#kelce x reader
mariposa-writes · 8 months
The Rumor Mill
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Pairing: Travis Kelce x Reader
Word count: 1.2k
Overview: The truth hurts more than the rumors.
CW: infidelity, betrayal, emotional distress, and relationship complications.
As the rumors continued to spread, you couldn't help but feel a jumbled mix of frustration and hurt. Every other day seemed to bring about a new headline or TikTok video speculating on Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift's supposed relationship. You knew that it shouldn't matter. After all, you and Travis were nothing more than friends with benefits. Despite all this, it didn't make the rumors sting any less.
You wouldn't have agreed to being fuck buddies if you'd known what laid ahead. In the beginning, it sounded like a great idea; both of your jobs were too time consuming for any kind of committed relationship. Yet after some time, you started to develop feelings for the six-foot-five tight end, and you couldn't help the ball of anxiety that continued to grow in your stomach, knowing that you'd be the one walking away with a broken heart.
It was Travis's fault, really, for being so infuriatingly perfect. He went above and beyond to make sure you felt cherished, both inside and outside the bedroom. From ordering takeout on your busiest nights to ensuring that your pleasure surpassed his in every encounter, he always left you feeling valued.
He texted you this evening, asking what you were up to. You knew this was his way of inviting himself over for sex. Typically, you'd be all for it, but with all the rumors going around, you decided against it. Sorry, not feeling too good. Started my period. That was the response you gave him. It wasn't completely false - your period had indeed started and you weren't exactly feeling your best either. However, Travis usually didn't mind when you were on your period and the amazing orgasms he gifted tended to ease away any cramps.
You didn't bother waiting for his reply, instead tossing your phone on the white fluffy rug and heading for your kitchen. All you wanted to do was curl up on your couch with a tub of ice cream and watch reruns of love island, to make yourself feel a little better about your life.
You grabbed the rocky road from the fridge, doing just that as you snuggled into your comfy couch. You only made it through one and a half episodes, before your door bell was ringing. You groaned, throwing the blanket off of you and heading for the front door.
It was probably your stupid neighbor lady, wanting to complain about how you didn't hid your trashcans well enough. You yanked open the door, ready to go off on the poor soul standing on the other size, but to your surprise Travis was there with flowers and a grocery bag in his hand, a Walgreens bag specifically.
"Brought you some things to help you feel better," he announced, his tone gentle and caring, making your stomach flutter. Without a word, you stepped aside, inviting him into your space.
A soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he placed the bag and flowers on your spotless kitchen counter. The vibrant bouquet added a touch of color to the room, and you couldn't help but appreciate the gesture even though a knot of mixed emotions still clung to your heart.
"Thanks but you didn't have to do that," you said, your voice laced with genuine gratitude and a hint of reluctance. You wanted to convey your appreciation, but the complicated nature of your relationship with Travis made accepting such kindness a double-edged sword.
A scoff escaped your lips, and you couldn't help but roll your eyes as you turned away from him. If you truly held a place of significance in his life, why did he talk so casually about his potential involvement with Taylor Swift on his podcast? That single conversation had been the catalyst for all the rumors, and deep down, you couldn't completely dismiss the possibility that they might be true. After all, the two of you rarely shared the intricate details of your day-to-day lives.
His brows furrowed, his concern evident in his furrowed brow. "What was that about?"
"Nothing," you mumbled, refusing to meet his gaze.
He persisted, a determined note creeping into his voice. "It was clearly something."
You hesitated, the words lingering on the tip of your tongue. The turmoil of emotions within you was too tangled to unravel in this moment, but Travis deserved to know your thoughts, even if they were filled with uncertainty.
Sighing, you finally spoke, your voice tinged with vulnerability. "It doesn't matter right now."
He rounded the kitchen island, his steps purposeful as he positioned himself squarely in front of you. In a decisive move, he gently but firmly grasped your wrists, his touch demanding your full attention. "You can tell me if something's wrong," he persisted, his eyes locked onto yours, his determination unwavering.
You drew in a deep breath, your mind racing with the weight of the question that had been gnawing at you. Maybe it was best to confront it head-on, to rip off the bandage, even if it meant facing an uncomfortable truth.
"Are the rumors about you and Taylor Swift true?" The words slipped from your lips, laced with a mixture of anxiety and longing. You held your gaze steady, searching for any hint of honesty in his eyes. "Are you two talking, or dating, or anything like that?" The silence that followed your question stretched, urging you to speak again.
He sighed, releasing your wrists and rubbing his chin, his actions speaking louder than words. The lack of an immediate response told you more than you needed to know, and a wellspring of emotions surged within you.
"Seriously?" you questioned, taking a step back from him, anger seeping into your voice. "I thought you had enough respect to at least end things with me before pursuing an international superstar." You were furious, and the betrayal you felt was palpable.
When you and Travis had embarked on this arrangement, you had agreed on one fundamental rule – exclusivity. Despite the lack of a formal commitment, there was an unspoken understanding that you wouldn't be sleeping with other people, even if your connection wasn't officially labeled as a relationship.
He knew about your past, about your parents and your father's infidelity that had marred your childhood. He knew that infidelity was the one thing you despised above all else. He knew it was the reason you had been hesitant to pursue conventional relationships or believe in the concept of love.
You took a deep, steadying breath, your efforts aimed at quelling the storm of emotions inside you. "You need to go," you said, your voice firm and resolute. When he remained rooted in place, you added with an urgency, "Now."
"I'm sorry," he whispered softly, his voice laced with remorse as he retrieved his keys from the kitchen island, his footsteps carrying him toward the front door.
Your silence hung in the air, heavy with unspoken disappointment, as you waited for the telltale sound of the door closing behind him. When it finally did, it was as if a dam had burst within you, and the tears flowed freely. Each tear felt like a piece of your heart breaking, and the pain was almost unbearable. You had believed Travis to be a good guy, someone different from the men you had known before. Yet, in this moment, it seemed he had let you down, just like so many others had in the past.
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ks-dreams-fantasies · 8 months
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a/n: I've had an idea for a mini serie, so you'll most definetly be seeing multiple parts to this story. I love the relationship and the love between Baby Wy and Uncle Travy 🥹 Enjoy and let me know what you think.
Warnings: Nothing really, this one is kind of a slow burn with a first encounter.
Words: 1.247 (Not proofread)
Pairing: Travis Kelce x Reader
Early in the morning, as the sun began to paint the sky in soft pastels, you stood at the threshold of your preschool classroom. You unlocked the door and stepped into your vibrant kingdom of colors and toys. The walls were adorned with the artwork of your little kids. Bright finger paintings and carefully crafted collages that told stories only a child imagination could conceive. 
As the children began to trickle in, their faces lit up with excitement at the sight of you. Each one received a warm hug and a cheerful greeting, setting the tone for a day filled with love and learning.
‘’Guess what, Miss Y/N!’’ little Wyatt exclaimed, eyes wide with wonder. ‘’It’s my birthday this weekend.’’
Your eyes sparkled with delight. ‘’Already? Soon enough you’ll be older than me.’’ You said as she laughed loudly before running up to play with her friends.
The classroom buzzed with activity as children explored different stations. Your colleague and best friend Camille joined you with a warm smile. ‘’Good morning, girl! Are we still on for tonight?’’ 
‘’Of course, I’ll make a reservation at that little Italian place we both love.’’ You smiled. ‘’Good idea, I’ll see you later.’’
Later, during circle time, you read a story about a brave little turtle. The children sat in rapt attention, their eyes wide with anticipation.
"Who can tell me what the turtle did to be so brave?" you asked, your eyes scanning the eager faces.
Lily's hand shot up, her eyes shining. "He helped his friends cross the river!"
"That's right, Lily! Helping friends is an act of bravery," you affirmed, your heart swelling with pride.
As the day drew to a close, parents arrived one by one to collect their sleepy but contented little ones. You greeted each family with a warm smile, sharing stories of the day's adventures and highlighting each child's achievements.
‘’Uncle Travy!’’ Wyatt exclaimed as she ran into the arms of a tall and muscular man.  Standing at an impressive 6 feet 5 inches, his frame radiated an aura of power and confidence. His piercing eyes sparkled, and he smiled widely at his niece as he picked her up.
‘’Hi baby girl! Did you have a nice day?’’
‘’It was the best. We painted rainbow unicorns, and we had a dance party with Miss Y/N, it was so fun.’’ She smiled up at her uncle as he stroked her back gently. 
‘’How come I wasn’t invited?’’ he replied, pouting as he faked being hurt. The little girl laughed loudly ‘’You’re too old to be in my class Uncle Travy.’’ His eyes finally landed on you, greeting you nicely before putting Wyatt down. 
‘’Sounds like Wyatt’s found her happy place here.’’ He said, his eyes crinkled at the corners as he laughed. ‘’I’m Travis by the way’’ he said extending his hand for you to shake. 
As you guys chatted, you couldn't help but notice the friendly banter and easy rapport you shared with him. He exuded a warmth that put you at ease, and his genuine interest in Wyatt’s day was evident.
As you stood by Wyatt’s cubby, preparing her belongings, Travis’s conversation took a subtly flirtatious turn. "You know, Miss Y/N, I've heard that being a preschool teacher takes a special kind of person. Someone patient, kind, and full of love."
You felt a gentle blush rise to your cheeks, flattered by his words. "Well, it's definitely a labor of love. The children bring so much joy into my life."
His gaze held yours, his eyes sincere. "It's clear how much you care about them. Wyatt adores you. "
Before you could respond, she ran up to her uncle, her face beaming with excitement. "Uncle Travy, can Miss Y/N come to my birthday party this weekend?"
You couldn't help but chuckle at her enthusiasm. ‘’Of course, baby girl, that is, only if Miss Y/N wants to and is available.’’ He said, looking at you with his piercing stare. You turned to Travis, your heart full. "I'd be honored." You chuckled lightly at the little girl’s reaction.
You got interrupted by the light sound of heels clicking on the floor, Camille heading your way.
‘’Hey, you’re ready to go?’’ she asked you before acknowledging Travis, giving him a smile and a nod which he returned before staring back at you. 
‘’Well, we’ll leave you to it, we have plan on our own don’t we baby Wy?’’ he said stroking his niece’s hair as she nodded excitedly. ‘’I guess I’ll see you this weekend then.’’ The smile on both your faces were genuine. He thanked you before walking away hand in hand with his niece. You couldn't deny the flutter of attraction you felt, but you also knew the importance of professionalism.
Camille cleared her throat, nudging you with her elbow as she smirked at you. ‘’What was that about?’’ you blushed at her question before walking away from her laughing.
In a cozy corner of the Italian restaurant, you both sat huddled together, your face animated with excitement. Camille leaned in, her warm brown eyes filled with curiosity. ‘’Tell me everything, Y/N. What’s he like?’’
Your eyes danced with a mixture of adoration and wonder. ‘’Well you saw him, he’s tall, like really tall, and he’s funny, we joked around a little bit and he made me laugh. And he’s got these beautiful piercing eyes that I swear, they were seeing right through me.’’
Camille leaned back, a thoughtful expression on her face. ‘’Sounds like he’s got you smitten, you sound like me.’’ You laughed, she was right. You were pretty lowkey about personal relationships and you never were one to imagine scenarios so early on. 
After your breakup with Christopher, your ex-fiancé, you kept a lot to yourself. You had made the decision to call off the wedding as well as the relationship when you found out that he had cheated on you with one of his colleagues at a work party. He had tried to work things out, begging you to stay and telling you how sorry he was, that it was a drunken mistake, but being you, you couldn’t walk past it. Camille welcomed you for a few weeks before you found your own place. You hadn’t dated anyone ever since, giving the excuse that you didn’t have time with your work, but deep down you just knew you were scared of getting hurt again. 
‘’I don’t know, he was just different. The love he has for Wyatt made me melt, and he was so nice and respectful. They invited me to her birthday party this weekend’’ You shrugged your shoulder, blushing lightly as Camille reached out and gently squeezed your hand. ‘’You better go, girl. Don’t let an opportunity of getting to know the guy slip away.’’
‘’I don’t know, maybe he was just being polite by inviting me.’’ You said as you sipped on your glass of wine. ‘’Come on Y/N.’’ your friend exclaimed. ‘’Did you see the way he was looking at you, his eyes were glued to you. You’re going to go to that party and you’re going to have fun. Just be yourself and if it clicks it clicks.’’
You looked into Camille’s eyes, your heart filled with gratitude. ‘’Thank you, Camille. I don’t know what I’d do without you.’’
You continued to talk and laugh as you felt a newfound sense of confidence and excitement about Travis and seeing him at Wyatt’s birthday party. 
To Be Continued
Part 2
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rafesgoldrings · 1 year
One Hell of a Night
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Warnings: smut, oral (m + f receiving), Topper and Kelce jerk each other off, drug usage, two in one hole, language, brief mention of choking and face slapping, teensy bit of degradation, foursome, slight groping from the boys, Rafe does a line off the readers tits because it’s me, this is literally just pure filth
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Fem Kook!Reader, Topper Thornton x Fem Kook!Reader, Kelce x Fem Kook!Reader, slight Kelce x Topper
Summary: It’s strictly platonic between you and the three kook boys to anyone else, but when you’re alone it’s a totally different answer. A daunting game of cat and mouse lands you in an interesting position one Friday night.
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If anyone asked you, the friendship between you and the three kook boys that dominated the island was strictly platonic. There was absolutely nothing else there, not when you took turns sucking their cock. Not when they were knuckle deep in your cunt. Not when their cum was coating every inch of you. Just a couple of friends helping friends to relax. But to you four? There was something there, pure animalistic desire to tear each other apart. Each one of you playing a daunting game of cat and mouse.
You’d wear the shortest golf skirt you owned when you went to play with them. They would wear the tightest shirts they owned, flexing their well defined muscles every chance they got. Your freshly painted nails would slowly trail up one of the boy's thighs, dangerously close to his cock, another boy's hand would disappear into your skirt, and the final boy would have his hand ‘innocently’ around your shoulder groping your tits. Each one of you eager to see who broke first, to see who gave into their desire.
It was usually always you. One look at their cocky smirks as their fingers danced a well choreographed dance inside your cunt and you were done for. You’d always ended up pleading for them to just stop the teasing and have their way with you. That exact same scenario is how you ended up in your current situation.
Rafe invited the three of you to his place to hang Friday night. Wheezie was at her friends house for the weekend, Sarah was out with those grimy pogues, Ward and Rose away for some business thing, which left the house all to himself. He’d told you he managed to secure a gram of coke from Barry and some alcohol, all you needed to do was bring your pretty ass over there with Topper and Kelce. Knowing it would just be the four of you, you put on a tiny skirt and crop top that was perfectly cut to show off your tits. The Cartier bracelet Rafe bought you, Chanel necklace Topper bought you, and Hermès ring Kelce bought you proudly on display. You’d put on the perfume you knew drove them crazy, sliding on your sandals and getting in your Jeep to head over to them.
You should have known it was a Trap, as soon as you walked in you should have known. None of the boys had their shirts on, passing around a half smoked joint and legs spread. Their hungry eyes staring you down the second you walked in the door like they were predators and you were the helpless prey. They paid extra close attention to your tits that were practically uncovered by the small piece of fabric you called a shirt, their adam’s apple bobbing as they swallowed harshly.
“Why don’t you come sit princess” it wasn’t a question, Rafe grabbed your hand and pulled you into his lap, discarding the joint and smirking at the squeal you let out from the sudden collision.
He already had lines laid out on the table and passed you a rolled up hundred dollar bill insisting you go first. The small skirt (and no panties) left little to the imagination as you bent down to the table, Rafe jerking his thigh up and hitting your cunt in the perfect way. You swallowed the whimper that threatened to escape your lips, covering one nostril before placing the bill inside the other and snorting a single white line off the table relatively quickly.
“Woah pretty girl, you’re so desperate tonight” Topper cooed, his eyes full of lust and mischief as the other two let out a small laugh.
“Awe come on guys, sweet girl just wants to make sure we don’t take it all before she gets her high. Isn’t that right baby?” Kelces hand rubbing your knee and the small amount of coke in your system made it hard to get out a complete sentence.
“Y-yeah, you guys always take it” you pouted, bending back down and doing two more lines before Rafe plucked the bill from your hands.
“That’s enough now.” he never let you overindulge like they did. He knew exactly what it did to you and while letting you snort any of the blow was bad, he’d rather you do smaller amounts with them.
A small hmph escaped your lips, arms crossed as you leaned back against Rafe’s chest. They could do all the coke in the world but you do three lines and it was the crime of the fucking century. You felt large fingertips grip your jaw firmly and turn your head towards them, Rafe’s blue eyes darkened as he spoke to you.
“Lose the fucking attitude and be grateful I allow you any princess. Don’t make me bend you over the table and slap your ass until it’s black and blue to teach you manners.” you knew he meant it. He’d done it once before when you wouldn’t stop bitching about everything one night, your widened eyes never left his as you nodded.
He whispered ‘good girl’ and placed a soft kiss on your forehead before he smirked, glancing at the table and your tits.
“Take your top off” the others quickly joined in agreement.
So, slowly, you began peeling it off. It’s not like they hadn’t seen your tits before, half the time you didn’t bother wearing a bra and changed in front of them because they’d touched and marked them plenty of times in the past. Topper passed the bag to Rafe who then instructed Kelce to push your tits together. You felt him press against your back, arms wrapping around your front and pushing your tits together with his hands, before Rafe poured some of the white powder between them. He covered one nostril and snorted it all away, lightly licking them to ‘get the rest’ off.
By this time, the drugs had kicked in. Your eyes holding a glazed over look, pupils dilated, cunt throbbing as you watched them. You began grinding into the couch, desperate for something, whining loudly and attracting all three boys' attention to you. Each one stared at the wet spot you’d made, eyes matching yours but with a bit more lust swimming around. Giving each other a knowing look, they listened as you begged for them to touch you. To use you as they pleased and make you cum
“Fuck princess, okay”
“That’s our good girl”
“So fucking pretty when you beg baby, we’ll take such good care of you”
Rafe had your legs spread apart, hands grabbing your tits and pulling at your nipples while Topper fucked your face. Kelce had his cock buried inside you, fucking you so hard that you swear your cervix was actually bruised. You couldn’t think clearly, eyes rolling back from the overwhelming amount of pleasure you were currently experiencing from both your high and being used this way, a harsh slap to your inner thigh bringing you back to reality. Your eyes were full of tears from the combination of your favorite boys using you like their personal toy, Topper was all the way in the back of your throat using it like it was nothing but a hole made to take his cock.
You knew they were both close, they went harder, each thrust more sloppy than the previous. Their moans getting louder and more broken until they couldn’t form words, only cries of your name. Their thick seed filled both of your holes at the same time and you swore you died right then and there. You could feel your cunt get stuffed full and loved it more than anything, especially knowing it was from one of your favorite boys. Rafe’s cock was pressed against your back, rock hard, leaking precum, and desperate for the same attention the others just got.
The two of them would pull out, each one with a proud look on their face when you whimpered at the sudden empty feeling and swallowed Topper's load, giving Rafe the opportunity to move in front of you. Groaning at the sight of your hole leaking out the mixture of yours and Kelce’s cum, he slowly bent down till he was eye level with your cunt. His lips quickly attached to your clit and then your tight hole. Moaning against you at the taste of his best friend's release with yours mixing together on his tongue. Your hands flew to his hair and held it with a tight grip, legs trembling from the previous orgasm you just had.
“D-don’t stop. P-lease” it came out broken, sounding pathetic enough for the two boys to laugh and mockingly frown at you.
You snapped your head in their direction and rolled your head back, eyes screwed shut and toes curling when you saw them stroking the other's cock. It was all too much for you, Rafe’s tongue working its magic on your abused cunt, the other two pleasuring each other while they watched you fall apart yet again. You swear to god Rafe was tracing his name against your cunt when you finally came. That rubber band in your belly finally snapping as you grinded into Rafe’s face, riding out your orgasm to the best of your ability in your drug altered state.
“Such a goood fucking girl baby. Oh my god” Rafe moaned out when he finally detached his mouth from your cunt, licking his lips clean and groaning at your taste.
“Taste so fucking good baby” he pulled you into a rough kiss, hand wrapped around your throat, allowing you to taste yourself on your tongue.
Your head moved up when he went to pull away from the kiss, lips still attached to his until he pushed you back against the bed. Topper and Kelce had managed to get each other off at some point during your orgasm and the thick white ropes covered their abs. They’d both walked to join Rafe in front of you before speaking up.
“Since Kelce got to fuck that pretty cunt of yours baby, Rafe and I want to try something while Kelce fucks your mouth”
“Do you trust us baby?” Even while high, they each made sure you were okay with whatever they were doing.
“Of course” your voice came out small, too fucked out, high, and tired to speak much louder.
“Okay baby. You’re going to take Rafe and I inside that tight cunt of yours…at the same time. You think you can handle us both baby?” that certainly woke you up, eyes shooting open as wide as they could go and sitting up on your elbows.
You looked between each boy, trying to see if they were serious. When there was no indication that they weren’t, pure desperation on Rafe and Toppers faces, you nodded your head.
“Fucking hell princess, you’re so perfect.”
“If it’s too much, you tell us okay?” they both spoke at the same time, you again nodded at them.
They flipped you to your stomach before pulling you up, wanting you on all fours. Once you were in position, Kelce walked over and slid his cock in your mouth. Rafe slid his cock inside you, groaning at how tight you were and the way your cunt clenched around him reactively. He thrusted into you a few more times before making sure you were okay with this. Once you gave him a thumbs up, mouth too full of cock to answer verbally, Topper joined him. He slid his cock in, letting out a loud groan at the feeling of your tight hole and his cock rubbing against Rafe’s inside you, slowly until it was all the way in. You were so lost in pleasure, moaning non stop around Kelce's cock, that you forgot to suck him off. He slapped your cheek to bring your attention to him “Just because you’re taking two cocks inside your cunt at once like a little whore doesn’t mean you stop paying attention to me. Now fucking suck princess, make me proud”
You bobbed your head up and down, trying your best to keep your attention on him while Rafe and Topper fucked into you at the same time. The room full of pornographic sounds, just moans and whimpers bouncing off the walls.
“I hope you know baby, we aren’t done with you. We’re going to ruin you to the point you’re just a drooling, babbling, trembling cock hungry whore. This is just the beginning” Rafe moaned into your ear, gripping your hair and pulling you up to his lips.
This was going to be one hell of a night.
Tag List: @sweetestdesire @cherryniceties @dreamingwithrafe @congratsloserr @fulla02reads @madelynie @xyzstar (I wasn’t sure if you wanted to be tagged since this includes Kelce so just let me know!) @outerbankspov
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kelcemenow · 1 year
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Touchdown Travis Kelce x Reader
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Endzone
Birthday Suit Travis Kelce x Reader (request)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Playing With Fire Travis Kelce x Reader x Joe Burrow (request)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Win Or Lose Travis Kelce x Reader (request)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Your Voice Travis Kelce x Reader (request)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
As The Snow Falls Travis Kelce x Reader 
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10
Drive Me Crazy Travis Kelce x Reader (request)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9
Dream Girl Travis Kelce x Reader (request)
Anything Travis Kelce x Reader (request)
Personal Foul Travis Kelce x Reader (request)
Let’s Stay Together Travis Kelce x Reader (request)
Hey Daddy Travis Kelce x Reader (request)
I’m Happy Travis Kelce x Reader (request)
Camp Kelce Travis Kelce x Reader
Call Her Daddy Travis Kelce x Reader (request)
Feelings Travis Kelce x Reader (request)
Just A Bit Of Spice Travis Kelce x Reader (request)
Out There Travis Kelce x Reader (request)
Home Travis Kelce x Reader (request)
Dressed Up, Dressed Down Travis Kelce x Reader (request)
What To Wear Travis x Reader (request)
Sweet As Sugar Travis Kelce x Reader (request)
Missing Travis Kelce x Reader (request)
Little Do They Know Travis Kelce x Reader (request)
Curves And Edges Travis Kelce x Reader (request)
Pleased To Meet You Travis Kelce x Reader (request)
Cut Off Travis Kelce x Reader (request)
Netflix And Thrill Travis Kelce x Reader (request)
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b1ravenclaw · 1 month
The wind blowing my hair made me feel so euphoric, I opened the window and placed my head outside to feel more of the night air.
 “Darling, be careful” my boyfriend warned me. I only rolled my eyes as he tried to grab my arm. 
“Oh let her have fun Rafe, there are no more cars out” my other boyfriend argues, I can feel Rafe’s annoyance but he keeps driving. There is only us on the streets, not one car or walking being. The music blasting from the speakers just adds to my fuel, I love nights like this, and they know it. 
“I think I’m in love” I say to the open night.
“We sure hope you are” 
“Ugh, I’m not talking about you” I say inching my body so I am sitting, half my body outside of the car. “I meant this” I open my arms to the sky, I can’t help it, it is so beautiful, and the wind is making me high.
“Y/n, get back inside the car. Now.”
“Oh come on, don’t be a bore now Topper” I wink at Rafe, “of course i’m in love with you guys as well, I just meant, I’m in love with this feeling right now. Aren’t you?”
“How much did she smoke?” 
“Enough” I let Rafe’s hand find mine and allow him to pull me back to my seat, I know he likes it, me handing him the control. I pout anyways, wherever far I can go annoying him.
Laughing as they both let out a relieved breath, Rafe speeds through the streets and soon we get to Kelce’s house. 
The music was loud, and we were late as usual. Drunk people screaming and dancing, some crying, others hid on the corners to steal a kiss or two.
“Hey! You guys are late” Kelce yells at us, running to greet us, he spins me around as I kiss him.
“Kelcee” I hold onto his arm, he is more drunk than I am high “Rafe and Top were being mean to me”
“Oh, were they?” he questions, a protective arm around me. “That’s not very nice of them, is it?” 
“We weren’t being mean” Topper says “we were making sure she didn’t fall off the car” I pout even more, Kelce laughs and takes me with him to where people were dancing. Kelce’s hands glued to my hips the whole time, going up to my neck and down again, I don’t know how long we danced. Just when the liquor started to make him sleepy, people were already leaving. I texted Topper to help me with him, knowing Rafe would only bother us. 
My high kept me floating, and horny. And I couldn’t help kissing him, as Topper tucked Kelce in, his strong hands taking a good hold of Kelce’ strong form.
We wished him good night and sat on the couch near his bedroom window. I quickly sat on Topper’s lap
“Hey, someone’s touchy” I hummed in response, giving him a little kiss on the cheek.
“I suppose” I continued tracing kisses over his face along his neck
“Very, very touchy” I hummed in agreement “hasn’t Kelce given you enough attention today?”
“He’s barely touched me” I whispered
“From what I could see he rather touched you a lot”
“Are you jealous?”
“Not as much as I should be” he gave me a kiss on the cheek “how about” a kiss on the other “you tell me” this time a kiss on the chin “why he barely touched you?”
“Well, he only kissed me once” I pouted
“Oh my darling, if all you wanted was to kiss you could just ask” He pecked my pouted lips once, twice, three times. Then he dragged his tongue over my lower lip, and kissed me torturously slowly, his soft tongue against mine, one hand on my jaw the other holding my waist thigh. I grabbed his arms, and tried to rock against him, but that's when he stopped me. 
“Huh, I tough you wanted a kiss” I turned my face to the window, feeling it blushing already
“Well I couldn’t finish, you cut me off”
“Oh I’m sorry,” he leaned back “what else would you like?”
“Oh you guys are here, good” Rafe’s voice interrupted me from the doorway “oh, what do we have here?”
“Oh y/n was just about to tell me something, wanna hear?” I widened my eyes to him, but he only pinched my thigh “now darling don’t be shy, tell Rafe what you were gonna tell me” I stared at them both, Rafe was sitting beside Topper now. I took the opportunity to place myself hovering one of each other tight. 
“Well, I” their eyes were all on me, lust written on them “I want to be touched”
“We are touching you right now darling, got to be more specific”
“Ahg, you are both so annoying” at that Topper pinched me again. “Oi, ok” i tucked my hair behind my ear, what did I want? “I want you to finger me”
“Which one of us?” Rafe asks loudly 
“Topper” his face falls ever so slightly “but would you touch me, here?” I say grabbing my own chest, he smiles at me, and Topper doesn’t wast time getting my panty of.
“Rafe, I think we need to get her a bit more wet first” he says while caressing my entrance
“No problem brother” Rafes hands almost rips my top apart, his fingers careful on my nipples slowly getting them harder. The goosebumps his touch caused made me shiver, his nasty smile never left his face. While Topper kissed my neck Rafe took it upon himself to take m y right nipple on his mouth, his tongue doing wonders to my body, my core squeezed in response, and I couldn’t help but move my hips. Topper tsked and held my hips still.
“Let us do the work darling” I nodded as his hand slowly trailed down my body, coming to a stop on my heat. His fingers rubbed me up and down, my arousal coating his fingers as he started pumping in and out of me.
“Right there” I said when Topper pressed my clit. I felt a hand on my chin, and as I opened my eyes Rafe was smiling right at me
“Is he making you feel good, princess?”
“Do you think he can handle you alone?” 
Topper scoffed at Rafe’s words, picking up his pace and I moaned in response.
“Mm, no?”
“That’s my good girl” Rafe took the opportunity to place me between them, facing him. 
“Topper work just as you’ve been, I’m just gonna give a little help”
Topper’s finger never stopped, Rafe touched me all over, started on my breasts giving each one a lot of attention. They were very sensitive, and if Topper stopped I didn’t doubt I could come only with Rafe’s stimulation. As I felt the wave of pleasure get higher and higher I came with a scream, whispers of “good girl” and praises fell on my ears but I could only pay attention to their hands still on me. When I caught my breath back, I kneeled before them. “Let me help you both now” They wasted no time in getting their trousers off, both of them were really hard. I took both of them on hand and squeezed a bit, motioning up and down. It wasn't long before both of them started moaning. When I took Rafe in my mouth I could hear a whimper leave Topper’s lips, so I gave each of them my divided attention. Balancing between each of them. Topper took a hold of my hair and was almost face fucking me, his moans and my gags filled the room, and before I could think of Rafe he said.
“Ohh, that’s it baby, take all of his cock like we know you can” that only made me more eager, my throat seemed to agree with me and I took him even further down. I knew he was close, and when he came with a low grunt I swallowed all of his release. Smiling up at him, “Fuck baby, can I cum on you mouth too?” I complied to Rafe’s request, but instead of taking a hum inside my mouth he jerked near my tongue, so when he came he could see me swallowing the white liquid.
I sat down between them on the couch and watched as Kelce stirred in bed. 
“Well, that was quite the show” I blushed as he winked at us, “now, will you come join me”
We made our way to his bed, and slept all together, Kelce spooning me from behind.
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somethingswift19 · 4 months
Your Go To Snacks
| Your go to snacks/comfort snacks
| (a/n): I am so sorry for the lack of posts this week!! Work has been crazy! And my brain short circuited I think so I'm sorry if this is dumb but I'm currently eating gas station snacks and relaxing lmao
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Rafe: Sparkling razzberry water, the purple bag of Doritos, tropical skittles, chocolate ice cream
Kelce: Arizona Iced Tea, pringles, edible cookie dough
Topper: Orange soda, buffalo flavored pretzels, blue and red mixed slushies, peanut butter popcorn
JJ: Code red mountain dew, jalapeno Cheetos , cherry slushies, sour patch kids
John B: Coconut water, granola with vanilla ice cream, pretzels
Pope: Calypso lemonade, pizza flavored combos, astronaut ice cream
Kiara: Apple green smoothies, white cheddar cheezits, chocolate covered strawberries
Sarah: Iced coffee, kettle cooked potato chips, twizzlers, baby bottle pops (idk why I just know she'd love those lol)
Barry: Cherry coke slushies, hot Cheetos, trolley sour gummy worms and gummy bears
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burrowingkelce · 1 year
Meet Your Mama pt2
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Am I insane? Yes. Am I releasing this the same day as pt 1? Probably not. Will there be a pt 3? Most definitely. 18+ this time!!
You helped grab Travis 2 week of clothes from his dresser and closet, folded them neatly in his suitcase and zipped it up.
He came up behind you and gave your ass a swat.
"HEY!" you yelled. He only laughed before pulling you into a hug and kissing your head.
"Let me get these for you madame." He said picking up his bags.
"I was hoping you wouldn't make me carry them, their your clothes." You said following him out to your car.
He put his bags in the back of the car and opened your door for you.
"After you m'lady." He said with a goofy grin on his face
"Thank you kind sir." You said pinching his cheek before placing a kiss to the area.
"Your gonna make me blush Y/N." He said mocking your southern accent.
You couldn't help but cackle at how silly he sounded. You couldn't wait for him to meet your family and evidently, put him to some real work on the ranch.
He kept his hand on your thigh the whole way to the airport, stealing a kiss once and again at red lights.
Your parents would pick you both up at the the airport in Dallas once you landed. Travis still has no idea where your going. He's just happy to be with you for 2 weeks.
He parked the car, grabbed both of his and your bags and opened your door for you.
"Trav quit acting like my chauffeur."
"I just love you so much, I want to make you happy." He said smiling at you.
You went to take your bags from him but he quickly stood in the way.
"What do you want now Kelce?"
"Don't think I was gonna let you walk away without paying me." He said tapping his cheek, expecting a kiss.
You let out a sigh and payed him his due, and swiped your bags while he was distracted.
He laughed at the way you sassily walked away from him and hurried after you.
You sat with him, waiting for the call to board the plane. He had headphones on and thankfully couldn't hear when it came over the loudspeaker to board the plane headed to Dallas Love Field Airport.
You both stood up and walked to what he calls "the shutte". He put 2 bags in the overhead storage and you made sure to take the window seat. He settled into the seat next to you and started to doze off. You took the opportunity to nudge your way under his arm and take a nap too.
You woke later to him grunting, as he was just waking up too.
"Good morning to you too big guy." You said looking up at him, laughing a little.
"Mm, are we there yet?" He asked half awake.
"Yeah I guess." You were looking out your window now, getting ready to stand up. The other passengers were getting off, and Travis just wanted to sleep.
"C'mon Trav, we gotta get off." You said climbing over him to grab his right arm in an attempt to pull him up.
"Alright fine." He grumbled, getting annoyed with having to wake up and move.
You grabbed the luggage and Travis was close to follow. You spotted your mom and dad in the parking lot.
You dropped your bags and ran to them. They hugged you and told you how much they missed you. Then he was spotted. The 6'5 hunk you brought with you.
"Oh my god is that..." Your mom started
"Yep, I brought the one and only Travis Kelce with me." You said, pretty damn proud of yourself.
He said hi to both your parents, hugged your mom and shook your dad's hand. Your mom was still shocked as ever with the fact her daughter had brought this stud of a man with her.
They both drove you and Travis to the ranch and showed him around. They had set up another bed in your room for Travis, but you both knew they would be pushed together.
(Editor Ema here, I'm skipping a BUNCH at least to the spicy parts because I wanna include that right about now, so stuffs gonna go quick.)
As your family ate supper, you created small talk with your mom about your life in KC, while your dad talked to Travis about football.
Once you all finished eating, your parents went outside to run some yearlings and you ran upstairs to get changed into pajamas. Know and behold your new man was right behind you as you bent over to grab your jeans off the floor.
"Whew baby, that's one sight that should be the 8th wonder of the world." He said grabbing your ass and pushing lightly on your back.
"Unhand my ass Kelce before I donkey kick you." You said, trying to sound authoritative.
"Awww, pretty girl tryna act tough?" He questioned seductively.
"No, I'm telling you to let me go before you regret this."
"Oh I won't regret a thing sweetheart " he said before picking you up and throwing you on the bed.
You grunted at the impact. Trying to get up, but you felt his hand shove you back down and his large arms cage you in.
"I've waited for this long enough." He said before kissing you roughly. His hands grabbing whatever flesh he could before finally resting one on your left breast and the other on your lower abdomen.
You grabbed his shirt and started to unbutton it while he worked the buttons on your shirt too. Eventually, he got pissed at how long it was taking him, and ripped your shirt in half, discarding it somewhere in the room.
You pushed his shirt off and threw it somewhere and let your hands run over his chest and back. You were too dazed in the heat of the kiss and didn't realize your hand wandered to his crotch, but you knew you felt something hard.
"Watch those hands baby girl, you'll get it soon enough." He said letting out a slight moan before slipping a hand between your legs. He unbuckled his belt and took his pants off, leaving him in just his boxers.
"Take them off Trav." You said trying to catch your breath. He slid his boxers off, revealing his thick member which you immediately took in your hand. He moaned and you prayed to God your parents were still outside.
You took the opportunity to push him off you and get on top. He pulled your underwear down and slid into you. Both of you let out moans as you moved up and down his length.
"Fuck baby, that's so good. Your so good to me aren't you?" He started rambling but the little moans he was letting out were so hot you didn't even want to tell him to stop.
"God Trav this hurts." You said slowing down your pace.
He flipped you both over, hoping to make it easier on you.
He started off slow to let you adjust more, and once you did he picked up pace. Before you knew it he was pounding into you with such force you knew you were going to feel him for weeks.
"OH MY GOD TRAV!" you screamed, gripping his shoulders, hoping to ground yourself.
"I got you baby, I'm almost there." He said with a few hard thrusts before you let out a loud moan and your eyes rolled to the back of your head and he leaned over you more.
A few more brutal thrusts and he was coming with you. Both of you were sent into a drunken daze of lust and passion.
You both came down from your high, and he laid next to you. He faced you and smiled.
"God Y/N, I don't know what was better, winning my second Super Bowl or this."
You laughed and kissed his cheek, "Well Trav, I don't know what was better, seeing your ass earlier or this." You grabbed his ass before giving him another kiss.
He pulled you to him and grumbled against your cheek.
"You better stop that or your gonna get it Y/N."
"I wouldn't complain one bit Travvy." You said before wrapping your arms around him and resting your head on him before drifting off to sleep.
Omg this was a piece of work that's for sure 😅. I never wrote smutty stuff like this so if it's weird, please don't hesitate to let me know. I PROMISE rancher Travis is in the next part, I really wanted to dip my toe in smut and I'm not really sure I like how it turned out. Anywho, I've been dealing with another illness, I was 90% sure it was COVID, but I have my taste and smell, just can't breathe in much or it hurts. This is my 3rd time being sick since December. Everything is okay with me and my mom, just hoping my grandma doesn't get it this bad. She's already showing signs of it and I can only help her and pray. Anywho, toodaloo lovelies, off to write pt 3 where we put Sir Travis on a horse 😂. This is gonna be fun.
Here are the @'s for this fic: @elovesjm and @godsfavoritebabe
And the hashtags:
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sexilene · 2 months
ᥫ᭡.₊˚⊹ my fave kook!boys 💳🤍🎆
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18+ in pink!
RC 🩷⋆₊ ⊹.ᥫ᭡
giving bf!rafe a mini fashion show
rafe takes and wears your purity ring
husband!rafe surprises you on mothers day!
sleepova w rafe outfits
gym with rafe and his little frendis
princess!reader and her diary mini blurb
princess!reader and her diary
18+!slasher!rafe pt.2
sexy time with 1980s!rafe
TT🩷⋆₊ ⊹.ᥫ᭡
KS🩷⋆₊ ⊹.ᥫ᭡
otha⋆₊ ⊹.ᥫ᭡
💳 runnin' round the country club fits!
💳 the boys teaching you how to drive
💳 rafe's latina gf moodboard
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countryclubkilla · 1 year
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ks-dreams-fantasies · 9 months
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a/n: I haven't been on here in forever! This one is about Travis Kelce because I think everyone should be obsessed with him. Here, Enjoy !
Warnings: Fluff, Teasing, Smut (F receiving)
Words: 2,391 (Not proofread)
Pairing: Travis Kelce x Reader
The night was alive with the buzz of the charity event. Good music was playing, the clinking of glasses could be heard as well as the hum of conversations from people talking and laughing.  All kinds of fortunate individuals filled the room: singers, actors, athletes and many more. In the heart of the elegant venue, amidst the sea of well-dressed guests, you stood making cocktails behind the main bar. 
You were too busy serving drinks to notice the pair of eyes burning into you. You finished making your Negroni before handing it to the guy that was waiting at the bar, giving him a smile. He tipped and thanked you before moving away, leaving you to make direct eye-contact with the tall and muscular man standing behind him, a few feet away from you. He was in a conversation with some other guys, but he wasn’t really paying attention to what they were saying, his gaze focused on you. You diverted your eyes, as a short blond lady waved at you, you moved towards her and her friends for their order before getting right back to work. 
From where he stood, he could see your body moving smoothly behind the bar. You were in your element, and it showed. Your eyes were sparkling with a quiet confidence as you meticulously crafted some exquisite cocktails for all these known faces. Travis, never one to shy away from seizing an opportunity, excused himself before approaching the bar. 
You turned your attention to his towering presence, your gaze meeting his with a mix of professionalism and intrigue. ‘’Evening, what can I get you sir?’’ you asked, your voice carrying a subtle note of confidence.
Travis, ever the charismatic figure, studied the array of bottles with a playful glint in his eyes before looking back at you. ‘’I’ll have whatever you’re having.’’ He replied, his voice carrying the resonance of someone accustomed to taking risks. You squinted your eyes, smirking with a hint of playful challenge. 
‘’Are you sure you can handle it?’’ Travis chuckled, his confidence unwavering. ‘’I can handle anything baby.’’ 
You accepted the challenge with a nod before turning around to retrieve the bottles you needed as you blushed lightly. As you began crafting a complex cocktail, your fingers moving with precision, Travis couldn’t help but to look you up and down, analyzing your every move.
You were wearing a little classy black dress, that was hugging you in all the right places and showing just the perfect amount of cleavage. He licked his lips looking as you poured the liquid mixture into two different glasses.
You handed him his drink before he held his glass and nodded his head towards you. You watched him take a sip as you took yours, your eyes dancing with amusement.
The cocktail was a masterpiece, a blend of flavors that left Travis genuinely impressed. ‘’You have a way with those drinks.’’ Travis remarked, leaning casually against the bar. You glanced up, a playful smile playing on your lips. ‘’Well, it’s all about finding the right combination, isn’t it?’’
His gaze held yours, a magnetic pull that neither could deny. ‘’I’d say it’s more the person behind the bar. The drinks are just a bonus.’’
You arched an eyebrow, your eyes sparkling with amusement. ‘’You clearly know what to say to charm the ladies.’’ He grinned, unfazed. ‘’Good thing I have plenty more where that came from.’’
You laughed before some older guy called for you to serve him. ‘’If you’ll excuse me.’’ You said before attending the other guests leaving Travis with interest and desire in his eyes. He went back to his teammates, Pat nudging him with his elbow. ‘’ Shut up, man.’’ Travis responded with a chuckled.
After a while, your colleague came back behind the bar, signaling that it was your time to take a small break and get some fresh air in the back of the building. You sat down on a bench outside, taking in the breeze on your warm skin.  You couldn’t help but think about your interaction with Travis. His confidence on the field was only matched by his charisma off it. You had to admit, he was smooth.
Travis was there to support a cause close to his heart, an organization that provided opportunities for underprivileged youth. He was enjoying his night, but he couldn’t stop thinking about the pretty girl behind the bar. From the corner of his eyes, he spotted your figure back behind the marble counter. Travis had been talking with Jimmy Fallon and Paul Rudd about the upcoming game against the Jets. They exchanged for a little bit, before Travis noticed his glass was now empty. He excused himself from the pair to get himself another drink.
He strode through the crowd, his tailored suit fitting him like a second skin, a charming smile on his face. Your eyes met again once he approached you. ‘’Hi again.’’ He said with a grin ‘’Your drink was so good, it’s already empty.’’ 
‘’Well, what do you want me to tell you, I’m good at what I do.’’ You replied playfully ‘’Would you like another drink?’’ He nodded softly leaning closer towards you. ‘’Surprise me.’’ 
His low voice made you clench your tights slightly as you smiled and started to work your magic. You extended your arm handing him a new concoction. You leaned in close, your voice a sultry whisper. ‘’I call this one the ‘Midnight Fun’, one of my personal favorites.’’
‘’Oh yeah? And what kind of fun should I be expecting at midnight?’’ Your pulse quickened, the air suddenly charged with an electric energy. You felt bold so you got on your tiptoes, moving your upper body over the bar, you face resting near his ear. ‘’You would be lucky to find out.’’ 
The moment the words left your mouth, Travis’s eyes turned dark. You stayed there a few more seconds, giving him a perfect view of your chest before you pulled away slowly with a wink. 
Before he was able to speak, you turned around hearing a low grunt coming from his throat. You moved further down the bar, glancing at him over your shoulder, smirking with a sense of victory. Travis’s eyes were glued to your ass, not even trying to hide it as he tugged his bottom lip between his teeth.
‘’She’s got you wrapped around her finger man.’’ Pat said as he landed a hand on his shoulder, chuckling lightly. 
As the night wore on, the lively atmosphere of the charity event seemed to fade into a background hum, leaving you and Travis in your own intimate world. You found yourselves in a playful dance of glances, your chemistry becoming more palpable with every passing moment.
‘’ You know, I never got your name.’’ You didn’t even have to look up to know who it was, you recognized his voice and his cologne the moment he approached you. ‘’Y/N’’ you answered as you grabbed some bottles, starting a new drink for the clients on your left. You asked him his name in return, and he looked slightly taken aback. You knew who he was, but you didn’t want him to have the satisfaction of knowing that you were a football lover just yet, so you made it seem as if he was just another guy at a charity event.
‘’I’m Travis’’ he answered, leaning in closer to you, his voice a low, velvet caress. ‘’I must say, you have a way with your hands Y/N. The way you handle those bottles…’’
You met his gaze, a sly smile playing at the corners of your lips. ‘’Oh Travis, it’s all in the wrist action. You have to know just how to … control the flow.’’ He chuckled, the double entendre not lost on him. You finished the drinks, handing them to the two ladies, waiting patiently for their cocktails before looking back at Travis, a small grin on your face.
His gaze never wavered from yours. The room seemed to shrink around you guys, leaving only the two of you in your own intimate bubble. ‘’I have to admit, I’m rather envious of those lucky bottles. They get to feel your touch all night long.’’ 
You leaned in closer, your lips grazing his ear. ‘’If only you knew just how much I can do with my hands.’’ You leaned back and could see the desire in his eyes. Your fingertips drifted on his firm hand that was laying on the counter in front of you. ‘’If you’ll excuse me, I have to use the restroom, I’ll be right back.’’ 
He wanted to follow you but he wasn’t sure if he should, he looked at you go as you swayed your hips, glancing at him over your shoulder, winking at the tall man. He followed close behind, looking around to make sure no one was paying attention to what he was about to do.
He grabbed your waist tightly and pulled you into an unoccupied bathroom, pushing your back to the wall after he closed the door and locked it. You looked up to him at the noticeable heigh difference. You exchanged looks and you both could feel the tension in the small room. 
He took one step closer to you as he stared at your lips for a moment, coming back to your eyes. He sighed and you just couldn’t take it anymore. You grabbed him by the neck and crossed the small distance between you so that your mouths could touch. 
Travis cupped your face with his right hand as his left one grabbed your waist again. The moment was heated, the kiss was rough and filled with desire. Your hand navigated to his chest feeling his toned muscles contract at your touch. You sucked on his bottom lip, gaining a low grunt from him before you smiled slightly against his mouth. You pulled your face back for a second, and could feel him breathing heavily, his chest rising and falling against your body. Travis went back to your lips hungrily, and in that moment the only thing you could focus on was him and the feeling of fire pooling in your lower abdomen. 
He bit his teeth down on your lip and dragged it backwards, eliciting a moan from the back of your throat. He pressed his body to yours like it was even possible as he buried his face into your neck, kissing along your jawline. He ran his tongue on your exposed collarbone, hands circling your body as they landed on your ass, squeezing the flesh roughly.  
‘’Fuck, Travis.’’ You panted, your hand running across the waistband of his trousers. 
‘’I’ve been wanting to do that all night, baby.’’  His voice rasped as he continued to travel his hands down your body. He caressed your leg before bringing it up to his hip, as the hand he placed on your thigh began to slither up towards the part of your body that needed him the most.
Travis’s fingertips finally get to the fabric covering your heated folds. You nodded before he effortlessly placed his hand over your black lace underwear, perfectly over your slit. 
‘’Already so wet.’’ He playfully whispered as he rubbed upwards, feeling the wetness in between your tights. He slid your underwear down your legs as he bent down to pick them up and carefully placed them in the front pocket of his blazer. 
‘’I’ll keep those.’’ He said smirking and looking up at you. You looked down towards him, your eyes meeting once again, as you anticipated his next move. He brought your right leg over his shoulder for much better access. He started kissing and licking the inside of your thigh carefully, edging you closer as you moaned quietly. 
Before you could understand what was happening, he swiftly grabbed your other leg and placed it against his head, standing up again to his full heigh as you shrieked in surprise and excitement. Your body was now resting against the cold tiles, one of your hand was resting on the ceiling and the other on the back of Travis’s head as his shoulders supported the entirety of your weight. 
Before you could even ask him to do anything, you felt his mouth apply pressure to your wet pussy, his tongue lapping at your folds with expertise. The new sensation caused you to let out a soft moan and you could feel Travis smile against you. 
The knock on the door startled you, but Travis dismissed it quickly.
‘’Occupied’’ he said loudly, so the person on the other side of the wall could hear him properly.  He quickly went back to devouring you like a starved man, moving his tongue skilfully, reaching all the right places as he snaked a hand around your thigh, his fingers moving towards your clit. 
You could feel the familiar knot in your lower abdomen begin to tighten as you moan loudly.
‘’That feel good baby?’’ he asked cockily and proud as you nodded while mumbling incoherently. You were a mess. Your head was thrown back, lips parted and panting as your chest moved up and down rapidly. 
‘’Travis, I’m … I’m so, oh my god’’ you tried to say as he moaned against your pussy, sending a wave of vibration all over your body. You could feel yourself getting closer by the second. His mouth continued to work your folds, your breathing getting heavier, and your body started writhing as you cried out his name, coming. He licked you clean and took his time with you, leaving a trail of kisses on your thighs as he slowly and carefully put you down on your feet. 
‘’What time do you get off?’’ you smirked. ‘’Why, you want me to return the favor?’’ you answered back, winking at him while you tried to control your breathing. He laughed quietly before stepping closer to you to give you a small kiss on the lips. 
‘’Actually, I was thinking about an early breakfast, if you’d care to join me.’’ he asked you, as he took your hand in his, playing with your fingers, looking at you to study your reaction carefully. He was genuinely interested, he wanted more, more than just a hookup. 
‘’I would love that’’ you smiled back, blushing.  
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rafesgoldrings · 3 months
Oh girl my request rn is more poly rafe kelce and topper! Whether it be fluff or some spicy spicy smut. Like their day to day life or how they take turns taking her out on dates and then all come back and treat her good 🥵
They’re backkkk🤭 I honestly missed them sm and had so much fun writing for them. I hope you guys enjoy it🫶🏻
Warnings: not proof read, light degradation, Rafe calls reader a pretty bitch one time, reader is called a slut like twice
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So your day to day life is actually fairly normal, there’s still lots of flirting and subtle touches but for the most part you guys just hang out. You’ll go shopping or go with them to the gym, go out on the boat before grabbing dinner, hang out and watch a movie or attempt to play video games with them (which always ends in a (“Oh my god Y/N just put the controller down and come sit”), nothing too crazy. But the dates? The dates are a complete different story.
They have a schedule, it was the only way to ensure that each of them were getting equal alone time with you to avoid jealousy and fights. It usually stayed pretty consistent but did change occasionally if one of your boys has a special request or something happened. Monday is Toppers day, Wednesday is Kelces, and Friday is Rafes, the ones between that were ones for you to have the day to yourself or for you all to hang out as a group.
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Topper usually kept it pretty casual, sweet, but casual with something like a picnic or lunch at the country club. Beach dates were your favorite, just enjoying the sounds of the waves crashing against the shore while you rested in the others arms, the soft breeze caressing your skin. He also liked to go shopping for things, clothes, jewelry, books, art supplies, whatever you had an interest in that day, he obviously would pay for it all. Even telling you not to bring any money because ‘pretty girls don’t pay for themselves’. Boat dates are another common thing for the two of you, he’d bring your favorite blanket and sweater of his with him for when you inevitably got cold once the sun started to set. He’d of course go somewhere secluded so he could pull your bikini off and fuck you while the sun hit you, the possibility of getting caught make it so much hotter than normal.
Kelce was more of the sporty/stay in date type. He loved to take you golfing, even if all you did was look pretty and tease him by bending over in the short little skirt he bought you, and then treat you to a nice candlelit dinner. Almost always preferred it near the water too, said it was more romantic when your skin was illuminated by the soft flame and it was just the two of you and the soft waves. But on days he didn’t feel like going out, he’d set up a blanket fort in the living room stocked with ALL of your favorite snacks and drinks. He’d put the little fairy lights inside of it like the one he remembered you showing him a while ago, put an air mattress inside with tons of pillows and soft blankets, light up your favorite scented candle, make sure it was as romantic and cozy as possible. He’d put on some of your favorite movies or attempt to teach you to play the games he liked, but it almost always ended with your clothes scattered on the floor. Waking up the next morning with your limbs intertwined and bare skin sticking to each other from the small layer of sweat that formed.
Rafe, as we all expected, is the fancy one. He’s buying you dresses to match his suit, diamond earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets, shoes, just making sure you’re taken care of before the date even happens. He’d take you to the nicest restaurants, go on shopping sprees where you picked out whatever you wanted (yes that includes any lingerie shops you stumble across), go out on the yacht and stop at the local yacht club for dinner, even fly you out in the private jet somewhere for the day. He had the money and he would happily spend it all on you if it made you happy. He rarely ever stayed in on his nights unless you asked, if he did there wasn’t much going on other than him making it his goal to fuck you on every surface in the house. He was always horny around you, you were just so pretty and got his cock hard immediately. Half the time he couldn’t even wait until you were home before he was pulling his range rover to he side of the road and fucking you in the backseat, or over the hood of it, or making you ride him in the drivers sit so your tits were bouncing in his face.
They all took care of you in their own way, sexually and non sexually, but together? Together the pleasure tripled, every inch of your skin being touched, your brain completely shut off from their hands on you and their cocks burying themselves in your pretty holes. Rafe usually teasing you for it with a little degrading comment like ‘pretty bitch can’t even concentrate on anything but being a slut’. Top usually went for a mix of the two, he was usually the one teasing you while also encouraging you to keep going ‘Such a desperate slut for us huh baby? But you’re doing so good, so pretty too, just a little more pretty girl’. Kelce was almost always the one giving you praise unless he was pissed or felt like he had something to prove, ‘God princess, so pretty. This pussy is so pretty too, doing so so good. I know it hurts but you can do it, you’re made for us so I know you can baby. That’s it, good girl baby’.
The mix of praise and degradation from each one making your head spin and bringing you closer to your orgasm until you snapped, making a giant mess all over whoever was inside you at the time. Nipples being pulled and pinched and sucked, clit being spit on and rubbed until you were crying out that it was too much, each one taking a turn tasting you and trying to push their cum inside you deeper than the last. It was like their version of a group date, who could make you feel the best, who could cum the most, who made you cum the most. It was your thing and none of you would change that, you were theirs and they were yours.
Either way, you’d never go a day without being taken care of and spoiled. Even without the physical contact your phone would be blowing up with texts from each of them. Complements, pet names, voice messages, pictures, anything you could think of they were doing to ensure you were thinking about them always and knew they were thinking about you. Honestly convinced they have a separate group chat just to gush about you outside of the normal one where they try to one up each other
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kelcemenow · 1 year
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 2539
Warnings Strong language, some fluff and lots and lots of smut. I went a bit heavy on the foreplay but I just can't help myself!
Another anon request that I just had to do! "Hi there. I loved your most recent fic and was wondering if you would be willing to write a smut where the reader (female) promised travis that if he won the superbowl that he could do anything he wanted to her?"
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"Anything?" Travis' eyes widened and his mouth gaped open slightly.
"Anything." You repeated, but without the questioning tone. "You win that Superbowl baby, and you can do anything to me."
Travis froze for a second before laughing and rubbing the back of his neck, "Oh baby, you don't know what you've done."
You leaned forward so you were only inches away from his face, "And when I say anything, I mean anything."
His eyes darkened and he leaned in to kiss you but when his lips grazed yours, you pulled back and continued eating your dinner. Travis' eyebrows lowered in confusion.
You pointed your fork to his plate, "Eat your dinner big guy, you've got an important game next week."
Travis didn't move for a second or so, keeping his gaze on you, hoping for a change of heart. You continued eating your chicken, not making eye contact with him. After a moment, Travis breathed out a laugh and started shovelling his food quickly into his mouth.
"Right, I've finished, can I have a kiss now?" He pushed his lips out.
You smiled at his begging expression, placing your hand under his chin and bringing his face to yours for a gentle kiss. Travis hummed in contentment before you leaned back and returned to your plate, flipping the page of your magazine.
"You're going to be sorry. You'd better have a strong coffee on the morning, baby. Imma have you up all night." His eyes lowered down your body.
You continued to read your magazine, "You're that confident that you're going to win?"
"Baby! Do you know who I am? I am the-"
"Yes, yes, the fastest tight end to reach 10,000 receiving yards." You said quickly, "Now, could you add another few yards and get the laundry out of the dryer, please?"
Travis shook his head and laughed, "You keep me humble, babe."
You smiled down at the article you were reading. You liked to keep Travis on his toes and he enjoyed your playfulness. You had been dating for around a year, so it was still relatively the early stage of your relationship. You met soon after the previous season, as a friend of Isabelle Butker, the wife of Travis' Chiefs teammate Harrison. She had invited you to a barbeque at her house and you spotted Travis.
"Isabelle, who's that?"
He was chatting to some other players excitedly.
"Oh, that's Travis." Isabelle nodded as she opened a beer from the cooler, "He's great, I think you two would get along, actually."
You narrowed your eyes, "If you're saying what I think you're saying, no way."
"What?" Her head snapped up quickly, "What do you mean? I'm an excellent matchmaker!"
"That guy you set me up with a couple of months ago? He ordered a salad for me and then started lecturing me about why women should stay and home and take care of the children instead of go to work!"
"Okay, okay...fair enough. But seriously, just go and talk to him."
You picked up your glass of wine and looked over towards him. He was talking enthusiastically with a couple of guys you recognised. He seemed to be focused on the conversation but his eyes suddenly found yours and you felt your breath hitch as he smiled before continuing with his discussion.
You tilted your head to the side, "Hmm, I think I might."
That was almost a year ago. And now you were in your home in Kansas City, getting ready to leave for a week in Arizona for the lead up to the Superbowl. Travis didn't seem nervous, but you knew there was still time. This was the biggest game of the season He had won in 2020, but lost the year after. You really wanted him to win his second ring, to experience the celebration with him. You knew it would be a difficult game for him as he was playing against his brother, Jason, meaning the entire Kelce family were there and the result, whatever it was, would be bittersweet for whoever was on the losing team.
After you had finished dinner, both you and Travis checked over your bags that you had packed for the week in Arizona, but your thoughts were consumed with what plans Travis had for his winning night.
Your heart was in your mouth as the red and gold confetti filled the sky. The stadium erupted into noise and the entire viewing suite jumped to their feet. Patrick Mahomes' wife Brittany threw her arms around you and Isabella grabbed onto both of your hands as she jumped repeatedly in the air.
"Oh my God, oh my God!" You screamed as you could feel tears forming between your eyelids.
Isabella quickly pulled you both out of the suite, "Come on, we need to get down there."
The three of you, followed by other players families, whizzed through the corridors to get onto the field as quickly as possible. The atmosphere was electric and your head was spinning with the vast amount of people piling onto the field. Your eyes were darting around to locate Travis but as you were searching, you saw the two brothers sharing an emotional hug.
"Congratulations, go celebrate."
Travis looked at his big brother, "I love you, man."
Jason winked and nodded his head towards you and Travis turned around quickly. As soon as he spotted you, his eyes lit up with tears and he came running to you, picking you up and spinning you around. Camera flashes blinded your eyes so you closed them and pressed a firm kiss onto Travis' lips.
As he lowered you back down onto the grass, you stared up at him, "I am so proud of you, baby." You placed your hands onto the sides of his face as he stared lovingly down at you, "So proud. You did it, you won. I love you so much."
Travis leaned down to meet your lips with his again, "I love you too, baby."
You felt his hand lower to grab your ass firmly, squeezing the supple flesh. Your own hand grasped at his toned biceps and you watched as his chest rose and fall hastily.
"You're not too tired are you, big guy?" You hands ran along his arms as you looked up at him.
He leaned down so his mouth was close to you ear, "Not a chance, I'm getting out of here as fast as I can."
"You...are amazing. I...love...you so much." You said in-between breaths as Travis was latching onto your neck, leaving wet lazy kisses across your skin.
His hands were roaming your clothed body, grasping at the fabric and pulling it so he could have access.
You pulled away from him and walked slowly to the hotel bedroom, his hungry eyes following every step you made. As you reached the bed, you spun on the spot and sat on the edge, looking up at your 6 foot 5 inch man.
"So, you remember our deal?" You asked, a husky rasp to your voice.
Travis nodded and silently made his way to his suitcase, his broad back obstructing your view as to what he had pulled out of it. You waited patiently until he turned to face you, a long black piece of material in his hand.
"I'm going to make you feel so good, baby." His head shook slightly as he spoke, his words laced with lust.
You tilted your head as he came closer to you, "But this is your treat?"
"Watching you squirm as I make you cum is a treat for me."
Your thighs tightened and your pussy throbbed at his words.
He climbed onto the bed behind you and pulled your hair to one side, placing soft kisses on your neck and shoulders, your skin tingling at his touch. Your eyelids fluttered closed and you gasped gently. You leaned back slightly and rested on his chest whilst Travis placed one hand up your jersey, searching for your breasts. His fingers grazed your right nipple and you felt a jolt of pleasure through your body.
Just as you were melting into his touch, he quickly moved away from the bed and walked around to face you. You looked up at him, your pink swollen lips parted and his eyes darkened further. You smiled when he placed the black fabric over your eyes and tied it into a knot at the back of your head.
Suddenly, your world was black and all you had to rely on was your other senses. You felt Travis' hands run up your thighs and as you stood up, he gently pulled down your tight, ripped jeans and you carefully stepped out of them. All of the sudden, you felt Travis' lips on yours, gently and almost ghosting over your mouth. You leaned forward for him but he wasn't there. You could hear movement on the bed behind you but you stayed where you were, wanting to be under Travis' full control.
You felt his breath on your neck behind you and he pulled the jersey you were wearing over your head so you were left in your lace bra and thong. Travis let out a small groan at the sight of your ass and you heard him shift again on the bed behind you. He placed a gentle grip on your arm and guided you down onto the bed so you were laid on your back. After a couple of seconds, his hands slowly removed your thong as his lips kissed your stomach and hips, getting closer to your pussy with every kiss.
You let out a sigh, your chest quivering and struggling to control your breathing. Travis blew gently on your exposed clit, and the cool air made you throw your head back in preparation. He had always been good with foreplay, he knew exactly what to do to drive you crazy but you knew this night was going to be different.
You parted your legs slightly and Travis' wet tongue drew a stripe up your folds, flicking your clit at the end. Your legs tensed tightly and then opened further so you could allow him better access. Travis got to work immediately, his tongue expertly exploring your pussy. His movements were gentle but firm, and you could occasionally hear him humming, the vibrations running through your body. A tightness built up in your lower stomach, causing you to arch your back off of the bed and a low guttural sound to leave your lips. Travis ran his hand up your stomach, reaching for your chest. His fingers found your left breast, nipping at the skin, pinching your nipple and tugging at it. You hissed at the slight pain, enjoying the sharp sensation that flooded your body.
He removed his tongue and replaced it with his fingers, gently pushing them inside of you. You felt his frame cover yours, his mouth kissing your neck and chest. Your breathing became uneven and you curled your toes, holding onto the orgasm that was building up inside of you. Travis must have noticed as he lifted his lips to your ear.
"Go on baby, that's it. Let that perfect pussy cum for me."
His low growl in your ear made you completely release, a wetness covering his fingers with force. You heard Travis gasp, and then felt him speed up, pumping his fingers in and out with an impressive pace. You squealed as you released some more, your cum spurting with force.
Travis quickly flipped you over so you were lying on your front. He moved behind you and lifted your hips upwards, steadying yourself on your knees. You pressed your cheek into the bed, letting your torso relax. You arched your back as he returned his tongue to your vagina, lapping up the juices that were covering your folds. Your muscles quivered and your body writhed with pleasure.
"Mmm, you taste so sweet." He breathed into your pussy.
You bit down on the pillow next to your face to stop yourself from screaming and Travis responded by grabbing at your thighs, digging his fingers in and flicking your clit with his tongue. Your back arched even further and your throat croacked.
"Travis...baby...I need your dick." You panted, "Please...uhh...p-lease."
His hands moved to your ass, slapping his hand across the skin. You moaned at the sting but continued to beg for him.
"Fuck me, Travis...do what you want to me...fuck me, baby."
Travis chuckled and lifted himself up onto his knees, his thick erection perfectly positioned at your entrance. You bucked backwards slightly, pushing his tip against your wet lips. You could feel your pussy pulsating and with one easy motion, he slid himself inside of you, causing you to gasp at his size. Your walls stretched around him and you whined as you adjusted to him.
He started slow and gentle, letting you feel every inch of his cock. He rested his hands on your back before he tangled them in your hair, grasping at it to pull you upwards and onto your hands. You clutched at the bed sheets, tightening your fists as you took his length. He grunted with each thrust, his sounds fuelling your second orgasm.
Quickly, he pulled his member out and flipped you back onto your back before removing your blindfold. You blinked and your eyes adapted to the light. He smiled when you locked eyes with him, finally gazing upon his handsome and strong features. His mouth parted and he bit down on his bottom lip as his dick plunged into you, your cum spilling out. Your eyes widened as he repeatedly thrusted with a powerful force. He pressed his forehead to yours, steadying himself as he increased his speed. Contrary to earlier, you screamed this time with no care for how loud you were, making wild sounds to signify your intense pleasure. Travis breathed through gritted teeth, the muscles in his arms bulging and flexing with each movement.
You vision started to get blurry as you sensed your next orgasm. You licked your dry lips and grunted Travis' name before you felt a release of ecstasy wash over you. Every muscle in your body seemed to tense then relax, your breathing even more rushed and manic than before. You turned your head slightly but Travis placed a large hand on your chin and pulled your gaze back to him, his urgent expression prolonging your climax.
After some laboured thrusts, Travis tightened his grip on you and his body contorted as he released his cum into you. Your walls clenched as you felt him pulsate, his ejaculation filling you up. He collapsed slightly, but was careful not to put his whole weight on top of you. Instead, he held himself up by his elbow, stroking the side of your face with his other hand.
His face was red and speckled with beads of sweat. His eyes bore into you as he smiled, "You are perfect, baby."
"Nobody is perfect, Travis."
He narrowed his eyes, "You are. I love you so much." He pushed some rogue hairs away from your face with his thumb and kissed your forehead, "I would do anything for you."
I am really enjoying getting requests these days! You all have such wonderfully creative ideas! I also wanted to check whether people would want me to start a standard taglist? I have one for my Touchdown series, but wondered if I should have a regular one for all of my writing?
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painfulrant · 1 year
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The Prince
Kelce X Reader
Poorly edited!!!!
It had been a bit since anyone came around. The silence was both comforting and horrific, having not been used to it. It was dark, the moon eliminating different shades of gray while the breeze carried the tree branches all around.
Peaceful and deceitful. For all the peace that the stars, the moon, the wind, and nature around you offered… it’s all deceitful as to how you really felt. Screams, wails, and words bounced around your head, hearing everyone's voice on repeat but nothing at all. Seventy-two hours and twenty-three minutes of it, to be exact.
The dock’s your favorite place. No one thinks to check it when you disappear… or maybe no one cares enough to come looking like they would with your boyfriend or best friends. If they could even be called that anymore. No one’s even tried to check in with you. No messages, no calls, no swinging by the house or even searches for you. You could be dead for all they know and they wouldn’t give one care in the world.
You watched as a boat flew across the water, slowly growing closer and closer, blinding you when the headlights swept over you. All of a sudden, the boat's engine cuts off. It should have startled you and you were very suspicious as to why it did but you didn’t move. Whether it be that you didn’t have the energy after not having water, food, company, or hope for three straight days or whether it be because you truly didn’t care what happened to you. It seemed that no one else cared either.
So you laid there, not caring to turn your head away from the blinding lights that made your head throb. There were no tears or clenching in your chest. It was all just emptiness… like your body was hollow and your ribs were just the entry to the dark space. When the lights finally turned off, you found yourself in front of Kelce, one of the kook princes, and Topper, another kook prince. They both shared a confused and concerned look with one another before Kelce ultimately decided to just move towards you.
Honestly, you were expecting a kick… maybe a few punches or nasty words thrown at you. You were slightly disappointed when neither came too. Instead, Kelce stood over you, studying your figure before taking a deep breath and sliding down next to you. Your focus was now on the stars, not caring for your safety or for what they were about to tell you. Probably some message to your boyfriend or something.
Shock streamed through you, the first emotion in hours to fill the empty void, when Kelce's soft voice carried through the wind to you.
“What’s got you out so late?” The question was simple and sweet. No prying and no hints of disgust or manipulation in them. Just pure curiosity. You turned your head over so slightly to glance at Kelce before looking back to the beautiful stars that seemed to reach out to you through small beams of multicultural light.
A sigh disturbed the peacefulness of the wind but you didn’t move and didn’t bother to speak. Then the sound of footsteps trailed right behind you until you could now see Topper standing over you. When he laid down, you watched as he turned his head to study you while you continued to stare at the sky.
They seemed to understand that you just wanted peace and quiet so they laid there with you for about two hours straight, refusing to leave you, even when the moon began to disappear beyond the horizon and the sun's beams began to light the sky.
“Do you want to leave this dock? Maybe go get something to eat?” Topper asked and the hesitation was clear in his voice. If he was bringing up food then it was probably beginning to become obvious that you haven’t eaten in a few days and the thought of people being able to tell just ripped the hollow feeling open wider.
It took you a few moments before ultimately you decided to just shake your head. The movement caused a spell of dizziness but you didn’t complain or even react to it. When Kelce sat up and watched you for what felt like eternity, you finally shifted a little and glanced his way. His confused asserting features smoothed out to one of a poker face before he reached his hand out. What for, you don’t know.
“If you wish to approach me, be gentle. You may break my fragile glass of solitude.” You whispered, or rasped, your voice having not been used since the group argument that took place a few days earlier. The warning was supposed to be sarcastic but it came out more of a broken plea that you winced at hearing.
Kelce’s hand finally came down gently on your hair, smoothing it out around the dock and away from your face.
“I do not wish to harm you, as much as I’d love to piss your boyfriend off.” He muttered, continuing to gently run his fingers through your hair.
“He wouldn’t respond the way you think… if he responded at all.” You exclaimed softly, your voice cracking with the fresh wave of sorrow washing over you from having said the thoughts that have been swimming in your head for a couple days now. Dizziness threatened to overtake you once more, along with a nauseating pain in your lower stomach. Still, you refused to move.
“You deserve someone who answers.” Kelce sighed, looking up. You could see the frustration and pure hatred he felt at the very moment towards the pogues yet you couldn’t understand why. Why does he seem to care for you? Why take the time he could be partying or doing rich people things to lay down with a broken filthy little girl. It made no sense.
You went to answer but your vision began to throb with your heart so you offered a small but genuine smile.
“You don’t have to stay, you know.” You muttered, closing your eyes from the exhaustion that wrapped around you like a cold security blanket. Everything was finally becoming numb instead of hollow… not cold or warm.
“Hey, don’t close your eyes.” It was both a warning and a plea that tore from Kelces chest but nonetheless, you just smiled while your breathing ability began to grow less and less. Not hurting, hollow, or happy. It was just numb, everything. Your lungs and stomach weren’t screaming at you and your head finally calmed. The last few things you heard were Topper, Kelce, and what sounded like the Pogues screaming and arguing, the warmth of Kelce’s arms being replaced by someone else's arms. Who? You didn’t know. You felt a warmth against your cheek but it was very faint before you felt nothing at all. Finally, a kind of calmness took the squeeze over your heart and mind away, finally being able to sleep and rest peacefully.
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imagines-r-s · 1 year
obx requests are open once again!!
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rafesaddiction · 7 months
The tight end (or: Football Lessons) – Rafe Cameron x Reader
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Summary: You need to study for your exams and Rafe wants to watch the football game with his friends. Studying is boring and you need a little help from the boys. Rafe is not pleased.
Warnings: mdni! – heavy smut, spanking, rough sex, p in v, semi-public sex (they can hear you), fingering (they sure can see that), possessiveness, kinda size kink cause rafe is big, bratty!reader, grumpy!rafe, dom!rafe, mean!rafe, amused!barry, curious!kelce, i-can't-with-this!topper
Word count: 1.5k
Tagging @dream-pink , @dope-trope-105 since this is most definitely Rafe Cameron smut. Enjoy!
a/n This is none of the stuff I said I was working on, just something short to indulge myself. Something light and fun. It kinda takes place in the same “universe” as Hole Practice, but it's not part 2. Comments, reblogs and likes are more than welcome. They keep me from going insane. Go Panthers!
“Gonna get myself another beer,” Rafe groaned as he lifted himself of the la-z-boy.
“Might need something stronger to suffer through this shit show.”
He looked at Barry who had made the comment and was pointing at the tv screen with his beer bottle.
On the screen the Panthers were literally fucked up the ass. And they deserved it as they delivered their worst performance ever. This game really sucked. Rafe hadn't bet any money, but he took it kinda personal when his favorite team performed this shitty. It totally ruined his mood. To be fair, it didn’t take much to ruin Rafe's mood, but this was like in the top 20 of mood-ruining events. And this was supposed to be a nice relaxing evening, watching the game with his friends. Yeah, Barry was now officially one of his friends and none of Rafe's kook friends ever doubted his status – if they had, that would totally have ruined Rafe's mood.
“While you're at it, pretty boy, fetch me another one too,” Barry shook his half-empty bottle and grinned at Rafe, who had stopped on his way to leave the living room.
“Anything else I can do for you?” Rafe said in a sarcastic tone, frowning.
“You have some of these tiny snack bites? Diced cheese with a toothpick?”
Rafe shot Barry a deathly glare, who just chuckled.
“Uhm, I'd like another beer, please,” Topper's voice came from the left and Rafe's head spun around, making the blond shrink into the couch and mumble some sort of apology. Next to him, Kelce snickered.
Frowning, clenching his jaws, Rafe went to the kitchen – without killing one of his friends, yet.
Still frowning, Rafe rummaged through the fridge to get four bottles of beer. There were actually some cheese bits, which he left there, but he took a bag of chips out of the pantry, and returned to the living room.
And stopped in the doorway, almost dropping the beer at the sight of you sitting on the armrest of Barry's la-z-boy. You had your back to Rafe and were obviously engaged in some very intense conversation with Barry. You had drawn up your legs and were kinda kneeling sideways on the armrest. You wore one of Rafe's t-shirts, too big for you, but barely covering your ass. Your legs were naked – apart from the cat paw socks you wore.
“What are you doing here?”
You were not supposed to be here. You were supposed to be upstairs, studying for your upcoming exam. You were definitely not supposed to be cuddling up to Barry.
Rafe was fuming as you craned your head back to him and gazed at him with innocent eyes.
When you saw him, a sweet smile appeared on your face.
“Hi, Rafey.” Rafe flinched at the hideous nickname, but you continued speaking. “I was looking for you. I needed some help with opening a water bottle and Barry was so nice to help me.”
Barry sat up, looking at Rafe, winking at him and showing said water bottle.
“Always a pleasure to help a damsel in distress,” he said, his gold tooth showing as he grinned at Rafe whose face had turned red by now, his features tensed up, his nostrils flaring.
“And now he’s telling me all about the tight end.”
You smiled.
Barry grinned.
Kelce snickered.
Topper choked.
Rafe growled.
“Upstairs. Now.”
“But –” you turned towards Rafe, your feet dangling from the armrest, you looked up at him, pouting.
“Now!” Rafe barked and you flinched.
Having put the bottles and chips on the coffee table, Rafe walked up to you, grabbed you, threw you over his shoulder and carried you with him, despite your squealing protests.
Rafe sat you down on the kitchen island. You looked at him, with big eyes and sulky lips. His hands rested on either side of you.
“The fuck were you doing? I specifically told you not to come downstairs!”
He glared at you through narrowed eyes, tilting his head to the side.
You lowered your gaze, your fingers playing with the hem of the shirt you were wearing.
“I was bored,” you admitted in a soft voice. Then you looked up, just with your eyes, meeting his.
“Please don't be mad at me,” you nibbled on your bottom lip, effectively directing his gaze. Then your lips parted, you breathed out and he saw the corners of your mouth twitch. “Rafey…”
He let out an angry growl, grabbed you, flipped you around and you squealed as your chest was pressed down on the hard surface of the kitchen island. Rafe shoved up your t-shirt and his hand hit your butt, only covered by your pink lace panties.
“Don't. Ever. Call. Me. That. Again!” Rafe growled between gritted teeth and each word was accompanied by a slap on your ass.
You cried out, then tried to muffle your cries and whimpers by covering your mouth with both your hands, as Rafe gave your ass a very thorough spanking. He didn't care that your whining and crying could surely be heard in the living room as he hadn't bothered to close any of the doors.
One hand holding you down as you tried to wriggle your way out, while his other hand mercilessly slapped your ass and thighs, leaving marks in the form of his hand print.
His palm started burning and your skin must have felt as if in flames by now.
He was panting heavily behind you, his eyes on your ass as he pulled down your panties. He noticed the soaking wet stain and his hard cock twitched inside his pants.
You were a whimpering mess, your body trembling and only focused on the burning sensation his hand had caused, or you would have noticed what he was up to and you would surely have complained that you were still too sore from when Rafe had fucked you under the shower this morning.
You cried out as he pushed his hard cock into your tight pussy. He growled as he felt your walls clamping around him. He gave your already sore ass another slap, then started thrusting into you in a relentless rhythm, deep and hard, punishing you by using your body to satisfy his own needs. Your cries turned into whimpering sounds as he gave you what your body so desperately craved for.
Whatever you tried to say came out as a whining noise. His name was the only intelligible word you were able to utter.
“Rafe,” you cried.
“Rafe,” you moaned.
“Rafe,” you begged.
He grabbed the back of your neck, pulled you up, made you turn your head and his lips met yours in a fervent kiss, devouring and bruising. He felt you clench so hard around him and moaning into his mouth as you came around him. Pushing your trembling chest flush against the surface, he fucked you through that orgasm, savoring your heated body's uncontrolled convulsing, your shameless moaning and enjoying knowing that he did this to you, that he was the only one who made you feel this way.
Rafe came with a groan, his cock buried up to the hilt inside your soaking pussy, filling you with his hot cum. He felt how you tensed up at the sensation and your walls clenched, milking him.
When he pulled out, you whimpered.
“Shhh…” He caressed your back as he cleaned you with a kitchen towel and put your panties back on.
Rafe cradled you into his arms and carried you back to the living room.
Barry chuckled, but didn't say a word as Rafe shot him a menacing glance.
Rafe reclined in his chair and you cuddled up to him, burying your face at his heaving chest. You were still trembling, your legs drawn up to your own chest and you were clinging to Rafe, when he caressed your back with one hand, the other hand holding a beer bottle as he focused on the screen again where the Panthers had somehow managed to turn the game around.
Rafe's hand trailed along your thigh and you flinched. You pressed your mouth against his chest and he heard you whimper as his fingers brushed over the sore skin. And not only he could hear your little whining sounds has he grabbed your ass.
Barry looked at you from the corner of his eyes and then grinned at Rafe, slightly shaking his head, lifting his bottle to drink.
Kelce licked his lips as his eyes moved over your body.
Topper stared at the tv screen, clutching his bottle so hard, his knuckles turned white.
Rafe’s hand shoved your shirt up, rubbed over your bruised cheek. His fingertips pushed your panties to the side and slid between your folds, eliciting a sweet mewling sound from your lips.
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sexilene · 2 months
thinking about rafe, topper, and kelce, helping to teach you how to drive….
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you were about to be gifted a pretty new car for your birthday but you still didn’t know how to drive so the boys said they’d help teach you! you stood in the shade picking at your nails as the boys planned an easy enough route for you to practice on without hitting anything or anyone. 
“can we get going pleaseee, you guys can trust me- i read a car manual once, i know how things work….”
“fine, we should be alright i guess…” rafe mumbles as he opens the drivers side car door for you to hop in, he sticks out his hand for you to grab to help you climb into his truck. with rafe in the passenger seat next you, top and kelce in the back you put on the seat belt and place your hands onto the steering wheel to wait for instructions. 
“i can’t believe you are lettin' her use your car man.” kelce shakes his head with wide eyes 
“it’s better than lettin’er practice in one of yours, mine the safest one if anything were to happen.” rafe turns his head back to you “j’us don’t crash…kay?”
“mmhm…how do i start?”
rafe, with his tendency to stress easily, guiding you through the basics of starting the car and adjusting the mirrors. his hands grip on the steering wheel as he instructs you like a child to put your foot on the brake pedal.
"kay, slow and steady now babydoll" rafe says, his voice stern yet soft, letting go of the wheel so you could try keeping it straight. "we don't want to accelerate too quickly, jus' easeee onto the gas...not too much!" you press down on the pedal with your foot as the car moves forward a few inches then breaks suddenly causing everyone in the car to jolt forward. 
“jesus!!…” topper breathes out, both him and kelce then grip onto the handles on the inside roof of the car.
"oh god, i'm sorry!" you wince
“s’alright s’fine just try- try again…” topper encourages as you place your foot back on the gas pedal again
slowly you start to get the hang of it, cruising slowly down the street at a decent pace, everyone seems to be relaxed as you are gaining confidence behind the wheel. then your phone starts to ring, you look down to were you set it down near the cup-holders which causes you to lose a little control of where you are going and makes the car swerve slightly and speed up. 
“EYES ON THE ROAD!” they all shout boyishly, panicked and clearly stressed. rafe’s hand flies out in front of you to emphasize its importance.
“that might be kie, can i get it?” 
“NO!!!” they all shout again
“jeez, ohkay!”
kelce mutters little prayers under his breath "please, let us survive this.” you let out a nervous yelp when up ahead you see a squirrel just chilling in the middle of the road.
“what do i do!”
“JUST SLOW DOWN!” “EYES ON THE ROAD!” the boys shout overlapping their panicked voices, you scream and squeeze your eyes shut and turn your head away.
“NO HEY! DON’T CLOSE YOUR EYES WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY!?” rafe shouts all rambly
“ohkay!” you hit the breaks just before the squirrel scampers off up a tree.
“ALRIGHT OUT.” rafe commands, pushing his hair back out of his face, then unbuckling you. “I’m driving the way back, switch.”
as rafe gets out of the passenger seat and rounds the hood of the car to get into the driver seat as you climb over the armrests to get to your new seat. 
“jesus kid…you know what?...you wanna go somewhere in your new car? call me and i’ll take you wherever you wanna go….s’dangerous havin' you out on the roads like this.” rafe huffs as he starts the car again.
“we almost died!” topper lets scoff almost in disbelief at how things took a turn.
“I got slightly distracted! wasn’my fault.”
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i luvvvv the kook trio
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