#life really got busy TT
daily-trey · 4 months
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It's Neko no Hi day~
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bitchinfawkseh · 6 months
Hii!! I was wondering if you could do a fic of dean with a coquette reader? Like a super femme reader who is obsessed with bows pink stuff ect? Ps I really like your tt🫶🏻
Pages of Affection
Summary: You and Dean go to the library to investigate a case. While searching through some old papers and clippings, you discover a series of old love letters. Dean thinks they're stupid - you think they are romantic. In an attempt to make you feel special, he writes you a love letter.
W.C: 1288
A/N: ahhhh my first req! ty! Sorry this took so long for me to write. I've been very busy with school and work.
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Book after book, page after page, and still nothing. Nothing that would help you with this case or future cases - and Dean's grumbling and complaining was getting annoying. You adjusted the bow that was pinning your hair back away from your face - sometimes it got all slanted and looked weird. And you'd rather not have Dean tease you about it again. 
"We should have just made Sammy do the research." Dean started. You rolled your eyes and let out a deep, heavy sigh. "I can't focus when you're whining." 
"I'm not whining -" 
"You are!" You interrupted, shooting him a mean glare. Dean went silent, and you decided to enjoy it while it lasted. You flipped open an older and more worn heavy book, the edges were frayed, and there were tons of scratches on the cover. Two flimsy pieces of paper fell out, landing in your lap. They looked to be old, too, with how dirty the paper was and how it smelt amazing. 
You purse your lips together and carefully pick it up, rubbing the material between your fingers. It felt more like parchment rather than modern-day printer paper. "What's that?" Dean asked, trying to peek at the papers. You shook your head and shrugged, you weren't sure what it was until you unfolded it. Messy scrawl and an easily read "My love," addressed at the top. You slowly smiled as you read through the love letter, it was so sweet… so romantic. 
My love, 
You've been on my mind for quite some time now, and it's getting harder each day to forget about you. I have known you for close to six years now. And as time passes, I fall deeper in love with you. Sometimes, it's tough for me to express myself. Whenever I talk to you, I get flustered. Whenever I talk to somebody else about you, I get tongue-tied. You make my heart jump every time I see you. It's crazy that you are oblivious to your effect on me. But that is a part of your charm. The moment I laid my eyes upon you, I knew that my heart would forever be yours. Your beauty, both inside and out, is unmatched and your kind and loving spirit only adds to my admiration for you. 
You are my heart, my soul, my everything. I cannot imagine a life without you, and I will do everything in my power to make you happy. I love you now and forever. 
Forever yours, 
"Oh… Dean, look." You said, passing him the letter as you went to read the second one. This might be the sweetest thing you've ever read, this George guy sure had a way with words. Dean watched with raised brows as you scanned the second letter, a soft happy smile on your face. Who knew someone else's love life could make you so happy? He swallowed hard and started to read what you handed him. It was… cheesy to say the least. It sort of made him cringe, to be honest. "You like this stuff?" He snorted. 
You frowned. "It's romantic." 
"It's cheesy, is what it is." 
"He loved whoever he sent this to very much, who cares if it's cheesy?" You asked. Dean cocked a brow and looked you up and down, from your floral dress to your mary-janes. Something you'd only ever wear if it was a "chill day", when you were out in the action, you'd opt for jeans and boots. "You like this stuff?" He asked. You nodded and your eyes briefly met his. "It's sweet." 
His lips thinned slightly, "Huh." 
And here he was, hours after you and Sam had both gone to bed, trying to write you a love letter. Dean tried to go with a rhyming scheme for a while - until he tried to rhyme your name with something that wasn't completely stupid and couldn't think of anything and scrapped that idea. 
He thought about just copying the love letter you found - or something from online but that would be stupid. You could tell, and it wouldn't show he tried to put any effort in at all. Dean glanced over at your curled-up sleeping form, wearing a cute pink vintage nightgown that you nearly flipped your lid over when you saw it in the thrift store. You did love all of that… girly stuff. It was very endearing. 
Then, he suddenly got some inspiration. Dean picked up his pen again, scribbling some things down on the paper. He knew what he wanted to write - but he didn't know how to word it. Dean appreciated you too much for it to be half-assed - or something that could be taken the wrong way with how it was worded. 
And soon, the words just started to flow. 
The next morning, Dean took you out for a coffee and some pastries at the local shop. The letter he wrote for you was snug in his coat pocket - waiting for your eyes and only your eyes. He swallowed the lump in his throat and wiped one of his clammy palms on the expanse of his jeans as he sat down on the bench next to you. You briefly looked over at him, taking a tiny sip from the herbal tea he had gotten for you. “So, what’s the occasion?” You asked. Dean’s brows furrowed and he chuckled nervously, he swore that his heart was going to beat right out of his chest. “What? No occasion…” 
Your eyes narrowed, “Dean.” 
“Okay! Okay, I… I have something for you - but don’t laugh, okay?” He swallowed hard and started to dig through his pocket. Your face immediately softened and you turned to face him, whatever it was - it was important to him. 
Then, he pulled out a folded piece of paper with your name addressed on the front of it. “I tried real hard, okay? So… don’t laugh.” Dean warned - but with the slight waver in his voice, you could tell that he was very nervous. You took the delicate piece of paper from him and carefully unfolded it. The first line was enough to make your heart swell and for butterflies to form in your stomach. 
I don’t really know what to write… you know I’m not the mushy-gushy kinda guy, but I wanna try for you. I wanna start this off by saying I think you’re the prettiest woman out there, no doubt in my mind (and the bows you like to wear in your hair are damn cute.) You’re my whole goddamn world… you know, I purposefully try to make you laugh all the time too because it honestly sounds better than any Zeppelin song (don’t tell anyone I said that.) All it needs is a good guitar solo… kidding. Anyway, you’re my sweet girl who adores all that cute girly and flowery stuff, hell, I even let ya put that old heart key chain on my keys for Baby - nobody gets to fuck with Baby, except for you. I love you, more than words can say. I know I don’t tell you a lot, but I do. 
I love you. 
Your bottom lip jutted out and you clutched the piece of paper to your chest, “Dean…” He surveyed your reaction carefully with wide eyes, did you like it? Did you hate it? Finally, you practically threw yourself into his arms and buried your face in the crook of his neck. “This is the sweetest thing ever.” You beamed. Dean let out a relieved chuckle and tightly wrapped his arms around your waist, he (not so) discreetly inhaled the scent of your hair, smiling faintly when the light fragrance of flowers hit him. “Glad ya like it, sweetheart.”
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yyokkki · 1 year
Asking to Sketch Them
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Riddle Rosehearts
Honestly a bit shocked you’d ask him
But he’s had practice from posing for family portraits, so he isn’t too nervous
Until you say you want the backdrop to be Heartslabyul’s garden
It doesn’t break any rules… but that doesn’t mean someone else won’t break any rules
He doesn’t collar people as often as he used to, but he still makes it a point to lecture rulebreakers on the importance of said rule
So imagine the strain on his face when Ace walks by with a vase full of roses and it’s Wednesday.
In the end Ace sits beside you while Riddle gives a long lecture, keeping the rest of his body perfectly still so it doesn’t interfere with your work
You are sweating in fear. 6/10 a good model but it’s hard to draw when your model is half yelling at the dude sitting right next to you
Trey Clover
Might hesitate to say yes because he’s a busy guy,,
I mean they have tea parties like everyday and he’s always in charge of sweets-
You say he can go about his business and that you’re going to capture him in his natural habitat then he agrees
Raises an eyebrow cuz you make it sound like you’re on national geographic but ok
Anyways you’re drawing him while he’s baking and damnnn those biceps pop when he’s whisking
Secretly, however, he’s been holding back for a while now/
When you’re least expecting it he comes closer to you… and bam whipped cream on the side of your face
Devolves into flour tossing and chaos
6/10 you got whipped cream on your sketchbook and it was half finished but it was a fun memory
Cater Diamond
“OMS YAY of course ;DD”
Internally screaming because his makeup isn’t that good today and why him I mean there are better looking people in nrc and maybe he can get his clone to do it instead-
Overthinker fr
He’s a bit stiff at first, trying to only show his good side and checking his camera constantly to see if his smile looks good
If you’re close and you start talking to him about something he’s passionate about while you’re sketching he’ll loosen up a bit and his pose becomes a lot more natural
Eventually forgets you’re even drawing him and now it’s just him showing his true colours
Takes a pic of your finished sketch along with the both of you and posts it on magicam #muse #artistbestie
8/10 the sketch turned out well and you had a nice chat 
Deuce Spade
Has never been asked this question in his life
Boy is so stiff and awkward pls baby
He smiles like Oga from Beelzebub at first
Pls pls pls get this boy to do something else while you’re drawing him to get him to relax
Might be studying across the table from you while having a nice chat
Forgets you’re drawing him eventually pt.2
Tbh moves around a lot especially if a senior enters the room cuz he makes it a point to turn around and greet them while standing up
Is a bit surprised when you say you’re done because shit I forgot and I moved so much im sorry-
Also takes a picture of the sketch
Texts his mom the pic “I made a really good friend who’s great at drawing :D”
Will ask if you can draw a portrait of him and his mom together when you get the chance (will pay for it he just doesn’t know about the concept of commissions TT)
4/10 he’s so precious but not the best model tbh id still ask him again idc
Ace Trappola
Little shit (affectionate)
Not hard to make him agree but boy will he give you shit for it “my face is just that handsome ig” “you want me to get nude?” someone kiss him and make him shut up
At first he’s making a bunch of dumb faces and exaggerated poses and once he determines that you’re sufficiently annoyed he starts actually posing normally
Might get up halfway through and start stretching or laying down cuz he got tired though
Depending on how late he slept the night before and if you’re keeping quiet so he doesn’t get the chance to tease you, he might fall asleep
His sleeping face is cute so it works out for you ehe
When you’re done he acts all non chalant and smug about it but inside he’s sooo happy damn tsundere
Asks if he can draw you next and draws a potato with three dots on it <3
2/10 its only easy when he falls asleep but he’s cute so ill give him 1 extra point
Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia
Graphic design is not my passion dear lord i really need to read a guide on how to format tumblr posts TT
Also first time writing omg depending on my mood next part will either be out tomorrow or next month see yall
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i-heart-hxh · 5 months
hi! so ive been so confused/unsure abt why killua's reaction to palm saying "you are the one gon needs most" looked like he was devastated. ive thought of different reasons on why he had that reaction:
1) he got scared/devastated/stressed at the fact that he was the only one who could really help gon at that moment, but he was so sure he was useless cuz he couldn't even snap gon back to his own senses. so its like "if i—the closest help there is to gon—can't help him, then who/what else can?" and so the overwhelming thoughts of gon possibly dying haunts him.
2) he couldn't believe that he's the one gon really needs the most after assuming that palm probably placed higher than him already, and was fully convinced gon cares more about palm more than him. but then palm says she cant even compare to killua, which gave him that reaction .... i guess its like relief but portrayed in a painful way cuz of his self worth issues.
3) he got pressured by the thought of being the one gon will always rely on the most. anything bad that happens to gon will always depend on what killua would do abt it. and killua always worries and sacrifices too much when it comes to gon, so pressure just added up.
aaaand this is making my brain all scrambled (TT) i wanted to ask if u have a clearer answer for this..? i trust ur judgement a lot (。-人-。)
Hello! Aw, I appreciate that you trust my judgment, that's sweet of you to say. ❤️ I'll do my best to explain my take on Killua's expression in this scene!
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So, I think his reaction of shock and looking devastated is primarily from the first set of reasons you brought up. He already tried to step in and stop Gon and got pushed away and told that the situation with Kite is none of his business essentially. Being rejected like that and being unable to change Gon's course of action (even though that's the role Gon entrusted him with) broke his heart, and made him feel like he can't change Gon's impending tragic outcome.
Bisky also told him this earlier in the arc:
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While we know his tendency to flee against a strong enemy is caused (at least in a large part) by the needle, which he's already removed at this point in the series, Bisky's words to him and the gravity of the current situation still weigh heavily on him. In this scene, he's realizing that Gon's fate rests on him--and he doesn't know what to do to save Gon at this point. There's no one else he can ask or rely on any more to save Gon, it all hinges on him. What a heavy burden that is to be entrusted with, especially with how deeply he loves Gon--to a degree where he has actively decided and even stated out loud that he'll die with him if it comes down to that.
That's why he's not happy or relieved (at least not visibly) to hear this, as much as being Gon's most important person is what he wants--to hear this at this point is a tremendously scary thing. He just broke down sobbing on the ground because he feels so helpless to do anything for Gon. This is what he needed to hear, and it's true as well, but it puts him a position of great responsibility towards someone he loves more than anything. He was previously directly told by someone he respects that he'll eventually leave Gon to die, which just adds extra fuel to the situation.
I do think both of your other ideas are things that contribute to Killua's state to a degree, but they're not the primary driving force of his reaction in this scene specifically. The situation with Palm and Gon did certainly destabilize his sense of his role in Gon's life (because he desperately wants to be Gon's most important person and, it's heavily hinted, his romantic partner) and that's why he's so fixated on whether Gon wants him at his side as his friend or his teammate. Hearing this from Palm is deeply meaningful for Killua--he even thanks her for it later (he doesn't specify what it's for, but it's obvious)--but again the timing is what makes it difficult for Killua to hear.
On your third point, I do think Killua also realizes as a result of what happens in Chimera Ant Arc that the dynamic between him and Gon can't continue as it has, hence the separation, but in this scene the situation is too urgent for him to be thinking deeply about future situations beyond the life-or-death one he and Gon are currently in. The pressure on him is absolutely a factor, though.
I hope that helps clarify this important scene for you!
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afortoru · 1 year
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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒈𝒆𝒔 𝑩𝒆𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒏
𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: 𝖺𝗇 𝗂𝗇𝗍𝗋𝗈 𝗈𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗅𝗂𝖿𝖾 𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗌𝗂𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗉𝖾𝗈𝗉𝗅𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾
Pairing: ceo!Toji Zenin x reader
Genre: fluff, a bit of angst
Word count: 2.2 k
Warnings: old memories both happy and sad ones ig
Note: I wrote an hardcore family fluff...yaay! also im sorry Sukuna stans for making him your brother in this fic TT and if your are reading this, i love you *mwah*
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The Zenin Group Pvt Ltd is one of the most infamous company in this world of bussisness. Everyone who's associated with it, gains nothing but tons and loads of money as being there slaves. Even there rivals have given up. Everytime there bussisness rivals try to took them down, something happens to their own company and they'll suddenly loose there shares and shareholders. Even a thought of having The Zenin Group as there rivals would make them shiver, causing them sleepless nights. 
But who wasn't affected by this so called infamous company was The Ryomen Interprises Pvt Ltd. The Ryomen's was on top with their business as much as the Zenin's were. They were infact the only rivals who were standing long and tall infront of the Zenin's. The two groups who couldn't bring each other down to hell by there little games decided to play with your's and the upcoming young ceo of the Zenin group, Toji Zenin's life. 
You were the only daughter and the second youngest child of the family with your older brother Ryomen Sukuna. 
Sukuna was one hell of a cold guy, ignoring the girls lurking around him to get his attention, not giving in into cheap pleases from the business partners and the list goes on. For the the outside world he was a stone cold narcissistic rich guy but the one's who got to see his soft side were the one's he loved the most, his dearest little sister,you and your mother. 
Sukuna hold you two like his life depends on you too and it did. Your father, Mr. Ryomen would also get his cold looks and an 'idgaf' attitude. Since Sukuna knows his father oh so well and what that man could do to continue his legacy.
That's why he didn't thought for a second when your father finally wanted him to take over their business and become the ceo. Sukuna thought he could finally make things right with the company under him but later did he knew that some decisions were still under your father's hand.
You were busy checking up the decorations for the party held for your brother being the new CEO.
"I see you're pretty excited about this, huh!" you can tell how annoyed he was with all the preparations. "Atleast let me pretend like I'm preparing for my big bro's wedding or something like that" you said walking towards Sukuna whose expressions has turned from annoyed to confused. "Well looking at the way you 'shoo' people around you specially women, I don't think so you're getting married any soon" listening to your words he looked at you with a annoyed grin "so is that what my sister wants from me now huh, what else do you want, should I rip my heart out for you" he stated "you should totally, maybe then I can sell it to buy myself the new book in my wishlist" you winked at him. Sukuna stood their with a shocked face thinking how can his lovely sister be so mean, oh wait you're his sister there's going to be something about you that's in his personality too. 
You went back to look over to the decorations as squeeled from your place as you felt someone's tickling you. "You really gonna be this mean to me huh, never thought this much money couldn't buy you a book but my heart would huh?" he jokingly mentioned while you were on the verge of tears from laughing. "Sukuna stop please, I'm sorry stop...ahhh you idiot I'm gonna tell mom, MOM" you made yourself free from him as you started running outside to the grand house garden. 
"Wait you-" he called you out as you made your way towards your mom looking back at him with a funny expression on your face. "I gonna tell mom you're- , ahh!" You weren't looking in front while running as you felt someone stopping you. 
"What's so funny kids?", you looked to see the face of the man your brother hates the most, your father. "Why are you running after her like that my son?" he stated with a smile on his face. Sukuna didn't mind his words as he took your hand about to leave but you pulled away. "Nothing dad, we're just going to see mom" you said not wanting to be rude to your father. 
He gave you a gentle smile and then he started walking towards Sukuna "Son i know you don't like me but atleast try to act not that mean, can't you?" , "I don't like you?, I hate you... stop being delusional." Sukuna states with an annoyed expression.
"What's happening, I heard Y/N call me. Why'd you call me dear?" you with both the men standing with you turn towards the voice coming from the other side of the hall, you mother Mrs. Ryomen. 
She walked towards you and the two men with a gentle smile. Sukuna looks at his mother and then he sees your face, she's exactly like mom, he thought to himself. 
She greets your father with a gracious smile, as he nods and smiles back. "Why'd you call me dear?". You pointed towards your brother, faking a pout "Kuna, he was tickling me, i told him not disturb me while I'm working for ceremony held for him and here he's not even a little pounce of gratitude on his face", he grunts listening you complaining like a little kid "hell I'm not , and did I asked you to do this decorations when we already have so much workers around" he says as he pokes you on your cheeks." Mom, you see how rude he'd became now,I-".
"My dear son you should be glad your sister is happy and helping with arranging the ceremony of you being the new ceo, am I right darling?", your father directed this question to you mother, she just noded instead of giving any answer. 
"She's not actually happy-", he was interrupted by your mom. "Um Sukuna, dear I need you and Y/N with me right now, please excuse us dear", she asks as a permission from Mr. Ryomen to leave.
You slightly smiled towards him before you started following your mom and Sukuna. As your father stands behind knowing that he won't ever get the same closure from you and Sukuna the like you give your mother. He still appreciated your kindness towards him, atleast you try unlike Sukuna. 
He sighs as he walked around the house checking the preparations being held for his son's being the new ceo. 
Mr. Ryomen won't say that he loves power, but you knew he does and he'll put his family on the line for this forsaken company. He won't even think once to choose his company, established by your so called forefathers over his wife who sacrificed her career, his daughter who was kind enough to still smile at him and his son who'll put his life on the line for his family. 
Sukuna sat with your mom on the edge of the bed as you were trying to find something in the wardrobe. "Mom you sure you haven't lost it and kept it in the wardrobe?" you have been looking for whatever it was and you can sense Sukuna's being impatient. 
"Mom, I don't think so this dummy would find whatever it is, you should go and check" he asked her receiving a "shut up" from you.
Your mom was about to get up to help you find it before you exclaimed, "I found it! Here!". Sukuna examine a medium sized, maroon coloured box that you were holding.
"Here mom, kuna this is for you…me and mom got this for you", you handed the box to your her. She looked towards Sukuna, who was now confused on what and why you two got any gift for him.
Your mom's hands moved towards his face as she gently ruffles his hair and places her palm on his now slightly blushind cheeks " for you my dear son" , she says with a motherly smile over her face as she hand overs the gift to Sukuna. 
"B- but w-why…i mean is there anything special?", you chuckled at his stuttering."Open it first big bro, don't you wanna see what we got for you?" you reminded as his gaze went towards the box, what could it be, Sukuna thought to himself as he starts unwrapping it.
"I- it's a w- watch, but w- why?",his question made you walk towards him as you sat on the other side of the bed beside him. 
"Because we love you and wanted to give you something since we know you're doing all this for us that's why me and mom decided to surprise you with this little gift", you said with a sweet smile as you can see his expressions soften. 
"Thankyou so much both of you!", Sukuna felt he's about to shed some tears but he contained himself as he quickly held both of you and your mom in his arms into a hug.
"We know why are you taking the position of the ceo in your father's company, son. M- mom's s- so proud of you, she's so sorry she couldn't-" Sukuna shushed as she's now sobbing into his shirt. 
"Mom you did enough for the both us, please don't say like this. Whatever we do, it won't be enough to what you did so please don't speak like that", he uttered as he hold the both of you more closely and tightly like his life depends on it.
"Everything is fine, big bro but I kinda being suffocated, you should do a little less exercise", your words made your mom and Sukuna chuckle as he let go the both of you."If I won't exercise then who's gonna protect you, huh?" he questioned with a smirk with his look diverted towards you. 
"I can protect myself, alright. Don't go on this pretty face, i can beat some asses too" you stated proudly pointing a finger towards your face."And who said you're pretty?", Sukuna's word made you pout, gaining a chuckle from your mom. 
"Hey! mom not you too" you whinned.
"You're the prettiest, dummy…happy now?", your pout turned into a very much satisfied smile from his words as you nod. 
Your mother on the other hand can't believe how lucky she got having you and Sukuna as her kids. She cherish you two too much than she already do. Everyday you two get older, she can't help but want to spend more time with you two, see you bickering, fighting, laughing, just the desire to see you both increases and she can't help it. She knows that one day her daughter and son would have there own family, their own kids and maybe you two won't have enough time for her but she's just happy with the thought of you two being settled down with your spouses oneday.
"Mom, why the teary eyes?", she was snapped back to reality as you wipes her tears away, she didn't realised she was crying.
"N- nothing, just you two make me so happy I can't get enough of you two. Always stay like this together, protect each other, always stand for each other and never let anyone else break this bond between you too…mom loves the both of you so much" she sniffles as she pats one hand on your head and another on Sukuna's.
You and Sukuna looked at each other before hugging your mom exactly how you did it when you were kids. You two used two jump on her everytime you came back from school or in any occasion when you missed her. She would always take you two in her motherly embrace and the what you two felt in her arms is something you can say that's better than the feeling of even being in heaven, so warm, so tender.
It would be true to say that the three of you don't wanna break from this hug, maybe an eternity would feel less cause this love is something you could never get tired of. 
Your mother is so lost embracing her most precious possessions.
You were glad to have a family, who loved you so much that you couldn't imagine anyone else to live you more than then. No there's no way anyone who could give you there heart like your family, or was there?
Sukuna on the other hand can't believe how he got so lucky to have you as his sister and her as his mother. The more he's with you two the more he wants to protect you two from this world. He want to give everything best in this world to you and your mom. Sukuna might not be able to fight his father or change the past but he promised to himself that he would never let his mom suffer again, she is happy now but he knows what she's been through for the both of you and you, he lives to protect you from anyone who even thinks to hurt you. He swear they won't see the sun if anyone would even dare to think about you wrongly. He had taken this unspoken pledge to shield you and you too believed you would not find any men like you brother in your life until you met him.
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Tagging my babies:
@lotus-n-l0ve @luvjiro @luckimoon @vagabond-umlaut
I'm still an amature writer so feel free to advise me please.
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kairiscorner · 10 months
some things will never be the same. — miguel o'hara x reader (angst)
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summary: he once loved, and that was his the only time he ever loved. he loved with all his heart, he loved till it was taken away from him. now that love slumbered in his still beating heart, it could never be shaken off, nor forgotten--not that he wanted to. but when that love awakens, is a part of him revived, or killed again? pairing: miguel o'hara x gn!reader genre: angst. word count: 1,353 author's note: i blame the song 'mister loverman' for all my pain making this. also, i'm so sorry for the crappy spanish TT
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he didn't believe in ghosts as a young boy, he was a skeptic–believing whatever was in front of him was real, whatever was gone... was gone. it would never come back unless he could do something about it, unless he knew how to bring what was lost back. he was too quick to lose hope.
"i've go this shake in my legs, shaking the thoughts from my head."
and that was his fatal flaw.
"but who put these waves in the door?"
because despite convincing himself the one he called 'cariño', 'mi amor', 'mi vida'–his life–'mi esposa'–his spouse... he can't go one day without wondering where you would have been had he not forced himself into your life. he made you his spouse without you ever knowing this wasn't the miguel o'hara you vowed to love and be with, in sickness and in health... whom you finally parted with, with you never knowing–not even when you disappeared before his eyes.
now, he has only the ghost of you–the ghost of you whom you never loved, loving only the man who he resembled too well–whom would never be able to see, hear, touch or speak to again.
"i crack, and–"
until he went to that fucking train station.
"i... pour."
that stupid fucking train station.
he wish he never went there to begin with, wished he never looked ahead of him when he heard that recognizable clicking and clacking of heels that hurried against the platform's pavement, wished he never picked up that familiar scent that he can only relive in his dreams faintly when he imagines you in his arms, whispering to him that you love him, you need him, he's your lover.
he wished the past would just stop sinking that blade it pierced in his heart that day when he saw you in the kitchen, sheer horror and shock filling your face--petrifying you as you saw the hologram of your dead, real husband's body on the other end of the call from the police department at the morgue.
he could never forget the way you looked at him that day.
you looked at him like you didn't know him, that he was completely alien to you--that all those evenings of loving him, all those mornings of kissing him awake and teasing each other with gabi acting all grossed out over the romance you two shared... all those 'i love you's you told him... you were never really with that man you meant them all for.
and he will never forget the way those tears rolled down your cheeks as you asked him...
"who are you?"
"i'm mister loverman."
he also wished his feet would stop carrying him everywhere subconsciously as the past was busy dealing him painful, blunt blows everywhere internally.
he also wished... he didn't reach out for you.
he wished he didn't call out your name.
he wished you didn't look so much like her.
"and i miss my lover, man."
he felt a lump form in his throat, staring at your face that looked like you but not quite like you; seeing those eyes that he always swam in and got lost in every time he held you in his arms and locked his gaze in yours made him feel like he had messed up again, that the universe had witnessed the crime he had committed of prodding at old wounds and calling out that name of yours that he told himself, convinced himself, that he buried deep in the dark entrails of his mind.
but you never left his mind.
never one day, one hour, one minute, one second of his life.
"i asked, who are you?"
you asked him through gritted teeth as tears ceaselessly poured out of your bottom eyelids, your eyebrows contorting into all kinds of expressions that only boiled down to one to many feelings, until back to the one feeling you were expressing right now with your tone, shaky body language and resistance to hitting him right now with every fiber of your being: helplessness.
and you truly were helpless that day.
it was the day when everything came crashing down.
the day you discovered your husband had been long dead, that your daughter was now orphaned of a father, that you were now a widow, that this man who shared his mornings and evenings with you both at your table, singing to and playing with your daughter, carrying her to bed after a long day and retiring in your arms as you kissed him good night and sought for his embrace in the cold late hours of the night... was anybody but your husband... you felt like everything you lived for was all a sham.
you lived with a fraud, you loved a fraud.
he understood. he finally understood that feeling you felt back then... he knows he could be feeling euphoria right now; an intense, overwhelming longing that had finally been answered, had been granted to him. he should've felt grief, after having lost you that day, after losing the one person in his life he really found the space in his heart to care about... but all he felt was something close to unworthiness, a helplessly overwhelming guilt in the pit of his stomach.
"hello?" you called back out to him as you looked at him, gently waving at him with a slightly awkward smile as he seemed to still be frozen in place. "sorry, i... do i know you?" you asked him with a nervous voice, worried what could've happened to this poor man who seemed so troubled and lost.
"i'm mister loverman..."
"um, sir?" you called out to him again as he slowly began to move and reached out for you, nearly stumbling over, but his gaze never once leaving you and your face. his mouth twitched, it opened and closed, and you thought you saw his eyes glisten a bit; had he been crying? you hurriedly offered him a couple of tissues from your bag, tissues you always carried. "here, sorry they're crumpled, they're for emergencies, y'know?" you said with a sweet smile.
those damned crumpled tissues he knew all too well.
that damned little catchphrase you quipped every time you handed him one.
that damned, sweet smile.
"...i know." he muttered back as he lowered his hands and pulled away from reaching out to you, his gaze finally casting downwards, not even taking the tissues you offered him. you looked at him with confusion in your eyes, but you didn't force him to take any, it just meant more for you now. before you could even ask him what he wanted from you, the minute you looked up from your bag after stowing your tissues back in, he was gone as quickly as he came.
though at the spot where he was standing, in its stead, there was an old photo; it was yellowing by the white borders of the portrait with a few stains of aging on it due to the years not treating it very well. it was soft and tender to touch, almost like a fragile piece of the past. you took a look at the back of the photo that was facing upwards when you saw it, it read: "para mi amante, i hope you remember me every time you see this."
"for my lover."
you flipped the photo, and you couldn't make out the other person on the photo, but... that man you met earlier, the distressed-seeming man who seemed to want something from you, was the very man in that photo. he was kissing someone on the cheek, but you couldn't tell who. their face was out of the picture, you didn't know why it seemed like out of everything else in the photo, that person the man was kissing was the only thing obviously removed from the photo.
as if they were supposed to be erased.
as if they weren't meant to be kissed by that man you met.
as if... they weren't meant to be in that photo at all together.
"oh, and, i miss my lover."
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @fiannee @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @arachnoia @melovetitties @ophanimgold
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jxrdanwayne · 2 months
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The Teen Titans, just more grounded… sort of
I love the Teen Titans (2003)… however, when I watched it back in the day, I could never really relate to any of the characters… that’s probably because I last watched TT years ago, when I was a youngin’ and didn’t know shit… when I would watch it cause “cool powers” and fun fight scenes…
But I done grown from back then, still haven’t rewatched it in quite some time, but I started to think…
What if they remade Teen Titans more grounded and even more relatable… I mean they are teens, they should be going to school, right? Wouldn’t it be cool to see the Titans going through school like and tryna balance keeping Jump City in check?
So that’s exactly what I did. Well, sorta… I ain’t no professional writer but here’s what I put together…
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Robin (Dick Grayson): Lets be honest, he wouldn't be student body prez. Why? He's too busy, also, it would be like him to turn down the responsibility. But he would be one of, if not the best, student in his class. I mean, under the guidance of Bruce Wayne himself, he wouldn't settle for less, now, would he?
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Star Fire (Kori Anders): she, in my version, wouldn't pop up on the scene yet. She remains to be seen. Probably in part/season/volume 2
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Beasty (Garfield Logan): The class clown who uses humor to mask his insecurities, especially when it comes to his shape-shifting powers. He would also be an animal rights activists at Gotham Academy (GA) too. He'd also be living with Victor too, but not exactly living lavish.
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Raven (Rachel Roth): She would be taken in by Bruce Wayne after the fallout she'd had with Trigon and running away. She'd be attending GA with Dick. She'd also be closed off, not trusting anyone and only be talking to Dick, but not necessarily opening up to him.
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Cyborg (Vic Stone): He wouldn't be going to school for two reasons. 1. He's already half machine so he knows all he needs to know, and 2, he would danger his students, because the publick already know about a hero named Cyborg. And he can't really have a secret identity cause of the machine parts that are obvious to everyone who sees him. He'd be living with Beasty.
The Narrative
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So the narrative would be through Dick's eyes. As he begins high school, he stops being Batman's sidekick for a bit, and goes on to fight crime on his own as Nightwing. As a freshman, he meets Victor Stone (pre-Cyborg) as a junior and the captain of the Gotham Academy football team. After an accident at Star Labs, Vic stops coming to school. Dick gets nosey and investigates. He thinks Vic had something to do with the accident, his father working at Star Labs and his mother's death at the time of said accident ties Vic to it. After some time, Dick sees Vic as Cyborg and realizes why he stopped attending school. What happens is: on a mission, Nightwing is in trouble and Cyborg saves him. Dick asks and Vic tells him what happened at the accident. They become friends.
About 2 years later, Dick sees a new student, this green kid, and gets curious. He asks him on the color of his skin, but Gar just plays it off as a rare skin condition. Dick, being the child genius that he is, doesn't believe him. He looks it up and confirms his hunch. He is suspicious, and understandably so because in Gotham, stuff like this usually isn't a good sign. He investigates and spies on him, finds that Gar is a shapeshifter. He confronts him about it, but Gar isn’t about that life. He hates the fact that he was turned into who he is now, so he uses humor to cover it up, try to forget. Dick convinces Gar that it ain't so bad, and intro'd him to someone like him: Vic, who had already hacked the system, literally, and got himself a house and car at that point. Gar and Vic bond over the fact that they were turned into something they didn’t wanna be, and the fact that they can't live life normally no more. They become best friends, and Gar starts living with Vic.
One day, Dick comes from school one day and sees a stange girl sat at the dinner table. Bruce tells him only her name and that he should take care of her. Raven doesn't trust Dick, not one bit. She's not even sure she trusts Bruce. She keeps playing mysterious and aloof, rarely interacting with Bruce, Dick or Alfred. Rachel (Raven) then gets enrolled into Gotham Academy, and since she's so anti-social, she'll be forced to stay by Dick's side to get through school. Through a series of trials and obstacles, Rachel learns she can she must trust others to make it out alive. She begins by giving Dick trust little by little. She gets exposed to Dick's other friends, Gar and Vic. She realizes she's not the only misfit in this group. This is when she decides to tell her story of escaping Trigon, but only to Dick. As time goes on, she starts getting comfortable with the rest of the gang.
Now, you might be wondering, what event will lead the Teen Titans to become the Teen Titans? What's the conflict?
Peep this…
(This is pre-Raven, by the way) Dick just resigned as Robin and takes on the mantle of Nightwing. He's tryna gain indipendence and escape from Batman's shadow. Bruce sees no problem with this, in fact, he tries to help him. But Dick refuses, he wants to do things on his own, but keeps encountering roadblocks along the way. He manages to get Gar and Vic to join him, and he even finds an underground warehouse to make their base of operations, however, it's empty. They haven't really gotten going... Even some times, Nightwing goes after a villain alone and doesn't inform his team, he gets in trouble and the Titans or Batman saves him. One day he finds his hideout filled with computers and weapons, and state of the art crime-fighting equipment. Totally decked out. This could only be the doing of one person: Bruce Wayne. He gets mad at him because he didn't want help from anyone, but the Titians are thrilled. He confronts Bruce and Bruce tries to tell him that even he needed help sometimes. I'm not really sure what event would get Dick to see that it's okay to accept help from people every once in a while. Perhaps y’all could help me. But anyway, that's Dick/Nightwing's arc.
[Plot happens, Rachel joins the Titans]
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Up until this point, the Titans aren't exactly what you would call a well-oiled machine, they keep bumping heads and disagreeing. And there's no real threat to test their strength together as a team, cause there's Batman keeping the peace in the city. But then Batman, during a fight with the Joker and his allies, he gets his back broken I know, it’s been done, it’s not original and goes into a coma indefinitly. This forces the Titans to get their shit together since there's no one left to keep Gotham safe from Joker and crime. They ain’t just fighting regular villains, they are in the big leagues now, fighting Batman's villains. This will be the Titans' true test. Nightwing tries to get the team on board, but they are scared and reluctant. They never faced threat like this, but Nightwing convinces them that they can do it, and that it wouldn't be easy, but if no one does this, no one will. He says he can't do this on his own. He says he needs help.
What do y’all think?
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aesterblaster · 1 year
Hedonism and Heavy Spending
Summary: Headcannons about how the Blue Lock characters would pamper their s/o or show love through gift giving :} , no warnings, gender neutral , askjendieufbiuebd can you tell my love language is gift giving TT
Characters: Isagi, Chris, Aryu, Rin, Reo, Niko
Songs: Putting on the Ritz - Mel Torme , I've Got A Crush On You - In The Mood , Sh-Boom - The Chords
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Aryu would be a pathetic pile of a man if it wasn't for your weekly spa day. Of course he loves quality time more than anything and genuinely cherishes the moments he can spend with you instead of training or on the field. Aryu shows his love through small gestures as much as big ones, applying different spa masks with you while watching some painfully bad romance movie you two can giggle at. Sometimes you swear that he doesn't actually enjoy these types of movies and just turns them on because he likes listening to you laugh. (Which...true..)
When it comes to big gestures, expect your closet to be full with every piece of clothing you've ever had the impulse to buy. Hulls are common with him. Why not make sure that his beloved looks just as good as him? He studies your wardrobe, makes note of every style you enjoy, and matches it effortlessly. Aryu knows it's cheesy, but he loves seeing your face light up at the packages stacked against the doorway from all your favorite brands. And yes, he insists on wearing matching outfits.
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Isagi is a very modest and down to earth person from a middle class background. He never really needed to save, but he never needed to spend either, type of deal. So when he gains fame and wealth from his soccer career he doesn't really know what to do with the money left over after he donates piles of it to various charities and future Blue Lock projects. A considerable amount ends up going to you. Why not enjoy traveling if he has to do it so often anyway? Or get a vacation home for when you two want to get away for a while?
Honestly, he enjoys seeing what life has to offer and being in new situations where he can really flex his brain. So expect to be brought to a ton of puzzle rooms and different types of niche resturants. If you see an experience that piques your interest just tell him about it and he'll make sure to make time in his busy schedule. After all what's the point to life if you two just stay cooped up and stop going out? Isagi relishes the feeling of solving a puzzle with you or even the drive there, resting a hand on your leg as he asks you for directions.
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Chris of course gets brand deal upon brand deal, but surprisingly enough he keeps all those products away from you. As much as he puts on an act for cameras, he knows the difference between quality and something designed to work only twice. The only piece of work he brings home with him is Prince Water (which actually does taste really good). But, he is extravagant what can I say, the smallest gift you'll be getting from him is probably jewlery.
He genuinely loves you and prides himself on being able to make your life a nice and easy one. Although his ego does come into play, with many of his gifts having small reminders that they were from him, they're always catered to you. A car modified to your needs, a specific book case that fits perfectly into the corner of your office, anything really. He's usually a bit aloof, but as long as you adore him he'll adore you and pay extra attention to what he gives you instead of just throwing brand names at you.
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Rin would rather die than admit this to you, but he actually appreciates it a lot when you give him gifts. He only really realizes that that's a thing he can do after you give him something for your "when we met" anniversary. Then he's head over heels for gift giving. A form of showing his love that can be exchanged wordlessly? Yes please. While he struggles to fully grasp it at first, not knowing what to get you to fully show his appreciation, he eventually finds his groove.
He enjoys just existing around you, so most of the gifts he gives you are extremely practical and can be used around the house. Rin isn't one for flaunting or hitting the town and most of the time the two of you need a staycation to rest after all the travelling to matches and interviews. The biggest gift he'd ever gotten you was a pet animal of your choice (as long as it's not something too exotic/dangerous lol) for your birthday. Albeit, only after months of you begging him.
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Reo gives you big gifts without even thinking, to him an upscale vacation or getting new brand-name clothes for you is just a common courtesy. Honestly, if anything, you need to tell him to tune it down before people think that you're just with him for his money. Trust me, it's hard to start dating Reo Mikage but once you are you're guaranteed a level of luxury that you were previously blind to. He isn't the type to flaunt persay, he just doesn't think what he does is flaunting since he's grown up with it.
So what's really special, to you at least, is when he starts giving you smaller gifts. Things that might not even register as gifts. A doodle of you looking out the window or a small keychain that refrences some inside joke between the two of you. Something that only you would really understand, handed to you in passing before Reo turns to smile at you and watch your reaction. Don't bother thanking him, he'll just say not to worry about it.
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Niko is honestly a huge nerd at heart. Expect a lot of books and novelty items from him. He will totally go to stores for audiences you didn't even know existed with you. Stores that sell strange mashes of anime merch and art supplies and food that have you stretching your budget. World markets are also a big place to visit for the two of you. He will beg you to take him similar places in whatever country you live in in turn.
A lot of his bigger gifts are for special occasions, Niko worries that if he gives you gifts too often they'll start to lose meaning. They're always extremely well planned out and usually take a lot of time. Like the time he brought you on a cross country roadtrip for your birthday. He adores freaking out with you over whatever obsession you're currently going through and spending time with you whenever he can.
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homestuckreplay · 27 days
Clown Con Is Serious Business
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In a delightful parallel to John's conversations with TT, TG and GG, yesterday we got to see some messages from Dad's friends! I hope that grayslacks66 is okay - Dad might have been able to help him out if John hadn't stolen the PDA! Dad literally makes his son's birthday a part of his screen name, and this is how John repays him. Unbelievable.
Anyway, these names - grayslacks66, 2busy4this, officeurchin1280, wellPressedAttire - as well as the application name and Dad's professional outfit, suggest on the surface that Dad is a boring office guy. BUT WAIT. There's something suspicious about this. grayslacks66 dunked their necktie in the coffee pot while reaching for their hat, presumably as they were leaving the house to go to work, as they then returned for a fresh tie, indicating that they needed to wear a tie for the rest of their day. And this happened at twenty past five?? What kind of office job could this person have that doesn't begin until at least 5:30pm??
It's so clear to me that these people are Dad's clown troupe, and this is all part of their act. I've been reading a book on clowning technique, The Art of Clowning by Eli Simon, and I'm learning about how diverse clown personas can be, and the huge variety in their routines.
[Clowns] also address serious issues such as political assassinations, family strife, and drug wars. (Simon, p.5)
The Strife sequence between John and his dad (Homestuck, p.90-92) is our best example of Dad's clowning technique. It's a short sequence, but it has all the deliberate and emotion-driven physical comedy that is central to clowning.
Dad appears to be a silent clown rather than speaking, and some of his primary persona's characteristics are 'confrontational', 'zany' and 'outgoing' (this last one as we know he tends to initiate interactions). I'd also describe him as an 'in-clown' rather than an 'out-clown', meaning he's confident, commanding, talented, and knows how great he is on stage. As well as being a master of the prankster's gambit and an incredible baker, we can guess he's a talented musician (as the piano is in his study) and knows how to do DIY (the tire swing and Slimer pogo ride), and he might also be good at card tricks, lockpicking (the safe), and/or art (if he painted some of his own harlequins).
Dad clearly uses a lot of cake and food themed props, but with his troupe he probably uses more business themed props, like legal pads, ballpoint pens, telephone receivers, document wallets, printer ink, and so much more. I bet they have incredible routines based on the absurdity of office life, and the incident grayslacks66 describes above is either something that really happened to them as they were leaving the house for clown practice (that they'll now incorporate into their clowning) or an idea they came up with to work into the group's performance. I want to see their show SO badly.
Costume-wise, the only facial feature in Dad's design is a nose. While it's not the bulbous red nose we typically associate with clowns, there's no reason why it couldn't be an oversized prop nose. Dad's hat, pipe and tie - which we see on p.79 are common features of his - could easily be the costume elements that Dad needs in order to get into clown mode.
If, for example, you are offered a piece of cake but refuse it, the potential for cake exploration is squelched and you will have no one to blame but yourself. (Simon, p.18)
I think Dad really wants to give John some clown training - he sees John's interest in amateur magic, a distinct but related field to clowning, and thinks John would be a great clown. I agree with him here, and it's very sweet that Dad wants to pass on his passion. When Dad pies his son in the face, it's not an act of hostility, it's an opportunity for John to get in on the routine and for the two of them to start clowning together. But instead of saying yes - a key rule of clowning - John is constantly saying no, shutting down the opportunity both to connect with his dad and to discover new things about himself through artistic exploration. It would probably be better if Dad just talked to John about this directly, but, 'clowns "think" on an entirely different plane than non-clowns' (Simon, p.33).
The book also talks a lot about direct audience connection, and clowns as performers who break the fourth wall. Given all the meta elements in Homestuck so far, I can see this becoming more relevant as time goes on and Dad (and his friends?) hopefully become bigger characters.
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ilikekidsshows · 10 months
It just boggles the mind how petty someone can be over a fictional character that they created being popular. Thomas Astruc is ruining his own show and screwing over abuse victims all for a grudge against fans who prefer a character he doesn't. I don't condone hate-mobbing him like some people do on Twitter, but he really can't take any sort of criticism huh. How do you claim to have conferred with a child psychologist (I think) and still produce this literal abuse apologia. I genuinely don't understand.
I'm gonna say that Astruc taking any chance to use the narrative to dunk on Chloé and Adrien being evidence of him holding a grudge against their popularity is my personal interpretation of possible influences for their writing. I have inferred it from Astruc's very curt way of speaking to fans of these characters on twitter and the show's abysmal writing of them in ways that prop Marinette up on their backs. None of it has been proven true, but, when the coincidences keep piling up, at some point you're gonna stop believing it's a coincidence. At this point, he is most likely at least subconsciously bitter over Chloé and Adrien, if not consciously so.
Just like how the show's biases concerning abuse might be subconscious stuff going on in the crew's heads. I remember when @infinitysgrace and I used to have to reiterate again and again that Gabriel does love Adrien even if he abuses him, that's often the tragedy of parental abuse, when the fandom kept insisting that Gabriel abusing Adrien was evidence that he didn't really love him. The crew also seems to have a very limited view of what "counts" as child abuse. Apparently isolation, neglect, abandonment and consistently referring to your child by the wrong name don't count as abuse, because all the kids involved got to eat, didn't get beaten and are loved by the people harming them.
I agree that it's very obvious that Astruc can't handle criticism and that mobbing him or harassing him isn't the solution. Astruc has a right to act like an entitled jackass even publically online, just like any other creator or random person. I instantly side eye anyone trying to turn me against someone based on only the accusations that they're deleting negative comments and blocking people giving negative feedback. The fans might be entitled to their opinion, but they are not entitled to a creator's time and attention.
I'm also going to say that, just like I don't read highly personal vent fics, I'm not going to watch vent shows. I stopped paying any attention to Teen Titans Go after they started dedicating several episodes to mocking fans of the original TT cartoon (after their show piggybacked on the fame of said show by mimicking the character designs and using the same voice cast no less). I'm very much done with paying Thomas Astruc's increasingly inane ramblings any attention. It's pretty obvious that social media is influencing his creative process negatively but it's his right to engage with a space that affects him like that. None of us are his friends, family or doctor. It's none of our business what he does.
I haven't heard of the writers consulting any experts on anything dealing with the show, but I do know for a fact that Astruc tweeted a link to a fan's essay on Adrien that was written by someone claiming to be a child psychologist. Said fan praised Adrien's writing and then went on to praise the Sentipeople concept. Since I make it a habit to never actually be the one that starts shit, I never really engaged with their content and blocked them instead, so I can't remember the details of what they said about the psychological perspective on Sentipeople.
Still, I'm 80% sure this is the supposed expert. Regardless, even if this fan wrote essays with 100% accurate real life psychology, child psychology has no one size fits all approach. I, an ECEC professional, sure as hell didn't agree with anything they had to say about SentiAdrien before I blocked them, and that was before canon confirmed the theory in the worst possible way and screwed over abuse victims.
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luvdzu · 2 years
sua's relationship with bts
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♡ namjoon x sua - - - namsu ๑
๑ more of a teacher than a leader, just like the rest of the members, sua also looks at namjoon fondly (she looks at all the members fondly but!!) it’s all the admiration, respect, and awe in her eyes that light up whenever namjoon is around
๑ 1/3 line of the “i raised sua” because he did, (even though yoongi would disagree because he was also part of sua’s antics) give him credit where it’s due because namjoon was the first trainee sua met back in 2010
๑ now it’s the opposite because sua is in charge of keeping namjoon in line as well as the other members, and she’s always there looking out for namjoon, watching him from afar. they adore each other <3
♡ seokjin x sua - - - sujin ๑
๑ the original oppa, seokjin is the next door older brother who sua can always talk and gossip to, they keep talking and talking for hours whether they’re close or apart
๑ seokjin knows a lot about sua, because he’s the first one sua tells especially when something happens to her life, she’ll message seokjin and they just talk for hours like they don’t live in the same place, they never stop messaging each other, and never run out of things to talk about
๑ spends a lot of time in the kitchen together, back when they were less busy, they would cook dinner once a week and do groceries (not that frequent anymore but they bonded the best doing chores common to them) also seokjin taught sua to play video games with him so he can ask for sua’s stuff
♡ yoongi x sua - - - yoonsu ๑
๑ where did sua get her laid back and snarky answers? yes. him. and even now, yoongi himself gets shocked at sua and what she’s saying because according to him she’s “the sweetest, most lovely, adorable, pure, amazing woman”
๑ 1/3 of “i raised sua” and will actually fight namjoon and hoseok because according to him, “i raised sua, i even combed her hair before she goes to school” and he gives her a small amount of pocket money from his part-time jobs TT TT
๑ proudly brings blankets for sua in award shows, not even embarrassed like, sua can bring them herself (which she insists) but yoongi has put himself and assigned himself in doing it, will ask the manager to hold it for him while they’re in the red carpet but almost immediately grabs them once they’re backstage
♡ hoseok x sua - - - hosu ๑
๑ cleaning fairies TT TT because, they really are, keeping the dorm tidy along with seokjin, once fought on who should wash the plates in their old dorm as trainees and hoseok was all, “you should rest and wash up.” but sua was also, “oppa you practiced hard, let me wash and then you rest.”
๑ 1/3 of “i raised sua” will not fight the rap line, but will make sure it is known that he contributed in raising sua, doesn’t like to admit but he asked his sister a lot of questions about girls so he knows how to help sua and he stuff
๑ reliable older brother! sua looks at him softly as well, and also has that sparkle in her eyes, monitors hoseok during performances and it’s like, sua wants to be like hoseok so much, unconsciously mirrors his movements and habits
♡ jimin x sua - - - sumin ๑
๑ called sua noona on when he met her, and taehyung just watched him, let him call sua that and fumble to his words, which ngl made sua lost because taehyung said jimin is the same age as him but didn’t say anything to jimin about her
๑ jimin never stopped calling sua noona though, it was out of habit and would call sua noona off camera most of the times, especially in the soop, it was evident that jimin called sua noona a lot of times
๑ sua was assigned to give jimin a tour of the company and dorm when he first joined and taught him a few of the ropes around bighit, hence they hung out a lot with taehyung especially as their debut got nearer
♡ taehyung x sua - - - taesu ๑
๑ sua treated taehyung burgers for dinner on his first day in seoul and fully decided that sua was a good person and he should take care of her once they debuted
๑ taehyung has a lot of pride for sua, he looks at her like the whole world, honey dripping from his eyes and he’s staring at sua fondly, always praises her and cheers her during performances and his eyes are just, they never leave sua
๑ doesn’t like calling her sua, never does actually, it’s always seohyun, hyunnie, and a bunch of other nicknames he calls her which drives army’s crazy when he’s looking straight at her and just says “seohyun-ah” and sua looks back, eyes wide and lips already curled up to a smile TT TT
♡ jungkook x sua - - - sukook ๑
๑ all the members find it funny how they got close in a span of a week when jungkook first joined because he didn’t really talk to a lot, and sua being the second youngest, she made it herself to interact with jungook
๑ no one knows how they got close really (the hyungs are especially curious how sua became close to jungkook) and it was something between them, like that secret and endearing bond between the both of them as maknaes
๑ both have grown with each other and are definitely the closest, saying they’re both bunnies and siblings, treats each others as siblings more often than friends, very loud together and jungkook confides in sua more often then not, seokjin’s babies dare i say
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sakurangelic · 10 months
Love Fool (3/?)
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pairing: student!minho x student!gn!reader feat. student!seungmin and student!jeongin genre: enemies to lovers combined with school au summary: Lee Y/N is the new student of the MAXIDENT university. Though, it seems like Y/N gets in some trouble with the popular guy, Lee Minho, right in the first day. Do they grow to hate each other or... love each other? warnings: swearing word count: 2.7k words (2,721) a/n: make sure to read the other parts if you haven't done so! i was originally planning to write more than this, but i ran out of ideas TT 1 | 2 | 3
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The busy halls, chattering echoing in the school, loud walking steps, and random laughter's here and there were something you needed to get used to hearing only at 7am for the next few years. You really couldn't understand how some people had this amount of energy at this time… You felt like a walking zombie compared to them, feeling like you could fall asleep at any time. Getting used to the time zone was still a struggle, and… let's just say you stood up till 3am to complete your first assignments after realising at 12am while scrolling through your phone that you didn't even start them in the first place. Maybe you should've paid closer attention to what Seungmin sent, and this wouldn't have happened. Rookie mistakes.
Despite the fact that you also felt like you were going to get lost in this hallway at any time, you somehow made your way to your locker. Opening it, it was still something simple, only having your schedule and books in it, just because you didn't get the chance to make it look pretty. As you were studying your schedule for today, you were thinking of the endless ideas of how you could make your locker look pretty, just like everyone else's. You could pick up so much inspiration from some, combine them, and adjust it to your liking…
"What in the actual fuck is wrong with you?", a familiar voice cursed and aggressively shut the locker.
You rubbed your eyes and looked to your left to meet Minho's angry face. Oh, great. This is the last thing you needed. Start your day with an angry Minho, who probably found another dumb reason to get mad at you. "Huh? What is it this time?", you slurred as you yawned.
"Don't play dumb. You know exactly what you did." His left hand that shut the locker was now clenching into a fist, looking at you with a burning passion of hatred and anger. What happened this time, and why did it make him so mad?
"I barely got sleep last night, so it's funny to expect me to remember what I 'did' that got you boiling at 7am", I answered and opened my locker again, only for it to get shut by Minho again. I got startled by it and looked to my right and crossed my arms. "Okay, okay, jeez…"
You didn't want to make eye contact with him because you felt awkward about how you kept getting stuck in these situations with him. Why does this have to happen to you? All because you bumped into him when he wasn't the one who was watching where he was going? Do you have to pay for this by getting picked on for the rest of your life? Maybe you were being a bit dramatic, because he could get bored of you after a week and you'd be just fine. That's at least what you hoped to happen, and try to see this situation in a positive light. Maybe it will, just not in the way you think.
Minho wanted to yell and curse at you, but he just couldn't. All he was doing was standing there with his left fist, having the same angered gaze on you. It drove him insane that whenever he saw that birthmark of yours, it would remind him of a certain someone. He couldn't get his head around it. Who were you truly, and why would you haunt him with these flashbacks? Maybe he didn't hate you, but what was happening to him whenever you did something so similar to that someone that… reminded him of that someone?
"Hyung! C'mon!", a tall man with a mullet and plump lips called out for Minho. Next to that man stood another one that also had a mullet and slight plump lips but was shorter. You assumed it must have been his friend group, as Minho quickly looked behind him and then back at you.
"You're lucky this time."
That was what he murmured to you before walking to his two friends. I watched how the tall one told something to Minho while grinning and laughing, as the short one had a confused expression on his face and seemed to ask Minho about something. They must've watched and heard everything. You slowly opened your locker, your eyes glued on the trio group, till they faded into the crowd. The bell rang. You had to grab your stuff for the next classes and go on with your day like nothing happened.
It was lunchtime. As usual, you were met by the same image that you see in the hallways at 7am. What was more painful compared to this morning was the fact that you had to wait in a long line. Probably the thing you hate most about this new school is the long classes that get your stomach growling and dying to eat some food. At least it provided food compared to some other schools, so you were at least grateful for that.
After what seemed like years of waiting, you were finally able to grab some food. You took your tray and looked around the canteen. A lot of tables were already occupied by other groups of friends. You didn't want to just sit down there out of nowhere.
Your eyes travelled all around the room to find an empty table, slowly walking until you heard someone call out your name.
The voice this time wasn't familiar. You were pretty sure that the only person in this whole school who knew you was Minho, because you still didn't have the courage to make friends after the incident from yesterday.
Then you look at the table from where you got called out.
You still have no idea who it was.
But you don't want to just awkwardly stand there and stare at them, right? So you slowly went over to them.
"Take a seat", the guy who called out your name told you and motioned to the seat next to the other guy who was eating like he hadn't eaten in a week.
Once you sat down, he continued. "You seem confused, so let me introduce myself. I'm Kim Seungmin, the class president of 'S' Class (pun hehe) and the guy you messaged yesterday about the notes. Remember?"
Your mouth formed into a little 'o' and you nodded, feeling embarrassed that you didn't recognise Seungmin. But, well, after all, you never met him face-to-face… till now.
The other guy who was sitting next to me seemed to only notice me now, smiling and waving at me. When finishing the food in his mouth, he chortled, "Hi there! You're Y/N, right? The new student in our class?"
You nodded. "And… you?"
"I'm the one and only, Yang Jeongin!", A proud smile formed on Jeongin's lips as he introduced himself. You assumed that it was probably his iconic introduction that he uses whenever meeting someone new at this school.
"He's the class clown", Seungmin glanced at Jeongin before looking over at you as he spoke with a pretty serious tone and expression.
"And hyung is always sooo serious and boringgg", Jeongin pointed his fork at the other male, like he was telling him to stop taking everything so seriously.
Seungmin blinked. "You do realise that you could take my eyes out with that fork? And I'm not serious; I'm just always observant of what's happening around me. Like, right now, behind Y/N, Lee Chaeryeong from 'I' Class and Seo Changbin hyung from 'S' Class are fighting for the 12th time this week about who's taller."
You looked behind yourself and tried to spot the 'Lee Chaeryeong' and the 'Seo Changbin'. You eventually were able to do so because they did look like they were arguing over something, which must've been their height, like Seungmin said.
"You… actually kept… count?", You slightly doubted the idea and turned back to your table.
"Well, Lee Chaeryeong might be the shortest girl in 'I' Class… but we all know she's taller than Seo Changbin hyung from 'S' Class!", Jeongin whispered to us, like this 'Changbin' could somehow, from 3–4 tables across from us, hear what he said.
The man shook his head. "Jeongin, Lee Chaeryeong isn't the shortest. Choi Jisu is the shortest. Besides that, Lee Chaeryeong also wears some black heels that are probably around 7 and 10cm", he scratched his head.
"How do you know what kind of heels she wears, including the colour and approximate centimetres?", the other yelled whispered and furrowed his eyebrows in disbelief.
"Because Lee Chaeryeong just grabbed her heel to throw it in Seo Changbin hyung's face."
Jeongin widened his eyes and turned behind him, quickly cracking up at the scene. You also turned and rather questioned if this was really an university or a kindergarten. Actually, kindergarteners don't wear heels. So it was between the fact that this is an university or a high school.
"Is this something that usually happens here?", you muttered and rested your head in your hand, taking a bite from your food.
"Not really. But I can't say there aren't any troublemakers in every class", Seungmin shrugged and spoke like he was used to this stuff. Well, of course he was. After all, he was the class president of 'S' Class and probably already dealt with lots of them. "I saw and heard worse in the student's council. Jeongin is nothing compared to the stuff I heard", he added.
"Hyung, I thought you were a walking dictionary! There's an obvious difference between being the class clown and the class troublemaker. I'm not like them. I make people laugh, not cry!", Jeongin whined and looked offended by what his friend just said.
You tucked in your lips. "I'm probably asking too many questions at this point, but… what do you mean by 'them'? Is it a certain someone or multiple people?"
Seungmin and Jeongin glanced at each other like they were talking through blinks and looks.
Jeongin snickered. "I thought you already knew them. Or at least one of them."
"Well, the only people I know from my class are you, Seungmin, and…", That's when the sudden realisation hit you.
You contiuned with a mutter, "Lee… Minho."
They're talking about Minho's friend group.
Jeongin nodded, understanding that I realised who he was talking about. Seungmin, instead, sighed and shook his head.
He seemed to hesitate for a moment and think about how to say it. "Minho is… well, really unpleasant to be around, if I had to put it like that."
"Gosh, hyung, just say 'pain in the ass'. It's not like you're in the student council to talk diplomatically about that asshole!", Jeongin raised an eyebrow and wanted to continue, but his friend placed a finger on his lips. "This is another 'diplomatic' way to tell me to shut up, isn't it?", he mumbled, slowly pushing Seungmin's finger away. Seungmin continued; "Anyways. Minho and his other two friends always get in trouble, but are really popular, somehow..." "It's because of their visuals, obviously. That's the only thing saving them from their trash attitude... Felix hyung does seem nice though!", A grin formed on the man's lips as he continued eating. As they were talking, you were listening to them while eating. "Who..?" "Oh, right, I forgot you don't know them. So there's Lee Minho hyung, which you already know, Hwang Hyunjin hyung and Lee 'Felix' Yongbok hyung. They're often called the 'visual trio'. A lot of people say Minho hyung represents Japanese visuals, even though he's Korean, Hyunjin hyung represents Korean visuals and Felix hyung represents Western visuals, because he's half Australian!", Jeongin explained to you each one and the whole thing about them being popular. You were chewing on your food and staring at Jeongin. Shallowing the food, you blurted: "Isn't this a dance university? Since when being 'a visual' matters?"
"I would say the same if I had that face", an unknown voice said behind you.
You turned to where the voice came from and saw the same tall man with long hair and plump lips. Once you noticed that he was standing next to Minho, you quickly realised that it was his friend group.
"Get lost. Quite rude for you to get into a conversation that you weren't even involved in in the first place", you scoffed and rolled your eyes in annoyance. Why did they have to be everywhere you were? It's like you were a magnet for this 'visual trio' or whatever their name was.
The man seemed surprised and, in fact, offended by what you'd just told him. "Excuse me? Do you know who I am?"
You stared at him, your fork tapping the plate as you thought for a moment. "I might know your name, but your face doesn't seem similar", you shrugged.
Seungmin and Jeongin weren't saying anything, looking back and forth at you and them. Jeongin seemed surprised by this suddenly happening, and Seungmin felt tired just by the sight of those three troublemakers.
"You're acting quite superior for someone who doesn't know their place here, aren't you?", he chuckled and looked over at Minho. "What do you say, Minho hyung?"
"I say that you should know your fucking place and stop acting like I can't fucking handle situations by myself, dumb fuck that's named Hwang Hyunjin", Minho snapped at Hyunjin and quickly shut down the younger one.
Seungmin didn't seem quite pleased about how this situation was turning out, so he stood up and cleared his throat. "Y/N, I need to introduce you to our homeroom teacher, Ms. Kang. Let's go."
"But—" You quickly stopped yourself and didn't say anything, getting up. Seungmin dragged Jeongin along with him, who was whining about wanting to see the rest of the fight between Hyunjin and Minho.
As all of you three got on the hallway, Seungmin looked around to see if, possibly, Minho, Hyunjin, and Felix could've appeared out of nowhere.
Sighing and running a hand through his hair, he looked over at Jeongin and spoke with a blank expression. "You're so unserious sometimes."
"You're so serious sometimes."
Both of them said it at the same time and stared at each other as an awkward silence fell for a few seconds. You tried your best to hold back your laughter by rubbing the back of your head.
"You guys are probably the kind of friendship dynamic I wouldn't have believed would actually somehow work out", You couldn't help but let out a quiet laugh.
"That's why we need you to balance it; I'm unserious, according to hyung, hyung is serious, and... you're in-between!", Jeongin wrapped his arm around your neck and did dramatic hand movements when explaining, like it was something revolutionary for you to become their friend and form a trio.
"I want to point out, once again, that I'm not that serious. So to prove you wrong, Jeongin, how about we go out to the mall tomorrow after school?"
Jeongin was surprised by Seungmin's words and his desire to have fun in the first place.
"After we study and do our homework, of course", he made sure to add that and watched how the other's face expression was saying 'I knew it', making it harder for you to hold your laughter back.
"Okay, but Seungmin is right... Like this, we have more time to stay at the mall without any stress."
"Someone finally understands me", Seungmin gave you a sly smile, high-fiving you.
"Nevermind, both of you are lame", Jeongin pretended to sulk, and we all started laughing at his acting.
As you were walking towards your guys lockers to get your stuff for the next classes and feeling good for making your first two friends, you still couldn't ignore a feeling that someone from behind was staring at you.
You stopped walking for a moment and looked behind. Far away, at the entrance of the canteen, you noticed Minho, who was standing there with his friends and watching you with the other two. Before you got the chance to study the expression on the man's face, Jeongin took your wrist and started mumbling about how slow you are.
You seemed too busy having fun with your friends. So did Minho.
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doiesfav · 11 months
: ̗̀➛ Music, Dance - Ten ||
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''It hurts losing passion about something you loved''
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Pairing: Artist! Ten x fem! Reader
Plot: Ten, who loves to dance and paint, had to choose one option for his future and his heart went for art so now he owns an art workshop. On the other hand, his passion for dancing slowly started to disappear until y/n appeared.
Genre: Fluff, romance, fiction, slice of life.
Contains: Cuss words, mention of sex
Wc 1k>
A/n: Thanks for supporting me guys, this is really wholesome TT (ngl these fics always become short even tho I planned them to be long)
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(Third person pov)
6 years have passed since Ten chose an art degree over dancing, both were important for him but making that decision was probably one of the toughest moments for him.
After graduating he opened his own art workshop to make a living, it got popular after few weeks because of the activities you could do there. And of course he was more than satisfied knowing all his hard work paid off.
But there is still one more thing. What about dancing? Did he really spend all his life practising dancing just to do nothing about it? And like every normal person would, he lost his passion for dancing.
Ten had no time for it, he was busy with the shop, painting works, and most annoying, dealing with his girlfriend.
Jinna was her girlfriend, they met in university, but after graduating she didn’t pay any attention to Ten at all. Instead, partying outside and drinking was all she could do since her parents were rich, every time she got drunk she would call Ten to come and pick her up just for them to later have emotionless sex.
Ten really wanted her to change but he couldn’t say it straight up, he just kept it for himself and wishing for the non existent thing to happen. But there was something inside him telling him that loosing her would be very painful.
Today a special customer was coming, y/n, a known choreographer. When the time came Ten greeted her and made her sit in the chair, “So how does this work?” She smiled sincerely, “I’m not used to this stuff”, Ten could see the innocence and made her feel comfortable while explaining how it works.
“And you just do it like that, you can express yourself by the painting” After that Ten left when he recieved a message from Jinna.
hey babeee
im sorry if you are still angryyy
I told you i was drunk and it wasnt my intention to fuck him
I was really drunk babeee pls dont be angry
But Ten just ignored it and got back to work, his mind was very messy, and could not process how his girlfriend cheated on him. I mean he could have predicted it but he was still annoyed by the fact that Ten still didn't wanna break up with Jinna.
An hour later Ten got up and went to check on y/n who was almost finished with it. It was a painting of someone in a dance room dancing in front of the mirror, which made Ten feel overwhelmed and brought up some of his memories.
“It is really beautiful” Y/n looked back at Ten and gave him a warm smile. “thank you, I really appreciate it”. Those words made Ten a beat in his heart. ''I was very interested in dancing back then'' He laughed off.
''Really? Why don't you do it now?'' He felt kinda sad after y/n asked that, it was really noticeable. ''Oh, sorry I didn't mean to'' ''No, don't worry, I just grew up and find arts more enjoyable'' It was Ten's first time speaking about dancing after a really really long time. He couldn't remember when was the last time he talked about it.
They both spent their time talking about it, Ten felt like his heart was blooming and felt a strange feeling; as if his younger self was with him. ''Do you wanna come with me after your shift to dance?''
Ten saw it as an opportunity to relieve stress and make himself feel happy after a while. When he closed the shop he went to the dance studio y/n told him to go, it was his first time in such a professional room for dancing. The room was incredibly big, maybe twice the size of the dancing room he used to go to before.
His heart was beating rapidly because of the excitement. ''do you wanna go straight or slowly?'' She giggled while covering her mouth with her hand, ''Let's start slowly, I haven't done this in a very long time'' He laughed off.
''So do you have any favorite danceable song?'', while thinking it hit him that he's never got to think about music too. Suddenly Ten remembered his sister saying ''I love Music, Dance by NCT, you don't know? What a loser'' It was like a week ago, she's been into that boy group lately.
''Um, do you know Music, Dance by NCT?'' y/n seemed surprised, ''Yeaa of course, I did some choreographies for them, then we can start stretching'' Ten felt as his youth started taking over. Was dancing for him always that exciting? While also enjoying the music, moving his body freely was refreshing it was like how snakes shed their skin, except he was shedding his lost passion into something new.
After 2 hours of dancing, they both created a choreography for the chorus of the song, Ten was so proud of himself and deeply appreciate the hard work of y/n too. You two decided to go outside and breath some fresh air.
The aura between you and Ten was very cozy, ''want to do it again?'' Ten shook his head ''I mean I would do it any time you want'' he laughed off. That's when he saw Jinna and a guy holding hands, Ten rubbed his eyes with his hand to check if it really was her, he couldn't believe it.
Then you also catch the couple Ten was seeing, ''What the fuck is she doing'' You understood what was happening at the moment quickly, and he walked to stop her holding hands with the guy.
''Excuse who are you'' The guy who was with Jinna said, ''She's my fucking girlfriend?'' And the guy backed ''Jinna you told me you were single what the fuck'' Then he stormed off seeing annoyed, ''What do you think you are doing, we were over'' Ten looked confused as soon as she said that.
''I've never told you we were over'' She just removed Ten's hands and walked off screaming ''Now we are over dumbass''. He stood there and tears started to fall down his cheek, realizing you should do something you went there and hugged him.
Surprisingly he didn’t reject that hug, but he did cry loudly, you cleared his tears with your hand “Ten you can cry don’t worry, everyone deserves a second chance, so you do” You didn’t know if that helped him more of made him worse “I just don’t know myself anymore, Im lost”
To be honest, you didn’t know how to handle that situation instead you just said “Ten, If something happens Im here, okay?”
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Thanks for reading y’all <3 And you could follow because big things are coming (I already said that like a 100 times lmao)
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13elmst · 5 months
hi hello sry 4 spammin the dash but i did a really Bad Unwise Thing n brought in a third!! she's a once renowned olympic figure skater who turned into a swarm of beetles in the middle of the biggest performance of her career n the first evidence of her anomaly was caught on camera and made viral on tt for the world to see so !! naturally given her anomaly she's disqualified from performing now so she's livin life as a normal kid aka 2024 sua fresher studyin bach of commerce!! if u wna read up more on shiah u can find her full length intro here ( be warned, it's lengthy ), but otherwise pls LIKE this to plot! im also gna add some rally specific plots under the cut but yes!! tq 4 ur attn luv u mwah!!
orite now that i got the whole gang here imma just say shiah does not give a shit ab the rallies partly also bc she doesnt know jack shit ab them since she j joined but j a general note that id love for her to sorta get in the sch spirit!! so yeah if anyone wants her 2 root 4 them u have a swing voter in the midst !!
morning drills — shiah tends to go on morning runs so i feel like it'd be so funny for her to get caught up in a morning drill inadvertently if they happened to be running in the same direction like j imagine she's suddenly enveloped into their jog.... anw it'd be kinda hilarious ngl if ur muse was part of the morning drill too n she kinda took her anger out on u ORR if ur a random passerby who realises the girl looks hella outta place dressed in black next 2 these green folk n u decide 2 help her out!!
pranks — again shiah herself doesn't participate in the pranks but i'd love to see a prank being played on her !! change up her shampoo or smt !! do smth 2 rile her up ( mayb it wasn't even meant for her but she got caught in it ) n watch her turn into a swarm of blister beetles ....... wyd
live coverage ft. the curious currents — ngl i feel like i can see her gettin into a fight w someone not bc she's a fan but bc idk they didn't Watch where they're going or they're obnoxiously yellin their chants n she gets mad n idk pushes them n maybe ur muse doesn't have to be the heckler but they could just be reporting on the incident n realise wait ...... isn't this ....... kim shiah the olympic figure skater...?? alternatively if she's tryna mind her own business n u realise she's kim shiah n try 2 get an interview w her bc i think the olympics n rallies r sorta similar so it's like one athlete to another type beat ...? n she gets rly upset n starts fightin !! mayb even turnin into the swarm ( the more i say this the funnier it gets 2 me ) !! u could also b a bystander who decides 2 stand w / against her !! totally customisable !!
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panelshowsource · 8 months
random thoughts dump of the week bc none of this deserves its own post
coming down from a smol john kearns kick and really enjoyed it, guy has a ridiculously sweet presence and i really like his voice. it also brings me great joy his previous career was working in museums and as a tour guide. i would like that life, i think (i worked at universal orlando for a little bit in 2013 and was always super jealous of the vip tour guides lol). he mentioned on one of his rhlstps that despite winning arguably the biggest (british) comedy awards there are, he never released a standup special or dvd, and he kinda wants to keep it that way so he has something special between him and his live audience — and that really made me sad face. like, my guy, what about those of us who can't see you bc won't leave that damn island. (also ed gamble's new tour having no nyc date felt personal...) in another episode, he talked a little about, in great part due to social media, people want comedians they can know everything about, get the whole look of; comedians who are the same people onstage as off. he's not like that and doesn't really like the idea of that. i think there's a lot to say about that subject but i'll just leave it for now...
speaking of touring ed byrne next week!!! and jimmy and alan carr coming up!! what a fun time :')
speaking of rhlstp and ed, one thing that occurred to me and i thought was quite funny upon listening to his recent episode is that both richard and ed have that self-aware side of them that admits to bitterness, professional jealousy, annoyance with critics/haters, believing they're not as successful as they deserve to be, etc. while it can come off whiney here and there, it's not too obnoxious or anything, i just found it amusing they had this (often concealed or private) quality in common. i might even put jenny eclair in that camp (others too but that's a discourse i don't really wanna start lmao)
if another youtuber, following amelia dimoldenberg (and munya? does he count?), had to go on taskmaster i would probably vote for ollie kendal off of jolly. in my mind he and alex would be genuinely good friends outside of the show
man i miss the horne section podcast so bad
honestly, i'm a little surprised david mitchell doesn't have a podcast. he loves radio, it's not too demanding of a gig, and he's got tons of interests that could make engaging premises for podcasts... i'm sure someone has floated this to him before, so i need the reason why he said no. maybe he was busy with his book. would love a history pod fr
does anyone else ever remember when david mitchell was in rick and morty and just sit back and go O_O also when he was on graham norton with hillary clinton like lmaooo i just love the idea of the booking agents for that show being like "we're having fucking hillary clinton on who can we bring for comic relief who is a household name but not problematic but intelligent but actually funny" i mean they hit the jackpot of course but it cracks me up that that's his brand
did david ever watch succession? rob def did but i need more about it from both of them
sometimes i think about when david accepted his bafta for peep show and the music that was playing while he walked to the stage was "sex on fire" by kings of leon hahahahaha like what who was djing that night fr
where did charlie brooker go
speaking of back in the day — and i do mean back, like 15+ years ago — and my main panel show obsession was buzzcocks, there were a few non-comedians who would come on panel shows who were properly fucking funny, like martin freeman and josh groban, and i'd always pray they'd eventually come on again. and i think at the time the person at the top of my list was professor green. how random is that TT he was just always up for laugh and just so likable. i also LOVED the song "just good to be green" with lily allen in like 2010 lmaooo this really ages me :)
been really enjoying some old angus deayton-hosted stuff, like old hignfy and wilty. i got into panel shows after he'd stepped out of the spotlight, but i remember being crushed when i found out about his scandal. i also remember stephen fry standing up for him and chastising paul & ian publicly after That Episode of hignfy — which absolutely blew my mind, even though stephen has always said what he thinks — and i agreed with him and am not sure even today if i fully forgave paul & ian for how they treated angus. ik he's still here and there, but i wonder if we'll ever see him in any properly notable capacity again
just watched the latest hignfy actually and jack dee pheww he's ageing very nicely let me just say it and pheww emmanuel sonubi please and thank you. also, paul's outfit was quite nice. an enjoyment of the eyes indeed
i've been making a lot of typos in my gifs lately for literally no reason other than not proofreading my rushing and it's embarrazzing i'm gonna do better
speaking of gifs i have NOTHING!!! in my drafts folder. nothing. no content. nothing is made. nothing in the queue. [sigh] sounds like tonight we be bustin it out huh. idk about other gifmakers (i actually don't follow any other panel show blogs, but this isn't necessarily a panel show blog thing, just a regular original content thing) but i don't usually make gifs throughout the week — instead, like, marathon gif like two times a week and build up 10–20 drafts to post throughout the week. if you gif every single day or to keep up with all of the new content, it starts to become a chore, which is never fun :(
speaking of which i probably won't gif outsiders too much because people don't seem to care too much about it + the webrips are just...so ugly in gif form, even at 1080p! it's a dave thing fr, taskmaster used to be the same way -_-
okay here we go into gif mode btw i got some of your requests and will def make them!!
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hoshi-y · 2 years
Hey! I really like your writing If I could get headcanons of Hanako and Tsukasa with a s/o who has a personality similar to theirs? Like for Tsukasa they would be like him but probably wouldn’t kill people and Hanako would love space donuts etc? Have a nice day!
Meant to be
Genre : Fluff
Characters : Hanako, Yugi Tsukasa
TW : None
A/N : WAAHHH I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKE MY WRITINGS! I always thought it was kind of mid LOL and Of course! This request would be an interesting one fr
I hope you enjoy!
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Match made in heaven
It was like a match made in heaven
You two were like two peas in a pod
Since you and him had the same interest
You two would ALWAYS stargaze and rant about astronomy
The both of you were very passionate and knowledgeable with astronomy
Not only that you two loved to have fun and mess around
Believe me, he would sometimes skip his meetings just to be with you
I feel like you two would start having flirt wars, as the other was too stubborn to back off
Sometimes you guys would do harmless pranks here and there
Nothing major (It was—)
Whenever he finds you floating about minding your own business
He would pull you to a corner so you two could cuddle TT
He would sometimes bring you to his boring meetings
Make you sit on his lap and he'll hold you as he discuss somethings with the wonders
Lmao what are you all glaring at
There was a time Yashiro brought the two of you homemade donuts
You two devoured that in minutes—
He loved plain, while you also loved plain but it had some sort of glaze on it
You two shared the same humor
wether dark or not, you'd find yourself rolling on the floor grasping for air
At the end of the day, You two would do your daily after school routine ahuhu
"Bye-bye Yashiro and Minamoto! See you tomorrow!" You bid farewell to them as you watched them walk out of the schools back gate
You turned around a jumped a little as Hanako, your Boyfriend was there, you kind of bumped into him a little but luckily he caught your hand before you could fall any further
"Woahh, You almost fell... for me~"
"I already did toilet boy" You giggled as he dug his face on your neck hugging you tightly "Tired?" You felt a nod "Let's go to the rooftop" You held his habd tenderly as you lead your half awake boyfriend to the rooftop
As the two of you got there, you sat on the picnic blanket Yashiro forgot to fold and hide away, you patted your lap and he immediately knew what to do
Hanako laid down on your lap as you took off his hat and ran your fingers thru his soft choppy black hair "You can rest, Love, I'll be here.." You suddenly felt him push you down as he hugged you "Mm.. Alright.."
Oh what am I ever gonna do with you? Amane.
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Perfect Match
you two were PERFECT for each other
I just know Sakura and Natsuhiko were so thankful you came into his life, it was now less noisy in the broadcasting room
You were dead, so you and him could play EVERYDAY
surprisingly, he gets tired from all that running around
"Tsu get up!! Let's go play!!" Pulling on his arm for him to stand up, but he pulled your arm and now you landed ontop of him as he smirked "Didn't I tell you that I'm resting?~" He inched closer, but he didn't see a blush on your face or a reaction
"And I said I wanted to play.." You inched as close and Tsukasa backed off
Oh my were you so bold
This type of non reaction from you fueled him to do more
More teasing = No reaction
He ended up sulking in the corner
When the two of you ended up together
You two were so clingy for each other
Would cuddle 24/7
Tsukasa would be very overprotective of you, and you were too
But the thing is, you don't kill and harm and he does
You once saw him smash a supernatural into bits and you just stood there
You looked.. Amazed?
"Woooww that was so cool Tsu!!" You said excitedly as he looked back and stood up walking up to you "My dear! What are you doing here?~"
You hugged him as you dug your face on his chest "I missed you Tsu~" He chuckled as he gently grabbed you cheeks and leaned down to give you a kiss "Me too, But I have work to do so—"
"Ehhh Nooo!!" You whined as you clung onto him
You two would sometimes past the time running around playing, annoying the shit outta Natsuhiko and Sakura
Just the usual~
Sakura sighed as she closed her book "Look what you two did! You annoyed my lady—"
"Be quiet, Natsuhiko."
You and Tsukasa hugged each other, waiting for Sakuras lecture "You two are like two peas in a pod.. I can never tell apart who's who, Both your personalities are so alike." She rubbed her forehead
"MMMMMM, Ne, Sakura, Me and [F/N] Will go to the domain~" Sakura didn't even care anymore, as long as the two of you get out of her hair she's fine
Tsukasa lead you to his (?) Domain as the two of you played in there, The splashing of water and both your laughters was the only thing you could hear
You tripped and fell, and Tsukasa immediately went over to you helping you up "Are you okay?.." With a soft voice, This surprised you "Mhm! Don't worry Tsu!" He chuckled as he hugged you
"I like it when you call me Tsu, Call me that every day okay?!" You nodded enthusiastically as the two of you talked about random things instead, he didn't want his lovely S/O to get hurt
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shakira shakira
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