach, the ache throbbing between your legs. Your hips rolled to meet him as he walked over to his bed, quick to lay you over his comforter and kiss down your jaw and your neck. 
His fingers locked with yours, holding your hands beside your head against his mattress. When he’d parted from your neck, the look in his eyes could’ve killed you. The look on his face alone could’ve driven you mad—his lips plump and red from kissing you senseless, JJ’s entire face gaping at you, silently begging you for more. But his eyes were asking, giving you the choice. It was your call. 
You combed your fingers through his hair, grabbing his chin to pull his lips back to yours, when your phone interrupted the two of you with its blinding light. Both of you peered over at it, not the least bit indulged with what pulled you from the heat of the moment. 
“Are you going to check that?” JJ asked, some edge to his voice. And you couldn’t tell whether it was protective demeanor, harmless competition, or his composure not to take you right then and there. 
Meeting his eyes again, you found yourself smirking, breaths still heavy from how worked up you were. Your eyes didn’t leave his as you turned your phone over. “Not tonight.” You spoke with a hum, quick to take off your top in a quick motion afterward. 
Maybe part of you should’ve felt guilty, or guilty for not feeling guilty. But you couldn’t care less. Especially because you felt like the luckiest person in the world. 
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eddiemunsonswhxre · 13 hours
whatcha thinkin about? / jj maybank
rated: m (18+, minors DNI)
wc: 6.4k
cw: best friends to more, use of marijuana, explicit language, pet/nicknames, oral (f receiving), piv (protected), squirting, kinda some overstimulation, kinda fluffy too
after not being able to get relief in months, jj accidentally discovers this and has no problem helping you out.
you were so horny. you were laying on your bed with your best friend after sharing a blunt and staring up at the glow in the dark stars on your ceiling while music blasted through your speaker. and you were so, so horny. 
how’d you get to this point? well, you hadn’t done anything sexual, not even with just yourself in months as your younger sister had to move in with you while her room was being redone. she moved out today, so after two and a half torturous months you were free to have friends hang out and do anything you pleased in your own room. when you told this to your friends, jj was the first one to offer to come over. you agreed instantly, he thought it was just because he was bringing a blunt for you to share and your favorite chips, but you really just liked being around jj. 
jj was… almost perfect with you. his humor matched yours, dipping into the darker and dirtier side of things. he was extremely gentle with you, always taking extra care to make sure you were safe getting on and off the boat or making sure you always had water or a blanket or a snack whenever you needed. this was something he didn’t do for kiara or sarah but they didn’t take offense, they knew why. jj was also so easy to talk to. despite coming off as more immature and aloof, he was a great listener and good at comforting you and giving you advice. you gave him the same respect, but what you didn’t know was that you were the only one he would talk to about his feelings like that. 
you liked jj, obviously. you found him to be extremely attractive and have more than once tried to hide your turned on state from him over a simple action. but you’ve never been this horny in front of him before. “whatcha thinkin about, mama?” he asks lowly, his words barely registering over adele’s belts. he moves onto his side, hand coming to rest on your stomach. he feels your stomach spasm underneath his palm but chalks it up to scaring you. 
your eyes widen slightly and then you’re turning your head to avoid eye contact. “nothing,” you hummed.
“oh, don’t give me that shit, what’s going on up there?” he chides, moving his hand up to ruffle your hair before returning it to your stomach. 
you narrow your eyes and reach to move your hair from your eyes. “seriously, jj, i’m not thinking about anything,” you groan. you want him to just drop it but of course he won’t.
he tsks and you wait for him to say something. instead, he begins tickling your sides. you yelp in surprise before you start giggling. you try pushing him away which only makes him move his torso above yours, hovering over and tickling your sides. your eyes are closed as you start laughing really hard and jj allows his eyes to wander. he hopes to mentally commit the image of your tits bouncing in your small tank top to memory. 
you try and grab ahold of your strength enough to push him back and lose his balance. you feel the weed kick in and try to turn yourself over to get off the bed completely. jj doesn’t waste a second, grabbing your waist and forcefully flipping you on your back and crawls further on top of you. one of his knees falls between yours and you feel your breath shake through the laugh you couldn’t hold back. “jj,” you gasp through giggles. 
“tell me,” he jokingly yells, moving to tickle your hips. you rock side to side while pulling your knees up trying to escape his touch, huge smile on your lips. your movement causes your skirt to ride up and jj knows if he looks for one more second he’ll be able to see your underwear. he looks away, partially regretting it, and pushes himself up farther. he pushes your knees back down as he moves, your knee grazing his inner thigh and causing him to bite his lip. he begins tickling towards your armpits, and you begin screaming with laughter. you felt yourself getting wetter every second. you couldn’t stop laughing, but internally your body was screaming with red lights flashing around you. the idea of him being so close to your core had you clenching around nothing, pushing some of your arousal into the fabric of your thin underwear. 
you try squeezing your legs together but jj’s knee keeps them open just enough for you to not get any friction. tears begin filling your eyes from laughter as the wet patch on your underwear spreads. “what’s so important and secretive huh? so big of a secret you can’t tell your daddy jj?” he asks, using one of the cringey nicknames the two of you often threw around jokingly. but in this state, it just sent a wave to your core and a small gasp of a moan made it through your laughter. jj didn’t even notice your noises until he went to readjust himself over you and his knee presses against your soaked underwear. he froze in his place, feeling the warmth and wet of you against him, wet enough that he could feel both of your lips crushed against him.  
you’re able to come down from your laughing as jj moves back, scratching the back of his head. “sorry about that, y/n,” he trails. you are absolutely mortified. the tears in your eyes turn to ones of pure embarrassment. you sit up pulling your knees to your chest, cringing as the sound of your pussy squeezing together fills the silence. jj gulps, using every ounce of control in his body to keep his dick soft. 
“oh my god,” you mumble, embarrassed as you lay your head on your knees. 
jj feels bad, he didn’t mean to make you embarrassed or uncomfortable. “it’s okay, y/n, i’m not like grossed out or weirded out or anything. i think everyone knows that that sort of thing just kind of… happens… even for no reason,” he tries reassuring, moving towards you slowly. 
you shake your head trying to gather your thoughts. “i just- god i should’ve asked you to leave when it started i didn’t want this to be awkward.” you rant, raising your head slightly but refusing to meet his eyes. jj’s face changes as a lightbulb goes off in his head. 
“ah, so you’ve been worked up for a while… is that what you were thinking about all that time?” he asks, a bit of slyness falling into his tone. you chuckle at him, glad that he could always change the mood of a conversation. 
you wipe at your eyes before speaking, “yes, well, kind of, it just hit me that my room is just my room again.”
jj looks at you with slight shock. “please don’t tell me you’ve gone these entire like three fucking months without masturbating or something,” he says in a tone that sort of sounds like worry. 
you feel your cheeks heat up, but know it’s probably not noticeable with how red you were from laughing and crying. “there hasn’t been opportunities,” you say with a shrug. 
“fuck, y/n, i… i can’t believe that, i absolutely couldn't do that. i jerk off everyday- sorry- my point is it’s a part of our routines and not having that can be bad. shit, you should’ve asked to use my room,” he jokes at the end. 
“to what? masturbate in your bed? no,” you laughed, relaxing more. 
jj raised his brows and lowered himself to sitting on your bed again. “i would’ve done it all up for you, washed sheets, a speaker, water, whatever else,” he continues. 
your heart tightens in your chest, pussy mimicking your action. “so kind of you,” you mutter, rolling your eyes. 
“i’m deadass, y/n. it’s a tragedy you’ve had to hold out this long,” he says, watching with a smirk as you shudder slightly. 
“can we not talk about me using your bed to get off?” you ask.
jj shrugs, moving closer. “i don’t know, can we talk about how wet you are?” he didn’t know if this remained in the gray area. he wanted to push a little and see if he could get you, but also wanted to stay where he could still manage to laugh it off as a joke. 
your breath caught in your throat as your eyes met his. “jj…” you trail as some kind of warning. 
“be so honest with me, did you only realize you could now masturbate freely in your room again or were you thinking about someone? maybe daddy jj helping you out?” his voice becomes huskier but he forces the teasing look to remain on his face. 
you can’t stop the strangled noise that leaves the back of your throat, visions of his slim fingers sliding in and out of you with ease. “maybe,” you whisper, testing the waters jj had dragged you both into. 
jj didn’t expect that answer, therefore in one moment he lost his ability to laugh this off if things went wrong and you backed out. “why don’t you come closer, mama? don’t want to have this conversation too loudly over the music right?” he raises his brows, gesturing to your speaker that was supposed to hide your conversations with jj from prying sisters and parents. “yeah, why don’t you just sit right on my lap here,” he says, reaching for your hips as you push yourself to move closer to him. 
“y-your lap?” you stutter, his grip on your hips sending a throbbing heat to your pussy. 
he nods, guiding you into his lap. your legs rest on either side of his, using your thighs to keep your core from his dick. “you trust me?” he whispers, looking at you with sincere eyes. he’d decided to just go for it. you nod apprehensively and he leans down, placing the softest slow kisses across your neck. a small sigh of content passes through you as a hand subconsciously finds purchase in his hair. “tell me exactly what you were imagining, what did you have me do to you?” jj mumbles against your skin. 
you stay silent, partially in shock as his words absorb. you’re brought to reality when he pinches some skin on top of your hip. “oh-” you mutter, brain scrambling. were you really going to tell him this? “hands,” you spit out without thinking, “you could do things with your hands they’re… really nice to look at,” you try explaining. 
jj chuckles into your neck causing you to wince in embarrassment. so smooth y/n… “nice to look at it? hm, i can only imagine all the things you wish they could do to you,” he says, his hot breath covering your collar bone as he still focuses on your neck. he’s getting lost in the moment, so lost that he can’t consider how bad the outcome of this could be. instead of a soft kiss, he licks along your collarbone slowly. you shudder under his touch, pressing your chest towards him slightly. jj takes this as a confirmation and attaches his lips to your skin, sucking harshly while his grip on your waist tightens. 
you’re unable to stop the breathy moan that leaves your lips and your grip in his hair tightens. “jj…” you whine quietly when he nips at your skin.
he grunts, running his hands up your sides. “fuck, y/n… you don’t know how long i’ve waited to hear you moaning for me,” he admits. he has definitely gone past the gray area. he had sped away from it and there was no going back now as his cock grew hard underneath you. he pulls his face from your neck, yanking you harshly down so you’re fully sitting on his lap. you let out another small moan as you feel how hard his dick is beneath you and are unable to stop an experimental roll of your hips. jj closes his eyes at the pleasure, momentarily wondering how the fuck he ended up here. “are we doing this?” he asks quietly, opening his eyes to meet your glossy ones. 
you bite your lip in slight apprehension. “i want to…” you say, trailing off and moving your eyes from his.
jj looks down for a second. “but…?” he asks, knowing you had more to say. if you didn’t to for some reason he’d accept that, but how was he supposed to see you again and not think of this?
“but i’m scared it could ruin our friendship, like make it… awkward,” you say, your hands falling from his head and shoulder to crack your knuckles, a nervous tick jj picked up on years ago.
jj’s hands move back to just above your hips, pushing away his thoughts regarding your soaked pussy being pressed against his cock only separated by your underwear and his swim trunks. “what would make it awkward?” he asks softly, not trying to sound sarcastic but thoughtful. 
a huff leaves your lips, your pussy pulsing against him still undeniably aroused. “we think about it and regret it later, or it turns into a regular thing and just… i am not built for friends with benefits, jj,” you say, looking at him with worry in your eyes. jj knew why you said that, since knowing him, he’d had three different friends with benefits situations. jj maybank didn’t date and you knew that. only, if it was you, jj would. and he figured it might be time to tell you. 
“who said we had to be friends with benefits? we could be… something else,” he suggests, struggling to put it into words. 
you roll your eyes. “jj what does that even mean?” you groan. 
his eyes flick between yours, trying to gauge your feelings. “you know, people who do those types of things but aren’t just friends…” he stammers. 
“are you trying to say like… be together?” you ask, extremely unsure of yourself.
“yes, y/n, i want to date you,” he pushes out, embarrassment heating his cheeks. you were shocked at his confession, but felt nothing but excitement flood your body. you don’t waste another second, reaching to grab the sides of his face and you’re quickly crashing your lips to his. jj’s eyes flutter shut as his grip tightens and he passionately kisses you back. you moan into his mouth, your hips moving without your consent. his hands travel to your ass, using his grip to harshly push you towards him. you take the hint and continue grinding against him as the kiss turns sloppy. you’re barely able to catch your breath as jj won’t let you pull away that you’re both panting against the other. another wave of arousal floods your panties and jj swears he can feel it. this is what causes you to pull away from his lips. your foreheads rest against each other and your eyes hold each others gaze. “so,” jj starts, “are we doing this?”
you pull back from him and reach towards your phone on the bed. he watches you carefully, watching as you pull up spotify. you change your playlist, not necessarily wanting your first time with jj to be to set fire to the rain. jj smirks as a chase atlantic song plays from your speaker and you turn it up, hopefully loud enough to drown out any noises either of you would make. “you have a playlist for this?” he asks teasingly. 
“shut up,” you groan, tossing your phone on your bedside table. jj chuckles and pulls your face back to kiss him. 
his teeth latch on your lower lip, tugging it just enough to get a moan out of you. “i can’t wait to make it through every song on this,” he teases before reattaching your lips. 
you pull on the hair at the nape of his neck causing him to let a small noise out of his throat. “mm, don’t think it’ll be easy,” you say, unable to stay off of his addictive lips long enough to finish your thought. “this playlist, is hours long,” you sigh into his mouth, feeling the head of his cock nudge your clit as you grind against him. 
“you say that like it’s supposed to discourage me,” he says, pulling back and using his grip on your ass to hold you close to him. you squeal as you grip on to him to avoid falling as he moves himself to his knees. he leans down, carefully lowering you onto the bed on your back. “is your door locked?” he asks as he pulls back. you shake your head no and he gets up to do it. 
“if my doors locked-” you start, pushing yourself onto your arms. 
jj turns the lock. “then no one can walk in, you can make an excuse if they even notice,” he says, walking back over to you. “now, why don’t you just let me prove what my hands can actually do are better than your fantasies,” he teases, climbing back on your bed and between your legs. 
“o-okay,” you say, head going dizzy with arousal. jj shuffles towards you on his knees, grabbing just below yours and tugging you harshly towards him. you yelp in surprise but he’s already throwing your thighs over his to rest on the outside of his hips. he lifts your skirt, laying it on your stomach and you shudder as the exposure to the air makes you shiver under your wet panties. 
jj is uncharacteristically quiet as his eyes are trained on your pussy, his hands rubbing your upper thighs sensually. you squirm under his touch, whining in desperation. “so impatient, mama,” he teases. he moves closer, his finger trailing along the outer seam of your underwear. you whine again, needing any kind of friction immediately. “mm, i guess you’ve been waiting long enough today, huh?” he says, more to himself. you nod and he’s bringing his thumb to rub light little circles around your clit. you relax into his touch, lifting your hips slightly to meet his hand. jj is nothing short of mesmerized. you were so wet he could feel your arousal beneath your panties, some of it soaking through the fabric and onto his thumb. 
your thighs involuntarily clench at the small movements jj’s making around your swollen clit and it causes him to laugh. “jj, please,” you whimper. 
“i’m never going to get tired of that,” he says, pulling his thumb up and sticking it into his mouth. your jaw drops open at his action, watching his eyes close as he sucks any remnants of your arousal off his thumb. he pulls his thumb from his mouth with a pop and looks directly at you with a smirk. “or of that,” he says, moving himself back. “slight change of plans,” he says, resting his hands on your upper thighs. 
you furrow your brows at him. “what do you mean?” you ask lightly, pussy throbbing at this point. 
jj chuckles, hooking his fingers into the waistband of your underwear and moving them back and forth. “you’ve gotta let me eat this pussy, baby,” he says, watching your face closely. 
“holy shit,” you whisper, hands coming up to cover your face. you couldn’t believe this was happening. 
“yes or no, baby, it’s 100% up to you,” he mumbles, softer this time to reassure you you don’t need to do anything if you don’t want to. 
you shake your head moving your hands. “god, jj, please,” you whine and jj can see the way your pussy clenches around nothing. 
he smirks once more. “thank god,” he grumbles, pulling your underwear swiftly down, moving your legs up so he can pull them completely off and throw them somewhere on your floor. “take your top off, wanna have those pretty tits on display for me, okay?”
it takes less than two seconds for you to obey, sitting up slightly to pull off your shirt, quickly followed by your bra. you go to reach for your skirt but jj swats your hand away. “the skirt stays,” he mutters, pushing you down and his eyes scan your entire body. he glides his hands over your tits, giving them a small squeeze before continuing down. when he finds his eyes falling on your bare pussy for the first time he feels his cock jump under his shorts. 
you watch him closely as he maneuvers himself to align his face with your pussy. you gulp in anticipation as he uses his thumbs to pull your lips apart, a hungry look on his face as he sees how your arousal literally glistens in the setting sunlight coming in through your window. he looks up to you, holding eye contact and lowering himself down with his tongue stuck out of his mouth. his tongue lays flat against your core as he drags himself up to lick a fat stripe up your pussy. your eyes close involuntarily and your head falls back onto your pillows. his tongue drags across your clit, causing you to clamp your thighs around his head. “jay,” you gasp out a moan, rather loudly. 
“hey, you gotta keep it down. we don’t want someone trying to interrupt us, do we, mama?” he says in a stern almost warning tone that you hadn’t heard him use before. it had you clenching your thighs once again. you nod in agreement and look at him expectantly. jj can’t make you wait any longer, and honestly he can’t either. 
jj’s tongue flattens against you once again, licking a faster stripe from your entrance to your clit. you bite on your lip as he repeats this action over and over again. the heat of his mouth makes you shudder. once jj feels you relax from this movement, he knows it’s time to switch it up. he adjusts himself, using his tongue to now quickly flick your clit. you have to cover your mouth to be safe as the knot in your core begins to tighten deliciously. jj can feel you clenching around nothing and decides to fix that for you. he moves his arm under him so he can slip a finger into you. you didn’t anticipate it, a shocked moan leaving your lips. his middle finger moves slowly in and out of you in contrast to the speed of his tongue. your moans become closer together and jj knows he’s taking you in the right direction. he removes his middle finger, momentarily pulling away from you completely to hook your legs over his shoulders, your heels resting on the middle of his back. the slight change in angle heightens the pleasure you feel as jj reattaches his lips to your clit. except this time he’s sucking on it and quickly enters two fingers into you. 
your hands fly to his hair, chest heaving at how good he was making you feel. jj looks up, watching your breasts move with each heave of your chest as they’re squeezed together between your arms. the view was nothing short of ethereal and jj wished he could have a picture. he’d talk to you about that later… “jj, please, don’t stop,” you whine, pushing him further into your pussy. he begins switching between flicking and suckling on your clit and his fingers switch instead to curling inside you. “shit,” you moan, trying your hardest to keep it lower than the music which proves to be hard as the song switches from one to another. the sound of jj’s tongue against you mixed with the sound of his fingers fucking into you are sinful and it just adds to your building orgasm. 
jj swears he could cum in his pants if he let himself relax, but he didn’t want everything to be over so soon. although another song had started, successfully drowning out the majority of your sounds, he could both hear and feel as more arousal began leaking out of you. “jj, i-i, something’s- oh fuck, somethings not right,” you try to say through your moans. you’d made yourself cum with your vibrator many times, and a few times a guy had managed to push you over the edge, but it never felt like this. jj though, couldn’t hear you. he was too caught up in making you cum and the sounds your pussy was making for him. “j- wait i- oh my god,” you say, your voice reaching a squeak at the end. jj looks up at you this time, not slowing his assault on your clit. your head falls back and the knot is the tightest it’s ever been, it’s almost painful. “i’m going to… ah shit- gonna cum,” you barely get out. jj speeds up his movements despite you not thinking it was possible. 
your thighs lock around jj’s head, shaking as a way too loud moan of his name leaves your lips and your vision goes white. jj’s movements falter as he feels the vice grip on his fingers and them almost being pushed out of your pussy by a huge abundance of arousal. he thinks (or maybe doesn’t) quickly and moves his mouth lower, switching his fingers and mouth. he rubs quickly across your clit with his mouth hanging open near your entrance, tongue out ready to catch the harsh stream of squirt leaving your pussy. it’s so intense hitting the back of his throat that it causes him to choke a little. your orgasm begins to subside and he’s able to stop his fingers, instead moving to caress every part of you coated with your release with his tongue. he doesn’t stop until you're lightly pushing his head away. 
he pushes himself up, looking down at the massive mess you had made before moving up and leaning over you. he brushes your hair out of your face, analyzing your widened eyes that seemed focused on nothing as you tried to catch your breath. you blink a few times, finally meeting his eyes. “you never told me you were a squirter,” he jokes with you, stroking your cheek to help ground you. 
“i-i, i didn’t… i’ve never.. oh my god,” you say, pushing up a little to look down, wincing as you move your legs and feel how soaked your bedspread is. 
jj moves with you, your admission feeding his ego. “so… you’ve never squirted before? you’re saying i’m the only one who’s made you squirt, ever?” he teases, using his hand to guide your chin to look at him. 
you nod slowly, feeling embarrassed. “i- i’m sorry,” you say, not sure how you should be feeling.
jj looks at you shocked. “sorry?! uh uh, mama, don’t you dare be sorry. that was hot as fuck,” he says, stroking your jaw comfortingly. you continue to look away, replaying what had just happened in your mind. jj notices and leans down, putting his lips next to your ear. “let’s see if we can make you squirt around my cock,” he whispers, dropping his hand between your thighs to rub your sensitive clit. 
“jj…” you gasp at the sensation, still sensitive from the intense from the orgasm you just had.
his teasing personality definitely carries into his intimate moments you realize. “awe, don’t tell me you’re gonna quit after just one orgasm,” he says, smiling at you before connecting his lips to yours. you whimper into his mouth, holding his neck and pulling him closer to you as his fingers rub slow circles over your clit.
your hands start to travel slowly down his chest until you reach the hem of his shirt. “off,” you mumble into his lips. jj smiles into the kiss, using his hand not on your clit to guide your hands under his shirt. you let your hands roam his chest before using your nails to lightly scratch downwards, eventually following his v line. once you hit the band of his shorts, he’s pulling away from you to pull his shirt over his head, tossing it behind him similar to how he’d thrown your panties earlier. you start to lean towards him, wanting to mark up his neck like he had.
however, jj stops your movements. “y/n, if i don’t fuck you right now, i’m gonna bust from just your touch and i really need to fuck this pussy,” he says, looking at you both serious and joking. you nod, returning to your previous position as he stands up and reaches for his backpack. he digs around in it for a second and you rub your legs together in anticipation. you’d dreamed about this for so long. and finally, on a random day, you finally get it. part of you wishes you would’ve done this sooner. yes it was unintentional, but maybe you could’ve brought up your feelings for him over the past so many months and this would’ve come so much faster. but, it was happening now and that’s what really mattered. 
he pulls a condom from his bag and wastes no time getting rid of his swim trunks. your eyes fall to his dick, seeing that it was slick with precum. he quickly opens the condom and slides it on while your mouth waters at the slight. you wanted to taste him, wanted to feel the weight of him on your tongue. “don’t look at me like that… fuck. next time i want you sucking me dry, got it?” he whines before giving you an accusatory look as if he wasn’t the one who decided he just had to fuck you right now. 
you just nod and watch as he puts his knee on the bed. “can i take my skirt off?” you ask, wanting to have a better view and it was soaked beneath you. 
jj hesitates, he really wanted to fuck you in a skirt, but there’d be more opportunities. “if you’re more comfortable,” he says, nodding towards you. you quickly discard it and look at jj for further instruction. a pang of possession hits him hard in the chest when he sees the way you’re staring at him. “flip over,” he grumbles. you blink in shock but push yourself up onto your hands and knees. jj forcefully pulls your hips towards him causing your back to arch. he gently pushes on the back of your head until you follow his lead and he pushes your face into the pillow. “need you to moan into your pillow mama, probably gonna get quite loud,” he grunts as you move to having your arms crossed above you and your face on your cheek. 
“cocky much?” you question with a smirk. it falls off your face when jj lads a hard smack on your pussy and you move away from him. 
jj moves into the position he wants and grabs your hips. he guides his dick to slide between your folds, barely thrusting forward enough to graze your clit. “ready?” he asks, rutting against you. 
you purse your lips before nodding, a small, “yes,” leaving your lips. jj immediately reaching for his dick and guiding it to your entrance. you clench in anticipation, jj smiling at the sight before slowly pushing just the tip into you. “fuck,” you whine into the pillow. he takes this as a good sign, slowly sinking further and further into you. you’re so wet, it’s barely a struggle to slide deep inside you. 
“i love your pussy, holy shit,” jj groans as he bottoms out. you were so warm around him and the way you hugged his cock felt like you were two pieces of the same puzzle. not only did you taste good, you felt fucking amazing. jj’s mind wanders for a moment, thinking of all the different ways he can destroy your sweet cunt. but he’s brought back to reality the way you clench around him. he pulls his hips back as you squeeze him, the sensation on his tip making him concentrate on not finishing at that second. he pulls about halfway out before thrusting back into you. his thrusts aren’t very fast, working on the fact that he had to make you cum again. you moaned into your pillow as the head of his dick hit a spot that no one had hit before. you didn’t normally fuck in this position, having only really done it once before, so feeling this new sensation had stars swimming in your vision. 
jj used his hands to guide your hips back on to him. he was able to go so deep his balls rested against your lips getting them coated in your arousal and it was driving him crazy. the wet sounds could already be heard pretty clearly between the two of you, the music doing its job at covering it up for anyone outside the room. it made you both hornier, and you were already feeling an orgasm begin to build. “faster,” you turned your head out of the pillow to moan quietly. 
“faster? already, baby?” he asks with a smirk. he knew he could make you dumb on his cock. “you just really want me to cum fast don’t you?” he teases. you whimper in response and that’s all it takes for him to mostly pull his dick out of you just to slam back in. you let out a scream of pleasure into your pillow and jj can’t help but feel proud in that moment. he realizes you’re going to cum a lot faster than he thought and sets an unrelenting pace. the noise it makes is loud. the wet skin on both you colliding created a loud smacking noise and was accompanied by your bed frame rocking into your wall and the little noises jj was letting out. “need you to squirt all over me, cmon,” he grunts as he hammers into you. neither of you notice the speaker go quiet as it switches songs, the beginning of the next one having a quieter intro than previous. 
jj leans over you, using a hand near your side to hold him up as his other reaches around to find your clit. “oh fuck,” you moan in the most pornographic tone that has ever left you. jj feels a spurt of cum leak from his slit at that and groans, speeding up his fingers on your clit. the way you clench so tightly around him and moan every time he thrusts into you tells him you’re close. maybe you just needed a few words of encouragement. 
“cmon now, y/n, need you to squirt all over this dick so i know you’re all mine. hmm, yeah,” he starts, practically growling in your ear. “need to feel you cum while i’m deep inside your pretty little pussy. fuck, i fit so well. s’like you were made for me, this fucking cunt was made to get fucked by me. need you to come for me, right now, oh god,” jj grunts, struggling to keep up his pace and avoid cumming before you. 
your moans turn into chants of his name as he feels the first drops of you escape down his cock. he anticipates you to scream, but as the wave hits you, your mouth drops open drooling against the pillow and your eyes roll back into your head. you’re spraying jj from the hips down basically with your warm squirt and through your silent spasming you don’t even feel him finish. jj slows down his thrusts, small streams of squirt still making it past as you continue spasming beneath him. he’s trying so hard to not fall on top of you and also catch his breath. he finally pulls out, a small gush falling out of you as your hips barely stayed up and you gasped for air. he pulls the condom off, throwing it into the trash and tries his best in his wobbly state to lower your hips onto the bed and straighten out your legs. jj shakily lays down next to you, looking into your widened eyes. “oh my shit,” you mumble, still out of breath. 
jj smiles, resting a hand on your back. “there’s many more where that came from,” he winks at you. you want to make a smart ass remark but you’re still coming back to reality. jj’s hand rubs soothingly up and down your back as he notices you were struggling with coming down from your orgasm. “you’re okay, pretty girl. you did so good for me,” he coos soothingly. his words help ground you and once you have the ability to you reach out for him. 
his hand grabs your forearm, pulling the upper half of your body towards him. you were both slick with sweat and your cum, but you didn’t care just yet. jj pulls you against his chest, yours pressing to his, and uses a hand to comb through your hair while both of your shaking legs intertwine. “thank you,” you mutter when you finally feel stable again. 
jj snorts, “for what?” he thought you were about to say some stupid shit about fucking you too good or something. 
you look up to him, “never been held after,” quietly leaves your lips. jj feels a small stab at his heart seeing how sad your eyes looked. he just brushes your hair back while he avoids the more insensitive questions, wanting to know how someone could not need to just lay with who they just fucked for a minute. 
he doesn’t want to dim the moment, so he takes a different direction. “well, you know how it is with me, probably a little too touchy to begin with. remember all those times i ‘accidently’ touched your ass helping you off the boat? yeah, they weren’t accidents,” he admits with a smile on his face. 
“i knew it,” you mumbled and cuddled further into his chest. both of you take a few minutes to just appreciate where you are with each other and bask in it. until the stickiness becomes too uncomfortable.
jj pushed himself and you up, wincing at the sensation of your sticky skin separating. “let’s get cleaned up, yeah?” he asks you. you nod, both of you shakily standing from the bed to head to your en suite bathroom. you grab your phone, turning your speaker down significantly causing jj to chuckle. he grabs his phone as well, looking at the top notification. 
john b
hey man, guess you forgot we were all meeting up at y/n’s to go out at 8:30 to the beach. we decided to just go, meet up with us if you want. 
a tip? close y/n’s window before fucking her next time, especially when trying too hard to hide it with the music. 
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sympqthyy · 2 days
safe haven | jj maybank au
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· · ─────────── ·𖥸·───────────· ·
summary: After a fight with his dad, JJ Maybank seeks comfort by sneaking into your room. Vulnerable and shaken, he finds comfort in your embrace as you soothe him with gentle words and tender care.
· · ─────────── ·𖥸·───────────· ·
JJ Maybank was a mess of emotions as he climbed through your bedroom window. The moonlight cast a soft glow on his disheveled blonde hair and the fresh bruise blossoming on his cheek. He winced as he swung his legs over the sill, but the pain seemed to melt away the moment he saw you waiting there, eyes wide with concern.
“Hey,” he whispered, his voice trembling. “Can I stay here for a while?”
Without waiting for an answer, JJ collapsed onto your bed, his head landing gently on your stomach. You could feel his body shaking with the silent sobs he tried to hold back. Your fingers found their way to his hair, threading through the soft strands in a soothing rhythm.
“What happened, JJ?” you asked softly, your voice filled with worry. “What’s wrong?”
“I had another fight with my dad,” JJ mumbled, his voice muffled against your shirt. “I just… I couldn’t stay there.”
Your heart broke at the vulnerability in his voice. “I’m so sorry, JJ. You don’t deserve that. Do you want to talk about it?”
He shook his head before he shifted closer, wrapping his arms around your waist, seeking the comfort and security that only you could provide. You continued to play with his hair, your touch gentle and reassuring.
“You always make things better,” he sighed, his breath warm against your skin.
You leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to the top of his head. “I’ll always be here for you, JJ. Always.”
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gh0stsp1d3r · 2 days
fully convinced that this is what jj acts like when he’s older and has his own dog.
In case you can’t tell I love jj with a dog.
ʚ‎‏ ͜ ̩͙ ︵ ̩͙ ୨ ♡ ୧ ̩͙ ‏︵ ̩͙ ͜ ɞ
“Jj,” You called out his name, he came back inside with furrowed brows. He was mowing the lawn, and you were cleaning up the inside.
“Yeah?” He asked you, wiping the sweat from his forehead with the heel of his hand, you admired him for a moment before speaking again.
“Did you feed Mags?”
“Not yet, nah.” He shook his head, his blonde waves bouncing as he did so.
“Can you?” You raised an eyebrow. He didn’t protest, just nodded, already going into the kitchen and getting some food for her as you continued to scrub the table.
It was all so domestic- he loved it.
He grabbed the bowl, going outside and seeing his dog. She barked, wagging her tail happily.
“Hi, baby!” He said, matching her happiness. He rubbed the back of her ears with his free hand, smile spreading across his face. “Alright, daddy’s gonna feed you.” He spoke when she put his paws on his legs, panting at him, putting the bowl down.
“Oh, you are just the cutest little girl ever. Yes you are, yea you are.” He baby-talked her, you standing at the doorway with a smile, watching the scene. He began scratching behind her ear one more time before turning around.
“What? A man can’t love his dog?” He asked when he saw you, holding his hands up in mock defense.
“No. You’re so cute.”
“Nah. I’m not cute.”
“Mhm. Keep telling yourself that.”
“Whatever.” He rolled his eyes, smile still on his face.
“Love you too.” You told him, going back inside and blowing him a kiss.
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maybankxw · 1 day
pairing: jj maybank x fem!reader
warnings: mature content ahead! [ unprotected sex; fingering; ] minors dni!!!
summary: spending some nice time together on the beach at night, while everyone else is back at the house
word count: 1.1k
a/n: okay hello its me, i know its been a year since i came here last time, but i hope y'all enjoy it! love you tons and miss you too! <3
links: masterlist / taglist / ask box
any feedback (comments, reblogs, anon asks) would be appreciated!
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I was sitting outside the chateau listening to the waves splashing as my fingers fiddled with a tiny stick that I dug out of the sand. The skies were navy blue, stars shimmering in the dark pattern, soft cool wind shuttering foliage above my head and ruffling my hair. Behind me the sounds of a party echoed back in the house, followed with the steps that grew louder. My head swivelled back just to see her walking in my direction.
“J?” her tiny frame settled down beside me, her knees levelled the soft sand as she brushed my bare shoulders with her warm fingers, “Are you coming back in?”
My eyes shut close at her presence, her touch, the sweet scent of her perfume and her body pressed close to mine, “Yeah, in a bit.”
“Okay,” her lips, soft, landed on my shoulder feathery kissing my cold skin, veering to my neck as her hands rubbed my arms up and down, “I’ll see you there then.”
I grabbed her wrist as she was about to stand up, “No,” I demanded, pulling her to me, “Stay.”
“Are you alright?” she asked concerned, crawling over to face me, her features lit up by a dim light casted by a garland hung outside.
“Yeah,” a smile tugged on my lips, “Come here,” I stretched my hand out, grasping her by the nape of her neck, colliding my lips with hers. She tasted like vanilla, a faint flavour of alcohol too, “Even better now,” I mumbled in between the kisses smiling against her mouth, helping her straddle me, feeling her smiling too.
My hands explored her body, pulling the dress up, squeezing her thighs, her waist as my kisses reached her jaw and lowered further until I nibbled her neck, listening to the pattern of her breathing change. It grew heavier, her nails dug into my shoulder blades as her head fell back, giving me more space to explore.
“Is that so?” she breathed out, clutching my forearms, biting back tiny moans, “Oh—“
I groaned, feeling my cock twitch as she bucked her hips, my fingers fiddled with her dress, pushing it over her head, “Mhm,” I stopped, my eyes roamed her body, savouring the moment, “I will never get tired of looking at you,” I rasped, searching for her eyes, “Naked or not,” we both heaved, impatient, but taking time to taking each other in, “Always beautiful. The most beautiful girl,” for a quick moment silence followed, “My girl.” 
It came out as a whisper, something snapped in her, she turned so eager, ripping my shirt off and undoing the zipper on my shorts, getting me undressed. That made my whole body tingle. Heat crept up my neck, she was so beckoning, reckless even, we were hidden in the dark, but the thought of someone finding us like that made me smirk.
My hands wrapped around her body and I flipped us over, making her spine meet the tiny blanket I had sprawled on the sand. Fingers hooked in her panties and just in moments she was absolutely naked beneath me, staring right into my eyes, “Oh I need to be inside you, now,” I choked out, getting rid of my own boxers, throwing them in the pile of our clothes, that made her chuckle. “Mmm,” her eyelashes batted, eyes closed, mouth slightly opened as I flexed my hips and sank in her in one persistent push, “J—“ 
My nose dove into her neck as I rocked back and forth, nuzzling her skin, planting open mouthed kisses. The scent of her perfume made me dizzy, I wanted to drown myself in her and never leave. “Fuck, you feel so good,” my eyes met hers again and I kissed her eagerly, pinning her by the throat, swallowing her moans, quickening the pace of my thrusts, “Such a perfect pussy, made for me.”
Her fingers grasped and pulled my hair, her breaths turned rapid as she helplessly clung to me and bit my shoulder to prevent from screaming, “Please don’t stop.” 
The tension was getting unbearable, air hot, our bodies sweaty.
“Come for me, love,” I gasped, holding her wrists above her head, fucking her relentlessly as she pushed her hips up to meet my movements, her nails digging into my ass, making me hiss.
Her moans grew louder, thighs shook uncontrollably, I pressed her clit with my thumb and she let out a final loudest moan, biting my arm in no time. Tears sprung out of her eyes, but I kept on moving, fucking her. through her high and chasing my own.
“J, cum inside of me,” she heaved, unhurriedly coming back to her senses, melting into the sand. Gently, she touched my cheek and I kissed the inside of her palm, holding her gaze as a few droplets of sweat scattered down my forehead and my hair, “Fuck—“
My cock twitched, I felt her walls tighten, I bet she did that on purpose. Cum rushed out, warm and sticky, filling her in, our moans merged into one.
“That was—” she smiled, stroking my chest, my abdomen, brushing my wet hair off my forehead.
“What?” I frowned, concerned, only to make her chuckle again.
“That was perfect. I mean, I didn’t think I’d fuck you tonight at all, you looked so busy back there. Why’d you come here anyways?”
“For you to find me, so I could fuck you senseless,” I grinned, giving her another lustful kiss on the lips, sucking in her upper lip, not wanting to release her from the captivity of my body, “I was hoping you’d find me here,” my mouth explored her body, my tongue found her nipples, hard, and I licked them, one at a time, meanwhile pinching another, making her squirm under me and moan. I fucking loved having her like that, at my mercy, whining for me. I slid lower, giving her stomach a few pecks and two wet drags of my tongue. My head was in between her legs now, I held them apart, licking a stripe up her folds, kissing her clit, fucking teasing her with my tongue, “JJ, please.”
“Yeah?” I sucked her clit in my mouth again, feeling her clenching her thighs around my head, “Tell me.”
“I need you inside.”
“Already?” a smile stretched on my lips, I pushed two of my fingers inside her perfect hole, feeling the warmth, leisurely moving in and out, still working my mouth on her.
She seized my wrist, helping me fuck my fingers in her, faster, rougher, her free hand tugging at my hair, forcing me to groan into her skin. When I felt her clench and shake for the second time, I eased my fingers out, wiping them down her hip, nuzzling her stomach and dropping down next to her afterwards, “You’re my guilty pleasure, you know? Wanna stay like this with you forever.”
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echobx · 1 day
I feel like high school sweethearts jj maybank fic would be so cute if you need jj ideas
author's note: okay so,,, bc this is so close to the OC!fic I've been working on for over a year now, I'm gonna give you HCs also bc my brain isn't letting me write at the moment
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you meet in detention, you're first time in detention, JJ's not so much. he knows his way around, how to sneak out especially and when he proposes the idea you decide to just do it, to follow him out.
from that day on he will always try and get you to move more out of your shell, be more poguey than you have been ever before.
he doesn't even realize that he's falling for you until a guy from the football team asks you out on a date.
JJ tries to convince you to not go, but he doesn't have a good enough reason, because surely being in love with you won't convince you to stay.
but the date goes well, and you don't know why you hate that it does. maybe you would've liked it more if it went horribly.
JJ introduces you to the Crew after knowing you for just a month, and they all welcome you with open arms.
so when you come almost crying to Kiara about how weird everything feels, and she has a hard time to not laugh in your face for how oblivious you are, it all starts to dawn on you.
but risking your friendship with JJ? you aren't sure if it's worth it.
and when John B dares him to kiss you in a game of Truth or Dare, he can't find a good answer to not do it, and you can't either.
when you officially start dating, nothing changes much. sure you go out with him, and your alone time is now split into friends stuff and making out, but other than that it's the same.
you have a few rough patches, especially while in school because people start to make up rumors of JJ cheating on you, and even though you know he would never, it still gnawes on your ego.
college is better that way, although the distance doesn't feel so good either. but you get through it with weekend visits or fully focusing only on JJ when you are on break and can go back home.
and at your graduation dinner, JJ finally decides to propose, not having wanted to pull your focus away from studying if he had done it earlier, he says.
of course you say yes, he's the love of your life after all.
the ceremony is rather small, just your family and friends, at the beach.
and when you find yourself pregnant JJ takes care of everything, even going so far to be the stay at home dad for the first two years, and then the next two because two kids are better than one.
he does everything in his power to let you have the family and the carrier you always wanted.
and there isn't a single day that you ever regretted skipping detention with him.
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
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cdragons · 22 hours
JJ and swamp witch!reader bc why not??? oh, and she's also a necromancer
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these two met in weird circumstances, like weird, weird circumstances
JJ was fishin' on the HMS Pogue. Nothin' much, just a man, his pole, fishing in some creepy-ass swamp he's never been in before - when all of a sudden, some gators came along, and JJ was about to throw all his bait into the water and make a swim for it or some shit
when all of a sudden, he hears this girl screamin'
"KIKI! MILO! Get yer butts over here! Y'all just ate!"
and like fucking magic, the gators leave him alone and JJ turns around and sees this barefoot vision in a crochet halter top with a green and brown patchwork flowy skirt
this boy's jaw drops and he's pretty sure he's got half a chub by just lookin' at her cleavage from how this girl's tits are squished in that top and if he squints just hard enough, he can see her nipples
JJ sees her mouth movin' but to be honest, he's not payin' too much attention to 'til his boat rocks and he looks down to see these weirdass blobby, clear, glowy goop thingies with bones crawlin' up the sides of the Pogue
"If you can stop starin' at my tits for a GODDAMN minute - I was askin' if you need help!"
JJ just owlishly blinks for a few minutes in silence, before giving out an unintelligent mumble, "huh?"
the swampy bohemian beauty slaps a hand over her face and angrily grumbles out a couple of curses before extending her arm out and JJ felt his body stiffen as the water pushed him and the boat toward shore
the young Maybank watches, body paralyzed, as he's brought over to what he assumes is the woman of his dreams - who is looking more pissed and sexy by the second, in his humble opinion
boat parked on the shore, JJ watches as the girl steps onto the vessel with the gloppy thingamabobs still clinging onto the walls
"Name and Purpose."
her southern drawl draws tingles down his spine, but JJ just blinks and she scowls before grabbing his shirt and pulling him down to her face level, "I said - state your name and purpose, Normie."
"JJ Maybank," he croaks out. "Fishin', that's 'bout it."
"You're no poacher?"
"No, ma'am."
she stares at him with unforgiving eyes before determining he is telling the truth. She scratches the back of her head, muttering, "Well, can't exactly get rid of you, I'll just have the shades transport you back."
"The what?"
"Well, it's not like I can just kill you, can I?"
with a snap of her fingers, JJ feels his vision go blank and he can feel the wind over his face
JJ wakes up and sees John B and Pope slappin' his face, crowding over him like he's the latest attraction in a circus
"Fuckin' - M'up, m'up," he lets out a huge yawn. "Wassup?"
"Dude," JB's eyes are huge, "you and the Pogue were missing for like...hours, where the hell d'you go?"
JJ was drawin' up blanks for a couple of minutes, until he finally remembered his swamp beauty with the flowy patchwork skirt who can talk to gators
"Dude, are you hearin' me?" John B snaps his fingers in front of his face. "Where the hell you've been?"
JJ just shakes his head. "Nowhere, man."
he'd imagine his swamp girlie wouldn't like it too much if he told his friends about her too early
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Oh, and swamp witch!reader's a necromancer, too. Let me know your thoughts! Inbox is open!
Tagging: @dipperscavern, @ethereal-athalia, @instructionsnotincluded, @darlingchronicles, @excbambi
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nottsangel · 7 months
obx porn links vol. 2 ˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ
warning: 18+ only. these are twitter links that contain porn videos. these are not fics.
nav. // main m.list // blurbs m.list // vol. 1 + vol. 3
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reverse cowgirl with jj outside
jj sucking and admiring your tits
dom!jj spanking you
giving boyfriend!jj a blowjob
doggystyle with best friend!jj
jj showing you how strong he is
riding roommate!jj in your room
jj fucking you while you’re wearing his shirt
helping jj relax after a long day
enemy!jj fucking you at a party
jj fucking you hard from behind
missionary with boyfriend!rafe
ghostface!rafe sneaking into your room and fucking you
dom!rafe punishing you
rafe eating you out after a stressful day
morning sex with rafe
enemy!rafe fingering and choking you
shower sex with rafe
rafe fucking you on his yacht
study sessions with best friend!rafe
rafe admiring your body
riding rafe in his truck
neighbour!rafe fucking you in his bed
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eternalbuckley · 6 months
characters: rafe, jj, sarah
warnings: 18+ only. minors dni. the following links are twitter links to porn videos, not fics. please keep that in mind. the videos contain fem / afab people.
a/n: since some of you wanted that i make a list of my current favourite porn videos… here are a few with some scenarios involved 🤓 enjoy babes!!
links are under the cut!
disclaimer: please do not repost or try and take ownership of my work or post this anywhere without my consent. do not translate my work and post it anywhere — i give you no permission to do that. i only post my stories here, so if you find my work anywhere else please let me know! reblogs, likes and comments are appreciated and welcomed!
navigation | masterlists
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› bestfriend!rafe fucking you from behind.
› roommate!rafe fingering you in his bed.
› enemie!rafe choking you while he pounds into you.
› rafe using a knife to scrape off wax from your body. [wax play & knife kink warning]
› riding rafes dick and him breeding you.
› rafe eating you out while you sit on his face.
› enemie!jj breeding you.
› jj fingering you.
› jj licking your nipples.
› enemie!jj fucking you from behind while you‘re handcuffed.
› giving bestfriend!jj a handjob.
› jj pounding into you while you‘re on top.
› secretgirlfriend!sarah eating you out after a stressful day.
› fucking sarah with a strap on.
› eating sarah out after a party.
› dom!sarah not letting you cum.
› rubbing bestfriend!sarahs clit.
› using a vibrator on sub!sarah. [a small whip is used a few times for spanking as well]
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princessmaybank · 5 months
Outer Banks P!Links PT2
Here's Part 1: P!Links
*Once again: I'm aware some of them look nothing like them, but that's okay, it's all for fun*
~A lot more than last time! Please enjoy! I didn't check to see which was already used, so I'm sorry if there are repeats from the last post!~
Him Pounding Into You
Riding JJ While He Plays With Your Tits
Soft Fuck With JJ
Jacking Him Off
Teasing Him With Your Pussy
Riding Tatted JJ
69 Tatted JJ
4 Fingers
Oral And Riding By The Pool
Wants To Try Something From Your Book
Rubbing Your Pussy
Tatted Rafe POV
Cumming On Your Stomach
Hitting It From Behind
Riding Him
Gently Playing With You
Fucking You Outside
Fingering Then Fucking You
Slapping Your Pussy On The Way To Midsummers
Rubbing You Until You Can't Take It
Bent Over His Lap
Anal By The Pool
John B:
Sucking His Dick In The Twinkie
Playing With You
Couldn't Resist You
Having Some Fun With Kiara
Parking Garage Fun
Tatted JB, Playing With Each Other
Making A Mess In Your Panties
Using His Dick While He Plays His Game
Sitting On His Face By The Pool
Upside Down 69
Dicking You Down While JJ Drives
Tatted Pope, Waking You Up
Bouncing On His Dick
He Asked For A Handjob
Jacking Him Off Then Riding Him
Under His Desk While He Studies
Fucks You In Your PJ's
Bouncing You Back
Tatted Pope Fucking You On The Counter
Anal From The Back
School Girl Fantasy
Riding Pope On The Couch
Kiara Eating You Out
Eating Out Tatted Cleo
Tribbing With Sarah
Tatted JJ & Rafe Sharing You
Playing With Sarah's Pussy
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maybankswhore · 2 days
can you do jj with a reader who is scared of love
jj is also deathly scared of love.
it took a long time before the two of you even admitted to eachother that feelings were involved.
jj fell first.
you fell harder.
both of you were stubborn asf and didn’t want to admit it to not only eachother— but yourselves.
jj was in deep , deep denial.
eventually he was the first one to crack.
and at first , you claimed that he was just drunk and high and didn’t mean any of it and refused to listen to his love confession in the heat of the moment.
though you had replayed it in your head thousands of times and you still tear up about it even after being with eachother for so long.
jj is absolute mush when it comes to you.
any fear about love and relationships left him the second he got to call you his girlfriend.
he’s very understanding of your feelings , though , and he makes sure to constantly affirm his feelings towards you.
“you know i’m never goin’ anywhere , right? i’m in this for the long haul.”
jj is constantly telling you he appreciates you.
he thinks that means more to someone that just saying ‘i love you.’
he wants you to feel heard , appreciated and safe.
you try and push him away because you’re scared but even then , he sticks by your side.
“look— nothing you can do is gonna rid of me , alright? i love you. you’re it for me.”
you and jj’s relationship becomes on of the most healthiest relationships you’d ever been in.
he’s very patient with you and helps you open up more.
“i got you , girl. cry , scream , kick me out— you know i’ll be sleepin’ on that front porch waiting for daylight.”
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moremaybank · 9 months
reader and jj calling each other out about your kinks as a joke and he tells reader he has a breeding link and wants her to have all his babies
breeding kink!jj is acc my weakness
"Your praise kink is outta hand, baby. All I have to do is say good girl and you're instantly wet," JJ laughs, poking your cheek.
You're currently lying down on your couch, both of you on your sides and facing each other. You have a fire going, the quiet crackling filling the air and the warm-toned glow casting over the living room.
Somehow, you'd gotten into the conversation of discussing your kinks. Honestly, it was just the two of you poking fun.
"Oh, please. You're the one who's always begging to fuck me in public. The back of Heyward's, the washroom at The Wreck, the hammock at the chateau..." you list. "You couldn't keep it in your pants if your life depended on it. Needy boy."
"You like how needy I am," he states, rolling his eyes.
You shrug, a teasing grin gracing your features. "Maybe I do."
"You wanna know another kink of mine?"
"Sure. Hit me."
He can't help himself. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
"Focus, Maybank."
JJ switches your positions, climbing on top of you and caging you in with your back against the couch. He drops some kisses onto your collarbone, and then up to your ear. "I have a massive breeding kink, baby. If I ever fuck you raw, I don't think I'll be able to pull out."
Your heart pounds in your chest, and you can't ignore the fluttering in your core. "Is that so?"
"Mhm. I wouldn't stop filling you up until I was sure that you were carrying my baby in there."
And you're swooning. "Tell me again, J."
He starts pulling at the hem of your pants. "I wanna give you a baby. 'M gonna give you all my damn babies."
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hailbales · 28 days
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taking back shots from jj<3
“oh, fuck. that’s right. take it like a good girl.” he thrusted into you vigorously, his grip tight around your waist as he pulled you back to meet his pace. you moaned into the pillow, tear spilling down your cheeks from how deep he was hitting you, abusing your cervix with every push of his hips.
“jj! god, i can’t take it.” you whined as your hands gripped at anything it can to try and steady yourself before reaching back to grip at his wrist. “shhh. shh, shh. yes you can princess, look at you. doing so well.” he groaned into your neck, his voice sending vibrations through you. he lifted his foot onto the mattress as his other stayed planted on the ground to gain leverage over you and your back arched painfully as a sinful noise escaped your throat. “oh my- pleasepleaseplease. fuckkk, don’t stop. feels so good, oh my goood-“
he moaned deeply, circling his hand down to wrap around your throat as he pulled your back flush against him. “give me one more doll. that’s it. just one more and i’ll give you a break. huh? that sound fair?”
his words reminded you of your impending release and your eyes shot open, nerves running through you. “wait, j- wait, please..” your words were interrupted by labored breaths. “don’t know if i can handle it.” you hand flew down to grip onto his thigh and his tsked beside your ear as his grip around your throat tightened. “now that’s not what i wanna hear, is it?” he roughly threw you back down on the bed, bending you even further back as his hand snaked down to apply pressure just where his dick was abusing your insides.
you cried loudly, hands flailing desperately to find something to cling onto but he was just out of reach as waves crashed over so hard you couldn’t breath. his hips stuttered against you and his deep moans became more frequent as he abused your limp body, using you to get himself off as you recovered from your orgasm. “pussy so fucking good. never wanna leave it. that okay with you, huh? i’ll just move in yeah? raise my kids here.” he chuckled dryly at his own innuendo and that brought you back to consciousness.
“don’t, jayj.” you weren’t even quite sure if he heard you, your voice was still raspy from all the screaming and it was hard to talk over the loud sound of your wetness and skin clapping. “what’s that baby? you tryna talk?” his tone was daunting, and when you went to turn your head towards him, he bent down and roughly bit down on your shoulder blade causing you to squeal. he moaned deeply over the skin, and you pulsed and clenched around him as he shot his cum deep inside you.
you gasped in pleasure despite your protests and felt you might cum again if he didn’t stop fucking himself into you. he collapsed and panted on top of you, rubbing your ass cheeks soothingly, a big contrast to the red imprints he left on them earlier. “you did so good, baby.” he breathed against you, tickling your neck. “thank you, jayj.”
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shellxrls · 3 months
asking to feel JJ while he’s soft and he’s like: “wtf? but yea.” and as soon as you touch him he’s hard.
“it kinda looks like a gummy worm,” you muse, twisting his limp dick slightly and attempting to admire it from an angle.
“babe i do not know what fucked up gummy worms you’ve been eating, but junior ain’t a gummy worm,” he states simply, growing restless from your constant touching.
you giggle, continuing your inspection for only a couple of seconds before, much to your amiss, you notice jj getting hard once again.
“jeez man it’s only been — what, a minute?” you chuckle, beginning to stroke your fist as you finish the question, causing him to choke and stumble over his answer and instead let out an embarrassing loud groan.
“‘m sensitive,” he mumbles, followed by a string of curses and a “ohh, yeah keep doing that mama.”
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rafeysbafey · 7 months
reader trying to crawl away from jjs cock when he’s fucking her in doggy, he pulls her back and says “where you going baby? am i too big you can take it”
slight daddy kink MDNI
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jj plowed into you from behind at a brutal pace, hips bucking to meet your ass as he held onto your hips like his life depended on it.
you were on round three with this boy, tears streaming down your reddened face as your body shook with each thrust.
your back was arched as you laid there on all fours, hands gripping the sheets and mouth agap at feeling him reach deep inside you.
the feeling became overwhelming, feeling him destroy your insides at such a brutal pace had your brain all fuzzy.
you tried scooting away, trying to retract yourself from his cock but failed as he slapped your ass, causing a yelp to fall from your lips.
“can’t handle this dick?” he mocked above you, fastening his thrusts as you cried in both pain and pleasure—you couldn’t make out which.
“daddy giving you too much? my cock too big for you to handle?”
“y-yes,” you cried out, agreeing with anything he was saying in hopes he would let up.
but he didn’t.
“too bad, you’re going to take what I give you like the good little slut you are.”
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