#kali call of darkness
requeimihavehopes · 2 days
My Amrit Doobay opinion is that I don't particularly want him to be written differently and I don't think it would necessarily make him a better character. A better person? Sure.
But him being obsessive, thinking he knows best and thus being disrespectful, controlling, creepy and overstepping all of her boundaries is fitting right alongside the rest of his personality.
I don't want him to suck less, I think he makes for a very enjoyable character as he is. One can enjoy gutting him like a fish or leaving him alone to rot in his pathetic misery or maybe even join him in his insanity depending on the mood. Whether or not his actions were forgiven and ignored by the narrative is thus a bit more complex to comment on since it becomes a path issue.
Amala joining him and moving past all of of his actions is not the same as the narrative doing that. This is the same Amala who has justified a lot of mass murders along the way, who has experienced a lot of traumatic events quite recently and we have been outright told by the narrative that she is going a bit insane.
If this person justifies his actions and decides that she wants to spend her life with him, that doesn't translate to the narrative saying that it's the correct or healthy thing to do. It could means that she did it anyway. She wanted to. She didn't care.
I don't think he was a failed morally gray character per say, because I don't think he was meant to be written as that kind of morally gray character in the first place. He was very outright on the wrong side of things about several issues. Characters who only do 'bad' things for the greater good are fine and good but characters can be wrong about what the greater good is, or about how they should go about it.
They can also have their own flaws outside of the trolley problem debate. Not every flaw has to sit nicely in the morally gray box where this was a bad thing done for good reasons. This was a bad thing done for bad reasons actually and the reason is that this person sucks. This same person had a distinct goal when doing that other bad thing though, arguably a good enough goal. Not every action has the same reason. Characters whose motives and actions are nuanced are fun.
So, I find Amrit Doobay to be a fun character to play with, not necessarily just in the scenarios provided to us in the game. What would happen if she got him arrested and took over the Dozen for herself? If she tried to kill him but he survived and now is sitting there analysing what just happened via his delusional lens, his entire worldview crashing right onto his head.
The self victimization that would come with any scenario of Amala not wanting to play along his schemes and instead doing something of her own. He might fancy himself the last do-gooder, the only one who knows what needs to be done, thus making everyone who goes against him not only dumb but dangerously so - a rabid dog that needs to be put down. Would he also admit to himself that it is out of vengeance, it is for fun, or would it just be 'the necessary thing to do'. His loneliness and deranged expectations from Amala to be his divine soulmate - all of these things make the dynamic interesting to explore to me - in several different ways, not necessarily including them actually being together in any shape or form (well, except for the thread).
All in all, yes he sucks and yes he is fun to explore which easily makes him an enjoyable character to me because I want my characters to be interesting more than anything else. It's fiction.
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 2 days
Character bingo: Amrit Doobay
Oof okay upon further inspection I have some additional thoughts:
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Canonically, I hate him. He’s sexist, homophobic, just really creepy overall (specifically re: undressing Amala without her consent like you don’t own her!! Stay MILES away from my girl). It does send a message that Remy made the the only dark skinned LI in this book super toxic/gross, but I don’t have time to get into that whole mess in this not nuanced post. My main opinion on Amrit can be boiled down to he’s an interesting morally gray LI, but Remy crossed the line with him, making him feel uncomfortable to romance (at least in comparison to other red flag LIs)
I despite this guy, but I will admit that there are interesting parts to his character. For instance, and this is a general Doobay trait, but his loyalty towards the people he truly loves is something I really like about his character and wish could have been explored more
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That line about not having the right to be weak actually tells us a lot about him. It shows that his definition of strength is about asserting dominance, and that he doesn’t tolerate those who show weakness because he wasn’t allowed to. Obviously, he was raised with a lot of pressure I blame everything on Raj because he’s doing twice the work with half of the help leading the Dozen. To me, it makes sense why he put all of his eggs into one basket and does everything he could to drag Amala back to her home country. The way he talks about his childhood so nonchalantly shows how he was forced to suppress his trauma too which is uhhh not a great coping mechanism. I mean he even acknowledges that Amala and Kiran are lucky to be able to depend on each other without the threat of being stabbed in the back, so it makes sense that his character is lonely
I’m not defending him because again, I think he’s a pathetic, arrogant, and bigoted loser but like with other parts of this book he could have been more well liked if he was written better. You know how in S1 he was shown to be respectful but cold (I don’t know how to explain what his fake persona was like)? That’s who he should have stayed as instead of becoming a bratty creep whose actions are forgiven by the plot
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reneedenoailles · 14 days
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me at any minor inconvenience
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sonofenki · 6 months
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corgi-cthuwu · 7 months
What even is my type anymore... 🫠
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There's a pattern here, and it's not exactly a good thing- but these are who I naturally gravitate to for some damn reason...
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"I romanced amrit just to get the secret end where he dies because he annoyed the shit out of me"
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littlee-sparkle · 1 year
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Kali Call of Darkness...
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eeveseeve · 7 months
me: i don't have a type
Sarcastic dark haired man that is funny and sassy and overconfident but is deep down a sweetheart and needs love *exists*
me: FUCK
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elliasnovember · 2 months
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Mahadeva Rita-Shiva: OG respecter of women
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samissobsessed · 1 year
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Season 3 of KCoD basically.
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zhoras-bitch · 1 year
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ustalochka · 4 months
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 1 month
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I need them all, actually
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reneedenoailles · 13 days
so i finished my kcd replay ! terrible path & i hated this ending but i wanted to see this second secret ending since @jillfvs & @a-cloud-for-dreams had spoken about it !
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here's the screenshots below (this ending is unlocked on loyalty + rage of goddess + high respect. i wouldn't recommend playing in all honesty)
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sonofenki · 4 months
just remembered radha will indeed marry devi's uncle day ruined
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somin-yin · 6 months
If you combine Amrit and Amen, you'll get yassified Christian 😂
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High cheekbones are similar to Amrit's but less pronounced because of his other dad, Amen 😂
Chin is a combination of both
The stare is 100% Amrit's but the eye colour is more Amen's 😂
Eyebrows are again 100% Amrit's 😂
These 2 definitely had a son and it's yassified Christian, how wild 😂 (people who say he looks Asian now need glasses)
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