#kaeya genshin impact
alk4li · 3 days
cyno, thoma, neuvilette, alhaitham, diluc, kaeya
what type of relationships you have with the genshin men? a serious relationship, situationship, fwb etc.
a/n: i rewrote this sm times cus i wasnt happy with how it turned out
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✧ ok i see him as such an amazing lover tbh
✧ would want to become a dad bc he thinks dad jokes are the next step towardsa higher level of comedic excellency
✧ tighnari begs you not to let this man have a child
✧ but despite knowing his job could endanger you, he trusts in your ability to protect yourself
✧ would randomly buy you trinkets that remind him of you bc hes usually away for so long
✧ he keeps a little box of momentos that he snagged from dates with you. it consists of things like tickets from events you both went to and seashells from the time you both went to the beach.
✧ will not shut up about invocation tcg
✧ almost went insane when you jokingly told him you didn't want to play invocation tcg with him
✧ when you do silly things he joins you without question
you laid down your living room floor with your hands outstretched towards the ceiling. you shut your eyes as you soaked in the feeling of the ceiling fan gently blowing wind. you heard a pair of footsteps approaching, eventually stopping next to you. you pry your eyes open to see cyno looming over you. "what are you doing?" he asked, gesturing to your limp figure. you prop yourself up on your elbows and stared back at cyno, "i wanted to feel like a leaf." you replied. cyno stared at you for a moment, before walking towards the windows. he reels the curtains back and shoves the window panels open, allowing a gush of wind in. intrigued, you stand up and watched as cyno began making his way back to you. "what are you doing?" you question cyno who was standing behind you now. cyno reaches under your arms and swiftly lifts you up, earning a shriek from you. "pretending that i'm a tree."
✧ probably a little busy for a relationship but tries to make it work
✧ i feel like befriending the melusines is a easy way into his heart lol
✧ you had a small interaction with neuvilette one day, probably bumping into him and he helped you onto your feet
✧ the melusines saw this and their minds started PLOTTING
✧ they bothered you and neuvilette every hour of the day for 2 months straight about a 'blind date'
✧ when you both finally agreed (the melusines lied to both of you that the other had agreed to get you to agree) you almost passed out when you realised who he was
✧ it worked out though, because now you're in his kitchen throwing apples at his head
✧ he gives out amazing advice too
✧ ah, what a man
standing at the entrance of the cafe, the melusines snicker and giggle. they nudge your calves, signalling you to enter. hesitantly, you step foot into the quiet cafe. you looked around, trying to find the guy the melusines have been trying to set you up with for the past 2 months. you nervously searched, looking for a man who was sitting by himself. when your eyes landed on a secluded seat by the windows, you almost fainted. with languid footsteps, you walked towards neuvilette, who had noticed you when you walked in. neuvilette stood and pulled out your seat, "have a seat," you gave him a small smile as he settled back in next to you. "i remember you, i bumped into you a few months back," neuvilette said, eyebrows raised in amusement. that's when an epiphany hit the both of you, "oh." he mumbled. "that's why the melusines kept pestering me," you giggled, taking note of a few colourful animal ears poking out from the nearby window. "well, let's at least entertain their wishes for a little." neuvilette nods at your request, flipping open the menu.
✧ 10/10 lover boy
✧ he wants a established relationship
✧ when he first confessed he was a MESS
✧ dreams of settling down with kids in inazuma with his lover.
✧ i feel like he would appreciate scenic dates more than dinners and shopping dates.
✧ he wants children in the future
✧ he gets insecure about not being good enough for his s/o
✧ but he tries his best to build a future w you!
the streets of inazuma were lively and full of colour, the evening sun settling in the background. your footsteps blended in seamlessly with thoma's, with your hand laid comfortably in his callous palms. "ow-" a quiet voice rang behind you and thoma. shuffling is heard as you turn to see a child laying face down on the concrete pavement. releasing your hold on thoma, you stepped closer to the boy. soft hazel eyes looked back at your own, glistening in the light. a smile etched itself onto your face as you extend a hand towards the boy, he hesitantly takes it as you gently lift him onto his feet. "are you okay?" you ask. the boy shyly nods, a wince escapes his lips just as quickly. glancing down at his limped foot, a small gash on his knee starts bleeding. with swift movements, you grab a napkin to gently dab at his wound. spectating from behind was an awestruck thoma, something felt so comforting about the interaction. without a silver of doubt and unequivocally, "she is the one."
✧ this is a hill i will forever die on
✧ he's so rational.. would make a pros and cons list about dating
✧ definitely tells you "sorry, i love you but this will never work. you need someone who can be there for you."
✧ he thinks that with his work and your life, it would clash and create conflict
✧ whenever you argue about
✧ everyone has no idea what is going on, tighnari and cyno thinks he's dumb and kaveh thinks you're dumb
✧ kaveh doesn't understand why you stay with a prick like alhaitham
✧ he truly likes you but his heart will forever lie in his love for his study and craft.
✧ he wouldn't tell you to wait for him because he's calculated the optimal time for dating and it's undefined
✧ sadly, he will never have enough time for another lover
alhaitham's embrace flushed against your weary skin. his room sat too silent yet too loud. the only sound you heard was the gentle beating of althaitham's heavy heart. his hands cradles your own, "i don't understand why you keep distancing yourself," a raspy whisper falls from your lips. alhatham instinctively draws your body closer to his own, his face moves towards the valley of your neck. feathery light touches grazes your forearm. "this was what i was worried about. you would be unhappy with how absent i am," the words hang coarsely in the air, cold to the touch but burning in your heart. you breathed in sharply. “this is why a relationship would be a bad idea.”
anger rose in your throat, “that's different. you're absent now because you're choosing to avoid me. you’re being selfish.” breaking free from his embrace, you turn and pin your fiery eyes against his emerald ones. however, he could only reply with a solemn look, “the probability this will turn out well is zero,” he replied. alhaitham knows how probability works, it can never truly be zero, but it can also never be ensured that this would turn out well. alhaitham is just a man that wouldn't take that risk.
✧ this man has no time for lovers (and way too traumatised)
✧ but does the occasional fancy date
✧ the type to leave you hanging for 3 business days
✧ makes it up to you by buying flowers after realising his mistake
✧ all in all he doesnt see this as a long term thing, so dont get too disappointed
✧ but he also can't take the feeling of losing you because he can't stomach the idea of losing someone he loves
✧ it's a hot and cold goose chase
✧ you'll be a happy for a week then he ghosts you for another week
curling in the comfort of your couch, you sulkily wolf down a bag of snacks. it has been officially 72 hours since the last time you heard back from diluc. the red headed man had disappeared without a word three days ago. after a night out, with a promise to pick you up the next day. it has been well over the decided time, and diluc is once again, a no show! a loud knock is heard against your door, there's a silent pause before another loud bang was heard. you pull your weight and drag yourself to the door. in front, diluc stood, a rare display of panic in his eyes, a bouquet of flowers clumsily clasped between his arm. you slant against the door frame, disappointed eyes stare back at his. "im so sorry, i just got so caught up on works and," he uncharacteristically fumbles over his words, guilt eats away at him as he eyes your sunken and tired eyes. you nod, looking at your feet. "i figured," there's a moment of ghostly silence. diluc hesitantly reaches forward, lightly resting his palm on your shoulder, testing the waters. when you don't push him away, firm arms wrap around your head, pulling you into his chest. a chaste kiss on your forehead, diluc gently rubs your back, "i'll make it up. i promise."
✧ bsfr this man is too traumatised for love but would chase the adrenaline of it
✧ he doesn't want something a hassling as a situationship, no strings attached!
✧ he's still really cordial with you tho, treats you well
✧ buthonestly.. don’t get too attached or expect much, mans has been through the wringer of life
✧ lisa suspects something going on between you two but has no evidence to prove it
✧ amber just thinks you both are secretly dating
the feeling of kaeya’s rough arms clinging to your abdomen shakes you awake, suddenly realising that you’re wound up in his bed. again. the movement makes the male beside you stir, he groggily props himself up on his elbows, rubbing his temples, “morning, y/n. slept well?” a grin spreads across his face as he grabs and pulls you back onto the mattress. “great, actually. dreamt about monstadt without kaeya alberich,” you joke. kaeya rolled his eyes, gently punching your shoulder. “how awfully boring, who would accompany you to insufferable events then?” kaeya teases, poking at your sides. despite how domestic it all felt, deep down you both knew that by 12pm, these memories would slip into another void along with the other many escapades.
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huiyi07 · 20 hours
hey so do you guys ever think about how often Diluc is referred to as the ‘uncrowned king of Mondstadt’ since he’s like the only male heir to the noble families and like it or not, where Jean is the authority of the nation, he’s pretty much the symbolic face of Mondstadt and the values the nation projects— and despite his temperament, Diluc has learned to embrace it wholeheartedly. He’s charismatic, extremely righteous, and he blazes bright and gives the people of Mondstadt a fire that guides them in the dark, quite literally. Like he’s literally Bruce Wayne lmao
But he doesn’t want this, no, and here’s the proof- maybe he did, once upon a time, before everything happened— but he doesn’t really care about wine, he only cares about the winery because of the people in it and his father. He’s righteous but doesn’t give a damn about the rules and the knights of favonius. After what happened to him, he’s clearly a rebel at heart now, not some charming superhero who does everything expected of him, unlike before. In summary, Diluc was someone who was quite literally ready to become an (uncrowned) prince, pretty much royalty in every way except title- and on surface level, he still is, but he throws that mantle away in secret whenever he can.
And then look at Kaeya, his brother who’s always lived in his shadow. It’s easy to see that now, people don’t really project Mondstadt’s values onto Kaeya the same way they do onto Diluc, since lots of people hardly even remember that they’re brothers. And yeah people still think kaeya is reliable and nice, but also because of how Kaeya built his image after Diluc left— an excessively over the top personality that pretends to be sadistic, mean, and at the same time dripping with false charm. So despite that people still find him approachable and nice as expected of a knight, hardly anyone would call him befitting of a prince.
But Kaeya is actually so painfully and authentically ‘princely’ and kind, deep down— the way he deals with children, his fierce loyalty and willingness to protect people at all costs, his self sacrificial tendencies that most often appear for Diluc’s sake. This is kinda obvious to any player who’s bothered to learn anything about kaeya, but to the characters in game, there are very few that know that side of him.
And whereas Diluc is forcibly projected the title of royalty and secretly rejects it, Kaeya was actually born into it- the royal blood of Khaenriah is in his veins, and much like how he does with anything related to his past and heritage, he loudly and outwardly rejects it. Diluc rejects what Kaeya shows, and Kaeya hides what Diluc projects.
Honestly? It’s as if they were swapped at birth. Kaeya’s real hidden nature, even after everything that happened to him, remains to be so unwavering and people-oriented. Not that Diluc isn’t unwavering or whatever, but Diluc mostly actively rejects relationships and prefers to do everything alone, obsessed with the idea that he doesn’t want anyone to get hurt, whereas Kaeya always, always yearns for companionship and for people to be by his side- solidarity.
Diluc is the poster image of royalty, but his brother who hides in the shadows is a real king. They complete each other, balance each other out, represent the parts that the other hides. I don’t know if hoyoverse always meant them to be that way, but damn they basically represent each other’s parts of themselves that they lost. Yin and Yang, two halves of the same whole.
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damare-draws · 10 months
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'Chose your own destiny' I really enjoyed Keaya's hangout. It gave me a whole new perspective on his character. I like that we saw a softer side of him. Did you go on a date with Kaeya? How did you like it?
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the-last-butter · 1 year
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unamazing-sheep21 · 25 days
Just like me...
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Peak romance is when I realise that being in your shoes feels EXACTLY THE SAME in being in my own shoes
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You may not like it but this is what a peak relationship looks like
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mochabunnies · 9 months
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mondstadt shenanigans part 4 :)
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reaiscrying · 11 months
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quite the performance
heavily inspired by https://twitter.com/kageiro1588_GG/status/1406471696387764229?t=gvGwwVeC9PSpSUuweLJT-w&s=19 :)
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ahyuggg · 4 months
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shakes kaeya’s hand 💫💖
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spidertams · 2 years
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happy birthday pretty boy
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wintertundra-art · 10 months
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entering my unclean art era with the children ♡⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
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wwowizard · 9 months
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some genshin guys and their lil ladies
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masuchu · 5 months
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what puppy traits do your genshin boyfriends have? ‧₊˚
genre. fluff!! so fluffy it hurts
characters. kaeya, zhongli, wriothesley
love, masu. guys this was originally meant to have so many more characters TwT then i just made it all of my bf’s ugh can you blame me 😞 lmk if you want a pt. 2 !!
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(凯亚) 𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐘𝐀 ‧₊˚
We all know Kaeya has the attention span of a overexcited pup, so it’s not at all surprising that he ditches his paperwork and comes to bother you with licks, bites and love!
When you’re occupied, he pokes you for attention. When you’re mad, he nibbles on your neck to tame you. And when you’re being cute, he pounces on you and teases you about your adorable expressions.
Follows you around, but not like a lost puppy. No, more like a puppy on a mission. He has to be wherever you are, because how else is he going to entertain himself and bother you? Alone? Impossible!
He knows you love it, too. He’ll flirt with you and test your patience, saying in his delectable voice, “Oh, you hate me? Your heartbeat says otherwise~”
Lovestruck when you decide to return his irritating antics! Bite him back, fight fire with fire? Oh, his eyes burst out of their sockets! But beware, once he’s over his devoted haze, he doubles his teases. Triples, in some cases. What? You wouldn’t have fought back if you didn’t want to start a war!!
All in all, he really is a loveable little puppy. A hopelessly jarring one? Yes, but a loveable one all the same.
“Hah! A puppy? Cute. However, I recall you mentioning last week just how much you love and adore puppies, am I wrong? Does that mean, perhaps, it is the same case for I? Ah, love, I’m truly flattered~”
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(钟离) 𝐙𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐋𝐈 ‧₊˚
A devoted puppy. Not so much a golden retriever, but more like a guide dog. Wants to assist you in all ways he can, admire you silently, and remain with you always.
He stays firmly, yet loosely at your side almost all the time. A hand gripped on your waist, the remnants of bites littered along your neck, his chin on your shoulder while you work.
How can he help it? He knows exactly what you need (at least he thinks he does), he must tend to you at all hours of the day. There have been countless occasions of him cancelling your appointments without permission, all for time with you.
It’s hard to resist him when his reasonings are so romantic! Sometimes you question wether he has some form of separation anxiety, but you have come to realise it is more of a separation dislike.
He aids you on what to buy at the market at Liyue Harbour, will not be offended when you choose something else. He will praise your taste in tea, and keep a loyal hand on your waist the entire walk home. 
He will tell you about the history of Liyue, how the age-old flowers resemble you. You smile. It sets him at ease. A tender pup, lives to make you happy.
A surprisingly clingy pup, too. Sometimes you wake up with arm weaved around your body like the finest linen, some days, his entire top half is pressed right onto your chest! His excuse is that he must have gotten cold in the night, but you know he adores holding you.
He is an irresistible puppy, it is hard to stay mad at him. His handsome face, his perfectly chosen words… ugh!
“Oh? I have never been compared to such an animal. I am… intrigued. Please, tell me what about me resembles the creature.”
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(莱欧斯利) 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐘 ‧₊˚
Wriothesley swears that he is not a jealous, nor a particularly nervous or anxious lover. If so, why does he seem to inch closer to you and let out what seems to be a growl whenever a potential threat comes close you to you?
(What he deems to be a potential threat, anyways.)
He is such a cute, little guard dog! Hellbent on protecting you when it matters, and equally as persistent on keeping you all to himself when it is probably not that necessary!
He nibbles your skin on occasion, too. Gentle nips, flirtatious and teasing, and painstakingly canine! He does not shy away from admitting that he wants to mark you, either! Tells you plainly, and grins at your blush.
Having to spend almost all of his time at the Fortress of Meropide, it is often that a messenger is sent up above land to collect you under the pretences of ‘The Duke has a very important matter he would like to discuss with you.’ Yeah right.
You are met with the same cheeky grin when you waltz into his office; full of need, puppy-like excitement that he somehow manages to keep down, but slightly begging and desperate.
Like Zhongli, he is a tending puppy. He likes to watch your every, minuscule reaction to certain teas, his kisses, jokes he makes, etc. He makes countless mental notes, and always knows how to be a dutiful pup!
“A puppy, huh? I’ve been called many things, but that is certainly new for me. Though, I don’t hate the idea of being your guard dog, it gives me an excuse to have you with me at all times…”
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2024 © masuchu , do not repost, reword, plagiarise, take inspiration, translate or share my work anywhere!
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chestkeys · 1 year
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important questions!
they/them for albedo
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callibee · 2 years
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unamazing-sheep21 · 4 months
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| Something Deeply Terrifying
Loosely based on the fact that the traveler is canonically terrified their family bond won’t be enough to reunite them with their twin.
Also the angst potential between these two is INSANE. Genshin community OPEN YOUR EYES!!!
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mochabunnies · 2 months
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the "my sibling specializes in beauty products" experience :]
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