mikodrawnnarratives · 5 months
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I finished the pretty gorls ON TIME!
2022 Version
2021 Version
(I'm also going to reblog them right after this is posted)
I'm gonna ramble under the cut about the designs n stuff but you can scroll past that to get to the timelapse if u want.
@jotg-miraculousrewriteau is where you'll see any updates about this story/au/rewrite I have going on if you get interested. It'll take some time before I get around to writing it but I'll be trying to draw more. I'll list some reasons for why I haven't gotten much out recently under the cut. Not abandoning the au tho!
This one was a STRUGGLE and part of it was because I still liked last year's and because my interest in ml has taken a back burner with other interests BARGING IN this year.
Not to say that I don't want to work on my rewrite anymore, but I'm probably gonna do some more rewatching so I can get fully back into it again. I can't really plop down what I've come up with for the rewrite and be satisfied anyway, so I'm stuck until I get the thing written and drawn.
THAT ASIDE, I changed up their posing again and included updates to the character design. I don't know if what I've drawn Marinette in here will stick for her redesign as far as outfits are concerned, but I don't really like the previous outfit I gave her anymore so I needed to work with something new.
Overall I like how this turned out, even if I'm a bit unsure abt other areas.
Specifics: Once again, I liked coloring and drawing Marinette more which shouldn't be a surprise since I have more to work with in her design. I made the foolish mistake of not including her freckles in the past, so now I'm amending for that. She's sort of matching her bf now.
I included some lore bits abt Tikki and Marinette's complicated relationship here that I haven't talked abt before. Marinette is not doing anything to Tikki intentionally, but I have a plot line in the story I have planned that involves how the kwamis went from deities to kwamis. Got caged in the miraculous. And the consequences that follow.
INcluding Marinette and Tikki gaining a strained relationship for the majority of the story.
But that's all I'll say on that for now.
You might notice Marinette's skintone has changed a bit from other redesigns. What happened was, when I was first coming up with ideas for the rewrite, I was going off of critisysms I saw a lot and noting them down. One, was that Mari didn't look like she was biracial and her skin tone should reflect that. Now. I was young and figured "Oh okay! So. Lets look up what average chinese skintones are!" ...I found the racist color swatches that got pretty close to yellow and I ignorantly changed her skin tone to that.
So! Now her skin tone is closer to canon's and I've decided anything about her heritage isn't something I'll tackle in my rewrite/au since I'm not qualified. I still have some things I've changed so she looks similar to both parents, but no more of that skin tone.
Lol I didn't get the timelapse started until the basic sketches were completed
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Flustered bamboozled in love idiots. And a little bit of the future, where they are still in love idiots.
Also hair is fun to draw as I listen to the audio book of "Renegades" by marissa meyer
I'm enjoying it.
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People who have been here for a year, remember this? :)
I reblogged the post from a year ago a couple days ago but if not 2021 version is right here
Update: 2023 Version Here
The designs for Ladybelle and Marinette's redesigns have changed a little but the colors remain similar. I got to play around a little more with how the colors fit with the background/overall color palette in a way. I like it much more than last years, more dull colors lol
It was fun to change up the poses to be more dynamic! I'm really happy with how it turned out
Here's to 2023, hopefully it won't suck too badly and I'll actually get started WRITING this AU/Rewrite!
I'm gonna continue posting these redraws on my main account instead of the @jotg-miraculousrewriteau even though these drawings are for the jotg au
As usual there should be a timelapse of this on Instagram's version, I will update this if the timelapse doesn't work
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Doodle dump because I got in the mood for it hehehe
hair is so fun to draw
and gods
And spoilers for my fic
Tho most of them are for like- season 4-5 but built up over time
Working on the first chapter again btw! I posted the first chapter before but I think I got TOO exposition dump heavy in the beginning and it's not very interesting to anyone not in my head I think
(thats the only reason I can think of for why 20 people have looked at it and no kudos or response if it was good or shitty)
But a lot of that chapter will come back later it's just not going to be the first chapter anymore
I also have "caught up" on current stuff with miraculous ladybug and I find it ASTOUNDING how many things I have in common with cannon in this au
Except... y'know I planned them from the beginning and I'm planning on actually integrating them well into the story
No Gabriel isn't getting a redemption here. I'm not redeeming an abuser and terrorist.
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Did you guys want JOTG Alya? I wanted to draw JOTG Alya. AND it’s art for National Pansexual Pride Day! (Well, according to google I think, december 8th)
I haven’t blurbed much about what Alya is like in this au online yet. JOTG Alya isn’t gonna be too different from canon in personality but I am working on shifting how she interacts with others and how much impact she has on the story. Largely I like what Callimara has suggested for a rewritten version of her and I’ll be adding to that since she has said she’s ok with it. 
She’ll still be credited of course when I actually WRITE THIS
I am terrible at drawing out the ideas I’ve collected for this au over the past year but hopefully I’ll be able to get more stuff down for Alya to grow interest lol. 
You’ll be able to find the timelapse for this on instagram!
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Older art I’ve done for this redesign is below:
Though you can tell my artstyle has changed lol
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It's a kittyyyyyyyy
Kitty cat
Chat Noir practice 'cause I've been drawing Ladybelle more often than him and thats a little rude doncha think
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It’s been a hot minute since I posted somthn for ml so here ya go!
Click the keep reading for more of my thoughts about this
I’m playing with the idea of having Kagami have a disability of some kind in my AU since I think it might help some other areas of the plot and arcs I have planned out so far. Mainly with Chloe’s arc but also with others. I’ll avoid giving spoilers for now but Chloe has a VERY big shift in her arc that Kagami might have a part of.
Though I still don’t know what KIND of disability Kagami will have and I still don’t know if I will implement it. I am currently researching leg related disabilities but I haven’t found anything that I think will fit (I am open to suggestions). SO for now its an idea that I’m keeping on the back burner as I focus on other areas that I still need to flesh out before I... write the first chapter...
Like Chloe’s redemption arc! That I need to be perfect apparently cause I’m a perfectionist.
But on the other hand, more related to the actual art, I have finally settled on a design that I like for Kagami! When I first did a “redesign” for Kagami it was for my first Chlogami art thing I posted, and at the time I hadn’t fully decided on a design so it was rushed, her hair is now different and more similar to canon so I’m a little hesitant to call it a redesign now. Just.. a stylized version! The colors here are a little different and blue because I shifted it for the background. 
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Oh, Follower! We have a visitor!
Don't tell me it's Chlogami
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It's Chlogami.
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Click for quality I promise I'm much better at line art than what tumblr presents
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Guess who tried out some new coloring methods? Adrien and Marinette were colored with the Wet blotting ink on CSP and I think Kagami's was one of the water coloring tools available.
Plus some sketches cause I felt like doing more. How did it go from cute Adrinette to panik I don't know.
What's IMPORTANT to note is that I am getting around to coming up with ideas for season 1's episodes which was very exciting today!! I haven't had good inspiration in a bit there WOO
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Alright, In an effort to get more out about what exactly is my rewrite and how I've changed it, PICK ONE for me to ramble about and probably/hopefully draw art for:
(some of these will have more that I will talk about than others tho)
Around september of 2021 I got the most unique idea that had never been done before, to rewrite miraculous ladybug/make my own take on it. A few months later I'd figure out this... wasn't at all the most unique idea and in fact many people had done it.
But I figured I stick with it since, y'know, I was roughly the character's ages and since I was a pretty decent writer, I'd be the most accurate in depicting what it is like to be 14-15 ish. Plus, I already got a lot of ideas that I didn't want to waste and couldn't be repurposed very well
Fast forward now, I have A WHOLE LOT figured out for overarching stories for this, and now I just need to figure out how to market it in a way that doesn't spoil too much. Basically a lot of this rewrite/au is my offerings/solutions to frequently complained parts of canon, basically summarizing my take. ...So yeah this did kinda really start out as a people pleaser project but honestly thats nothing new...
Though, still need to figure out some specifics and especially for the ending so :P
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Guardians in love. One before the other. One raised and the other unforeseen.
But both still care. Even after everything. All the secrets.
They still care.
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I didn’t change them too much lol. A little bit ago I started to quickly draw possible redesigns for some characters (all of them will be posted eventually!) and these two had designs that I liked. They are more prone to change then what I have for Marinette and Adrien though. 
As usual, I have no idea what I’m doing with outfits and Marinette in this case was the only one with a reference. But I do know that Sabine won’t be wearing what she usually wears as often. I’ve seen a few posts talking about how that wouldn’t be what she’d wear normally everyday, and it included a few other characters and their designs as well.
I do think these color palettes are going to stay however. I changed Marinette’s hair color to something lighter and will allow me to make shading and hair details more noticeable.
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Do people want wip's for writing
Cause i'm writing guys
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and I'm ecstatic despite the fact this prob won't be on ao3 for a while
but still
we are getting there.
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Writing For Once
I don't know how much I like this drabble, but I WROTE SOMETHING! Where does it fit in the timeline for the au? WHO knows! Somewhere earlier. Does it hint at things that I haven't explained or talked about online? YES. Sorry. Lets hope that this drabble means writing the first chapter of the actual fic soon
But I mean... It's something so
Have at it! I want to see how many people enjoy just this fic drabble that might not fully be canon. I know some parts will be, like Chat Noir having complicated feelings around Christmas, but the events not to sure of.
Anyway, inspired by irl feelings and other people's feelings that I think fit for my rewrite of the character.
There is something about this time of year that had usually left Adrien feeling warm. He remembers so many fond Christmas's with his mother, and they were often the clearest times in his foggy memory.
Which was its own issue, his memories. He never knew whether to trust them, what was real and what might have just been a dream. A foggy, distant dream.
Despite that, his memories with his mother had always been the clearest. He chuckles when he recalls his excitement over Santa; it had actually taken quite a few years of holidays to fully grasp who he should be excited about. He had so many issues with memories in the past, he had to be introduced to so many things often.
Despite that, there was something so warm about these memories that made his present so dim in a way. So depressing.
His father wasn’t able to celebrate Christmas like they usually did this year. He supposed it was fair, his father is a busy man. A man who was still grieving over a loss that happened almost a year ago from now. Adrien couldn’t bring himself to blame his father. As much as he hated it. That his father couldn't bring himself
But there was something he hated so much more right now. The silence, the bleak, it was too much. He could usually handle it but it just felt…
So now here he is. Chat Noir. Ran away, had caused an akuma, grief and more traumatic memories to the civilians of Paris, and on Christmas nonetheless. And he still doesn’t feel any better than before. If anything, he feels more stupid than before. Throwing a fit and taking it out on people who didn’t deserve it.
The question still remained in his mind though is… who did?
He couldn’t blame his father, it wasn’t fair to ask him to get over his grief like this. Nathalie and Gorilla? They do what they are paid. Staying overtime for Adrien's one upset Christmas isn’t worth it. 
He would continue to go back and forth in his mind, before he heard a zip from behind him. A frankly familiar zip that could only belong to one person.
“Hi Chat”
Almost uncertain, yet spoken with confidence. Chat smiled, not even needing to turn around.
“Is that a ladybug I’m hearing? No, couldn’t be. I didn’t think they made it this high up”
A scoff from behind him and a quiet chuckle, he finally turned around to see his efforts.
His ladybug, well, now going by Ladybelle, stood a few feet away from him. Her ribbons follow the gentle wind, before coming back again, in a similar fashion to her pigtails. Her chuckles faded out rather quickly though, her attention focused back on him.
It made him a little nervous, he didn’t know why
“Today was a.. pretty rough akuma wouldn’t you say?” She quickly skittered over to his side, pausing briefly for his permission before sitting beside him. “You seemed a little off today… are you okay? You're not usually so… depressed.”
“Haha, keen as ever huh m’lady?” he chuckled awkwardly. Yet, it didn’t take the look off of her face. "It's.. been a rough day I guess"
Ladybelle hummed in acknowledgement, nodding to him to continue.
"Daaah it's nothing really. Today was.. I wasn't at my best today. It won't happen again!"
She nodded her head, her smile unconvinced. 
"Well, today's akuma took a lot out of me too. I figured… maybe we could sit up here for a bit and enjoy tonight? Watch a few videos?"
She asked awkwardly, yet it was just the thing he needed.
The bug beamed at that moment, quickly standing up and promising to be back soon. And if she had looked closely before leaving, she would have seen his pupils grow in size at the offer. And a warm flush over his face.
Ladybelle wasn’t sure what to expect when she went out for the night. After the akuma fight today, Chat Noir had seemed more tired than usual.
Maybe it was in her own head, or her exhaustion projecting, but she couldn’t get him off her mind since they said their goodbyes.
When she reached their spot, she saw him. Sitting on the edge, drooped. But she let a small smile come to her face when his ears perked up to her entrance.
After a few brief exchanges, she was on her way back to her home for a quick stop.
Yet not as quick as she would have liked.
Almost crashing in (almost), she rushed to detransform and scrambled to the kitchen. Reminding herself to be mindful of her parents’ sleeping, she rummaged through the blankets they had available in a separate cabinet. Grabbing three for good measure before speed walking to the kitchen section of the combined living space.
Opening the fridge she grabbed the cookies she had baked earlier that day. They had originally been for someone else.. but this was more important.
Tikki munched on her snack quietly as Marinette paced, trying to think of what else she will need.
And like that, they were off once more.
Chat Noir hadn’t moved an inch since she had left, and silently ladybelle was glad another akuma hadn’t surfaced in her absence. Whether Papillion hadn’t bothered to send one out for who knows why, or her chat’s down attitude wasn’t enough for one to appear.
Regardless, Ladybelle once again made her way to his side.
“I have the promised goods!” she affirmed, watching the cat hero’s eyes brighten in curiosity as he peered at the bag in her hands. He seemed more cat-like when he was quieter, which was more than a little funny to Ladybelle.
It didn’t take long to set up a movie and dish out the blankets. Ladybelle chortled when she revealed the treats, she could almost see the instant drool from her kitty’s face. Though he snapped out of it pretty quickly.
For the first time she had come back that night, he spoke, “You didn’t need to do all this you know.”
“All… this. I do appreciate it M’lady don’t get me wrong! But…”
He paused, and she turned back around from placing the blankets to look at him. “...Are you okay Chat?”
He looked away, then back to her again. 
Almost debating something.
“Could I vent to you a little?” he asked, “I know you don’t like talking about our personal lives so I’ll keep the details vague but..”
“Ok” She readily agreed
“Oh uh ok. I didn’t think you’d actually be.. cool! Cool” Chat noir coughed. “I guess you could say my family isn’t.. the greatest. Actually, this time of year used to be happier for all of us. My father has been getting busier over the years and.. well usually we get to have Christmas together. But this year has been.. different.
"Haha, I... I guess this year has just been too different for me. As stupid as it is…” tears pricked his eyes, mumbling the last part.
She didn’t say anything, so he continued.
“M’lady.. I don’t know how much you enjoy the holidays. And if I’m frank, I’m really tired of it all”
“Of..?” she quietly prompted.
“Of the-  DAH- The Christmas everything! The- There is so much right now that talks about love and caring and being merry around now. Sitting around the tree for presents or just the presents in general. The decorations and feelings it… it would normally be right up my alley.”
He paused somberly, kneading the blanket he had grabbed a few minutes prior. Ladybelle couldn’t bring herself to say anything.
“Everything has changed so much at my home.” He lifted his head toward the sky “and.. I feel more… lonely than I ever have? And I hate that.. And that it’s only changed for me. Everything else stays the same, the advertisements, the gifts, the same gift cards and letters, and AND BUSINESS!”
With every exclamation his hair and tail seemed to frazzle more.
“And- and..” his lip started to tremble. “I hate, that I’m getting upset over this one year. But… what if it never goes back to how it usually is?
"That.. my family won’t ever-” his voice cracked. “They won’t ever sit around that tree like you might see in the media. For the perfect family. Or I guess, at least a regular family. No more… perfect decorations that just encapsulate the magic around this time. I hate that.. that has to change. I’m making a big fuss” he said, as if spitting out the word, “over something so.. Stupid…” 
He became quieter with his last statement, then a long pause followed. He wouldn’t make eye contact with her, and she didn’t need him to. She didn’t really know how to respond honestly.
So she sat there.
And waited for him.
And eventually, he quietly asked “Ladybelle… what do you think of Christmas?
"Or.. really just the holidays i guess heh.. I don’t think you’ve ever told me what you celebrate.”
“Oh uhh” she awkwardly cleared her throat “My parents celebrate it, maybe not the more traditional connections but it’s a.. It’s nice.
They usually take a few days off for us, after the holiday works them tired. It gets busy. But.. they make sure to spend time with me.”
“They seem nice” he softly responded, looking at her.
“Yeah, they are.” she smiled “I hope I can introduce them to you someday.”
“I’d like that M’lady”
Ladybelle pursed her lips “And.. I don’t think you’re as alone as you think. Not everyone has a ‘merry’ Christmas and.. and that’s ok. I know a few people that don’t really enjoy it either”
She nervously coughed for a second “heh I don’t know if that helps! I guess I can’t relate too much. At least- for christmas.”
Chat noir looked at her and softly smiled, “no, that.. That helps. Thank you”
“It was no problem, kitty! It’s the least I could do.” Reaching out her hand, she formed a fist and held it in an invitation. To which the black cat user returned. “Pound it.”
“Now uh, do you want to watch a movie? It doesn’t need to be christmas-related but maybe something that could take your mind off of it.”
“That sounds absolutely purrrfect, Buginette!”
Ladybelle drooped exaggeratingly as she reached for her laptop “Oh NO, the puns are back!!” she groaned as he laughed in response.
It didn’t take long until they were both snuggled together in the blankets, eating cookies and enjoying the movie they had put on, “Beauty and the Beast”.
It was a favorite of Chat Noir’s, Ladybelle would learn. He used to watch it with his mom.
Now they were about halfway through the film, it would soon be one in the morning. Chat’s head had ended up leaning on her shoulder as they watched the film, and she didn’t object. A quiet rumbling came from his chest, and she felt the urge to pet his head weirdly enough. She shoved that down though.
“Thank you”
“Hm?” She glanced at him
“Thank you. You didn’t have to listen, and do all this. But you did”
“Well, that's what friends do right? When they are down. I-I mean, I know we haven’t known each other for too long but-”
His eyes seemed to glow impossibly brighter at that. “We’re friends.” He said, almost more a question than a statement.
But regardless, she still answered while smiling “Yeah, we are.” 
Chat’s purrs were louder the rest of the movie
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