#johnny storm x you
imyourbratzdoll · 2 days
𝒎𝒚 𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒍 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔
part 5 of 🌧️welcome to hell🌧️
summary - you were finally on the path fate had set from the beginning.
warning - slight angst, mentions of cheating, swearing.
the gif I use isn't mine, headers by me.
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 6
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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You realised that you owed yourself the biggest apology for putting up with shit you didn’t deserve. A few months had passed since you found out your husband was cheating on you with your best friend. Only to discover that he had been cheating the entire relationship. Johnny had been fighting the divorce the first few weeks of the first month, during that time you couldn’t understand why he was trying to hurt you more by not letting you go. 
But he had finally caved, signing the divorce papers and the moment he finished signing his name, it had felt like you could finally breathe. Your soul would occasionally tremble with memories, and warmth, and pain when hearing his name. Sometimes your heart would break a little more whenever you looked into someone’s eyes that had the same colour as his. It felt like wherever you looked, there he was. 
His name no longer made you smile. It was a relief when you had woken one day to discover that. 
When you left, you didn’t really have a plan. No one to go to and nowhere to live. But you managed, you found a small apartment that wasn’t exactly your dream, but it would have to do. You were starting over, starting a new life. 
You were currently walking back from doing a little bit of grocery shopping, your eyes roamed around, taking in the view around you before you stumbled slightly, tripping over a small rock that seemed to be randomly placed on the footpath. You catch yourself before you fall completely, hands gripping the bags tightly so that they don’t drop. Once you’ve steadied yourself, you look down at the rock and your brows furrow. 
What a strange looking rock. It looked almost like a crystal, coloured a soft pink and shaped like a heart. You shift a bag to your other hand before you bend down, and gently pick it up and examine it. Maybe someone dropped it?
You looked around, noticing that you were right in front of your apartment building. Strange, you could’ve sworn you had a few more steps to take. You move to the entrance of the building, the rock still in your hand. You shake your head, maybe you miscalculated or were too lost in your head to notice that you had been closer than you had thought. You pocket the rock and place one of the bags back into it before you walk inside. 
You head up the stairs, with a soft huff you finally make it onto your floor. Just as you near your apartment, you bump into a wall? No, walls don’t feel so warm and have a beating heart… Or abs? “I’m so sorry!” 
“I’m so sorry!” Why did this feel so familiar? 
You looked up, why were you looking down to begin with? Sometimes you could be so dumb. But your question is left unanswered as your eyes connect to the most beautiful blue ones that you had ever seen, ones that you had seen before. Steve had thought the same about your eyes as he stared back. You couldn’t help but notice that he looked so different, but the same. A beard now in place of his once clean–shaven face, but you noticed his eyes more. They had stayed the same and it was at that moment you knew. You knew that from the first moment you met, it was… Not love at first sight exactly, but; familiarity. Like… Oh, hello, it’s you. It’s going to be you. 
You blink and quickly move away, suddenly feeling as though you’ve been punched in the chest at the realisation. You couldn’t let yourself get hurt again and it had been two years. He probably didn’t even remember you and thought you were a creep for staring or he remembered but he had someone, and you didn’t want to ruin that with whatever the hell you were feeling. You couldn’t get over how rough he seemed though, compared to the man you bumped into two years ago. Maybe it was the beard…
No matter how much you willed yourself to, you couldn’t pull your eyes away from him. Your mind screamed at you about getting hurt again, but your heart and soul weren’t listening. It seemed Steve couldn’t pull his eyes away from you either, you both could feel a pull. You had felt that pull your whole life, it always felt like you were being pulled towards someone or something. The pull only seemed to stop when you bumped into Steve, but the moment you pulled away… It came back.
You couldn’t feel or see it. But the rock was buzzing and glowing. Like it was meant to be. 
You believed in soulmates once. You had the stupid thought that Johnny was yours because he kept popping up in your life. But he never gave you the feeling that you thought soulmates would get. You only felt that feeling when you bumped into…
“I’m sorry again. I don’t mean for us to always bump into each other, ma’am.” Steve smiled, his hands were on your hips, they had shot out to steady you, fearing that you would fall. “It’s nice to run into you again. I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself last time.” In his head, he’s shooting a glare at Natasha, knowing that she would be smirking at this whole thing. You would hopefully never learn about how he had never let that down, always bringing it up to her these past years, causing him to be teased a lot by his friends, but he didn’t seem to mind whenever your face appeared in his mind. Steve blinks, his attention fully on you again. “I’m Steve, Steve Rogers.” 
You stare up at him wide–eyed, he REMEMBERED you? “You remember me?” You clear your throat, your cheeks heating as you suddenly feel his hands still on your hips. “Sorry… I’m Y/n, Y/n L/n.” 
“The stars will go out before I forget you,” He says it so quietly that you don’t think you were supposed to hear him. Steve blinks, suddenly turning pink when he realises you heard him. “I, uh… Yes.” Steve stumbles on his words and to you it is the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen. “Wait… What are you doing here? Not in a rude way! I love that you’re here! I mean, oh god…” 
You smile, you had never smiled this much in your life… Steve seemed to make you forget. You look past him, gesturing to your apartment. “I, uh, live here. I haven’t been here that long though.” Your gaze turns back to Steve only to notice that he was already looking. You wouldn’t lie, your heart stuttered at the possibility of him never looking away. You weren’t used to a man looking at you, just you. “What about you? Are you…” 
Your eyes flickered down to his lips as he smiled. God, his smile is gorgeous. 
“Oh, that’s great! I mean, good… That’s good, no… Uh.” Steve stumbles more, clearing his throat. When did his shirt get so tight? “I live here as well.” He nods to the apartment across from yours, huh. It must’ve been fate. “I–I’m barely home, since…” He swallows, still smiling but he doesn’t continue, as he finds himself getting lost in you. You made him feel like a teenage boy again, where he couldn’t speak a single word without stumbling over them. Though, you guessed it was probably because he had someone already, how couldn’t he? But you were so far from the truth. You smile and Steve’s eyes flicker down to your lips. God, her smile is gorgeous. He shakes his head, “Did you need some help taking those in?” He gestures to your bags. 
Your voice is so quiet as you respond. “I don’t mind…” Somewhere deep inside you knew you wanted to go anywhere with him. Wanted him beside you forever. As he is about to grab a bag from your hands, you pause. “Wait, I’m not holding you up, am I? You were just…” 
Steve shakes his head, “You aren’t! I was just heading to meet my friends, but they can wait.” He smiles, and you look at him with a confused look, feeling relieved that a girlfriend wasn’t mentioned, but guilty for holding him back. Steve manages to take both bags, but you don’t notice, all you can feel is the sparks that light from the small touch. “Don’t worry, they’ll understand. I don’t mind helping, plus. I offered. So you can’t feel bad.” 
Your mind feels fuzzy as you catch his eyes again, the world feels like it has stopped. Steve can’t help but feel the same.
Your souls lit from beneath, filled with joy. They had finally found each other again. Your soul had found his and his had found yours. 
Your souls had been lovers since the beginning of time. 
They would always find each other.
You and Steve could feel it as you continued to stare at each other. 
This was the path you were supposed to take…
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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dungeonpuppykai · 3 months
|| The Storms ||
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Description: A day in the life of the Storm family. 
Pairing: Dad!Johnny Storm | Mom!You.
Disclaimer: I (unfortunately) do not own Johnny Storm. 
Warning(s): None of the explicit sort. Fluff, Johnny and his spawns being proper little menaces, stressed out human mom Y/n, mild marital affection, authoritative father!Johnny towards the end, d/s undertones. 
Note: Yes, this is very much a coping fic lmfao. The reason why this doesn't have a teaser is because it was supposed to be a drabble. Feedback is much appreciated 🩷
Read the nsfw part 2 here.
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Getting to trust and then dating Johnny storm was one thing. But marrying him and having kids with him?
One word. 
And as your youngest (at the moment) burst into the scorching flames all of your others had also done at her age, you had to step back before pinching the bridge of your nose to attempt composure. The smell of burning cloth and wood hit your nose before the alarm went off and water sprayed out, causing you to close your eyes as you focused on your breathing to remain calm. 
You liked to believe you had rather mastered your ability to cope with your little superhuman family's antics. 
"Hey, little Princess~" you heard your husband's much proud and smug coo from behind you before you could call out for him. Good. Your daughter who was still very much orange and in flames giggled and clapped her chubby little hands at the sight of her father, the fire control system having extinguished everything around her but not quite the source. 
"Dada!" The little ball of fire reached out for Johnny, the cause of all of this, and cackled along with the man when he easily picked her up as she was, unfazed by the heat. And though he absolutely adored his kids anyways, your husband was especially sweet right now.
Because it was a triumphant moment for him.
Ever since your eldest had inherited his power, you two betted everytime you got pregnant whether the next baby would be like you or him.
And you had just lost yet again.
It seemed your genes did not even try against your husband's extraordinary ones.
"Ohhh look at this here little Bree Storm following into her Daddy's footsteps!" You rolled your eyes and sighed, spinning on your heels before trudging to the kitchen while your husband baby-talked to your daughter. 
You loved your family and were very grateful for them. 
But it would be nice if at least one of your kids took after you and your ordinariness.
Because five hyperenergetic, extremely naughty and robust superhuman children along with their father who was honestly no better than them at times were a tad bit much for a very human you at times. 
And as you stepped into the kitchen, the scene unfolding before you pushed aside any guilt regarding the annoyance that you were feeling in this moment. 
Because Torus, your eldest (8), who had recently learnt how to fly was bolting across the expanse of the kitchen as he urged his successor, Axel (6), to follow into his stance, instructing her on how she could trigger the flight. 
The son you had had after them, Sonny (5), was happily sitting on a counter and swinging his legs back and forth with the marshmallow jar placed next to him as he fished one out, s'mored it and then put it in his mouth. 
The older of your youngest ones, Jacqui (4) was 'drawing' on a fine, much expensive canvas (if you said so yourself) that Johnny had gotten her when he had realized her artistic edge. The girl was seated in the safest spot as opposed to her siblings; on the floor. Only, she was using her hot red index finger to trace the patterns into the surface of the canvas instead of on it. 
You willed your widened eyes into closing again as you did another breathing exercise, the water from the fire extinguisher system still dripping down your nose that was so accustomed to the smell of fire that you didn't even mind it much anymore. 
Now your mind contemplated whether or not to call Johnny for help. Because it was a running challenge between you two that all of Daddy's babies needed him, which included you; the original one. But you liked to deny and prove that you could manage it on your own without him and did not need his constant help to handle your own kids. 
Except you did, but you would never admit it.
Though when Torus hit one of the lights that hung from the ceiling like the brat he was -something Johnny said the boy inherited from you, like he himself was any better- and almost knocked the cover and his own eye out, you decided pride could wait for now.
"Johnny!" You bellowed, causing the little deviants to look up with a startle only to start giggling when they realized that it was just you. A pout made its way on your lips as you huffed. Unbelievable! 
"Yes, sweeth…" Your husband appeared in the doorway after having put Bree in one of Jacqui's old rompers.
Your kids' clothes were all made of the same material as that of Johnny's uniform that they had managed to recreate at the lab. This was done to prevent wastage of the expensive baby clothes that he liked to personally shop for every child independent of your buyings.
But this time around you had only bought regular clothes as you had felt sure Bree was like you. 
Oh, Johnny was so gonna tease your futile confidence for months!
The bratty lot squealed and bolted past you to hide behind their dad, pretending to cower from your nonexistent wrath. "DADDY, SAVE US!" They cried in unison, drowning out your husband's voice in their playful cries that had a mix of knowing giggles and plotting hushed whispers in them. 
You crossed your arms over your chest as you pursed your lips tightly, shaking your head while eyeing them with an unimpressed look. 
This was routine. 
They would cause all kinds of chaos known to man and then the moment you tried to put your foot down -which was hard enough for you as it was because their faces that were such a perfect and synchronized mix of the one you loved so much in addition to your own were very hard to stay mad at-, Daddy was being summoned and put between your bodies like a rock. 
Oftentimes a traitorous rock for you, if you said so yourself.  
All their personalities were variants of his and Johnny made his pride and support for his naughty little clones very obvious. 
"Ho, ho, ho!" You heaved another sigh as you shook your head at the comical way your husband widened his brilliant blue eyes. "What is this that I am hearing?! What is going on?!" Johnny deepened his voice to mimic an authoritative one. "Daddy demands an explanation for this cruel commotion!" As the brats cheered, your annoyed eyes turned to him and his playfully puffed out chest deflated fast. 
Pushing one hip out, you raised an eyebrow and put a foot out to tap against the ground, cocking your head to the side. "You do, do you, Daddy?" The firmness in your tone had him spring up and turn to the kids to shush them like the most obedient husband ever. 
"That was for you little miscreants!" Now it was your turn to be smug as you smirked and jutted your chest out proudly. "You know the rule! No one misbehaves with Mommy and everyone obeys her!" The kids whined and tossed themselves left and right, the little lot now shuffling away from him and in your legs to be saved from the cruelty of their father. 
"Sorry, mommyyyyy!" You could not help but snicker as you shook your head at the wailing cuties, nodding at Johnny to stop when he went to reprimand them further only for your sake as you knew he did not like doing it on his own account. 
"To the breakfast table, all of you!" As the group shuffled before marching to their ordered destination like the most well-behaved little superhumans ever, you knew there was strength in numbers. 
"So you see, Mommy…" A silent gasp escaped you when your husband's huge and hot hand crept along your waist from behind before grasping one of your hips, mouth against the shell of your ear. "All of Daddy's babies need him" Bree, who was still enveloped in one of his arms, giggled and clapped as if in agreement. The baby girl loved to see you two just existing together in marital bliss. 
You snorted and rolled your eyes -a habit that had gotten you in trouble with him a handful of times- before holding your hands out for your toddler who gladly eased down and into your hold. "Well then," you paused to peck at your daughter's feather-soft rosy cheek. "Daddy should sit his big butt down and eat up so he can remain strong for his babies" your daughter cackled when Johnny clicked his tongue in disapproval after doing one of his dramatic gasps only for you to pinch him by the ear before dragging him behind you and towards your spawns.
"Language, please– wooaaah!" Bree's siblings joined in on the giggling and you couldn't help but follow suit when Johnny's big body awkwardly flailed as it bent downwards in your direction to keep up, plopping down in the Daddy chair at his end of the table when you finally approached it.
"Now, honey" you said after putting your toddler in her high chair and placing her baby plate in front of her, approaching your husband's seat as you waited for him to finish serving the kids. Your hands rested on his broad shoulders as he went along joking and scooping. 
"Yes, my sweets?" That earned him collective cringed out retches from the older kids and you. "Hmmm…" You could just imagine his conspiratorial smirk. "I don't know why but it smells like grounding season in here" Bree unknowingly blinked at her siblings' denying whines as she chomped on her baby food. "That's what I thought." You rolled your eyes at Johnny's smug snicker as he reinforced his authority, reveling in the apologies that were presented to him.
You waited for the commotion to die down before speaking. "Hun, would you be so kind as to tell our superkids about what we have decided?" Johnny took a bite of his toast that you shook your head at since he offered it to you first, nodding with a hum and clearing his mouth out with a swallow before he continued on with your request. 
"Of course, dear" he twisted a little to give the first forkful of his eggs to you as you weren't eating yet. "Okay, now." Facing your extraordinary lot, Johnny began. "Mommy and I have been discussing this for quite some time now and we have come to a mutual agreement" if it were not for Johnny now using his dad voice, you could just imagine Sonny asking him what mutual meant and then Torus calling him stupid only for Axel to defend her favorite brother and the conversation fading into chaos. 
But no one messed with Daddy when he meant business. 
A blush crept up your cheeks at the thought. 
The contrast between his usual bubbly self and authoritative father when it was needed was something even you had to admit was impressive.
And extremely attractive. 
You were more the pushover parent, helpless at the hands of your maternal impulses and the softheartedness that you had for the brats. But Johnny… He could play around as the fun parent all day long and then put his foot down as a strict father like it was nothing. 
Only he could have your deviants all line up in place like it wasn't his spoiling them that turned them into the little brats that they were in the first place.
But you did not actually mind their natures because, not that you were the sappy pro-birth kind of a weirdo mom, they were the best thing you had ever done. 
For they were the product of the love and bond that you shared with the best man you had ever had the pleasure of knowing.
Your Johnny. 
You slightly jumped as Jacqui squealed at something your husband said only to lower her head and mutter out an apology when Johnny glanced at her, the ordeal breaking you out of your reverie. You could swear your kids had better intelligence and coherence than other kids their ages. 
"Thank you, Jacqui" he firmly nodded at the girl who could pass off as his literal doppelganger because of how alike their faces were, only hers had a femininity to it. "Now, back to the discussion; house rules" though none of them whined, the scowls on their faces made you snort. "I am sorry, Mommy" you bit your lip as he only half turned his head to look over his shoulder. "But will you care to share what was so funny about that?" Your cheeks pinked and suddenly you were nothing but his little girl again. 
"N- Nothing, sir" that was the name he was called by the one who misbehaved. 
"I see" the edge to his tone made you mirror Jacqui until he turned away. "So, as I was saying before I was interrupted by two of my best girls…" He shot you both one last firm look before continuing. "Torus, no more flying in the house, buddy. We have been over this a couple times already at this point and…" The boy peeked up at his father through his thick blonde fringe as he munched on his cherry tomato. "Not cool" Johnny shook his head for emphasis. "It's a safety hazard."
You hummed in agreement, nodding authoritatively like you hadn't just been handled in a similar manner. 
"And everything that is dangerous like showing cool little tricks to the neighbors' kids" Axel lowered her head as her father's gaze set on her to make her feel called out. "Or making s'mores yourself" Sonny hid his face behind his plate when the older man leaned towards him. "Or using anything other than paints and colors to draw" Jacqui was pouting exactly like the man speaking to her did when he was annoyed, playing with her eggs quietly. "Will get you in serious trouble" he paused momentarily. "But above all, misbehaving with or disobeying Mommy, who looks after you all day long and loves you all so much, will earn you a talk with me from now on" they visibly shuddered at the thought. 
Johnny clapped his hands in a concluding manner now. "So I advise we all be good from now and respect her" then his stern tone changed to a more heartfelt one. "Because we can seriously hurt her if we're not careful" you softly pouted and squeezed his shoulders a little, feeling a bit conscious of your differences all of a sudden. "Now you guys don't want to hurt your Mama, do you?" The way they vehemently shook their little heads at once made your heart swell and you cooed, forgetting all about your momentary insecurity.
"No, Mommy!" Torus and Sonny reassured you. 
"We love you so much!" Axel, being the most emotionally intelligent one, looked nearly concerned. 
"Never wanna hurt you, Mama" Jacqui's earnest words made your heart melt and you were enveloping her in your arms before you knew it. 
"Oh, sweetie. I know you don't" kissing her forehead, you reached for Sonny as he was making grabby hands for you from beside her. And before you knew it, Axel and Torus came rushing to you from across the table, the bunch wrapping around you as kisses and reassurances were showered on you. 
Though you couldn't see it, Johnny was smiling at the sight before him with pure adoration in his eyes as your giggles rang in the kitchen that had been witness to nearly every sound of your lives.
Disagreements, chatter, laughter, cries, make ups, retches, moans, coos, wails, chuckles and love. 
Pure, concentrated, genuine, tender, ever-strong, unconditional love. 
"SUPERHUMAN SANDWICH!" As Johnny did his loud and deep monster voice before jumping up to collect Bree in his arms to collapse on you all to create a tangle of limbs, you craned your neck backwards to look up at his billion dollar smile. Your husband's laughter mixed with that of your kids as you held them tight, feeling your heart swell but only momentarily since you had to break into a series of alarmed shrieks when he turned the sandwich into a tickle fight.
Yes, your family was a fireball of superhuman menace. 
But the chaos made them who they were. 
And there was not a thing you'd change about it.
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the-iceni-bitch · 6 months
“You never loved me, did you?” with Johnny storm or whoever you like best <3 HAPPY BIRTHDAY (HUGS)
6. “You never loved me, did you?”
Thank you for the birthday wishes and I’m sorry for the angst I’m about to unload on you.
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You tried not to sniffle as you kept packing up your stuff, doing your best to ignore Johnny sitting on the couch. He was also trying not to look at you, but you didn’t care. Fuck, he probably didn’t care either, otherwise he wouldn’t have sprung this on you out of nowhere.
“Are you sure you don’t want my help?” He sighed when you didn’t answer him. “Baby, it doesn’t have to be like this.”
“I’m sure, and don’t you dare call me ‘baby’.” You spared a glower for him as you put the last of your things in your sad little box. “Does your new girl know you were still with me when you started up with her? Or is she just as stupid as I was?”
“Babe…” Johnny flinched at the glare you gave him. “I told you I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“Well you should have thought of that a hell of a lot sooner.” You pushed him away when he tried to reach out to you. “You never loved me, did you? I was just the sad little puppy you knew could keep you occupied until you found what you really wanted.”
“Shit.” He tried to run after you but you slammed the door in his face, and once he got it back open you were halfway down the hall.
Johnny did feel a little bad, but it wasn’t like he could help his feelings. He hadn’t been trying to hurt you, he just met this chick on accident and they clicked right away. He thought maybe she could be the one he had a real future with. He even did the right thing and ended things with you before committing to her, with maybe just a little bit of overlap. So why did he feel like such a massive dick right now? Did he make a mistake? He tried to think about it, but then he got a text from hopefully the future love of his life, and he forgot all about how wounded and vulnerable you had looked as you walked out of his apartment.
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⁂❆❅ 𝒥𝑜𝒾𝓃 𝓂𝓎 𝐵𝓁𝓊𝑒 𝐵𝒾𝓇𝓉𝒽𝒹𝒶𝓎 ❅❆⁂
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brandycranby · 5 months
ce characters + their skill at wrapping presents (based on technique, style, and enthusiasm) 🎁✨
crocheting a last minute gift rn hehe
steve: 9.5/10. the military precision comes in clutch when it's time to measure out wrapping paper. if he's not doing the wrapping himself, he's at your elbow with tape strips and scissors when you need them. gift bags? hell no, back in his day, presents were wrapped (ok old man 🙄💕) heh expect steve to come home with half a dozen new tubes of gift wrap because he just can't resist the cuteness (target snoopy paper, beloved 🥺💕)
andy: 7/10. if he did it himself that is 😌 this is a man of experience and few close relatives. the holidays are a quiet uneventful time for him (besides the odd party) and he spends it with you, showering you in gifts and treats for the new year. most of those treats come with complimentary gift wrapping that he'll most definitely take advantage of hehe if not, he's a sparkly gift bag kinda guy
ari: 8/10. he doesn't have much skill at getting those sharp corners on a wrapped box but can he curl a ribbon or what? great color sense, he doesn't look like it but he can tell a french silver from classic silver 😌💕 whatta man whatta man. eight presents though, that's a lot of gift ideas to come up with. defaults to cash and gift cards for some nights, slaps a ribbon on top and adds mesh bag of chocolate coins and calls it a night
johnny: 6/10. look, he's a guy. still, he's a guy with a big sister. sue comes over and they make a night in of it. wrapping paper is everywhere, someone gets hit with a tube, nothing's lit on fire but reed's gift is singed and labeled "to: asshole". it's probably just fruit of the loom boxers. your gift though? he keeps adding stocking stuffers until sue makes him use a wicker basket to hold everything bc "it's chic, johnny, and a paper bag can't hold all of that."
ransom: 5/10 +3 effort points. ONCE HE TRIES?? HE TRIES!!! i mean not for his parents' gifts, he probably amazon shipped those to their house. but he'll pull out the ribbons, the glitter, the tinsel, the special wrapping paper just for you 🥹💕 ransom doesn't really Get It, not until you have a day of present prep with him. cups of hot drinks and a movie on in the back, that sort of warm nostalgia that's so familiar yet distant from what he's known 🥺surprisingly good eye for it
jake: 4/10. oh lord he tries. he tries so damn hard. the living room is a wreck, there's tape everywhere and mismatched wrapping paper. he measures a length of paper too small and worries about cutting another one because you like that paper!! you'd probably cry if he wasted it!! so he takes a discard piece and kinda... band-aids it together... oh baby 😔 also how do you wrap plushies??? (put it in a box, jake, please put it in a box)
curtis: 7/10. solid score because he goes for maximum efficiency and doesn't take a break until every single present is completely hidden in gift wrap, tissue paper, ribbons, bows, and a gift tag. would be a 10 if he was a little more fancy and a little less practical about his present style. but he has the assembly line efficiency and it helps you get everything done in one day so kudos 😊 points off for getting suspicious when you take a long pee break tho
since i've started writing this hc list, i've redone my amigurumi THREE TIMES. why do i do this to myself. i also wrapped last minute gifts like a jake today heh
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Promot 18 and 9 for johnny storm please
.⋆。On Fire。⋆.
Johnny Storm x plus size reader
Johnny is ok at being a hero, he’s good at extreme sports and he’s a god at sex, but feelings- he can’t do those
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, FWB to lovers, angst, shower sex, Johnny’s a bit of an asshole, I accidentally wrote Johnny as an American Jamie Tartt and I can’t find myself getting mad at it, fluff
WC: 1.2k
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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3000 Follower Celebration
“Holy fuck this pussy is goddamn magical.” Johnny groaned into your shoulder, his teeth sinking into your delicate skin. Cold water rolled down your body, the hot water having long been used up. His thick cock buried to the hilt inside you, his hands firmly planted on your wide hips as he drove into you.
“Johnny I love you.” You moaned. Your back arched as yet another orgasm began to build in your stomach. You reached back for him but only succeeded in skimming his abs with the tips of your fingers. He retaliated by punching into your cunt even harder, forcing your naked chest into the chilled shower tiles and away from him.
“Jesus, loosen up, you’re squeezing me so tight.” He groaned through gritted teeth. Heat began to grow behind you and Johnny’s cock somehow got even hotter inside of you. His right hand released your hip and captured your clit between his fingers, strumming you desperately to your end. “Fuck!”
Heat exploded deep within you and drove you over the edge. “God baby.” You moaned and slumped forward, letting your body relax underneath the cool spray of water.
“Damn baby, that was a good one.” Johnny slapped your plump ass in a friendly manor and pulled out of you. 
You winced at the feel of his release escaping you as you stood up straight, letting the water wash your previous activities away. “Yeah it was.” You dismissed. Johnny raised a brow at you as you walked past him, grabbing one of his very expensive white towels on the way out. 
“Where are you off to? Got some hot date?” He teased, trailing behind you. You didn’t even glance at him while you grabbed your clothes.
“No but you do. Diamond has been dying to finally get under you.” You sneered her name as you pulled on your panties. He scoffed.
“So what, it’s not like I’m actually dating you.” You froze, your stomach dropping.
“Yeah, I know.” You slipped on your sweater and grabbed the rest of your things. “Goodbye Johnny.” And this time, your goodbye actually sounded real.
Johnny stared at his phone like it had offended him. “What’s up your ass today?” Ben planted himself in his reinforced chair across from the younger man, coffee cup in hand. Johnny just glared at him.
“Y/N’s been ignoring him for a week now.” Sue sat next to her little brother, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. 
“What did you do?” A murderous gaze levelled at him.
“I didn’t do anything!” Johnny retorted with a whine. A notification lit up his phone and he immediately abandoned the conversation in favour of grabbing his phone. He let out a sigh of disappointment, it was just a message from yet another one night stand.
Even without eyebrows, Ben’s brow raised. Johnny crumpled. “I didn’t do anything.” He muttered almost shamefully. “She just left my place the other day and hasn’t called me back even though I’ve texted her like 20 times! That’s 19 more times than I usually do!”
Richard suddenly appeared behind his wife. “And we ask again, what did you ‘not’ do?” 
Johnny sighed heavily and slumped over the table. He propped his chin up on the counter, staring off into nothing. “I thought she didn’t mean it, I mean I was in the middle of blowing her back out!” The others winced but he continued. “She said she loved me.”
“And did you say it back?” Sue asked. The silence was all the answers they needed.
“And you’re still seeing other people?” Again there was silence but he nodded.
“And is she?” He shook his head.
“You’re a fucking idiot and you most definitely do not deserve a good woman like that.” Ben slammed his palm on the table, shaking the ground with the force. “Absolute piece of shit, can’t believe how stupid he is.” Ben muttered as he walked away.
Sue and Richard watched him go before turning back to the youngest member of the group. “Johnny, you know what she’s ignoring you. You broke her heart and I think it’s now breaking yours.” She squeezed her brother’s shoulder. “And I agree with Ben, you kind of deserve it.”
“But, maybe you can fix this.” Richard spoke up. “It’s never too late if you really do love her.”
Johnny glanced at his brother-in-law sceptically. “But I don’t love her. I mean I guess I like having her around. She’s incredible in bed and she makes these pancakes that are out of this world. And when she sleeps next to me, I sleep better than I ever have. And when she smiles at me, I get this weird feeling in my stomach. And sometimes when I’m out shopping I look at rings. But that means nothing!” He paused and looked at Sue. “Right?”
She just looked at him, her eyes softening. “Right?”
Sue laid a kiss to the side of his head. “I think you know the answer to that already.”
The bottle of red was halfway gone when the knock on your door came. You groaned and forced yourself up from your extremely comfortable couch, stumbling only once as you made your way to the door.
“What are you doing here?” The one and only Johnny Storm stood on your doorstep looking like a lost puppy.
He looked at you with those huge blue eyes that had made you fall into his bed more times than you could count. “I was an asshole.”
“Yes you were.”
“And I shouldn’t have ignored your feelings like that.”
“And I shouldn’t have let you walk out that door because you are by far the best thing that has ever happened to me. So I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m sorry and that I- shit c’mon. I looo- I can’t say it but you know what I mean.” You raised an eyebrow at him causing Johnny to sigh.
“Ok well I can’t say that but I do feel it. You’re absolutely amazing and a complete bombshell. And when I’m around you, I can be myself, not Johnny Storm, not the Human Torch, just me. You have been by my side through so much, even before we started sleeping together, which was a great decision by the way cause we are fucking awesome at sex.” You couldn’t help but smile and agree with the sentiment. “You’re my person, you are my home, you always have been. So yeah, there’s that.”
He shrugged almost sadly, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket. “This doesn’t fix everything, you know that right?” His shoulder’s fell along with his expression.
“But what you said does mean a lot to me, so you can come in if you want to but you stay at least five feet away from me at all times. You have a lot of grovelling to do before you’re allowed back in.” You emphasised. Johnny perked up and bounced up the steps, giving you a peck on the cheek as he passed. You allowed the affection and slipped in behind him, a little smile on your face.
Johnny was buried between your thighs barely 15 minutes later.
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cottagecheese1 · 5 months
Unhinged worlds 1
summary: A few years after your father died, your mother marries a new man, to you having a new family meant new begging's, but what happens when your new begging comes spiraling apart just because of the people that made them.
paring: dark stepdad Andy Barber x reader x dark dbf Lloyd Hansen x reader x dark stepbrother Johnny storm x reader x dark bbf Colin Shea.
warnings- (DDLG undertones) stepcest, Johnny is NOT Andy's biological father, he is the adopted son. smut, do not engage if you are uncomfortable with any of the following, spanking, blackmail, p in v, edging, thigh riding, oral, fingering.
Series master list right here
"Mom, you know I've never met this man before, right?", you said with a slightly worried tone, your mother gives you an exasperated sigh and walked her way over to you, gripping your shoulders.
"Honey please, I just got married, I don't understand why you can't be happy for me this once.", you wrapped your arms around her neck and hugged your mother, she was right, you needed to see the best in this situation right now.
"I'm sorry mom, I am happy for you, it's just a lot to adjust to right now.", You gave your mother a slight smile and pulled away from her.
She gave you a smile back and responded, "oh I think you'll be okay; he has a son around your age, he's adopted but I think you two would like each other."
The smile on your face widened a little bit, your mouth opened once again to speak, but came to an abrupt stop as you saw an unfamiliar man stand behind your mother and give her a slight peck on the head.
Your mother giggled slightly and stepped back to stand by the man, "Honey, this is Andy, Andy this is my daughter.", your mother said as she spilled out your name back to the man beside her.
Andy unwrapped his arm around your mother's shoulder, and walked towards you, opening his arms forward to embrace you in a hug. This caught you off guard because for someone you just met, he seemed to be a little too touchy with you, but you thought nothing more of it, thinking it might just be the way your new stepfather expresses his feelings.
"It is so nice to finally meet you sweetie, I've heard so much about you." Andy said with a wide grin on his face, as he held you a little too tight for your own comfort.
As Andy was speaking to you, nodding your head once in a while at his banter. You heard a voice faintly behind Andy come closer.
"Dad, when will you let Colin come over, I'm fucking dying too actually-who is that?", you looked to see a younger guy with a buzzcut, and light blue eyes come out from behind Andy to get another good look at you.
Andy took a deep breath and gave a slight glare to the boy who shoved past him to you "Johnny, this is-", Andy was quickly stopped in the middle of his introduction when Johnny decided to introduce himself to you first.
"I'm Johnny, Johnny Storm, but you can call me whatever you like sweets", Johnny said with a smug grin as he took a step closer to you, and you instinctively took a step back from the muscular man, mumbling out an "okay.." and you adverted your gaze down to your feet.
It seemed a little rude once you actually processed what you just said, making yourself seem passive and unwelcoming, but for some reason you just felt shy around both of these new men, men that are now a part of your family, men that you are now permanently living with.
Johnny chuckled and continued to try to keep the conversation alive, even though his father stood sternly right behind him. Andy quickly shut down his next spill of flirtatious chatter when he saw how visibly uncomfortable you looked.
"Johnny, this is your new stepsister, don't be disrespectful.", Andy said with a warning, but Johnny just nodded and shrugged him off, giving you a playful wink and walking away with a slight skip, boosting himself over the curve of the driveway.
"Sorry about him, he just never runs out of energy ya know?" Andy says with a slight chuckle at the end. You smiled slightly and gave him a nod of reassurance.
"It's perfectly fine, doesn't bother me." You said quietly before adverting your gaze from him once again.
"Well, if he does, just come tell me and I'll go talk to him, I'd hate it if you felt uncomfortable in any way." Andy said with a slightly sympathetic look on his face.
Your mother took an earful of this moment, and decided to express her love for it "Oh Andy, you're too sweet, we both appreciate whatever you do for us."
Andy smiled brightly, still keeping his eyes glued to you, "Just doing what anyone would do" he responded.
After a long day of moving boxes and making conversation, your social battery seemed to run out completely, wanting nothing more than to lay in bed and finally relax. Except it was only 3 in the afternoon.
With a lot of procrastination, you finally got out of bed and decided to dig through the fridge to find something to drink, making your way to the kitchen, until you heard a knock at the front door.
Thats weird? You weren't expecting anyone, maybe it's just one of those people who give out pamphlets about polar bears for no reason.
Making your way over to the door hesitantly, deciding if you really want to stand in the doorway and talk about how you can stop global warming for 30 minutes, but there also was a chance that it was actually somebody important.
Twisting the knob and opening the door to find a decently attractive man who looked to be around Johnny's age standing patiently. He twisted his head towards you and raised his eyebrows in surprise.
"Well, you're not Johnny." the man said with a slight smile on his face, and you nodded in agreement before responding.
"Um, if you're here for him, I guess you can come in." you responded as you took a step back to let him enter. He chuckled, walking past you to stand next to you as the door shut.
"Thanks sweetheart, I don't think I've met you before, I'm sure I would've remembered a cutie like you", he said playfully as your cheeks heat up slightly at the sudden comment.
"I-um, no we haven't met before, I think Johnny is in his room." You responded quickly before trying to walk away.
"Wait, hold on, I didn't get your name." the man said as he chased after you slightly, and you mumbled out your name slightly, waiting for him to reciprocate the action.
"Oh right, I'm Colin." You nodded once again.
"Nice to meet you, Colin.", deciding to try and end the conversation here so you could continue scavenging for a drink.
"Ok, ok, I can get a hint, I'll see you around sweetheart." He said as he gave you a wink before walking away.
What was weird about that is he kind of acts the same way Johnny does, but maybe that's why they're friends, of course people like other people that are similar to them, you felt stupid once you actually thought about it.
Once you made your way into the kitchen, finally getting one step closer to what you wanted, except Andy was also in the kitchen leaning on the kitchen counter nursing a beer that he put down almost immediately at your presence.
"Honey, you scared me, did you need something?" He said and let out a sigh of relief that it was just you.
"I came to get a drink." You responded simply, just like the rest of you, Boring and simple.
"Of course..but could I talk to you about something honey, I just want to make sure there's no tension between us." He said softly, pushing himself off of the counter and towards you.
You gave Andy a nod of reassurance to continue, settling for a bottle of water as you sat down on the bar stool, right across where Andy was standing.
"I know your shy sweetie, but I want to let you know that you can tell me anything, your mother told me about your father, and I think it's important that you have a man in your life, someone that can take care of you honey, all of your wants and needs." Andy said softly, walking around the counter to stand behind you.
Your eyes widened as he rubbed circles on your back, your mother hasn't mentioned your father in years to you. She knows it's a sensitive subject for you to talk about, you doubt that your mother wouldn't have mentioned that to Andy.
"I-um-I don't really like to talk about my dad." you said with a slight tremble in your voice as you felt your throat get tighter, and your eyes get glassy with tears.
Your father died when you were only 9 but it felt like yesterday to you. Of course, you miss him, but you would rather not talk about it then mourn him every day.
Andy saw your eyes start to water, and your muscles start to tense. He just cooed at you lovingly, his hand moved off your back and moved directly behind you to wrap his arms around your shoulders.
"Oh sweetie, I know it's hard to talk about your feelings, but I want you to trust me, so I can be a good daddy and take care of you, don't you want that?" Andy said quietly while resting his chin on your shoulder.
Lost for words was one thing, you felt dumb, talking to you like a child, but deep down you found it strangely comforting. Andy walked back in front of you and grabbed your chin, tilting your head up softly with his fingers.
"You're my special little girl, I want you to know that honey." Andy added, while stroking your face like it was the most delicate thing in the world.
Trying to avoid eye contact with him was hard because than you couldn't help but feel tears run down your cheeks, maybe you did feel like Andy actually cared about you.
Andy suddenly pulled you closer to his chest while shushing you, pecking the top of your head once in a while. Hearing a faint noise of chatter coming closer to you made your head perk up with warning, you didn't want to anybody to see you cry today, especially over something you should've got over years ago.
"Hey dad I-what happened?" Johnny said as he skipped in the kitchen nosily, Colin standing right beside him, watching the scene unfold in front of him.
Looking from Andy's chest in embarrassment, watching the three men surrounding you, well mostly two in concern. This made more anxiety pump up in your chest and suddenly you darted down the hallway to your bedroom, where you should have stayed all along.
Ignoring the faint calls for your name and shutting the door behind you. Locking it and sliding down against your wall, finally letting all the sobs you've been keeping in until now. Great, now you won't hear the end of it tomorrow. Maybe a new family wasn't such a great idea after all.
A/n: It's been a minute since I posted ya'll, but I also just had a random urge to write a series with four hot men in it. Part two will be coming soon!
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ronearoundblindly · 4 months
Heat Tank
Johnny Storm x ghost!reader from the Phantom Pleasure series
One of my Valentine's Fics for 2024. Prompt: A kiss in relief. WC 782
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Summary: Though you've grown closer, Johnny has spent months unable to touch you. As a spirit, you are attracted to heat, so there's a chance his energy can actually offer you a form--if only temporarily--for him to see and feel. This is Johnny's first chance to test the Heat Tank.
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The science of the structure makes no sense to Johnny, but he knows he has permission to go supernova while inside. The venting and dispersion will work for a prolonged period, and as an unexpected bonus, Richards was able to channel the energy to heat the entire block.
Johnny doesn’t care about that.
Why he needs the Tank is vague, but the Four know Johnny rarely asks for technology unless absolutely necessary. If it can help prevent any direct damage to the brownstone or the neighborhood, Reed and Sue are on board.
The apparatus is simply a more powerful version of the original assessment chamber in the Baxter Building, less the flaw where his maximum temp can melt the walls.
Johnny does the song and dance, listens to the explanation of controls—door stays locked until a specific sensor reads below 110* F—and then dismisses Reed and his sister to go out to dinner or whatever it is they do. He doesn’t pay attention after the necessities. 
He contemplates inviting you in verbally, but instead lights his hand. That’s your ghost-equivalent of an attractive offer: concentrated heat. If this works at all…
As soon as the thick door shuts, its pitch black save for his hand, and Johnny stokes the fire. He gets more and more nervous, letting the smooth, gradual increase boil atmosphere like a frog in the pot, until the first shapes of you lick through the distortion.
You’re here.
You’re really here—right there within reach—and he pushes for more, more heat, more pressure, more you.
There’s not one whole part of you that becomes clear first; it’s wisps of a hip, a curve of a jaw, leg. He simply watches intently, unable to hear over the roar of flame around him—around you both.
But he can hear your voice in his head so clearly, joking, poking fun at his needless intensity, his perpetual impatience.
I’m always here.
I’m not going anywhere.
You aren’t though. He wants more. For once in his constantly un-alone life, he wants just one thing: to see you, to be with you physically.
Then you’re there.
Suddenly, the nuance of oranges curve over every inch of you, and Johnny’s body feels hotter than it’s ever been, in pain or pleasure, in fear or safety. He’s on fire inside and out.
He hardly imagines what your skin will be like in his palm because the burnt clay undertone of it seems hard. If Johnny’s learned anything about you, “hard” would describe none of it. You’re malleable like amber and fragile as rust.
The shared presence of blood-red is the most you and Johnny have ever had in common to date, and yet he feels a connection in the destruction, the dispersion of his life-force. If only he could truly give himself to you…
His bare foot steps forward in a cloud of plasma and smoke, sliding through the blaze.
He is the only source of oxygen now. There is nothing but Johnny to galvanize life within the Tank, and he has a goal.
Touch her.
That’s all he has to do: suffer and incite thousands of degrees for a corporeal taste.
Just one. Just one touch. Just touch her.
But Johnny Storm has never settled for the bare minimum. He steals the whole show. He shoots all the way to the stars. He can’t be held back, and there’s no one who cares to hold him back.
Before he can close the distance between you, your arm raises, a palpable hand resting on his chest which he greedily covers with his own and continues. Onward to you. Nearer. Hotter. Sooner. Until he arrives, lips kissing the beautiful, pouting plume of your lips.
To his utter delight, you feel…cool like fog rolling over his molten skin, and his lungs fill with the contradiction, veins opened wide to the shock of dopamine injected by new.
Johnny’s power makes him impose on others—on the world—because he controls the climate around him. Climate never fights back.
You do. You can affect him, and he’s instantly addicted.
He’ll fuse straight to your soul if you let him. He’s that far gone in seconds. The chain reaction simply floods through him, and he pumps more and more heat out to keep you tangible.
He’ll die without friction. He can’t imagine living without.
He presses, smelting your essence into his memory and hoping.
Stay, he thinks. Stay even when I burn out.
The hand on his heart squeezes, a cool rock to rest his sweating skin upon.
You’re a balance. You can keep him grounded even after all the hot air of this life floats away.
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A/N: well, I'm really praying that read as interesting rather than confusing because I've had to come up with odd ways to describe how Johnny and a ghost can interact. Had this idea for Reader to be attracted to heat (i.e. her consciousness gathers around that energy which is the only time she can kinda really *think*) for a while, and it struck me that it would be novel to have a cold kiss be more tantalizing for the Human Torch. Anyway, I overthink everything, so yep, all is fine here!
Jake Jensen and a kiss to distract ⬅️➡️ Ransom Drysdale and a kiss as a yes
[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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imyourbratzdoll · 11 days
𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥
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She was content and in love, she thought she married the one she would spend the rest of her life with. Fate seemed to have another plan for her. One that involved her to finally learn the truth, causing two relationships to be tragically ruined and hidden memories to suddenly come to light. She finally gets on the path she was meant to be on in the beginning.
18+ only please, do not copy, repost or translate our works. You are responsible for your own media consumption. headers are made by me.
೫˚🌧️❀ *ૢ💔೫˚💍
𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
೫˚🌧️❀ *ૢ💔೫˚💍
!warning! This series will include heartbreak, divorce, detailed cheating, bad thoughts towards self, betrayal, back-stabbing, horrible relationships, slight gaslighting and manipulation, smut (from cheating and maybe when she finds happiness).
೫˚🌧️❀ *ૢ💔೫˚💍
part 1 - 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲
೫˚🌧️❀ *ૢ💔೫˚💍
part 2 - 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥
೫˚🌧️❀ *ૢ💔೫˚💍
part 3 - 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠
೫˚🌧️❀ *ૢ💔೫˚💍
part 4 - 𝐢 𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞...
೫˚🌧️❀ *ૢ💔೫˚💍
part 5 - 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬
೫˚🌧️❀ *ૢ💔೫˚💍
part 6 - 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬
೫˚🌧️❀ *ૢ💔೫˚💍
part 7 - 𝐬𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
೫˚🌧️❀ *ૢ💔೫˚💍
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royalsweetteaa · 1 year
To be claimed
Pairing: alpha!Johnny Storm x omega!reader
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WARNING - the following story contains: sexual themes/tension, A/B/O verse, tiny bit angst, fluff, talks about mating/bonding, P in V sex, knotting, scenting, kissing/biting, brief fingerfucking, dirty talk, jealousy, slight possessive behavior, pet names.
Summary: Johnny wants you to bond with him but you hesitate to go through with it, - for whatever reason.
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Second person POV
You and Johnny were taking a walk around the park on the weekend, spending time to unwind from an intense week. You were walking behind Susan and Richard, who were going into a discussion of where to spend their vacation this summer, which left you and Johnny to talk for yourselves about whatever was on your minds, - in this case about being claimed.
Richard and Susan were newly mated, their mating glands freshly bitten and swollen. Johnny hadn’t been able to keep his eyes off the pair since then, - admiring how his sister had taken the next step with the science nerd of the bunch.
“That could be us, you know. Claimed and bonded, just like these two lovebirds. Haven’t you ever thought about it?” Johnny asked, intertwining his fingers with yours in a tight grip.
You swallow and shy away, lowering your gaze to ignore Johnny’s blossoming bonding fever. “Of course I have..” you reply meekly. “But I think it’s too soon, don’t you think?”
Johnny narrowed an eyebrow, unsure of why you thought so. “Why would it be too soon? We’ve been together for almost two years now. We’re in love, - clearly meant for each other. I don’t see why we should wait..”
He was right. You had known each other for years and Johnny had for two years been in a committed relationship with you, leaving his bachelor lifestyle behind. He had never given a reason for you to doubt him, so why were you so hesitant?
You shrug, removing your hand from him and stalling while being unsure of what else you could say to move past the topic. You had managed to brush it off whenever Johnny brought it up, but now it seemed to be occupying his mind more than any of the previous times, and he was looking for answers.
The silence was worrying Johnny, and he stopped as his face fell when he realized there had to be a reason behind it. He reached for your hand again, and you let him take it as you faced him.
“Talk to me baby,…there’s gotta be a reason why you won’t bond with me…not to mention why you won’t let me claim you.” Johnny trailed, his tone reeking of fret. “Is there something I’m doing wrong? Am I not good enough of an alpha for you?”
Your eyes widened at Johnny’s questioning. “No! No, it’s nothing like that. I’m just…” you were thinking over the right words to use before you spoke, causing you to halt a little, “- You know bonding is a very big step, right? It means we’ll be mated for life, and…that means if you ever change your mind, we will have to remove them…which is a dangerous and painful procedure. I don’t…- I want us both to be sure about what we want before we take that step.”
“Baby,…I’ve never been more sure about anything my whole life. I want it. I’ll always and only want you. I want to be claimed by you.” Johnny stated while searching your eyes. When yours still didn’t meet his, he continued, “I know I used to have a very non-exclusive life style in the past, and I’m guessing that’s making you doubt me…that’s what this is all about, isn’t it? You’re scared I’ll go back to my old habits.”
“I…” you gave up your sentence by the first word and let out a defeated sigh. “Maybe…”
Johnny’s mouth fell shut as he held back from expressing despondency as a first response. “I get it,…it stings a little but I get it. I’ll keep proving to you that I’m all yours until you full-heartedly believe it, firefly.”
Seeing your alpha hide how upset he was through his usual toothy grin made you feel sad. The omega in you was crying for you to change your mind, - let your trust issues disappear.
Having the Human Torch as your boyfriend wasn’t the easiest with how his fan girls showed little to no respect to your relationship. It was as if you didn’t exist when you stood there, witnessing them crowd Johnny so desperately.
You weren’t angry at him for being flattered and letting his ego get stroked after being surrounded with so many admirers. He was a hero after all, and you weren’t about to get jealous of the praise he gets for being one. The only thing that bothered you was the smell of other omegas that would linger on him as they pushed themselves onto him for wanting a selfie, or when they were shooting their shot with a flirtatious pick up line with their hands all over him.
It made you incredibly jealous, even if Johnny put actual effort on pushing the omegas away. It would end up with you turning possessive. Johnny had made it clear since day one that he was only your alpha, but it wasn’t always easy to remember that with how involved he was with other people, and how the lingering omega scents gave you doubts of Johnny’s commitment.
Taking all of that into consideration, it left you feeling unsure of taking that big of a step.
“I’m sorry, Johnny…” was all you could say. You felt incredibly guilty for admitting you were scared, but Johnny was always one to reassure.
“No, no, it’s whatever.” Johnny shrugged the matter off easily. “Like I said, I get it. Hell, before we started officially dating, I used to say how I would never commit cause it wasn’t ‘my style’…fuck, how dumb I was to create that kind of reputation. I don’t think I would have gained it if you were in my life earlier, but it is what it is. I’ll wait for you, as long as you need, okay?”
You were about to speak up, - say something uplifting to make him feel better, because you knew his mood had been brought down even when he was hiding it so well. It was all too late when Richard disturbed your space, introducing the topic of their upcoming mission to Johnny.
Perhaps it’s better to lay it to rest for now, you thought.
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A week passes by since that discussion, and it’s an evening of another fancy party celebrating worldwide icons, - in which of course the Fantastic 4 were mainly guested to partake.
You were dressed in your glittery blue dress, with shiny silver accessories decorating your neck and ears. Meanwhile Johnny dressed up in a dark red tux with a golden chain hanging on his neck, a perfect contrast to your appearance.
You were about to leave out to the public together, when before you could make sense of it, Johnny had pulled you back into the corner of the hallway, making you yelp at the quick and unexpected act. You had only seen a glimpse of camera flashes coming from the main entrance right across the room before you were out of sight again.
Johnny was already on you before you could question him, keeping you against the wall while he was pressing himself against you.
“Johnny, w-what are you doing?” You asked, flustered as he kept on gliding his nose along your collarbone, inhaling your scent deeply.
“Making sure I reek of your scent, and you of mine. It’ll push the omegas away from trying to hit on me.” Johnny explained, and you could feel his smirk as he hid his face by the crook of your neck.
He grinded against you and licked a stripe on your mating gland, making you shiver with ecstasy.
“Ever since the first time I caught your scent and saw you, - I was whipped. Now I don’t want anyone or anything else.” Johnny purred his confession in your ear, and it made you close your eyes while taking in his touches.
“J-Johnny…” you whined the alpha’s name, your fingers tangling in his hair as you held him equally close to you.
He snickered in response and pulled away when he thought he had gotten enough. “Sorry, I’m being a bit of a tease, aren’t I? We’ll have our fun when we get home, but the party has just started. We can’t miss out.”
You pouted, but understood that now was not the time to get down and dirty. He pulled you with him out of the corner and you were already surrounded by paparazzi and fangirls outside, though this time there weren’t nearly as much omegas jumping at him with how close he held you against his body.
The omega in you felt a sense of pride when you saw the disappointed pouts. Johnny smelled ‘taken’, - almost as if he was claimed with how he had thoroughly rubbed your scent onto him.
For the first time, you went through a party together where no opportunities arose for others to flirt with your alpha, and you felt content about that.
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The night ended far too quickly, because you had enjoyed yourself so much this time. Johnny was also more enthusiastic and upbeat, and when you had asked about it he responded in the most endearing way possible.
“Cause you look so happy and carefree, firefly. Makes me feel good that my girlfriend is having a fun time at a party.”
Yet again Johnny had said something that would stick with you the entire night.
When the party had died out, and you returned to your suites, Johnny was already all over you, ready to break through the sexual tension you had going all evening.
Johnny pulled you to bed behind him, allowing you to collapse on top of him when he laid down on his back. Your dress was left on the floor, leaving you in the expensive lingerie Johnny had bought you not too long ago. Desperate kisses and love bites were exchanged non stop, keeping you almost distracted from dropping the big bomb you had wanted to share with Johnny. Almost.
As your lips finally detached for air, you stared into Johnny’s eyes, lust clouding you with heavy bonding fever.
“Johnny, I thought about what we talked about a while ago, - about bonding and…I think I’m ready.”
His eyes popped out at your proposal. “What? Like…you want to bond? Like right now?” He asked as he sat up with you still in his arms.
You nodded shyly while cupping his face. “You’re a good alpha, Johnny. You’ve proven that so many times already and yet you do so much more to further prove it. -
I want to be your omega permanently.”
Johnny’s face darkened slightly as his grip was beginning to claw on you. “Omega…if this is a prank you’re pulling on me it ain’t funny.”
You laughed at his serious pout, shaking your head to deny his claim. “I’m not, alpha. I promise.”
He grinned widely, and eagerly pulled his shirt off, revealing his unmarked mating gland as he moved his head to the side.
“Mark me first, omega.”
It stunned you how he was easily offering to have himself marked first by you, an omega. It went against tradition as alphas were typically always the first to claim under the ritual, but times have changed and you had found a wonderful alpha who was willing to go on his knees for you before you reached the ground yourself.
“Really? You’ll allow me to do that without even negotiating?” You asked for more clarification.
He smiled adoringly at you, “It’s all I want, baby. Even if you aren’t ready to be marked yourself, I want to belong to you. I’ll be your alpha before you become my omega.”
Your heart swelled at his words. Finally you had let yourself agree and trust the omega in you. He is the right one for me. He is the right alpha.
“I’m already yours,…we’ll go all the way, - together. I’m serious when I say I’m ready to be marked.” You said, and you found a comfortable position on his lap with your thighs widely spread, your butt grinding on his groin. He groaned audibly, his eyes resting as he felt your heat. The smell of your arousal was radiating, making his cock twitch with excitement.
Your lips met as you began grinding against him harder. A whine barely escaped his mouth, the sound being muffled as you barely let his lips move anywhere else from yours. His hands were holding firmly on your hips, as if to make sure you cannot escape this moment and change of your relationship. You wouldn’t want him to have second thoughts either.
His cock was fully erect, straining against the briefs of his trousers by the time your tongues danced with each other. Johnny was flushed, his cheeks red as his eyebrows knitted, showcasing his pleasure.
“Make me yours, omega…” Johnny pled, and your heart fluttered for it. You ground against him, Johnny’s leaking cock soaking through as it ultimately moistens your underwear.
You kissed him once more before you leaned on his neck where his unclaimed mating gland is, ready to be bitten by you. His breath hitched as his hands pressed more firmer around your waist, not wanting you anywhere else.
Your canines sink into his mating gland, and he whimpers as his nails dug into your flesh. You mewl in response, your arms clinging around him as you finally claim your alpha, gifting you the bond tied between the two of you. You lick his wound before giving it a kiss, and when you pull away you are met with his eyes, fully dilated.
“I can feel you…” he murmurs through a heavy breath, “I can feel your emotions through the bond…feel how badly you want to be fucked, omega…can feel how much you want my fucking knot…fuck, this is amazing..”
Your face grows red with everything he tells you. He smirks with the reaction he receives, and takes the opportunity to flip you over to be beneath him this time.
“I’m going to fuck you hard and make you whine around my fat cock, baby. Then when I swell, I’ll claim you, - Make you mine the way you made me yours... “
You swallowed, feeling a rush of adrenaline course through you. You were so, so ready.
His trousers are off before you can make out of the process, but he takes his time on pulling his boxers off, just to tease you as he always does. You bit your bottom lip when his erected cock came into view in front of you, your cunt couldn’t help but pulse at the sight.
You whined, “Johnny, you better pound me with your dick the next 3 seconds or I’ll go crazy -“ Cutting your sentence, a finger was shoved into your core, making you yelp out a moan.
“Greedy girl…” he murmured in your ear as he lied over you, close again. “I know you’re desperate but I’m not going anywhere, baby…I’ll make my teasing worth it for you.”
After thoroughly fingerfucking you, he slot his body closer between your thighs, aiming his length directly into your pussy.
Johnny already snaps his hips into yours and drives in balls deep with one forceful thrust. He sucks in air as he whispers, “Always so tight…so perfect for me, omega.”
He pistons into your cunt, already ripping an orgasm out of you as your pussy oozes out juice. Your eyes are rolling back as he keeps going, taking what he needs in order to reach his climax. You don’t mind him taking control at all, already craving to cum around his cock soon again with the special awaiting finale to the round.
“Alpha,…my perfect alpha…” you whispered in his ear, making him growl lowly as his canines became visible. He was incredibly tamed for being an alpha, which was unlike him as he was rather impulsive. You can’t count the many times you thought he would mark you through instinct, but he proved you wrong each time, - just like now with how he didn’t claim you right away as you had claimed him.
“Fuck! Omega, m’close…wanna claim you as I cum. Will you allow me to do that, omega? P-Please let me..” he purred his request. “Mmh, you smell so fucking good, I can’t keep myself off you, omega..” he added through a lustful groan as he kept his face buried under your neck.
“Mmh, W-Wanna be marked and knotted so bad, Johnny…ahh, - please, do it!” You pled with need.
His knot began to swell and he was left to repeatedly push in what was getting stuck inside to receive friction. With a loud growl, he sunk his teeth into your mating gland, making your whole body jolt as you howled from the sting of pleasure and pain it caused.
“Love you, omega..” he mumbled against you when he retracted his bite, licking the bruised up skin. His body steamed as he came inside, his load of hot temperature, making you really feel what was happening inside of you. He licked the skin from any blood, before giving the sensitive spot kisses. “I’ll never get enough of you. Never ever.”
You smiled. “Love you too, alpha..” you murmur back softly, rubbing your nose against his collarbone as you let yourself feel what the two of you had manifested. A deeper connection unlike any other is what you had welcomed. It felt unreal but so good, you could almost forget the stingy pain on your shoulder blade.
“Mine..you’re all mine now.” Johnny growled, almost possessively as he kept you pressed underneath him, locked together. He was more feral now, revealing his typical alpha possessiveness which was normally just an undertone whenever he was a tiny bit jealous.
Your hands tightened gently around his back, not wanting to be anywhere else but close to him at this very special moment. He kept himself inside of you even when his knot deflated, but flipped you around to have you on top of him as you cuddled. Your head laid on his chest, his purring more audible to your ears, but it was music to your ears.
You finally felt complete, and it was all thanks to Johnny, - your forever to be mate through your bond.
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A/N: Finally, out with some writing after what, 1 and a half month of just nothing? It feels accomplishing to say the least!
Hearts & Reblogs are always appreciated! <3
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secretswiftymarvelfan · 5 months
Another one for your I love you 3000 Bonanza 🙈💙
Johnny Storm, Emergency Service AU, "I said I'd take care of you"
Thank you for sending in an ask! I couldn't resist the irony of making the human torch a firefighter!
Something there - Firefighter!Johnny x Reader
Summary: after a somewhat rocky start you begin to wonder whether there was something between you and Johnny
Word Count: 1.8k
Warning: Mention of injury! Mention of Fire emergency! Minor Angst! Fluff!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
Masterlist / Celebration Masterlist
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You took a deep breath as you looked up at your new station, your new home whenever you were on shift. A quick glance told you that you didn’t have any more time to admire the station before you were late. 
You shouldered your bag and made your way inside to find one of your new colleagues reclined back in his chair at the front desk, feet up on the desk. A lopsided smile grew on his face when he spotted you, sitting up to rest his forearms on the desk instead.
“Pardon?” You arched a brow at him.
“You’re the new recruit right, Probationary firefighter aka Probie?” He said mimicking your expression.
“Right… well I’m looking for Captain Rogers? Can you point me in the right direction?” You asked.
The smile on the man’s face, an annoyingly handsome face, grew as he stood up from the desk “I’ll do you one better, I’ll take you there myself, I’m Johnny by the way” he introduced himself, holding out his hand.
You shook his hand “Y/N” 
Johnny nodded in acknowledgement “C’mon Probie, this way” he then said nodding his head towards the corridor.
You rolled your eyes but followed him down the corridor towards the captain’s office. Your Captain was thankfully more welcoming even if he seemed far too used to Johnny's antics.
“Storm, can you give Y/N a tour of the station?” He asked once the meeting was over.
Johnny who had been leaning against the wall outside the office stood to attention and saluted “Aye aye captain” 
Captain Rogers just responded with an exasperated sigh before disappearing back into his office.
“C’mon Probie let me show you our castle” Johnny smirked as he waved his hand for you to follow.
You rolled your eyes at him again “How long is this probie nickname gonna stay?” You asked
“Until you’re promoted, or if you do something so stupid enough to earn another” Johnny smirked over his shoulder.
“What’s yours then?” 
Johnny stopped and turned to face you “Why’d you assume I have one?” 
“I’m good at reading people and you’re cocky there’s no way you haven’t earnt a nickname from doing something stupid” you stated, arms crossed over your chest.
Johnny remained silent long enough for you to worry that you’d crossed a line. His eyes just studied you, dipping for a second before they returned to your face.
“Human Torch” he finally said before you had the chance to apologise.
You swallowed as you looked up at him “That sounds like an interesting story”
“It is, but one for another time” he winked, the cocky attitude returning like it never left, he turned and walked off “You coming probie?” He called when you didn’t immediately follow.
You remained silent as he showed you around the station, pointing out your locker, where you’d sleep on overnight shifts. He introduced you to the rest of the crew, all very friendly faces. It was only at the end of the tour when he took you back to the locker room to put away your stuff that you felt brave enough to talk to him again.
“So are there any other probie things I should look out for, like pranks or something?” You asked.
A lopsided smile grew on his face as he shook his head “Nah don’t worry, I’ll take care of you” 
Your brows rose in surprise “Really?”
“Sure it’s what crewmates do for each other” he shrugged with that lopsided smile still on his face.
You narrowed your eyes at him, suddenly suspicious “You’re not saying that so I lower my guard right?”
Johnny smirked as he backed away tapping the tip of his nose “I’m not one to give away my secrets” he said before he turned and left you alone.
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Despite the somewhat rocky start, you and Johnny formed a quick friendship. He was the crewmate you felt closest to out of them all and you quite often found yourself working with him whenever pairs were required. 
You were so close that you began to wonder if there was something more between the two of you. A question that rattled through your mind when he was the first one to come to your rescue when you hurt your ankle on a call out.
A question that you had a lot of time to ponder when you were signed off for two weeks to recover from your sprained ankle. 
You were sat on your couch, your foot propped up on the coffee table, an old sitcom on the TV that you were barely watching. A knock on your apartment door brought you back to the real world.
You grabbed your crutch and hobbled your way over to the door. You were surprised and excited to see that it was Johnny on the other side with a lopsided smile on his face and hands full of bags.
“Johnny… what are you doing here?” You breathed.
“Injuries can be boring so I thought I’d keep you company” he grinned nodding for you to move out of the way so he could step inside “You have a bath right?” He asked as you stepped aside.
“…yeah,” you said slowly.
“Good because I don’t think this bath shit will work in the shower,” Johnny said as he marched on down to your bathroom.
“Johnny- I- What?” You stuttered as you hobbled after him.
He didn’t answer you, he just carried on in his mission, setting down the bags before beginning to run you a bath.
“Johnny, please can you just tell me what’s going on?” You pleaded.
“I’m running you a nice relaxing bath, then I’m gonna sort out dinner and then we’ll just relax together, watch a movie” he said with a casual shrug of his shoulders.
“But-but why? You don’t need to” you muttered in disbelief.
“I said I’d take care of you remember?” He smiled.
You tilted your head in confusion trying to recall when he said that. You were about to question him when the memory resurfaced, your first day at the station. He’d said he’d look after you when you asked him about pranks. It was only now that you realised you never really got pranked, there was no hazing it was pretty smooth. You had expected Johnny to forget but he didn’t.
“So I’m gonna leave the bathroom now so you can relax in this nice hot bath, just shout if you need me and I promise not to look unless you ask me to” he winked before slipping past you out of the bathroom, leaving you with the bombshell of a realisation you just had.
The only reason you were able to move and get into the bath was that you didn’t want it to go cold. As soon as you slipped under the warm, soapy, bubbly water you couldn’t stop the moan that escaped your lips. This was the best bath you’d ever had, you swore as soon as you got out of this tub you’d do whatever you needed to do to get whatever bath secrets he had. 
Once you were done and re-dressed in a fresh set of comfies you found Johnny in your living room with bowls of snacks laid out in arms reach. 
“So how exactly are you sorting dinner? Because we both know for a fact that you can’t cook” you said as you settled back down on the couch. 
Johnny instantly moved to help lift your ankle up onto a pillow that he’d set up on the coffee table to keep your ankle elevated, he then picked up a selection of takeout menus that you hadn’t noticed “Take your pick” he grinned as he held them out to you. 
You grinned up at him “I thought a healthy diet was good for recovery” You smirked as he sat back down next to you. 
“True, but you also deserved to be spoilt, so whatever you want I’ll get” 
You bit your lip and pondered what you could get him to do for you. Your mind went back to what he said as he was running your bath, you wanted the confirmation that maybe there was something there but you just weren’t brave enough to outright ask. You did think of something else you could ask that could get you the same answer though. 
“How did you get your nickname?” it was the one secret that you still had yet to find out yet, it was a card he kept close to his chest so if he was willing to tell you then maybe, just maybe it would be the confirmation you needed.
Johnny blinked the playfulness disappearing from his eyes for a split second before he looked away. You were about to back out, tell him that he didn’t need to tell you especially when he shifted so his back was to you. But then he moved and took off his tee to reveal a large scar down his back, one that looked like a flame. 
“The crew was off duty, getting a couple of beers after our shift” Johnny started keeping his back to you “We were walking home when a fire broke out at a tiny bistro, the whole place was already engulfed and there wasn’t a truck or crew nearby… we helped control the crowd and evacuate, but then in the corner of my eye I saw someone run into the building, no one else did so they all thought I was crazy when I ran in after them” 
“But you didn’t have your gear” you whispered. 
Johnny shook his head, his back still to you “Another reason they thought I was crazy, but I went in and I found this teenage girl, she must have slipped on something as she was trying to make her way back out, she was holding a frame in her arms as she lay on the floor” he continued “I picked her up and carried her back out but the back of my shirt caught fire as I left, it was agony but I kept going, I get the both of us out and got this scar, once the guys saw it they called me the human torch” 
“What happened to the girl?” you asked. 
“She was fine, just a minor concussion and a couple of burns on her arms, she was the owner’s daughter and went in to grab a family photo” Johnny sighed as he pulled his tee back on and finally turned back to face you “so that was the stupid thing I did”
“No” you muttered shaking your head “it was the heroic thing you did”
The smallest of smiles tugged at his lips “Thanks” he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
You shifted on the couch so you could rest your head on his shoulder “No… thank you” you whispered, knowing you had your answer there was definitely something here now it was just a question of who was brave enough to break first.
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Sharing is caring so please reblog if you enjoyed this and maybe even leave a comment to make my day!
If you want to get involved in my I Love You 3000 Event, Check it out here!
Masterlist / Celebration Masterlist
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dbnightingale24 · 1 year
Christmas Wish List
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A Johnny Storm One Shot
Surprise @autumnrose40 !!  Okay, so I had planned for this to go with your gift, but as you can tell, that didn’t work out -__- . This is just a small thank you for being there for me all the time, and listen to me cry and vent about any and every thing. Also, I know that things are tricky right now, so I hope this brightens your day a bit! I love you tons and I hope you enjoy it!
Thank you, as always, to @fuckingbye​ for the moodboard and literally everything else that you do. I love you!
Word Count: 11,037 (don’t get used to this)
Warnings: MINORS DNI (18+ Only!!!!!), Fluff, Angst, Bit of A Slow Burn, Drinking, Smoking, Swearing, SMUT, Insecurity, A Bit of Self Loathing, Bits of Depression, Shitty Ex BF...I think that’s it?
Song(s) That Inspired This Story: You’re Here, Where You Should Be
I do not consent to any of my works/stories being posted elsewhere.
You try to get lost in the Christmas music you have playing in your office, trying to block out the music that’s being played from the ballroom down the hallway. It’s not that you don’t want to observe the festivities going on for the holidays, but you just feel that it’s not the best idea.
“You don’t have to keep working,” Susan Storm laughs, causing you to jump just a little as she enters your little office with two drinks in hand. “You should be enjoying the party with the rest of us.”
Or, Mrs. Richards. She doesn’t mind either.
“No, I still have work to do, it’s okay-”
“It’ll still be waiting for you when you get back from your holiday break,” she interrupts softly as she takes a seat at the other side of your desk. “Are you gonna go and see your family?”
“Um, no family to see,” you smile awkwardly. “Parents are gone, lost them in the attack on the towers, and I don’t have much a relationship with my siblings. I’m gonna stick to the tradition I’ve been following for about...six years, now? My friends and I make our favorite foods, have a big dinner, and exchange gifts.” “That sounds like fun,” she smiles, finally putting down the drink she brought in for you.
“You didn’t have to-”
“You work hard, Y/N. I know we don’t always acknowledge it, but Reed and I do see how hard you work, and how you come in earlier or stay later than you have to. You deserve a night of fun, even if you don’t stay for the party, you should enjoy being young. How old are you? 22?”
“You’re kind!” you laugh in disbelief. “I turn 28 this year.”
“Good genes,” you smirk and she laughs.
“Well, no one is going to hold you to all of this work. If you want to, we’d love to have you at the party,” she says with all sincerity before getting up. She looks over on your desk and sees the picture of you and Johnny at the beach from last Summer and smiles before walking away.
The teeth he had pull to get you on that bike. Sometimes, his patience truly amazed you.
It’s not like you don’t want to go, but you’re trying to avoid him. Ever since the night you made a move on him, almost two months ago, you’ve made it a point to avoid Johnny Storm at all costs. It’s not like you didn’t try and stop yourself, but Johnny Storm is just that:
A fucking storm.
However, you didn’t want to be just a notch in his bedpost so, you did the only logical thing your drunk brain could come up with: you ran out of the room like a bat outta hell. You know it didn’t mean anything, so you’re not sure why you keep thinking about it. You were both drunk and said he said some things he couldn’t have possibly meant. Drunk men will do and say anything to get into someone’s pants, and why should he be any different? Because he’s a superhero? Because he’s your best friend? What the hell does that mean to you? Yes, like most women, you think he’s gorgeous and, even though you hate to admit it, you’ve spent more than a few lonely nights getting off to the thought of him and all of the things you’re more than sure he can make you feel.
Unfortunately, for you, it’s so much more than that.
You work for the Fantastic Four, and you have for fours years now. You get to see a side of them that the rest of the world doesn’t, and that’s what made you fall so hard for him. You’ve seen him triumphant and you’ve also seen him defeated. You’ve seen him being the sweetest guy while sober, and the biggest douche while drunk. You’ve seen the temper tantrums, while you’ve also seen him step up and take charge.
You have seen every side of Johnny Storm and you can’t help but love him. You know most people don’t see it (or think it for that matter), or believe it, but he is complex. He struggles with being a son his parents would be proud of (maybe that’s why him and Tony Stark get along so well), while also struggling with his own damn personality. Johnny is a fire by default (superpowers be dammed), and he can’t help but be a little reckless. He’s the youngest and has been spoiled since birth.
He doesn’t know how else to be.
That being said, you don’t know how to turn it off. You don’t know how to not want him. He’s nothing but chaos, but for you? Well, for you, he acts like he’ll move heaven and hell for you.
You don’t know how to stop being in love with him.
As you sip the whiskey neat Susan left you, you wonder how the hell you’ll be able to keep handling this job?
How the hell will you be able to handle Johnny Storm?
Johnny’s P.O.V
Why aren’t you here? I suggested this party just for you. It’s not like I haven’t tried to fight what I feel for you, but it’s...you. Of all the people I expected to fall for, you were who I least expected. Then, I saw you that night a year ago, and you’ve been all I’ve focused on since.
“Johnny, this club is beat!” my date whined before she took a drink of whatever the hell I ordered for her. “Lets go!”
“We’ve only been here for five minutes-”
“And it’s not gonna get any better!”
“Let me finish my drink,” I mumbled, irritated that it was taking me so long to get me to what I wanted.
That’s what I get for hanging around with the crowd that I do.
“Well, make it fast,” she scowled and I rolled my eyes.
It’s not like she was wrong. For a Saturday night, at 11pm, it was pretty dead. Of course, she was scouting for new candidates once I got rid of her, and I just wanted to see if it was anything worth revisiting. I was more than ready to leave as I started to down my drink, but then...
Then, I saw you.
“You can leave if you want. I think I wanna stick this out,” I told my date as I saw you dancing and laughing with your friends to ‘If You Dare’ by Jazmine Sullivan.
“Fine,” she huffed before she ordered another a drink.
I should’ve left, because there was no reason for me to stay. We were friends and I shouldn’t have thought of you in that way. You weren’t like the women I usually dated or flirted with, you stayed focused on your work at all times, you had your priorities straight, you had been through enough and didn’t need me complicating things for you.
You looked so happy and content, and it’d been so long since I’d seen you like that. Yeah, that was on me, but it didn’t matter in that moment. You always wore modest clothes, you never smiled like that while working, you were dancing so freely, and you looked like you didn’t have a care in the world.
I tried, but I just couldn’t look away. As the songs kept playing, and the drinks kept coming, you just became more and more carefree, and it just made me miss you even more.
It’s not like I didn’t believe in real love or relationships, I just didn’t believe in them for me. Seeing you in that moment though...it had me seeing things differently. However, if I’m honest with myself, it started long before that, didn’t it?
“Johnny,” Reed called, pulling my attention away from the X-Games on the screen in front of me, “this is Y/N. Be nice to her, she’s going to help with research and also acting as a receptionist.”
“Don’t tell me you found someone to keep you occupied while Sue is busy,” I chuckled as I looked you over.
You instantly froze at that.
“Johnny!” Reed snapped.
“It was a joke,” I sighed, “it’s nice to meet you.”
“Y-you too, Mr. Storm.”
“God no,” I groaned, “Johnny. Please, call me Johnny!”
“Will do,” you laughed softly, “it’s nice to meet you, Johnny.”
Something abut that small, innocent laugh made something stir inside of me. I made that remark about you keeping Reed busy while Sue was away, because you looked like the type of nerd he’d fall for. I won’t lie though, I did think you were cute. Shy, quiet, anxious, glasses that were slightly too big for your face, a beige sweater that was too big for you, and little black pencil skirt. You were the type of woman I would’ve secretly crushed on in High School.
From that day on, you did your best to stay out of the way. You were kind to everyone, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you cry or get angry, you were always two hours too early and stayed three hours later than you needed to, and you rarely ever asked for days off. The days when you weren’t in the building felt empty.
I think what changed things for me was how you treated me after the incident with the Silver Surfer.
“Johnny?” you called softly as you came out onto the balcony.
“Stay back, I might fuck you up too,” I scowled, grabbing another beer from the six pack I brought out with me.
“You didn’t fuck up anything, Johnny,” you sighed as you took a seat next to me.
That was the first time I ever heard you curse.
“Tell that to Reed.”
“You went after the Surfer because it was your job. You didn’t do this to yourself.”
“I almost killed-”
“But you didn’t,” you interrupted softly. “Accidents happen. Are you headstrong and cocky? Absolutely,” you smirked and I couldn’t help but scoff, “but you’re also a good guy who loves his sister, his friends, and wants to do what’s best for everyone else. It was just a bad day. All of this will get sorted out and it’ll be fine. Don’t worry about it.”
“How do you know?”
“I just do,” you smiled reassuringly before getting up, “I’ll get out of your hair so you can-”
“No....stay...if you don’t mind. It’s nice...having someone to talk to about this. It’s nice...talking to you,” I muttered as I offered you a beer.
We stayed out there for hours, talking about any and everything. That’s when I learned about your family, your awful money hungry siblings, your shitty boyfriend, your love of art, classic and horror movies, and how much you love to cook.
That’s when I learned that I was in love with you.
Fast forward two months and my luck seemed to change just a bit.
“You can’t be here, Tyler!” I heard you snap softly.
“You’re always here!” Tyler responded with a gruff tone that I didn’t appreciate at all.
How the hell could your boyfriend be getting angry with you for doing your job? Especially when he does nothing to contribute!
“It’s a fucking party-”
“Do you not see how many diplomats are here?! This is much more than a party! Deals are being made, help is being asked for, agreements are being-”
“Another fucking night that you’re not home! You’re coming home with me-”
“Let me go!” you almost yelled. “I have a fucking job to do! A job that pays our bills and keeps food in the fridge, since you lost your fucking job! Maybe, if you’d go out-”
“You little bitch! You know that wasn’t my fault! I-”
“You were drunk on the fucking job, Tyler! You got fired because you don’t know how to get your shit together!”
“You think you’re so much fucking better than-”
“Is there a problem here?” I asked as I made my way out onto the terrace.
“Johnny, everything is fine,” you scrambled frantically over to me, “you don’t have to-”
“Who the fuck are you?!” Tyler interrupted.
“A friend,” I warned as my hands flared up.
I didn’t even mean for it to happen, I was just that concerned and angry. God, what the hell were you doing to me?
“Jesus, you’re fucking the Human Torch?!” Tyler snapped.
“You need to leave,” I warned as I made my way over to him, “you weren’t invited and no one wants you here. Leave.”
“Johnny-dammit!” you snapped, touching my shoulder only to find my clothes damn near boiling.
“Fucking stay here if you want,” Tyler snapped, his laugh was condescending, “but I won’t fucking be around when you get back to the apartment. We’re done!” he spat as he stormed off.
“Are you okay?” I asked turning to look at you as soon as he was gone.
“I’m...I’m fine, I’m so sorry...you shouldn’t have had to...fuck!” you winced as clenched your fists, because you forgot all about the burn on your hand.
“Shit! Lets get you inside and wrap that up, okay?”
“No...you go back to the party!” you sobbed as you tried to fight back your tears. “You don’t have to-”
“Hey, lets get you inside, get this wrapped up, and have a few drinks, okay?”
“They’re so many people here to see you-”
“Who gives a shit?” I smirked which gained a small giggle from you. “I have something more important to take care of right now.”
You cried for hours that night and it broke my heart. You hide everything so well, all for the sake of a paycheck, that I sometimes forgot how much you had going on in your life. I forgot about the pain you hid in order to keep your head on straight, the stress you cried yourself to sleep over at night, and the anger you pushed aside so you wouldn’t lose yourself in it.
You make it so easy for people to forget, because you don’t want to inconvenience anyone. You don’t want to feel like you’re a burden, because so many people in your life have made you feel like one. I held you for hours, calmed you down, and convinced you to stay in my room that night. Of course, you protested (not wanting to put me out), but I eventually got you to agree when I lied and told you I usually sleep on the sofa anyway.
I didn’t want you crying all alone in your apartment, and if that asshole would’ve been there when you got home, someone was definitely going to get hurt.
And it wouldn’t have been you or me.
From that day on, I found reasons to be around you. Whether it was keeping you company when you stayed too late, or annoying you until you’d agree to go with me to get lunch.
I don’t know why I was so shocked by how funny you were, but you never failed to make me laugh. Whether it was an offhanded comment, your horrible impersonations of reporters who did stories on the Fantastic Four, or you singing some song you loved off-key, you constantly kept me laughing. You didn’t make a big fuss or catch an attitude when people would crowd around and ask for pictures and autographs, you just stood off to the side and waited for me, always asking if I was okay after all was said and done.
“Why wouldn’t I be okay?” I scoffed as we got back to the building.
“I know that you love all of the attention that comes with all of this,” you said with that smart-ass smirk of yours, “but I also know that everyone has a limit. It’s a lot to be in the public eye all the time and, on top of that, you’re a superhero. I know how loud it can get in ones brain and I just wanna make sure that you’re okay. You know you don’t have to hide from me,” you smiled up at me, with those big beautiful eyes of yours.
Of course I had to hide from you. Everyone else could see what was happening, except you. I went from wanting to be in your space to needing it. You calmed me, as lame as that sounds. That ego of mine, that always seems to grow by the second, always seemed to come back down to earth when I was around you.
“Johnny, just tell her you like her,” Susan smiled one day when she caught me staring at you from the living area.
“Yeah, I don’t think so.”
“Why not?”
“Cause women like her don’t go for guys like me. She’s too smart for me.”
“I’m sorry, do my ears deceive me? Johnny Storm thinks someone is too good for him?” Ben laughed as he made his way down the hall.
“You don’t have any fucking ears,” I scowled with an eye roll.
“Just tell her, kid. She probably feels the same way-”
“No, she doesn’t. She couldn’t.”
“She spends a lot of time with you for someone who doesn’t feel the same,” Sue encouraged.
“It’s better this way-”
“Just got off the phone with, Stark,” Reed interrupted as he rushed into the hallway, “he and Bruce have discovered a cosmic disturbance and it’s headed...did I miss something? Why are we all looking at Y/N? Is she okay?”
“This is the guy you chose to spend forever with?” I asked Sue with a cocked eyebrow.
“Trust me, I question it sometimes too,” she muttered with an eye roll.
“What am I missing?!”
“Just let it go, buddy,” Ben laughed, “what’s wrong with the world this time?”
After that, I did my best to stay away. It would’ve been best for everyone. I don’t know how to do relationships, and you deserve someone who isn’t emotionally stunted.
At least, that’s what I told myself.
“Did I do something wrong?” you asked one day as you cautiously approached the kitchen.
“What? No. Why would you think that?”
“You just...you seem far away. You don’t come and visit me, we don’t get lunch together anymore, you don’t stay with me after work anymore...”
“You’re perfect,” I sighed, hating how much pain was in your eyes, “I just figured I was becoming a distraction for you. Plus, I know there have been some rumors that we’re dating circling around, and I don’t want you getting hassled.”
“That’s outside. Even in here, you avoid me like the plague. I don’t know, I just feel like we haven’t spent time together in forever.”
“I’ve just had a lot on my mind. There’s a lot going on.”
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
“I don’t wanna bother you with it.”
“Johnny, if there’s something I did-”
“It’s not you, sweetheart. I promise.”
God, I hated how sad you looked and I hated that I was the reason for it, but I really felt like it would be for the best. For once, I was trying my hardest not to be selfish. I buried myself in as much work as I could, I went back to dating random models and socialites, and I did my best to avoid you.
“You’re a real asshole, Johnny,” Susan scolded as she made her way into my room.
“Aren’t you supposed to knock before you start harassing someone?”
“Johnny, you’re breaking Y/N’s heart!”
“Stop being so dramatic. I’m sure she’s fine-”
“Then why did I just catch her crying in the research office?”
“What the hell is wrong with you? You spent every waking moment with her, brought her flowers, her favorite foods, stayed late with her every chance you got, and now? Now, you’re back to hooking up with the same airheads and getting into dead end relationships!”
“You finally found someone perfect for you and you’re just letting her go? For what? Because you refuse-”
“SUSAN!” I snapped, tired of hearing all of the wrong reasons I’m staying away. “Just stay out of it.”
“What am I missing here, Johnny?”
“It’s just better this way. She’s better off this way. Whatever she thinks she feels for me will go away.”
“Just stay out of it, Susan, and close the door on your way out.”
I could tell by the way her eye was twitching that she wanted to say more, but just nodded, before leaving and slamming my door shut.
It’s not like it wasn’t hurting me too, but I didn’t do relationships. I never knew how. I didn’t want my first real attempt to be with you, fuck it up, then lose you forever and all together.
You’re entirely too important to me, and if we’re going to be together, I want it to be forever.
So, I pretended to not feel your longing gaze on me when I would walk by, pretended that I didn’t hear quiet sobs at night when you thought we were all off doing something else, and I pretended that I wasn’t the loneliest I’d ever been in my life.
In response to all of the hell I brought upon myself, I was more irritated than usual, more times than not I ignored Reed and did what I thought was best (everyone loved that), I went to pointless parties with empty headed people, and I kept looking for comfort in women whose names I didn’t care to remember.
No, it wasn’t the best solution, but what else could I do? As much as I was pissing everyone else off, they didn’t say anything. Everything was fine until I saw you on that dance floor.
“Those things will kill you,” I smirked, coming up behind you outside as I snapped my fingers and made a small flame appear.
“Mr. Storm!” you gasped as you almost dropped it. “I...I didn’t know you were here.”
“Mr. Storm? Really?” I scoffed as you lit your cigarette with the flame I made you. “When have I ever wanted you to call me that?”
“Things are different now...” you trailed off before you took a drag of your cigarette.
“When did you start that?” I questioned, nodding towards the cigarette.
“Um two months ago? Maybe three, I’m not sure.”
“What’s going on?”
“Nothing really, just some shit with my siblings, it’s fine. You should get back to your date-”
“She can wait. What’s going on?”
“Mr. Storm-”
“Stop calling me that.”
“No, it’s better if I don’t. I got too comfortable before-”
“No, you didn’t.”
“Yes, I did. I don’t know, I thought we were friends-”
“We are friends. You’re my best friend.”
“Best friends don’t just randomly start ignoring each other.”
“I’m sorry. I was going through something and I didn’t know how to talk about it. I’m back though. I miss you.”
“Mr. Storm-”
“Sweetheart, please.”
“Johnny...that really hurt. You just left and you didn’t-”
“I really am sorry, sweetheart. I won’t do it again.”
“I should get back inside,” you sighed as you dropped your cigarette and stomped on it.
“JOHNNY! OVER HERE!” a photographer yelled as he started snapping away.
“Fucks sake-”
“It’s fine, I’ll head back inside-”
“Let me take you back to-”
“ARE YOU TWO BACK ON?!” another photographer yelled, “WHAT’S HER NAME?!”
“Lets get you out of here,” I growled as I hugged you close, covered your face, and got us a cab.
Once we got inside, you didn’t let me go, and it tugged at my heart more than I thought it would.
“I really missed you, Johnny.”
“I know, I missed you too, babe.”
“Don’t leave me again, please.”
“I promise I won’t.”
From that day on, we went back to how we were almost instantly. You even started inviting me over to your place. Once again, everyone was pushing me to ask you out, but being apart of your life again was more than enough for me. I stopped going out so much, my attitude went back normal (which according to Ben wasn’t much better), and stopped partying (which made Sue happy).
Every night that I had those feelings, I took care of it myself, your name softly leaving my lips every time. If all I could do was want you, that was fine by me. I still didn’t trust myself with you and I had no intention of fucking things up again.
At least, that’s what I told myself at the time. Then, two months ago, I ruined everything.
“Why are you still working?” I pouted as I poked my head inside your office.
“Because there’s still work to be done,” you giggled, not even looking up from the screen.
“It’s 11:30 on a Friday. You know you’ll come in tomorrow and finish up-”
“Maybe I’ll take tomorrow off, you never know.”
“Yeah, and do what?” I smirked as you shook your head.
God, you were so damn cute when you got flustered.
“I don’t know. Go to Ithaca and walk down a waterfall.”
“What the hell?”
“You can! I’ve done it before!”
“You’ll have to take me one day,” I laughed, “c’mon, close up shop and lets go.”
“Go where, Johnny? I don’t feel like going to a club, or a bar.”
“I’ll order us some food, we’ll have some drinks, and we’ll watch a movie.”
“We can do that any day.”
“Yes, but I want to do it today. So,” I started as I pushed myself off the door frame, “lets turn all this bullshit off and decide on dinner.”
“Johnny!” you laughed as I pulled you out of your seat.
“You know you’d rather be hanging out with me anyway.”
“You’re nothing but trouble,” you giggled.
“It’s your favorite thing about me.”
Everything was going fine. We ended up getting Chinese food, drinks were flowing, the conversation was great, and we ended up watching the ‘Philadelphia Story’.
At some point, you ended up in my lap, and I was holding you as if I’d never let you go. Yeah, we’d been drinking, but I should’ve known better than to let it get that far in the first damn place.
“Don’t you want that, Johnny?” you softly slurred as you laid your head on my shoulder.
“What? A bunch of tricks and schemes, and a failed wedding?” I laughed, just as drunk as you were as I brushed your hair out of your face.
“No! To rediscover your true love and make it work!”
“Is that you want?”
“I think I just want to find my true love,” you chuckled as your arms snaked up and around my neck.
You felt like home.
“What about you?” you asked softly.
“What about me?”
“What do you want in a soulmate? What are you looking for?”
“I don’t think I’m soulmate material.”
“Of course you are! Everyone is,” you promised sympathetically as one of your hands cupped my cheek.
I should’ve stopped it right then and there, but between the alcohol coursing through my veins and how bad I’ve needed you, I couldn’t have pumped the breaks if I’d wanted to.
“What would I want in a soulmate? Someone like you, I guess.”
“Someone like me?”
“You’re perfect,” I confessed softly as I met your soft gaze.
God, you looked so beautiful. When didn’t you?
“Johnny, you and I both know-”
“You’ve been everything to me for the longest time. If I were looking for someone to spend forever with, it would be you,” I admitted as I tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear.
In the blink of an eye, your lips were on mine and it felt like heaven. Everything that I had day dreamed of and imagined, came to life in that moment. When your fingers found their way into my hair, I did nothing to stop them. Even with how tight you were gripping my hair, it was still the closest to heaven that I’d ever felt.
“Y/N,” I moaned as you straddled me.
I had every intention to tell you to stop, but it just felt too damn good. Imagine your favorite dream or fantasy finally becoming real.
This was better than that.
“I’ve wanted you for so damn long,” I whispered as I started to trail kissing along the column of your neck. “I’ve needed you.”
“I’m all yours,” you whimpered as your hands traveled down to the hem of my shirt, “I’ve always been yours.”
You broke away for just a second to take my shirt off, and the whimper that left your mouth had me smirking. It was nice to know that you liked what you saw. Once again, somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew I should’ve stopped, but the thought alone was too much for me. Instead, I reached for your panties and ripped them off, having to remind myself not to get too excited.
“Johnny,” you whined, “thought about having you like this for so long!”
“Fuck,” I growled into your neck, trying not to get too rough when I bit your neck “you fucked this perfect little cunt thinking about me?”
“So many fucking times!” you confessed with a moan as you ground yourself against me.
There was no way I was stopping.
“Lift those arms, baby. Gotta get this fucking shirt off. I need to see all of you,” I begged with a husk.
And that’s when everything changed.
“No...no, no! What the fuck am I doing?!” you questioned as mortification showed all over your face.
“What’s wrong?”
“This is...this is all wrong! Fuck, I’m so sorry,” you almost sobbed as you got off of me. “Fuck!”
“I’m so sorry, Johnny. I have to go,” you sobbed before you ran out of my room.
Since that night, you’ve avoided me like the plague and it’s not like I can be mad at you. I never planned on it going that far, and if it were to ever go that far, I wanted us both to be sober. I can only imagine that you ran off because you didn’t want to be just another trinket.
Another trophy fuck.
Every time I tried to talk about it, you had an excuse not to. Sometimes it was work, other times it had to do with your friends, and sometimes you just told the truth and told me you didn’t wanna talk about it.
I tried to think of a way to make it up to you, but nothing felt right. Flowers felt too small, your favorite food felt like a cop out, and there was no way in hell that you were gonna wanna be alone with me again.I wanted to do something for Halloween, since I know it’s your favorite holiday, but I couldn’t think of anything you’d want to do with me. So, that just left Christmas.
“Sue, why don’t you throw a Christmas party?” I suggested nonchalantly as I sauntered into her office.
“This wouldn’t have anything to do with Y/N not speaking to you, would it?”
“She has nothing to do with this. She and I are just fine-”
“You’re a shitty liar when it comes to me, Johnny. So, don’t try it.”
“I just thought it would be nice. We’re invited to every party, but we’ve never thrown one ourselves.”
There was no way in hell that I was about to fess up and say this was all for you. The last thing I needed was everyone giving me unsolicited advice.
“I’m not buying it, but you make a good point,” she sighed as she sat back in her chair. “I’ll talk to Reed about it-”
“You’re not gonna let him be in charge, right?”
“Just because I’m in love with the man, doesn’t mean I’d leave him in charge of any social event,” she scowled and I chuckled.
“Thank you, Sue. I mean it.”
“Whatever is going on between you two will work itself out,” she promised with a reassuring smile.
I don’t think I’ve ever worked so hard on anything in my life, or been so damn stressed. I made sure to have all of your favorite foods on the menu, your favorite deserts, and your favorite drinks. I’m more than sure I annoyed the hell out of Sue, but I didn’t give a damn. As long as everything was set up how you would like it, I didn’t care who I pissed off.
Now, everyone is here except for you. Going to see you won’t help anything, but even if you don’t forgive me, I at least want you to enjoy a party that was built around you.
“Johnny, standing in a corner and pouting won’t help anything,” Susan sighs coming up next to me.
“This is her favorite song,” I mutter as ‘Silent Night’ starts playing.
“Is that why three different versions of it are on the playlist?”
“I wanna make sure she hears it.”
“It’s gonna be okay.”
“She’s still not here, Sue. Even if she doesn’t wanna see me...they’re a ton of people here and she’s still not here.”
“What happened?”
“It doesn’t matter.” “Johnny-”
“Just drop it, Sue.”
“Well, give it time. I went to see her and, while I can tell that she’s torn, I think she’s going to show up.”
“How are you so sure?”
“I can just tell. When something is right, it just works out,” she smiles before turning her attention back to the crowd, “Natasha! Bruce! I’m so happy you were able to make it!” she beams before walking off.
I pray that she’s right, because I don’t know what took me so long to realize that you’re the only person I’ll ever want to commit to. I know that I can be a real pain in the ass and difficult, but I’m willing to work on myself if it means that I can have forever with you.
I’m willing to do any and everything if it means I can make you mine.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t impressed with the party. All of your favorite foods, you’re more than sure you’ve heard at least four different versions of ‘Silent Night’, every drink option that you love...
It has to be Johnny.
God, why did that night have to happen? Where the hell did your self control go? No, you don’t think Johnny would ever intentionally hurt you, but you also know that Johnny is shit with commitment. It’s not like the man doesn’t try, but you also know that the idea of him being with one person forever terrifies him.
However, that doesn’t change the fact that you miss him so damn much.
You came into the party with the intention of staying out of sight and out of mind, but Ben was in a good mood and pulled you into a conversation about latest research you were helping Reed with until Alicia pulled him away. You tried to get back to your corner of solitude, but somehow, you found everyone wanting to talk to you.
Unbeknownst to you, Reed and Sue had been talking you up. Telling everyone how much they appreciate all the hard work you do, how committed you are to your work, and how your attitude always brightens the mood, no matter how bleak things may seem.
Now, you’re being asked left and right if you’re willing to split your time, if you have any friends that are just as hard working as you, and where you studied Science at (in hopes of finding someone just as dedicated as you). As flattered as you are, you just want to stay in a corner by yourself, quietly scanning the room for Johnny (and whoever he brought as a date), and make sure that he’s happy. For as heartbroken as you’ve been for the last two months, that doesn’t mean you don’t want to see him happy.
Even if it is with someone else.
Sure, you could go and talk to him and put an end to all of this, but that would mean facing him, and you’re not ready for that just yet. Yes, you were both drunk and got swept away, but you don’t know how to handle it the way you think you should yet. The fact of the matter is: you love Johnny Storm. You have been for a while and you had been doing such a good job at hiding it. You’d seen the type of women Johnny fooled around with, and you knew you’d never live up to those standards. Yeah, he remember what he said that night, but he was also drunk and horny. No, he’s not a bad guy, but you’ve seen him play women before by drawing it out even though it was obvious to everyone else that he had no intention of sticking around. You’d like to believe that you were different, but once again, he was drunk and horny.
Accidents happen all the time.
However, you’ve been asking yourself the same question over and over again since the whole thing happened: if you could take any of it back, would you? You come to the same answer every time.
Hell no.
Having some of Johnny was better than having none of him, even if it was only for a moment. So, you told yourself that the next time you see Johnny, you’re going to apologize for your actions, promise him it’ll never happen again, and hope that you two can go back to the way things were.
At least that’s what you keep telling yourself.
After a few more uncomfortable conversations, you’re finally able to grab yourself a drink and make your way back into a corner. It seems silly to be in a corner of a party that seems to be catered around the things you love, but you just feel safer. Being in that room full of high profile diplomats and superheros just doesn’t feel right alone. It won’t feel okay unless Johnny is by your side.
“Why don’t you ever come to any of the parties?” Johnny asked you as he met you outside of your apartment complex. “You’re always invited.”
“Those parties are the last place I belong,” you scoffed as you put on the sunglasses he gifted you last week.
He told he got them for you because he was tired of you blocking out the sun with frames that didn’t suit your face.
“Why do you say that?’
“Cause that’s not me...it’s you,” you motioned towards him.
“What the hell does that mean?”
“You constantly save the world, and you’re ‘Mr. Personality’. That whole thing is your scene, not mine.”
“You’ve been huge help on all of those missions-”
“I’m a behind the scenes kind of woman, Johnny.”
“You don’t have to be. You could go with me,” he offered and you rolled your eyes.
“It’s all fun and games until you leave me for some model-”
“You know better than that, sweetheart. I wouldn’t leave you alone in a crowd, especially when I know how uncomfortable it’d make you.”
“You’d wanna be seen with me over some shiny model?”
“You’d wanna be seen with me over some fuckin’ book about space and atoms?” he questioned with a cocked eyebrow and a smirk as you let out a full bodied laugh. “Why wouldn’t I wanna be seen with you?”
“I’m not the kind of woman you’re ever seen with.”
“That’s because the only time you hangout with me is when we hangout for lunch.”
“When else can we hangout? You’re always busy or fucking.”
“We can hangout whenever you want, just say the word.”
“Yeah okay.”
“I mean it, tell me when you want to hangout and we will.”
“I wouldn’t even know what to do.”
“What are you doing today?”
“Lunch with you and then I was gonna do some more research on-”
“It’s your day off!”
“There’s always more work to be-”
“Yeah no, we’re hanging out. Your schedule has just been cleared. I know exactly what we’re gonna do,” he smirked as he pulled you along with him.
“Trust me!”
Usually, you hate Summer. You don’t like the beaches in New York, so there’s never one to go to. Sure, you can go to Jersey, but it’s always crowded and such a hassle to get to that, by the time you get there, you’re not even in the mood to do anything anymore. So, you usually stay in and do your best to avoid the heat, which is impossible because the city is always filled with too many people.
Summer hadn’t been something you’d enjoyed in a while.
However, that day that you spent with Johnny was one of the best days you’d ever had with him. He took you to one his favorite sports bars, spoiled you just a bit with new glasses and a necklace that he saw you eyeing while you waited for him to get off the phone with Reed, took you to his favorite casual restaurant for lunch, took you to the MET (you couldn’t tell but it made his heart so full to see you so happy), accompanied you on a stroll through Central Park, treated you to a movie, took you to dinner at Carmines (how he knew you’d always wanted to go is something you still don’t know), and ended the night with riding you around on his motorcycle (which only took about 20 minutes worth of convincing).
“See? I’m pretty fun to hangout with,” Johnny smirked as you both leaned against his bike, looking out at the view from the Brooklyn Bridge.
“I had the best day I’ve had in a while,” you smiled, laying your head on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry about some of the hell we had to deal with today. The paparazzi and the fans-”
“It wasn’t terrible,” you shrugged. “Yeah, I was completely out of my comfort zone, but I felt safe with you.”
“Yeah, hanging with The Torch has the effect,” he said smugly and you burst out laughing.
“Never refer to yourself that way around me ever again,” you breathed once you finally caught your breath. “It has nothing to do with you being ‘The Human Torch’. I just feel safe with you...I trust you. I always have.”
“Yeah? Enough to go to one of these parties with me?”
“I will go to a party with you, I promise,” you giggled.
“Ready for me to take you home?”
“Lets stay here just a little bit longer?” you begged softy.
“We can do whatever you want, sweetheart.”
You wish you could just go back to that night. Everything was simple, and the both of you were so happy. Now, it’s all a fucking mess.
“Hey,” a familiar voice says softly from behind you. A voice you’ve missed more than you’ll ever be able to put into words.
You told yourself that you’d be gracious about the whole thing that you’d talk to him like an adult. Yet, the second you feel his breath on the back of your neck, you take off running like a deer in the headlights.
In fucking heels no less.
“Y/N! Please!” Johnny yells running after you.
Why are you running? There’s literally no reason to. It’s not like any crimes were committed and you didn’t murder anyone. All you did was almost completely give yourself to the one person your heart burns for.
No big deal.
You’re quick to get inside your office and start pacing, taking deep breaths as you try and calm your nerves. Why can’t you calm down? You can do this! You’ve talked to Johnny about so many things that were much more difficult than this, so what is the problem? You just want him back in your life, so you need to stop hiding from him (literally), and grow up.
“Wh...when the fuck did you...become a fast...fast runner?” Johnny breaths as he leans against your door.
“I’m sorry...” you mumble, toying with fingers and looking at your feet.
“Can you please talk to me? This is insane! It doesn’t have to be like this!”
“I know and I’m sorry, I really am. I’ve been wanting to talk to you about everything, but its turning out to be a lot harder than I thought.”
“Why? Yes, things got...heated, but we’ve always been able to-”
“We’ve never even kissed before, Johnny. That night...it’s not the same.”
“We’ve talked about more complicated things than almost hooking-”
“Johnny, I love you. I am so in love with you and I...I had planned on keeping it to myself, because you don’t do relationships, and that’s fine! I was fine with how we were, but then we kissed and said things...my panties came off...I’ve been wanting to talk to you, but it’s hard, because now you know. I made the first move, I said what I said...I wanted to talk to you, but I just couldn’t be around you yet,” you finish softly.
Wow, that came out a lot easier than you expected.
Since he isn’t responding you keep going, “I’m happy to just be your friend, Johnny. You’re always going to be my best friend, but I know we can’t be together, and I can’t take seeing you with other women yet and-”
“Why not?”
“Why not what? Why can’t I take seeing you with other women? Johnny, I just told you I’m in love with you-”
“No, why can’t we be together?”
“Is that a joke? You don’t-”
“I can-”
“For you, I can do anything,” he promises sincerely as you finally meet his gaze.
“Lets not do this-”
“I love you, Y/N. I love you and I have for a while now. I’ve had a crush on you since I first saw you, and the more I got to know you, the more all of it spiraled out of control. Why do you think I stayed away for those four months? I was trying to get over and distance myself from you, because I didn’t want to fuck all of this up. I didn’t want to ruin your chances with someone else by breaking your heart. I really did my best to leave you alone, but I was miserable without you, which I think speaks volumes about how much I love you. Even with Raye, which we both know it’s because of me that didn’t work out, I wasn’t all that broken up about it. Yeah, I hated that I hurt her, but you saw how quickly I bounced back from that. I can’t bounce back from you, Y/N. I can’t and I don’t want to.”
“I’m loneliest when I’m without you, I’m constantly in a shitty mood when we’re not speaking, whenever I’m out fighting to save the world I’m only thinking of saving you, your laugh is my favorite sound in the world, I listen to your voicemails when we’re not talking because it’s the only thing that soothes me, your touch is what I crave more than anything else in the world, I’m lost when you’re not around...I am so insanely in love with you. I love you to the point that it hurts.”
“If you don’t want this, that’s fine, but I think you do. I think you want this as bad as I do,” he states softly as he makes his way over to you.
“You don’t...you don’t like relationships. You said so yourself that they’re just not for you because you don’t wanna be chained to someone-”
“That was before and it was stupid for me to say that. I don’t know, I just...I don’t feel like that with you, sweetheart. If you want me to stay away, I understand and I’ll do just that,” he promises softly as he stands in front of you.
“I...I didn’t say that,” you confess, looking down at your fingers.
Using his forefinger, he gently lifts your chin so your gaze is on him, “tell me what you want.”
“I want to believe that you want this, because it’s all I’ve been thinking about for a while and...I don’t believe you’d ever hurt me, but I know you, Johnny. I know...how you act and that commitment scares you and I don’t want to be-”
“I wouldn’t say anything if I wasn’t serious about this. Serious about us.”
“There’s no one on this planet, or the others for that matter, that I find more beautiful than you. No one gets me like you do, no one cares for me like you do, no one...loves me like you do, Y/N. I don’t want to be with anyone else, I don’t look at anyone else, and I’m never gonna love anyone the way I love you. You’re the only person I’ll ever want to commit to and that’ll never change.”
“Say it again,” you beg softly as he leans in closer.
“You’re the only person I’ll ever want to commit to,” he breathes softly, his face a mere few inches from yours, “and that’ll never change.”
Before you have a chance to think of an argument, his lips are on yours and you’re gone. Yes, you still have your fears and reservations, but you miss Johnny. You already missed him when you weren’t around, but now that you’ve kissed him and felt his hands all over you in that way, you crave it more than anything else in the world.
You crave him.
“Johnny,” you moan as he kisses down your neck.
In all honesty, you wanna tell him to stop, but you can’t seem to form the words or remember why. Instead, you wrap your legs around him as he picks you up and places you on your desk. What’s the point of stopping anyway? You believe him and it’s starting to become very clear that you two are no longer able to keep your hands to yourselves when along together.
“I fucking missed you,” Johnny growls, hiking up your skirt then ripping off your panties, “never letting you go again.” “Fuck!” you gasp at the feel of his thumb on your clit.
You’re more than sure the warmth flooding through your body has nothing to do with his power.
“So fucking wet already? We’ve barely gotten started,” he smirks teasing your cunt with his fingers.
“Pl...please,” you whimper softly, “dreamt of this for so long!”
“Tell me what you’ve dreamt of,” he coos as slowly sinks two fingers into your desperate and greedy cunt.
Right now, you love him just as much as you hate him for torturing you.
“Having...having you all to myself, loving me, pulling me...apart, oh my God!” you cry out at the feel of him curling his fingers. “John...Johnny please!”
“Tell me more,” he pushes, picking up his pace just a little, applying just a bit of pressure to clit, which only makes you cry out in pleasure as you start grinding yourself against his fingers. “You’re a fucking dream, babygirl. Tell me!”
“Fuck! I’ve thought about...oh Johnny,” you moan, lulling your head back as you feel a warm sensation on your clit, kicking shoes off and curling your toes.
“Never thought I’d ever have you like this, baby. So fucking perfect, baby. Gotta tell me more or I won’t let you cum, and I can tell just how bad you want to by the way this pussy is squeezing my fingers,” he chuckles, easily sliding in a third.
“No, just Johnny,” he teases as he picks up his pace. “C’mon sweetheart, be a good girl and tell me more!” “Aht! I’ve...I’ve been dreaming of you on your knees eating my pussy while fingering my ass, want...wanna taste you so fucking bad, Johnny!”
“Fuck,” he growls, no longer teasing you, and you can tell he’s desperate to give you whatever you want. “Keep going, babygirl!”
“Dreamt of you fucking me hard and fast, claiming and making me all yours! I wanna feel you so deep inside my pussy, baby!”
“Give it to me, sweetheart! Be a good girl and cum hard for me!”
Your body has been ready to obey anything Johnny has to say for years, so you’re not surprised that you squirt hard on his fingers as the words leave his mouth. You’d be embarrassed, but you’ve wanted this for so long that you just can’t be bothered to feel any shame. All the cards are laid on the table now, so he may as well see every side of you.
Not just the parts that are work appropriate.
Johnny grips your neck with his free hand before puling you upright and crashing his lips into yours, “who knew my perfect girl was so filthy?” he broods once you two break apart, still fucking you through your high.
“Need you, Johnny! Please!”
“I’m gonna take care of you, baby, I promise,” he smirks, removing his fingers and bringing them up to your lips, “open.”
Keeping your gaze on him, you open your mouth and stick your tongue, your pussy clenching around nothing at the feral growl that leaves his mouth.
“Suck ‘em clean, sweetheart,” he commands, as he gets down on his knees.
You feel his breath on your core when you remember, “not here!” you mumble around his fingers. “The cameras!”
You hear him mumble incoherent against your folds and you whine in pure want, needing one of you to come with a solution fast. Thankfully, Johnny’s on his feet almost instantly, taking your hand in his while he removes his fingers from your mouth, and pulls you along with him.
“Follow me, sweetheart,” he broods, practically jogging down the hall.
At least he’s just a desperate for you as you are for him.
He pulls you into the elevator with him, hits a button without even looking at it, before pinning you against the wall and kissing you passionately. One of his hands snakes its way up your skirt, and you moan into the kiss as he starts fucking you with two fingers.
“They’re cameras in here too,” you giggle with a breathy moan as he starts biting and sucking on your neck.
“A little making out in the elevator never hurt anyone,” he smirks before licking the spot he just bit.
“And how about getting fingered?”
“They can’t see that, sweetheart,” he whispers in your ear before biting the shell of it.
Johnny Storm is gonna be the death of you.
When the elevator finally arrives at the floor he selected, you whine in protest when he removes his fingers, and is pulling you out of the elevator. In almost no time at all, he has you pinned against his bedroom wall and is kicking his door closed before getting on his knees.
“You don’t know how much I’ve gotten off to the thought of eating this perfect little pussy, baby,” he groans before licking your clit.
This must be what heaven feels like.
“Oh my fuck...Johnny! Yes!” you cry out, running your fingers through his soft brown locks, gripping them tight before grinding your your pussy against his face.
He easily slides two fingers into your soaked cunt, curling them as they give you a warm sensation. When you feel his lips pulling on your clit, you lull your head back and hike your right leg over his shoulder, granting him better access to your greedy cunt so he can fuck you deeper. His free hand travels up your side, finding yours, and he entwines his fingers with yours.
The small gesture makes your flutter and fall in love even more.
“I love you so much...Johnny! Need to feel you, please!”
Maybe it’s because it’s Christmas, or maybe it’s because he’s just as desperate as you, but your pleas doesn’t fall on deaf ears. He starts licking and sucking on your clit with such ferocity, you won’t be surprised if the whole hears you as you yell his name, a euphoric cloud washing over you as you coat his fingers and lower half of his face with your desire, gaining a grunt of approval from him as he fucks you through your high.
“I will be back down here tonight,” he promises as he kisses his way up your body, unzipping your skirt and letting it fall freely to the ground, “ but right now, I wanna get lost inside of you.”
“Please,” you whisper once he’s on his feet again, unbuckling his belt as quickly as you can.
“You sure you want this, sweetheart?”
“Too late to turn back now, and I don’t want to. I love you and I want this with you, I want everything with you.”
“God, I’ve waited so long to hear you say that,” he smiles before crashing his lips into yours.
Clothes come off easily, and they’re no sounds other than the desperate and hungry kisses you both are giving one another. His skin is heated and his touches are soft and, for the moment, you can’t remember what the hell you were so afraid of. Being here with Johnny, like this, and having him all to yourself is all you’ve ever wanted. You know the fear will come back later when all is said and done, but with the way he looks at you, the way he holds you, and has always looked out for you, it’s hard to believe that he would ever hurt you.
It’s hard to believe that this isn’t meant to be.
“Lay back, baby,” you tell him breathlessly as you softly push him back, “I’m gonna take care of you tonight.”
“You are nothing like I imagined,” he smirks and you laugh softly.
“Is that good or bad?”
“So fucking good,” he broods as you dip down lick the tip of his heated length. “Fuck,” he sighs as he grips the sheets.
“Just relax, baby. Let your good girl make you feel good.”
No, giving Johnny Storm (aka the Human Fucking Torch) a blowjob probably isn’t your best interest, but you’ve dreamed about it too long to not do it.
You smooth your hand over his abs, your pussy clenching around nothing as you try and figure out how you got so lucky, while you’re hand strokes him in an attempt to prepare yourself for his size and length.
“Just relax,” you coo before finally getting your mouth on him, moaning in satisfaction at the taste of him.
“Shit! That’s it, babygirl! Fuck, just like that!” he moans as you start to take as much of him as you can.
Your movements are slow at first, taking more of him bit by bit as you relax your throat to accommodate him, falling in love with the way that you’re making squirm beneath you and breathe heavy. Once you’re finally able to fully accommodate him, you’re unable to to control yourself when you pick up your pace as your hand starts to play with his balls.
“FUCK Y/N!” he proclaims, eyes clenched shut as he tries to control himself.
You run your hand over his his abs in an attempt to calm him, but it’s useless because you’re too worked up yourself. You turn your gaze up towards him to find that his gaze on you is intense and heated. In fact, you’re more than sure you see a little orange tint around his eyes, and it only turns you on more to see how much you’re playing with fire.
“Not gonna....fuck, I’m so....FUCK!” he exclaims, filling your mouth to the brim, bucking his hips a little as he fucks all of it into your mouth.
You ignore the desperate longing between your legs as you do your best to swallow everything he has to offer, wanting to make sure you don’t miss a single drop.
“You okay?” you smirk once you’ve cleaned him to your satisfaction.
“I need to be inside of you right now, get your ass on top of me,” he growls as you giggle.
“Tell me what you want and I’ll do it,” you promise as you straddle him, rocking your hips against his, your soaked lips dragging along his cock.
“I want you to do whatever you want...whatever will make you happy, sweetheart. I’m yours to use however you want,” he moans as his hands start to travel up your body.
“I want to make you as happy as you’ve always made me,” you moan, adjusting yourself so you can align him with your entrance. “I wanna show you just how much I love you...SHIT!” you cry out once you start to slide down on him.
You’ve never been so full and you’re not even half way down.
“Oh my GOD!” you whimper, loving the delicious burn of him stretching you. “Fuck!”
“Never had a cock this big before, sweetheart?” he questions with a cocky grin, with his mouth slightly agape.
“N-no, but...I can t-tell you’ve never been in a pussy t-this tight!” you moan, finally settling against his hips.”Tell me how good it feels baby,” you moan, pressing your hands against his chest, the hairs a welcome comfort as you dig your nails into his pecs.
“Fuck, best pussy I’ve ever been inside of,” groans as he grips your hips tight, the heat radiating from his hands sending you closer to release. “Thought having you like this to myself for so long, and God, you’re better than any fucking fantasy that I ever came up with...fuck! That’s it, baby!” he encourages as you pick up your pace, rolling your hips against him. “So fucking beautiful!”
“S-so fucking close!” you whine, clawing at his chest, finding that spot deep inside that only ever seemed to exist when you used your vibrator. “Aht, aht! YES!” you cry out, squirting hard as you try and ride out your high.
You’re only left in charge for a second before Johnny wraps an arm around yourself, and sits upright which only pushes him in further.
“You are the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen, did you know that?” he broods, gripping your hips before starting fucking into you relentlessly.
“Johnny! Please...feels too good!”
“I’ve been watching you for so long, imagining what it would be like to be worthy of you...your love...fuck, the way this cunt squeezes me!”
“Never felt this good!”
“Gonna spend all night showing you just how much I love you...how much I’ve needed you,” he mumbles into your chest, before taking one of your nipples into his mouth and licking it.
“Fuck!” you gasp, running your hands through his hair as you try to hold on, still tying to recover from the last orgasm.
His tongue is deliciously vicious against your nipple, showing no mercy at your desperate whimpers and pleas, not even when tears start forming in your eyes. You’ve never felt this good in your life, and while you’re more than sure you’ll be sore tomorrow, it’ll be more than worth it. You’ve been waiting for this forever and there’s nothing that could make you regret it.
You’ll never regret giving all of yourself to him.
“Mmm Johnny! Too much!”
“I know you can give me more,” he encourages with a husk, looking up to see you in your blissed out state. “You’re fucking gorgeous,” he groans, his skin getting just a bit hotter, sending you over another euphoric waterfall.
At some point, you’re going to need to remember to invest in aloe.
“Ya know, I don’t think my bed has ever been this wet,” he chuckles, before getting you on your back and starting to fuck into relentlessly. “I think I wanna make this a nightly thing,” he husks, entwining fingers with one of your hands, while the other is planted firmly by your head.
“Oh my GOD!”
“What do you think about that, babygirl? Hmm? Be my good girl during the day....my filthy, desperate little thing at night?”
“Johnny...” you sob, that knot in your core tightening again.
He dips down and whispers against your ear hotly, “I think that’s exactly how it should be. Cause you were made for me, just like I was made for you.”
You feel your legs start to tremble as another orgasm starts to build, and you truly wonder if you’ll be able to last the rest of the night after this one.
“C’mon babygirl, I need it. Please,” he rasps into the crook of your neck as his movements become erratic.
“Too much! I...I...FUCK!”
“Y/N!” he shouts as he fills you with his seed, you squirting on his cock, only soaking the bed even more.
As you fade out of consciousness, you try to remember if you’ve ever felt so full and loved in your life, and you’re pretty sure you haven’t.
“You okay, sweetheart?” you faintly hear him ask, and you only have enough energy to nod. “Did I take it too far for you?” he chuckles and you giggle.
“No baby, I just need a minute, “ you smile up at him. He dips down and starts peppering kisses all over your face and you start laughing, “don’t tell me that you’re a giant softie underneath that giant ego of yours.”
“You know it’s only for you. Its always only ever been for you,” he groans as he pulls out, before laying down beside you and pulling you close.
“And why is that, Johnny Storm?” you question as you lay your head on his chest, feeling secure and like you’re loved.
“Because I love you.”
“Say it again.”
“I love you,” he chuckles before kissing the top of your head.
“I don’t know if I should even bother giving you the actual Christmas gift I got you,” you smirk as you start to press soft kisses along his chest.
“You didn’t have to get me anything,” he sighs, and you can tell he’s getting worked up all over again.
“Hmm? Why’s that?” you ask, propping yourself up on one arm, while the other softly stokes his chest.
“Because,” he starts, cupping your cheek and stroking it gently, “you were all that I wanted, and it’s been that way for a long time now, Y/N. You were all that I had on my Christmas wish list.”
taglist: @autumnrose40​, @fuckingbye​, @emerald-evans​, @maroonsunrise83​, @whxre4cevans​, @sweetflowerdreams​, @whiskeytangofoxtrot555​, @companionjones​, @pono-pura-vida​, @nomadstucky​, @mazda098​
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dungeonpuppykai · 3 months
Loved the storms & i’m in desperate need of a nsfw pt2 where she calls him sir in bed ughhh 😫
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Here at your service babe. And I am very much aware that this is late af I am trying my best here please. Also I so, so, so appreciate your feedback on the story because I put a lot of love into it. Hope you enjoy~ (that is, if you even see it I know I am awful omg) 🩷
Find the original story/ 'Part 1' -> HERE <-
Warning(s): D/s dynamics, groping, kissing, sir kink, p-in-v cockriding, dacryphilia, very light choking. Minors do not interact.
- You had forgotten all about the slip up that you had had in the kitchen this morning due to the chaotic day that had followed it. Your husband stood beside you and adjusted Torus' blanket as you both tucked him in last. 
- Bidding him goodnight, you two turn the lights off and come back to your room, hand in hand as you crack your neck, completely oblivious to the smile that is ever growing on Johnny's face. 
- It's only after you have washed up and changed for the night that he speaks his mind from the bed as he is already in it, grinning at you from across the room while you rub lotion onto your arms. 
- "It's been a while, you know?" You are so engrossed in the fading of the body lotion against your skin that you almost miss it.
- "Huh?" Your eyebrows raise as you look up at him, distracted. 
- Your husband is clad in only some Calvin Klein boxers, handsome body propped up against one elbow as tilts his head to the side. "Sir" the imitation is nearly perfect as he catches the manner in which it rolls off your tongue all the way down to the waver that arises in your voice whenever you say it. 
- Five kids later and you still flush like the virgin that Johnny Storm had taken for a joyride on his heavy bike all those years ago. 
- You remain quiet for a few moments as your hand halts its movement.
- "... I have no idea what you mean" Johnny snorts. 
- He loves the push and pull.
- "Yeah?"
- The attempts at defiance. 
- "Y- Yep."
- Because then he can put you in your place and remind you who is boss. 
- One of your husband's eyebrows arch as he slightly tilts his head to the side. "So, are you saying that if I tell you to come here and present that pretty little body to me right now you will decline?" 
- You stifle a whimper and try to puff your chest out. 
- "Y- Yes." His other eyebrow shoots up to meet its companion and he can't help but chuckle in disbelief. "You are not the boss of me." You're not sure if you really mean it or if you just want to instigate him. 
- "Is that so?"
- Your thighs press together under your loose silk nightie when all playfulness suddenly drains from his face. 
- "It is." 
- The magazine in his hand claps to a close as he sits up straighter, no longer smiling or affable. 
- "Come here, little girl" the sternness of his tone makes up for the low volume as he nods towards his side of the bed. 
- You are on your feet before you know it; body fine tuned to his commands. As you chew on your bottom lip and close the distance between your husband and yourself, his eyes never part from yours. 
- "Present" his blue eyes are dark with both lust and limitless authority as he signals you to climb on with another nod towards the bed. 
- You bend and place one hand on the mattress before accompanying it with the other, crawling over the soft covers and bending your knees to prop your lower half up. 
- In a matter of moments, you are laying on your back with your arms above your head and legs spread wide apart. Your bunched up nightie rests on your throat as you pant and watch your husband for another command. 
- The proud expression on Johnny's face is evidence that he's pleased. 
- "Mm, that's what I thought" his smooth voice is low when he leans over you, letting his blue orbs roam all over your form like it's his first time seeing you like this.
- A whimper escapes you when one of his warm hands connect with your skin and smooth out the goosebumps that have arisen due to the room temperature's contact with it. 
- Johnny starts with your stomach and brings them up to your chest, thoroughly palming and squeezing it as his fingers brush over your erect nipples. 
- "Who do these belong to?" You don't waste a breath. 
- "Y- You" his eyebrow raises at your audacity. 
- "And…" His fingers are heating up against your skin as he trails them down your torso, stopping momentarily to rub the base of your stomach before lowering down to cup against the curve of your sex. "Who am I?" Your small gasp drowns under his voice. 
- The challenging submissive overpowers the devoted wife and you whisper out, "Hubby." 
- He's had enough.
- It's been so long.
- And you're not making it easy for either of you. 
- "This here little girl needs a lesson in manners, doesn't she?" The tenderness of his free hand that caresses the side of your face is in contrast to his tone. 
- Fine. 
- Two can play this game. 
- It happens before you can even comprehend it. 
- One moment Johnny is feeling you up and the next, you have been placed atop his dick by his firm hold between your legs. 
- "Go ahead, dear~" you are already so wet that you can barely contain yourself. 
- Your naivete makes him harder. 
- The male bends both his arms behind his head and lazes against the headboard, letting his perfect body that is a bit heavier than when you were younger due to your love and cooking flex. 
- As you greedily uncloth his cock to position your leaking slit against his head, he lets his eyes wander over your oblivious form.
- Fuck. 
- His dick twitches. 
- Johnny loves to make you ride his cock in all your pretty little nighties. 
- Your disheveled hair, pearly skin, flushed cheeks, parted mouth, hand placement that is either in your hair or against his hard chest, erect nipples poking through the soft fabrics and the faint outlines of your body that he can make out through the gowns while you bounce on his cock with your trembling thighs is a euphoria unrivaled. 
- Tonight is different though. 
- You realize it after some minutes of sloppy tossing of your body in a vertical fashion. 
- Johnny is not assisting you by moving his hips in one of the rhythms typical to this position. 
- When you zero in on his expression to see what is wrong, he looks unbothered and somewhat bored even. 
- What? 
- You can't do this all on your own!
- You always need his help!
- His dick is way too huge for you to handle by yourself. 
- "Dear!" You're so needy it hurts. "Move, please!" The pressure between your hips is painfully tight and your loins burn hot. 
- You're confused and even somewhat irritated at his smug expression until he speaks. 
- "I don't know, you seem pretty capable and big enough to take care of yourself to me, dear" the sarcastic edge to the endearment can cut through stone. 
- You cry out in frustration as your folds and hips bang against his abdomen unsatisfyingly. 
- Your need to mount his dick had been so dire that it had completely slipped your mind.
- If you were even smart to realize the cynicism behind his actions, that was. 
- "No, no!" You shake your head as you whine out in absolute exasperation. "Not big! Not capable at all, sir!" And the smugness on his face depends. 
- Johnny always gets what he wants. 
- Your husband cruelly yawns before bringing one of his hands in front of him to examine his nails as though he doesn't have a crying wife on his cock. 
- "Oh, what was that?" You sob when he refuses to acknowledge your existence in the room.
- You jump to grab the hand and grip his hand with both of yours like your life depends on it.
- It's no good and has started to hurt.
- But you need him so bad. 
- "Not a big girl, sir! Can't do it without you! Need you for everything, sir!" You make it sound so earnest that it's almost heart warming. "Please, sir! Need you so bad!" 
- "Hm" Though he lets you holds his hand against your chest, he does not move. "So why don't we try that again?" His fingers untangle from yours to wrap around your throat. "Who am I?" He only speaks when he had curled your body to eye level.
- "Sir, you're sir!" You desperately try to kiss the hand that nearly chokes you. 
- Johnny hums and suddenly you're on your back with your arms above your head, a loud yelp escaping you because of how his cock slams against your gspot deep within your cavern. 
- "That's what I thought." 
- You best believe the kids will be ridiculing you for your infamous penguin walk all through tomorrow. 
Unedited, mistakes are mine. I appreciate feedback as it keeps me motivated 🩷
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supercap2319 · 2 years
Johnny: “What do you say, Y/N? You. Me. Friday night for a date?”
Y/N: “Sorry, hot stuff, but I’ve already got plans Friday night.
Johnny: “With who?”
Y/N: *smirks* “With your twin. With Steve.”
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ronearoundblindly · 2 months
You really got to start limiting my asks lol
V or Z for Johnny or Lloyd
WHAT?! I have to CHOOSE?? How unfair...
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I will choose one of each because that's totally how that was supposed to go.
From this dirty ask game and not for all ages, folks. MINORS DNI.
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V - Voyeurism
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If you're shocked this man likes an audience, then I can't help you.
Johnny lives for the showmanship. In fact, I think it's a big part of the experience of sex with him overall. That's his way of awakening the senses, basically. He points out how hard you make him. He makes a little extra noise in your ear. He kinda narrates what you doing something does to him: touching yourself, looking at him, your scent, what you sound like, etc.
Man loves to hear himself talk, yes, but it's mighty delightful--and actually lightens the mood when/if you're feeling self-conscious.
Johnny enjoys all forms of voyeurism, too. He wants the sneaky nudes and vids you send him. He hoards the ones he takes. There's been at least one time where he faked being asleep when you were clearly needy beside him and listened intently to you using a toy on yourself. Mostly, he's proud of himself for not breaking the act, turning over, and fucking you into the mattress. He couldn't figure out a way to reach his phone and record the audio though. Shame.
I'd go so far as to say watching is a big part of foreplay to Mr. Storm because when he gets his hands on you, it's more wild and rushed than you might imagine...
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Z - Zones
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Lloyd Motherfuckin Hansen, you totally gorgeous asshole. We know you play constant games. We know you like to trick people.
I don't know that Lloyd gets enjoyment from the physical sensation of any part of his body... This man enjoys the symbolism of where you kiss more than anything else.
Treat him like a king. Kiss his feet or the ring on his finger. Drop to your knees and take his cock deep in your throat. Show him he owns you. Show him you're his slave. That's the way to this guy's black, charred, and pissed-on heart.
You'd be surprised at how many typical-affections turn him off or make him angry, actually, so he'll let you grope at him and dig your nails into his back but kissing along his body in the heat of the moment--i.e. if he has not ordered you to do so--will get you shoved away or smacked across the face.
I don't make them rules. That's Lloyd. That's just straight up Lloyd. He bites you. You do not bite him.
Thank you for asking!
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[Main Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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imyourbratzdoll · 9 days
𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒂 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚
part 1 of 🌧️welcome to hell🌧️
summary - you begin to spiral as you are betrayed by the two people in your life, causing you to question if everything was a lie.
warning - ANGST, !SMUT BUT CHEATING!, heavily detailed cheating, heartbreak, betrayal, bad thoughts, swearing.
18+ only please, the gif I use isn't mine, headers by me.
part 2
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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Do you remember the pain of your crush rejecting you? The pain of a man you like, liking someone else? The pain of your boyfriend leaving you for someone else? Or the pain that you feel when you find out your partner is cheating on you? The pain that only love seems to cause. Because you know that pain extremely well, that pain has only embraced you recently. Like a flame wrapping around your body, slowly slithering inside of you, and burning your insides. That afternoon STILL haunts you, no matter how many times you try to push it out of your mind; the thoughts, the touches, the feel, the smell, everything is still so alive and killing you inside. It was the day you understood how powerful love could be if used improperly. You understood why so many people were afraid, why so many protected themselves against it. Some people don’t change… They just find new ways to lie. 
Your best friend, Sarah, who you had known since you both were five, your mum’s having met while watching you on the playground, watching how you both clicked. Your bond had only grown stronger the older you got. Had come into town after having planned to hang out for much needed girl time and you had invited her to stay at yours and Johnny’s house.
You were rushing around the house ensuring that everything was set up, even though Johnny had told you everything was done. You huff. “Baby, are you sure everything is ready and perfect?” You asked your husband, your fingers entangled with one another from nerves as you played with them. 
Your husband was Johnny Storm, famous ex–playboy. When you had met him. He was annoying, he was hilarious, he was the world’s biggest arsehole, he made you want to scream, he would ruin your day and save it at the last minute, he drove you crazy, he was out of his mind, you hated his guts, and he was everything you wanted. Somehow, you made it work. You had thought he changed.
Johnny grins, pulling you into him causing you to sink into his hold. “Yeah, babe. It’s going to be fine. Why are you stressing so much?”
You shrugged, biting on your bottom lip. “I haven’t seen her in a while. I just want everything to be perfect. I want her to feel at home.” Oh, how those words would come back to bite you on the arse. 
He kisses the top of your head, “She will, babe. Don’t worry.” 
Once everything was sorted and checked about twenty times. You hear a car pull up and quickly head towards the door and as you swing it open, arms wrap around you and pull you into a hug. You both squeal, squeezing each other. Your chin rests on her shoulder, eyes closed and smiling. Yet, her eyes were open and set on your husband with a smirk. You pull back, smiling brightly as she mimics yours. “I’ve missed you so much! I’m so glad you could make it!”
Sarah licks her lips, eyes flickering over to Johnny’s before going back to yours. “I wasn’t going to miss this opportunity!” You didn’t know that her words seemed to have a double meaning. You helped her with her bags, leading her over to the guest room which is next to yours and Johnny’s. The two of you chatting away as you catch up, your voice filled with such happiness, such pure joy. 
The afternoon rolled around, and you both decided to start getting ready, after spending the day in the pool before dinner, you both desperately needed to wash the chlorine off. You let her shower first while you picked out your outfits, once she was done, a small towel tightly wrapped around her body. You headed into the bathroom, her close behind so that she could do her makeup. It had become a routine that you had grown used to growing up together. Neither of you were bothered by it. 
You stripped once you had turned the shower on and ensured it was hot enough, when it was, you got in, the heat caused steam to coat the glass, making it foggy and hard to see through. You could only make out blurry shapes and Sarah’s fuzzy figure. You decided to take a longer shower, dinner wasn’t until later and you wanted to make sure everything was properly shaved, washed, and rinsed. 
You were so zoned out while lathering yourself with soap that you didn’t notice Johnny sneaking into the bathroom and standing behind your best friend. His arms moved around her body as he began pressing kisses onto her exposed flesh. He pressed his bulge into her towel covered arse, groaning quietly. Sarah leans back into him, covering her mouth as he bends her over the counter slightly, lifting one of her legs onto it. “Keep doing your makeup, babygirl.” Johnny grunts quietly, running his fingers through her soaked cunt. 
You moved under the water, sighing as it hit you, watching the soap roll of your body. Johnny’s head turns as he checks to make sure you haven’t noticed. His hand strokes up and down his hardened member before he slides into your best friend’s cunt. His gaze turns back to hers, watching as her mouth falls open. He smirks, thrusting all the way in as he leans close, whispering into her ear, making sure to keep their eyes connected. “You missed feeling me inside you, didn’t you? You’ve gotten so fucking tight, such a good girl for me.” She moans softly, rocking back into him. Johnny bites his lip as his thrusts pick up, the rush of being caught fucking his wife’s best friend makes him so fucking hard. He wondered if you would catch them, wondered how you’d react.
His eyes roll back at the thought, hands gripping Sarah’s hips tightly as he pounds into her harder. “Fuck, babygirl. I’m gonna fuck you so much while you’re here. Gonna pump you so full, make up for lost time.” One hand leaves her hip and moves up to her hair, gripping a fistful, pulling her back against him, she still tries to apply her makeup as he fucks into her harder and faster. Her eyes flutter, desperately trying to make sure she doesn’t screw up anything, her mouth falls open as Johnny begins to pound into her sweet spot, her hand drops and she grips onto the counter, pushing back into him, meeting his thrusts. “What a little slut.” He grips her hair tighter, nipping a sensitive spot on her neck, groaning when he feels her tighten around him. “You like getting fucked by your best friend’s husband while she’s in the room, huh? Like being my dirty girl?” 
Their heads snap over when you open the shower door slightly, their movements not stopping, Johnny only fucks into her faster, a shiver rushing through him at the thought of your eyes connecting with theirs, watching him ruin your childhood friend. 
You grab a small cloth to rub some shampoo out of your eyes, not noticing the two in the room. You close the door and go to continue your shower until a moan cut through the air. Your brows furrow, wondering if you imagined it or if someone really did moan. Your question is answered as the moan is followed by a muffled shut up and you begin to focus on the glass, squinting to try and see who is making the noise.
Johnny growls lowly, his hand covers Sarah’s mouth, cupping it roughly as he fucks into her faster. His other hand slides between her and the counter before finding her swollen clit, rubbing it. Their eyes focused on each other’s as he rests his chin on her shoulder. He fucks and looks at her so intimately, more intimately than his own wife. Johnny’s thrusts become rougher and sloppier as he feels his end approaching. He had missed her sweet, tight cunt. Leaning forward, he whispers. “You better fucking take my cum and keep it in you while you are with my wife, I want to see it still there when I come into your room tonight. Understand, slut?” Sarah whimpers, fucking herself onto him as she nods.
Your eyes widen and tears immediately fill them as you see the figures through the glass. You had wiped some of the steam off only to see your husband fucking your best friend and your hand shoots up quickly to cover your mouth as you try and muffle the sob that tries to escape. You couldn’t pull your eyes away, no matter how much you wanted to. It was like watching a car wreck, you wanted to look away but no matter what your eyes would not stray. You felt sick, your stomach twisted and your heart broke. They didn’t seem to care that you were in the same room, that you could catch them at any moment. You DID catch them…
Johnny grunts, fucking deep into her soft cunt. He feels his tip twitch and his balls tighten, she felt like heaven to him. “I’m going to cum, babygirl. You gonna be a good girl and obey me?” She nods and he lets go, burying his cock deep inside of her, his cum spurting out and painting her walls white. His head falls back, cock still twitching as cum continues to leak from his tip, his hand still rubbing her clit as she cums around him, squeezing his thick cock with her tight walls. With a groan, he slides out of her and tucks himself away. “Good girl.” 
Sarah spins around and smiles, she gets on her tippy toes and places a rough kiss on his lips, as though she was claiming what was hers. His arms wrap around her, pulling her closer as he deepens the kiss. Johnny pulls back, smiling down at her with a look not even you had seen. With a wink, he leaves the bathroom and Sarah rushes to fix herself, trying to make it look like nothing happened while you sit broken on the shower floor. 
You pull your knees close to your chest as silent sobs slip from your lips and your eyes close. You couldn’t get the image out of your head, them fucking and kissing was engraved into your brain. You don’t want to think about it, but you know deep down that this was probably not the first time, especially with how comfortable and familiar they already seemed with each other. Your throat clenches as the need to throw up hits you, you gulp as you try to stop it. 
“Hey! You nearly done? We gotta get ready or we’re gonna be late!” Sarah’s voice cuts through the rushing water and the tower of thoughts filling your mind.
“Y–” You clear your throat, trying to get rid of the quiver that attaches itself to your voice. “Yeah!” You reply, not having the strength to say anything else. You watch through the glass as she leaves the bathroom, probably to get dressed or fuck your husband again. The thought causes another wave of tears to fall, how had your life turned upside down so fast? You quickly finish up, not daring to go close to the area they were. You could see there was some cum still on the floor and it had made you feel like throwing up again. You couldn’t bother with makeup at this point, you hurriedly got out of that room and into your bedroom.
You could hear the game on downstairs as well as Johnny’s shouts, so you guessed that he was down there and your supposed best friend was here, in your room… Where you sleep next to your husband, falling asleep to whispered, ‘I love you’s’. The clothes you had picked out for her were already on and showing off an extreme amount of skin. You could’ve sworn those clothes were bigger. “Finally! How do I look?” She turns, hands on her hips. 
You had to pull yourself out of your thoughts when she spoke, you could feel yourself slipping. You swallow and nod your head. “...Great.” How were you supposed to act around her now? She was staying for the weekend, and it seemed they probably weren’t going to stop. Was this why Johnny hadn’t slept with you since your wedding? Your eyes widened as you thought back, you hoped your thoughts were wrong, prayed even. “Uh… I might have to cancel for tonight.” You cough, hands falling to your stomach as you put on your well–practiced sick face, you had to play it out that you felt sick. Which wasn’t really a lie… “I think I might’ve come down with something… Or the food I ordered last night might’ve not been so good…” 
Sarah pouts. “Well, that sucks.” She looks down at her clothes. “I don’t really want this outfit to go to waste though, do you mind–?” You shake your head, wanting, NEEDING her to leave. If it were any other situation, you would’ve questioned her selfishness and lack of care, but it really just made sense on why she was fucking your husband. Your grip on your towel tightened as you held it closer to you, following her out as she leaves. You didn’t miss the way Johnny looked at her or how she smirked at him. Has it always been like this? Were you really that blind? You quickly utter a bye before hurrying past your husband without sparing him a look. 
But you weren’t so lucky. “Aren’t you supposed to be going with her?” He had followed you, watching as you slipped your pyjamas on. You didn’t like him seeing you naked, not that you now knew you weren’t the only one. You hadn’t looked at him once, but he didn’t seem to care.
“I… I felt sick so she went herself.” You chewed on your bottom lip to the point it began to bleed, but before Johnny could see, you sucked your lip into your mouth. You crawled into your bed, suddenly feeling dirty as you peered down at it. Had he brought others into it? Was it tainted like your marriage? You quickly shook off the thought and laid down, curling into the mattress, and pulling the blankets closer to you. You needed to think and cry, you didn’t know what to do. Your life had just been flipped upside down and you had no one else, where would you go if you left him? Have other wives felt this? Had they stayed until they had things sorted or left and figured it out on the way? Johnny nods, shrugging before he leaves. How could he switch up so fast? You didn’t sleep with each other, but he still at least gave you a kiss or made it seem like he cared. Was it all an act until she got here? Or did he care but she had clouded his mind? 
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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royalsweetteaa · 2 years
Child’s play
Pairing: bully!Johnny Storm x teacher’s pet!reader
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WARNING - the following fic contains: explicit smut/dub-con, public sex, oral sex (male & female receiving), high school AU (Johnny & reader are 18 in this story), Johnny is an asshole, other character appearances (Wanda Maximoff & Jake Jensen), mild dark humor, blackmail, dom!Johnny, dom/sub, daddy kink, stubborn!reader, needy!Johnny.
Summary: As a teacher’s pet, you take it to your advantage of making Johnny - the bully of the school to stop his torment against others. You later discover the reason why he bullies in the first place.
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Grade 12 in High school was probably the chillest year. While it had its challenges with harder exams and tests, I found myself acing those easier than previous years as I had found an efficient way of learning and memorizing the needed subjects.
In the beginning, puberty and finding our place was the hardest part of settling in, but now we were finally past being teenagers and going into adulthood at our last year, - which meant more control over ourselves.
Most of us changed for the better, while others….didn’t.
Johnny Storm was a perfect example of someone who had gotten worse from when he first started high school with the rest of us.
He has been viewed as a huge bully since year 2, first doing the ridiculous old school low blow of throwing 8th graders’ backpacks over the rooftop, which recruited him a group of boys who also seemed to enjoy being a huge menace.
He had recently been more active with his ruckus, and today wasn’t much different from that. I left my classroom, and the first thing I saw was Johnny picking up Jake’s sunglasses, swaying them around as he threatened to loose them to the floor.
“Guys, please stop messing around….these are expensive.” Jake pled, but it went deaf to their ears.
Johnny’s and my eyes met for a split second, and he grinned before he continued mocking the shorter guy who was desperately trying to get his glasses back while the group of guys behind Johnny laughed their asses off.
I looked over my shoulder at my friend, Wanda, and we rolled our eyes in sync. “Here we go again…” I muttered, before I walked over to Johnny to stop his nonsense.
“Johnny, stop it. Give his glasses back.” I demanded, but he didn’t seem to be paying attention at first. I was about to open my mouth again, but he finally tossed the glasses over to Jake, and thankfully Jake caught them without crushing them.
I sighed in relief and turned to Johnny again, “Can you please stop picking on Jake? He has literally done nothing but exist and you keep taunting him every chance you get.” I stated, scolding the taller blonde.
Johnny scoffed at my attempt to reason with him. “Maybe him existing is the problem, sweets. His only solution might be to jump off the school balcony if he wants me to stop, right boys?” He looked over his shoulder where his friends stood behind him, laughing and snickering at Johnny’s edgy humor.
I wasn’t amused in the slightest though, and I shook my head with full disapproval. “That’s just low. How less pathetic can you be to say something like that? It’s easy to tell you have nothing interesting going on in your life if this is all you do, - making people miserable.”
Johnny huffed, but didn’t say much else as he began walking away with his friends, calling me names above whispers as they followed him.
My focus was quickly shifted to Jake, and I held his shoulder as I asked out of concern, “Are you okay?”
“Uh, yeah I think so…” Jake responded as he adjusted his glasses onto his face. He then turned to me and gave a smile of gratitude. “Thank you for saving me, Y/N. I can always count on Johnny’s tyranny to be put to a stop when you’re around. Something tells me he likes you with how he actually listens to you.”
I laughed at Jake’s theory, “I don’t know about that. I think it has more to do with the fact that my aunt is the principal. Not to mention I’m known as a notorious teacher’s pet, but I don’t mind the title as the benefits overweigh of being one.”
Jake snorted as he nodded his head. “Yeah, I don’t mind you being in the school council’s favor either when you’re using it for the greater good. Makes us feel a little more safer. Like uncle Ben said to Peter once in Spider-Man issue #15, - With great power comes great responsibility.”
I giggled at the reference Jake had provided through his share of thought. He is such a nerd, but in a cute way.
“That’s right.”
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It was just another Wednesday again, and Wednesdays were the days where my class would be done and leave 2 hours prior to most of the students at this school. I was looking forward to arriving home earlier than usual.
As I was walking down the hallway, I heard a familiar series of sniffles and sobs come from the girls restroom, and I was too curious to continue walking out.
I quietly entered the restroom and saw none other than Wanda, my friend crying by the sink as she wiped her tears with paper.
I immediately rushed over to her and held her by the shoulder, urging her to tell me the reasoning behind her tears. “Wanda, what happened? Why are you crying?”
“Johnny, h-he…” Wanda paused as she sniffled again, “he took my phone during science class while I was distracted with working on our project, and he went on my private messages with Vision and found nudes I had sent…and then he airdropped them to his own phone and teased me about sending them to his other guy friends when he gets home…”
I was mortified to hear this, almost questioning how Johnny could steep that low. But considering how he usually is, I shouldn’t be too surprised.
Johnny had done plenty of things that wasn’t acceptable, - such as setting up a full bucket of water over the gapped door to have the hot substitute teacher be soaked through her white shirt, causing her breasts and bra to be more prominently visible. He was a mixture of being perverted, way too curious and provocative.
“Wanda,…we need to tell someone, - either the principal or one of the teachers. They can confiscate his phone and make him delete them.” I reasoned.
She shook her head, “Are you kidding me? If we tell them and it becomes a case, my parents will freak out once they find out I’ve been sending inappropriate pictures to my boyfriend! It doesn’t help that they have been disapproving our relationship since the beginning.”
That I have been aware of, and I wanted anything but to have Wanda split from her boyfriend, the guy I was sure she will end up marrying one day because he was just that good for her despite what her parents thought.
An idea came to mind of how we could solve this. A risky but easy one nonetheless.
“What class does Johnny have right now?”
Wanda furrowed her eyebrows but answered anyway. “I-I think he has P.E.? He goes in the same class as Steve,…why?”
My face lit up, “That’s perfect then. If we could get Johnny’s phone, I could ask Jake if he could hack the phone and get the password so we can delete those pictures. Jake’s good with that stuff.”
Wanda slowly shook her head in disbelief, “Y/N, you can’t be serious…are you suggesting on sneaking into the boys’ locker rooms? That’s insane! I still have classes anyway, I won’t be able to make time for it.”
“But I have plenty of time. I’ll quickly rush inside, find Johnny’s bag, and boom! Phone snatched! We don’t have to make this complicated.”
“But — couldn’t we ask someone else to do it? It’s too risky! Why don’t we ask Jake or some other guy to do it?”
“We don’t have time!” I reasoned. “Jake’s god knows where and we’re not about wasting precious time. Now please listen to me and only keep for a look out for as long as you can while I get the phone. I promise you, it’ll be okay.”
“O-Okay,…thank you, Y/N. I owe you so much.” Wanda said, shedding a happy tear.
With that, we ran towards the locker rooms.
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Second person POV
Sneakily, you entered the boys’ locker room with quiet steps while Wanda stood by the door to keep lookout.
You looked through the shoes placed in front of the lockers, trying to see if you could recognize Johnny’s shoes to save time from going through each locker. You spotted the dirty white Nike Air Force 1 shoes that were a match to what Johnny usually wore, and you opened the locker and rummaged through what you recognized as his bag.
You went through every zipper, one by one, only to be disappointed to find nothing. Where could it be?
“Well look what we have here…” your head snapped behind you where the voice came from and you stiffened as you saw Johnny, standing there naked, bare chested with only a towel covering his manhood.
“Looking for this, sweets?” He asked mischievously, as he raised his hand where he held his phone. “Somehow I knew Wanda would send someone to show up and try stealing my phone from my locker, so I left P.E a bit earlier. Didn’t expect the teacher’s pet to show up though. Not that I’m complaining.”
You straightened your posture, nose flaring as you glared at him, “Delete Wanda’s pictures, Johnny. You have no right keeping them.”
Johnny only laughed at your attempt to make him listen, and you grew irritated, - angry even at how much less he could care of terrorizing a girl. “Fine! You leave me no choice. I’ll report to the principal about how you’re keeping nudes without consent. It’s an invasion of privacy, - a crime.”
Johnny’s face fell and turned sour at the thought. He tried to hide it as he chuckled darkly before he said, “Oh yeah? Well if you’re going to report me, I’ll send in a report of my own…” Before you could predict his next move, you heard the sound of a picture being taken as Johnny held his phone up.
Your eyes widened as you realized what he had done, and he amusingly snickered. “Wait until everyone hears how the teacher’s pet snuck into the men’s locker room and tried to get a glimpse of me naked. I’m sure it’ll make headlines on social media if that principal aunt of yours doesn’t do shit about it. It’ll ruin the school reputation if they don’t take invasion of privacy against boys seriously too.”
In shock, your mouth remained open and eyes almost popping out as you realized what situation you had gotten yourself in. You didn’t know what to say.
“Now you decide to shut your mouth, hm? What, the teacher’s pet has nothing to say anymore?”
“Johnny, please don’t…” you pleaded. He was right, - you had nothing else to say as you weren’t prepared for this to be the outcome at all. You were stuck, and now Johnny had a clear image of you in the men’s locker room, enough evidence to get you kicked out of school. This was such a bad idea.
Johnny had caught on your distress, and condescendingly added, “Hey, don’t look at me like that, baby. You don’t have to be sad. We can come with a compromise….”
You glared at him with suspicion, “What do you want?”
His eyes dropped down to your body, and he bit his lip as his mind went through a dirty path. You grimaced as it was visibly obvious what he was thinking, and you started to shake your head immediately. “No.”
“Baby, I haven’t even said anything.”
“But I do have an idea of what you will say. It’s not happening.” You said sternly.
He sighed, “Come on, no need to make a big deal out of it. All you gotta do is drop on your knees and give my cock some attention. After that, I’ll delete Wanda’s nudes and the ones I took of you just now. It’s so easy.”
You thought about it for a moment. Oral sex was never a big deal to you, but you weren’t exactly used to handing out blowjobs in exchange for something. You hated the idea of giving the bully pleasure for him to do something right, but it was in exchange of saving yours and Wanda’s future.
For once, you came to the conclusion of giving him head just to save yourself from more trouble.
“Fine. I’ll give you what you want if you delete those pics as soon as we’re done. And you better not tell a fucking soul about this.” You said the last part through gritted teeth.
Johnny smiled victoriously. “Deal.” He then put the phone in his locker securely, and made you move in front of him. “Follow me, baby. I know the perfect spot where we can have more ‘privacy’.” Johnny said, as he began to walk and have you follow him to the shower stalls. He picked the one furthest to the corner, and he gestured you to walk in first. You did hesitantly before he locked the door after him.
“On your knees…” Johnny ordered as you turned to face him. You did as he said, carefully placing yourself down on your bare knees, your face now in front of the tent that had formed around Johnny’s towel.
Johnny turned on the shower, and you shrieked when you felt a few droplets land on your head.
“Ugh, I’m going to get wet..” you complained through a whine, and Johnny snickered.
“I’m sure you will,…we don’t want anyone to come by and get suspicious of what we are doing here, do we? Now go on. We don’t have all day..”
You peeled off the towel he had wrapped around his waist, his cock springing free as you did so. You wanted to gasp at how big he was than you had anticipated, but you knew it would only stroke his ego more, and you didn’t want to give him that satisfaction.
“Liking the view?” He asked smugly, and you rolled your eyes.
“Shut up.” You muttered as you began to stroke him, making his head dip slightly back as his hand landed on the towel handle. You quickly began working by using your mouth, wrapping your plump lips carefully around his tip before you bobbed your head around his shaft. You spat on his cock once to make it more slicker for you to suck on properly.
“There you go…what a good girl. You take care of everything and help everyone when they are in need of aid. Now it’s time for you to help me, pet.” He purred, and started to buck his hips forward, fucking your mouth. You gagged at first, but got the hang of it after a few thrusts.
He grunted and closed his eyes with his mouth agape, enjoying the feel of your hot and wet mouth. “Mmh, fuck yes…so fucking good..” he moaned, trailing off the swear word more than usual.
“You’re the reason I keep harassing people, did you know that?” Johnny suddenly confessed, and you pulled a frown through your daze. “Yeah, I got bored from doing it a while back, but It’s the only way I get your attention. To be honest, I get kind of horny when you tell me off. You’re a feisty girl…I knew you would be good at this.”
You grew flushed at his confession, not believing your ears. While you weren’t obliged to do it, you cupped his heavy balls and massaged them, making him suck in a sharp breath as he took in the new sensation.
“Fuck, you’re a good friend for doing this…but I bet a part of you is enjoying this. You like sucking my fat cock, don’t you?”
You whimpered around him, and Johnny didn’t need an answer to that. “I know you do…I’m going to bust my nut and you’re going to swallow it all. Don’t want to make a mess on your pretty face.” He pulled your face forcefully and facefucked you until his grunts and gasps grew louder, finally orgasming and letting his cum shoot down your throat for you to have a taste of his substance. He tasted bitter, but it wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be. You gulped down every last drop with little effort.
“Drink it up, slut. That’s it,…such a good fucking pet.” Johnny grunted with a low voice. Once his grip loosened, you pulled away and wiped your mouth, giving him an annoyed look as you wanted more than anything to step out of the shower and complete Johnny’s part of the exchange.
Just then, you heard the noise of a door opening, and several male voices speaking amongst each other. Johnny held you back against the wall, his arm around your stomach with his other hand on your mouth.
“Damn, that last session was intense!” One of the boys exclaimed, and your stomach dropped as you realized it was the rest of the boys coming back from P.E.
Fucking damn it.
The steam from the hot water was getting thicker, and your baby blue top was becoming see-through from the moisture. Unbeknownst to you, while you were concentrated on keeping quiet, Johnny watched over your shoulder to take a peek at your breasts, your white bra being visible to his eye.
He bit his lip lustfully, and without warning he grabbed a handful of your breast, squeezing it through your bra. You whipped your head back with a glare, and Johnny had to hold back a snort.
Your glare was quickly replaced with the face of someone being sex dazed, with your lips being parted as he put his hand underneath your shirt, getting a handful of the soft flesh of your breast when he pulled your bra down below.
“Let me return the favor...” he whispered quietly into your ear as his hand left your breast and hoisted up your skirt. He began doing a circling motion onto your clit through your panties, making you throb with pleasure.
You nearly moaned, but Johnny’s other hand which he had placed on your mouth was a reminder that you couldn’t make a sound, - not when a whole bunch of other men were now occupying the locker rooms.
On top of that, his hot breath against your neck gave you tingles, and you put your arm around his neck as you lost all feel in your legs from the stimulation he was providing you with.
“Johnny, are you the one in there?” One of the guys asked, - you assumed one of Johnny’s buddies. “You’ve been in there forever..”
“Sorry guys, I’m going to be in here for a while. Been trying to find some good MILF porn to jack off to. Think I found the right video, and now I’m really going to enjoy myself…” He responded out loud as he began rubbing harder on your clit, and you let out a weak whimper involuntarily.
The whole locker room started bursting out laughing, and you internally rolled your eyes at how childish they were. You could hardly make a face though as he continued to stimulate your clit, his mouth on the skin of your neck as you could feel his smirk.
“Have fun with that, dude. We’re on our way out to catch an early bus. See ya tomorrow.” They greeted, and you heard the foot steps of the boys heading to the exit, the door finally shutting, leaving the two of you alone again.
Johnny proceeded to sneak a finger through the outline of your underwear, rubbing directly onto the sensitive skin of your pussy which made your head snap back onto his chest.
“Are you gonna cum, sweets? You probably haven’t had an orgasm in such a long time with how tense you always are…” Johnny claimed mockingly as he began sucking the skin on your neck, not for too long to leave hickeys but it felt certainly sensual. “You’re so fucking gorgeous. I always admire the view you provide, - showing off your pretty legs when you wear a skirt.”
“Johnny…” you moaned, almost babbling his name with how close you were getting off. His finger found your quivering hole, and with the use of his arm, he hooked one of your legs up to get better access.
His finger entered inside of you, and you let out a strained cry as your mind went almost blank before you.
“Call me daddy, baby girl. Only then I’ll let you cum…”
You shook your head and whimpered, denying his order in efforts of keeping your dignity.
“Say. it.” He commanded through a sharp whisper. He inserted a second finger, and he dug further in until it hit the spot, making you unravel completely.
“A-Ohh, - D-Daddy! ~” you moaned out desperately as you felt the pressure in your abdomen increase. “Please make me cum!”
He smirked, satisfied with your answer, and he granted your wish by continuously fingering onto your weak spot, until your body trembled and you came, your juices oozing out and onto his finger. You let him hold you up until you got down from your high, and with a shaken breath you stood up on your own, wiping your sweaty forehead as you looked behind you. You quickly put your bra and undies into place, suddenly feeling shameful even if there was no reason to as he had already seen everything.
Your eyes widened in shock when you witnessed him sucking off his finger clean, - the one coated with your stickiness.
“That was unnecessary.” You remarked breathlessly as you stepped out of the shower stall, and Johnny laughed as he followed you out.
“I think it was very necessary actually. You taste delicious.”
You were far too gone to be humored by him, you threw a dry towel at him as you took out his phone from the locker again. You stood there, with his phone in your hand. “The photos, Johnny. Delete them. Now.” You ordered firmly, and Johnny raised his arms up in defense.
“Okay, okay, calm your tits…I’ll do it now.” He said as he took his phone from you, typing in the password and let you with your very own eyes witness him deleting the images in his album before he deleted them permanently from the ‘deleted images’ folder.
“There. I deleted them, just like I promised you. I can be a good person when I want to be, baby.”
“Knock off calling me that.” You spat at him as you tried to straighten your wetted skirt. “And that doesn’t put you in a better light.”
“I can be good permanently, - but only exclusively to you, babe.” Johnny said huskily as he walked past you to go to his locker and put on some clothes. “Let me take you on a date and I’ll consider apologizing to the nerd you always rescue.”
You scoffed in response as if it was a dumb joke. “Not a chance, Johnny. Just so you know, if you tell anyone about this, I’m going to bring hell upon you.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it. You can trust your daddy to keep his mouth sealed, baby girl.” Johnny responded while winking at you.
“You’re not my -! Ugh, you’re unbelievable!” You bursted out, before you angrily left and slammed the boys locker room behind you.
All in the meanwhile, Johnny dried his body with the towel, muttering to himself ‘you sure are,’ as he grinned with pride.
You walked out of the school building from the back entrance, avoiding being seen as you were still soaked from head to feet. Luckily it was a hot day, which helped you in getting dry before you reached home.
You stepped into the house and went straight to your room where you plopped into bed, groaning into your pillow as you realized what had went through today.
Minutes later you checked your phone, opening your messages to see what Wanda had sent.
Hi, did you get the phone? A teacher caught me in the hallway and sent me back to my classroom, so I couldn’t stand for long. :(( Hope everything turned out well.
Y/N L/N (Me)
Hey! The phone wasn’t in the locker room, so I waited for Johnny to walk out and I told him to delete the photos, to which he did. :)
You’re safe! ♥️
Oh, thank god. 😪 For a moment I was worried you were caught in there…
Anyway OMG that’s great!! 🥹♥️ Thank you so much for making him delete them. You’re a life savior!! Coffee at Starbucks is on me next time!
You owe me so much more than a Starbucks coffee, was all you could think, but then again you had agreed to Johnny’s dirty agreement when you could have maybe come with a different solution.
Finally you put your phone down as you let out a defeated sigh. You felt bad for lying to Wanda, but you would rather be caught dead than admit what had actually happened in the locker room.
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As I walked through the hallway to my locker in the morning, I could already eye something unusual. A pink bag with a rose taped onto it was tied around the locker, making my face scrunch at the unexpected romantic gesture.
There was no name tag but I already knew who could have put it up on my locker.
It just has to be him, I guessed confidently.
The note that came with it further proved my suspicion right.
‘Cheers to being each other’s dirty secret.’
I quickly shoved the note into my pocket, embarrassed I had even read that.
Jake came by just then together with Wanda, and both of their jaws dropped when they eyed the package.
“Oooo, a secret admirer!” Jake teased over my shoulder, and I groaned as I lowered my head.
“Please, just don’t.” I almost whined, not wanting to get into it but I knew Wanda and Jake wouldn’t leave it there so easily.
We started to walk towards our classrooms, and they were already keeping the topic afloat.
“So, who do you think it’s from?” Wanda asked, seeing as there was no note, - not to her knowledge anyway.
“Probably some weirdo.” I replied with a shrug.
“Aren’t you going to see what’s in the bag?” Jake asked, wondering why I hadn’t given it a glance.
“I don’t want it. You can keep whatever’s in it.” I said.
He opened the package with care, and brought out the item. “Chocolate,” Jake mumbled as he studied the heart shaped box. “…sure you don’t want it?”
“Yes. I don’t eat chocolate unless I’m on my period. I get acne all over my face otherwise.” I explained, and Jake shrugged, convinced enough that he could have a piece.
“Give me some of that too. I want some.” Wanda pleaded, and Jake gave her the box once he had a handful in his palm.
As for the rose, I felt too bad to throw it out. I ended up putting it on an empty vase by the window of my classroom.
While I worked on our given exercise of the day, I couldn’t help but feel flustered every now and then as I glanced at the rose.
Was it really true what he had said yesterday?
The part where he said the only reason why he bullies is to get my attention?
It was the least I had expected to be the reasoning behind his taunting. All this time I had thought maybe he had it bad back at home, — that he had major mommy/daddy issues. Come to think of it, he might have that if he was craving attention of someone like me, - where our only interaction with each other was through my scolding.
Regardless of the psychological reasoning behind Johnny’s crush towards me, I wasn’t going to entertain the thought of us becoming something, knowing he was a remorseless asshole by the end of the day.
At least, he would remain that way until he proves otherwise.
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Luckily I had been able to avoid Johnny as he had been out of sight. When the school hours ended, Wanda invited me to have Starbucks coffee like she had promised.
A few hours passed by and I returned home late in the evening. I hadn’t checked my phone since the last hour of school, and when my Lock Screen lit up, I frowned at the several messages I had received from an unknown number.
I sat down on the couch comfortably and checked out the messages.
Unknown number (possibly Johnny Storm)
Hey, TP. ♥️😏
Why did you give the chocolate to the nerd? 😑
I saw you kept the rose tho. Nice place to put it by the window where you’re sitting. Glad you liked it. ;))
I groaned tiredly. ‘TP’? Really?
I began to type my response.
Y/N L/N (Me)
How did you get my number?
Johnny Storm
I might have sneaked into your classroom during break and taken a peek at the student phone catalogue inside your teacher’s desk drawer…
Keyword: might have. 👀
Y/N L/N (Me)
Sure. 🤨 I’ll just block your number then.
The three dots were fast to appear on the screen, and before I could put my phone away, a new message appeared from Johnny.
Johnny Storm
NOOOO!! - C’mon, don’t be mean. 🥺
Y/N L/N (Me)
You’re one to talk. 😒
What do you want?
This time he took longer to type out, - assumingely writing a longer message this time.
Johnny Storm
Just wanna know if you’ve changed your mind about that date. There’s this really nice place I want to take you to. You’ll like it, I promise. 😘
I’ll also apologize to your friend - regardless if you accept my invite or not.
I was being a noisy prick, - I’ll admit that. Boredom makes me do dumb things.
But hey, at least it led you to me. ;)
I held back a snort.
The confidence of this guy. It was baffling, but I couldn’t lie and say it wasn’t a smidge charming. His self reflection was also somewhat refreshing.
Y/N L/N (Me)
Apologize to Jake too and I’ll consider it.
Only then I’ll let you speak to me. But first you gotta go through your part of the agreement.
Johnny Storm
Okay, cool! I won’t let you down, TP 😚
Nightie, baby girl 💫♥️
I smirked as I bit my bottom lip unknowingly, butterflies swirling in my stomach as it was unfamiliar yet pleasing to receive a farewell message from a boy who was interested in me. Someone who was actually willing to correct his wrongs to have a chance with me. Why did it feel so good?
Yet, despite the cute message he had sent me with the heart emoji and a wishing star, I replied dryly, not wanting to give him the impression he had won my heart just yet. He had to prove himself.
Y/N L/N (Me)
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The morning after I met Wanda by the main hallway as per usual, though this time it looked like she had seen a ghost with how shocked of an expression she wore.
“Y/N, the strangest thing happened this morning…” Wanda began. “Johnny…he -“
“Y/N, you won’t believe what happened to me just now.” Jake interrupted our conversation as he came over to us, but we let him with how his bewildered expression intrigued us. “Johnny apologized to me. Like, he said he was sorry for treating me like shit these past years and said he hopes I forgive him. Can you believe that?”
“No way! He said that to you too? I was just about to tell Y/N how he said the same thing to me this morning…” Wanda said.
While Jake and Wanda shared looks of complete awe, I held back a smile of pride.
He actually did it, I thought.
When class started, I sent Johnny a quick message.
Y/N L/N (Me)
Meet me behind the building after school.
Johnny Storm
That sounds suggestive.
Gonna reward me? ;)
I grumbled under my breath, aggressively typing my response.
Y/N L/N (Me)
No you idiot. 😑 We’re gonna talk like we agreed.
Johnny Storm
Sounds good either way. :)
I quickly put my phone away, blushing a little as I tried my best to suppress my excitement. This bastard was really making me feel things I usually don’t feel, and I stubbornly held a grudge against it.
I was aware it was childish, but it was too much in his favor, and that I disliked. Still, it interested me in getting to know this side of Johnny who wasn’t mean nor influenced by his so-called buddies.
The final bell rang at 03:00 PM, and I excused myself away from Wanda, walking the other way out to meet the tall blonde.
Johnny stood behind the building like we agreed, staring at his phone expectantly. Then he looked up and made a toothy grin as he spotted me.
“Proud of me, baby?” He asked smugly while I made my way over to him.
“Come on, what you did was the bare minimum of human decency…” I replied unbothered. He pouted, and I quickly added, “- but a deal is a deal. I’m giving you a chance.”
His pout was replaced with a smile, and he leaned in with his face, his lips approaching the closest, making my eyes widen as I pushed him back.
“Woah, not so fast. You gotta take me on that date first.” I said.
Johnny’s eyebrows furrowed, “I literally fingered you in a public shower after you gave me a blowjob. I think we’re past that, don’t you think?” He asked, finding my limits to be confusing.
I narrowed an eye, as if I was beginning to question my decision of giving him a chance, and he immediately retorted with, “You know what, - Nevermind. We can go slow.”
Truth be told, I felt a little awkward as he wasn’t wrong. It could come off as strange to be so carefree about sex and not want to kiss at the same time, but I did have a reason.
“I just…I like to think kissing is the most intimate thing two people can do. Sex isn’t of much importance to me as it can go without passion but you can’t like kissing without feeling something, you know?” I tried to explain.
He nodded his head, “No I get it. You’re scared of how easily you’ll fall for me me once I show you how great of a kisser I am. Don’t worry, - I like you playing hard to get anyways. Gets me horny.”
I gasped at his audacity and hit his shoulder, “You perverted asshole! You’re always thinking with your dick!” In response he laughed, finding my reaction to be hilarious as I started to walk away. He followed and caught up to me by jogging.
“C’mon, I’m just playing with ya! At least partially!” He defended himself. “I’ll walk you home. We can plan out our date on the way.” Johnny offered.
At that moment, I hadn’t considered how far this relationship would go. Let’s just say it wouldn’t be the last time Johnny walked me home.
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N/A: Public sex & Johnny goes so perfectly well together, I can’t even begin to explain how much. Thank you for reading!
Hearts & Reblogs are very appreciated! <3
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