#klaus movie
connected-the-dots · 2 days
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This was made purely to spite a friend bc they're a mogens hater‼️
Anyways, mogens x falin bc I can draw anything with the power of motivation--
Their bbys name is Milori!~
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litanumb · 6 months
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After Jesper, it's Alva's turn :)
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thefrenchbrick24601 · 3 months
once i made a post with the tag “ah yes my favorite ship dynamic: biggest/strongest man alive and his twink”
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and I stand by that ✨
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thepersononacloud · 6 months
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Hi dead community!!! I have no idea how many people still like Klaus here but. Hii!!! Hi!!!!
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z0mbd · 1 year
errrmm im new to tumblr and i think this will only reach my mooties (or no one at all) so haii... 😸😸😸☝️☝️
how does one attain klaus mutuals.. how does one attract the very dead klaus fandom.. ive been postin this drawin on every platform becauseYEAAUGHHHH
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gremlinhands · 20 days
today years old when i realized that s10 shiny duo is the main guy and his gf from the christmas movie klaus.
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the-ghost-bracket · 5 months
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Santa Poll- Finale
Death propaganda
Klaus propaganda
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ibenology · 6 months
lokius Klaus AU where Loki is sent down to a freezing norwegian town on earth by Odin to learn to be humble and while trying to get back he meets toy-maker Mobius and together they learn about love and family
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4rrenstep · 5 months
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Little scribble for the people who care
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blackteaarts · 5 months
I rewatched Klaus
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lordcringe · 6 months
Not even december yet and im already thinking about the mailman built like a toothpick and "BEAR" santa saving christmas or something
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connected-the-dots · 4 months
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Drawing the Klaus cast as ponies bc I wanna (WIP)
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litanumb · 6 months
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We're in December so let's start Klaus fanarts with Jesper!
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cannedcrabs · 2 months
More Klaus stuff
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thepersononacloud · 6 months
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HI AGAIN!! You guys seemed to like my Jesper art so I did a doodle of one of my hcs!
I am a firm believer that he still cares for the chickens that were originally in the post office! He took a shining to one specifically and made her a messenger (pigeon) chicken of sorts!!
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thecluelessdoctor · 6 months
Now as much as I rip and hate on chrismas at times, I need to admit there is not a better feeling than experiencing a childlike wonder again. Seeing beautiful hand crafted clock work decor and extraordinary snow globes, or seeing those mechanical trains youd see in the movies, nothing beats the feeling like that.
I'ma talk about the movie Klaus. A personal favorite of mine, not just for chrismas.
Klaus was released on Netflix about four years ago (I feel old)
I love this movie. It breaks the Christmas movie stereotype and it does it well. I love it from animation, to story, to duologue to characters, it's amazing.
So to start off, let's start with animation and style.
I can't explain it just look
Stupid thumbnail. But yeah. Watch it. Beautiful.
The story is beautiful.
It starts, with a letter. Just a letter.
And a man.
The plot starts with Jesper, the snotty son of the owner of a huge postal company. Jesper is failing postal school, before being told to be a post man in a town in a island called Smeerinsberg, and have 6000 letters done in one year.
Smeerinsberg is a violent town, a large feud between two family's that go back generations living there.
Jesper has a hard time getting letters at all. Until that is a small child drops his drawing out the window and towards Jesper. Remember this. Jesper tries to get the child to mail the letter, before he is attacked by the child's father's dogs. Before this he meets a character named Ava, who was a attempted teacher
Weeks pass by, and he finds out about the old woodsman cabin, and desides to go there, finding many hand crafted toys.
The woodsman comes home, holding his large axe, and scaring jesper. Jesper flees, dropping the drawing from the child.
Things happen, and the woodsman, Klaus, tells jesper to bring him to the home of that child to deliver a present. Jesper does so (unwillingly) and nearly dying.
The next day, jesper wakes up to a few children saying they have letters for Klaus. Montage of Jesper bribing kids for toys lmao.
Jesper then goes back to klaus's home, pleadunf to be able to take the toys to the kids and shiz. Klaus agrees, and they'll do it at the dead of night.
Word gets around about Klaus, no one knowing it's actually jesper that's going into the homes lol.
One day he's getting letters, and meets a little girl named Márgu, who is Sámi, and Jesper cant understand her. He also learns some of the children can't write and read, so he sends them to Ava's school.
He also remeets a kid who told him to go home earlier in the movie, who he gave coal, and ends up making a thing called the Naughty list, sorta as a explanation.
Children all over town start doing good deeds, and soon after, the adults follow after. The two family's have dwinled, the large fued basically being ignored. The two leaders of the families make a truce to put a end to this peace.
Jesper is then at Klaus's cabin, rambling about his idea called 'Christmas'
After this, Jesper and Klaus get into a argument, and jesper goes home to find Márgu there. Jesper sorta vents, before deciding to try and figure out what Márgu wants. He goes to Ava's school, who helps translate a letter basically
Jesper goes home, and attempts to make what Márgu wanted, even though he doesn't know how to work wood
Klaus comes back, and helps him make Márgu's gift, and they go to deliver it, seeing her excited. They are later back at Klaus's cabin feeding the reindeer, and jesper is obviously happy that he made Márgu happy.
More stuff happens, and after a bit, Márgu's people have come to Klaus's cabin to help. They make him a sleigh, and a outfit similar to theirs, as well as help with toy making.
Though during this, what's left of the two family's finds out about jesper's goal of 6000 letters, and end up 'helping' him.
It's December 24th now, daylight, and suddenly jesper's dad comes to collect him, saying he's done 14000 letters. Klaus, Ava, and the Sámi people feel betrayed, and are mad at him
He goes to leave, but looks extremely sad, sadder than when he came to Smeerinsberg. His dad gives him the look, and he ends up staying.
Márgu went to go find him, trying to stop him. But looks like he missed his ride.
He ends up seeing the mob planning to get rid of the gifts, and trys to intervene, que drama scene with lots of tension, before it was revealed it was all a decoy, and jesper ends up regaining everyone's trust, and they go to deliver the gifts.
Years pass, and word spread, and they had to expand, just as they had hoped. Ava and jesper are in love, and jesper gets a mustache at one point (in which Klaus remarks 'what is on your face')
But suddenly, by the 12th year, Klaus's time has finally come, and he goes to join his wife. To anyone other than the viewer though, he seems to have just.m disappeared.
We cut to later, in a Christmas eve with jesper's kids. Him and Ava tuck them into bed, and Jesper goes down, to stay up for the night, the movie ending with the line 'but once a year, I get to see my friend'
Truly a beautiful movie.
I can't express how much I love this movie, and I can't even explain how good it is.
It's a 20/10, go check it out
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