bxsiliisk · 3 years
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He was just about to take flight when he sees McCoy making his way down the pathway that connects to his home. Around Romanus home, it’s rather spacious and one of the main reasons why he chose this lot to place his home. Romanus can easily move around in this form as he so pleases. He lowers himself back onto the ground and doesn’t move. Instead, he speaks. Not loud, but still being able to be heard (Do to his size), “Hey, Bones.” Has...McCoy ever seen him like this before though? Would he recognize the much deeper voice. The kind that travels through the ground and through  someone’s bones when he spoke?
It definitely was a stark contrast to his soft, but lively one.
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fcxrcin · 3 years
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She’s thinking long and hard. She’s been at this since the beginning of the year, and she just has a long list of what seems to be goals. Shouldn’t this be enough? Maybe for some people, but not for Hansol. Hansol is very goal driven and that means she needs as much for her new year resolution to keep her going. 
“Mmmm, what elseee?” It looks like she has just about everything she wants done written on paper. WHAT more could she want to better?
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anglerfishnabe · 3 years
“ So... Let me recount. A concussion, some broken ribs and dislocated ankle? “
It had taken a while for him to figure out his whereabouts. Hospital was an obvious one but with his mind still fuddled and blurry. The incident is over but his injuries are yet to be healed properly. 
“ Not too bad then?  “ he laughs. He can say he’s gone through worse.
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“ Can I leave tomorrow?  “
It’s going to be a pain climbing up to his house though.
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miraclesurgeon · 4 years
“ ah, so you’re a doctor? ” 
— black jack knew he really, really didn’t look the part of a typical doctor - not on a normal day, of course, but especially not now that he’d  gone full, well, gothic vampire. 
still, it was nice to hear about someone a profession so... grounded, compared to most everyone else he’d met so far. ( and a profession he knew so well, too! ) perhaps this would give them something to talk about - he didn’t know much about things that weren’t medical. it’d be nice to know what the hell he was getting at for once.
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“ tell me, do you find many opportunities for work, here? ” 
@leftaremybcnes // event starter call
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gempathic · 4 years
On the third night, Steven hurt himself.
Steven was alone. He’d chased every person or stray animal that had once lived vibrantly in this neighborhood. Now the only occupant was a monster. Without anyone to help him, Steven slipped closer to rage as his only outlet.
Stomping rippled the concrete and overturned the cars in a storm of crashing metal and Steven roared as glass found his paw.
The rubble-filled streets were at least un-patrolled for a while as Steven hunkered down in the space between two buildings where he’d made a makeshift den.
Corruption did strange things to his powers. Steven had pulled the glass out with his teeth and now his tongue steadily licked what should be healing saliva over the wound, but despite the usual magic sparkles, he still bled.
He lifted his head suddenly at a sound, his monster hearing picking up on footsteps crunching over glass. Steven growled low, preparing to stand and roaring at the pain.
Still, human company did strange things to his mental state. He both craved it and didn’t deserve it, so it was best to just chase them away before his rage hurt them next time.
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Holding his injured paw up, Steven stepped out into the street and roared in the direction of human scent.
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bulletrein · 4 years
        HE DIDN'T CHANGE, AND NOR WAS he aware of the changes that have undergone the rest of the city. too new, fresh meat some would say, unaware of the misery and GAMES the stars placed their citizens in. if anything, it is an utterly benign day, an event that BEGAN with a completely normal morning and drew into an equally mundane afternoon. the sky has turned the colour of orange sherbet, bathing the city in a dusty gold light, shadows waning as soon darkness would overtake. a sigh, door creaking open — —
for as normal the city seems to be, his heart still ACHES. loss is harder to swallow when you're not busy, and as much as he'd love to punch rufus shinra over and over in the face, it wouldn't do him ANY favours. shoulders shift, he takes his seat, fingers toying with the empty glass which once held a GENEROUS shot of whisky. he still adheres to his limits, but finds himself thinking -- dreading -- what if it becomes TOO MUCH?
too much, like the drunken man sitting at his shoulder.
❝shit, man, can you even get yourself HOME lookin' like that?❞
@leftaremybcnes liked for a starter.
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restitutiopax · 4 years
leftaremybcnes replied to your post “    “Can you believe humans eat honeycomb? Like, the actual waxy comb....”
"You'll be surprise we eat more than just honeycombs...."
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    “... bees?”
“Do you eat bees?”
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estdevium · 4 years
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          [    ⤜    injury / hurt prompts    !!    *:・゚✧     ]
@leftaremybcnes​​    ╱     “ stop being such a baby and let me finish cleaning you up. ”
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a snarl caught in the back of his throat    (    never, really, had dean been a good patient. it had been years since he was found flinching at wounds; grabbing something to drink rather than down some, rather useless, painkillers with a grimace    )    at the other’s rather off putting attention to detail. a life running on "just enough to survive" medical attention would do that for you    —    the hunter wasn't sure how he felt under a doctor’s scrutiny    (    on principal he would prefer to avoid them, truly    ).    if left to his own devices there would have been no second input, the blood staining his shirt nothing new    (    less    &    less it began to matter under the thrall of bloodlust, anyway    )    &    completely unconcerning to someone who can’t die. the last dredges of the marks enhanced healing barely worth noting    (    almost purposeful in its slow crawl to life. death    ?    a mocking thing    ).    but in the end the gash across his arm a nasty piece of work; half shredded flesh in jagged pieces, originally barely visible under the mess of blood    (    his    ?    or someone else’s    ?    both, dean hardly cared    )    &    if he bothered to look maybe even a glimpse of bone.     ❝     baby my ass you're sticking your whole fucking hand in there. hurry the fuck up I am not exactly looking for a pristine job.     ❞     pounding headache a fight to ignore    —    the call for more as fingers drifted across the wound again. it was going to be a long night.
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ahawkwardguy · 4 years
Did this place always have an Onsen or did the city do some kind of upgrade after Clint vanished? Didn’t matter... what matter is that Clint was NOW at the Onsen and he was pretty damn excited about it- though.... he had really no idea what he was supposed to do at an Onsen other then get naked and in the water. You were supposed to get naked right?
It’s not like he could pay much attention to the rules of the bath when it was al verbal- okay so he could have easily figured it out if he had just read the hosts lips but this place was very distracting and so were a few of the attractive patrons. Respectfully.
Signs seemed to point to yes, you do get naked- especially when there was a little room with lockers. There was another man in the same room.. Clint was going to judge weather it was appropriate or not to lose his swim trunks based on what the other guy did... but it didn’t look like he was too eager.. so....
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“So hey hi... ‘m Clint. - that host say anythin about uh.. garment requirements?” He scratches his neck and then points at an ear. “Left my ears at home you know? I’d be screwed ‘f they got some kinda water damage here.”
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aperturesurvivor · 4 years
event starter call : for @leftaremybcnes​ !
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CHELL ISN’T GOOD AT FIGHTING.   She’s never really done much of it. And now, it’s getting painfully apparent. Though there are definitely some similarities, this place is no Aperture. For one, she didn’t have to worry about vaguely humanoid monsters roaming the catwalks of the Enrichment Centre. Here... well, there were more things to fight than she’s used to. 
And they really are harder to escape from when they can move too. 
She’s more than a little out of breath. Chell scolds herself, she really should stay in shape, but she’s rarely had to run this hard, to manoeuvre this way without a portal gun. So she supposes there might be an exception. 
When she finally spots a real human person, she’s relieved. For just a moment, she puts caution to the wind and stops, collapsing against the wall and breathing heavily. If there’s another human here, there probably aren’t any monsters. 
Exhaustedly, she lifts a hand and offers a limp wave before carefully lowering herself to the dirty floor, palms, scraped up and raw from the rusty metal pipe she’s been using as a weapon, flat against the surface to keep her balance. 
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nyctern · 4 years
@leftaremybcnes liked for a starter
☽☾ ⋯ “I haven’t seen your face here.” An opportunity to drink with a new face? Something Leian couldn’t resist jumping on, sliding in the bar seat beside him and ordering herself a light drink. Truly, she’d become too accustomed to this one bar to recognise its familiars, even if she hardly spoke to any. But as she slipped off her sunglasses and thanked the bartender, she gave the stranger a smile.
“This isn’t your usual place, is it?” She surmised, eyebrow raised with interest. “The ale here is the best anywhere. You shouldn’t bother trying others, they don’t compare.”
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redwinging · 4 years
Robin had been hanging leisurely over a bar. He assumed that anyone in their would be calm enough to answer his questions about this strange place, and all he had to do was play the waiting game and let them come to him.
It’d be a lot easier if he could just waltz in on his own, but he’s not sure what the policy on teenage vigilantes is in bars these days. 
When he sees someone leave the bar, he swoops down behind him and gently taps them on the shoulder.
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“Hey.” He says with that classic Boy Wonder charisma- but notably not cheery or hyperactive for a kid in costume. He’s serious. “You a regular around here? Can you tell me what year it is? Were you born here, or were you taken here? If you were taken, how long as it been? Where am I?”
It wasn’t until the man turned around that Tim had an absolute nerd heart attack. Of course, he wouldn’t recognize this Leonard Mccoy, since he’s from the 90s, but he’s taken nonetheless.
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Without even thinking about the implications of something fictional in his world being totally tangible here, he does the Vulcan salute.
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phantommirrored · 4 years
leftaremybcnes replied to your post “Go in the pit before I push you.”
Bones vc: DONT
shad vc: COWARD
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patiencethin · 4 years
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@leftaremybcnes​ ASKED: 11: Describe your character’s childhood friend
   Stringy brown hair and light grey eyes. Head in the clouds and still wore velcro shoes because she hated tying laces. Knees covered in scratches from never getting the land quite right when jumping off the swing-sets, and once took home a dead rat she found in the back of the gym when playing hooky because she wanted to give it a ‘viking funeral’ at the beach.
   They were both young, maybe fifth grade. Knew each other since first, but only started playing together in third. She moved by sixth. Parents had a new job and packed up and headed off to Arizona.
   He learned he was bad at keeping track of friends when she stopped sending him letters because he would never respond. 
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   “Like  smoke.” Here for a moment then gone in an instant.
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errantkatana · 4 years
Zero grits his teeth, stopping mid motion putting his hair up. The unruly mess falls over his face, his body trembling in anger. 
“I’ve died so many times...I’ve killed thousands of people. I don’t care that I did. I don’t feel anything until I kill. I was trained to die, given a drug to be immortal, the perfect soldier--I’ve been a damn perfect killer since I was a child and the man who made me like this said I was a flaw in the end.
And I can’t blame him. We lost the war. 
Now I’m stuck with this goddamned addiction that wasn’t my choice. I don’t want anyone else to have to suffer like this, but even trying to stop it from coming back or getting into the wrong hands, I have to lose everything! 
I hardly had anything in the first place! I wasn’t allowed!”
The red starts flooding his eyes, the ringing deafening. There was so much bottled up. With nothing to distract him, nothing to keep him occupied. Just the darkness piling thought after thought like corpses. 
“I had to kill someone like me just to survive. Someone who I understood, someone who understood me! Who was--was going through the same mess. 
I loved that thrill. Fighting someone with the same power. But winning that fight...I won nothing. I left without doing what I was supposed to. There’s still one more person left, someone important that I knew once but I can’t even remember who they were back then to me. But they know me.”
He stares down at the case of syringes, disgusted. 
“Whatever this shit is, that they’ve been giving me here, I don’t even want it. It leaves me with nothing! Where I’d see the future, there’s nothing. Where I’d see the past, there’s nothing. Just the hallucinations, the nightmares, the ptsd...
I just wanted one thing. 
I just wanted to leave. I wanted to leave New Mecca, get enough Chronos so I don’t have to die in my own living terrors. To go somewhere far away--I was going to take that little girl with me. She was all I had that kept me even close to being human.  
I’m here. I’m stuck here. Powerless. Alone. I was lied to by the only person helping me back then. I could’ve died peacefully once. I declined that offer--I wanted to be selfish, I wanted to think I had a right to live out my life. 
She’s probably dead by now. Those masked bastards laughing over her corpse. Because I never got there. I never appeared. 
With how much you know now, someone will come for you. To torture you until you talk. To tell them where I am. They want me dead. I know too much too. 
You know...” 
Zero takes out a knife he’s been hiding in his pockets. 
“I’ve talked more than I have in the past seven years, here. Met more people. Some of them, even kind to me. Like you. But I still don’t feel anything. Before I die in a place like this, I’m going to kill every one of them. I want to at least do you the service, none of them deserve to be tied into all this.Tied into me. 
If you want to do one last thing for me, close yours eyes and bare your neck.” 
As Zero’s dull brown eyes stare over the blade of the knife, tears only falling from one eye. Expression cold. His breath forcing itself to steady. 
“Be grateful, death is a permanent end for you.” 
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rexerrat · 4 years
@leftaremybcnes / s.c.
{ 👑 } ❝I DON'T NEED TO WORRY ABOUT good bedside manner. I just wave my staff and their injuries just disappear.❞ A shrug of slim shoulders as he glances in the direction of the doctor. More responsible than him by far, yet most folk are. ❝Never knew if it works on diseases, though. You don't happen to KNOW anyone with the flu, do you?❞
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