#les jacobs icons
abovethefoldd · 25 days
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𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐛𝐬 𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬 ; 𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐡, ��𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐲, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐞𝐬
𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐮𝐬𝐞 ♡
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totallysora · 4 months
Newsies (1992)
Ok so these are some things from 92sies! Icl I never actually had time to rewatch it so this is all from memory 😔 There is deffo more and at some point I will actually rewatch it and add to it, but this is all I have for now!
Crutchy is a cutie 
Oscar mocking blink
For a group of kids who can’t actually sing they actually sound rlly good when they’re singning together 😭
Crutchy being stressed out at the start of carrying the banner
CRUTCHY OK I LOVED HIM SM 😕 Him messing with the newspapers 😭
“Nobody told the horse >:(” - Racetrack Higgins 1899
SANTA FE 🥰 For someone who clearly can’t sing HE DIDNT ACTUALLY DO A BAD JOB OK 😭
SPOT 🥰🥰 
“Never fear Brooklyn’s here” - Spot Conlon 1899 
Race and the others all asking synder to donate 😭 AND HIM ACTUALLY DOING IT 💀
Kloppmann 😻 Him protecting Jack 😭 they totally butchered his roll in the bway show but honestly I see why lmao
Icl I don’t hate high times hard times I thought it was kinda fun
Everyone holding spot back ☹️ honestly I would’ve just let him beat his ass
Ok I could say this about both the bway show and the movie but in king of new york the fact that they’re all asking for rlly simple things 😕
Also Denton!! Don’t get me wrong I absolutely adore Katherine but I kinda like denton tbh
“Go back to Brooklyn 😡” - A random newsies 1899 (to spot at the end lmao)
LES MF JACOBS ☹️ HE WAS SUCH A CUTIE 😭 (and he actually did look 7 so 💀) 
The delanceys were just,,,ridiculous 😭
Jack and David r somehow still gay in the movie like what 😭
Do you think they know how much people ship them 😭❓
Ok but spot’s eyes were actually so pretty??
“I say, that what you say, it what I say” - Spot Conlon 1899
“On the grounds of Brooklyn your honour” - Spot Conlon 1899
Can you tell I love spot
Mush bullying Jack at the start 😭
Crutchys laugh
“Extra extra Joe, read all about it” - Jack Kelly 1899
“Headlines don’t sell papes, newsies sell papes” - David Jacobs 1899
This wasn’t in the movie but blood drips heavily on newsies square is iconic
Ok this also wasn’t in the movie but the bloopers of crutchy mentioning the delanceys when they’re first introduced r so funny 💀
The fact Morris calls Weisel ‘uncle weas’ 😭 (I THINK DON’T QUOTE ME ON THIS 😔)
Jack on a horse,,,that’s it 😭 IT WAS SO SILLY LMAO
The whole cowboy thing with Jack is also a lil silly
Ok but Jack scabbing in this was like,,sm better done?? Don’t get me wrong I love the whole sellout thing in newsies live but cmon 
Also the fact that JACK ACTUALLY GOES TO THE REFUGE ‼️‼️
The whole spinning on the lights/fans thing in King of new york (AND HOW THEY DID IT IN UKSIES 🥰)
The way Race says “It takes and orphan with a studdah”
Once again this is from memory of watching it at Christmas so sorry if some of this is wrong 😭 If I think of anything else I’ll add it! (Also this was requested by @artemis-lynn [praying this actually tags u 🙏] sorry it took so long!)
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strictlyfavorites · 3 months
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Sean Connery3
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paul newman - Hustler
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Neil Young at a Warner Bros party in Hollywood; captured by Brad Elterman (1977)
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Sophia loren in the mid 50s enjoying a nice game of pool
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Jayne Mansfield pool
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The Hustler 1961
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Ocean’s 11 (1960)
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Pool Parlor, 1942, Jacob Lawrence
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The Color of Money
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Le Roy Neiman - Bunnies Playing Pool
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Maurice Gibb Bee Gees billiards iconic RIP icon
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dean martin pool
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Diesel Calls the Shots
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Jimi Hendrix shoots pool at the Bel Air home of John and Michelle Phillips in Los Angeles, California, July 1, 1967
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glitter-ink · 9 months
some newsies film & broadway musical theories that i've read (disclaimer, these are not my original theories):
jack's biological dad can be linked to alfred borden's character in "the prestige." this connection is evident in their physical resemblance & shared predisposition for legal troubles. borden's history includes visits to new york & numerous romantic liaisons.
jack's evolution into a vigilante reminiscent of the iconic batman takes shape in a unique narrative. his backstory is shrouded in tragedy, with the absence of his parents casting a long shadow over his life. perhaps their untimely demise occurred in a dark alley, thrusting jack into a life of orphanhood. alternatively, his journey might follow a path where he embarks on a quest to acquire the skills necessary for combating crime in the gritty underworld of 1920s gotham (which is also an old nickname for new york city). these acquired abilities encompass the realms of stealth, martial arts, & even the art of synchronized dance—a mysterious & unconventional arsenal he aims to employ in his quest for justice.
the outcome of "independence day" can be likened to a whimsical twist of fate. in a humorous interpretation, it could be suggested that an extraterrestrial species watched "newsies" & concluded that the incumbent president would respond to their threat with dance, anticipating an easy conquest. however, their expectations were wildly off the mark. instead of encountering a docile figure, they were met with a resolute leader in bill pullman. this unforeseen turn of events resulted in a level of resistance far beyond what the alien race had anticipated.
the delancey brothers' backstory indicates a history of childhood abuse & neglect. oscar's disclosure in the musical reveals that their father failed to provide proper care for them. additionally, their living arrangement with wiesel, who is referred to as their uncle in the film, adds a layer of complexity to their upbringing. oscar & morris exhibit signs of excessive aggression & violence, extending beyond the demands of their occupation. morris, in particular, displays a proclivity for resorting to intimidation whenever possible. these behaviors are often characteristic of individuals who have survived childhood abuse without addressing the underlying trauma. these experiences may also elucidate the pervasive anger exhibited by these characters, despite their youthful age, as violence can frequently be a learned response in such cases.
david & les have not been explicitly identified as jewish in the final version of the movie or the musical. however, an original script for the film suggests this aspect of their background. there are subtle clues in the narrative that allude to their potential jewish heritage. for instance, the name david jacobs implies a connection to jewish culture, & david's articulate & scholarly manner of speaking aligns with the jewish tradition's emphasis on education. the reason david & les do not openly discuss their heritage in the story could be attributed to various factors. one possibility is that their parents have a long history in america, spanning several decades or more. alternatively, they may be recent immigrants who have faced significant discrimination, prompting them to encourage their sons to assimilate fully into american society.
crutchy's previous stay at the refuge is a matter of record. he confided in jack that if anyone suspected he couldn't fend for himself, he'd be detained there indefinitely. it's possible that crutchy had a prior stint at the refuge, & if that were the case, jack might have played a role in securing his release. despite crutchy not fitting the typical profile of a criminal, his disability might have driven him to resort to theft as a means of survival. in the year 1899, opportunities for individuals with disabilities to secure employment were scarce or virtually non-existent. moreover, it's plausible that crutchy ended up at the refuge simply because of his disability, as the prevailing belief may have been that he had limited prospects for adoption, academic success, or societal contribution according to the standards set by able-bodied individuals.
jack's father shared tales of santa fe with him. mr. kelly (sullivan) harbored aspirations of relocating his family to that enchanting place, where they could pursue a ranching life, well before the bustling streets of new york had worn him down. jack became captivated by this vision, & he might have even harbored intentions of upholding his father's dream as the head of the household, had the family endured.
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
Les, the cinnamon roll of the last three centuries
of the last THREE??? damn, that’s a long time.
leshem jacobs (I don’t know if that’s actually his canon full name, but it’s the one I’m going with) is an iconic character, okay? he just is.
les is the youngest of the jacobs children by five years, and believe me, david and sarah make that known. he gives off the biggest youngest child energy, and he honestly can’t comprehend why everything can’t just go his way. like, are you sure? are you sure you can’t just let him get whatever he wants? really? you- you aren’t? huh. that’s a new one.
he is the ONLY straight newsie (I will die on this hill, okay), but you can bet everything that he is the biggest ally. would he be a frat boy? yes. would he cheer for all of the sports teams? yes. would he break someone’s nose if they insulted one of his queer friends? probably try to knock out a tooth, too.
(he and tommy boy can join a frat together.)
(that’s really funny, and you know it)
he hates coffee. the smell’s great, but he refuses to drink it.
the first time he caught jack and davey together, he just gave them a Look and asked if jack was trying to date the whole family.
sarah taught him how to throw a punch, and the first thing seven year old les did with that knowledge is get david right in the gut. it was hilarious. when he became a newsie, and jack asked him if he knew how to punch, les demonstrated his abilities the exact same way. jack’s jaw DROPPED.
finch tried to teach him how to use a slingshot, but he ended up accidentally shooting specs in the back of the head first try. that was the end of that.
race taught him all of the curse words in italian.
spot did the same with spanish later.
he may be able to read and write well enough to attempt to teach most of the newsies this skillset, but he can’t spell to save his life. there’s really no specific reason why. he just can’t.
after he spent a day with henry, he loudly proclaimed that he wanted to run a deli like henry’s dad did. davey had to pull him aside to explain to him that he wouldn’t be able to eat most of the stuff he was making, because that wouldn’t be keeping kosher. les had never been so disappointed, I swear to god-
one time, he told a girl he liked that he knew how to play the piano to impress her. he couldn’t. at all. he then forced david to teach him so at least he wouldn’t be totally lying.
his favorite color’s red. jack calls it treason to manhattan.
(les picked it because of spot, but jack didn’t need to know that bit.)
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adarkrainbow · 1 year
Names in fairytales: Big Bad Wolf
This is a question I asked myself when I looked briefly over the figure of the “Big Bad Wolf”, and to be fair I have no true answer to this, merely a theory. So if you have any more info about this topic, any insight to help solve the question, you are more than welcome!
And this question is: Where does the name “Big Bad Wolf” comes from?
It is the name associated with the archetype/stock-character of the wolf in fairy tales, the same way you have the Evil Stepmother or the Prince Charming. But the character itself is a very artificial construct that, as I highlighted before, merely works as a patchwork of very different sources. The “Big Bad Wolf” is a name given to a character that is thought to be all at the same time the wolf from Little Red Riding Hood (French and German fairytales), from the Three Little Pigs (English fairytale) and from other works such as “Peter and the Wolf” (Soviet “musical fairytale”). The character of the Big Bad Wolf was created from taking various stories involving wolf from various points through time and through countries, and shaping an archetype out of them.
But where, oh where does the name “Big Bad Wolf” comes from? Because, when you look at the original texts the stock-character comes from, when you look at Perrault, and Grimm, and Jacobs, you do not find “Big Bad Wolf” anywhere... It is all just “the wolf” or “a wolf”. No “Big Bad”. And yet everybody knows the name today. I tried to search for the origins of this denomination, with nothing coming out of it. So, based on what seems to be the earliest media appearance of this name, here is the humble theory I bring forward:
“The Big Bad Wolf” is a name invented by Disney. We have to remember that Disney actually played a very important part in shaping the stock-character of the Big Bad Wolf we know today, through their “Three Little Pigs” shorts, a series of cartoons I talked about at the beginnings of my blog, and in which Disney most famously fused various wolf tales together: the wolf of the Three Little Pigs became the wolf of Little Red Riding Hood in the sequel, and the one of Peter and the Wolf in the second sequel. In fact, were the various “wolves” of these fairytales ever considered to be one BEFORE Disney did it? If you find a piece of media that proves it, please share it. But let’s just focus on the name: “The Big Bad Wolf”. To my knowledge, this name first appeared in the very popular, very iconic song of the Three Little Pigs short, “Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?”, a song that almost all little American kids of the first half of the 20th century knew by heart. Did Disney INVENT the term for their song, and thanks to the enormous success of their animated short and song, it became widespread and commonly used in America, creating somehow this “stock-character” of fairytales? I am very inclined to believe so.
The only other clue I can bring to the table is based on the French translation of “Big Bad Wolf”, which is “Le Grand Méchant Loup”. In Perrault’s version of Little Red Riding Hood, the wolf is noted several times to have “grand” elements in his body - it is the famous exchange about the great teeth, the great eyes, the great ears - which was translated in English as “big” (What big teeth you are). So, it seems there is a first root of the name here. And at the very end of his tale, Perrault did describe the wolf as a “méchant loup” (a nasty/wicked wolf). I do not know how it was translated in English, but clearly in Perrault’s texts, the two other components of the French name “Le Grand Méchant Loup” are present, though are mere adjectives, separated from each other (and one even used indirectly as the wolf is never said to be “grand” himself, he just has “grand” body parts compared to the ones of a human being).  It however doesn’t prove that the name “big bad wolf” came from Perrault’s story in any way - but maybe it is where Disney found the ideas of writing “Big Bad Wolf”, since we know lots of Disney fairytale productons (Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty) were taken from the fairytales of Perrault. 
All in all, I am led to believe that the name “Big Bad Wolf” was invented by (and maybe that the stock character itself was heavily shaped by) Disney, or if it didn’t invent it, it massively popularized and spread it. If you ever find additional elements concerning this investigation, don’t hesitate to share! I truly want to know if a part of popular fairytale culture is in fact a product of the Big Mouse (which, given how it changed the perception and reception of other fairytales, wouldn’t be surprising).
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venicepearl · 1 year
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Bronislava Nijinska (January 8, 1891 [O.S. December 27, 1890] – February 21, 1972) was a Polish ballet dancer, and an innovative choreographer. She came of age in a family of traveling, professional dancers.
Her own career began in Saint Petersburg. Soon she joined Ballets Russes which ventured to success in Paris. She met war-time difficulties in Petrograd and revolutionary turbulence in Kiev. In France again, public acclaim for her works came quickly, cresting in the 1920s. She then enjoyed continuing successes in Europe and the Americas. Nijinska played a pioneering role in the broad movement that diverged from 19th-century classical ballet. Her introduction of modern forms, steps, and motion, and a minimalist narrative, prepared the way of future works
Following serious home training, she entered the state ballet school in the Russian capital at the age of nine. In 1908 she graduated as an 'Artist of the Imperial Theatres'. An early breakthrough came in Paris in 1910 when she became a member of Diaghilev's Ballets Russes. For her dance solo Nijinska created the role of Papillon in Carnaval, a ballet written and designed by Michel Fokine.
She assisted her famous brother Vaslav Nijinsky as he worked up his controversial choreography for L'Après-midi d'un faune, which Ballets Russes premiered in Paris in 1912. Similarly, she aided him in his creation of the 1913 ballet The Rite of Spring.
She developed her own art in Petrograd and Kiev during the Great War, Revolution and Civil War. While performing in theaters, she worked independently to design and stage her first choreographies. Nijinska started a ballet school on progressive lines in Kiev. She published her writing on the art of movement. In 1921 she fled Russian authorities.
Rejoining the Ballets Russes, Diaghilev appointed her the choreographer of the influential ballet company based in France. Nijinska thrived, creating several popular, cutting-edge ballets to contemporary music. In 1923, with a score by Igor Stravinsky she choreographed her iconic work Les noces [The Wedding].
Starting in 1925, with a variety of companies and venues she designed and mounted ballets in Europe and the Americas. Among them were Teatro Colón, Ida Rubinstein, Opéra Russe à Paris, Wassily de Basil, Max Reinhardt, Markova-Dolin, Ballet Polonaise, Ballet Theatre, the Hollywood Bowl, Jacob's Pillow, Serge Denham, Marquis de Cuevas, as well as her own companies.
Due to war in 1939 she relocated from Paris to Los Angeles. Nijinska continued working in choreography and as an artistic director. She taught at her studio. In the 1960s for The Royal Ballet in London, she staged revivals of her Ballets Russes-era creations. Her Early Memoirs, translated into English, was published posthumously.
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saysflora · 1 year
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aropride · 1 year
I keep thinking your icon is of Les Jacobs from newsies. there’s no reason for this but I can’t get it out of my head
ive been meaning 2 listen to newsies since literally like 2017 when a bunch of my mutuals were rlly into it. its 2023 and i think all hope is lost. but i recognize tjhe name as an old blorbo-in-law JFSDKD
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styleofdiamandis · 1 year
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Marina graced the April 2019 cover of PAPER Magazine. The superstar looked gracious modeling the most colorful Spring/Summer 2019 fashion while talking about her then-newest album “Love + Fear”.
Photography by Eric T. White, styling by Sandy Armeni with assistance by Marianne Leslie, glam by Mariko Arai, hair by Takashi Ashizawa using Oribe, and nails by Rachel Shim using Chanel Beauty Le Vernis.
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We’re starting off strong with a total look from the Marc Jacobs Spring/Summer 2019 collections (one of my faaaaves!). This ensemble included an orange & pink ostrich feather-embroidered cropped top with the matching voluminious feather print silk trousers.
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Our girl crowned the first look with these gold & silver-tone linked chain earrings from French jeweler Annelise Michelson.
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Next, an all-red ensemble is presented to us which hails from none other than the maison of Valentino. This Pre-Fall 2019 romantic number is a pleated pussy-bow cape-effect red silk-georgette mini dress with concealed mother-of-pearl buttons.
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Marina's jewelry included the Jil silver loop earrings by Luz Ortiz, a ring by Annika Inez and a pinky ring by Jennifer Fisher!
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The insane heels are courtesy of young emerging designer Ganor Dominic. These are the Apollo red mirror pumps.
Crafted by artisans in Italy within a factory owned by a family who have been creating shoes for two generations since 1968 – Ganor Dominic bespoke designs are all handmade with locally sourced materials and components.
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One of the most interesting looks have to be this white circle-shaped wrap front jacket and suede leather pants which were seen on Balmain's Egyptian-themed Spring/Summer 2019 presentation!
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She completed the look with this Lady Grey Jewelry warped silver metal earring...
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...and this silver metal corset belt from the aforementioned Balmain collection.
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Iconic Italian label Versace set a colorful statement with their Spring/Summer 2019 collection which set free this gooorgeous neon-green jersey midi dress featuring a feminine draped neckline, long sleeves and a risqué slit!
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M rocks two different sets of earrings for this look. The first ones are the Hannah Jewett Plus One earrings featuring totemic figurations suspended on gold hoops with little lucite discs.
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Her other ones are Givenchy Pre-Fall 2019 mismatched mixed media earrings featuring pearls, chains, rhinestones and coins!
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Her neon-green patent leather block heel sandals with crystal-embellished buckle are from the same Versace collection as above.
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Our final look comes from Louis Vuitton's Spring/Summer 2019 runway and is this fantasic silver sequined laser-cut structured mini dress with strong shoulders and mock neck!
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Lastly, she rocked a pair of Déchainée Mono broken silver chain link earrings by Annelise Michelson.
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abovethefoldd · 4 months
“We only came close to dying six or seven times, which I thought was pretty good.”
- Les Jacobs on the strike, Newsies
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tomorrowedblog · 12 days
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Friday Releases for May 31
Friday is the busiest day of the week for new releases, so we've decided to collect them all in one place. Friday Releases for May 31 include The Dead Don’t Hurt, Robot Dreams, Selaco, and more.
The Dead Don’t Hurt
The Dead Don’t Hurt, the new movie from Viggo Mortensen, is out today.
The Dead Don’t Hurt is a story of star-crossed lovers on the western U.S. frontier in the 1860s. Vivienne Le Coudy (Vicky Krieps) is a fiercely independent woman who embarks on a relationship with Danish immigrant Holger Olsen (Viggo Mortensen). After meeting Olsen in San Francisco, she agrees to travel with him to his home near the quiet town of Elk Flats, Nevada, where they start a life together. The outbreak of the civil war separates them when Olsen makes a fateful decision to fight for the Union. This leaves Vivienne to fend for herself in a place controlled by corrupt Mayor Rudolph Schiller (Danny Huston) and his unscrupulous business partner, powerful rancher Alfred Jeffries (Garrett Dillahunt). Alfred’s violent, wayward son Weston (Solly McLeod) aggressively pursues Vivienne, who is determined to resist his unwanted advances. When Olsen returns from the war, he and Vivienne must confront and make peace with the person each has become.
Robot Dreams
Robot Dreams, the new movie from Pablo Berger, is out today.
Dog lives in Manhattan and he’s tired of being alone. One day he decides to build himself a robot, a companion. Their friendship blossoms, until they become inseparable, to the rhythm of 80’s NYC. One summer night, DOG, with great sadness, is forced to abandon ROBOT at the beach. Will they ever meet again?
Backspot, the new movie from D.W. Waterson, is out today.
Riley (Devery Jacobs) is the formidable backspot on her mid-level cheerleading squad until professional coach Eileen McNamara (Evan Rachel Wood) gives her an opportunity to join the Thunderhawks, a high performance All Star team. Young, ambitious, and fiercely in love with her girlfriend Amanda (Kudakwashe Rutendo), Riley would be on top of the world if only she could get her crippling anxiety under control. Desperate to be heard and appreciated, two qualities her home life severely lacks, Riley will do anything to ingratiate herself to her new coach. Overwhelmed, obsessive and with a competition looming, this young, queer athlete must decipher her own voice from the women around her, and form a healthier relationship to the sport that she loves.
Ezra, the new movie from Tony Goldwyn, is out today.
EZRA follows Max Bernal (Bobby Cannavale), a stand-up comedian living with his father (Robert De Niro), while struggling to co-parent his autistic son Ezra (introducing William Fitzgerald) with his ex-wife (Rose Byrne). When forced to confront difficult decisions about their son’s future, Max and Ezra embark on a cross-country road trip that has a transcendent impact on both their lives.
Handling The Undead
Handling The Undead, the new movie from Thea Hvistendahl, is out today.
On a hot summer day in Oslo, the dead mysteriously awaken, and three families are thrown into chaos when their deceased loved ones come back to them. Who are they, and what do they want? A family is faced with the mother’s reawakening before they have even mourned her death after a car accident; an elderly woman gets the love of her life back the same day she has buried her; a grandfather rescues his grandchild from the gravesite in a desperate attempt to get his daughter out of her depression. Handling the Undead is a drama with elements of horror about three families, a story about grief and loss, but also about hope and understanding of what we can’t comprehend or control.
In A Violent Nature
In A Violent Nature, the new movie from Chris Nash, is out today.
The enigmatic resurrection, rampage, and retribution of an undead monster in a remote wilderness unleashes an iconic new killer.
The Great Lillian Hall
The Great Lillian Hall, the new movie from Michael Cristofer, is out today.
The performance of a lifetime: Jessica Lange is The Great Lillian Hall.
What You Wish For
What You Wish For, the new movie from Nicholas Tomnay, is out today.
Ryan (Nick Stahl) is a talented, down-on-his-luck chef with crushing gambling problems. Circumstances being what they are, he leaves town in a hurry for the safe haven of an unnamed Latin American country where his friend Jack (Brian Groh), a more prestigious chef with his own unique troubles, welcomes him into his home. Ryan has no idea how Jack’s able to afford his extravagant lifestyle cooking for the elite in paradise; he doesn’t want to feel envious, yet he can’t help but want this life for himself as well. Soon, a grim twist of fate will give that to him. Ryan assumes his friend’s identity and soon discovers just what Jack’s been doing to maintain the lifestyle he so desperately craved.
Young Woman and the Sea
Young Woman and the Sea, the new movie from Joachim Rønning, is out today.
Daisy Ridley stars as the accomplished swimmer who was born to immigrant parents in New York City in 1905. Through the steadfast support of her older sister and supportive trainers, she overcame adversity and the animosity of a patriarchal society to rise through the ranks of the Olympic swimming team and complete the staggering achievement – a 21-mile trek from France to England.
Frog and Toad S2
The second season of Frog and Toad, the TV series from Rob Hoegee, is out today.
Frog is a frog. Toad is a toad. They have a lot in common… but they are also very different. Frog and Toad are best friends who know that the true secret to friendship is not only enjoying the things you have in common, but embracing the things that make you different. Since our differences are what makes us special, Frog and Toad celebrate what makes them unique!
The Outlaws S3
The third season of The Outlaws, the TV series from Elgin James and Stephen Merchant, is out today.
With crime boss The Dean, behind bars awaiting trial, the Outlaws are moving on with their lives—until one of their own returns with a deadly secret, hurling them back into mortal danger. As a murder manhunt closes in on the gang, can they prove their innocence before The Dean’s case collapses, and he comes looking for revenge?
Selaco, the new game from Altered Orbit Studios, is out today.
Selaco is a brand new original shooter running on GZDoom, featuring thrilling action set pieces, destructibility, smart enemies and a fleshed out story taking place within an immersive game world.
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Olimpiadi, 5 curiosità sulla più importante manifestazione sportiva
Le Olimpiadi sono l'evento sportivo più grande e prestigioso al mondo e quest’anno si disputeranno a Parigi. La capitale francese è ormai pronta ad accogliere i migliaia e migliaia di atleti che prenderanno d’assalto il Villaggio Olimpico in attesa di entrare in azione. L’obiettivo, manco a dirlo, è quello di provare a vincere almeno una medaglia, cercando anche di ribaltare i pronostici degli esperti, come quelli di Betway Sports. C’è chi è a caccia della prima e chi, invece, cerca la riconferma, compresi diversi azzurri come Marcell Jacobs, campione nella 100 metri piani e nella staffetta 4x100 insieme a Tortu, Desalu e Patta, o anche a Gianmarco Tamberi, medaglia d’oro nel salto in alto insieme all’amico qatariota Mutaz Barshim. Per non parlare poi dei vari Vito Dell’Aquila, Antonella Palmisano e Massimo Stano, tutti ori a Tokyo 2020, che proveranno a ripetersi anche stavolta. Questi sono ovviamente soltanto alcuni dei tanti atleti che prenderanno parte alla XXXIII edizione dei Giochi Olimpici. Oltre alle imprese sportive, però, ci sono anche alcuni aspetti interessanti e curiosità che, forse, non tutti conoscono. Il significato dei simboli olimpici I simboli olimpici, come i cinque anelli interconnessi e la fiamma olimpica, sono diventati icone globali riconosciute in tutto il mondo. Ma qual è il loro significato? I cinque anelli olimpici rappresentano i cinque continenti del mondo - Europa, Asia, Africa, America e Oceania – che, in occasione delle Olimpiadi, sono interconnessi tra loro attraverso lo sport. Nella visione dell’ideatore della bandiera, il barone francese Pierre de Coubertin, lo spirito fondante della manifestazione era la fratellanza tra i popoli, uniti in un unico luogo per un determinato periodo di tempo nel nome dello sport e dei suoi valori. La fiamma olimpica, invece, ha origini nell'antica Grecia, dove veniva accesa durante le antiche Olimpiadi per commemorare il mitico fuoco prometeico. Questo simbolo di purificazione e rinascita è stato riportato in vita nel 1928, quando la fiamma olimpica fu introdotta come parte dei moderni Giochi Olimpici. Da allora, la fiamma olimpica viene accesa durante una cerimonia a Olimpia, Grecia, e viene trasportata attraverso una staffetta fino alla città ospitante, dove brucia per tutta la durata dei Giochi in un ampio braciere apposito. Il Villaggio Olimpico Quando pensiamo alle Olimpiadi, spesso ci concentriamo sugli eventi sportivi e sugli atleti, ma c'è un mondo intero che si sviluppa dietro le quinte: il Villaggio Olimpico. Si tratta di una vera e propria comunità autonoma, con infrastrutture, servizi e una vita sociale unica. Durante le Olimpiadi, il Villaggio Olimpico diventa la casa temporanea per migliaia di atleti provenienti da tutto il mondo e qui possono stare insieme e conoscersi. Insomma, un luogo dove le barriere linguistiche svaniscono e l'unica lingua universale è la passione per lo sport. La città ospitante L'assegnazione delle Olimpiadi a una città ospitante è un momento di grande gioia e orgoglio nazionale, ma c'è molto di più dietro questa decisione. In primis, il Paese che decide di candidarsi, deve avere un Comitato Olimpico Nazionale (CNO), riconosciuto dal Comitato Olimpico Internazionale (CIO). Il CNO ha il compito di promuovere e sviluppare lo sport nel Paese, mentre il CIO, tra le sue varie funzioni, funge da supporto per le istituzioni locali interessate ad ospitare i giochi. Ciascun Paese deve infatti elaborare un progetto serio e concreto affinché possa essere preso in considerazione dal Comitato Internazionale. Le città olimpiche sono spesso selezionate in base a una serie di criteri, tra cui infrastrutture esistenti, capacità di accogliere grandi numeri di persone e l'impatto economico e sociale a lungo termine. Al momento della votazione, ciascun Comitato Nazionale avrà quindi il compito di votare per il Paese che ritiene più consono ad ospitare le Olimpiadi, con le elezioni che procedono fino a che una delle città candidate non ottiene la maggioranza. Gli sport “scomparsi” Gli sport che prendono parte alle Olimpiadi sono cambiati nel corso degli anni. Infatti, diverse discipline una volta parte integrante dei Giochi sono scomparse, mentre altre sono state aggiunte per riflettere l'evoluzione degli interessi e delle tendenze globali. Tra le discipline che oggi non ci sono più figurano il cricket e il polo, presenti nelle prime edizioni dei Giochi moderni per poi essere successivamente abbandonati. Interessante è poi il caso della danza che, dopo esser stata a lungo fuori dalle Olimpiadi, tornerà proprio quest’anno con la break dance. Quasi ad ogni edizione dei Giochi c’è sempre una novità e di recente sono stati aggiunti al programma nuovi sport, come, il surf, lo skateboard e l'arrampicata sportiva che hanno fatto il loro debutto olimpico alle a Tokyo 2020. I record olimpici L’ultimo paragrafo dedicato alle curiosità riguarda i record olimpici, ma quali sono quelli più impressionanti e duraturi nella storia? Uno dei record più iconici è senza dubbio quello di Usain Bolt nei 100 metri piani. Il jamaicano ha fermato il cronometro a 9,63 secondi a Londra 2012, stabilendo un primato che tuttora nessuno è riuscito mai a superare. Un tempo, questo, che però non bastò allo stesso Bolt per battere il record mondiale, da lui stesso firmato ai Mondiali di Berlino del 2009, di 9,58 secondi. Tra gli altri record troviamo poi il 19”30 sempre di Bolt nei 200 metri registrato a Pechino 2008 e poi battuto dallo stesso velocista a Berlino 2009. Entrambi i primati non sono stati ancora mai battuti. Per quanto riguarda invece il numero di medaglie vinte alle Olimpiadi, il record spetta a Michael Phelps, uno degli atleti più forti di tutti i tempi in virtù delle sue 28 medaglie raggiunto definitivamente a Rio de Janeiro 2016. Il primato precedente era di 18 medaglie stabilito dalla ginnasta sovietica Larisa Latynina. Foto di copertina: https://pixabay.com/it/photos/nuotatori-nuoto-piscina-79592/ Read the full article
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openingnightposts · 3 months
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riotgrrrlgerardway · 5 months
2023 Concerts List
58. T!LT, Cab Ellis, Cheem
59. Spookyghostboy, Sydney Rose, Yot Club, Penelope Scott, Cafúne, Chloe Moriondo, mxmtoon, Cavetown
60. The OBGMs, Pinkshift, Oxymorrons
61. Jacob Daley, Nathanie, Hyejin, Kiyu, Yoshi T
62. Weeping Icon, Anysia Kim, Mary Jane Dunphe, Liz Cooper, Katy Kirby, Discovery Zone, Downtown Boys, Ian Sweet, Hannah Jadagu, Wet (Stripped Down), Horsegirl
63. Big Time Rush
64. DEZI, Jhariah
65. Tiny Blue Ghost
66. Love Song Time Machine (Cover Show) - Lucky Number (The Cure), Emma Blue Jeans (The Cranberries), Sister. (Coldplay), Nara's Room (Galaxie 500), First Crush (The Sundays), Big Dumb Baby (Burt Bacharach), PONS (James Brown)
67. GEL, Catbite, Laura Stevenson, Screaming Females
68. Splitwire
69. Telescreens, Late Night Drive Home, Quarters of Change
70. Fat Heaven, Control Top, THICK
71. Uni and the Urchins, The Dandy Warhols
72. Crush Fund, Jeerleader, Toobin
73. Jeffrey Lewis, Ezra Furman
74. Warm Wishes, Something Cursed
75. Heavy Lag, Lizdelise, Worriers
76. Birthday Girl, VIAL
77. Sweet Pill, Pinkshift, Origami Angel
78. Placebo
79. Big Joanie, Placebo
80. Raffaella, Charly Bliss
81. SKORTS, Mila DeGray, Sir Chloe
82. Sound Mind Festival - Pom Pom Squad
83. Awksymoron, Machinery of the Human Heart
84. Maya Lucia, Froggy, Sorry Mom
85. Adjacent Fest - Playing Dead, Drug Church, Pinkshift, The Linda Lindas, Jeff Rosenstock, Beach Bunny, Mannequin Pussy, The Happy Fits, Thursday, Surf Curse, Bleachers, Paramore
86. Alex Lahey
87. Mila Degray, Cab Ellis, Telescreens
88. The Cult of Chunk, Slashers, Tits Dick Ass, Incircles, Joudy
89. girlfriends, Don Broco, The Used, Pierce the Veil
90. Punk Island - Monte, His Sweatshirt, Eevie Echoes & the Locations, Sheila, Incircles
91. Meet Me @ The Altar
92. Josh Fudge, Cub Sport
93. Mates of State, Metric
94. John Allison-Weiss, VIAL, Mal Blum
95. The Sheer Currents, Jigsaw Youth, Destructo Disk, Gully Boys, Destroy Boys
96. Pinkshift, L.S. Dunes
97. Black Belt Eagle Scout, Y La Bamba, Julia Jacklin
98. Eli Smart, Declan Mckenna
99. Jane Lai, 13th LAW, Teenage Halloween, Michael Cera Palin
100. Morgan Bassichis, Le Tigre
101. BIPOC Emo Night - The Loneliers, D3aded
102. benches, late night drive home
103. Juliana Madrid, Cafuné
104. Outline: Club Intl, Pelada, Grace Ives, Palm, Model/Actriz, US Girls, Crumb
105. HOKO, Almost Monday, Weathers
106. Isa Reyes, Nathanie, Forager
107. Untitled, Cat Crash
108. T!LT, Laurel Canyon
109. Action/Adventure, Sweet Pill, Anxious, The Wonder Years
110. Dark Tea, Surf Curse
111. Girlsona, Or Anywhere Else, Cadmium, Rednave, Pondview
112. Hannah Georgas, Broken Social Scene
113. Pearl & the Oysters, TV Girl
114. Pollyanna, Jhariah, Pinkshift
115. Birthday Girl, Be Your Own Pet
116. Morrissey
117. The Dresden Dolls
118. Girl C*ck, Lucy C, Lotus Path, Toll Elbow
119. T!LT, Laurel Canyon, Incircles, Pinc Louds
120. Incircles, Pinc Louds
121. Magazine Beach, Future Teens, John-Allison Weiss
122. Similar Kind, Chase Petra, Carpool Tunnel
123. Noah Rosner, Allyson, The Normal Colleagues, Cat Crash
124. Eevie Echoes & the Locations, Spite Fuxxx, Winter Wolf, Frida Kill
125. Kicksie, Phony, Carly Cosgrove, Oso Oso
126. Sledgehammer, Nuclear Family Fantasy, Cobel, Witch Slap
127. Riot Days - THICK, Pussy Riot
TOTAL: 69 (nice)
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silviascorcella · 7 months
Fiorucci is back: un grande libro lo narra, 10 Corso Como lo celebra
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Se c’è qualcuno che ha saputo dare forma alla desiderabilità profonda, che ha avuto l’abilità rarissima di tradurre il dono dell’essere visionario in una rivoluzione gentile del pensiero e dello stile di vita dedicata a tutti senza distinzioni, che ha saputo lasciare una traccia indelebile in chi l’ha incontrato, in chi ne ha vissuto la creatività instancabile e sorridente, in chi ha sentito di conoscerlo da sempre solo indossando un pezzo della sua moda irrinunciabile, ecco: quel qualcuno è il solo ed unico Elio Fiorucci.
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Sì, l’uomo sarà pur scomparso, ma il suo spirito non ha mai lasciato neanche per un attimo la passione che ha saputo far sorgere e animare nei luoghi del globo in cui ha creato quei mondi favolosi che erano i suoi concept-stores, nonché in coloro che ne hanno fatto parte: di tutti i milieu sociali, vip e star celeberrime assieme a persone comuni di qualunque età, rese tutte felici dalle sue creazioni; e ancora, in quegli artisti  italiani ed internazionali con i quali ha creato sodalizi che sono esempi sempiterni di eccellenza creativa.
Ebbene: Fiorucci, il brand a immagine e somiglianza del suo creatore, is back! E Milano, la città che ha dato i natali a lui e al suo primo concept store nel 1967, ne celebra la rinascita: con un evento debitamente glitterato da 10 Corso Como, a sua volta celebrazione felice del lancio italiano di un grande libro che ne narra la storia grande lunga 50 anni, ovvero “Fiorucci”, edito da Rizzoli New York.
Una rinascita già avviata sulla strada concreta dell’entusiasmo grazie agli ultimi possessori del brand: i coniugi Janie e Stephen Schaffer, sotto la cui direzione l’avventura appassionante del mondo Fiorucci sta ripopolando le strade di Londra, più precisamente all’angolo tra Brewer e Great Windmill Street, con un flagship store enorme abbastanza per contenere il nuovo mondo di Fiorucci e tutta la sua peculiare energia.
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Un nuovo capitolo di una storia iniziata, per l’appunto, 50 anni fa: mezzo secolo raccolto nel libro “Fiorucci” di Rizzoli, e raccontato dalla voce di coloro che la soglia del suo negozio l’hanno varcata al tempo in cui ancora aveva il potere di rivoluzionarne la mente, il cuore e l’esistenza stessa.
La penna di David Owen raccoglie e ci riporta dentro aneddoti narrati da nomi del calibro del premio Oscar Sofia Coppola, che nella prefazione che porta la sua firma ricorda di averlo scoperto alla tenera età di 12 anni e dichiara “La mia vita non è più stata la stessa” perché da quel momento ha sognato di diventare una donna Fiorucci “Ovvero, sicura di sé, artistica, misteriosa e divertente”.
Anche lo scrittore Douglas Coupland una volta varcata la soglia fu colpito dall’effetto-Fiorucci, che attraverso la sua penna è divenuto un ricordo secondo il quale “Mi ci portò mia zia, nel 1979. Fiorucci fu una delle ultime istituzioni che voleva farti diventare adulto il prima possibile, ma solo dopo aver messo a fuoco la città che ti ha dato i natali e averla vista bruciare nello specchietto retrovisore”. Marc Jacobs pensa che il suo store sia come “un bazar di oggetti cool”, Maripol, l’artista che plasmò le immagini e le identità delle icone pop, ricorda la volta in cui Elio, carico di vestiti da Londra, stava per prendere una multa da un funzionario della dogana italiana. Elio gli chiese: “Senti, perché non vieni a lavorare con me?” E lei finì per diventare direttore di produzione a Hong Kong. E ancora Oliviero Toscani, il fotografo che con Elio Fiorucci ha rivoluzionato il concetto di adv ed il pensiero di chi s’imbatteva nelle loro pubblicità-opere d’arte, rivela che lui amava ammettere “Senza Biba non avrei potuto fare ciò che ho fatto”.
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Assieme ai ricordi racchiusi nelle interviste, il libro è composto da un grande apparato iconografico che spalanca un mondo prezioso sull’archivio d’immagini, fotografie, poster e grafiche, denim stretch, spandex e busti abbronzati.
In occasione di Milano Moda Donna, il concept store 10 Corso Como ha organizzato un evento esclusivo per il libro, of course, ma anche per il lancio della nuova collezione: Fiorucci è tornato davvero!
Silvia Scorcella
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