#kokomi sangonomiya
divinepriestesskokomi · 4 months
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Kokomi and Gorou from the Genshin Impact x Sushiro Collab Animations Art By かりや (@KRY_aia on twitter)
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notsofunnygoat · 9 months
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my current team looks like this now and I like to think about them :D
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Genshin Gorls waking up the night after with S/O!
(Obvious NSFT Implications)
(Genshin Impact) The morning after with Amber, Ayaka, Arlecchino, Beidou, Candace, Chiori, Furina, Kokomi, Lisa, Lumine, Navia, Rosaria, Shenhe, Xianyun and Yae
Very mild NSF-W Implications
Not too big of a NSF-W warning this time around, gonna be 99% fluff for this one because SWEET LIBERTY do we need more fluff for the girls on this site! Also, I don't normally include THIS many gals in a single ask but this shall be a very rare exception!
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Amber yawns loudly as she stretches out her arm, accidentally squishing her hand against S/O's face.
(Amber) "O-Oh! Sorry!"
She can't help but laugh at their expression, before giving a playful kiss on their nose.
(Amber) "At least you're up now!"
(S/O) "Amber...It's six in the morning..."
If anything, it looked like Amber was eager to get out of bed.
Even after last night, she was still bustling with energy.
The sun had yet to rise, but Amber still adored S/O in this lighting, giving them one last kiss on the lips before getting up and dressed.
(Amber) "See you at breakfast, S/O!"
She puts a Baron Bunny in their arms and a blanket over S/O, finally departing.
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When S/O's eyes flutter open, the first thing they see besides the light coming into the room is Ayaka gently smiling at them, with a similarly tired expression.
Her hand gently cups S/O's face, making them relax into her hold.
(Ayaka) "Good morning, my love."
(S/O) "Sleep well?"
Ayaka giggles and moves closer, her forehead resting on theirs as her eyes close.
(Ayaka) "Very."
Her cheeks begin to flush when their bare skin touch, but it doesn't stop the love she feels growing in her chest.
(Ayaka) "...If only I could stay like this forever with you. But, would one more hour suffice for now?"
(S/O) "For now..."
Ayaka smiles before feeling S/O's arms wrap around her, not saying anything else and simply enjoying the mutual silence.
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S/O is woken up by Arlecchino already moving out of bed and dressed. Her eyes glance over to them and finishes putting her gloves on.
(Arlecchino) "Good morning."
(S/O) "Already going?"
Arlecchino hums in reply, one hand going over S/O's and giving it a gentle squeeze before finally rising from the bed.
(Arlecchino) "There is always much to be done. The same applies for you."
S/O couldn't argue with that point, as much as they would like to lay in bed with her for the next few hours doing nothing.
Many people assumed Arlecchino was stone-hearted, especially since she didn't look that affectionate during mornings like these.
But S/O knew better. With just the grip of her hand, and the way she turned back a final time to look at S/O before departing:
Arlecchino cared.
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Beidou feels a heavy weight on her chest when she opens her eyes, seeing S/O's head gently resting near her shoulders.
With a smile, she ruffles their hair just gently enough to wake them up.
(Beidou) "Mornin' sleepyhead. I see you made yourself comfortable."
(S/O) "Heh, who wouldn't be? Better than any pillow I've ever used."
Beidou gently pushes S/O off so she can sit up, the blanket resting on her lap as it fell off their shoulders.
She didn't mind the cold air on her skin, since the only thing she was focusing on was S/O.
(Beidou) "Come on, let's go grab something to eat."
(S/O) "Can't admire you like this for a little longer?"
(Beidou) "Psh, there's always tonight."
She gives them a light kiss before finally getting up to get dressed with S/O following behind.
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Candace's arms still have S/O locked in a tight embrace, just as she had them last night.
Feeling her hands gently raise up and down made Candace feel at ease.
Though it was still quite early, she did have to begin her usual rounds soon.
Very slowly and carefully, Candace gently lets go of S/O, giving them a kiss on their forehead before putting her gear on.
(Candace) I will see you later today, S/O.
Candace makes sure not to wake them up as she says goodbye in her head.
With a final smile, she covers them with a blanket and leaves.
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Chiori's eyes reluctantly open, with a yawn and foreign warmth enveloping her.
She's about ready to shove it off before realizing what it was.
...Oh, right. S/O.
(S/O) "Mmnn...Mornin', Chiori."
(Chiori) "Morning. Do you plan on moving your hands anytime soon?"
Laughing at her response, S/O just gently squeezes her.
(S/O) "I dunno. Plan to move out of it?"
Directly after that, she rolls her eyes and moves closer.
(Chiori) "Maybe in a little bit. If you get coffee for me when I open up."
(S/O) "Deal."
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Furina is slightly drooling with her arms and hair sprawled out wildly, her hand on S/O's face.
S/O moves her hand off, slightly irritated at being woken up by being slapped.
Meanwhile, Furina is quietly snoring, all the while hogging the blanket.
Annoyed as S/O was, they couldn't deny that Furina was a little cute.
...Even in such a unflattering state.
(S/O) "You're lucky you're so cute..."
(Furina) "...mneh..." snore
(S/O) "...Most of the time."
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Kokomi stifles a yawn as she stretches in bed, feeling S/O's arms around her.
She giggles as tries her best to move without waking them up, getting to stare at their sleeping expression.
Just being this close enough to them was enough to power Kokomi for the entire day.
Especially since they'd be back by her side like this during the morning and nights.
(Kokomi) "S/O~!"
She gently taps their nose with a single finger, and sees their eyes slowly open.
Their eyes staring at her with such love made her heart race.
(S/O) "What a beautiful sight in the morning..."
(Kokomi) "Hm, I could say the same thing...!"
She knows that she has to get up eventually, but she would spend every second she can with them.
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Lisa does not want to move at all.
She holds onto S/O tighter before attempting to go back to sleep, but she felt them stir awake.
(S/O) "Lisa...?"
(Lisa) "Ssshhh...Too early still."
One eye glanced over to the wall.
Ten-o-clock? WAY too early for her.
With one hand, Lisa idly traces their shoulder before hugging them.
(Lisa) "We'll get up in an hour. We don't have to be anywhere today..."
(S/O) "Hah, will you be awake when an hour passes?"
(Lisa) yawn "I guess we'll see..."
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Lumine breathes a sigh of relief, seeing S/O still by her side.
She didn't have any nightmares, at least not when she knew they were sleeping next to her.
One of her hand gently brushes the hair out of their eyes, seeing their face move from her touch.
(Lumine) "Oh, sorry! Didn't mean to wake you."
(S/O) "Hm...It's okay..."
Both of their hands reach for hers, gently holding them.
(S/O) "I always wanna wake up from you, anyway."
She can't contain the embarassed laugh that escapes her lips, embracing them with her strength.
(Lumine) "...Same here."
Lumine sits up in the bed, not really caring that either of them were wearing anything.
(Lumine) "I can cook us up something, what do you want?"
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Navia's hair is tickling S/O's nose, making their face slightly shake it off as they see her beautiful smile in the sunlight.
Even when she looked a bit unkempt in the morning, Navia still looked absolutely gorgeous.
Doubly so when she wakes up with that infectious smile of hers.
She lays on her stomach as she gives S/O a wink.
(Navia) "Heya, S/O.~"
(S/O) "Morning, Navia..."
She immediately begins to pepper their face with kisses, making the both of them giggle.
(Navia) "Now, what shall we do for breakfast? Should we get it in bed?"
(S/O) "Hah, if I don't get up, then I'll want to be with you here forever."
(Navia) "And that's a bad thing how, exactly?"
She asks them with a toothy grin.
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Rosaria knows its about the afternoon when she finally wakes up, but notices the bed isn't empty.
(S/O) "Finally awake?"
(Rosaria) "Ugh, unfortunately."
She freezes up when S/O's hands ruffles her hair, but she doesn't move to shove it off.
Instead, she sits there and sees that S/O was reading a book in bed.
Notably, they have yet to put on a shirt.
(Rosaria) "Were you waiting for me to wake up this entire time?"
(S/O) "Yeah, but don't worry, I don't mind!"
Rosaria hums a little before she sits up with them, a small smile growing.
(Rosaria) "You didn't have to but...it's nice to wake up with you."
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Shenhe has already been awake for quite some time, but she did not want to wake up S/O.
Instead, she waits for them to do so before greeting them in her usual cool voice.
(Shenhe) "Good morning."
(S/O) "Hey, Shnehe-"
As they try to move, they notice that her arm's iron grip has not budged a single inch.
S/O shivered from Shenhe's cooler temperature due to her Cryo vision, but that didn't stop them from quickly heating up.
(S/O) "How long were you waiting?"
(Shenhe) "An hour or so, but it doesn't matter. I just wanted to be here when you woke up."
She feels their arms wrap around her waist, making her embrace them tighter.
It was almost to the point S/O's back was beginning to get sore, but that was a small price to pay.
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Xianyun finally feels S/O stir awake, her meditation finally coming to an end.
(Xianyun) "Ah, finally awake. One has noted that mortals tend to sleep in quite an extraordinary amount."
(S/O) "Well, when you did as much as we did last night...!"
Xianyun reaches for her glasses before turning to S/O with a smile.
(Xianyun) "One should develop something to help with your energy...Perhaps a cuisine of some kind?"
S/O couldn't help but feel curious.
(S/O) "What would even help with that?"
(Xianyun) "Dress yourself and come along now, we shall find the answer together."
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Yae's usual smug expression is more subdued this early in the morning, especially next to someone she loved.
Much to the surprise of S/O.
(Yae) "My, you can sleep for quite a while. Were you truly that tired?"
S/O yawned before turning to see Yae at them staring with a mischievous smile.
(S/O) "I wonder why..."
Their tone sounded a bit dry, making Yae laugh.
(Yae) "I suppose you'll just have to get better stamina."
Her finger traced down their waist before quickly bopping them on the nose, her ears slightly going up as she did so.
(Yae) "Do you plan on getting up, or keep staring at my beautiful face all day? Not that I would mind being lavished with praise."
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98-0 · 2 months
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For day O3 of my event: Ocean Themed
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𓈒⠀⠀⠀⠀𐔌⠀⠀kokomi⠀ ✙ ⠀tumblr lyts⠀⠀◞
Rb & credit 2 use⠀⠀⠀ 𓎠𓎠⠀⠀⠀⠀req'd by none
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gamergirl-niffler · 1 month
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Iridescent Arataki Rockin' for Life Tour de Force of Awesomeness
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eseninkit-blog · 10 months
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for ori from ko-fi💗
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animepopheart · 1 year
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★ 【久.】 「 心海 」 ☆ ⊳ sangonomiya // genshin ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on instagram
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chilumitos · 8 months
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🥛 on twt mieillee
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peachydog · 16 days
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Kokomi redesign
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thefloatingarray · 6 months
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Narukami and Watatsumi dynamic be like:
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divinepriestesskokomi · 4 months
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Kokomi from the Genshin Impact x Sushiro Collab Animations Art By かりや (@KRY_aia on twitter)
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zyaeya · 1 year
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Lynette, Eula, and Lumine with an s/o whose love language is acts of service, and enjoys cooking/baking for them?
(Genshin Impact) Signs of Love for Lynette, Eula, Lumine, Arlecchino, Chiori, Lisa, Yae, Xianyun, Dehya, and Kokomi
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Lynette prefers this type of love over any kind of flowery words.
After all, with her true profession words mean very little.
How someone acts tells her everything she needs to know.
It especially show in the way S/O cooks their meals.
After coming home from a show, she sees S/O gently smile at her, with a bucket full of shellfish on the table, and a small plate of lemons near it.
She doesn't need to say anything, a small smile from her and her tail swishing faster than usual tells S/O how happy she is.
Having some true peace and quiet with the people she loves nearby is all she could ever want.
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Eula is actually thankful S/O shows affection in a language she can understand: nonverbally.
With a simple hug, she can immediately tell how S/O is feeling with how tightly their arms are wrapped around her.
Eula chuckles, being behind closed doors allowing her more gentle side to come out.
(Eula) "Nice to see you too, S/O."
(S/O) "Dinner's already done, kept it warm for you."
(Eula) "How chivalrous of you."
She teased, before seeing a change of clothes already on the table for her.
This was something she could get used to.
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With all the things Lumine gets up to, having someone just prepare dinner for her while she's away is enough to make her to cry.
With no other obligations than just to come home safe to someone she loves, Lumine completely relaxes around S/O.
(S/O) "Welcome back. Busy day?"
(Lumine) "You already know."
Lumine slumps down on the chair, letting out a dramatic sigh making both of them laugh.
(S/O) "Dinner should be ready in a second, and I got a bath running upstairs."
S/O heard her head lean back into the chair.
(Lumine) "I could kiss you right now."
(S/O) "Do it when you don't stink."
Lumine rolled her eyes, hearing S/O chuckle.
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Arlecchino can easily smell the barbecue coming from the House of the Hearth, as well as the sound of children laughing.
And she knew S/O was in there, keeping them happy.
It was strange, admittedly.
To have someone who genuinely loved her, without knowing entirely what she was actually like.
And instead of showering her with useless words or gifts, S/O let their love show in how they treated her and her children.
It made her quite fond of S/O, and if they were already like this, then she knew she didn't have to say "I love you" to them every day.
(S/O) "Arle, care to join us?"
(Arlecchino) "Of course, have you made sure to make some for yourself?"
(S/O) "Mhm, just didn't want to dig in without you."
A smile finally grows on her lips as she sits down, S/O next to her.
(Arlecchino) "Apologies for keeping you waiting then, Shall we?"
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Chiori's not gonna sugarcoat it: Instant kiss with both her hands behind S/O's head the moment she sees her tools already brought out in the order she likes.
She didn't need S/O to do that, but this was way better than some expensive gift she'll never use or wear.
In fact, S/O made damn sure to never buy her clothes, as that would be the ultimate insult.
Instead, it was everything that could help her, ranging from tailoring tools and new windows.
All with an admittedly very cute smile they wore just for her.
(Chiori) "Hm, you have me head over heels for you, S/O."
She said, with a relatively deadpan voice.
(S/O) "You can barely keep the affection in, dear."
Both of them quietly chuckle as they work on their jobs inside the store.
Other than making her name known across all of Tevyat, she doesn't think she could ask for anything more.
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Lisa's eyes haze over with more love than she thought possible when she realizes that her tea is already on the table.
(Lisa) "Oh, you sure know how to make a woman's heart skip a beat, S/O!"
(S/O) "Well, I learned from the best, right?"
Lisa absolutely adores S/O's love language, seeing as she barely needed to lift a finger.
But that being said, she makes sure to return the favor. It isn't much of a relationship if only one side is putting in this much effort.
Both S/O and Lisa constantly do little things for each other, whether it be work or home related.
The real moment Lisa is ready to just drop down on one knee for marriage is when they already have a hot bath for her the moment she closes up the library.
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Yae gladly takes the sake S/O has prepared for her on the table, making sure to pour them some as well.
(Yae) "Oh, where would I be without you?"
(S/O) "Hm, probably very bored. But still in the same place."
Yae simply chuckles at that, not even bothering to argue.
S/O was certainly interesting in her eyes, as they rarely needed to be told how they could help her out.
She honestly expected their love to be a bit more grandiose instead of something so plain.
And yet she could hardly find room to complain about it. Especially with all the fried tofu they cooked for her.
(Yae) "Remind me to get you something nice for today. Oh, how about a signature from our very own Miss Hina?"
(S/O) "I think I'd prefer my reward not paid with someone's tears, Miko."
(Yae) "Hm, your loss."
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S/O already had Xianyun's heart at the good food, but everything else was a bonus that just kept on adding.
And what better way for One to repay S/O's love than eating every single morsel?
For all their efforts, Xianyun works to invent something special, only for S/O.
(Xianyun) "Hm..."
A single finger brushed the bottom of her chin, lips pursing as she struggled to think what machine they could use.
They already had her cooking tools, and while newer ones could be good, she felt the need to give them something even better.
(S/O) "Something on your mind, Xianyun?"
(Xianyun) "No, One's problem is that nothing is coming to it..."
She wanted to repay her affection in kind since this was her love language as well.
What about a machine that could allow them to fly with her?
...Actually, that'd probably be a bad idea....Or would it?
(Xianyun) sigh "If only you could fly, S/O..."
(S/O) "...?"
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As a mercenary/bodyguard, actions always spoke louder than words to Dehya.
And she'd be damned if S/O didn't show how much they loved her.
Whether it be buying a nice makeup set for her or preparing an entire bag of Candied Ajilenakh Nuts, it never failed to make her cheeks heat up at least a little.
(Dehya) "Thanks, I'll be sure to use it later! Let me know if there's anything you want me to get you as well!"
She had many types of people try to win her love with trying to smoothtalk or bribe her.
But all S/O had to do was pay attention to the little things.
And seeing how they were trying hard to reinforce her makeup case, Dehya already knew her heart belonged to no one else.
(Dehya) "...Is that steel?"
(S/O) "Think that's too much?"
(Dehya) "Hah, just a little!"
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It does not matter how tired Kokomi is, the moment she sees S/O tidying up her bed with a few books already by the nightstand.
Her energy skyrockets back up to full as if she got hit with a power boost.
(Kokomi) "S/O, thank you so much!"
She does feel a little bad for S/O to do so much for her when she's so busy.
But at the same time, it was hard to deny that being pampered like this was greatly relaxing for her.
So much responsibility was thrust upon her, it felt nice to have someone who had no expectations in return to do something just because they wanted to.
In her journal, the energy S/O gives her had at least four digits at any given time.
Of course, she makes sure that they don't ever see that, lest her energy drop to zero by making her want to bury her head inside a pillow.
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121231212i · 2 months
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Genshin Impact | Lightning-Riding Swordsman
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estherart0 · 3 months
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Cozy kokoeimiko! (fox Ei inspired by SIghOfLethe on twitter!!)
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c-ralique · 1 month
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ㅤ✧ㅤ𓈒ㅤplease help im laughing my ass off
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day O1 of @lavendergalactic silly week :3 a crackshipㅤOR。ㅤa gen alpha themed edit ( i don't actually ship them but these were too funny I HAD TO.. )
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