letraspal · 4 months
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Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you 🌖✨
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staff · 10 months
tumblr tuesday: "hi"
Good day to everyone whose heads and hearts haven't left the Truham-Higgs vicinity since Thursday. Season 2 has us all in a tizzy, and luckily, the fandom's artists are right there with us.
(This is another one that goes out to everyone who has seen the second season. SPOILERS AHEAD. MILD BUT STILL SPOILERY. PLEASE BE WARNED.)
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artsyunderstudy · 8 months
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Sketch Sunday
Good morning! Hope everyone is having a good weekend. I am working hard on a big project right now and I'm so excited to share it with you but it'll be a little while! However I can share little bits of it. Here is a scene I never thought to draw because so many people have done it so well. The Ren Faire!
Just a sketch so don't worry Baz's florals will be there in the final. As well as the Master Sword. ♡ Enjoy this Simon in particular. I love him. So flirty and cocksure.
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Tags under the cut!
@imagineacoolusername  @martsonmars  @valeffelees @bazzybelle  @ileadacharmedlife  @aristocratic-otter  @urban-sith  @letraspal  @palimpsessed  @whatevertheweather  @nightimedreamersworld  @carryonsimoncarryonbaz  @raenestee  @erzbethluna  @confused-bi-queer  @moodandmist  @yeonjunenby  @shrekgogurt  @thewholelemon  @whogaveyoupermission   @creepyspice  @onepintobean  @ebbpettier  @orange-peony  @theearlgreymage  @ic3-que3n  @captain-aralias @fatalfangirl  @prettygoododds  @stitchyqueer  @you-remind-me-of-the-babe  @forabeatofadrum  @ivelovedhimthroughworse @mysterioussheep @rimeswithpurple @c0nsumemy5oul @facewithoutheart @hushed-chorus @blackberrysummerblog @larkral @j-nipper-95 @alexalexinii @iamamythologicalcreature @supercutedinosaurs @wellbelesbian @bookish-bogwitch
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emeryhall · 8 days
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Thank you to @artsyunderstudy and @monbons for the tags! And thank you to everyone who tagged me on WIP Wednesday.
The forthcoming Chapter 10 of Only Creatures is a beast in so many ways. Here is a mere one of those ways...
(Below the cut for graphic body hair content.)
Once he finishes me off, he proudly sits back on his heels and picks a pubic hair out of his teeth.  “I’ll do something about that,” I mutter, embarrassed.  “What?” He examines the hair stuck to his finger and flicks it away.  I gesture at the nest between my legs.  When Simon cottons on, he looks horrified. “No!”  “Why, in the name of magic, would you not want me to trim, Snow?”  He shakes his head vigorously, curls going every which way. “It’s like a little animal that smells like you, and I can nuzzle it, and you’re all soft and hidden, and then you get hard and emerge from your habitat.”  I stare at him. “You’re disturbed.”  “No, I’m not. You are.”  I can’t argue with that. 
Tags and hellos! @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @cutestkilla @thewholelemon @mooncello @raenestee
@bookish-bogwitch @nightimedreamersworld @larkral @supercutedinosaurs @rimeswithpurple
@shrekgogurt @orange-peony @alexalexinii @best--dress @facewithoutheart
@noblecorgi @ic3-que3n @letraspal @hushed-chorus @aristocratic-otter
@iamamythologicalcreature @roomwithanopenfire @messofthejess @fiend-for-culture
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Happy Wednesday everyone! Thanks for tagging me @artsyunderstudy, @monbons, @prettygoododds, @thehoneyedhufflepuff, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe and @mooncello! I’m really looking forward to catching up with all the WIPs and reading these chapters as they drop!
I haven’t done too much writing since Sunday, so I’ll just throw out these few lines that I wrote a couple of minutes ago in Field Trap, Simon pov:
Baz sucks on the side of his thumb and I have to look down at the platter between us to stop myself from jumping on him. It’s a familiar feeling, but I used to think it was hatred that was bubbling up under my skin every time I glanced at him. I thought it was righteous anger driving me to get my hands on him at all costs, compelling me to push and pull at him. I wanted to drag him to the ground and shove my face in his, pinning his body with the weight of my own.
Merlin, I’m an idiot.
Yes, you are, Simon 😜 Enjoy the rest of the week, everyone!
No pressure tags to @rimeswithpurple @valeffelees @nausikaaa @thewholelemon @roomwithanopenfire @cutestkilla @iamamythologicalcreature @aristocratic-otter @stitchyqueer @letraspal @raenestee @imagineacoolusername @ileadacharmedlife @hushed-chorus @shrekgogurt @palimpsessed @nightimedreamersworld @carryonsimoncarryonbaz @facewithoutheart @bookish-bogwitch @forabeatofadrum @youarenevertooold @confused-bi-queer @orange-peony @supercutedinosaurs @j-nipper-95 @alexalexinii @ivelovedhimthroughworse @c0nsumemy5oul @skeedelvee @whogaveyoupermission @sailorblossoms @onepintobean @papierhaikuphoto @larkral @jasonfunderberkerthefrogexists @cows4247 @aceumbrellaheroes @asocialpessimist @beastmonstertitan @tender-ministrations @stardustasincocaine @ic3-que3n @hertragedyconnoisseur
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alexalexinii · 12 days
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WIP Wednesday
Yes, it is Wednesday here.
Long time no see (once again). Work has devoured me. I’m also preparing for a con that is rapidly approaching!! It’s my first big con so I want to have plenty of art to show! Here are some of the wips for those ones:
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I’m also planning stuff for my birthday thats this Sunday! (So that’s another thing that’s devoured me)
As for Carry On stuff, I am working slowly making my way through my COBB! It’s been fun to collaborate with [redacted] so far! I can’t wait to share the fic with you guys 👀 I also have many ideas for my COAR but they are just ideas for now lolol.
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Tags + Hellos bellow the cut:
@artsyunderstudy @cutestkilla @letraspal @shrekgogurt @ebbpettier @rimeswithpurple @hushed-chorus @that-disabled-princess @palimpsessed @imagineacoolusername @fatalfangirl @ileadacharmedlife @valeffelees @raenestee @orange-peony @facewithoutheart @aristocratic-otter @confused-bi-queer @nightimedreamersworld @iamamythologicalcreature @leithillustration @katatsumuli @youarenevertooold @theimpossibledemon @scribble-tier @best--dress @bookish-bogwitch @noblecorgi @martsonmars @ic3-que3n @emeryhall @run-for-chamo-miles @thewholelemon @roomwithanopenfire @wellbelesbian @nausikaaa
If you don’t want to be tagged please let me know 🙏🏻
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Happy Wednesday friends! I’ve got 15 teaching days left and boy am I ready for summer vacation! 😎
I’m currently writing the fourth chapter of my time travel AU, Back and Back and Back. @cutestkilla and @emeryhall are graciously beta reading for me and thanks to their help, the first two chapters are shape up nicely. 🙏🏻
Here’s a little something from chapter 2 (no, chapter 1 is not posted yet, but I’ve already shared a good amount from it.) An older Simon is visiting ten year old Baz while he’s taking a breather from Malcolm and Daphne’s wedding:
I think about some of the comments I heard the guests making tonight. Discussions about babies and starting a family. Which feels like such an odd thing to say, because Father’s already got a family. Or at least part of one. That isn’t really starting is it?
I tell him a little of what I overheard tonight and he listens intently again without interrupting. He doesn’t give me sad pity eyes like so many other grown ups when they talk to me about things like dead mums. I like that about him. He treats me more normally than just about anyone else.
“Well,” he starts, “I don’t have any siblings myself, so I can’t really speak from experience. But I always thought it would be cool to have a little brother or sister.”
“Really?” I tilt my head, looking up at him.
“Mmm. I think it’d be nice to have someone to look after. Someone you’d always have in your corner. And they’d have you.”
Baby Baz owns my heart. As does an older Simon being nice to him ♥️
Tags/thanks/hello to @cutestkilla @emeryhall @artsyunderstudy @facewithoutheart @whatevertheweather @thewholelemon @raenestee @aristocratic-otter @valeffelees @ivelovedhimthroughworse @ileadacharmedlife @bookish-bogwitch @shrekgogurt @orange-peony @letraspal @nightimedreamersworld @run-for-chamo-miles @roomwithanopenfire @rimeswithpurple @iamamythologicalcreature @prettygoododds @monbons @blackberrysummerblog @that-disabled-princess @best--dress @brendughh @drowninginships @lookinforavampire @mooncello @hushed-chorus
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cutestkilla · 21 days
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Happy Sunday and thanks for the tags today @blackberrysummerblog @shrekgogurt @rimeswithpurple @thewholelemon @monbons and @forabeatofadrum. I can't wait to read your snips and behold your WIPs!
Gonna share a bit more from Hiding Out in the Open Ch 5 today, which is 100% gonna post some time this week I swear. Somehow I managed to actually find six sentences for once. Context-less Baz POV:
“Are you okay?”  My voice is just above a whisper, and for a second I think he didn’t hear me.  Then he shakes his head, No, slowly back and forth, rubbing his face into my tear-damp shoulder. His curls brush against my neck, above the rumpled collar of my shirt.  It makes me shiver, then pull away a bit trying to hide it, but a gentle pressure in the small of my back holds me where I am. His tail, I realise, just as it snakes around my waist and squeezes.
Tags and hellos under the cut!
@artsyunderstudy @hushed-chorus @ivelovedhimthroughworse @iamamythologicalcreature @creepyspice
@bookish-bogwitch @facewithoutheart @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @aristocratic-otter @whatevertheweather
@fatalfangirl @whogaveyoupermission @captain-aralias @j-nipper-95 @emeryhall
@raenestee @ileadacharmedlife @onepintobean @martsonmars @brilla-brilla-estrellita
@angelsfalling16 @best--dress @run-for-chamo-miles @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @ic3-que3n
@larkral @letraspal @messofthejess @moodandmist @mooncello
@nightimedreamersworld @orange-peony @palimpsessed @prettygoododds @roomwithanopenfire
@stitchy-queerista @technetiumai @that-disabled-princess @theearlgreymage @urban-sith
@valeffelees @youarenevertooold @cosmicalart @wellbelesbian @alexalexinii @that-disabled-princess
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rimeswithpurple · 2 months
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Thank you so much to @bookish-bogwitch for the tag and all of the lovely folks who've tagged me over the past few weeks! I haven't been able to be as active here as I'd like, but I'm hoping that'll change soon. I've been plugging away at sketches for COBB and I'm very much into Baz in knitwear!
No pressure tags and hellos below!
@blackberrysummerblog @valeffelees @artsyunderstudy @prettygoododds @theimpossibledemon @thewholelemon @emeryhall @mooncello @cosmicalart @fiend-for-culture @facewithoutheart @nightimedreamersworld @ebbpettier @letraspal @katatsumuli @delilahs-artz @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @raenestee @shemakesmeforget @ic3-que3n @hushed-chorus @orange-peony @aristocratic-otter @youarenevertooold @iamamythologicalcreature @onepintobean @whatevertheweather @noblecorgi @ivelovedhimthroughworse @cutestkilla @tea-brigade
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shrekgogurt · 4 months
repeatedly listening to the bridge of
Waiting Room by Phoebe Bridgers
“You’re my favorite person.”
Baz lets out a little puff of air that could be a laugh if he wasn’t so tired. His head lolls back and forth in tiny motions against the wall, shaking no with the saddest whisper of a smile.
“Don’t say that.”
I knock my knee against his again. Like he’s a door and this repeated motion might open him up.
“Why not?”
He reopens his eyes but stares at the ceiling instead of me. It makes me freeze in place, afraid I’ll spook the honesty away. His voice comes out smaller than his rapidly disappearing smile.
“Because it’s cruel.”
sorry that lacked hinge
thanks for the tags @artsyunderstudy @cutestkilla @nightimedreamersworld @emeryhall @larkral @prettygoododds @forabeatofadrum
now tagging @alexalexinii @bookish-bogwitch @brilla-brilla-estrellita @confused-bi-queer @dani-vc @excalisbury @facewithoutheart @fatalfangirl @hushed-chorus @iamamythologicalcreature @ileadacharmedlife @j-nipper-95 @letraspal @messofthejess @mooncello @onepintobean @palimpsessed @raenestee @rimeswithpurple @theearlgreymage @theimpossibledemon @thewholelemon @youarenevertooold @you-remind-me-of-the-babe
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orange-peony · 19 days
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Thanks for tagging me on Sunday @cutestkilla, @nausikaaa, @thewholelemon and @blackberrysummerblog. I really loved your WIPs!
I'm supposed to sort out fics for four different fests, but my brain has decided that I needed to write a snowbaz canon-divergent fic with accidental baby acquisition 👶🏻🍼 (and what the hell, brain). I was going to just draft it, but I ended up starting it (Simon's POV):
It happens after one of our fights.
It’s not like it’s a particularly bad fight, more like an average one—we’re kind of pros at that, considering that we’ve been bickering since we were eleven. But it’s changed with time, especially after school. After the war got worse and the holes in the Magickal Atmosphere bigger. A lot bigger. Baz says that sometimes he can feel that scratchy dryness in his throat even at home, that it makes his veins itch and skin prickle in the most maddening way. My magic feels more out of control every day that goes by. The Mage has been hinting at the fact that I’m too faulty to be the Chosen One. That perhaps I ought to give all my magic to him.
I've also been working on my drarry mini bang fic:
Harry wants him in his home, at Grimmauld. He wants Draco’s things in his bedroom, his photos on his chest of drawers. Jealousy burns his stomach like a wildfire as Harry follows Draco inside and still makes two bloody cups of tea, feeling comfortable in Draco’s kitchen, despite himself. Because he’s spent over a month here, and he knows where Draco has put all of his belongings since he has watched him put them all away.
“Have you made any friends at work?” he asks abruptly when Draco returns, wearing a cerulean Muggle shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans.
Draco stops in his tracks, his fingers running through blond hair to loosen his braid. He grimaces and gracefully takes the mug Harry offers.
“It’s hard because people are obviously extremely suspicious of a Death Eater working as an Unspeakable,” Draco explains slowly.
Tags under the cut (and no pressure):
@bubble-gumhead, @pato-roldnart, @hushed-chorus, @thewholelemon, @excalisbury, @itsphantasmagoria , @pocketlessdruid , @alexalexinii , @you-remind-me-of-the-babe , @artsyunderstudy , @facewithoutheart , , @larkral , @artsyunderstudy @letraspal , @regretfulcorrine , @rimeswithpurple , @blackberrysummerblog , @littlewinnow , @leithillustration , @imagineacoolusername , @j-nipper-95 , @fatalfangirl , @emeryhall , @cassiaratheslytherpuff , @shrekgogurt , @wellbelesbian , @mooncello and @okay-sky .
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letraspal · 14 days
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You don’t have to stare, come here, get with it ✨
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ionlydrinkhotwater · 11 months
Baby Simon Snow our precious Chosen One
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Happy WIP
@confused-bi-queer @palimpsessed @stillmadaboutpetra @bookish-bogwitch @tea-brigade @kohatenz @johnwgrey @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @pacey-bunce-loves-joey @tectonicduck @artsyunderstudy @aristocratic-otter @captain-aralias @stardustasincocaine @fatalfangirl @angelsfalling16 @annabellelux @dragoneggos @frjsti @mrskrementz @krisrix @urban-sith @prettylightsbigcity @henreyettah @carryonsimoncarryonbaz @skeedelvee @orange-peony @cutestkilla @messofthejess @martsonmars @facewithoutheart @ileadacharmedlife @ivelovedhimthroughworse @nightimedreamersworld @sailor-blossoms @maedhrosrussandol @whatevertheweather @bazypitchandsimonsnow @erzbethluna @yellobb @subparselkie @bazzybelle @letraspal @basiltonbutliketheherb @chen-chen-chen-again-chen
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artsyunderstudy · 1 month
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Six Sentence Sunday
Hey friends! Long time no post. I feel like time is absolutely slipping away from me recently, but I finally finished a big project I've been working on since last year and I'm both so excited to share it with you soon and also SO glad to just be done so I can focus a bit more on other projects.
Like this one! My fic Apres which I really can't share much about until it's posted. But here's some relatively spoiler free Niamh and Agatha.
I grab some pants from the floor and get them halfway up my legs before realizing they’re Niamh’s. When I turn to face her she’s giving me a quizzical look, and I just keep tugging them up. She raises an eyebrow. “You can have mine. If you like.” “You’re strange,” she says, and it sounds (and feels) more like, “You’re deeply attractive.” Which, well, I know. But she never lets me know it, so I’ll bask in it, thanks very much. I find my own lacy knickers and toss them into her lap. She doesn’t comment as she pulls them on. “Do you wear these all the time? [redacted]? They can’t be comfortable long term,” she grouses, snapping the waistband. “You’d be surprised.”
And here is a teeny preview from my Big Secret Project (that a handful of people have sussed me out over already ahahaha)
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Tags under the cut!
@shemakesmeforget @stitchyqueer @rimeswithpurple @imagineacoolusername  @martsonmars  @valeffelees  @ileadacharmedlife  @aristocratic-otter  @urban-sith  @letraspal  @palimpsessed  @whatevertheweather  @nightimedreamersworld  @carryonsimoncarryonbaz  @raenestee  @moodandmist  @shrekgogurt  @whogaveyoupermission  @onepintobean  @ebbpettier @captain-aralias @fatalfangirl  @prettygoododds @ivelovedhimthroughworse @mysterioussheep @c0nsumemy5oul @facewithoutheart @j-nipper-95 @alexalexinii @iamamythologicalcreature @supercutedinosaurs @best--dress @messofthejess @mooncello @orange-peony @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @bookish-bogwitch @confused-bi-queer @youarenevertooold @that-disabled-princess @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @theearlgreymage @blackberrysummerblog @nausikaaa @thewholelemon @cutestkilla @emeryhall @hushed-chorus @forabeatofadrum
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lostinthepost · 3 months
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my binder repping the Aro Ace characters rn
ace juice Alastor by Froggypawshop on Instagram
Bad girl histroian Lilith letraspal on Reddbubble
@aromantic-diaries @aaa-battery-not-rechargeable
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nightimedreamersworld · 3 months
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Wip Wednesday
Thank you for tagging me dears @artsyunderstudy and @cutestkilla ❤️ your snippets are lovely as usual.
Also thank yous to everyone else who's tagged me these past weeks! I'm sorry I haven't been super active lately. I've been spending lots of time with family, so I'm progressing slowly on my WIPs
But!! Rest assured I'm still working on them. Here's a snippet from the chapter 3 of The Naked Truth:
Simon’s mouth is hotter than his skin, somehow. It makes me wonder about the rest of his body. His neck is also warm, and tender. I don’t know how my fangs haven’t dropped yet. I can feel them itching to sink into him.  I don’t bite him, though. I won’t. I don’t really want to. I’d never hurt him.  But I do press my fingers against his neck, where his pulse is strongest. Then my hand wanders over the back of his head, where his hair is buzzed short and prickly. Then up—I grab a fistful of his curls. Simon gasps and climbs further on top of me.  I can feel him against me. All of him, from head to toe.  All of him.  I manage to pull my head back enough to look down, just in time to see Simon’s pants turning to mist.
(Little update on the posting schedule: I wanted to have chapter 2 out this week, but I'm a little sick rn so it might not happen.)
Tagging some friends: hope you have a great Wednesday! @rimeswithpurple @bookish-bogwitch @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @captain-aralias @hushed-chorus @larkral @letraspal @stitchyqueer @mooncello @supercutedinosaurs @blackberrysummerblog @valeffelees @forabeatofadrum @aristocratic-otter @alexalexinii @run-for-chamo-miles @prettygoododds @emeryhall @whatevertheweather @whogaveyoupermission @iamamythologicalcreature @j-nipper-95 @thewholelemon and anyone who'd like to join! ❤️
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