lgcnathan · 2 months
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q2 2024 plot call ! my trimester tracker can be found in my pinned 📌 post, but please like or reply if you'd be interested in plotting/threading together this trimester ! under the cut are also my old threads from last trimester, with updated statuses.
untitled (004) with @lgcparker – down to continue!
untitled (001) with @iseullgc – will be dropping!
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lgcjaejin · 1 month
The sound of hurried footsteps echoes loudly in the air as the blonde male rushes down the hallway. Jaejin was never great at keeping up with time, so per usual he was running frantically through the Legacy halls towards the practice rooms.
With a dramatic entrance, Jaejin burst into the practice room, balancing a stack of sheet music in one hand and a carrier holding two cups of coffee in the other, guilt gnawing at him for keeping Minjun waiting, yet relief flooding him as he spotted his peer.
"Minjun," Jaejin greeted, offering him a sheepish smile as opposed to a verbal apology for his lateness, conveying his regret without words.
He didn't want to dwell on his tardiness; instead, he wanted to focus on the task at hand. Jaejin swiftly approached Minjun, setting the stack of sheet music down beside the male.
Without waiting for a response, he took a deep breath, ready to dive straight into their practice session. "Where should we start?" he asked, his voice brimming with eagerness to make the most of their time together.
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lgcmanager · 1 month
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SCHEDULE TYPE: TRIMESTER ( PART 2 OUT OF 2 ) SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: cannot be paired with another trimester schedule, unless stated otherwise. for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE.
on MAY 13, the trainees in TEAM UNKNOWN were reunited with JANG INSUNG. “the other coaches and i are in the process of compiling our feedback but based on the task we have given you a while back, YOUNGJAE and i agreed that for the next couple of weeks all of you will be working on an area that many of you have listed as one of your weaker areas; CREATIVITY. we know that it’s a busy time for all of you with NOSTALGIA happening as well, so let’s get straight to what your next part of the evaluations will entail.”
the trainees will be given files to five songs, which are listed below:
after the trainees are given a chance to listen to short segments of the songs, INSUNG explains, “for the latter half all of you will be expected to give two performances. the first one is to assess your CREATIVE skills. out of the five songs that you’ve listened to, each of you will tell me privately after this meeting which song you will be choosing for the first performance. with the song selected, all of you will be assigned to a coach who will help you make that song into a version that best suits you. on the day of the evaluation, you will be expected to perform that song.”
as mentioned, since each of the trainees will be transforming their chosen song into a style that best suits them, this means that the trainees will be working on MUSIC COMPOSITION, LYRIC COMPOSITION, INSTRUMENT(S), and/or CHOREOGRAPHY ( POP/HIP HOP/STREET, CLASSICAL, OTHER ). ic they will be spending the first few weeks working on all aspects to understand the fundamentals, but for the rest of the weeks they will concentrate more on the skill(s) that they want to showcase the most in the performance. for muses who have LESS THAN 50 points in any or all of the skills mentioned, they will be guided by a coach. while the coach and their producing team will do a part of the work to form a creative and cohesive performance, the trainee will be expected to give their input on various areas ( eg. musical arrangement and style, instruments used, lyrics ( if adjusted/modified/included for the rappers ), choreography ).
in addition, any muses who have AT LEAST OR MORE THAN 50 points in the creative skills will be given more creative control in aspects where they have over 50 points ( eg. if someone has over 50 points in choreography [ either style ], they will be given the opportunity to create their own choreography instead of letting a coach do it ). due to their busy schedules and allotted time, the performances will be shortened to last around 2 minutes each.
“as for your second performance, since some of you have been attending the language workshops, we thought it was best to put it to the test to see how much some of you have learned.” INSUNG smiled before explaining in detail the second performance.
all of the trainees will be asked to perform a song in ENGLISH or JAPANESE of their choosing. as for the rules, here are some points to consider when selecting the song:
the song must be released before JANUARY 1, 2022 unless it is a song released by a legacy artist/group. for reference on the songs released by lgc groups ( minus the senior artists ), you can click over here ( LGC GIRLS DISCOGRAPHY / LGC BOYS DISCOGRAPHY ).
for trainees who have less than 50 POINTS in ENGLISH and JAPANESE together, they will be suggested to pick a song that was originally in korean ( or had a korean version ) and learn the secondary language song ( eg. agito’s ‘scent of you’, which was originally in japanese, but was released in both japanese and korean ) to make it easier for them.
all of the performances will be around 2 minutes each.
important note: not completing the writing requirements mentioned below can result in being removed from the group. if you are planning on moving your muse to a different path ( acting/modeling ) for q3, you can still complete the requirements below but you will be expected to sign-up for a career path transfer when the time comes.
PRACTICES & WORKSHOPS: continue the thread that you had in PART 1 with an additional 4 posts ( 2 posts per mun; 8 lines minimum ) OR write a 300+ word solo about the practice sessions, song selection process, or brainstorming ideas with a coach for the creative performance for +10 POINTS in MUSIC COMPOSITION, LYRIC COMPOSITION, INSTRUMENT ( PLEASE SPECIFY ), or CHOREOGRAPHY ( PLEASE SPECIFY ) !
SOLO PERFORMANCES: write a 400+ word headcanon post about the solo performances. the post MUST include the following: songs chosen, reason(s) behind the selected songs and what specifically was changed in the original song for the creative performance ( eg. musical arrangement, addition of lyrics, original choreography, etc. ). completing this will reward you +5 POINTS in KOREAN, ENGLISH, or JAPANESE, and +10 POINTS in SINGING, DANCING, RAPPING, or PERFORMANCE.
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:tumission for all of the tasks. you have until JUNE 22, 2024 at 11:59PM EDT to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
MUSE NAME ∙ TEAM UNKNOWN MISSION 004 - P&W: +10 ( music composition, lyric composition, instrument [ please specify ], choreography [ please specify] )  [ LINK ] - SOLO PERFORMANCES: +5 ( korean, english, OR japanese ), +10 ( singing, dancing, rapping, AND/OR performance ) [ LINK ]
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iseullgc · 1 month
easy charisma a team unknown starter for @lgcyoojoon
"honestly, i dunno what they want us to practice for this," iseul admits, glancing at yoojoon who's in the practice room with him. they had just finished their lessons on standing out on stage and he feels at a bit of a loss.
honestly, he doesn't know if he's ever really had a problem with something like this considering he's mostly a dancer, compared to any of the other skills he could showcase. he's only ever really had to focus on looking cool or whatever the song they were performing called for. he didn't mind cute either, so it's never really been a thought that crossed his mind.
"i know it's a sad ballad or whatever so don't we just ... have to look sad?" he asks, still trying to wrap his mind around what was happening. "but like ..." he twists his body around in a slightlyprovocative way, mostly to his own (and hopefully yoojoon's) amusement, pursing his lips and sticking out his butt.
"does this make me look sexy?"
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hyuntaelgc · 2 months
beautiful pain
tae wasn't someone who liked singing. he was developing steadily in the skill, but it didn't mean he actually liked it. at the end of the day he would do whatever he needed to for the group he was participating in. and this one was focusing on ballads. so he had to suck it up and do his best.
for beautiful pain him and junkyu's lines were more so of a singy rap rather than just straight singing. he was happy that he was able to particulate in this with his friend.
"junkyu!" he shouted rushing over to his friend. "i'm glad to see you. are you excited about the songs?" hyuntae was, but it was definately not in his comfort zone. "at least i can rest my legs." he shrugged thinking about the dance practices he had been doing lately.
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lgcyoojoon · 2 months
peaceful days. feat. @seyoonlgc
Group coaching had concluded, leaving only Yoojoon and Seyoon in the nearly deserted practice room. And yet, Yoojoon couldn't shake the feeling that it was more than mere coincidence; perhaps it was fate or destiny, orchestrating their presence together in this moment.
They sat side by side, the tap-tap of Yoojoon's fingertips on the plastic surface of a water bottle filling the otherwise stifling silence. He despised the awkwardness that had settled between them since their last conversation;
he longed for the days when their interactions were carefree and filled with laughter, even the occasional argument over Seyoon's forgetfulness of dirty clothes on the floor.
With the prospect of their paths parting after a possible debut, Yoojoon couldn't bear the thought of things ending on such strained terms. So, summoning his courage, he cleared his throat and turned to his brother, "Your dancing has improved a lot."
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lgcsori · 11 months
make it spicy
         the single past year in legacy had been far more eventful than her first two years in legacy. the first two years as a trainee in legacy had been pretty much the same, practice every day, and as much as she loved knowing what was coming and having a fixed schedule, she still became jealous to the people around her. she was improving, but people who had been in the company far shorter than her (like her brother) had been shown far more to the public. in the span of a year though, she’d finally tried being in a vlive, had a modeling and acting gig, joined a survival show, and now she was amongst the people who was joining lgc girls japan 2023.
things were going fast, and though it was difficult to keep up, sori was enjoying it still. but while this team unknown had made her feel quite stressed and tired, it has also been fun, she was finally growing closer to more trainees and she was joining a variety show. she tilts her head, looking at jaekyung “let me take a bite before you, if it’s poisoned i’ll let you know” she jokes. they’d been tasked with some spicy food, she takes in a big bite, perhaps quite too big. she looks at the other, cheeks completely full before shoveling the bowl over to her fellow friend.
                                                                            GO! @lgcjaekyung
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lgcjaekyung · 11 months
jaekyung loved performing. there was no truer fact than that. she enjoyed her performing arts major in university just as much as every dance, vocal or even rap lesson the company had to offer for her. while the language classes remained a small deduction to a 100% happiness score about her current activities, she took what she could get and decided to just run with it.
so finding herself in a practice room with aera brought out the hyper and energetic side of the younger female. “eonni!” eyes sparkling she recapped her water bottle and directed big eyes towards the other. “what if we pretend we’re filming a music video? or- or a dance practice video! we could look so cool and clean just slaying all these moves down.” gesturing her arms to emphasize her point, jaekyung talks firmly, the idea sparked and hoping that she could rope the other into it.
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lgcpoints · 1 month
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lgctaeha · 10 months
╭  ✿ MY NAME IS ! ╯
“My name is Taeha! My name is Taeha! Hi, I’m Taeha! LGC Girl’s Unofficial Sailor Scout - “ Oh, don't forget the transformation twirl, she thinks to herself, stepping away from the wall to give a quick spin. “Taeha!”
It’s a bit silly to be muttering to herself in the hallway when LGC Girls were a mere eight minutes from showtime. And she really tried her best to contain her nerves energy to her seat in the green room, but she knew it was only  a matter of time before she was going to explode ( ...or burst into tears, whichever came first ). Agonizing over her introduction seemed like a much better option. 
It was a pretty simple task, really. Join the hosts, stand on your mark, do your group introduction, then wait your turn for the talent portion. Easy peasy! …Then why were her palms still this sweaty?! It wasn’t like her chosen talent was all that exciting. It was just a simple combination that she could practically do in her sleep by now. Yet, she couldn't shake the nagging feeling that the moment she was called to perform it all dance knowledge would slip right out of her brain and she’d be left doing the worm or something just as goofy.
So, to prove to herself that her silly worries were just that, silly, she steps  out into the hall and runs through her solo introduction. One turn, two turn, high kick! The first run felt okay, but she knew she could make it even better. Besides, a team win was on the line here and her first impression needed to be perfect. She steps back into place and counts off. One turn, two turn, high ki - ! Oblivious to her surroundings ( as always ), Taeha had somehow managed to make contact with a passerby in the middle of her rehearsal session... Right in the - Oh. Oh, that’s not good.
“Oh my gosh, I’m s - so sorry!” Taeha gasps, stumbling backward a few steps, her hands shooting up to cover her mouth in horror at the man - the Agito member - standing... well, crumbling before her.
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lgcjaejin · 3 days
Jaejin sits on the edge of his bed, staring at the two sets of sheet music laid out before him. It has taken him hours to narrow down the list of songs, and now that he is down to the final two, he feels a knot tightening in his stomach, knowing that his song choice for the next evaluation could make or break his chances of impressing the trainers. The first sheet music is for "One of These Nights" by Red Velvet, a slow, emotion-filled ballad that showcases deep vocal expression. The other is for "Sugar Free" by T-ARA, an upbeat and rebellious track that demands energy and attitude.
He sighs deeply, running a hand through his blonde hair. "One of These Nights" has always been a song he feels deeply connected to. Its haunting melody and poignant lyrics give him a platform to pour his emotions into his singing. He knows he can nail that song; after all, ballads are what he is best at. He mutters to himself before picking up the sheet music and reading through the notes. A few lyric tweaks here and there, and he knows he will kill it and show off his vocal control and depth.
But then his gaze shifts to "Sugar Free." The song is a complete departure from his usual style—fast-paced, energetic, and full of life. It is the kind of track that gets people on their feet, dancing and clapping along. This would be something new and unexpected for him. He traces the bold title on the page. It would show the trainers that he can do more than just ballads, that he has versatility.
He begins weighing the pros and cons in his mind. Performing "One of These Nights" would be playing to his strengths. He knows he can convey the song's emotions with authenticity, and it will highlight his ability to handle complex melodies and deliver a powerful, moving performance. However, he worries that it might reinforce the perception that he is a one-trick pony, only capable of singing slow, melancholic songs.
On the other hand, "Sugar Free" is a high-energy anthem that will push him out of his comfort zone. It is risky, but it also offers a chance to showcase his ability to adapt to different genres and perform with the kind of charisma and stage presence that pop songs demand. He imagines himself on stage, hitting every dance step on the beat, exuding confidence and style. It is an exciting thought, but also a daunting one.
He stands up and begins pacing the room, the decision weighing heavily on his mind. "What if I mess up 'Sugar Free'?" he thinks. "It's so different from what I'm used to. But then again, if I can pull it off, it will really impress the trainers."
His mind flashes back to the last evaluation. Team Unknown has been assigned to perform three ballads back-to-back, and though there hasn’t been any feedback yet, he doesn't want to be pigeonholed. He knows he has to show them that he isn't just a one-trick pony. He can handle whatever they throw his way.
Finally, he stops pacing and looks down at the sheet music one more time. His heart is pounding. "I'm going to do 'Sugar Free'," he declares to the empty room. "I need to show them that I can do more, that I'm not afraid to take risks."
He sits back down and begins studying the sheet music for "Sugar Free." He works through the complex rhythms, scribbling notes on the paper with potential dance moves in his mind. He knows it is going to be a challenge, but he feels a surge of excitement as well. This is his chance to prove himself, to show the trainers and his fellow trainees that he is a force to be reckoned with.
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lgcmanager · 2 months
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SCHEDULE TYPE: TRIMESTER ( PART 1 OUT OF 2 ) SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: cannot be paired with another trimester schedule, unless stated otherwise. for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE.
on APRIL 8, the following trainees were called to a meeting with KIM HYUNCHEOL, SEO YOUNGJAE, and JANG INSUNG.
BAE NATHAN ( @lgcnathan )
CARTER JAEJIN ( @lgcjaejin )
CHO ISEUL ( @iseullgc )
CHOI JUNKYU ( @lgcjunkyu )
KANG MINJUN ( @lgcmjun )
KANG YOOJOON ( @lgcyoojoon )
KIM SEYOON ( @seyoonlgc )
KWON HYUNTAE ( @hyuntaelgc )
( important note: the trainees selected will be participating in TRAINEE MISSION 017, but they will be skipping out on one of the writing requirements to focus primarily on this. if you do not want to participate in this, please send a message to the main before APRIL 20, 2024 11:59PM EDT. if you choose your muse to be excluded from this for whatever reason, you can do all of the writing requirements for the trainee mission. )
after the greetings, HYUNCHEOL begins by telling them the purpose of the meeting, “some of you may have been aware of heard of ‘TEAM UNKNOWN’ before and we’ve gathered all of you here for that. the outcome and process may seem unknown to all of you, but we have some long-term plans in store.”
“with the help of our two coaches here,” HYUNCHEOL points towards YOUNGJAE and INSUNG. “all of you will be focusing on your performance skills for the first half in preparation for your GROUP EVALUATION. the coaches will hand you the necessary information pertaining to this evaluation.”
in the files, these are the three songs that the trainees will have to learn and prepare:
lyrics distributions for this can be found over HERE.
“for some of you that may be familiar with these songs or artists, you can safely assume that we’ve assigned you to sing BALLAD songs.” HYUNCHEOL states before letting the coaches give additional commentary. 
INSUNG chimed in proudly, “since this is my strength, all of you will be spending plenty of time with me learning how to sing and convey the emotions of the song. we expect your group performances to move us, so you will be learning quite a lot about SINGING, PERFORMANCE, and ACTING, which are the three important skills in performing those emotional ballads. for the handful of people who are lucky in those areas, we will set even higher expectations. as for our rappers, you will also be taught how to rap for two of the songs assigned to you, but will be spending the majority of your time on the skills mentioned.” YOUNGJAE added, “it also means that for one of the assigned songs, ‘CAN’T LET YOU GO EVEN IF I DIE’, everyone will be doing it in acapella. it’s a test on everyone’s skills along with your teamwork so consider it as one of your biggest challenges for this part of the evaluation.”
near the end of the meeting, HYUNCHEOL will inform the trainees that they will be having a brief one on one meeting with YOUNGJAE or INSUNG afterwards. during this time, each trainee will be shown on the tablet screen one column with categories listed: CHARISMA ( ACTING ), ENTERTAINMENT ( HOSTING ), PERSONALITY ( VARIETY ), VISUAL ( MODELING ), CREATIVITY ( MUSIC/LYRIC COMPOSITION AND/OR CHOREOGRAPHY ). the trainee will have to rank the five categories from 1-5, with 1 being what they think they think they’re the best at and 5 being what they think they are the worst at.
ooc wise, it is advised to choose what suits your muse and that whatever your muse chooses for this will impact the course of the team unknown outcome. please submit the following form to the lgcmanager blog before APRIL 27, 2024 11:59PM EDT.
MUSE NAME ∙ TU MISSION SPECIALTIES - SPECIALTIES: ( rank from 1-5 the following skills, with 1 being what they think they’re the best at and 5 being what they think they’re the worst at; CHARISMA ( ACTING ), ENTERTAINMENT ( HOSTING ), PERSONALITY ( VARIETY ), VISUAL ( MODELING ), CREATIVITY ( MUSIC/LYRIC COMPOSITION AND/OR CHOREOGRAPHY ) )
to get a general idea of how the schedules will look like during this time, it will be as follows:
WEEK 1 ( APRIL 8 – 13 ): intensive singing lessons ( and rapping for HYUNTAE, JUNKYU, and MINJUN too ). preparation for ‘BEAUTIFUL PAIN’.
WEEK 2 ( APRIL 15-20 ): intensive performance lessons ( focusing more on being charismatic and standing out on stage, this will also overlap with WEEK 3 lesson material wise ). preparation for ‘MISSING YOU’.
WEEK 3 ( APRIL 22-27 ): intensive acting lessons ( focusing on conveying the emotional messages in performing, will also include bits of musical acting to help with becoming a better singer ). preparation for ‘CAN’T LET YOU GO EVEN IF I DIE’.
WEEK 4 ( APRIL 28- MAY 10 ): refining the details for the group evaluation performances ( includes dancing for the btob songs )
MAY 11: group evaluation performances
since this mission will have two parts, there will be no feedback on the group evaluations in the next half of the mission. instead the feedback for that will be done after Q2. in addition to this, the trainees ( specifically NATHAN, JAEJIN, JUNKYU, and MINJUN ) will be joining the NKND muses with working on their LANGUAGES. more information about that can be found in a separate post. any of the trainees not mentioned can attend the language workshops, but it is not mandatory for them.
GROUP EVALUATION PREP: write a 4 replies ( 2 posts per mun; minimum 8 lines ) with another team unknown trainee about anything related to/happening during the schedule above for +10 POINTS TO SINGING, PERFORMANCE, or ACTING !
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:tumission for all of the tasks. you have until MAY 4, 2024 at 11:59PM EDT to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
MUSE NAME ∙ TEAM UNKNOWN MISSION 004 - GROUP EVALUATION PREP: +10 ( singing, performance, or acting )  [ LINK ]
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lgcsori · 11 months
is it hot in here?
           the whole of  ‘team unknown’ had brought more surprises to sori than she thought it would’ve. she was slowly growing closer to yujin, when yujin suddenly was announced to join another group, and aera now had been added to lgc japan girls too. lgc japan girls had originally consisted or sori and three girls she felt close to, now one had been removed and two strangers had been added. well, technically aera and sori did know each other, but sori didn’t feel particularly close with the other.
she was ready to be practicing and preparing like hell for this, but then came a variety show, which was technically preparing and promoting, but sori just hadn’t seen it come. they were already a few episodes in, so the girls among her were no longer strangers. “it’s hot” she blows on the food, before putting the spoon up to the other’s mouth, it’s an old habit, whenever someone asks her to share her food, she feeds them, but this isn’t her food, and she can only hope this doesn’t make the other uncomfortable. she sends the other a smile.
“tell me if it’s too spicy, if it is, i’ll eat some big mouthfuls so you don’t have to eat as much”.
                                                                     GO! @lgcaera
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lgcjaekyung · 11 months
the moment she saw him, the female did have to swallow around the lump in her throat. despite them talking things out, she can’t quite stop herself from thinking at times that things could have gone a lot better- a lot differently if not for her trying to reach beyond what she actually ended up achieving. losing her spot in the debut camp, losing her boyfriend, losing debut- it hadn’t been easy for her the last couple months but she wasn’t the type of girl to look back and go down the woulda, coulda, shoulda route. 
she made decisions and she was going to live with the consequences.
and despite her holding a soft spot for keeho still, there was no way she’d go easy on him in what was considered a variety competition. so with her arms folded across her chest she tossed a confident smirk towards the male idols, head held high and silently challenging them to try and dare win. 
“as for my special talent- one of much- many?” the language being just a bit of a barrier did not stop her from being her joking self. so with a giggle she went on. “it’s sound imitation!”
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lgcpoints · 1 month
- GROUP EVALUATION PREP: +10 (performance)  [ ++ ]
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lgctaeha · 11 months
╭  ✿ ROLL THE DICE ! ╯
LGC CHARMS JAPAN ( Team Spirit Battle ! ) with @lgcsori
When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade. When games give you lemons, you try your best not to make cringey faces on camera. Taeha knew all too well something like this was coming. It didn't take very much extensive research ( although she did binge watch quite a few Japanese variety shows ) to know that a lemon eating challenge, albeit a silly fun time, was a recipe before a social media disaster. The idea of one of her first variety appearances leading to her pinched expression becoming a trending meme gave her a new level of determination to remain as poised as possible after a bite. How hard could it be?
She sends the other girls an apologetic glance for being responsible for the roll that landed them in this predicament. She supposes in comparison to the pyramid challenge they were getting off a little easy, but she'd already battled spicy for their last recording and wasn't too keen on facing sour. She takes a lemon wedge from the production assistant and settles into the space at Sori's side. "I think if we eat it fast enough we'll barely be able to taste it!" she smiles weakly, prodding back a bit of the lemon peel. "On three?"
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