#katsumi orochi x reader
yandere-writer-momo · 5 months
Yandere Baki Head Canon: Let’s Play A Game
Yandere Reverse Baki Harem x Afab fighter Reader
Otome Game AU
TW: unhealthy behavior, yandere themes, stalking, obsession, HORROR, etc
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You, a famous fighter, had accidentally died in a horrific car accident by saving the life of a child that was supposed to pass away. Luckily, a deity had taken pity on you and decided to give you a second chance at life. One where you must play a game in order to go back to your world. Romance five of the male leads and you’ll be able to return to your world. Katsumi Orochi, Baki Hanma, Kaioh Retsu, Hanayama Kaoru, and Jack Hanma are the five main males you must romance in order to go home but the deity had thrown in some other mystery men just for shits and giggles. He even gave you a house that’s exactly like your old one! Just don’t invite anyone over… Sounds simple enough right? Wrong. How were you to know these emotionally constipated men have never experienced love before?
Katsumi Orochi
The first man you met when you landed in this strange world. His eyes were wide when you suddenly appeared in the rain before him. What on earth was a woman doing in the rain by herself? He rushes over with his umbrella to place it over your head. He’s surprised by how attractive you are. How soft you look… he doesn’t realize he’s staring until you place your hands over his cheek and smile at him.
There was a bar above his head that rapidly began to grow pink when you touched him. He must be one of the male leads you had to romance… perfect!
“I’m a bit lost… can you help me?” Katsumi was quick to offer you his coat when he saw you shiver. There was something almost magical about you… he was a moth to your flame.
“Of course, here. Let’s head into the dojo.” Katsumi ushered you into Shinshinkai while the rain continued to pour. He was immediately smitten with you.
Katsumi offers you a Karate uniform to wear since your clothes are wet. The two of you share small talk and he’s excited to learn that you’re a practitioner of taekwondo. You were pretty and you could fight? It must have been destiny for the two of you to meet!
He by far was the easiest to romance or so you thought… poor you had gotten a little in over your head about this particular man. He’s so obsessive and delusional. A horrible combination but one he developed due to dedicating his entire life to karate.
Katsumi offered free training at Shinshinkai and he was always eager to spar with you. It wasn’t uncommon for him to wrestle with you or to take you out to eat after training. You didn’t notice the way he’d slowly become more and more touchy. Nor did you notice how weird he was when babies were around.
“Don’t you think that baby is so cute?” Katsumi asked when a baby was sat with its mother in a table near the two of you. The baby was super cute with their chubby cheeks. “(Your name), would you ever want to have kids?”
And you stupidly told this man yes… you shared how you wanted to get married one day and have kids that hopefully wanted to be marital artists. You stupid girl! You didn’t even notice the obsession that lied behind his chocolate eyes or the lingering touches whenever he’d pin you to the floor beneath him when you sparred. Not until it was too late. Not until you’re introduced to his parents as his future wife. And there no way to run from him. He has over a million members at Shinshinkai and they’d hunt you down if you ever tried to escape from your doting fiancé.
Hanayama Kaoru
Once you had settled into your house (and carefully made sure not to invite the overly friendly Katsumi over), you ran into him on the street. It was just a chance meeting, but it was one that caught Hanayama by surprise. You had bumped into him and knocked his cigar onto him.
“I’m sorry, sir. I wasn’t looking where I was going-“ You were shocked to see such a tall man covered in scars. The heart bar above his head was slightly pink by the small encounter with him. Neither one of you looked away from each other’s eyes.
Hanayama nodded his head and went to turn away but he was surprised when he heard your voice again. “You have ashes all over your jacket… please let me at least brush you off.” Hanayama blushed when you quickly brushed the ashes off him without his answer. How brazen of you! He’s never been hit on first like this…
When you walk away, you noticed his romance bar is already at twenty percent. Perhaps you’d be able to go home sooner than you thought if you kept this up?
A shame you didn’t notice the blush on Hanayama’s face. He’s never been so excited in his life… and now it was your problem. How were you to know how possessive he was?
He was a silent presence compared to the chatty Katsumi and Baki. He would randomly sit beside you when you weren’t preoccupied by the other men which wouldn’t have been such a bad thing if he didn’t stare at you. His gaze was unnerving and terrifying. Yet you must accept him in order to go home. So you tolerated his presence with gentle smiles and one sided small talk. You didn’t realize how much Hanayama truly enjoyed your company.
He began to bring you gifts. Roses, jewelry, and clothing. Loud gestures of adoration despite his stoic exterior. You’d always thank him with a smile because his romance bar would rise with each gift… but his pink bar was the first to reach a blood red. Why was his bar so red? And why did you always feel as if someone was watching you?
His gifts began to become inappropriate. Rather than regular clothes, he’d gift you red, black, and violet lingerie. And then it was chocolates and invitations to fancy dinners where oysters were almost always served. You were starting to become really scared when you found out what his occupation was. How were you to know he was a yakuza boss?! And there was no escape from Hanayama, he was too powerful and he was too obsessed with you to share you.
Baki Hanma
You were on a jog when you met the twenty year old. He was sitting on a bench all alone looking so down. The heart bar above his head was a depressing shade of blue. Oh no! Why did he look so sad?
Baki was shocked when you sat beside him with a smile. You offer him your hand to introduce yourself and you offered to listen to him since he looked so sad. He instantly clung to you like a tick. You were so warm and sweet… he adored it. He’s never had affection like this since his ex girlfriend… you’re warm like a mom!
You pat Baki’s head as he cries in your arms. You’re shocked by how his heart bar sky rockets to a sixty percent with this small interaction. Holy smokes! You were crushing this game!
You exchanged numbers with him and offered him solace so kindly. Baki was so thrilled to finally have someone care about him. It was what he has always wanted…
Baki spent almost as much time with you as Katsumi did. The two friendly men running around you like little kids as they excitedly would take you on lots of dates. It was a little overwhelming.
But you didn’t think Baki would be so clingy… please don’t leave him! Don’t leave him, he’d do anything for you! Please only look at him! Love him!
Jack Hanma
The hardest to romance. This man was mean. Mean as hell. He had no interest in you whatsoever, he only had his goal of strength in mind. Jack constantly rebuffed you, but your persistence began to wear down his walls
Why did you insist on being so close to him anyways? He was a mess. He was always sweaty and he would train to the point of incontinence… did you have a piss kink? You were weird as hell and he didn’t like the way the other fighters hovered around you like helicopters. You were nothing special… at least that’s what he told himself until he overheard you defend him when someone bad mouthed him.
“Sure Jack can be a little rough around the edges, but he works harder than any of you!” Jack clenched his jaw when he heard you berate some of the fighters who commented on his methods for strength. “You don’t have half of what it takes to want to be the best.” Your words made something flutter in his heart. It was a weird feeling but it wasn’t something entirely unwelcomed.
Jack’s presence usually sent the other men running away with their tails between their legs but he began to like the way you smiled so warmly at him. For the first time in years, someone didn’t look at him like he was a monster. And he didn’t ever want you to disappear. No. Jack wouldn’t ever let anything happen to you. He’d rather die.
You became as important to him as his journey to strength. You were his one and only friend. His companion. It didn’t matter to him that there were others. Jack was just happy to have you by his side.
Jack enjoyed how you’d sit beside him whenever he sat alone or how you’d occasionally lean on him when it was cold. Jack slowly warmed up to you and his romance bar slowly began to rise. He took the longest to romance out of all the others but he’s the most normal out of all of them. Jack rarely sought you out unless he had a gut feeling you needed him. Jack slowly began to become easier to talk to… and you made the mistake of venting to him. Of showing him your most vulnerable side.
So when he saw you crying for the first time about how weird everyone was to you, something in him snapped. How dare they make you uncomfortable. How dare they make you cry! And now you realized just how over protective Jack was of you…
And from that day forth, Jack began to protect you. He was like a giant, blonde tank that shoved the other men out of the way. You didn’t have to worry anymore. Jack would protect you!
Kaioh Retsu
You met him at the dojo. Retsu was very nice to you. He was a voice of reason and usually would step between you and Katsumi when he noticed Katsumi being particularly weird to you.
You’d spar with Retsu and you were always awestruck by his Kenpo. Retsu enjoyed your compliments and even taught you some Kenpo. He was thrilled that someone was interested in his martial art. To have it be appreciated.
His romance bar was hidden from you, which was strange. Occasionally it would pop up with a high percentage but then it would fade into obscurity. Retsu would always give you a soft smile and reassure you whenever you were particularly overwhelmed. He was a really good friend.
Retsu was easy to talk to and he made the best tea. And Retsu always had a logical response whenever you vented about the other men. You felt safe with Retsu… like you could trust him.
And so you shared with him the truth of you situation. Which made the Chinese man sympathize with you. He’d help you get home!
A shame you didn’t realize how he secretly manipulated you. How he pretended to be reasonable and level headed. He used his maturity and kindness to lower your guard but he didn’t realize just how much you were hiding. You’re from another world? That would explain why you were so unique compared to everyone else in this world of his… Retsu found you fascinating.
Now Retsu was going to help you leave this world… but he was going with you. You entrusted him with such precious information and didn’t he deserve a reward for helping you?
A wild card. You will only meet him if you decide to go hiking on a Thursday.
You were not supposed to meet him but you did. On a complete accident too. You decided to go on a hike in the forest to get away from your… suitors.
He was just hunting in the forest when he noticed you. And he was curious about you. He began to follow you around like a lost dog. It would take a few miles of hiking to notice him but once you did, you were very puzzled. Who was this guy and why was his romance bar red from the get go? And that’s when you finally put together that the red bars that were above all the men you have been around meant danger.
Pickle was quick to snatch you up in his arms but rather than attack you, he sniffed you. He was surprised to smell all those fighters he’s fought on you! It fascinated him.
You were quick to escape him and run but he chased after you. He was so happy to play! If he caught you, could he keep you? Pickle would like a mate.
A shame Baki was waiting for you at the edge of the forest. The redhead glared at Pickle who began to throw a tantrum. No fair! Pickle wanted to play with you too! To keep you and to mate with you! That wasn’t fair.
Now you didn’t leave the city often because Pickle was always watching… always waiting to strike. For you had caught his eye.
Hector Doyle
Another wild card. You weren’t supposed to meet him but you did at the dojo. He was supposedly a reformed convict, one that didn’t have much of an interest in you… at first.
Doyle was kind of mean but in a snarky way. He always had something smart to say whenever you’d talk to Katsumi. You thought he was gay when you first met him since he liked Katsumi so much. But after you got to know him, you realized he was just attached to the Karateka since he defeated him.
Doyle slowly opened up to you since you were a constant presence in Katsumi’s life. You were very nice to him despite his sharp tongue so Doyle respected you. The two of you slowly became friends… but you constantly had to stop him from stealing products from the mall. Doyle had sticky fingers despite being blind. He insisted he knew the quality of what he took by the way it smelled and felt in his fingers. It was kind of silly.
Doyle’s romance bar slowly rises up the more you go out with him. He’s secretly a softie beneath his rough exterior. (If you’re a touchy person, it’ll shoot up faster. Doyle is easily flustered). Doyle is also very jealous of Katsumi
You seemed to make his friend happy so he was happy with you… until he noticed a change in Katsumi. The Karateka was obsessed with you to the point it was concerning. At least in the way Katsumi spoke of you, since Doyle was blind.
“Katsumi told everyone that you’re his fiancée but I never heard you talk about it.” Doyle whispered to you as the two of you stretched in a corner in the dojo. The blind assassin adjusted his blindfold. “I may be blind, but I’m not stupid. Are you okay?”
Doyle was shocked when you answered back in a choked sob. “No, I’ve tried to get away but he’s sent the whole dojo after me… I’m scared, Doyle.”
Doyle was so shocked when you hugged him. His body shook when he felt his first hug since he was a child. He instantly wrapped his arms around you and lost himself within you. He could imagine a life with you. You were so sweet and you were capable… he had money from his old job as an assassin and he had favors he was owed by people. Doyle could help you escape.
You pulled away and you felt your blood run cold at the red bar that was now above Doyle’s head. Oh no…
“I’ll help you escape.” Doyle whispered in your ear. “But we’d constantly be on the run. Would you want to live like that, darling?”
The choice is up to you with him. Doyle will help you but you’d lose your opportunity to go home… forever.
Jun Guevara
Another wild card. This dashing man can be found on Fridays at the docks by his boat. He’s usually shirtless with a jacket draped over his shoulders and a cigarette between his lips. He is also very easy to attract if you ask him about the ocean. This man loves the ocean. He won’t stop talking about it and he may even give you a shell if you’re extra sweet.
Jun is incredibly flirtatious but don’t let that fool you, he’s also extremely possessive. His heart bar will only rise if you’re charismatic. You have to be able to talk the talk too. And once you successfully romance him, you have the opportunity to get onto his ship! Hurray!
Jun will share rum and stories with you if you sneak off to come see him. He’ll even drape his jacket around you and call you, “Meu amor” or “Meu anjo.” You don’t have a clue what that means but it seems like a nickname!
Jun is great to use as an escape option if the other men become overwhelming. Just keep in mind that he won’t let you off that boat, because he’s determined to make you his wife! And eventually the mother of his four children.
Biscuit Oliva
Another wild card but can be encountered if you interact with criminals (Jun or Doyle). Biscuit may ask you about their whereabouts but you should lie to him to save your friends. Compliment this man to distract him! He’s a pretty revered bounty hunter so it won’t take much.
He’s recently a widow and he’s easily flustered since he’s never been flirted with before. Oliva is very easy to romance once you stoke the fires of his ego.
Oliva is a gift giver just like Hanayama except his gifts are more from the heart rather than his pants…
Oliva will buy you very nice clothes and offer to take you abroad. His romance bar will only ever turn red if you share your woes with him.
Just like Jack, Oliva is extremely protective. And he will not lose another love so he’s willing to whisk you away and lock you up forever.
Just be his cute sugar baby and everything will be okay! So long as the other men don’t crash your date… then you may never get home.
Once you successfully romance all the men, the deity will appear to you. But sadly they won’t be able to send you home anyways because you’ve ruined the story here since all their bars all turned red. Sorry toots, but he can’t take you away from these men who are willing to kill each other to have you. The deity just hopes you can make a choice.
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raidenbuddha · 10 months
Baki characters x Fem reader!
Yujiro Hanma
This man will literally make sure to smack your ass in public if someone is looking at you both. Jealous isn’t the word, but he WILL kill any man who hits on you. Yujiro will also make sure to leave bite marks all over your body to let EVERYONE know that you belong to him.. This man definitely has a breeding kink.( can’t blame me the show even practically says it) He’s obsessed with making the strongest kids to ever live, but even more so with seeing you cry when he slams into you too hard. Defo loves the power imbalance!
Baki hanma:
HES SO TOUCHED STARVED! (My mans😭) He lives for your affection. Baki definitely loves to hold hands and kiss you in public. (His love language) is pda and giving you little momentos of your relationship. You two go to a museum? He’s buying you a dinosaur plushie… Ok hear me out doesn’t Baki strike you as the type to hold your hand during sex? Tell you it’ll all be ok and that you’re doing so well? Definitely gives the best aftercare and cuddles.
Jack Hanma:
Jack absolutely adores you to the point where it’s unhealthy. If he could lock you away he would. The reason though is that you saw through his tough facade and all the scars and only saw a man who needed healing. Over time jack seems like he would get supeeeer flirty with you. To the point where he’s making innuendos a least 3 times a day just to get you flustered. Just gonna throw it out there- his cock is massive would practically rip you a new one if he put it in all the way lmao. Loves cuddling and carrying you everywhere after..
Another man who lives for your affection. Int he start of your relationship he would stay over a lotttt and cuddle with you until eventually he moved in. Katsumi obviously brags about you to everyone he can and told his parents he was going to marry you a week into the relationship. Doppo and Natsue strike me as having Grandbaby fever.. But THIS MAN is sooo wholesome and blushes at the slightest touch you give him. If you egg him on however, it’s like flipping a switch and he becomes sooo dominant. Definitely going to be taking a few days off work…
Jun Guevara:
You two met at a dancing club and he was entranced with you since he’d seen you. Obsessive over you just like jack. Loves to take you sailing and gives you little seashells as gifts..can’t forget that this man is definitely a horny ass always tryna get into your pants. He be pulling out the Spanish being like “Mi amor I need you so badly..” as he kisses you. Okay but like Spanish guy so he finna love back shots no matter the ass(lmaoo) and probably missionary. Loves giving you his clothes and bandana after
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ozzgin · 7 months
HIII I LUV UR ACC <33 🫶 can i request a reader that is as cute as a bunny but she is a bit bratty with any baki character ^^ have a good day!!
Thank you and sure! Apologies for the delay. The idea reminds me a lot of Hatsune Miku’s “World is Mine”, so I went for a similar protagonist.
Baki Characters x Cute Bratty! Reader
Featuring Baki and Jack Hanma, Kaiou Retsu, Hanayama Kaoru and Katsumi Orochi. And a reader that has a cheeky attitude behind all that cuteness.
[Baki Masterlist]
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Baki Hanma
Baki is a mischievous one himself, so he finds your attitude cute and loves to entertain it. If you’re being bratty, he will either spoil you or mimic your behavior with a pout. What, you didn’t think two can play this game?
If he does spoil you it will be accompanied with the proper theatrics. “But of course! Who dared to upset my Princess? Point to the disturbance and I shall take care of it at once!” He is not embarrassed to be seen servicing you, and who would even attempt to question it? One knows better than to mess with the younger Hanma.
Sometimes Baki might be in a sour mood, or simply focused on his training. In such cases he will greet your demands with a sad smile and swear he’ll make it up to you as soon as his anger tones down. If you promise to behave, you can even help him train. He could use an extra weight.
Kaoru Hanayama
Hanayama isn’t quite sure how to deal with you. You’re so cute and frail, and yet every now and then you surprise him with a sassy attitude. Alas, he loves spoiling you so he will eventually give in to your demands, however outrageous they might be. He is the head of the yakuza, after all. You don’t need to hold back.
Sometimes he might take your statements literally, for the better or worse. You stomping your feet and angrily wishing whatever caused your distress would just disappear? You’ll have to quickly clear it up and explain it was just a tantrum. He doesn’t…actually need to eradicate it. Please.
If Hanayama is in a bad mood or occupied with work (leading a gang often proves to be a busy matter), he will have his lackeys readily available to you. Naturally they are to display the utmost compliance when servicing the future Ane-san of the Family.
Kaiou Retsu
Retsu finds you downright adorable and would do anything for your sake. It’s in his nature to be caring and kind towards those he loves and cherishes. Truly, it seems almost impossible to ever refuse your whims, his heart tugging whenever a frown might darken your features.
…Or is it? His willingness knows no boundaries, except for when your safety or comfort might be at risk. If your tantrums involve something he deems improper, not only will he disregard your attempts, but also lecture you vehemently. You almost feel like you’re once more in school, scolded by the strict teacher for being naughty.
Overall Retsu is rather rigid and awkward when it comes to your mischief. He is a man of discipline, but that has always only involved him. The etiquette he follows and expects from other warriors doesn’t extend to his beloved partner.
Katsumi Orochi
Similar to Retsu, Katsumi is also surrounded by stern expectations. He won’t hesitate to flatten down any of his Dojo attendees for the smallest sign of disobedience or misdemeanor. When it comes to you, however…
Everyone can tell he has a soft spot for you. From the facial expressions to the tone of his voice, his conduit switches in a matter of seconds. His ardent, adoring smile never falters when interacting with you. Your bratty attitude just makes his heart melt. The fact that you trust yourself to be cheeky around him reinforces his role as your partner, in his mind.
Sometimes even you feel like his spoiling might go overboard, but that’s what you like about him. He’s at your feet, ready to meet whatever desires you bring up. “Anything for my Princess” is his catchphrase around you.
Jack Hanma
You’d think Jack wouldn’t be the type tolerate certain behaviors. Plenty of people have gasped in anticipation upon witnessing your bratty attitude towards the tall man. Is he going to be angry? Will he yell at you? Alas, they just don’t know Jack well enough. His patience is unbreakable for things that matter to him.
He just quietly goes along with your orders. If you suddenly stop in the middle of the street and demand he holds your hand in this instant, he will comply with a faint smile. He enjoys entertaining you, he just won’t express it as openly as others. He’s your very own stoic Prince.
If you’re being particularly bratty and he’s not in the mood to react to it accordingly, he will just pick you up - regardless of where you are - and carry you home for a snuggle until you calm down or rectify your behavior. If you think about it, it’s not much of a punishment. And you can’t say no to being buried within his massive frame for warmth.
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rae-pss · 10 months
i was bored, so take these.
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mothwingwritings · 5 months
I kind of would like to see a yandere Katsumi with a breeding kink. I’m usually the one to write him with one, but I’d like to see the way one of my favorite writers would write him ❤️
Anything for you, my darling! ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ I missed writing for our dear boy. <3 Also, you know his ass would be *so* sly about it. This man isn’t gonna stop until your body is a veritable child making factory, irrevocably binding you to him whether you want to be or not. :)
WARNINGS:  Breeding kink, lots of mentions of babies (making/rearing) and pregnancy, dubcon, Katsumi blatantly lying to you and manipulating you to get what he wants for ‘your own good’ (of course :D).
NSFW so 18+ only please and thank you!!!
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It had been several days since you saw Katsumi, a weekend trip to see your family taking you away from him for the past three nights. Judging by his reaction when you walked through the door however, you would have thought months or possibly years had gone by since you last embraced, as he was on you before you even had the chance to give him a proper greeting.
“Missed you so much baby,” he murmured in between heated kisses, his hungry mouth moving from your lips to trail sloppy kisses across your cheek and down your neck, “I’m so glad you’re home.”
You giggled at his enthusiasm, pushing on him a little in an attempt to get him to ease up. “I missed you too Katsu, but can I at least make it two steps inside before I am assaulted with affection, please?”
“Impossible.” He responded simply, hoisting you up from the floor.  After he had successfully scooped you into his arms, he gave a small twirl, causing you to laugh harder. He made an exaggerated hustle to the living room, hauling you in tow. Gently he plopped you down on the plush sofa, making sure you were comfortable before positioning himself above you.
“There, happy?” he smiled, giving you a small kiss on the nose, “Now that you are safely and securely inside, do I have permission to continue?”
You sighed dramatically, giving a playful roll of your eyes. “Geez, you sure are needy today! But I suppose I can oblige your request just this once. Besides…” Your hand traveled up to cup his cheek, your thumb gently stroking his smooth skin as he leaned into you, savoring your touch. “It may have only been a few days, but you weren’t the only one feeling lonely.”
He took your words as an invitation to draw nearer, his warm smile radiating down on you as he pressed his lips to yours once more. Sweet, delicate kisses were quick to grow deeper, the intensity steadily increasing as you both sought to lose yourselves in each other.
…And you figured that would be the end of it. A hot and heavy make out session to welcome you back followed by cuddles, questions about the trip, updates on what happened while you were gone, and then maybe a very well deserved nap.
But Katsumi kept going, his hand slowly creeping under your shirt and across your stomach, stopping to paw at your chest. You gasped slightly at the sensation, causing him to release a pleased hum.
“Sensitive today, are we?” He teased you, his groping growing more feverish as he fed off your reaction. You whined as he pushed your shirt up past your chest, your bra following directly after, giving him free access to your bare chest. A chuckle rumbled from within him as his fingers pressed into your supple skin, your body twitching as his palms ghosted your nipples, thoroughly enjoying watching the reactions his subtle toying yielded. “You say I’m the needy one, but look how you are pressing against me, seeking me out. Even if you didn’t use your words to tell me how much you missed me, your body would have given you away.”
“Katsu” you hissed, squirming under each stroke of his hand, “please, can’t we at least wait till after I’ve settled in some?”
“This is settling you in,” he smiled, working until the top half of your clothing had been completely discarded on the floor. “How much more settled can you be than here in my arms, nestled up against me while we enjoy each other’s company?” He stopped for a second, briefly mulling over his words before adding “Well, I guess you’d be the most settled with me buried deep inside of you, but I’m working on that.”
Your face flushed at his brazen words, bunched fists pushing up against his chest in a small act of resistance. It wasn’t that you weren’t interested-your previous admission of loneliness wasn’t a lie. Your trip had only been a few days, but Katsumi had been busy for several nights preceding that, leaving you feeling deeply unfulfilled for well over a week. Toys and your own hands could only take you so far.
You could feel your resolve waning with each passing moment. Every kiss of his lips, every caress of his hand, every coaxing word spoken by his husky voice, was like torture to your love deprived body. In the midst of it all he shed his own shirt, making you damn near lose your mind with desire. What right did he have to look so good, like he was some kind of Adonis pulled from the pages of a romance novel? You shuddered as his eyes roamed the curves of your compromised form, shining with eagerness to drown you in pleasure.
He dipped his head back down to your chest, his gaze turning mischievous as his eyes bore into yours. His tongue lightly laved over your soft skin and you clenched your jaw to stifle a whimper, desperately attempting to calm yourself down. But despite your best efforts one slipped out when he gently bit down, his tongue swirling your nipple friskily. His free hand sought out your other breast, massaging it gingerly as he lapped and sucked to his heart’s content.
Losing yourself in his ministrations, it wasn’t until he began to tug at your pants that you started to come to, your haze of lust dissipating the further down your legs the clothing traveled. Once past the knees, your hands shot to his shoulders, garnering his attention.
“Katsumi, stop,” you tried to speak firmly, even though your voice still warbled with desire, “I’m not ready for this right now.”
“Shhh,” he whispered, planting a kiss on your stomach, continuing to undress you, “let me make you feel good, baby. You are worn out from the trip, right? I’m just trying to help you unwind~”
You gripped his shoulders tighter, “Katsu, please, I- I just think we should wait…” your voice trailed off, a red hue spreading across your cheeks as you spoke your next words, “Right now is… it’s kind of bad timing, you know? We’re in a bit of a danger zone if we do anything rash.”
You finished the sentence with a nervous laugh, hopeful that he would pick up on your true discomfort and drop the subject entirely. Unfortunately, your words didn’t seem to affect him in the slightest as he finished discarding your pants, now focusing on the panties that were destined to join them.
“You’re on the pill, right? It shouldn’t be a problem…” He shimmied himself down your exposed body, trailing kisses as he went, “besides, you don’t seem to be putting up much of a fight to stop me right now, so you can’t be that against what I’m doing to you.”
You looked down at him, pouting in reaction to his cheeky smile. “I shouldn’t have to fight you. You should just respect your beloved girlfriend’s wishes and stop on your own.”
Katsumi laughed, “You may have a point, but when you dangle a bone before a starving dog, he’s gonna make a move,” he gave you another once over, the heat of his stare causing your heart rate to quicken. “Looking the way that you do, you can hardly blame me.”
A jolt coursed through your body as you felt Katsumi’s fingers lightly graze your folds, a bright blush illuminating your cheeks as Katsumi gave another throaty chuckle. He planted a lingering kiss on your leg, “So fucking cute,” he spoke against your skin, his demeanor morphing from mischievous to downright lustful, “I know you want this too. I’ll use protection, OK?”
Before you had the opportunity to respond his fingers were pressing more firmly against you, teasing your entrance. A wave of heat rushed through your body, your hips bucking up involuntarily to receive more of his touch. Driven by your body’s reaction, Katsumi repositioned himself between your legs, quickly shedding his pants in the process.
Your whole body ached with desire as you watched him move above you, staring at you with longing eyes. You had witnessed him like this countless times before, but each time it happened you couldn’t help but gawk at him. Katsumi was flawless, strong, and handsome beyond compare. Sometimes you couldn’t help but wonder how someone like him even ended up as yours to begin with (though he always hated that insecurity of yours, stating if anyone were to feel that way in this relationship, it should be him).
Katsu was your biggest fan, the apple of your eye, the love of your life. You were both just as crazy about each other now as you were when you first met so long ago, wrapped up in some kind of never-ending whirl-wind romance you thought only existed in movies or fairy tales. You loved him so goddamn much, every moment with him was a moment to be treasured.
So when he lowered his mouth to your entrance, dragging his tongue languidly against your bare cunt, your body was quick to give in. You shuddered as his tongue worked its way inside of you, warm and inviting as it tenderly explored you. Your breathing grew erratic as his thumb moved to massage your clit, his hand and mouth working in synchrony to lead you to euphoria.
You knew where this was all headed, and even with Katsumi’s previous assurances you still felt unsure. You had been experiencing abnormal hormonal fluctuations, often times having a full on period when you knew the medicine you were on was supposed to be staunching it. You had been meaning to go to the doctor to get it addressed but something always seemed to be popping up, barring you from finding out the root cause of the issue.
You had tried to stress your concerns to Katsumi multiple times, but he always brushed them off by saying that you were both being safe and nothing would happen. You wanted to believe him, truly you did, but you knew how weak your resolve was in moments like this and his was even worse. How could either of you say you were doing all you could to prevent bringing another life into this world, a life neither of you was ready to raise or care for?
But even with all your misgivings, how could you ever tell him no? How could you ever not give in to your overwhelming need for him? The longer he touched you the more you felt as if you were losing yourself, ensnared by the bliss he was supplying you. You whined as his hand gripped your leg tighter, pulling you closer to him. You assisted by latching your hands to his hair, grinding yourself against his face as you chased your pleasure. He moaned against you in response, causing you to shiver.
In your haze of lust, you glanced down at him, watching as his feverish mouth worked its magic. Your blush deepened when his focus shifted back your way, his lidded eyes staring up at you had a bestial look to them as he fixated on you, thoroughly engrossed in eating you out. He was fueled by each twitch of your face, the furrowing of your brow, the look of growing ecstasy in your eyes, and you found his palpable desire just as exciting.
All of your tells were driving him to the point of insanity as he lapped at you, the bulge in his boxers growing painful as it strained against the pre-cum soaked fabric, desperate to be inside of you. “I need you now,” his voice was deep as he detached himself from you, wiping your slick from his chin with the back of his hand, “I can’t wait any longer.”
“Katsu,” your voice was strained, missing his contact as soon as it was gone, “Katsu, I-“
“It’s OK baby,” Katsumi purred, cutting you off, “I told you I’ll take care of you, and I’m a man of my word.”
His baritone voice caused an eruption of butterflies in your stomach, your entire body aching for him as he shed what remained of his clothing. He spat on his hand, giving himself a few cursory pumps before he slotted himself against you, dragging his hard cock tauntingly across your opening.
“Are you ready for me?”
Though your mind was muddled with desire, the fact that Katsumi was not sticking to his promise had not escaped your notice. A pang of fear spiked in your heart as you felt him start to enter you, the repercussions of this liaison sending anxiety coursing through your veins.
“W-wait, you said-“
Katsumi pressed his lips to yours, making you instantly swallow your protest. He pushed his way inside, causing you to whine against his kiss. He parted from you slightly, his breathing unsteady as he enjoyed the feeling of you enveloping him.
“I’m sorry baby, couldn’t wait,” he panted, moving his hips until he was completely sheathed inside of you, “you feel so fucking good.”
“Katsu,” you whispered, overwhelmed by the stretch of him inside of you, “please, I-“
Another kiss, “It’ll be OK, trust me.”
His voice was hurried, his words a means to pacify. They did little to assuage your concerns, but as you felt the slow drag of his length against your walls, your ability to dispute him was stolen from you. His thumb pressed against your clit, massaging the tender bud, coaxing your body back into a sense of mounting ecstasy that effectively killed any lingering protests.
You gasped as he thrust into you again, more forcefully than his initial entrance. He continued just as roughly, each deliberate stroke hitting you so deeply it made your head spin. Delicate whimpers turned into wanton moans as he pushed on, quickening his pace to an almost brutal degree. He leaned down, pressing his body against yours as he covered your neck with hot, open mouth kisses. His hands gripped the back of your legs, pressing them back so that he had access to plunge even deeper.
“So fucking perfect,” he panted into your neck, voice wavering with desire, “everything about you is perfect (name). I love you so fucking much.”
A particularly harsh push of his hips made you scream, a growl of pleasure rumbling from Katsumi’s throat. “And you’re all mine. I’m the only one that gets to see you like this, the only one who can make you feel this good.  And you’re the one who completes me, the only person that drives me to the point of insanity with how much I love you.”
At some point tears began to fall down your cheeks, the intensity of his love overpowering you as he imprinted himself into your very core. His affection was as intoxicating as it was formidable, and you found yourself being able to do little more than cling to him, crying over the potent mix of pleasure and pain he continuously hammered into you.
His hands snaked up your arms, entwining his fingers with yours in a vice like grip. Sweat coated his brow as his eyes caught yours in a heady stare. You could tell his release was imminent, the ability to speak chased away by his growing passion, a string of unintelligible praises and moans tumbling from his lips as his hips smacked lewdly against you.
A final wave of pleasure crashed upon you, taking you in its brilliance. Crying out in bliss, you tightened around him as you came, your entire body vibrating in complete satisfaction at Katsumi’s efforts. The reaction caused his hips to stutter, his voice roaring your name as he came, spilling himself deep inside of you.
For a moment you were lost in your buzz. Breathing heavily in his arms, a thin layer of sweat coated your battered body as you slowly regained your bearings. Katsumi stayed where he was, plugging you up as he planted lingering kisses along your face and collarbone, his praise never ceasing as he held you close.
“K-Katsumi,” your voice was weak as you came down off your high, a nagging feeling of disquiet once more taking root in your brain. You squirmed in his hold, trying to detach yourself from him and the softening cock he kept stuffed inside of you. “Katsumi, get off of me…”
“Hey now, if you keep moving around like that you’re gonna get me excited again,” he chuckled, your body jolting when he gave your breast a playful nip, “You already ready for round two? Naughty girl~”
“S-stop,” you pouted, upset that he was trying to joke around when you were in a clear state of distress, “What the hell even was that? I told you now wasn’t good timing…”
He laughed again, “As I said, you didn’t seem to really be complaining.”
You smacked him lightly on the shoulder, brows furrowing. “I’m not joking around Katsumi! It felt nice, but what happens if…” Your voice trailed off. Despite all you had just done, you couldn’t help but feel a bit embarrassed as you confronted what could be a very real repercussion of your actions. “What if we get pregnant?”
“…Would it really be so bad?”
Your eyes shot back to him, taken aback by the nonchalance in his words. There was a serene smile on his face as he spoke them, as if bringing a child into your life was no big deal at all.
“We’re gonna have them someday anyway, aren’t we?” He continued to smile at you, nudging his nose against yours affectionately, “Does it really matter if we have them now or later? Another member of the Orochi family wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.” He planted a small kiss on your lips, looking down at you with a sparkle in his eye. “Besides, you’d look absolutely gorgeous full of my children, don’t you think? Can’t say I’m not looking forward to you wobbling around all plump and pretty, there will just be that much more of you to love on.”
A deep red blossomed across your face, trailing down your chest. “Y-you know I’m not ready for all that Katsu, I wouldn’t know the first thing to do with a kid right now.” You shook your head, giving him an earnest look, “We can’t do this, at least not yet. I, we are not ready for a commitment that big. We agreed on this already, right?”
He hummed thoughtfully as he took you in, an indiscernible look reflected in his eyes as they bore into yours. For a brief moment you felt uncomfortable with his demeanor, his silence making you feel almost as if something you said had bothered him and now he was upset with you. But just as you were about to confront him on it, his smile returned. In a swift movement he pulled out of you, pivoting his body around until he had scooped you up in his arms.
Pressed firmly against his chest, he planted a kiss on the crown of your head. “I’m sorry (Name), you’re right. I just can’t help but get carried away when I’m with you. I’ll try better to restrain myself in the future.”
You sighed, snuggling into his chest as you tried to dispel the feelings of concern that still wracked your mind. “It’s OK,” you spoke softly, the evidence of his transgression leaking uncomfortably from between your legs. “We’ll just have to be extra careful in the future, alright?”
As you rested against him, Katsumi was happy you couldn’t see the guilt that briefly permeated his features. He had total faith in his plan, knew that ultimately it was the right thing to do for not just him, but yourself as well. Yet still, hearing your blatant concern as you snuggled against him, held close by the man you trusted the most while you remained none the wiser to his plan… He couldn’t help but feel like the bad guy.
He grimaced as he tightened his hold on you, frustrated that you were making this so hard for him. You belonged with him. No one could make you happier than he could, no one could protect you or provide for you better than he could. Really, all of the fears you conjured pertaining to your inevitable future with him were your own fault, self-inflicted punishment you suffered for being so stubborn.
Every ideal and goal that you were so keen on pursuing were ultimately pointless in the grand scheme of things-Silly little distractions that you for some reason deemed as more important than creating a family with him. He tried not to let it gnaw away at him, but sometimes it was too hard to ignore.
The thought that you could just slip away someday, leaving him behind as you gave your love and your future to someone else, haunted him. He knew you loved him, it was undeniable. He was sure a break-up was the furthest thing from your mind, the loyalty you felt for him as unwavering as his was for you. And yet worries still plagued him. You were his happiness, his love, his light. Everything he did, he did for you. If one day your love for him dimmed, where would that leave him? What would be the purpose of life if you weren’t there by his side, experiencing it with him as you grew old together?
He couldn’t accept that, he wouldn’t. You were his, always and forever. But he needed an assurance that you would stay by his side for keeps, something bigger than spoken promises and more concrete than a ring on your finger. He needed something to bind you to him irrevocably, a sign of your lifelong love that was truly permanent.
And what was a better culmination of devotion and attachment than a baby? He always wanted to be a father, and from the moment he met you, he wanted to make you the mother of his children. It only made sense that one day, hopefully very soon, that goal would be realized.
In his home, fat with his babies, basking in his touch and his ceaseless love, THAT was the life you deserved and the only thing you should be focused on. If you weren’t going to recognize it on your own, of course he had no choice but to begin taking drastic measures. Swapping out your pills, sabotaging your doctor’s appointments, lying to you… he wasn’t proud of himself for having to do it, but his hands were tied. Any struggling or feelings of discontentment were ultimately entirely your own fault.
“…Katsumi? Did you hear me?”
“Oh, sorry baby,” he startled at the acknowledgment, dragged back to earth by your questioning voice. “But I hear you loud and clear. I meant it when I said you have nothing to worry about. I’ll always keep your best interests at heart, I promise.”
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ladythot · 10 months
How they kiss you hEADCANONSS your selection of men but please include sikorsky ❤️
Short Kiss headcanons — SFW, cheesy stuff, non proofread
Characters; Jack, Pickle, Katsumi, Katou, Chiharu, Sikorsky (another weird combo I'm suh surry)
Also, still trying to get back to writing dm how rushed it sounds
Surprisingly during his first kiss, everything went smooth with those rosy lips of his. It's soft, warm, supple, and mightily inviting against yours. The lack of skill wasn't a problem, chiharu just swings with the mingling sensation of your lips crashing against his and he handles the rest of the kissing well. His hand lingers under your jaw the entire time—trying his best position to give you that perfect kiss. 
Simple. He doesn't know how to kiss lol but that doesn't mean he spends no effort in making out. I meant half hearted effort; doing his worst or best to try and make it seem he knows how to kiss but all there is are sloppy movements of his lips, his blushing face, quivering hands, and broad eyes that turn half-closed when he kisses back. It's all coming together to turn him brittle in one piece. The entire idea of your lips against his is merely something he'd never get used to. But once comfortable, he'd give sloppy kisses ngl. He tries his best to keep his hands to himself but eventually turns out to be no use
Nothing registers in his mind other than the lingering warmth pressing against his lips, but not so much as understanding a literal kiss being given right to him. He doesn't kiss back, just stares at you with wide, curious eyes as he tries to process whatever you're doing to him. Though pickle wouldn't deny it felt nice, that when your warm and wet tongue mingles with his, it makes him want to do the same until he returns the kiss tenaciously by a slow matter of time; to the point his tongue Is just lapping downside the tunnel of your throat. Hand at the back of your head, pulling you close. He doesn't close his eyes like a typical kisser, he's just curiously tonguing you down.
Takes him a while to learn.
His mouth is spacious and his tongue beeeg n' long. It's no doubt Jack makes vast difficulty when kissing anyone with a small mouth I mean you're not pickle buh Jack wouldn't spend much proper effort in kissing; he kisses lazily, in a good way. The sloppy style. He just lets his mouth hang open effortlessly, just enough for you to do all the work. When he gets in the mood though, like everyone agrees with, he'll dig his own tongue down your throat. Also, inexperienced Jack kisses would be stiff as hell. Heck, his jaw doesn't even budge while you make out with him.
Gives the best kisses without a shadow of doubt. No matter how inexperienced he is, his lips would never disappoint with how soft and supple they are. It sends your jaw melting from the warmth. His arms are on your waist, wrapped and pulling you close; as if securing you. His kisses are slow, steady, and passionate. Eyes closed, all attention paid to your very form. His hands would unconsciously drop down to your bottom do not ask
Rough, slow, but less passionate. He's quite experienced with kissing and he's pretty much the gropey type. His eyes would open halfway just to take a look at you every once in a while as he watches you kiss back with closed eyes, it makes him feel good. Knowing that you're enjoying It the way he does too. He'd smirk into the kiss, dropping a hand down to grope you shamelessly, he'd feel like a literal king.
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iskratempestmadness · 3 months
The characters of "Baki the grappler" and the language of love
Baki is one of the most tactile characters. And it is also important for him that you also express your love physically. Hugs, kisses, holding hands, even just a pat on the shoulder will do for him. It's just that it's important for him to feel that you're with him and you're safe.
He is not mercantile. He is not a materialist. Oh no. It's just that, as I've told you before, it's difficult for him to express his feelings in words. He is also limited in his actions. And he can't spend the desired amount of time with you. But despite this, he really likes to put on your smile when he gives you another gift.
Time or quality forwarding time
Oooh, it's hard to define his love language, but still he tends to do just that. And he appreciates it. From simple silence in each other's campaign to experiments and joint hobbies. Why this particular view? He likes the idea of your memories together. Definitely in old age, the phrase " Do you remember how we learned to surf together? Yes, you often fell off the board. Hehe, it was a funny sight... Maybe we should go to the sea again, don't you think? "
It's difficult for him. He would prefer to show his feelings by actions. But he understands perfectly well how important words are. For him and for you. Jack tries to compliment you, thank you for even the smallest things, say "I love you" before going to bed, and a lot of similar things. It really means to him that you know that he loves you. And don't forget to return the favor. This boy needs to be praised as often as possible, he deserves it.
Retsu is a conscious person and he prefers to show his love not by word, but by deed. It's just more practical. And it's also a way to make sure that everything will be 100% fine with you and you won't have to strain yourself over trifles. Like you came home tired from work and didn't have time to clean the house? It's not a problem, because he's already done it, there's no point in straining. It is important for Retsu that you are happy and comfortable, so he will do everything to make your life easier.
For him, time is a resource. You know, when people get older, they start to appreciate time more. So he shares with you what is valuable to him. And he likes it. Perhaps before you entered into a relationship, he directed this resource only to himself, and he could not think that sharing it could be so pleasant. He shares it with you... Almost all the time. From reading a book together to training.
Yes, you can't tell from him, but this. However, this love language is different from Jack's love language. No cute phrases, no compliments. For him, it's trivial. He starts giving you advice, voicing his thoughts about certain situations. Do you think that this is not enough? Look who it is. This is Yujiro Hanma. He was always on his own mind. And it is difficult for him to open up to another person, there is a feeling of insecurity. So this is for him a manifestation of love in the highest degree.
Yes, he has lived enough, but touching is still important to him. It's just that they make it easier to express emotions and feelings. Like, he starts to feel worried about you when something doesn't work out, so he'll hug you, pat you on the back and say a few encouraging words. And reciprocity is also important for him, because there is nothing better than to return from training and receive affection from his beloved.
Well, what else? He likes to give gifts. And not just gifts, but the BEST gifts. Look, he has enough money to do this. So everything is most dear to you. And he loves your smile when you get them. She will always remain in his heart. And Oliva does not require gifts in return, your sincere reaction is really enough for him. However, he wouldn't mind accepting something made by your hands.
This guy just loves you so much that he can't keep his hands to himself. You are always happy with him, and his hands are always on you. In private, he won't let you out of his arms, in public, his hand is chained to your waist. And despite the appearance, Shiba is gentle, he is certainly ready to give you his love, but he also wants to receive something in return. Even a crumb will be enough for him. Just straighten his clothes or give him tired shoulders and it will make him shine.
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ddollfface · 3 months
𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭
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𝐀 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 (pt.1) (pt.2) SFW These are just some yandere(ish) headcanons for Jack Hanma.
𝐀 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐲 SFW Yandere headcanons for Katsumi Orochi
𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐀 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐦𝐚; 𝐈𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐬 𝐈𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 SFW A weird drabble about being Yuujiro Hanma's daughter, but it's my take on it.
𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞 SFW Just a drabble about how Pickle would communicate his affections toward reader (except I may have gone on a small tangent).
𝐀 𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 NSFWish (mention of lingerie) Yandere headcanons for Kaoru Hanayama (requested by @yandere-writer-momo)
𝐀 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐢𝐚 SFW Yandere headcanons for Kaioh Retsu (requested by nonny)
𝐀 𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 NSFW Yandere headcanons for Spec (requested by @i-love-jojo228)
𝐀 𝐒𝐞𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲 (pt.1) (pt.2) SFW Yandere headcanons for Kiyosumi Katou
𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 SFW Just a fluffy drabble about Jack and his future with reader (not proofread whatsoever btw)
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fresh-fanfics · 1 month
Katsumi Orochi Crush Headcanons (SFW)
HEYYY I decided to make more headcanons for ma boi Katsumi here, I love him sm. These headcanons can apply to anyone. It's gender neutral, and you can insert any canon character if you want to.
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This man is the sweetest, and I have no doubt that he'd be the best boyfriend ever. If he's dedicated to karate, he would extend that to his crush.
He loves being the person his crush relies on and talks to about their day. He wants to be shoulder to cry on and the man that makes his crush's hard day a little better.
He might beat people up for a living, but he has a soft heart and is a hopeless romantic. He's into the cheesy romances that involve marriage and having children together (whether they be biological or adopted wouldn't matter to him because he'll love them the same). Out of all the characters in Baki, he's the true gentleman.
Katsumi would give his crush these little gifts whenever he can, always remembering their favourite things.
He's a hopeless case when he comes to flirting. He'd fumble over his words, trying to make himself look impressive. Expect cheesy pick up lines and him somehow fucking up the punchline.
His crush is always in the back of his mind, giving him energy to get through the day. They're the thing that pick him up when things are not going well.
Honestly, if his crush took one look at him, he'd be sold. There is nothing in this world that would ever make Katsumi's heart beat faster than getting the attention of the person he loved the most.
Doppo and Natsue cannot ever stop hearing about his crush. Every small little thing that he noticed about them will be the next thing they're gonna hear over dinner.
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baki-tiene-un-simp · 1 year
Hey,I have another request for you :)
Could you please kame baki, katsumi, musashi, retsu and mumon with an S/O being harassed by someone (it could be in any way, shape and form, you decid wich one you are confortable wiht) and then being comforted by them, if not, could you do with the same character a scenario where they were catcalled in public because of their curves like for example some dude saying "good ass gatito ;)" in a amusement park.
Take your time with this and do it olny if you want
Have a good day/evening/afternoon/night :)
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I’ve already written several things about "S/O being harassed", so I’ll go for the other option
Situation: Strangers catcalled to their S/O / un extraño le grita cosas en la calle a su S/O.
Characters: Baki Hanma, Katsumi Orochi, Mumon Katsuragi, Musashi Miyamoto and Retsu Kaioh.
Baki Hanma.
Baki turns to face the strange person who addressed his S/O, his face calm, but with a strange look.
He approaches the subject with his hands in his pockets, facing him when they were face to face with each other. His S/O came after Baki to prevent something very serious from happening.
"That was rude, don't you think?"
His gaze is the warning at this moment, although his words were calm, the image left by the Hanma was intimidating.
His S/O got an apology and the other person a nightmare picture just for a comment.
Katsumi Orochi.
Katsumi listens to what his S/O was told with a grimace, his face making it clear how that comment annoyed him.
He turns to look at his S/O just to make sure they're not too affected by it, he holds his hand as a silent comforter to soothe their annoyance/discomfort.
He will get an apology for his partner, he tries to take it easy when he talks to the person so they know he is waiting for them to understand what they have done.
However, he doesn't care about the person getting difficult, if he has to bring the person in front of his S/O and make them bow down, well he'll do it.
They will go on their way with Katsumi grumbling that they were so rude to the his dear S/O and how they don't deserve something like that.
Mumon Katsuragi.
"People can be so rude," he mentions to his S/O when he hears the person laugh at his own comment.
According to how his S/O reacts, so will he react. If they let them through, Mumon will make them forget about it; If, on the contrary, his S/O gets angry, then Mumon will go to stand up for his partner.
If he feels merciful, he will just annoy the other person with silly comments just like that person did with his S/O. Bonus points if he gets an S/O laugh out of him in the process.
If he wants to deal with it faster and nonchalantly, Mumon could "put" that rude person to sleep. You know what I mean.
He returns with his S/O so they can continue their ride together.
Musashi Miyamoto.
The person who yelled at his S/O could recoil just from Musashi's gaze, and really, Musashi doesn't need to have an angry expression, it's just that his eyes are… Intriguing.
He will be intimidating them without trying, "what did you say to them?" Those words sound normal, however, the swordsman's big eyes and social awkwardness make it seem like a threat.
He cocks his head when the person hastily apologizes to his S/O, he doesn't fully understand but stands by and just lets it happen.
He'll probably ask his S/O as soon as they're left alone.
He is now attentive to the comments of others towards his S/O, he can misjudge some occasions when someone tries to be nice to his partner, but at least he prevents nasty comments from going unpunished. I do not promise that it will be peaceful.
Retsu Kaioh.
He pouts, does anyone really think that saying that kind of thing will get anything done?
He thinks they are extremely rude and if his S/O complains he will make the person apologize to them. He would actually force them to bow down and apologize for making his mate uncomfortable.
He might also scold you with something like "you should think before you speak, much more before you blurt out a comment like that."
He asks his S/O if they're okay, if the comment made them feel bad or offended.
He believes that kind of behavior is repulsive directed towards anyone, but especially if it's directed towards his S/O.
Versión en español.
Baki Hanma.
Baki se voltea para encarar a la persona extraña que se dirigió a su S/O, su rostro calmado, pero con una mirada extraña.
Se acerca al sujeto con las manos en los bolsillos, encarándolo cuando estuvieron frente a frente el uno del otro. Su S/O vino detrás de Baki para evitar que algo muy grave pase.
"Eso fue grosero, ¿no crees?"
Su mirada es la advertencia en este momento aunque sus palabras fueran calmadas, la imagen que dejaba el Hanma era intimidante.
Su S/O consiguió una disculpa y la otra persona una imagen de pesadilla solo por un comentario.
Katsumi Orochi.
Katsumi escucha lo que le dijeron a su S/O con una mueca, su rostro deja en evidencia como ese comentario le molesto.
Se voltea a ver a su S/O solo para asegurarse que no esté demasiado afectado por ello, sostiene su mano como un consuelo silencioso para consolar su molestia/incomodidad.
Conseguirá una disculpa para su pareja, trata de tomarlo con calma cuando habla con la persona para que sepa que está esperando que entienda lo que ha hecho.
Sin embargo, no le preocupa que la persona se ponga difícil, si tiene que traer a la persona frente a su S/O y hacer que se inclinen, pues lo hará.
Seguirán su camino con Katsumi refunfuñando porque fueron tan groseros con su querido S/O y como no se merecen algo como eso.
Mumon Katsuragi.
"Las personas pueden ser tan groseras" menciona para su S/O cuando escucha a la persona reírse de su propio comentario.
De acuerdo a como su S/O reacciona, igualmente él reaccionara. Si lo dejan pasar, Mumon hará que se olvide de ello; si por el contrario, su S/O se enoja, entonces Mumon ira a dar la cara por su pareja.
Si se siente misericordioso solo molestara a la otra persona con comentarios tontos al igual que lo hizo esa persona con su S/O. Puntos extras si le saca una risa a su S/O en el proceso.
Si quiere lidiar con ello más rápido y despreocupadamente, Mumon podría "poner a dormir" a esa grosera persona. Saben lo que quiero decir.
Regresa con su S/O para que puedan continuar con su paseo juntos.
Musashi Miyamoto.
La persona que le grito a su S/O podría retroceder solo con la mirada de Musashi, y realmente, Musashi no necesita tener una expresión de enojo, es solo que sus ojos son… Intrigantes.
Los estará intimidando sin intentarlo, "¿qué le has dicho?" esas palabras suena normales, sin embargo, los ojos tan grandes del espadachín y su torpeza social hacen que parezca una amenaza.
Ladea la cabeza cuando la persona se disculpa apresurada ante su S/O, no comprende completamente, pero se queda al margen y solo deja que pase.
Probablemente le pregunte a su S/O tan pronto se queden solos.
Está atento ahora ante los comentarios de los demás hacia su S/O, puede juzgar mal algunas ocasiones cuando alguien trata de ser amable con su pareja, pero al menos impide que los comentarios desagradables se queden impunes. No prometo que sea pacíficamente.
Retsu Kaioh.
Él hace mala cara, ¿realmente alguien cree que con decir esa clase de cosas conseguirá algo?
Cree que es extremadamente grosero y si su S/O se queja hará que la persona se disculpe con ellos. Realmente lo obligaría a inclinarse y pedir una disculpas por hacer sentir incómodo a su pareja.
También podría regañarlo con algo como "deberías pensar antes de hablar, mucho más antes de soltar un comentario como ese".
Le pregunta a su S/O si está bien, si el comentario les hizo sentir mal u ofendidos.
Cree que ese tipo de comportamiento es repulsivo dirigido hacia cualquiera, pero especialmente si es dirigido hacia su S/O.
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yandere-writer-momo · 6 months
I had this idea in my head but I just couldn’t type it into a story. Chances are it be well near 15k word or more. So enjoy this super depressing head canon/ short story creation!!
Yandere Baki Shorts: One More Time
Biscuit Oliva x Afab Reader x Regretful Yandere Reverse Harem (Baki, Jack, Hanayama, and Katsumi)
TW: Angst and mentions of emotional neglect
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(Your name) is Tokugawa’s granddaughter so everyone tolerated her excessive kindness since they did not want to upset Tokugawa. Though it was no secret he was indifferent to her and often ignored her in favor of the fighters of his tournament. She gave a lot of her nuturing love because she wanted nothing more in the world than to be loved in return. Sadly these men were emotionally constipated so they did not understand her affection and unknowingly took her for granted… she had an inkling that they did not like her but she still tried to cheer them up and encourage them to keep pushing through… despite no one doing the same for her (not even her grandfather)
Hanayama ignored her whenever she made an attempt to speak to him, Katsumi was always ‘too busy’ to spend time with her, Baki complained about Kozue all the time to her and would cut her off every time she spoke, and Jack was just mean. Jack was the most vocal of his distaste for her…
- Jack was the one who pushed her off the deep end. She visited him since he wasn’t at the Baki and Yujiro fight to check on him. And she offers him words of encouragement and support but he shut her down by saying, “Of course I’d get sympathy from someone as pathetic as you. Can’t you get the hint that no one wants you around? Why don’t you just do everyone a favor and disappear.”
She felt her entire world fall apart around her but she just asked Jack if she can just sit beside him for five more minutes and then she’ll never appear again. That she will disappear from his and everyone’s life if he just let her sit beside him for a few minutes. Jack relented so she rested her head on his large arm. He was disgusted by her touch but if it meant she’d leave him alone, then he would do it. Jack had no idea she simply wished for comfort since he himself had never experienced comfort (despite her constant attempts to comfort him since she felt he was the most traumatized).
After the promised five minutes passed, she rushed out of his apartment in tears. She ended up leaving her jacket behind since Jack had cried on it (she used it to cover his face since he didn’t want her to see him cry). He sighed in relief and gets back to watching the fight he believes should have been him
(Your name) was there for everyone in her free time. She was there for Hanayama when his mother died, she was the mediator between Baki and Kozue when they argued, she sat beside Katsumi while he was in the hospital, and she was at the hospital with Jack and even pitched in for some of his hospital bills since he sustained so many injuries… she was a very nurturing light but they didn’t appreciate her. No one cared about her.
None of them ever celebrated her birthday with her and they didn’t visit her in the hospital when she was sick. They didn’t know her favorite food or color. They didn’t know her favorite restaurant or her nervous ticks. They hardly responded to her texts if at all… (your name) was so lonely it wasn’t even funny.
So she decided to go to the family’s rumored well for a wish. An old wishing well from an old scroll she found hidden within a secret wall of the Tokugawa estate. It was written by one of the first relatives who wished for the Tokugawa family to become wealthy. Btu there was a price to pay… but it’s blurred out. Regardless of the unknown danger, (your name) travels up the mountain alone with the old map in hand… to make a wish.
Rather than wish for something selfish, she wishes for her friends- no the people she cared about, to have all their desires come true, but in exchange, she offered the spirit in the well her life. She’s never been touched, she’s still pure. (Your name) could be of value, right? But the spirit pitied her so they had her disappear from the Japan for five years... they wanted her tormentors to suffer the heart ache she had for the rest of their lives
The baki men all have their dreams come true… Shinshinkai dojo became world renowned for the best karate, Hanayama was successful as the leader to his family, Baki became the strongest creature in the world, and Jack defeated his father … but they were without her love and affection for five years… they missed her. They don’t feel like they deserved the success because she wasn’t there to cheer them all on. It all felt empty without the unwavering support of the bubbly (your name). They went insane in their search for her but she disappeared without a trace…
Baki often found himself glance at the stands after a fight in hopes he’d hear (your name)‘s voice cheer for him and sing his praises. That she would run over to him to check his wounds and treat him to dinner. He swore he would thank her this time and he’d give her some compliments himself. He had seen some pictures of her and had forgotten how pretty she was…
Katsumi would often unconsciously reach for a bento box on the bench he usually sat on at the dojo. He missed (your name)’s cheery smile as she handed him a home cooked meal. He swore he would make time for her if she asked to hang out with him. Katsumi would take her to every restaurant and fun date spot she wanted to try if she came back through the Shinshinkai’s doors. Katsumi would spend his time researching date spots in hopes of her sudden return. He wanted to make up for all the broken promises he’s made to her over the years…
Hanayama often found himself glance at the door in hopes she would come in and ask to walk through his rose garden with him. He made sure to add an extra chair in his office so she could sit beside him and talk to him as he worked. Hanayama swore he would listen to her her this time.
Jack is the most distraught. He was the last to ever see her and he still had her jacket… he felt so guilty. He hadn’t moved out his dinky apartment in hopes she would walk through his door again and ask to sit beside him. That she would want to share a meal with him and rest her head on his arm. Jack would do anything for her to come back… she was the only one who wasn’t afraid of him. Jack would give her the effort she deserved if she came back to him
Her memories of her so called ‘friends’ are wiped. She can no longer remember any of them or much about her life at the Tokugawa estate. The spirit sent her off to America where she comes to be under the care of a lonely Biscuit Oliva who had lost Maria. He’s instantly taken with her and he helps her since she seems so lost… he was lost too. And they found each other.
She spent five years by Biscuit’s side, where he spoiled her rotten. She was granted her true wish of being loved the way she deserved. Her true wish was granted and the Baki men paid the price.
Biscuit and her have a beautiful relationship. He talks with her and he listens to her. He remembered every small detail she shared about herself, even ones she did not verbally share. He’s so considerate of her and he helps her build self esteem. Biscuit constantly made time for her and always put his best efforts into making her happy. And Biscuit never stopped giving her compliments about her appearance or of a task she completed that she felt was minuscule. Biscuit claimed everything she did was perfect to him and he’d never change a thing about her. She often found herself crying here and there for no reason… like there was a part of her that finally started to heal
Five years later and Baki went to see Biscuit to challenge him for a fight out of boredom. Baki is shocked to hear such a familiar laugh and he runs into Biscuit’s room to find (your name) and Biscuit enjoying a meal together. She looked so beautiful in her designer dress… like a princess from a fairytale… but she had always been a princess now that Baki thought about it
Baki immediately collapsed in front of her and hugged her knees while he sobbed. He told her how much he and the others have missed her. How they were so sorry for the way they treated her, that she could come home… but she had no idea who he was… she didn’t know him. She didn’t remember him and it sent Baki spiraling. Baki is insistent that she’ll remember if she returned to Japan but she declined his offer. She told him that despite not knowing him, she was happy that his dreams came true
Baki refused to leave the Arizona prison until she returned back with him. She said she would so long as Biscuit can come with her. Baki is so thrilled… but the other men are much worse than Baki. So much worse.
When she arrived at the Tokugawa estate, Katsumi is the first to run to her and pull her into a hug. He’s bawling his eyes out as he hed her body as close to his body as he could. He babbled about his accomplishments and how he wished she was there to see them… that she belonged by his side. She just awkwardly pushed him away and apologized to him because she had no idea who he was. Katsumi went silent in disbelief and at first had thought it was a joke… but Baki frowned at him.
Baki explained to the other martial artists that (your name) completely lost her memories. They don’t believe him at first. Especially Katsumi who kept bringing up memories he had of her being at every tournament and by his side in the hospital. He convinced himself she was in love with him. (Delulu isn’t the solulu)
Hanyama just stared at her while she held Biscuit’s hand for comfort. He’s consumed with jealousy (on the inside) when he saw the way she looked at Biscuit… she used to look at him like that.
Hanayama quietly shared how the last five years of his life was without her and of his feelings for her… Hanayama admitted that he couldn’t date or sleep with anyone since she haunted his dreams since her disappearance. Hanayama kept his rose garden beautiful all year round since she loved it so much. Kaoru wanted to walk through the garden with her and pluck roses with her so she could display them in the compound… Hanayama even had a bench placed in the spot she’d always kneel in the grass in… he would be better for her if she came back to him… Hanayama would marry her on the spot
Hanayama offered her a lot of power, pleasure, and luxuries if she returned to his side but she politely turned him down. (He continued to bring it up whenever Katsumi or Baki weren’t speaking… it was so awkward)
Katsumi then spoke up about the last five years without her and about the true love he held for her. Katsumi admitted he searched for her face in the stands every time he had a tournament and he’d search for her when he was training people at the dojo. He never gave up his search for her. He felt awful for not making time for her and all the broken promises he made. Katsumi vowed to make as much time for her as she wanted if she just returned to his side… Katsumi swore that he would be an amazing husband to her. That he wanted to start a family with her and build her dream house… Katsumi poured his heart out to her with a pink blush on his cheeks. He sounded like he was sharing a dream that would never be in reach (delusional mf)
Baki then shared the last five years without (your name).. Baki and Kozue finally broke up for good a few years back due to their differences. Baki didn’t have the (your name) to help him make up with Kozue or to be his voice of reason. He didn’t have the (your name) to make sure he ate or that he rested enough. He didn’t have her compliment him or congratulate him anymore… he missed her motherly affection. He missed someone being proud of him. Baki rested his head on her lap while (your name) sits beside Biscuit. He kept trying to get her to rub her fingers through his hair but she swatted his hands away
Jack remained silent the entire time. He’s trying his best to remain calm but he looked angry… and he is. He’s so upset that she had been fine this entire time and she hadn’t came back to see him… he doesn’t believe she lost her memories because she’s so scared of him. She was never scared of him before… he wants to talk to her alone. His eyes don’t leave her the entire time while he clenched his jaw
Tokugawa brought up how she was always there for all the men in the room and how everyone had missed her so much but not a single person brought up any memories where one of them had been there for her… she asked if any of them knew her birthday and none of them knew. They were ‘so close’ to her but didn’t even know her birthday…
Biscuit pitched in and shared the date and the exact time of her birthday. The older man gave her a big smile before he began to list off her favorite color, food, and her hobbies. He shared all her quirks and her interests. It touched her heart… Biscuit knew everything about her which caused her to burst into tears .
The men all try to hand her handkerchiefs but she rejected them (she accepted Biscuit’s). She can’t explain to them why she started to cry, but she tells everyone that something within her was so happy… that Biscuit made her so happy.
(Your name) sadly had no desire to get to know any of the guys again because she’s happy with Biscuit. She tells them all that she’s happy they achieved their goals and that she’s proud of them but she no longer has a desire to be a part of their lives. Memories or not, from the way they talked about her, it seemed like she was the one who put in all the effort. Not a single one of them brought up a memory in which they did something for her… and that made her sad. Perhaps it was better she didn’t remember any of them
They cannot accept her rejection. Baki and Katsumi begin to beg and bargain. While Hanayama threatened her family (Tokugawa), but Biscuit held her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. He began to try to take her away but Baki blocked the exit. He’s frantic and his eyes are crazy. He began to beg her not to disappear again. “I don’t want to live in a world where you aren’t there… I can’t do it again. Please stay.”
She tells him, “Perhaps that was the kind of world I lived in… a world where no one cared about me until I disappeared. Please live a good life and don’t forget to take care of yourself, Baki.”
Baki broke down and that’s when Jack rushed forward and grabbed her. He hurriedly brought her to the garden at the Tokugawa estate at an inhuman speed while the others all chased after him (especially Oliva)
Jack began to scream at her once they were far enough from everyone. He’s yelling on the top of his lungs while his face turned red and tears all from his cognac eyes. He finally fell apart in front of her after he tried to hold himself together for all these years.
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“You do remember! Stop lying… you know who I am and that’s why you can’t look me in the face because you remember our last conversation all those years ago…”
“I swear I don’t remember-“
“You’ve never been scared of me before!” Jack screamed, the blonde ran his large hand through his short blonde locks. Jack tried to reel himself in but the emotions broke through the dam he held together for the last five years. “You’ve never looked at me like I’m a monster!”
(Your name) flinched at his sharp tone, her eyes wide in shock when Jack suddenly fell to his knees and held her hands. The blonde placed his jaw in her hands while he cried. The shouts of the others can be heard as they make their way towards the two of them. Yet it felt like it was only Jack and her left in the world in this very moment.
“I’m sorry! I-I didn’t mean to tell you to disappear!” Everyone froze in shock when they make it to the outer perimeter of the garden. Their mouths open like a fish out of water at what Jack admitted… he was the reason? He was the reason she disappeared? “I didn’t… I didn’t mean it. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
(Your name) squirmed when Jack pressed his lips to her hand in a way to apologize. She didn’t know why, but she needed to leave. She wanted to get away from him because he was scaring her. But his iron grip on her hands prevented her from escape.
“You can hit me… you can do whatever you want to me so long as you come back to me. I won’t be mean to you ever again.” Jack whispered into the palms of her hands as he guided her right hand to cup his scarred cheek. “You can sit beside me as much as you like. You can wear my jacket on your head when you need to cry and you can share meals with me. W-we can go for hikes together and you can sit on my back when I do pushups. I’ll do anything for you to be by my side and to not look at me like that.”
(Your name) can only stand there in shock as the giant man before her now appeared to be more like a lost child eager for love than a man… it broke her heart but he wasn’t her responsibility. If he was the reason why she lost her memories in the first place then he deserved her forgiveness the least.
And that’s when all the memories flooded in. The loneliness. The heart break. The broken promises. The constant rejection. She lived such a pathetic life before she was granted a second chance… these men didn’t deserve her. They never did.
“Jack?” Jack perked up at his name, his breath hitched as he clung to the sound of his name leaving her lips for the first time in years. He missed when she spoke his name. To him, she was meant to speak his name… she was his.
“Do me a favor and forget about me.” Jack felt himself shatter at her words, the blonde now her her hands tightly to his face. His breathing now erratic.
“What?” Jack was in disbelief. He didn’t hear that right… this wasn’t his (your name). There was no way his sweet (your name) would tell him to forget her. She would never reject him. “I didn’t catch that.”
“Forget about me. Treat me as if I never existed.” (Your name) repeated as she tried to move her hands off his face. “You don’t need to have someone as pathetic as me beside you.”
No… no. No. No. No. No. No. She was supposed to forgive him. She was supposed to kiss his scarred cheeks while she happily accepted his apology with tears of joy in her eyes. (Your name) should know he never apologized and that he truly sought forgiveness.
(You name) snapped her hands out of his hold and turned on her heel to leave. She ignored the men who had once constantly let her down now try to gain her affection. She didn’t need these people. She didn’t need empty promises and sweet words… (your name) just needed her lover, Biscuit Oliva.
“I want to go home.” (Your name) told Biscuit with a smile. She took his large hand in her small one and gave it a squeeze.
“Of course, dear. We can do anything you want.” (Your name) rested her head on Biscuit’s arm as he lead her out of the estate. She ignored the screams of her name and the loud begging of Katsumi and Baki.
They never turned their heads for her when she begged for love and when she’d ask to spend time with them… why should she turn hers?
(Your name) finally had the love she always wanted while they had fulfilled their goals… how could they be so selfish to want more?
“(Your name)! Please stay in Japan! We can get married and I’ll take you on dates every weekend!” Baki shouted while Katsumi tried to one up him.
“I’ll take you out everyday and we can get married as soon as tomorrow!”
“I’ll give you the world if you turn around and come to me right this moment.” Hanayama piped up from behind her. “If you don’t turn around, then the Tokugawa family will be no more.”
Tokugawa began to shout out to the granddaughter he neglected for years in favor of these men who didn’t value him. “Please don’t let him do that. You love your grandpa, don’t you? You can be the heir to the Tokugawa family!”
Poor Jack remained on his knees in the garden. His brown eyes dull as he watched her leave with Biscuit without so much as a glance behind her.
For the first time in five years, Jack and the others have suffered a true defeat. All they wanted was one more time.
Just one more time and they’d make it all right… for they could not accept that they already wasted so many chances to make things right due to their own selfishness. They had lost the one love of their lives forever.
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maochira · 1 month
Lesbian!reader as the adoptive daughter of Doppo Orochi. Her relationship to her father, mother and older brother (she would be around 18 or 19). Also how would her big bro react to learning about her crush on a girl.
Anon you just described my Baki self insert omg 😭😭 /pos But I won't write this exactly like my self insert
Tags: fem!lesbian!reader, a bit of hurt/comfort?, a little crack at the end
You were adopted as a baby, and you were about 3 years old when your brother was adopted
Doppo came home and was like "Hey I have a surprise for you" and you thought you were gonna get a new toy but no. You got an older brother
At first you handled the news awfully because you weren't used to sharing your parents' love and attention
It took a few tantrums (and a lot of comfort candy) until you accepted the news. And when you did, you immediately started clinging to Katsumi
Growing up, you and Katsumi had a fairly normal sibling relationship. Sometimes you'd have small competitions about minor things or argue about unimportant things. Besides that you've always loved to mess with your brother
Natsue is literally the best mom ever. Best mom award goes to her
She loves doing art and crafts with you and whatever you create gets displayed somewhere in the house. At this point it's just an art gallery of stuff you made
Doppo is the typical doting girl dad who sometimes needs to be reminded to not spoil you too much. He always gives you hugs that are just a little too tight and accidentally (or intentionally) says and does things that embarrass you right in front of your friends
You were always treated like "the little one who needs to be protected", which means you weren't necessarily actively encouraged to learn how to fight
Katsumi on the other hand was often reminded, especially by your mother, that he has to protect his little sister
That didn't hold you back from learning karate as well, though
Skillwise you've always been behind Katsumi by a lot. While no one really pointed out that difference, it began to frustrate you when puberty hit you and it became an insecurity
Around the time you were 15 you suddenly dropped karate. Your parents and brother often asked for the reasons and you would always respond something like "I want to focus on school" or "My other hobbies became more fun"
Katsumi eventually got the truth out of you. At first he didn't really know what to say, but he didn't want this to have any effects on your sibling bond
He tried to comfort and remind you that the difference between his and your skill doesn't matter because it's not a competition between the two of you. He tried to not push you into picking up karate again, though. He thought that might make you feel forced
You ended up getting back into karate, but wouldn't practice it as much as before. You just started having other priorities as you grew up
The first time you got a crush on a girl you decided not to mention it to anyone at first. You've been sure of being a lesbian for years but never bothered to come out to your family. You knew they'd always love you no matter what
Doppo would occasionally make jokes about how you might end up in a relationship with another underground fighter and you'd only respond how Katsumi is more likely to end up with one of them
When Katsumi finds out about your crush on a girl he just points at you and yells "GIRLLIKER!" Then you point back at him and yell "BOYKISSER!"
Doppo and Natsue overhear that and there's not much of a reaction cause. They already figured out you're into girls
If you liked this, please remember to reblog and add your thoughts in the tags! That's the best way to support and motivate me!
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ozzgin · 8 months
Can I request a yandere Katsumi who has the hots for his first and only female student?
It feels a little bit like presenting a dish before Gordon Ramsay on Hell’s Kitchen or something, but as you wish ma’am. Let us hope I don’t make a donkey out of myself.
Yandere! Katsumi Orochi x Student! Reader
Featuring the karate prodigy and a female reader that’s impressed him beyond just fighting skills.
[Baki Masterlist]
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It’s not a given for everyone, but some people just seem to be gifted for a particular vocation, inclined towards a certain calling. While Katsumi is widely envied for his quick learning and masterful karate prowess, the one place where he shines most, where his skill is unequivocally unmatched, is in the dojo. Specifically before students. One can easily tell him apart, even among names of greater authority such as Doppo Orochi. Pupils naturally flock to him, you included.
Your case, however, is a little bit of an exception. Out of random circumstance you happen to be the only female student at the Shinshinkai Dojo. Truth be told, Katsumi had opposed your membership at first. He takes pride in his neutral approach and equal treatment when it comes to his pupils. So when the men started to whisper, snicker and whistle secretly behind your back, he could only grit his teeth in shame and frustration. He would’ve liked to scold them, tell them that this is a sacred place dedicated only to martial arts and other temptations are to be kept strictly out. But he, too, found you attractive. He would’ve been lying to everyone, including himself. Hereby the conflict: accepting you as a student would’ve been tainted by impure thoughts, but denying to train you would’ve stripped him of his dignity as a teacher. He promised to fix his inappropriate attitude instead; after all, discipline is part of the art.
All that being said, he doesn’t regret his decision. You’re awfully talented and often remind him of his own karate journey. You only need the slightest push in order to grasp most techniques and you’ve gone above and beyond his expectations in conquering the basics. The veiled, flirty glances from the other fighters have been replaced by somber, respectful nods as your reputation continues to increase with each rank. Katsumi would go as far as calling you a true prodigy. Admiration aside, only one small issue remains: not only has his initial crush remained with stubborn vehemence, but it appears to have turned into full blown, sickening infatuation. To put it mildly, he’s obsessed.
Is he really to blame here? It’s as if everything about you has been carefully chiseled to his liking. “Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, ‘This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman’, for she was taken out of man.’” You are the Eve to his Adam, a genesis of love that was fated to return to him. There is no other explanation. Indeed, the more he tries to rationalize it, the clearer his purpose becomes. Out of all the places, the timelines, the people, the fact that against all millions of variables your encounter settled on him…His desire is not to be disciplined. Not anymore. One has to acknowledge the ridiculousness of battling destiny itself.
Then he shall no longer tamper with matters that are predestined. In fact, he might just lend fate a helping hand. His patience is reserved for teaching, not romantic affairs. He needs an opportunity to have you alone without interruptions, and conveniently enough you’ve asked him to stay behind today. You can barely conceal your cheeky smile as you slide the canvas door open. As promised, Katsumi is standing near the wall, hands folded behind his back. You can feel your heart pounding, but you muster up the courage to approach him. You’ve been training hard and he’s had nothing but praise for you. A nervous blush tints your face as you bat your eyelashes, calculating your next words. Katsumi’s eyes narrow in adoration. It’s alright, he knows. “How may I help you, (Y/N)?” He nudges you expectantly. “I’ve been wondering about it…I was afraid of your response, but I need to let it out nonetheless. I think I’m ready for the next step.” Oh God, here it comes. He can barely contain himself. Just say the words, and he’ll take you right here and now. “I know it hasn’t been that long, but I really think I’m ready for the upcoming competition. Is there truly no way for me to sign up, even with my current belt?”
Huh. His mouth hangs open for longer than he would’ve preferred. Is this…is this why you’ve called him here? He looks around the room, as if expecting some cameramen to pop out and announce it was all a prank and (Y/N) actually meant to confess her unwavering attraction to him. Your smile slowly fades seeing his increasingly frantic expression. He grunts. “I’m sorry, if you think I’m not ready yet I can-“ He lifts a hand to your face and firmly grabs your jaw. Shut up, please. He walks over to the door, pulling you after him, and hastily checks the hallway for people. It’s empty. With the other free hand he slams the door shut. The dojo will remain closed until morning at least. Plenty of time to set you straight. It’s fine, he’s calm. Oh, you silly, sweet darling (Y/N). He loves this innocent obliviousness of yours. There are other important matters at hand. You try to remove his fingers from your face, but Katsumi’s arm is tense and stiff, refusing to budge. You’re suddenly very cold. His gaze is different and it scares you. You don’t recognize the possessed, hollow eyes that pierce into you. But here’s where you’re mistaken, they’re not hollow at all. On the contrary, they’re overflowing with adoration and worship. You just haven’t realized it yet.
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dakumoon-00000 · 8 months
Why the nose of katsumi is so beautiful?
like, look at this😩👃🫠🥹🫣👺
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mothwingwritings · 11 months
Why The Baki Men Love You, Feat. Baki, Katsumi, Hanayama, Biscuit, Yujiro, Jack, Doppo, Retsu, And Musashi <3
Here’s just a silly little thing I wrote in between working on bigger stuff. I was feeling sappy and wanted to write something with a bit of a lovey-dovey flair. ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ The Baki men love you for loads of reasons, but I wanted to pin point some of their more personalized reasons for loving you. (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚ I hope you enjoy!
(Also I have so many responses and questions that I need to answer, I apologize that it takes me 5-7 business days or longer to reply to basically anything. (´∀`;) Thank you all for being kind and lovely and patient and talking to me, I will be getting to those soon! (シ_ _)シ)
WARNINGS: None really, it’s all pretty fluffy. The editing is probs ass though because I did sorta whip through this, so there is that. (ノωヽ)
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゚。 Baki-Love
That’s all he’s truly looking for in a partner, really. Someone who unequivocally loves him without him having to prove himself in some way was the dream, and through you he was able to achieve that dream. Back when you first met you had welcomed him into your life so readily, arms open and heart bared- there were no caveats or stipulations to your love. His upbringing lacked tenderness, a sense of family something that was sorely missing from his life as a small child. He yearned for the feeling of a warm home, a caring family, and he has found that in you. For this he treasures you, and loves you more than he could ever say. He’s completely devoted to you, his love and adorable boundless, and he plans on spending the rest of his life reciprocating the affection you have so selflessly provided him.  <3
゚。 Katsumi-Support
It hasn’t been an easy road for the inheritor of the Orochi legacy. His young life has been full of as many defeats as it has victories, possibly even more so. He’s no strange to intense moments of frustration, so overpowering he loses control of himself. But when he hears your voice cheering him on, or when he I sat his limit and feels your steady hand on his back, he’s filled with such confidence he feels like he could take on the whole damn world and win. Simply seeing your face in the crowd, eyes bright and smile full of hope, fills him with a sense of certitude that he can’t achieve anywhere else. You are his lucky charm, his courage, his entire heart. He could spend his whole life thanking you and telling him how much you mean to him and still not be able to convey how much he adores you. <3
゚。 Hanayama-Understanding
Kaoru is a busy man with a lot of responsibilities. It’s hard for him to find time for a relationship, let alone find someone who is willing to put up with all the red tape that comes with being his lover. But to you, it was never a huge issue. You had the patience of a saint, never once pouting or putting up a fuss when he couldn’t end up keeping promises to you. He knew it upset you, knew that you often felt lonely when he had to leave you behind. But you always smiled so brightly the next time you saw him, never cursing him or giving him the cold shoulder, just thrilled that he returned safely to your side. Any grievances you may have felt were completely overcome by your happiness to see him again, and witnessing that joy light up your face never failed to warm his heart. Many people respected him, pledging their lives to him, awarding him their earnest devotion. But your love was different, much sweeter and tinged with a kindness he had never previously experienced. His love for you was boundless, and even with all your empathy, he would make any negligence up to you tenfold the moment he returns-always. <3
゚。 Biscuit-Affection  
Biscuit’s romantic obsession began when he got to know you, but truly blossomed once you began to reciprocate his feelings. He remembers very vividly the moment you became officially his-holding you in his arms as he sang your praises, practically begging you to become his partner, he expected you to be overwhelmed, maybe even somewhat annoyed. But when he nervously peeked over at you and saw that you were looking up at him with those big, love-struck, doe eyes, his heart nearly exploded. He lives for your praise, yearns for your touch, melts in your presence, and when he sees his presence has a similar effect on you it makes his heart beat so rapidly it may just rip out of his chest. To love someone so incredible, and be loved back in turn, is all he has ever dreamed of.  This man is absolutely head over heels for you, and his affections will only grow the longer you remain his. <3
゚。 Yujiro-Entertainment
Maybe it’s not the standard definition of love, but there is definitely something about you that caught the ogre’s eye and kept him intrigued. The way you move, talk, think, act- all of it is so interesting to him. Your reactions and thought processes so far removed from how he would respond to a situation that he can’t help but be intrigued. What would you say if he told you this? How would you respond if this occurred? Silly thoughts like this plague his mind, eating away at him so much he’s halfway tempted to hunt you down so he can answer his own questions and move on. But even if he finds his infatuation asinine, his focus always seems to be drawn back to you. It’s ridiculous, and he can’t quite sort out why he cares so much, but your magnetic charm definitely has an effect on him. It pisses him off and amuses him in equal measure. Where you fit in his life is an enigma, but it’s one he’s happy to grapple with. The paradox of your company has held his interest much longer than he ever imagined it would, and he intends to ride that out as long as he’s able.  That certain je ne sais quo you have about you is what keeps him coming back for more. <3
゚。 Jack-Strength
Not necessarily physical strength (though he loves that too), but what really got him was your emotional fortitude. He’s seen you get through situations that would make lesser people roll over and quit, watched you handle problems that would make even the toughest of people second guess themselves and break down. But you always pull through, no matter what situation you are faced with. You may cry, you may scream, you may kick and thrash and question the trial you are going through… But you always make it through and come out the victor. He draws strength from you, admiring you greatly for all you have struggled to achieve. You are an inspiration to him, and he loves you more than he thought he could ever possibly love another. He just wants you to know you never have to struggle alone again, your burdens are his, and he’s happy to shoulder them with you. <3
゚。 Doppo-Morals
It’s not that you were squeaky clean (and he wouldn’t necessarily want you that way, either), but there is a conviction about you that he can’t help but be attracted to. You stand up for what you believe in and don’t mince your words. Even if you are facing your opposition with a shaky voice, tears in your eyes, legs wobbling so bad you can barely stand… You still make you stand. It’s inspiring to him, and has made him so fond of you that he has vowed to never leave you fighting on your own. Maybe you don’t see yourself as particularly brave or outstanding, but Doppo begs to differ. You are an incredibly strong willed person who will put up a fight for their beliefs, and you have his full love and support each step of the way. <3
゚。 Retsu-Sincerity
Retsu himself is a very earnest person, and like attracts like. From the moment he met you, he was taken with how authentic you were. You didn’t have a disingenuous bone in your body, responding to people and situations in such a heartfelt and unfeigned way he couldn’t help but fall hard and fast. Everything you did was so profound. Your actions, words, and emotions, were all so beautiful to him. You spilled your heart to the world, never fearing any backlash or mockery. He deeply admires how you wear your heart on your sleeve, facing the challenges of each day with a clear head and a caring heart. He knew you could hold your own, but he always wants to be near you so that he may protect and support you through anything life may throw your way. Your natural candor never ceases to stir him, motivating and influencing to be a better man. <3
゚。 Musashi-Respect
When Musashi was revived, he was born into a whole new world. It was unrecognizable, foreign and distant, and he often felt as if he were just a phantom passing through. Just as in his previous life, people are star struck when they see him, vying to meet and speak with him, eager to challenge him. But it’s all a farce, a mockery of the past when warriors presented themselves to him for an honest battle, not some spectacle born out of misunderstanding and underestimation of him. It made him sick, to see how soft and ignorant mankind had become in the hundreds of years since his passing. He felt damn near ready to give up on this new humanity entirely, the notion that he may find someone he desired long term companionship in this new age laughable. That is, until he met you. From your initial meeting onward, you held him in a high regard, genuine in your esteem and admiration of him. He was quite struck by you too, as you were always polite and courteous, always indescribably beautiful. You carried yourself with a quiet dignity, having a distinct personality he found quite endearing. He was quickly ensnared by you, a warmth permeating him at finding a kindred spirit whom he felt safe sharing his heart with. The world is only destined to keep changing, but his love for you will remain everlasting. <3
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ladythot · 1 year
How would you know if katsumi, baki, Jack, are close to nutting inside? 👀
Warnings: Creampies, NSFW
I could say katsumi is a lil sucker for seggs. The mere feeling of his cock getting feverishly milked up inside your humble abode just finishes him to the point of more sloppier humps than consistent ones. He'll begin to moan more and he'll put more weight into thrusting in a sloppy manner and by then his loins would gradually stagger from achieving more powerful thrusts into you—eventually he cums after a couple more with him completely shoved up inside, not a single muscle moving but just his hands clutched at your hips in place for him
Only silence exudes when he's about to cum. The only thing you'll hear from him is his desperate pants of claiming you while his mind would gape in wild thoughts and rather than unleashing them into words his thrusts would simply become erratic. When he cums he's still humping to get down his high
Lots of bull grunting when he gets into it. he throws all his weight into his thrusts and he's a pretty heavy push at that—His thrusts are inconsistent and heavy but when he's near it turns into rough, sluggish, feverish thrusts by an inchmeal. The last thing you'll hear before blacking out is him chewing on his lip while he cums, he's either pulling at your hair or gripping every part he can to come down
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