evnne · 10 months
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DPR IAN peanut butter & tears (2023)
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nothanxxxxx · 5 months
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bellepark · 4 months
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kpop-locks · 6 months
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷ dpr ian ; simple ”♡ᵎ ꒱
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hwajoongie · 2 years
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photos by Kundo Song
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bibi, farm animal (2022)
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ROSARIO, EPIK HIGH FT. CL, ZICO (2021) written by tablo and mithra jin
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greencore · 9 months
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Time is running and hunting us down But, we gotta move on
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dope lovers.
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maracllea · 2 years
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I’ve been waiting and anticipating, to be a bad bitch | BIBI | Vengeance 2022
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n-e--r-v-e-s · 7 months
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DPR Ian ~ Tattoo details 🍓
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evnne · 24 days
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nothanxxxxx · 7 months
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☠︎ ˖ 🌪️ ◌ drunken texts ◌ 🌪️ ˖ ☠︎
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shykpop · 4 months
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DPR+HEADER, + like or reblog If you use
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seokstrivia · 6 months
Written In Pages
Summary: Sometimes, it’s for the best, 
Work!AU | KHH M.List | Word count: 2.4K
Boss Christian Yu x Writer Reader - angst, old feelings, exes, new love vs old love, drama(?)
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After slamming your laptop shut for the umpteenth time, you groaned in irritation and took the last sip of your wine.
Your dream job was to write articles for a magazine, specifically inspiring stories about everyday life situations. You disliked writing about new cafes and hotspots to visit in Seoul, South Korea on a hot summer day. Your boss, Christian Yu, was someone you despised.
You let out a sigh as you leaned back on your couch, feeling exhausted from working for long hours and staring at a bright screen. Despite the fatigue, you were able to enjoy the peacefulness of your apartment which was quietly enveloped by the sound of light rain tapping against the tall windows that offered a view of the brightly lit city at night. The cityscape was a sight to behold, with buildings and cars stretching out as far as the eye could see, and you found it captivating.
It felt surreal.
You struggled with the idea of writing this article for a while, but now, as it is almost 3 am, you just want to finish it and move on, without having to worry about it anymore.
You worked tirelessly on your article all night, only the clicking of your keyboard keeping you company. As the sky began to lighten just before 5 am, you finally completed your 12th and hopefully final draft. After sending it to your boss, you collapsed into your bed, exhausted.
“Wow, you look like shit.”
“Shut up, Dabin,” you scowled while you pointed a pen at him, almost as if threatening to hurt him if he said another word. “I was up late working on an article.”
As you nodded your head, a yawn escaped your lips, but Dabin didn't seem too impressed. He was aware of your writing skills, and he knew that Ian, his best friend, also recognized your talent. Despite this, Ian never allowed you to demonstrate your best writing abilities.
It annoyed him.
“Do you want me to speak to...“
“No,” you cut him off knowing exactly what he was going to ask. It was his favourite question. “It’s fine.”
Dabin suspiciously leaned over you, face a lot closer than you were comfortable with, and stared into your eyes as if they had a different answer to the one you’d given him.
It made you laugh.
“I’m fine, don’t worry,” you genuinely smiled as you pushed his face away from yours.
The two of you discussed where to go for lunch and what you were in the mood for, which varied daily.
“Y/N, can I see you in my office?”
The sudden voice behind you caused you to drop the smile on your face. You quickly locked eyes with Dabin before shifting to see your boss standing behind you.
Ian didn't give you time to respond to his question since he was already on his way back to his office. His strides were long and swift as you hurriedly followed behind.
A sigh escaped your lips as you thought about all the terrible things he might say about the draft you sent just a few hours ago.
Christian's office exuded a sense of sophistication and elegance with its predominantly black theme. The black furniture and décor complemented the black walls, creating a sleek and modern atmosphere. The aesthetic aligned perfectly with Christian's personal style, which is characterized by his sharp black suits, crisp white shirts, and multiple decorated tattoos. Overall, the office was a reflection of Christian's impeccable taste and attention to detail.
There’s no denying that he was a handsome man. 
“Do you enjoy working here?”
His voice was firm and almost intimidating, but it was nothing that you weren't accustomed to.
“Answer me honestly,” he interrupted.
An exasperated sigh escaped your lips as he once again failed to listen.
It was annoying. 
You gazed out of the window, avoiding eye contact as the rain poured heavily over the city. It was ironic that you had just written an article on what to do on a hot summer day.
"Ian," you sighed, interrupting him as he had interrupted you earlier. "I don't hate working here, and I want you to know that. I genuinely enjoy the people and the work that I do. But it feels like you never give me a fair chance to show you how good I am, or how much I love being here."
As you stood up, your eyes met Christian's dark and mysterious ones. You never really understood him, as he always kept his distance. Even when you were dating, he never let you get too close.
His eyes reminded you of the heartbreak you felt when he told you he needed to focus on work and being a boss. There was no sadness or remorse in his expression. He was emotionless.
You subconsciously took a step back as he took one towards you, both caught off guard. You were afraid of falling for him again, especially after the pain he had caused you.
“I think maybe I should find another company to write for.”
“Y/N,” his voice was stern. Cold. “I said no.”
A deep chuckle reverberated in his office. You stepped back and crossed your arms, "It's not up to you. I can do what I want."
He knew you were right, but he didn't want you to leave. He had already given you up once.
Here's a clearer version of the text:
"Will you stay if I let you write your own story?" he asked, trying to offer a bribe.
"Why?" you questioned him, catching him off guard. He had hoped that you would just say yes and leave it at that.
There was an uncomfortable silence as he stood his ground, looking at you intently, but he didn't offer an explanation.
He was being stubborn.
After a while, you looked away from him and said, "I'll stay. See you around, Mr. Yu."
Christian watched as you left his office. He let you walk away.
It was another late night in the office. Ian had finally given you the green light to write your own story - something exciting, new, and inspiring. However, you were struggling to come up with an idea. You didn't have any unique experiences to discuss, except for your own heartache and the pain you had gone through, along with the emotions you had felt.
It had been more than a year since Ian had broken up with you. Now, you were in a much better place emotionally, and seeing him around the office didn't hurt as much as it did when the wound was still fresh.
Your experience of getting over a breakup could serve as a source of inspiration for many individuals out there who may be going through the same thing. You could write about how you coped with the situation and be honest in your narrative. The idea is to make your readers relate to you and feel that they are not alone in the world and that going through a breakup is a common experience that everyone faces at least once in their lifetime.
As you were lost in thought, a voice interrupted you, asking "How are you getting on?"
You glanced up to see Dabin holding a box of fried chicken and a pack of four beers. You couldn't help but smile as your stomach growled in hunger. You were grateful for your best friend's arrival.
"Thank god for you," you exclaimed, feeling much better now. "I'm starving."
The two of you were quick to get settled into the couches in the staff room; away from computers and cubicles and depressing grey walls.
"This is delicious," you moaned as you took another bite.
Dabin laughed in return, "I'm glad I can help during times like this."
Dabin was a really good friend.
"So, how's your writing coming along?" He asked.
Nodding his head, he asked, "what's it about?"
You took a sip of your drink before turning to face Dabin. It was obvious what he was doing.
"You can let Ian know the article's content will be revealed in my final draft, okay?"
"How did you know I was asking for him?"
You lay back on the couch, sighing as your eyes stared at the plain white ceiling. Dabin followed suit, resting his shoulder neatly against yours.
It was quiet.
There was nobody else in the building except for the two of you. Normally, nobody stayed back late. However, you enjoyed staying late because of the peaceful and quiet atmosphere. The lights would turn off automatically on a timer, leaving you with a breath-taking view of Seoul from above.
Being on the top floor definitely had its perks.
"He didn't want to end things with you, but he had no choice. He misses you," Dabin finally spoke.
You avoided eye contact and stated, "Everyone has a choice."
You were in a three-year relationship with Ian before he broke up with you. As time went on, your love for him grew stronger and you were convinced that he was the one.
But no.
On a frigid winter night, he arrived at your doorstep and broke up with you. Declaring that his work was his priority and that he wanted to become a boss his father could be proud of.
So, he married his job instead.
It was a horrible experience that left you feeling utterly shattered. A heavy weight seemed to sit on your chest, and no matter what you did, you couldn't shake off the feeling. You cried yourself to sleep that night, and dealing with the aftermath was so difficult that you had to take a month off work. Seeing him again was too much to bear after feeling so broken.
"I thought he was the one, Dabin," you expressed. "But after he broke up with me, I realized that I didn't really know him. He never let me get close to him, and he never opened up to me. I was blindly in love."
Dabin looked at you with sad eyes; it was the first time you had openly talked about your breakup.
Saturdays were your favourite day of the week. You could sleep in as long as your stomach allowed before getting too hungry. You didn't have anything on your to-do list. It was a day just for you to relax, unwind, and not think about anything or anyone for that matter.
However, on this particular Saturday, instead of being awakened by hunger, you were awakened by the doorbell.
You were confused as to who was turning up at your apartment this early on a Saturday. You quickly got out of bed, grabbed your slippers and dressing gown and headed to the door.
You didn't think to look through the peephole before opening the door.
His voice was deep.
"What are you doing here?" You blurted out before thinking.
He ran his hand through his hair.
Then sighed. Deeply.
"Can we talk?"
You stared at him, completely gobsmacked. What the hell was he doing here?
"Ian, please go home," you declared, your voice quavering. "I don't want to talk to you right now."
He didn't allow you to close the door as he barged in and let it slam shut behind him.
"Please," he begged.
You witnessed an unusual display of emotion in his gaze, something completely foreign to you in all the time you'd known him.
This was new, and you were in shock. It was so unlike him to do this.
"There's nothing to talk about," you declared, finally breaking the silence.
Ian sighed again, except this time, he sounded annoyed, "just give me five minutes of your time. Please."
Upon not wanting to argue, you silently nodded and sat on your couch, wondering what he wanted to discuss.
"Dabin spoke to me," he began. "He told me about how I made you feel."
"Okay? And?"
"Do you hate me?"
You scoffed. Was he serious? This is what he wanted to ask you?
"No, Ian. I don't hate you," you said honestly. "But I don't like you either."
He rolled his eyes, and you smiled smugly.
"Ian, please get to the point," you stated, your annoyance palpable. He was ruining your favourite day of the week.
"If I proposed, would you have married me?" Ian asked as he sat next to you on the couch.
The shock in your eyes didn't go unnoticed.
You let out a nervous chuckle and moved away from him. He was sitting too close to you, which made you feel uneasy. It had been a year since the two of you had been this close to each other, and you didn't like it.
"Ian, we're not a good match-"
"But would you have said yes?"
As you felt your heart beating harder against your chest, you began to feel nauseous and the sensation of wanting to throw up arose.
Why was he asking you this all of a sudden?
"Y/N, would you have said-"
"Shut up!" you snapped, taking a few steps back as you stood up. "You always have to have your own way, win arguments- even need to get the last word in. God forbid anyone says anything to you."
You were pacing the room, but he was listening for once.
He was actually listening.
"We were together for three years, I loved you unconditionally and fell more in love with you every day. It wasn't until you broke up with me that I realised I'd been dating a fucking rock."
"Y/N, I'm so sorry" he apologised as he stood up.
"Save it," you sighed.
His eyes searched yours, seeking answers, searching for any sign of love.
"I would have said yes. Of course, I would've" you told him honestly. His lips curved into a smile, but faltered when you added, "but not now."
He didn't say anything except, 'sorry' before leaving, making sure to slam the door shut behind him. Except this time, he was the one who was walking away and you were the one who let him.
That night you decided to quit your job, there was no way that it was healthy for either of you to go on like this.
He didn't question it this time or stop you, he didn't even look at you. Your words had hurt him just like he'd hurt you. This wasn't what you wanted, but realistically what else could you do?
It just wasn't written in pages for you two to be together.
And maybe, that was okay.
A/N Pls go easy on me with this, its my first time writing since being on my long ass hiatus, but I hope you still enjoyed <3 xoxo
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i-nabi · 1 year
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𖤐 ִֶָ Living life on my own terms 𓂃
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