#just doesnt jive with it
Danny sometimes forgets that it isn't normal to let the ghosts of your dead best friends speak vicariously through you - especially as a totally normal human boy.
Danny is only confronted with this fact at the face of a very concerned hero. (You pick, just anywhere that's not Gotham because it is much funnier. I personally lean towards one of the flashes)
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throwbacktears · 11 months
as someone who knew nothing about the books or show until i watched it last year on a whim, i was a belly x conrad girlie. i still am, but man, with season 2 already foreshadowing how much theyre soulmates, i feel bad jeremiah doesnt get a fair and fighting chance as belly’s love interest. every time he is, it’s just an afterthought. and it makes the “love triangle” a lot less intriguing bc, well, theres nothing to be intrigued about!!! theres no pining, we all know — even jeremiah himself — that she will always have conrad as number #1. justice for jeremiah and belly to have a fair love story actually
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coyoxxtl · 3 days
ofc trans headcanons can go any which way but its worlds more interesting to take into account the characters life events and behavior and make them work with that
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everylastbird · 2 months
'This specific scene in this piece of media made x character seem dumb and immature and thus it was bad and so is the entire series' ooor perhaps it was in fact intended to show that the character in question is emotionally ignorant and immature???
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transcythe · 5 months
nnnnooo way they just cancelled one of my classes when the semester starts in 3 days 💀 “register for another section”! ok well none of those work for me!!!!!!!!
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something I get annoyed at quite frequently is when people say you’re hypocritical for disliking one character but not liking another despite their seeming similarities. and yes sometimes there are factors like gender to look at and questioning your biases and all but often it just feels preachy and judgmental.
Sometimes I dislike fictional characters for extremely petty reasons and there's nothing more to it. sometimes they just didnt vibe with me. sometimes its just not that deep lol. sometimes something about them or their writing deeply frustrates me on a personal level. what ig im saying is that just because you like a character or think they’re well written does not mean you get to go around judging others for not sharing your tastes. they probably have their own reasons and making assumptions about others and saying nasty things about them based on that (esp stuff along the lines of “no critical thinking skills, dumb” etc.) is just plain rude and unwarranted. 
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vehemoth-phosbitch · 10 months
i think people who dont like collin should try to understand that he kind of just behaves like a herding dog (which collies are). they're literally just like that
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angelcloves · 1 year
Bro have you had the peachy keen monster, it kind of slapped
i have!!! i liked it more than i liked papillon and not as much as i liked the rehab peach tea but my problem is i fucking hate peaches so its not in my regular rotation. if im springing for an ultra im usually grabbing watermelon or paradise. sometimes red if im feeling exotic
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homoeroticvillain · 2 years
i should allowed to be just as evil as my f/os
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tvdfan23 · 6 months
Pretty sure the person training me for this job doesn't like me which is fine, but if they can just train me that'd be great.
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loafspoon · 6 months
recently been using the descriptor "big girl" for anything with more than like 5% effort and honestly i recommend it for two reasons 1. its silly and fun and validating to refer to a sandwich as "big girl dinner" and getting gas as a "big girl task" and 2. men really dont like it when you call games they like "big girl games." overwatch is a big girl game. the first descendant? big girl game. so is genshin impact. super smash brothers. take my hand let me show you power
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jadehorror · 8 months
it will never not impress me how stupid fandom takes can be
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sirveltic · 3 months
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just because jive has a spot on the elite guard (unofficial) (not by choice) (the only good parts about it are jazz, constant care for their bitlet and jive doesnt end up in prison) doesnt mean he likes it, or is well liked either
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strwberri-milk · 9 months
hii:D can i request kaeya kaveh and scara with a reader who's appetite fluctuates a lot like sometimes they'll feel like they're never full and sometimes they'll barely eat and they feel bad abt it?
im not sure if you actually write for kaveh and scara so obv nvm that if you don't i also really love you're writing i get excited whenever i see you're work (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
i see scaramouche as. kinda mean/tough love sort of a way so if that doesnt jive w you maybe proceed w caution!!
Kaeya/Kaveh keep a general idea of how many times you've eaten in a day or what you've eaten if you're having a day with a low appetite. If you don't feel like eating a lot then when you do feel like eating he'll try to make the little you do eat nutritious so you don't end up feeling too bad about it. He'll remind you that even though you didn't eat a lot, you did manage to eat something good for you.
If he can't help you eat better he'll tell you that eating something is better than nothing. Anything to help alleviate any of the anxiety you might have if you aren't eating enough.
If you're having a day where you're eating a lot he'll just try to make you slow down in between meals. He's hoping that way you're eating because you feel hungry, not just because you're bored. It's also meant to help prevent some stomachaches you might get from eating too much food.
He tries to help manage any symptoms that may arise from your fluctuating appetite, not wanting to make worse the negative feelings you already have. That way, your body at least manages to feel a little bit better.
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Scaramouche is a little harsher in his means. He doesn't understand why you can't just ignore the urges you have or the lack of appetite. If you aren't hungry then don't eat, and if you are too hungry then eat. If you don't want to eat a lot then don't eat a lot. It's reductionist in a way the way he sees things, but the look on your face makes it obvious to him that that's not exactly what you want to hear.
He ends up just finding you food to eat when you're hungry or just bringing it to you without saying much. When you start to feel funny he just tells you to stop and slow down and that if you are still starving the food will still be there. He's trying to encourage you slowing down if you feel like you need to but in a very roundabout way.
If you're not eating enough then he just keeps bringing you snacks and other things for you to eat. If you don't eat he just looks at you expectantly, waiting for you to at least take a bite. You do it just because him glaring at you isn't great, but it does help your headache so you can't stay mad at him.
It's very tough love, but you've learned that it really is a way of him caring. You like that about him and you know that if you just sift through the surface of his words then you'll quickly find out what he's actually trying to tell you.
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slavghoul · 8 months
Hi Slav, this maybe isn't ghost related, but perhaps more personal. Often times when I read through your posts, I find that we share similar thoughts or preferences. For example, I find it very very odd when the papas are referred to as Terzo or Secondo etc in serious conversation because that isn't how it was when I joined, and it's just not how I enjoy the band. But, I don't want to be someone who perpetuates the new vs old debates. I actually really value and respect your take on things because you're able to inject your opinion in a way that doesn't alienate anyone or make anyone feel stupid. I however feel as though I cannot let go of the frustration I feel when I engage with the fandom. I dont participate much at all because I dont jive with the current culture, but when I do indulge I just feel discontent and disgruntled. It's like I can feel myself becoming the jaded old man. I'm not super hung up on it, it's not really something I think about often. I usually just use the walk away method the moment I start to feel irritated. I got other things to do besides get mad at things I cannot change. But it still sucks
Preamble out of the way, how do you stay so calm and chill and remember to be considerate when you feel your enjoyment of things doesnt align with the vocal majority? How did you acheive your current mindset beyond just learning to let go or not engage with things that might lead to feelings like this? I'm using ghost as the base for this question, but I'm really asking for some general wisdom. I apologize if that's a little loaded.
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Jokes aside, this is a lovely and thoughtful question, thank you, but I’m not sure if I have any advice, other than „create your own bubble and live in it because the outside world is a terrible place.” I have my own Ghost-bubble that I very rarely step out of. When I do, I sometimes regret it. You must remember that what thoughts I decide to share here are not all of the thoughts I have. I go through those same moments of disillusionment as you do, it’s just not something I necessarily want to burden others with, so you don’t see me talking about it. I always tried to make this place, to the extent I could make it so, positive and welcoming to everyone, so I keep my personal frustrations on the down low. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen, though. Yes, learning to let go and not engaging with matters that leave you feeling like this is possibly the only solution with any viable effects. I try to keep in mind that my enjoyment of the band is my personal experience. What others think and how they behave or interpret things doesn’t define the true essence of what I hold dear. Ask yourself: what was it that made you fall in love with the band? What brings you real joy? Then focus on that. This won’t apply to everyone, but a lot of what brings me joy in relation with the band are things I do on my own, e.g. writing with no intention to share the texts with anyone, collecting, archiving, keeping stats on things that probably only I care about, etc. That’s my happy Ghost bubble, mostly a lone but peaceful place. I think it’s absolutely crucial to craft your own fandom experience, one that suits and satisfies your needs while also keeping you sane. This is meant to be a positive experience after all. But sometimes you gotta make effort to make it so. 
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percexe · 2 months
they do in fact use they/them pronouns
very recently turned 16 when the plot begins. their birthday is 4/20 because when i originally made them in middle school i included "was bullied for having weed birthday" (FOR SOME REASON) which i now find hilarious. inside joke with myself
child of tyche like i said before, and possesses an insane ability to manipulate chances. quite literally the luckiest person on the planet, and has the inflated ego to match
sawyers weapon is something i need to properly design, but its cool so im gonna mention it here. it was a trick weapon (a la riptide, thalia's shield, etc etc any transforming weapons) that was cursed to never work properly. it was a coin, where if you flipped it and got heads you'd have a functioning weapon, but tails would be something stupid like a rubber chicken. it sat in the attic for years until sawyer came along, and since they can manipulate probability, they can just use it normally and avoid the curse
sawyer isnt a year-rounder, but is slowly becoming one because they keep coming to camp earlier and staying for longer. it seems like they just "dont jive with the mortal world", but doesnt bring it up much
banned from a lot of camp games, because they kept winning by stupid means then gloating about it after. people made a petition to keep them from playing capture the flag indefinitely because their dumb luck victories were messing with both sides win streaks
very recently got chosen to go on their first quest, which is very fun and exciting. surely nothing will go wrong
i love them dearly
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bad mspaint doodle for good measure
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