#kieran mclean
lligkv · 1 year
a responsibly equivocal stance
Max Norman's review of Diane Arbus's work in The Drift brings together some questions I've wrestled with lately, as I always wrestle with them: the questions of having a position on an artist and having complex assessments of art. Some of this is triggered by the experience of watching some friends of mine process the Oscars and the sweep made by Everything Everywhere All at Once—a therapeutic millennial movie that seems to want to palliate viewers' childhood wounds by using larger-than-life spectacle as a vehicle for overly simplified sentiment, and is being disproportionately rewarded considering its ultimate lameness (the natural product of excessive spectacle for those who don't find that charming) and conservatism. (The case for the conservatism is laid out quite well by Kieran McLean, here.) Versus the kind of artwork that tries to be several things at once, say TAR.
Which everyone online seems to be kind of stupid about? Much of this is likely shaped by Twitter's particular economy of terse opinions, quote tweeting, and dunking. Versus, say, an ecosystem of alt-weeklies or blogs issuing comparatively considered pieces (written by critics of whatever stripe, and not Twitter-posting Substackers, each hanging out their own little shingle, subjected to the demands and incentives and scale of those platforms), which people then reflected on via comments in comment sections—which is not to glamorize blogs or comment sections, just to say that what we've got now might be worse than what we had then. With TAR, it feels like a film that was designed to be ambiguous enough to evoke multiplicity in its interpretations just got such flat reads from people whose tastes I normally trust. It was a portrayal of an abuser in cancel culture being justly punished for her arrogance. Or it was a portrayal of an abuser being unjustly punished, because according to Todd Field, Lydia Tar's genius, or her age and socialization to older mores, or the perceived stupidity of her antagonists in the culture—for all that I don’t think the student she argues with, in a moment that goes viral and begins her fall, Max, is actually meant to be seen as stupid—ought to have excused her bad behavior.
To my mind, the film seemed to want to do both these things—or, as the memes would have it, a secret third thing, some hybrid of the two.
It seemed Field wanted to show a person whose character has been dessicated by the pursuit of fame experiencing the destruction of all her ties to the world that satisfied her desire — perhaps even to get back in touch with some new form of creation both degraded and genuine. Yes, Tar, at the end of the film, is in an objectively worse position than when she began. And she's not exactly saved. She may not be capable of any reckoning with herself more concrete than the atavistic, overwhelming stab of feeling that makes her vomit when she's confronted by a reminder of the women she worked to manipulate, like Krista and Olga, in the form of the girls in the spa she visits, lined up like a banquet for her delectation. She's also conducting in a meaningful way, absorbed in the act of it, in a way she has not been up to that point. And she is so because now, she has no other choice...
All this is to say: maybe Field wanted to create an object that could meaningfully be taken several ways. Maybe he meant us to go back and forth on whether Tar is right or Max is right, or to what degree; maybe he meant us to like Tar in some ways, or to find her charismatic or funny in fucked-up ways, and to disapprove of or hate her in other ways, to find her blinkered and odious and sad in her attempts to aggrandize herself. All this is so very basic to say, and I don't mean to imply I'm being radical here, but I have had this thought: maybe we're fucking up by being so insistent with how we feel about this movie and what we think it's saying About The Culture We're In. Artists shouldn’t be expected to have a single stance on something, a single intention that each work exists just to express. An artist can, should, be working through something...
Which brings me back to the Arbus piece. I appreciate Norman's calling out the position taken by curator John Szarkowski and critic Sebastian Smee that Arbus meant to humanize her subjects. I don't think Arbus's intent was to rehabilitate, to "show," as Szarkowski has it "that all of us—the most ordinary and the most exotic of us—are on closer scrutiny remarkable"; that would be banal, and perhaps as instrumentalizing of the subjects as work made to emphasize their strangeness. "Does Arbus’s photograph ["A naked man being a woman, N.Y.C., 1968"] send him up, or support him?” Norman asks, “Or is the real joke on the viewer who insists on one interpretation or another?" I don't think it's a joke played on the viewer who insists on one interpretation or the other; I do think that viewer ought to be capable of acknowledging multiple possibilities... Maybe—to state another basic point—artists, whether Diane Arbus or Todd Field, don't have answers, but questions, and they chose to do something felt as well as thought to represent them... And I think artists should be allowed to look bad, to have complicated feelings, to encounter a desire to gawk or objectify and portray that desire with a degree of honesty and interrogation so that those of us who, obeying certain limits that collective life justly(!) places, won't cop to it can confront it in some form...
I do want to be clear that interrogating the ethics of Arbus's relationship to her subjects, so many of whom were marginalized as she was not, feels useful and necessary. I also don't think we can do that with much precision if the only question we ask is Did Arbus have a right to do what she did? And while none of this is new, it does feel like Norman's piece opens a way to that more precise interrogation of the ethics of Arbus's work by pushing us past the simple binary of "the work is good" or "the work is bad"—a binary that feels particularly ubiquitous now, and undignified in the overheated discourse about art that it often fuels. Ultimately, if the Smee/Szarkowski take on Arbus is, as Norman writes, one in which "Arbus's biography, which testifies to her own 'inner mysteries,' is used to help straighten out the problem of a privileged white woman on the prowl for weirdos—a woman who once compared taking pictures to being a butterfly collector," I don't want to discount the "butterfly collector" bit. But what if what’s so often seen as a problem could once again become fact... As Norman puts it, we so often take positionality as key to understanding works of art. And how much has that uncovered for us that a responsibly equivocal stance toward an artwork—a stance that acknowledges possibilities good and bad and makes no final judgments, or doesn't rush to translate a first impression, a take, into a summary judgment—could not more effectively do?
Time, I guess, to page Sontag for those erotics of art; we might need them again...
Ironically, Sontag appears in Norman's piece as another critic determined to reduce Arbus, specifically by critique of her privilege and the perceived amorality of her voyeurism rather than by praise for some arguable desire she had to humanize her subjects. Maybe by the time Against Photography came out, Sontag too had forgotten her own edict. Or more likely, the demands of nascent image culture—and the nature of photography, versus those technologies of art that are less automatic on the part of the artist, and less readily assimilated into a media economy that goes on to inform a country's politics—had overwhelmed it.
To be clear, Sontag's take on Arbus in "America, Seen Through Photographs, Darkly" is clearly the product of intense engagement with the work and Arbus's own writings on it. But I resent the harshness of the judgments—their fixity. When Sontag writes the line
What happens to people's feelings on first exposure to today's neighborhood pornographic film or to tonight's televised atrocity is not so different form what happens when they first look at Arbus's photographs.
I think: is Arbus's work about inuring us to what is terrible? Are the subjects "necessarily ahistorical," is her view "always from the outside"? Perhaps Arbus's work is "reactive—reactive against gentility, against what is approved" to some degree; is that all it is? Sontag takes Arbus to task for not being ethical with her photographs, as a journalist might be ethical, but can't the creation of a dramatic confrontation with one's own instinct to be a voyeur be a meaningful exercise; meaningful in an ethical sense, for a viewer—particularly viewers in the same wealthy and sheltered position as Arbus—if still something for which the artist should be held to account? As Norman writes, "Looking through Arbus’s lens only makes the encounter more demanding." I suppose the point is this: There's rigor and even beauty in an unequivocal stance, but also the risk of a shrillness, an antagonism, a hostility not unlike the hostility people brought to TAR—and I'm increasingly tired of assuming a hostile, suspicious, exclusively hermaneutic relationship to art...
Right as I was writing this post, I was tipped off to the publication of an essay by Garth Greenwell in The Yale Review in which he talks about an apophatic theory of the relation between art and morality: "a theory that would allow us to explore the moral work of art without limiting or prescribing that work, as certain theologians attempt to develop ways to think about God without defining God in a manner that would violate God’s freedom." Which puts precisely the words to what I'm searching for; the relation to art I would like to return to. Marked by generosity, an understanding of an artwork as necessarily multifaceted, the taking of time in the consideration of it, an assumption of good faith. There's also a line in Ben Lerner's book The Lichtenberg Figures that comes to mind: "a great work takes up the question of its origins / and lets it drop..." Maybe I'd tweak that line now: A great work takes up the question of its ultimate meaning and lets it drop...
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crackinglamb · 7 months
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Chapter 149 - Final and First**
So soon after defeating the Nightmare, Imogen didn’t want to be in the Fade again. She couldn’t answer Morrigan’s questions on how Kieran had changed the exit of the Eluvian, nor did she try to direct them to the place she knew they would find him. She was working too hard to keep her revulsion at seeing this shade of green again at bay.
And of course, the route was pre-planned and led them straight to Flemeth and the boy anyhow. She was kneeling at his feet and a glow of magic hung between them. Imogen had never noticed before that Kieran was the one doing it, not Flemeth.
“Mother!” he cried out joyfully when he saw her. Imogen stood back and waited for the rest of the scene to play out.
“Mother,” Morrigan growled.
“Now, isn’t this a surprise?” Flemeth said, getting back to her feet. Her golden eyes landed on Imogen and took on a gleam she thought was almost cruel. “You have upset many plans, my dear Inquisitor.”
“I did what I thought was right,” Imogen said.
“So did I, once.”
DAFF Crew Tags
@warpedlegacy, @rakshadow, @rosella-writes, @effelants, @bluewren, @breninarthur, @ar-lath-ma-cully, @dreadfutures, @ir0n-angel, @theluckywizard, @oxygenforthewicked, @exalted-dawn-drabbles, @mogwaei, @melisusthewee, @blarrghe, @agentkatie
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chbnews · 1 day
New shipment of cookies and snacks has been sent to camp from Sally Jackson
Game Winnings/Events
Clarrise wins mud wrestling contest between herself and Piper McLean (nobody was injured)
Myra is hosting swimming lessons that are paid for in baked goods by Kat.
Beware Solana, she's running around camp whacking people over the head with a VIOLIN. Specifically the criteria for the people whacking is someone who owns a snake and has had it close to her before.
Lost items
Kieran lost his crossbow again and he swears up, down, left and right that someone stole it. If you see it, please return it to cabin 7.
Thanks for reading - Will Solace ☀️
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phasewashere · 6 months
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kieran duffy, the last horseman
creds; ayaka endo - kamuy mosir, admiraltx (original unknown), escuerzo resucitado, the truth about grief - fortesa latifi, adipocere, heavensghost, thatsbelievable, the scream - edvard munch, the grave - don mclean, onion baby - no one, everyone, your mama, GHOST - amygdala's rag doll, rumi - a stone i died
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pinatafarm · 12 days
Euro 2024: danh sách cầu thủ 24 đội tuyển
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24 đội tuyển hàng đầu châu Âu đã công bố danh sách cầu thủ chính thức cho giải đấu, hứa hẹn mang đến những màn so tài mãn nhãn và những khoảnh khắc lịch sử. - Lịch thi đấu mới nhất và bảng excel theo dõi Euro 2024 Trận khai mạc Euro 2024 giữa Đức và Scotland diễn ra vào 2h sáng ngày 15/6 (giờ Việt Nam) trên sân Olympiastadion tại Berlin. Nhìn vào danh sách cầu thủ khủng của 24 đội tuyển, có thể thấy Euro 2024 hứa hẹn là 1 mùa giải cực kỳ sôi động với những màn toả sáng và ganh đua của các tài năng trẻ.
Bảng A
Danh sách đội tuyển Đức Danh sách tuyển Đức (nguồn skysports.com) Goalkeepers: Oliver Baumann (Hoffenheim), Alex Nubel (Stuttgart), Manuel Neuer (Bayern Munich), Marc-Andre ter Stegen (Barcelona). Defenders: Waldemar Anton (Stuttgart), Benjamin Henrichs (RB Leipzig), Joshua Kimmich (Bayern Munich), Robin Koch (Eintracht Frankfurt), Maximilian Mittelstadt (Stuttgart), David Raum (RB Leipzig), Antonio Rudiger (Real Madrid), Nico Schlotterbeck (Borussia Dortmund), Jonathan Tah (Bayer Leverkusen). Midfielders: Robert Andrich (Bayer Leverkusen), Chris Fuhrich (Stuttgart), Pascal Gross (Brighton), Ilkay Gundogan (Barcelona), Toni Kroos (Real Madrid), Jamal Musiala (Bayern Munich), Aleksandar Pavlovic (Bayern Munich), Leroy Sane (Bayern Munich), Florian Wirtz (Bayer Leverkusen). Forwards: Maximilian Beier (Hoffenheim), Niclas Fullkrug (Borussia Dortmund), Kai Havertz (Arsenal), Thomas Muller (Bayern Munich), Deniz Undav (Stuttgart). Đội tuyển Scotland Goalkeepers: Zander Clark (Hearts), Craig Gordon (Hearts), Angus Gunn (Norwich), Liam Kelly (Motherwell). Defenders: Liam Cooper (Leeds), Grant Hanley (Norwich), Jack Hendry (Al Ettifaq), Ross McCrorie (Bristol City), Scott McKenna (Copenhagen), Ryan Porteous (Watford), Anthony Ralston (Celtic), Andy Robertson (Liverpool), John Souttar (Rangers), Greg Taylor (Celtic), Kieran Tierney (Real Sociedad). Midfielders: Stuart Armstrong (Southampton), Ryan Christie (Bournemouth), Billy Gilmour (Brighton), Ryan Jack (Rangers), Kenny McLean (Norwich), John McGinn (Aston Villa), Callum McGregor (Celtic), Scott McTominay (Manchester United). Forwards: Che Adams (Southampton), Ben Doak (Liverpool), Lyndon Dykes (QPR), James Forrest (Celtic), Lawrence Shankland (Hearts). Đội tuyển Hungary Trung vệ Dominik Szoboszlai của Liverpool có tên trong danh sách tuyển Hungary vai trò Đội trưởng Goalkeepers: Denes Dibusz (Ferencvaros), Peter Gulacsi (RB Leipzig), Peter Szappanos (Paks). Defenders: Botond Balogh (Parma), Endre Botka (Ferencvaros), Marton Dardai (Hertha Berlin), Attila Fiola (Fehervar), Adam Lang (Omonia Nicosia), Willi Orban (RB Leipzig), Attila Szalai (Freiburg), Milos Kerkez (Bournemouth). Midfielders: Bendeguz Bolla (Servette), Mihaly Kata (MTK), Laszlo Kleinheisler (Hajduk Split), Adam Nagy (Spezia), Zsolt Nagy (Puskas Akademia), Loic Nego (Le Havre), Andras Schafer (Union Berlin), Callum Styles (Sunderland), Dominik Szoboszlai (Liverpool). Forwards: Martin Adam (Ulsan Hyundai), Kevin Csoboth (Ujpest), Daniel Gazdag (Philadelphia Union), Krisztofer Horvath (Kecskemet), Roland Sallai (Freiburg), Barnabas Varga (Ferencvaros). Đội tuyển Thuỵ Sỹ Goalkeepers: Yann Sommer (Inter Milan), Yvon Mvogo (Lorient), Gregor Kobel (Borussia Dortmund), Marvin Keller (Winterthur), Pascal Loretz (Luzern). Defenders: Ricardo Rodriguez (Torino), Fabian Schar (Newcastle), Manuel Akanji (Manchester City), Nico Elvedi (Borussia Monchengladbach), Silvan Widmer (Mainz), Kevin Mbabu (Augsburg), Ulisses Garcia (Marseille), Cedric Zesiger (Wolfsburg), Leonidas Stergiou (Stuttgart), Aurele Amenda (Young Boys), Albuan Hajdari (Lugano), Bryan Okoh (Red Bull Salzburg). Midfielders: Granit Xhaka (Bayer Leverkusen), Xherdan Shaqiri (Chicago Fire), Remo Freuler (Bologna), Denis Zakaria (Monaco), Michel Aebischer (Bologna), Fabian Rieder (Rennes), Uran Bislimi (Lugano), Ardon Jashari (Luzern), Filip Ugrinic (Young Boys), Vincent Sierro (Toulouse). Forwards: Breel Embolo (Monaco), Steven Zuber (AEK Athens), Ruben Vargas (Augsburg), Renato Steffen (Lugano), Noah Okafor (AC Milan), Zeki Amdouni (Burnley), Andi Zeqiri (Genk), Dan Ndoye (Bologna), Kwadwo Duah (Ludogorets), Joel Monteiro (Young Boys).
Group B
Đội tuyển Tây Ban Nha (Spain) Goalkeepers: Unai Simon (Athletic Bilbao), David Raya (Arsenal), Alex Remiro (Real Sociedad). Defenders: Dani Carvajal (Real Madrid), Jesus Navas (Sevilla), Aymeric Laporte (Al Nassr), Robin Le Normand (Real Sociedad), Nacho (Real Madrid), Dani Vivian (Athletic Bilbao), Pau Cubarsi (Barcelona), Alejandro Grimaldo (Bayer Leverkusen), Marc Cucurella (Chelsea). Midfielders: Rodri (Manchester City), Martin Zubimendi (Real Sociedad), Fabian (Paris Saint-Germain), Mikel Merino (Real Sociedad), Marcos Llorente (Atletico Madrid), Pedri (Barcelona), Aleix Garcia (Girona), Alex Baena (Villarreal), Fermin Lopez (Barcelona). Forwards: Alvaro Morata (Atletico Madrid), Joselu (Real Madrid), Mikel Oyarzabal (Real Sociedad), Dani Olmo (RB Leipzig), Ferran Torres (Barcelona), Nico Williams (Athletic Bilbao), Lamine Yamal (Barcelona), Ayoze Perez (Real Betis). Đội tuyển Croatia (tiếp tục cập nhật) Goalkeepers: Dominik Livakovic (Fenerbahce), Nediljko Labrovic (Rijeka), Ivica Ivusic (Pafos). Defenders: Josip Stanisic (Bayer Leverkusen), Marin Pongracic (Lecce), Josko Gvardiol (Manchester City), Martin Erlic (Sassuolo), Borna Sosa (Ajax), Domagoj Vida (AEK Athens), Josip Juranovic (Union Berlin), Josip Sutalo (Ajax). Midfielders: Lovro Majer (Wolfsburg), Mateo Kovacic (Manchester City), Luka Modric (Real Madrid), Marcelo Brozovic (Al Nassr), Nikola Vlasic (Torino), Mario Pasalic (Atalanta), Luka Ivanusec (Feyenoord), Luka Sucic (Red Bull Salzburg), Martin Baturina (Dinamo Zagreb). Forwards: Ivan Perisic (Hajduk Split), Andrej Kramaric (Hoffenheim), Bruno Petkovic (Dinamo Zagreb), Marko Pjaca (Rijeka), Ante Budimir (Osasuna), Marco Pasalic (Rijeka). Đội tuyển Ý (Italy) Tiếp tục cập nhật Goalkeepers: Gianluigi Donnarumma (Paris Saint-Germain), Guglielmo Vicario (Tottenham), Alex Meret (Napoli), Ivan Provedel (Lazio). Defenders: Francesco Acerbi (Inter Milan), Alessandro Bastoni (Inter Milan), Raoul Bellanova (Torino), Alessandro Buongiorno (Torino), Riccardo Calafiori (Bologna), Andrea Cambiaso (Juventus), Matteo Darmian (Inter Milan), Giovanni Di Lorenzo (Napoli), Federico Dimarco (Inter Milan), Gianluca Mancini (Roma), Giorgio Scalvini (Atalanta). Midfielders: Jorginho (Arsenal), Nicolo Barella (Inter Milan), Bryan Cristante (Roma), Nicolo Fagioli (Juventus), Michael Folorunsho (Verona), Davide Frattesi (Inter Milan), Lorenzo Pellegrini (Roma), Samuele Ricci (Torino). Forwards: Federico Chiesa (Juventus), Giacomo Raspadori (Napoli), Stephan El Shaarawy (Roma), Mateo Retegui (Genoa), Mattia Zaccagni (Lazio), Riccardo Orsolini (Bologna), Gianluca Scamacca (Atalanta). Đội tuyển Albania Tiếp tục cập nhật Goalkeepers: Etrit Berisha (Empoli), Thomas Strakosha (Brentford), Elhan Kastrati (Cittadella), Simon Simoni (Eintracht Frankfurt). Defenders: Berat Djimsiti (Atalanta), Elseid Hysaj (Lazio), Ivan Balliu (Rayo Vallecano), Ardian Ismajli (Empoli), Arlind Ajeti (CFR Cluj), Naser Aliji (Voluntari), Mario Mitaj (Lokomotiv Moscow), Enea Mihaj (Famalicao), Marash Kumbulla (Sassuolo). Midfielders: Amir Abrashi, Kristjan Asllani (Inter Milan), Nedim Bajrami (Sassuolo), Medon Berisha (Lecce), Klaus Gjasula (Darmstadt), Qazim Laci (Sparta Prague), Ernest Muci (Besiktas), Ylber Ramadani (Lecce). Forwards: Jasir Asani (Gwangju FC), Armando Broja (Fulham), Mirlind Daku (Rubin Kazan), Arber Hoxha (Dinamo Zagreb), Rey Manaj (Sivasspor), Taulant Seferi (Baniyas).
Bảng C
Đội tuyển Slovenia Tiếp tục cập nhật Goalkeepers: Jan Oblak (Atletico Madrid), Vid Belec (APOEL), Igor Vekic (Vejle), Matevz Vidovsek (Olimpija Ljubljana). Defenders: Petar Stojanovic (Sampdoria), Jaka Bijol (Udinese), Miha Blazic (Lech Poznan), Jure Balkovec (Alanyaspor), Zan Karnicnik (Celje), David Brekalo (Orlando City), Erik Janza (Gornik Zabrze), Vanja Drkusic (Sochi), Zan Zaletel (Viborg). Midfielders: Timi Max Elsnik (Olimpija Ljubljana), Jasmin Kurtic (Sudtirol), Benjamin Verbic (Panathinaikos), Miha Zajc (Fenerbahce), Sandi Lovric (Udinese), Adam Gnezda Cerin (Panathinaikos), Jon Gorenc Stankovic (Sturm Graz), Tomi Horvat (Sturm Graz), Adrian Zeljkovic (Spartak Trnava), Nino Zugelj (Bodo/Glimt). Forwards: Josip Ilicic (Maribor), Andraz Sporar (Panathinaikos), Benjamin Sesko (RB Leipzig), Luka Zahovic (Pognon Szczecin), Zan Celar (Lugano), Jan Mlakar (Pisa), Zan Vipotnik (Bordeaux). Đội tuyển Đan Mạch (Denmark) Tiếp tục cập nhật - GK: Kasper Schmeichel (Anderlecht) - GK Frederik Ronnow (Union Berlin) - GK: Mads Hermansen (Leicester) - DF: Simon Kjaer (AC Milan) - DF: Joakim Maehle (Wolfsburg) - DF: Jannik Vestergaard (Leicester) - DF: Joachim Andersen (Crystal Palace) - DF: Victor Nelsson (Galatasaray) - DF: Victor Kristiansen (Bologna) - DF: Elias Jelert (Copenhagen) - DF: Jacon Rasmussen (Brondby) - DF: Mads Roerslev (Brentford) - MF: Christian Eriksen (Manchester United) - MF: Thomas Delaney (Anderlecht on loan from Sevilla) - MF: Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg (Tottenham) - MF: Mathias Jensen (Brentford) - MF: Mikkel Damsgaard (Brentford) - MF: Morten Hjulmand (Sporting Lisbon) - MF: Matt O'Riley (Celtic) - MF: Gustav Isaksen (Lazio) - FW: Yussuf Poulsen (RB Leipizg) - FW: Kasper Dolberg (Anderlecht) - FW: Jonas Wind (Wolfsburg) - FW: Rasmus Hojlund (Manchester United) - FW: Mohamed Daramy (Reims) - FW: Anders Dreyer (Anderlecht) Đội tuyển Serbia Tiếp tục cập nhật Goalkeepers: Vanja Milinkovic-Savic (Torino), Djordje Petrovic (Chelsea), Predrag Rajkovic (Mallorca). Defenders: Strahinja Pavlovic (Red Bull Salzburg), Nikola Milenkovic (Fiorentina), Srdan Babic (Spartak Moscow), Milos Veljkovic (Werder Bremen), Uros Spajic (Red Star Belgrade), Nemanja Stojic (TSC Backa Topola). Midfielders: Sasa Lukic (Fulham), Nemanja Gudelj (Sevilla), Nemanja Maksimovic (Getafe), Ivan Ilic (Torino), Srdan Mijailovic (Red Star Belgrade), Sergej Milenkovic-Savic (Al Hilal), Dusan Tadic (Fenerbahce), Lazar Samardzic (Udinese), Vejko Birmancevic (Sparta Prague), Filip Kostic (Juventus), Andrija Zivkovic (PAOK), Filip Mladenovic (Panathinaikos), Mijat Gacinovic (AEK Athens). Forwards: Aleksandar Mitrovic (Al Hilal), Dusan Vlahovic (Juventus), Luka Jovic (AC Milan), Petar Ratkov (Red Bull Salzburg). Đội tuyển Anh (England) Tiếp tục cập nhật Goalkeepers: Jordan Pickford (Everton), Dean Henderson (Crystal Palace), Aaron Ramsdale (Arsenal), James Trafford (Burnley). Defenders: Jarrad Branthwaite (Everton), Lewis Dunk (Brighton), Joe Gomez (Liverpool), Marc Guehi (Crystal Palace), Ezri Konsa (Aston Villa), Harry Maguire (Manchester United), Jarell Quansah (Liverpool), Luke Shaw (Man Utd), John Stones (Manchester City), Kieran Trippier (Newcastle), Kyle Walker (Manchester City). Midfielders: Trent Alexander-Arnold (Liverpool), Conor Gallagher (Chelsea), Curtis Jones (Liverpool), Kobbie Mainoo (Manchester United), Declan Rice (Arsenal), Adam Wharton (Crystal Palace). Forwards: Jude Bellingham (Real Madrid), Jarrod Bowen (West Ham), Eberechi Eze (Crystal Palace), Phil Foden (Manchester City), Jack Grealish (Manchester City), Anthony Gordon (Newcastle), Harry Kane (Bayern Munich), James Maddison (Tottenham), Cole Palmer (Chelsea), Bukayo Saka (Arsenal), Ivan Toney (Brentford), Ollie Watkins (Aston Villa).
Bảng D
Đội tuyển Hà Lan (Netherlands) Virgil van Dijk trong danh sách tuyển Hà Lan Tiếp tục cập nhật Goalkeepers: Justin Bijlow (Feyenoord), Mark Flekken (Brentford), Bart Verbruggen (Brighton), Nick Olij (Sparta Rotterdam). Defenders: Nathan Ake (Manchester City), Daley Blind (Girona), Virgil van Dijk (Liverpool), Denzel Dumfries (Inter Milan), Jeremie Frimpong (Bayer Leverkusen), Lutsharel Geertruida (Feyenoord), Matthijs de Ligt (Bayern Munich), Ian Maatsen (Borussia Dortmund), Micky van de Ven (Tottenham), Stefan de Vrij (Inter Milan). Midfielders: Ryan Gravenberch (Liverpool), Frenkie de Jong (Barcelona), Teun Koopmeiners (Atalanta), Tijjani Reijnders (AC Milan), Jerdy Schouten (PSV), Xavi Simons (RB Leipzig), Quinten Timber (Feyenoord), Joey Veerman (PSV), Georginio Wijnaldum (Al Ettifaq). Forwards: Steven Bergwijn (Ajax), Brian Brobbey (Ajax), Memphis Depay (Atletico Madrid), Cody Gakpo (Liverpool), Donyell Malen (Borussia Dortmund), Wout Weghorst (Hoffenheim). Đội tuyển Pháp (France) Tiếp tục cập nhật Goalkeepers: Alphonse Areola (West Ham), Mike Maignan (AC Milan), Brice Samba (Lens). Defenders: Jonathan Clauss (Marseille), Theo Hernandez (AC Milan), Ibrahima Konate (Liverpool), Jules Kounde (Barcelona), Ferland Mendy (Real Madrid), Benjamin Pavard (Inter Milan), William Saliba (Arsenal), Dayot Upamecano (Bayern Munich). Midfielders: Eduardo Camavinga (Real Madrid), Youssouf Fofana (Monaco), Antoine Griezmann (Atletico Madrid), N'Golo Kante (Al Ittihad), Adrien Rabiot (Juventus), Aurelien Tchouameni (Real Madrid), Warren Zaire-Emery (Paris Saint-Germain). Forwards: Bradley Barcola (Paris Saint-Germain), Kingsley Coman (Bayern Munich), Ousmane Dembele (Paris Saint-Germain), Olivier Giroud (AC Milan), Randal Kolo Muani (Paris Saint-Germain), Kylian Mbappe (Paris Saint-Germain), Marcus Thuram (Inter Milan). Đội tuyển Ba Lan (Poland) Tiếp tục cập nhật - GK: Wojciech Szczesny (Juventus) - GK: Lukasz Skorupski (Bologna) - GK: Marcin Bulka (Nice) - DF: Jan Bednarek (Southampton) - DF: Bartosz Bereszynski (Empoli) - DF: Jakub Kiwior (Arsenal) - DF: Matty Cash (Aston Villa) - DF: Tymoteusz Puchacz (Kaiserlsuatern) - DF: Bartosz Salamon (Lech Poznan) - DF: Pawel Dawidowicz (Verona) - DF: Pawel Bochniewicz (Heerenveen) - DF: Sebastian Walukiewicz (Empoli) - MF: Kamil Grosicki (Pogon Szczecin) - MF: Piotr Zielenski (Napoli) - MF: Przemyslaw Frankowski (Lens) - MF: Sebastian Szymanski (Fenerbahce) - MF: Jakub Moder (Brighton) - MF: Damian Szymanski (AEK Athens) - MF: Nicola Zalewksi (Roma) - MF: Bartosz Slisz (Atlanta United) - MF: Jakub Piotrowksi (Ludogorets Razgrad) - MF: Taras Romanczuk (Jagiellonia Bialystok) - MF: Dominik Marczuk (Jagiellonia Bialystok) - FW: Robert Lewandowski (Barcelona) - FW: Karol Swiderksi (Verona) - FW: Krzysztof (Istanbul Basaksehir) - FW: Adam Buksa (Antalyaspor) Đội tuyển Áo (Austria) Tiếp tục cập nhật Goalkeepers: Tobias Lawal (LASK), Patrick Pentz (Brondby), Heinz Lindner (Union Saint-Gilloise), Niklas Hedl (Rapid Wien). Defenders: Stefan Lainer (Borussia Monchengladbach), Stefan Posch (Bologna), Max Wober (Borussia Monchengladbach), Philipp Lienhart (Freiburg), Kevin Danso (Lens), Phillipp Mwene (Mainz), Flavius Daniliuc (Red Bull Salzburg), Gernot Trauner (Feyenoord), Leopold Querfeld (Rapid Wien). Midfielders: Marcel Sabitzer (Borussia Dortmund), Florian Grillitsch (Hoffenheim), Christoph Baumgartner (RB Leipzig), Konrad Laimer (Bayern Munich), Florian Kain (Cologne), Nicolas Seiwald (RB Leipzig), Romano Schmid (Werder Bremen), Alexander Prass (Sturm Graz), Matthias Seidl (Rapid Vienna), Thierno Ballo (Wolfsburg). Forwards: Marko Arnautovic (Inter Milan), Michael Gregoritsch (Freiburg), Andreas Weimann (West Brom), Patrick Wimmer (Wolfsburg), Marco Grull (Rapid Wien), Maximilian Entrup (TSV Hartberg).
Bảng E
Đội tuyển Ukraine Mykhailo Mudryk trong danh sách đội tuyển Ukraine Tiếp tục cập nhật Goalkeepers: Andriy Lunin (Real Madrid), Anatoliy Trubin (Benfica), Heorhiy Bushchan (Dynamo Kyiv). Defenders: Yukhym Konoplia (Shakhtar Donetsk), Valeriy Bondar (Shakhtar Donetsk), Mykola Matvienko (Shakhtar Donetsk), Oleksandr Tymchyk (Dynamo Kyiv), Vitaliy Mykolenko (Everton), Maksym Taloverov (LASK), Illia Zabarnyi (Bournemouth), Oleksandr Svatok (Dnipro-1). Midfielders: Taras Stepanenko (Shakhtar Donetsk), Oleksandr Zubkov (Shakhtar Donetsk), Heorhiy Sudakov (Shakhtar Donetsk), Andriy Yarmolenko (Dynamo Kyiv), Volodymyr Brazhko (Dynamo Kyiv), Mykola Shaparenko (Dynamo Kyiv), Serhiy Sydorchuk (Westerlo), Ruslan Malinovskyi (Genoa), Mykhailo Mudryk (Chelsea), Viktor Tsygankov (Girona), Oleksandr Zinchenko (Arsenal). Attackers: Artem Dovbyk (Girona), Roman Yaremchuk (Valencia), Vladyslav Vanat (Dynamo Kyiv). Reserves: Dmytro Riznyk (Shakhtar Donetsk), Danylo Sikan (Shakhtar Donetsk), Vladyslav Kabayev (Dynamo Kyiv), Vladyslav Buyalskyi (Dynamo Kyiv), Denys Popov (Dynamo Kyiv), Yehor Yarmoliuk (Brentford). Đội tuyển Slovakia Tiếp tục cập nhật Goalkeepers: Martin Dubravka (Newcastle), Marek Rodak, Henrich Ravas (New England Revolution), Dominik Takac (Spartak Trnava). Defenders: Peter Pekarik (Hertha Berlin), Milan Skriniar (Paris Saint-Germain), Norbert Gyomber (Salernitana), David Hancko (Feyenoord), Denis Vavro (Copenhagen), Vernon De Marco (Hatta), Michal Tomic (Slavia Prague), Adam Obert (Cagliari), Matus Kmet (AS Trencin), Sebastian Kosa (Spartak Trnava). Midfielders: Juraj Kucka (Slovan Bratislava), Ondrej Duda (Hellas Verona), Patrik Hrosovsky (Genk), Stanislav Lobotka (Napoli), Matus Bero (Bochum), Laszlo Benes (Hamburg), Jakub Kadak (Luzern), Dominik Holly (AS Trencin). Forwards: Robert Bozenik (Boavista), Lukas Haraslin (Sparta Prague), Tomas Suslov (Hellas Read the full article
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sbknews · 1 year
Pre-TT Classic practice kicks of 2023 TT Festival.
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TT 2023 began in customary fashion with the first practice session for the Pre-TT Classic. This year has seen a very strong entry with a large of newcomers joining the established front runners. The Sidecars; once in decline are showing a steady increase in numbers. The evening was sunny and warm; the track dry and all went to plan apart from some oil being dropped at Ballawhetstone. The slip road at our vantage point of Ballakeighan had a few customers; as is normal for the first session. Newcomer Stefan Dobler was the fastest man down that road. The number of machines retiring there was by a distance the highest ever seen. The sessions went well with the usual names at the top of the nascent leader board; there was a newcomer at the top in the chairs Kieran Clarke and new passenger Andrew Johnson led the way from Bob Dawson and Matthew Sims. The Singles were led by multiple winners Mike Hose and Barry Davidson. The 1100cc leaders were Jamie Coward and Dominic Herbertson; that order was reversed for the Senior (500cc) class. In the Junior Superbikes Rhys Hardisty led from Chris Moore. The Classic 250 / Post Classic 125cc class was led by Keith Shannon with Ewan Hamilton second. The Junior (350cc) field was led by Adam McLean and Barry Davidson. The Superbikes were headed by Jamie Coward and Paul Jordan. Saturday afternoon will see further practice for all classes. The evening will see the first four races of the meeting. Sunday afternoon will see the remaining six races. The weather is set fair so we should have some exciting racing in the sunshine. Read the full article
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teesfortims · 2 years
Kieran Tierney’s Classy James McClean Gesture
Former Celtic hero Kieran Tierney made sure to give his fellow Celtic supporter James McLean his jersey after Scotland and Ireland faced off in the UEFA Nations League at the weekend. The pair went head to head for their countries but afterwards they got together to swap jerseys. James is a massive Celtic fan and so are his kids. The Irish winger showed off the jersey by letting his son wear it…
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hmngrafik · 2 years
Cypress Hill & Rusko Feat. Damian Marley - Can't Keep Me Down from Sach Baylin-Stern on Vimeo.
Directed by Jodeb VFX by Couleur.tv Line Produced by Kieran Crilly / Antler Films Produced by Vision Film Co. / Geoff Mclean Camera Operation by Darby Film Helicopter by Inter-Heli
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slytherinprincess83 · 3 years
Imagine you are reading a new book, it's really good and the characters are interesting, the plot is cool, but the main character has two love interests and you despair over choosing which one is better. But suddenly there's not a love triangle anymore, the 3 characters realize they all like one another and decide to give it a shot. All is good.
✨polyamorous relationship✨
(or the love interests ditch the main character and start dating)
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paired icons for you and your friend ✨ 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
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reasoncourt · 2 years
just imagine how good will be roman x vincent by don mclean fancam if he dies at the end
STOP IT. Wait ok WAIT. NO you know me so well. I’m OBSESSED with this idea. Does Kieran Culkin die in any movies? Bc I will make this. We don’t even need to wait for s4.
Dee @rckstrgrlfrnd (when you wake up bc ur being normal and sleeping rn) has Kieran culkin died in any movies? You’ve watched them all.
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fedyorivans-moved · 4 years
Masterlist (so far)
Hey. I made you breakfast. I'm aware it's just a bowl of cereal, but it's all I can make without burning - thomastair
Always - Thule!malec
Spin the bottle kiss - malec
When I look at you I see my world, and that scares the s*** out of me - malec
Kingdom of Idris (Chapter 1) (Chapter 2) (Chapter 3) - malec (tbc)
Heavenly fire - sizzy
Killing some demons - sizzy
Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood, Isabelle Lightwood, Simon Lewis, Jace Herondale, and Clary Fairchild moodboards
Cordelia Carstairs moodboard
Bi Magnus Bane moodboard
Gay Alec Lightwood moodboard
Bi Helen Blackthorn moodboard
Lesbian Aline Penhallow moodboard
Bi Matthew Fairchild moodboard
Demi Julian Blackthorn moodboard
Anna x Ariadne moodboard
Clary x Isabelle moodboard
Helen x Aline moodboard
Clary Fairchild moodbooard
Simon Lewis moodboard
Annabeth Chase x Piper McLean moodboard
Kieran moodboard
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crackinglamb · 2 years
I'm late for Dragon Age Day (I'm sick, so I haven't been around), but in honor of it, here's some shameless self-promotion of the OC's of What a Wicked Game to Play.
Imogen McLean
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Without her, there would be no fic. MGIT, lover and agent of Fen'Harel, reluctant badass. A physicist from Earth, transported via an experimental accident and in full possession of all the spoilers from the games, Imogen knows what she needs to do, but is Extremely Tired of doing it. She hates being a killer. She is disdainful of the Chantry as a cult and singular influence of the current political landscape. She does NOT like Orlesians. Armed with her foreknowledge, her smartphone and her determination to get a better ending, she's chugging along breaking canon all over the place and saving as many people as she can. Yes, including that damned Dread Wolf.
Eliana Hawke
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The years have not been kind to the Champion of Kirkwall. She enters WG as a bitter, exhausted, terrified woman who is still grieving over Anders and everything that happened in Kirkwall. She copes with functional alcoholism. Imogen can relate. Their friendship helps smooth her edges, gets both of them in a healthier headspace and gives her the impetus she needs to finally go after what she always wanted: Varric.
Terisin Mahariel
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The Hero of Ferelden didn't want to be here. He had his own agenda he was working on that was abruptly waylaid by a higher power. His secrets have secrets, and what he's going to do about them is still unknown. Still, he got to reunite with his son Kieran and repair his relationship with Morrigan after years of estrangement. He is a stoic, intense survivor of all Thedas has thrown at him. He would like some peace and quiet, thanks very much.
(He also became something of a thirst trap for my readers. Smol and mighty, he is my offering to the buff elf agenda.)
Dogmeat (Aju'ithanun)
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A wolf inhabited by a spirit of Determination, now evolved into Hope. Aju'ithanun means to act with purpose, resolution and/or determination (crafted by me using Project Elvhen, yes I'm aware of the Problems). In day to day, he answers to Dogmeat, since in Cole's words: "To you it means devotion, trust and companionship. Franchise doesn't matter". He was a 'gift' from Wisdom, so that Imogen would have more help than just Pride at her side. He's very doggy, but he's also a stalwart companion and gives Imogen strength she didn't know she had. A Thedosian emotional support animal, if you will.
Honorable mentions:
Guardsman Meuric - a Fereldan born commoner who joined the Inquisition in Redcliffe. Serves as Imogen's door guard and often has the best gossip. He was supposed to be a one-off kind of character, but he's grown on me, and ended up having several appearances, including one during WEWH.
Amund Sky-Watcher - yeah, I know, he's a canon character. But I took what little we see of him in-game and expanded it exponentially. He has become a mentor and support to Imogen, and a love interest to Cassandra. He gave me a reason to bring Avvar lore into the fic early and was half the reason Imogen went to the Frostback Basin when she did.
Inassan of Clan Soran - a member of Hawen's clan. She went with Taven to the Emerald Knight's Tomb. Technically she's a canon character too (she's the one who tells you to keep your distance, or better yet, leave). She is a prickly woman, justifiably distrustful of shemlen, but a proud, adept warrior who is ultimately impressed with Imogen and her open-mindedness. They aren't friends, per se, but they are certainly not enemies. In writing her, I also gave the clan a name since one isn't mentioned in-game. Inassan uses a longbow in the fic, and gave me the headcannon that each clan has a specialty. Since the Dalish clans take their names from the Emeralds Knights, and Soran was an archer, it seemed fitting.
Malika 'Licker' Cadash - Varric's niece and heir. And daughter of Vera Cadash, who had been sent to the Conclave and died there. Mostly she serves as a bit of reality driving for Imogen, who makes the connection that if she had not interrupted Corypheus' ritual, someone else would have become Herald of Andraste. Making Malika Bartrand's illegitimate daughter, and thus Varric's only remaining blood relative, was just too fun to pass up. She shows up from time to time. Imogen does eventually get the story on the origin of 'Licker'.
Wisdom - anyone who's read the fic knows how much canon got yeeted here. She is equal parts maternal figure, mentor, friend and meddling in-law. Solas may be her closest friend, but Imogen is her beloved da'len, in all connotations of the word. Nothing more really needs to be said, I think.
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tkmedia · 3 years
Teams: Manly's axing after show-stopping game
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The NRL's form player of the year, Tom Trbojevic, is set to make his return for the Sea Eagles after missing round 23 with a facial injury.Last week, Trbojevic was ruled out as a precaution amid conflicting reports the superstar fullback had damaged a pre-existing facial fracture.
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Tom Trbojevic (Getty)While serious injury concerns were put to bed, the Sea Eagles took no chance, resting their talisman who is set to make an emphatic return against the Bulldogs this week.Meanwhile, star teammate Moses Suli has been dropped from Des Hasler's squad despite putting up a stellar man of the match performance last week. Suli has been dropped to reserves, replaced by Brad Parker who slots straight into the centres.
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Moses Suli. (Getty)Elsewhere, it's tough luck for the Tigers who have the unfortunate task of taking on the Panthers without standout star Adam Doueihi who has been sidelined with a knee injury.To make matters harder for Michael Maguire's men, star winger Brian To'o has made an early return from injury and will line up on Sunday evening.Meanwhile, the Raiders have dumped halfback Sam Williams after back-to-back critical losses to the Storm and Manly.
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Adam Doueihi inspires the Tigers to a big win over the Knights. (Getty) (Getty)
NRL Teams
THURSDAYNewcastle Knights vs Gold Coast Titans, 7.50pm at Sunshine Coast StadiumKnights: 1. Kalyn Ponga 2. Enari Tuala 3. Kurt Mann 4. Bradman Best 5. Hymel Hunt 6. Jake Clifford 7. Mitchell Pearce 8. Sauaso Sue 9. Jayden Brailey 10. Jacob Saifiti 11. Tyson Frizell 12. Mitchell Barnett 13. Connor Watson 14. Brodie Jones 15. Chris Randall 16. Josh King 17. Jirah Momoisea 18. Jack Johns 19. Pasami Saulo 20. Simi Sasagi 21. Phoenix CrosslandTitans: 1. Jayden Campbell 2. Phillip Sami 3. Brian Kelly 4. Patrick Herbert 5. Corey Thompson 6. Tyrone Peachey 7. Jamal Fogarty 8. Jarrod Wallace 9. Mitch Rein 10. Tino Fa'asuamaleaui 11. Kevin Proctor 12. Beau Fermor 13. Sam McIntyre 14. Erin Clark 15. David Fifita 16. Moeaki Fotuaika 17. Jaimin Jolliffe 18. Toby Sexton 19. Sam Lisone 20. Esan Marsters 21. Greg MarzhewFRIDAYWarriors vs Canberra Raiders, 6pm at BB Print StadiumWarriors: 1. Reece Walsh 2. Dallin Watene-Zelezniak 3. Peta Hiku 4. Adam Pompey 5. Marcelo Montoya 6. Sean O'Sullivan 7. Chad Townsend 8. Addin Fonua-Blake 9. Wayde Egan 10. Matt Lodge 11. Josh Curran 12. Euan Aitken 13. Bayley Sironen 14. Kodi Nikorima 15. Bunty Afoa 16. Eliesa Katoa 17. Jazz Tevaga 18. Jamayne Taunoa-Brown 20. Rocco Berry 21. Kane Evans 22. Jack MurchieRaiders: 1. Jordan Rapana 2. Bailey Simonsson 3. Sebastian Kris 4. Matthew Timoko 5. Harley Smith-Shields 6. Jack Wighton 7. Matt Frawley 8. Josh Papali'i 9. Josh Hodgson 10. Joseph Tapine 11. Hudson Young 12. Elliott Whitehead 13. Ryan Sutton 14. Charnze Nicoll-Klokstad 15. Emre Guler 16. Corey Horsburgh 17. Siliva Havili 18. Sam Williams 19. Dunamis Lui 20. Semi Valemei 21. Trey MooneySydney Roosters vs South Sydney Rabbitohs, 7.55pm at Suncorp StadiumRoosters: 1. James Tedesco 2. Daniel Tupou 3. Lachlan Lam 4. Joseph Manu 5. Brad Abbey 6. Drew Hutchison 7. Sam Walker 8. Jared Waerea-Hargreaves 9. Sam Verrills 10. Siosiua Taukeiaho 11. Egan Butcher 12. Sitili Tupouniua 13. Isaac Liu 14. Ben Marschke 15. Naufahu Whyte 16. Fletcher Baker 17. Ben Thomas 18. Moala Graham-Taufa 19. Tukupa Hau Tapuha 20. Daniel Suluka-FifitaRabbitohs: 1. Latrell Mitchell 2. Alex Johnston 3. Dane Gagai 4. Campbell Graham 5. Jaxson Paulo 6. Cody Walker 7. Adam Reynolds 8. Mark Nicholls 9. Damien Cook 10. Thomas Burgess 11. Jaydn Su'A 12. Jai Arrow 13. Cameron Murray 14. Benji Marshall 15. Jacob Host 16. Tevita Tatola 17. Hame Sele 18. Liam Knight 19. Blake Taaffe 20. Peter Mamouzelos 21. Taane Milne
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Latrell Mitchell (Getty)SATURDAYSt George Illawarra Dragons vs North Queensland Cowboys, 3pm at Browne ParkDragons: 1. Tyrell Sloan 2. Mathew Feagai 3. Jack Bird 4. Zac Lomax 5. Mikaele Ravalawa 6. Talatau Amone 7. Corey Norman 8. Blake Lawrie 9. Jayden Sullivan 10. Josh Mcguire 11. Billy Burns 12. Tariq Sims 13. Jack de Belin 14. Freddy Lussick 15. Tyrell Fuimaono 16. Daniel Alvaro 17. Jackson Ford 18. Kaide Ellis 19. Poasa Faamausili 20. Gerard Beale 21. Josh KerrCowboys: 1. Hamiso Tabuai-Fidow 2. Kyle Feldt 3. Valentine Holmes 4. Ben Hampton 5. Murray Taulagi 6. Scott Drinkwater 7. Tom Dearden 8. Jason Taumalolo 9. Reece Robson 10. Jordan McLean 11. Ben Condon 12. Heilum Luki 13. Reuben Cotter 14. Jake Granville 15. Jeremiah Nanai 16. Mitchell Dunn 17. Griffin Neame 18. Tom Gilbert 19. Daejarn Asi 20. Francis Molo 21. Laitia MoceidrekeCronulla Sharks vs Brisbane Broncos, 5.30pm at Suncorp StadiumSharks: 1. Will Kennedy 2. Sione Katoa 3. Connor Tracey 4. Jesse Ramien 5. Mawene Hiroti 6. Luke Metcalf 7. Braydon Trindall 8. Toby Rudolf 9. Blayke Brailey 10. Aaron Woods 11. Briton Nikora 12. Siosifa Talakai 13. Jack Williams 14. Matt Moylan 15. Braden Hamlin-Uele 16. Aiden Tolman 17. Teig Wilton 18. Kai O'Donnell 19. Billy Magoulias 20. Jenson Taumoepeau 21. Joniah LualuaBroncos: 1. Tesi Niu 2. Corey Oates 3. Selwyn Cobbo 4. Herbie Farnworth 5. Xavier Coates 6. Anthony Milford 7. Albert Kelly 8. Thomas Flegler 9. Jake Turpin 10. Payne Haas 11. Alex Glenn 12. Jordan Riki 13. Kobe Hetherington 14. Danny Levi 15. Rhys Kennedy 16. Ethan Bullemor 17. TC Robati 18. David Mead 19. Brendan Piakura 20. Cory Paix 21. Brodie CroftMelbourne Storm vs Parramatta Eels, 7.35pm at Suncorp StadiumStorm: 1. Ryan Papenhuyzen 2. Dean Ieremia 3. Reimis Smith 4. Justin Olam 5. Josh Addo-Carr 6. Cameron Munster 7. Jahrome Hughes 8. Jesse Bromwich 9. Brandon Smith 10. Christian Welch 11. Felise Kaufusi 12. Kenneath Bromwich 13. Chris Lewis 14. Harry Grant 15. Aaron Pene 16. Tom Eisenhuth 17. Nicholas Hynes 18. Tui Kamikamica 19. Isaac Lumelume 20. Tepai Moeroa 21. Marion SeveEels: 1. Clinton Gutherson 2. Haze Dunster 3. Viliami Penisini 4. Waqa Blake 5. Blake Ferguson 6. Dylan Brown 7. Mitchell Moses 8. Isaiah Papali'i 9. Joey Lussick 10. Junior Paulo 11. Shaun Lane 12. Marata Niukore 13. Nathan Brown 14. Ray Stone 15. Bryce Cartwright 16. Makahesi Makatoa 17. Keegan Hipgrave 18. Will Smith 19. Oregon Kaufusi 20. Sean Russell 21. Jakob Arthur
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Ryan Papenhuyzen (Getty)SUNDAYManly Sea Eagles vs Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs, 1.50pm at Moreton Daily StadiumSea Eagles: 1. Tom Trbojevic 2. Jason Saab 3. Brad Parker 4. Morgan Harper 5. Reuben Garrick 6. Kieran Foran 7. Daly Cherry-Evans 8. Toafofoa Sipley 9. Lachlan Croker 10. Martin Taupau 11. Haumole Olakau'atu 12. Josh Schuster 13. Jake Trbojevic 14. Dylan Walker 15. Karl Lawton 16. Curtis Sironen 17. Josh Aloiai 18. Moses Suli 19. Cade Cust 20. Jack Gosiewski 21. Kurt De LuisBulldogs: 1. Nick Meaney 2. Corey Allan 3. Will Hopoate 4. Aaron Schoupp 5. Jayden Okunbor 6. Lachlan Lewis 7. Kyle Flanagan 8. Ava Seumanufagai 9. Bailey Biondi-Odo 10. Jack Hetherington 11. Matt Doorey 12. Joe Stimson 13. Josh Jackson 14. Brandon Wakeham 15. Ofahiki Ogden 16. Chris Patolo 17. Sione Katoa 19. Falakiko Manu 20. Jackson Topine 21. Jake Averillo 22. Watson HeletaPenrith Panthers vs Wests Tigers, 4.05pm at Moreton Daily StadiumPanthers: 1. Dylan Edwards 2. Stephen Crichton 3. Paul Momirovski 4. Matt Burton 5. Brian To'o 6. Jarome Luai 7. Nathan Cleary 8. Moses Leota 9. Apisai Koroisau 10. James Fisher-Harris 11. Viliame Kikau 12. Kurt Capewell 13. Isaah Yeo 14. Mitch Kenny 15. Scott Sorensen 16. Tevita Pangai Junior 17. Liam Martin 18. Izack Tago 19. Taylan May 20. Tyrone May 21. Charlie StainesTigers: 1. Moses Mbye 2. David Nofoaluma 3. Tommy Talau 4. Michael Chee-Kam 5. Ken Maumalo 6. Jock Madden 7. Luke Brooks 8. Thomas Mikaele 9. Jacob Liddle 10. Stefano Utoikamanu 11. Shawn Blore 12. Luciano Leilua 13. Alex Twal 14. Joe Ofahengaue 15. Jake Simpkin 16. Tom Amone 17. Alex Seyfarth 18. James Roberts 19. Billy Walters 20. Tukimihia Simpkins 21. Zac Cini
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Jarome Luai of the Panthers jumps on the pack as Viliame Kikau of the Panthers celebrates a try. (Getty)For a daily dose of the best of the breaking news and exclusive content from Wide World of Sports, subscribe to our newsletter by clicking here! Read the full article
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doubleattitude · 3 years
JUMP Dance Convention, Houston, TX: RESULTS
High Scores by Age:
JUMPstart Solo
1st: Mila Simunic-’Never Enough’
2nd: Katherine Guajardo-’Kleiner Gluhwurmchen’
3rd: Lucia Ruiz-’Popular’
Mini Solo
1st: Fiona Sartain-’The Way You Move’
2nd: Keelyn Jones-’The Call’
3rd: Tessa Ohran-’Knock 1-2-3′
3rd: Arielle Miles-’Teardrops In a Hurricane’
4th: Ava Grace Merritt-’Clumsy’
5th: Skye Harrell-’Put Your Records On’
5th: Lexington Hua-’Through The Eyes of a Child’
6th: Kiely White-’Fabulous’
6th: Adelaide Faust-’Get Up’
7th: Estelle Newsom-’Champagne Taste’
7th: Emma Hutchens-’Colors of the Wind’
7th: Paislyn Schroeder-’Defeated’
7th: Baelyn van Zyl-’I Want More’
8th: Felice Chang-’Vogue’
9th: Kelty McCraw-’Bad Dream’
9th: Rylee Sengsouvanh-’Harajunku Girl’
9th: June Mclean-’Vuelvo Del Sur’
10th: Avery Martin-’Colors’
10th: Avery Becker-’I’ll Let It In’
10th: Liv Garcia-’The Greatest’
10th: Laila Rose Varela-’Until We Go Down’
10th: Sofia Sandoval-Smyrski-’When I Reside’
Junior Solo
1st: Brooke Toro-’As The Dust Settles’
2nd: Brooke Vorst-’Girl From Ipanema’
2nd: Jisselle Garza-’Waiting Game’
3rd: Campbell Castner-’Fallen’
4th: Jack Diddens-’Hallelujah, I Love Her’
5th: Maya Ordonez-’For All That’s Lost’
6th: Haiden Neuville-’Before You Go’
6th: Victoria Johnson-’Genius’
6th: Kinley Bertrand-’Rock With You’
6th: Ryleigh Jane Touchstone-’This Is Real’
7th: Sofia Martinez-’Cold’
7th: Kendall Jundt-’I’ll Fly Away’
7th: Megan Elledge-’Let It Be’
8th: Alexandra Wong-’Awakening’
9th: Phoenix Jonat-’Shapes’
10th: Rosie Best-’Already Home’
10th: Nina Lykidis-’Caught In The Middle’
10th: Alyvia Aleman-’Into The Sea’
10th: Scarlett Petty-’The Meadow’
10th: Abbey Blair-’What You See’
Teen Solo
1st: Cambry Bethke-’Sacred Space’
2nd: Madelyn Munz-’Baby Blue’
3rd: Claire Schunneman-’Tug, Twist, Tear’
4th: Rie Matsumae-’Sound’
4th: Madison Howard-’The Coax’
5th: Kieran Holmes-’Slow’
6th: Jocelyn Green-’I Guess’
7th: Caroline Zazueta-’Unfolding’
7th: Sydney Fell-’She Used To Be Mine’
8th: Dylan Fletcher-’Coming Home’
9th: Brecklyn Brown-’Fall On Me’
9th: Savanna Gonzalez-’Oh! Darling’
10th: Julianna Perez-’Visnaga’
Senior Solo
1st: Morgan Manning-’Change Gonna Come’
2nd: Sophia Seymour-’Broken’
3rd: Madison Taylor-’Personal Orbit’
4th: Sloane Ritterbush-’Body love’
4th: Damaris Salazar-’Unraveling’
5th: Abigail Reed-’mountains’
6th: Kristina Davis-’Jesse’
6th: Alexa Williams-’Lost’
7th: Jordan Cavanaugh-’Girl’
8th: Elle Escarsega-’A Pale’
9th: Jordan Reynolds-’All I Need’
9th: Alisha Khatwani-’Do Not Disturb’
9th: Kayleigh Morrison-’Not Really Who You Are’
10th: Daniela Albert-’Ghosts’
JUMPstart Duo/Trio
1st: Vdanse Academy-’Walk With You’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: The Dance Kollective-’Reflection’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Stronger’
3rd: Rise Dance Collective-’Presh On the Runway’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st: The Dance Kollective-’Both Of Us’
2nd: Amy Blake’s Academy of Dance-’Mama Mia’
3rd: Houston Academy of Dance-’Amor de Amistad’
3rd: West University Dance Center-’Have Mercy’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: The Dance Kollective-’Alter Ego’
2nd: The Dance Kollective-’Ascending’
3rd: The Dance Kollective-’Sax’
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: Artistic Soul Dance Company-’Love and Happiness’
2nd: The Dance Kollective-’Exhumed’
3rd: The Dance Kollective-’I Don’t Believe In Us’
JUMPstart Group
1st: Priority Dance Corps-’How You Like That’
2nd: Priority Dance Corps-’I’m A Lady’
3rd: Insight Dance Ensemble-’Shake A Tailfeather’
Mini Group
1st: The Dance Kollective-’Shop Around’
2nd: Rise Dance Collective-’Ruff Riders’
3rd: MUV-’Walk It Out’
Junior Group
1st: The Dance Kollective-’Dreaming’
2nd: The Dance Kollective-’Like Lovers Do’
3rd: Rise Dance Collective-’Somebody’
Teen Group
1st: The Dance Kollective-’Before I Go’
2nd: The Dance Kollective-’Tap Is Life’
2nd: The Dance Kollective-’The Heaven Complex’
3rd: The Dance Kollective-’Something Stupid’
Senior Group
1st: Dancers Workshop-’Oblivion’
2nd: The Dance Kollective-’Give Me Love’
3rd: Dancers Workshop-’Mountain’
Mini Line
1st: Rise Dance Collective-’Pencil Full of Lead’
2nd: Insight Dance Ensemble-’The Illest Villains’
3rd: Rise Dance Collective-’All Night Long’
Junior Line
1st: The Dance Kollective-’Handul of Keys’
2nd: Dancers Workshop-’Rich Girl’
3rd: Dancers Workshop-’In The Heart’
Teen Line
1st: The Dance Kollective-’Sing It Back’
2nd: Rise Dance Collective-’Lampshade’
3rd: The Dance Kollective-’One’
Senior Line
1st: MUV-’The Thing’
2nd: MUV-’Kiss’
Mini Extended Line
1st: Tari’s School of Dance-’Candy’
Junior Extended Line
1st: Insight Dance Ensemble-’Be Your Girl’
Mini Production
1st: Tari’s School of Dance-’Gaga’
2nd: Tari’s School of Dance-’Paparazzi’
Teen Production
1st: Insight Dance Ensemble-’Havana Nights’
2nd: MUV-’Rain On Me’
High Scores by Performance Division:
JUMPstart Jazz
Priority Dance Corps-’I’m A Lady’
JUMPstart Hip-Hop
Priority Dance Corps-’How You Like That’
JUMPstart Lyrical
Rise Dance Collective-’Follow The Sun’
Mini Jazz
The Dance Kollective-’Shop Around’
Mini Hip-Hop
Rise Dance Collective-’Ruff Riders’
Mini Contemporary
Mini Musical Theatre
Amy Blake’s Academy of Dance-’No Bad News’
Mini Lyrical
Rise Dance Collective-’Blackbird’
Mini Tap
Rise Dance Collective-’Find My Way Home’
Mini Specialty
Insight Dance Ensemble-’I Found You’
Junior Jazz
Dancers Workshop-’In The Heart’
Junior Contemporary
The Dance Kollective-’Dreaming’
Junior Lyrical
Distinction Dance Company-’Arms Around You’
Junior Hip-Hop
Insight Dance Ensemble-’Be Your Girl’
Junior Ballet
Amy Blake’s Academy of Dance-’Cipollino Countess Cherries’
Junior Specialty
Amy Blake’s Academy of Dance-’Someone You Loved’
Junior Musical Theatre
Houston Academy of Dance-’Whipped Into Shape’
Junior Tap
The Dance Kollective-’Handul of Keys’
Teen Contemporary
The Dance Kollective-’Before I Go’
Teen Lyrical
The Dance Kollective-’Remember Her’
Teen Jazz
The Dance Kollective-’Bringing It Back’
Teen Tap
The Dance Kollective-’Tap Is Life’
Teen Specialty
The Dance Kollective-’The Heaven Complex’
Teen Ballet
Insight Dance Ensemble-’Jewels’
Teen Hip-Hop
Rise Dance Collective-’Bololo’
Teen Musical Theatre
Rise Dance Collective-’Money’
Senior Contemporary
MUV-’The Thing’
Senior Specialty
Dancers Workshop-’Oblivion’
Senior Lyrical
The Dance Kollective-’Give Me Love’
Senior Jazz
Best of JUMP:
Insight Dance Ensemble-’Shake A Tailfeather’
Priority Dance Corps-’How You Like That’
Vdanse Academy-’BUZZIN’
Insight Dance Ensemble-’The Illest Villains’
Tari’s School of Dance-’Candy’
Dancers Workshop-’Let It Be’
MUV-’Walk It Out’
Rise Dance Collective-’Ruff Riders’
The Dance Kollective-’Shop Around’
Dancers Workshop-’Rich Girl’
Distinction Dance Company-’Arms Around You’
Rise Dance Collective-’Somebody’
The Dance Kollective-’Handul of Keys’
Amy Blake’s Academy of Dance-’What Can I Give’
Insight Dance Ensemble-’Heart of Glass’
The Dance Kollective-’Before I Go’
Houston Academy of Dance-’My Always’
MUV-’Rain On Me’
Dancers Workshop-’After Hours’
Rise Dance Collective-’Lampshade’
Insight Dance Ensemble-’Havana Nights’
The Dance Kollective-’Give Me Love’
Dancers Workshop-’Oblivion’
MUV-’The Thing’
Best in Studio:
Insight Dance Ensemble-’Havana Nights’
The Dance Kollective-’Before I Go’
Amy Blake’s Academy of Dance-’Just Got Paid’
West University Dance Centre-’Freedom Hangs Like Heaven’
Rise Dance Collective-’Lampshade’
MUV-’The Thing’
Houston Academy of Dance-’My Always’
Dancers Workshop-’Oblivion’
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lindyloosims · 4 years
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Rosie and Daisy are twins, Rosie takes after her father both in looks and in personality, Daisy is all Charlotte in every way! Rosie has been besotted with Luke Maloney since she was a child, there is a year between them. Luke has been in love with Rosie all of his life, their relationship got off to a rocky start when Rosie was 19 and Luke was 18, they broke up for over a year but a shock diagnosis brought them back together and Luke quickly proposed in a hospital bed. The worst is behind them now and they have beautiful twins together, Winston and Tara. Daisy on the other hand is loved up with her dad’s former assistant and protege, Kieran McLean, estranged nephew of Selena. They are planning on getting married and Daisy can’t wait to be a mother, she is currently jealous of her twin sister having two babies and wants to catch up.
Isaac was born when the twins were 10 years old, he was a late baby but very much wanted and loved. He is cool with having elderly parents and although he resembles his father Drew, he has his mother’s scatty cuteness too. Very fond of his Uncle Ashton Maloney, Isaac loves going to the gym and working out with him along with James, Ashton’s eldest son. James is ages with his cousin Damon, Dexter and Lainie’s youngest but always has time for young Isaac. Drew and Charlotte are unsure of Isaac’s sexuality as he doesn’t seem to show any interest in either males or females, but he’s still young.
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