#joanna mccoy
dustykneed · 2 months
Picture this; Bones holding Joanna, rocking her to sleep and the part in Beautiful Boy where it’s like “The monster's gone, He's on the run, And your daddy's here” is playing. :,)
Fatherhood gives you certain... skills. Coincidentally, this is also how Jim finds out that Bones sings.
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hopefulcanary · 1 year
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Joanna staying with Dad for a bit 😌
(and Jim is beside himself with affection for BOTH McCoys, let's be real)
Happy Father's Day, y'all ♥️
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fely-v · 7 months
McCoy and Joanna
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Nature itself is happy to reunite the closest and most indestructible, the purest and most sacred union on Earth: father and daughter. Parent and child. A relationship similar to the interaction of people and the Earth, always waiting for its rebellious freedom-loving children back to their cradle, as in a warm paternal embrace
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shaythey · 10 days
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do u think Jim ever babysits?
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Confession #74
"I don't know if this is legit, but I read somewhere that there was gonna be a TOS episode where Bones' daughter visits the Enterprise and gets a crush on Captain Kirk, much to Bones' annoyance but the idea was scrapped. Like I said before, idk if the info is legit, but I do think it would've been a funny episode."
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t0ast-ghost · 2 months
Okay but imagine, for a second, au where Bones brings Joanna on the enterprise cause he gets custody or smt and yeah.. idk like found family meets kid and they’re all family now.
I just want her to interact with the bridge crew. Like. I have so many thoughts.
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mariusslonelysoul · 4 months
so where does joanna mccoy come from
because when she wasn't mentioned in tos i thought, oh they'll mention her in the movies, but five movies later and no one has uttered her name. is she mentioned in st vi or generations? is she in the books? i'm gonna guess it's a book thing because the only other option i can come up with is that someone made her up years ago in some zine or something and she stuck around
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major-comet · 3 months
i have a lot of ideas for how they could introduce mccoy into strange new worlds, and one of my favorites i’ve been musing over lately is them doing it via joanna
if my memory is correct, SNW is currently right around the point when the cerberus crop failure happened (joanna was attending school there at the time). perhaps the enterprise is making a supply run to the planet just to help make sure they’re back on their feet, and mccoy gets picked up along the way because even starfleet’s terrible mental health services recognize that it might be a good idea for the man to be able to verify that his daughter is okay, especially if the ex wife hasn’t been able to get out there to verify she’s alright.
or! since actually i don’t think bones and pike ever met, maybe they pick her up during the supply run and bring her to a space station where mccoy can see her because surely that kind of thing is grounds for the school to go on break, and the whole episode is this kid running around the enterprise absolutely charming everyone she meets and so eventually during the five year mission bones is kind of known as Joanna’s Dad at first to everyone who was there at the time
modern trek need to give me joanna mccoy or else i’m gonna riot
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affixjoy · 4 months
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Here’s a little bit of McSpirk fluff to brighten a gray weekend!
Featuring! Spock POV! How old is Joanna McCoy?? Proud dad Bones!
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I’ve mostly been writing smut from Jim and Bones pov so I challenged myself to do some fluff from Spock’s pov. I think it turned out nicely!
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What about Bones?
So sometimes I think about AOS vs TOS, and the biggest thing is that in TOS, Mcspirk is basically cannon. You cannot tell me those boys don’t love each other, it makes me crazy.
But in AOS, it’s just Spirk. Don’t get me wrong, I was a Spirk fan waaaaaay before I noticed Mcspirk in TOS, but I try to see the tension between anyone in shows I watch, I Jim and Bones just seemed like brothers. On the surface, this is just interesting, but what about Prime!Spock? (I’m gonna call him Selek)
Because he knew Jim and Leonard since his 30s. In this scenario, he dated them, basically married them. Hell, he’s t’hy’la with one and shared his katra with the other. He knows them. It’s the three of them.
So do you think he gets whiplash sometimes?
I bet he visits Jim and Spock, sometimes, especially after they start dating. And I wonder if one time they’re talking, and Bones walks in, and he’s expecting him to join in. To meld into the pair like his Leonard did. But instead he stands apart, like the friend that he is. I bet it’s heartbreaking, another reminder of what Selek’s lost.
Not only that, but what about Bones?
There’s an animatic somewhere on YouTube of Everything Stays where it compared AOS and TOS, and it pointed out to me that in the Kelvin timeline, there’s no nurse Chapel, and it got me thinking.
Not only do we not see Nurse Chapel, but I don’t remember there being a Doctor M’Benga either. So he has none of his original work friends in the sickbay. Well, he still has Jim and Spock, to an extent.
But what about Joanna?
We hear about Jocelyn in the shuttle, how his wife took the whole damned planet in the divorce, but does that include his daughter? The crew are significantly younger in AOS, does he even have her? Just how lonely is Bones?
I think about Leonard McCoy a lot.
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dustykneed · 1 month
perennial (how many five-year missions does it take for a kid to grow into a young adult?)
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i feel sorta bad for being mean to poor ol bones but i don't have the energy for a bonus doodle so here's the sketch from my soft spones painting because i like it almost as much as the rendered thing ^^
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(yeah bones is totally doing the ozh'esta unconciously haha. im so tired rn but they are SO soft with each other ok. they have my heart <3333)
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hopefulcanary · 6 months
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continuing the Corgi Comms!
Bones, who I kicked this off with, and Joanna, for @majormiles 💙
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tinycoded360 · 17 days
Jojo's Big Adventure- Final Chapter
Spock's fingers danced over the device. A group of scientists, tricorders at the ready, leaned in, their expressions a blend of curiosity and concern.
"Spock, just make sure whatever you do, you don't accidentally shrink yourself. I don't need a pocket-sized Vulcan running around."McCoy couldn't resist the jab.
"Your concern is touching, Doctor, but misplaced," Spock replied without missing a beat, his attention undiverted. "I am merely conducting a preliminary analysis."
Bones snorted, watching Spock extract a series of crystalline circuits, each emitting a soft glow.
"Any idea how this monstrosity works?" McCoy asked, his impatience evident. The thought of Joanna, so small and vulnerable, gnawed at him like a persistent itch.
"Initial scans suggest a form of molecular compression. Fascinating," Spock mused, the hint of enthusiasm in his tone belying his stoic facade. "It appears to utilize a targeted subspace field to reduce the space between atomic structures."
"English, Spock."
"Imagine an accordion, Doctor. When compressed, it occupies less space. This technology seems to function similarly, on a subatomic level."
"Terrific," McCoy said dryly, rubbing his temple as if the explanation did little to ease the tension headache forming there. "Now, figure out how to uncompress my daughter before I lose my mind."
"Rest assured, Doctor McCoy, we are making every effort to understand the process fully. Reversing it is our utmost priority."
"Good," Bones said, his voice softer now. "Because she's all I've got, Spock. We have to fix this."
"Understood, Doctor." Spock's eyes met Bones's for a fleeting moment.
The door to Kirk's quarters hissed open, admitting Dr. McCoy. Kirk sat at his desk.
"Evening, Jim," McCoy grunted, his voice tinged with weariness.
"Evening, Bones." Kirk gestured toward the bottle and the extra glass he had already set out in anticipation. "I figured you'd show up sooner or later. Drink?"
"Wouldn't turn it down," McCoy replied, easing himself into the chair opposite Kirk. The doctor's fingers wrapped around the glass.
"Something on your mind?" Kirk asked.
"Jocelyn," McCoy began, his eyes not meeting Kirk's as he took a measured sip, letting the brandy burn a trail down his throat. "She refuses to see the danger Joanna's in. It's as if... as if she thinks I'm making it all up. I mean she's finally willing to see that Joanna ran away but she's demanding that I send her back, she's not even listening to the fact that our daughter is the size of a mouse!"
His hand tightened imperceptibly around the glass, the knuckles whitening.
"Joanna's situation is unprecedented, Bones. But you know what's best for her," Kirk said confidently.
McCoy scoffed, the sound short and humorless. "Try telling Jocelyn that. She insists that Joanna's better off with her, back on Earth, regardless of.......of everything that's happened." The doctor's voice was laced with anger, a father's desperation simmering beneath the surface. "It's like talking to a brick wall, Jim."
"Have you thought about legal custody?" Kirk ventured, his tone careful.
"Every damn day but last time, she took everything in the divorce," McCoy confessed, finally locking eyes with Kirk.
Kirk nodded, understanding the depth of McCoy's resolve. "Then you'll fight for her, Bones. And I'll be damned if I let you do it alone."
"Thanks, Jim," McCoy murmured, his gratitude mingling with renewed determination.
"Let's finish this drink," Kirk said, raising his glass in a silent toast to the trials ahead. "And then we'll start planning our next move."
"Agreed," McCoy replied.
McCoy stood, his uniform crisp and his resolve ironclad. Captain Kirk's supportive presence at his side.
"Your honor," McCoy began, his voice steady as he addressed the judge, "I present evidence of Joanna's endangerment due to Jocelyn's negligence." He handed over PADDs filled with medical records, incident reports, and logs of missed communications—each one a damning testament to a mother's indifference.
"Furthermore," he continued, "Starfleet's mandate is to explore and protect. As an officer, I've upheld that mandate, even now, when the one needing protection is my own flesh and blood."
Kirk stepped forward, adding his voice to the argument. "Doctor McCoy has consistently demonstrated his commitment to his crew and Starfleet. I have every confidence in his ability to provide for his daughter."
"Your honor," McCoy finished, "I ask not just as a Starfleet officer but as a father: grant me custody of Joanna. She deserves a safe, stable environment. With me, she will have that."
Jocelyn's legal team gave their defense, but in the end, Jacelyn willingly gave up custody, especially after seeing the evidence of their shrunken daughter. She didn't want to deal with taking care of her needs if the shrinkage could not be undone.
Mccoy felt a rush of relief at the final verdict. He was granted sole custody of his daughter.
As Mccoy passed his ex, she turned to him and said, "You know you have it easy. All you have to do is stick her in a hamster cage and call it a day. You don't really have to deal with a rebellious teen."
Mccoy felt a rush of anger at Jocelyn. He had all the intention to give her a piece of his mind, but Kirk's hand on his shoulder grounded him. "Bones, let it go; you won; Joanna will be safe; you won," Kirk calmly mumbled to his dear friend.
After multiple tests and examinations of the shrinking machine, Spock and his fellow scientists finally made a breakthrough.
"There seems to be a reversal frequency embedded within the device. We can try to recalibrate the matrix to match it exactly." Spock theorized.
After multiple tests on objects and a successful round of shrinking and growth on office supplies, the science team moved on to organic material. First, they tested it on plants and then tribbles, and after multiple rounds of safe shrinking and regrowing, they were ready for the shrunken victims.
"Doctor McCoy." Spock's voice is calm. "We are prepared to commence the reversal process."
"Already? You sure it's ready?" McCoy asked, turning to face Spock with a look of hopeful desperation.
"Affirmative. The device has been calibrated to precisely counteract the shrinking effect," Spock explained, his hands clasped behind his back.
With great care. Doctor Mccoy held the three shrunken teens cupped between his two hands. He felt nervous, but he had faith that Spock and his crew wouldn't authorize anything that would harm them, especially his daughter.
As the peculiar hum of the resizing device faded, Joanna felt her body stretch and swell back to its natural form. The world around her grew smaller—or rather, she grew larger—until she stood at her full height once again. Without a moment's hesitation, she darted across the sterile medical bay.
"Da-ad!" she cried, her voice cracking with emotion as she launched herself into Dr. McCoy's waiting arms.
McCoy caught her with a grunt, the impact nearly knocking the wind out of him. But he didn't care; he tightened his grip, encasing Joanna in his strong embrace.
He stroked her hair and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "It's okay, Jo-Jo. Everything is ok now."
They stayed locked in an embrace for a long moment, Joanna's shoulders shaking with quiet sobs. Bones had to blink back his own tears. It had been so long since he held his little girl like this.
Finally, Joanna pulled back, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. Bones cupped her face in his hands. "Let me get a good look at you," he said gruffly.
She gave a watery laugh. He took in every detail—the sprinkle of freckles across her nose, her bright hazel eyes, and the dimple in her chin that matched his own. His heart swelled. His baby was really okay.
He pulled her close again and whispered, "You're still grounded, though, kiddo."
Joanna groaned dramatically. "Aww, I was hoping you forgot about that part."
"Fat chance," he shot back, but his eyes crinkled at the corners, and the smallest of smiles played on his lips.
While there was still much to do, the other teens, Corrin and June, needed to be shuttled back to a star base to be reunited with their parents, the culprit needed to be put away for good, and this shrinking technology needed to be under lock and key. Those tasks were fair from the front of Mccoy's mind. For now, he enjoyed having his daughter back to normal.
The sun of Cerberus cast a warm, golden glow on the sprawling grounds of the boarding school.
They approached the headmaster's office. McCoy's signature on the enrollment forms felt like etching a promise into reality. He and Joanna had talked about this in detail. It was the best option to keep up with her education as he finished up his five-year mission. He had reassured his daughter that she had options. This was the school they had both agreed on.
"Joanna, I've checked every data bank, talked to every educator I could pin down—this is the best place for you." He paused, searching her eyes for any sign of doubt. "But it's your call, pumpkin. If you have any reservations, we'll find somewhere else. No pressure."
"No... I want to be here. It's just... a lot to take in." Her gaze flicked upwards, meeting his. "You promise to visit; you won't forget about me?"
"Never, darling. I'll visit every shore leave." He squeezed her hand reassuringly as they stood to leave the office.
Joanna scrolled through a tablet, looking through the listing for classes.
"Hey, look, they have a botany lab!" Joanna pointed excitedly.
"Botany, eh? Just don't go bringing home any man-eating flowers," McCoy teased, a grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. The image of her here, safe and thriving, eased the tight knot of worry that had lodged in his chest ever since the custody trial.
"Promise me you'll give it your all?" he asked as they sat on a bench, sharing replicated sandwiches that tasted surprisingly like the real thing.
"Always do," Joanna replied with a conviction that reminded him so much of himself. "I'm going to make you proud, Dad."
"Jo, you already have," McCoy said, his voice thick with emotion. "Every single day."
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anewstartrekfan · 9 months
TOS AU where Bones tried to reconnect with Joanna:
Jim: What’s going on with your daughter?
Bones: I wish I knew. She’s got some girlfriend I’ve never met. And when I told her I wanted to spend time with her, she said no.
Spock: Doctor, have you considered that she hates you?
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hailbop1701 · 11 months
So I'm playing Fallout 4 and I know I've said it once before but I'm going to say it again. Star Trek Fallout Au.
While playing I kept thinking about who would be a vault dweller and I always come up with the same idea.
Bones comes from the vault.
He could have been a military doctor and soaked up medical knowledge like a sponge and he's quick to fix someone with nothing. He goes into the vault with Joanna (cause he jas her when the 💣 drops) and she gets taken away. So Bones goes after her and along the way, he meets the Enterprise crew. (Cryosleep?)
Jim: the Survivor/Leader
Spock: the half-mutant. His mother was a vault dweller and met his father.
Scotty: Inventor/Engineer he keeps the compound going and the lights on.
Chekov: the smart refugee who wants to help in any way he can
Uhura: Runs the radio and keeps communications going
Sulu: Dreams of flying but can't. He has a wicked green thumb.
What do you giys think? Could this be a thing?
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shatnerihardlyknowher · 5 months
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"We'll bleed and fight for you, we'll make it right for you
If we lay a strong enough foundation,
We'll pass it on to you,
We'll give the world to you
And you'll blow us all away
Someday, someday
Yeah, you'll blow us all away."
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