#like theres no way he wouldn't
frozenhi-chews · 3 months
I NEED to see how excited Starlo gets when he finds out about rodeos on the surface
How quickly fo you think he'll sign up and start training for one?
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daily-hanamura · 7 months
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sarayashikidays · 1 month
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soo many events would be different, but, end up with a Kurama who stays because his mom is a baby, sticks around because he falls in love with his city and uses knotweed as a primary weapon, instead of roses
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marchsage · 2 years
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silver’s cringefail father (spoilers up to hgss arc)
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gratitude list time I'll go first
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the-kneesbees · 5 days
just watched my brother graduate
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bsdwherearethedogs · 1 year
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happy bsd season 4 day
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stinkrascal · 3 months
hi jaiden. i read your ask and im very sorry about your loss, i've decided to spread some positivity. you are an incredible writer and as much as you cringe at your older posts i find myself rereading it every now and then. its kind of crazy how i'm quite young, and i've been growing up with reading breanna's story - yet i haven't lost interest. there is something so aesthetic about your standstill posts, i dont know if its the colors or the dust, but its so pleasing to the eye. literally everyday after my work i go and i check if standstill has gotten an update. the way your dialogue is written is so natural. like it doesn't feel like this fake poetic or overly descriptive, it sounds like natural realistic dialogue. and ive also been reading your character bios and in my language there's a word called härlig, thats the only way i can describe the little bios. for it being a sim story, its so incredibly clever and i can tell you put effort into it. the poses are always fitting. and your game doesnt even look like sims. i hope you realize that we will always enjoy your story even if it would be with low graphics or vlad would be a 8x8 pixel. so dont ever shy away from taking a break, because u really deserve to take a break. there is so much i could say about standstill,, but i wont for the sake of it already being quite lengthy! i hope your healing, and i hope that you can accept some positivity into your life. <3
wow okay hello anon... i won't lie, this made me cry a lot ;-;. i've been really struggling lately with intense anxiety and honestly just feeling really shitty ha. reading this means so much to me, more than you will ever know. it's silly ik but i put my heart and my soul into my sims, it can be a little embarrassing bc they're literally just sims and here i am pouring every piece of me into them like they're my diary, taking it so seriously. but like........ i do take it seriously.......embarrassed as i am to admit it..... i love them so much. so reading something as kind and reassuring as this makes me feel really appreciated. thank you for your kindness, it's more appreciated than you will ever realize
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misspickman · 1 year
Ok like jack drake wouldn't be 'kill all queers' type of homophobic but you cannot tell me 90s canonicaly sexist jack drake wouldn't be casually homophobic the way so many people are. Hes the dad who casually drops a slur or makes a shitty joke and insists on it just being a joke if called out. Hes the 'im not homophobic but i dont wanna see that in public' type of guy who gets defensive if you call them homophobic but then says that of course hes glad his kid isnt one of those gays. Its a trend and a phase etc etc you'll grow out of it! Its ok
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piosplayhouse · 2 years
(controversial) I think lan wangji thinks that pee is stored in the balls. Like I don't think he thinks about it often but it's just something he thought of and just never questioned. Like it's just an ingrained belief and no one's ever corrected him because if hanguang jun says pee is stored in the balls then you'd better bet pee is stored in the balls
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fivevotesdown · 2 years
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i could save everyone, but lose you.
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storytellering · 6 months
How do you draw V’s tattoos? I’ve tried so hard to get them down but I’ve never been able to and yours always come out so well!
I use a brush!!!
I wouldn't put myself through the agony that is drawing all of his tattoos from hand, and I don't think anyone else should either for that matter, please do yourself a favor and get those brushes they're a lifesaver
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avisisisis · 9 months
What the FUCK do you mean Gojo's dead.
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s1lvermane-capt · 7 months
Captain pls forgive me for making that joke I SWEAR on my dead friendships grave I was being held hostage 🧎🏽‍♀️🙏
-🎭(maybe have an event where we can ask Geppie multiple questions, like those “ask my muse would you rather questions” or smthn like that🤷🏻‍♀️)
Your friendship's what now..? But either way, who are you being held hostage by Anon? The Silvermane Guards will be on their way right now. Can you tell me your location? Are you safe at the moment? Do you need medical?
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the-acid-pear · 11 months
Shaking fist at the sky I hate spooky dood so much even if he's a clever man arggghh!
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keldabekush · 2 years
thinking about fox and nemodi and how they dont work out in the end because nemodi can’t handle staying on coruscant with the way everything is going and fox won’t consider leaving with him but, knowing he’s away from the tinderbox at the heart of the republic makes it easier for fox to push Nemodi out of his mind and just not dwell on the possibilities. it’s done and it ended the best it could have, with them both intact and far away from each other and almost in love, if only they’d met in a different lifetime
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