iknowicanbutwhy 2 days
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Who's this thang
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theanonymousfox 10 months
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@fernzwing lion king reference but yeah
Anyways hi dca community I鈥檓 馃挜馃挜馃挜 new here I am joining hello
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kitsiinabox 3 years
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Dreaming of warmer days
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iknowicanbutwhy 25 days
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Continuation of this. Guy will grasp onto straws until he learns it the hard way.
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Looking like the tail end of a cosmic joke, you four.
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iknowicanbutwhy 3 days
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Last post had me wanting so badly for a. well not a coffee shop au but yknow
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iknowicanbutwhy 26 days
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i mean, if they don't know about it, and a certain someone(s) refuse to talk about it, they could just,,, keep making the same wish, right?
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iknowicanbutwhy 13 days
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@chipper-smol I couldn't get the thought out of my head of dragon loop flying on unfamiliar wings away from their problems because obviously that's why they have them haha ha ha
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iknowicanbutwhy 5 days
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every day i have a bad day at work, i think about that april fools post. and that is, in fact, every day
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iknowicanbutwhy 11 days
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@basilpaste OBSESSED with your Phantom design, ESPECIALLY the phantom of the opera mask. As soon as I noticed that detail I went absolutely insane that is SO clever
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iknowicanbutwhy 2 months
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iknowicanbutwhy 8 months
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I like to give Arle subtle-until-it's-not-subtle trauma
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iknowicanbutwhy 2 months
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The experienced platformer people in this game are no goddamn joke
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iknowicanbutwhy 1 year
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it was decided to be Distract-Peppermint-From-Her-Family-Issues-For-But-A-Day Day and 808 strikingly (or maybe not considering who built it) won the contest.
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iknowicanbutwhy 1 year
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TFW that guy you like surprises you when you're talkin to that girl you like
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iknowicanbutwhy 8 days
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Puyo/Madou, meet ISAT. ISAT, meet Puyo/Madou. I'm sure you have everything in common and this is not at all a completely random crossover of my two current interests
#dont look at Salde for rhe love of my sanity do not even percieve Salde i dint kwno what ifmf doing g#art#fanart#ISAT#puyo puyo#in stars and time#madou monogatari#kitscribbles#sig puyo puyo#schezo wegey#arle nadja#ringo ando#sig really do be sig no last name#prince salde#their ages are different in this one. oldest to youngest - schezo > arle > sig > ringo > salde#you see that stubble on Sig thats baby stubble. thats unfortunate facial hair on a teenager#sometimes it works out for people still in their teens but not sig#Ringo is!! Perhaps a bit too young to travel!! She's basically a foreign exchange student#i have to admit all the roles and dynamics in ISAT are NOT 1:1 in this AU#i have it all mixed up#when i say sig and schezo are besties i mean theyre both awkward with people they just happen to have an understanding. also sig bullies hi#Sig is he/they here!! I dont usually mess with canon genders (hella respect those who do) but honestly i just like it for Sig...#I still need to learn more about Salde but imma just go ahead and say that Salde is kid gender#Was tempted to hide Sig's lil hair thingies under his hat but then was like. Why would i do that#favorite joke in all this is that Schezo tried so hard to Change that he fucked up his own speech patterns and now socializing is. well#sig didnt shave before the loops and now he has to do that every time or suffer the teasing of his friends at some point in the house#thanks guys im going insane over here and youre laughing. going nonverbal now#How does Salde balance a fish on their head? uhhhhh well you see. have you ever balanced a massive bag of frozen peas#Salde doesnt cook but there's money in that fish. Nobody feels comfortable enough to ask a kid for cash but they WILL reward good behavior#in puyos and time
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iknowicanbutwhy 2 years
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Monkey King VS Monkie Kid! Who will win? Probably not the kid who doubts his ability to win and has the lives of everyone in the world resting on his shoulders.
I looked at @xynnoix 's AU and went "oooooh, angsty," and I thought of this idea and went "oooooh, angsty," and I looked at how many panels I couldn't keep from drawing and went "oooooh, angsty," which is really just my thing, you know?
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