#king schultz
4ndj4 · 2 months
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HAD to make this version.
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stupidfuckingwindow · 1 month
Christoph Waltz aged in the most vague way possible.
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garden-0f-eden · 11 months
FREE I • DR King Schultz
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• ☆ •
The niece of Calvin Candie finds herself in desperate need of saving, when two men approach her uncles farm looking for fighters, she see's them as a prefect opportunity.
Warnings: Mentions of abuse and slavery, fem!reader
You sigh as you lay hidden within the overgrown, green grass, far away from the house, the plantation, your family. Far away from every part of you that you hated.
You open your eyes and stare up at the summer sky, clouds drifting aimlessly overhead, birds singing distantly. For once, you felt at peace.
You hear slow, gentle footsteps behind you, before the gate squeaks open. "Miss Candie?" You hear Estie say softly, you sit up and look over your shoulder at her, "Your uncle wants you back at the big house, some guests are here." You nod at her, smiling half heartedly. You push yourself up off the grass, straightening out your skirt.
You stumble through the overgrown greenery and slowly head back to the plantation, following closely behind Estie.
Estie was your friend, a relationship disliked by your family, not that you cared, you would protect her from your Uncle and his workers punishments. She was a young, short girl, maybe around late teens. You enjoyed her company more then anyone elses on the plantation, youd always sneak her food and old clothing. She was your only friend.
As you approach the big house you catch the tail end of an argument between Steven and Uncle Calvin, "In the damned big house..." he mutters angrily as he heads inside. You walk up the steps and stand beside your mother.
You look up at the men before you, an older looking man with a short graying beard, wearing a matching grey suit and hat, beside him, a darker man on horseback. The other man wore a green shirt tucked into brown trousers, he wore black sunglasses and a brown cowboy hat. Both men held their reigns with black leather gloves.
"Dr Schultz," Uncle Calvin addressed, "This attractive southern belle is my widowed sister, may I present to you Lara Lee Candie-Fitzwilly." You mother does a southern bow, smiling at the doctor. Calvin then places a hand on your waist, pulling you towards him making you jump slightly. Schultz frowned. "And this beautiful, young mare, is my niece, Y/N Candie-Fitzwilly." He pulled his hand away from your waist, the doctor lifts his hat to you, his gaze lingering prehaps a little too long, he then clears his throat.
"I am Dr. King Schultz, this is my second here, Django." The man on horseback beside him tips his hat, Schultz then gestures to the two horses, "And these are our horses, Tony and Fritz." The horses bow, making you and afew other women coo and giggle.
Your mother was staring at the doctor, a blush on her face, you roll your eyes as she batts her eyelashes. "Well arent you gentlemen charming. You're not from around here are you?" She asks with a grin.
"Actually, I'm from a far off land, Dusseldorf to be excact." Ah. That explained the accent.
"Ah! This smart, beautiful lady here can speak some German herself!" You uncle exclaims proudly, squeezing your shoulder roughly, you flinch and move out of his grip discreetly. Schultz looks at you with a raised eyebrow, before looking back to Calvin.
You zone out as your mother, Uncle Calvin and Schultz engage in boring conversation. Something about fighters...
You refocus when the door squeaks open, Stephen now joining the conversation, "Actually Monsieur Candie... Theres somethin I ain't tole you yet..." Stephen says guilty.
"Hildis in the hotbox."
You notice how Schultz and Djangos head now snap up.
"Well what's she doing In there?!"
"What 'cha think shes doin in there? Shes bein punished."
"What she do?"
"She ran away again."
You watch as Djangos hand moves towards his gun holster, resting on his thigh, he notices your gaze yet dosent move.
"Lucky for her the dogs were busy huntin some other slave, she only a little beat up, but she did that to herself runnin through all them bushes."
His hand now moves away from his pistol, and back to his reigns, you sigh, heading inside towards your room. You walk up the stairs, passing past afew women in the corridor before pushing open your door.
You run yourself a bath, laying in the hot water for what felt like hours, the warmth putting your aching muscles at ease. The scent of cherry and coconut filling the room.
You open your eyes as you hear a soft knock on the door, you sigh, moving the bubbles to cover yourself up, "Yes?" The door opens slightly, your mother pears around the corner, smiling gently at you, "You uncle wants you to get ready for dinner in an hour..." You nod, a sigh leaving your lips. She leaves, closing the door behind her.
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summerlyewe · 2 months
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He literally said "☀"
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astralbondpro · 1 year
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Django Unchained (2012) // Dir. Quentin Tarantino
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drkingwaltz · 6 months
So I got the Django: Unchained comic book and…
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there’s something about King Schultz holding a pocket knife that makes me explode violently
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chaoticladyfire · 1 year
Really did not expect myself to feel so sad after seeing Dr King Schultz die such a brutal death in Django Unchained. I wish somewhere in afterlife he’s having his beers and bounty-hunting evil men.
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keravnous · 2 years
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oh y'know, just spending the summer with cristoph.
feat.: Lana del Rey, Charles Aznavour, The Weeknd, Prince, Fleetwood Mac, MARINA, Rihanna, Zella Day, Harry Styles, Melanie Martinez, Etta James ...
listen here
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eachlittlebird · 2 years
I really, really, really wish I hadn’t watched Django Unchained, I am so emotional about Dr. King Schultz. I haven’t formed this unhealthy of an attachment to a character in a very long time.
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tambovfox · 10 months
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4ndj4 · 2 months
Me: "I never cried because of a movie."
Also me:
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stupidfuckingwindow · 2 months
This little pocket is for your picture of Schultz
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cigarette-room · 2 years
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mlmxreader · 2 years
Morning | Dr. King Schultz x gn!reader
Summary: you and King get up a little early.
tws: mentions of guns
You stretched, your bones clicking and groaning in protest as you dared to sit up, looking around the dark inside of the room you had rented for a moment before rubbing your eyes and getting onto your side, leaning on your arm as you looked at King as he slept; you dared to smile, bringing your hand up to gently rake it through his beard as he smiled and leaned into the touch.
"Is it morning already?"
You nodded, moving to fold your arms on his chest, leaning your chin on your forearms as you yawned and tried to come to life. "Yeah, it is... we best get up."
King shook his head, still a little groggy, more than sleepy as he lazily looked at you. "Du bist sehr attraktiv, mein Sterne..."
You leaned into him a little more, daring to bring your hand down and under his shirt, your fingers so gentle and deft against his skin as you sighed. "We gotta catch those Balfour robbers, today... the married couple."
"That we do," he said lowly, his voice cracking a little to make way for a yawn. "We need to get Django up, too, and get the horses."
"I can get the horses ready," you said softly, tapping his chest and sighing. "Say... you don't ever reckon there'll be a day when we... y'know..."
"Settle down," you said quietly. "Y'know, find somewhere... decent. Live a quiet life."
He fell silent, pondering on it for a moment; he did always think that there was an end to bounty hunting, there had to be, it wasn't the type of career someone could continue on with forever. Hunting bounties wasn't exactly delivering newspaper, though, and there was a certain amount of unpredictability that came with the job description; even King Schultz, an incredibly skilled gentleman, knew that there were still a large amount of risks with even the easiest of bounties. He supposed, at the end of the day, it was a nice idea, to settle down and to live a quiet life, but whether or not it would actually happen... that was a different story altogether.
Eventually, though, he sighed, and after running a hand through his hair, he finally thought of a good response, "there is an end to bounty hunting, mein Sterne. How it will end, though, I can't be sure."
You met his gaze, frowning a little as you furrowed your brows and hummed. "Yeah, but do you not think about... if it ends well?"
"Occasionally, natürlich," King nodded. "It's a nice idea... come on, we best start getting ready. Where is it you said they were?"
"Last known sighting of the Balfours was near the woods," you rolled onto your back and grumbled, rubbing your eyes. "About an hour's ride out of here, then about another hour to get there. Heard some people saying in the saloon that they were camping out there."
Swinging his legs over the edge of the creaky bed, King stretched a little, giving you the perfect opportunity to put your legs either side of his, your chest against his back as you pressed your face against the back of his neck. He closed his eyes, trying to savour such a feeling and trying to force such a moment to be locked away in his memories for all time. He didn't feel the need to say anything.
"Did you remember to clean your gun?" The words danced along his skin, the vibrations from your voice making him shiver a little.
He nodded. "Always."
"Good," you whispered, kissing the back of his neck as you pulled away and sat back. "Don't want it jamming."
King smiled a little, daring to finally stand up, he went to grab his shirt, tugging it on as he turned to look at you, a certain glint in his eyes. "Perhaps, after this one, we could go to that saloon."
You tilted your head to the side, moving to the edge of the bed, resting your elbows on your thighs, your hands clasped as you furrowed your brows. "What for?"
"You seemed to like it," he admitted. "And it's about time the three of us had a night off. Before we head down to Rhodes, perhaps we could."
You nodded slowly, biting the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from grinning. "Sure. I don't see why not. Who we after in Rhodes?"
"A man by the name of Josiah," he explained, tugging on his trousers and pulling up his suspenders, "he's wanted for a few scams."
You shrugged, leaning back, your hands against the mattress as you watched him. No matter how many times you saw it, watching King get dressed always sent a shock of electric down your spine, always made you wish that nights were longer. "Y'think we ought to get you some new suspenders? They're starting to look a bit worn from here."
"On our night off, you can take me shopping, mein Sterne," he promised, running some pomade through his hair. "Do you want me to leave while you-"
"Nah," you chuckled, shaking your head. "I just like watching you."
His features turned a little pink at the comment and although he tried his best to hide it, he couldn't help but to smile; perhaps one day, mornings and nights wouldn't be so short and so busy, perhaps one day, things would be different. Maybe there would even be enough time to savour the little moments.
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tougotstrangeld · 2 months
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thatluckystrudel · 2 years
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Two of my favorite roles of christoph waltz
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