#like the final notes of the song fool you for a second that this is being played for a morally flawed decision but good from a certain pers
Gluttony - Leona
Author Notes: It was actually really difficult to choose what I was going to post this week. But I've been a little busy lately, so I finally just chose this one rather than working on polishing some of my other fics. I wrote this one to the song "Too Sweet" by Hozier and that most certainly showed in the writing. With that said though, I'm pretty pleased with how this fic turned out. As per usual, reader is gender-neutral. I hope you enjoy!
Type: Gender neutral reader/ fluff/ some angst with comfort/ romance implied/ some pining/ sfw
Word count: 1528
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Leona opened his eyes groggily, a frown on his face, as soon as the sun shone down through the leaves of the tree that hung over him, briefly blinding him before he sat up.
A hum from his left had his ears twitching before he twisted to see you lying right by his side. A slight smile on your face as the shadows of the leaves swayed across your form, and he felt his eyebrows raise.
He wasn’t particularly surprised to see you, though he knew the same couldn’t be said for anyone who might have seen you here.
Leona was no fool. He knew that you and him were pretty much perfect opposites. That’s why everyone always looked so confused when you were walking along beside him. Chattering away with a happy expression or teasing him about something that had recently gone in a way he hadn’t planned for it to.
Leona was the hated second prince. It was his burden, and it was one he’d carried his entire life. It was nothing new.
He was bitter, unpleasant, and something that people preferred to avoid either out of fear or powerful levels of distaste.
And then there was you. Sweet and far more optimistic than he thought he could ever be. And perhaps more interestingly, you were no fool. You knew everything wasn’t flowers and dreams. How could you not when you lived in a place like Ramshackle dorm and didn’t even have a way to get home? 
You were seemingly trapped in a world that wasn’t your own, but you didn’t let that stop you. Instead, you just keep going with your head held high, a smile on your face, and a laugh on your lips as you shrugged it off. It was admirable.
But it also simply wasn’t him. And that was something he knew perfectly well.
That simple fact was also the exact reason your classmates would find it so odd to see you slumbering here by his side and not somewhere else with someone who was a better match for your sweet disposition.
Leona leaned forward, propping his head on his chin as he looked down at where you slept by his side. You’d come here to study in the botanical garden while he’d slumbered next to you. It was something you often did, though he couldn’t fathom why.
It was almost like you either wanted the company or didn’t want him to be lonely. Either of which was ridiculous, since he could think of plenty of people who’d want to be your study buddy, and he certainly didn't want company for his naps.
But then, Leona also didn’t mind your presence, though he had his own reasons for not running you off.
Leona titled his head slightly, sighing at the sight of you, before pulling the book whose corner was jabbing into your side out of your hands and setting it off to the side where you’d quickly find it after waking up.
He idly scanned the area, half rolling his eyes as he confirmed that your feline companion was nowhere to be seen.
Grim had no doubt long since abandoned you in favor of avoiding anything even close to work.
As for you, Leona didn’t know if you were foolish or bold to have fallen asleep right next to him with no one around to protect you. But here you were curled up at his side, as if he weren’t someone who could easily harm you and were instead someone who would take care of you should you need it.
Which wasn’t something he could really deny to himself, but you didn’t need to know that.
After all, you’d seen him when he’d overblotted and you knew he wasn’t a good person. That should have been enough to send you scrambling to get away from him. But instead, here you were. 
And it was ridiculous.
It was true that it might have taken Jack a little while to realize that Leona wasn’t someone he needed to look up to, but Leona’s actions at the Spelldrive competition had cleared up Jack’s misunderstandings about him. 
Ruggie had always known what sort of person Leona was. It was one of the reasons he hung around. After all, there was safety in sticking close to people like Leona, so long as you remembered what they were truly like.
Both realized, for better or worse, that Leona was not a misunderstood individual who was secretly good. He was jaded, always beaten by others, and essentially worthless.
But then there was you, who was seemingly unbothered by any of this. 
And it wasn’t even like you didn’t believe Leona’s flaws existed; he could work with that. Instead, it was almost like you didn’t care. Like you didn’t really expect him to change outside of your occasional prodding for him to take better care of himself.
You saw his flaws—that much he knew from the times you had bickered with him over something—but you just seemed to accept them. The same way you just seemed to accept other people’s flaws as something that was just a part of them. Only ever really scolding others, or even Leona himself, when their actions either harmed themselves or others.
And that's how Leona knew you were simply too sweet for him. Too sweet for him to endure being near, but simultaneously too sweet for him to turn away.
It was just another show of how worthless he was at anything he tried to do and how little his own efforts mattered. He could try to push you away, but he couldn’t ever stop himself from clinging to you. 
As if you were one of the last sweet bits of his otherwise bitter life. A potent method of making everything else seem to fall away and be ignored so long as he just gets a fleeting taste of that kindness.
And Leona had tried to ignore you, but it was somehow impossible, even when he knew that being close to him could easily taint that sweetness of yours and turn it into a bitterness more like his.
But Leona also knew that you and him were all but opposites, and that was probably where the attraction of being near you lay.
Though that realization did nothing to lessen that attraction, no matter how frustrating it might be.
You shifted, letting out some sort of groggy sound and causing him to snort in amusement at your lethargic movements that had you shifting closer to him as if you craved his warmth. Coming closer to him instead of distancing yourself like you should.
It was ridiculous, watching you now, to think that you’d somehow bested him in the past. But you had. You’d beaten him as well as numerous others at their own game. Making them look like fools, as you seemed to change things simply by existing.
And maybe you did. After all, you weren’t of this world. And perhaps that was why it was so hard for him to detach himself from you.
Your eyes fluttered open, and you twisted to look up at the lion beastman, who didn’t even bother hiding his amusement as you blinked up at him before groggily sitting up, “What time is it?”
Leona glanced around, his ears twitching slightly as he listened to the distant sounds of students chattering as they left their club areas before he looked back your way, “Time to be getting back to the dorms. Club practice has already let out.”
You nodded, not looking terribly surprised and seemingly resigned to having lost the rest of your study period.
“Have you seen Grim?” You frowned lightly as you glanced around, and Leona snorted, leaning back and relaxing once more against the ground, lazily watching you as you collected your books.
“Nope,” At the single word you glanced over at him with raised eyebrows that almost made him want to take back all the previous thoughts he’d had about you being sweet.
But then that tiny bit of bite you had to you only ever seemed to emphasize your sweetness. It was what kept you interesting and at odds with the fools at RSA.
Because, unlike them, you managed to have a certain degree of cunning even with your sweetness. After all, he hadn’t been lying that day when he’d told Azul that you were far more dastardly than the scheming cephalo-punk was.
That was probably another reason why Leona had given up on pushing you away and had even come to expect your presence. He was a glutton for punishment, and with you being a villain that was sweet enough to even catch him unawares, you were certainly enough to keep him on his toes. 
His gaze held yours even as he felt yet another chip in the wall of his defenses fall away, despite the fact that he’d always maintained these walls around himself.
He may not want to let you in, but you really were too sweet for him, and it was reaching the point that Leona was becoming more and more willing to let himself give into his gluttony.
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brummiereader · 9 months
Hopelessly Devoted (PART ONE)
Summary: A flashback to when you and Tommy were young, carefree and smitten with one another plays out in your head as you sit alone in the Garrison, watching him now in the arms of another woman whilst you desperately hold onto the love you still have for him. Does Tommy share the same sentiments or has his bitterness towards you stained the love he claims he no long has for you?
Warnings: Language, angst, fluff, mutual pining
Authors note: Inspired by the song "Hopelessly Devoted" by Olivia Newton-John. RIP sweet angel.
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"We're bloody late again!" your mother muttered under her breath as she hurried up the church steps holding onto her hat from the bitter January wind whilst you are your little brother George, lovingly known as Georgie walked behind her. "Ten minutes until we leave I said" she huffed turning around, scowling at you as you rolled your eyes in response. "Ten minutes! In the time it took for you to put your dress on I had swept the porch and gotten your brother ready. Why did you give me such an unruly child?" she said looking up to the heavens expecting some sort of response. "Out all hours gallivanting about with those Shelby boys, never listening to a word I say. I'm being punished aren't I, for the sins of her father...the bloody fool he was, drinking himself to an early grave, leaving me here to fend for myself with two kids..." she carried on as you held your little brothers hand, a small sigh leaving his mouth as he looked up at you, shaking his head at your mother's relentless rambling. " Y/N let me look at you. Bloody hell child, you look a state!" she frowned as she turned to face you at the top of the steps.
"Can you just stop" you said trying to move her hands away as she pushed your hair back behind your ears, pinching your cheeks to give them a rosy glow. "Look at your dress..." she huffed as she straightened the bottom out, pulling at the frilly pink fabric whilst your little brother reached up to open the church door. "Stay still!" she said as you started fidgeting away from her hands, her overbearing mothering making you feel like you was eight years old again.
" For god's sake I'm not a kid!" you replied rather loudly when the doors fully opened and everyone in their seats turned around to look at the commotion. "Shit" you mumbled under your breath as you looked to the sea of eyes now staring back at you, the loud bang of the church door slamming against the brick wall startling you as your little brother giggled in amusement.
" Bloody Walk Y/N" your mother said through gritted teeth behind you as she took her and George's hat off. Smiling graciously left to right at the people seated along the outer rows your mother politely mouthed small hellos and good mornings as all three of you made your way down the aisle, her normal vocabulary filled with a plethora of her favourite profanities not once leaving her lips. Turning your head you quickly spotted Tommy sitting next to his family with a huge grin on his face, loving every second of the embarrassment he knew you was enduring. As the sound of your heels on the stone floor echoed loudly through the church, your entrance now the focus point of everyone's attention, you finally reached the alter with the Reverend stood beside it. You could almost feel the laughter Tommy and Arthur were holding back as your mother pushed you forward to bow. With a grunt leaving your throat you lowered your head, a small mischievous glint in your eye at the sudden, yet stupid idea to prove to your mother how unruly of a child you really was.
" Forgive me father for I have sinned, it has been mere hours since I last pissed my mother off..." You said dramatically as your mother's eyes widened in embarrassment a gasp leaving her mouth as she grabbed you by the arm and span you back around, all while apologising profusely to the Priest now shaking his head at her. Oh the shame, the humiliation, she would never live this down. The gossip she would have to endure for months in the women's wash house was a fair consolation for her making you wear this god awful dress you proudly thought to yourself as you walked to find a seat. Sighing the Reverend lowered his eye as he turned the page of his sermon, longing to be appointed somewhere, anywhere out of Small Heath. No number of hail Mary's could save this sinful town. As you walked down the aisle the sudden sound of Tommy and Arthur laughing had you biting your inner cheek holding back your own amusement as you watched Polly snap her head in their direction.
" Shut up" Polly whispered as she reached over hitting each of them in the chest. "Bloody kids" she mouthed sympathetically to your mother as you all walked by.
" Girlfriend finally made it" Arthur whispered in Tommy's ear, knowing full well how smitten he was with you.
" Shes not my girlfriend, shut it" he muttered under his breath as you sent him a small wave which he quickly returned.
" Hi ya" Arthur laughed mocking him.
" Fuck off Arthur" Tommy replied as he elbowed him in the ribs leaving him wincing in pain.
" I'll let you have that one baby brother" he laughed rubbing his side.
" No fucking swearing in church!" Polly said quietly through gritted teeth as she hit the back of Tommy's head. It was always an eventful service when the Shelby's attended, which made you wonder what they had done to have their Aunt force them this time.
Walking out into the fresh air, free from the stuffy confines of the church you pushed back your hair behind your shoulders folding your arms as you faced the sun. Closing your eyes you sighed as the rays of light beamed onto your skin. With summer still a long way off you was enjoying the rare event in which the sun broke through the smoke filled skies of Small Heath. That was until you felt the warmth disappear and a large shadow take it's place. Opening your eyes you was met with Tommy Shelby standing right in front of you, a cigarette precariously hanging on the corner of his mouth, grinning from ear to ear.
" Get out the way you're blocking the sun" you said as you pushed him to the side closing your eyes again.
" Hmm, you are looking rather pasty"
" Thanks Thomas, you really know how to compliment a lady" you said taking the cigarette out his mouth as you walked over to sit on the brick wall just outside the church.
"Lady?" Tommy laughed as he sent you a cheeky smile." Nice dress by the way. You look like a flower girl"
" Shut up" you said playfully hitting his arm in response, hating everything about the overly embroidered puffy dress you were begrudgingly wearing. " Have you seen yourself?" you smirked looking down at his outfit "Think your Aunt needs to shorten those" you laughed as you nodded to the ends of his trousers bunched up around his boots.
" They're Arthur's hand-me-downs, the lanky git" he said kicking a stone on the ground that you both watched roll into the road.
" So what did you do this time to end up here on a Sunday morning?" You asked as you turned your head to face him.
" Aunt Pol found out Arthur stole one of the candelabras from the Reverends study. Convinced himself it was solid gold, you should have seen his face when we melted it down in Charlie's yard and it was copper" Tommy laughed as he looked back at you. " Polly was furious said he had sinned enough for the whole house and we were all damned to hell if we didn't come today" he explained further as his eyes lingered on your face, watching the way your nose scrunched up as you laughed, a sight he never got tired of. " So you coming later?" he asked leaning into you as he took his cigarette now stained with pink lipstick back from between your fingers, not that he minded.
" No absolutely not. Do you not remember the last time we followed one of Arthur's genius ideas?" you answered folding your arms having already made your mind up.
" He's got a map this time. Come on it will be fun" he said nudging his arm against yours.
" A map to what?"
" To where this rich fuck has all his liquor stored"
"Can I come?" John said running up to you both after overhearing the conversation, poking his brothers knee with a stick in attempt to get his attention which Tommy quickly put a stop to by giving him a kick in the shin.
" No, fuck off " Tommy said pushing him away from in front of him as John stormed off crying in search of his Aunt. " So how about it? "
" Fine, but only because it's your birthday tomorrow" you said giving in as you both smiled to eachother. "But this better be fool proof. I can't risk getting in trouble with my mum again, she's a few breaths away from kicking me out"
" That's alright, you can come live with me" he said winking to you as you looked up at him through your lashes, blushing a darker shade of pink than your dress." We'll come by to get you at eleven, don't be late ok? "
" I'm never late" you responded as Tommy rolled his eyes flicking his cigarette onto the ground. If there was one thing he had learnt over the years it was that you was always late.
" Thomas Michael Shelby! " Polly shouted as she stormed over to you both, dragging John with her by the arm.
"Shit. Right I'm off" Tommy said quickly pecking your cheek as he jumped over the wall running away from his Aunt. Bringing your hand up to your face you pressed your fingers to your skin, a smile dancing on your lips as you turned around to watch Tommy run into the back alleys of Small Heath, fleeing from the fury coming his way. Thomas Michael Shelby your best friend, your partner in crime and also the boy you had been head over heels for as long as you could remember. What a sorry story your limited love life had already been, endlessly pining for a boy you had convinced yourself only saw you as a friend, desperately hoping he felt the same.
It was just after noon when you Tommy and Arthur made your way over the wooden fencing onto the large mansions land. Having never once left the city limits in all of your eighteen years of life you was taken aback by the sheer size of the house in front of you. Surrounded by luscious green grass, rows of trees adorning its drive way, you was sure it was something only seen in films, a far cry from the mud and dirt of Small Heath.
" Give me the map" Tommy said as Arthur handed it to him whilst he looked over the brick wall separating you and the owner who was outside sitting in a garden chair.
"Arthur he has a dog. A mean looking thing" you said as Tommy stood beside you squinting at the map in his hand.
"Yeh well, he would have still been out with that dog hunting, but you were late" Tommy interjected with a smile on his face, having been right about your constant tardiness.
"Don't get your knickers in a twist Y/N, I've been coming here every day for the past week feeding him leftovers, he likes me. He won't make a peep " Arthur said trying to reassure you as you rolled your eyes at him knowing anything the eldest Shelby said was not to be trusted and far from the actual truth.
" Jesus Christ Arthur" Tommy said throwing the map at his brothers chest. " This is a fucking map for a house in London!"
" Ay?" Arthur said as he straightened it out in front of him. " Where's it say that? " he asked as Tommy snatched it back from him pointing at the words "London" written right underneath the name of the house.
" Well how was I supposed to bloody know. They should have put it at the very top"
" It's in fucking capitals Arthur, how can you not..."
" Right I'm going home" you said as the two brothers continued to argue. As always Arthur's ideas were never properly thought out, often getting you in trouble more than anything else.
" Wait Y/N no, come on stay" Tommy said as he looked back to his older brother widening his eyes in gesture to help him convince you not to leave.
" Y/N " Arthur said as he put his arm around your shoulder. " We're at the back entrance. He probably keeps it down in the basement, it won't be far. You're the only one small enough to shimmy through the window to open the lock on the other side. Come on, dont let us down, it's Tom's birthday tomorrow. "
" Fine. But if I put another ladder in my stockings you're paying for a new pair" you said pointing to him as Arthur placed a wooden crate below the window for you to stand on.
"Atta girl" Arthur said as he turned his head around winking to Tommy as you climbed through the window, quickly making in through to the other side. Pushing past his brother, Tommy went to open the door when the dog Arthur promised wouldn't bark suddenly started to do exactly that.
" Hey! Who's there?" the owner said as you all ran into the house. " Get 'em boy" he shouted as his dog came charging round the corner into the building.
" Fucking traitor! After all the food I gave you" Arthur shouted as you all ran down the hall, making your way up to the second level.
" What did you feed him with?" you asked breathlessly as you ran beside them, Tommy's hand resting on your back making sure you didn't get left behind.
"Sprouts!" You and Tommy both shouted looking back at him.
" It's all we had"
" No wonder he bloody hates you" Tommy said as all three of you came to a stop behind a wall waiting for a maid to walk by.
" Sniff them out" the owner said as you heard the sound of the dogs nails clicking on the wooden floorboards, getting closer by the second.
" Shiiit, run! Hide! Arthur giggled as you legged it down one of the second floor corridors, Tommy quickly pulling you into a small storage room to the side as Arthur continued to run down the hall. Breathless, you both looked up at eachother as a fit of laughs left your lips. Bringing his finger up to his mouth Tommy gestured for you to be quiet as the sound of the owner walking along the corridor quickly brought your giggles to a stop. Taking in your surroundings you suddenly realised how close you were to eachother. Cardboard boxes were stacked as high as the ceiling all around you, there was barely enough space for one person let alone two.
" Is he gone?" you whispered to which Tommy nodded, his eyes looking over you as he too started to realise how close you were to one another." You're taking all the space" you said trying to free yourself from the uncomfortable position you was in.
" Y/N my backs pushed up against the door. I don't have any more room to move" he said as you huffed in response moving your arm that was stuck between you to the side. Silence fell upon the small room as you continued to fidget in place whilst Tommy cleared his throat, his eyes darting between you and the surrounding boxes.
" What? Why do you keep looking at me like that" you said with a thrown on your face.
" I'm not looking at you like anything" Tommy replied as he quickly glanced away. With your focus now elsewhere, Tommy's eyes drifted down to both of your bodies pressed up against eachother, biting his inner cheek in attempt to rid himself of all the thoughts going through his mind. Taking in every delicate feature of your face, Tommy felt his heart quicken as he continued to stare down at you. God you were beautiful, he had been wanting to tell you those very words for years, wanted to ask you out, tell you how he felt. But unlike his old brother who seemed to have endless amounts of confidence when it came to girls, Tommy never found the courage to make a move. Instead he begrudgingly tormented himself, watching all the boys of Small Heath try their luck with you.
" You're doing it again, stop it!" you said squinting your eyes as you looked up to see him still staring down at you. " You're making me nervous"
" What else am I supposed to look at, you're right in front of me " he said with a small sigh. Just ask her you idiot, he thought to himself as he peered at you in the corner of his eye.
" Y/N erm, I was wondering..." he started to say when you grabbed his hand your eyes widening in a panic.
" Shh. Did you hear that?" You said as you looked behind him to the door.
" Its just a window blowing open" he replied as he glanced down at your hand still holding onto his. Throwing his head back Tommy shook his head, frustrated that the moment he had finally found the courage to ask you out you had cut him off. Bringing his eyes back down to look at you, Tommy took a deep breath. If he couldn't say how he felt he would show it. What was the worse that could happen?
" Fuck it" he said as he cupped your cheeks crashing his lips onto yours. For a brief moment you resisted taken by surprise at Tommy's unexpected move until your whole body finally relaxed and you quickly melted into the kiss. There was no technique to it, wet, messy, all tongues and teeth. But as your lips interlocked you felt a flutter of butterflies fill your stomach, your hands finding their way to his shoulders as Tommy enthusiastically pushed you back the few centimeters remaining between you and the wall behind you.
" Owh" you said as your head hit the wall, the thump loud enough for anyone to hear.
" Shit, sorry" Tommy said as a small giggle escaped your mouth at his overly keen display. Pressing your lips back onto his the kiss was smoother, a small whimper leaving your throat as his tongue brushed over yours. Moaning, Tommy's hand dropped from your waist to your leg as his fingers travelled under you skirt grazing over your suspenders. Things were getting heated, very heated.
" Wait, Tommy I've, i'm a.."
" Fuck sorry, I wasn't trying to" Tommy awkwardly said cutting you and himself off. " Wait, you're a Virgin?" he asked with a small smile etched on the corner of his lips his brows slightly raised.
" Why do you look so surprised? " you answered back, your whole face scrunched up in annoyance.
" No nothing. It's just I didn't think you was...you know" he replied unable to formulate his own words.
" Oh and you're not? You really think I believed that ridiculous story you told us all last summer about how you gave Irene five orgasms in ten minutes" you scoffed with a laugh as Tommy's cheeks suddenly went a crimson shade of red, his hands dropping from your waist.
" Jesus...thanks Y/N" Tommy said looking away with a huff unable to physically move away from the embarrassment surrounding him.
" Slightly exaggerated don't you think? " you giggled as Tommy looked back at you, his hands now on his hips.
" You done?" he huffed as you bit your bottom lip trying to hold back the laugh that was seconds away from escaping. As Tommy pressed his lips back onto yours the small giggle unable to contain itself finally broke free.
" Stop it, I'm trying to concentrate" he said smiling into your lips as he continued to kiss you, his hands roaming over the curves of your body when the door suddenly flew open.
" Oi oi, what's going on in here then? " Arthur said grinning at you both as you let go of eachother. Rolling your eyes you walked out the small room pushing past him the box of whisky and leg of ham he was holding. "Get to second base baby brother?" Arthur sniggered as Tommy thumped him in the arm.
" Fuck off Arthur" Tommy pouted leaving the room and his older brother in fits of laughter. Both barely out the door, your eyes widened as the owner and his dog turned the corner.
" You little bastards. I've seen your faces. I know who you are! You're those trouble making Shelby boys. And look, you've brought your little whore with you, that dead drunk idiot's daughter. How did you petty little thieves make it out of Small Heath, steal a car?"
" Hey! Nobody gets to call her a whore but us" Arthur warned the owner pointing his finger at him as Tommy protectively pushed you behind him. Now in a stand-off between the owner and his drooling dog growling at you, you watched as he unclasped the large metal chain from the dogs collar.
" Go on boy get 'em!" he commanded when Tommy grabbed the leg of ham out the crate in Arthur's arms, launching it in the dog's direction.
" My bloody ham!" Arthur said, furious his dinner had been tossed to the the very dog he felt had betrayed him.
" Run!" Tommy shouted as you all turned around.
" I'm calling the police!"
" Thanks for the whisky old man" Arthur laughed running down the stairs as you and Tommy followed behind him, mentally noting never to follow one of Arthur's ideas again.
Several hours had passed and you Tommy, Arthur and a girl he had picked up along the way were sitting around a campfire in the local woods where Arthur and Tommy's families two vardos were, sipping on the finest whisky you had ever tasted. You couldn't remember the amount of times they had brought you out here to camp, taking you away for a brief moment from the smoke filled air, from the memories of your father that hung over you thicker than any fogged filled skies, a grief you wouldn't have made it through without them. As you sat looking at the flames of the fire mesmerised by their orange glow Tommy glanced over to you, watching the flickering lights from the campfire cast a golden hue on your skin, desperate to be alone with you again, the kiss you shared earlier repeatedly playing out in his head.
" Come on love, let's leave them to it" Arthur said standing up taking his dates hand after noticing his brother staring at you. " See you in the morning" Arthur winked back to Tommy opening the small caravan door, squeezing the girls bum as they both entered. " If the caravan be rocking, don't come a knocking!" Arthur laughed as he shut the door leaving you alone with Tommy.
" Dickhead" Tommy mumbled under his breath as you looked away, biting your bottom lip at how awkward Arthur had suddenly made everything. "It's getting late" you said standing up as you brushed the mud and twigs off your skirt looking back at the other vardo.
" I'll sleep out here" Tommy said as he sat up throwing another log onto the fire.
" You can't sleep out here, you'll freeze to death. Come on, it's not like we've never slept in the same bed" you said only just realising how different this time would be.
" Right, yeh...ok" Tommy said clearing his throat as he stood up.
As you settled into the small bed you watched as Tommy took of his hat and coat, your heart rapidly beating as nerves started to mount in your stomach. Climbing under the covers Tommy turned to face you, his fingers coming up to brush the strands of hair away from your face. Leaning into eachother, both of you turned your head in the same direction, awkwardly banging your foreheads together, resulting in a fit of laughs leaving your lips as Tommy shook his head at you. It was quite possible you were the giggliest girl he had ever met. Relaxing you recomposed yourself as Tommy pressed his lips to yours in a tender embrace. As his hand moved to your lower back, pressing your body closer to his your breath hitched in you throat, nerves now consuming every movement you made. Pulling away Tommy rubbed his thumb over your hip, in an effort to help you relax.
" Let's just lay here together, yeh?" he said taking the pressure away from you, not wanting to rush you into anything you wasn't ready for you as you nodded your head, thankful for his understanding nature. Rolling onto his back Tommy brought you closer into his side as he stroked up and down your arm, happy to finally have you in his arms.
" I nearly forgot" you said as you sat up leaning across him to pick up your coat.
" Happy Birthday" you said pulling out a small gift wrapped in cloth.
" My birthdays not until tomorrow " he chuckled as he sat up.
" It will be in ten minutes" you said as you looked down at your watch, quickly returning your eyes to him pulling out a gold pocket watch from within the delicate fabric.
" Jesus Y/N...you got this for me, how? " he said with a huge grin on his face as he looked to you.
" All those hours pressing clothes. Took me almost a year to be able to afford it"
"Come here" he said bringing you into a hug as you settled back down into the bed together." Thank you" he added as he pressed a kiss to your forehead feeling happier than any win he had ever won at the races.
With his arm securely wrapped around you Tommy couldn't stop the smile on his face as he looked down at the watch in his hand, it was nicest thing he owned and the nicest thing anyone had ever done for him. Glancing at your wristwatch, Tommy turned the dials to the right time, when you took it from him turning it back a further five minutes.
" It's five minutes too late" he said watching you press the knob down.
" That way I'll always be on time for you" you giggled handing it back as Tommy chuckled shaking his head.
" Yeh just means I won't be on time for anything" he smiled closing the watch, keeping it tightly clasped in his hand as you nuzzled your head into his chest.
" Tommy?"
" Mm-hm?" he said as his eyes were about to close.
" What do you think we'll be doing this time ten years from now"
" The same thing" he smiled as his thumb rubbed over the curve of your shoulder. "Only naked" he said as he opened one eye looking to you.
" Tommy!" You said, giving him a small punch to the arm. " I'm serious, what do you think we'll be doing?"
" The same thing Y/N" he said with certainty as he tuned his head to face you. " You'll be in my arms every night from now on, that's a promise" he said as he looked lovingly back at you before giving you one last peck to the lips as you both closed your eyes, dreaming of the future and everything coming your way. Even though you were both young with your whole lives ahead of you one thing was for certain, in that moment you had no doubts that you wouldn't spend the rest of your lives together and every night in each others arms.
Ten years later...
Laughs and chatter of people enjoying eachothers company hummed around you as you sat quietly in the corner of the Garrison, the drink in your hand untouched as the night you and Tommy spent together this time ten years ago asleep in each others arms cruelly played out in your head. As a tear fell from your eye you looked up across the room to see the new barmaid sat tightly against Tommy's body, his arm resting around her shoulders. Tonight it wouldn't be you wrapped in his arms, tonight you would sleep alone as regret over decisions you had made weighed down your already broken heart. Standing up from your seat Tommy's eyes quickly darted to you, watching you pull your coat around you as you brushed the tears from your face, leaving the Garrison in a hurry unable to withstand anymore.
Clutching your coat around you from the cold night air you pushed the last tears from your cheeks as the pain in your heart dug further into your chest.
" Y/N" you heard your name being called by the very man you didn't want to see you like this.
"Yes Tommy" you said turning around as he waited at the Garrison door.
" I need you to go finish those papers at the betting shop for tomorrow" he said lighting a cigarette as he stepped a little closer.
" It's nearly midnight..." you replied as you watched him pull out his pocket watch to check the time. Quickly closing it Tommy clutched it tightly in his hand as he looked back at you. For a brief moment that's all he did as if the memories of that night had suddenly come flooding back to him. Maybe they had never left, and Tommy's heart was aching as much of yours, either way you could never tell, for just as quickly as his face softened for those brief few moments his demeanor abruptly changed, a scowl now spread across his face.
" The deadlines tomorrow " he said sharply looking to you as you shivered in the cold, your eyes red from crying.
" Ok Tommy" you said like you always did, at his beck and call night and day, desperately hanging onto the love you still felt for him. Without saying another word you turned on your heel heading for Watery Lane.
" You not going to wish me a happy birthday then?" Tommy called out as he watched you walk away.
" Happy birthday Tommy" you replied, the words catching in your throat, tears streaming down your face as you walked briskly off into the night. So much had changed over the years, so many promises broken, hearts broken along with them. But yet you still held on, hopelessly devoted to the man who promised to hold you in his arms every night.
Tag list: @cosniffee @jonsncws @powellssaturn @jessimay89 @bruher @riseandreigns4u @mariaelizabeth21-blog1
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turnertopia · 2 months
can you write a Alex x fem reader where the two meet when they’re young and then they become best friends. After a concert they go out for drinks and are dancing together at a bar (A little drunk) and it gets a little spicy and then they leave for a hotel or something and you can make it smut or not 🫣🫣 ❤️❤️
much loveeeee
thank u for the request, hope this was okay for u ! if any of this is cringe don't tell me i'd rather be blissfully unaware and ignorant :3
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pairing: am!alex turner x fem!reader
summary: long desired tipsy sex w a cocky am al teehee
warnings: no use of y/n, not proofread, small plot, smut (mdni), mentions of alcohol and drugs, p in v sex, unprotected sex, switch!alex, hickeys/lovebites, bit of nipple play, handjob kinda, use of unscientific terms (cock, pussy, etc.)
words: 1.6k
note: wrote this in the middle of the night please this is horrid i'm so embarrassed omg
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the post-concert glow is evident in alex's blown pupils as you both share a pricey bottle of wine at his favourite bar. sharing the adreneline as well as a drink, the man offers his hand.
"used to love this song, didn't you, love?" his tipsy giggling makes you grin as you listen in to the music playing from the bar's speakers. dizzee rascal, 'dance wiv me', both you and a 2008 alex had countless laughs and dances to this song in the past, this occasion no different. "come and dance with me!" he grinned stupidly. alex clumsily drags you over to the dance floor, grabbing your hands and lacing your fingers between his ringed ones in order to not lose you amongst the crowd of drunks.
he twirls you around with a lazy grin, moving one hand onto your waist. you feel it, a subtle blush growing your cheeks, going unnoticed by alex due to the rapid flash of the prismatic lights. you're both getting very close to each other. your eyes lock together a few times. the song fades out and he pulls you close, leaning into your ear so you can hear him over the blast of the speakers.
"we should go." he says. "gettin' late, you get weirdos in here when it's too late. i'll book a hotel for the night, yeah?" his hand squeezes your waist. "alright." you reply, letting him lead you to the exit.
you're all giggles as you exit the pub, gaining odd looks from the people smoking outside. both yourself and alex are falling over each other on the way to the hotel only a street away. you're still holding hands, too.
alex makes a fool of himself while speaking to the receptionist with his slurring and tipsy snickering. getting into the lift, you can't seem to keep your hands off each other. your hands combing through his now tangled hair, remembering how he had been so precise when gelling it before the concert. you grin. his hands are groping at your waist, hesitant to go any further yet in fear of making you uncomfortable despite his cocky attitude this evening. how gentlemanly.
the ding of the lift snaps the two out of your little lovebird daze, stumbling over to your room. before he can get the key in the door, you give into the temptation and slam him a little roughly against it, greedily pressing your lips against his. he doesn't hesitate for a second, kissing back like he was getting paid to do it. "fuckin' hell." he hisses, his hands aren't as shy now, boldly grabbing your ass while the other stays firmly planted on your waist. you tug his hair, and he lets out a breathy moan and gives you perfect access to slip your tongue into his mouth. he groans, breaking your little makeout to speak.
"let me open the door." he breathes, fumbling with the key curtly. you tease him, slipping your hands up the back of his shirt and dragging your nails down his back. you could have sworn you heard him growl. he finally opens it, the door swinging open with such force it slams into the wall behind it. you're quick to shut it behind you, alex's hands hooking under your thighs to pick you up, re-attatching his lips to yours.
he finds the nearest bedroom, tossing you onto the bed and kissing you more. shoes get kicked off, and he reaches for the zipper of your dress. "please can i take this off? i need to see you." he groans, his cheeks painted in a pretty pink blush. "go on." you purred, and he almost tore the dress off your body. he moaned softly at the sight of you in your underwear. "fuck, shit, fuck, wanted this for so long.." he hissed, kissing and biting your neck, leaving behind marks and little bruises of his love. "take it slow then, al." you murmured, your cheeks also covered in a matching rosy blush.
his rings are cold against your flushed skin, making you shudder. his kisses travel down to your cleavage, unclasping your bra with a hasty motion. he exhales slowly, one ringed hand kneading the flesh of your breast. he takes a nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue snugly over it.
closing his eyes, his other hand palms it's way down your body, cupping your mound through your panties. your helpless squirming was met with a smirk and a firm hand pinning you onto the bed by your waist. he grazed his fingers over your slit through the lace material, only rewarding you with feather-light touches.
"please, alex." you mewled, he relished in the way you spoke so desperately. "please what?" his grin widened. you huffed, turning your head to press into the pillow. "no, love, you have a voice. use it. what do you need?" he coaxed, the pad of his thumb toying with the delicate bow that adorned your underwear.
"...please touch me." you mumbled, that rosy blush making your face hot as it saturated your skin. his lips curled with satisfaction this time. "that's a good girl, hm? very good." his praise reverberated through your ears, a feeling of gratification filling your senses at those very few words.
he dragged your panties down at such a frustrating and deliberate pace, a soft whine escaping your lips after being choked back for so long. "shh.. s'okay, we're getting there now, aren't we, hun?" he cooed at you amorously, but also contradicting himself with that condescending undertone.
he groaned with admiration at your dripping pussy, wasting no time in gathering the slick on his fingers. after waiting so long for any sort of contact with your aching core, the grazing and prodding of his fingers was more than enough stimulant, making you moan out with an arched back.
he was basking in your encouraging moans and mewls, only spurring him on. the strain in his jeans was only getting tighter. you caught sight of the aching bulge, testing the waters by pressing the heel of your foot against it. alex choked on his breath, the steadiness of it instead growing shallow.
"doll." he croaked, hissing as you began grinding your heel against the ever-tightening fabric. his grin was wiped off, replaced with a line, his lips firmly pressed together in order to conceal his sounds. however, your lips were curled into that cocky smirk that usually adorned his pouty lips.
how easy it was to shift the dynamic.
you finally started on his clothes, hungrily pulling the muscle-fit t-shirt off his toned figure and attaching your lips to his neck, sucking and biting. he grips your waist, tilting his head back and finally letting out some noises. you straddle his lap, completely bare, sitting on his thigh as your wetness drips onto the denim.
you move at an achingly slow pace, teasing him just like he did to you. you grip his crotch, his cock is heavy beneath the layers. you unzipped his jeans, watching how the tent in his boxers protruded deliciously. both of you helped push the material down his thighs and legs, leaving him in his underwear.
"please, baby. please." the begging just rolled off his tongue. your grin was cruel, knowing how easily you could deprive him of the pleasure he sought after. but that could wait for another time, now you knew how he could be teased effortlessly and turned into a mess. but now you were both too desperate and pent-up to tease any further.
you released his thick, aching length from the thin fabric. it almost slapped his tummy with how hard he was. and over what? a few kisses and touches? how he was aching, only for you.
when you sat back on his thigh, now both completely bare, he groaned. you looked up at his big brown eyes. pupils blown from lust and need. kissing him gently as you wrapped a hand around his cock, he moaned into your swollen lips.
pumping him slowly, his cock grew wet and twitchy quickly, coated in layers of pre-cum and spit. you let go after a short while, straddling his thickness with your lips still connected, fingers intertwined with one another's.
you sunk down on him, earning a contented sigh from each of you. you bit his lip at the stretch, groaning alongside him. his hands gripped your hips now, guiding you.
"fuuuck... fucking -- that's it." he hissed, eyes rolling back. "so tight." he looked down at the sight of him disappearing into you. was he in heaven?
"al, s'too big." you tugged at his hair, clenching around him. "gonna split me open." you whined.
he chuckled lowly, guiding your hips so you were bouncing on him at a faster pace. "got you, sweet girl. feels s'good darlin'. you were slamming down on him, a squelching noise coming from between the two of you. his toned abdomen pressed against you, sweat sticking to the both of you.
both of you were close. you could each tell, the way he twitched inside of you and the way you spasmed around him.
"lovey, i'm almost there." he gritted. "cum with me, baby. i've got you, jus' let go puppet." and you did. you convulsing around him brought him to his climax, releasing hot spurts of his seed deep inside of you. he whimpered with you, holding you close as you caught your breath. he kissed your forehead, sliding out with a grunt.
you looked at each other for a moment before giggling quietly. "we'll talk in the mornin', kay?" he whispered with a stupid smile. you nodded softly, the drowsiness hitting you after the few drinks and what you just did.
"g'night, love." he kissed your head, pulling the covers over your waist with an arm around you.
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istoleyoursk1n · 4 months
WAIT WAIT HERES ONE! All companions drunk off their asses in a karaoke session while Tav is the only sober one😭
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Tav being sober while all the other companions are drunk off their asses in a karaoke session
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Says he's only there for the drinks and to watch everyone else make a fool of themselves.
Ends up being part of the people who are being absolute fools of themselves.
He’s the type to say “oh I can’t siNg” only to grab the mic out of your hands and start balling out the lyrics of Bad Romance like it's nobody’s business.
He’s tame at first, enjoying himself as he watches the shitshow unfold but four drinks in and he’s already hoarding the microphone.
I like to think he somehow becomes better at singing the drunker he gets.
Accidentally hits high notes and he makes it everyone's problem.
Probably slapped someone by accident when they were trying to get the microphone back from his drunken ass.
He becomes far more expressive and loud the more he drinks which only makes it all the more fun to be honest.
Tried to have a sing-off with Wyll. Somehow ends up with Astarion threatening to bite him.
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: ̗̀➛ GALE
Very confused.
He came here for bonding time with friends only to be surrounded by feral drunks.
He’s definitely not the one singing but Astarion kept giving him wine and he kept drinking and now he’s halfway into either drunk crying or drunk ranting.
He’s the type to start talking about his ex again once drunk.
Had a very informative conversation with the wall.
Fell asleep for about five seconds only to be woken up by the sound of loud screaming into the microphone wonderful singing.
He likes suggesting songs for the group to sing but he's not even including himself in said singing. The least he does is clap his hands.
Remember when I said he’d either drunk cry or drunk rant? Guess what, he’s doing both now and either Halsin or you are trying their damn best to support him.
Try to ask him what he's crying about and he wouldn't even know what the fuck he’s crying about. Proceeds to give you a long instructive speech about the importance of how one pronounces certain spells. (He accidentally activated said spell too).
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: ̗̀➛ WYLL
He drank exactly one bottle of alcohol and called it quits. He’s practically as sober as you right now.
The most tame of the group by far but he hardly has any complaints about the chaos, he's having so much fun!
If Astarion isn't hoarding the microphone, he’s the one singing and he’s really good at it. This man can sing and he figured now would be the best time to finally show it.
He’s being as humble as he can but you can tell he’s putting in more effort than he should for a drunken karaoke party.
This man is literally singing each song as if he’s performing his own concert. Ten songs in and somehow his voice box still hasn't given out.
Started having a sing-off with Astarion and he could hardly take it seriously. He wasn’t even drunk but he kept laughing and when he laughs Astarion laughs and they both ended up becoming a mess.
He and Astarion were probably the ones bickering over who’d get to hold the microphone.
However, he always ends up giving the microphone to both because of his gentlemanly ways and this man can't say no to Astarion even if his life fucking depended on it.
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Don’t ever give her the damn microphone or pick any goddamn song less you want your ears to bleed.
She loves metal/rock songs way too much and she will death metal scream every single word as if she was being dragged back down to the pits of hell.
She’s drunk off her ass as well and it gets worse because she keeps finishing people’s left over drinks.
She’s so unbelievably hyper when she's drunk and in a festive mood that during the whole karaoke session, she broke the damn table.
She laughed so hard right after that for a moment she forgot to fucking breath.
She constantly has to stand up and move about or dance to the music because she just has so much energy in her right now. It's damn well impressive how she somehow never tires.
The thing is, her laugh is contagious so when she starts laughing someone else probably starts laughing as well and it all becomes an even bigger disaster.
Broke the doorknob on her way to head out and grab more drinks.
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: ̗̀➛ LAE’ZEL
Didn't want to be there.
Everyone was so loud and obnoxious that it was honestly a tad bit annoying for her. She could have been doing something far more productive and instead-
Never mind that, now she's having a drinking contest with Shadowheart in the midst of all the screaming and singing.
Where did the shot glasses go?! Oh, its with her.
Suddenly, taking multiple shots of alcohol will help improve her tolerance to an array of different substances that may pose a threat to her bodily autonomy. That’s an excuse, she just doesn't want to seem unproductive.
Not the one singing at all but she keeps finishing the bottles before anyone else can even get a taste of them.
Surprisingly, she has a really high alcohol tolerance. She’d probably be 10 shots in and still appear as sober as you.
Though, please take the liquor away from her as soon as possible. When she actually gets drunk two things happen. She either becomes more aggressive than she ever was before or even worse, she becomes nicer.
Amidst it all, you may see a snicker or two come out of her, one that she’d be trying so hard to hide. Truth be told, she would have grown to love her chaotic bunch of weirdo friends and she wouldn't have regretted a thing.
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Actually one of the people singing! When Astarion and Wyll aren't battling it out over the microphone of course.
Depending on her current mood, she's either going all out on Mitski songs or rocking it out with Karlach.
There is no damn way she went through the karaoke session without singing Washing Machine Heart.
Before she could sing another song, she was ever so quickly pulled into a drinking match with Lae’zel in which the winner was undetermined; because Karlach broke the damn table with the shot glasses on it.
There is no damn way she went through the karaoke session without singing Bring Me To Life, part 2.
When she gets really drunk she either becomes louder or eerily quiet.
She’ll just quietly sit in the corner and watch and sometimes it's just the creepiest thing ever.
But in the cases where she does get loud, she’s off laughing her ass off over the chaos unfolding right before her eyes. She would have been talking shit along with Astarion if it weren't for the fact that he was quite literally having a wrestling match with Wyll over the microphone.
Probably fell asleep after a while and somehow never woke up until the next day.
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: ̗̀➛ HALSIN
Very confused 2.0.
He tries to refrain from drinking as much as possible because he knows just how embarrassing he becomes so he kind of just smiles and sits there during the first half.
Besides he really doesn't want to burden you with having to be the only sober person in the party.
The least he’d be doing is very subtly dancing to the beat. Do you know how dads would do those little awkward dances during parties? Exactly that.
Either you, Shadowheart, or Astarion coaxed him into finally drinking and things began to go downhill from there.
The thing is, when he drinks, he can drink a lot, it's just that he prefers not to. However, the real reason he can drink a lot is that he forgets to set a limit for himself especially when his mind is so scattered.
Became oddly clingy towards you in ways that you’d never expect. Suddenly he’s blurting out random things he feels about you and the others in the most wholesome way imaginable.
If it isn't you, he’s confessing his “”undying love”” to the first person he sees.
Stared at a plant for five minutes.
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purelyfiction · 4 months
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is it too soon to do this yet? - jake 'hangman' seresin x f!reader
Word Count: 1,977 words
Summary: this aint for the best, my reputation's never been worse so, you must like me for me. we can't make any promises now can we babe? // is it cool that i said all that? is it chill that you're in my head? cause i know that it's delicate. is it cool that i said all that? is it too soon to do this yet? 'cause i know that it's delicate.
Content Warning: fluff!! possibly insta-love for those put off by that.
Author Note: first: i wrote something?? on time??? second: for @ohtobeleah 's galentines writings :))) unedited/unbetaed we die like idiots
you had been here for a good time. your friend was getting married and her bachelorette was taking place in this quiet coastal town near a naval base. had that been part of the appeal? absolutely. who didn't want to watch a bunch of walking red flags as they did their daily trainings on the beach?
a little dive bar friday night with a shoddy jukebox, cheap beer and countless sailors - it had been the most fortunate surprise when you'd walked in with no other plans but to show off your sashed friend.
luckily for your group, sailors were suckers for a good bride to be and her girl crew. even luckier for you since you'd been playing DD for the last three days of the five day trip and you were finally able to take a damned sip of alcohol, which you rightfully deserved. glass in hand, you approach the jukebox to survey the music choices as the other girls were served shots (you wanted a drink not a hangover). you're about to pick out a song when you realize the machine hadn't been modernized and it still took cash. sadly, you spin back to the bar but not before dousing the man behind you in the makings of your whiskey sour.
"fuck, i am so sorry-" a hand grips your arm and he shakes his head.
"no, no, don't worry, i'm just upset on your behalf. what a waste of good whiskey." you look up, green eyes charming their way into easing your guilt. "I was gonna offer you a song, but ugh- maybe i ought to offer you a drink instead?"
he ends up buying both.
and as your friends sing along to the ancient song on the jukebox, you sit with this lone aviator and get to know him. long after your friends have retreated to the airbnb.
it was funny to think that was almost a six weeks ago. you'd flown to california for one week of fun and never went back, thanks to a rouge cowboy with eyes that matched the jumpsuit he donned to work each day.
you'd been crashing at an short-term rental since your friend's bachelorette, save for the weekend of the actual wedding, when jake had been your plus-one. everyone had relished in how the string of fate had connected you like this.
they'd also spoken of how insane you were. to uproot your entire life for the sake of what was supposed to be a one night fling. but it didn't bother you. not when the expansive reach of his hand had guided you through crowds that night. had danced with you and made a part fool of you both. i am a fantastic dancer, i have no idea where these guys are getting the idea i'm a trainwreck. his voice so easy and content on the drive back to the hotel that night.
now here you were, cooking for the two of you in his apartment as you waited on your boyfriend to get back from work. the label was maybe a week old at this point, but it fit him like a damn glove. so much so you'd started reaching out to potential leasers to sublet your apartment back home. maybe you were rushing into this. your job had been fine with you staying out in california longer - you were remote anyways, that had been the main perk of the job. but moving? for a man you'd known maybe a month?
the door slams shut and the entire apartment shakes. jake's place was small, tiny even, so you're greeted with his tense expression the minute you look up from your spot at the kitchen counter. "hey baby, how was-"
"fine." he grits the word out, dropping his duffel to the floor and disappearing down the hall. the bedroom door shuts with a click instead of a bang this time.
this wasn't boding well for you. you had a grand plan to make dinner, watch movies and have a nice and easy night in together, maybe talk for a bit. you'd wanted to discuss going to see an apartment this weekend. you didn't want to move in together, but you needed to look for a place of your own instead of crashing here so much. if this was going down that road. yet, the pilot seems to be in the worst mood to have that kind of discussion.
when he finally comes back to the kitchen, he slinks in behind you and presses a quick kiss to your head. "how was that call you were dreading." he's changed out of his uniform, a pair of sweatshorts on his waist, a dark t-shirt on his shoulders as he glides to the fridge. the tension is still carried in his frame even if he isn't outwardly acting as if there is something bothering him.
"ugh, it was - it was fine." now you're shutting off just like he was. it might be just you mirroring his actions, or maybe it was more. uncertainty? uneasiness? doubt?
the crack of teeth on an apple pulls you from your mind. you look to the fruit in his hand as he steps out to the living room on the opposite side of the kitchen wall. "i- dinner is almost ready, you know."
the tv stirs to life, echoing off the walls of the bachelor pad. the lack of decorations or real furnishings had been one of your reasons for wanting to pull the trigger on the move. to have some of your belongings back in your life, some familiarity.
"yeah, i'll eat." finally you're over it. you're not taking this from him, not when you had shit on your own mind that needed to be addressed. turning the burner off you step out of the kitchen, coming to the coffee table and snagging the remote. with it switched off, he looks at you with offense. "i said i'd eat what is the big deal?"
"what is going on with you?" your hands come across your chest as hangman snags the apple with his teeth as he dives into his pocket for his phone.
"nut-ing" the word comes out odd since his jaw is unable to move. you raise your eyebrows at him, which earns a similar reaction from the blonde. groaning he pulls the apple from his mouth. "rough day at work. got my ass handed to me by my superior, everyone talking shit because i flew better than anyone else- just in a piss poor mood. i'm sorry." you stare at him with concern now. it was just a bad day? then why was he suddenly as secure as a vault? locked away with high tech security and an obnoxiously long passcode.
"that's not all of it." you pry, slowly coming to sit down next to him. but when you do, he immediately stands up.
"yeah it is." he moves over to the kitchen again, tossing the apple core away. frustration eats at you again, tilting your head as your tone sharpens as he starts to step down the hallway.
"are you going to talk to me like your girlfriend or just like some bitch you're keeping around? cause right now it feels more like the second one." he freezes and his head drops back.
"look, i don't do the talking about emotions thing, i don't do the-"
"oh bullshit." you stand and march down the hallway, coming to stand behind him as his head sinks. "you put your heart on your sleeve when i saw you cry at dane and avery's wedding. and when you laughed to me about your childhood dog when you were drunk the night before at the rehearsal. or how you just seemed to stare at me with no concern in the world when we went out for ice cream last week - you do emotions. you do them and you feel them more heavily than most people i know." he slowly spins to look at you. "so start talking." the command is softer than the rest of your words.
finally, he relents. you sit on the couch with bated breath as he explained that he doesn't have the social life he had presented to you that first night. that his coworkers all think he's an asshole, that he's a dick and he isn't the kind of person to be friends with. "up until now, i didn't think i was the kind of person to be a boyfriend, let alone a friend."
it stung a little. jake as little as you had known him, had been one thing - confident. reassured in his personality and his work. he had this charisma around him that lured you in without him needing to really try. "i don't know how you believe that." you speak softly, pushing hair out of his face as it falls, gel from this morning weak from the impact of G-force pressures and california humidity. "you're a fun guy. you always make me laugh. i feel so.. safe around you. it's hard to imagine anyone else not appreciating that like i do."
jake's laid back on the couch now, looking up at you before looking at the ceiling. "yeah, well i guess the reality is that i'm easy to hate, hard to love. an acquired taste."
"that couldn't be further from the truth." it slips out so easily. green eyes perk up in curiosity.
"angel, i'm- to make it quick, i'm a menace. people know my callsign and they know my reputation. a selfish dick looking to get to the top and on top of women. hell, i don't know why you've stuck around as long as you have, so clearly somehow i've rubbed off on you."
your legs shift as you try to adjust on the couch to look at him better. "jake, i'm not going to be that girl. it would be a little weird if i was that girl, i mean, it's been what, a month?" he's slowly raising onto his elbows when you start in your ramblings, "but, you just- you take me by surprise in the best way, at every turn. yeah, sure they have some idea of you but it's not jake. it's not the guy who's impulsively buying karaoke machines to have idiotic nights in, or the guy who's sneaking pictures before anyone can notice because you're sentimental. or even the guy who hides the tears in his eyes at the end of how to train your dragon-"
he points at you with an amused expression, "you saw the way that dragon curls around him, he saved him." you can't hold back the laugh.
"my point is: hangman is so, so far from jake. cause i mean, i love jake, he's... he's my guy. and i don't get what's so hard to love about that." you give a small smile until it computes in your head what you've said. "i ugh..." jake keeps a coy grin on his features, leaning into his chin now that he's rolled onto his stomach, knowingly catching onto what you've said. "is it cool that i said that? i mean i- we can pretend that i didn't and forget this ever happened-"
he cuts you off with a soft press of lips to your own. the taste of apple juice still lingers on his chapped skin, before he pulls away. "it's cool." he offers, a hand coming to take your own.
"i promise i won't say it again." there's a mad blush on your face and jake just laughs.
"ah, don't you go promising nothing. let's just go finish dinner, yeah?"
and jake takes his rightful place next to you at the stove, towering over you as his head bounces along to the music you've put on, glancing at apartment listings that you pull up.
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blouisparadise · 3 months
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Upon request, here is another part of our possessive Harry rec list. If you missed them, you can find part one here and part two here. There are a ton of amazing fics on this list that we hope you'll check out. If you enjoy our rec lists, please be sure to like and reblog this post to help spread the word. Happy reading!
1) Back Where I Belong | Explicit | 7,217 words
Harry’s trying to have a conversation with Nick, who he hasn’t seen in nearly three months, but the way Nick’s eyes keep darting over his shoulder every few seconds is quite distracting. It’s ironic, because at least a quarter of the reason that he’s even talking to Nick in the first place is because he needs a distraction. He’s all too aware of exactly what’s going on behind his back. Nick is the one who finally brings it up. “Do you think he’s doing it to spite you?” “He’s definitely doing it to spite me,” Harry answers tightly, resisting the urge to crane his neck around so he can see. He clutches his drink a little tighter, trying to keep his tenuous control over his own movements.
2) Come A Little Closer | Explicit | 9,867 words
Louis puts on lingerie. It's not, like, a thing.
3) Fuck U Betta | Explicit | 11,438 words
There’s something about having Louis like this, exposed and desperate, that makes a primal urge bubble up from deep inside Harry’s chest. Desire mixed with something else, something unquantifiable. It’s the thing that makes them want this, need this. Nothing else will satisfy them or quench their thirst.
4) Please, I'm Begging | Explicit | 13,746 words
Louis is an omega who just wants to be with Harry
5) Rendezvous | Explicit | 15,357 words
"Harry's got a date tonight." Zayn greets him. Louis misses the good old times, when people used to say hello. "Why's he got a date, Louis?" Louis has no time for Zayn's nonsense, he's late to crash Harry's date. He only came here for one thing. "I need the fur coat." he announces. "No questions asked."
6) I’m Kind Of Into It | Explicit | 19,483 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
A pair of eyes follow him, narrowed and if Louis has judged right; assessing. Trying to see if Louis has a favourite. Waiting to see if he gives it up to one of the baying crowd. He doesn't. He straightens up and moves smoothly back towards the intriguing man in the front-row seat. He hasn't moved, bar to clutch his fingers slightly around the edges of the circle-shaped seat; his thighs pushing open a little further as he tucks his ass in; showcasing his dick somewhat. The dress pants do barely anything to cover the jut of that length and Louis makes it his personal mission to make him hard. It's insulting really that he's not already there. He's been dancing for three minutes and if that isn't long enough to incite some interest then what is?
7) Play By The Rules | Explicit | 21,835 words
Fed up with the excess energy that’s wreaking havoc on his personal and professional life, Louis asks his boyfriend to dom him in the hopes that it’ll help him relax. Unfortunately, Harry is a bit of a disaster when it comes to being a dom. So, Louis decides to get creative to try and encourage the dominant side out of him.
8) Worth The Wait | Explicit | 29,262 words
In all the words Louis would use to describe a baby shower, the last one he’d ever thought to use was depressing.
9) Can’t Fool Me | Explicit | 30,162 words
AU where Louis hates fraternities and would never be into a frat boy. And one of these things is definitely not a lie.
10) Blue Songs Are Like Tattoos | Explicit | 30,739 words
“Good morning, University of California, you’re listening to KALX 90.7 FM Berkeley, this is DJ Harry Styles. If the owner of the tapes I’ve been finding around the studio doesn’t come forward and introduce himself, I’m going to continue tossing them straight in the trash!”
11) Like It’s A Game | Explicit | 32,223 words
There is little harry hates more than truth or dare.
12) All This Devotion | Explicit | 38,047 words
Louis is Harry’s work wife. The already blurry lines of their friendship are smudged further when they get caught up in a web of lies.
13) Kiss Me On The Mouth And Set Me Free (But Please Don’t Bite) | Mature | 42,036 words
Harry is the CEO of Flora Corp, Louis is his new secretary.
14) Strangers In Love | Explicit | 42,207 words
Louis wakes up to find himself in a marriage with the last man he thought he'd ever end up with.
15) Let Your Damage, Damage Me | Explicit | 57,077 words
A low and dangerous growl was ripped from the future King’s chest. “Who the fuck do you think you are?” the alpha snarled, eyes dark and nostrils flared. Even as anger rushed through him at the alpha’s brutish display, Louis felt breathless at the intense gaze of the man that was going to be his future mate. ‘Tomorrow I’m going to be under all that. He will be inside me, all muscles and rage.’ Louis felt his cheeks heat again, but refused to be cowed. So he put his best smirk on display, the one alphas despised to see, the one that assured them all he had the upper hand. “Thought you were expecting me, dear husband. I’m your future mate.”
16) Not Afraid Of Living On A Fault Line | Explicit | 55,218 words
His eyes widened when he realized he had just somehow managed to ask Harry to hang out. Judging by Harry’s own expression, he wasn't the only one who was shocked. Louis expected him to laugh off the ridiculous request but the beta looked up at him, almost hopefully. “Are you being serious?” “Um,” was all Louis could say, feeling every bit as speechless as Harry had been earlier. “Are you?” Harry shrugged. “I’ve been told I need to get out more.”
17) These Still Waters Run Deep | Explicit | 64,602 words
Having accepted his engagement to Viscount Andrew, Louis is aware that it isn’t a love match and has no wish to be swept off his feet… until he meets the viscount’s brother, Harry, who makes him second-guess everything.
18) King Of My Heart | Explicit | 83,712 words
Harry shrugged, his shoulders brushing against Louis’. “I think since I was young, I craved that feeling, though. I didn’t always hate being a prince, but over time, certain aspects of it just bothered me so much. I remember being four years old and realizing that every person in the world knew my name, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted that. I told my mum as much and she tried telling me that being a prince is not a punishment. That it was a privilege that I should be happy about it, but no one asked me if I was. But looking up at the sky, I remember that all of this will one day mean nothing, and neither will I. All the pressure will then disappear and I could just be.” Louis stayed quiet, allowing Harry the space to open up because he knew Harry wasn’t looking for advice, but just someone to confide in. What he wished he could tell him was that in the short amount of time that he’d known the prince, in Louis’ eyes, he couldn’t be insignificant if he tried. He was brighter than every star up there in the sky. He was all Louis could look at and think about.
19) Echoes & Omens | Mature | 100,707 words
Echoes of the dead come in many forms. Their imprints forever tied to the ones who'd killed them. Louis Tomlinson is able to track the dead using their echoes, they call to him. He's used that gift to aid Scotland Yard in their investigations, with the hopes of studying Criminology at Cambridge University. He's lived a life of privilege and good fortune as a Marquess, son of the late Duke Tomlinson, with his life mapped out since day one. Until two terrible truths are revealed. One, he's adopted. Two, his biological parents are London's most notorious serial killers. Against his family's wishes, Louis travels to Chicago to uncover the truth of their incarceration. Much to his dismay, his biological mother's Lawyer, Harry Styles, wants to take his case. Together, they work to uncover what really happened all those years ago, but perhaps more is revealed than they could've ever anticipated. Trapped in a whirlwind of portents and omens, Louis and Harry find themselves pitted against an enemy they'd not foreseen.
20) You’ve Got A Higher Power, You’re Once In Any Lifetime | Explicit | 113,444 words
Giving up and letting them think they're right were never valid options in Louis Tomlinson's mind. In a society full of prejudices, finding a family and being accepted, also seemed like an unrealistic utopia. Louis sets out to do what no other of his kind ever has before and in doing so, he finds love, friendship and more about himself than he thought he would.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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dovithedarklord · 5 months
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You're trapped in a game and a new threat is lurking.
Pairing: John "Soap" MacTavish x reader
Tags: Mentions of death, Mentions of blood and gore, Blood and Violence, Sexual Scenes, Alternate Universe, No use of Y/N, Not Beta Read, AFAB Reader
Trigger Warning: Contains violence, blood and smut in detail. Please, keep that in mind!
Author's Note
This idea came to me while I was running and I had to write it down.
Just a short story that will have a sequel, I guess.
The story is inspired by this manhwa: https://cloudrecess.io/manga/dreadful-night
If you can, read it, it's great!
You stare out of the car window with glassy eyes, and although it's not the first time that the lush green of the forest bathed in the light of the setting sun slips by on the horizon, it still manages to put the tension back into your stomach every single time. The peace out there could lull anyone into a false sense of security. But not you. It can't fool you anymore.
The same female voice comes from the radio, and you already know every single word of that damned song by heart. But even if you would show your displeasure, even if your companion sitting in the passenger seat would look for another radio station, the next time still the same godforsaken music would be playing. This is the background noise every time you return to the starting point, and it has almost become a habit that this melodic introduction starts your suffering all over again.
At first, as you woke up from your slumber in the back seat, the unfamiliar surroundings made you feel as though the vague world of your dreams had bled into reality, and now you found yourself in some bizarre fairy tale. But this is the twenty-second time that you come to your senses in the vehicle moving down the bumpy forest road, and you slowly start to get used to the stomach-turning cheerfulness repeated in a loop, which welcomes you every single time. And it was enough for you to feel the metallic taste of the blood filling your mouth once, and find yourself here again after feeling the icy pain of the knife slitting your throat, to understand that you are not in reality. Although the rough material for your jeans under your fingers, the floral scent of the perfume in the car, and the bitter taste of stomach acid creeping into your mouth seem perfectly real, just like the agony of your latest death, but you've learned that it's all just an appearance. An illusion. In which you have been imprisoned for weeks, and for exactly that long you are forced to die again and again, because you won't escape until you finally find the way out at the end of the mysteries that keep multiplying.
You don't know how you got here, but that doesn't matter anymore. The important thing is that you’re stuck in a game, and you have to find out how to get out of it before this madness consumes the last shred of your sanity.
A loud laughter comes from the front, the blonde girl sitting behind the wheel recounts with a grin, how her ex-boyfriend tried to perform an erotic dance to this song, and how it ended in a late-night visit to the ER. Pam is that typical obligatory extroverted character, whose only role in such games is to be brutally murdered when she's about to get naughty with someone. She's a nice but stupid girl, and it's not her fault that whoever created her intended her to have this tragic end.
Rebecca, your other companion, who only laughs at Pam's story while sitting in the passenger seat, shily hides the blush rising on her face with her hand. And although she's a charming girl, you've seen her bloody corpse too many times for you to remember her blank, worldless eyes and her pale mouth frozen in an eternal scream instead of her radiant smile. She is the first to die. Always. And you might have felt sorry for her in the beginning, but you no longer have the strength to have compassion for someone who only exists in this nightmarish world.
As soon as the outline of the homey cabin appears at the end of the road, the foreboding appears in you like a familiar friend, which slowly closes your insides in an iron grip, as if the pull of the stress that awakens in your veins would help anything. After all, it always ends the same. You search for a clue, you die and you end up here. And the only thing that keeps you from going crazy is the faint hope that the more secrets you uncover in this goddamn purgatory, the closer you get to the exit. Maybe.
The car slows to a stop in front of the location of your late autumn vacation, and the two girls jump out of the car with excited laughter, arguing over who will occupy which guest room in the huge house. The same dialogue, the same room layout, the same ear-splitting giggles from Pam's mouth that remind you of her screams cutting through the silence of the night, as she gets gutted like a trapped deer. You've seen her mangled body too many times for her laughter to revive the images of the delicate, wet glistening of her intestines, as the pale light of the moon surrounds her lifeless form on the cold wooden floor.
With a weary sigh, you grab your backpack resting next to you, mentally preparing in advance to once again suffer through the excruciating play that, like a prologue, leads up to the horrors that await you in the night. You list the thousand steps you have to take to find out where you are in the game, to discover if your previous death was in vain. Did you get a new puzzle that brings you closer to the finish line? Has another path been revealed for you to continue on, one that might finally take you back to the real world? Your chest hurts when you realize that you don't even remember what it was like to not live in this hell. With each passing night, the memory of reality floats further away, and the ghost of tears burns your eyes when you realize that even your real name sounds like a false fabrication in your brain. As if you never existed outside the confines of this dreadful place.
The door of the cabin opens with a loud creak, and this disturbs you from your thoughts that are spiraling into ever darker depths. And as a man appears on the doorstep, you almost taste the bitterness of anger on your tongue, because although anyone would be fooled by the wide grin on his face, anyone would be enchanted by those vivid blue eyes, and anyone would be swept off their feet by the playful friendliness he embraces your two traveling companions in his strong arms with as a greeting, but you already know him all too well. After all, Johnny has killed you at least eleven times, with the same sickly sweet smile on his curved lips, with which he now turns to you again.
"Bunny!" He beams, and you have to use all your strength to suppress the stomach acid rising in your throat from the nausea that fills you from the fake kindness emanating from him. "It's good to see ye again!" He pulls you into a tight hug, as you shamble to the small terrace, and as he presses you to his broad chest, his scent, which you would recognize from everywhere, creeps into your nose. The aroma of his cologne, the saltiness of his skin, and that smell that you couldn't quite place before. The smell of blood clings to him like a faint, barely perceptible phantom that only you can sense. You've witnessed it too many times.
"You too, Johnny."  You reply, each word burning your tongue like poison, but that's the script. You have to get into this act because there's no point in resisting. The story progresses the same whether you oppose it or not. The weirder you act in their eyes, the more the game will punish you later. And so you lose the chance of finding that tiny crumb that might help you get closer to your escape.
And from this point on, time crawls on leaden legs, and you sit through the impromptu dinner with gritted teeth, which was made by the man for you, while he was waiting for you to arrive at his modest little shack. He invited you here to celebrate your birthday. Your birthday according to the game, that is. You remember your own more and more faintly, and this makes you fall into despair enough to drag yourself through the events with a forced smile, like a puppet being pulled on a string by an unknown hand.
Sometimes you have the stray thought that you might be stuck here forever, and that you are forced to fight again and again in an endless circle, without end, without hope. And this suddenly makes the food taste like ash, which you force into your mouth with automatic movements.
"Is somethin' wrong, hen?" Comes the worried question, and blinking in confusion, you look up from your plate to Johnny, who is eyeing you with his dark brows furrowed in worry, as if your behavior would really disturb him. And you just shake your head with practiced happiness, putting a faint smile on your lips that doesn't reach your eyes.
"No. Not at all. My stomach is just a little upset. But it'll pass." You explain, quickly gathering your faux, artificial cheerfulness, because you can't deviate from the story now. Tonight you might have a chance to discover where the last clue leads to, and you shouldn't attract any unnecessary attention if you want to continue your search later. Let everything go in its own way until the shit inevitably hits the fan. But you still have work to do before that. It's only a few hours. You just have to bear it for that long.
This seems to calm him, for in an instant the lines of doubt disappear from his features, to be replaced by that disgusting kindness. And you are already familiar with the barely visible glimmer in those beautiful eyes, which makes you feel like a startled little rabbit being cornered by a fox. Johnny is a threat wrapped in honeyed words and friendly smiles, which was able to lower your guard one too many times. And you paid the price of your carelessness every single time.
And when the whiskey bottle, which was brought out in your honor halfway through the dinner, is finally empty, and the cake, which the man so generously bought for you before he came here, has been eaten, then the essential part of the evening arrives. Rebecca's phone rings, and she hastily apologizes so that she can go out into the cool night and immerse herself in the argumentative conversation she is having with her boyfriend. And you almost start to feel sorry for her, that death finds while she tries to get her love life straight. She doesn't even notice how deep the forest swallows her in the middle of the fight, and she is easy prey in the desolate wildness of trees and bushes. After the first three times, you no longer go after her or try to save her. You can't protect either of them. They are all animals for slaughter in the eyes of the game.
Johnny also retires for the night, claiming that the alcohol has gone to his head, and wishing you a "good night" he goes upstairs to sleep. For a while, you believed that he was indeed sleeping every time, and you honestly fell for the innocent performance he gave you, when the corpse of one of your friends was found. You seriously wanted to believe that he wasn't a threat to you. But then he broke your neck as easily as a twig. You will never be naive enough to trust him again.
"What a pity that you can't fuck your friends." Pam sighs longingly, and she almost undresses the man walking up the stairs with her eyes, biting her lip as her gaze glides over his broad back hidden trapped in the tight shirt. There is no denying that Johnny is an attractive man. It's a shame he's so handsome and even knows it. But the most evil creatures tend to be the most beautiful. You have learned this well.
Finally, you are alone after Pam has also left to take a shower, and you can begin what every nerve fiber of yours has been screaming for for hours. You jump up with nimble movements and hurriedly head in the direction of the kitchen, dropping the feigned serenity from your face. Last time, you found a dirty, yellowed picture in the woodshed, which took a while to decipher, but then you realized where to look.  As you enter the small room, you pull out the photo to hold it up in front of you, comparing it to the room bathed in the warm light coming from the living room. Although Johnny renovated this house, you can still easily find the wall where a refrigerator now rests, but based on the bright red circle in the photo, you have to look for the next clue somewhere there. You slip the picture back into your pocket and try to search for something suspicious with the flashlight of your phone, so you can better see what you're dealing with, there's no other use for this damn device anyway. You can't turn on the lights because that would immediately alert the other killer lurking outside. You learn a new lesson every time you fuck up, but you get smarter with each attempt. You'll be out of here soon. You have to get out of here.
As you peer under the fridge on all fours, squinting, a board creaks under your palm, pressing down a bit under your weight as you lean on your hands. You know that this is a sign, and as you kneel up to look for something to pry open the wood with, your eyes settle on a knife left on the kitchen counter. The whipped cream is still smudged against the cool metal, and suddenly the unwanted image enters your mind as the same blade slowly sinks into your chest, breaking through the protection of your ribs to then penetrate your lungs, pouring warm blood into your throat. You swallow hard, forcing the memory of the metallic taste out of your mouth, and steeling yourself, you wrap your fingers around the knife so you can get back to work, because you can't dwell on this right now. There's no point.
You stick the knife under the board and carefully pry it open, making sure to stay as quiet as possible because you don't know what will trigger the next death flag. Even though you are now aware of the signs and actions that lead the attacker to find you, this miserable game still has many surprises in store. With a soft squeak, the wood pops open, and as a small dark hole is revealed underneath, you take your phone in your hand and cast light on it, and like a wild animal pouncing on its prey, you reach for the small object shining in a golden light. Your fingers find the relic resting there, and you examine the key in puzzlement, as you pull it out of its hiding place. What does this open? Too small to be for a door. Maybe a lock?
The realization hits your brain like a bolt of lightning, and you spring up and turn back towards the living room. The hope that you might find something valuable rises in you, so you hurry through the room still shrouded in intimate silence, to sneak upstairs with silent steps when you reach the stairs. You know, if Pam shows up to the noise, she'll be on your trail the whole time, and that way you'll only attract trouble sooner. It might be selfish, but it's easier to let her die alone than to be hunted down together. You need time, and the more you waste on supporting characters, the less you have left to progress. But even because of this, your sense of guilt is starting to fade.
As soon as you reach the upper floor, you see the door at the end of the long corridor, on which even at such a distance you can faintly see the padlock that keeps it closed. Until now, this fact wasn't important to you, because it immediately became clear that you can only get in if you have the key. You can't hack it with anything else, you can't tear it down, this damn diabolical place will only let you in if you find the right clue to it.
You stalk like a cat in the darkness of the corridor, and the sound of your footsteps is absorbed by the soft carpet running along the floor. You consider your every move, because a new way out is possibly within your reach, and you fear that the chance to find the next important hint may disappear at any moment. Your own soft breathing sounds deafening to your ears, and each heartbeat feels as if your heart would want to burst out of your chest. Every inch of your body fills with anticipatory tension as you creep closer and closer…
And then you hear the voices.
At first, the muffled sighs seem like nothing more than the soft snores of one of your sleeping companions, but then you hear a moan, and you are overcome with confusion. The closer you get to the door opening from the middle of the corridor, the louder the panting and the gentle rustling of the bedsheets become, and you try to recall who could be hiding there according to the script. But nothing comes into your mind, because that room has been empty until now, without role or importance.
And as soon as you get close enough, you understand what is going on behind the door left ajar. The only source of light in the darkness of the room is the moon peeking through the window, but you can perfectly make out the movements of the tightly entangled figures. Johnny looks almost otherworldly as the pale light paints the dance of the corded muscles on his back as his mouth smooths over Pam's throat, eliciting a lustful moan from her. One of his strong hands slides along her breasts, and soon after his lips stray there, he almost viciously bites her nipple, to receive a pained gasp in response. His palm rests on her hips, and as he digs his fingers into the soft flesh, his hips only meet hers with vigorous movements, filling the heavy air with almost obscene, wet sounds. And as he kneels up, his fingers glide along her thigh almost teasingly, so that, hooking his hand in the bend of her knee, he directs her leg to his shoulder, locking it in a vise-like embrace that makes his biceps bulge. He brushes his lips against her calf, and you see his teeth flash for just a moment before he sinks them into the delicate skin, drawing a lewd whimper from her mouth opening in surprise. His movements are restless, each thrust seems violent and desperate, and she just grabs at the sheet and starts pleading, encouraging him in tears to sink his cock into her pussy just a little bit harder. And with each passing moment, Johnny looks more like a beast lost in his pleasure, as low grunts and moans erupt from his throat as he pushes himself closer and closer to the edge. And your feet are almost rooted to the ground, and you're unable to tear your eyes away from them, as you lose control over your body from shock and disbelief. Even though you know you shouldn't be here, you shouldn't be watching them, suddenly too much information rushes through your senses into your brain to process what is happening.
But as Pam's back arches with a loud cry, and Johnny's hips stutter with a growl-like sound, the surreal image ends, because the man turns his head towards you as if he knew you were standing in front of the door, frozen in astonishment. Your stunned gaze meets his eyes, dilated pupils swimming in lust, and you feel like a deer stuck in the headlights, waiting to be hit by a car speeding towards it. His mouth stretches into a lazy, satisfied grin as he slides out of the panting girl and slowly begins to rub his cock, as if to tell you that it could be you if you would just give in to the temptation.
And that clears your mind in the blink of an eye, and you back away hastily, almost running to the door resting at the end of the corridor, before you would have time to further analyze the features of the man's face filled with post-orgasm bliss. What the hell is this new scene? This has never happened before…
You reach for the lock hanging on the door with trembling hands, but your fingers are still clumsy from the adrenaline pumping through your veins, and they only find the keyhole after many tries. And in the middle of your fumbling, you don't even notice how a dark shadow appears behind you, and you only realize that you're late and have failed, when a gloved hand grips the back of your neck and smashes your head into the hard wood of the door with an almost painful strength. The force of the impact resonates through your skull, and you clench your teeth with a yelp as the sharp pain rips through your head.
Black spots swim into your field of vision, and you have trouble when you try to focus your eyes to decipher who attacked you this time. And as soon as you catch a glimpse of the skull-like mask out of the corner of your eye, you realize that this time you only managed to get this far. When the knife glints in the killer's hand as he strikes you, you only bitterly realize through the blood filling in your mouth that the game is trying to divert you from the escape with more and more vile methods. Because you're convinced that Johnny's action was just another death flag that ended your search prematurely. And you surrender yourself to the darkness with the knowledge that you cannot let this happen again...
When you come to, you're sitting in the back seat again, and the melody of familiar music reaches your ears only as a low hum, because you know you're back at the beginning of the game. But what worries you much more is that you walked into a scene the previous night, which not only completely deviates from the usual pattern of all the events until now, but also represents a downright disturbing new development. So far, the script hasn't gotten sidetracked from the main story in the case of the supporting characters, and Pam should have been waiting in the shower for the killer to appear when you sneaked up to find the door with the lock. The fact that this story has changed so drastically helps the icy fingers of dread wrap around your stomach. Because you have no idea what kind of difficulties this will cause you.
The usual conversation takes place between the two girls, and when you arrive at the wretched cabin, they leap out of the car with the same enthusiasm, as if they weren't heading towards another painful death. But it doesn't matter to them anyway, because surrounded by carefree ignorance, they don't even know what awaits them.
When the door opens and Johnny's well-known figure appears, his face filled with desire flashes before your eyes almost on a cue, and you forcefully push the memory out of your head. This little interlude distracted you just enough to know you shouldn't fall for the game's nasty tricks again. Because you are more and more certain that it actively wants to hold you back and trap you here forever. The heated spectacle of the previous evening can only be due to this…
"Bunny!" The man greets you with the same bursting, false joy that he always shows you, but now you have to forcefully drive away the moans echoing in your ears, which surface in your head when you hear his deep voice. "It's good to see ye again!"  He says enthusiastically, and as his strong arms wrap around you, every single muscle of yours tenses, as the stress wakes up in you as a result of the fear that grips your insides. But it's even more worrying, as new fragments of memories flood the canvas of your mind, because the experience of seeing those hands glide over the body of your companion is too fresh to quickly overcome your embarrassment.
But you don't have time to think about how to get over these tangled emotions and continue the play, because suddenly you feel the man's hot breath on your ear, and in an instant, every part of you freezes like a frightened animal when the predator digs its claws into it.
"I hope ye liked what you saw, bonnie." The man grunts softly, and for a moment you think you misheard it. But as one of his hands creeps down to rest on your waist, and he presses you closer to him, the air gets trapped in your lungs with an almost painful force. "Because ye'll be next..." He whispers, and in his voice lies such a dark promise that it makes your blood run cold.
And as if nothing had happened, the moment ends suddenly, and as he steps away from you, he only looks down at you with his usual nauseating smile. But you see the dangerous predatory sparks in his eyes, and his gaze makes the little hairs rise up on your neck. And you soon realize that something is very wrong with the game. Fuck.
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manjiroscum · 1 year
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Character/s: snow leopard hybrid!Rindou Haitani
Warnings: f!reader, mature language, explicit sexual themes, dark content, canon typical violence, blood, murder, dub-con, marking, mentions of mating, hybrid au, kidnapping, yandere!rindou, dom!rindou, sub!reader, cockdrunk reader, implied multiple rounds, dacryphilia, unprotected sex, breeding, blackmailing/threats, pet play, and use of pet names. Minors do not interact.
Note: commissioned by @httn 💜 thank you love for trusting me with this! i hope you like it 🫶
Synopsis: Only fools come out to play with a feral cat.
WC: 6.1k
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Crimson specks marred the freshly fallen snow akin to wine spilled all over a white linen cloth. The bullet wound on his thigh was slowing him down. Nevertheless, Rindou trudged up the small hill to reach the other side of the forest hoping he would escape his pursuers that were looking through his busted car for any signs of life. With his teeth gritted, the lost man was sure he might die today. After getting separated from Ran and the others, a car chase occurred as he fled from the warehouse when a bomb about to blow up the building was shouted out. In all his years of doing the same song and dance, one could say Rindou got used to the chaos that has intertwined into his life since the day he was born with the need to experience thrills.
But, fuck, he could never get used to getting shot or bleeding out. The first time hurt like a bitch and the second time it happened made him want to pass out. It was more irritating to face than shoot those who dare touch his tail. Now, Haitani Rindou was sure he will die. Whatever plan those bastards cooked up that would confirm his demise, he had to give them props because they might succeed. Car dead, his phone without any signal, the temperature dropping fast, and a forest that may span a thousand hectares was just the starter pack he needed to die in these woods.
Rindou can’t die here. It would just be pathetic. So pathetic that they might make jokes out of it. His death would only make people say he deserved it or it is the consequence of having an unpleasant lifestyle. And honestly, fuck them. He has to live. He has to get out of here and seek shelter before the frost bites his fingers, ears, and toes off. What would his enemies think? What would Bonten do? What would Ran do?
What should he do?
A million thoughts raced through his mind as his knees finally gave away. His eyes fluttered close for a moment, inhaling the cold air sharply that he was quite sure it could cut his nostrils like blades made out of ice. A trail of blood followed him from where he started all the way to the top of the hill. In contrast to the icy atmosphere around him, his lungs burned. During these times, delusions would enter his mind to distract him from the impending doom that was looming above his head. Death was now breathing down his neck as if they were old friends. Its voice called out to him through the chilly breeze that brushed past him and the strong trees that appeared like shadows of those whom he wronged and killed to survive. If he had to guess what hell looked like, this was possibly the closest description minus the flames. Why would such a cold environment bother him in such a way? This has never happened before. He could think of countless reasons why a hybrid such as he who was meant to thrive in such an environment was slowing down.
Ah, that’s right… He never had to be out much to do his dirty deeds. It was always his underlings. Pawns who would readily obey him for various goals. He and Ran, without fail, get away from taxing jobs. After all, meaningless fights never appeased their appetite for violence. Something always had to interest the brothers for them to act. Looking back on those memories of merely partying and finding someone to toy with, Rindou couldn’t help but exhale deeply. His lips were chapped due to the lack of moisture in the air.
If my life is flashing before my eyes, perhaps I am indeed dying…
And yet, amidst the snow and harsh winds, a merciful angel came into view. Rindou thought he was already a goner for his eyes to conjure such a beautiful sight. Vivid colors murked into a blur as his vision steadily failed him due to exhaustion finally catching up to him. However, the second that angel spoke, voice soothing despite the panicked tone evident in it, he realized this was reality.
“Sir? Oh my god, w-wait. I need to call an ambulance—”
“N…o.” It took all of his strength to move his lips and tongue. The woman before him met his dazed stare, shifting her attention between Rindou and something behind her. “No am…bulance…”
“W-what? Why? No, you need immediate attention…”
Haitani Rindou, one of the infamous criminals Bonten has in their arsenal and the fearsome younger brother of Ran was still vulnerable to things that exude innocence. Perhaps it was just in his nature to be drawn toward something he can never be and so he tried to push away the person who came out on a snowy night to help him. This earned him a surprised expression and more questions he couldn't answer. Rindou’s efforts were in vain as his eyelids finally shut, and the last of his energy left him unconscious in the hands of a stranger.
I’m sorry, Ran…
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There was a sea of trees you had to drive by to reach your parents’ house. The road was slippery due to the snow but you had to go after promising to drive carefully. After a hearty dinner and entertaining their inquiries about whether you will get married or not, you were set on heading back to your apartment. Tomorrow is Monday and you had to wake up early for your nine-to-five job at the cafe your cousin owned. Normally, your schedule ranged from mundane to the occasional unexpected events that usually revolved around your job or your parents. Yet they were never anything spontaneous or something that will make the hairs on the back of your hair stand until you had to rescue this man now sleeping on a makeshift bed in a veterinarian’s clinic.
Ignorance could sometimes save a person’s life. The second you saw the hanafuda tattoo on his neck, you knew the shit you were about to get into could get messy. Never had you ever thought of bringing an infamous person, let alone one of Bonten’s henchmen, into your home. The veterinarian you called for help swore his secrecy after he commended you for doing first aid, but commented that men like him shouldn’t be saved. Yet, your conscience wouldn’t let you sleep soundly at night if you left him there on a cold winter’s night to bleed to death or get feasted on by bears.
“Are you… his girlfriend or somethin’?”
“No, I’m not,” you responded while cleaning up the bloody clothing and gauze after Rindou’s wound was stitched up. “However, as a human being, I couldn’t just leave him there. I’m… not capable of such cruelty.” The man shifted his attention back to the dangerous person fast asleep and then squinted hard as if his patient was just pretending. Grunting, the veterinarian gathered the last of his tools into his bag and made his way to the door, but not before leaving you some sound advice.
“Be careful because this choice you made might just bite you back. I’ll be back as soon as possible when I find a doctor in the area. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure this secret doesn’t reach the authorities.”
Thinking back to what happened earlier, you were sure your blood ran cold at the sight of a broken car by the road. Initially, you thought the vehicle broke down and that the owner must be somewhere nearby since it would take around twenty minutes to get to the nearest town. Unless they had to hitch a ride because it was freezing and decided to leave the car. But the second you saw what seemed to be bullet holes in its body, uneasiness coated your nerves like thick molasses. The dread of finding a dead body doubled upon seeing blood on the snow, leading up to where you found the dying unknown man.
Damn it all. He wouldn’t harm someone who rescued him, right?
No, scratch that, this man wasn’t a stranger to you. You were the stranger—not him. Everybody who worked in Tokyo and heard the news was all aware of Bonten, the most dangerous gang in the country to date, enough to rival the yakuza. Those hanafuda tattoos they branded on their flesh bear the symbol of their loyalty to the man who founded the group, Sano Manjiro. The Haitani brothers were as famous all by themselves. It didn’t have to take you long to know everything they committed under the sun or the veil of night. Rumors of the brothers and Bonten always circulate on the internet. In short, they were individuals you had to avoid to live long.
Eyes glancing at your phone sitting by the couch, you debated whether to call the cops and turn him in. Maybe getting Rindou off your hands will be the first step to having your normal life back… Or will just cement the death sentence he shall bestow upon your unfortunate soul once he recovers.
“What the fuck am I supposed to do now?” you groaned into your hands. Sleep was out of the question. You had to monitor Haitani Rindou for two obvious reasons—one because he might wake up and two because he might silence you the second he does. Gruesome pictures of your death flashed on the television screen ran across your imaginative mind and honestly, you were scaring yourself. Clearly, you didn’t think this through. But, what’s done is done. There was no way you could throw him out now. “Let’s… just make sure he’s fine enough to walk out of here on his own. Y-yeah…”
Exhaling a defeated sigh, you sat down on the floor and stared at Rindou’s unconscious form. For a man as big and bad as him, you bet he would snore loudly. Yet, he looked almost like a corpse—unmoving and quite fragile. The biggest shirt you had at your disposal appeared tiny in his huge frame. The veterinarian even gave up on giving him something to wear on the lower part, muttering how he shouldn’t even be bothered to clothe the criminal. The thought of Rindou being naked down there was slightly distracting, making your eyes wander down from the hanafuda tattoo on his neck to the intricate design on his torso until you slapped your cheeks to make you stop eyeing the muscular hybrid.
What the—don’t do this to yourself. He is a criminal, for fuck’s sake!
Rolling your eyes, you grabbed your phone to check for any messages. There was only one from your mother, checking up on whether you arrived home. A humorless laugh escaped your lips as you lied to her. Besides, she will definitely panic if she knew you were looking after a criminal in a vet’s clinic. You hoped to distract your mind from spiraling into endless regret by watching adorable videos of dogs. A good turn deserves another… You just wished Haitani Rindou was a person who would reward good deeds.
The morning was rough on you. With a stretch or two, you cursed your aching back while you proceeded to order breakfast for three. Your cousin was kind enough to give you a day off after phoning in with a fake cold. The minute you finished offering him apologetic words after lying through your teeth, you then grabbed the takeout and sped off to the clinic Rindou was moved to. Caffeine and sweets were the things keeping you sane save for the veterinarian and a doctor, whom he roped into the situation, present in the room. Dr. Hinohara was silently observing Rindou’s body while giving a blood transfusion to the still-sleeping hybrid. Compared to last night, the younger Haitani looked slightly better. He still appeared like he crawled out of hell and survived, though.
“I guess we don’t have to bring this man to the hospital,” the doctor spoke after some time. “There doesn’t seem to be a bullet stuck to his thigh. He did lose a lot of blood. I’ll just make sure to monitor him in case he needs more blood transfusions and if there could be any infections on the wound. If he does turn for the worst, I will have to bring him to the hospital—”
You were quick to object, leaving your cup of coffee to stand up. “H-he told me he shouldn’t go to a hospital. I’ll pay you, Sir. I’ll make sure to pay you for treating him. J-just don’t bring him there. Please…”
Dr. Hinohara sighed at your statement, sharing a glance with the veterinarian. Just as you were ready to shoot down their suggestions of you putting an end to your good samaritan role, the doctor then nodded solemnly in resignation. Appeased, you backed away before sitting yourself down once again. Seeing that there wasn’t anything left for him to do, the veterinarian excused himself and left the establishment. A few minutes later, Dr. Hinohara did the same to attend to his outpatients. It wasn’t until lunchtime when he came back that you decided to head back home to catch some sleep after a long warm bath. To be in a room alone with Haitani Rindou, awake or not, was making you anxious. Your eyes were often fluttering close, trying to stay conscious and alert in the presence of an infamous gang member. To let your guard down would be serenading death.
“You can come back tomorrow afternoon,” Dr. Hinohara said with a gentle smile upon seeing you out. “I don’t think Mr. Haitani would wake up today anyways. Go home and get some rest. I’ll call you if anything changes about his current condition.”
“Thank you, Dr. Hinohara.”
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If you knew that the day you saved Haitani Rindou would be the last time you could ever experience a normal life, perhaps the future wouldn’t turn out like this—with you almost sticking to a corner whereas Rindou glared at your quivering form. Dr. Hinohara was nowhere to be found on the second floor and your mind concocted various scenarios at the sight of the trashed room. How could the man be up and ready to threaten you with his sharp claws when he was just barely conscious days ago? You even recall Dr. Hinohara remarking about Rindou being too weak to open his eyelids. So just how?
Irises sharp as his claws remained on you, hues of ultra violet hoping to unmask your intentions by staring right into your soul. Behind his predatory gaze were promises filled with violence and a whole world of pain if you so much as make a single move that he will deem a crime towards him.
Haitani Rindou was not a man to be trifled with.
“You… Didn’t I tell you not to bring me to a hospital?” he questioned in a demanding tone, taking a step closer to you which prompted your weak legs to fall back. This is the very thing you hoped to avoid. Maybe if you were given the foresight that Haitai Rindou would recuperate enough to stand today, you would have come prepared to negotiate. Negotiate with him not to kill you and to leave you alone because you did what he asked. However, he didn’t seem happy at the idea of recovering in a clinic, afraid his location would be alerted to the police. “What’s the matter? Suddenly can’t use that tongue of yours? From what I remember you weren’t mute—”
“This isn’t a hospital. Y-you’re in a clinic, can’t you see?”
The hand you used to gesture at the area shuddered upon seeing him move. Rindou was obviously confused as he surveyed the room, unsure whether to take your word or not. You couldn't blame him, though. Blood rolling down his thigh akin to raindrops on a glass window captured your attention, taking away the assertive statements off of your lips. Your fear for him was outweighed by your concern for his wound that might have reopened due to his carelessness.
Rindou was quick to create distance between you two. Your eagerness was mistaken as an act to lunge and subdue him which was something you couldn't do. He realized this the moment he winced in pain, hand applying pressure on his bleeding thigh. You clicked your tongue and hurriedly helped him back onto his bed. His hostility towards you disappeared with each pang of pain that erupted around his injury. Of course, he just had to be slowed down by this and for you, this was a blessing in disguise.
“Stay here, okay? I’ll go see if Dr. Hinohara has returned.”
Any deity above must have heard your silent prayer for the doctor announced himself inside Rindou’s room, eyes wide at the condition of his patient and the messy room. Minutes passed, and the hybrid was now waiting for the pain to subside once his wound was attended to. Lips in a tight line, you sat by the side, waiting for the doctor to say something—anything that will get rid of the awkward air that settled in the room. Instead of something positive, Dr. Hinohara approached you with a dejected expression that caused your heart to momentarily stop beating. His next words almost had you wishing you were sitting down due to the implications of it.
“I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t do this since I am a practitioner of medicine and should have empathy for my patients no matter who they are… But I can’t have Mr. Haitani stay here any longer. You must understand. My other patients have caught a whiff of his presence here and are too scared to come over. I-it’s bad for me.” Dr. Hinohara then added to soften the blow, “If he stays over at your place, I-I promise to visit and check on him from time to time. Although, I doubt I could do much since he’s close to full recovery.”
It was utter bullshit. There was no way his other patients knew about Rindou being treated in the clinic. Based on the days you visited the hybrid when he was still unconscious, everyone who visited the doctor didn’t display any signs of uneasiness. Yet, you couldn’t do anything to appeal for Rindou anymore since the doctor was more than eager to kick him out. For all you know, the hybrid trashing the room was his last straw.
Exhaling a heavy sigh, you turned the stove off and poured the hot soup into two bowls. The Bonten executive sat on the living room couch, watching a daytime show. He was unbothered by the small space of your apartment, thankfully. Rindou barely fussed upon arriving, probably because he did not have any other choice. Even with his infamous reputation, throwing him out was inhumane.
You wanted to help him, but it has been years since you took care of someone sick or injured. Plus, your mother’s temperament was far different from Rindou's.
���You okay with miso soup?”
Rindou merely grunted in response, avoiding your gaze while he took his bowl from you. Fighting the urge to roll your eyes at his moodiness, you took the seat across from him prior to drinking the soup you made. For the hybrid to keep sulking like this, you figured it was because his wound hasn't fully healed, and limped every time he walked. Men like Rindou hated weakness. To display his vulnerability to you like this must be torture to the mighty snow leopard hybrid—someone who isn't used to being on the other side of the spectrum.
Yet, he never dismissed your acts of assistance. No matter how much you teased him in an attempt to lighten the mood or receive his narrowed gaze, Haitani Rindou never made a move to hurt you during his stay here. Or at least that is what he's trying to do—to lure you into a sense of comfort before he strikes like an apex predator. Nevertheless, you continued to meet his needs.
“You okay?” you asked him when his spoon fell to the floor. Your legs were up and running to get a towel once you saw what happened. He dropped his spoonful of miso soup on his bandages because his limpid eyes couldn’t be torn from the show he claimed was too boring. “Mr. Haitani, you shouldn't pay attention elsewhere while eating.”
“Can’t help it,” he answered with a scoff. A ghost of a laugh slipped past your mouth at the thought of him acting almost like he was a big cat distracted by the pretty colors that led to this situation. Shaking your head, you wiped off the droplets of miso soup from his thigh. After you tossed the towel to the side, you stood up straight and placed your hands on your thighs. Rindou’s tail went stiff at your stare which was accompanied by a smile. “What?”
“Are you… enjoying the show? I thought you found it boring?” The giggle that followed your inquiry did not go unnoticed by the hybrid. The tips of his ears turning red were proof of that. Hearing no reply, you continued to tease him. Your hands are busy fixing up the couch before taking your bowl once more. “I mean, it’s alright to admit you like these soap operas. My mom enjoys them too, you know. Well, not enough to be—”
“I wasn't distracted,” he huffed and averted his gaze at your silly smile. “I was just… surprised.” Rindou never elaborated further on whatever stunned him. You merely shrugged and slurped your soup, content with sitting next to him on a Thursday morning. This has been your life lately—taking care of breakfast and Rindou in the morning, going to work afterward, and then coming back during lunchtime. Despite the reasons you came up with, your cousin never questioned you as to why you requested to come in later than your usual hour. He did, however, tasked you to stay until closing time. A small price to pay. After all, this isn't going to be the norm forever. Rindou will have to go back home and disappear from your life as soon as his wound heal.
Somehow, the reality had sorrow creeping up your heart. Rindou staying in the apartment and seeing him every day made you think he has always been there. His sulky expression softens up whenever his guard is down. He wasn't even aware the corner of his lips was curling up once. The way he dismisses you the second he realized he was showing happiness was cute in its own way. You were used to stifling your laughter at his displeased face that did not match well with his tail swishing side to side. His silhouette blended into your little space, making himself at home. And unbeknownst to you, Rindou felt the same way.
“Don’t act like such a big baby. It’s good for you!” You pushed the plate of rice with natto on top. His irked expression eased down while he took his chopsticks. The smell of the fermented soybeans did not sit well with his nose as he ate to appease you. Yet, he willingly ate, especially with you grinning in front of him. “There you go. That wasn't so hard, was it? Can’t believe a gangster like you dislikes natto.”
Innocent things like you were bad for his health. You were poison to his system—having him think of stuff he never gave a second thought on. Rindou lost count of how many ideas of him whisking you away where no one else can see you crossed his mind. Everything about you exuded a normal and peaceful life—a luxury for him who couldn’t afford it anymore. He should’ve turned you away and let himself die that night because now he didn’t want to leave. His wound was almost closed up and he didn’t have to limp around or ask for your help whenever he bathed. Rindou has grown far too fond of you to merely go back and forget about your kindness. For your sake, he held himself back and enjoyed you doting on him despite the numerous teasing you’ve thrown his way. Pretty but lethal flowers were only meant to be admired from a safe distance. Preferring to keep his claws hidden and the space between you wide, Haitani Rindou liked it this way.
Until he didn’t—until he got greedy.
Dr. Hinohara just had to burst the bubble Rindou protectively held with a single statement that the hybrid was free to go. You couldn’t describe the emotion that swirled within you, ignorant to the deathly stare Rindou gave the doctor. Dr. Hinohara swallowed thickly at the heat of his gaze, slowly taking a step back in case the hybrid decided to kill him on the spot. The younger Haitani wished he could turn back time and stop the old bastard from revealing his secret. Despite sabotaging the stitches for so long to keep it from healing too fast, Rindou’s game was up. And yet, not all of his cards were played.
His trump card has yet to fall onto the table.
Ran came over to your apartment the second Rindou rang him up after a month of no contact. The reunion happened under the stillness of the night where not a soul could be found on the streets. The chloroform his older brother brought was put to use to make sure you wouldn't scream or do any trouble as he placed you in Ran’s car. Rindou then discarded the baton hidden at the back of the trunk, already cleaned off of Dr. Hinohara’s blood, into the nearest waste bin before letting Ran drive down the road heading south.
The moment you woke up from what you thought was a terrible nightmare, you were chained to a bedpost in an unfamiliar room in someone else’s bed. The collar on your neck was a bit tight and the chain attached to it wasn't long enough for you to reach the door. A little bell was hanging on the collar and it jingled with every movement you made. You thanked your lucky stars that you were still fully clothed but that feeling of relief waned away too fast. Your head pounded while your eyes frantically searched for signs of where you are. Rindou entered the room with a tray of food. His eyes slightly went wide at the discovery of you greeting the conscious world then his lips broke out into a grin.
“I see you’re awake.”
“R-Rindou? W-what… Where am I? What’s going on?”
Your inquiries fell from your mouth like the teardrops on your cheeks at the realization. Rindou hushed you multiple times while he set your meal down on the nightstand but you never took heed, fearing for your life. It wasn't until he took out his phone to show you a picture of your parent’s house that your tongue felt like it was made out of metal. Your hands balled up into fists at the image.
“Don’t hurt them. P-please…”
“Looks like you're smart enough to guess what I’m implying here, huh?” Rindou chuckles at your horrified tear stricken face. “I guess calling you a big baby right now won’t be satisfying.” Hand underneath his chin, the hybrid let out a contented sigh. “I knew I was right. Other girls I’ve met before weren't as intelligent as you. Saves me from explaining what will happen to your family if you try to escape.”
“What do you want from me?” you demanded, nerves and voice shaky. His irises shone brighter than amethysts as he observed you on his bed. After a month of nursing him back to health, Rindou was intent on returning the favor—just without outside interference, of course. There was no way your parents would allow him to date you and to see you with a faceless nobody would be the icing on top of his cake meant to insult him. He can't have that. “Rindou, what do you want? I-I’ll do anything! Just please leave me and my parents alone. If you want an apology for all those days I’ve teased you or said something wrong, I’m w-will to do so!”
“Nothin’ much, angel. I’ve passed the need for anything.” He then pulled you up by the collar of your shirt. Leaning down to whisper into your ear, Rindou’s lips curled up. “I’ve already got you.” The second he spoke those words, a shiver ran down your spine. Not giving you any time to collect your thoughts or to wipe the tears from your cheeks, the Bonten executive took a step back and gestured at your clothes. “Strip.”
Hands trembling, you did as he said. More tears exited from your glossy eyes which Rindou couldn't wait to lick away. As soon as you got rid of your pajamas, you covered your exposed stomach and breasts until he clicked his tongue. You winced at the sound of it.
“All of it, angel.”
You heaved a deep breath. Your panties slid down your legs agonizingly slow. The rest of your body burned in shame under his piercing gaze. It was as if Rindou would be struck by lightning if he dared to look away from your gorgeous form. You steeled yourself once he took away your clothes.
“Go and eat your meal. I’ll be back.”
Rindou shut the door behind him. You couldn't stop crying even while you ate the meal he prepared. It was hard to know where you were as the window was bolted shut and barely let natural light in. Your heart beats wildly inside your chest whereas you stiffened at the sight of him returning. His violet irises landed on the empty plate before nodding approvingly.
“Good. I’m going to give you a drink now.” He took off the chain from the bedpost and pulled it for you to follow him. But not before commanding you to do it on all fours. His sharp canines peeked out when he smiled at your obedience. The fear strumming its chaotic cords to have you obeying the hybrid. “That’s it, angel. Make sure not to bump into anything on the way to the kitchen.”
Even with Rindou as your sole audience, your soul was close to dying out of shame. Your pussy folds were out in the open, clit throbbing uncontrollably for the wrong reasons as you followed him from behind. It didn't take you long to figure out this was Rindou’s house—or his temporary home. You were too busy making sure you were keeping up with his huge steps and not falling behind to scan your surroundings. The hybrid then paused and turned to you. His hand gestured to a bowl made for a pet sitting on the floor. It was filled up with what seemed to be milk.
“Go on. Drink it all up, angel.”
Cheeks burning, you hesitated for a second. It was when he walked behind you that the panic kicked in again and you unwillingly bent down. Your tongue was stuck out, ready to lick up the milk to appease Rindou, deaf to the sound of unzipping. The palm of his hand was cold against your cunt, causing you to yelp. His free hand was quick to keep your head from turning around to see him.
What the fuck is happening?
“You’re not the only one who’s thirsty… Shit, you’re wet?” He was more amused than disgusted at his findings. This was fucked up. There was no way you were turned on despite what occurred. Maybe you were sick in the head all this time and Rindou’s actions just brought this to light? You would never know as your mind started to grow hazy due to the pleasure of him rubbing his palm across your slit. You were no virgin but it has been a long time since you’ve done it. Perhaps that was the reason why?
Why does it feel like that’s a lie?
Retracting his claws, he plunged two of his fingers into your warm pussy that parted easily for him. Front teeth digging into your lower lip, you kept back the moan bubbling up your throat while Rindou rubbed his fingers against your tight walls. Slick coated his hand which made it easier for him to feel around your gummy walls. His pleased groans were too much for your ears, his hard length brushing on your ass. His tail swished around before curling around your leg. Your hands keeping you upright were trembling as the onslaught of bliss was increasing, gaze glossy.
“Fuck, this pussy is so tight… Are you going to let me fuck you, angel? Huh? Does my pet deserve this dick?” he questioned with mirth in his tone. Another finger was added, widening your hole. You couldn’t help the whine leaving your lips, eyes shut as you fought back more from coming out. Rindou held you by the waist when your legs gave out, cooing into your ear. The hybrid brought up his hand coated with your juices, inhaling it then tasted your slick. “It’s that good? I’ve waited so long. Held back and let you have your way. You’ll let me have you, mhm? Been good, angel. The least you can do is return the favor…” A silent gasp was what Rindou earned when he tapped the head of his cock against your pussy folds, rubbing his length on the damp flesh. Slowly, he entered you.
“A-are you gonna—ah!” You were sure he was going to tear you apart. It stung as the girth of his cock stroked your tight muscles, molding its shape there. Rindou took a few seconds to get accustomed to the way your pussy enveloped his dick, hissing under his breath at how heavenly you felt. And now that he has finally held you, Haitani Rindou was damn sure he has found his mate. Now, he will make sure to keep you by his side whether you want to or now. He’ll just have to give you something that will make you reluctant to leave… Or fuck you so hard you wouldn’t be able to walk out of this place without him. Maybe getting you pregnant will be the solution to this problem. “Ah, fuck… S’ big. R-rindou!”
“Angel, wanna give you cubs. You’d want that, huh? You want to be mine?”
His thrusts were hard and rough, causing you to moan and squirm. Lust rendered you blind as you took and took what Rindou gave. Time was no longer relevant at this point. All you could remember as he continued to fuck you like a savage beast during the mating season was the way his claws dug into your skin, marking you as his. The place’s layout slowly etched itself into your mind as he made it his mission to fuck you in every area with the endeavor of filling up your womb until all you could feel was his cum running down your thighs. Your breasts and nipples hurt after going through the abuse done by his mouth. Hickeys littered your torso and the skin of your neck. Clit and folds puffy, you couldn’t tell how many times you have squirted. Rindou always patted your head each time before tugging your nipples in a teasing way. The collar still wrapped around your neck jingled along with your breasts, soaked with your sweat and tears.
“R-Rindou! I-I can’t—”
“Yes, you can, angel. You can take more.”
He never gave you a break or a minute to rest and catch your breath. The moment he finished inside you, his balls emptied another load, replacing the cum he spurted into your cunt that dribbled out. Mind all in a mush, you sobbed at the overstimulation. Finally, the hybrid set you down on the couch, panting above you. A puddle of your essence and Rindou’s cum sat around your ass. The furniture wasn’t the only unfortunate victim of its owner’s quest to impregnate you and claim you. Mouth wide open, your eyes were fluttering shut due to exhaustion. Yet even as you stared at Rindou with those tired eyes, he held his cock glazed with both of your fluids right in front of your face in expectancy. The tip was red and super sensitive after hitting your cervix countless times while he fucked your brains out.
“Don’t tap out on me, angel,” he mumbled. Mustering up all your leftover strength, you sat up and licked on the reddish tip, earning a pleased groan. His hand reached forward to brush away the strands of hair from your face then carded his fingers through them. “Good girl. Always remember this, okay? Good kittens should clean up after playing. Good kittens shouldn’t make a mess.”
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harunovella · 2 months
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ something about him was made for somebody like me; l.s.k.
synopsis: you never knew love at first sight could strike you so hard, and neither did he... content: canon divergence, age difference (older male/younger female), love at first sight, you and leon are both on the delulu train, minor mention of injuries (nothing crazy I promise), kissing, just a lot of swooning and blushing, not beta read (sorry for any errors!) note: my first ever leon fic!!! (pls be kind to me) I love this man so much and have read so many good fics on ao3 that I wanted to finally give it a go... I hope you all enjoy! (p.s. I imagined it as infinite darkness/death island leon since I made it older leon but you can always picture him as re!6 or any of the other older leon looks since he has so many!)
In a million years, you never thought you'd fall in love with someone at first sight. Yet, here you were, seated at your parent's dining table across the man who saved your life, with the biggest heart eyes you could ever form. Leon Scott Kennedy, the absolute man of your dreams. He was the love of your life, and you knew it instantly went you meant him only hours prior. 
It wasn't wise to walk around in public distracted, you knew this, you were raised to know this... Yet, here you were, earphones popped in as you hummed along to one of your favorite songs that recently became an instant repeat. There was a pep to your step, your heels clacking against the concrete beneath your feet as one hand clutched your phone while the other twirled some of your loose hair. Of course, in all your infinite wisdom, you were completely oblivious to the chaos occurring right behind you. 
In a matter of seconds, you were tackled onto the ground. Your earphones flying out and your phone slipping from your grip as you made the instant collision. Your ears were ringing and your head began to throb, you weren't sure what the hell just happened but the last thing you expected was a handsome man pressed against you. Actually, the most handsome man you had ever laid eyes on. Quite possibly the most handsome man in the entire universe. 
Dirty blond hair, piercing blue eyes, stubble spread across his jaw... Your racing heart wasn't fluttering around in your chest from the sudden collision, rather, the man practically yelling in your face. It wasn't out of anger, but worry. You couldn't quite pick up on what he was saying, but he seemed like he was in hurry. Panicking as he instantly grabbed your waist and pulled you up to your feet. 
Your cheeks were burning as your heart continued to thud against your chest. The unknown man tugged you along with him, running off into the distance as he lead you somewhere safe. Still unaware and unsure of what was happening, the dirty blond had you turning corners and slipping in between buildings before he stopped within an alleyway. Pressed against the brick walls as his back was faced towards you, he peeked over the corner and sighed in relief. 
"Coast is clear," he said before turning towards you. It was the first time you were actually processing his words, understanding what he said and... shivering at the low timbre of his voice. "Are you okay?" 
It was then that he realized you weren't in shock, rather, you had practical hearts forming in your eyes. If it wasn't for his years of experience with women constantly ogling him, he would've been fooled, would've believed you were just processing what happened... not... practically drooling over him. 
That, however, didn't stop him from worrying. "Are you alright?" He asked again, earning a nod from you before you blinked a few times. 
"Thank you..." you nearly whispered, heart thudding in your ears. 
"You're lucky I was there to save you in time," he said, looking down at you, eyes locking with your own. "You could've taken several fatal bullets."
"You're my hero," you gawked, a smile forming on your lips as he felt his heart race. 
Swallowing the small lump in his throat, a bit shaken by how enthralled you were by him—as if mesmerized—he cleared his throat. "Leon S. Kennedy, by the way," he introduced as you nodded and said your name in return. It was then he noticed you were sporting a small gash on your cheek. Eyeing the rest of you, he frowned at the sight of your scraped knees. You were clearly off to work, the blouse and skirt being the biggest giveaways. "Shit," he mumbled. "You're gonna be missing work."
Blinking a few times, then looking down at your hands, you pouted, "my phone was left behind... Can't call my boss..." you muttered as Leon eyed you, feeling sorry. 
"My apologies... I'll get you a new one," he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, knowing he was rather rough with you... but, it had to be done. You could've been dead if he hadn't. 
"Oh, no, it's alright," you shook your head, looking up at him and not realizing just how tall he was. You felt your once steadying heart begin to pick up its pace. God, he's so hot. 
"I insist, I knocked it out of your hands when I... tackled you," he said and you couldn't help but wear a small grin. He was so charming without even trying. 
"Thank you," you quietly spoke, softly smiling up at him as he looked down at you. 
Remembering your minor injuries, Leon gently held your chin, "you've got a few scratches. Mind if I clean them up?" Seeing you shake your head, Leon lowered his hand. Without another word, he lead you away from your temporary hiding spot, knowing very well it was safe to move once again. Returning to where he had left his bike behind, thankful it was still there and in one piece, he turned to face you, "I don't have a helmet..."
Eyeing him, then the bike, you sucked in a small breath. "You saved my life, I trust you."
Feeling his heart skip a beat, he gave you a small nod. Turning once again to mount his bike, he gestured for you to do the same. He watched as you carefully climbed on, your skirt riding up due to the position. Keeping his mouth shut, he looked back ahead as he felt your arms circle his waist, stomach tightening at the feeling of your smaller hands pressing against him. It was when he started his bike and sped off that you clutched onto his shirt, balls of fists gripping as you pressed your forehead against his back in fear. He couldn't help but smirk, for some odd reason, it felt... nice. 
It wasn't too common for Leon to bring a bystander into the DSO headquarters, but it wasn't as surprising when he brought a pretty lady like you with him. He lead you down the halls and into a room where you assumed was the infirmary. He handled your little wounds, cleaning and patching them up before giving you a kind smile when it was all done. You thanked him with the sweetest voice as he was knelt before you, now being the one to look up at you. For some reason, it made his blood rush. He shook the thoughts away as he stood to his feet. You were just an innocent bystander, a civilian who got caught up in something accidentally. He was just your savior, you were almost a victim. 
"I'll be right back, I gotta speak to my team," he said, and before he could leave, you spoke up. 
"Your team?"
Right, you only knew his name... nothing else. Not why he was being chased, not his occupation. Nothing. "I work for the government. As you saw from outside of the building with all the security, the scanning and identity confirmation... You basically got caught up in something that was—"
"Top secret?" You tilted your head with curious eyes. Leon nodded. Your intuition was good for someone who was quite oblivious. To be fair, governmental affairs were usually hush hush. "Figures. You must be an agent of some sort with the way you're dressed," you pointed out. "And your instincts..."
"Right..." he grinned. "I'll be back." Seeing you nod, he turned and walked out, leaving you on the cot, swinging your legs patiently. It wasn't like you could do anything else when your phone was left behind. 
"So?" Hunnigan eyed him as Leon approached. 
"A bystander, saved her life from being a causality in the chase," he explained as he cracked his neck. 
"Normally, you don't bring... bystanders with you. This is a first, Kennedy," she smirked as she crossed her arms. 
"Don't start," he shook his head as she looked at him with a questionable expression. "I'm sure you knew anyway, someone is always watching."
"Yes, her father," Hunnigan gestured as Leon's eyebrows narrowed before an older man made his appearance. "Agent Kennedy, please meet one of the most elite agents of the FBI," she introduced as the old man stood before him, extending his hand. 
"I'd like to personally thank you for saving my daughter's life out there," the man spoke. Clean cut, tailored suit and all. He could tell he was the real deal. It made Leon a bit antsy, now knowing your father wasn't a simple civilian but rather an expert agent with years on him. "We saw it all happen, and the moment I recognized my daughter I was about to appear on the scene myself. You, however, went ahead and risked your life for her own. I truly appreciate what you did for her and our family."
"I just did what I had to do, sir. I wasn't going to let anyone get hurt or killed if I could do something to stop it," Leon nodded. 
"And I am very grateful. I wanted to personally come and thank you before seeing her. I know she's safe and unharmed thanks to you. Please, my wife and I would love to have you over for dinner. It's the least we could do to show our gratitude." At that, Leon's eyes widen. He believed the thanks was enough... but to invite him into your own family's home? If only your father had known how blatantly obvious your feelings were (after only knowing Leon for such a short period of time).
However, he couldn't say no. Leon S. Kennedy was a lot of things, but not disrespectful, and he definitely didn't want a man of your father's caliber disliking him for declining a simple offer. 
Which is how he found himself seated across from you in your parents dining room. A lovely home fit for a family of 5 comfortably. However, he had learned it was just your parents living there now that you and your siblings all had moved out. It was your childhood home and your parents had it paid off, they didn't see the need to move away unless purely necessary. Your father also hadn't retired, still invested in his work to make the country a safer place. 
As Leon was deep in a conversation with your father, discussing matters that weren't too confidential, you found yourself absolutely swooning. Your chin in the palm of your hand, silent sighs leaving your lips as you admired the agent before you. From his haircut to the way he dressed in a suit for dinner, you couldn't help but bit your bottom lip. You weren't hiding it, that was for sure, but your mother couldn't help but stifle a giggle at the sight of her daughter swooning over a man who was easily a decade older than her. Not that she'd complain, at least it was a successful man with a career before him who had some maturity on him. 
"Honey, help me get the dessert," your mother broke your trance, causing you to huff before standing up and following her into the kitchen. "You want him to know, huh?" She asked as you stood by the island table, grabbing the dish as your mother gathered the cutlery. 
"What do you mean?" You asked in confusion. 
"The way you're gawking at Mr. Kennedy. You are very much attracted to him, aren't you?" She grinned as you blushed. "You were even squirming in your seat, as if eager to touch him..."
"It's love at first sight," you mumbled, tracing your finger along the marble counter, earning a laugh from your mother as you immediately looked up at her. "What?"
"Nothing. You're an adult, you can make your own decisions even if you can be so oblivious. Your father raised you better when it comes to your safety," she lightly scolded as you rolled your eyes. "Though, I'm sure you're happy since you met the love of your life," she teased with a smile before walking back to the dining room, leaving you there pouting. You were glad she still had a funny bone even if her daughter was in a near death experience... without the actual wounds. 
Your mother's words echoed throughout your head for the rest of dinner as your parents and Leon ate the dessert. You'd find yourself gazing at Leon, only to look away bashfully whenever his eyes met your own. It wasn't like Leon was unaware, he had phenomenal instincts and your stares were very powerful even if they were filled with awe and admiration. Still, he had hoped you'd take it easy in front of your parents... or, at least your father. 
Helping your mother clean up as your father walked Leon to the front door, exchanging a few more words, he placed a hand on the younger man's shoulder, "I know this is a lot, you're a busy man and all... but, could you please look out for my daughter? I know for a fact she's considered involved now after everything and I don't want anyone coming after her. I'm afraid they'd remember her and would consider her a target and try to use her against the DSO. I have eyes everywhere, but even then..."
"I understand," Leon spoke. It was true, he, himself was a busy man as it was. With the missions he took, constantly overseas or in other states, it was hard for him to even call you... but as hesitant as he was to agree, he couldn't help but feel a bit guilty. Sure, if he hadn't snagged you away, you could've died... but he also could've just dragged you into the nearest building and fled on his own. Normally, he wouldn't be so caring, knowing he couldn't save everyone... but maybe he fell victim to your doe eyes. Maybe your infatuation in him was growing into a similar feeling towards you. 
Or maybe he was just lonely and should indulge in a girl so interested in him—
Leon swatted the thoughts away, knowing this was in no way something he should be considering. "I'll do my best when I'm in town and not away for work."
"I appreciate it."
Eavesdropping on the conversations you decided to finally show yourself, playing oblivious as you approached the two figures. With an innocent smile on your face, you listened to your father's words, informing you about the minor changes to come into your life now that you were basically a witness and involved in the incident. You simply nodded, understanding his worries and knowing very well it was for the best. You just had to hide your excitement. Whatever it took to see Leon again. 
"If you can, can you please escort her home..." Your father asked as Leon nodded. You said your goodbyes, thanking your father for dinner and telling him you'd let him know when you got home, before following Leon out. 
You were rather silent at the beginning of the drive, slightly amazed that Leon had a ride outside of his bike. You assumed it was solely for work purposes but he seemed the kind to have his own (or several) at home. Gazing out the window and watching the city become colorful streaks, you spoke up, "you don't have to watch over me. I know you're a very busy man..."
"It's the least I can do, I brought you into this—"
"If I wasn't distracted, this wouldn't have happened..." you mumbled with a subtle pout as you looked at him. 
Leon could hear it in your voice, even peeking over to confirm that you were a bit embarrassed, but he couldn't help but shake his head. "It could've happened to anyone. It would've been a shame if the world lost a pretty face like yours."
Growing stiff in your seat, you couldn't help but grip your thighs, eyes widening at his words as you quickly looked away. Your silence had Leon looking back at you, grinning at your reaction. It almost felt like a game the way one would flirt and the other would grow flustered. It felt nice, it felt out of the norm for Leon... and sometimes he needed that. 
Maybe he needed you...
He brushed the thought away, knowing that wasn't logical. Instead, he kept the rest of the drive silent, music softly playing from his radio. 
Arriving at your place, taking you up the elevator and to your door, the two of you stopped and faced one another. Silence continued to weave between the two of you as you gazed at one another. Leon cleared his throat and reached into his pocket, handing you something. "I was able to retrieve it from the scene."
Looking down at your palm, you nearly gasped. "My phone?"
"Luckily, the area was sectioned off, your phone was left untouched. Not even damaged. It really is your lucky day, huh?" He teased as you smiled with pure gratitude. 
"Thank you," you beamed as you peeked up at him, pure stars in your eyes. God, did you make him feel indescribable things. 
Looking down for a moment as he reached for his own phone, Leon took in a deep breath, "we should exchange numbers. You can call me if you need anything. I'll be there."
"Even if you're out of the country?" You tilted your head with a playful smile. Leon couldn't help but reflect the same expression. 
"Even if I'm out of the country."
Exchanging numbers, you thanked him for everything before settling your phone into your purse. "I appreciate it. You're so thoughtful."
Only for you, he thought. As strange as it was. You truly were doing a number on him and it was only getting worse as time progressed. "It's the least I could do for you."
Tiptoeing and kissing his cheek, you thanked him once more. "Thank you, again..."
Your soft voice made Leon shiver as red dusted his cheeks. His skin tingled as his cheek felt your kiss linger. "Like I said... it's the least I could do..." At that, he turned and made his way back to the elevator. 
It almost felt as if you didn't want to end things, as if you didn't want him to leave, practically running in circles with your gratitude. You just wanted to enjoy his presence a little longer. Just a bit more, as much as you could keep him there... Maybe you were delusional, but you knew this man was made for you. "Leon!" you called out, causing him to turn in his spot. "Would you like to go to dinner tomorrow? Just the two of us..."
Eyeing you for a moment, wanting to decline solely because he knew where this was going, his mouth opened before he could stop himself. "Yeah, sure."
It's out of kindness, Leon thought. I'm doing this to be nice, and because I kind of owe it to her. His mind was running as he sat at the dinner table, patiently awaiting your arrival. You had texted him to let him know the time and place of where to meet up, a nice restaurant with great food and a calming atmosphere. The people around were talking in low voices, enjoying their meals and each other's company. Of course, when his eyes first landed on you, he should've guessed you'd put your very best outfit together. As delusional as he wanted to be, he knew you did it to impress him. For yourself, that was a given, but there was no denying you got all cute for him. 
Standing from his seat to greet you, trying to mask the awe written across his face from your beauty, Leon greeted you as you did the same. Settling across from one another before looking through the menu, you couldn't help but partially hide your face from him. He's so damn handsome. Dressed in his suit, hair freshly brushed, and his cologne... you felt as if he was playing with your heart strings. 
It was a silent at first between the two of you, nothing too uncomfortable, but almost as if one of you had something to say. Of course, when you decided to speak up, so did he. Excusing himself to let you talk first, you couldn't help but smile at his courtesy. In reality, he was trying to break the thoughts circling his mind. The way he couldn't help but gawk at your beauty, trying everything in his power to focus on something else and not the sweet scent of your perfume. This is so wrong. He shouldn't feel even an inkling of this, scolding himself for even considering what could happen. You were much younger and this was on a superficial level. He wasn't the right man for you, you had a whole future ahead of you...
Yet, when you told him to talk first, he couldn't help but take the opportunity. Speaking before he could even process it. "You look beautiful."
It was all you needed to hear to know what direction this dinner was going in. Practically in your favor (and maybe his, too).
The dinner went smoother than expected. You got to know one another a little better through wine and laughter. Leon felt at ease to speak about his career for once, seeing as he always had to lie with previous partners. But, with you, you met him in the middle of what his whole job entailed. It also helped that your own father worked with the government, which meant you knew and understood what line of work he was in... for the most part. In all honesty, he hated that there were so many good signs coming from you... after two days. 
Two whole days. 
It was like you were getting what you wanted, wining him so easily without realizing it. He hadn't expressed anything, but his thoughts about you were swarming in his mind. Leon was an easy guy to get when it came to the bare necessities of pleasure... but, to win his heart? He couldn't recall a single person who struck a chord like that. Like you seem to be doing so easily. I'm getting too ahead of myself, I'm just lonely. 
Leon couldn't recall a night this... easy. This nice. Most of his nights were left to him drinking his thoughts away in the quietness of his lonesome home... if he wasn't sleeping with a woman he met at the bar. He hated his ways, but how could a man like him find love or a partner trusting enough to understand what his life was like? What, with the past he's had, and everything that happened since Raccoon City. Maybe he was just that desperate, he was only getting older... and you popped into his life. A person who fell head over heels for him the second you met eyes, a person who could possibly understand him most—
Leon's thoughts wouldn't leave his mind on the way back to your place as he escorted you home... and they only grew louder as he found himself standing before you. 
Both of you had made it to your front door, ready to call it a night and say your goodbyes. You, on the other hand, had something else in mind as you gazed up at him. "I had a great night with you."
Feeling his heart race, he looked down at you with a gentle smile, "me too."
"Never knew a man like you could open up so easily..." you teased, biting your inner lip as you batted your lashes up at him. 
"I never knew that, either. I keep things to myself... but, you met me in the middle of a chase and I did take you to where I work... and your father is an agent. I figured you'd understand how chaotic the life of an agent can be," he said as you nodded. 
"I can, I've known it my whole life," you continued to smile up at him, speaking so smoothly. "I know you've got more in you, I feel I've only got the tip of the iceberg. I hope someday you trust me enough to tell me more. You look like the kinda man who internalizes things. Or, at least, wishes there was someone he could talk to about these things that aren't your coworkers."
Leon couldn't help but feel his heart flutter at your words. Did you know what you were doing to win him over? Are you like this with other men? Why should he care? God, but I kind of do...
He couldn't really remember when it happened, but before he could even process it, both of your lips met. The softest kiss he had ever experienced... softer and more meaningful than his kiss back in Raccoon City when he was younger and inexperienced. Blind to the world's horror. This one, however... There was something about it. 
"Sorry," Leon gently pushed away. "I should—"
Before he knew it, his heart dropped when you clutched onto his collar and pulled him back into the kiss. It was obviously mutual if you instantly kissed back, so why would he apologize? You wanted this more than ever. Hell, if you could've, you would've kissed him the moment he had saved your life! "Don't apologize, I wanted to do this yesterday the moment I saw you."
Hunched over as you still held onto his shirt, Leon's eyes searched your face. He studied every little detail, from the length of your lashes to the plumpness of your lips. Was he really head over heels, too? You were magical, you must've been an angel... something to have him feel the same way you did. "I'm... not surprised... The way you look at me, it's kinda like a cartoon with heart eyes."
Letting out a small giggle, you nodded, "I've been told I can be very obvious, but, it's how I feel every time I look at you."
Although he was flustered, Leon couldn't help but grin, "I find it cute."
Letting him go and looking away as you bit your bottom lip, blushing at his compliment, you felt his hand gently hold onto your chin. Turning your head to face him with doe eyes as your lips parted, Leon leaned in and kissed your cheek. You could practically hear your heart pounding in your ears. He was going to be the end of you, wasn't he?
"Get some rest, I'll see you again soon."
Watching him back away as his hand fell from your face, he turned and made his way back to the elevator. Gazing at his backside, you then turned to unlock your door and slip inside. Closing and locking it behind you, slipping off your heels, hanging your keys and settling your purse down, you rubbed your hands against your face before squealing into them and jumping in your spot. "I am so in love with him!"
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xerotiny99 · 1 month
The Lewd Rituals of a Typical Day // Our precious #6
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The Lewd Rituals of a Typical Day. (Our precious #6)
M.list | Previous | Next
Pairing: main - Park Seonghwa x Reader. Side - Reader x Jeong Yunho, Reader x Kang Yeosang
Warning (for all parts): smut, hardcore smut, soft dom!seonghwa, dom!yunho, dom master!yeosang, sub!reader/slave!reader, breast stimulation, teasing, biting and marking, DD/LG, seonghwa has a feeding kink (does not overlap with fat fetish), praise kink, food play, unprotected sex, fingering, cock warming, thigh riding, nipple play, bits of master-slave dynamic, rough sex, manhandling, cum play/cum shot, dirty talk/degradation (just know yunho has a filthy mouth), size training (vaginal), etc.
Note: do not proceed if you're uncomfortable or triggered by any aforementioned tags. Feeding kink/feedism can be triggering for some people, if that's the case, please do not engage or skip over the beginning parts. I apologise, I had no ill intentions with this. To avoid boredom, this time i decided to divide this chapter into four parts, each part with each pair. Not proofread.
Gist: it's the weekend and you finally get the time to spend it with your so called "boyfriends".
Total Word Count: n/a
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Part One [6.1]: Feed Me Please, Daddy - Park Seonghwa x Reader.
Word Count: 13,354
Song Rec: In The Trees by Stalgia
Taglist: @t3kandson @therealcuppicake @sebastianswhore13
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 Reliving some moments can be detrimental, some can be joyous, while some can be a mix of both. You weren't sure where exactly you were leaning to in this particular moment. Or maybe, your approach was more of a two-fold interpretation than concluding all at once. Staring into the deep brown eyes of the person you were least likely to be interested in, was a moment of deja vu you resented living in, despising every passing second of it. In the much steeper part of your stomach, you were starting to sense the underlying distraught creeping up your gut. As one might wonder why you'd be so invested in this particular case, but to your own acknowledgment, you knew you were being stubborn.
There was no way you were backing down from this; you couldn't look away either, not when he's been waiting on the chance to watch you lose. In sullen silence which pertains the more you hold onto your stupidity, you have yourself comfortably perched on the kitchen counter while the subtle sounds coming from the balcony fill up any unnecessary noise between you two. Mingi was at it again, not once wavering in his motive to make you feel small with his broad shoulders or his bulging bare arms as he held them across his chest. A deleterious glint sits in his eyes. He stood at a distance from you, studying the curves of your body and how it was capable of fitting in the space on the kitchen counter next to the stove. You, on the other hand, are trying to condole with your hammering heart; it was no surprise, even to yourself, to know you were attracted to Mingi. If you got the chance, you'd pounce upon him and act out all the fantasies you deliberately hide from everyone. If only Mingi was allied to you the way others were. Sadly, that's not how it worked, did it?
A few hours after the break of dawn, and you're forced to have a ruthless encounter with him. Mingi had just woken up, judging from his bed hair and the way it was tousled, besides he was still dressed in his night clothes. The white tank top which hugged his body like a second skin had an assortment of stains on them. Some prominent, some faded; they were probably stains from food. Though, you were deeply infatuated with Mingi's personality, you equally reviled it too. If not, your somber morning would've never been blighted by his rueful gaze or his inanely gracious satire. You'd be a fool to think you'd have a normal morning for once; waking up to Seonghwa's voice was the ultimate rapture of your significant morning, and then he had asked to you meet him in the kitchen so he could prepare breakfast for you before everyone's awake. And to your satisfaction, everyone slept-in on a Saturday. Obviously.
Really, you'd be a fool to pass on that opportunity. Groggy with sleep, you somehow managed to drag yourself out of the nimble futon you slept on, brushed your teeth and carried yourself to the kitchen. The nifty oversized shirt on your body, the one which you had borrowed from Jongho last night, clung too close to you to expose your curves and godly figure; seamlessly you had booty shorts under your shirt, which had no point in wearing because the shirt covered most of your skin till your mid thighs. When you were ushered into the kitchen by the heavenly scent of coffee and your own enthusiasm, Seonghwa had been sipping on his morning coffee, his favourite mug in his hand and a doleful haze of sunshine in his eyes; everything was wonderful when alongside Seonghwa, you had your morning coffee too and engaged yourself in a fatuous conversation with him. Until Mingi walked in, half-asleep and Seonghwa excused himself to the balcony to get himself some freshly harvested coriander for the breakfast he had planned ahead. You had just gotten comfortable on the counter, as on Seonghwa's suggestion who thought it'd be a great idea for you to watch him cook.
So, now you're here. Waiting on Mingi's derisive comment to wrung you out like one would do to their wet towel. All this could've been avoided if Mingi hadn't woken up to get himself a bottle of water, or if you had just let it go after your eyes met with him.
"I don't remember the last time I had walked into the kitchen, and you weren't there," Mingi spits, spitefully enough to let his tone prick you like a thorn. "But you know, what? It'd be more surprising if you were actually useful in here."
"Man, you're really obsessed with me, aren't you?" you scoff, swinging your legs off the counter and landing on your feet. "I must be taking up every fraction of your mind, for you to come up with useless remakes and snarks."
"Aww, don't flatter yourself." Mingi smirks, "it's sad you think of me as one of your playthings to be infatuated with you and whatever that is you offer. Quit dreaming, princess. I will never bend to your words or whatever tricks you have up your sleeve."
"You seem very confident about—"
"You two are at it again?" Seonghwa groans, walking in the kitchen with his hands occupied, "how many times have I told you to not bother yourself with him, Angel? Some people aren't worth our attention." He sets the pair of scissors and a bunch of coriander, which he had freshly cut from his thriving garden in the balcony, on the counter and glances at Mingi, "and you, can't you let your differences go? You don't like her, we get it. But that does not validate your curt attitude towards her."
Heaving a sigh, he turns around and faces you, a smile already lilting on his lips, "look, I just want to have my breakfast in peace. You want to argue, bite each other's necks off, or borderline kill each other, do it in your own leisure time. My only request is, please let me eat in concord of my mind."
Mingi couldn't help but scoff, "you know, this would've never happened if you all hadn't allowed her to live with us."
You take offence in what he has to say, but don't voice it out as you usually would; Mingi and you had a bone to pick, you two could never get along no matter what. Though, listening to Mingi sometimes would leave your heart broken. In much simpler way of eluding, Mingi's resentment towards you was a blow to this ornate mirror you would view yourself in, and his words were the scattered pieces of glass ready to plunge deep in your heart. Whiling in the same momentary haze, you're dwelling unreasonably over his injudicious words again. It wouldn't come off as a surprise to anyone but being pampered and taken care of by the seven men in the house, Mingi's hostility always marred your pleasant disposition.
"Mingi," Seonghwa mutters, his tone threatening, "you're crossing the line here."
"Am I? Am I really crossing the line here, Seonghwa?" Mingi mumbles, posing it as a question onto Seonghwa. "I never had a say in this arrangement, yet I respected your decisions and went along with it. Maybe, I shouldn't detest her for what you've done. I should resent you all."
As his words falter to a mere whisper, Mingi shakes his head and turns around; but before he could leave either of you stranded, he glances over his shoulder and adds, "I'll go live with Lani for a couple of weeks. You guys can get comfortable, you know, I won't be around to make you guys awkward..."
With that, he leaves. His silhouette dithers to the morning sun flooding in through the balcony doors. Mingi had gone and you were seemingly, more heartbroken than ever. Your stomach lurches into your chest, your heart slowly regressing in its palpitations; Seonghwa clicks his tongue and places one of his hands on your thigh. Comforting warmth engulfs your disturbed mind and you're pulled out of your despondency. When you turn your head, you find Seonghwa's smile growing further into his cheeks and his eyes disappearing in crinkles.
"Don't you worry about him," he says, "he'll get around. I'll have Yunho talk to him. Unless they're both on bad terms with each other."
"What?" you mutter under your breath, tracing your hand along his to intertwine your fingers together. "I don't let his words bother me, seriously. You shouldn't trouble yourself with this. Or, even Yunho."
Seonghwa chuckles, "compared to me, Yunho would've taken a much violent approach if he had heard what and how Mingi spoke to you. I'm just saying, he wouldn't have been as tolerant as me." He clears his throat and lets his smile fall to line, "and whether you are bothered by him or not, it's no way for a man to treat you like that. Mingi is one of us, and we wouldn't be setting much of an impression on you if we let him get away with these things. Like I said, don't let his words get to you, he's a better man under all the facade of arrogance and revulsion."
Giving your hand a gentle squeeze, Seonghwa steps and untangles your hands; he stands in front of the stove and smiles at you. "Let's forget about him, alright. I know you're feeling down, so, what do you want to eat?"
"I thought you were making me fried rice from yesterday's leftovers," you wiggle your legs dangling off the counter and let your lips curl, "I'm not a picky eater. You can cook whatever you want."
"There's no harm in asking my lady, is there?" he muses, offering you wink before grabbing the bunch of coriander he had brought from the balcony.
"Who would've thought you tended a garden in the balcony."
He chortles, "not many know of it, sure. However, it doesn't take a genius to plant some coriander."
"Hey, it still keeps you in touch with your nurturing psyche," you pout, swinging your legs at a steady pace, "after all you're the guy who takes care of six kids in this household."
Seonghwa bites back on a laugh and lets his lips curve instead; he shakes his head, studying your clement eyes with his before he brushes it off. The avid affection in his eyes could've misread yours. He doesn't want to believe what he interpreted, but he knows you were being grateful to him. As the conspicuous moments cling to either of your speechlessness, Seonghwa clears his throat, and steps away from the counter.
"Seven kids, sweetheart. What, did you forget to count yourself?" he whispers lowly, "but you're not wrong, gardening has helped me get over many slumps in my life. And to be fair, any guy, stuck in my situation, would've done what I'm doing. Let's not romanticise what I do."
You are weirdly confounded by his modesty; allured in some delightful sense, you can't seem to get your eyes off of him. Seonghwa had his back faced to you while he rummaged through the refrigerator. Dainty crinkles of polythene bags and containers reverberate till they're softened by your own, an airy voice calling out to him.
"Are you sure?" you muse, "because I've seen you take on countless responsibilities. You somehow manage to balance your work life and still have time for the things you love doing vis-a-vis your gardening hobby. So, yeah. You're pretty much like a superhero."
"Anyone could do that, Angel. Come on." His humility is endearing, but you couldn't understand why he was dodging your compliments. With his head still buried in refrigerator, he continues, "if we're talking about parenthood, then I believe Hongjoong deserves some credit for keeping us all together."
You let out a soft giggle before leaning back on the counter, propping your hands on either side of you and gently oscillating yourself back and forth.
"You two have your roles predestined for this household, don't you? You're doing a great job, seriously. Just take the compliments and don't backhand them," you lick your lower lip, adoring the view in front of you. Seonghwa hums as a response because he knew there was no winning against you, while you suck on your teeth, "this is totally off topic, but damn, I might have one of the bestest views in front of me right now."
There was no lie in your testimony; you were indeed revelling in the perfect view of Seonghwa's rear raised in the air as he leaned over to rummage through the refrigerator. Sweatpants hang loose on his waist, accentuating more of his curves and his ass. It'd be a lot shameful to admit you were ogling at him, then ever denying you felt yourself losing to your demarcated eroticism.
"Oh really, my little girl likes what's in front of her? Adorable," he remarks, pulling himself out of the open doors of the refrigerator, "sad, all you can do is watch and drool. We both know who's incharge here, right?"
You watch him holding a few bags of veggies; though it wasn't feasible for your mind to come up with something this early in the morning, you still manage to go along the inner voices. A spark of tease takes over your mind when the oxytocin in your body passes its threshold.
"You are," you bring your voice down a few baritones and lace it with seduction, "daddy."
As a blur of sinful hope crosses his eyes, Seonghwa's face shrouds with utmost impropriety when he prances across the very little distance between you and the refrigerator. Carelessly, he lets go the bags in his hands and they land on the counter with a placid crinkle, soon submerging into your gasp; Seonghwa forces you to spread your thighs apart while you sat still on the counter. His hands sear their touch on your skin, pushing your legs further apart for him to slot his body perfectly against yours. The tender caresses of his fingers, running in circles on your skin, under your shirt, start trickling your spine with shivers. On your amiable instinct, you're quick to wrap your arms around his neck and shoulders, supporting your body as he pulls you into his body. He kept you upright while you were almost suspended off the edge of the counter.
"Be careful with that word, sweetheart." Seonghwa warns, tracing his lips in almost like a trail of wispy kisses to your ear; he licks up the shell of your ear before biting down on the earlobe. "You throw it around too much, and I might not be able to tame myself."
Your throat runs dry, once having discerned the softer but grimy undertones of carnality in his voice. In the wrinkle of a second, you wind your legs around his waist and push your hips into his lower abdomen. His flimsy shirt rides up with your movement to have you peek on his toned abdomen, and a cute little belly button. Seonghwa's dainty fingers crawl down to the hem of your shirt, pushing it over to expose your bare chest.
"I wouldn't mind you losing yourself to me, daddy." You slur your words, tilting your head to a side when you find him staring at you.
"You're playing with fire, sweetheart," smirking, he whispers and lets his hands drag up your sides, till they're cupping your tits, "aren't you scared you might burn yourself?"
A breath hitches in your throat, mind fogging with absolute darkness when his warmth is groping your tits like that; you let out a soft whimper, your eyes fluttering close and your lips parting in a mere attempt to get your words out. Nothing came out of your mouth, not even an utter; you were too engrossed in his touches and warmth, the one which slipped away from you after teasing and tugging at your taut nipples. You were sensitive to touch, and it had only been brought to your attention during your make out session with Jongho last night.
"Hmm, you're...responsive," Seonghwa mumbles and pulls back, letting your shirt drape your body fully before pressing a soft kiss to your lips. "We'll continue this after breakfast, hmm? I am really hungry right now. Hungry for food."
Tangled limbs become free as he pushes himself away from you; you weren't fond of the coldness which slipped in between too immediately after, but you couldn't complain either way. Seonghwa ties his apron around his waist and bends over to grab a chopping board from the cabinets below the stove.
He sets it on the counter before smiling at you, "I could use your help. Why don't you wash the vegetables and I'll chop them?"
It came off as a suggestion than request, the one you couldn't quite resist. You hop off the counter, gently tugging on your shirt before standing next to him; Seonghwa unwraps his selection of veggies from their respective polythene bags and places them on the counter. You share a glance with him, and a smile curls your lips. Soon, you two are drowning out every superficial thought in your head, lost in a void of affection while your eyes never once wavered from each other. He almost leant in, lips puckered and eyes half-lidded, you were prepared for whatever that was going to happen, anticipation breaking at the seams. Warmth of his breath fans your cheeks and then your lips, before it melts into your skin; his lips are delicate with yours, brushing softly till it turns to a passionate kiss. Seonghwa winces softly when he forces himself away from you, breaking the kiss in that moment.
"If we carry on like this, there's no way I'd finish preparing breakfast for nine people."
"Then maybe you should learn how to control yourself," you joke, bumping your hips into his, as playfully as you could, "come on, we've got a lot of time after breakfast to do whatever your heart desires to do now."
"Duly noted, ma'am."
Cooking with Seonghwa was fun, endearing even. You two spent the time laughing and talking around, making harmless jokes about the others who were somehow still not awoken to your chaos. There wasn't a lot to talk about any way, so you settled on asking him questions about Mingi and his relationship. At first Seonghwa hesitated in his head to answer your doubts, but soon enough he was opening up and spilling everything. Mingi and Lani, his girlfriend, have been on and off from the freshman year; the two met in their department and have known each other since then. Lani is a ballet major and according to Seonghwa's first impression of her, she's a pretty woman with an ugly heart and soul. She had been stringing Mingi along to her tricks, taking advantage of his good persona and also his wealth. Yep, if you hadn't known it before, Mingi, similar to Jongho, belonged to a well-heeled family.
"Mingi's too much of a kind heart to see through her lies and chicaneries," Seonghwa scoffs, continuing to sauté the vegetables, he glances at you and shrugs his shoulders lightly, "we've all tried our hardest to get him out of the illusions she's weaved around him; so far, we've only offended him with our stupid trials."
"You told me not to be bothered by him, on the contrary you yourself are troubled—"
"—there's always some sort of hypocrisy hidden in my words, sweetheart," his laugh interrupts you, "time heals, doesn't it?" As he sighs, he fixates himself on the pan of sizzling of vegetables, "I'm just hoping he realises his worth and knows what he deserves."
"He will, I'm a firm believer of that."
You hum and lean back into the counter, stretching out your upper body and legs to destress yourself; the sublime morning dawned over, spilling with golden cast and untimely bloom of chirping birds. It had been approximately fifteen minutes since Seonghwa and you had taken on the venture of cooking egg fried rice for everyone, almost done with finishing with the task at hand. Amid the silence of all, where only the occasional sears of vegetables and oil resounds, your stomach growls and all hell breaks loose.
Seonghwa bites back on a laugh and looks at you, "if you're that eager, there's an assortment of cut fruit in the fridge. Help yourself to it." He redirects your attention by pointing the spatula in his hand towards the refrigerator, "I'll be done in ten more minutes. You can have a light snack till then. And do you want me to brew you some green tea with the rice?"
You're already a few steps ahead, already by the refrigerator, "I'm fine. I'll just have some orange juice instead."
Opening the door of the refrigerator, you shuffle around with the various takeout containers and a box leftover pizza from last night. Along some saran-wrapped plates of Wooyoung's experimented recipes, you find the colourful bowl of cut fruits, which also happened to be covered by a large sheet of saran-wrap. The gelid ceramic bowl fits snug in the palm of your hands when you bring it out to the dining table; sitting down on your designated chair, you put the bowl on the table and flick the wrap from it. Your place at the dining table had been preordained by the others, you were given the seat between Yunho and San, while the others sat in their usual chairs. There was one chair, centrally placed along the width of the table, claimed by Hongjoong. And the others would then sit around him; it started with Hongjoong, and clockwise to him, it went, Seonghwa, Jongho, Yeosang, Mingi, Wooyoung, San, you and Yunho.
As it was only the two of you this morning, you decided to settle down on the first chair you see; which happened to be where Seonghwa sat. Aimlessly, you let your hand dive in the bowl to pinch out a piece of peach, the first bite is juicy, tangy and sweet, forcing you to reminisce on your bittersweet encounter with Mingi. You're in a dour state of your mind again, forced to have mindless notions, if there could ever be a time where you and Mingi would get along just fine. Lost in your heady wonders, you blindly pick out another piece, a piece of melon and put in your mouth; juices trickle, splashing on your chin and rolling further down your neck. Chewing through it, you're still immersed in the intangible truth of your downtrodden relationship with Mingi. You munch and chew, without having the knowledge that you had nearly finished all the fruit in bowl, and how sticky your chin was from all the fruit juices.
Louder your thoughts are, the more unaware you become of footsteps ascending out of the kitchen. You're snapped into reality by a certain weight lingering on your shoulder. When you raise your head up, you're stricken with Seonghwa's beaming smile and his amused eyes.
"Angel to earth," he muses, "what are you thinking of?"
You shake your head, lips quivering, "nothing really."
Seonghwa doesn't believe you, yet he nods his head and places the plates on the table which had been carrying in his other hand. Slipping his hand from your shoulder and sliding it across the back of your chair, he leans over and traces his other hand along your chin; fingers collect the remnant of fruit juices from your chin before his thumb swipes just under your lower lip. You watch him, flustered and confused, mouth agape, seemingly out of the daze, as he brings his fingers to his mouth and lets his tongue dart out. He licks up the length of his forefinger, fluttering his eyes close before humming in satisfaction. When his eyes open to your soft whimper, he continues to lap his tongue around his thumb; sucking on it, he brings it out with a pop and smirks lightly at you.
"Sweet," he whispers, leaning further to reduce whatever distance that was between you two. His lips hover on yours, ghosting their soft brushes till he mumbles, "you're not a good liar, sweetheart."
"I-I really wasn't—I wasn't thinking of anything," you stutter, jerking up your shoulders and taking a deep breath to keep yourself composed.
On the brink of letting your lips touch, you're at loss for words and thoughts; the close proximity muddles with your brain in ways you couldn't quite comprehend. Not when Seonghwa's hand had slithered its way on the nape of your neck from the chair. His delicate grasp pulls you in, your lips touching in some sort of fervent delight, till you're lurching and leaping, tilting your head to augment the desires palpating in both of your hearts. He cups your face instead, using the warmth of both of his palms. One of his thumbs presses against your cheekbone and you wince, fumbling with your own hands to wrap them around his shoulders.
This kiss drags on for long as it could, minutes murmuring to nothing more. Seonghwa's mind is left craving for more when he tastes the sweetness of fruit on your tongue and lips, when his own had been exploring the hot crooks of your mouth. You let him do as he pleased to, eager for his tongue to explore and taunt your own, to let both of them rub and wrestle together. Until, you're past the threshold of your contentment. A concept frozen in time, bounded by nothing till you're both breathless, chasing for the breath of air you needed to appease the burn in your chest. Seonghwa breaks the kiss, rupturing the rhythm of your lips; he rests his forehead against yours, his warm and ragged breath thrashing against your cheeks.
"Something has to be wrong with me today," he frets his words with the air he inhales, "I can't seem to let go of you, neither can I rid my heart of this devout yearning to taste you on my tongue. What have you done to me, my darling?" He chuckles in the raspy and breathless state of his, "do you not want me to stay sane?"
"I'm—I'm doing nothing," you respond, words hitching in your throat and heart pounding on the walls of your chest, "you were the one who kissed me."
"I am aware," he adds, whirling his tone with a deep laugh, "couldn't help myself when I saw you sitting here, lips and face glistening with the juices. You wouldn't know how tempting you were, how fucking beautiful it was for a man like me, to find you—" he chuckles in your face, "—every bit of you is so fucking precious, sweetheart. No doubt I lack self-restraint when I'm with you."
One of his hands on your cheeks, falls to grab your chin in his fingers' subtle grip, he pushes his thumb under your lower lip and forces you to open your mouth.
"This mouth had done some wonders back then," he mutters, "do you remember that night, Angel? When I had fucked this pretty little mouth of yours..."
You nod.
"Such a good little girl," he rasps, drunkenly, "such a good girl to remember the time I had wrecked her throat. Hmm, fucking perfect."
And you're rendered speechless; it's very unlikely for you to be so horny in the morning, let alone, your day had just started, and you were already dripping through your shorts. Swallowing thickly, your throat wobbles with you having no words to voice them out; instead, Seonghwa steps back, begrudging to himself as he straightens up and stares down at you.
"I know what you're thinking of," he muses, "and I've got something for you regarding it. Don't worry, sweetheart, all your desires will be quenched; let's just eat first, okay?"
Again, you're only sane enough to nod your head vigorously. Biting on your lower lip, your mind goes astray, the reminisces of the said night flooding your conscience with zeal and ecstasy; only recalling the vague memoirs that night left you with, had tipped you past your edge, urging your arousal to soak your shorts and causing more to seep out. Seonghwa's muted whistle howls in your ears when he's placing the pot of cooked rice on the table. While you're still disoriented from the remembrances of your game night with him and Yunho, Seonghwa makes himself comfortable on one of the chairs and pats his lap, hoping you'd take on the little hint. You obviously did not need to be told twice. Scampering off your feet, you're quick to fit yourself in his lap. You prop your legs across his, leaning your body onto his chest while resting your head on his shoulder. Mumbling out an incoherent sound, Seonghwa wraps his arms around your waist and presses a soft kiss against your forehead.
"How are we supposed to eat if you're going to..." he says, suggestive enough for you to sit a bit straighter, "you know, you can get needy at times. A lot."
Plucked by a sense of curiosity, you compose your posture and wrap your arms around his neck. Seonghwa's lips curl with the utmost bewilderment, while your brows squeeze together in the centre of your forehead; he shakes his head, fathoming your deliberate gestures. He pinches your chin, thumb pressing into your bone for your lower lip to tug out.
"I'm not complaining, it's adorable." He adds in a wispy voice, "really fucking adorable when daddy's little girl gets to bat her lashes at him and he falls head first into her trap."
You smirk, squirming on his lap before leaning over to whisper in his ear, "isn't daddy all talk and no show?"
"Daddy doesn't want to hurt his baby," he mutters, tracing one of his hands along your back to your neck. Though, losing his grasp on his own tongue, he lets out a chuckle and looks away from you, "bless my soul, I thought I'd be able to keep a straight face through this vulgar oration, but turns out I can't really utter anything without absolutely cringing my spine."
"Why not?" you laugh along him, as his eyes are back on you, twinkling with unsaid words, "I believe, you said it was a part of your "kinks" and preferences."
He shrugs, slightly shifting you on his lap, "it is; however I don't want our fellow readers to crawl out of their skin listening to me exaggerate..."
You peck his lips and shut him up, "I bet the readers like it. So, don't you worry about it."
"The main concern should be, do you like it?" he rasps, his voice husky, "it's important to know if you're comfortable or not."
You brush your lips against his, "it might take me some time to get used to it. Not a lot of guys I had been with, dabbled in this kink, you know."
"Lot of guys?" he instigates, his lips curling into his cheek, revealing his canines, "how many guys have you been with before us?"
"I never asked you how many women you've been with before me," you drawl, jutting your lower lip out, "why do you care, anyway?"
Sliding his hand further up your neck, he entangles his fingers in your hair and pulls you with it; you arch your head back, succumbing to his strength and chuckling softly before he buries his face in the crook of your neck. He traces pleasant kisses on your skin, eventually letting his tongue dart over to lick and suck, eliciting pretty sounds from your mouth.
He murmurs his words, letting them collide with your skin, "fine. I'll tell you everything. Would you like that?"
His hand which had stayed around your waist, tightens and using your body to have some leverage, he bucks his hips into yours. The thin material of his sweatpants wasn't enough to let the impression of his erection go unnoticed by you; seemingly immersed in the sensation his lips offered and the way his hardening cock rubbed against your inner thigh, you let out a mangled gasp, smiling to yourself.
"Sure—ah fuck—sure, tell me everything about your past." In your line of sight, you could only catch the minute glimpse of his tousled hair tickling your throat.
Seonghwa hauls a soft chortle against your collarbone; not knowing when he had drifted off from kissing your throat, to your collarbones, you whimper ever so slightly, lurching over to hug his shoulders tighter in your grasp. Your body somehow manages to stay on his lap, somehow rattling to his the movements of his hips and the sensitive teasing of his lips on your collarbones; if you were to squirm or shift even to the slightest to your side, you would be slipping out of his lap and landing ass-first on the floor.
"What, do you need a number or names?" he jokes, "I'm bad with both. Could never keep a count, or remember their names."
"That's just sad," you enunciate, shuddering to his teeth sinking right above one of your collarbones, "very much like you, I don't recall a lot of things from my past endeavours either."
Seonghwa hums along, "you certainly know how to play a risky game, don't you?" teasing you with his teeth, he proffers a few more nibbles to your flesh before pulling back. His hand drops from your hair and lets you move your head freely; though, he brings the same hand down to cup a side of your face, "don't bite more than you can chew."
"Oh, you're one to talk," you retort, rolling your eyes at him, "aren't you redirecting my attention to something else." He understands your intentions when you subtly glance down, and scoff, "I thought we were going to eat. You just seem to have all different kinds of ideas, anything but eating breakfast, apparently."
"And who's responsible for putting these ideas in my head?" he taunts you, patting your cheek before backing himself away and wrapping both his arms around your waist.
A dark sheet of serenity falls over the two of you, simmering your thoughts till he's making an effort to create a sound. Seonghwa's grip tightens around your figure, his chin coming to rest on your shoulder as he mumbles, "I've slept with many women in my past, maybe a few men here and there; but I could never connect with them on a spiritual level. Could never engage each other in meaningful conversations. Our emotional compatibility was almost close to negligible, so we kept it limited to our bodily passions and intimacies. All of my past experiences, they're more jarring than you could ever imagine them to be."
You listen to him draw in a sharp breath, his chest heaving into yours when he does. For the fractioned beat of a second, he grows quiet and then sighs, breaking his silence, "in the end, I came to terms with it; I had no problems living that lifestyle, even though it was, in practicality, destroying me." He adds, "so, due to my internalised needs and desires, I stopped meddling with the dating culture altogether. Now, I wander around, meeting new faces every night and indulging in most of my darkest desires."
"Does that sate your curiosities, sweetheart?" he wrings out a jagged laugh, shaking his head, "I truly hope so."
You nod, "yeah."
There's an underlying forethought concealed in Seonghwa's eyes; it glimmers softly while you're still figuring your way through the labyrinth of his words. Seonghwa may not be as forthcoming as you might have predicted him to be, though you couldn't really judge after only living with him for a month or so. It took time for him to peel his shell off, engage with you in much profound and deeper conversations about literally anything and those tête à têtes were your habitual secrets to seeking an ardent relationship with him.
"Good," he smiles, "let's eat then. I can feel my stomach growling for some food, while I'm starting to see stars behind my eyelids."
"Oh, you're so dramatic," you playfully scoff, before propping the lid off the pot, "and so hungry today. Are you sure it's food that you're craving and not something else?"
"What else would I crave on a Saturday morning?" he deadpans, licking his lips.
"I don't know, I was thinking about..." you trail off and let out a simple laugh, "me, aren't you craving me to fill your mouth with my sweetness..."
Seonghwa groans, keeping a mellowed out smile on his lips, "daddy's little girl really wants to test his patience, doesn't she? Well, daddy is going to make sure his little girl knows not to tease him."
Your spine crumbles to his husky voice, his arms tracing up your sides; fingers clasping onto the hem of your shirt, he lifts it over your head and discards it down on the floor. A soft crinkle resounds, but you aren't too bothered by it, because you were too fazed by his warm breath prickling your skin, fanning with an intensity. Bare chest, see-through demeanour, you fix your hungry eyes on his and wait for them to shift a shade, wait for them to lose all the light before he becomes feral in a way only you could understand. Wetting your lips, you slide your hands into his hair, picking at the soft tuft of ebony strands, and tangling yourself in the much needed strength. And there it goes without saying, ambient dark shrouds his eyes and a smirk fleets on his lips.
Till the time a breathless gasp leaves your mouth, his face is buried in between your tits. His tongue slithers out, rubbing up stripes, licking your skin; a moan gets trapped in your chest when you find the same warmth graze along your sternum. His lips hover over one of your tits, you're anticipating when he opens his mouth and engulfs you with a want you had been sitting on. However, he doesn't give it much thought before wrapping his soft lips around your flesh and guiding his mouth down. All in his mouth, you bite your lip and throw your head back, eyes screwing shut with the absolute pleasure you were bubbling with.
Your arousal seeps through your shorts when his teeth sink in lightly at first, and then he bites down, hard enough for his teeth to mark your skin. Strapping his hands to your waist and pulling himself away from your chest, he somehow manages to shuffle you on his lap. A second sounds in your head and his mouth is back on your chest; immersed in the holy delight of his lips and mouth sucking your tit, you voice a strangled whimper and fist your hands in his hair. Seonghwa winces at the way you were tugging on his hair, but doesn't make a sound and continues to do what he had taken up on.
Somber serenity in the surrounding is filled with fervent echoes of moans, groans and whimpers, all shuddering from your mouth; your lips remain parted, your eyes now half-lidded to gaze down at Seonghwa, and your cunt leaking with excitement. Whiling himself in his own carnality, he slides one of his hands up from your waist and gropes your other tit. The softness of his hand caresses your skin before the raggedness of his fingers envelops it whole. Pinching your taut nipple in between his thumb and forefinger, he lets it roll before pulling on it.
"Ah, fuck—Seonghwa," you voicelessly mutter out, bucking your hips into his to let your clothed cunt grind against his thigh, "you—you fucking switched up—you just—keep doing that, please."
Your desperation amuses him, but he doesn't let go. Seonghwa's tongue keeps lapping and tickling your taut nipple by rubbing its tip too harshly over it. At this point, you're gasping for air and your lungs could collapse any moment due to the suffocation your mind brought upon them. Moving your hips vigorously to a steady pace, you try to get as much friction against his thigh as you could. Internally, you writhe with a bolt of desperation striking down every rational thought in your body. While his other hand stays around your waist, he supports your back and lets you ride his thigh.
The slick of your arousal is starting to seep through your shorts and soaking into his sweatpants; if you could translate your and his neediness, you both wanted the same things. To rid yourself of your clothes. You were piqued beyond your desires, wanting to rub your drenched pussy against his bare thigh, and Seonghwa had his heart in his mouth, picturing how pretty you'd look cumming on his thigh. With his hand slipping against the small of your back, he gives you subtle hint and you take it; propping yourself on your feet, you stand while Seonghwa pulls away from your chest and suppresses a groggy grunt in his stomach.
"I better have you moaning my name when you're riding my thigh."
As he voices the steepest craving of his heart, he pinches your nipple harder and twists it in between his forefinger and thumb; you gasp, your lungs burning to the sting of your chest while you're starting to pool in your shorts.
"Do you understand that little girl?" he emphasises and tugs harshly on your nipple, red blotches starting to fade in across your skin.
"Yes—yes," you mutter, catching a breath, but aren't really given much time when Seonghwa's hand cups your tit before the palm lands flat and harsh against it.
"What do we say, Angel?" he slurs your name, and it rolls off his tongue coated with honey.
"Yes, daddy." he nods, willingly palming your tit before slapping it again, "that's what I like to hear, hmm..."
The meagre vibrations of his voice are just resonating in your ears when his delicate touches ghost your waist. Your bare skin gets trickled with goosebumps the moment he engulfs you in his warmth. Effortlessly, as you meet his eyes, pleading him to rid you from your shorts, he hooks his fingers under the waistband and tugs them down. Not a second is wasted in kicking the shorts off your body; they lay strewn on the floor, sprawled by the legs of Seonghwa's chair.
You're about to lower yourself back into his lap when he makes you cease your actions with a simple nudge of his head. Seonghwa, unfazed by your glistening cunt, quickly pulls his sweatpants down and lets them bunch at his ankles. Trapping a mewl in your chest, you then straddle a side of him, situating yourself and your aroused cunt on one of his thighs.
"Hmm, fuck me, Angel," Seonghwa moans, throwing his head back when he feels your slick caress his skin, "you're fucking leaking down here. Such a—such a wet cunt rubbing up and down my thigh," he takes a deep breath and squints his eyes close, "you seriously want me to lose it, don't you?"
You bite down on your lower lip and nod your head, pressing your back into his thigh and letting your cunt drag over; the very first brush of your folds against his skin was ecstatic, beaming a haze of sheer raw carnality through your body. Seonghwa catches his breath and straightens his head to have his gaze fixed on you. The specs of brown are mild and pale in his eyes, mostly because they were concealed behind a thick curtain of lust. The look in his eye is quite similar to the one you had caught up on that night, the night where you were sandwiched in between Yunho and him.
"I just—I just want to cum," you cry in absolute agony, the dragging minutes turning your arousal painful and harrowing. "I can't—Hwa, I can't take this much long—longer."
"Darling, no one's stopping you," he growls, "go ahead, make a mess on my thigh," he clicks his tongue and shakes his head, a sly smile curving his lips, "or does daddy's little girl need his cock to set her straight?"
When he rasps his words, you let a part of your sanity slip away into the dark of your lust; craving most of him, you rock your hips against his thigh, your wet folds fretting with a want so inhumanly strong to break you apart in meagre seconds. Needless to say, you were long gone, led astray in the land of darkness and pure lechery. How could you take things slow when you were beyond any hope, beyond the particulars of your aroused body forcing you to fold and rile up in all the worst ways possible. Your body jolts to the upheaving urge of suffering; cinched by your mind, you tense up the moment a tight knot fickle with your gut.
Winding your arms around his shoulders, you procure a much needed leverage for your hips to rub on his thigh. The sensation kept dragging out your high, kept you in the steady motion while you were whimpering in utmost pleasure. And the man under you was completely unfazed, however bewildered and amused to watch you use him to help you come undone. This was his first time watching you so desperate for him, his first time touching your cunt; it blew up a fuse in his head, mouth drooling at the sight of you and your tits bouncing, the sinful sounds your mouth parted with, and how lusciously loud you were starting to get. Combusting with the remaining desire, you steady the rhythm of your hips and tighten your arms around his shoulders. Your cunt kept clenching around nothing, your clit in a sensory overdose from grinding for long and your needy self still ached to be filled by him. Moans grew louder, your eyes welled with tears and blurred your vision.
"Daddy..." a whimper shudders in your most devastating voice ever, "I want you—I want your cock, please. I need you—I need you so bad, daddy."
Seonghwa's unholy chuckle resounds only a little when he immerses himself in the play of his cravings and dives in to lick your already shimmering tits. His spit layers on your skin, his cock springing and straining in his briefs at the way your delicate cunt kept stroking his thigh. This could be the ultimate end of your struggle, you were so sure the tension in your stomach would ease out if you continued for even a minute more. But to your disappointment, one of Seonghwa's hands comes down to caress your mound; he offers you a little slap before using his other hand to stop you. A bashing strike of his hand against your stomach is enough to bring you out of the daze, to have your hips rolling back while your body manages to comprehend the situation.
"Hmm," Seonghwa clicks his tongue, "my little girl needs daddy's cock to fuck her good, hmm..?" continuing to muse, he mumbles against your chest, "such a needy little girl."
"Please daddy," you whisper, tilting your head down to meet his eye.
"Get on your feet," he commands and you oblige, standing up with your legs on either side of his.
Seonghwa lets a teasing curve slide on his lips before he starts pulling his briefs down; he manages to slip them off his legs, shoving them to a side while he glances at you and how your eyes were tracing every inch of his cock. Indeed, you were staring down at him, salivating with the anticipation of when you'd be stuffed by him. Biting back on a groan, you could barely keep yourself up, merely have strength to keep yourself on your feet. When your knees buckle with an absolute want and feeble enthusiasm, you land straight in his lap. Seonghwa clicks his tongue, in an attempt to distract you from the embarrassment you thought you were delving in; he pulls your further down by your waist and lets the tip of cock nudge a side of your inner thigh.
In the heat of the moment, you mewl from the pit of your stomach and lurch into his chest. Simmering kisses along his clothed chest and collarbones, you graze your lips painfully slow to meet his; a fracture in time melts all boundaries for your rationality, and the next thing you know, you're licking his lips and shoving your tongue into his mouth. You pry his mouth further open, letting it fall wide while your tongue slithers past his and plunges to the base of his throat.
Seonghwa hums, letting you do as you please; he was more concentrated on bucking his hips into yours, to let you feel his hard cock, let it dent in your lower belly. You're far too gone, though a few minutes prior to this you were on the edge cumming, and now you're riling yourself up again. Pressing your tongue against the roof of Seonghwa's mouth, you shift in his lap and situate yourself in a desperate position. Your cunt stroked up his cock, the tip almost slipping inside but you veer slightly to let it slide out and up your mound. Musty stench of sweat and sex had already dissipated in the morning air, how the sunshine basked in glory of shining across your bodies and entrapping them in warmth of refined pleasure.
Breathless, Seonghwa pulls you by your waist and angles his head back; he takes a lug of air through his mouth and lets his lips mould into a smirk.
"What was that?" he questions, his husky voice dwindling to a mere whisper, "my little girl knows how to play, doesn't she...?"
You nod, succumbing to such neediness that you have to stable yourself by holding onto his shoulders. "Yes daddy..."
Seonghwa has had a good grasp on his untamed mind for quite long. Though he knows he's going to lose it soon, and the more you heed him by the word he so often goes crazy listening to, he might not really not go too easy on you. His hands glide down the small of your back and cup your ass. While his eyes are too busy fixated on you, he leans in to catch your lower lip in between his teeth. You give into him because you were wasted, intoxicated by carnality to have any logical notions to think straight. The raggedness of his calloused hands rubs against your ass. Taking the hint, you lift yourself only a bit for him to guide you down onto his cock. And he might have struggled a little to slip inside you, because he was distracted by your desperate eyes and the way he had trapped your lower lip in his mouth.
You whine, managing to get your words out, "fuck—daddy, I need you—fucking please."
"You're doing great so far, love," he praises you, freeing your lip from his clasp and continues, "come on, you can get it in by yourself, can't you?"
On the verge of crying out, you quickly nod your head and bring one of your hands down from his shoulder to wrap it around his cock. You give him a few strokes along the shaft and then proceed to pump his tip; bracing yourself, you use the same hand to align him against you, your attention solely fixed on Seonghwa's as he watches you with so much admiration. The moment the tip of his cock prods with your folds, his brows scrunch to the centre and his eyes flutter close. He voices a guttural moan, clasping down hard on his lower lip while you swallow the length of his cock. It slips right in because of your abundant arousal leaking out; he grows harder inside of you, twitching slightly you completely sink down and wrap your velvet walls around him.
"Ah, fuck. Angel..." he mutters under his breath, peeling his eyes open to find you were equally stuck in the trance of pleasure with him, "is daddy's cock perfect for you?"
You nod, "yes, daddy's cock—daddy's cock fits so well in my cunt."
And there goes your ability to structure cogent responses and voice them at the same time. You were bound to get drunk on all the dopamine and serotonin dispersed in your bloodstream; Seonghwa's body was just another excuse for your brain's haphazard behaviour. His cock nestles deep in your cunt, slightly straining again as you try to adjust to the stretch and his length. Seonghwa may not be as girthy or thick as Yunho, or Jongho for that matter, regardless, he had a good length to reach places which were probably not easily accessible to anyone. It wasn't a good time to recall, but the night you deep throated this man, you were practically left sore in your throat and Yunho's suggestion of drinking hot tea was a failed attempt.
"Such a good girl," Seonghwa mumbles, slotting one of his hands in the small of your back and tracing up the other one to your neck, "such a good fucking whore to take my—take my cock in. Feels good, hmm? Daddy's cock feels good, doesn't it?"
"Yes," you whimper, wincing softly before leaning over to envelope his shoulders with your arms. "Daddy's cock—daddy's cock feels really good. So fucking good."
Your voice starts breaking towards the end; throat drying to the possible thought of rolling his hips against his, for his cock to plunge even deeper than this. The moment you try to move your hips even an inch, Seonghwa slaps a hand across your tits to get you out of the daze. Bothered and immensely frustrated, you let out a saccade series of jumbled up whines and gasp.
"Fuck—what was—what was that for?" you stutter, watching the man with tears in the corners of your eyes.
"Don't move." He smirks, "not yet."
"Why not?"
Seonghwa's smirk grows deep into his cheek, "because I'm hungry. And I need to eat."
"Fucking really?" you heave out a low-pitched laugh, sliding your arms down to the hem of his shirt, "daddy really is un-fucking-predictable."
"And daddy's little girl shouldn't have such a foul mouth on her," he teases, bringing his hand again to strike it against your chest; to you surprise he doesn't, rather he slaps your already puffed cunt, "hope she's aware daddy knows a way to cleanse it. Does she want—ah fuck, love, you're clenching around me."
He leans over to grunt in your ear, "be a good little girl while I have my breakfast, darling. And I'll give you what you deserve, hmm?"
"Okay," you murmur, but bite your tongue, adding, "daddy..."
Seonghwa scoffs playfully and props your body against his chest; he makes sure you're resting on him while he reaches out to the cutlery holder on the table to grab himself a spoon. The plates were ready in front of him beforehand, from back then. He helps him to a small serve of the rice you two had cooked together. As the rice spills over the plate, his spoon clatters delicately; he collects a spoonful and brings it close to your mouth. In all honesty, you were indeed hungry, but didn't want to admit it to him. Not when you were frisky and needy in the beginning.
"Here," he rests the spoon by your lower lip, "open wide."
Rolling your eyes at his trivial attempt at mockery, you open your mouth and let him put the spoonful of rice in. The spicy and tangy undertones hit your taste buds, quickly followed by the crunch of veggies. You were baffled, struck by a dilemma; there was a party of flavours in your mouth and in the merry land of downtown, your cunt was stuffed with his cock. Which plight was more engaging and pleasurable? Obviously, eating.
You hum in a strangled manner, gazing at Seonghwa who himself had a spoonful of rice in his mouth. A blotch of sauce stains under his lip, just below on his chin and your mind goes off with an idea. Leaning in, your breath fans along his nose and lips, eventually turning intense on his chin. Your tongue darts out in the latter second and laps up the stain. You've licked it clean, and while you were immersed in doting on Seonghwa's lowly groans, you could feel him twitch in your cunt. It turned him on. Victory for you.
"What?" you act coy, rolling your hips into his to let the tip of his cock thrust into you slightly. "You've got weird kinks, I did what I thought you'd like..." you drag it to a mumble, "daddy."
He shakes his head, a smile splaying on his lips; he gets another spoonful of rice and feeds it to you. Again, you relish on the savoury taste and moan softly. Again, Seonghwa's cock pulsates in your cunt.
"I do." He answers to your priorly posed question, "in fact, feeding you is weirdly turning me on."
"Touché," you roll your eyes.
"Do you want to cum or not?" he mocks, sliding his other hand up your bare stomach to grope one of your tits.
"You're a fucking tease."
You shouldn't have said that.
'Cause the moment those words left your lips, Seonghwa's eyes lost their light, and his lips pursed together in a straight line. He lets the spoon drop against the plate, clattering louder at the impact and the echoes kept resonating around. You swallow thickly, your mind fogged with deliberate thoughts of him and anticipation. It takes a fraction of a second for Seonghwa to thrust his hips into yours, ramming his cock further up your cunt. You press on a moan, fumbling with your arms to allot them a place to rest; finding his shoulders perfect for your body to support itself you tangle them around him and hope for the best.
"Fine," he mutters, growling through his words halfway, "I'll get straight to the point then. Get on your feet."
His voice is as dark as his eyes, stern clear and firm; you swallow down on a lump in your throat again, and get on your feet. When you do, though, his cock slips out of your cunt and you wince at the emptiness; your much elated indulgence comes to a sudden halt but it doesn't leave you quite yet. As you're steadying your quavery feet on the floor, Seonghwa stands up from his chair and steps out of his sweatpants pooling around his ankles. Your eyes meet with his, losing yourself to the push and pull of your horniness; he takes a step towards you, while your back is pressed up against the table. The edge of the table dents into your flesh, but it's nothing compared to the steely despair in your stomach which bubbles through your body. He lurches over and rests his arms on either side of you, putting his hands on the table to trap you in between his body.
"Ass out, little girl," he rasps, "daddy is going to remind you how to behave around him."
With little to no resistance in your mind, you flip your body over and stick your ass out; he, on the other hand, does not hesitate in grabbing your waist or pulling your ass back into his crotch. He grabs the hem of his shirt and pulls it up to clutch it in between his teeth; the shirt rides up and exposes his toned abdomen, and chest. You glance over your shoulder to bask in the sight, the delicious sight of him biting down on the hem of his shirt and sporting a smirk on his lips. There's no denying, he was a piece of art and even more so, he appeared so fucking hot while pushing himself into you. His cock nudges against your asscheek as he rolls his hips into your rear; he continues to do so until his cock slips perfectly in between, under your cunt. The tip prods with your slit, tracing back and forth till he makes an attempt to sink into your warmth.
Seonghwa's grunt is partially coarse when he plunges the tip of his cock into you. The way he slips in so effortlessly into your cunt, reminds you how wet and aroused you were. Though, you wouldn't have minded if he had rubbed his cock along your slit for few more minutes; it was driving you insane how he drags his ministrations and tipping you off the edge. Your patience were disintegrating and it was hard to keep up with your body.
"Fuck, Angel," he slurs his words, "you're swallowing me in, fuck—so fucking eager."
He winds an arm around your waist, resting it right over your stomach to steady you before pushing himself further into your hips. Inch by inch, the entirety of his cock is buried in your cunt, the fullness causes you to tremble and shudder, forcing you to take a deep breath which apparently only stings your lungs. Seonghwa uses his other hand to slot it in the curve of your back, pushing you over the table and bending you into him. It was all about the convenience, finding the perfect angle for his cock to thrust and ram into all the good places inside you.
"Seonghwa..." you whimper, resting your hands in front of you, holding onto the table as you're pushed into it with his force. "Fuck—daddy, you're—a little faster, please."
Stringing out a few words to create something coherent, at least you thought you were. Seonghwa's thrusts pick up their pace, only by a tempo while he still teases you: he pushes in till the base of his cock, and pulls out fully to leave you whining on the empty feeling. He does that quite a lot, frequently slipping out of you and sliding back in with much fervent enthusiasm than before. The teasing was only so much you could handle at the given moment of time, because you were already in the hopeless state of mind, wanting to be railed by him without any restrictions or distractions.
It had certainly left your mind that you stayed here with seven others men; one of which who resents you but the other six are patient, awaiting on their chance with you. If any one of them were to walk in on the two of you, it'd be a mess. Not that you did not anticipate it. You would be propelled into a new world of kinks and chaos if someone were to watch you get dicked down by Seonghwa. Just picturing it makes you clench around Seonghwa's cock, groaning at the slow-paced thrusts and pokes he eventually made at your clit with the tip of it. You were beyond helpless and had a vague outline of future possibilities streaming in your mind. That is, if someone were to really walk in on the two of you, you really hoped it to be Yunho.
Fuck. That doesn't seem like a good idea, considering Yunho had conveyed a part of his jealousy when you were sucking Seonghwa's face off that one night. If he were to see you get railed by his friend, it'd make him vicious enough to pull Seonghwa off of you and complete the task himself.
Probably, you'd want San to walk in on you two; there's no logic to this, but to your better judgement, it seems right for him to. You and San hadn't had much of an interaction, though you're a hundred percent assured he'd revel in the sight of your ass sticking out and into Seonghwa's crotch. San was definitely an ass guy.
"What are you thinking about?" Seonghwa asks, losing his grasp on his shirt; it falls down over your back, tickling your skin softly.
"Nothing—nothing really."
"Liar. Tell me," he chuckles, dark and loud. "I know you're—fuck—thinking about something."
Seonghwa's grunt settles heavy against your shoulder when he pushes his cock back into and proceeds to fuck you with the tip; he leans in to rest his chin on your shoulder, his ragged breathing harsh against your skin, tickling a side of your face and your ear. The material of shirt chafes your skin to the slightest degree, but should you really be worried about that? Your mind had been numb to his cock prodding and thrusting harshly into you, the rhythm of his hips not once faltering; he's certainly going at it, but somehow drawling out your orgasm and his too. He brings both of his hands on either side of your waist, clutching and denting your flesh with his fingers.
"I know what you're thinking about," he groans, "fuck—what if someone were to—what if someone walks in on us, hmm?"
You moan, "daddy..."
"Little girl wants someone to watch her while she gets—fuck—while she gets railed by her daddy, hmm?"
"Yeah, thinking bout someone—someone watching me."
"Ah, daddy's little girl is really filthy," he plunges deep into you, the tip of his cock settling in your warmth, "wants someone to watch her—wants others to see how good—fuck—how fucking good her daddy fucks her."
"Please," you mewl, nails scratching against the wood of the table, varnish slipping under them. "Please daddy—wanna—wanna be a good girl for you."
"Hmm," he hums close to your ear, licking up a stripe to bite down on the shell of it, "you are. Such a good girl—such a good fucking girl—fuck, taking daddy's cock so fucking well."
His hips rattle your body, the pace building up to a heavy speed, and continuing to follow so; pushing at your back, he bends you further onto the table, almost pushing your chest flat against it. In your haphazard world, you are cautious not to fall on the half eaten plate of food and the little sauce pan of rice which remained covered. You turn your head to the side, cheek pressed up against the wooden top and catch in the glimpse of Seonghwa's sweaty face. A few drops cascade down his forehead, while a few strands of his stuck too close to his skin. He has a very fucked look in his eyes, losing himself to the insatiable temptation of hitting you from the back.
You stretch your hands in front of you, pressing the palms flat and supporting your body to the wild impacts of his hips. As the benign force of his thrusts causes you to oscillate back and forth against the table, you're somehow lost in the trance while staring at him. Seonghwa throws his head back, his throat arching so perfectly, so expressive of him; his adam's quivers under his skin, and he screws his eyes shut. You're on the verge of letting your tears slide down your face, stricken with immense pleasure and delight in the way his cock was ploughing through your puffy walls.
"Good girl for..." you muffle your words on your spit, the drool starting to accumulate and trickle past your mouth. "Good girl for daddy."
"Yes, sweetheart . Such a sweet girl." Seonghwa replies incoherently and continues, "such a sweet little cunt, swallowing my cock in—so fucking well."
He had lost it too; he rambled useless words in the daze of your walls cleaning around him. It was the sweet disposition which got him to thrust himself even deeper. Too deep. Too many long and hard thrusts. His crotch and lower abdomen stays flushed with your ass, his thighs boring into your hips with every thrust of his. The tip of his cock plunges in the steeper end of you, pushing through your walls and jolting your body close to your orgasm. One of Seonghwa's hands comes to rest on the nape of your neck, wrapping delicately before pushing your head further into the table. His other hand lays flat against the small of your back, somehow forcing you to arch your ass into his cock. It worked.
"Daddy..." you moan, eyes half-lidded and lips slick with your drool; not just your lips, your chin had a sheeny coat of your spit.
"A little more, darling," Seonghwa groans.
When you whimpered his name, it was the point of no return for him; he diverts his mind towards your cunt, and how your warmth had engulfed his cock in sheer pleasure. Your walls tauten around him, and devour his cock further into your heat. You weren't fond of the table, your body felt sore and aching against it; and his thrusts weren't easing out any of the pain, not when he had picked them up. The inhumane lunges of his hips, shoved his cock deep. Stroking his thumb on the back of your neck, he leans over to rest his forehead on your shoulder blade. His hot breath fans your skin, edging you close to your orgasm.
A unlikely and familiar heaviness knots in your gut, twisting them ferociously as your stomach growls with a need. Seonghwa's cock keeps hitting you in all the right places, in all the right ways; you were minutes away from crumpling down and easing out your orgasm. Sensing your walls clench around his pulsating cock, Seonghwa peppers your shoulder with gentle and light kisses. The fluttering sensation crawls down to your stomach and causes it to twist; you're so close, almost on the verge of letting it go. The hand resting against your back, traces up the length of your arm and pulls it down; he bends it over and slots it in the curve of your back. Doing the same with your other arm, he has both of them together against your back, while he traps your wrists in his death grip. You're far too fucked out of your mind to resist against anything.
"Go on, sweetheart," he whispers, "you deserve it—fuck—go on, make a fucking mess on daddy's cock."
"Holy fuck—I'm—I'm fucking—I'm..." your voice gets lost in the sound of your skin slapping with his.
That was it. The last bits of his words make you go crazy, snapping every string of self-restraint and control, cutting off every thought to your brain and body. He drills his cock into you, keeping it concise and easy, and you're unravelling all over him. The knot in your gut nicks at your stomach, tightening it up further in your chest, and when the lightness washes you down, you relax your muscles and hear your juices splash. The cold drops trickle down your inner thighs, coating every inch of his cock as he continues to thrust through it.
"Such a good girl," Seonghwa growls, stuttering in his words, "daddy's gonna fill you up, sweetheart—daddy's gonna fill this sweet little cunt up."
Your lungs burn, your throat feels a little sore and your body feels lethargic; you're almost certain you'd pass out if he were to continue like this. Seonghwa heaves out a groan, which comes out hard from his chest as he fixes his drunken gaze on your face. His continues to caress his thumb against the back of your neck, which you had forgotten about a few minutes ago, and rolls his thighs into yours; his hips stay flushed against yours for a meagre second until he's pulling back. Keeping up with this, he thrusts in deep for the last time before his cock twitches with the urge; drenching your walls in his warmth, he spurts his load into you and rides it out with a few more thrusts.
The warmth of his cum dribbles on your skin, trailing further down to your knees when he pulls out. Emptiness scorns your body, pulling it out of the trance and your mind clears up with the post-orgasm clarity. His heat dissipates to cold air when he pulls himself away from you; stepping back, he heaves out a heavy sigh and runs a hand through his sticky and sweaty hair. You take a moment, a short second to compose your breathing before pushing yourself from the table. Your body feels lightweight and relaxed, but at the same time, you're drained. Even standing on your feet seemed like a task you'd fail at miserably. You plop down on the chair instead, hugging its backrest close to your chest and resting your head down against its edge.
"Now, that was something," a deep voice rumbles; the man clicks his tongue and pulls your attention on him. You raise your head up, almost too quickly and it gives you a good whiplash.
"How long have you been standing there for?" Seonghwa questions, pulling his briefs and sweatpants over his waist. He sounds a little breathless as well. Obviously.
"Fuck," you whisper under your breath, your naked form in all its glory in front of the man you hadn't spoken to a lot before.
He stood aimlessly by the kitchen's entrance, giving him the flawless view of you and Seonghwa doing it on the dining table. You were trembling with so much excitement after knowing there indeed was someone watching you while you got dicked down. But you did not expect it to be him. Not at all. The man has a flustered face, cheeks, the tip of his nose and ears, tainted with the subtle shade of red. He wore a black tank top and grey jogger shorts, his long ebony shaded hair sat disheveled yet neatly framed his face; half of it was tied back in a small and messy ponytail, while most of his hair stayed loose and tickled the sides of his face.
"Since she brought up someone walking in on your two," he simply shrugs and steers his gaze away from Seonghwa and onto you, "don't worry, Angel. You were fucking hot, writhing under his body. Look—" he glances down, and you do too, finding a tent in his shorts, "—my cock was so excited to see you like that."
"Well, we're actually done," Seonghwa wraps an arm around your shoulders and leans down to kiss your temple, "she's all yours if you want her."
The man standing by the kitchen, with a chilled water bottle in his hand, muses and contemplates for a good minute before his sleazy smile turns into a mischievous smirk. He unscrews the cap of his water bottle and chugs a good amount of water before sighing out in satisfaction and putting the cap back on. You could roughly translate what his eyes spoke to you at that moment, there's no way you wouldn't understand the hunger and wildness in them. And if you were honest, he was the last person you wanted to spend your time with.
"Sounds good," he mumbles, "we actually have a bone to pick, don't we Angel?"
Seonghwa gawks, "oh really?"
"Yeah," the latter continues, "we better get it done, right Angel." his voice drops down a baritone and his eyes lose their jubilant temperament, "you've already pissed me off too much, Angel. I better not find you stalling today as well."
Dread crawls your stomach and your mind goes blank, if it isn't the consequences of your actions. You're biting on your tongue, wondering how you'd get out of this. If you recall anything from the past, you might remember you were handed a contract and asked to read through it. You stalled, procrastinated and did everything else but pay any attention to that contract over the past week. Of course, now the devil haunts you, just as he had been haunting you in the past week. To your defence, the contact withheld a lot of information and most of the times, you'd fall asleep reading it. So, you put that task off till you were in a good mood and free from your university assignments. That day never came actually.
Yeosang's smirk grows in his cheek, his eyes devouring your naked stature as whole before he heaves out a breath and tugs at the straps of his tank top. You had no idea what he was thinking about. There was no way to know since you weren't a mind reader. But if you could vaguely rely on your imagination, you could tell he was thinking of ways to punish you. And that somehow, turned you on like a bitch. You were yet to venture into his kink, know his preferences and the anonymity itself made you wet, wetter than before when you were with Seonghwa.
"She's all yours, Sangie." Seonghwa kisses your cheek this time, "just give her some time to clean herself. I came in too hard."
"Of course, but yeah," you chime in, an awkward chuckle leaving your lips, "why don't I take a shower and meet you in your room once I'm done?"
He listens to your suggestion intently, ponders over it and breaks his silence to give out his testimony. "It's just cum, I'm fine with it."
As the serenity falls over the three of you, Yeosang clears his throat, "come on now."
You tense up, your shoulders going stiff and your body convulsing; you were caught up in your mind, reeling back to your moment with Seonghwa. Regardless, you were attentive enough to listen Seonghwa's clueless chatter further on.
"What is this about, Sangie?"
Yeosang shrugs, leaning back against the wall and folding his arms over his chest; the way his muscles bulge and flex, cause you to lose a part of your sanity. "Do you want to join us for a round two?"
Seonghwa shakes his head, while you're comprehending what Yeosang had just uttered and why was it so filthily hot coming from his mouth. "I wish," the older sighs, "gotta clean up the mess here and then wake the others up. I've got a few tasks lined up for the day, too. I'm taking a rain check, regardless of how fun it sounds."
His warmth clashes against your forehead when he turns and leans down to kiss it, "Angel helped me with my lethargy in the morning. I'm as refreshed as a daisy blooming on a Sunday morning."
Yeosang hums and Seonghwa adds in a mere whisper directed to you, "I have something planned for you tonight, though. Meet me in my room after dinner, hmm?"
You nod, eyes shuffling across the span of the space to meet Yeosang's; he has something lurking in his, something cruel, a few dwelling strokes of sinister intentions and a bit of malice to have your heart palpitating for no reason whatsoever. Shifting your legs on the chair you sat on, you sense something trickle down from between your thighs; the jolt of realisation strikes you hard and you quickly get on your feet before you stain the chair.
Seonghwa casts you a bemused glance, and upon understanding your actions, he lets out a soft chuckle. "It's fine, Angel. You don't have to worry about it."
You pout, "I wouldn't want to add in to your troubles, you've got a lot of them already."
"I can manage, Angel."
Seonghwa shakes his head and picks up your shorts; he hands them to you and you're quick to slip into them, preventing any flow out that might cause with your curt movements. Running his eyes on your bare chest, and the emerging purple blotches around your neck and tits, he grabs your shirt as well, and tugs it over your head. Exalted by his mannerisms, your heart does a little leap and drops down to your stomach.
"Well, thanks..."
"Are you two done?" Yeosang questions, voicing out his ire and annoyance.
"Yes," Seonghwa laughs, "go easy on her, Sangie. She's new to your kink."
"I'll think about it." The latter smirks and straightens himself off the wall, "any day now, Angel. I hate it when people keep me waiting."
"And it irks me even more when they aren't obedient."
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maxidentscene · 2 years
touch starved and greedy for affection
⚘ genre. fluff
⚘ members. ot8
⚘ disclaimer. I didn’t proofread so there’s bound to be some grammatical errors srry
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chan makes sure that he spends his time wisely (cuddled up to you like a fool in love)
As soon as he sets his belongings aside, Chan is making a beeline from the entry of the dorm to his bed where he knows you’ll be waiting for him
You don’t even have to ask when it comes to him. He can read your mind, he’s so good with body language and he’s more than happy to indulge you in some affection. If anything, he’s just as touch-starved as you, in mere seconds his arms are linked around your waist
“Did today go smoothly?” You asked with a hint of sleepiness in your tone, finally at ease and relaxed with the feeling that you missed so much returning to you again. He was the warmest person you’ve ever met
A nod was all he gave in response, burying himself deep into your neck, melted right into your hold. Scratch his scalp with your nails and he might just kick his leg out like a dog does when you find their sweet spot
The two of you don’t say much. Words and conversation aren’t really necessary in times like these where you soak up each other’s love
lee know works on his own agenda, but alters it just a bit when he notices your problem
Even if you were trying to hide it, he can read you like a book, it’s almost scary. It all started when he had retracted his hand from your leg, only for you to reach for his sleeve but stop yourself midway
“What was that?” He had that little sing-song tone dripping off of his words, making it obvious that he’s about to tease you all the way to hell. “I could’ve sworn you tried to grab me just a second ago. Are you alright? Feeling sick or something?”
You glared at him, wanting nothing more than to wipe that smirk off of his face. But what else was there to do? No point in defending yourself when you got caught red handed. “So what if I was?”
Too cute. You were seriously too cute for your own good, he could just eat you up. With a lighthearted laugh, Minho put his hand back at its original place on your leg, making sure to give you a reassuring rub before paying attention to the tv
After this little incident, he made a mental note to start giving you more physical attention. It’s not a problem to him, he’s definitely not complaining
changbin was holding back to avoid crossing boundaries
Although it had been a little while since the two of you started seeing each other, you already felt a deep connection with him and as a result, you began to crave his touch
But Changbin, being the thoughtful person he was, wasn’t sure just yet how you felt about being physical. He didn’t want to jump the gun and scare you away, you were still getting to know each other and the last thing he’d ever want is to make you uncomfortable
So, when you’re out on a date and sat across from him, his hand resting right in front of you on top of the table, you stare at it and contemplate just tucking your hand into his. “Is there something on my hand?” He asks, flipping it back and forth to examine it
Biting the bullet, you inch towards him. He picks up fast and his heart is beating out of his chest, quick to snatch your hand up and hold it proudly
The instant relief that the skin contact gave you was something that you’ve never felt before. Shooting him a smile, you expressed how happy you were to get through another relationship barrier
hyunjin is offended that you didn’t tell him sooner
No, he’s not genuinely upset that you didn’t voice your wants and needs to him. He’s just dramatic and can’t help but hide that side of him when you mutter something about ‘you haven’t hugged me in forever’
He stops dancing, catching your gaze in the mirror as you sit against the walls behind him. Guilt is a bit heavy in his chest as he makes his way toward you, but it’s quickly replaced with a teasing and lighthearted nature because he knows that you meant no I’ll intent
“Well come here then,” he doesn’t wait for you to meet him halfway, instantly dropping onto the floor to attack you in a bear hug. Kisses are placed all over your cheeks and face and you can’t help but feel sorry for saying something that probably made him feel bad
“Stop it,” Hyune reads you like a book, scoffing at the regret written all over your face. “You were right to say something, I probably wouldn’t have even caught on. What kind of boyfriend would that make me?”
You slap his arm gently, taking this chance to breathe in his scent, play with the damp strands of his hair that’s peeking out of his baseball cap. He was such an interesting guy, always taking great care of you without even realizing it
han makes it impossible to feel touch starved
Oftentimes, you start your days with Han’s limbs wrapped up in your own, his arm thrown across your chest and legs latched to yours as he snoozes away. That being said, it’s hard to feel touch starved from someone who touches you more than you’ve been touched your entire life
“You ordering coffee?” His weight is thrown across your shoulders, his arms snaking around your neck to tap the screen and prepare his drink. “Did you see that they started adding the seasonal drinks to the menu? All pumpkin and gingerbread and stuff.”
You could only nod, feeling secure in his hold and melting into his chest as he rambled about anything that came to mind. He was quick to make himself comfortable with you, which was surprising but it probably helped that you were so welcoming
Just like it was impossible to feel neglected by him, it was also impossible to deny Jisung or push him away. He was a cuddly teddy bear, always so warm and gentle. Always smelled great too
It only took you a few minutes of zoning out to notice that he was long done ordering, his body heat nearly lulling you to sleep as he stood there. “Did you want anything else or can I order?”
felix feels a little bad, but he makes the biggest effort to make things right
It’s not that he doesn’t want to express physical love! He’s just been busy like crazy, he’s been tired and you’re always asleep by the time he makes it back to you. Who is he to interrupt your sleep, even though he wants nothing more than to be all over you?
He realizes just how much this barrier is effecting you as well when he comes back to the dorm with his roommates, only to find you making popcorn at almost 4 in the morning. Everyone makes their way to their rooms, too exhausted to even question you and simply shooting you a wave
“Why aren’t you sleeping?” Felix asks with a heavy sigh and small smile, walking behind you only to be surprised when you grip his arms and wrap them around yourself. “You okay?”
He could feel you shake a little and he was worried that if he turned you around, he’d see you crying, one of his least favorite things in the world. You know that he can’t control his schedules and you know that this was part of being with an idol, you felt ashamed
Instead of making comments or pushing you to tell him what the problem was, he stroked your sides, squeezing you closer and accepting that there will be times like these. Times where you need to feel loved, too.
seungmin has the grandest time teasing you
“A kiss?” He sends you a cheeky grin, looking around and assessing the situation around him. The cafe was nearly empty, another couple on the other side of the room and lost in their own conversation. “In public? What’s up with you? Didn’t I give you one before we left?”
You knew he was giving you hell because you never ask for stuff like this and you roll your eyes, gently kicking his shin from underneath the table. He acts like it’s a bother but he’s quick to lean across the counter, hands supporting his body as he holds himself in place for you to take what you want
“Greedy today, aren’t you?” He huffs as he seats himself back down, a huge smile on his face. You can only send him a glare before stirring your drink with a spoon, stomach fluttering with butterflies because he’s so damn charming even though it may suck to admit
It’s obvious that he’s waiting for a response, he makes it evident when he places his cheeks in his palms, leaning in and watching you sip. “Keep it up and I’ll leave you sitting here,” you bite. He shakes his head before getting up, and you’re surprised when he makes you scoot further into your booth
An arm is quickly wrapped around your shoulders as you sit side by side, the other side of the booth empty, his dessert sitting across the table unattended. “Stop being a baby now.”
jeongin needs you to blatantly tell him to his face
Beating around the bush wasn’t the best approach when it came to Innie, he’s the kind of person who appreciates being told things head on as they are. So, when you come to him with a nervous expression, he’s quick to make room for you on his bed and sit up straight
“So,” you start, playing with your fingers and failing to look at him. His stomach is doing flips and he’s afraid that he’s about to hear bad news, yet he waits patiently for you to get your words out. “I kinda want a hug.”
He blinks once, twice, a few times as he relaxes and processes what you said. You looked as if you committed a crime, lips pale and hands all shaky. “That’s really all?” He breathed out with a laugh, wrapping his arms around your figure and bringing you down to lie next to him. After feeling you nod, he sighs into your shoulder. “Anything else you want from me?”
Luckily, he makes it so easy to talk to him and disclose all of your issues. He’s patient and kind and a great listener, you feel silly for even thinking that he’d deny you or think you’re clingy for asking. “Yeah. Stuff like this more often.”
Even though you felt that your request was very vague, Jeongin understood you loud and clear. He made efforts to be more physically affectionate, a department that he was lacking in even before you came along. It was just another quality of his that you could assist him in bettering
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Can you maybe do post man Abby with Mrs.postman- Black pumas
Mrs. Postman - (abby anderson x reader)
Hi anon! this was so weird to write because where I'm from we don't have people who deliver our mail, but i hope i did you justice. I hope you enjoy:)
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This story is based off the song Mrs. Postman by Black Pumas, if you can please listen to the song as you're reading:)
Pairing: post man!abby x fem!reader
requests are open again! send me your silly thoughts:)
warnings: none
Summary: in which you fell for the post lady
authors note: first abby fic that isn't hcs??? let's fucking go dude. My second post for the day, I'm blessing yall before I leave till god knows when lmao.
Every tomorrow brings sunshine in my neighborhood since you've been in it
Oh-oh, here comes Mrs. Postman
She's thicker than blue blood and a message from her spirits, high descendant
Oh-oh, it's Mrs. Postman
This commonality won't let her be fooled by low conditions
Oh-oh, says Mrs. Postman
Your love reside in me but other feathers seem to flock together
Oh-oh, Mrs. Postman
You hated this stupid fucking city.
You don't even know why you moved here in the first place. It was fucking hot. Everything was expensive. You hated this place so much.
The Jackson sun was high in the sky, as you stood at the window drinking your morning tea.
You had moved in a couple of weeks ago, and today was finally the day you would be able to get your mail.
You finally heard the knock at the door, and with excitement you ran towards it. You almost tripped but no one needs to know that.
As you opened the door, you thought you stood in front of a god.
Her blonde hair, was pulled back in a tight braid, she was staring at you with her beautiful eyes, and her smile was just fucking perfect. Her uniform sat tight against her skin, showing her body is just the right places.
Holy shit.
Postman or Postwoman? You don't even what to call her.
"Hi, I'm Abby! You must be new" she said with a bright smile.
Now you knew why everyone is Jackson was always so happy in the morning, their fucking postman was a ray of sunshine.
"Yeah I am" you said with a small smile, opening up your hand to take the package from her hands.
"Have a good day ma'am" Abby said, before she walked away.
Maybe Jackson wasn't that bad after all.
If you want it
Go and get it, you can have it Mrs. Postman
That's alright
Can we spark it? Effervescence, let the flame burn Mrs. Postman
Right on
When it rains just know that every little thing is alright
All the same, I know that everything will be right on time
as the weeks went by, you realized that Jackson wasn't such a bad place.
The people were nice, it was a safe area. The Postlady is really hot. Things were looking up.
You found yourself waking up earlier in the morning, just to make yourself look prettier. You would sweep your front porch daily, to make sure that Abby would come to a clean place. You found yourself baking cookies, and giving it to her every morning.
What was happening to you?
Even when you didn't have any mail, Abby always made a turn at your place. Her visits always made you feel special.
The days Abby didn't come, you always felt the lack of her presence. She'd become a part of you routine. She's become a part of you.
Over time you learned small facts about the blonde.
Her dad was a surgeon, she had one dog, her favorite color is blue, she works 5 days a week, and she's trying to get into college.
You could say the two of you had established a friendship.
You saw whatever you had as more than that. You guys weren't a friendship in your eyes. You felt that there was more.
Your crush on Abby grew by the second, every interaction, every smile and giggle she let out had an effect on you.
god you were down bad for your fucking Postwoman.
Today was like no other.
You woke up, took a showers and you put on brand new blue sundress you bought to hope fully catch Abby's eye.
You sat in your living room, staring at the clock, counting down the seconds of Abby's arrival.
You heard a knock at your door, and you jumped up, cleaning your throat as you walked towards the door. You took a deep breath as you opened the door and you were met with Abby's smiling face.
You saw her eyes wonder down your body as she looked at your outfit.
She thought you looked fucking beautiful.
"Hi Abby" you muttered shyly.
Your eyes met as, and you felt a spark.
"Hi" Abby smiled.
"Do I have mail?" you asked.
"Yeah a letter" Abby handed it to you.
You thanked her and the two of you stood there for a while.
"Aren't you supposed to go Abby?" You asked unsure of why she still stood there.
"Open it"
with a raised eyebrow you opened the letter.
The page was complete white, but in the middle of the page there was some words written in black ink.
Will you go on a date with me?
From your favorite postwoman
Abby <3
You looked up at her with eyes wide, and she awkwardly brought her hand up to scratch the back of her neck.
"So?" She asked unsure.
She looked terrified.
"Fuck yes" You breathed before you leaped forward bringing her in for a hug. You gave her a kiss on a cheek as you pulled away, her face was red.
You made her so fucking nervous.
"Can we go out tonight?" Abby looked at you with a hopeful smile.
"See you tonight ms postman"
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the-moon-lullaby · 1 year
Could you do headcanons of how the boys spend their morning after their first time with candy in episode 40
How the HSL Boys spend their morning/day with Candy after episode 40
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𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚎𝚕 :
He probably already considered the option of Candy staying the next day after spending the night 
Which is why he did some groceries the day before and that there’s some sweet snacks in his kitchen 
(and he didn’t buy them for himself as you could've assumed)
He’d bring her breakfast in bed 
He’s a bit awkward and wouldn’t really know what to talk about because it’s the first time he finds himself in a situation like this 
But the feeling would quickly fades since that he feels even closer and comfortable around Candy than before (I mean it make sense after the night they spent) 
So they’d just enjoy a little breakfast together 
Nothing too fancy but the vibe is chill and nice 
Afterwards he’ll probably would want to take a shower 
and if Candy wants to, she’s free to join (after all it saves water) 
He’d probably do a little checkup on Candy while they’re showering and ask her if she feels sore or anything (and if that’s the case, he’d be happy to offer a little massage under the steaming water) 
Then he’d ask whether she wants to go outside or if she wants to stay inside
If they’re staying home, they’d probably spend the afternoon in Nath’s bed while he reads her one of his favourite book 
I can see them writing little notes in it while they do that and now each time Nathaniel picks up this book there’s a little reminder of this moment (so cute)
When Candy has to leave, he’ll walk her home and while they’re heading there, they’d already be planning their next date (since that they’re free of school now, Nathaniel clearly intend to use these holidays to spend even more quality time with Candy)
Honestly, there is kind of a domestic vibe here and I live for it
𝙲𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚕 :
Okay so we know that my boy was up for a second round but he’s no fool 
He knows that Candy might be a little sore after the night they spent together so he was probably joking around (at least for now)
Yet he wouldn’t let her get out of the bed so soon and would hold her close, wanting to make this peaceful feeling last as much as he can 
I think he’d finally allow himself to be more vulnerable (it’s about damn time) by letting Candy play with his hair and he wouldn’t bother trying to hide his loving stare or blushing face that matches his hair
He’s not the best with love confessions and all(which is why he wrote her a song instead of directly telling her about how he felt, as we already know) so he tries to show how much the moment they shared last night means to him through his attitude
At some point they’d have to get up to take Demon on his little morning walk. So they would go together 
They’d probably stop by on the way back to get a little something to eat (because Castiel spend his whole day before cleaning the apartment for Candy’s visit and ended up forgetting to buy something for breakfast 🥲) 
Afterwards they’d either go back to bed if Candy is still a bit tired or they’ll go shower (no matter what, that’s probably when the second round really begins) 
Then, they’d spent the rest of the day hanging out in Castiel’s apartment 
If it’s a sunny day, they’d go on his little terrasse enjoying the warmth and each other’s company while taking turn to throw a ball to Demon 
Or if the weather isn’t that good or if they just feel like staying inside, Castiel would probably play some guitar for Candy  
(she’d probably ask him to sing the song he wrote for her once again and he’d pretended to be annoyed but he’ll gladly do it)
𝙻𝚢𝚜𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 :
I believe he’s an early bird so he was probably the first one awake (I know that’s not how it happens in the episode but idc)
Wouldn’t get out of bed though because he doesn’t want to wake Candy (she needs to rest after all because well, the night was short)
As he feels that she’s waking up he’ll just caress her hair and kiss her forehead 
Not much would be said but his caresses and kisses here and there as they’re laying next to each other speak a thousand word 
He’d make Candy feel so loved and special
The kind of feeling that makes you ask yourself if you’re still dreaming (this man, I am melting)
They’d probably have to get up and get ready after a while because I assume that Leigh would like to come home at some point 
I have this headcanon that Lysander, when not at school, prepares his and his brother’s lunch so when Leigh comes home for his lunch break, everything is already ready and Lysander can spend a little time with his brother since he’s often very busy (protect this man at all cost, he’s such an angel)
So he’d do that this time as well, only that he’s cooking for Candy as well
She might try to help him but as we saw in the game, she’s not really a skilled cook so he’d just end up be like « I’ll take care of it dear. Just sit back and enjoy »
For once, Lysander would probably go back to his room with Candy to eat their meal instead of eating with Leigh since he wants to spend a little more time with her 
When Candy has to go, he’ll walk her home and would kiss multiple times feeling it hard to leave her lips as it’s like he already misses her presence (such a romantic boy)
Armin : 
He go raid the kitchen to find some snacks (sorry for his parents who did a refill the day before but now everything’s gone) 
Took the snacks that were Alexy’s too because for once he has a good excuse to do so (“it was for Candy !”) 
But right after, he’d lay back in bed, preferably on Candy, and he’d love feeling her nail softly scratching his back while he’s resting on her chest 
He’d probably fall back asleep that way
Nothing on earth could make Armin get out of bed before 12 AM on a weekend (also expect Candy to fell asleep with him)
Even though, they probably spend the rest of day in Armin’s (bed) room
Armin would pick up some comics and show them to Candy or they’d start to watch this anime he kept telling her about
The curtains would remain drawn because sunlight is not allowed in this room (I have to stop with this whole Armin-avoiding-the-sun thing it’s so cliché, sorry lol)
He would hardly manage to keep his hands of Candy but she wouldn’t mind (she’d actually do the same)
This could lead another fun time, who knows ? (I mean guys, he finally found a sport he enjoy doing)
He ended up ordering food for them, maybe pizza or burgers because despite all the snacks he ate, he’s still hungry (he is a bottomless pit)
Kentin : 
probably woke up first (I don’t remember if it was the case in the game but I rest my case anyway) 
I just know he struggled to sleep the whole night 
He was processing what had happened lol
He’d be terrified to wake Candy because he thinks she look so sweet sleeping like this, in arms
But at some point his arm would feel a little numb as she’s laying on it 
So she’d be woke by him trying to move and then apologising for it 
He’d totally make a fancy breakfast (eggs, fruit salad, pancakes even ? that's a slay)
He knows what he’s doing since he loves breakfast and he never skips it 
So he’d be so happy to share a breakfast he made with her (and he’d hope she’d be impressed lol) and he would bring it in bed for her
Cookie would need to take a walk too (we’re not forgetting the doggies here) so he’d asked Candy if she wants to come along (and of course she wants to)
So they’d get ready together, taking more time than expected because they keep interrupting each other with stolen kisses (aww) 
They’d spend the whole morning enjoy the sun as well as the beginning of the holidays 
Since, they’d probably agree to go eat outside, they’d take back Cookie home and then go do their little lunch date
Then they’d just wander around the city, holdings hands and window shopping (they're this kind of couple you spot in the streets)
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There you go Anon, I hope you like it ! (it's more about the whole day rather than the morning but as it's said in all the route, they clearly intended to spend the day together)
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peachybun-bun · 2 years
Eat, Baby
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the graphic above was edited by @chogiwapadada
do not remove the watermark and do not repost
pairing; kim mingyu x f reader
genre; smut (minors dni)
notes/warnings; sugar daddy dynamic, unprotected sex, fingering, oral (f receiving), daddy kink (mild), food is ate, improper use of chopsticks
word count; 3470 and some change
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The smell of food lures you out of your nap as you turn on the large bed with a big stretch and yawn. The sheets tangled between your legs as you try to adjust to your surroundings, remembering that you aren’t in your apartment, but instead at your boyfriend’s place and in his bed.
You run your fingers over the soft sheets with a smile on your face to their high quality, impressed with his attention to detail. As much as he liked to spoil you, he enjoyed spoiling himself just as much. 
Making yourself slide from the comfortable bed, you sigh to yourself as you search for your clothes, not finding them where you had left them and assuming Mingyu had taken them along with his putting them into the laundry. “Does he expect me to wander around naked?”
Wrinkling your nose and brows in thought at your own words as you look around hearing the sounds of him further into the apartment, probably the kitchen, you wander to his closet in search of something to wear. You opt to pull down one of his crisp white button ups, pulling it on and buttoning it up enough to cover your chest. 
Glancing in the mirror, you tug on the end of the shirt as the ends hit you mid-thigh as you swim in his shirt. The cuffs of the sleeves reach your fingertips as you extend your arms as you pose a bit, making a face, before pulling your hair from the collar and pushing up the sleeves. 
Moving through the hall, you smile as you finally make your way into the kitchen with light steps, trying not to try to disturb Mingyu as you watch him stand at the stove, softly singing to himself along with a song playing from his phone on the counter. 
He looks so handsome he almost takes your breath away, and you hadn’t even seen his face yet today. His shoulders fill out the gray cotton t-shirt that clings to his body with every subtle movement he made as he cooked quietly. Mingyu was very obviously trying not to wake you up. He had probably wanted to surprise you, but now you want to surprise him. 
Stepping behind him, you slide your fingers along his side, just above where his shirt meets his low hanging sweatpants, before wrapping your arms around him and pressing your cheek to the middle of his shoulders. You take in a deep breath of his scent as he jumps slightly and laughs. 
“Baby, you could have slept in longer. I was gonna wake you up when the food was done. ” 
You smile and kiss his back, making Mingyu smile and bite at his bottom lip as he finally moves to turn in your arms. He glances down to look at you, shaking his head as he lifts a hand to push your hair behind your ear as he leans back. His eyes take you in as he sucks in a deep breath. 
“I couldn’t find my clothes, so I borrowed something of yours. I hope you don’t mind.” 
Mingyu laughs, biting at his bottom lip again out of habit, before wrinkling his nose. “First of all, I’d be a fool to mind seeing you in my clothes, so no I don’t mind at all. Second, your clothes are in the dryer. I wanted them to be clean and warm for you.” 
You can’t help but smile at his sweet gesture and his roaming hands as he slides them over your ass and under his shirt, raising his eyebrows when he finds bare skin. “You took all of my clothes, Mingyu, and I’m already swimming in your shirt. I didn’t think your boxers would fit.” 
Smiling at your words, your boyfriend trails his fingers along your hips, before lifting at your waist to put you up on the counter, making you gasp at the cold contrast of your warm skin on the cold quartz. “I think this is just proof you need to bring some things to leave here, or maybe just move in.” 
Cheeks flushing, you meet Mingyu’s eyes as his fingernails graze your legs to your knees, before he turns away from you and back to the stove to the food. He finally turns everything off, satisfied with how it all looked. You watch him move the pajeon to a plate as your heart threatens to beat out of your chest as you consider his words. ‘Or maybe just move in.’
He had said the words so effortlessly, as easily as breathing. You did spend a lot of your time here. Your own apartment is pretty much just a storage space at this point, but it is yours. Making this kind of commitment is a huge step. 
Glancing up at you, Mingyu smiles as he hands you chopsticks, sliding the plate towards you on the counter. “Eat, baby. You need your energy.”
Your eyes are drawn towards the food as you swallow hard but quickly laugh, shaking your head as you push the pajeon apart, mostly playing with the idea of eating as he watches you carefully. “Eat, Y/N. It’s better when it’s warm. What’s so funny, baby?”
You pick up a small bite, eating it slowly as you shake your head, before meeting his eyes.
Mingyu watches you carefully, before picking up his own bite of the pajeon, eating it quickly. “Tell me.”
You smile and sigh, finally swallowing your own bite before speaking. “If I were to move in with you, Mingyu…I don’t know. You already act like my sugar daddy or something.” 
Mingyu starts to take another bite of the food when you finally confess your thoughts, causing him to pause and glance at you as you lower your lashes, slightly embarrassed at your words. A smirk crosses his lips as he sits his own chopsticks on the counter, next to your legs, as he watches you push around more of the pajeon. “And what if I want to be? I like taking care of you, baby. Eat some more. I like watching you eat.” 
You scoff at his words, taking a moment before his hand is over yours, making you pick up more of the food and raising it to your mouth. “Open up for, daddy?”
Your cheeks flush brightly as you lean your head back, your eyes wide. “Mingyu…” 
Your boyfriend laughs, his bright smile making you smile in response, before you watch him bite his lip as he offers you the food and watches you take it into your mouth. “What? You don’t like it? I kinda like it…I would like it. It’s kinda sexy, the idea of you calling me daddy in bed. So why don’t you let me take care of you, Y/N? I want to.” 
You bite your lip and swallow the bite as you lock eyes with your boyfriend. Your mind racing at the idea of his words and what accepting them would mean.
Mingyu drags the chopsticks along your bottom lip, pulling it down slightly, before taking them away completely, a smirk playing on his lips. “What do you say, baby?”
Your words falter some as Mingyu’s fingers play with the buttons of the borrowed top you are wearing. Your voice is nothing more than a whine as his fingertips glide along your warm flesh between your cleavage. “Mingyu…”
“Daddy, you mean?”
Laughing, you shake your head as button by button Mingyu undoes the top while his eyes never leave yours as he waits for an answer. You only manage to nod and whisper a yes against Mingyu’s lips as he kisses you softly.
You nod again and feel him smile happily into the kiss, before his hands slide inside your shirt and to your hips as he steps closer between your legs. 
“I want to take you back to bed and show you just how happy I am.”
You can’t help but laugh as you feel his erection press against your naked core though his sweatpants as he pulls you closer to him on the counter. “I think I can feel how happy you are.”
Mingyu playfully growls, nipping at your lips, before stepping back and helping you off the counter, taking a good look at you in the open button up as you stand in front of him. He hisses out a breath he had been holding, before lacing his fingers with yours as he walks you back towards his bedroom, only letting go of your hand as you reach the side of the bed.
You shake your head and laugh at how he is looking at you, as if it’s the first time he’s seen you. “You are acting so weird.”
Mingyu smirks at you and shrugs, moving his fingers along your collar bones to your shoulders, pushing the shirt down your arms and letting it fall to the floor. “How am I acting weird?”
You watch as he tilts his head and bites his bottom lip, making a sound of appreciation that has you almost glowing with how warm you feel under his gaze. “You just…are. Mingyu…” His name falls off your lips in a moan as he slides his hand between your legs, letting his fingers dip between your folds and teasing you slowly as your knees buckle slightly under his attention. 
“I told you I want to show you how happy I am that you will let me take care of you. Lay back on the bed for me?”
You suck on your bottom lip only managing a small, “yeah…” as his fingers move from between your legs to your hip as he helps you move where he wants you. 
Mingyu makes sure your head is centered on the pillows, with your body in the middle of the bed, before his lips are back on yours. You smile even as he moves a hand back between your legs, causing you to moan softly. “You act like I’ll break if everything isn’t perfect.”
He grins against your jaw, nipping gently at your skin, before pulling back to sit up on the bed and watching your hips move as his fingers circle your entrance. “You might, and then daddy would be sad.”
You scoff, but it’s cut short by a high pitched moan as he slides two fingers into you slowly. “I want to take care of you in every sense of that word, Y/N. I don’t want you to want or need anything. I want to have thought of it first.”
You gasp, rolling your hips down over his fingers as your thighs tremble to the feeling of his fingers slowly stretching you. 
Mingyu watches as one of your hands glides over your breast, squeezing lightly, as the other grips at the bedding when your back arches when he hits your spot. “I want to ruin any other man for you. Is that selfish?”
You open your eyes to look at him staring down at you with lust almost dripping from his eyes, his fingers slowly curling along your walls when his thumb presses against your clit in a small circle. “Mingyu!” 
“I need you to start answering me, baby girl. I know you are overwhelmed, but I have asked you a question, and I would like an answer.”
You shake your head no and slide your hand from your breast to his wrist, holding it loosely as you roll your hips towards his hand. “You aren’t selfish, I want that too. I only want you.” 
You watch the tips of his teeth get caught on his bottom lip as he smiles into biting his lip. “That’s my girl.”
You gasp as Mingyu carefully slides his fingers from you, leaving you feeling empty only, to watch him pull his shirt over his head. Your eyes close as his lips press against your chest as he begins to work kisses down your body as he makes his way to lay between your legs. 
He can’t help the way his mouth waters when you move your legs for him, and he watches the way you open up for him. You are beautiful from your head to your toes, and he loves being between your legs. Mingyu smiles as your body jerks in response to his gentle calculated touches and kisses. The way his breath makes you breathe out his name. The way his fingers massage along your folds, spreading them so he can see just how wet he had made you, makes you clench. 
Mingyu groans between your thighs, his hands sliding along your stomach and back down to your hips as he holds you in place. Your fingers tangle into his curly hair as you do your best to roll your hips towards his mouth. 
A smirk crosses his lips as Mingyu listens to your soft moans of desire for more, before he lazily laps his tongue along your folds. He loved going down on you. He could spend hours between your legs. Your whimpers of his name only drive him to be messier, but not quicker. There was no reason to be any quicker. 
Moving his arm around your leg only to pull you closer, Mingyu groans at your sweet taste. The only other sound in the room is his mouth moving over your hot core as he works his way from your dripping opening to your clit to suck lightly. 
“Mingyu!” Your sharp cry of his name draws his attention, a smile on his face, and Mingyu’s soft puppy-like eyes meet yours. Your eyes travel over his face, falling to his mouth that is glistening the low light of the bedroom. His temples covered in sweat, his mouth and chin covered in spit and your juices.
“What, baby girl? You taste so good. Let daddy take care of you.”
You gasp for a breath, trying to speak as his fingers lazily, as his tongue had been, run along your wet folds, making you quiver. “I want you inside me. I need it.”
Mingyu smiles and kisses your thighs, before his mouth is back on your core, making you throw your head back with a loud cry as his tongue presses into your needy entrance.
“I mean your cock…”
He growls playfully against your pussy as you whine and writhe, feeling an inescapable pressure building in your abdomen. 
“I’m gonna cum…oh my god.”
Mingyu nips gently at your folds, before sucking messily at them, before he attacks your clit once again sending you over the edge with a loud cry of his name. He keeps your hips close to him as your hands grip tightly at the bedding for something to keep you grounded. You gasp for a breath, trying to steady yourself as Mingyu’s mouth continues to work over you to the point of overstimulation, until your hands reach into his hair, and you mutter for him to stop. 
“You okay?”
Nodding to his question, you keep your eyes closed, feeling him slide off the bed. You hear him shift slightly, until you feel the bed dip and his body is next to yours. You smile, feeling his skin completely against yours now. Your eyes open to find him watching you, his mouth and chin still wet, making you flush slightly as you start to reach up and wipe it off with your hand.
Mingyu takes your wrist in his hand and kisses your palm, before pulling you over to him as he rolls on to his back. “Ride me?”
You gasp as you hover over him, looking down at him as his hands move down your sides to your hips as he helps you move your legs to straddle him. “I love watching you. Seeing your face when you are happy, or when I hit that spot.”
You roll your eyes and push his chest making him laugh, before his hands slide over your thighs, and he moves one hand to his shaft, glancing down between your legs. “I also like watching how well you take me, all of me. The way your body moves and reacts, you are so sexy.”
You bite your lip as you slide back, letting him tease your clit with the head of his cock, making you both moan, before you lift your hips and let Mingyu press himself into you slowly. The stretch is delicious, and you take your time lowering yourself down, not wanting to overload your senses or miss a single moment of how good he makes you feel. 
Mingyu watches as he presses against his shaft with his thumb, until you are far enough down that he can move his hand back to your legs and just watch as you do the work. It is his turn to take a breath to steady himself as your tight core surrounds him, taking every inch of him like you were made for him. “You feel so good, oh my god, baby.” 
You watch your boyfriend lean his head back into the pillows, his back arching slightly as he struggles not to lift his hips to thrust into you, wanting to let you take control of the moment as you sit fully on him. You can’t help but just take a few seconds to relish in the feeling of being so full.
Mingyu’s hands move to your hips and slide along to your ass, gripping firmly as he waits patiently for you until you make your first movement, and he groans out your name. 
His eyes never leave you, whether they linger from your face, to your breasts, or between your legs, Mingyu’s attention is clearly not going to linger from you. His hands find their way back to your hips as he mutters praises of how beautiful you are, how good you are, how sexy it is to see you on top of him like this. 
You can’t help but smile at his praise as you work your body over his cock, feeling yourself already getting tired, but also the pressure of a second orgasm quickly building. “Mingyu…”
His brows furrow at the whine in your voice as he nods and pulls you down to him, connecting his lips to yours and carefully dropping you to your side, never pulling from you as he speaks on your lips. “Put your leg higher on my hip, baby.” 
Nodding, you moan loudly as you do as you are told when he thrusts deeply into you in this new position as you lay so close to him, face to face, bodies almost flush to one another. “That feels good.”
Mingyu nods in agreement as his forehead presses against yours, sweat rolling from his temples as his lips find purchase on yours once again. His larger hand pushes against your lower back, as your smaller one clutches tightly to his bicep, as he mutters more praises against your lips when he feels you clenching around him as you whine out soft moans. “Cum for me. Let go.”
You nod, closing your eyes tightly as you do as you are told once again, your nails digging into his skin, leaving half moon divots that you know he would never complain about. 
You feel Mingyu’s thrusts almost lose rhythm as his own climax builds, until your lips move to press against his ear, “Now you cum for me, Mingyu.”
Your words are more than enough to send him over that edge, causing him to groan your name and hold you to him as he thrusts slowly a few more times as he spills into you, wanting to fill you up, to claim you. 
“Oh my god…”
You barely hear him mutter the words until you lean back and run your fingers over his temples to wipe away some of the sweat as you stay connected to him. “Are you okay?”
Mingyu laughs and opens his eyes reaching up to take your wrist, turning your hand over to kiss your palm, and he nods before biting his lips. “More than okay, I got the girl. You said you’d move in with me.” 
You sigh and lay your head down on the pillow, before groaning slightly as Mingyu laughs again, carefully sliding from you and off the bed. You hear the sound of water running, before a moment later you feel a warm washcloth running over your skin and between your legs as he cleans you up. Turning over, you meet his eyes and shake your head. “What am I going to do with you?” 
Mingyu grins as he bends your leg up, pressing a kiss to your knee as he continues his task, making sure you are clean to his standards, before tilting his head to your question. “I already told you. You are going to let Daddy take care of you.”
tag list; @m1ss-foodi3, @chaebb, @astroodledream, @shingisimp, @suxihyl, @bmnmin23, @kenmaslutty, @destinyg237
© peachybun-bun - all rights reserved. Reposting/modifying of any fic, or pieces of original writings posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed.  
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tomhollandisabae · 2 years
hidden feelings - bale!bruce wayne x reader
fandom; dceu
summary; after trying so hard to push you away, bruce cannot help but confess his deepest feelings to you
warnings; angst, mature language, fluff
words; 2.5k
a/n; this is the third time i'm posting this because it's not showing anywhere 😭
please send me your requests !!❣️
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You and Bruce had been friends for many years. To be honest you, Bruce and Rachel had always been inseparable, but you and Bruce had an even more tight connection. So, when his parents were killed, you were the shoulder that he could cry on. You would spend so many hours trying to comfort him and show him that there was so much more out there, show him that he deserved the whole world. 
As the years passed by, however, your feelings for him changed drastically- from being friendly to more romantically. You always admired Bruce; how emotionally strong he was, how smart he was and in general everything about him. So, it is fair to say that when he disappeared you broke down.  
You felt as you had just lost your whole world. You'd always go to the Wayne Manor and ask Alfred if he had somehow come back, yet his reply was always negative. Until one day, when he had finally arisen from the dead. 
It was the happiest day of your life. Nevertheless, you realized that he had changed in so many ways. He had become more muscular, more serious and his whole demeanour was different. 
Sooner or later, you also caught up to the fact that he was hiding something away from you. So you comforted him, but it all ended up in a huge argument. He tried to shut you out of his whole life saying that he had no time for old friends and games now, that he had to focus on his company and other... women.  
That day he had broken you in so many ways. You tried to talk to Rachel, yet she told you that she had somehow cut of contact with Bruce too. Later on, she admitted to you that he was romantically interested towards her. She told you that she felt really bad about it, but you reassured her that she had nothing to feel bad about, after all it wasn’t her fault. 
He had made you depressed. You thought that he had finally broken you completely, until one day when you realised that there was something left of him inside your heart still.  
You were at the Wayne Manor, because apparently you were invited to his birthday party. Turns out Alfred had sent you the invitation. But you really hoped that you had never attended. The image of him with a beautiful woman; tall, slim, brunette, that was a perfect match for him, broke the last pieces of your heart that were left. They were dancing, making people look at them in awe, while you were standing in a corner of the enormous room, trying not to cry and make a fool of yourself. 
Now he had completely broken you. 
You couldn’t stand watching him with another woman for even a second more, so you run away trying to get as far away from him as possible. You didn’t notice that you had led yourself to a room that looked more like an office. A piano was placed at the far end and you walked towards it. You were indeed a very exceptional pianist and Bruce was always making sure to always remind you of that. 
You run your hands on the keys, starting playing his favourite song. You purred your whole heart on that song, tears running down on your cheeks, sobs leaving your soft lips. You took out your frustration on the piano keys, playing random notes, until you heard a thud and the bookshelves in front of you moved. 
You were left in shock, but decided to walk towards them pushing lightly. 
A long dark hallway appeared and you followed wherever it was leading. A few moments later you were in a huge white- modern room.  
You had no idea what this place was and why it was so well hidden. You walked up to a desk in the middle of that room and looked at the screen. There were many symbols that you didn’t understand and you leaned down to take a better look. However, without realising it you had pressed on a button and a big sound was heard from behind you. 
You slowly turn around to see what it was, but what you saw left you speechless. 
Batman's suit. 
Of course you had heard about the Batman. Who hadn’t heard about the Batman in Gotham? 
But why was Batman’s suit in Bruce's manor? Unless... 
Your thoughts were interrupted as the entrance where you came from opened and in came none other than Bruce fucking Wayne. 
Once he saw you, he stopped at his tracks. 
“y/n” he exclaimed your name in shock. 
“What...what is that?” you asked while pointing at the suit. 
“How did you get here?” he walked up to you. 
“By accident, I didn’t really mean to. You know how much I love playing the piano and there was one in y--” he interrupted your rumbling. 
“Are you a spy?” he raised an eyebrow while looking at you with abomination. 
You looked at him with wide eyes. He really had thought that you would ever betray him? 
“Me? A spy? To spy on who, Bruce? You? You really think that after everything we’ve been through, I would have backstabbed you like that?” you complaint. 
“I haven’t seen you in a while, you’ve probably changed.” he said and you huffed a sarcastic laughter. 
“May I remind you who was the one that wanted to end our friendship?” you raised your eyebrow. 
“So that gives you a reason to spy on me? Who are you working for?” you looked at him in disbelief. 
“Are you fucking kidding me right now? You were the one that pushed me away, I was trying to help you. You've...” you bit on you bottom lip to stop your sobs “you treated me as if I meant nothing to you, as if our whole childhood was just a dream and that fucking broke me.” a tear rolled down on your cheek. 
“You broke me, Bruce. There's nothing left of me anymore.” you said in a whisper. 
“And now... now you have the nerve to accuse me of such thing? After everything? Yes, I should be hating you, loathing you, but I don’t... I never did. Instead, I...” you stopped yourself before saying something that you would regret. 
“Instead, you what?” he walked closer to you. 
“Forget it” you turned your head, so that you wouldn’t be facing him. 
“Tell me” he demanded. 
“Why should I give you the satisfaction?” you looked up at him with sorrow “you don’t deserve to know anything. You don’t deserve to know what I've been going through because of you. You don’t deserve to know how I feel. You deserve nothing.” you saw sadness filling his eyes, but he huffed out a breath and shook that feeling away. 
“What are you doing here y/n? you weren’t invited.” he said afterwards. 
“Are you still blaming me for spying on you?” you exclaimed “but just to let you know, Alfred invited me, he thought that we could’ve a nice reconnection, but he was clearly wrong.” he sighed. 
“y/n, you can’t say anything of what you saw here to anybody.” 
“After everything I told you, you still really think that I would do such thing to you?” you wiped your tears away and he finally lifted his head up so that he could look you in the eye. 
However, the sight of you with puffy red eyes, arose a deep feeling within him that he had to feel for such a long time. His eyes soften and his shoulder fell in realisation of what he had caused. You looked so broken; indeed, he had ruined you. But why? Why would you let it phase you that much? You were the one that was giving him hope every single time and yet now here you were in front of him, completely hopeless. 
He hated himself for that.  
You were the only one, apart from Alfred, that was there for him at his worst. Not even Rachel was. 
And how had he thanked you for that? By destroying you. 
“y/n...” he whispered your name and placed one of his hands on your arm. 
“no...” you tried to back away from him, knowing that any kind of physical contact with him would end you, but he stopped you. 
“What have I done to you?” you saw in his eyes that he was hurt, but why? 
“Please Bruce...” you tried to get out of his grip, but failed. 
“I thought...” he started saying but took a deep breath as he got even closer to you and placed his palms on both your cheeks with a frowned expression. 
“I thought that back then I had made the right decision by letting you go. Trying to protect from all this, but I was so wrong. I was so hurt, trying to hide away my feelings was making things even worse. But what I did to you... I thought you’d be okay, that you’d leave a happy life without me, meet someone, get to know him like you know me, date him, marry him, have children...” you interrupted him. 
“No, no, I could never do that. No, there will be no one for me anymore... not after you” you whispered the last part while looking down, hoping for him not to have heard you, but he did. 
“Why?” he asked and you finally looked up. 
“Because I love you Bruce” a single tear run down on your cheek “I have loved you so much, for so many years. I was waiting so patiently for you to come to me, because I knew that you’d always come back, but once you did... everything had completely changed.” you confessed. 
“What had changed?” he asked you confused. 
“You had changed, Bruce. Not only that, but as I was trying to help you out with whatever was going on, you were pushing me away, until one day when you told, straight face, that you wanted to do nothing with me anymore and that you had other priorities” your voice broke towards the end. 
“Yes, that was true.” you looked at him in disbelief “and would you like to know what my first priority was and still is?” he questioned you and you looked at him. 
“You were, you are and you will be forever my first priority. Till the day I die, I'll be trying to protect you. I'm willing to risk anything for your safety, y/n” he admitted. 
“Why then? Why did you let me go?” you asked in despair. 
“I told you; I thought it was the right thing to do. I wanted to protect from any danger that Batman’s reputation would cause you, but I was so damn wrong. I should have never done that, because as much closer you are to me, so much more I can protect you and...” he paused “and because it hurt so much being away from you.” he bit his bottom lip while trying not to let his tears spill out. 
“Bruce...” you placed one of your hands on his that were still on your cheeks. He looked at you. 
“Why are you with all these women?” you asked. 
“Because I was trying to let go...” he replied. 
“Let go of what?” 
“Of you” he finally said “I wanted so bad to forget everything about you; your beautiful eyes that were shining every time you were happy, your beautiful smile that never ceased to not make my heart speed up, your intoxicating perfume, your way of always finding the right words to say, everything. I even try that with Rachel.” 
“Did you succeed?” 
“Not even close” he slightly smiled. 
“I love you y/n. I love so damn much and I don’t know why it took that long to tell you, but I'm glad I did now. Even though I wished I could tell you first.” he chuckled and you bit your lip. 
“Kiss me” you said while looking at him. 
“y/n...” he tried to say but you wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him closer to you. 
“Prove to me that you really love me.” and that he did. 
Without wasting any more time, he pulled you towards him and his lips finally connected with yours in a very long-awaited kiss. You immediately lost yourself in the kiss. Chills run up your spine, your legs started trembling and your heart was about to burst out of your chest. But so was his. Bruce wrapped his own arms around your waist, biting on your lower lip asking for entrance, while he was backing you up against the desk behind you. His tongue slipped into your mouth and he started exploring it as your fingers tangled themselves in between his soft hair.  
His hand went even more south, on the back of your thigh as he hoisted you up on the desk making you spread your legs so that he would get between them. He pressed his whole body against yours, while you were feeling your lips going numb. As you had started running out of air, he disconnected his lips from your and started kissing along your jaw and down on your neck. 
“I love you.” he said between kissed “I love you so much” you threw your head back at the beautiful sensation. 
“Bruce...” you moaned out his name and in a nick of time his lips were back on yours, encaging you in a bruising kiss. 
“Master Wayne...” you suddenly heard a voice and Bruce immediately turned around to see none other than Alfred standing at the entrance completely speechless. 
You immediately pushed Bruce away, feeling embarrassed, while you jumped off the desk. 
“Alfred” Bruce exclaimed. 
“Your guests are requesting for you” he informed him while a mischievous smile made its way on his face. 
“Yeah, I'll be there in a minute.” he said and turned back to you when Alfred left “where were we?” he smirked at you, but you pushed away. 
“We were about to go back to the party because your guests are expecting you.” you smirked at him. 
“Well, I am with one of my guests now, am I not?” he raised an eyebrow while grinning at you. 
“Let me remind you that Alfred was the one that invited me” you told him. 
“it’s my birthday, though...” he pouted. 
“Okay then, birthday boy, if you go out there now, I promise you that you’re in for a long night tonight.” you winked at him. 
“Shit y/n, you can’t do this to me” he groaned as you started making your way out of the bat cave. 
“Watch me” you challenged him as you walked away while swinging your hips from side to side. 
“fuck” you heard him while running up to you. 
“you’ll regret that after the party” he said. 
“we’ll see about that.” 
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xxchumanixx · 8 months
Blind and Frozen
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Elijah Mikaelson x reader
Warnings: angst, hurt, a little fluff in the end
Once I touched your heart Held you in closed arms Built a haven for your love Until I let you fall apart Please forgive me
Authors note: I was craving some angst. This song was perfect for this.
Based on the lyrics of the song "Blind and Frozen" from Beast in Black. Listen to it here
Word count: 1.187
The beautiful dividers are from @benkeibear
1738, Paris
„Are you sure he will keep his word?“ you nervously asked, numb fingers gripping the material of your dress tighter.
“He would be a fool not to.” Elijah gave back, sending you a smile that was meant to reassure you.
It did little to calm your racing heart, though.
“Word already spread.” You voiced your fear, biting your lip that was stained blue from the wine. “It will be only a matter of time until Mikael finds us again.”
He sighed, as his hand gripped the glass full of whisky tighter. He was as afraid of his father as you were – if not even more.
You had bribed the major, promising him a fortune if he kept his careless mouth shut. But word already spread beyond the ocean, word of creatures that lurked in the night, stealing the blood of their innocent victims.
It was a dark chapter in your life, something you always tried to suppress.
But your dreams got the best of you, especially without him by your side.
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"Do you remember how we used to dance? Your feet barely touching the ground, it seemed like you were floating. Maybe you were. Niklaus has lost his mind again, after he undaggered Kol. I fear there are dark times ahead of us."
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Once I touched your heart
Held you in closed arms
Built a haven for your love
Until I let you fall apart
Please forgive me
After Mikael succeeded in finally finding you, everything changed.
To say that he scared you away was an understatement.
The only reason he let you live being the pain he caused his second eldest in forcing you to leave him.
Though Elijah never stopped sending you letters wherever you went, you never answered them.
How he did it you didn't know, seeing as a witch cloaked your presence so you wouldn't be detected by another one.
Still you saved every letter of his.
The pain was unbearable, and knowing that he thought you took the chance and run, made your heart break.
You didn’t want to leave him, but you had no other choice.
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God, I miss you like hell
I was wrong, I can tell
For the heart can be blind and frozen
Now I live with the pain
Every night, every day
As I read those letters you wrote me
You missed him, your heart constantly aching for him.
There were times where you talked to him, only realizing he wasn’t there when you got no answer.
You knew that you were in the wrong when leaving him, knowing that you should have sacrificed yourself instead.
Maybe then he wouldn’t have hated himself for scaring you away.
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"Kol is daggered again. He caused Niklaus to abandon little Marcellus, almost losing the trust the boy has in him. I try my best, but the process is slower than I’d like to admit. I wish you were here to help me with this almost impossible task."
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How I long for the time
When your lips would kiss mine
And the promise was still unbroken
I will wait for tomorrow
That may never come
I will wait in the name of love
You had hoped for him to eventually find you, never being brave enough to search for him yourself.
You were scared of the consequences, scared that Mikael was still always a step behind them.
You had never found love again.
How could you, when no one could be compared to Elijah? He was the love of your life, the light of your day. You had promised each other always and forever, but you broke it. Ripped it apart like a last meal.
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"My forlorn heart faintly beats, your absence makes me weak. And if nothing brings you back, surely, I'll roam through life in black, like a shadow. Niklaus swore he would hunt you, but I made him promise me not to. You know how hard it is for him to keep his word."
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Though Niklaus was like a brother to you, you didn't doubt him killing you on the spot when he got the chance to.
You had betrayed them, had left behind what little family you had left.
Rebekah, the best friend that was like a sister to you.
Niklaus, the psycho that managed to convince you to believe in the good in him.
Elijah, the love of your life.
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"Niklaus acted reckless when we were in Mystic Falls. He got a werewolf named Hayley pregnant, causing us to get caught in the middle of a war between witches and vampires. Marcel has made New Orleans his new Kingdom. Niklaus is determined to take it back, all the while denying the fact, that he is the one that brought this mess upon us. I'm feeling more helpless the more time passes."
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I would die for the love of mercy
Destiny, is this how it should be?
2011, New Orleans
When your eyes landed on his figure you almost choked on your breath.
He had changed so much, yet so little. He still wore suits, his hair looking fluffier than you had imagined it to be.
His lips parted in shock, but no words passed them. You heard his heart beating so fast, it almost matched yours.
“Elijah?” the voice of a woman broke your trance, as she whipped around the corner, her brown hair dancing on her shoulders in delicate waves. “I wanted to-“ She stopped short, when her eyes fell on you.
Her mouth formed an o shape, as the realization must have hit her. She must have known who you were even before you had the chance to introduce yourself.
The jealousy flamed up, scorching it’s way through your abdomen into your heart, gripping it harshly.
You swallowed, as it dawned on you who she must have been.
“Hayley.” you said her name, forcing yourself to smile. “What a pleasure to finally meet you.” Her mouth closed, as she hesitantly smiled back at you, returning the courtesy.
The silence that followed was quickly broken by her excusing herself, giving you the opportunity to finally talk to Elijah.
“Elijah, I-“ you started, but he cut you off. “He’s gone, you know?” he started, hesitantly taking a step towards you.
Your words died on your tongue, as you tried to process what he was saying, leaving your mouth agape.
“We killed him. He won’t hunt us anymore. I know why you did it. I know why you ran. He told me before he took his last breath.”
Goosebumps erupted on your skin, as you felt the heavy weight of the past lift from your shoulders.
He was gone. You were finally free.
Blinking slowly you swallowed the sudden dryness in your throat away.
“What are you saying?” you asked, though you had clearly understood him.
“I should have searched for you, but I was blinded by my own guilt.” He admitted, his eyes falling to the ground. “I-“ “No!” you cut him off, taking a step towards him, before he was able to take even more of the blame.
“No, Elijah. None of this was your fault. He made me leave, and I did to safe my life. I was selfish and I shouldn’t have done it, but I did it. I am the one to blame.”
He closed the distance between you, grabbing you by your arms and pulling you into him. His arms wrapped around you, one of his hands finding your hair while his head was buried in the crook of your neck.
Your arms wrapped around him tightly, after a moment of shock, eyes burning.
“Please forgive me.” you sobbed, as the tears managed to free themselves. “I never meant to hurt you. I hoped you would eventually forget me, maybe even hate me. I’m so sorry, my love.”
“I could never hate you.” he quietly gave back, his voice muffled by your hair. “I never forgot you. I just hoped you’d come back one day.”
You sniffled, angry with yourself for hurting him this much.
“I’m here now.” you told him. “And I’m staying, if you let me.”
“Always and forever, darling.”
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