#kinda makes me sad to think Roger might have been with rouge just so he could have a son
cosmosnout · 3 months
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And in the end, Rouge was like, “You know what? Sure.”
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midnightluck · 7 years
@leafyxthiefy​ and I were discussing the sad lack of Disney aus, and then High School Musical mas au was mentioned, and well, look, I ain’t gonna write it, but here’s how it might be done, and if you wanna, please do and tag us?
Izo really loves theater, yeah? And Haruta. They used to put on productions of fairy tales in the living room and rope their siblings into being the cast, and Marco as the oldest ended up trying to direct/help/figure it all out for them, and he somehow just never got out of the habit? and they're in high school and yet he's still doing it and then we have Izo and Haruta as idk a real nice friendly casual ryan and sharpay?
and idk one of his other siblings, probably Thatch???? helps with the music sometimes and he's like, Marco, let's write a love story, and Marco is like nope, no thanks, let's stick to adventures like we do, kay? kay
Thatch is like, "noooooo we've never done a love story" "and I'm not gonna" "c'mon, izo would love it" "but it's a love story" "look we'll throw in pirates, too, okay?" "......" "you love pirates" "......no fair fine, okay"
and oh, it's the tale of roger and rouge
and usually he writes the roles for Izo and Haruta, yeah? with them in mind, which is kinda unfair because they're the stars of the theater dept now because of course they are, and they're amazing, of course, but it's hard for anyone else to compete when the main roles are literally written for them, you know? Only it's love story, and it's hard for Marco to wrap his head around for them, and he starts to drift, starts to go back to the fairy tales, starts to do typical prince/princess stuff.
Only, the princess is boring, so let her snark.
The prince is too perfect, so make him fail.
And somewhere along the line, he starts writing for himself, because he can only write what he knows. The princess becomes a pirate, Rouge, queen of the seas, embodiment of freedom, all sly smiles and snark and slippery, stealing and singing and leading a merry chase, and the poor guy, Roger, chases after her through a series of pratfalls, setting out to be pirate king and blinded by the stars she put in his eyes, and it's ever so fun, with quick teasing songs and a lot of playful exchanges and this one lovely slow duet on a beach in the moonlight
meanwhile, in the background, Ace and Sabo meet at, idk, karaoke. Because Luffy. Nah, wait, that's too au, hang on, we can fix this
they attended the same elementary school. Ace and Sabo were bestest friends and he ran away to their house all the time because his parents were never home  so they didn't know, only one day they had to move and took Sabo with them
...he tried to run away and got hit by a car?
Ace heard, thought he was dead, but he was just in a coma for a while? forgot stuff? and his parents didn't notice because it's not like they've been around anyway?
So Sabo turns inward and studies, because college is the closest escape he can manage, and he's gonna get a full ride and not rely on his parents for anything. He's gonna disappear and be independent if it kills him
boom, science squad Sabo
MEANWHILE Ace likes Disney movies and reading, but his Grandpa wants him to join the military???? he doesn't want to, but Garp is like "ROTC or gtfo" so Ace compromises with sports, because still teams and activities
so he has to sports team, and boom, we get crouching jock hidden nerd, and he lowkey hates it, but it's life, whatever, and if he doesn't want it, well, there's nothing he wants more, so might as well, right?
Until. Until.
So Sabo has this grades thing down, right, but if his parents move him one more time, he's gonna have to start working his way up to valedictorian again, he hasn't got time for this. He needs something to look hella good on college applications, and it needs to keep him out of the house but not take up valuable time and not sports, ugh, teamwork? no thanks, and nothing that requires anything academic, so it's band or theater, really.
He goes theater, maybe he can be like a lighting technician and study in the booth or something, or learn a practical skill like makeup to hide scars; overall a lot more practical than music. So he joins drama and doesn't think twice about actually auditioning.
And that's all well and good except he leaves the library one day to go to drama club and he passes Ace in the hall and Ace doubletakes so hard he almost falls over. It can't be Sabo, it can't--but it looks like him, he walks the same, maybe--maybe???? so screw practice, he follows Sabo to the theater, where tryouts are happening today because plot convenience
"Sabo," he says, and the guy turns around. Same eyes, same face, same suspicious paranoia, same bags under his eyes, same stubborn frown--how could it be anyone else? "Sabo," he says, reaching out, and the guy steps back. "Do I know you?" he says, and Ace goes cold
And he walks away, so Ace chases him all the way to the theater. He gets into a shouting match with has-to-be-Sabo right in the middle on the auditorium, and the theater teacher sighs and says, "if you have something to say, come up here and say it. Obviously you're dramatic enough for the drama club."
Ace storms on stage and yells at Sabo and Sabo yells right back and falls into taunts as naturally as blinking, and it's so easy, and he knows just what to say to get Ace to go red and splutter and chase him, and he also knows the stage and the area because it's his domain, and he bounces around as Ace chases him, yelling at him to come back, and Sabo just taunts and like, hangs over the rail of the fake pirate ship, and Ace throws up his hands and stomps around and says things like, "Why did I even miss you?!" and "I can't believe you forgot!" and "Luffy! Remember Luffy????" and actually--actually Sabo does
Sabo goes soft and says, "Luffy?" and Ace folds his arms and says, "Luffy," and Sabo sinks down to sit, resting his head on the railing as everything falls into place behind his thought, and Ace stands there, looking up, his heart in his eyes, and the teacher yells "Scene!" and Marco stands up from the front row and says, "it's them or I walk."
and of course the problem is that Marco wrote himself a love story, and as Sabo tilts his head and smirks sideways and says the words Marco wrote, of course he'd start to fall in love, because that's what he wrote it for. And every time Ace laughs and gets back up, every time Ace has a passionate, poetic speech, well of course the words cut Marco to the heart because that's what he wrote it for.
And the fact that they work so well on stage is only compounded by their chemistry offstage, where Sabo will drape himself across Ace's back to read the script over his shoulder and Ace will run fingers through Sabo's hair and murmur in his ear on days when the eye-bags are particularly deep. Sabo won't talk about his scars but Ace can touch them, press his hand right up to them, and Sabo will just sigh and go limp. No one's allows to mention Ace's tattoo, but Sabo's allowed to trace the letters with careful fingers. For two high school guys who met a few weeks ago, they're amazingly close, and Marco can only watch it all happen and tell himself that it's good that they're like this. It'll make the play better. It's a love story; that's what he wrote it for, and he never once expected to want it to be his.
And, see, Sabo owes Ace his sanity and Ace owes Sabo his personality, but they both owe Marco for each other and neither one is ever gonna forget that
And Ace goes to Marco to try to "get to know his character" and Sabo goes to Marco to ask if this line needs more vibralto or perhaps this harmony is just--like, could we do it like this? and Thatch is in the background making these awful faces at Marco behind their backs and Marco is Ignoring Him Entirely
Leafy: Sabo being the highish classed boy that he is he may have learned the piano and one day, he could be sitting in the theatre room, his hands lazily playing some sort of ballad, his fingers just glide on the keyboard but like unbeknowest to him, Marco had snuck in because its free period for him too, to like practice some chorus lines for the play and the way that Sabo plays with his serene expression, just looking like he belongs and the way he makes the piano sing, it makes him want to be a part of that, he is captvated and wants to join but?? is he allowed? The pull of the music is too strong tho and before either of them know it, he's there too, his fingers also on the piano now, the little song becoming something more as it turns into a little duet and sabo is startled at first but also?? he has a high respect for Marco and his skills at the piano so its like an honor and all and he loves the sound they create together?? so maybe we?? can like keep doing this if you want, just play
and oh we could probably get a scene in there where Sabo keeps "messing up" in the moonlight duet and Marco sighs and is like, no, like this, and he has to step in to show them and he only meant to do the phrase but somehow he ends up singing the whole love duet with Ace while Sabo watches his every move--for the good of the play, of course.
And Ace just can't seem to get this one bit of choreography right, where he is supposed to pick "rouge" up off the deck and spin her around and into an underarm twirl and Sabo is like, "drop me again and I'll scream, Marco, come show him how it's done" and Sabo is really light on his feet and so responsive it's a pleasure to work with him and he ends up going through the whole number, with Sabo beaming in his arms and Ace's eyes heavy on his shoulders, because he really does have to learn this, you know???
sabo being like, "I can do this backwards in a princess dress and heels, Ace, c'mon" because Sabo probably had dancing lessons. Ace learned to fight from Garp
Thatch is miming throwing up off stage
Everything is happy until a fight, teach, idk, something goes down and the school calls their guardians
Leafy:  they're both like "why are you doing this? what is a play going to do for you? study and get into whatever college" while Garp is like "are you slacking on me, if you cant abandon this silly excuse of a curricular activity then what about military school?"
Leafy: so then Marco has to make things right somehow, like not entirely for the sake of the play but also for like them!! because?? he was so used to being around them and now that they are no longer there he misses them and also, like his two best friends boyfriends are miserable and not in the play together and ?? can we not do all three things? so marco recruits his siblings who happen to be in whatever sport ace is in and sabo's science lab, together they are able to help them keep up with practice/work and the play??
And then the play happens and Luffy drags his cross-clique group to go see it and all the Whitebeard siblings and basically everyone and instead of being about breaking down barriers and stuff it’s a cute little love story about defying your parents’ expectations/being yourself????
idk I’m sure there are ~Morals~ but I dunno what they are
and it ends with mas all happy and Thatch being like, “See? See? I told you a love story was a good idea!”
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