#the cake doth speak
frozenhi-chews · 2 days
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frozenhi-chews · 1 day
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Hai! Promo Pancake! Your local cis heteromantic asexual cowboy-loving moot!!
♡ I'm 21 years old
♡ She/they/it pronouns
♡ Starlo is my main partner (we're engaged <3)
♡ I also love creepy and horror things, and will tag them the best I can. If you need a specific tag, let me know!
♡ DNI pro/shippers
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frozenhi-chews · 3 months
Self shipping with them isn't enough, I need to faceplant into their boobs
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frozenhi-chews · 5 months
Word of advice: if you see that fictional character and decide to self ship with them as a joke, IT WON'T BE A JOKE FOR MUCH LONGER
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frozenhi-chews · 4 months
Seeing all the headcanons about Starlo glowing makes me wonder if he can
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frozenhi-chews · 1 month
I need to talk about his fight because HOOO BOI. I'm in a rambly mood and Starlo's fight and some of the things he says makes me CRY.
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LIKE THIS ONE!! ESPECIALLY THIS ONE. Just before his fight, right after he lost his friends, all alone, no one there. You walk up to him and one of the first things he says to you is "Are you still my friend?" AUGH
Despite what just happened, his posse disbanding and his friend telling him off, he hopes that you still are. After him literally dragging this kid around, because this was a massive day for him, he wants at least ONE friend. GOSH.
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These two also get me. "All my sacrifices, all the naysayers. Those didn't matter cause what I had was special."
It makes me belive that no one thought he COULD be a sheriff, especially as a kid. He was just a kid with overly ambitious dreams and imagination, fueled by the stories he had watched on those VCRs. He didn't care. He didn't listen. I mean, if the story that he lassoed was true (and since it's Undertale and crazier things happened, I'll definitely belive it) then he definitely proved them wrong. Then again this is after he became North Star.
He had ambitions, dreams even, and made sure that those actually happened. He freaking founded The Wild East! Like holy crap my guy. What he had was special...
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AND THIS. "We all tout justice but...true Underground status is only secured through pain. 'Monsterkind's hero' is a title soaked in blood." Even he's starting to doubt this. As he's facing a child he's trying to take the soul of. Maybe that's the reason why he thinks that? Trying to get his reputation back, only to then realize, is this worth it? He just wanted to be respected, revered, seen as a cool sheriff whom everyone adores. And facing this child, he's realizing that it's going to be painful.
Is his reputation really worth it to kill this kid? He even lassoed them, like jeez man. He wanted to make things better so badly (cuz this is the lowest he's ever been). And it hurts. He genuinely enjoyed messing around and having fun with Clover. HE DID NOT WANT TO DO THIS
Also he knows what blood is. Probably from the Westerns. Just. Thought that was interesting.
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AND. GOSH. HE DOES NOT WANT TO DO THIS. At the lowest point, about to kill a child, wanting to fix things, and he's not even sure if this'll work. "One. I've got one bullet left. I'll make this count." He says as he shakily holds his six-shooter.
And then you surrender. "What. What are you doing? This isn't fair..."
I can imagine his voice cracking at that point. It was fair, weapon with weapon, then Clover sets the gun down and it wasn't fair on Starlo. And he recognized that. He knew that lassoing the kid wasn't right, but the kid putting down their weapon? It really isn't fair. Surrendering to the one who was just trying to kill them. Starlo knowing the sheer amount of guilt he'd feel if he continued. Just. GAAAHHH I love this fight so much-
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frozenhi-chews · 4 months
No seriously I think people are missing out on asexual romantic relationships
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frozenhi-chews · 4 months
Seeing people with boxes and made one myself!
I'll get to everyone else's once I'm done making dinner
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frozenhi-chews · 1 month
Orion: I'm older!
Starlo: I'm younger!
Orion: I'm taller!!
Starlo: I'm shorter!!
Orion: I'm smarter!!
Starlo: I'm-! ...not falling for that!!
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frozenhi-chews · 11 days
Saw someone else do it, so I wanted to!
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This picrew is so cuuuute!! Starcake ftw!
Picrew link: x
Edit: please don't turn this into a picrew chain
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frozenhi-chews · 2 months
Having filtered the pr/ship tags makes my life so much easier
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frozenhi-chews · 2 months
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Aight I'm gonna try this!! Featuring my face (aka my TV head cosplay that i spent too much time editing)
Starcake ftw!!
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frozenhi-chews · 4 months
Adding onto my last post
Imagine you or someone else sharing a bed with Starlo and it's all cute cuz he's softly glowing, and then you get woken up in the middle of the night like so-
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Bonus points if he's fast asleep too and he doesn't realize
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frozenhi-chews · 1 year
I love having mutuals. I love seeing your interests! I love seeing you gush about the things you love. I love seeing you be happy and explaining things about your interests with so much enthusiasm you could power a city. I love listening in even when I don't fully get what's happening. Keep talking I adore hearing you speak!! Talk about what you love and I'll be there listening in!!
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frozenhi-chews · 2 months
Whenever I see any post about height differences being illegal or predatory or whatnot, I just have to sit back and LAUGH.
Oh no! The two consenting adults where one is 5'2" and the other is 6'5" is predatory!!! Whatever shall we do?! As if people don't have those heights in real life! And get into relationships with those heights!! I saw this argument YEARS ago and the fact we're still having it is insane.
It genuinely wants me to hold up Spamton, like just him alone, and try to have people say he's "minor coded" because of how short he is, especially compared to other characters. Guys, I dare you. Tell me this middle-aged, sleazy conman of a puppet who's been living in dumpsters for years is minor coded!! It's almost like the height doesn't matter!!! It's even funnier cuz of Spamton NEO too. Like whoop, is he minor coded now?
The whole thing with characters being "minor coded" in general makes me wanna riot. Like no, they aren't. Especially when it comes to height. Good gondy, where did people's love for bigger height differences go?
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frozenhi-chews · 2 months
One of these days I'll expand on this, but HOLY CRAP I cannot imagine the betrayal Starlo must've felt if you kill Ceroba in Flawed Pacifist. This guy, this monster who idolized humans and was so ecstatic to see one that he had them join his posse, killed his best friend. And, just, that's gotta hurt MORE than when she git married to Chujin, because despite his broken heart, she was at least THERE. She was ALIVE.
Here she's not.
Despite her willingness to die, Starlo hates you once you kill her. And part of it is how close they were before she was killed. The other part is the fact you basically betrayed him. You had no inclination to kill anyone beforehand. Heck you probably didn't even SHOOT anyone (unless you were me and was pissed at Axis).
All that training, all that bonding, the fact he stopped you and gave you that Deputy badge, said that he was PROUD of you. Suddenly all down the drain because now his best friend is gone. I cannot even fathom how that must've felt. Like no wonder he sees you less than dirt, you killed his friend and broke his trust. No longer are you his Deputy, even if you wanted to go back to the Wild East. Actually that would likely be a bad idea, he just would not like you around.
Also it's such an interesting contrast of, "yes you're safe in the law, but personally I do not want to see you again." Just, hoough love that!
Have no idea how to end this, so, yeah holy crap Starlo absolutely hates you in Flawed Pacifist
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