#kwon nayeon smut
iznsfw · 10 months
One Hop Ahead Of You
ARTMS' Jeon Heejin + woo!ah!'s Nana (Kwon Nayeon) x Male Reader Smut
18,039 words
Categories | bunny girls FTW, stepcest (kinda), blowjob, threesome, daddy kink, cunnilingus, angry sex, spanking, breeding
Bunny kpop idols are the best. There's Eunbi, Tsuki, then Heejin and Nana... Thanks for commissioning me this piece; sorry for the late post! Enjoy all the synonyms I could use for "but" :D
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Phone on, headphones plugged, music loud. That’s your story for road trips such as these, and you’ve zero plans about rewriting the plot. 
The scenery of beautiful mountains and blooming trees can’t break your focus on your mobile device. Your parents can’t either, as hard as they try; they’ve told you once or twice during the whole trip to look up from the screen for once. No, actually, scratch that: they’ve berated you about it at least every five minutes, and you’re starting to grow sick of pretending you can’t hear them. Your nonchalant continued stares on your phone don’t exactly convince them you can’t hear a thing.
Yeah, this is what happens when you give your toddler an iPad. The boomers might be right for this one. You can’t live without staring down at a bright screen, clicking at a bright screen, watching a bright screen. Eh, well, so what? Technology is a necessity in these modern days, and it just so happens that you need this kind of distraction on the road trip. Your mother and father think otherwise, but that’s because they live like it’s still the 70s or something. You don’t know. That’s how parents are.
Mobile data serves you well anyway. Your combat skills do not. You’ve been trying to kill a character on this app for a while, and it stuns you how strong her damage is. You click the sickle attack button more times than you can count and choose a special damage in between three taps, but you still end up dead. You’re seeking vengeance because the player talked shit about you on the main chat, and it doesn’t look like you’re going to show them up. You've got two deaths to go before you're seen as a pathetic little shit who tries too hard, and five kills to cement yourself as someone who isn't.
God, you’ve been playing this game for years—how are you still not good?
“Jay,” you could hear your mother call out from the edge of your earphones. She’s driving, her ringed hands firmly on the wheel. She meets your subtle gaze through the rearview mirror. “Jay.”
Groan. That’s your job as a son: to moan, groan, and drone on about everything and anything. You’re exceptionally skilled in this profession. “What now, mom?” you ask.
She gives you a sarcastic but playful little grin. “Oh, so you can hear me.”
Alright, you’ll let her have that one. But still: “Only because you’ve been nagging me for the whole trip.”
“Now now, don’t talk to your mother like that,” your father chides. He’s a kind-looking dude; he’s got triangle-shaped glasses and stubbles of a dead beard on his chin. “It’s true, but rude. Very rude, not a good look.”
Your mother clicks her tongue. She gives your father a millisecond glare before returning to driving. “Hey.”
“Honey, you know I love you, but your mouth—”
“Leave it at that,” she warns, voice dangerously tight.
Your dad doesn’t heed her warning. “—can be a nuisance.”
“That’s it. I’m pulling over. And you’re driving.”
He raises his hands. “Okay, okay,” he says passively, “I’m sorry.”
They harrumph at each other for a while, then kiss and make up, and you laugh a little. Subtly, of course. Everyone knows that part of going through teenage years (well, you’re a little past being a teen when you’re nearly twenty years old, but your mind is still the same as when you were sixteen) is denying with all your heart that your parents make you happy. You’re just going with the flow, as usual. 
It especially doesn’t help that you’re already an adult according to the Korean age system. Adulthood brings a kind of defiant independence in you, which you don’t know whether it’s a good thing or not. It has its moments, you guess.
“Oh, look at that,” says your mother, nudging your father, “Jay’s laughing!”
“I’m not!” you reply, biting your cheek so the smile doesn’t grow. Must. Not. Show. Them.
Your father peeks at you from behind the headrest and grins mischievously. “See? We still got it, don’t we?” 
The car swerves, barely making you match your fist bump with him. For this, you allow a slight smile—as much as you like to hide it like a career-ruining secret, you love your parents. They’re like two peas in a pod. Your father’s a rambunctious joke-loving guy your playful mother falls in love with everyday, resulting in, well, having you. 
Plus, because of that, you haven’t felt the need to regret being born or despising your parents, unlike other people your age. Their love for each other inspires you, and although every moment with them is guaranteed to have you be a third wheel again, you don’t mind. You love seeing them happy.
“Now that you’re back to earth,” your mother says, “can you please appreciate the surroundings? It’s too beautiful to go ignored.”
“That’s right. They won’t surround you when we fly back home.”
“Dad,” you groan, rolling your eyes. But doing a little observing is the least you could do. You can go AFK on this match for once. You’ve still got more mobile data to last a few days, so worrying isn't needed.
Look up. Blink once. Twice. It’s like a whole new world. Humble homes peek from between forests in the lower sides of the mountains. The sun is shining brightly, casting a yellow light on the trees that decorate the sides of the swerving roads. And the sky… has it always been that blue? The wispy clouds are just the cherry on top.
This place is so different from the urban city where your apartment resides. There’s no smoke, no cut trees, no rising buildings. It’s nature in its most pure state. 
There’s no traffic either, but—
“Mom, look out!” you yell, but you’re just a little too late. Just a little, and it would count, but for this one it doesn’t.
You can’t do anything about it then. The large truck that ventures on the wrong side of the road has a mission. Whether intentional or not, it can’t turn back. It collides heavily into the windshield, and you’re wrapped in dizziness and despair as your old car launches backward, rolling in the air a few times before roughly settling on the very curved edge of the road. 
Then it slides downward. You’re stuck in a spiral blurred with green and wood. What you remember is the feeling of being tortured and tossed through trees, and the truck following suit. It chases you long after its mission is complete.
Another thing you recall from the accident, as you’re lying down on the rough grass with blood on the side of your head, are two rabbits that stare curiously at you.
They seem to be sisters.
Voices, male and female, scruff and saccharine. They fill your ears like music but you can’t open your eyes to see to whom they belong. They speak of confusing topics and jumbled words. Can’t get a grip of their meaning. All the while your soul is yearning to rise from sleeping when it feels like you’re dying and the force inside you is struggling in defying a black fate. 
Your body, however, is blank of any pain. How strange. Strange enough that it’s a strong alarm for you to finally open your eyes. They’ve been glued together for a while, so when your vision greets you, you surprise even yourself. There’s a person in a white lab coat, and a white blanket mantles you. Is this heaven? Isn’t heaven’s signature color white?
First things first: how the fuck did they let you into heaven?
“Ah, so you’re finally awake.” A man with a rounded cap smiles at you. “How’re you doing, bud?”
Blink. So… this isn’t heaven? Do they wear caps in heaven? You don’t think so. Whoever invented denim caps deserves a nice little throne next to Lucifer. “Um. Alright, I guess?”
What should you even say when you’re trying to piece together who he was? You know you’ve seen him before when you were younger, but you’re not sure exactly when. All you’re aware of is that he looks too familiar. Kind of like deja vu. The beard and wrinkly skin tell you of a tale old as time.
“Hello, I’m doctor Kim,” says the woman in the lab coat as she approaches you. She extends a hand to you and you shake it politely. “You experienced a car crash in the morning near the terraces. Luckily, a man saw the tragedy and dialed 911.”
“Tragedy?” you wonder out loud. You’re still alive, so why would it be called that?
Doctor Kim lowers her head. “Your parents died immediately from the impact of the crash, sir. I’m sorry.”
Grief comes strangely to you, even when you’ve heard the news. You’d say you’re mourning, because you are, in a way—from that moment, you miss your parents dearly and wish that time travel existed so you’d prevent the accident from happening. But you aren’t… crying. You don’t burst into tears on the spot. There’s not even wetness in your eyes to help. Moreover, you haven’t made a small prayer for easier things to happen. It’s like the stages of grief avoid you at all costs and don’t even bother to orient you about their loss.
Maybe you’re just in denial. You’ve been staring at a blank spot on the hospital wall for what seems like ages, and you’ve only been conscious for minutes. Something’s changed within.
Wonder who’d be your parent now that both of yours are gone. You’re an orphan. You don’t even know how to drive back home or go back to the convenience store where you make your money. All your belongings for the road trip that was supposed to go beautifully are gone in the accident. 
Bite your lip thoughtfully. “Was it quick?” you ask quietly.
The doctor knows what you mean. Whether she’s lying or not is the question. “Yes.”
That comforts you a bit. What eats your insides from guilt, though, is that you never bothered to enjoy the road trip with them. You were always stuck to your damn phone. You didn’t talk much with them during their final moments, and it would haunt you forever. It doesn’t show on your face, though—it’s completely empty, devoid of any expression or pain.
“You really don’t recognize me, bud?” the man laughs, like he actually couldn’t believe it. 
Blink. Then it hits you. “Chan hyung…?” you ask. Hope you got it right because you’re steepering on sureness now.
“Bullseye.” So you did. He sits down on the edge of the hospital bed and cups your hand. “I’m a friend of your parents. They told me to look after you in case anything happens. They really loved you, y’know? Still do.”
You look down meekly and nod. Yeah, he’s right. They did. The other part’s true, too; if they had souls and were secretly watching the whole ordeal going on, they’d still love you. That’s how unconditionally they did it.
“I’m on the emergency contacts list, FYI.” He hands you his phone. “They even had a will and all. I hate that we got to meet again like this. Could have been in better circumstances. But that’s life, you know. Plus, it was quick enough to be painless.”
Your hand, linked to the dextrose, hardens in pain as it wraps around the device, but you go on. There on the screen, see that your parents did in fact keep him on the emergency contacts. He’s telling the truth. Now you understand why he looks so familiar.
Look up from the screen, (like you should have in the car when your mother and father tried to make conversation with you.) “I—I used to play baseball with you,” you say in childlike wonder. 
Chan laughs. “So I did. I’ll be happy to look after you. Probably even be your father, if you’d like.”
Your heart rises. “You’d really do that?”
“Of course! Your parents were good people, and I’d be glad to have you in my care. According to them, you’re a pretty good kid. Hope that’s true.”
“No promises.”
He laughs. He’s still got the same not-too-serious sense of humor like he did years ago. “What do you say, kid?”
He’s being a good guy, a good friend to your parents even after they passed, and you appreciate it. But being his son this quick after so much time seems like… betraying them. You know that’s not how it works, and your parents would have loved for you to gel quickly with him, but you’re just not ready. Something’s pulling you back.
What could it be?
“I…” you say, fidgeting. You don't know the right words to put it. “C-can I think about it first?”
The look on his face drops, but he smiles anyway. He must be a really good friend to be this understanding. “Of course,” he replies, retracting his hand from yours, “shouldn’t have put you on the spot. Just tell me yes or no when you’re ready. Deal?”
Three days is how long it takes for you to recover. To be fair, you already were—your limbs are working, and that’s enough for you. The doctors, however, insist on a lengthier stay and you kind of want to start shit in the living room and tell them how they were money-greedy exploitative little shits, but you’re not in the mood to cause a ruckus. Maybe some other time, when you eventually break all your bones and wheel out of the hospital cursing them for the bill. But yeah, some other time would work. Of course.
“I took the liberty of packing your stuff up for you,” says Chan, bringing over a luggage bag. It’s full to the edge of the zipper with clothes and other essentials. 
You wonder how he went to your home and back here to the hospital this fast. “How did you—”
“I had some help,” he replies simply. You don’t question any further.
You’re in a clean pair of clothes now. You hated wearing the hospital gown. It’s like they attempted to make hospitals less sad by fashioning a bib into a larger size. There you are with your assumptions again. Maybe the stages of grief have come for you after all. Why do you feel angry all the time? This can’t be normal.
What stage would it be if you’re afraid to get into a car because of their loss? You step into it with shaky legs, looking back and forth, as if you’re scared the vehicle would lurch forward suddenly. To be fair, it is a possibility, but a rare one. Your fear, therefore, is completely irrational, yet there you are: suddenly scared of… cars?
Get in finally. The breath you let go, however, has been keen on getting out. 
Chan knows well to avoid the path your parents went on when they died. He avoids it for both of your own wellbeings. They were close to him, too. He would hate to go down the road they died on. Like you, he wants to remember them fondly, not like the injured bodies that he said goodbye to at the morgue. Again, it’s for the best.
“Hey, kid,” he says. His peer at you through the rearview mirror gives you painful flashbacks. “You okay?”
He’s more attentive than he gives himself away as; he somehow notices your blank stare at the window and weak smile. He’s got you figured out, and you suppose that’s a good thing—it just shows how he could play his role as your dad pretty well if you let him. But then there’s the sense of yearning in you that’ll end up in no good. It’s yearning for your parents to come back, the yearning for them to somehow have the breath of life in their lungs again and have them rise from the morgue and walk back into your life. If they do that, you’d make an oath to be the best son. 
Ah, you know that won’t happen. It’s impossible. It’s wishful thinking that won’t amount to anything.
“You could talk to me.” His eyes stare straight at the road, but he’s not really looking at anything. “I miss them, too.”
“I’m fine, hyung,” you say. You’re not, but who needs to hear that? Not the guy to whom your parents entrusted you to. You’re twenty years old—who needs to hear an overgrown child’s lamentations? 
You don’t want to burden Chan at all. What you don’t know is he’s actually willing to hear all of it. You should have lamented about not knowing his openness rather than everything else. It would only lead to more sadness. 
The sadness evaporates a little upon seeing his house. It’s a nice place, with two stories and a nice terrace to lounge at. Maybe, from the other side, it’s your parents’ way of still loving you: giving you a nice home and a nice (future?) dad.
They're still looking after you. Look up in the sky and smile. Chan catches it, and for a second you blush in embarrassment, but he smiles, too. "See?" is what he says, followed up with: "Everything's gonna be fine."
Trust him on that.
Open the front door and it welcomes you into his home. Its main color is pure white. You start to wonder how the white walls are unblemished even with its ruinable color. Maybe he had it cleaned up for your sake. The furniture's good, too, but all it's good for right now is to be a bed for your luggage when you start to arrange things. 
"Your room's right over there," Chan says, pointing to an open door to your left. "Feel free to get some food or water. Whatever you like. You're family now." He steps closer and pats your shoulder. "Always been."
Smile appreciatively. Resist the urge to hug him and replace it with folding a few of your clothes into a pile to bring it over to your bedroom. Graphic shirts in one pile here, underwear and sleeveless shirts in the other over there. Add your headphones on top of the pile and you’re ready to start adjusting to your new room. Just one look and you could already tell it’s bigger than the one back at home. Well, former home, to be exact. You keep forgetting this is a whole new place that’s going to be where you sleep, rest, and laugh.
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That voice gets your guard down, and so does the girl standing in front of you. That deep voice certainly can’t belong to the sweet-but-indifferent-faced girl leaning against your door frame. Look around for a bit to see if it’s anyone else’s, but there’s no one around. Just you and the alluring woman blocking the pathway to your new room.
She gestures to the stack of clothes in your arms with her brows. “You plan on doing anything with that or what?” she asks. 
Yeah, that deep voice definitely is hers; you can hear it loud and clear. Not one syllable could belong to anyone else, no one but her. What’s her name? It’s—
“Heejin,” says Chan exasperatedly. Amusement is present in his tone too as he walks over to break it up and sling an arm around his daughter’s shoulder. “Don’t scare the new guy and let him in his room, please?”
“I’m just being curious, daddy,” Heejin explains. 
Oh, so that’s her name. Heejin. Jeon Heejin. Neat. Has a nice ring to it, but it somehow spells trouble. You swear those letters can’t make up that word, but with Heejin, it sure does. Not only does her name spell it, but so do her eyes that are way too observant, tracking your every move with prolonged glances, and the tilt of her head as if she were a trained German Shepherd rather than the animal she reminds you of: a bunny.
A bunny? 
"Oh, it's you!" you say. Almost drop your clothes on the floor when you realize it. How could you not have caught on?
Heejin smiles. It brings the sense of familiarity to wash more over your mind like waves. "Thought you would never recognize me, Jay," she says. "Hi there."
Try not to gawk with all your might, but you do anyway. Just hope it isn't obvious because see here, the Jeon Heejin you know used to be a shy little thing, never wanting to come out and play with you when you were younger out of embarrassment. Now, she writes confidence into each and every one of her moves, with a dazzling little smile to go along with it. How did she manage the transformation? You need the tips ASAP.
"Oh, right." Chan slaps a hand to his face and shakes his head. "You two've met before, right?"
She's a little sleazy when she rests her back on the frame again and nods, eyes never leaving your body. If anything, she's the one who's gawking and even if, for argument's sake, you are, it's just an eye for an eye. The two of you are just amazed at how much the other has grown up. Nothing more.
(Or… ?)
"So it seems," she says bluntly.
"Ah, should have known. But it was a long time ago, wasn't it?"
"Mhm." Heejin looks you up and down and smiles. "You've grown up."
"So have you," you reply, because she has. Toned muscle clings to her arms and she’s let go of the rectangle-shaped glasses. Now, circular Harry Potter spectacles sit on the bridge of her pointy nose. She stares at you through them for a while. She's a CCTV; she's monitoring your moves in HD and watching you put your clothes in neat piles in the cabinet drawers. Heejin gives you a stare that lingers long after you're done folding them. She's thinking of something, and you're not sure if you want to know.
"Daddy," she calls out. 
You don't know what you're doing when you turn your head in her direction. Much less when she winks at you. Blush furiously and hide your face behind spread shirts.
Chan peeks from the living room. "Yeah, hon?" 
"I think Nana's waiting for you to pick her up? It's 3 p.m.."
"Ah, right. Can’t forget about that little rascal.” He wipes his mouth and gets up. “Help Jay with his stuff, please, Heekki?"
It only takes seconds for Chan to find his keys, but for you it takes hours. Your heart beats loudly at the thought of being alone with Heejin, and you can’t differentiate its drumming with being nervous or excited. When he finally gets out and you hear the car pull out of the way, you’re stuck. Heejin’s somewhere near the corner of your room but it doesn’t look like she’s the one who has nowhere to go. 
She’s stunning with all those locks of shiny dark hair curtaining her shoulders and fit body. Her legs do more than peeking out from her low-cut shorts as she navigates your new room. The round glasses that sit on her nose just pull her whole, gorgeous look together. You can’t believe how beautiful she’s become. She was always a pretty girl, but the maturity and growth that coursed through her early years of adulthood made her glow. It’s like you’re looking at a new, refined version of her.
“I’m sorry about your parents,” says Heejin. She picks away at a poster of a famous basketball player, name redacted. “They were good people.”
“Trust me,” you sigh, “I know.”
God knows you didn’t appreciate your parents much. It’s a pet peeve of yours to be reminded to be grateful in grave situations, but your mother and father were different from other pairs of parents. Others were abusive, neglectful, cruel. Yours knew how to take care of you while letting you dip your toes into the pool of freedom at the same time. Your parents loved you. Not a lot of people could say that.
“And they told my dad to take you in, huh?”
“Does that bother you?” you say, with an unintentional bladed edge to your voice. Realize how you said it and immediately shut your mouth.
Heejin blinks, disarmed for a while, then recovers quickly with a smile that’s just as dazzling as her. “For what it’s worth,” she says, taking the chance to place herself beside you a little too close for anything that isn’t lustful intent, “I’d love to have you over here as long as you like.”
You don’t know what to say. Her being this close with you is setting off fireworks inside of you. Put a pillow snug in your lap just to be sure and nod. “Thanks, Heejin.”
“Of course.” Heejin rests her chin on your shoulder and whispers so softly that it could’ve been your imagination deluding you again: “I’ll make your time here worthwhile.”
Jerk your head, but she’s already scampering to the door and exiting your room. She doesn’t even look back. 
“Hey,” you say, trying to break the ice that only freezes you, “Chan hyung said you would help me with my stuff!”
No response.
So you were right to think that she’s trouble. But god, would you love to be wound up in her.
You’ve stared at the ceiling for too long, but now, it’s not out of grief. It’s out of fear. Are you doing the right thing by wanting to fuck your sister? Well, she’s not exactly your sister yet, but she’s somehow related to you now considering her father treats you as a son, too. A stepsister, maybe? There’s no other fitting term than that.
What should you do? Is gawking at her and her desirable body going to make your parents in the afterlife proud? You’re sure they’d be disappointed. But is it your fault that Heejin’s grown into this naturally flirtatious woman? Not at all. Is it your fault that she’s so damn attractive? The answer is no, too.
It could be a yes though, because it isn’t Heejin to blame that her new brother wants to have sex with her. You’re both in the wrong, and two of those don’t exactly make a right.
Look around your room, then at the door where she leaned on as she successfully intimidated you. Is it locked? Fuck it, you don’t know, and you probably don’t even care. What you do know is that you’re too turned on by the thought of your new sister Jeon Heejin, and you need to do something about it.
(To the cracked hole in the fourth wall, you say, What? I have needs, too, you know. And you do, too—why do you think you’re reading this now?)
Lift your comforter just a little and slide your hand south. Cup your bulge, caress it, then spring it out. It’s already solid, and it doesn’t need too many strokes to have the blood rushing there completely. Your stiff rod aches for a touch, aches for Heejin, and stimulates itself to the thought of her as you start to jerk off.
You think of how she could swing those full thighs over each side of your face, and though her form would burden your chin, you’d happily eat of her. Bet that her pussy’d taste just as good as her lips. You’d lick and suck her clit while she moans and writhes until the two of you couldn’t take it anymore; her core would feel numb after the pleasure and your jaw would ache for days.
You recall how her lips were just inches away from you earlier, only barely touching the curve of your ear. Think of how those lips would feel much better if they were on yours. Yearn for your mouths to meet to the point that you’re moaning in each other, taking in the natural scent of skin and sex.
Finally, you think of the changes you’ve seen in her. Where was the shy, antisocial Heejin of yesterday? Now she’s grown, just like you, and looks far better than you’d imagine. She’s turned into this will’o the wisp goddess.
“Heejin,” you say, as quietly as you could, “Heejin, Heejin, Heejin—”
“God, I really turned you on that much, huh?”
Your pumps stop, and your sight catches onto the said woman you’ve been jerking off to. She’s in the same place as she was earlier, at her opening scene at the door frame. You’re more than happy to see the pretty Heejin, but she can’t show up now. Not when you’re jerking off. She can’t just appear in the corner like she teleported for the pure purpose to catch you in the act.
“Heejin!” you yell, pulling the covers onto yourself. “G-get out of my room!”
She’s wearing her sleep clothes now, but she still looks like she dressed to impress. Her body pulls together the skimpy shorts and loose shirt she sleeps in into something that could have been worn on a haute couture catwalk. Her raised brows, haughty eyes, and quirked mouth all show how she’s smugger than the word itself.
“Aww,” Heejin says, walking over to sit on your bed, “what should we do to you now, oppa?”
You’re horrified, to say the least. It’s your first day at a new house and you’re already doing something wrong. The bare minimum you should do in this situation is to tell the girl to fuck off. Tell her to go far away and flee to anywhere but your room. You can’t just stare at her like she’s a dream come true, even if she is.
Let’s see: you have your new sister on your bed who caught you jerking off. There has to be some other way this would end, but the two of you know where this leads. The question that remains is if you’d be able to hold back.
You make the first step to resisting the inevitable outcome. “Heejin,” you say, breaths shredded into panicked little gasps, “I’ll only say it again and no more. Get out of my room.”
She smiles sweetly and shakes her head. “Can’t make me. I want to know what you were doing, Jay.”
“No!” You won’t be saying it, you won’t dream of saying it, you’d rather die than to be caught saying it. It’s already bad enough when it goes unspoken. What more if you pronounce what you were doing with each syllable more embarrassing than the other?
“Then I guess I should just”—she tugs the covers off—”oh my, Jay oppa. You were touching yourself to me. And I thought I was just being narcissistic.”
Your cock leaks in the cold air. Heejin laughs tauntingly. It sounds so much more attractive than it should, especially when her voice is deep and rich. It sounds… sexy?
Oh, what are you doing? You should feel embarrassed, maybe even petrified at the mere thought of your childhood acquaintance slash new sister slash new crush seeing your dick. But your mind doesn’t brew with insecurities upon seeing her eyes glimmer with eagerness.
She can’t do this. No, no, no, you can’t do this either. Let fucking her remain a fantasy pirouetting in your head, not one that comes true. It’s so much more awkward when it translates into real life where you somehow think it into existence. 
Awkwardness isn’t in Heejin’s dictionary, though. She looks far from uneasy or disgusted. In fact, you swear there’s a small grin dimpling her cheeks. It’s like she’s actually flattered that you’re jerking off to her.
“If I knew you had such a big cock, Jay oppa…” she says, placing a hand on your hip to prop herself on it. You jerk involuntarily, which happens at the worst time; your cock almost brushes her cheek. “I would have let you fuck me in front of daddy. Or would you rather I call you daddy?”
“Why are you here, for god’s sake?” you say. You’re biting your lip to suppress your humiliated screams.
“Well,” she taps her chin, a feat that would be adorable if you’d just cast the situation aside, “I thought I heard something, and it was just as I suspected.”
“Fine, I’ll say it for the third time: Jeon Heejin, get the fuck out of my room.”
“Oh, that’s right. Say my name, oppa. Daddy.” She winks. “Say it and I might just put my lips on this big fat cock.”
“No, you won’t.” 
It sounds more challenging instead of intimidating, and it’s clear that Jeejin doesn’t cower away from dares anymore. “Watch me.” 
She lowers herself onto your lower body and admires your length with bright bunny eyes. “I’d let you blow in my mouth as much as you like. I’d fuck my throat on it and give it a nice good kiss. Oh, right, you wanna know how? Like this.” 
She engages with your dick into an open-mouthed osculation, swallowing the tip and suckling it, too. Groan, but when you pull your hand out to do the opposite to her head, she’s already sitting back up. You really can’t have your way here, not when your new sister knows of her danger and puts it to good use. She’s resourceful like that, and it both impresses and scares you.
Heejin wags her finger in your face as if she were scolding a trouble child. “No, no, Jay oppa,” she reprimands you. “That was just a teaser. If you really want me, jerk off to me. Say my name.”
You can’t say no to her. Well, actually, you can—you just refuse to. You’re fifty-percent scared of the outcome of making this deal with Heejin and fifty-percent excited. There’s an Alice-like curiosity in you that yearns to see what might happen. Would she really keep her end of the deal and suck you off? Or leave you with blue balls like she did earlier?
Wrap your hand unsurely around your penis again. She nods encouragingly. 
Do your usual routine: up and down. Murmur her name over and over, your gaze connected with hers. Her smile grows bigger as your pumps become less measured. You start to spiral out of control. How can you not when she’s just too fucking hot? Her succubus stare, thighs that look fuller as they rest on your mattress, her intent that grows more clear as she rubs your thigh. You’re trapped in lust, and you know you have to settle down a little before you completely lose track of all senses, but you can’t stop. How could anyone when there’s Jeon Heejin as she lives and breathes in front of you?
Say her name, say her name. 
Say it like a poem, say it like it’s one of fame. 
Say it like you’re about to cum, which you are, and your climax isn’t one that’s too far—
“That’s it, Jay,” says Heejin in a tone that’s almost loving. As your cum shoots an obscene, one-direction spurt, she replaces your hand with hers. “Cum for me. You want to fuck me so bad it’s pathetic.”
Her touch is as rough as it is soft. You say it’s too much in between thin whimpers of pleasure, but her flexed hand is determined to keep pumping. Her fist tightens and her jerks grow stronger. 
“Naughty, naughty oppa. Look at this thick hot cum. Is it all for me?”
You’re spraying all over her and her meaty thighs. Her shorts get stained and you try with all your might to contain the bursts of white, but you end up on the edge again. You end up releasing more. Your thoughts run in circles and bump into each other—they’re scolding you, hurting you, asking you why the fuck are you cumming from your new sister’s handjob. You’d answer them by saying you don’t know, but you know the reason probably more than you know yourself: 
Heejin is unbearably alluring, and her giving you a handjob is unbearably wrong. Strangely, both of these facts get you going. The mere truth that she shouldn’t be doing this with you makes you want more of it. Has grief taken a more different route in traumatizing you? Oh god, what would your parents think?
What would Chan think? He trusts you enough to be a good big brother to Heejin. Would you really throw his trust in you away, all for his irritatingly hot oldest daughter?
If you’d take a look at the situation—you having just ejaculated on her—it seems like it.
“No,” you say. It’s a crack in your integrity knowing that you could stress her name in any way or form, and she’d still be hot as fuck. It wouldn’t undo what she did to you and what you let her do. “P-please. We shouldn’t be doing this.”
“That’s what makes it fun, right?” She wipes your cum from her thighs with her shirt. “Besides, I did say I’ll make your time worthwhile.”
How does that work? A brother and sister, whether related by blood or not, should bond by having sincere talks and treating each other, not by having sex. 
(But she’s right about the fun part. Looks like Heejin is just as fucked in the head as you are.)
“I want to have some fun, Jay oppa,” she explains. She places her palms on her thighs caked with cum, and pouts. From that, you know you can’t resist. You wouldn’t dare. “Won’t you let me, pretty please?”
She’s both hot and adorable. Hot enough to drive you crazy and adorable enough to convince you to do any of the most mundane things out there. You don’t know how to do this with her. It seems like no matter how cute or sleazy she poses herself as, she’ll always get what she wants somehow. 
It’s dumb of you to even try, but you do: “Okay, what fun do you want to have?” Say this while collecting tissues from the little box at your bedside table to wipe down her thighs. You expected to use the tissues for self-love sessions and nights when the tears couldn’t stop. You never thought that you’d have to use them to clean your cum from your new sibling’s legs.
“You know exactly what I want: I want this”—she points at your cock—”in here”—then at the center of her shorts.
Immediately your already gray morals come out to play. “I can’t do that.”
“Why not?”
“Heejin,” you say, biting your lip to stay quiet. It’s not intentionally hot or whatsoever, but Heejin’s mind particularly hangs onto that for a while. “We’re brother and sister now. We can’t do this. What if your dad finds out?”
“Aww, I get it. I do, really. But you’re so going to hit my guts if you fuck me right now.” She throws off her shorts, leaving her in nothing but a set of cute pink panties. Then, she scoots herself over so that your cock rests upon her small belly, right in front of her core. “See? You can spread me that well, and I won’t mind at all. I promise.”
Look at your cock and how far it can reach inside her, how it can push her walls apart. Oh god, it’s tempting. Everything about her, from her perfect face to her spread thighs, calls for you to forgo propriety and just fuck her. 
“This bunny’s waiting for you, oppa.” Heejin does more than wait and pulls down your boxers. Pulls down her panties. Pulls down your ethics and morality and principles and everything you used to go by; down they go into the river of fire. “This bunny girl’s gonna fuck herself on this cock. You want that, don’t you, daddy? You want me to ride you and call you daddy. Make me call myself your little bunny. Yeah, I’ve got you all figured out.”
What she’s doing may be wrong, but what she’s saying is right. You, in all unfiltered honesty, want to see Heejin bounce on you and ride you endlessly. Her toned thighs and calves are made for it. She deserves getting what she wants after jerking you off.
But does Chan deserve this: have his new son and his daughter betray his trust? Turn the family upside down all because of lust? 
Oh, who cares what he thinks? When Heejin slides her pussy down your cock in one try despite her refusing tightness, you lose your thoughts. The will to take her roughly, just like she deserves, takes its place. It rules your head with an iron fist, just like how you rule Heejin’s impossibly tight pussy with iron-clad thrusts. 
“Oh, oh, oh fuck,” she gasps. She squeezes her eyes shut and grabs onto your shoulders. Her hold is tight. That’s one thing it has in common with her cunt. “Daddy, you’re so big. I can’t, p-properly ride it, you’re too big.”
Your cock is held hostage by Heejin’s stubborn cunt. She wants it to stuff her fully, but never could let it inside her. She’s too tight. Your hands on her waist, you push her down as gently as you could. She lets out deep groans and sighs. 
“That feels so good, daddy,” she tells you. After that, you achieve a dream you never thought would come true, as light as it is compared to fucking her: a kiss. It’s not as passionate as her bouncing on your crotch, but it’s good enough to have you blushing. “Yes, you like it when your little bunny girl kisses you? You like how tight she is?”
You nod. That’s all you can do when you’re speechless. What else can you say to her? You can’t tell her that it isn’t true when every iota of her words are true. 
“You can do better than that, daddy,” Heejin gasps, head tossed back. A storm of black hair hangs over your bed clothes. “I know you can. Yes, just like that. Do it. Fffuck me harder, I want it, fuck—”
Clearly, slow, precious pumps into her tiny hole aren’t going to work. So it isn’t exactly all your doing when you lift Heejin and suddenly have her pinned to the bed. The balance of power is reversed—you’re now pounding her to your mattress, spreading her legs and propelling your thrusts into the perfect target: her small, damp hole. You take advantage of how wet she is by thrusting bluntly and exclude the rest of your length for a chance to breathe. With Heejin, though, there’s no such thing as breathing. She’s left you gasping for air since your reunion.
“Hnnn, lookie here, daddy.” She lifts her shirt, revealing a surprising set of subtle yet hard abs, where your bulge appears and disappears. “You’re so big that you’re, fu— fucking reaching my tummy. That’s why you have to go deeper. Can’t waste such a big cock, right?”
She grabs your waist to aid your pumps. She must have done some serious lifting in the gym; those harsh tugs and pulls have got to be from somewhere. You’re thrown into a looped route of jamming your tip against her G-spot and cervix hard. Heejin’s grippy pussy refuses to let you go through the night without going down on her. Not that you’d have it any other way. Silly how just moments ago you were telling her not to continue her advances, yet now you’ve advanced past flirty banter with her.
Make it a point, no, a goal to thrust upward rather than only forward. She spreads her legs more, and you reach under her loose shirt to squeeze her breasts. Her nipples are perky and deserve each of your tweaks. Heejin whimpers, as if she were an actual bunny caught into a trap. What a terrible hunter you are, but it’s simply revenge. The disguised predator, Heejin, was actually prey—she’s caught into the ropes she went to with confident hops.
The hunter becomes the hunted.
“Fuck, you’re going to put a baby in me,” whines Heejin. “C-can’t do that, just—no, just cum on my stomach, please. My mouth, my legs, anywhere.”
When she puts it that way, it makes you spite the fact that it’s forbidden. You want to release in Heejin and make her feel your warm cum. Let it infiltrate her womb and give her a baby. You can’t have that happen, yet you want it to happen. It shouldn’t be like this.
“Please,” you say. You’re getting incredibly close that it rides on your tongue like the aftertaste of a dessertful. You can’t believe you’re actually begging to cum inside her, but any man would if put in your place. Anyone who thinks it’s pathetic clearly hasn’t met Heejin face to face.
“Daddy,” she says, “you can’t…”
Saddening news, and she isn’t too happy about it either. The tremble of her lower lip is one you capture with a firm kiss. Your breaths get caught in her mouth as you near climax. And the orgasmic Heejin’s wrapping her legs around you tight, as if daring you to breed her even if she’s clearly told you not to. It’s like her legs, sealed around your hips, bear the weight of the advantages and disadvantages and spread them out for you, yet the thing in between them makes you forget all about the cons. 
It’s scary how you almost give in.
Just in time, however, you pull away and bust a load on her tummy. It’s the product of all the jabs your rod did at it. It’s only fair it gets to show the plentiful result laid all over the muscled skin. 
Heejin looks down at the pool of cum while gasping for air. She swallows, then smiles. “Not bad for a guy who’s gonna be my big brother.”
You can already tell having sex with her is going to become a usual affair. The look she flashed you before leaving for school is telling enough. When she woke you up with a sloppy blowjob, saying in between soft suckles that “I have at least one hole you could fill,” you went insane. You’ve made your bed. Now you have to lie in it.
To be fair, you’d lie in Heejin forever if you could. But as a son, you have duties to fulfill. Although Chan told you that you’re free to do whatever you wish, you still have the sense to help around the house. You don’t want to be seen as a burden. You’d want to be anything but the new son who doesn’t know how to do things, especially for your new sisters.
Your new relationship with Heejin, though, exceeds familial bond. Will you hide it from Chan or put a stop to what she’s doing before it transforms completely? Down the road feelings from both ends might get involved and increase the overall taboo of the situation. Chan would probably get suspicious. 
You don’t know what to do.
Take your mind off things. Make an extravagant meal, or at least a style-over-substance one. Follow the instructions of a recipe for mashed potatoes at the back of the gravy powder packet. Hell, you could do this: set cut and peeled potatoes in a pot of briskly boiling water, mash them after smearing them with butter, shake pepper onto those motherfuckers… done! 
Put your masterpiece into a bowl and set it on the table. It actually looks pretty good. Maybe being a chef is your calling. You can already imagine the scenarios you’d go through as one. Chef Jay doesn’t sound too bad, right?
Chan is at work while Heejin’s at college. You’re glad you won’t be seeing Heejin for the remainder of the day; as much as you’d hate to see her go, meeting her would make you feral. She left a to-do list on a post-it sticky note on the fridge door, which looks like it’s been there for a while if you take into consideration the boxes all being checked. 
A more recent one, however, is Chan’s own reminders written on a piece of ruled college notebook paper, apparently addressed to you and Nana: 
Good morning! Have an awesome day ;)
Please treat yourself to the Mcdonalds in the fridge, just reheat it pls
Take care of yourselves, love you!
Ah, you wouldn’t have made mashed potatoes if you knew Chan had left some McDonald’s. You hope that he still remembers your favorite from years ago: a classic Big Mac with medium fries to go.
Open the fridge eagerly and—
There’s nothing?
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You know who it is. That voice is decidedly more youthful than Heejin’s, but not anymore that high. It’s Nayeon. Nana, to be exact. Everyone you know calls her Nana in order to avoid confusing her with Im Nayeon who’s somewhere in the line of the kids of your parents’ friends.
Nana’s younger by only a year, hence being the perfect playmate for you back then. The two of you would run around and yell at each other gleefully, basking in the joys of childhood you didn’t know would last that short. 
So, when you step closer to her, you don’t really believe it’s her. If there’s anything in common between the bright Nana and the laid-back Heejin, it’s that they’ve both grown up beautifully. 
“Nana?” you ask. 
Her hair was a silky black then, often wrangled in between with sand and dirt, but now, it’s a mass of coffee brown. It looks like she’s gotten glasses, too, aside from a light fringe that settles prettily on her forehead. 
But then there’s Nana’s body, which you used to pick up as a child to mimic flying heroes with, which has grown… voluptuous. In the volleyball shorts and casual statement tee, it flatters her medium-sized bust and meaty thighs just right.
(It probably even coaxes you into thinking she’s the perfect… girlfriend?)
Her face still is adorable as ever. If someone were to put the cutest face in the world with the perfect body, the outcome would be Nana. She’s more than that, actually; she just so happens to be exactly your type.
Oh no, here you go again. Your feelings for her from your youthful days resurge, and you realize you’ll probably add another fuck-up to the list before this day ends. Meeting Heejin was one thing, but Nana, your first grade playmate slash friend slash childhood crush? Slash new sister? You’re as good as dead to Chan if he finds out what you want to do to her.
“Jay oppa!” says Nana. Her smile has grown more beautiful, just like the rest of her. It’s still cheeky, but wider. “You remember me, right?”
How could you not? “Y-yeah.”
“Aww, sweet!” Nana pokes you on the shoulder. “Anyway, I ate your Big Mac, sorry. I got hungry.”
Oh, so Chan did remember your favorites. 
“One meal wasn’t enough for you?” ask her, grinning. You still got that playfulness in you with her. Hopefully she reciprocates.
She gives you the finger. 
Scoff and turn away with raised hands. “If it makes you feel better, I made potatoes for you,” you announce, “but I guess I’ll have them since you ate my Big Mac.”
“Overgrown baby.”
It’s just like the old times, except for today, nobody gets hurt. The two of you know the truth: you’ve missed each other so much. Not a day goes by when you don’t think of each other. You’re embedded into the depths of everyday thoughts, the times when she’d say oh no, I wasn’t thinking of you but only because she doesn’t realize it because you’re layers upon layers upon layers of idle thought. 
It would take an expeditioner to navigate through the history you and Nana have.
You’re childish. What makes up for it is what you say next, because it’s kind of true and isn’t merely something to say just for the hell of it, as you step forward and lower your gaze to her with a sobering glare: “Brat.”
Nana approaches you with her hands folded behind her back. She tilts with each step, as if contemplating on whether she is one or not. “Am I?” 
She’s so much smaller than you, yet your hands fill up when you place them on her hips. Her waist is tiny compared to the slopes of her hips and thighs. Her cheeks (on both parts, to be clear, because you know what you’re thinking) are sizable, too, and you can’t choose between the two pairs on which to squeeze.
“Can you handle it?”
You see where this is going. You’re still a mirror of each other, and the glass still reflects lust. “Nana.”
“Fine,” she says indifferently. She hops on the kitchen island and crosses her arms. That should be a sign that she’s going to be anything but. “Be like that. Pretend you don’t know what I wanna do. Even better, pretend you don’t like me.”
She’s got it all wrong. Draw in some air and let it out immediately. “I do like you, Nana,” you clarify. “But—”
How do you tell her what the matter is without revealing that you just had sex with Heejin the night before? You’ve no idea how to go through this. Your feelings for her collide with your attraction to her sister, as well as what you did with her.
No outcome of this is morally right, but who cares for morality? You do, although you’re the last person who should be talking about that. You’re trying to salvage what’s left of your ethics and piece it together to make yourself believe that you’re a good person. Newsflash: you’re not. No good person would fuck his new sister and want to fuck the other, too.
Whir the script you used for Heejin for her younger sister. “We’re family now,” you say weakly. 
Nana rolls her eyes. “Get off your high horse.”
“It’s not a high horse. It’s… it’s decency.”
“Hm. Okay.”
It’s surprising how quick Nana concedes. Her simple answer should have led to a simple result: the two of you never talking about this again and respecting the boundaries of the other. But no, she’s walking towards you, setting her hands on your shoulders. Her mouth is nearing yours, somewhere you’ve dreamed of it residing despite it being so wrong.
“Then stop me,” she dares you. It’s a tougher dare than the ones she made you do on the playground. “If you’re so righteous and don’t want to kiss me, stop me.”
You shouldn’t kiss her. You want to, but it’s something that should never happen. Your feelings for her since your childhood days can’t come out to play when she’s your new sister. No unspoken law of morality says that it’s fine for you to sweep her up in your arms, kiss her, and take her to bed. If you do, you’re committing multiple crimes. 
Nana is the braver felon. She presses her lips on your mouth, and you have to admit, in spite of the wrongness, that it’s everything you’ve dreamed of. Her chapsticked mouth is soft and sweet. You really should have held back. Nevertheless, her tongue is in your mouth, and soon you’re holding her head in your hands so you could kiss her properly. 
She’s turned you into a felon, too. So rob her of her breath. Hold her body hostage on the island. Kill your hesitation. You’re one of the same, yet only one of you has shown any hesitation in doing this. In fairness, there’s still a voice in the back of your head that commands you to stop. 
You don’t listen to it.
“Did your dad put any CCTVs in the house?” you ask breathily. If you’re going to do something wrong, you should at least try to hide it.
“He’s old as shit. Of course he didn’t,” says Nana, giggling. “If you eat my pussy right now he won’t know. Unless, of course, you want to get caught.”
“So you’re scared of climbing trees but not getting caught having sex?”
“Hey, I’m not scared of climbing trees anymore! Now shut up and eat me. Consider this… your lunch, since I had your McDonald’s.”
“By all means, Nayeon,” you say, pulling down the shorts that live up to their name and the flimsy set of pink panties.
“It’s Nana—ohhhh…”
Her correction gets lost and translated into moans. You’re sending quick, dainty licks on her clit. Enjoy the shivers Nana does. You know well to prey on that area after that, besides your experience with an old high school fling and sex ed. You also know to caress her thighs to send chills up her body, somehow even bringing heat to her core.
She’s too light to cause injury, but she almost, almost does when she squirms her hips harshly into your face. “Oppa!” she squeals. Her fingers are wrapped at the edge of the island as she lifts her lower body up for you to devour. “Th-that feels so good—fuck—”
“Thought you didn’t like to curse,” you say. Break the contact with her clit and let your finger take its place. 
“And I thought you were a virgin.”
You don’t realize that your finger rubbing on her sensitive little nub takes the offense out on it. “The fuck?”
“Y-yeah, I know.” Nana hisses. She rolls her hips up and down. “I thought you’d be too scared to have sex with me. You know, besides the obvious reasons.”
“So you’re saying I should be the guy you thought I would be? And stop?”
“Don’t you fucking dare—”
Laugh. “Relax,” you tell her. “I’m not going anywhere. I’ll eat this delicious pussy of yours till you’re screaming, I promise.”
Nana laughs as well. She rests her calves on both of your shoulders and smiles. “Spoken like a true non-virgin.”
It helps that she’s so fucking delicious. You’d start having her as a rewarding meal after tough days rather than McDonald’s. She’s the perfect balance of sweetness and tanginess, filling your mouth like a rain of sugar. Wrapping your lips around her nub just brings out more wetness and moans that are just as sweet. Her sounds of pleasure are exactly what you’ve fantasized about them being: soft yet high, clinging to pitched tones and increasing in volume when you slurp on her nub. 
Her sounds are so much different from her sister’s. Heejin’s moans are deep and unearth even deeper feelings of lust for her. Nana’s drive you crazy in a different way. They urge you to keep eating her, to keep suckling harshly on her little clitoris so you’d have her stiff nipples poke the front of the cloth of her shirt, to keep doing away with her tiny hole so that she’s begging in that cute little voice of hers. 
She’s more passive than Heejin, too. It took rough patches for you to finally be able to fuck her sister into temporary submission. For Nana, it only takes a few licks here and there, and she’s already shaking. Still, you can’t choose between them. 
Why choose anyway when you can have them both?
Nana, of course, is good enough for now. Though she’s got you in a padlock between her thighs and forcing you to keep eating her, you give in happily. Your hands are curled around her thick soft thighs to maintain her sprawled position on the island. And dear god, are you taking advantage of it. The suction of your lips is almost cruel, and the poor girl has to alternate between loving it and being overwhelmed.
Run your hands along her delicious backside then squeeze the two round globes. She moans appreciatively, and she’s faced with another two decisions to choose from: to reverse herself into your hands so you could play with her ass more or to go forward to have your mouth absolutely devouring her. Both options are sure to provide her pleasure, but she can’t choose just one. So she moves her hips forward and backward, grinding on the tip of your tongue and your rough palms. It feels so much better this way for her. She’s finally found a good routine.
“Oppa, oppa, Jay oppa,” groans Nana. “Please, p-please.”
She doesn’t specify what she’s begging for. She doesn’t need to anyway when you know the answer. That’s why you run your tongue along her soaked labia, then let it peek into the hole they welcome you in. Delve your tongue inside her deeply. Her ass lifts off the surface and you have to pull her down to earth though she’s close to meeting heaven because of you. No, she’s staying here, under your control and touch. She isn’t going anywhere.
Not that Nana would rather be anywhere else. She’s content with having you orally please her. She likes the feeling of being sprawled out before and under you and letting you have your way with her. She was wrong to think you were a virgin; the wildest laps of an inexperienced mouth definitely won’t feel this good.
She should eat your lunch more times if this is how it would end.
“Your tongue, fuck,” she says, voice shattered, “ it feels so good—don’t stop, please, I can’t—”
You don’t plan on it. Nana’s too delicious, too sweet to stop eating of. She’s definitely miles better than what you were supposed to have for lunch. Although your head still swirls at the idea that you’re actually having sex with your crush, hesitation is a faint dream. Her moans, sweet and whiny, prod you on and tell you a story of a climax approaching.
Draw out the plotline by tracing a line from her slit to her pearl, repeat then, shove a plot twist in there by suddenly curling your tongue inside her. She provides the dialogue and ending line:
“Jay oppa, I’m cumming!”
Nana’s screams switch to squeals when you spank her bubble butt while continuing to eat her out. She reaches for your head and pulls it deeper between her thighs, while her other hand rests on her left nipple. The combined pleasure unexpectedly makes her leak of squirted girl cum. Of course, you waste no time in licking that up.
“T-too much, fuck, oh yes,” she gasps. Her breaths are burdened with each word. “Spank me, oppa, just like that!”
Everything you do drives her crazy. From your spanking and sucking, her hips never fail to lose control. They knock, sway, and dance while her pussy drips with more accumulated wetness and cum. Despite her satisfaction, it’s clear that you won’t be able to drink all of her juices when the mere act of doing it forms more.
“Oppa, oppa, stop.”
Pause and look up at her with a mouth smeared with juices. “What’s the problem?” you ask. You’d hate to have done something wrong to her.
“I think daddy and Heejin unnie are at the driveway.”
Shit. You immediately pull away from Nana’s cunt. She barely gets her shorts on right when Chan and Heejin come in. Pray that the kitchen smells of what it’s supposed to instead of sex. You can still catch the slight scent of gratification in the air. 
“We’re home!” says Chan. He comes bearing gifts: supermall department store paper bags strung in a single wrist. You’re strangely more drawn to Heejin rather than the clothes that might be brought home; she counts as a gift, right?
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She’s barely wrapped, though. A tube top designed as a blue handkerchief dangles around her bust. The shawl doesn’t exactly play the probable role of a ribbon when it’s thinner than one. 
Oh well, easier to unwrap and break into pieces.
“Hi, Jay oppa,” says Heejin. Her smile is wide; she knows you’re flustered by her choice of fashion today. She looks at Nana with a comparably colder gaze. “Nana.”
Sibling rivalry, you assume? The tension is incapable of going unnoticed. You wonder what it’s for. There must have been history between them. You wouldn’t know, however; you’re an only child. Were. 
“How was the…” you say, trying to break the thickness in the air but find that you don’t have the words to do it. Why do you even bother? Oh, right, they’re your sisters now—as a big brother, you have to try and help them make ends meet. 
“Oh, the mall?” Chan says. He’s unknowingly rescued you from awkwardness. He throws you the bag. “Pretty good! I got you a shirt. Heekki bought some stuff, too.”
“You didn’t get me anything, daddy?” asks Nana disappointedly. The redness in her face is lucky to be passed off as the heat’s doing.
“Maybe if you didn’t spill that water on the floor I’d give you your present early.”
The youngest sister tilts her head, but when she turns around, she realizes what her father means. Just when you thought you’d left the coast clear, there’s one piece of evidence you failed to hide: Nana’s slick and cum. It drools from the edge of the island and on the ground. Even worse, your shirt is stained, too. 
“I—uh, daddy—”
“What? Gonna cry, Nayeon?” Heejin asks. She flashes her sister a taunting grin.
What is going on between these two? Why is Heejin bullying her? Why is Nana looking angrier than she’s ever looked in her life? You truly don’t understand. 
“It’s Nana,” the younger girl replies. Her shoulders are visibly tense.
Chan gives them a stern look. You know what that means: cut it out, or I’ll make you. You’ve learned to translate those looks from parents of unruly children at public places. “Girls,” he pacifies them. “Don’t want to start a fight in front of your new brother, do you?”
“She started it!” Nana says protestingly.
“And I’ll end it. Cut it out and clean your mess up.”
Heejin smiles sweetly yet artificially as her sister obeys what she’s told to do. Then, she drags you to the bedroom out of sight.
Cut to black.
“You’re a bad person, Jay oppa.”
Those are the first words Heejin told you after she pulled you into her room. Her kisses aren’t as passionate anymore when they’re more angry than lustful. Her lips mash on your neck, mouth, and chest, all while she unbuttons your shirt with quickness you’ve never seen in her.
Your shirt’s torn off you before it could even live on to be a hand-me-down. An angry Heejin, you find out, can do things like that. She isn’t all seductive and sweet when she’s furious. And right now, she’s burning on every end with wrath.
“I think that’s why you agreed to have sex with me,” she says. Pulls off your bottoms so she can sit her bottom on you. “Because you wanted some kind of fucked up stress relief. And then you see me, and you go ‘hey, I could fuck this girl and since she’s such a slut she wouldn’t mind.’ That’s what you thought, right? That I’m just another dumb slut bunny?”
None of that crossed in your mind. All you knew when you were reunited with Heejin was that you were very attracted to her. “Heejin, it isn’t like that. And you’re not a slut.”
“For you,” Heejin throws her shawl to the corner of the room, “I am.”
She said it, not you. Still won’t agree to it. But when Heejin’s riding you at this pace that you can’t keep up with, you might change your mind. 
Her thighs ripple photogenically when they slap onto yours. Your face can’t say the same. From the moment the door was closed, she pounced on you. She takes the role of a hunter again. She has her hand on your chest and her ass perched on your crotch. It all starts and ends there.
“Oh, and you looove lording it over me, huh?” she asks. She’s yelling at you, angry at you about something you don’t even know yet, which is supposed to make you feel scared. You should be cowering and promise yourself to never ever underestimate her again. Instead, you feel…
Your cock is hard enough to push past her slick walls and bask in their embrace. You hear your own breaths partner up with Heejin’s.
“You know I like you and your dick so much,” she continues. Her bounces are strong. Days and nights spent at the gym keep her stamina strong. Is she a singer, too? Her voice hasn’t cracked once. Or maybe she’s just that angry. “That’s why you like making me jealous. You know I can’t control myself around you.”
“Heejin, it’s n-not like that.” Surprised that you manage to get those words out of your mouth. All that’s coming from it are moans.
“So what is it?” 
“Wait, is this about Nana?”
She growls. Her pace quickens, and you’re off the edge again, your hands planted on the white mattress shaking and failing to keep you up. Her voice is like a trigger word that shuts all your systems down. 
“See,” she says. She shuts her eyes and bites her lip. “You even, hahm, call her Nana, too.”
Give up on trying to remain stable. Place your hand instead on Heejin’s ass to help her meaningful grinding. “Everyone calls her that.”
“But you don’t even call me Heekki or anything. It’s not fair, you know. You and your fucking crush on that bitch.”
Well, she’s right. You do have a crush on Nana. She doesn’t have that wrong. The thing is—
“I’m sorry, Heekki.” 
You’d tell her that as many times as she wants if that’s what makes her feel better. You still want more sessions like these with her, maybe less violent, in the future, even if your feelings for her sister are beyond mere lust.
Right, Nayeon. Nana. What do you do about your attraction to her? Could you like Heejin and her at the same time? It isn’t fair to both parties, including you. You can’t just lead them on. You’re not supposed to, to be more precise; they’re your sisters. But of course, you break that taboo and are fucking the eldest sister to her guts in her bed after having just eaten her sibling’s pussy. You wouldn’t choose one over the other.
“Hnnn, yes.” Heejin minces her words in heavy, dark tones that sound a lot more desperate than the real her. It really is your fault. You’re making her this way. “Call me that again, Jay oppa. Please? I’m, I’m your Heekki, right? Your only bunny girl?”
Little white lies, little white lies. “Yes, Heekki,” you reply. “Now hop on daddy’s cock like a good little bunny.”
“Yes, of course I will, daddy!” She’s nearly sobbing when she resumes her riding. The flexes of her thighs help her lifting and resting on your crotch. She gasps because of your hands sneaking under her handkerchief top and squeezing her ample breasts. “D-daddy, please, Heekki loves your cock, please fuck me harder!”
Jerk upwards. Heejin’s perfect pussy is a real-life fleshlight. She could be your toy anytime, one you’d bring and fuck anywhere. She’s too fitting for all the secret desires embedded in your heart. Who wouldn’t want a slutty little bunny girl toy like Heejin, with an unexpectedly sexy deep voice and a fit body?
You’re all too focused on her tiny cunt. Her hole is just made to be bred. You have to remind yourself you can’t do it. It’s hard to resist when her cunt is virginally tight and the flesh of her ass is enticing to play with. Even her groans tempt you, all those little whines and pleas shoot right at your heart (and dick.) You want to fuck her like nothing’s wrong, like she isn’t your sister and you’re not supposed to be doing this.
“Daddy, daddy, oh, daddy—” Heejin gasps.
Swipe at her clit and she screams. Shut her up with the finger you used to rub her nub, sliding it into her unprepared yet otherwise welcoming mouth. “Shut up, slut. That’s what you are, right, Heejin? Daddy’s slutty bunny girl?”
Self-contradicting or something. Oh, you don’t know. 
Still with your fingers forcing her mouth open, she nods. “Mmm. Mhmm, daddy, your slut bunny, yes—”
Heejin isn’t angry anymore. Your cock turns out to be the solution to her problems, even jealousy. You’d hate to tell her that her envy is rational. 
How would you tell her?
She sucks on your fingers, eyes glowing with tears of need. “Cumming’n you, now, daddy,” she breathes. “I want to be daddy’s only bunny girl, t-the one who gets to cum around his big cock everyday, please. I’m not mad, Heekki’s not mad anymore, I promise.”
Kiss her, and for a moment you forget about your own trials, too. The world gives its toughest times (resisting the urge to fuck your new sisters dumb) to its strongest soldiers (you).
You have more secrets about yourself and what you’ve done than you can count on ten fingers. Not even a sworn oath could drag them from your lips. Torture like waterboarding or a knife to your throat would be useless. Your lips are sealed at all times. No exceptions.
That’s why you’re able to fuck both Nana and Heejin without them knowing about it.  It’s been months and it’s still going on. You can’t believe it reached this point. 
You enjoy the differences between the two girls whenever you fuck them. They don’t think that you’re fucking the other either. The angry sex you had with Heejin *reduced her worries about your possible (and very real) attraction to Nana by a lot.
*(Citation, if required:
The girl was on your thigh, a night when Nana and Chan were out. You and Heejin made up an excuse: we’re too tired. It’s a school night. Some shit. The point is that the two of you threaded the circumstances and made it line up to you being alone. No distractions.
Heejin still calls you daddy, and that time was no exception. She was naked from the waist down. Her upper body being clothed in a tight baby tee didn’t make it less sexy. Seeing how the piece of clothing wrapped around her lithe form turned you on already. To add to that, she was riding your thigh, hand on your length. You made the small living room your heaven.
“Fuck,” Heejin whimpered. She chewed on her bottom lips as she rode your thigh, making use of your bounces and your hands on her hips. “Daddy, how’s it that you’re so good even when your dick isn’t inside me?”
You were flattered. Therefore, (and it was the only right thing to do in response to that), you bounced her harder. Let her grind down on your knee and stimulate her clit on the curved edge. She’s a good girl. No past tense for that one. Heejin is always your good girl, and you’re her daddy who spoils her too much. No past tense for that one either. You truly do spoil her too much—you let her drag you in the bathroom when you’re shopping just so she could drop to her knees to suck you off. You buy her expensive brands though you’re sure she makes more money than you. You do too much for her.
Her payment is better than anything you give her. She’s a good little girl who bounces on daddy’s lap and has his cum as milk before bed. Remembering that, you lifted the baby tee up to kiss her nipples. You let a slight chew ride the edges of the brown little area, then sucked hard. It gave you the reaction you wanted, the reaction you craved: Heejin cumming on your thighs. 
Her grip on your cock was too tight and she never stopped jerking you off. You came on each other, bathing skin with love and lust. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.)
Nana’s the more oblivious one. She knows she has you wrapped around her finger, too much in fact that she doesn’t entertain the idea of you liking Heejin, too. *She was eager but scared at first. Now, she fucks you without doubt, without regret.
*(Another citation:
It was after a meaningful talk that she suddenly brought up that “you haven’t fucked me yet, Jay oppa,” she said. Her natural pout made it easier for you to dive into the subject.
“Sure I have,” you replied. “What are you talking about?”
You thought back to the times you fingered her to squirt and put your mouth on her. Nana was always weak for that, and you assumed that was the only way she liked it. That was why you didn’t bother extending it past that.
“Yeah,” said Nana, looking at the night sky from the terrace, “but you haven’t, like, actually put your cock in me. I want to see it! I want it inside me!”
“Alright.” You sat up. “Sure.”
“Huh?” Her cheeks reddened. She didn’t expect that at all.
“What? Let’s do it.”
“I thought you’d be all hesitant or something,” Nana explained shyly. She looked everywhere except your piercing gaze. “I think that’s why I asked. Um… what am I even saying? I want your cock, Jay oppa.”
“Come get it then.” 
You loved seeing Nana so shy and bashful. It was so different from the playful arrogance she sets when she’s around you. She could be so cute sometimes. 
All the time. You still haven’t gotten over what you felt for her. It’s been long since you were adopted by Chan, yet your crush on Nana’s been longer. You think that maybe she does have the same feelings. After all, why would she let you fuck her? But you keep telling yourself you’re making it more complicated than it should be. To keep on Nana’s good side, and out of your own fear, too, you need to fuck her. No sappy feelings mentioned, just the good ol’ rawdogging.
You’re happy about getting to fuck Nana. Still, it isn’t the same as getting to be her boyfriend.
You went on, nonetheless. The first time she sank down on your length, she let out the cutest sound you’d ever heard. Nana was adorable in every way. Her hands scrunched up to her face like a bunny’s would as she shyly let her pussy take in your size. 
“You’re so big,” she said.
“Heard that a couple of times. What’s new?” 
“Asshole.” Nana slapped your shoulder. “You sure I could do it?”
“More than. You’re almost there.”
You tried to act like you were no stranger to this and therefore didn’t care. It was difficult when Nana’s pussy was so closed around your girth that you had to guide her downwards. Her thighs twitched and her moans were higher than they usually were. When you went down on her with your tongue, she always screamed, or when you fingered her under the blanket while watching a movie. This sound from her, a whiny gasp tangled in between a shout and a cry, was new. 
You wanted to become more acquainted with it, for which you started to thrust.
“Fffuck,” she whispered with a wince. Why was the pain good? It wasn’t supposed to work like that. “Jay oppa, that feels really good.”
“Doesn’t hurt anymore?”
“Just a little. Just keep, fffucking. Me. And I’ll be okay.”
You couldn’t help it. You dove in for a kiss. You held her face in your hands as you pumped away inside her. This time, you made sure to be careful. It was the first time you had ever penetrated her. 
It was the one of many times, though, that you made her cum.)
Deja vu hits you. Or maybe you’ve been substituting grief with it. It’s been almost a year and everything still reminds you of your parents. Jay isn’t exempted from that. You zoned out on him, just like you did to your mother and father. 
It’s your duty to look at him and pay attention. He’s done so much for you already. It’s the least you could do. It’s what you would have done if you’d known that fateful day that your parents would die. “Yeah?”
Chan smiles. “Are you alright?” he asks you. He pushes the tinfoiled chocolates towards you. Dessert is an everyday thing in his house. “We lost you there a little.”
Unwrap one and pop in your mouth. “I’m fine, thanks. What were we talking about?”
“I was saying I got a promotion.”
You smile. Good things happen to good people. “Congrats, hyung!”
“Thanks, Jay! But…” Hesitantly, he continues, “because of that, I’m going on a business trip. I’ll be gone for two days.”
Heejin’s eyes widen theatrically. “Oh no,” she says in faux disappointment, “oh no, daddy.” 
It sounds like she’s addressing you rather than her own real father. More context clues: she’s inched closer to you and has a hand on your thigh. She gives it a nice squeeze, causing you to straighten suddenly. This is the riskiest Heejin has gotten.
Steal a glance at Nana, who sits at the opposite side of the dinner table. She’s staring at the two of you with fire in her eyes. While she’s too cute to be menacing, she still sends a clear message: get Heejin off you now. She can’t bear with her sister being all touchy-feely with you, or having you alone with her. If she didn’t want to save face, she’d have pounced on the table to tear Heejin’s hair out.
And she’s got such a pretty, pretty face to save, doesn’t she?
“D’you think you kids could behave while I’m gone?” Chan asks. He scratches the back of his neck. “I mean, you’re all of age, and it’s technically legal, but if you want me to stay—”
“Oh, daddy, it’s fine!” says Heejin. She looks at you sweetly and raises your joined hands. “Jay oppa and I are good friends! We’ll keep the house clean!”
“What about you, Nana? What do you think?”
Nana’s glowering stare at you and her older sister is prolonged and envious. She truly can’t look intimidating with such an adorable face, but you feel her anger. It’s telepathic how she could sit there in silence and still tell you wordlessly that she’s angry. Furious is probably a better term; you can see flames rise from her eyes.
She swallows and composes herself the best she could. “I’ll be fine,” she says quietly.
Chan asks his daughter if she’s sure, and asks the older girl the same as well. He doesn’t leave you out either. He wants to balance a family and work life properly. Both should hold the same weight on the two pedestals. 
That’s how you end up with him gone for two days, and during the first few minutes of his departure, you and Heejin are kissing each other. Nothing more than that is what you promise. Chastity isn’t the best virtue to go by in terms of happiness, but you attempt with what you could to keep it pure. 
This is where you understand the self-contradiction, for Heejin’s stark naked from the waist and up. You can feel every bit of unclothed flesh beneath your palms. You can be the expeditioner, Heejin could be the map. You’d spread her, map out each bit of pale milky skin in the connection of your two bodies’ threshold. You’d tear her and use her to the point of impurity. 
But as you said: chastity.
It’s not like Heejin’s a saint herself. The skimpy booty shorts grind down on your lap as you kiss in her bedroom. Play with her nipples you will, then also take the time to appreciate her soft thighs. 
“These thighs are fucking amazing, Heekki,” you say. The nickname’s a familiar aftertaste in your mouth now. A delicious one. 
“You want to fuck them, oppa… daddy? What should I call you?”
A hand on the nape of her neck, you lay Heejin down on her bed. “I don’t care. Whichever, just make sure you let me fuck these legs.”
“Oppa it is.” Heejin grins cheekily. She spreads her arms just as much as she tightens her legs together, letting you appreciate the smoothness of her pits and her slim, beautiful arms. Not to disregard the muscles denting the skin, though. “Isn’t it so sexy? I’m fucking my big brother, and my little sister can barge in anytime. It’s so risky, right, Jay oppa?”
Slip your cock between her pressed flesh, and you easily discover that her thighs are as good as they look. Slide in, slide out, and repeat the cycle like a habit of vice. You’d never want to recover. Something could speak to you in the back of your head, urging you to let go of what’s wrong, and you wouldn’t listen. Even if that something was, let’s say, Nana?
Speaking of…
“What’s wrong, Jay oppa?” said girl’s older sister asks, curious about your sudden alarmed look.
You’d say a lot of things to her, now that you have the chance to. Only one comes to mind: “I, I think there’s someone at the—”
“I fucking knew it.”
That’s how it all starts. It begins with the scene that goes like this: Nana stands at the doorway with shock veining red in her eyes. Her hand is firm on the door knob; looks like someone forgot to lock before they fuck. That someone may be you or Heejin. You never know. It’s too late, anyway. Nana already knows.
You’d adlib a lot of things in this situation, too. However, none of them sound plausible. You can’t speak when you feel this odd sense of guilt brimming in the core of your heart. Seeing Nana’s horrified expression, you realize that it’s rooted from you thinking you’ve betrayed her. There’s her, obviously being your childhood crush and the girl you’ve fucked weeks on end, and then there’s you, fucking her sister in the bedroom where she’s supposed to flee for sisterly advice and familial gossip. It’s so incredibly wrong, all of it: your girth being locked between Heejin’s thighs, her obviously enjoying the way the underside of your cock rubs her preyed pussy, and Nana, the other girl you’ve been fucking. The other sister you’re fucking.
“You lying bitch,” spits Nana, glaring at Heejin. Such a word should never escape her mouth when she looks that pure and sweet, but she isn’t what she looks like, sexually speaking. Emotionally speaking. “I’m gonna tell dad, and you’re so fucking screwed.”
“Then I’ll tell him you fucked me, too,” you fire back. Venom laces your words. 
Heejin looks at you in horror. “What?”
Oh no. 
Oh god. 
You definitely should have thought before you spoke. Now, the cat’s out of the bag. The taboo secret you’ve tried to hide for so long from both siblings is out in the open. You can’t lie or fuck your way out of this anymore. It’s not going to work.
Nana catches on a loose thread in her sister. She tugs it to sew back her own pride. “Yeah, that’s right,” she says haughtily, “he fucked me, too. What, you thought you were special or something?”
“Hey.” She’s really going in for the kill. You have to put a stop to it before it escalates: “Let’s all just calm down—”
Heejin turns to you and laughs after a short, bitter little scoff. “No fucking way, Jay.” She drops her legs and kicks you away. Tumble into the bedroom cabinet. “You tricked us.”
She’s right. You’ll admit that because you can’t even deny it yourself. It’s true through and through; you hid two secrets from three people: your sisters and new father. But secrets always come to light, and today just so happens to be the day for your dirty little secrets.
“Yeah,” pipes up Nana. “You wanted to use two girls as your personal cumdumps you could just throw away. You don’t—”
She stops. The older girl is awfully silent and suspicious, though you are for other reasons as well.
“Oh.” She stares at Heejin for a moment, then laughs. The palm she’s placed on her mouth is only there for dramatic effect; she doesn’t bother stifling her smug laughs. “Oh. I see it now.”
“What the hell do you mean?”
Nana walks over with surprising confidence in her steps and wraps her hand around your cock. That’s the last thing you expected her to do. Your moans are a little rougher this time because of that. Nana doesn’t bother stopping to reconsider what she’s doing: jerking off her new brother in front of her sister who shares her own blood and flesh. 
She pouts so pitiably that it could be a genuine emotion if she pleases. “You don’t let him cum inside you, do you, my sweet unnie?” she asks. “That’s right. I know you don’t.”
Heejin’s eyes go all bunny wide. The irony of it all could be entertaining enough for your average telenovela enjoyer. It helps that she plays her role of the shocked and offended domineering sister so well.
But this isn’t a telenovela; this is real life. You’re actually going through this. You can’t turn it off in spite of your desire to. When there’s the yearning inside you to see what more there is to unfold, though, you give in. You don’t say a word to stop the sisterly quarrel. You simply stand there prone to Nana, who jerks you off with an unrestrained anger.
Heejin, who’s used to playing the cruel girl to her sister, finds herself in a position she’s never had to experience: getting the short end of the stick. Getting pierced by the end of the stick. Was her sister’s all-too-true accusation the forbidden apple to the shame she feels out of nowhere for her naked body?
She stutters. You’ve only heard her stutter when you’re fucking her. It’s so strange to hear how she clumsily stumbles over her words in real life where she’s got no escape. “Okay,” she says, giving up, “so I don’t let him cum inside me. So what? It’s not my fault I’m not a slut like you.”
“Oh please,” scoffs Nana. Waving off her sister’s insult is also a first for her. “Tell me something I haven’t heard before. At least I get to feel his warm, thick cum inside me. You’re too scared to even let him fuck you in a position that isn’t missionary.”
“Girls,” you say, in one last futile attempt to calm them down. Do you even want to calm them down? You’re not sure.
Nana pulls you away from her sibling and smiles with such untainted sweetness that it makes you forget she was mad in the first place. Well, she’s still a little mad for what she says next: 
“Come on, oppa. 
“Let me do something for you that she can’t.”
Her shirt becomes a figment of your imagination. You swear it was on a few seconds ago. But now, you see how it is: no bra. Not even a white camisole. Her perky breasts are there for you to toy with. You have multiple choices, actually: her soft tummy and wide hips are there, craving for your attention. Of course you give it to them, in the form of lingering hungry touches. 
Your lips are on hers all of a sudden. It doesn't even take minutes for you to have your mouths and tongues all over each other, licking where you can and kissing till the lust ferments. (Hint: it would never.) There’s an imaginary time limit going on for you and Nana, and so you’re tearing clothes off each other and stealing kisses as fast and as needily as you can. 
It doesn’t take the whole time limit for Heejin to get jealous. “Get off him,” she growls. She kisses your back, the touch sending shivers on your skin. Her nipples push on you. “You like me better, don’t you, daddy? I’m your Heekki, right?”
You don’t know. As of now, you like the other bunny girl better. “We’ll see.”
“‘Daddy’?” Nana giggles. “That all you got, Heejin?”
“Where’s the ‘unnie’?”
“You’re not the unnie unless you prove yourself to be one,” the youngest of the three of you answers in a sickeningly flattering tone. She brushes Heejin’s cheek. “So what’s it gonna be?”
Heejin stammers again. The smarmy and arrogant her is lost in the jealousy she gathers because of Nana pushing you down the bed. When she sees how you react to it with your needy face and hands on her waist, the anger burns inside her harder. 
Still, it surely can’t be the flame of fury that’s making her this hot and bothered, can it?
Nana backs off to present her ass to you. She circles her hips in the air, giving you a show, then places a hand on both of her cheeks. The denim shorts barely cover up the swells of her ass. “Take this off me, please, oppa?” she asks. And it’s so polite that it isn’t really your fault that you give in and tug the messily cut thing she calls shorts down.
“Daddy!” Heejin says in protest. She’s naked as well, but she’s still left out.
“I think I should be the one calling him daddy here,” gloats Nana. She rubs her ass on your cock. It perfectly pleasures the underside of your length. “After all, he’s the one who’s going to put a baby in me. But I’m sure you won’t mind.”
Her panties slide down her legs. And now, she descends.
Down she goes, but she’s only going higher. Your cock splits her pussy open, and it’s just as good as the first time. Nana still brings the same thrill you get when you fuck her hot body. Her bounces are more precise, and she learns to give you more than just the benefit of getting to screw her—she gifts you a show of her bountiful backside unintentionally clapping with the other cheek.
Spank her for that, though you should really reward rather than punish her when she’s only making you feel good. Doesn’t matter; she loves it. She looks back at you and bites her lip sultrily. 
“Fuck,” you groan, “such a good girl, Nana.”
Her moans are perfected with pitch and pleas. Nana’s expressions are timed well with your thrusts and guiding hands on her hips.
“I’m a good girl, too, daddy,” Heejin says softly. She kisses your mouth. “I’ll show you, okay?”
Chan’s eldest daughter climbs on top of your face. You pull off her shorts as well—you welcome all kinds of pleasure here. Nana slams herself down harder, and right on the second you groan due to it, Heejin’s already planted her pussy on your face.
See, these are the thighs you’ve dreamed of. These are the kind that would actually crush your head. Her muscular skin ensures that your head is subjected not only to thick softness. And yes, you’ve eaten Heejin out before, in times when you’d keep her prone on the edge of her bed while you pull orgasm after orgasm out of her with just your tongue, but this time you do it with increased gusto. The sisters’ blended moans sound better than any choir of your choosing. Name a band as well, while you’re at it, and Heejin and Nana’s voices would still outdo their songs.
“Yesss, thank you, daddy!” gasps Heejin. “Oh, mmm, I’m your good little girl. And because you’re my daddy, you should always eat your good girl out.”
“You talk like an attached trophy wife,” Nana remarks with a snortle. That’s not fair on her part; you know how desperate she can get when you’re fucking her, but you can’t really oppose it when Hejein’s muffling your mouth.
The other girl can’t retort either. Your tongue’s too good to her. “Shut up. He likes my pussy more. And he treats it sooo well, don’t you, my daddy? Better than you do Nana?”
Let’s see: well, you don’t know. Both sisters have amazing bodies you’d do any time of the day. You haven’t really given the intensity you submit to them much thought. It’s hard to think now when Heejin’s urgently riding your tongue while Nana rides your cock.
“No answer,” Nana says triumphantly. “I guess he’s biased there.”
“The better girl for oppa is the one who doesn’t immediately cum just because he’s touching them. Bet?”
“It’s a bet,” replies Heejin. She really shouldn’t be giving in to a deal she’s sure to lose; you know what the quintessential quiver of her hips mean. Then again, she’s not one to back down from a competition.
It’s kind of entertaining to see the differences between the two girls. It counts back then as well. It’s like they switched personalities with how the other fits the former just as well. Nana’s not afraid to use you. She rides you at a lightning-impulsed pace, rocking your cock with a tightness you’ll never forget. Her cries are wrapped with weak gasps. On the other hand, there’s Heejin, who’s still used to being the submissive little girl to you when it’s nothing close to her real cocky attitude out of the bedroom, who’s still afraid to use you. Oh, don’t forget her moans—their depth and groany tinge make your cock throb. Too bad it’s inside Nana.
(It’s actually not that bad at all; the pulsing and twitching cause Nana to shake deliciously. Her slow, meaningful grinds bring you to life.)
Hence, you’re fucking Heejin with your tongue faster, with no care for the juices that slide down your chin and the sides of your mouth. Her clit bumps your nose. It’s an advantage you take—you push and pull her back and forth to get her shivering whenever her precious pearl hits the tip of your nose.
Nana isn’t left out of the equation either. Push your lower body upwards so that your tip meets the end of her pussy. Shimmy them so that it rubs her walls. She gasps girlishly and soon finds out that she isn’t made for the fight she started with her sister. She’s chosen to fight the wrong battle.
“I’m close,” she whimpers. Her eyes are sealed shut. “You’re too good, oppa.”
“M-me too!” Heejin says. Her voice is on the brink of a yell. Sloppily suck her clit and she’s past that. “Daddy, daddy, daddy, keep licking me like that, oh!”
“Shit… Jay oppa!”
You’re soaked on both ends. Try to clean up Heejin’s stream of cum the best you could and pump Nana’s slick out of her. In the midst of everything, you don’t stop. You want to keep hearing the girls’ beautiful cries of pleasure. 
“God, enough, daddy,” begs the shaking Heejin. She’s slapping her own breasts, lip bloodied under her teeth. “I want to cum on your cock, too.”
A better premise. “Sure.”
“Wait.” Nana stops the two of you. “Who came first?”
Heejin turns away with pink cheeks. 
Nana’s known her all her life, so she reads that look better than anyone else could. “Of course you did.” She rolls her eyes. “You don’t deserve to sit on his cock.”
“I do…” Her eyes are glossy. Her desperation really doesn’t go away with shame. If she were to be honest, it’s the shaming that deepens it. “But please, daddy, please—”
“Fine. Let’s ask oppa what he wants us to do. We’ll see who’s the better girl for him”
You can’t recognize Nana anymore. You know how big of a sub she can get, yet you didn’t realize how rough she can be as a dominant party in the bedroom. With how she orders around her sister and you, you’d think it’s a usual thing for her. Maybe it is. 
“Nana-ya,” Heejin says, trying to bring the tone she lorded over her little sister with back. It ends up weak—it’s to no avail.
“Do it,” Nana tells her with a pitch of finality. “Ask him.”
“Fuck,” the other bunny girl says nervously. She swallows, then turns to you. You’re just as on the edge as she is. “Daddy, what do you want us to do?”
You have plenty of situations you could make them turn into reality. Some even cross the line. There are already plenty of boundaries you’ve soared past. You just have to choose one out of the many fantasies you have because now that you’re looking back at the chaos of it all, you wanted this to happen. You wanted them to find out. There’s a fucked up voice inside you that insists on becoming riskier, becoming more careless. It’s supposed to be blocked out.
Still and all, there’s Heejin and Nana beside you on the bed, with their shared pouty lips and eyes glistening with want. Said distinct, glossy features give you an idea.
“Suck my cock,” you say finally. In other settings that would have been a grave insult to the average middle school outcast. For Heejin and Nana, it’s the word of a deity himself.
Both girls don’t waste precious time on questioning if two sisters sucking their new adopted brother’s cock is morally right or not. What matters above all is that their lips decorate your length. It’s like they’re determined to give it a bath. It’s the only way you know how to explain it when Heejin’s round, doll-like eyes stare in awe at her sister running her lips up and down the sideless shape of your cock and your sensitive slit. Shiver on the occasion she licks there. Nana knows how to take cock as much as she’s learned into the art of fucking your face. It goes both ways here, you see. You wouldn’t have thought she was the one who was just recently a virgin.
Heejin leaves the tougher things to the expert. While she’s the one who first sucked your cock between the two of them, it’s clear that Nana’s better at this. She can hear your ragged moans. She remains determined to please you. She kisses your heavy balls, sucking on the prickled skin on each and licking at them lovingly.
“Fuck… Heekki…”
That’s a sign for Nana to up her game. She glares at you, and it’s everything but subtle. She throws out all the anger she’s held in her heart after the PDA you put on with Heejin recently onto sucking your cock. Her throat is tight and her mouth is warm as your cock enters and exits, stabbing through the breaths for air that never quite make it to her lungs. She doesn’t mind losing air. She does, actually, but she’s quite more focused on getting your attention back on her.
Heejin doesn’t let up on the competition. Like you said, she isn’t the type of girl to back down from a challenge. Whatever she competes at she’ll give it her all. She might have lost and came earlier than expected just a few minutes ago, sure, but she’s a competitive girl. She always wants to be on top. Or if not, underneath you. 
That’s why her lips alternate between your testicles. Bite your lip to suppress yourself from tugging her hair. It doesn’t work; your hand ends up sifted in her hair and tugging so that her nose pressed on your pubic patch. From there she has to take in your musky scent and have the precum from your tip drip down the side of her face.
“We’re being good girls, Heejin,” Nana says after pulling away from your cock. 
“You’re not too bad yourself,” the older one of them admits. She licks the underside of your base teasingly, sending a gasp and a sudden shot of cum out of you. “What d’you think, daddy?”
They seem to not have noticed that you orgasmed a bit. They keep lapping and kissing your cock like nothing could compare to it. No piece of arcade candy or slice of cake could match the taste of your cock. They feast on it, the little devils they are—Heejin decides to take a turn at swallowing your cock whole and succeeds while Nana kisses your thighs. You’re sensitive all over, and they have no signs of stopping. They’ll keep suckling and licking all day if you don’t conquer control again.
Therefore: get up like your latest orgasm didn’t occur. 
“On your stomach. On the bed. Now.”
Soon they’re scrambling to follow your orders. Aren’t they always? Their butts are in front of you side by side. They say sisters have a lot in common—for this situation, it’s the wetness rolling droplets down their luscious thighs and the two replicas of the same, passive look as they turn their heads to you. They’re waiting for your next command.
You don’t give any. It’s all on you now.
Push yourself inside Heejin’s slick pussy. Perhaps she deserves to be fucked, like she says. So don’t bother to extract lengthy inches and just fire short, driven thrusts. Spank Nana to keep her occupied. Her moans are as sweet as her sister’s, much more when you finger her.
Tandem and might. They’re foreign concepts to you since you weren’t a sporty kind of kid. You still find yourself taking all those out on the two girls. You position yourself so that you’re able to pump fast into Heejin while keeping the deep thrusts going while curling your fingers into Nana’s weak spots. 
“That’s not fair, Jay oppa,” she tells you, face buried into the sheets. It’s lucky that you even get to make out a fraction of her words. “I was the one being good.”
“Maybe he just likes me more,” quips Heejin wittily. It’s a lost sound when you punish her with a pronounced pump. Little do you know that she’d find it hot. “Fuck yes, you’re amazing, daddy.”
She gives up on trying to keep her head raised. She drops it and groans with the bed muffling the way of her voice. Who could have ever found out that the tuck of her bottom lip under her teeth, an action so simple, could fruit such lust inside you?
“Of course you’re being good, Nana. Only good girls get bred.”
They don’t get what you mean until you pull out of Heejin and slip into the sister you mentioned. Nana’s back curves beautifully and she sighs as she’s filled to the point of overflow with your hot and sticky cum. You slap her ass hard, leaving a red trace of your hand on her cheek. She grinds seductively into your cock burying itself to the depths of her pussy.
“Noooo,” sobs Heejin, green with envy. “Please, gah, just let me have your cum. I promise I’ll let you cum inside me all the time. Can do it even with my dad watching, or Nana, just please—”
“Desperate little slut. Will you let my naughty big sister have what she wants, oppa?”
In one way or another, Heejin always gets what she wants. She could be the one underneath you, sure, and she’d remain the benefactor.
Such is the beauty of having her cum beautifully and instantly on your fingers after you finger out some cum from Nana’s pussy into hers.
Chan never does find out what the white on Heejin’s bed is from. Is it from a girl’s problem that isn’t too known? He doesn’t know. It might be glue. Whatever. He’s not that well-versed into feminine problems, so he simply assumes those are the source of them. 
He also doesn’t know why the sisters suddenly don’t fight anymore. It’s a well-kept secret that you’ve made a pact with them, told them that you could be theirs as long as they kiss you and don’t tell. It works well to keep the sisters in line, and it’s beneficial for Chan, too. He doesn’t have to pacify repeated arguments anymore.
So far the peace in your new home is maintained. The bedroom is exempted.
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capslocked · 7 months
[prompt: problematic relationships]
male reader x nana
10k words
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"Do you have any idea how long I've thought about it?" Nana slips a finger between the buttons of your shirt. "You, me - us?"
And here, you actually, truthfully do not want to know.
So, go ahead, cue up the sound of a mental rolodex spinning out while you start to list the very real, very valid, very adult reasons you should never, ever put your hands on her. (1) She's too young for you, (2) you're kind of a community figure, or at least someone who has to appear to be one, and more pertinently (3) she was your student not long enough ago - in your ethics class, the irony of which is not lost on you - and that makes it the kind of dirty, low thing you'd feel guilty for even masturbating to. Let alone actually attempt to live through, no matter how insistent some parts of you might be to the contrary, a point emphasized by the pressure of her finger against the dip just below your sternum.
"These... oh, how should I call them." Nana hums softly just before easing a bit of distance between the two of you, head tilting like she's in a trailer for this summer's romcom, and not, you know, trying to drag you into hell. "Filthy little fantasies?"
You're a high school teacher, interdisciplinary. Sometimes history, other times philosophy, you've also taught math - and once, egregiously, home economics when the faculty member whose usual duties consisted of teaching the class was out on a very sudden and scandalous maternity leave. But it's your love of literature that finds you in a bookstore near enough to the high school to sell more used copies of intro textbooks than actual novels.
You're paging through a book you'd say you're considering buying - if any of the store staff were to push the question onto you - when she appears at the other end of the fiction aisle.
You catch the look first of her dyed hair, this perfect shade of chocolate, to the edges, the fade-to-brown, cascading over where a more formal shirt would ostensibly have shoulders.
She smiles; it's pretty.
Then, you make the mistake of glancing down and seeing the modest rise of her chest beneath a crisp-collared sleeveless top; all your typical college-age tells but for the red flannel, rolled back down around her waist. Her fingers, long and thin, dangle from where a uniform button-down would taper off around her wrist, thumb rubbing lazily at her forearm. The briefest glimpse of her nails, all done up in acrylic - perhaps the most potent way to show contempt for an old dress-code.
You have, admittedly, also noticed the length (appropriately, the lack thereof) of her pleated skirt and those frilly stockings that ride so far up the creamy curves of her thighs that it has your stomach rolling and tightening when she shuts closed the book in her hands and says -
"Isn't it weird how most of the novels in the romance section are written by women?”
- she speaks with a slow deliberateness, like she'd only ever hoped to find one of her old teachers alone and slightly vulnerable in a used bookstore -
“Like, how do you think a man would even go about writing those kinds of stories?" She grins, because maybe this isn't really a question at all - not one meant for you, certainly. And for one wild moment, the rush of relief (she's not actually talking to you), then panic (she's actually talking to you.) surges through you.
But then the girl pushes another couple books along the shelf and continues.
"Because I'll tell you what, Professor - all this stuff," a flip-flip-flip of her fingertips against a leathery dustjacket, "about just feeling it, not being able to control it. It's all women, always women." Another wave of her hand to set another row of spines a-shuddering. "Do you ever think maybe people will get tired of listening to girls talking about feelings when what they really need to see is what guys would do?"
There are so many reasons you should turn and run. 
So many little flags, flickering wildly in your mind. This is one of your students. Was it this fall? Maybe the last; she had sat front-center. Never slept in, was one of your best by several measures - not simply in regards to the simple repetition of classroom work, but by her insistence on getting in the kind of heated discussion where one might dig their fingers through the innards of your lectures. Not just good - fantastic.
"Nayeon," you end up saying, flat as your suddenly paper-dry mouth can make it - with just the tiniest hint of unease. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"
And almost as if she knows that you're trying not to let your eyes dip any lower than the collar of her shirt, her shoulders do that lilting little move (hiking up and away just so), the one that your girls tend to learn a long, long time before your boys ever manage to figure out. She laughs out this pleasant sound, adds: "not that long, sir."
"Well," you're clearing your throat, looking around the bookstore like it might contain a way out, and eventually landing somewhere on her skirt, "you know how fast it all goes."
"Nana, by the way."
“I’m sorry?”
“Nana,” She gently corrects you again with this mischievous slant to her smile, and you start remembering: all the gossip and rumors, how she was being courted by these talent-scouts and labels. A prodigy, or as close to it as anyone from this town could ever get.
Your eyes are starting to sting again when she, this perfect-fit model of your worst impulses, runs her hand through her hair, tugging at the roots a little bit, a silver wristwatch falling slightly down the perfect length of her forearm. It almost hurts not to reach out and steady her. And it definitely shouldn't, but it has you breathing a bit faster. The rationalization: you are a man, and there is a perfectly ordinary part of you that might be aroused by any amount of smooth, inviting skin. That's fine. You're fine.
"Just for the record," Nana starts, still looking like she wants to put a hand forward and hook one long fingernail into the buttons of your shirt. "You were, like, absolutely one of my favorite teachers."
"I guess it's nice to hear I'm not a complete lost cause," you say.
She snorts. "Oh, definitely not." And maybe because, after all of the years you have been teaching these soon-to-be lawyers, politicians, and doctors, you've come to not look down on them for saying the wrong things so much. Though you do envy their absolute ability to say the wrongest of things - just so - just on purpose.
"Are you," you nod at the thick stack of paperback novels that she is still holding, and with which, suddenly, she's bashful and flustered - this perfect shade of pink blossoming through her cheeks. "Actually here to buy those?"
The response: a demure little shrug. A drawl. "We all have our vices, professor."
"I'm not your teacher anymore," and remembering at the last moment, "Nana, you can drop the honorifics, please."
She holds a book out, cover turned toward you, and your mind stalls - even your fingers slip a little where they are resting on the spine of your own paperback purchase. The title is an affront to literacy, and the art on the cover seems to have been produced only with stock photos, gaudy.
"Have you heard of it?"
"Can't say that I have."
"Well," she laughs and has the courtesy not to lay it at your expense, "it is so good." Then, without missing a beat, she twists her lips together, and finds the book flush against your chest. "I'm sure it beats reading textbooks and essays about the merits of Locke and Hobbes' life-after-death stuff all day, anyway. An hour if you can spare the time? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it"
And - ah, there it is. The push.
There is a zero percent chance that, after any of this, things will end neatly for either of you. 
You still wonder, slightly, how long Nana will keep up the charade before breaking character - because there's no way in hell she doesn't see what she's doing: wrapping you around her pretty fingers, her shiny, manicured nails, twisting every chance you get to reject her into an excuse to linger that little bit longer.
But it's well over an hour spent at the cafe-end of the bookstore, where she orders an iced-coffee and fills you in on the details you don't really need to hear, what she's been up to these last couple semesters - playing twenty questions; questions about other faculty members, the school, if the school newspaper is still anything like it used to be (for the record: no), then coming back to if you've been seeing anyone lately. That last one slips in so naturally you can't stop yourself from taking a slow drag off of the straw in your drink and answering: "not recently."
Because no honest deed goes unpunished, or however the saying goes.
"Hey," her hands splay out over the tabletop, pushing the cold, condensing water of her glass, smudging where a finger drags a line through the pool.
Maybe she knows. How you're already caught, and there's no going back, which is to say you're perfectly free to watch, hungrily, where her throat moves, and then where her lips part.
"I’ve got the perfect thing for that," and for one unhinged, hysterical moment you picture it, Nana: lying back against a counter or maybe in the cushions of a sofa, panties thrown carelessly over her shoulder; heaving out this soft, heady gasp. You: pushing inside of her for the very first time, both of your legs bracing, the heel of her foot pressed into the small of your back - but before you can convince yourself that she can't be talking about that, and just barely before the air gets stuck in the back of your throat and you realize that you might be so thoroughly, tragically fucked -
"Read this." A snap back into the here and now. She is looking at you very pointedly, not naked - but beautiful and perfect as she leans a bit into the table and crosses those lovely, lovely legs of hers, and tilts the copy of that awful, awful filth at you.
"Nana, respectfully, this is drivel," you say, immediately and plainly, listening to Nana laugh out loud as you glean more than you need to know from the info on the inside cover. "They've crossed like five major genre boundaries for a hook-up. Why should anyone bother?"
"Come on." She waves it off with a careless gesture of her hands. "There's plenty of things to like. Maybe you should give it a chance - broaden your horizons, teach. Besides - the sex scenes?" She rolls her shoulders with the same shrug you remember watching so carefully all those times she made her way, out of the hallways and back into that front-and-center-seat she was always occupying whenever the bell rang. "So filthy. I can show you one of my favorites."
"Doesn't really seem like appropriate reading material for -"
"You said it yourself," her voice has a bright, saccharine tone, just on the right side of strained. And between sips of that straw stuck in the purse of her pert, little mouth, she draws that next sentence - the ice cracking, thinning under your feet -
"Not my teacher anymore."
Nana smiles; this brash, cock-sure thing that reminds you, as you try to clear your throat of the nerves making a bed there: you are actually so, so fucking gone on her. So far gone it hurts, when, with a flourish and a bounce and a complete, reckless lack of discretion, she starts paging through the first chapters.
"Who says you can't study these kinds of stories on an academic level? Think about it: sex sells. Whoever ends up writing, it's a whole lot easier and a hell of a lot cheaper than trying to do it all yourself." She looks up, this mischievous twinkle in her eyes, as she angles her fingertips down on the book and opens it - page after page of very obviously poorly-written sex. You look, not even consciously.
But of course, her fingertips drift lower and lower along the pages until it's evident: she doesn't have an exact page in mind, but only a particular passage -
"Here. Let me show you, just one."
"Alright, fine," you start - trying for an effect of exasperation, something to mitigate this god awful throbbing, "whatever - you get one, one sample paragraph and I'll, you know, whatever."
"Yeah, you'll definitely see. Just trust me. Just the one."
She drums her long, gorgeous nails against the table, then eases back with a finger highlighting the text.
You're screening and scanning the words as she tells you about the heroine in the story: a pretty girl who comes down with a bad case of infatuation for her teacher - unrequited, of course. And then, into a passionate affair, of course; all the most raucous, explicit details laid out over the table for everyone else to hear. She says it is about as nonchalantly as though she had been reading you the daily weather forecast and not an elaborate metaphor for - and here, you stop her.
"He cums on her desk?"
"Fucking hot, right?" She nearly snorts and gestures you onward, her eyebrows jumping - go on, go on.
So, you skim along: a heavy rush of nausea (alongside another) pulsing down around your gut at the thought of actually doing such a thing, your ears going hot and your legs crossing on instinct. There's not so much a breath of hesitation as Nana, cool, unfazed, and utterly unaware of the uncomfortable churning of your stomach and the simultaneous thrumming in your cock, takes another deep swig of coffee.
She hums, thoughtful. "Honestly? Kinda wished it happened to me like that. You were a good, good teacher, professor. I wouldn't have minded your hands all over me." You hear her laugh, and the entire universe collapses like the end-days. You are struck down with feverish conviction: this girl is the worst. 
"Anytime you wanted," she adds, so carelessly.
There's a clunking sound, of glass on wood; a half a second where you almost lose control over yourself.
“Nayeon,” you let slip, the old name - a mistake of an invitation she grasps like a weapon. All coming to a glint in her eye that says she knows how you see it, how you can still picture her sitting with her hands folded over the skirt of her uniform, chest rising and falling beneath her cotton shirt. Studious, taking notes, acting every bit the naive sweetheart everyone believed her to be.
You shudder out some pretense of composure and settle back a few inches as she continues to coax a reaction out of you, prodding: "how many girls did you make confess back then, hm? Did it ever do them any good?"
"Dial it back, Nana."
Her expression is all feigned, gentle surprise. "But sir," she looks at you so innocently, "you said I should drop the honorific."
You want to argue that, you also want to tell her off for being such a brat - to demand that, instead, she cut the shit, sit back, and remember who you both are, but when, with a wink and a smirk, she's getting up out of her seat, Nana sets a gentle, reassuring hand on your shoulder as she pushes her chair back beneath the table. You get onto your feet, and when the two of you are stood close together like this - she's really and truly that much smaller than you remember. Waist so tiny you think you could almost, almost wrap two hands all the way around her; skirt rising all too easily when she tosses her weight between her heels.
"I hope you know what you’re doing," you tell her, sternly - the voice of a teacher whose patience is running thin.
But no matter where you look, the consequences are dire and immediate: an abject fascination, a kind of debilitating greed; the absolute fucking loss of ability to look her directly in her eyes. Not like Nana isn't staring right through you. There's no doubt some part of her relishes the feeling.
"Hey, what do I know?" This sweet, demure-like chuckle follows. "It's just porn, right?”
Eventually, Nana says to call it a night because the sun's long set into the horizon and the chill starts getting at the both of you.
She tells you while you're packing up your belongings to come by again sometime, her voice teasing as she explains that you should pick out a new novel to read for your benefit.
Which is possibly the ideal outcome, all things considered, if it wasn't for the way she found herself in your hands just a few paces into the parking lot - no one around to catch you, where you're gripping fast onto her wrist and pressing the lines of her body into door of your car, looming and ready to give a piece of your mind.
You know what you ought to say - things like don't bother, you've enjoyed her company, she's fun and sweet, and in a dozen different ways: be a good girl, and go home. You had your fun, didn't you? But she's practically begging, those huge, wide doe eyes that stare straight up into your soul.
"C'mon,” her voice lilts into a deeper, more purposeful register, “you wouldn't turn down a student on her way home, would you?
(This fucking girl.)
She speaks of propriety, like you aren't a man of your own principles - like you aren't reaching down to press a kiss to the swell of her lips like she undoubtedly deserves. To lick into her mouth and pull and kiss and bite until she's trembling, teeth caught in a delicate whimper. Or, that you aren't running your hands down her sides to find the backs of her knees and draw them upward, hooking your hips flush against hers.
She's all too breathless, watching you draw off her lips, fingers fast in your shirt, your hair - holding you close.
Then finally, a true, honest reflection of your heart. Nothing less than sheer and utter capitulation: "let me take you home."
Nana just nods before wrapping her arms around your neck and kissing you again.
It's definitely on you for expecting anything different, but Nana fucks like she talks.
Conceited. Brash. A little selfish.
The girl's sitting there on her kitchen counter with one leg hooked over your shoulder. She's stripped herself down to near nothing save for those fuck-off ridiculous panties: slick, shiny with a thick strip of satin between her lips, complete with white lace frills and all; the same ridiculous pattern as the thigh-high stockings clinging tight around the soft-gentle fat of her legs and the lace top of her garter. Her pussy - all tight and pink and soaked - has left this shimmering, shiny mess that's trailing down the insides of her thighs.
Your fingers are in the elastic of her panties, near bruising the curve in her waist where she's rocking, flushed and keening against your grip.
You tell her, "take these off."
"Off?" She repeats it back to you with the same little grin: playing dumb, the smart, charming ass she's been all night.
"I'd tell you what I really want to do to you," you start, pushing your fingers in a little harder, eliciting another pretty moan. "But I'm really, really sure you can fill in the blanks yourself.
"I hope you're not planning on being rough with me," she teases, running her hands all through your hair as she pulls herself against you - and of course, it's her audacity to insist, "no marks." She drops a chaste little kiss along the underside of your jaw. "At least, nothing that might show up on a camera."
Someone with a little less baggage might have done just that. Might have jerked her panties down a couple inches further - ripped the cloth, exposed her even more. You might have followed the waistline further along the perfect round of her ass, found those dips and dimples that, maybe, no one else has ever gotten to explore. You may have grasped at the ends of her hair and gotten your fingers in her pussy without ceremony - driven Nana to the very brink of her climax just before palming two greedy handfuls of that ass - shoving yourself right there between her lips and, lost to shame, put a fucking kid in her.
All the things she must be dying for you to do.
"Something the matter?" She pushes her mouth into yours for a kiss that has all the urgency of a lazy Sunday morning. Your tongue against hers, languid and gentle at first; wet-sloppy, kissing and sucking on her bottom lip. You can feel her smirking when she says, "don't tell me you've forgotten how."
It's a lot, the effort you're putting in not to crumble - to crack at her taunts, snap your restraint, the temptation. You just wanna grab her pretty tits in both hands, shake her, and say: "shut the fuck up." But no - even in your wildest fantasy, you want to hear her first - beg you to make a wreck of her. So you force the words between your lips, dry and cracking:
"Not a fucking chance."
A laugh. "Guess I'm in good hands, then. Have to admit," Nana slides her hands down to hook under your own, bringing them lower. She grinds your fingers in slow circles over that one, aching, perfect little bud - a shock that has her curling tight inward until she's whining, clutching at her waist. "Not the - not the situation I had in mind."
Nana shifts her weight a bit more on one hip, guiding you through rubbing along the entrance to her slit - sloppy with precum, silky and aching - and when you place just the lightest pressure over all that hot skin, she opens her mouth: 
Her eyes, her hair, her fucking mouth - you can’t look away - she’s so gorgeous it hurts.
Even the way she pants; the perfect furrow between her brows. And then, you dip a finger inside her, just to the first knuckle. It’s enough to make her whine, all shaky and high.
"Go on then, with how you’d pictured it," you press, already easing your digit in and out; slow, slick pumps that she is growing hotter, needier around. "I'm sure you've touched yourself to it more than a few times. The details and - stuff - must have been vivid."
"You haven't the slightest clue."
A brief kiss. You coax another shy sound from her, drawing a long sigh against her mouth -
"Try me, Nayeon."
"This is a lot closer to the truth than you’d think, professor." This time, no correction, she just smiles wide and tosses her head back, asking, sweetly, as if to absolve you of the responsibility. "Do you have any idea how long I've thought about it? You, me - us?" 
Nana slips a finger between the buttons of your shirt and starts to pull.
On that detail, you actually, truthfully do not want to know.
"These... oh, how should I even call them." She hums softly just before easing a bit of distance between the two of you, head tilting like she's in a trailer for this summer's romcom, and not, you know, trying to drag you into hell. "Filthy little fantasies?"
"You know," you start. And by this point, her cunt's that much tighter. You've managed two fingers now, but no further, and she's making these desperate, punched-out gasps. Her clit's a swollen pink nub, jutting out from its soft hood. "I really had you pegged all wrong."
"Not - not at all. You can fuck me just fine, trust me - ah. Please, you can fuck me anyway you want."
And here, you grab a little higher on her hips, pinching her on the outside of a thigh, and begin working your fingers fast. You've never cared much for teasing, not really, but something about the way she squirms in your grip, tries to lean up and grasp onto your shoulders with shaking hands, it gets you smiling. It gets you grinning, even, especially the way she makes these pretty noises: a long, desperate little, "ah," at each press and thrust, her breath going high and uneven. 
"Listen, Nana -" She squeals out loud when you push your fingers just a little deeper, a little bit harder. "I'm not going to talk about what a slut you've been today or how badly I want to spread you wide open," you can already tell it's affecting her: the sudden change, the subtle hitch in her breathing, the tremor where her thighs press together. "Tell me about you, about your little ideas. Let me help."
"Wouldn't be fair." Her pussy's getting tighter, urgent with want. And still:
"C'mon now. Humor me a little. There was probably-" you say, sliding down that ridiculous pair of underwear along her ass, tugging them over the curves of her legs - so slow and easy, all while you're not bothering with easing off. Nana moans again; voice pitched. "Lots. Lots and lots of dirty things - and, I'm willing to bet my career that they made you a hot, mess - an awful, soaking fucking wreck. Who could've guessed? You, of all people, with just the right kind of teacher's-pet-appeal, hm?"
And you meant it to be a joke, just some ribbing. But the question has her immediately tensing, looking at you very intently, no trace of shame as she snaps back -
"Your mouth." She rocks forward. "Your fucking mouth."
You shouldn't keep touching her, you shouldn't keep staring, you shouldn't push her flat on her back and shove your face right into her cunt, you should pull away before this goes too far - it shouldn't be your fingers drawing out sopping-wet gasps out of her pussy, nor should you press your tongue to her cunt, your mouth to all that delicate flesh and, at your first taste, shiver.
Nana laughs: shaky, nervous. Then, your fingers sink back into her pussy alongside your tongue, your lips, the way even your hot breath against her aching pussy has her all stunned, breathless - and -
- right before she breaks off into a beautiful sound that catches her hard in the chest.
(A sound like you’re all she could ever want in this life, maybe the next; it’s this wordless plea.)
"Hah, I had - ah, had so much - hah - dirt on you, used to masturbate thinking - ah," and there, she arches her spine, forcing a sigh out, "thinking about how you might punish me." She laughs - nearly choking. "How you might break down all your veneer of being a good, moral man and fuck me raw and rough and - ah - fuck. Oh god, fuck."
You twist your fingertips up just so, right against this perfect spot in her, and all the sudden the entire line of her body seizes - stiffens up, the muscles in her thighs twitch as you both moan through the moment, the spasms reverberating in your own ears, loud and unashamed, right against her wet, wet clit. Your fingers are fucking and fucking and fucking away in her cunt, harder and faster and sloppier, every word, every groan, every gasped breath only making it easier to forget. To give in. And with every heavy slap and squelch of your fingertips digging in as deep as her body allows - you're sending her that much closer.
You pull back long enough to bite out: "cum whenever you want, Nana.”
She can’t, she can’t, she can’t, is what she’s trying to say, bracing against how your tongue moves around her clit, and she knows, there’s no use fighting it.
A kiss against her swollen mound and she writhes. “There you go sweetheart, cum for me.”
Nana comes undone. Gradually at first, then vaulting over that edge all at once. She lifts and lowers her hips - pushing your fingers into the smooth, velvety muscles of her cunt; rocking up and up again. It's a torturously slow kind of grinding, and her feet find purchase on either side of you as her toes curl, one heel digging into your shoulder. An assurance; a promise; a lifeline; that she might tremble and shake through it, moaning.
“Fuck,” and, “god,” and, “you’re gonna make me-” slip past her lips alongside all the assured gasped-out cries for relief - the orgasm sweeping through her, tearing her apart.
Back pitching, shoulders narrowing, face twisting, cinching tighter and tighter -
Until she collapses.
Until it’s over.
As she lays there, chest heaving, arm draped carelessly across her forehead and half over a kitchen cutting board - her thighs splayed open, fucked and spent - she's so, so beautiful.
And it’s in that sort of fucked-up-noodly-state where she just slides right into your arms - those long, slender legs wrapping tight around your middle. "Here's the deal," you say, grabbing hold of her hips and steadying her, as best as either of you can.
"Hm." This lazy, sated look, the way her tongue's dragged out - slow and slick - across the top of her teeth and bottom of her lips. "Go ahead, sir. I'm listening."
The lip service - that coy little appeal to authority that maybe you’re actually plenty fond of - it makes you stop for the barest of moments. This girl, she's unreal. How hard could you ever be asked to resist her?
She lifts a brow. "Professor."
So you continue:
"I'm going to get out of these clothes, and we are going to see what happens after that - if you have a preference for the bed or the sofa, now's your chance to pipe up. Or else -"
"Or else-" She repeats, shifting her weight around again. You can feel how she adjusts her heels to hang higher up your ribs, rocking her weight against your abdomen, against your cock - and the instinctual twitch that runs through your spine is turgid and rough. Like a shot. If it had a smell, it'd probably remind you of gasoline.
And then, maybe just to rile you up even more: "the dining room table makes a good impression of a teacher's desk, no?"
You slide your hand along the backs of her thighs until you have a good, tight, high hold on them and pick her up, leaving the panties, the stockings, all of it down where they can gather dust or whatever - she giggles, and tightens her hold around you like she doesn't need to worry about falling.
"I'd rather fuck you into a mattress to be perfectly candid."
Nana throws back her head and laughs - this real, honest-to-goodness peal of laughter, a hint of playfulness where there was usually just a practiced ease. "Oh. So forward."
(In all likelihood, you're both going to hell, and on the off chance you meet down there, you figure you'll fuck her then, too.
You've read the myths, the Greek tragedies, the ones that have these gods descending from the heavens on human women, for pleasure and nothing but, you've read those stories and plenty more - the details don't matter: it's always a bad, bad end for everybody involved.)
She takes you upstairs. And the two of you fall through the doorway to her bedroom, stumbling all the way.
Her apartment is simple and clean in the way all young adults try to emulate, all white countertops, but with pictures hanging in little, neat rows on the walls and the space void of anything with some sort of character or history.
You know because you're fumbling toward a dresser or desk or bookshelf in an attempt to orient yourselves, bumping and tussling, half-blind, on your path forward and all of a sudden there's a goddamn framed photo in your hand - not of her family, thank god. Though just about every other person in the picture is familiar to you, you remember every single one - but all you're capable of focusing on is Nana, Nayeon: not quite the same. The same glint in her eyes, the way her smile has a timeless kind of quality, the faint dimples in her cheeks. 
And some wicked part of you is all too willing to ignore the whole timeline of events that has led up to you, Nana, like this: you want to pull her hair. You want to shove her around like she doesn't matter - is in any way disposable or replaceable; the most selfish parts of you wishing you could keep her pinned down by her slender neck; pressing a palm, bruising, into her collarbone as you start to work at your belt buckle and slacks with your other hand.
It's hard, getting a grip on yourself as Nana, sliding onto her bed and rolling across the sheets, pulls her stockings down the length of her legs - only stopping herself long enough to meet your eyes. Her throat bobbing.
“Of course,” she says, because your cock is hanging out by that point, straining and a little pent-up. "I fucking knew you would have a perfect cock."
"Flattery or sincerity?"
"Um, let's say both." She shifts around the pillow - that sweet little pout on her lips. Her gaze dropping from your mouth and running all along the length of your torso, lower and lower. Like her hands. And when her eyes flick up to meet yours, just when you're stroking at your cock, base and shaft, teasing yourself, well past the point of pretense, a devious smile spreads wide across her pretty, beautiful face. The implication: you aren't leaving here until you're cumming inside her.
And with a glimmer in her eyes, the sheer audacity, her fingertips ghost the underside of your cock as she draws up toward the head, "you're going to ruin me with this thing. You know that right?"
"A bit dramatic."
Nana moves to rest with the tops of her knees at the edge, her chin resting against the insides of her wrists, elbows propped up - poised, playful, everything she should be as the both of you regard each other a moment longer. "Can you blame me? It's not just that it's huge, I mean - I've barely even gotten a hold of it, and yet... god," she snorts. Her eyelids are heavy, mouth curved, almost a snarl as she drags her bottom lip through the grip of her teeth and sinks down onto the mattress.
"Say something filthy again," and this is a test, this is Nana testing you to see what exactly you'll get away with.
(Hint: it's a whole lot.)
She sighs. The image of indigence, innocence, everything pure and good you couldn't hope for. "Should I suck it or not? Or maybe, I don't know. Would you prefer me to beg for it first, ask if you'll put it in? Like, I think if you ordered me to put it in my mouth, right now, I wouldn't be able to say no."
"Really," the most sarcastic answer.
"Really," she continues. "For instance. If you came over here right now and guided me up and onto your dick and told me, specifically, that you were going to face-fuck me? I couldn't say no. No sir."
You could have her any damn way. You could have her, and you both know it.
"So tempting," you tease, mostly in earnest, "maybe another time, when my self-control isn't quite so lacking."
Nana hums a low, flippant sort of noise - like: whenever you're ready - and just how much trouble it gets you in, the mere suggestion, is what she is banking on.
"Hey," is her invitation, "I won't beg yet. You still want me to put my mouth all over it," and to emphasize, she slips her fingers between the plump pillows of her lips, smiling at how that makes you reach over the nightstand, accidentally pulling open a drawer, possibly reaching for the first aid kit, "or would you rather watch me stuff all these fingers in my wet, little hole."
A sharp inhale: it really would be fun, probably, but you can't take it.
"Nana," this voice, gravelly-ragged and harsh, "if you're planning to make me snap, you are, without question, on the right track."
"Then before that happens," she says, pulling you down into the bedsheets beside her. Your body flush against hers, the beat of her heart loud against your own; this gorgeous, pristine girl, so nakedly giving - this is an honor and a curse all rolled up together, no doubt.
And after a hot, wet kiss: "fuck me like I always thought you would."
(She was made to be like this; it's the only explanation.
Made for wanting. Made for fucking. Made to be loved and made to have her cunt fucked full - ruined by your fingers, your tongue, your cock. This absolutely perfect body, and all the delicious parts of her; this thing of desire, bashful and coy and that deserves all the world and, having none of the grace or courtesy to actually beg, orders, like she always knew she could:
"Like, right fucking now."
Or else.)
Then you're there - her hot mouth, her cunt, your fingers digging in bruising-tight all along the curve of her thighs where they meet her ass, hips, thighs, waist. She's pumping her soft palm and delicate fingers, slick with her spit and yours around the length of you and this isn't going to last long; not that there's any doubt you're going to leave her sore. But still, you drag the head of your cock across the swollen lips of her pussy, down through the plump swell of her clit until it rests where the ridge just begins and every slide, every pressure along every inch of your cock, the thought of being enveloped entirely in all that silky warmth is nearly the end of you.
A whimper, "professor."
You wrap your hands tighter around the smooth, firm muscles in her thighs; dragging your fingers back and forth across the supple skin there - just firm enough to elicit a reaction from the tension in her legs, until you have her flipped over on her stomach. Because if you're going to fuck her properly, it's going to be with her face buried deep into a pillowcase and you perched above her, holding her down against the sheets.
You watch her get her elbows underneath her, laying almost flat. Watch her trace the shape of her own jaw, her nose, her neck - the smooth expanse of her chest - as you straddle her thighs. With her ass pointed right up at you and the heel of her ankle gently grinding into the underside of your leg, you groan, placing both hands just above her ass. And once you're gripping the whole shape of her, you push your cock into her, just an inch, listening to the shift in her breathing.
She shudders, "don't tease - oh, please, sir-"
"Is this what you expected, Nana?" You grab onto her hair. Then again, when she tries to get her hands on herself. Her shoulders are high, tight. You just don't give her a chance; pushing yourself another inch, a couple. The pace, so gradual she starts making these soft, little breathless sounds as you stretch her tight pussy open. A few moments when she stops trying to bury her noises, her gasps - stops trying to angle her hips or squeeze or resist the thick shape of your cock where it is so, so hot and full inside of her - and there you stop. "What is it you had in mind, hm?"
"Ngh - oh."
Her cunt's clamping tight around just the first few inches of you. The tightness, the wet heat is staggering; how it pulls and begs with the words she seems reluctant to spill out.
So - you lift a hand, bringing it back down again onto the pale, rounded flesh of her ass with a smack, a gasp, and this wet sound from the sopping heat of her pussy, all aching and sobbing, "don't, fuck, stick it - fuck, put it - just. Just fucking get on top of me and pin me down - make it hard for me to breathe - do it, just. Like I, fuck, like I always wanted, sir, please-"
And you sink all the way in.
"Fuck." She bites into those consonants, a whole-body motion that pulls at the tension in her spine, the muscles in her legs. But her hips angle right up, and she presses her ass into the hollow of your abdomen and says, "thank you. Thank you. God."
"Don't get lazy on me," you say, grinding the tip of your cock in little circles; pulling it out and angling it down until it's prodding at all the right places to make her arch and shiver.
"Please," she says again, louder this time, almost a moan. "That. Fuck. Yes. It's."
"Yes, yes, I know. Nana, you-"
"Just use me. Whatever you like," she pants; then, once you've pulled yourself out to the tip, slowly filling her again, "use me like a fucktoy, alright. Because - fuck," Nana shivers, pushing her hips into yours. Her shoulders lower, as if by degrees, "please. Use me. Make it rough. Please, professor - use me however you want, I don't care - anything's fine with me - use me, as long and as much as you need, I. Please."
The real difference here, beyond anything else, is that this is no longer the game it was; the very instant she was sprawled across the mattress with a line of drool dripping into the sheets, all her bright, polished glory has vanished, leaving this bare edge of her exposed - the girl who lives solely to be fucked and used by your cock, her cunt leaking, begging for more. Reduced to the basics and nothing else.
"Your fucking cunt, Nana, the goddamn clench - you feel - it's-" (So fucking good, is what you can’t quite say, because she’s tight and wet and her tiny pussy is quivering like mad every time you bathe your cock in its scorching heat. Over and over.) It’s hard to think; you’re truly - truly - fucking her, but you can’t ignore the tautness in her spine either, bent below you. There are probably tears beading down her cheeks, but there's no helping the raw instinct screaming through the core of her being, pleading with you to pull yourself free, before sinking hilt-deep into her again, again, again - to a chorus of sloppy, loud, nasty, fucking whimpers and moans.
Like music. 
It's easy after all, how her pussy gives way to you. How she molds around you - sleeves onto you like a glove - like there was only one cunt in the world you should ever be fucking up and fucking apart. 
"It's incredible. Fuck. Just that perfect."
Nana, as best as she can, trying to stay steady, braced against her hands and knees, is raising her hips.
But it's clear with the way she's slipping all over, slicking the sweat off her palms and rocking her ass back into your thrusts, a cry falling out of her, unbidden, when she speaks and not.
"Please," she pants, through tears probably, this breathy-shivering. A renewed enthusiasm for your grip on her - where, in another place, you'd worry about leaving marks behind - for the feeling of your weight slamming down into her, driving the air from her lungs.
The sheets are a crumpled mess, pillows knocked from the mattress, where the two of you are shaking it apart.
You're pulling her apart, slowly, thrust by thrust into her sopping cunt, and in a promise of how you'll put her back together, you get your mouth on her shoulders, her neck, kisses in her hair, behind her ear - Nana just whimpers, curling her toes and ankles along the backs of your knees, her face against the pillow and gasping, "thank you - thank - thank-"
And when your palm smacks against the generous swell of her ass, again, she keens so perfectly for you.
It's a breathtaking sight, so good, so perfect: her flawless ass pitched high, round and flushed pink. The flutter of her eyelashes and the tears and drool. The outlines of her pale white cheeks sent into ripple after ripple, and then the way you can slide one hand forward between her shoulder blades and slip it into her hair, nails raking her scalp, grabbing a handful of hair in your fist and tilting her face - to the side, enough for her cheek against the pillow and the way her hips try to press against yours; try to chase the pleasure; this brash, gorgeous, slim-waisted, well-curved, exquisite young woman - like everything.
"Please," is all she says as you fit your chest up tight to her back and mouth at her neck - lick all along the sweat. "Please."
You can't take it anymore, can't keep watching this masterpiece, can't stand the molten heat wrapped around your cock every time the drag in and out of her pussy pulls sets every nerve on fire. Right in her ear: "I'm cumming, Nana, I'm cumming inside this tight, little pussy."
A short gasp, "yeah."
"Yeah. Inside, Nana. Cum inside, you -" You twist your fingers against her scalp and find purchase, an excuse - a means to yank her head around and lean into her, teeth against skin, that familiar coiling in your gut and the burning sensation that flows right alongside every slap and smack of her hips on your skin.
"Fuck me." You watch her bite down, swallow a sound, try to say: "fuck your load so deep inside me it’ll be all I think about for weeks, let me feel it, all that hot, all that sticky, fucking cum"
And you drag your hips, these final, punishing drags through her drenched cunt. Her fingers are white knuckled and fisting the sheets, until the very second you've pressed every ounce of your own body's worth into her own, when you're collapsing her spine and pushing her face into the bedspread, this wave rushes through your ears like the buzz and hum of insects and waves and things out of sync - the high, the peak -
And then:
Sobering, subjugating silence.
In fact, you're shuddering; You're cumming, spilling pools of thick cum deep inside of her. It's all in that warm, filthy sensation, a heady, hazy, desperate thrill when her own cunt seizes in its climax around you, trembling, throbbing, quivering, clenching; drawing everything out and taking your cock deeper - even while the whole of her is thrashing and bucking, all of this messy with her pleasure and her voice caught up, writhing and breathless.
"God-" is the last thing out of her mouth before you can kiss it quiet, tug on her lower lip and open her up like a present - messy and breathy, crying out, you're making this mess inside, this beautiful fucking mess - as the whisper you feel against your lips:
"Inside me, like that."
As you groan, deep and hot, "filthy fucking cumslut-"
Right on the verge, riding out every twitch of your cock and each flex of your hands at the skin around her ass, her waist, back and shoulder blades; even after you've caught your breath, you keep pumping more and more inside of her, you don't stop, won't, and even when you manage it, pulling out the head of your cock - you can feel every slick detail - just the slit and rim, resting the throbbing head of your cock at her swollen little mound, feeling the length of her fucked-out pussy spasm at the emptiness and trying to grasp around nothing - empty, tight and aching, sopping.
There's her hips, just this, right there; the line, the silhouette. Her thin waist and the curvy swell of her ass, jutting out straight - the cream-colored flesh dusted pink. The lithe, soft line of her stomach and the insides of her thighs a little farther along, sweaty and inviting.
She's so pliant in your grip, even though she's trying her best to curl herself backward - to angle your spent cock back into the ready, welcoming warmth of her slick, wet pussy - and once the afterglow has begun to wear away, that same greed and yearning takes its rightful place. A glimmer in her eyes. The unmistakable need and drive.
"One more," she says, wiggling her hips back into your stomach. "For me."
(The truth: you can't refuse her, not as she bites her lip and twists, all that soft hair splayed across her face, stuck to her tear-damp skin.
One more, because you both still want it. One more, because in the dim glow and evening air of her bedroom, everything that happens now matters just as much as anything that happened before.
One more, because you need her again.)
When she wakes in the dark, you figure her bed will be empty.
Nana will realize that you're gone. Of course you’ll be - it was never going to go differently; the sex had to end at some point. After all, if you stayed, eventually she'd start saying something you'd find a fault in or your skin would be so sensitive she couldn't stand not running a finger up your spine and maybe kissing your hip.
The reasons to go always outnumbered the reasons to stay.
The world would catch up and someone would find out and that's the sort of gossip that might leave both of your careers in shambles. Or else, you'd do something you couldn't come back from, the moment the heat of the sex left your body and her cunt, god, her perfect little cunt was spent - slackening - and the moments-after-haze, her legs locked up and her arms a bit sore, would clear up. Then you'd look at her, or else the shame would win out - the guilt and you'd call it quits. She won’t blame you. She can't.
But then again,
Her heart won't fall completely to pieces, because:
You've stayed. And it isn't an easy position, even if she is easy.
Here she is, though: sleeping on her side with her wrists crossed in front of her face - peaceful and quiet, probably tired enough to sleep without dreams. The dark has long since settled across her bedroom, save the pinpricks of stars in the sky out her window and a sliver of moonlight. You can see her, or you could reach out and run your hands all along her calves and thighs, but you don't.
Nana's shoulders slump forward in the faintest of sighs, and there it is - the slow, gentle swell and fall of her chest.
Here's how you got here:
In this scandal-in-waiting of a relationship. Here's the stupidest possible path, where a bright-eyed student with a crush fucks her older professor just once, and somehow you both find yourselves coming back for more, like maybe your very, very bodies belong together - a maddening compulsion.
Even once you've managed to work through the idea of your cum all inside of her, a seedy, twisted corner of your mind murmurs how it makes the most sense. To stick your cock inside of her again.
Where she can show you the way it can look; the mess and the texture of the slick, white spill - dribbling out of her pussy in the afterglow, onto her palm, and down the crevice in her ass and lower.
It's the phone calls probably - and not just the phone sex - late-night talking, conversation and every once in awhile, the kind of hot, hard fucking that gets you in trouble, but also a reason to be with each other again. Not just the quick fucks but the nice ones - the days, the late nights and mornings and what have you: all the casual intimacy of it. All the sweet nothings exchanged.
The after-sex cuddling, with her straddling your lap;
The sensation of her thighs sliding into place around the tops of your legs, her arms tucked around your neck;
The kisses you don't take and kisses you'd be okay with, all the promises made to love you as many times as necessary, however necessary, wherever.
That's all here too.
She is young. But, who the fuck are you to say? Who the hell can tell you she doesn't deserve the least rotten, least painful, most promising love she can find in this particularly fucked-up world?
Who else is going to keep the both of you safe and hidden?
And who else, despite everything, seems to like having a secret that they're sure only you know; every glance or accidental touch with her eyes brimming, alive, and the whole of her bent like a bow-string - all held back and wound-up tight.
To the point her spine will shiver and shake; you know how it can be.
"Are you actually going to buy those?" Nana asks one day, dangling on her toes, chin rested comfortably in the sweep of your shoulder.
When she crowds the swell of her hip and her breasts and her entire body into your back and snakes her arms around your shoulders, you think there's nothing else in the world you need.
"You called them drivel," she adds, almost pouting - which is a look you're slowly trying to inoculate yourself against because the moment it comes up, you have a knee-jerk reaction to drop anything and everything and carry her off someplace else. To have a place where she could, could, could -
"Hah," you roll your eyes, not taking the bait. There's a shelf-full of campy, smutty romance novels in the dollar bin. "It is. The story was less than complicated, but I couldn't figure out what the hell two or three characters' plotlines had to do with one another, and sometimes you just want a little guilty pleasure, you know?"
"Ooh. So," Nana smiles, the devious sort. "I guess there is some honesty in you after all."
"Come on, this one at least has an original story," and it is a shameless attempt, "plus-"
"I know, I know. Fine. And if it is so terribly bad, well, I suppose I can use your chest as a pillow to take a nap," she says, before throwing this particular glance over her shoulder.
The cashier doesn't need to ask if the two of you want your copies of 'Wild West of the Heart' or whatever-the-fuck this one is titled, scanned separately.
All of that, those paperback-cover love stories and TV drama plots, these are the sorts of things you do just for Nana; as the two of you wait in long lines, get carried along, get bumped and pushed, like every other ordinary-person thing you've done for her ever since.
("Honestly, this isn't my kind of thing either," you tell her in the aisle of a grocery store once. The fluorescent lighting only accentuates the blush high on her cheeks. "don't make me fuss over something like this."
"Have a little sympathy," she insists, nudging the handle of the shopping cart against the inside of your shins. "A girl like me isn't good for much else.")
It's not romance, really, that's such a fucked up way to go about describing any of it, but then there's Nana, bouncing on her heels and prattling on, this girl in the spring of her life who is full to the brim and bursting with the most chaotic and eclectic sorts of thoughts and passions -
So, what.
"Really," she adds - another side, another angle on an issue the two of you had an hour ago while cooking breakfast. "Just, think about it. Would you honestly put all this effort into somebody who doesn't make you laugh at least as much as they irritate you? Because like, you would never tolerate some self-obsessed jerk long enough to eat their burnt, terrible pancakes every day of the week."
"Fine. Maybe." You sit across the table. "You're right."
Nana blinks and this look of wonder crosses her face as she grins. A moment of triumph for her and that was more than the honest truth. It's still strange, admitting defeat in any argument here or there, or that the two of you make an actual decent couple - together. The kinds of things that come naturally to other people.
"Any more caveats to all of this, professor?"
"You’re gonna end up bent over that counter again if you keep pushing it, kid."
The both of you break out laughing and then you finish your coffee, or she stabs the last few pieces of cantaloupe on her plate, or you kiss her neck, and just -
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essentiallyleaf · 8 months
day 10. hate sex. with. nana.
472 words.
kinktober ‘23, idol x male reader, hate sex, degradation, ass play, rimming, anything else that i’m missing?, this started as a brat taming fic in my mind, but honestly, you don’t tame shit in this one, dialogue only, basically improv, i know the pic is clashing, i just kinda like it that way.
meant for this to be a decent amount longer, but i am emotionally spent from answering an ask that i felt was much more important than all of this. i need to look at pokemon sleeping adorably now. unsurely, leaf.
Tumblr media
“Don’t you dare touch me back there, boy”
“Oh, shut up, you were begging for me to fuck you in the ass just three days ago! Now stay still for a second”
“It’s just my thumb and you’re already mewling, you little bunny slut”
“Nnngh- I’ll choke you as soon as you let me ride”
“And, enlighten me, why would I do that?”
“Because you fucking love it, you idiotic dick with legs!”
“You’d be too busy cumming on my dick, and you know that”
“Fuh- Wanna bet?”
“You ever been to Vegas? Because you seem to be into purposefully losing money”
“Who said I was talking about money?”
“What are you suggesting, then?”
“I ride you, and whoever cums first gives the other five minutes”
“Five minutes?”
“To do what the other wants with them. Mmmmhh- Deal?”
“Deal. Straddle me”
“You have no idea what you just put yourself into”
“Can’t wait to find out”
“Mmmmhhh, can you even handle cumming twice in the span of five minutes?”
“I could handle anything. But I’m afraid you’re not gonna get to find out”
“Oh, such a powerful man”
“You’re the one who’s moaning here”
“Yeah, wanna join?”
“Aaaahh, fucking, slow down!”
“Already begging?”
“We haven’t even started, as far as I’m concerned”
“Really? Cause by the way you’re gripping onto that pillow, most would disagree”
“Mmmmgh- You have no idea”
“What? It seems to me, that I know a lot of things. Nnngh. I know you love how I’m riding you, I know you’ll come before me, and I know you’re a weak man, who only takes bets because his disproportionate ego can’t fathom the idea of a girl, and a smaller girl nonetheless, having him beg for mercy!”
“Mmmmgwaaaahhh, aaah, ah… aah…”
“Fucking pathetic little boy, you came in, how long was that, even?”
“Fuh- You sex-addicted bitch…”
“Heh. You don’t deserve any of this”
“Now lay still, legs up”
“Fucking, bend your legs and pull them up to your chest! Is that hard to understand?”
“Why? Just, choke me and let’s get this over with!”
“Hmph. You came, moaning like a whore, and now you’re trying to run away with your tail between your legs? You wanna get away with a pair of tiny hands around your neck? You don’t have a clue, do you? Honestly, that’s just cute. You’re a cute little bitch, that’s what you are. Now, for the last time, your fucking legs. Up.”
“What do you wanna do?”
“Gwaaaahhh- Not your tongue there! Jesus Christ, fuck!”
“Please. Please. Mmmmggghh- Please, just beat my dick. Just, destroy it. Fuckkk- I’ll take anything”
“Whore, you whore. You bunny devil whore. Fuckinggg- You will see. You have no idea what- I’ll breaknngggaaaahh. Aaaahh. AAAAAAHHHHMMMMHHHFUH-”
“Honestly, felt like a punishment for me, more than anything”
i hope you have a great day today. especially, leaf.
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heartofmjne · 2 years
Hey all you cool cats and kittens. Your local Mochi here, looking for some tasty 1x1s. (And by tasty, I mean those good plots.)
I have mun info pinned on my tumblr but please excuse the mess, I'm mobile 90% of the time which makes decorating a tumblr up a difficult task. However, I know how to make a discord server feel like home. (bonus: write with me and l will treat you to your own personal decorator.)
Super quick basics: 21+, est, she/her/they. semi-lit/lit. will mirror my partners length. will discuss k!nks for smut personally.
At the moment, I'm only looking for discord 1x1s. I'm open for any kind of plot (I have a tag set up in case you're curious or drawing a blank). Slice of life, supernatural, historical, idol verse, AUs of all kinds and even original characters. Honestly, if you're unsure, just ask and there is a 99.9% chance that I will be down for it.
I do not expect smut constantly but I do enjoy it (so yes, pwp is okay but I prefer there be a storyline to follow) with that being said, minors please do not interact or lie about your age. Please, let me live without worry of catching a charge while also keeping you safe.
Below is a list of my current muses, however for original characters I would be willing to pick up muses that I'm not particularly familiar with.
Kim Yongsun
Jung Wheein
Fukutomi Tsuki
Minatozaki Sana
Myoi Mina
Im Nayeon
Kim Dahyun
Hirai Momo
Park Jihyo
Jung Eunbi
g idle:
Song Yuqi
Jeon Soyeon
Park Jiwon
Rolling Quartz:
Kwon Eunbi
Jeon Somi
If this post caught your attention, you're looking for some sweet 1x1 attention and threads, you want to ship your heart out or you're just bored and want to smut it up— I'll add my discord at the bottom. Feel free to add me or message me with any questions.
bangchan lovebot#6050

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closedafterdark · 4 years
Can I request a smut where you are having an important video conference and Nayeon was giving you head and a handjob under your desk and you almost get caught. You eventually tell her “If you interrupt me one more time, I’ll make sure they see me fuck you in front of them”
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“Myoui-san, how is the Kobe branch doing so far?”
You were in your office currently talking to the business division’s assistant manager, Myoui Mina. Being the CEO of Tdoong Entertainment was not an easy task. On top of the 9 colleagues you directly worked with, you had to oversee all the other divisions of the company.
“It’s not looking too good, boss. Sales are down and there’s been a lot of infighting recently”
“Where’s manager Jihyo?”
“She’s talking to the manager here about possibly relocating our company’s newest division”
“What? No. The Itzy Entertainment division barely hit the one year mark. They’re not ready” you said, rubbing your temple.
You hear three soft knocks on the door. Taking the silence as a cue to enter, you see a bright smiling woman walk to your desk. You look at her momentarily before returning your attention to Mina.
“Jihyo thinks it could be a good experience for them” she said.
Pouting at you and failing to be noticed, the woman lowers onto the ground and pushes you out of the way, startling you. You compose yourself as you see her now under your desk. She signals for you to be quiet before she quickly unbuckles your slacks and lowers them. She cups your crotch, kissing the cotton fabric that dungeoned it. She licks her lips with excitement as she removes your boxers. Your now free cock slaps her face, earning a giggle from her.
“Tell her they’re still not ready, I won’t approve the transfe-”
You moan a bit loudly as you quickly look down and see your cute assistant, Im Nayeon wrapping her small hand around your cock. She previously held the assistant manager position of the marketing team, before relinquishing the title to a young busty woman you just hired, Kwon Eunbi. You didn’t want Nayeon to join another company nor did you think her talents should be wasted doing normal paperwork, so you gave her a business proposition to be your personal assistant. To Nayeon, that apparently meant pleasing you sexually as well.
Fearing it would be too loud, Nayeon avoided spitting on your cock. One of her favorite things to do, she chose to instead lick your tip and take it in her mouth. She did so just long enough in order to lubricate it, spreading it all over your shaft.
“Are you okay, boss?” Mina asks with a concerned look.
“I-I’m fine” you grunt, trying to compose yourself.
Nayeon giggles as she runs her tongue up and down your shaft. You clenched your teeth, trying your best to avoid making any noise. 
“You’re doing pretty well” Nayeon quietly whispered as she moaned with your cock inside her, slurping on it furiously as you felt your tip reach the back of her throat. You took deep breaths, mustering up the willpower not to groan loudly and make Mina suspicious.
“Boss, you need to send Team Leaders Yoo and Minatozaki to the Busan branch. Team Leader Chou’s already on her way to Taiwan” Mina continued, oblivious to your now sweaty appearance.
“U-understood” you say, kicking Nayeon softly as she giggled. She took her time, teasing you by sucking on your heavy balls. She gave each one equal attention, making them a slobbering mess upon release from her mouth.
You look down and run your hands through her beautiful long brown hair.
“Open” you say in a whisper as Nayeon’s mouth quickly widens, sliding your cock inside her warm and wet walls. She sucked your cock hard, almost causing you to fall off the chair. Her tongue massaged the underside of your length every time her lips moved up and down. Afraid her neck would strain, you held onto the back of her head. You helped guide her to a more comfortable rhythm, feeling Nayeon’s head bob up and down.
She moaned through a full mouth, feeling herself getting wet as you fucked her face. You decided to take matters into your own hands, causing Nayeon to be slightly surprised as you pushed her head deeper and deeper. Nayeon’s screams became muted, vibrating on your cock as you regretfully release her. A large trail of saliva connected her mouth and your dick as she struggled to catch her breath.
“Oppa, is someone in the room?” Mina asks, concerned. She usually kept a professional tone whenever it came to business, but being one of your closest friends, Mina couldn’t help but show worry at you sweating profusely and groaning loudly during the call.
“N-no” you whimpered. “Just a video I forgot to pause on my phone”
“O-okay...” Mina replied, still unsure.
You looked down at Nayeon who was a sweaty mess, her beautifully brushed hair now clinging onto her forehead. She moaned, breathing hot air on your cock before taking your balls back into her mouth.
Another knock is heard outside your door.
“C-come in” you weakly say.
In enters a bespectacled women, not a single hair out of place grinning at you widely.
“Yes, miss Hirai?”
“Dahyun and Chaeyoung were wondering if you were still on for the lunch meeting in a few hours”
“Tell them I’ll be there” you reply.
“Roger that. Where’s Nayeon unnie? I saw her enter your room” Momo said.
“She went to the bathroom to freshen up” you reply.
“I see... so I’ll see you tonight, oppa?” Momo said, winking at you before giving a long kiss on your cheek.
Mina grins through the camera as you give her an annoyed look. Momo waves at you before turning back and blowing a kiss. You hear the door close and sigh.
“So Hirai unnie, huh?” Mina said with a mischievous smirk.
“It’s not like that, ow!”
You felt pain surge through your body, causing you to look down. You see Nayeon giving you a deadly glare, her teeth marks still visible on your cock. You run your fingers through her hair and apologize, telling her it’s not true. She looks at you angrily before returning her mouth onto you.
“Look, Mina. I have an important matter to take care of... keep me updated on the branch. Tell Jihyo I don’t want to relocate the girls yet!”
Mina flashes her gummy smile at you, giving you a salute before the call ends.
You push your chair backwards and see Nayeon still pouting.
“Baby, I can’t believe you bit my cock”
“Tch. Why did you let that slut Hirai kiss you?”
“She’s your coworker! Plus, she’s harmless”
“No she’s not! Oppa, that’s how she managed to get so many guys in her pants. She acts sweet and pretends to be stupid so guys can fuck her senseless. You better be careful of her”
“Why is that? I have you” you said.
Nayeon is shocked to hear your words, blushing slightly.
“Now why don’t you be a good girl and make me cum?” you said, thrusting your lower body forward to line your cock with her mouth.
Nayeon laughs, kissing your tip before parting her sweet lips once more.
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hvneylcves · 4 years
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❛ im nayeon, 23, cisfemal, she/her ❜ was that MINHEE ''MINNIE' KWON i just saw hurrying across the quad? you’d think they would know what happens when a JUNIOR is late to class. then again, the HUMAN SCIENCES major has been known to be pretty FRIVOLOUS. maybe being so INDEPENDENT helps keep them out of trouble. i heard that they are PANSEXUAL and love DIRTY TALK + IMPACT PLAY. // aries, 21, pst, she/her
make them wait for it,,,,,, BAM !! just kidding !! what’s up everyone !! i’m aries (she/her) and i’m currently 21 right now but as smashmouth said.. the years keep coming and they never stop coming... but on to better and brighter things !!! this is my baby minhee “minnie” kwon who’s played by the lovely nayeon !! and she’s.... p h e w, she’s a downright wreck tbfh and not in the cutesy, ditzy way either !! i just hope you guys love her as much as i do and forgive me beforehand about any nsfw things bc i’ve never been in an rp that openly and actively writes smut but there’s a first for everything !!! more about minnie below !!
alright so while minnie is a messy bitch, i forgot to mention that i ,too, am a fucking disaster when it comes to intros djflslk forgive me !!!
minnie is what some would call a “ thrillseeker “. she’s always doing something crazy-- be it taking ten shots at once and then attempting to take ten more becasue the first haven’t hit her fast enough. 
she’ll tempt fate and walk along the edge of whatever roof she can because that constitutes as fun when in reality it’s actually pretty crazy.
 she never takes anything serious or anyone-- and sometimes that can make her come of as bitchy or uncaring. and for a majority of it all, she really DOES NOT care about anyone. 
people to her are playthings-- means of entertainment. if they have no use to her, whether that be to make sure she’s having fun or do something for her/get her things then she does not give them the time of day. 
she won’t hesitate to be blunt as shit either about what she likes/dislikes either and she’ll do it in the most cheerful and friendliest way that sometimes the clear dismissal or demand isn’t even noted
in a way, you could say that minnie acts a bit like a spoiled princess that does what she wants when she wants without regards to other people and their feelings as long as in the end she’s the one who’s satisfied and content. 
and she genuinely does not get that that’s not how people should be. she sees nothing wrong with her attitude so her moral compass is skewed heavily in regards to how she should feel shame/guilt over making things hard/bad for other people
she was born in seoul, sk to two wealthy parents ( haa bc im so original lmao ) her father being a co-owner to a music label there and her mother being a model
her mother raised her up to how she is now-- because her mother basically told her and taught her that if someone wasn’t of value to her/her needs/her goals, then they had no value. and to top it all off, her mother also, in a way, convinced minnie that feelings were a hassle to deal with and that they were messy. they weren’t need in the whole grand scheme of things. they were distractions 
which leads her to how she is now 
the whole reason she’s at northridge is because at one point minnie wanted to know what the whole “feelings” things were because she’s pretty stunted in that area. and she caused a big scandal back for her family and they figured sending her off to a “reputable school” would help save face and she’s been here for about 3/4 years now working on a degree she actually choose for herself because it was one of the very few things that actually interested her
her parents haven’t forgiven her for what she did and it kind of pisses her off that she’s being ignored and belittled so she’s pretty much lashing out in the only way she knows how to and that’s by doing what she wants which has... landed her in some pretty interesting situations and still does
minnie likes excitement and fun and is using it as a means to lash back at her parent for being tossed away like a toy herself while simultaneously doing the same to the people around her if they can’t keep her interested or entertained long enough and doesn’t care for people generally and does not feel bad doing that.
dirty talk
impact play
rough sex
hair pulling
praise!! PRAISE!!! P R A I S E !!! ( your girl needs it bc she’s fucking petty af even if she is the one giving )
Power play
experimenting ( minnie is always willing to try something once as long as it’s not scat play, watersports, noncon/dubcon, and bloodplay !!! )
okay so... this is a mess... and if you’re confused about anything i’d  be more thasn happy to elaborate or explain !! i’ve been writing this for forever and i just wanted to get a general idea about her out for you all !! it’ds pretty rough and i apologize again !!
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chankai-ao3 · 4 years
by xPoros
Hey! I'm opening writing commission slots. All the information and examples are on my Twitter Profile @Prominsik as well as under this post: https://twitter.com/Prominsik/status/1233137208485384192?s=20
Any inquiries preferably through Twitter DM! I will also answer your comments here if you are interested. Prices and rules listed below!
Words: 427, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: EXO (Band), ATEEZ (Band), VICTON (Band), A.C.E (Beat Interactive Band), 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS, TWICE (Band), TOMORROW X TOGETHER | TXT (Korea Band), SuperM (Korea Band), Stray Kids (Band), SHINee, SEVENTEEN (Band), ONEUS (Band), Monsta X (Band), MCND (Band), BLACKPINK (Band), GOT7, (여자)아이들 | (G)I-DLE, EVERGLOW (Band), NCT (Band)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Byun Baekhyun, Kim Jongin | Kai, Oh Sehun, Kim Junmyeon | Suho, Kim Minseok | Xiumin, Park Chanyeol, Kim Jongdae | Chen, Zhang Yi Xing | Lay, Do Kyungsoo | D.O, Kim Hongjoong, Park Seonghwa, Jeong Yunho, Kang Yeosang, Choi San, Song Mingi, Jung Wooyoung, Choi Jongho, Han Seungwoo, Kang Seungsik, Choi Byungchan, Heo Chan, Im Sejun, Jung Subin, Do Hanse, Kim Sehyoon | Wow, Kim Byeongkwan, Park Junhee | Jun, Kang Yuchan | Chan, Lee Donghun, Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Min Yoongi | Suga, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Kim Taehyung | V, Park Jimin (BTS), Jeon Jungkook, Im Nayeon, Park Jisoo | Jihyo, Myoui Mina, Hirai Momo, Minatozaki Sana, Kim Dahyun, Son Chaeyoung, Chou Tzuyu, Yoo Jeongyeon, Huening Kai, Kang Taehyun, Choi Yeonjun, Choi Soobin, Choi Beomgyu, Lee Taeyong, Lee Taemin, Mark Lee (NCT), Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul | Ten, Wong Yuk Hei | Lucas, Hwang Hyunjin, Yang Jeongin | I.N, Kim Seungmin, Lee Minho | Lee Know, Han Jisung | Han, Bang Chan, Seo Changbin, Choi Minho, Kim Kibum | Key, Lee Jinki | Onew, Kim Jonghyun (SHINee), Yoon Jeonghan, Lee Jihoon | Woozi, Kwon Soonyoung | Hoshi, Lee Chan | Dino, Lee Seokmin | DK, Xu Ming Hao | The8, Jeon Wonwoo, Chwe Hansol | Vernon, Wen Jun Hui | Jun, Hong Jisoo | Joshua, Kim Mingyu, Choi Seungcheol | S.Coups, Boo Seungkwan, Yeo Hwanwoong, Kim Geonhak | Leedo, Kim Youngjo | Ravn, Lee Seoho, Son Dongju | Xion, Lee Keonhee, Lee Hoseok | Wonho, Yoo Kihyun, Lee Minhyuk (Monsta X), Im Changkyun | I.M, Son Hyunwoo | Shownu, Chae Hyungwon, Lee Jooheon, Song Minjae (MCND), Son Seongjun | Castle J, Nam Seungmin | BIC, No Huijun, Bang Junhyuk | Win, Jennie Kim, Lalisa Manoban | Lisa, Park Chaeyoung | Rosé, Kim Jisoo (BLACKPINK), Park Jinyoung (GOT7), Jackson Wang, Im Jaebum | JB, Kunpimook Bhuwakul | BamBam, Kim Yugyeom, Mark Tuan, Choi Youngjae, Jeon Soyeon, Song Yuqi, Seo Soojin, Yeh Shuhua, Cho Miyeon, Minnie Nicha Yontararak, Park Jiwon | E:U, Wang Yiren (EVERGLOW), Heo Yoorim | Aisha, Kim Sihyeon, Han Eunji | Mia, Jo Serim | Onda, Jung Yoonoh | Jaehyun, Park Jisung (NCT), Na Jaemin, Nakamoto Yuta, Lee Jeno, Kim Jungwoo (NCT), Lee Donghyuck | Haechan, Zhong Chen Le, Dong Si Cheng | WinWin, Kim Dongyoung | Doyoung, Huang Ren Jun, Moon Taeil, Qian Kun, Wong Kun Hang | Hendery, Jin Yangyang, Xiao De Jun | Xiao Jun
Relationships: Byun Baekhyun/Park Chanyeol, Kim Jongin | Kai/Park Chanyeol, Jeong Yunho/Song Mingi, Kang Yeosang/Song Mingi, Choi San/Jung Wooyoung, Choi Jongho/Jeong Yunho, Kim Hongjoong/Park Seonghwa, Han Seungwoo/Kang Seungsik, Kim Byeongkwan/Kim Sehyoon | Wow, Kim Byeongkwan/Park Junhee | Jun, Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V, Choi Soobin/Huening Kai, Choi Soobin/Choi Yeonjun, Kim Jongin | Kai/Lee Taemin, Hwang Hyunjin/Yang Jeongin | I.N, Choi Minho/Lee Taemin, Lee Jihoon | Woozi/Yoon Jeonghan, Song Mingi/Yeo Hwanwoong, Kim Geonhak | Leedo/Yeo Hwanwoong, Im Changkyun | I.M/Yoo Kihyun
Additional Tags: Fluff, Angst, PWP without Porn, Smut, Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Strangers to Lovers, Enemy Lovers, Crossover, OT3, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Social Media, Furry, Incest, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst with a Bad Ending, Violence, Psychological Trauma, Psychological Warfare, Drama, Family Drama, Romance, Canon Compliant, alternative universe, reader - Freeform
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nochuobsessed · 6 years
Reign || Pt 27
Reign Masterlist
Word Count: 4.6k
Groups: BTS, EXO, Blackpink, Twice
Au: Royal
Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader, Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Angst | Fluff | Smut | Au
Warnings: abuse, sexual abuse, rape mentions, smut, torture, the feels, EVERYTHING
“Father, must I go outside?”
A tall man, dressed finely in the same colour clothing as you wore, bent down onto one knee, placing his large hands on your shoulders, “My Princess, you should mingle with all the other little Prince’s and Princess’s. You should make friends.”
You peered into your fathers eyes, never failing to notice how symmetrical they were to your own. Your head tilted, making your tiara fall from your head to the floor, making a small noise.
You gasped in surprise, looking to your father in shock, who just chuckled in response, picking up the gold diamond tiara, and placing it carefully back on your head, “There you go, you look perfect.”
“I can’t play with them!” You said, showing your father your best puppy eyes, “I’m only six! They’re a lot bigger than me!”
You father gave you a gentle push, “But you are smarter than all of them. You’re my daughter, stand tall.”
You nodded shyly, finally stepping outside to the brightly lit gardens. You hadn’t been outside of Park before, so you were excited to see the differences in your home and the Kingdom of Kwon. Your older sister and brother were already playing with the Prince Jiyong, and you were left by alone.
“So many flowers,” You gasped in awe, picking a pink flower and looking closely at it. You giggled before sneezing, the pollen touching your nose. You stood back up, turning around and continuing to look around the beautiful gardens.
You saw many royal children talking around the gardens. You were so far the youngest. Young heirs to the throne weren’t usually allowed to leave their kingdoms until the age of 6, which had explained why you had never left the castle borders. Everyone seemed to bunch together, different groups of beautifully dressed princes and princesses all chatting and giggling together.
However one, a young boy, a few years older than you, sat by a tree, staring off into space. You considered approaching him, but he was wearing an heir’s crown, which convinced you not to.
“And what are you doing here?”
You turned around quickly, coming face to face with some older boys you hadn’t met before. They were not royal, that was for sure. Yet they scared you, with their smirks and taunting smiles.
“Can I help you?” You asked quietly, looking down and not meeting their eyes.
“You’re not an heir, are you?” The tallest boy asked, “We have higher ranks than you. We’ll take over our fathers title, but what will you be? You’ll probably marry a peasant.”
You tilted your head carefully, as not to let your tiara fall this time. You were confused. Why were these boys being mean to you? Did they have something against you? You had never met them before, so you had no idea.
“A peasant?” You asked, “Do I know you?”
“Our fathers work for yours,” One of the boys said, “We see you around the castle, but you’re never without your nanny. Why do you get better treatment than us? The people that will help your brother run his kingdom one day.”
“Because she will be my Queen.”
You didn’t recognize the voice, but you stayed still, only looking to the mysterious person once they were standing next to you.
“Prince Jungkook,” The boys bowed in respect, and you looked up at the tall boy.
“Why must you be so horrible to her,” He asked, slipping his hand in yours, “Whether or not she holds a higher rank then you, which she does, you should be nice. That’s what separates us Royals from you, what did you say, peasants. We learn how to treat others, you just learn how to scam your way through life with money and threats.”
They boys ran off after Jungkook’s speech, and you curtsied to the older boy, “Thank you, your highness.”
Jungkook smiled softly, “I meant it, your highness.”
You smiled shyly, wiping away the emerging tears, “I appreciate it.”
As Royals, you were taught how to speak properly at a young age, which is why you weren’t surprised after his speech.
“I, think I should go now,” You said, “Thank you.”
“Wait- I never got your name,” Jungkook said, making you turn around.
You sighed, smiling, “Y/N, Princess Y/N of Park.”
Cold touches. Frightened shaking. Taunting and teasing. That had become your life.
At this stage you weren't sure if it Sehun and Hyuna, or your own thoughts torturing you. Jungkook was the same. Scared of any sound outside your room, fearful that it was one of the two new rulers.
You hadn’t heard about Jihan in a while. You received no more letters, Sehun thinking that if you had access to letters, that you would stop his plan.
“How’s the one on your ribcage?”
Jungkook hesitantly lifted up his shirt, the wound on his left rib infected and getting worse by the day, “Its not healing.”
You looked down, Sehun and Hyuna had prevented Jungkook from getting any medical aid. They didn’t know that Nayeon was a physician, but she didn’t have access to the supplies needed.
“We just have to keep it clean,” You say, standing up and picking up the bowl with water, “We can wait until later, Nayeon went to the village and got alcohol.”
Jungkook chuckled in pain, “Right, so I can drink myself to death.”
Pouting, you hit his uninjured arm, “Don’t say that. Not even as a joke. Not in this situation.”
Jungkook took your hand, kissing it softly, “We must do what we must. Our only goal at the moment is survival. Even if we get kicked out of the kingdom-“
You shook your head, pressing a wet cloth to the infected wound, making your husband wince, “That won’t happen. Even if it did, we have castles in Park. We have friends everywhere. We can take back our kingdom.”
“And what about Jihan?” Jungkook said, his voice raising an inch, “He’d have to grow up with his parents fighting for a kingdom that we shouldn’t have lost in the first place. He doesn’t have his parents right now! We could die and he’ll invulantarily become king. He’s an infant-“
“This is no ones fault but Sehun and Hyuna’s,” you reassured him, “If we don’t get them, karma will. Our people are loyal, they won’t support them without a fight.”
Jungkook nodded, cupping the side of your face and bringing you in for a sweet kiss. Your hands naturally found their way to his thighs, scooting forward to deepen the kiss.
“We’ll be okay,” Jungkook said, your foreheads pressed together, “Even if we have to disguise ourselves and live as peasants, we’ll be okay because we have each other.”
His thin hands traced your jaw, trying to memorize every feature. His eyes looked tired, too tired. Your heart ached at the sight in front of you. You hoped he didn’t feel the same.
“They’ll want to see us soon,” You whispered, his large hand taking yours, “How pathetic. The rulers of Jeon, one from Park, parents of Jeon-Park prince, now being held hostage, in our own castle.”
Jungkook tilted his head, “I don’t think it’s pathetic, but rather sad. We had everything, and now nothing. But still more than most.”
Jungkook was right. You still had food, not a lot but enough. A roof over your head, and you had been able to keep your royal quarters. Jihan was presumably safe, still living the life he should.
And as if on queue, the door opened, and a guard walked in.
“Tomorrow night, a pre-coronation ball will be held to honor King Sehun and Queen Hyuna. You have both been selected as the hosts. A guard will come to escort you when it begins. You are also being summoned to dinner in an hour.”
He left just as quickly as he came, leaving you and Jungkook alone once more.
You gulped, standing up slowly, “I guess we better start getting ready.”
Your hand was trembling as you gripped onto Jungkooks arm, awaiting to be announced into the dinner. Jungkook was standing tall, the both of you dressed royally once more, crowns and all. Neither of you had said a word to each other in at least ten minutes, the anxiety of coming face to face with Hyuna and Sehun too much.
“Their Majesties, King Jungkook and Queen Y/N.”
You started walking, the double doors to the dining room opening and revealing your two faux rulers. They smiled nastily, Hyuna’s neck covered in feathers from her dress.
You sat down next to each other, Jungkooks hand enveloped by yours in your lap. Your stomach felt tight from anxiety, and your breathing unsteady.
“Don’t they look lovely, my love,” Hyuna said to Sehun, “However, something smells funny. Is that the smell of… whore?”
You looked down, avoiding everyone’s gaze as the two assholes in front of you laughed to themselves. You could feel Jungkook tensing, his body moving into a position where he could attack them at any time.
“Now now little brother,” Sehun taunted, “It’s not like I raped her, she willingly went along with it.”
Jungkook scoffed, “You would’ve killed me if she didn’t. She had no choice.”
“She’s still a whore,” Hyuna said, rolling her eyes. Your head shot up at her words, breathing in through your nose as your lips pursed tightly together.
“Enough, Hyuna,” Sehun said, “Now, before dinner is served, we have business to attend to.”
“What business?” You asked, your voice filled with an authority that scared the two imposters. Jungkook chuckled under his breath, his thumb rubbing circles on your hand to calm you down. You were grateful for the gesture.
“The pre-coronation ball,” Sehun said, “You two are hosting it. You will reveal that the two of you are stepping down. That it is too much work, and you want to focus on raising your son.”
“Where is our son?” Jungkook asked quickly, both of your eyes wide and hopeful.
Sehun and Hyuna looked to each other, shrugging, “He has to die, of course. After our proper coronation, you’re free to have as many children as you want. However, Jihan is technically still in line for my throne. We have our own son coming soon, and there can be no remains of your corrupt, hybrid family.”
“Hybrid?” You ask, offended, “And what exactly do you mean by that?”
Sehun laughed, “A hybrid of Park and Jeon. Kingdoms shouldn’t join. Why should two kingdoms be more powerful than another simply because of marriage?”
“You see, this is where you are at fault, not to mention everything else,” Jungkook said, shaking his head in disbelief, “Y/N and I, we were born to rule. When we were young, we had lessons, teaching us to think of the people before we think of ourselves. You have no experience. You think you can just show up, claim you’re king, and live in riches and jewels for the rest of your life? You’ll end up like Prince Yoongi. Dead and heir to a bankrupt kingdom. I suppose the other kingdoms could use another convict area-“
“Shut up!” Hyuna screamed, “Your voice, it’s so annoying! First it was you screaming all the time, and now you’re insulting us?! What makes you better than us? You’re not a bastard? Sehun will be a better king. We know what it’s like to live in the villages, to earn our money and make a living! You two are over privileged silver spoons!”
You stand up, “We are over-privileged. That’s what we royals are. We are what the public strive to be like. Having two low life’s like you two will make their goals much lower! They’ll live a boring life because the highest people in the food chain live a boring life.”
Jungkook stands up with you, lacing his fingers with yours, “Think about the people before you go ahead with this. We can’t stop you.”
You both leave the room, hurrying back to your chambers.
“I have a confession.”
You turned to Jungkook quickly after getting into your night gown, “What is it?”
“You’re leaving, tomorrow,” He said, standing up after sitting on the bed. He walked slowly to you, taking your hands in his, “Tomorrow night, at the ball. It’s masquerade, you can leave with your ladies, the servants will leave too.”
“You’re insane,” You scoffed, “If you think I’m going to leave without you, you need to remember my vows. I’m not leaving you.”
He brings your hands to his lips, kissing them lightly, “Please, I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“Jeon Jungkook! I’m not leaving!” You said, “I’m five steps ahead of you. Have you noticed that Chaeyoung isn’t here? She left ages ago! She is in Park right now, and they’re coming to help us.”
“We can do step one tomorrow-“
“No,” You said firmly, “We can’t waste time.”
Nayeon opened her mouth, but stopped. Jihyo looked alarmed, “She’s right. I’ll get the supplies.”
“I’ll leave,” Naeyeon said, “I’ll dress like a commoner doctor-“
“Y/N’s sick,” Chaeyoung said, “She needs you. Jungkook will need you when he comes back. I’ll go.”
You nod slowly, “Thank you.”
Jihyo handed you a piece of parchment and a quill. You thanked her and began writing.
‘My dearest brother, I am not sure if you know of the news, but our castle and kingdom has been taken over. Jungkook’s bastard Brother, Sehun, and his fiancée, Hyuna, are crowning themselves King and Queen. We are being held captive here, Jungkook is being tortured and has been separated from me for weeks now. Brother, we ask of you, to help us. Rally the other kingdoms to our aid, as we have done for them. Jimin, Jeon needs you. I need you.
Your Dearest Sister, Y/N.’
“Go to Park,” You whispered to Chaeyoung, who had just finished dressing in all brown, her makeup off, and hair down. She looked like a peasant. Perfect. “Give this to my brother. Tell him that there is no time to waste.”
“We will be safe soon,” Chaeyoung said, hugging you tightly, “I promise.”
“They’re coming for us?” Jungkook asked, “You didn’t tell me?”
You pulled out a piece of paper, handing it to Jungkook. He shook his head, “I can’t read it.”
“It says duobus diebus,” You read out, “It’s Latin for two days. It’s from Jimin. I got it yesterday.”
Jungkook looked at you in awe, “You didn’t trust me to tell me?”
You looked down, “If they tortured you for information… I thought-“
He pulled you by the waist and kissed you, his lips taking your breath away, “We’ll be okay.”
You smiled weakly, “I hope so.”
He spun you around, laying you down on the bed softly. He kissed your neck, his lips feather light on your skin.
“Are you sure you’re up to this?” You ask, running your hands delicately across his back.
“Let me make love to you,” He whispered, kissing your lips once again, “We don’t know if we’ll survive tomorrow, or tonight. I intend to make sure you know just how much I love you.”
You felt your eyes water, but kept them back, cupping Jungkook’s face as your tongues massaged each other’s. He moved away, taking off his shirt, and helping you up. You pulled off your gown, leaving you naked.
“Years of this,” Jungkook said, his eyes glued to yours, “And you just get more and more beautiful every second.”
You shook your head, wrapping your arms around his neck, “It is you, my love. Each day you are kinder, more loving than the last.”
“Let me show you,” He said, taking off his pants, both of you now naked. He slowly pushed you back onto the four post bed, running a hand through your hair. He kissed you slowly, his hand moving down to spread open your wet folds. He pumped his cock once, before slowly entering you. You breathed in deeply, as you felt every inch of him enter you slowly. He kept his thrusts slow, the both of you enjoying the feeling of being one with each other.
“I love you,” Jungkook said softly, “So much. You are my angel, my hope, my salvation.”
“You saved me, time and time again,” You held onto his shoulders, as his pace sped up, but not by very much.
He started grunting, pressing light kisses all over your face, making you smile, before moaning suddenly. His hand started to circle your clit slowly, and you brought your hips up to meet him. Your back arched, and his hand moved to support you.
“Y/N, I love you,” He grunted, “Always have, always will.”
You felt you high coming, and you didn’t hold your moans back. He knew you were close, he was too. His thrusts became faster, his pelvis lightly hitting your hips as he kept pounding into you lightly, making sure neither of you felt pain over pleasure.
“I- love you.”
After your words, you came, Jungkook letting go seconds after. You clenched your walls around him as he kissed you, the passion radiating around the both of you.
He slowed down, the both of you exhausted. He pulled out of you, standing up and grabbing a cloth. He wiped you down, making sure to keep his cum inside of you.
“Whatever happens tomorrow,” You say, stroking a finger across his cheek, “We wll be together. You die, I die. You live, I live. We are one.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Blue and gold outfits. Golden masks. Crowns perfectly atop your heads. Crowns that wouldn’t remain there for very much longer.
“You look beautiful,” Jungkook said, placing his hands on your hips from behind, “Remember everything will be fine.” You turned around in his arms, kissing him softly. “Please, if you change your mind, leave with your ladies.”
You sighed, tucking your head under his chin, “I can’t leave you, Not now, not ever.”
He kissed the top of your head, hugging you tightly, “Okay. But if something happens to you, I will kill myself.”
You pouted and hit his chest, “Jihan. Think of Jihan.”
He nodded, and you kissed his chin, before pulling away, “We should go, I guess.”
You nodded, fixing his tilted crown and picking up the masks, adjusting them onto your faces, “Stay together.”
You walked to the entrance of the ballroom, standing at the steps that led down to the party, “I don’t want to do this,” You admit, clutching onto Jungkook’s arm, “I’m not ready to die.”
Jungkook sighed, his chest jolting as he tried to hold back his tears, “If we die, Jihan will be watched over well. He has people ready to look after him, to guide him. Our Reign was short, but it has secured his life in safety.”
You nod, and you finally make your way to the floor, seeing Hyuna and Sehun, sitting on your thrones, dressed entirely in gold. You refused to look at them, feeling revolted that they think they’re doing the right thing.
“Look everyone!” Hyuna called out from your throne, “Former King and Queen Y/N are here! Lets give them a warm welcome!”
Everyone clapped, and you hid your already covered face in Jungkook’s shoulder.
“Brother, come here,” Sehun said, motioning for the two. You slowly walked over, looking at your feet.
“Lovely to see you,” Sehun said, “You don’t look too shabby for former rulers who are going to die.”
“You have our Kingdom, and you got us to send our son away,” You said, the tears threatening to fall, “Now you want us dead?”
“You see,” Sehun said, “The people will still support you, but if you’re dead-“
“We get it,” Jungkook said, “At least wait until after your coronation.”
“We plan to do that,” Hyuna said, “You can enjoy our party now.”
You sighed, before recognizing the music, “Jungkook, can we dance?”
Jungkook chuckled sadly, “Isn’t that my line?” He bowed to you, “May I have a dance with my Queen?”
“Of course, my King,” You say, curtsying back. You both took off your masks, everyone knew who were anyway.
He led you to the middle, the two of you starting to dance. It was bittersweet. You always believed that the two of you were the best dancers, able to convey your emotions through each other.
“You’re still so beautiful.”
You stopped dancing, instead leaning into his chest, and finally crying. The music stopped, and your sobs echoed throughout the room. Everyone went quiet, watching as the King comforted his Queen.
“It’s not worth it,” You sobbed, “Nothing, we’re dead, Jungkook. They’ll kill us, and they’ll kill Jihan.”
“It’ll be okay,” Jungkook said, “M-maybe our next life will be better.”
He pulled you away from the center, away from where everyone could see you.
“I’m sorry,” You sobbed, “I didn’t mean to make a scene.”
Jungkook hushed you, and held you close, patting your hair, “It’s okay.”
Two figures walked towards you, bowing, and then temporarily taking off their masks.
“Jihyo, Nayeon,” You say, “Are you ready to leave?”
“Yes, your highness,” Nayeon says, “We will all see each other again soon.”
You hug the two girls, and they walk away, keeping their faces hidden.
“The servants have left already,” Jungkook says, “The sovereigns go down with the castle.”
You nodded, moving around to get a drink.
Doing so, you spot a lady dressed finely, her stomach protruding with child.
“Congratulations,” You said, smiling sadly, “Is this your first?”
“Second,” The girl says, her voice familiar, “I have a daughter.”
You scrunch your eyebrows, “Have- have we met before?”
“I’m sure we have, your majesty,” She says, before walking away to join a man, most likely her husband.
You returned to Jungkook with champagne, taking a sip before a loud bang is heard.
The ballroom doors slammed open, with two men dragging the screaming Jihyo and Nayeon through the doors.
“We found them trying to escape, your majesties,” The guards say to Hyuna and Sehun, who look to each other in amusement.
“Y/N, come here.”
You shake your head no, but a guard comes and takes ahold of you.
“Let go of me,” You said lowly, and he released you. You walked towards the fake royals, and stopped, Jungkook standing behind you.
“These are your ladies, are they not?”
“I told them to leave,” You say, looking down, “Punish me, not them.”
Sehun smirks, “Well, what should your punishment be? Oh! I know!”
He stands up, Jungkook moving in front of you, a protecting glare in his eyes, “Don’t touch her.”
“Our Queen here was a great fuck,” He announces, and the audience went quiet, “Maybe my guards should experience it first hand.”
The guards grabbed ahold of you, and you started screaming, “NO! NOT AGAIN PLEASE-“
Jungkook was grabbed too, torn away from you as he desperately tried to reach you, “IF YOU TOUCH HER I’LL KILL YOU!”
“Now now, Sehun. Don’t you think it’s time you stopped this little game of yours?”
You frantically turned around, seeing five men standing in a line, taking off their masks to reveal Jimin, Hoseok, Seokjin, Taehyung, and Namjoon.
“We’re under attack,” Sehun said lazily, “You think we’re scared? We are the rulers now.”
“You’re not,” Jimin said, “You will never be one of us. The only thing you’ll be is dead.”
The guards ran towards the Kings and Princes, Jungkook somehow getting hold of a sword and stabbing the guards around you. He pulled you behind him, ready to kill anyone that even thought of stepping near you.
The Guards had no chance, Sehun and Hyuna were glued to their seats, as they realized the entire attendance of the ball were all working for the other kingdoms. A surprise attack.
Sehun stood up, but Jungkook quickly grabbed him, holding the sword to his neck, “Take another step and I’ll kill you.”
“Guards, stop fighting,” Sehun called out. Hyuna was frozen, staring straight at her fiancé.
Sehuns guards were taken away by real Park guards, which left only the royals in the room. The pregnant lady you spoke to earlier took off her mask, revealing Jennie, who smiled excitedly at you, her hands on her baby bump.
“You mess with my family,” Jungkook said, “You mess with all of us.”
“We’re all connected,” Hoseok said, “Through marriage.”
“And Children,” Prince Taehyung said, smiling at you.
“Friendship,” Prince Namjoon said, looking around at everyone.
“Growing up together,” Seokjin said, glancing at Jimin.
“We are all a family, something you’ll never understand,” Jimin said, “That’s how we’re different from you normal people. We rule because we have each other’s backs.”
“And now,” You said, stepping forward, “You’ll see exactly what mother is capable of.”
You pulled out a dagger from under your skirt, raising the eyebrows of the men in the room. You walked up to Sehun, whom Jungkook was keeping still.
You stabbed his shoulder, “This is for the threats.”
His hip, “This is for the head.”
His thigh, “This is for torturing Jungkook.”
His stomach, “This is for making me have sex with you.”
You took a deep breath, and stabbed his heart, “This is for separating me from my son, and putting him in danger.”
Jungkook let go of the body, letting a very dead Sehun fall to the floor.
The boys clapped, and you curtsied in response, before walking towards Hyuna, “What to do with you? Are you actually pregnant?”
“I-I lied.”
You handed the dagger to Jungkook, and he stabbed her heart, finally ending the two devils lives.
You looked around the room at the smiling faces, noticing Jennie wasn’t there.
“Guards,” Jimin said, take the bodies away. The real King and Queen need their thrones back.”
They did what they were told, and you sat down in your throne, finally feeling at home.
“Thank you,” You said, smiling widely, “You saved us.”
“You would’ve done the same for us,” Taehyung said, “By the way, I think there’s someone who wants to see you.”
You look behind him, and Jennie is carrying Jihan, who screamed out you’re names. You and Jungkook leap out of your thrones, running to him.
Jennie puts him down, and he stands up, taking a few steps towards you. You collapse to the floor, wrapping him into your arms. He hugged you both tightly, and you and Jungkook started crying.
“You’re home my baby!” You cried, kissing his chubby cheeks, before pulling back, “Look at you! You’ve grown so much!”
“I’m so sorry, my son,” Jungkook said, wiping his tears away to hug his son, “I’ll never let you go away again. Never.”
Jihan giggled, “King Appa, Queen Eomma!”
More happy tears fell as you hugged him again, “He’s grown so much!”
You could see more of you and Jungkook in him. His face had become more pronounced, with Jungkook’s bunny smile perfectly placed on his lips.
“We’re okay,” Jungkook said, “We’re okay.”
You nodded, as Jungkook hugged you both. You wiped away your tears, knowing that they would be the last ones in a while.
“I love you both, so much,” Jungkook said.
“I love you too.”
And we’re done :’((((. There’s still an epilogue, but I wanted to say thank you to everyone that read and loved Reign. Thank you so much for coming with me on this long journey. Y/N and Jungkook’s story is over, but they got their happy ending <3
- Royal
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nojam-secrettime · 7 years
About Us
Rianne⭐️: - writes fluff, suggestive fluff, & AU, smut upon request - Biases: Jackson, S.Coups, Zuho, Rap Mon, L, Chen, Yongguk, Ilhoon - Bias Groups: Monsta X, Infinite, BtoB, BAP, BTS, GOT7, AOA, SVT - favorite past time: killing other admins - Prompts > Pictures -Find Me! Twitter: http://twitter.com/JackRiAh Tumblr: http://rianne-loveeee.tumblr.com
Nao🎀: - writes fluff, smut, crack, mild angst - Biases: Ravi, Changkyun, Suga, Jinjin, JB, Chaeyoung - Bias Groups: VIXX, Teen Top, Monsta X, Astro, GOT7, BTS, Red Velvet, Twice - favorite past time: memeing - Prompts > Pictures Twitter | Tumblr
Chi🍏: - writes fluff, suggestive fluff - Biases: Mina, Nayeon, Fei, Whee In, YeEun, Ellin, Jun.K, Woohyun, Jo Kwon - Bias Groups: TWICE, Miss A, MAMAMOO, 2AM, 2PM, GOT7, Wonder Girls, Infinite, Crayon Pop - favorite past time: Being a weeb, board games, being killed by fluffy and cute things - Pictures > Prompts; both even better :D
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Tae💚: -writes fluff, AU, mini series, angst, basically anything but smut oops -Biases: Kang Daniel, Rocky, Mark Tuan, Youngbin, Rowoon, Jooheon, Woozi, Wei, B-Joo, Hoya, Taeyong, Jihun, MoonByul, J-Hope -Bias Groups: Wanna One, Produce 101 S2, ASTRO, GOT7, SF9, Monsta X, Seventeen, Up10tion, Topp Dogg, Infinite, 2PM, Wonder Girls, Twice, Miss A, Mamamoo, NCT, KNK, BTS [many more, hella multi-fandom] -favorite past time: Basketball, Dance, Reading fluff idk - Prompts > pictures
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nochuobsessed · 7 years
Reign || Pt 12
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Reign Masterlist
Word Count: 3.5k
Groups: BTS, EXO, Blackpink, Twice
Au: Royal
Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader, Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Angst | Fluff | Smut | Au
Warnings: Mentions of rape, death, birth, mentions of abuse, abuse
“This is it for me, my love,” Baekhyun said, leaning back on the wall. His mouth and chest was covered in blood, and his eyes were struggling to stay open, “I love you so much, and I know you don’t love me-“
“I will always love you-“
“Our child, love them. Y-you brought me such joy in my life, t-thank you,” he said, his voice growing weaker and weaker, “Live a happy life. Please.”
Your sobs grew louder and louder, as his eyes closed for the last time.
It was like winter, and you had forgotten your coat. Everything was cold, and any happiness you once had was gone. Your first love, the father of your child, was gone. He would never speak again, never smile at you again.
He was dead.
Your Grandfather died when you were five.
You, being at that age where most things were happy and all you wanted to do is wear pretty dresses and your late grandmothers crown, didn’t understand why your grandfather stopped coming to breakfast, or telling you a story at night.
“He’s gone to a better place,” you were told over and over again.
“What better place?” you would reply, “We live in a castle, what’s better than that?”
The adults would always laugh. In a time of mourning and grief, they were relieved that you were around to brighten everyone’s spirits. Your Mother, however, would tell you the truth.
“The King was stabbed, my darling,” She’d say, lifting your small body up to sit on her lap, “He is gone forever.”
And yet you always waited for him.
You were eleven when your father died.
You had given up hope that your grandfather would return, but your fathers death had hit you harder than anything else before.
Not only did your fathers death bring sorrow to your family and kingdom, but it meant the days of playing pretend with your older brother were over, for he was to step forward and become the new King of Park.
“Jimin can’t play with us anymore?”
“No my child, he has duties now,” Your mother said.
“But father still had time for us-“
“Your Father had me to help him,” Your mother cut you off, “Y/N, do not speak of him. It was his bad choices that led to his death.”
As an eleven year old princess, you were still not fully aware of the dark side of ruling. The whores, the alcohol, and the secrets kept from the younger members of the family.
And yet, with all of the previous deaths you had lived through, nothing had prepared you for this.
“Baekhyun, please come back to me.”
It had been a week since Baekhyun was killed. A whole week since you were raped. Part of you was hoping he was faking, but you knew that he was dead. You had witnessed it.
“I warned you,” Yoongi said, pulling the dagger out and pointing it accusingly at Baekhyun, “I told you to shut up. I told you you’d die if you didn’t. You should’ve listened.”
You weren’t crying anymore. You hadn’t had much water in the past few days, and you refused to eat. You didn’t care anymore. Yes, you had your unborn child to look after, but he had not crossed your mind since Baekhyun died.
Yoongi hadn’t visited since that day. Guards had taken Baekhyun’s body away hours after he was killed. You were left alone to bare the pain of losing your first love.
The loud bang of the door echoed throughout the room. You stayed still, silently praying it wasn’t Yoongi.
“Your Highness?”
You turn your head to see a maid, holding a tray of food and water.
“Why are you here?” You croak out.
“His Highness the Prince sent me,” She said, walking over to you, “He says you must eat.”
“You can tell His Highness to fuck off,” you scoff, “He doesn’t care.”
“Your Highness, if I may,” The maid says coming over to you and sitting down, “Your child. You need to look after it.”
“I have not felt him move since I got here,” You say, “My child is probably dead.”
“He may not be,” she says, handing you the goblet of water, which you took and downed within seconds, “You must not give up hope.”
“What is your name?” You ask, looking straight into her eyes, and seeing that she was being genuinely kind.
“Jihyo, your highness.”
You lean back against the wall, wincing in pain from your stomach, “Do you like working here, for the prince?”
“He’s cruel,” she says, “He’s done this before. No ones lasted this long, ma’am. I heard the man who died is the father of your child. I’m so sorry.”
You nodded, and bowed your head, “Do you know where we are?”
“The Min castle dungeons, ma’am,” Jihyo says, “I have to leave now, your Highness.”
She stood, and bowed, “Jihyo, wait.”
She stops, and turns to face you once again, “Your Highness?”
“Can you try to come back later? With paper and a quill,” you say, your voice dropping to a whisper, “Please, if you help me I’ll get you out of here too. You can work for me as one of my ladies.”
Jihyo gave you a small smile, “Your Highness, I would’ve helped you not matter what you’d give in return.”
You breathed a sigh of relief, “Thank you, so much.”
Jihyo gave you a reassuring smile, before hurrying out of the room.
You glance at the tray of food, and look down at your stomach. Rubbing one hand on it, you reach forward and take a piece of apple, slowly biting on it.
“Baekhyun Jr,” You whisper, “I promise you, you are so loved. Your father and I love you more than anything. I will always protect you.”
You keep eating the food in front of you. Maybe you hadn’t felt the baby because you weren’t paying it any attention. You had been more occupied with trying to stay alive.
You didn’t know what you would do if you were rescued. The idea of being back in Jungkook’s arms made you want to leave instantly, however you were scared of what he’d think once he knew about the guards.
“We’re going to have a lot of fun with you, Princess.”
You shuddered at the memory. Their breath on your neck, their hands everywhere. The pain you had felt in your stomach, as they had thought it would be humorous to hold you by your swollen belly. Had they hurt Baekhyun Jr? You felt you would never know.
You reached forward to grab another piece of fruit, when you felt a sharp pain in your belly, followed by a wet patch forming on your dress. Your eyes widened, and you let out a scream.
You mentally face-palmed, as you remembered that the guards didn’t work for you. All the same, they came running into the room, confused as to what was going on.
You hesitantly reached under your dress, the pain still there. Bringing your hand back up, you let out a pained sob.
“Is that blood?”
“I’ll tell the Prince, you find the midwife.”
“Hold on baby,” You say, hyperventilating, “Please, you’re too young. I-I can’t lose you!”
It felt like hours, but the guards finally came back, with the midwife and maids following behind.
“How long have you been pregnant?” She asks, untying the chains and helping you up.
“A-Almost five months.”
The midwifes breath hitches in her neck, “We’ll do everything we can.”
You get escorted to a large room, probably a doctors wing. Lying down on the table, you look down at the dirty dress you were still wearing since the day you arrived.
They help you out of the dress, not letting you stand up. Instead they get you into a white nightgown, much easier to wear.
“We’re going to tell you this now, Your Highness,” the midwife says, “We don’t think your baby will survive.”
You throw your head back as you let out an ear-piercing scream, repeating the word “NO!” over and over again.
Tears fill your eyes, and you can feel your heart ache.
The last thing you had left of Baekhyun might not make it.
You’re brought back to reality when your legs are propped up, and a maid is situated on either side of you, one with a cloth, wiping your sweat and tears away, and the other is holding your hand.
“W-ait,” You say, “What are your names? You’re about to help me deliver my child, I-I want to know.”
The midwife gives you a sad smile, “Nayeon, your Highness. The maids are Chaeyoung and Dahyun.”
“We’ll be with you every step of the way,” Dahyun says, giving your hand a squeeze.
“T-thank you.”
Jungkook was a mess. With no news of you, he had come to the conclusion that you were dead.
He loved you with all of his being, and yet he never got the chance to tell you. The future he had envisioned for the two of you was gone. Jungkook had already told his parents that he would not marry anyone else. The tiny part of him that believed you were alive was slowly fading.
What if you had run away? If you and Baekhyun had been planning to live in the Kwon Kingdom with your sister, and never come back. He wished you had confided in him, and prevented this national mess.
“Your Highness, the King of Park and the King of Jeon request your presence in the throne room.”
Jungkook got up with a huff. It was dark, and he had spent all day with the armies looking for you. He would’ve stayed out looking but his mother told him not to. As his queen and mother, he obviously obliged.
Walking down the halls of the Park Court, people bowed their heads to him. They knew he was hurting. No one could imagine how painful this time would be for him. The love of his short life missing, pregnant with another’s child, and possibly dead.
He kept a cold, vacant expression on his face. He became cut off. You had been gone for two weeks, and they were very easily the hardest weeks of his life.
“You asked for me,” Jungkook said, his voice quiet and unlike the happy boy they were used to seeing.
“We have a visitor,” Junghoon said, beckoning for Jungkook to stand next to him, “Bring him in.”
A guard with the distinctive crow crest of the Min Royal family walked in, followed by another holding a weirdly shaped bag.
“You are from the Kingdom of Min, correct?” Jimin asked, “What do you want?”
“We have a message from Prince Yoongi,” He says, “We need 6 million gold pieces.”
“Excuse you,” Jimin scoffed, “And why would I do that?”
“To get the Princess back,” The guard says.
Jungkook felt his stomach drop, “Y-you know where she is?”
“Of course,” The guard said, “If you want her back, you’ll give us the money now.”
“Or we can torture you until you tell us her whereabouts,” Jimin says, “I’m sure King Junghoon would love to help with that.”
“Of course,” the other King said, “Stretched, or bled out?”
The Min guard merely laughed, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
“And why ever not?” Junghoon said, giving a frozen Jungkook a glance.
“We have Guards stationed outside. If, in two hours, we don’t have the money, they’ll go back to Min and tell the Prince that you aren’t cooperating.”
“What will happen then?” Jungkook asked, “What will he do?”
“She’ll end up like her friend.”
“What friend?” Jimin asked, giving his wife a worried yet confused look.
The other guard opened the bag, and let its’ contents fall to the floor.
“Baekhyun!” Jimin shouted, standing up, “H-he was there?”
“He wouldn’t shut up about us… playing, with the Princess,” the guard said, “So the Prince killed him.”
Jungkook started charging forward, “What have you done to her!”
His father, who held him back, whispered in his ear, “We’ll pay the money, everything will be fine,” stopped him.
“Do we have a deal?” The Min Guard asked, “Money in exchange for the Princess.”
Jimin gave Junghoon a questioning look. The elder King nodded, and Jimin let out a long breath, “Yes.”
“We’ll be paying half each,” Junghoon said, “Guards, bring the gold we brought here. It should be enough.”
“Thank you,” Jungkook said to his father, as Jimin arranged for the other half to be brought out.
“Let me get this straight,” Jennie said, placing a hand on her swollen belly, “This is all because we stopped sending money-“
“Because we weren’t getting timber,” Jimin finished, glancing at his crying mother who was being consoled by Hyeyeon.
“Min is in a state of crisis, the Prince saw this as an easy way to fix it.”
“Easy way,” Jungkook muttered under his breath, “This isn’t fucking easy. You’ve killed Baekhyun.”
“He wasn’t necessary,” the guard said, before seeing that the money was laid out in front of him, “You’ve kept your part of the deal, now we’ll keep ours.”
“Who’s coming?” Jimin asked, “It will take a few days.”
Junghoon stood up, “Jungkook and I will, of course.”
“Jongdae and Samuel will come with us, Mother,” Jimin said, “Be ready to leave in half an hour. I want my sister back.”
Jungkook’s eyes were filled with rage. He wanted to kill Yoongi. And he was sure that Jimin was thinking the exact same thing.
“Just to be sure,” Jimin said, glancing at Junghoon, “She’s at the Min Castle?”
“Yes, we’ll take you there,” The guards said, “We have the money.”
“Look,” Junghoon said, as he and Jimin stepped forward, “You have got to be the dumbest guards in the world.”
The guards laughed, “And why is that.”
Jimin and Junghoon both took out their swords from their belts, and stabbed the guards, not caring how much blood came out.
“You told us the location,” Jimin said, pulling his sword out, “Guards, clean this up.”
Jimin walked over to a determined looking Jungkook, “Let’s get Y/N back.”
You felt empty. Your stomach was empty, which may have contributed to the feeling.
Never before had you had so much taken from you in such a small amount of time.
Three days had passed since the birth of your child. The baby was dead. You only saw it’s small form for seconds, before Nayeon took it away. So much hope comes from the birth of a child. The promise of new life, a new beginning. But not your child. Your child had been taken too early.
You only spent day in the birthing room, before you were taken back to the dungeon, much to Nayeon and the maids protest. No one was allowed in the room, you were left in complete solitude, with only your heart broken thoughts to accompany you.
“I must see her.”
“You know the rules.”
“She’ll die if she doesn’t eat. Now let me through!”
Your head perked up at Jihyo’s voice. You were glad to hear it. She walked into the room with the saddest of expressions.
“Your Highness, I’m so sorry.”
“Y/N,” you whispered, “Just call me Y/N.”
“Thank you,” She said, setting down the tray with food and water, “I can’t imagine how you feel. If you want to talk about it, I’m all ears.”
You brought your knees to your head, hugging your legs, “It was painful. So much pain. I thought maybe, just maybe, it would be alright. As soon as I had finished pushing it out, they took my baby away. It was awful. So small and tiny, fragile and under developed. But still so beautiful. I said, that’s my baby. My baby that’s dead.”
Jihyo had started crying by then, and took your hand. You flinched, but calmed down quickly, “And I had thought I was having a Baekhyun Jr. But it was a girl. My baby girl.”
“Does she have a name?”
“Soyeon,” You say, “My little Princess. I don’t know what they did to her body, but I’m glad I didn’t see her for long. I don’t know how I would’ve coped.”
“Y-you are so strong,” Jihyo said, “It’s amazing how you got through these past days.”
“I just wait for my Prince to rescue me,” You say, letting out a small laugh, “I sound like someone from a fairytale.”
“It seems like you live in a fairytale,” Jihyo said, “You fell in love with someone, met your prince, fell in love with him and out of love with the other, got kidnapped, Baekhyun- you know, and then the child. You will get out of here, I promise.”
You nod, “I also want to help Nayeon, Dahyun and Chaeyoung out too. They’re not happy here either. I’ll have jobs made for you back at Park.”
“Thank you,” Jihyo said, smiling, before the two of you turned to the door. She quickly stood up, curtsied, and left the room.
“Yoongi,” you say.
“I came to offer my condolences,” He said, not coming near you, “I am truly sorry.”
“You’re not sorry.”
“You’re right,” he said, letting out a deep sigh, “I’m here to make an offer.”
“I don’t want it.”
“Marry me.”
You looked up at him, with a disgusted look on your face, “I’d rather be hanged.”
“Do you hate me that much?” Yoongi said, laughing with a crazed expression on his face, “Am I really that bad?”
“Yes, you killed the man I once loved, who happened to be the father of my child,” You say, your voice wavering, “Not to mention that said child died, because of the poor treatment I get, in the dungeons.”
“Forgive and forget?” Yoongi said, “You’d have a great life here. You’d be Queen in a week.”
“I am with Prince Jungkook.”
“Actually you’re in a dungeon, with me,” Yoongi said, “I should punish you for being so rude to me.”
You flinch again as he walks up to you, bends down and takes hold of your chains. He pulls you up, and drags you into the other room screaming.
“Y-you can’t do this!”
“I’ll do whatever the fuck I want,” Yoongi said, ripping open the front of the new dress you were given to compensate for the old one, “My guards kept talking about how great you were with them, so maybe you can be good for me too.”
“Go to hell,” you spat, earning yourself a slap.
“Shut up you whore,” Yoongi said, reaching his hands down to the bottom of your legs, and slowly dragging them up.
“Please, help me,” You cry out, your voice merely coming out as a whisper. You scream as his hands go further, and the door slams open.
You didn’t think you had anything left. You were still a prisoner, and you’d lost the one thing that gave you hope of a better life.
You could barely make out who it was, but when you did, you felt hope slowly come back to you.
“Jungkook!” You screamed, as he bolted down the stairs, Yoongi jumping away from you.
Jungkook was followed by his father, and your brothers. Jungkook ran over to you, his heart breaking as he saw your broken form.
“My darling, I’m so sorry I couldn’t come sooner,” He says, his own tears falling as he realized how badly hurt you were. Never before had he seen someone alive that looked so dead, he turned around to face Yoongi, “I’ll kill him.”
You hadn’t exactly processed what was going on. You knew that Jungkook had come to save you, along with other people. Who they were, you couldn’t figure out.
He reached his hand out for you, but stopped when you flinched, scared that you were just seeing things and that it was actually Yoongi and not Jungkook.
“Y/N… what has he done to you,” he cries out, as guards from both kingdoms take hold of Yoongi.
“Son,” Junghoon said, “You need to get her out of here.”
Jungkook nodded, before turning to you with cautious eyes, “Is it okay if I touch you?”
“Help me,” you whisper, your throat in pain from screaming. You painfully reach out for Jungkook, who takes your hand, kissing it softly as his tears fall onto it. He very slowly picked you up bridal style, noticing that you didn’t have a baby bump like he was expecting.
“Y-you have to help the girls out of here,” You call out, “The maids and midwife. Help them.”
Jungkook held you close to his chest, you being light in his arms, “We’ll help them. I need to help you first, the others will take care of it.”
He walked slowly, making sure to keep his steps steady. You reach an arm up to caress his face, “Is it really you?”
“It’s me, my love,” Jungkook says, “I was broken without you, it brought me so much heartache to be away from you.”
“I know,” You say, hiccupping from your tears, “It’s been so hard.”
“It’s over now,” He says, “I’m never letting anyone take you away from me again.”
You felt your eyes drooping. You hadn’t remembered the last time you slept.
“Sleep my love,” Jungkook says, carrying you into a carriage, letting your head lie on his lap, “Just promise me you’ll wake up.”
You close your eyes, finally feeling safe after being in continuous fear for so long, “I promise.”
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chankai-ao3 · 4 years
by xPoros
Hey! I'm opening writing commission slots. All the information and examples are on my Twitter Profile @Prominsik as well as under this post: https://twitter.com/Prominsik/status/1233137208485384192?s=20
Any inquiries preferably through Twitter DM! I will also answer your comments here if you are interested. Prices and rules listed below!
Words: 427, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: EXO (Band), ATEEZ (Band), VICTON (Band), A.C.E (Beat Interactive Band), 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS, TWICE (Band), TOMORROW X TOGETHER | TXT (Korea Band), SuperM (Korea Band), Stray Kids (Band), SHINee, SEVENTEEN (Band), ONEUS (Band), Monsta X (Band), MCND (Band), BLACKPINK (Band), GOT7, (여자)아이들 | (G)I-DLE, EVERGLOW (Band), NCT (Band)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Byun Baekhyun, Kim Jongin | Kai, Oh Sehun, Kim Junmyeon | Suho, Kim Minseok | Xiumin, Park Chanyeol, Kim Jongdae | Chen, Zhang Yi Xing | Lay, Do Kyungsoo | D.O, Kim Hongjoong, Park Seonghwa, Jeong Yunho, Kang Yeosang, Choi San, Song Mingi, Jung Wooyoung, Choi Jongho, Han Seungwoo, Kang Seungsik, Choi Byungchan, Heo Chan, Im Sejun, Jung Subin, Do Hanse, Kim Sehyoon | Wow, Kim Byeongkwan, Park Junhee | Jun, Kang Yuchan | Chan, Lee Donghun, Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Min Yoongi | Suga, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Kim Taehyung | V, Park Jimin (BTS), Jeon Jungkook, Im Nayeon, Park Jisoo | Jihyo, Myoui Mina, Hirai Momo, Minatozaki Sana, Kim Dahyun, Son Chaeyoung, Chou Tzuyu, Yoo Jeongyeon, Huening Kai, Kang Taehyun, Choi Yeonjun, Choi Soobin, Choi Beomgyu, Lee Taeyong, Lee Taemin, Mark Lee (NCT), Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul | Ten, Wong Yuk Hei | Lucas, Hwang Hyunjin, Yang Jeongin | I.N, Kim Seungmin, Lee Minho | Lee Know, Han Jisung | Han, Bang Chan, Seo Changbin, Choi Minho, Kim Kibum | Key, Lee Jinki | Onew, Kim Jonghyun (SHINee), Yoon Jeonghan, Lee Jihoon | Woozi, Kwon Soonyoung | Hoshi, Lee Chan | Dino, Lee Seokmin | DK, Xu Ming Hao | The8, Jeon Wonwoo, Chwe Hansol | Vernon, Wen Jun Hui | Jun, Hong Jisoo | Joshua, Kim Mingyu, Choi Seungcheol | S.Coups, Boo Seungkwan, Yeo Hwanwoong, Kim Geonhak | Leedo, Kim Youngjo | Ravn, Lee Seoho, Son Dongju | Xion, Lee Keonhee, Lee Hoseok | Wonho, Yoo Kihyun, Lee Minhyuk (Monsta X), Im Changkyun | I.M, Son Hyunwoo | Shownu, Chae Hyungwon, Lee Jooheon, Song Minjae (MCND), Son Seongjun | Castle J, Nam Seungmin | BIC, No Huijun, Bang Junhyuk | Win, Jennie Kim, Lalisa Manoban | Lisa, Park Chaeyoung | Rosé, Kim Jisoo (BLACKPINK), Park Jinyoung (GOT7), Jackson Wang, Im Jaebum | JB, Kunpimook Bhuwakul | BamBam, Kim Yugyeom, Mark Tuan, Choi Youngjae, Jeon Soyeon, Song Yuqi, Seo Soojin, Yeh Shuhua, Cho Miyeon, Minnie Nicha Yontararak, Park Jiwon | E:U, Wang Yiren (EVERGLOW), Heo Yoorim | Aisha, Kim Sihyeon, Han Eunji | Mia, Jo Serim | Onda, Jung Yoonoh | Jaehyun, Park Jisung (NCT), Na Jaemin, Nakamoto Yuta, Lee Jeno, Kim Jungwoo (NCT), Lee Donghyuck | Haechan, Zhong Chen Le, Dong Si Cheng | WinWin, Kim Dongyoung | Doyoung, Huang Ren Jun, Moon Taeil, Qian Kun, Wong Kun Hang | Hendery, Jin Yangyang, Xiao De Jun | Xiao Jun
Relationships: Byun Baekhyun/Park Chanyeol, Kim Jongin | Kai/Park Chanyeol, Jeong Yunho/Song Mingi, Kang Yeosang/Song Mingi, Choi San/Jung Wooyoung, Choi Jongho/Jeong Yunho, Kim Hongjoong/Park Seonghwa, Han Seungwoo/Kang Seungsik, Kim Byeongkwan/Kim Sehyoon | Wow, Kim Byeongkwan/Park Junhee | Jun, Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V, Choi Soobin/Huening Kai, Choi Soobin/Choi Yeonjun, Kim Jongin | Kai/Lee Taemin, Hwang Hyunjin/Yang Jeongin | I.N, Choi Minho/Lee Taemin, Lee Jihoon | Woozi/Yoon Jeonghan, Song Mingi/Yeo Hwanwoong, Kim Geonhak | Leedo/Yeo Hwanwoong, Im Changkyun | I.M/Yoo Kihyun
Additional Tags: Fluff, Angst, PWP without Porn, Smut, Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Strangers to Lovers, Enemy Lovers, Crossover, OT3, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Social Media, Furry, Incest, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst with a Bad Ending, Violence, Psychological Trauma, Psychological Warfare, Drama, Family Drama, Romance, Canon Compliant, alternative universe, reader - Freeform
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