389 · 1 year
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Peter Holzauer, Landslide, 2015 Archival pigment print 28 x 38 inches
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mickeym4ndy · 1 month
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“Go. Go as far away from here as you can, and don’t ever look back, okay? We’ll always be here for you. Always.”
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reality-detective · 8 months
Two drivers escaped a sudden landslide in China, the incident occurred near the city of Chongzhou on September 27. 🤔
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lizzy-bennet · 6 months
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Can I sail with the changin' ocean tide?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?
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paramooreee · 1 year
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HAYLEY WILLIAMS — Landslide: Through The Years
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userparamore · 1 year
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PARAMORE covering LANDSLIDE by FLEETWOOD MAC nashville, tn | feb. 6th
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bazilisks · 6 months
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well, i've been afraid of changin' 'cause i've built my life around you but time makes you bolder, even children get older, and i'm getting older too
the feelings i have about vash the stampede are unlike any i've ever experienced before
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gemsofgreece · 6 months
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The sinking church of Ropotó. Ropoto village is a ghost village. The villagers have fled because of the constant landslides the past few years. Now many houses of Ropoto have taken dangerous inclines and most of them are almost demolished. Photo by Marios Angelopoulos.
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roosterbruiser · 1 year
blurb idea: everyone joking and asking Bradley how he's surviving bc he only has daughters but then you see Bradley at home painting nails, having a tea party, pretending to be at a fashion show, engaging in 5 different conversations. All that in one afternoon. And he's just so happy the entire time and can't wait to do it again 🥲
can be read as part of the Landslide universe :)
Rooster is a girl dad. it isn't even just his energy--it's a legitimate fact. first there was Olive, then there was Joni. the two of you thought for sure that the third was going to be a boy, not that it mattered either way--so imagine your surprise when you had Finch; your third daughter. and when the two of you agreed one more baby, not even in hopes of a son but just to complete your family, you were blessed with two more girls: Opal and June.
it was all the buzz around base, when Rooster came back from paternity leave a few months ago, everyone mockingly taking a knee when he entered the room like he was some sort of battle hero.
it's something Rooster is chided about relentlessly, even now. everyone falls you and your daughters the hens, calling all your get-togethers hen parties, asking how he survives the estrogen of it all. it gets especially brutal when his commander or a student points out the leftover glitter in his hair or the tutu someone snuck in his work duffel. there was also that one time he forget to take off his nail polish before work--boy, did the man have a heyday with that one.
Rooster takes it all in stride, though, happily wearing homemade ties to work and presenting scrawled drawings. he has hardly any elbow room on his desk because of all the frames that clog it.
it's a regular Wednesday in the middle of September as Rooster walks up the path to your front door, but it feels like the first day of summer to him. the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming. and inside the house, he can hear the chaos that has been brewing all day: Olive trying to stop Joni from abusing the piano and failing, Finch following you around the house and asking you about caterpillars again, Opal babbling, June crying, your steady voice, the radio playing Born in the U.S.A again (no doubt at Olive's request), the dogs whining for dinner.
it's really music to his ears.
"daddy's home!" he hears you call as he stuffs his key in the lock.
and when he swings the door open, he's knee-deep in all of it. Olive, the oldest and the most coordinated, is dodging everyone to spring over to Rooster. she takes her spot on his left leg, hugging him to her body, immediately trying to tattle on Joni for abusing Grandpa Goose's piano. Finch makes it to him second, less-coordinated and not wearing anything except a diaper and one of his neckties, a toothy grin cutting her face as she reached up for her dad. and once he's holding her, patting Olive's head in greeting as he kisses Finch's ruddy cheeks, Joni has planted herself firmly on his other leg.
you're steadily making your way to him, too, the weight of the world slipping off your shoulders as he kisses all his girls hello.
"daddy said you're not supposed to smash the keys!" Olive insists, incredulous.
Joni screws up her face, sticking her tongue out at Olive.
"I wasn't!" she insists. "daddy, Olive's lying!"
"gotta be careful with the piano," he says, patting Olive's tawny hair, then Joni's. he can hardly hear their bickering above the blasting radio. "how many times has this song played today?" he asks with a grin.
Finch takes it upon herself to answer, having recently learned numbers. she stuffs her sticky hand in Rooster's face, holding up five fingers proudly.
"five?" he asks, eyebrows raised. he kisses her little palms and she giggles at the way his mustache tickles her skin. "you girls torturing your mama when I'm not here?"
"and Opal didn't nap today," you add with a deep heave, bouncing the twins on your hips as they each mouth your sleeves, blinking up at you with their daddy's big, brown eyes. "and June had a blowout, and Finch is a nudist. Joni tried to drink out of the dog's bowl again. and the dog got into your office and found your stash of Reese's, which you were hiding from me."
"sorry, baby," Rooster insists.
"after everything I've given you?" you tease, nodding to his armful of girls and yours. "I'm offended!"
"I think I helped a little," Rooster teases.
standing before him now, you smile despite yourself. Rooster's still grinning, leaning forward to press a kiss to your lips before taking the twins from you, holding them both with one arm. he hopes he can always hold all of his girls at once, even though he knows it's not something that will stick around forever.
"just a little," you tell him, stretching your taut body out now that your child-free.
"what about me?" Olive pouts, tugging your pant leg. "what did I do?" she asks.
always wanting to be involved.
"you, little miss, made me play Bruce Springsteen all day!" you tell her, bending at the hips to stroke her cheek.
she grins at that, nodding proudly.
"yeah, I did," she confirms, blinking up at Rooster. "I love Bruce Springsteen!"
"you're a weird little kid," Rooster tells her with a teasing grin. "who raised you?"
she grins up at him, one of her front teeth missing.
"you!" she confirms.
"got me there," Rooster sighs. "I love Bruce Springsteen, too!"
Opal and June are already pressing their gummy little mouths to Rooster's chest, taking fistfuls of his mustache and t-shirt. your arms feel decidedly empty for the first time today, which you always look forward to, but never thoroughly enjoy.
"time's the tea party?" Rooster asks, leaving lingering kisses to the top of the twin's heads as Finch picks through his hair a la baby monkey searching for bugs.
"now!" Joni insists, untying his shoe.
Olive's batting Joni's hands, trying to get her to quit it, and Joni is growling at Olive.
"no being feral," you warn the both of them, pointing an accusing finger at Joni. "let daddy at least get through the door before you growl, huh?"
"but mommy," Joni whines, throwing her head back dramatically. "I'm a puppy dog!"
"you're just Joni," Olive insists, lips pursed. "this is real life."
"hey," Rooster warns, glancing down at Olive. "who made you the pretend police?"
Olive doesn't have an answer, just looking up at her dad with slanted brows and parted lips. ever the most exasperated, serious older sister in the world.
"she's been really into realism today," you tell Rooster, crossing your arms over your chest. "Jake shouldn't have let her watch Life of Pi."
Rooster starts to walk forward with a great effort, grunting as he glides across the foyer with an extra hundred pounds of giggling weight.
as he trudges through the foyer with great effort, his shirt now wet with baby slobber and his curls mussed from grubby fingers and his shoelaces unties, you watch him affectionately. anyone in the world can look at him like this, with that grin splitting his lips and that laugh sitting in his throat, and know that this is what he's meant for.
"c'mon, mama," he calls to you, glancing over his shoulder. "can't be late for the tea party!"
"with real tea," Olive clarifies, shooting you a thumbs up. "but fake cucumber sandwiches!" then she shoots you a thumbs down for affect.
"m'coming," you sigh dreamily, locking the door. "chamomile or jasmine?"
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paramorearchived · 3 months
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dbp · 10 months
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everdeenxmellark · 1 year
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“well i've been afraid of changing,
'cause i've built my life around you.
but time makes you bolder,
even children get older
and I'm getting older too.”
- landslide
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shunoia · 3 months
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fleetwoodmacbracket · 10 months
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paramooreee · 1 year
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HAYLEY WILLIAMS | During "In The Mourning" | Grand Ole Opry, 2023
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