#jjk suguru
slvttyplum · 9 hours
Yn arguing with the JJK men about her not running from dick, so they record her for “evidence” (Gojo, Geto, Nanami, and Toji pls or you can just pick whoever you think this resonates best with) btw I love your blog🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
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suguru hated when you lied about the littlest things, because why? you didn't just lie about anything, though; it was about how you were in bed. he had observant eyes; he knew what got you soaking and what had you squirming and whining, so of course he got defensive when you denied every one of those things with a straight face, and even when he told you that no, you were lying, you would still deny it. 
being who he was, he got irritated a little too quickly when it came to this topic, so he did what he had to do, whipping that camera out while he was fucking you. 
he was going to do it sneakingly while he had you in that one position that you were squirming and running from him in. placing you on your stomach and pushing your lower back as you had your ass in the air, making sure his phone was within arm reach, and placing both hands on your ass and sliding himself in.
a sharp gasp as he keeps sliding into you, not expecting to feel all of him at once, your hands balling a handful of the sheet as you keep your hands open and your eyes squeezed shut. he wasn't stopping; he wanted to make sure that you were a crying and moaning mess, and he succeeded. 
you were so fucked out of your mind that you couldn't stop, pushing yourself into him with a wet face as you felt every inch buried deep inside of you, the tip of his dick pressing on your sweet spot, and your walls clinging around him. 
he had to suppress his whimpers due to the intense pleasure he was experiencing. grabbing his phone to record how well you took him, watching through the screen your wetness covering his dick every time you slid off his dick and back on, your pretty crying from the pleasure crashing down on you. 
when it started to get too much, you did what he always claimed you did, grabbing forward and trying to tap out, but that wasn't going to happen. 
he wanted to make sure you took every fucking inch, even when you didn't think you could. he knew how you responded to him, but once you started to get overstimulated and squirmed from his every touch, he knew that's when you had enough, but he didn't.
suguru didn't just stop here, though; he needed evidence, so he made sure to do this multiple times and in multiple positions, his camera roll filled with all the videos of you going crazy on his dick while whining out his name to give you more. 
he almost felt bad at recording his most intimate moments with you, but he just had to remember he was proving a point, until he was purposely fucking you until the early morning, when your eyes were swollen from your crying and he could barely cum anymore. 
a point was made, so he decided to finally test out what you were going to say when he asked you, having all the videos in one folder so he could pull them out when needed.
"you run from dick, and it gets exhausting, baby." teasing you while pulling out his phone, knowing it'd get you riled up. he knew you liked the back of his hand because it did. 
"shut the fuck up, i don't." crossing your arms and your mouth widening while suguru shows you the multiple videos of you getting your shit beat in, embarrassment covering your face as he turns up the volume.
"come on, baby... there we gooo. you take me so well."
he can safely say that you never tried to lie your way out of those accusations; instead, you groan and ignore him.
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featuring: Satoru, Suguru, Toji, Yuji, Megumi, Yuta and Choso!
warnings(?): Toji asks for tit pics, no pronouns mentioned but they use fem complements (you're beautiful and pretty)
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akxmee · 1 day
He loved her since childhood, yet she married another man.
Words: 11.3k
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Suguru Geto was never seen like a man interested in relationships. Not flings, not one-night stands, real relationships. Unlike his best friend satoru who used to have tons of girlfriends week after week, Suguru wasn't fond of it. Don't get him wrong, he did like to have his fun too, but once he had it and was satisfied he never once was seen again.
It's not like he didn't want a relationship either. He wished for the warmth of a relationship, he craved the proximity and he needed that closeness with someone, but not with anyone. Because he only wanted you.
He always did.
Everytime he felt some random woman's hand run through his hair, every moment he felt someone admiring his beauty, everytime he was sent gifts from some "secret admirer" on valentines, everyday he woke up next to some lady he met on a party..he wished it was you. No matter how many hands he held, they never fit his like yours do. No matter how many people he met, none of their personalities was made for his like yours is. Maybe that's why he never really even tried to establish a serious romantic relationship with someone, because he knows no one will fit him like you do.
"It's no use. If she doesn't like you by now, give up. Want something to smoke the pain away?"
Yeah, shoko said that to him more than once and he remembers it too well. He always ignored the last part, because Suguru knew you didn't like the smell of cigarettes from the way your beautiful face turns into an expression of disgust when you smell it. He has always been able to admire your beauty, even when he first met you as a child and decided to play with this pretty kid from the other class.
Oh, how he cursed the day that he met you.
He remembers it as clear as a day, it was a snowy day in primary school. He was in class, waiting while sitting on a chair while he waited for his patents to pick him up since they were late because of work. All the kids were already gone, and he was just staring at the floor while patiently following his teacher's orders.
He looked around for the owner of that sound. The door wasn't opened, and nobody was inside of the class too.
—Over here!
Suguru looked to his right, seeing another child standing on a chair to get part of their face visible through the tall window. The kid waved, and he found himself waving too.
—You look bored, want to play?
He looked around the classroom for a second. He was more than happy to have someone to play, but it was a classroom. What game could he play here, if it wasn't doing basic mathematical exercises?
—Bur there are no games here..
To his surprise, the child nodded.
—I know! But look.—The kid proceeded to signal to the opposite window, the one that had looks to the exterior of the school.—There's snow. We can make a snowman, like the movies!
He sounded interested in her offer. However, he was still not fully trusting you.
—Won't we get sick? I'll say it's your fault if i catch a cold!
He said, pointing at you with his finger along with a sly smile. Even if there was a dirty window between the two of you, he could still feel the warmth of the smile you just gave him then.
—No worries! I'll make sure you stay warm.
—You promise?
He looked at the child's innocent eyes that grew excited as he seemed to have agreed to play with her now. His lips curved into a smile due to this.
—I promise!
And he trusted her word. His mom once said that promises couldn't be broken once you make them, so that kid was responsible of him now in case he grew cold. He got off of his chair, opened the door and finally saw her whole, not just half of their face looking at him through a window. The child he has been talking to smiled as they got off a chair to get to his level, and he helped her get the chair back to the classroom it was borrowed from before going outside.
The kid was called Y/N, he learned.
And you were so fun to be with. He played with you, made a few snowmen, threw snowballs at eachother, and laughed the hardest for a long time when he hit you and you fell to a huge pile of snow. He thought you were going to be boring at first, that you were just one of those stupid kids who laughed at him because he claimed to see "spirits" or "curses" as he liked to call them, but you weren't. You didn't even understand what he meant when he talked to you about them, however you were sweet about it. You even said it was alright and that everyone has imaginary friends, he just has tons of them! That's cool, isn't it? Having so many friends must be cool.
For a moment, he thought it was cool too.
Not a curse, not a gift, but something cool only he could do.
And that single feeling of being someone "cool", someone interesting and not some crazy child, made him feel free for the hour he kept playing with you until his parents picked him up. He was scolded for being outside and catched a huge cold that had him in bed for two whole days, but it was okay. He liked the way you kept him entertained that day, so he forgave you for breaking the promise.
Yeah, he liked you.
Suguru sighed, those memories he thought he would eventually forget coming back to him. He was a shy kid, and you made him get out of his comfort zone. That little you tore down his walls and stepped all over his beloved silence until he began to hate it as much as you did. Now, there was no place for it when you were together and he got used to you yapping everytime just like Satoru. Only difference was he actually enjoyed your voice, he found the tone you spoke to him with quite relaxing.
He noticed how you always had a different tone for each person.
It was endearing, to say the least. Suguru loved the way you called for him, the way his name sounded so sweet from your lips. When you talked to him, he noticed your voice was soft. Softer than usual, soft as if you knew you didn't have to raise your voice for him to understand you better. Sometimes there wasn't even a need to say something for him to understand you, but he still pretended he didn't hear you just to listen to your voice once again.
He adored your voice.
And maybe, just maybe, that was the reason he was calling you to tell you this instead of texting you right now.
He thought about it once again, how brave he was being right now when as a teen he couldn't be able to even look at your face despite being your childhood friend. It was all because he had just discovered he had this silly crush on you, wasn't it?
Oh, how he cursed the day he fell in love with you.
It was when he recently joined the jujutsu tech, as far as he remembers. You two were then at his home, with a bottle and a half of alcohol empty, doing both a celebration and goodbye party. He got into the college, but that only meant he was leaving you behind to go and live in Tokyo while you stayed at his childhood town. That explains why you were completely drunk, drunk enough to look at him and not think about how he was going to leave next week.
—Going to fall asleep already?
You looked at Suguru with sleepy eyes. Right, you two were on the sofá with some of those random pathetic TV shows at 3am as background noise as you leaned on his shoulder and he talked about the people he was going to have class with. None of the ones he described to you seemed interesting since, for you, your Suguru was always going to be the strongest. However, you listened to him carefully anyways like you always do.
—No, I won't.
He chuckled.
—Right. I'll be guessing you're spending the night here?
He felt a slight nod against his shoulder.
—You even dare to think i won't?
—Not at all, m'am.—You rolled your eyes at the formal nickname, getting your head off his shoulder as a punishment. You also intended to get up to be more dramatic, but a hand on your waist stopped you.—You're drunk, i wouldn't recommend standing up just yet.
You looked to the side, meeting his half lidded eyes and cocky smile as he talked to you. A slight blush crept its way on his cheeks due to the alcohol, but didn't sound drunk at all despite all of that.
—So what? It's time to go to bed anyways, Suguru.
—You actually intend to go to bed knowing how tipsy we are right now?
—No, but i do want a blanket from your bedroom.
He looked at you and wondered if you were serious. Alcohol warms people up, so how could you be cold? It was winter, but his house was surely warm enough to stay hot and comfy.
—Hell, are you sick?
The hand on your waist pulled you closer to him and as a result you ended up with your head on his chest. Next thing you knew, a pair of soft lips were pressed on your temple for a few seconds until the feeling of them disappeared.
—You don't seem to have a fever.
You looked up, not caring about what he just did and how your actions could be misunderstanded if someone walked in right then. You were always this close to Suguru. You didn't mind being this close to his chest, neither did you care if he pulled you by the waist, and the feeling of his lips on your forehead to check your temperature was just another of the things you've grown used to. Not only that, but you were too drunk to even give it a second thought. Hell, he could have kissed you on the lips with the excuse of checking if you're sick and you wouldn't have thought anything bad about it because of how sleepy you were getting.
And he knew that.
He just didn't know why he wanted to do it so bad.
That time when he was leaning in to kiss your forehead his tired gaze lingered on your lips for a bit, nothing too weird. You were wearing that lipstick shade he helped you pick, and it suited you really good! It was okay, so why did he feel the urge to ruin it until his lips were of that shade too? Why did he feel like he was doing something wrong by pulling you into his chest, thinking of this as something that wouldn't be quite considered friendship?
—Hey, Suguru.
Your voice interrumpted his thoughts. You were still on his chest, now in a comfy position and playing with a strand of his loose dark hair. The man simply looked at you, mumbling a soft "mm?" waiting for you to keep going even if he knew you were just going to tell the most carefree thing ever since you were drunk.
—I've been thinking, and i'm really glad you're the one I get to call my best friend.
Best friend.
Yeah, he needed to get that carved into his brain urgently since that was what you two were, are, and will be. There was no space to even think about something as complex as some kind of attraction to his kind of cute childhood friend, and he was once again reminded of it. All the times he got butterflies just because you held his hand like you always do, he needs to get rid of all of them. All of the times his heart raced because of a silly kiss on his cheek, the long hugs, the late night talks about life..it needs to stop. It was dirty to think of you in a way beyond friendship when you saw a brother in him, and he knew that. You didn't see it the way he wanted you to, so he had to start forcing himself to think the way you do.
It should be easy, that's what he thought when he first felt this strange around you.
Yet, it was anything but easy.
So with a sigh, he placed a hand on top of your head while the other one rested on your lower back. He positioned the two of you so you completely lay on the couch and turned off the TV, admiring how you didn't even question his actions as you waited for an answer to what you said a few seconds ago.
—Yes, i'm grateful you're my friend too.
"Liar", he thought.
But what could he do? He doesn't like you anymore.
It's clear now,
He entirely loves you.
The phone made a sound, and it once again stopped him from daydreaming.
He heard you talk from the other line. The man smiled just by hearing you call his name.
Suguru called your name back, his voice was deep and sweet, and had this endearing sweet touch that made it sound like he was purring your name.
—It's late, why did you call me?
You didn't even sound worried despite the fact that he was calling you so out of nowhere, this was a normal thing. He kept quiet for a bit, he could hear some utensils being moved around.
Perhaps you were at home, cooking?
That's good, he loved your cooking. You made food for him several times, so many that he lost count. Seeing you cook while he waited leaning on the kitchen's counter made him dream of a universe where you cooked for him everyday. Oh, how he imagined you cooking something for him as he got from work. You and him, at home, married and not friends. That's the perfect life, the life he desired next to you.
However, it was not possible.
He exhaled.
—I'm not going to attend your wedding.
He didn't even get to keep talking, and the sound of a metal object —some cutlery, he guessed— hitting the floor was already interrupting him.
—What do you mean?!
You asked him desperately, getting worried. What did he mean by not coming to your wedding? Was he crazy? He was one of the only people you specifically wanted to see at your ceremony. You wanted to spend your special day with him, who you considered part of your family at this point. You wanted to recieve an speech from him congratulating you as he promised, you wanted him to joke about how your husband's family was so dry, you wanted him to see you in your wedding dress.
And he did, too.
He just wasn't able to.
You called for him, waiting for an explanation. He stayed quiet for a second, the only thing you could hear from his line was the sound of heavy steps and wind. He was walking through an alley, leaning on the wall once he was there.
—Listen, i can't.
He wondered about what excuse would suit best right now to give it to you. "I love you" he wished to say, but was it really relevant when you were soon to marry another man? How could he even dare to be as selfish as that, letting you know of all of the times he took advantage of your friendship to have an excuse to hold you? How could he, as a man, ever think of saying such a thing? However, you did deserve to know the truth. Was he really going to tell you?
He shook his head, a bittersweet smile in his face.
—I can't, Y/N. Something just came up, and I-
—Something more important than your best friend's wedding day? Really, Suguru?
He hated the way your breath hitched at that, the way he could feel the pain in your voice. Because the pain you felt, he felt it even worse. Everytime the smallest of the corners of your heart broke, his whole soul shattered.
—And you can't even give me an explanation?
Your voice cracked. He just stayed quiet, and you got your answer.
Your tone changed this time.
—I hope you're glad of what you've just done. Don't you dare to call me again, Geto.
You hung up, and he knew he fucked you up.
His last name was spat with what felt like venom through his ears, the feeling of not hearing you calling out his name with a cheery tone had him at the verge of tears. It was his decision, so why was it so hard to do this to you? You were supposed to be the only woman he could ever love, and he just hurt you.
His shaky hands threw his phone across the street, frustration getting over him.
Fuck it.
He crawled along the alley still leaning against the wall for support, sitting on the ground once he reached the edge of it. His breathing was accelerated, he didn't know if it was due to stress or the stinging pain coming from his shoulder.His head leaned back as he hissed in pain, clutching on his arm.
Or what was left of it, anyways.
Blood stained his hands, which he didn't even realize were paler than usual. He left out a shaky breath, recalling all of the things that happened faster than he could ever imagine. He was beat up by this kid called Yuta, ruined his relationship with you and was about to die, all in a span of time of a few hours.
It was for the best.
A voice called his name. For a second he thought he would see you, but the voice was too masculine to be yours. His mind must be playing games on him.
He opened his eyes, seeing a white haired man he knew a little too well.
—Ah, Satoru.
Satoru looked at him with those eyes, those eyes that used to be filled with emotion now looking empty. His friend kept quiet, so Suguru kept talking.
—You know, just had a chat with your wife. We might have fought a little.
Yes, Satoru's wife. That was no one but you, the only woman he could have ever desired, taken from him by his best friend. He was mad at first, hearing that you and satoru were offcially dating.
Satoru knew he liked you, so why?
He was crazy, refused to talk to Satoru in private or when you were not looking. He placed his trust on Satoru when he said he would respect his crush, and he betrayed it. He didn't even understand why would he do such thing when Satoru was known for having like.. four, five? girlfriends in one month. He didn't want his best friend to break your heart.
But then he saw it.
He saw the way Satoru looked at you and noticed how you looked at him back.
Fuck, you loved eachother.
Because he knew that gaze of yours, he dreamed of it more than he could ever count. He wished of the day you would look at him like that, but Satoru got that dream come true before him. He cried until the next morning that day, cursing fate for giving him a heart that wasn't his, but yours. He cried because no matter what he did for a decade, Satoru got you in just two years.
Was it Satoru's eyes? Was it his pale hair? Perhaps you thought he was unattractive. He knew he was always going to be less than his best friend, but he thought that maybe you would choose him and not the strongest.
But you didn't.
And with time, he learned how to live with it. He helped Satoru pick anniversary gifts for you, supported your relationship with him, calmed you down when you and Satoru fought, helped satoru pick a ring and propose to you... Hell, he was going to be Satoru's man of honor at your wedding too. How could he not? You looked so happy when you gave him that handwritten invitation letter inviting him you to your wedding with another man while his heart crushed in silence.
But everytime, he smiled at you.
Because you were happy, and Suguru wouldn't want anything but that.
And that's why he, even though he took the thing he wanted the most, smiled at satoru who was looking at him in this pathetic situation where he didn't even have an arm and was covered in blood. Yes, he had no bad things to say about his best friend if he was the one making you happy.
—Told her i wouldn't attend the wedding. You must understand why, huh?
Satoru tried his best not to let his serious and professional expression fall at Suguru's words. He seemed as if he was so calm, but he knew what he was thinking. The white haired man simply kneeled down in front of him.
—She used to like you too.— He spoke in a low voice.—A year before we started dating. Remember when she started to wear ponytails? Asked me what your type was and i said that because i didn't actually know.
Suguru's eyes darted towards his friend's, looking for the slightest clue that would indicate that he was lying. He wasn't, he knew that gaze.
—Why are you telling me that?
—Thought you would want to die with a happy thought. I know you still..
"You still love her" he wanted to say, but suguru's chuckle didn't let him continue. Satoru saw the widest smile he could have seen in his best friend's face since years and years ago. He laughed and laughed, forgetting about the pain he was feeling at that moment. More than feeling like he lost a chance, he felt glad; not because he didn't even realize it, but because of the fact that if you liked him once, that would only mean you had looked at him. It was okay, because you laid your eyes on him and he was chosen by you. He was worthy enough to be liked by you, and he felt his younger self scream of joy inside of him.
That made him even happier, because It means that maybe, in another universe, he gets to make his dream come true and finally date you withouth having to worry about ruining your friendship. In another universe, maybe he gets to be the reason of your happiness. A universe with no curses, where you two live separated from the world and live a married life with children.
Yeah, nothing could make him happier than that.
So he closed his eyes and rested his head on the wall, relaxed and ready to accept the fate his friend was going to give him. His smile didn't ever fade, grateful for what Satoru told him.
—At least curse me a little at the very end..
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—AUTHOR'S NOTE: honestly not really happy with how i've written this fic, i was kind of rushed. However, hope you liked it!
It's not edited, so let me know if there are any mistakes.
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getousatoruu · 3 days
Gojo during the 10 years of separation (Geto blocked his number):
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kirshakal · 2 days
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skwzks · 1 day
╰┈➤ Geto Suguru NSFW Twitter links 𔘓𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ๋ ࣭ ⭑
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𖥔 Sucking your tits while you ride him is a must
𖥔 Fucking you in your skirt
𖥔 He likes to do it rough and you loves it when he's rough
𖥔 Playing with his favorite toy
𖥔 He just wanna fill you up
𖥔 "Aww... come on give me one more"
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uzurakis · 2 days
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geto suguru likes confined places.
so it’s not a surprise when he allows his passion to overpower him in the dressing room, especially with you being the reason.
a magnetic pull drew suguru and you closer, your breaths mingling in the charged air, thick with desire. “suguru..” your breath hitched as his lips leaned in, craving the taste of you. still being wary, you confided, "others might hear us.”
“hmm?” delicate fingertips tracing the contours of your body, suguru was not paying attention to your words, "but you look so breathtaking in this dress, princess,” his lips continued to trip on yours, gradually moving down to your neck and collarbone with his hot breath tickling you.
a breathless laugh escaped your lips as you surrendered to the intoxicating pull of desire. "you're such a flirt," you slurred as you felt his grin between the sloppy kisses.
abruptly, he seized your wrist, taking two of your fingers prior to reaching your lips. "open your mouth for me, princess," and continued to wax your own fingers by circling it with spit.
a soft moan escaped from your lips as he skillfully made you tease yourself by playing around your clit. right, he’s making you fuck yourself for him. "hold it in, princess," suguru urged, his voice a husky whisper against your ear, hands still directing yours.
your hips buckled front to back as he guided your middle finger to make circular strokes on your clit. he curled and heightened the heat underneath you with another finger, just to torment you, before releasing it up and down on the slick surface again.
you were lost in the heat of the moment as he finally slipped two digits inside your cunt, playing with them as he caught your kisses transformed into choked back moans. “a-ah.. suguru..” it felt so good, too good when you had to finger yourself as if it were his. you may not have any self consciousness in front of your boyfriend right now, but damn it, who cares?
and, oh, he adored watching you so worked up by your own fingers, still having you stroke the inside of your pussy, gradually making it quicker and faster. “suguru.. i’m g-gonna—“
“shh, hush it, babe,” his words trailed off.
"ya don't want 'em to hear us, right?"
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yoongisababygoat · 1 day
Hit you with that dumb dick!
A/n: I'm indeed ovulating again🍽️💗.
Jgdfyy I hope you all like it😔😔😔 its just my hornknee thots 😗😗😗
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・*✧・゚✧・
"Suugu-*hic* sugu! 'needta cum so b-bad!", you whine, eyes pooling with tears as he pushes your legs further into the mattress, stuffing his cock into you. Your pussy sucks him in like a vaccum.
"Yeah? wanna cum? how bad ya want it baby?", he presses his palms onto your tummy, feeling just where his cock was hitting you. "Fhuckkkk feel that princess?, feel how deep I am?"
Unable to form words, fucked too dumb on his stupid cock to even answer him properly, you blabber incoherently. your cunt squeezes him, aching for release, pained whimpers leave your throat "Suguuuuu!-ng please- been so good sugu please 'wna cum !", hips fucking back into his like the slut you were for him.
"Yeah? go on then baby, make a 'fuckin mess", he permits rubbing your puffy clit, hips slamming into a harder pace. "cmon angel, yeah you can do it baby, cmon", suguru encourages leaving you absolutely brain dead.
"Suguuuuuu fee-feel *hic* weird, m 'gna pee", you panic, as an unfamiliar burn takes over your swollen pussy. Tummy feeling sooo full with his cock.
" 's not pee, kay angel? don't be scared just let go", he assures his angel, pace ever so unfaltering. His dick pushes in, burning tip kisses your cervix, fingers still rubbing at your poor, swollen clit!
"sgu sugu suguu 'm cummin'!!", your nails claw at his back, legs holding him close as your ruined pussy squirts all over Suguru. Fuck it felt so fucking intense, it burnt so bad but so fucking good!
"Oh fhuckkkkk-nghh g'na cum!" his poor equally FUCKED out self announces. Still not stopping. Your pussy gripping onto him for dear life.
Now being the one one whining like a bitch in heat as your cunt milks him dry. He slopily thrusts, fucking you both into overstimulation. His eyes stick to you the whole time, seeing your face contort as you both come down from intense highs.
"such a pretty fuck hole huh? filled you up real good princess", he retorts pulling out, witnessing the fat globs of his cum running out of you.
"Can't let it go to waste huh?", he rubs your fucked out hole pushing the cum back in. Where it belonged.
You were in for a long night.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・*・゚✧・゚:
@yoongisababygoat reblogs and comments are soooooo appreciated🙁💗
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periluvr · 10 hours
jujutsu kaisen x bridgerton
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which confession from the bridgerton’s universe would say jjk’s men to their future wife/wife?
ft. geto, gojo, megumi and yuji
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ᯓᡣ𐭩 Geto Suguru being the king George, y’know, i really feel like what the king George said to queen Charlotte would be something Geto would say because of his mental issues. I think he’d rather suffer alone than talking to his issues to his wife not to worry her.
Suguru stands up, raises his voice and looks at you, "I’m a madman. I am a danger. In my mind, there are different worlds creeping in. The heavens and the Earth collide. I do not know where I am!"
you raise your voice back, your face is firm, your brows are furrowed, "Do you love me?"
he doesn’t respond to your question and continues to talk about his issue, "You do not wish a life with me for yourself" — he stops — "No one, wishes that".
that’s bullshit! your think to yourself, what the hell would he think that? "Suguru! I will stand with you between the heavens and the Earth. I will tell you where you are. Do you love me?"
shouts echo through the room, the argument keeps going, "I love you! from the mo—" he takes a deep breath "from the moment I saw you trying to go over the wall—" tears begin to form in his eyes "I have loved you desperately. I cannot breathe when you are not near. I love you, yn. My heart calls your name."
both of your breathing are synchronized, Suguru comes closer and kisses you, desperately.
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ᯓᡣ𐭩 Gojo Satoru being Anthony Bridgerton, i just know sooo well this man thinks he’s THE gentleman of the season, every seasons. I think he doesn’t want to find a wife since he’s the head of his family and he just does what he’s supposed to do but when he first saw you, an inner conflict began.
You’re both in the library, he really wants you to leave or he’s going to do something he’ll regret instantly. He hates you since the first time you met but he doesn’t know why. You just told him you’re leaving for your country and he can’t help but feels betrayed, sad and angry.
Satoru closes his book and looks at you firmly, "do you think there is a corner on this earth that you could travel to far away enough to free me from this torment?"
you look at him completely confused, what the hell is he talking about? you start talking but he cuts you off.
"I am a gentleman, my father raised me to act with honor but that honor is hanging on a thread that grows precarious with every moment I spend in your presence."
"Satoru I—" he comes closer and whispers to your hear "You are the bane of my existence and the object of all my desires. Night and day I dream of you."
You can’t even say a word. He steps back, takes a sip of his whisky "My mother is waiting for me" he quickly bows to you and leaves the room. You’re now all alone in the library thinking about what he just said to you.
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Fushiguro Megumi being Simon Basset, i really think this man wants a partner who can be his bestfriend too, even though he never wanted to get married at first.
both of you are no standing in front of your majesty, wishing she’s going to accept your marriage. Megumi has always been a good man to you, but he never wanted to marry you, until that day. Today, you have to convince the queen to marry you.
"You see your Majesty, it was love at first sight—" you start but Megumi cuts you off, "It was not your Majesty" — he looks at you, and you just look completely stunned by his words — "the young lady flatters me, it was not love at first sight for either of us. There’s attraction certainly, at least on my part and Miss [last name] thought me presumptuous, arrogant, insincere, all fair really." — he pauses and breaths heavily, "And I thought her a prim young lady barely out of leading strings, not to mention the sister of my best friend and so romance was entirely out of the question for both of us but in so removing it, we found something far greater." — Megumi looks at you once again — "We found friendship." — The queen looks more interested now — "You see Miss [last name] and I have been fooling all of Shinjuku for quite some time, we have fooled them into thinking we are courting, and really all along, we simply enjoyed each other’s company so much, we could not stay away from one another—" you look at him, mesmerized by his words and presence in front of the queen. "I’ve never been a man that much enjoyed flirting or chatting or indeed talking at all, but with yn—" he clears his throat, "Miss [last name], conversation has always been easy, her laughter brings me joy. To meet a beautiful woman is one thing, but to meet your best friend and the most beautiful of women is something entirely apart…"
Everyone is looking at Megumi absolutely stunned by his confession. He really just said you two were fooling all of Shinjuku by pretending a future marriage?
You didn’t say anything and just keep listening to Megumi, excusing himself towards the queen and the prince.
When you go out from here you look at Megumi and ask him "Did a just say that to the Majesty for her to accept our marriage or—" he sighs, "I think all of what I said. I really think that."
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Itadori Yuji being Collin Bridgerton, idk why but Yuji really gives ‘friends to lovers’ vibe and i’m HERE for it! I think this man doesn’t understand signals when someone likes him.
After helping you to find a man, Yuji starts feeling jealous of men trying to court you. When he saw you leaving the ball with your ripped dress, he couldn’t help but feel bad for you. He followed you to your coach and asked you to get on.
"Yuji, what are you doing here?" you ask him, this is definitely not why a gentleman he’s supposed to do, even though you two know each other since eight or nine.
He looks at you and starts telling you what’s in his mind. He talks rapidly because you’re going to you’ll soon reach your estate.
"I have spent so long trying to feel less, trying to be the kind of man society expects me to be. And for a moment, I thought I had succeeded. But these past few weeks have been full of confounding feelings." — he takes your hands in his — "Feeling like a total inability to stop thinking about you—" he looks at your lips, "about that kiss. Feelings like dreaming of you when I’m asleep, and in fact preferring sleep because that is where I might find you. A feeling that is like torture!" — he takes a deep breath — "But one which I cannot, will not, do not want to give up"
Tears start to roll down your cheeks, "please, do not say things you do not mean" — "I do mean it. It is everything I have wanted to say to you for weeks".
You’re now looking at each other. Yuji caresses your cheeks with his thumb and he finally kisses you. The kiss is delicate but rough at the same time. You wanted this for so long!
Once you arrive in front of the Itadori’s estate. He gets out of the coach and offers you his hand to get out too.
"Yuji?" — "Are you coming with me?" he smiles, "What? Your family will see me!" he comes closer, "For God’s sake, yn [last name], are you going to marry me or not?"
You take his hands and goes to his estate, with him.
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i wanted to write this for soooo long!!! i had this idea with two of my friends @sunelia and @nycteis17 (look at her fanfiction of sukuna in ao3 : the irony of fate)
i put the one who have a netflix season because i didn’t read the books yet and i didn’t want to put fake things or whatever coming from the books.
i’m trying a new style of header, tell me if you prefer this one or not !!!
english isn’t my first language ;)
divider by : @saradika
107 notes · View notes
gegeow · 21 hours
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Biker geto
134 notes · View notes
babypinkhearts · 7 hours
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like the sun. - g. satoru
pairing: gojo satoru + reader
summary: satoru’s presence reminds you of the sun. like helios, the sun god, you attributed.
warnings: kind of enemies to lovers? reader is a year older than gojo, angst (my fav :3), little cameo from geto. gojo is (secretly) so down bad, mention of violence, blood, and anything of those sorts. also set before geto’s defection.
word count: 7.2k
a/n: i am back from my writing slump! i was (very) burnt out from my last fic, but i think my spark is back :) i’ve mentioned this kind of plot once or twice before, so i NEEDEDDD to write it out to satisfy my head <333 hope you lovelies enjoy!
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i. blaze.
there’s a peculiar thing about heat.
summer sun is nearly unbearable, and yet you’re tempted to stay under it’s scorching glare longer. an enigma, because, in all honestly, your body felt like it could give out in any moment. the white cotton shirt was rather suffocating. it’s too close to skin, battling the weather for a more overwhelming presence. unnatural and stiff, arms raise, and it’s only with the most futile attempt that you stretch out sore limbs while simultaneously trying to catch your breath.
slight relief is given with small gusts of refreshing wind. limited by it’s lack of strength, but it does it’s purpose in cooling you off. morning training was preferable. it was less brutal — and more importantly, it saved you the trouble of having to spar with an immortal. he never woke up early enough.
an immortal, jokingly, because you’ve never been able to land a meaningful hit on him.
“where’d you get that?”
your arms pause, stilling from their position above your head. he’d granted you a small break. ‘generously,’ as he had put it. after two hours of exerting yourself, you’d grown to become indifferent to the absence of fatigue on his face.
a finger is pointed towards your side, eyes blue and curious, gaze almost as blunt as his tone. the slightest exposure of skin is shown, shirt lifted from your previous movements, and his eyes remained fixed upon you. expression unreadable, a smile oddly lacking. it makes you a little self-conscious, and you reach to pull the fabric back down.
“scar.” you dryly answer, resorting to turning away, contorting your back to hear a small ‘crack!’
blue still penetrates you. it watches, carefully.
“looked pretty big.”
you bite your cheek, sparing him a side glance.
“it’s old.”
he doesn’t miss a beat. he never really does.
“how old?”
a small huff escapes your dehydrated lips, and your brows furrow.
“got it last year.”
before you knew him, to be clearer. you’d elaborate, make it known, but your chest stings of exhaustion, and the sun is, again, too hot.
truthfully, your response fails to provide satoru with satisfaction, and you can tell that he’s got a few more questions (or a million) to ask. but he keeps his mouth shut, and nods in simple understanding. you only watch as he straightens his posture, and a smile — notably, grazing his lips with some strange hesitation — shows up once more.
“break’s over.”
you’re introduced to gojo satoru during your second year at jujustu high. it was like a chunk of the literal sun (something you’d reiterated was so distasteful and unpleasant to be under, yet strangely captivating) had been taken and left on earth, blazing with desire, and legitimately brighter than everything else around it. like helios, you attributed. a sun god.
an anomaly in your vision, only a few doors down from you.
he was unbearable.
if arrogance could conjure itself into a person — if all the annoyance in the world could simultaneously join at once — it’d create him. the product of too many bad things.
and of course, you’d expected his arrival. it felt like the only subject of your entire first year — the legend, the “honored” one. for him to attend your school grounds the following semester, and to truly give the universe a glimpse into his true power.
because what was he really capable of?
“again, too slow.”
you’d come to accept an unfortunate feat of failure.
swept off your feet by nothing but air (and a forceful kick), gravity pulls you back down, and you hiss as your back hits the floor. your head almost collides with it, but a nudge to your side reminds you to keep it lifted. in retrospect, it’s thoughtful, but you nearly glare.
you can feel where you’ll be sore tomorrow. it stings just a little too much for comfort, and your teeth clamp down on your bottom lip to suppress the ache.
a body so regularly bruised, you’re surprised the injuries themselves haven’t come to life and begged you to stop moving.
satoru stands above you, a white collared long-sleeve accentuating his pale features. linen, almost. it’s a bit see-through, and it shines nicely through the rays behind him. his darkly tinted glasses rest upon his face. they sit a little below his nose.
blue peeks out.
“god, yaga wasn’t kidding.”
he sounds almost bored. with the privilege of being so careless, so relaxed and expectant, he raises a brow at your silence and nudges you once more.
it’s quietly humiliating. a cycle that continues, until you’ve had enough and choose to end the embarrassment. satoru’s pliant, always awaiting your call. because, simply, he can do that.
slowly, you blink, looking up to meet his partially covered eyes.
they used to scare you. not from intimidation or general nerves, but because they were vibrant. deeper than ocean’s water, a shade unlike anything humane. it puts a greater boarder in between the two of you. a stronger picket fence.
you know that if you ask, you won’t like the answer. but the pitying, mocking smile satoru has is getting under your skin, so you breathe a small, “what?”
satoru’s smug.
you watch as he whistles and looks off to the side, temporarily ignoring you.
and then, he shrugs nonchalantly.
your eyes narrow. you can feel your annoyance bubbling, and it threatens to tip over, but you shake your head in retaliation.
it’s a trap, you know it’s a trap, because satoru’s head perks up, and he looks at you questionably.
“you don’t want to know?”
your eyes roll, so severely you momentarily feel a little twinge of pain.
“no, i’m good.”
and you ignore his out-reached hand, getting off the floor by yourself.
you’re tired.
it’s well past noon. another afternoon of seemingly pointless training because suguru and shoko had been out on a mission, leaving you alone once more with the embodiment of your nightmares.
you were tempted to complain to yaga, but knowing his twisted ways of teaching, it’d probably only land you more time with him.
“not even a little curious?”
ignoring him was difficult. you’ve become too accustomed with sarcasm, and it’s sickly rewarding to see his face fall to pieces, because he’s everything and perfect. infuriatingly so.
“no, leave me alone.” your voice holds some annoyance now, and you’re still hearing his footsteps behind yours as you make your way inside the dormitories.
it’s like clockwork. so expected, you can’t find it in you to tell satoru to actually leave.
he’s never listened to you anyways.
upon reaching your door, you slowly let yourself in, and are unable to act surprised when you fail to hear it shut behind you. you can already picture the sight of his foot nudged in between the crack. you pay no mind, placing your weapon against the wall, and are forced to take a seat at your desk because of the unwelcomed guest who, suddenly, lays on your bed. like usual. peering up at you, a boyish smile illuminating such delicate features.
“what’s on today’s agenda?”
he speaks like that pretty often.
insinuating a we, us, our — as if the two of you are halves that make a whole, and are practically inseparable despite your clear discomfort. unwillingness, too.
“i,” you emphasize, glancing at him. “am going out.”
he’s pouting, you know before you even look at him again.
you fiddle with the hem of your shirt, sighing softly. he’s like a baby duckling.
“i have a meeting with yaga, but he’s stuck at kyoto right now. i’m seeing him there.”
you watch as satoru’s head pokes up. for a sliver of time, he looks a little unsure, which is unlike his normal self, who speaks absentmindedly. and for that solid reason, you get the slightest ounce of concern. but you mask it, because heaven and earth both know the burden of his awareness.
“can’t be super important.”
your brow raises, and you scoff softly.
“not sure yet.”
silence seems to bother satoru, you’ve learned. he enjoys speaking, generally taking up time that isn’t righteously his. it’s a habit, one clearly too strong to break. entitlement.
but he speaks because he loves the interaction.
(specifically, he loves talking to you.)
and satoru isn’t stupid — he’s far from it. he’s able to read you well enough to know that he’s slightly wounded you. not too far from offense, though he’s able to see how fidgety you get as a result. he needs to learn how to shut up.
“i noticed you were slower today.”
spoken plainly. and you’re not looking at him when he says it, unable to spot the way he swallows thickly afterwards.
words spew out. there’s not much to talk about, you reason. you repeat that a million times in your head, only opening your mouth to respond when you’re sure it won’t be mean. too rash, and you’re positive the conversation would go a different way.
you shrug, looking at the floor.
“i was tired.”
it feels like the wrong to say. and satoru quickly proves your gut right.
“you’re always tired.”
his bluntness is weirdly shocking, which is the only reason why a small laugh escapes your lips. for a moment, you’re not sure how else to respond — what a sensible response would sound like. but you’re used to his antics, and it’s only a further reminder to keep your composure.
“well, you’re not exactly easy competition.”
you’re speaking lightheartedly, a bit of humor hidden in your voice. and though you feel rather pitiful to be using his abilities as an excuse, you tell yourself it’s a genuine reason.
but satoru is aware. he’s more than aware. he breathes the fact like air itself, because it’s been shoved down his throat since before he’s been able to even understand it.
he’s aware.
“but you’re not trying, either.”
at that, your body stills.
satoru isn’t smiling with you. and he’s not teasing, you finally realize. he’s being serious. but satoru has never been mean. he’s conceited, yes, but mean? you wouldn’t count his teasing as it, and he’s never gone farther than repetitive little jokes.
“what?” and you suppose you’re dumbfounded from disbelief, because your throat feels a little dry, and the forced smile on your face falls slightly. it twinges, unsure of how to read the situation.
“you’re not trying, i said.”
“no, no, i heard you.” you wave a hand, words quiet as you cough awkwardly. “i just… wasn’t expecting that.”
you feel a little dramatic. the tips of your ears burn, and embarrassment lingers across your skin. the floor is suddenly the most interesting thing in the room, and you wonder if he’s aware of the heightened effect those words sound coming from him. you’re uncomfortable.
“someone had to tell you eventually.” and this time satoru is the one who shrugs, peacefully laying back against your pillows as if he’d done something dutiful — like he was worthy of some sort of praise. “it’s noticeable.”
he’s never managed to leave you at a loss words. you’re normally quick with rebuttals, regularly despising the thought of him thinking he’s escaped bickering with you as a victor.
so your silence feels daunting, and you’re both equally as aware of it’s significance.
satoru jumps over your picket fence sometimes. as if breaking a fourth wall into your mind, and latching on to something more sour and unkept. he brings out emotions that are more real, and his honesty bruises your insides until they feel as sore as your own physical body. it’s daunting, and another testament of his uniqueness.
“thanks.” you finally mutter, awkwardly looking to the side to avoid his overall perception. “i’ll keep that in mind for next time.”
satoru is like a brick wall. or, realistically, just some form of indestructible material. that fact alone should push you towards improvement. it should be a motivator. but when you train alongside him (albeit, rarely), you’re reminded of your naiveness from a mere year ago.
expectations should be kept low at all costs. it makes disappointment easier. jujustu brought upon the worst scenarios, and you’ve slowly learned to not grow attachments, or be too positive. because that’s what truly kills.
but, satoru. meeting satoru was like a fresh breath of air. everything about him was true, and even then he superseded his initial description. he’s more careless with his desires, nonchalant about limits. indulging in advice wasn’t him. he simply didn’t do it, taking his own word against others.
the dorm bed creaks, and you watch as he leisurely stands up, casual and quiet.
“well, just so you know,” his fingers tap against the door frame, and he lets himself back in, just by a tiny bit.
he pauses. hesitant again.
but this time, his voice comes out a bit louder. confidence declared. and you’re unaware that the tone is somewhat forced.
“yaga said you’re pretty weak. told me and suguru to go easy on you while sparing.”
the door shuts behind him.
ii. taunt.
during the first week of your third year, a mission is assigned to you by jujustu tech.
well — not assigned, per say, but dutifully given.
by your compliance, and your raised hand in yaga’s office.
“i’ll take it.”
it’s immediate, and you ignore the stares from around the room. you don’t falter, looking to yaga expectantly. he’s a stern man. difficult to read, but easy to understand. he acts with logic, and is genuinely a respectable teacher at heart.
and yet you figure that he’s some form of evil, because he looks up from his paperwork, and replies with, “satoru will accompany you.”
as if he didn’t need to think twice, and the sound of your voice was enough to cement the decision.
your eyes narrow distastefully, though you don’t verbalize your exasperation. the subject of the matter is beside you, and you can feel that he’s watching your expression, but when yaga hands you both individual papers, any words he’s tempted to say die down. you’re sure you’ve made your feelings clear.
it’s another ten minutes of boring, long reminders before all of you are excused, and you’re sure your feet have never been quicker as you attempt to escape the mere vicinity of the room. your shoes click against the floor, and you feel others right behind you. irritatingly familiar.
“woah, woah, woah, slow down!”
an arm throws itself over your shoulders, and it’s difficult to not buckle under the sudden weight, a groan leaving you as you push back slightly.
the past year had only provided him with more confidence, and a stronger need to bother you at all times.
“first mission together!” satoru grins, waving his paper in your face gleefully. the excitement is obviously one-sided, but that seems to only fuel his amusement more.
your eyes shut tightly, and you sigh.
“a…” satoru ignores you, eyes scanning his paper, humming softly before a dramatic gasp leaves his lips. he leans into you a bit more. “grade one! that should be fun.”
and suddenly, his addition makes sense.
in jujustu ranking, you were still considered a grade two sorcerer. satoru soars higher, like he always has, and had surpassed you mere weeks after his initial arrival. expected, but still a little irrationally irritating.
“just leave it to me.” he waves his free hand that’s still over your shoulder. “i’m probably better fit to fight against it anyway.”
you wonder how much trouble you’d get into if you hit him in the face. you’ve thought about it more times than you could count. in present, it’s a near losing battle, and you only relent because he lets go of you at just the right moment.
realistically, it’d be nice of satoru to be more considerate. you disliked the passive aggressive comments, and can’t seem to understand why he’s always made them when you’ve never said or done anything to earn the taunting quips.
it’s his humor, you’ve heard, though it never feels as degrading when it’s directed at someone else.
you’ve tried your hardest to tolerate satoru over the past year, after realizing it was futile to be completely friendly. but you suppose he holds up his own barrier at times. you’re only given the leisure of peeking over, never getting the will to jump across. that’s another skill only he has mastered.
“meet here at nine tomorrow.” he smiles, carefree as he stops in front of you, halting your path. he pays no mind to your raised brow and crossed arms, adjusting his glasses so they sit higher on his face. “then we can leave, and hopefully we’ll be back pretty early.”
confused and still irritated, you shake your head in confusion.
“wouldn’t we be back early if we just… left earlier?”
satoru’s face sours, and a clear glimpse of his adolescent mind shows through when he shakes his head.
you don’t have the energy to argue over how idiotic he sounds, so you nod in agreement, and rub your temples deeply. it would be a long day, you’re sure, but nothing new his antics haven’t already trained you for.
“noon, then.” you mutter, taking one last look at him.
the air feels a little tense.
you nearly bite your tongue, debating on letting some additional comments fly out. but watching his demeanor (the pure nonchalance) frustrates you, and your eyes narrow.
“you know, i could probably take it on too. by myself.”
satoru stills.
it had been bubbling in your head since you’d left yaga’s office. clearly, as satoru notices the lack of regret on your face. it’s spoken like fact.
if it had been utahime beside him, saying those exact words, he thinks he might’ve laughed.
but in your case, it just feels different.
“well,” he pauses, and you know that you’ve truly caught him off-guard. his eyes trail over your face, and he almost expects you to cower a bit. it never comes. he’s shaking his head, shaking his thoughts, and his eyes find your again, voice softer. “it’s a two-person mission. so, tough luck.”
his smile returns. as if uninterrupted, and ’normal.’
satoru has a habit of suppressing his thoughts.
your eyes roll, ignorant to his inner conflict, and you ask — when will he take you seriously?
privileged in every aspect, and not one ounce humble. but really, he could do whatever he pleases. the world can’t stop him.
satoru shines brightly at you, blinding nearly. helios must be jealous.
“he’s a lot to handle.”
it smells like smoke. bothersome to your worsening headache, but the open window is the only thing keeping your senses at bay.
shoko’s a bad influence, you’ve learned. ashes are regularly spotted on school grounds, the culprit being nearly the same every time. but she’d roped another into her habits, so pinning the blame was harder to do.
your eyes follow the cigarette in suguru’s hand as he exhales once more.
“you think?” it comes off as more bitter than sarcastic, and you’re annoyingly aware of the small smile that appears on his face. gray clouds around him momentarily, sculpting sharper eyes as they narrow in amusement.
“what did he tell you?”
you blink, tilting your head in confusion, silently asking for some clarification. suguru’s eyebrows raise, and he snickers.
“he said something to piss you off. what was it?”
you weren’t sure what the impression would be when you knocked on his door an hour ago. you weren’t even sure why you did it.
maybe it was because suguru was easy to talk to. a good listener, most definitely. and though he’s assumably been a cog in your self-depreciation, you can’t bring yourself to be upset at him too.
“um,” you pause. it weirdly bothers you that he’s right. that he’s able to read exactly what’s wrong, because either he knows you or satoru too well, or it’s both.
suguru stares, patiently. and there is no implication on his face that reads a, ‘knew it.’ he just simply awaits your words.
he’s a gentle soul, coaxing out fragile insides.
“well,” you breathe, rubbing your hands over your knees. it was aggravating, the small sense of discomfort you felt while reliving words that really shouldn’t matter as much as they do. it briefly holds your tongue, and you feel silly for making it this big of a deal in your head. suguru isn’t judgemental though, and you know that. it’s the only reason why telling him doesn’t feel like a bad thing.
“he basically said that yaga thinks i’m… weak.”
the silence that takes over the room is a little daunting, and throws away all confidence you had with suguru out the smoke-ridden window.
you wait for a laugh, a grimace — anything. but nothing every really comes. it’s only a huff of acknowledgement.
no surprise, no disdainful reaction. his smile stays intact.
you’d argue that suguru carried more wisdom than you’d ever be able to acquire. beyond his own years, it seemed. it was something about his aura, or just the way he carried himself. strangely, inhumanly graceful.
he looks to you, and there’s a glint in his eye that tells you something is aloof.
“what?” you impatiently ask, brows furrowing. his lack of response had begun to bother you, nerves etching across your bones.
another long puff causes you to turn your face away from him entirely, and you wince as the smell of smoke momentarily intensifies. it escapes out the window (once more) with the added effort of your ushering hands. suguru watches you for a bit, laughing a little, though ultimately sighs with a soft snicker.
“yaga never said that.”
for a second, you think that the lack of clean air has tainted your brain, and that you’ve misheard him.
the information settles in the air for a while. lingering, up until you’ve found a proper way to deal with it.
the look on your face makes suguru want to laugh again, but he merely nods, sitting a bit straighter in his chair.
you have questions — a majority you know that suguru can’t really answer, so you minimize them into the broadest form, sighing softly, a little defeatedly.
“why would he say that, then?”
suguru hums, lifting a finger to his chin as he shrugs. “he might’ve thought it would push you more.”
your eyes narrow, and you click your tongue in annoyance. “that’s stupid.”
your cheeks warm a little as you register suguru leaning in, a sly smile on his face, his eyes shining with a bit of mischief.
“well, it bothered you, didn’t it?”
now, that felt kinda humiliating to admit. and you’re sure your face gives your thoughts away, so you nod, an easy admission.
“yeah.” you breathe, sighing. “it did.”
what you want to say, is that it bothered you that satoru said it.
his opinion, frustratingly, was something you heavily valued. no matter how many times he’s belittled you, or been generally arrogant. you stupidly seek his sunlight, his approval, and wish to always be under his rays.
“okay.” he raises his brows, staring. “then show him on your mission tomorrow. don’t let him interfere, and kick some ass by yourself.”
your eyes widen, barely, but suguru notices, and purses his lips. in comparison to each other, you’ve always found suguru to be the more sensible one. he prioritized rules, only really breaking them if satoru begged him to.
“you have more experience now.” and he’s unable to hide his wandering eyes as they find the hem of your shirt, as if perfectly picturing the damaged skin underneath. you’d opened up about the scar a few months ago, the first year’s backing you into a corner. satoru had been the most adamant to know. “it’ll be different.”
you don’t give much of an answer, a simple nod conveying your inner-conflict.
suguru watches, your eyes squinting in confusion as you shake your head. you utter your next question, and he has to hide his amusement.
“why does satoru dislike me so much? what did i ever do to him?”
suguru thinks you and satoru are intelligent in your own ways.
and then, at times like these, he believes he’s never met two people so incredibly dense.
silence, and an all-knowing smile is the only answer you receive.
it could be wrong. it is wrong. dangerous, deviant, and stupid.
but despite all these bad thoughts, you’re still quietly shutting the door to your dorm room. meticulously cautious, all in hopes to successfully escape a wrath imaginably worth ten thousand.
suguru didn’t mean this, you’re sure.
it’s immature, you’re aware, to head out on your own. you’re stuck imagining possible outcomes, and all the punishments that await you when you return. and yet once more, you thank the heavens, all gods that can hear, for satoru’s inability to wake up early.
campus is pretty in the early hours. the sun not yet rising, and grounds only illuminated by small scattered lamps. it’s peaceful, quiet from it’s usual bickering of your underclassmen. a moment of tranquility before the storm.
proof is what the world will get. it’s the objective of your heart’s own mission, regardless of whether or not it was a rational thing to do.
(it was most definitely not.)
to be strong is to understand weakness. and you’ll only let your emotions sway you as vulnerable. but you’re equally as aware that might just be your demise.
paper crinkles in your hands.
the report is relatively detailed. a street name is in thick black ink, and it’s hard to miss the red stamp labeling the file, ‘grade one.’
a breeze. ‘fun,’ like satoru had put it.
the mind is fragile. nerves send it in a frenzy, and you suppose affirmations are the only way that you can attempt to keep your heart from racing. it’s guilt, also.
he’s probably still asleep in bed. laid beside pillows that you know are too ridiculously soft, and having a single alarm on his phone because you’re aware that he is generally a light sleeper. but satoru needed to see you differently. a better perception — a kaleidoscope of mystery. because, unfortunately, some hint of acknowledgement from a god keeps mere mortals standing.
it takes almost an hour to finally set your eyes on the street, and when they do, you begin to second-guess your flawed plan.
from exact numbers and location, a warehouse is where you end up. battered, and clearly worn down. a perfect spot for a curse in hiding.
though if satoru was here, he would have laughed.
the cursed energy emitting from the building is unmistakable. it’s strong, and it involuntarily speeds up your already-abnormal heart rate. hiding is plain stupid if it’s energy is that obvious. but it’s also still dark out. you doubt the building even has electricity, though dawn seemed to be rather close. you could hold off until then.
you stand outside for longer than you wish. reality seems to dawn upon you at that moment, and it’s there that you realize you’re truly too stubborn to walk away. you’d go through with it, no matter what would happen now.
and as you’re walking, it feels like your body isn’t controlling itself. there’s a heightened fear striking all your senses, and you’ve completely submitted to instinct, not trusting your mess of thoughts. you pray for a little forgiveness, a little mercy, and head inside.
it’s bare.
with the exception of broken plywood and fallen beams, it’s nearly vacant.
the doors you enter through are flimsy, and whether it be your mind in a frenzy, or an attempt to postpone time for as long as possible, you quickly barricade them with the pieces of discarded wood. at the very least, it’d prevent any chances of normal civilians from entering.
every bit of cursed energy seems to draw you towards the opposite end of the building.
and there’s not much you can do when materialized arrows welcome themselves into your vision, a quick dodge being your eyes’ only savior.
“fuck.” you breathe, swallowing thickly. you’re scared shitless, anxiety hardly alleviated by the close call. a hand rummages to the sheath connected to your waist, and you close your eyes tightly, counting yourself down from initiating your first strike.
“okay, okay, okay.”
your weapon unveils itself.
iii. glory in the sun’s rays.
heavy breaths are the only sound echoing across distant walls.
but besides that,
it’s quiet.
like particles, hope sprinkles in, and the curse in front of your eyes disperses — successfully exorsized.
in that moment, you truly believe there is no better sight. nothing that can possibly grant that level of satisfaction.
your mouth tastes a little like metal. it’s bitter, and you suppress a wince, too relieved to really feel an ounce of worry.
there’s broken panels from all around. holes in the walls, gaps in the ceilings, and you wonder how you even managed to reach such high places — especially given the state that you’re in.
and despite your contentment, your body sends itself into a momentary coughing fit.
something stings — it hurts bad, but loud footsteps, running, running, running, echo on the other side of the barricaded doors, and the wooden panels wedged in between the handles are broken, timbered pieces thinly scattered across the floor.
both doors fly open.
it’s a vague sense you have. the ability to feel him.
you’ve learned it well over the past year.
satoru’s cursed energy is unique. it creeps up on you, until there’s a realization that the only thing you can feel is him. situating himself as something important, far more attention-worthy than your own being. it’s suffocating.
you meet each other’s eyes.
he seems to be breathing nearly as heavily as you are. eyes blown out, a hint of something feral in his irises. you’re stagnant, reciprocating the attention.
“told you.“ you swallow thickly, a proud, fatigued smile on your face as you look at him.
it’s still quiet in the building. satoru stands a few feet ahead of you.
he looks disarrayed.
“i fucking did it, you idiot.”
clothes somewhat torn, hair slightly disheveled, you stand.
something was blooming. pride? an accomplishment of the unthinkable — proving a god wrong. going against all odds. but every sense, every feeling, dwindles as you finally muster up the attention to fully take satoru in. it’s more difficult to focus.
satoru looks strange, you think. eyes wide, face visibly more pale than usual. and he’s quiet, for once in his life.
it’s unpleasant, and you feel your body recoil a bit, physically tensing.
“what—“ you breathe heavy, eyes lidded as they look up to his. everything is kind of loud, including his stare. he’s crafted in white shimmer from your vision, and it’s easy to spot the uncharacteristic worry in his eyes. “what’s up with you?”
and for the first time since you’ve known him, gojo satoru seems small. though only differentiated by a mere year, you’re able to see that small spec of time fall upon his graceful features. like admiration crumbling, and a heavy heart dying.
gods shouldn’t fear things.
it’s shock, satoru thinks. it’s why he doesn’t immediately move, and why the walls around him seem to shrink.
he’s never been in such a state. every feeling foreign, and he thinks he might be sick for a second.
his hands are shaking, and he’s focused on red. a naturalistic color that’s been too heavily branded in his life, it feels wrong to not be indifferent about it. he should be accustomed to it, for those weaker have the misfortune of having it easily taint their skin. but gojo satoru is not heartless. (though in that moment, that’s all he wishes to be.)
your shirt is ripped from the bottom.
there’s a deep, grotesque wound that covers your lower stomach. the gash follows upwards, nearly identical to the scar he’d seen upon his first few months of knowing you. satoru had later learned that it was from your first mission alongside mei mei. you’d been separated from each other for a second too long, and it’d landed you with a permanent reminder of your lost adolescence. your devotion and commitment to the jujustu world, left on your skin forever.
open, again, as satoru watches the blood flow down your side. a gory sight, and when your eyes begin to slow in their blinking, a switch seems to turn itself on in his head.
“no, no, hey-“ and he’s rushing forward, catching you a mere second before you fall. gentle, anxious hands cradle and guide, up until your body is on the floor, and those same hands are pressed excruciatingly harshly against your abdomen. “keep—shit, keep your eyes open.”
satoru thinks he feels his heart die. if life is real, surely it had just shriveled into nothingness. because as soon as he applies pressure to the gaping wound, you’re frightened, crying out and weakly attempting to push away his unrelenting arms.
“fuck, stop-“ you’re wheezing, too pain-stricken to utter any other thought. a sliver of that unruly color trickles down the side of your mouth, and satoru believes he’s never felt emotion, panic, this intense.
his brain fogs, fuzzy and disconnected as he blinks rapidly, his breath palpitating as he reaches for his phone. his hand is ruined in the color of your state, coated fingers dialing at an inhumane speed.
satoru doesn’t register shoko’s voice. he’s repeating the same thing over and over again, for help, because he’s utterly useless for you. broken in repetition, emotions being indescribably shaken.
the blood in your mouth tastes more bitter than before. to see him hysterical felt wrong. satoru had always been something stable for the world to lean on. the universal rock, who would never dwindle. the task that comes with the title, ‘the strongest’ replacing his own personal persona.
and, you think again, expectations should really be kept low at all costs.
your eyes threaten to unfocus, trembling lightly as they try to stay open. satoru’s stomach drops, and he’s immediately shaking you gently, reminding you that ‘you’ll be fine, just look at me.’
he’s far too tense to be humorous. the wit has locked itself in a cage, and he takes in the reality of being realistic.
gojo satoru cannot deny his six eyes.
it looks fatal.
but despite your state, there’s charm in your weak, scarily optimistic demeanor.
his eyes snap to yours.
he’s too selfish to shut you up, body yearning to hear your voice, no matter how defeatedly tired it sounds. it’s a little hoarse, and there’s no doubt in his mind that fatigue had stolen your energy to speak any louder. but he supposes he’d hear you even if he was buried underground.
you’re looking up to him like nothing is amiss. innocence sparkles the tiniest bit in your hazed vision.
there’s a tiny ghost of a smile that lingers on your stained lips. a wince plagues your expression shortly after, a curse and stuttered breath leaving you as satoru’s hands abruptly shift.
“ow—ow. be g-gentler since i’m fucking dying, satoru.”
satoru wants to hit you over the head, your labored breaths squeezing his very soul. he’s visibly tempted, and it’s only with the sight of extra glimmer in his eyes that your face falls slightly.
you want him to make a joke. you crave it. any form of banter, you silently plead.
but unbeknownst to you, satoru feels almost angry. how are you this calm? have you accepted something that he doesn’t want to verbalize? what could possibly be amusing about this?
“shut up. shut up, please.”
weak, and fragile, his voice nearly breaks. you watch him for a bit, eyes curious as they study. and though your vision is blurry, and you can feel yourself getting progressively lightheaded, you tap him gently.
you’re at fault. you’re conscious enough to remember that.
“‘s gonna be okay.” the words come out a little slurred, but still understandable. you attempt another insistent smile, a hand raising to wrap around the wrist plastered against you. “not dying, was just kidding.”
satoru isn’t used to being watched so intently. your gaze is intimidating despite your lowered eyelids, and you silently map out every curve and inch of his complexion. (just in case.)
it’s an odd predicament. for a few minutes, you expect the world to go dark, and for your words to end up being meaningless as death takes you by it’s hand. satoru’s voice sounds distant, scarily far, but you’re able to make out a few whispered pleas. vulnerability is something beautiful, you decide.
it gets harder to listen, and you get a greater urge to rest. maybe for a millennia. your soul feels drained, and a long, uninterrupted sleep is the only thing your brain allows you to register. satoru fades when the world does.
“it was dumb.”
“that’s known. why say it again?”
“because it was dumb.”
you know that life has been lenient, allowing you to continue, as it welcomes you back with familiar voices. you don’t alert them of your awoken state until you feel confident that they’re real.
it’s with a glance that you’re revealed, and the gasp of one makes it known to the other.
satoru is still tempted to hit you. but, he settles with a small wack on your resting hand. you wince, glaring as you blink away your exhaustion. you kinda feel like the rest of your body is on fire.
he’s upset, clearly. watching you with careful vision, and completely silent. but all you’re thinking is how thankful you are to have him actually care.
he keeps his distance.
“you got lucky.”
suguru speaks up, staring, and you can only describe his expression as both relief and disappointment. his eyes trail across you, and you’re made aware that your body is covered amongst thin medical sheets. when he meets your eyes again, one look is enough to tell you of his silent order not to lift them. you follow through, because the mere thought of it is unappealing enough.
“i’ll give you guys some privacy.” he mutters, not without shaking his head, and sighing. it’s nerve-wracking, his demeanor overpowering but oddly tame. just before leaves, he looks at you once more, pursing his lips. his grip on the door is tight. “i’m glad you’re okay, though.”
the air is tense. you beg the world, to anything obtainable, to postpone suguru’s exit, but the sound of the door closing after him leaves your pleas unheard.
you count seconds silently.
it takes ten for satoru to break.
“did you get stupid overnight?”
you snort, tossing your head back in slight retaliation, knowing satoru would probably worsen the headache you can already feel forming.
“seriously, answer me.”
you’re weak to his sternness, blinking in surprise at his tone. he’s unrelenting, brows furrowed as he awaits your response. you look to the wall.
“i’m alive, aren’t i?” you hesitantly reply, a futile attempt to ease the discomfort that is clearly present. it only lands you a scoff, and satoru abruptly stands up, crossing his arms as he looks down at you.
it’s not his favorite sight in the world. there’s a bandage around your head, lightly stained, and he’d seen the state of your injuries before shoko had ultimately pulled the blanket over you.
considering what could have been, he’s more than grateful. but satoru has trouble expressing himself, and it’s a type of flaw that can’t be easily fixed with training.
he shuts his eyes, briefly, and exhales.
“i thought you were a goner.”
upon you losing consciousness, shoko had arrived a mere minute later. satoru thinks the look on her face will be branded into his memory for life — solemn, pitying, and definite. it was only with the help of denial that he had moved with urgency, and commands were thrown at shoko to keep you stable enough for transportation.
a surgery later, and it was told that you would live.
“felt like it.” you cringe, recounting the initial level of pain you had endured when satoru had first found you. it’s subsided for the most part now, though you hold a lingering fear to move, worried that it’d cause more harm than good. the flames of discomfort were decently bearable.
it’s unfortunate that you’re bedridden, for if it were up to you, the easiest solution to all your problems would be to leave the room all together.
satoru is a different person when upset. his presence is overwhelming, and you quickly learn that it is impossible to avoid him.
“i just…” satoru exhales, and there’s a clear conflict of contemplation when he shakes his head. “why would you do that?”
you almost want to poke his side, chastising his concern with a teasing smile and small laugh. but it’s painfully obvious that the last thing satoru wants is something embedded with humor, so you purse your lips, and shrug.
“i just needed to prove to myself that i was capable of defeating it. that i wasn’t useless — you know?”
there’s something you’re not saying; information that remains a mystery. satoru knows it. he can tell by the look on your face.
he’d deciphered the little secret piece the moment you had begun to look away from him.
but because satoru cares (in his own, strange way), he doesn’t bring it up. guilt somewhat gnaws on his insides, and he takes the opportunity to vaguely apologize, needing at least that in the air.
“you are capable. i knew that before all of… this.” satoru motions to you briefly, and despite the circumstances, his wince makes you want to snicker.
he watches your expression softly morph, and a more relaxed and delighted smile rests upon your lips. and he debates, for a while, because ultimately it feels wrong not to bring it up. he falls victim to his guilt.
“and, sorry for lying. suguru told me he told you.”
you nod gently, breathing out a heavy sigh. “kinda evil, satoru.”
in an instant, his eyes widen, and he’s waving his hands wildly.
“hey—hey! i only said it so it could push you more. you can’t work towards improvement without some motivation.”
“how would that motivate me?”
“personally, it would push me to change yaga’s opinion-“
“no, it made me feel like shit, actually.”
“okay, well, i didn’t consider that when i told you-“
“because you’re an idiot.”
almost comically, satoru’s mouth drops.
“who’s the one that fought a first grade by themselves?”
“well, i defeated it, so…”
“not the point.”
you’re smiling, a laugh escaping your lips. satoru doesn’t mirror you much, a more playfully annoyed look on his face.
you stare at each other for a second too long, before you feverishly look away.
the pain has calmed, you realize. you can’t really feel the ache at all.
for a moment, you’re reminded of suguru’s expression. that knowing look in his eyes.
you turn back to look at satoru. and you can feel your heart speed up, just a little, because realization dawns upon you, and you can feel yourself growing flustered.
you think you know what he was trying to say.
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slvttyplum · 1 day
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you had knees people dreamed of having; you weren't showing signs of getting older by the day, and definitely not with those knees. 
they didn't pop whenever you squat down or ached every time you spent more than ten seconds on them, and that's why suguru had you on top all of the time; he found it sexy the way you took innovative and bounced up and down without holding anything.
no one else did the things that you did on his dick, picking up your hips and slamming down, then grinding a little for extra stimulation, feeling the way his dick reacted to your every touch. 
suguru came so fast from the way you would ride him, and it wasn't until he saw how you were holding up, still bouncing after him after hours. squatting, bouncing up and down on his dick while still looking pretty and not breaking a sweat or eye contact, those knees were something special, and he's never seen anything like that before.
the balance you had whenever you were on top of him, kissing his cheek and kissing down his chest as your knees didn't buckle one bit, he found that act sexier than the tight grip you had around his dick, squeezing the cum out of him. 
this was something foreign to him; no one else could ride him at the same speed with no bucking, crying, moaning, or whining. you took that shit like you meant it, looking down at him like you owned him, and in all honesty, you did, and suguru knew that. 
suguru knew that you had him around your finger with everything you did, like a movie he couldn't take his eyes off of and the sweet smell that rode off your body that he couldn't get enough of. all he wanted was for you to keep bouncing on top of him, balancing your core, while your knees were bent and not aching or straining anything.
his voice shaking whenever you would slide down on his length, his saliva building in his mouth and dripping out the side of his mouth because of not only how good you felt and the fact that you made his chest warm, but the way you moved, your body glistening in sweat, but your body language never gave tired.
every time his eyes flickered to yours when he actually had the guts to keep them open to look at your sexy ass, he saw the determination in your face and how fluidly you moved on top of him, never wanting you to stop.
a tight grip on your legs as you kept going; you never really stopped when you were tired because you could go all day; you stopped when you saw how suguru crumbled under you with a flushed face and sweat all over his face.
his chest tightening with pleasure and butterflies swarming throughout his body whenever he felt the tight pleasure on the shaft of his dick and your speed aggressively getting faster—this was a position he wouldn't be upset with doing every single time.
instead of having you finish and cum back to back with you whimpering and moaning and squirming under his touch with how sensitive you were, the both of you switched places.
even though you came as much as him in the position, you couldn't wither from the overwhelming pleasure; it was like a challenge to you to keep the position.
he was never scared to admit when someone had him in their clutches, but with you, it was more than evident that you had this man on a leash the way you fucked him with no mercy.
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danzohater · 3 days
i keep seeing the argument of gojo being seen as more than just the six eyes because of his students and i actually disagree. even though i understand the sentiment and i think it most accurately applies to yuta, i still don't think it is an accurate analysis. at the end of the day, his students are CHILDREN. in his care!!!!! as much as i believe that yuji and yuta especially see gojo for who he is to a certain degree, i think to imply that they UNDERSTAND him would be taking away from the discomfort that they are children. and that's further solidified by the fact that it is yuta that has to do what is done in chapter 261. because he's still a teenager, he shouldn't HAVE to be doing this - he never should have had to make that decision. the whole point of the narrative is that geto and gojo were doomed from the day that they were both born.
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archonsabyss · 3 days
╰─..✶. [ In Another life ]
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❒ pairing: geto suguru x fem!reader
❒ genre: angst! friends to lovers! [unconfessed love]
❒ warnings: dark / sensitive content! hinted abuse [physical and emotional]! minor gore! indirect mentions of suicide! writing consists of emotional / mental health topics! anxiety! depression! insecurities! S2 timeline compliant! foreshadowing
❒ wc: 4.4k
─❒ authors note: how my heart ached and broke while writing this🩶 I would give my life for this man. anything to have him and to hold him. it was meant to be a full series but I lost inspiration
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Countless nights you found yourself contemplating whether an eternal slumber might hold the key to solving your troubles.
The thought came regularly when darkness descended and you lay there immersed in the recesses of your thoughts when memories of a rare peaceful night surfaced and sleep was able to cradle your mind into a realm of indifference, numbing your senses until you felt nothing at all, and you questioned whether this eternal slumber could truly endure.
During the toughest bouts of anxiety and frequent episodes of depression, when every breath you took turned each moment of existence into a state of expectation and anticipation, sleep did not come easy. It was either a lack of time or out of fear of the silent stillness it took for your mind to eventually drift into the depths of oblivion. Torturous and frightful it was.
Sleep was dire but not when the screeching thoughts that gripped your vulnerability made the silence before it unbearable, and with each passing day, the toll of those restless nights became increasingly harsh on your body until you reached a point of exhaustion so profound that not even your inner demons could keep you awake.
The life you once knew had become increasingly difficult as you struggled to juggle the challenges of being a teenager with the responsibilities of adulthood.
There were so many unspoken emotional and mental burdens that weighed you down, making you feel captive.
Picture the weight of bearing the burden of those who lacked the awareness and capability to shield themselves from the perils that lay just beneath their noses, and then see a child compelled to stand helpless as a boulder crashed down upon them. They didn't even have the opportunity to lift their arms to attempt a futile struggle against the inevitable.
You questioned the world what fate instilled for you?
A child to grow up and protect a world simply out of the goodness of her heart, to face the ridicule and unjust, endure the disrespect and cruelty and strive to be a better person?
To stake not only your own physical, mental, and emotional well-being but also the safety, happiness and very life force of your loved ones to fight for a path they preached was right all your life?
Crafting your perception during a time of youthful vulnerability and inexperience, ensuring that you would come of age perceiving it as the standard.
The days when you lay weakened on the gritty earth, your torn clothing and exhaustion reaching its zenith. Their words echoed relentlessly in your mind as you gazed into the distance, your head gently tapping against the pain-streaked window.
"This is the essence of your existence, you insolent brat" The elder admonished with a tone of exasperation.
"This life, with all its complexities and burdens, is your destined path. Your innate abilities shall safeguard both the realms of sorcery and the ordinary, and we pledge to resurrect you if necessary, even at the cost of your last breath. Such is your significance, yet you wear ingratitude like a cloak"
Those words morphed into a guiding principle. For the adults held a deeper understanding of the world, you believed, and so you trusted their wisdom unconditionally even if it meant enduring the searing pain in your hands until they bled dry.
Your determination drove you to heed their warnings and fulfil the expected roles, all in pursuit of recognition and validation that you so desperately sought from those people in positions of authority, regardless of whether it was right, wrong or injustice.
Your young mind was but a tangled web of confusion, making it nearly impossible to discern the right course of action, assuming there even was one.
If you could not identify what was wrong, how could you possibly distinguish what was right? Such teachings were foreign to you. You were raised to obey and follow orders, fed untruths when you were in need, and you naively consumed them without understanding the truth.
They were like parasitic leeches, siphoning your strength and vitality. But then, as fate would have it, everything took a profound shift when the threads of your destiny wove together with two improbable, and unforeseen forces of nature.
Through this convergence, barriers were shattered, secrets revealed, and limitations cast aside.
Faced with a new perspective that disturbed your composure and norm. Confronting and grasping an understanding of a foreign yet familiar reality that exceeded the horror and deception of the devil's teachings, discovering that life extended beyond mere obligations and self-sacrifice, transcending blood and power.
They were two boys, akin to yourself in age who embodied the exquisite equilibrium of yin and yang. A living testament to the harmonious interplay of opposites. Gojo Satoru, and Geto Suguru. It wasn't only evident in their strikingly handsome visages and contrasting hair alone, but it delved deeper, seeping into the very core of their beings, where their personalities and attributes painted a vivid portrait of duality.
A white-haired charismatic force of nature, a magnetic anomaly with a devil-may-care attitude whose sharp wit and playful banter set him apart from the rest, and his best friend, a living embodiment of intricacy, fascination, and curiosity that reflected in his deep, coal-like eyes.
His personality was layered in complexity; combining sharpness with moral ambiguity. He had an aura that exuded ambition, and carried an equal measure of self-assuredness as his white-haired counterpart, yet within the more reserved kindness he showed, there lurked a still, undisturbed darkness. Whereas Satoru approached life with a carefree attitude, a character who could inspire both disdain and attraction in equal measure, you could personally attest to this dichotomy, Suguru approached life more methodically.
Satoru was the first person who illuminated the pleasures of existence for you, imparting lessons on resilience and the art of verbal combat─ in other words, Satoru had mentored your naive tongue into adapting his foul mouth of snarky remarks and wit or at least, he tried, but you couldn't quite as easily grasp the confidence to spout nonsense let alone convey your direct thoughts when trauma held a knife to your throat. But that never stopped him from persistently lingering with his efforts. And while there were moments when his personality was deemed intolerable, you wouldn't trade him for anything, not even if eternal misery were the price.
After all, you came to know that his excessive, overbearing personality was his way of showing he cared.
"You're still awake" Murmured a tender voice, as gentle as a caress, carrying a warmth and affection that had only blossomed since he entered your confinement, tore off your shackles, and pulled you from the cage of control.
You tore your gaze from the mesmerizing scenery and shifted your attention to the source of the voice. Your eyes followed the contours of his legs and traced up his expansive chest until they finally met the face that had become your sanctuary.
"Couldn't sleep"
"Mind company?" He asks, but there's no need when he is a presence that will always be welcomed. Yet you nod your head and smile softly before resuming your watch of the city.
Suguru moves forward, taking one step after the other until his shoulder and head rest against the wall, crossing his arms and legs as he looks at you attentively.
"It's been some time since it was just the two of us on a mission together," Suguru initiates a conversation, and your attention shifts toward him.
"Satoru lingers," He adds, prompting a genuine smile to grace your lips, a faint spark of life illuminating your eyes in stark contrast to the previously sombre expression you wore just moments ago.
"He's not that bad" You defend with little effort and it has him rolling his eyes.
"No, he is that bad"
"You're only saying that because you don't want to admit you actually miss him" Suguru scoffs at your teasing, and as much as he wants to wipe that pretty little grin off your mouth, he's too content with seeing it to do otherwise.
"And your denial stems from the fear of acknowledging that you actually enjoy the silence of not having Satoru talk your ear off"
"That's not true!"
"Could have fooled me, little one" He teases with a cheeky grin. You find comfort in the warmth of his smile, which emboldens you to finally pose the question that has been lingering in your mind since the beginning of this mission two days ago. Deep down, Suguru disliked the fact that you felt compelled to ask permission to be honest and share your thoughts, especially when he expects nothing less from you.
As you breathe in and out unsteadily, you're locking eyes with Suguru's weary gaze and you ask, driven by the recollection of the guilt that still burdens you now, "When you and Satoru confronted the higher-ups to oppose my execution, did either of you consider the potential consequences of going against them?"
Instantaneously, without a hint of hesitation or contemplation, Suguru cracked a sly smile. A bewitching spectacle, if you must admit. A nearly captivating, and nearly diverting your attention from the incredulous reply that leaves his mouth.
"It did cross my mind for a second... But you know how Satoru is. When he makes up his mind I simply follow"
"What about the consequences?"
"We'd deal with it when the time came"
The nonchalant manner in which he admitted it left your mind in a whirlwind. You never anticipated anything less from them, but at that particular time, your gratitude and the human instinct to fear death may have eclipsed your concern for the lives of two strangers. Rationality abandoned you, for who could maintain a composed mindset while facing imminent death, with every breath hanging on the precipice of uncertainty? Yet, reflecting on how far you've come and the relationship you've built with them since then, you now grasp the deep significance of what transpired a year ago—their selfless sacrifice made without a second thought. Maybe it was their confidence in their abilities, their growing power, that gave them the courage to believe they stood a fighting chance or maybe the duo simply understood, without needing to voice it, that they saw no reality but that of which they emerged triumphed.
Still unable to comprehend such confident negligence at the hands of two boys barely in their teens, your disbelief is made quite evident as you fidget in your seat and peer up at him with slightly parted lips. "Simple as that?"
"Simple as that" He confirmed it once again, shrugging, as though there were nothing further to add. "Although, Satoru should've taken a moment to consider your welfare before barging into your room. It was probably not the best way to play hero"
"It was rather─ unexpected" You muttered, vividly remembering your first encounter with Satoru and how enthusiastically he crashed through your doors.
His grin was as carefree and confident as a child's as he proudly proclaimed himself your saviour and gallant champion, tossing you a jacket and swiftly ushering you out the door before your emotions had a chance to catch up.
"I tried to attack him but.."
"But his infinity" You nod when Suguru finishes your sentence for you.
"I knew then who he was. Though I can't remember the reason clearly, I feel that may have been why my defences lowered and I gave up trying to fight. Or maybe I gave up thinking I'd live. I figured death by someone like him was better than a curse or even the higher-ups ridding me of my hands and wringing me by the neck"
"We're all undeniably just a bunch of impulsive and immature kids alive solely due to a stroke of misfortune." Suguru pinches the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger, reminiscent of the same headache he experienced that night when recklessness took control. Anger bubbles but he suppresses it well,
"It's laughable how ignorant and uncertain we are of our choices. I highly doubt Satoru ever contemplates his decisions to a necessary extent before he acts"
"You can't know that, Suguru"
"But I do know that" He chuckled and you shake your head.
"As you've said─" You gave him a pointed look before continuing, "We're merely children. Though our lives have put us in situations where we haven't been treated as such, you can't change what is up here─" You tapped the side of your head in reference to the maturity of a young persons brain.
"And here" You motioned to the area of where a youthful heart beats behind an enclosed cage.
"We have to give ourselves some credit and show a bit of self-compassion. We're just trying to survive..." Your hand extended to meet his while he, despite the stormy rage in his eyes and the restrained intensity in his voice, accepted the gesture, laying his much larger hand over yours.
Little by little, the the anger clouding his judgement dissipated.
Within the abyss of his thoughts, where unspoken words dwell and dark truths go unnoticed by your care, love, and reassurance, Suguru conceals a revelation: he views that night when he saved you as a feeble endeavour, a mere mortal's audacious attempt to impersonate the divine alongside Satoru.
His other hand trailed up your face and swiped over the bags under your eyes. "All I can see is the exhaustion in your eyes as it grows."
It warms your fleeting heart that he notices; that his concern runs so deep it causes him guilt and distress.
"We gave you hope" His voice cracks.
"You gave me a choice" Your eyes soften as they meet his, reading the thoughts he's too afraid to share. "You and Satoru gave me a choice and it was more than I could ever ask for"
Silence draws from you.
Suguru admits to seeing you slowly become a shell of the woman you never even had the opportunity to become. But he also sees the person you can still become.
Hope, he understands is a double-edged sword as it teeters on the brink of being shattered.
You represent his hope and he realizes that one day you will slip through his grasp. Either you will flourish independently of him or you will suffer because of him.
"A choice between death or slavery. There's hardly a difference"
And it hurts because it's nothing but the truth.
Pain is etched across your face as you ask, "Do you think death would have been a better option?"
Suguru exhales quietly, wearing a pained expression and evading a direct answer. "Satoru would have fought for you, even without knowing your identity, even if it resulted in a massacre
'Thoughtful and sweet' you thought, but had he purposely omitted himself from that sentence? You wondered.
"And you?"
Suguru thinks, eyes drifting to your hand that fits so perfectly in his palm.
"I would have gone wherever he led"
"Do you think death would've saved me?"
"Yes" He looks at you, "Selfishly?─ no. I would have preferred you to never suffer again, but death will never be an option for you, not while I live"
You look at him and he feels the sharp attentive eyes that you stare at him with. He neither cowers nor squirms, and you don't shy away, that's far beyond either of you when the intensity of the atmosphere grows heavily under the intricate heartfelt darkness that pours from your souls.
His confession sends the gruesome fluttering of butterflies to run a mock, their delicate wings clapping thunderously, contrasting the gentle nature of their existence.
"You won't leave me, right?"
The vulnerability is so evident in your voice it seeps into the cracks of his heart and reinforces his desire to protect you. Suguru appears on the verge of saying something, yet he restrains himself.
It's evident in his deliberate, slow blinks and the fleeting glances he casts in your direction before fixating his gaze on the ceiling.
Instead of answering you verbally he offers your entangled fingers a gentle squeeze, saying what his voice could not. His silence resonates so loudly that you're tempted to break it with a simple "what," although deep down, you know no answer would follow.
Perhaps, if your concern for him were genuine his silence shouldn't deter you, but when you understand the hesitation, the internal contemplation, and the fear that comes with the desire to connect.
You leave him be.
You're not sure how much time has passed, but at some point, Suguru settled at the far end of the window bench and gestured for you to stretch your legs over his.
You become immersed in the quietude and the cityscape. Your gaze flits between the bustling streets and the towering structures. Some of the neighbouring apartments were aglow with lights, indicating that you weren't the sole wakeful souls at this unearthly hour, and you simply observed as one room darkened only for another to illuminate. It makes you see how such a mundane act will probably be the only ounce of normalcy you'll ever get.
In your mind, it strikes you just as suddenly as the thick grey clouds enclosing the clear skies and the loud warning rumble of thunder as a storm follows on its tail.
Was normalcy something you could adapt to?
Would you go back to the day when your mind grasped an understanding of your situation and do things differently? Fight back and refute as they groomed you to become a weapon.
Would you go back to the day that led to your assumed betrayal. When you chose to see into the soul of a curse and release it?
The first and last choice you'd ever make out of your own free will. A choice that infuriatingly warranted a punishment worse than death, and instead of seeing your mistake and repenting as they so mercifully offered, you foolishly raised your head and stood your ground. And when they tried to subdue you, the pent-up anger and hurt exploded and they grew fearful of the very power they created.
Would you have reconsidered and opted to exorcise the curse, leading to a life of further confinement of those in control?
That night when your body, mind, and soul were to be sacrificed for the safety of the jujutsu world.
When Gojo Satoru wreaked havoc on your Minka, kicked down the doors and shattered every window, flashing you a cheerful smile as he looked at the remains of your home with distaste, "Come on little one, I'm kidnapping you"
In shock from the overwhelming aura that radiated off this stranger, you couldn't fight as he effortlessly dragged you away. Imagine your surprise when your attempt at a last fight led to your discovery that this brat of a white head yetti was none other than the heir of the Gojo Clan. The wielder of the six eyes and the cursed technique, Limitless.
You felt a loss of hope as you became convinced that your destiny was inevitable.
Regret was all you felt, and though unprepared for death, you could only wish that whatever followed would surpass the life you had experienced.
"We're keeping her" Satoru asserted, his sly smile persisting without ever fading. The room echoed with robust signs of dissent.
"And what makes you think you are entitled to such a decision?" Argued a man who abruptly stood from his chair with anger, deceiving himself and others around the table with the great power he claimed to have but truthfully did not.
No one could debate no matter how hard they wanted to, they had no words. Suguru uncrossed his arms and nudged your shoulder, offering a small nod and smile in hopes of it being comforting, but your eyes and heart were dead as you stared blankly at the faces of the people who killed it.
"I'm the strongest there is but I don't see you trying to condemn me to eternal imprisonment" Satoru stated boredly. "Suguru and I will babysit her or whatever" If it were under normal circumstances, you most likely would have directed the coldest glare at him for insinuating you needed to be babysat.
"You foolish brat!" A woman stood abruptly. "She bears the blood of the innocent on her hands, and you believe her conscience is not haunted by guilt! She opted to safeguard a curse over the lives entrusted to her, she chose her own demise!"
If only they refrained from distorting your words and perceived the reality of the situation. The dreadful curse they accused you of preferring over human lives was simply an infant mutant, its heartbeat seeking reassurance as it clung to your clothes desperately. The tears streaming down its face held no significance, even when the humans they insisted on saving were reprehensible. You made a decision, regardless of origin and blood. You opted for innocence over the murderous hands of humans.
"We all bear the weight of our choices, she's different" Suguru interjected, his hands clenching at his sides, ready to step forward in opposition had Satoru not continued speaking.
"Come on, Granny, you don't mean that. Look at her," Satoru beamed, "She's ecstatic to be saved by us, right? No guilt written on that pretty face whatsoever."
All attention was on you.
You had no answer to give, no thought or leading up to a decision.
"Hold on!" Satoru suddenly exclaimed, coming to an abrupt stop as a thought crossed his mind.
"Is she─ mute?" He inquired quietly to Suguru and it was received with a firm smack to the back of his head.
"Focus you idiot."
"Yeah, yeah, got it. Where were we... So, little one, do you fancy─" The white-haired male gestured with a thumb across his neck accompanied by a whistle, alluding to the act of beheading. "Or would you rather embark on a thrilling journey as my apprentice?"
A sudden jab to his side prompted Satoru to feign a grimace, pondering why he was receiving these hits. Meanwhile, Suguru let out an exasperated huff.
"What Satoru is trying to say is that, whatever choice you make we will stand by you. But it is your choice"
"Stop hitting me" That only warrants him another shove.
They presented you with a choice despite the consequences and the circumstances. They turned away from the puppeteers controlling the strings of your life and looked at you with determined eyes that offered you the power to decide. Even in your zombie-like state, you could see it in their determined gaze— they offered you a choice whether it meant choosing your death or enduring torment among them. Neither option was ideal but at the end of the day it was yours to make, and that marked the beginning of it all. It held immense significance, enough to ignite a spark of desire to live, to revive ambition and determination to fight until those deserving of it shared in the pain you endured.
That decision marked the conclusion of the prologue to your story, finding yourself now seated beside your closest companion as the chapters continued.
"Do you ever envision your future and ponder what it might hold? Do you wonder if there's a fortune waiting for us? Perhaps amidst the chaos and tragedy we still find love and start a family?"
The unexpected question is followed by a sudden movement and you feel a gentle weight on your head.
Suguru rested a hand on your head and playfully tousled your hair with a knowing smile playing on his lips.
You pull your legs closer to your chest and lean into his touch that has drifted to your cheek.
"I don't think I'll live that long"
"But if we did? If such a future existed wouldn't you consider giving it a shot?"
Suguru avoids addressing your question with the hopes that eventually one day he'll have the courage to express his true thoughts.
To admit that the sole future he envisions involves you living and flourishing; if it comes down to it he'd dedicate his last moments and breath to you and Satoru but for now, he brushes it aside and whispers, "Come on, let's get you to bed."
You shake your head not feeling the pull of sleep but Suguru is stubborn as he sighs and offers his hand and you accept without question.
He leads you to the couch where he settles down and throws his head back with closed eyes. His long limbs stretch out in front of him as he waits for you to join him, his side all but inviting.
The familiarity of his gesture is embedded in your memory, the inviting embrace you've grown accustomed to.
You instinctively take your place and snugly fit yourself against his side until your thighs press against each other, and your head rests against his chest with his arm curling around your shoulders to keep you close.
You reach for the blanket left unfolded at the opposite end of the couch, a clear sign of your restlessness during the first night you spent here, and throw it over you both, grateful that its size allows for a comfortable cover.
"I think about it a lot," You whispered sadly. "What life would be like if we could be as blissfully ignorant as normal people, not seeing the world through the eyes of sorcerers. I want to live—with you. I want to have a family someday, to hold my little one and know what it feels like to be a mother. I've heard that bond with a child is something else."
A smile tugs are your lips.
Suguru listened attentively, his heart undeniably fluttering. It was painful to hear knowing such dreams were a luxury you couldn’t afford but it was also endearing because you still dared to dream and wish.
You were breaking but you weren’t broken.
His fingers pressed into your scalp massaging in soothing gentle circles. He leaned in closer, his breath warm against your ear.
"In my next life I will make sure to find you again and we'll see that dream a reality. I promise"
Suguru gently presses his lips to the side of your head, his heart leaping at your heartfelt confession. He silently wished he had the courage both selfish and selfless to live this life with you.
Maybe in the next.
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☣ copyright @archonsabyss all rights reserved // do not copy; steal; plagiarize; reword or repost my works to any other platform! No translations!! All credits to original owners of characters/anime/pictures that are not my own!embittered
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ayyy-pee · 2 days
hii lexi!!! hope you’re doing well :)) would you be interested in writing a suguru first date kinda thing? i thought it might be cute ^_^ (also i love your pfp!! it looks so good!)
AHHH THANK YOU NONNIE! <3 I'm so late, but I imagine Suguru would be exactly like this for a first date when he's really into reader lmaooo it's short but i'm trying to flex my brain with little drabbles. i appreciate you sending this request in! i hope you like it! <3
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Discord 18+ - Twitter
Pairing: Suguru Geto x Female Reader
Warnings: Cutiepie sweetie face nervous Suguru Geto!, downbad Suguru, Gojo being an annoying shithead, fluff and cuteness <3
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It's so hot here.
Is it hot in here?
Has to be. Or else Suguru wouldn't be sweating so much. He can’t even hold his drink, the damn glass keeps slipping from his hands.
Maybe it’s the lights making his palms so moist?
Are the lights too bright? Too hot?
Was this restaurant the right choice? If it’s making him this uncomfortable, surely you’ll be uncomfortable, too.
Maybe he should have chosen another place. Do you even like Italian? Fuck, he should have asked you before making a reservation. What if you’re allergic to…pasta or like…tomatoes? He didn’t even think about that. Maybe it's not too late to change plans.
The soft buzz in Suguru’s pocket pulls him from his scrambled thoughts, and he takes his phone out to see a text sitting at the top of his notifications.
Beauty: Pulling up now. See you soon :) <3
Fuck! It's too late to change plans!
Okay. Okay, this is fine. It will be fine! He’s got this. What’s there to be nervous about? Nothing, because Suguru doesn’t get nervous. He asked you out, anyway. Not the other way around! There’s no reason he should be reduced to this clammy, sticky mess he’s become. 
And yet, it seems that’s all Suguru ever is when he’s in your presence. Although, it’s only been one other time.
It's been an entire week since Suguru first laid eyes on you coming down the aisle at his best friend's wedding. You would have thought he was the one getting married, the way his face grew red watching you smile, so stunning in that gown the bride had picked for you. The way his heart practically tried to punch its way through his ribcage when you’d graced him with a glance, aiming your beauty right at him. How you watched, teary eyed as your very best friend married his very best friend and it’s so insane of him, he knows. But Suguru thought he could see himself in this exact position one day…with you. And he didn’t even know your name.
It's so cliche, truly; a groomsman and a bridesmaid getting together at a wedding? It’s a romcom waiting to happen, but Suguru couldn't help himself.
You were the epitome of beauty. Your eyes, your lips, your smile, everything about you. They were all things Suguru could not get out of his head after you'd danced with him at the reception. With that cheesy love ballad playing way too loudly, you slipped perfectly into his embrace, like the missing piece of a puzzle, and he had to get to know you.
"Fuck your honeymoon," he'd told Satoru, rolling his eyes as his best friend panned his camera across the beautiful powdery sands of Turks and Caicos. “Can you ask your wife for her number?”
“Hmm…” Satoru flipped the phone back around and Suguru could see him pretending to think about it, tapping his chin just to irritate Suguru. “Beg me.”
“...Excuse me?”
That stupid grin on that long limbed bastard’s face. If Suguru could, he’d reach through the phone and smack it right off of him. Why would he beg for your number? He’d get connected with you some other way. Suguru is not a beggar. Nothing in this world could make him open his mouth and plead for something.
“Then I’m not asking. Good luck finding her! Gorgeous girl. Hope she doesn’t find someone else because there were quite a few people asking about her at the wedding…”
Suguru knows what he’s doing. And he fixes his friend with a deadpan stare as he says, “Nice try. Not begging.” 
And Satoru chuckles. “Okay! See you in three weeks!” He sings on the other end.
And so Suguru…begged for your number. Not his proudest moment, but as he sees you slip through the doors of the restaurant, grinning and waving excitedly when you spot him…well, it makes every bit of groveling worth it. He just saw you exactly one week ago. A full 7 days. 168 hours. 10,080 minutes. And you look just as breathtaking, if possible.
This feeling is familiar, the heat radiating from his cheeks and the intense pounding of his heart and this sensation to get on his knees before you and offer you the world.
“Hi,” you greet him, out of breath as you approach.
Suguru stands quickly, stealthily wiping his damp palms on his pants. And it’s a little awkward at first, but you hug him, slipping into his hold like you just…belong there. It’s driving him insane, the way you just seem to fit him so perfectly.
You take your seat on the other side of the booth, all smiles and god, if it doesn’t send Suguru spiraling. You’re just so cute. You almost seem as excited to be here with him as he is to be here with you.
“I meant to get your number at the wedding, but honestly, I was just too nervous to ask.” You confess, giggling, a bubbly and airy sound that makes Suguru want to hear it more, maybe set it as his ringtone then piss Satoru off so he’ll blow his phone up. Then Suguru can hear it over and over. 
He chuckles, smoothing his hands over his pants again, trying his damndest to stop the sweating. “Yeah?”
You nod, picking up the menu and gracing him with a sweet, shy smile before hiding behind the sheet of paper. “Yeah, so I’m really happy you called.”
Suguru’s heart races and he can’t help the goofy grin that’s now formed on his lips as he picks up his menu. “Me too.”
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toj1kuna · 3 days
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what if we were 16 again and nothing bad ever happened to us
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