seventeenlovesthree · 2 months
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Festive Vibes in April - Part I [Part II]
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perryart · 2 years
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Thought these two best fit the meme
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grandramian · 2 months
Digimon favorite couple
Adventure and 02
Taichi x Koushirou
Taichi x Takeru
Yamato x Joe
Takeru x Daisuke
Henry x Takato
Ryo x Kazu
Takuya x Tomoki
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sluggybasson107 · 7 months
For the spooky art request, ONLY of you have time (please take care of yourself first!!!) Jou maybe as the least scary vampire ever. Maybe he tries to scare Gomamon but fails? Idk!
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[Image Description: A digital sketch of Yamato Ishida and Jyou Kido as a vampire. Yamato's body faces Jyou's as he looks away towards the left. Jyou Kido holds Yamato's right hand while his mouth is pressed against his neck, presumably about to bite into him. Yamato wears a white poet shirt and jabot. Jyou wears a purple vest and blue shirt with cuffs. He has two golden rings; one on his ring finger and the other on his pointer finger, which has a ruby jewel. Jyou's eyes are shut tight while Yamato's are faded and spaced out. The background is a dull brown. End Image Description.]
So I might've taken this prompt and ran with it 😅 I made it Jyoumato because of course I did-
But!! Thank you for the request and I promise to draw Jyou as the least scariest vampire ever someday.
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reliablejoukido · 2 years
“Dig” by Incubus is the single most Jou/Yamato song that has ever existed. Every single lyric fits them and their relationship
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izzyizumi · 2 years
me: *takes deep breath* me: I LO- anyone who has spent five seconds around me ever: yes, you love YAMAJOU, we get it okay, you love the YAMAJOU SHIP, YAMAJOU is ALSO a brightest f*cking starshine in your life, you f*cking adore it, yes okay yes, you love YAMAJOU, HOW many times are we gonna go through this, yOU F*CKING LOVE YAMAJOU {YAMATO ISHIDA x JOU KIDO} & IT'S OK FOR YOU TO LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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kbondoxxxxav · 10 months
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Since I saw your reply to my friend @jamesthedigidestined's ask and REALLY loved the reply and REALLY needed some inspiration to draw Jyoumato myself... Here you go! I love your art so much, your humour always makes me laugh and maybe we can push the ship a little further together!
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valtren · 1 year
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clawz-out-archive · 2 years
@bandit-is-stupid requested that I do Digimon for the fandom ask meme.
my beautiful cinnamon roll too good for this world fave: Honestly, any of the 02 kids, plus their digimon.
my trash-shit fave: Gazimon and Demidevimon lmao they're such little shits I Iove them
my I love to hate them fave: It's less of "I love to hate them," and more of "I love to bully them," but Takeru XD He's fun to pick on
my I hate to love them fave: Hmmm, I'm honestly not sure, tbh.
my I wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire non-fave: Nanimon can go fuck off <3
my I didn’t care about them either way at first but the fandom makes such a big deal about them now I can’t stand them non-fave: Once again, I'm not sure.
my I could take them or leave them kinda non-fave: I know that the majority of the fanbase is gonna hate me for this, but Angemon and Angewomon. To me, they're just meh.
my I will go down with this ship and I won’t put my hands up and surrender, there will be no white flag above my door. I’m in love and always will be fave ship: Jyoumato and Sorami FTW!
my dirtybadwrong fave ship: I honestly have quite a bit of these ships, but I'm honestly not comfortable sharing them (not even with you Bandit sorry), so I'm just gonna say Jou x his harem XD
my they’re cute together and I dig them but I’m not all that terribly invested kinda fave ship: Daiyako sorry
my I didn’t care about this ship either way at first but the fandom makes such a big deal about it now I can’t stand it non-fave ship: Takari. I've come to accept it, but some Takari shippers make such a big deal out of it. It's been 22 years just let it go already goddamn.
my MAKE IT STOP non-fave ship: Incest is a big squick of mine, so no thanks. Also, I once saw something about Iori x Oikawa, and I was like "OH FUCK NO," so that too.
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earlgreymon · 3 years
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digimon x stardew valley
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seventeenlovesthree · 7 months
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@joukidoweek Prompt: Relationships
Even though this is not exactly a new drawing, I still thought it was appropriate to bring up again. Looking at Jyou's relationships with the others is one of my favourite past-times, because he is one of the few who does have elaborated moments with almost all of them. Mimi and Iori are very strong contenders in this regard, since he shares the most heart-felt, most open moments overall with them; then again, I also enjoy his protective nature towards Takeru, the rare moments of "mom and dad-ness" he shares with Sora; his moments with Taichi and Koushirou are also pretty underrated.
But in addition to the bit I said about Mimi and Iori, the same also applies to Yamato - because I personally feel like these two are capable of bringing the best out of each other and it fills my heart with joy.
This comic is a little bit more light-hearted, a fun interpretation of why Jyou's and Yamato's hairstyles were so similar in 02... Because these two greatly inspire each other. Granted, Jyou managed to inspire a lot of people through the course of the series, my favourite example still being the stageplay... But without Yamato, Jyou wouldn't have contemplated looking for his own path as thoroughly as he did in the first place. And without Jyou getting inspired like this, Yamato may have not been able to break out of some of his darkest moments himself either (including the stageplay, once again). He also makes his softer side come through more easily...
I wish we could see more of them spending time, bonding over their familial relationships not being the easiest, about being protective big bros for Takeru, over shaking their heads over Taichi... Because I love them, your honour.
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ri-ships-takari · 3 years
so im rewatching digimon adventure rn and hear me out
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sluggybasson107 · 2 years
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Jyou!!! On Ice (A Jyoumato x YOI AU)
Jyou Kido considers retiring from his figure skating career after a horrible defeat in the Grand Prix Final. He heads home to quit and work at his father’s business, but when a video of Jyou performing Yamato Ishida’s short program leaks to the public, Yamato travels to Japan and gives Jyou a once in a lifetime opportunity; For one year, Yamato will be Jyou’s coach to help his dream come true.
When chatting with @matterofblues, the idea of a jyoumato x yoi au came up, and I had to draw a fanart of it! I didn't imagine I would create four drawings for this idea, but I had so much fun that I kept making more. I hope you all like these drawings! Thank you <3
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swiftly-sweetheart · 4 years
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It's confirmed. Yamato will date everyone in the new series
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ashxketchum · 4 years
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JOU: 🥺
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matterofblues · 3 years
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Episode 38 — The beat goes...
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