#lets do it
theeroticlover · 3 months
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Mhmm !!! You and Me...
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Fun game for veteran pjo fans: when the tv show airs let's just complain about things being not like the books and just make up fake things about the books.
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im-cool · 2 months
Lets start a movement
Dex and Biana on the cover of book ten
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hakusins · 1 month
Casually walking in like hey do you think we as a society need to share more and draw more Swap AU and lure more people into it?
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I think i've seen a horror movie like this. *finger guns* I'm in.
i've got a few plans to accomplish this new plan, dollya but i need to ask you to wait until the weekend heheheh
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not-my-final-account · 2 months
I sighed and leaned back onto the chair provided as the family argued in front of me, Nightwing seemed very untrusting of me which was sad but to be expected, Jason however was valiantly defending my honour saying that it calmed down the pit rage. I really need to look into these pits, both because they’re clearly ectoplasm of some sort and also yum.
I watched them argue back and forth but when Jason didn’t try to kill any of them or storm away (poor guy really needs to get his system cleaned) they seemed to accept that what I had done had worked, they also did a few blood tests and with some assurance that I knew how to take non dangerous levels of blood they left it alone.
Jason turned around to talk to me but I was already in mist form to watch his reaction, he gave a smal sigh and muttered something about asking him to do that more often, ooh, good. I flew through the layers of stone and walked to Arkham Asylum to see Jazz, she’d moved there as a psychologist and apparently had the longest streak of staying alive or sane as one, weird.
A guy with a face full of clown makeup skipped happily down the street and everyone turned their gazes away and not say anything, Gotham truely does reminds me of home but with more crime and more normal stuff, like nice normal clowns instead of freakshow or ghost clowns.
I walked into the asylum “Hi! I’m here to see Jazz!” I said, he glanced at me and then my teeth and claws
“Poor Jasmine, if you kidnap her can you set it up to look like Joker? I’ve got money riding on him.” the guy asked, I gave him a look and went to where Jazz was, waiting until some guy with an impressive nose walked out of the room
“Danny!” she cried as the ran over and hugged me
“Jazz!” I said back “Have you heard about the Bats?” I asked
“I’m Jokers therapist, I know about them.” Jazz said and I laughed
“Okay so here’s the story
I walked down the street sipping my ecto, it’s blood red was kind of disorientating but whatever, better than having to pay for food. Suddenly two guys jumped me! I sighed and kept drinking, I punched the first guy into a wall a bit harder than I intended to but he’d be fine, the second guy I knocked out easily, and the third guy tripped me but I caught myself by flying and tripped him up then gave him a purposely harder punch which winded him, no need to knock my lunch out of my hands.
I turned around to pick up my thermos and saw Batman, BATMAM. Look, maybe hissing then turning into mist and flying at him to get it might not have been the smartest choice, but I don’t have fully human instincts anymore so there was no fear stopping me and no one in the world needs any more sources of ecto, and I had spent hours tinkering around with that so it filtered ecto from the atmosphere just right no way was I doing that again!
Anyways, he thought I was a vampire so I decided, giw are after me so I decided to be a vampire, I got jumped about a week later. I’m living in the Bat cave.” I said
“Are they treating you right?” Jazz asked, I nodded “I have a story too. I’m liminal, we all know this, anyways, I saw this lady whos on greyscale and could be from the victorian era. So I met Lady Gotham!” Jazz said “She’s cool.”
“Oh awesome, I left some gifts for her when I moved in. She said I could live here but I only met her that once.” I admitted
“Good.” Jazz said with a nod “Listen to what Frostbite and Clockwork teach you about Ghost etiquette.”
“There’s this guy who has really good tasting ectoplasm too, it’s fermented and in his blood.” I mentioned, Jazz blinked
“Huh. What do you think of him?” she asked
“He’s strong, keeps mentioning ‘pit rage’ I think these pits are old ectoplasm, good ectoplasm, it’s delicious.” I said
“Is this guy Red Hood? Lady Gotham mentioned him, he died and got revived by a pit of ectoplasm, but he didn’t come back as a ghost, just the same human as before, so the ectoplasm is keeping him alive but he’s probably makes way too much for a human to filter.” Jazz suggested “He was probably frustrated about something, and then it amplified that frustration which led to more frustration and anger which got amplified, creating a positive feed back loop. He probably has no control over the anger now though.” Jazz said, I knew enough about coding from listening to Tucker to know what a positive feedback loop was.
“Huh, poor guy.” I said, Jazz nodded solemnly when there was a knock on the door and the gruff voice of someone who’s seen some stuff
“Your next patient Ms Fenton.” he said
“Bye Jazz!” I said and I walked out.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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x-mensirens · 2 months
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Kitty drinks milk from the carton in episode Mainstream
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triona-tribblescore · 8 months
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Can we please give the giant robot suits to the human protagonists? I crave Rachel enduldging in violence again.
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moggyhog · 2 months
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This photoshoot is insane, diabolical even, I’m shaking this is the most babygirl old man
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alexcharmsyou · 8 months
the feminine urge to ask someone “will you be the steve to my robin?”
yes im platonically asking you out. lets be besties in crime and swoon over girls>:)
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theeroticlover · 4 months
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Desperation, need, craving...
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ik-kudi-da-khwab · 9 days
Feeling stuck in a rut of procrastination, so I'm starting a 10-day challenge to complete my to-do lists! 🌟 I'll be posting my lists each morning and updating them throughout the day. Posting here will help with accountability and discipline.
As a commerce student with 7 subjects (CBSE syllabus + entrance syllabus), managing time has become a real struggle. To combat this, I started making to-do lists, which worked for a while, but lately, I've been feeling sleepy, exhausted, and unproductive.
But that's about to change! I've decided to end this lazy phase and get back to grinding because I love the hustle. It's challenging to get into the habit, especially with so much to study and constant reminders from my Indian parents about upcoming entrances and my weight.
Join me on this journey, and let's conquer our tasks together! 💪📚 Let's hold each other accountable, stay motivated, and smash our goals.
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rebeccaellirose · 2 months
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thesmallmeggles · 1 year
Why I think Zanzo cares more about his human coworkers than his robot ones:
The image below is a cropped screenshot taken by spiritcole on Reddit. Context is that when Chai presents Rekka's belt to the bosses, the models of Kale, Mimosa, and Zanzo are loaded in. Because the camera is focused on Mimosa, we don't see Zanzo's initial reaction.
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This reads to me as equally "Oh crap, Rekka's dead." (not that we have confirmation on her ultimate fate) and "Oh crap, this guy's a threat." If you subscribe to "Zanzo installed the 'explode on defeat' feature into his his coworkers cybernetics" theory... "Oh crap, did I get Rekka killed?" (The optimist in me says: no, Zanzo has more sense than that. As if he didn't make multiple series of murder-bots. But we dunno for certain. 🤷‍♀️)
Correction: you can see this reaction in the Zoom Call scene for a split second. What was the point of this post? 🤔
We know Zanzo could care less about the folks working under him. (RIP that PGR-101 and those poor SCR-UBs. Also the yearly bonuses.) Where this stems from is up to interpretation, but seeing evidence that one of his peers met an unpleasant demise definitely rattled him.
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angry-trashcan · 11 months
Idk how to admit this, but I realized I was nonbinary after playing BOTW for the first time. That little fucker queered me into oblivion.
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majorproblems77 · 7 months
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You're brillant btw
Uni beloved!
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Yay head pats for all!
You are brilliant as well! :D
Based on this!
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