#joseph woll x reader
toasttt11 · 3 months
worth it ; joseph woll
She frowned as she walked into their shared apartment knowing that Joseph is usually at the couch these days when she gets home as he’s been recovering from an injury and waits at the couch for her when she is coming home.
“Jo baby?” She called out frowning in concern when she got no response, she set down her purse and keys at the entrance table, walking through their apartment in Toronto towards the kitchen seeing some light shine from there.
She walked around the corner into the kitchen pausing at the door and smiled slightly at the kitchen, candles lite around the kitchen and dinning table, multiple bouquets of flowers, she could smell her favorite meal and saw it on two plates, her favorite wine already poured into her wine glass, and she could see the cookies on the counter from the bakery that Joseph and her love and she saw Joseph standing there with his sweet smile and had on her favorite sweater on him.
“Jo my love whats all this?” She soflty questions walking towards him and gently grabbing his hands softly caressing them with her thumbs.
"i notice the little efforts you make for me.. and i just want you to know i appreciate it." Joseph Woll responded softly, smiling lovingly down at his beautiful girlfriend.
He knows she’s not the biggest in words and he’s more than okay with her showing her love in her actions. Even after long days of work she’s come home to him being grumpy and in pain and never complained once and he just needed to make sure that she knows he never takes her for granted.
She could feel her face softening even more, in complete adoration for her sweet boy and leaned up on her toes in her heels and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, “Thank you.” She smiled softly before her stomach rumbled making them break into laughter.
“Come on sweetheart let’s get you some food.” Joseph gently guided her to the dinning room table sliding out her chair for her, letting her sit down before he bent down and slipped of her heels setting them beside the table before he sat down at the spot next to her intertwining his hands to her.
He listened intently as she spoke about her day as they ate their dinner together.
“and then she-“ She trailed off seeing Joseph staring at her, “What?” She smiled looking at him.
“You’re beautiful.” He responded leaning down resting his forehead against hers, his thumb reached up and brushed the sauce off the corner of her lips and he licked it his thumb relishing in the sharp intake from his girlfriend.
“Joey… I want to at least wait to eat dessert first.” She playfully warned knowing fully well what he was doing having been on the receiving end of his flirtatious actions for many years now.
“Well i want mine now and besides it will be here after.” He leaned even closer brushing his lips against her and twirling her hair between his fingers.
“It better be worth it Joseph Woll.” She playfully smirked as she whispered her words against his lips.
“It always is my love.” Joseph whispered back before standing up and picking up his girlfriend with him, she squealed as he quickly picked her up and her legs wrapped around his waist.
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misshoneyimhome · 14 days
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“No one gets to treat you like that, you hear me? no one.” I Joseph Woll 🌺🔥5️⃣0️⃣0️⃣
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Summary; You and Joseph Woll share a wonderful bond - a bond that might just be so strong that none of you dare to risk ruining it. However, one evening, Joe just can't hold it in any longer.
Tropes & warnings; best friend!Joe; friends to lovers - no warnings; (idk, maybe language?)
Other notes; I do apologise if I've written anything close to this before, however, I do just really love this sort of trope - and hopefully, it's still enjoyable 🙏🏼 So much love for our sweet goalie 🤗🌺
Word count; 2.9K
Taglist; @couldawouldashoulda50 @findapenny@justwanderingbutneverlost @cixrosie
・✶ 。゚
Joseph Woll was undeniably your closest friend. In your eyes, he was the epitome of kindness, and you couldn't help but adore and stand by him through every game, sharing in every triumph as well as every setback. You simply cherished the bond you shared, relishing the relationship and closeness, even though it never strayed beyond the boundaries of friendship. 
You had known Joseph ever since his early days with the Maple Leafs, where you had been introduced through a mutual friend. Initially, he was just another aspiring hockey player striving to carve out his place, and you were simply thrilled to get to know him, even if only briefly. However, it didn't take long for you to see the kind heart beneath his competitive exterior, and as time passed, your bond only deepened, evolving into a connection that felt as natural as breathing.
Your relationship was swiftly built on late-night chats, shared jokes, and unwavering support. So, when Joseph returned to the Leafs, you were already there, right at the front, cheering louder than anyone in the crowd. And whether celebrating triumphs or enduring defeats, you remained his constant, the person he could always rely on.
You attended nearly every game you could – especially if you knew he’d play first goalie – often wearing a Leafs jersey with "Woll" proudly displayed on the back. And while others started to notice your constant presence, many assuming you were a couple, you both knew the truth – you were just friends, albeit very close ones.
Spending time together outside the rink was one of the highlights of your friendship. Whether it was a quiet movie night at your place or a lazy Sunday afternoon baking at his, the comfort and ease between you were undeniable. Yet, amidst these moments there were subtle gestures – the brush of his hand against yours when passing the popcorn, the way he’d tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear, or the lingering hugs that lasted just a second longer than necessary. These moments were filled with a tension that neither of you acknowledged but both felt.
Yet despite the constant whispers and assumptions from others, Joseph always made it clear how much he valued your friendship. “I couldn’t imagine my life without you,” he’d express, genuine fondness colouring his words. “You’re my rock.”
And each time, you’d smile, brushing off any deeper implications. “That’s what friends are for, right?” you’d reply with a soft smile, though quietly longing for something more.
Believing that Joseph viewed you solely as a friend was simpler, as he frequently emphasised the significance of your friendship and how much he treasured it. Thus, you opted to keep your feelings to yourself, satisfied with the deep connection you both cherished, even if it meant hiding the occasional longing that haunted your sleepless nights. 
What you didn’t realise, though, was that Joseph was grappling with his own struggles and had developed a significant crush on you over the years. However, to avoid jeopardising the cherished friendship between you two, he was attempting to create some distance, even though whenever he spent time with you, everything seemed perfect, and he found himself falling even more deeply.
You meant so much more to him than you realised. And it pained him especially to witness you getting hurt, as you had a bad habit of attracting the wrong kind of partners – men who simply failed to recognise your incredible qualities. They would charm you with sweet words and false promises, only to exploit your kindness and leave you feeling used and abandoned. And Joseph was always there to console you and provide a shoulder to cry on, yet each instance tore him apart inside.
He wanted to protect you, to shield you from pain, and show you what genuine love truly entailed. However, fear held him back – the fear that confessing his feelings would change everything, and he couldn’t bear the thought of losing you.
Yet, he frequently found himself gazing at you when you weren’t looking, his heart swelling with unspoken sentiments. The sparkle in your eyes when discussing something you were passionate about, the warmth that radiated from your laughter, and the gentle kindness you extended to those around you – all captivated him. Each time he witnessed your smile, his heart skipped a beat, and every tear you shed felt like his world crumbling. You were his everything, even if you weren’t aware of it, and he would go to great lengths to keep you in his life, even if it meant concealing his true feelings indefinitely.
He just treasured your friendship too much to risk it, and therefor he concealed his feelings. At times, he even withdrew slightly, attempting to manage the emotions that threatened to overwhelm him, and despite your notices and inquiries about his well-being, he maintained his casual and composed facade, offering a reassuring smile while his heart suffered in silence.
However, as the burden of his secret weighed heavily upon him, Joseph gradually recognised that he could reach a breaking point at any moment. And then, one night, he found himself unable to contain it any longer.
The atmosphere in the arena was thick with disappointment as the Leafs suffered a 3-1 defeat against the Bruins in the fourth game of the playoffs' first round. Samsonov had started as goalie, but only shortly into the third period, Joseph was called onto the ice, and despite his efforts, the outcome remained unchanged. And now, with the Bruins leading the series 3-1, the Leafs faced a battle for survival in the upcoming playoff game.
The only silver lining for Joseph that night was your unwavering support. However, this time, you weren't alone. You had brought along a date—a guy you'd recently met, chatted with for a few weeks, had some casual coffee dates with, and now wanted to introduce to your everyday life, including Joseph.
And initially, the idea seemed promising, and you were genuinely pleased when he agreed to accompany you to the game. Even as the match unfolded, your date appeared to be enjoying himself.
But when the final buzzer signalled the Leafs' loss, the weight of disappointment hung heavily in the arena, and as you made your way down to meet Joseph, you sensed that perhaps this wasn't the ideal moment for introductions. But there was no turning back now. So, when you saw Josephs’ crestfallen expression, you did your best to offer a gentle smile as you approached him and embraced him tightly.
"I'm so sorry, Joe..." you spoke softly, giving him a light squeeze before pulling back and meeting his gaze with empathy. “You did so amazingly!” You knew your words couldn't fully heal his wounds, but as always you wanted to express your unwavering support and lighten the mood, even if only slightly.
And in response, Joseph managed a faint smile. "We gave it our all, right?" he sighed deeply, to which you nodded.
"Look on the bright side, there's still a chance for redemption. It'll be a tough fight, but there's hope.” You flashed him a soft smile. “And knowing the Leafs well enough, I’m sure there's a good chance you'll make a comeback."
With those words, it felt as though you had magically lifted the weight from the room just a little. Even other players managed soft smiles as they shared moments with their partners and families, and sensing that the tension had eased, you took the opportunity to introduce your date to your best friend.
At first, things seemed to be going smoothly. They exchanged handshakes, greeting each other with content smiles as they acknowledged the roles, they both played in your life. Yet, you couldn't shake the feeling that there was something tense about the situation. And unable to pinpoint exactly what it was, you felt a pang when your date suddenly attempted to inject humour by making a snide comment about your relationship with the team. Fortunately, you managed to brush it off, though his words stung. Yet, it was when you felt an urgent need to visit the ladies' room that the atmosphere of the evening took a sudden turn.
"So, you and y/n... you're just friends?" your date asked Joseph as the two of them were left alone, the hallway slowly emptying out.
"Yeah... why do you ask?" Joseph inquired, curious about his intentions.
"Oh, nothing... you just seem... you know, really into her," your date remarked with an overly confident smirk, as if trying to assert dominance in a game with your best friend.
However, Joseph wasn't in the mood for games anymore. He was tired and disappointed by the loss, so he simply shrugged. "Sure, I mean, she's an amazing person, so... yeah, I guess I like her."
"Well, why don't you just make a move on her then?"
Joseph's eyes narrowed at the smart remark from the stranger.
"What do you mean? We're friends, and you're the one dating her..." he felt a little puzzled.
"Oh, come on, man," the guy chuckled darkly. "She's great and all... but to be honest, she's just a good fuck."
Joseph was utterly taken aback by his words. How could he say something so disrespectful straight to his face? You were his best friend, and this guy was talking about you as if you were some casual acquaintances he was merely hooking up with, completely disregarding your feelings. Did he not realise you were dating?
"What are you talking about?" was all Joseph managed to ask, feeling the anger boiling within him, fuelled by the disappointment of the loss.
"What I said... she's nice, but I'm just looking for a good fuck, that's all," your date grinned again, his smirk growing even wider and more arrogant by the second. "Actually, I was hoping to score with some other girls here... like that one over there," he pointed to a tall brunette chatting with Auston. "She's more my type... y/n, she's just... I don't know, like girlfriend material or something—and that's not what I'm after."
Joseph couldn't believe what he was hearing. His heart raced in his chest, his fists clenched at his sides as he took a step closer to your date, his voice low and menacing. "Are you fucking serious right now?" he practically growled. "She's not someone you can just toy with and treat like shit. She's an incredible person, and she deserves far better than someone like you."
Your date looked slightly surprised, muttering something under his breath, as he hadn't anticipated Joseph responding with such force.
Nor had anyone else. Those still lingering in the hallway turned their heads towards him, their eyes widening as they heard the typically sweet and composed goaltender suddenly raise his voice, brimming with intensity.
"Well, if you care about her so much, then be a man and actually do something instead of pretending like you're not in love with her," your date shot back.
You hadn't caught a word of their exchange, but as you returned to the two men, you immediately sensed the tension that had developed between them.
"What's happening?" you asked, curious about the atmosphere.
But the two men just simply continued to lock eyes, before Joseph, being the good guy yet again, decided to diffuse the situation.
"Nothing," he replied, but you didn't buy it for a second.
"Is that so?" You turned to your date, raising a brow as you noticed his overly confident smirk, a sign that he realised Joseph wouldn't stoop to his level.
"Of course," he chuckled lightly. "Joe and I here are just having a man-to-man chat..."
An awkward silence hung in the air, and you weren't sure how to break free from it. But then, your date attempted humour again, and once more, it fell flat. He even followed it up with another arrogant remark, causing the heat to boil over. 
"Just needed to check if there were any other players that were in love with you – or maybe you’re just sleeping with the rest of them."
But that was the final straw for Joseph. And as if acting on instinct, like another person was I control of his actions, he swung his arm, landing a clenched fist right on the guy’s nose, causing your date to stumble back with force, clutching his nose, while a shocked gasp escaped your lips. The sudden violence caught you off guard, leaving you frozen in place, unsure of what to do next, as you had never experienced Joseph act like that. 
And quickly, you stepped forward, placing a hand on Joseph's chest in an attempt to calm him down. "Oh my god, Joe," you gasped, your voice laced with concern. “Are you okay?” 
He merely just stood there, chest heaving with anger though also feeling a sense of satisfaction, as he had finally released the pent-up frustration that had been simmering since your date's first disrespectful comments about you.
Meanwhile, the corridor erupted into light chaos as nearby onlookers gasped and murmured, some about to intervene while others watched wide-eyed, unsure of how to react. But there was no need for panic. Despite no one ever expecting for Joe to act that way, the situation seemed to be swiftly calming. 
And to no one’s surprise, there was a palpable awkwardness in the air as your date looked shocked by Joseph's actions. However, upon realising that you had defended your friend rather than him, he simply huffed. "Guess I see where your loyalty lies..."
But you couldn't help but shoot him a glare, placing the blame squarely on his shoulders for the situation with his disrespectful comments.
"Always," you simply retorted.
And with that, your date straightened his coat and quickly made his exit. 
Then turning your attention to your best friend, who had just behaved in a way you'd never witnessed before, your eyes reflected concern.
"Hey... are you okay?" you repeated softly. 
But Joseph just took a deep breath, his gaze dark as he met yours. "He was out of line, and he needed to be called out on it..."
You were left speechless, unable to fully grasp the gravity of what had happened. Joseph had never displayed such anger, particularly not on your behalf. And his tone with you was something entirely new.
"Joe..." you started, but he cut you off, his frustration still evident, not allowing for you to come up with any more excuses or defences for the jerks you chose to date.
“No one gets to treat you like that, you hear me? no one.” Joseph's voice was unwavering, stern as he locked eyes with you.
Filled with emotions as he swallowed, suppressing the lingering tension, you kept your hand on his chest, while the two of you gradually calmed from the intensity of the situation, and the crowd around you slowly dispersing.
"Why..." you breathed out, your voice barely audibles above a whisper.
"What do you mean, why?" Joseph frowned his brows, his voice still firm. 
"Why did you stand up for me like that?"
"Because I fucking love you! Alright?"
Joseph's confession crashed over you like a wave, leaving you stunned and rooted in place. You gazed at him, trying to comprehend the weight of his words, as the intensity in his eyes was unlike anything you'd seen before, a raw and honest declaration that shattered every barrier you'd erected between friendship and something more.
And for a moment, the world around you faded into insignificance, leaving only the two of you in the dim corridor. The sounds of the murmurs of bystanders became distant echoes as you focused entirely on Joseph.
"Joe," you whispered again, your voice filled with emotion, "I... I don’t know what to say..."
And slowly, Joseph's expression softened, his gaze searching yours for any hint of understanding. "You don't need to say anything, y/n. I just couldn't hold it in any longer. Seeing him disrespect you like that... it just broke me. I love you – I always have - and I can't bear the thought of anyone treating you with anything less than the respect you deserve."
Tears were starting to brim in your eyes as the truth of his words settled over you. All those shared moments, the laughter, the late-night talks, the unspoken support – they all took on new significance, as you realised that the feelings, you'd buried deep inside were mirrored in Joseph's heart.
And this time, it was you acting on pure instinct, almost leaping to reach Joseph, who towered over you, as you wrapped your arms around his neck, closing the distance between you and almost clashed your lips to meet in a heartfelt kiss.
It was a moment you both had yearned for, and now it was finally happening. Joy surged through your body as you let your lips linger on his, moving softly and gently as he too wrapped his arms around you and held you close. And upon pulling apart to catch your breath, both of you couldn't help but smile widely.
"I've loved you too, Joe... for so long,” you breathed softly, your eyes locking with his once more. “I just never really believed you'd feel the same way about me," you confessed.
Relief and joy washed over Joseph's face as he pulled you into a tight embrace. "Of course, I do... y/n, you mean more to me than anyone... and I've always wanted to tell you, but I was too afraid of losing you," he murmured.
And as you held each other closely, the tension of the evening melted away, replaced by a newfound clarity and purpose. Then pulling back slightly, looking up into his eyes, you couldn’t suppress a light chuckle. 
"Why did we wait so long to do this?" you asked, a small smile playing on your lips.
"Because we're idiots," Joseph simply chuckled, before pulling you in for another kiss.
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annashockeystories · 13 days
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Pairing: Joseph Woll x Reader
Warning: Smut (18+), angst (barely)
Summary: After the regular season loss to Carolina Joseph feels defeated, he needs some help forgetting about it.
The Carolina game had ended, and after making 47 saves, the Leafs still lost 2-0. Joseph was completely crumbled, but luckily, the Leafs had flown home that night, so as Joseph got in his car, he knew he was 20 minutes from having you ride him. As he drove through downtown Toronto, he couldn’t get the image of you moaning and begging for him out of his head.
Over at your shared apartment, you felt the exact same way. He had been gone for a week and a half, and you hadn't been able to get yourself off the entire time.
Finally, you got the notification that his Jaguar had pulled into the parkade. Instantly, you felt the heat between your legs, so you ran to the front door to wait for him to walk up.
When he opened the door, you heatedly kissed him. He instantly returns the passion, pushing you forward and slamming the door behind him. He moved you to the kitchen counter, pushing you back farther. Suddenly, a sharp pain shoots through your back and hits the cabinet handle.
"Oh baby, I'm so sorry." He says as he pulls you into him, his large hand rubbing your back. You begin to giggle at the genuine concern in his voice.
"It's okay, baby," you laugh out to him. He starts laughing, and you both hug each other. I still need you, though," you smile. Let's go to the bed so you can't paralyze me.
"Yes, please, let's go," he says as he lifts you off the counter and carries you to the bed. Once he sets you down, you begin kissing again, this time even more desperate than the last.
"Joey, please," you cry out. He pulls down your underwear and begins kissing your inner thighs. When his mouth finally meets your clit, you arch up, moaning.
"I missed you so much, baby," he groaned into your core. The vibrations cause you to yell out his name. You feel a fighting in your stomach as his tongue speeds up. "Come on, baby, let go," He whispers.
You do immediately, crying out his name and several swears. He comes up to kiss you with the sweetest smile. When he does, though, you notice the large bulge in his boxers. You reach for him, but he grabs your wrist to stop you.
"No, I want to be inside you; I need you now, baby," he desperately groaned into your neck. You giggled, kissing him and pulling his boxers down. He groaned when his boxers went down. When you looked at his face, he had his eyes glued shut.
When you first started dating, you were both very inexperienced. However, one thing about Joseph is that he's very big in all ways. He is 6.5", and sometimes he was a little rough without meaning to be, so you had agreed that you would always be on top and could control the pace.
Tonight was no different. You got out from under him, and he flipped onto his back. You slowly eased yourself down onto him, moaning loudly as you did.
After taking a moment to adjust to his size, you began to ride him. The sounds of your moans, his grunts, and your body's meeting fill the room.
After only about two minutes, you could barely lift yourself up; your thighs were burning, but you kept trying. Your eyes were shut tightly, but suddenly, you felt his hands on your hips, lifting you up and down fast. You felt a tightness building in your core, and before long, you knew you were close.
"Joey," you cried. "I'm close, please don't stop."
"I know, baby, me too; just let go," he grunted back.
"Joey," you practically screamed as you reached your high.
A few seconds later, he called back to you, "Oh god, baby, you feel so good."
You felt his release, and you crushed down onto his chest. "I missed you so much, baby," he mumbled as he pushed hair out of your face.
"I missed you too," you say, kissing him.
Not long after you both fall into a deep sleep. preparing for a morning that will surely see round two.
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martiny0rk · 2 months
Joseph Woll
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bunting27 · 1 year
could i possibly request the most disgustingly sweet, tooth rotting domestic fluff with joseph woll using "i love you more than i did yesterday" 🍓
breakfast ✏︎ j. woll
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bunting27's 100 follower celly !
a/n: i haven't slept in days so these are coming out very slowly but i promise more are coming!
prompts: “i love you more than i did yesterday,"
wc: 0.4k
taglist: @kenanlotus0 @nylwnder @whourfeyrac
she’d been wearing noise cancelling headphones, listening to music while making breakfast for herself and joseph, so she nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt arms wrap around her waist and the tickle of joseph's hair on her neck.
he felt the twitch, chuckling to himself and pulling her headphones from the top of her hair so she could hear him.
“good morning, baby,” she smiled, quick to forgive the way he had scared her so she could turn in his arms and give him a good morning kiss.
“what’ve you got going on here?” he mumbled, looking at the pan on the stove and resting his head on her shoulder while she flipped the french toast in one pan with her spatula.
“our favourite, i wanted to use that fruit we bought before your road trip. lord knows i won't eat it all by myself. so we’ve got some french toast, bacon, n’ fruit” he hummed, giving her a gentle kiss below her ear before pulling away to grab the two of them plates.
“did you-” she pointed at him with her spatula, making him laugh softly. 
“yes, i added cinnamon to the egg before putting in the bread, it was one time, j. let a girl live” he smiled bright, putting two of the pieces that were already made onto his plate and then piling it with fruit and a few strips of bacon.
“can’t be eating my girls best dish when she doesn’t even make it right,” she rolled her eyes, turning off the burner just as the last piece of toast was finished. 
she moved over to him, checking him to the side with her hip so she could get some fruit for herself. his face scrunched into false offence, eyebrows furrowing and nose going red from the pressure.
he grabbed her plate from her hand, placing his down along with it and pulling her into his chest. “i love you,” she grinned, giving him a soft kiss and smoothing her hands over his shoulders. 
“you say that a lot,” he hummed, hands moving to her waist so he could sway them back and forth.
“well, it bears repeating. cause i love you more than i did yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that, and so on,” she shook her head, grabbing their plates back up from the counter and moving them over to the coffee table so they could eat.
“i’m engaged to a dork. i love you too, though,”
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hockeyboysimagines · 2 months
“Not to sound cheesy, but your smile really lights up the room.” for Woller?♥️
YES! Thanks for requesting this. It’s the first time I’ve ever written for him, and it’s the perfect trial run for something longer in the future!
Thanks anon and I hope you enjoy this🤍
There was a ton of beautiful girls in the world.
But none as beautiful as his girl.
At least in his opinion anyways.
His friends made fun but it couldn’t be helped. He could not find a single thing wrong with you. There was something magical about you that he couldn’t put into words, but anyone who knew you understood what he meant.
The way you talked. The way you laughed. Even the way you sneezed was adorable and every minute he wasn’t talking about you, he was hoping someone would bring you up so he could. Every second, every minute, every hour spent with you no matter what you were doing was the best part of his day.
He found himself openly staring at you more often than not, eyes moving over your features until he had them memorized. He listened to your every word, voice dulcet as the sweetest honey that moved through him with a shiver. The way you wrapped your arms around him after a game, or in bed at night or just because you felt like it always made him blush, even after all this time.
He would never get over how much you had lit up his everyday.
“Hey. Are you listening to me?” You snapped your fingers and leaned down to look at him pushing your bottom lip out.
He was sitting across from you, chin resting on his palm while you told him about work. He was dreamy eyed and nodded with a smile “Every word.”
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
He shrugged “Why would I not? When you have a girlfriend this beautiful you look at her every chance you get.”
Blood rushed to your cheeks and you couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across your face.
He sighed and met your eyes “Not to sound cheesy, but your smile really lights up the room.” He paused and then grinned “Who am I kidding of course I’m trying to sound cheesy.”
“You do a great job.”
He chuckled and motioned for you to come around the table and sit on his lap. He rested a hand on your knee and gave it a squeeze “That’s why you love me though right?”
“That’s only one of the reasons I love you. But if I listed them all we’d be here all day.” You squeezed his hand back and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
He smiled eyes sparkling and kissed your cheek “Start listing. As long as I get to spend it with you I hope it takes forever.”
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pucked-bunnie · 3 months
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ABOUT: This is a fan-fiction blog centered around hockey players and the nhl, please not that not all requests will be completed and may be deleted if not within my comfort zone.
⎜ inbox status : open⎜
⎜ fic requests : open⎜
⎜chat & questions : open ⎜
⎜prompt list ⎜
⎜masterlist ⎜
⎜upcoming ⎜
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⎜who i write for ⎜
nico hischier
dawson mercer
alexander holtz
john marino
luke hughes
jack hughes
quinn huges
mat barzal
elias pettersson
trent frederic
jeremy swayman
auston matthews
joseph woll
cole caufield
jamie drysdale
matthew knies
seth jarvis
cale makar
jesperi kotkaniemi
andrei svechnikov
jack drury
jj peterka
mason lohrei
⎜genres i write ⎜
alternate universes (e.g. soulmate au, college au etc.) 
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prettyboywoll · 3 months
Such a good girl - Joseph Woll + Matthew Knies
Parings: Reader x Joseph Woll x Matthew Knies
Warning: not proofread and idk what I’m doing
Requested: { Yes or No} Maybe a soft moment with reader, Matthew, and Joseph Or like them giving reader aftercare?
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“Feel so full” you whimpered.
Joseph rested his head on your stomach while Matthew lay beside you, wrapping his arms around your waist, kissing your neck, and left sloppy kisses on your neck. You gasped as he bit you lightly before kissing it right after and leaving red marks on your neck.
“We’re so proud of you, you did amazing” Matthew praised, letting his hands roam freely and stopping to cup your breasts.
Joseph picked his head up to place kisses on your stomach while caressing your waist. Moving his hands down, he messaged your thighs slowly.
“I’m gonna clean you up, princess”
Your eyes followed Joseph’s naked body into the bathroom as he went to get a rag. Clenching your thighs together, you feel your boy’s cum dripping out of you.
“Don’t you dare do that again unless you wanna get fucked” Matthew groaned, gripping your waist tightly knowing it’s gonna leave a mark.
Hiding your face in his neck, you don’t realize Joey is back to clean you up. He let the warm rag clean your body and massage any sore areas that needed it.
He murmured praising, smiling when he sees you blushing.
“Always such a good girl for us”
The three of you are finally lying in your bed, you pull both boys close enough for them to hear the soft beating of your heart. Kisses are exchanged as you let your bodies rest.
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jackhues · 6 months
naqia's series/au navigations!
here you can find the navigation page for all of my au's and series. series are mainly built off of fics, either requested by you all or based off of my own ideas. au's can have fics/blurbs, but are mainly built off of concepts sent in by you all
mockingbird au! navigation (jack hughes x reader, platonic!hughes)
only fools! au navigation (jack hughes x graves!sister, fwb to strangers to lovers)
angel's world! au masterlist (verstappen!reader x mat barzal, formula one x hockey)
youngest! hughes au masterlist (youngest! hughes sister)
the devil and the runaway! navigation (mafia!charles leclerc)
paddock pass, baby (lewis hamilton! daughter)
note: these exist in the same universe
peanut's world au! masterlist (hughes!sister and baby)
buttercup's world! au masterlist (dad!sidney crosby)
delilah's world! au (dad!matthew tkachuk)
pricey shots and brick wolls! au (pwhl toronto! reader x joseph woll)
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slafkovskys · 5 months
‧₊˚ au cheat sheet ‧₊˚
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welcome to the command center for all things aus! below, you will find direct links to every au (past and present) on my blog. happy reading 🫧
last updated: 4 FEBRUARY 2024
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johnny beecher
the baby beecher series (discontinued)
beech x younger!reader (discontinued)
ryan chesley
the baby chesley series
jamie drysdale
the drysdales x leo series (discontinued)
adam fantilli
adam x older!reader (discontinued)
cutter gauthier
cutter x hughes!sister (discontinued)
jack hughes
jack x older norris!sister
luke hughes
the adventures of celly series
quinn hughes
quinn x social!admin (discontinued)
quinn x famous!reader (discontinued)
quinn x bestie!reader (discontinued)
rutger mcgroarty
rutger x older!reader (discontinued)
mason mctavish
mason x drysdale!sister
nick moldenhauer
the moldenhauers
nolan moyle
the baby moyle series (discontinued)
nolan x bratty!reader (discontinued)
josh norris
the baby norris series
josh x younger!reader (discontinued)
josh x singer (discontinued)
elias pettersson
petey x princess
juraj slafkovsky
juraj x older!reader
juraj x xhekaj!sister (discontinued)
jeremy swayman
sway x cassie
joseph woll
joseph x loela
and in a catagory of their own:
hughes bros x angel
the golden au
the priscilla diaries
tales of toronto
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toasttt11 · 3 months
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misshoneyimhome · 2 months
I have a question. can you make write something about Matty(kniesy) and Joe threesome with reader. like Kniesy and reader are dating or it’s Joe and reader that are reading and they let Matt/Joe fuck reader with them? Idk I js think it’d be kinda sexy to read about a threesome about those two and reader🙃
Babe, I'm not sure what I've written 🙈 It almost feels like a saucy and steamy tale featuring two adorable golden retrievers! Nevertheless, I put my best effort into it, and I hope it's somewhat enjoyable 😉🤍
Warnings; 18+ smut; threesome - boyfriend!Joseph Woll x Reader x Matthew Knies; Oral sex (f and m receiving), fingering, hand job, penetrative sex (p in v), cum inside, protective sex (p in v);
Word count; 3.6k
・✶ 。゚
With a Honey in The Middle I Matthew Knies & Jospeh Woll 🖋️⚡️🌶️
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You'd always felt a deep connection with Matthew Knies since you first met him. However, it was Joseph Woll who ultimately won over your heart.
You met Joe last year during the off-season, and as you spent a couple of months dating, he gradually introduced you to his team. However, it wasn't until about three months into dating, when you officially became exclusive, that he started inviting you to team events.
At first, you wondered if Joe was ashamed of you, but you soon realised that wasn't the case. He simply wanted to take things slow and ensure you were comfortable with his lifestyle and career before getting too serious. To say the least, Joe was nothing but considerate and respectful.
Moreover, he had a rule about not having penetrative sex until both of you were committed to a serious relationship. Though, you had engaged in other forms of physical intimacy, like touching and kissing for extended periods, it wasn't until he’d asked you to be his girlfriend that you took that final step. However, after that, you spent quite the number of hours together naked in bed.
Joseph Woll was nothing but an outstanding boyfriend in many ways. In fact, he was the complete opposite of the jerks you'd dated in the past, and his sweetness and caring nature were like a breath of fresh air.
Joe fulfilled all your desires. Or at least most of them. He was attentive, kind, always vocal about his feelings for you, and willing to tackle any issues that arose—again, a stark contrast to your previous experiences with guys.
To be honest, your lifestyle before meeting Joe may have leaned towards the wild side. After enduring a devastating breakup, where your ex and your best friend betrayed you by secretly dating and hooking up behind your back, you chose to focus on yourself and embrace a carefree and open way of life. However, this approach also led to some wild incidents from time to time. So, last summer, you decided to dial it back a bit, which was when you crossed paths with the goaltender. And it had felt like he was sent to you like an angel from above or something along those lines.
However, despite all that Joe offered, there was a lingering sense of something missing. For a long time, you couldn't quite put your finger on it, and even around six months into your committed relationship with Joe, that feeling persisted. And you knew you had to figure out what it was.
Then, at the Leafs’ New Year's celebration party, it occurred to you. 
It was later in the evening, while Joe was engrossed in conversation with some of his teammates, where you found yourself standing somewhat apart while Cornelia went to the loo.
Seeing you standing all alone, that's when Matthew Knies approached you, as he wanted to check in and make sure everything was okay. And you didn't mind one bit. After all, Matthew was one of your closest friends from the team.
From the moment you first met, there was a special connection between the two of you. It wasn't anything romantic or sexual though, but rather a bond of genuine friendship, built on banter and cheesy humour.
Of course, you couldn't ignore the fact that he was good-looking, and despite him being a couple of years younger than you, you still found yourself drawn to his charm and outgoing personality. Yet it was nothing but friendly, or at least you thought so.
It wasn't until that New Year's Eve, that you realised what you’d secretly been missing. When the clock struck twelve, and Joe was still engrossed in conversation with friends, your New Year's kiss unexpectedly ended up being with Matthew. Though, it was just a simple peck on the cheek, delicately placed, you still felt a tingle of joy where his lips had touched.
At first, you weren't quite sure why he did it. But then a few days later, when he apologised, he tried to explain that it was just a spontaneous gesture in the moment, with no intention to seduce you in any way.
Yet, deep down, you couldn't ignore the spark he had ignited within you. He had awakened a desire that you hadn't felt with your boyfriend.
Naturally, you were consumed with guilt. You loved Joe deeply, and the thought of entertaining feelings for another guy, especially in that way, filled you with unease. Yet, despite your efforts to push aside the feelings Matthew had stirred within you, they persisted. So, you made the difficult decision to confide in Joe.
To your surprise, Joe's reaction was not one of anger or hurt, but rather calm and composed understanding.
"He likes you," Joe stated softly, his expression gentle as he looked at you. "And you like him."
You were momentarily stunned, absorbing his words before silently nodding in acknowledgment. ”But I love you," you affirmed firmly yet quietly, meeting his gaze.
"I know," Joe responded simply.
His composed reaction left you slightly bewildered. You had expected a more emotional response from him. However, as you engaged in deep, heartfelt conversations, you realised that Joe had his own concerns and insecurities. He was worried that he wasn't living up to your expectations, and his greatest fear was that he wasn't meeting your needs.
Moreover, Joe wasn't oblivious to the connection between you and his teammate. Despite his trust in you and your commitment to honesty, he sensed that your bond with Matthew went beyond mere friendship.
In fact, it was Joe who proposed the idea of inviting Matthew into your personal space, specifically, the bedroom.
This suggestion had been brewing in his mind for a while. And after witnessing your interactions with the younger player on the team, he noticed a different side of you—a side that was more playful, flirtatious, with a spark in your eye.
So, when you revealed the New Year's kiss to him, Joe felt compelled to act on his idea. He was a little surprised though by his own confidence and excitement about the prospect of inviting his teammate into an intimate encounter. It was as if the fantasy of you fulfilling your needs with him also brought Joe pleasure. And perhaps, he hoped that your intimacy with Matthew would bring some sort of closure to your longing for him.
Initially, Matthew hesitated, wary of overstepping boundaries with Joe and jeopardising his relationship with the goalie. However, after discussions between the two players, and Joe's reassurance that you had expressed your desire for him, he eventually agreed.
It was no secret that Matthew had thought about you, maybe even fantasised about you a few times. But he genuinely didn't want to be the cause of any rift between you and Joe. He cared deeply about both of you. Yet, the temptation of the idea was too strong to resist, especially since it was Joe's own suggestion.
And when Joe shared the idea with you, you were equally taken aback. Your initial assumption was that he was only doing it to please you. However, as he explained the reasoning behind the idea once again, you realised that it wasn't necessarily about your attraction to Matthew. It was also about fulfilling Joe's sexual fantasy of sharing you with someone else, all in an effort to satisfy you. And that was something you couldn't bring yourself to reject.
The atmosphere in the spacious bedroom was already charged with heat as the three of you came together. Soft piano tunes played in the background, and the lights casting a gentle ambiance.
However, before diving into the moment, you had all agreed upon some ground rules: prioritising protection if things escalated with Matthew and he wanted to be inside you. Proceeding at a comfortable pace. And ensuring everyone's comfort throughout.
Taking a deep breath, you acknowledged the gravity of the situation, but also felt an overwhelming sense of excitement. Matthew was undeniably attractive. His stature was imposing, with strong arms and a sculpted torso that exuded power.
Though slightly bulkier than Joe due to his muscular build, they shared the same towering height of 6"3, making you feel almost like a mouse between them.
With Joe standing behind you, Matthew stood before you and slowly began to undress you, revealing you down to your underwear. Then, in a moment charged with anticipation, he leaned in and closed the distance between you with tenderness.
Cradling your face in his hands, Matthew connected his lips with yours as he shared your first real kiss on the lips. The kiss was both gentle and profound as his tongue delicately explored your mouth, intertwining with yours. And surrendering to the sensation, you let your hands roam over his bare chest, feeling the solidity of his muscles beneath your touch.
Then breaking away from the kiss, you gasped for air, taking a moment to catch your breath as Joe's arms enveloped you, his hand guiding your chin to turn back towards him, eager to connect your mouths. Meanwhile, Matthew seized the opportunity to strip completely, his gaze fixed on you as he freed his hardening member.
The atmosphere was thick with sensuality as you then shifted your focus back to the man before you, while Joe discarded his boxers, followed by the men taking off your underwear as well. And with all pieces of clothing removed, exposing your breasts and core, the anticipation mounted. Their hands explored and massaged your breasts in another sensual moment before guiding you onto the bed.
Despite your previous adventurous nightlife, engaging in a threesome was uncharted territory for you. So, you simply allowed yourself to be guided by Joe and Matthew. While neither of them had experienced this before, their sexual prowess allowed them to navigate the situation with confidence.
And as you all settled onto the mattress, Matthew assumed a slightly more dominant role, despite being the invited guest. He instructed you to lie on your back while Joe lounged beside you.
You then shared a deep kiss with Joe, his hands gently caressing your breasts, while yours took a hold of his shaft. But as Matthew positioned himself between your legs, a gasp escaped your lips when you felt his tongue trace along your folds, igniting a wave of pleasure.
"Oh... shi..." you moaned as his mouth expertly explored every inch of your sensitive flesh, from your entrance to your clit, savouring every drop of your nectar. And with his hands he held firmly around your hips, anchoring you in place while he worked his magic.
Matthew was undoubtedly skilled at oral pleasure, leaving you utterly mesmerised by his technique. While Joe had only occasionally gone down on you, it wasn't his preferred activity, and you never wanted to pressure him into it. So, having Matthew between your legs, unashamedly indulging in eating you out, it filled you with pure, unadulterated pleasure.
And as the intensity grew, it became increasingly challenging for you to focus. Still, you made an effort to gently stroke Joe's member, interspersing sloppy kisses between your shared moments of passion.
But it was a struggle. Matthew's talent pushed you beyond the brink, and you could feel the tell-tale signs of an impending orgasm building in the pit of your stomach. Your moans grew louder with each passing moment until Matthew suddenly pulled back, allowing you to gasp for air as you shifted your attention to Joe.
However, the moment your lustful gaze met Matthew's, he wasted no time inserting two long fingers into your core, eliciting a loud moan from you. It was almost effortless for him to stretch you, and as he pumped his digits in and out, stimulating your walls, you couldn't escape the imminent climax.
Then with a smirk on his face, Matthew watched as you squirmed and rolled your eyes back in pleasure, while Joe felt his own arousal throbbing in your hand, his eyes fixated on your every movement.
It was surprisingly arousing for him to watch you being pleasured by his teammate in a way he hadn't done himself. And as he kept his gaze fixed on you, he sensed your impending climax as the motion of your hand increased in speed, only to suddenly halt as you gasped for air.
Matthew's fingers continued their expert work, maintaining a steady rhythm of motion, scissoring, and curling to pinpoint your sensitive spot. And when he hit the mark, evidenced by your near scream of pleasure, he responded to your plea of "just like that" by repeating the motion with precision.
And it didn't take much longer for you to close your eyes completely, arching your back as you reached your climax, both men holding their breath as they savoured the sight of you in ecstasy. You didn’t know how many seconds went by before you then gradually regained control of your breath, and Matthew gently withdrew his fingers, leaving your pulsating core feeling stimulated and empty.
"Fuck, you're hot when you come," Matthew muttered, his eyes fixed on you as you lay before him.
And slowly opening your eyes to meet his gaze, you couldn't help but flash a satisfied smile before biting down on your lower lip, your eyes then shifting to Joe's.
"Did that feel good?" Joe asked softly, concern evident in his tone, and you offered him a gentle nod. "Do you want more?"
"I want you," you replied sweetly, the desire to feel the touch of your boyfriend overwhelming you.
Then with silent communication between the hockey players, they shifted positions so that Joe positioned himself between your legs, with Matthew kneeling next to you. Joe leaned in to share a passionate kiss with you as he then lined the tip of his length up with your entrance and slowly pushed himself inside. Thanks to Matthew providing you with your first orgasm of the evening, he slipped in with ease.
As Joe supported himself by kneeling back, he took hold of your leg and placed it on his chest and shoulder, rocking his hips to penetrate you deeply. Meanwhile, Matthew fetched a pillow to support your head, ensuring your comfort as you took a firm grip of his shaft and began pumping to the rhythm of Joe's thrusts.
It was a scene of sensual pleasure as the three of you indulged in each other. With Joe's member stimulating your sensitive walls, your moans reverberated through the room, intermingled with the boys' heavy breathing as they felt their climaxes building.
And sensing your enjoyment, Joe picked up the pace slightly, watching intently as you stroked Matthew's cock. He observed your breasts bouncing to the rhythm, and when he noticed Matthew relaxing into the pleasure, he increased his speed.
In sync with Joe's motions, you jerked the younger player off, licking your lips as you watched him revel in your touch. Matthew gazed down at you, running his fingers through your hair before tracing his thumb across your lower lip and teasing it into your mouth, prompting you to suckle gently.
"Mmm... want those sweet lips around me..." Matthew muttered under his breath as you continued to stroke him. And with a soft moan, he withdrew his thumb, relishing in the sound of your pleasure.
Then, casting a glance at Joe, Matthew seemed to convey a silent command, asserting his dominance in the moment. Following his lead, Joe gently withdrew from your heat, releasing your leg as Matthew held a smirk on his face, instructing you to roll over onto your stomach.
Bending one leg slightly, you offered Joe access to your core once more, supporting yourself on your arm as he quickly found your wet pussy. With one knee supporting him and the other bent, Joe pressed his throbbing member into you, filling you up to your depths once again.
Meanwhile, Matthew moved to kneel before you, his hard length standing proud and ready to be greeted by your mouth. And gently, you took him in, coating his shaft with your saliva as you seductively gazed up at him, stroking the part your mouth couldn't reach.
The scene was nothing short of scorching. Your pussy was beyond stimulated by Joe's thrusts, causing you to moan in sync with the two lads. Matthew felt a rush of pleasure as you eagerly took him down your throat, while Joe sensed his climax approaching with the tightening of your muscles around him.
You did your best to bob your head in sensual motions, but as your mind drifted into a blissful state, your vision blurred, making it increasingly difficult to maintain a rhythm. You had to pull away a few times to catch your breath, though still stroking Matthew before taking him in once more.
You felt Joe's hands on your hips, his fingers digging into your skin as he sped up and increased his force, and you could sense his impending climax.
"Mmm... damn..." he muttered under his breath, as he tried to hold back his release. He wanted you to come with him, just as you always did. And sensing your cunt clenching around him, he knew you weren't too far away either.
It was almost overwhelming, the sensation of Joe's shaft filling you so perfectly, as if it was tailor-made for you. And unable to keep up the rhythm with Matthew's cock in your mouth, you had to let go, your mind consumed by ecstasy and your cries echoing loudly in the room.
"Joe... babe... I'm close," you panted, your eyes almost closing as you continued to pleasure the man in front of you.
With your warning, Joe thrust harder and faster, the sound of your bodies colliding mixing with your moans. And with a few final thrusts, you both reached climax, him releasing into you as you peaked.
Letting out a deep grunt after he'd finished, Joe slowly pulled back, and you had to pause your movements, still coming down from the intensity of your second orgasm. A moment of heavy breathing followed, the air thick with sweat and the scent of sex.
And as you returned to the present moment, you looked up at Matthew, the only one yet to climax, gasping slightly as Joe carefully withdrew, and you felt his cum dripping from your cunt. 
"And how do you want to finish, Kniesy?" you asked him with a sweet, flirtatious smile.
Considering his options for a moment, Matthew thought about it. Your talent with your mouth was undeniable, making it an easy choice to finish with your skills. However, he also desired the feeling of being inside you, despite Joe's preference for using protection.
So, with a confident smirk, he chose option two.
Joe then handed him a foil package, prompting him to cover up, followed by Matthew instructing you to roll onto your back once again. Then once covered, he positioned himself between your legs and entered you.
"Oh yes," you cried out as Matthew filled you up, his member slightly larger, or at least thicker, than Joe's, and swiftly he established a rhythm, eager to maintain the momentum toward climax.
And as you surrendered to his movements, you lifted your body slightly and supported yourself on your elbows, while Joe knelt beside you once more. His member still hard, you couldn't resist giving him a hungry look, parting your lips to take him in and clean him up. You tasted a mixture of your own fluids and his salty, sticky cum.
Though you knew he couldn't come again, you heard his soft, contented moans as you pleasured him.
Meanwhile, you felt Matthew increasing his pace, thrusting vigorously against you, nearing his climax. 
"Fuck, you feel amazing…" he moaned, his breath heavy as he approached his peak, his movements becoming more intense. The combination of your fluids and Joe's release provided an incredibly slippery sensation, and as he lost control, he became rougher than you'd ever experienced with Joe.
Releasing Joe's cock, you had to let out a deep breath. "Oh, shit…" you exclaimed as Matthew overstimulated you, a few tears trickling from your eyes.
And at last, he reached his climax. With a loud, deep grunt, Matthew closed his eyes and leaned back in ecstasy, releasing into the condom with force.
Your body felt numb from the intense encounter with the two hockey players, rendering you unable to speak. And as you all settled down from the moment, Joe smiled down at you, satisfaction evident in his eyes. He relished seeing you satisfied, and as Matthew carefully withdrew and headed to the bathroom to dispose of the condom, Joe leaned down you share a deep kiss with you.
"Thank you," you murmured softly, genuine gratitude etched on your face. Though it hadn't been overly adventurous, it had been a change, and exactly what you needed.
"I just want you to be happy," Joe replied softly as you both slowly shifted positions and settled on the bed, facing each other.
"I am, Joe, I really am – I'm just amazed you let me have this experience," you whispered softly, pressing your lips together before offering a sweet smile.
"I'd do anything for you."
It was a tender moment, the connection between you palpable as you shared another gentle kiss.
Turning your gaze to Matthew emerging from the bathroom, the three of you exchanged heartfelt chuckles.
"Got room for one more?" the younger player quipped cheekily with a smirk, and in response, you simply gestured for him to join and lie behind you, spooning you while your hand intertwined with Joe’s.
You couldn't deny that your attraction to the forward hadn't disappeared. If anything, it may have been heightened by the experience. But you still knew your heart belonged to the goalie. And as the three of you lounged together, with you in the middle, you exchanged soft and tender kisses with both of them.
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annashockeystories · 17 days
i’d love to see something joseph woll! maybe looking after him just after his ankle injury? 🥰
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Pairing: Joseph Woll x reader
Warnings: Injury, illusions to sexual themes at the end
Summary: Joseph gets an injury and needs you to comfort him
You were listening to the announcers talk about the goal tending stats from the living room of your shared apartment with your boyfriend, Joseph. You two had been living together for only a few months after meeting a year and a half ago at Matthew Knies house party. Normally you would go to every home game, but you had lots of work to finish, so you decided to stay home and watch this one.
You continued typing on your laptop as they dropped the puck and began playing. The first and second period flew by and before you knew it, it was halfway through the third. The leafs were up by two despite being out shot by 15. You were finally finished your work, so the game had your full attention.
It was the final three minutes when a tall player lost his footing and crashed right into Joseph. When the collision happened your heart sank instantly. It only sank lower when he didn’t get up right away. Suddenly the trainer was rushing out to the ice and Auston Matthews and Ryan Reaves were helping him up. He couldn’t put weight on his left leg, or maybe it was knee you weren’t sure.
The next hour felt like a blur you couldn’t get ahold of him and you didn’t know what was wrong. Then suddenly you heard something in the entrance of the apartment. Standing up and rushing over you see Joseph with a boot on his right foot. He looks at you with his beautiful blue eyes, but you’ve never seen him look so sad and hurt.
“Hey Joey,” you sweetly whisper as you hug him close and kiss him
“Hi baby,” he mumbled hugging you so tightly it hurt a bit.
“What do you need me to do I can make you dinner, help you shower whatever you need” you say softly.
“Can we just cuddle for a bit,” his deep voice sounds so hurt, your heart breaks for him. You two walk together over to the couch and he rests his head on your chest as you play with his hair.
“I’ve been having such a good season why did this have to happen, what if I’m not as good when I recover,” his deep voice cracking at the end.
“You’ll still be amazing baby things happen it’s okay,” you gently assure him.
After about an hour of laying there you both get up so you can make him dinner and he can shower and change into pjs. You make him chicken noodle soup which you both enjoy before helping him to bed and getting ready yourself.
When you make your way into your bedroom he is looking at you with the most handsome smile on his face.
“What,” you giggle looking back at him
“You know even though my foot’s hurt we could still do other things,” he said still smiling.
“Joseph Woll you have a high ankle sprain, we need you to heal, I love you, but not tonight,” you say but you don’t even believe yourself.
“Please baby, I thought you wanted to make me feel better,” he whined a bit
“Lay back you big baby,” you laugh out.
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lvrhughes · 2 months
i can sadly say i’ve read every joseph woll x reader on this site
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bunting27 · 1 year
could i possibly request 🪐 with the prompts “i didn’t know where else to go” and “you’re not alone. i’m staying right here” with the loml joseph woll 🫶 like lots of angst but with a fluffy ending
help now, ask later ✏︎ j. woll
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bunting27's 100 follower celly !
a/n: we need more woll gifs immediately and i think that by itself should be enough to encourage keefe to play him
prompts: “i didn’t know where else to go” “you’re not alone. i’m staying right here”
wc: 0.8k
taglist: @kenanlotus0 @nylwnder @whourfeyrac
when joseph came home from a game at almost eleven thirty at night, he most certainly wasn’t expecting to be met with her sitting by the door to his apartment with her knees up to her chest and her eyes zoned into nothingness. she’d been crying, and he didn’t know what to do.
“what’re you doing here, sweetheart? how long have you been sitting here?” she snapped out of her trance, pushing his arms away from her instinctively and shaking her head gently. 
“woah, woah, i didn’t mean to scare you, it’s just me” she stopped swatting at him, staring at him with her mouth agape as she calmed her shaky breaths. he smiled sadly, guiding her onto her feet and through his front door.
“i’m sorry, i know you had a game. i didn't know where else to go” joseph shook his head, moving over to the kitchen as she followed meekly behind him. 
“don’t apologize, honey. it’s alright, you know you can come here anytime. have you eaten? i’ve got some leftovers, but i can order takeout, or we can make something” she sat herself on a chair by his island, his words mostly going in one ear and out the other until he grabbed her hand and rubbed over her knuckles gently.
she squeezed his hand back, eyes staring in front of her once again, he was talking, asking questions, but she could hardly hear him through the ringing of her ears. 
tears were falling down her face rapidly, and she had given up on trying to blink them away. joseph stopped talking, just kissed her on the head and ordered some takeout he knew she’d like. 
finally, she looked up at him, making eye contact with him for the first time that night. 
“i don’t really want to talk about it, j. if that’s okay” she whispered and he nodded, moving the front layers of her hair out of her face and kissing her forehead again.
“that’s okay, sweetheart. do you want to stay here tonight? i’ll stay on the couch, yeah? and you can have the bed. i’ve got that marlies hoodie you like in the dryer, too” she tried to smile at him, but it turned into sobs faster than she could even form her lips.
she buried her head into his chest and gripped onto his shirt, letting out a deep, shaky breath that made her voice sound raw and pained. joseph bit the inside of his cheek to keep himself from crying as well, trying his best to focus on making her feel better rather than how he was feeling.
“you’re not alone. i’m staying right here” he shushed her gently, cupping the back of her head and rubbing her back. his phone buzzed with a notification from doordash, and he cursed himself, wishing he’d have waited to order the food.
“i ordered us something to eat, sweetheart. you want me to go get it? i think it’d be good for you to eat something. i’ve been gone for hours, don’t know how long you’d been sitting there” she nodded softly, reluctantly pulling her hands from his shirt.
he got up to go to the door, but she followed close behind him. he held her hand, kissing her head and pulling the food out from the other side of his door as quickly as possible. 
“let’s watch a movie, yeah?” he brought her over to his living room, putting the tv on and giving her the remote to pick something for them to watch. she snuggled into his side and scrolled through his netflix account, choosing something she’d already watched before.
after she had eaten, her breathing slowly calmed and she had been nodding off on joseph's shoulder, fingers tightly gripped into his shirt and tears staining his sleeve.
he hadn’t been paying attention to the movie, only to her. he was endlessly glad that she had finally caught her breath and seemed to be okay. tomorrow he could ask more questions, help her more valuably. but for now, this was more than he could ask for.
she was safe, she was in his arms, and hopefully sometime soon she would be comfortable again.
he didn’t dare move her, so he fell asleep the way he was, and the next morning they woke up, her eyes were puffy and her neck was sore from the position, but joseph was still there and that was all she cared about.
“j?” he hummed, morning voice showing through the low noise, and she smiled.
“thank you for taking care of me,” his eyes finally opened, and he was upset to see her eyes bloodshot, but he had been expecting it.
“of course, sweetheart,” he kissed her head, and she moved her head up slightly, connecting their lips.
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writingonleaves · 5 months
k's works in progress
below in no particular order and mostly to keep myself accountable, here's what's in the works right now in my land✨
*subject to change at any time*
so i’ll watch your life in pictures like i used to watch you sleep - melody lin x luca fantilli (part two to this)
us in a king size, keep it a secret - christina hawthorne x andrei svechnikov
a change of heart and a silver lining down on camelia street - grace facciola x quinn hughes
i got dreams but i can’t make myself believe them - alison pavia x nolan patrick
we were supposed to be just friends - jordyn wong x luke hughes
this scene feels like what i once saw on a screen - kaye suzuki x matthew tkachuk
hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you - clementine sandoval x nico hischier (part of the blue universe)
i'd give anything to stop time and drive around anaheim at sundown - isabelle holloway x trevor zegras (part two to this)
i guess i was running from something - clementine sandoval x nico hischier (part of the blue universe)
i'm not worried about where you are, or who you will go home to - mitch marner x gn reader
how can you look so peaceful when you know i'm gonna leave - joseph woll x evangeline patel
you're the risk, i'm gonna take it - brock boeser x penelope kaufman
write me into your thoughts - jack hughes x amelie fishel (part of the reckless driving universe)
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