#just ranting
bakafox · 1 year
I sometimes wonder if a lot of people on the left just don't let themselves be consciously aware that yes, the people who back authoritarianism, fascism, and generally n*zi bullcrap will be voting. On all levels, local to national. All the time.
Because like, people who aren't authoritarian in leaning will argue. Will point out that there's cons and be depressed sometimes easily that there is no perfect candidate.
But- the very point of being an authoritarian is that once they choose their authority, they do what they are told.
They are told to vote by one politician they decided is on their side to vote for another one and will do it without many, if any, questions.
They're told to vote (illegally if it's during a service) by their pastor, by their boss, by their parents, by their spouse, by someone in authority over them that they have accepted as the authority, and they'll go out and do it.
Some of them can snap out of it if it really goes too much against some spark inside, but the whole thing of their wanting a simplistic us vs them world view where they can just sit back and do what they're told and feel better, comfortable, or even superior for doing it means that they'll go do as they're told and then feel good and superior about doing it.
This is how they've long-gamed the GOP to where it is today, that's what is meant when people say "the Republicans just go out and vote". They do that! And they vote without putting any thought into it, without stressing much about imperfections.
Non authoritarians/non-fascists are more likely to give up, or argue against candidates, or just be contrarian, and thus might rather shoot themselves in the foot when it comes time to just doing what is a civic duty to try and prevent the rise of what the other side will always, always turn out in their full numbers to back.
Even if they live in an area where theoretically they would be outvoted 20 to 2, they will show up 'defiantly' and cast their votes for the person they have been told by someone they have decided to trust told them to vote for. Even if they don't know a damn thing about the candidate other than two talking points from a campaign ad or that were talked about at the church social.
This doesn't make any voting at all useless, it doesn't make anyone who votes sheep. It makes voting absolutely required by anyone opposing them. Not 'instead' of community action and protests and letters or whatever the fuck else, but along with.
It means as long as there are any elections, yes, to avoid fascists winning elections 'fairly' (not gonna get into gerrymandering here,) people have got to show up and vote against them, because the fascist voters aren't going to take a mental health day or write in a joke or go third party. Some person whose authority clicked a little circuit in their brain on, who maybe got them riled up about <one thing> told them to vote for <whoever> and they are going to vote for <whoever>, regardless of whatever <other things> are out there being ignored as less consequential.
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lanaknowsitried0 · 4 months
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I always love more 😓
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midsummerkissess · 1 year
i am a friend to all cats. yes even the mean ones. they have their reasons.
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ikemen-fanboy · 11 days
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Aventurine is so sweet 🥹
Day 1 ; he told caelus about how he was saved by Argenti and back to IPC by purposely letting him win against him in dice.
Day 2 ; shopping and remember to buy caelus something. And something, as in something that only sell in limited amount.
In the long cosmic night, may your every dream be sweet and fancy.....
Doctor Ratio x Aventurine is good but Aventurine x Caelus is equally good.
I want to say sugar daddy aventurine for the chat but he just don't look like a daddy in my eyes 😂 he is too bratty-coded.
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nikolaisclownsocks · 6 months
i need a bf so bad i mean like boys?!?!? hello?!?!? i love boys. i love fat boys, i love skinny boys, i love boys who are not fat nor skinny. i love boys with brown eyes, i love boys with blue eyes, i love boys with grey eyes, i love boys with green eyes. i love boys with dark hair, i love boys with blonde hair, i love boys with dyed hair, and everything in between. i love soft boy tummy. i love boy hands. i love boy shoulders. i love boy thighs. boys >>>>
i fucking love boys and i'm not over it, i need a bf who to cuddle with, and kiss with, and hold hands with, and go on dates with...
also special mention to my fellow trans boys i love y'all sm <3
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bniebee · 4 months
I was playing epic mookers today and whan talking to this bust in the haunted mansion he said something I hadn't heard before:
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And my sickness-riddled brain thought he meant "The Mad Doctor literally stole Oswald's ear once" like this:
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But I thought about it for two more seconds and realized he probably meant "had his ear" as in "he was Oswald's main advisor" and that makes more sense, considering how much they worked together before Oswald was betrayed by him. It's kind of a weird way of phrasing it though.
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hopeless-lesbian223 · 2 years
Let people who have never heard of/cared about Kate Bush listen to ‘Running Up That Hill’ and love it because they heard it on Stranger Things.
Let people who don’t know how to play DND try it because Mike, Will, Lucas, and Dustin did it on their TV screens.
Let people who used to never want to approach metal music before Eddie played a kickass concert of ‘Master of Puppets’ now be interested in other Metallica songs.
Let people who watched Black Widow now be interested in other Nirvana songs despite never being interested in that stuff before hearing ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’.
Let people who don’t care about American history go out and research the Founding Fathers because they watched Hamilton and really liked it.
Let the same be said for people who started listening to the Six soundtrack and found themselves really interested in the Tudors all of a sudden.
Let people buy t-shirts, put up posters, talk about, become fans of, show interest in, and generally enjoy something even though they haven’t been fans as long as you have, and they’re fans for different reasons, or they don’t know something that you think diehard fans would know, because if you think the gates to your interests/fandoms should be so closely guarded that allowing people who haven’t been listening to this music since it came out in the 80s aren’t allowed to enjoy it because you have been a fan for that long, then you are quite a jerk. Stop muttering “they don’t get it” and “kids these days” under your breath. Stop telling them that they aren’t real fans. Stop thinking that they’re trying too hard to be “cool” or that they’re jumping on the bandwagon just for the sake of it.
Just let people enjoy good things, for Pete’s sake.
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frodo-cinnamonroll · 1 year
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By bamboocarbon-ver-2-0
This was not my artwork, but I liked it a lot. Imagine a scene if Boromir survived and got to talk to Frodo again after the Ring was destroyed (bc he would have gone to Minas Tirirth). It would have been a wonderful scene. Frodo would have most definitely forgiven Boromir for trying to take the Ring. It would have been lovely to see their friendship mended.**
On that note, I also love how Boromir calls the Hobbits "the little ones" bc it sort if shows a softer side to his character. Since he is mostly tough and all, it's nice to see how he protects them and gives them a cute name like that.
**If you'd like me to write a fanfic/imagine on this, please feel free to ask in the replies to this post. I have quite a bit of imagines I'm working on right now but I can still do it!**
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objectfromthesky · 2 months
One thing I don't understand about cartoon characters is their ability to be feather ticklish through their clothes. Like if someone swipes a feather on their clothes they'll burst out laughing.
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kyr-kun-chan · 3 months
We know that Ha Neul said she felt a lot of pressure to perform well and that pressure continued into adulthood. The thing I love about that is that her family is just any normal family. Her mom never told her to study this much. Her mom was never one of those rich moms that wants her daughter to be the best in the school and if she isn't then Ha Neul isn't doing her best. Her mom is very proud of her daughter for doing well in school and becoming a doctor. And because Ha Neul was doing well her mom expected her to keep doing well so Ha Neul put that pressure to perform well on herself a little bit. She is the one who decided she needed to be good enough at certain things. Sure, her mom probably boasted about her being a doctor to other people which added to the pressure but her mom didn't start this.
And I love that. Because it would be so easy to have her mom be the outside source of all this pressure and to then put the blame of Ha Neul's depression on her mom partly because if only she didn't pressure her daughter. But no, sometimes you put pressure on yourself too and it becomes a habit and then people start expecting things and you feel like those people will expect those things so you make sure to keep up the image you created yourself but then you burn out.
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dogin8 · 9 months
Honestly. nothing gets to me more than the perpetual "we"-ing of the terrible effects of "humanity" on the planet
Like talk abt species going extinct due to climate change or poaching or similar "We're killing the planet" Who's We?
I didn't pick up a rifle, I didn't dump my fishing net, I don't own a single factory.
Humans are PART of the planet, part of nature, WE are not some sort of scourge or the one thing that is removed from everything else.
And it's like. All intentional too, like some PR exec for BP or similar has made these decisions. The blame for climate change has been divided 8 billion ways and split equally onto all of us when our contributions are Certainly not equal.
It's part of the capitalism machine, to make people believe capitalism and humanity are inextricably tied to one another. "Humanity is a disease" as a phrase highlights this pretty well, shifting the issue from sets of behaviours to just inherent properties of People.
Cause as long as we believe humanity's existence is just inherently problematic for the planet, we won't go dismantling any systems that the people in charge of polluting the entire planet happen to rely upon for their fortunes.
Humanity is fucking great. All of my probably top 50 favourite things in the world are people. We are part of this planet and I'm a big fan of both us and the planet we're on.
blegh idk, it's important to deconstruct how commonly people think capitalism is just part of the human experience because it's not, and there's a lot of propaganda to make you think it is, and a lot of corporations relying on the fact that you believe it
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northern-polaris · 11 months
I find it funny that cassian had the audacity to tell Nesta that everyone hated her when she isn’t the one who got banned from an ENTIRE COURT.
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expectopatronum81 · 1 year
For me, the psychology of how the games work is even creepier than sending 23 kids to be murdered on television each year. Because not only are these 12 - 18yr old kids being forced to engage in a bloody fight for their survival, or commit atrocities that'll haunt them for the rest of their lives; they are also forced to do so on the terms of the Capitol audience. The hunger games weren't just created as a punishment to the districts. One of the main aspects of it was to provide entertainment to the people of the Capitol.
So during the games, not only do they have to cope with the fact that they could be murdered any second, they should also be cautious of how their actions affect the mood of their audience. In terms of it being a reality show, showing their expertise is enough to gain them some recognition, but what really gains them audience sponsors is behaving in the exact way that is desirable of them, and playing it accordingly.
Throughout the 1st games, Katniss is constantly aware of how the games are being perceived. Instead of focusing on her emotions about peeta joining the careers, she thinks of how ecstatic the audience vil be knowing she was there the whole time, and smirks to increase their curiosity on what was going on. She thinks of how the wall of fire was to shake up the tributes and how the 'real fun' was watching them dodge the fireballs. She plays a cool and arrogant persona when she's stuck up in a tree with the careers around her despite seeing no hope of escape, knowing the audience will be having a laugh (she most likely receives the burn medicine for the promise of dropping the tracker jacker nest). She gives them enough of a promise by destroying the career pack. Then there's the whole thing with Peeta, where she constantly ponders as to how she's going to believably sell the romance on her part to ensure them food. She passes casual comments on how there hasn't been enough bloodshed or 'excitement' that day, hence fearing game maker intervention. She does her best not to show her remorse for the other dead tributes or her longing to escape from this horror because 'no one wants a victor who snivels over the deaths of her opponents'. How she couldn't end Cato's life sooner out of pity, because that was the 'climax of the hunger games, the last word in entertainment as the Capitol audience wouldn't look away from their screens for even a minute', even though that took a severe toll on her sanity( not that she needed it after surviving the whole games). Then the whole 2 victor rule change solely to ensure 'the most dramatic showdown in hunger games history'. To continue their popularity( as a distraction), they are required to act as lovers in front of the cameras at all times, and would be expected to get married and have children who could take part in the games, just for the 'extra drama'. Even smaller things like how they're required to have a hobby after the games to show off to the audience. This applies to the 3rd quater quell too, but I think I've made my point.
In perspective, the Capitol ppl dictate the terms of their lives. Their likes, dislikes, personal relationships, mannerisms, attitudes are all carefully designed to see what gains them the most popularity. Behaving in a certain, expected way ensures that they r'nt cancelled killed. The constant need to know every single detail of their personal lives ensures they r'nt forgotten. Which is why they go desperate lengths to gain that popularity( Glimmer's see through dress being her angle for the interviews....).
Yeah yeah, ofc its just a rant, totally not about a literary master piece dedicated to commentary on our worsening culture, who'd waste time on that when u have twitter anyways?
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jameshetfieldsbestfan · 5 months
I feel like living with GNR would be the most horrific and funniest things in the world, like it would definitely contain Axl hugging every body about cleaning up and making sure there mess is handled, and Slash sitting on the couch playing guitar obnoxiously loud or bugging you about snakes, and izzy would lowkey just sit there and watch all this chaos unfold with only the words "I told you not to". And duff and Steven would most likely by egging on each other in doing dumb shit like Duff guzzling down vodka and Steven standing there chanting his name like "DUFF! DUFF! DUFF! DUFF!" for the encouragement he never needed.
Especially Axl dicking you down so hard he makes you cry out in the pillows and your hips shaking, as he would definitely let his hickeys trail all over your neck down to your back and hips, owning every part of you, and fucking you in every room and on every piece of furniture, making sure everyone would and could hear and see how much he gives you pleasure.
Slash would be the same, he would love to watch you choke on hisndick as he would grasp your hair shoving himself down your throat with praises all around, moaning and groaning your name, with the occasional spank just to remind you on who your supposed to be pleasing. Him and him only.
Izzy would fuck you until you could barely form words, you'd just be a blabbering mess under him, he would be hitting your G spot over and over making up blurb out his name over and over, making you scream out his name at God knows what time at night or the morning, making sure everyone heard what you two had going on.
And just to let you know with duff and Steven, they will be sharing you constantly, having duffs dick shoved down your throat and Steven behind you pounding you hard as he praised every thing about you making sure you felt good about yourself and duff would move your head up and down forcing you to take more of his cock as you moaned around it and making sure you knew both if them wanted you bad as each other.
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aneunelpeunim07 · 4 months
Seriously, I wanna send a massive "FUCK YOU" to everyone who casually brings up or hints about Schumi's skiing accident as a joke when other F1 drivers post about their own skiing/snowboarding trips.
I understand that you hope your fave driver stays safe because we don't want to see the same accident happen again, but is there really a need to mention stuff like, "I know a certain F1 driver who went skiing too, and it didn't go well for him", like WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ARE YOU THINKING? Y'all really think you can just joke about trauma at someone's expense, and especially without their consent? Y'all need help.
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caramelapplesauce · 3 months
modern day muggle au where james has just watched the “best friends brother” episode of victorious so the next time they all go out to karaoke (regulus goes of course), guess what song he chooses to try and woe regulus???
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