#lion’s head meatballs
mandragoraeart · 4 months
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The Wushou Series
1. Man Chai Bumper (文仔碰碰车)
2. Gaming (嘉明)
3. Lion’s Head Meatballs (狮子头)
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omnivorescookbook · 8 months
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Lion’s Head Meatballs (狮子头, Shi Zi Tou) A pork meatball recipe that uses breadcrumbs, water chestnuts, and aromatics to make super fluffy and juicy meatballs that are bursting with flavor.
Recipe: https://omnivorescookbook.com/lions-head-pork-meatballs
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khizuo · 5 months
for my fellow mandarin speakers — this douyin account post lots of amazing vegan recipes esp for traditional chinese foods
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landofpleasantliving · 7 months
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Recipe for Lion's Head Meatballs Chef John produces melt-in-your-mouth results in his version of lion's head meatballs, the Chinese dish of gingery pork meatballs simmered in a savory broth.
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julianoh · 9 months
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Lion's Head Meatballs Chef John produces melt-in-your-mouth results in his version of lion's head meatballs, the Chinese dish of gingery pork meatballs simmered in a savory broth. 1.5 teaspoons cornstarch, 1/2 teaspoon sesame oil or to taste, 1/4 cup finely sliced green onions, 2 teaspoons kosher salt, 2 cups chicken broth, 2 tablespoons soy sauce, 2 tablespoons Shao Hsing rice wine or dry sherry, 1 ounce dried shiitake mushrooms, 2 tablespoons hot chili oil, 1 small head napa cabbage, 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper, 1 pound fatty ground pork, 4 cloves garlic finely minced, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 1.5 cups boiling water, 1.5 teaspoons finely grated peeled fresh ginger, 1/4 cup minced canned water chestnuts, 1 tablespoon brown sugar, 1 container firm tofu chopped into small bits, 1/4 cup sliced green onion tops, 2 tablespoons sherry wine, 1 large egg
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errant-light · 1 year
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狮子头 lion's head meatballs (x)
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yyjcw1 · 1 year
过年了,教你在家做红烧狮子头,色香味俱全,学会了年夜饭露一手meat ball with soy sauce
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foodffs · 7 months
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Lion’s Head Meatballs (狮子头, Shi Zi Tou) A pork meatball recipe that uses breadcrumbs, water chestnuts, and aromatics to make super fluffy and juicy meatballs that are bursting with flavor.
Recipe: https://omnivorescookbook.com/lions-head-pork-meatballs
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jamdoughnutmagician · 3 months
The Boy Is Mine (Claudia's Edition)
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this is my entry for @carolmunson 's writing exercise where we all use the same prompts to write a date night fic with Eddie in the trailer.
Very hastily written over last night and this morning, so apologies for any mistakes!
Word Count:1,204
Eddie Munson Masterlist // Masterlist
Wayne had slid Eddie an all-too knowing wink as he made his way out of the trailer door. He had told Eddie that he was taking a small vacation, a fishing trip out of state with some of his old work buddies. Bringing Eddie into a quick hug before leaving Wayne nods towards his nephew.
“You’re the man of the house for the next few days, son, try not to burn down the place whilst i’m gone.”
Eddie nods, his wild curls bouncing as he does.
“Understood.” Eddie smiles. “Now, go! You have fun with your fishing buddies, I can take care of things from here, trust me.”
“Alright alright! I’m going!” Wayne grumbles as he loads his fishing gear into the back of the car before driving away.
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“Alright and for zee beautiful lady, my famous spaghetti and meatballs.” Eddie says in his best fancy french accent as he rounds the small dining table, placing a generous plating of pasta in front of you.
Your back sinks against the soft throw pillow plumped against the harsh back of the wooden dining chair. 
Eddie had insisted on cooking for you for a special date night, calling you up to come over because he said he had a special surprise planned for you, and to wear something fancy.
So you pulled on your nicest dress from your wardrobe, the dainty blue floral one that you knew Eddie liked seeing you in, if his big brown eyes were any give away, the way they roamed over the expanse of exposed skin every time you wore it. 
Excitedly knocking your knuckles against the rickety trailer door you heard the enthusiastic shout from your boyfriend from inside.
“I’ll be there in a minute!” comes his voice, sounding as if he was working very hard behind closed doors.
Suddenly the door swings open and there stands your boyfriend, his messy hair tied back into a loose bun at the nape of his neck, a few stray curls falling down to frame his face. His slender frame is covered in a tight black shirt and his usual dark ripped jeans, but it’s not that that catches your attention, no, it’s the white ‘kiss the cook’ apron decorated with various splotchy stains that has you cocking your head in interest. A small spiral notebook hangs off his apron where it's tied around his waist, looking every part waiter-and-chef all rolled into one.
“Come in, Welcome to Chez Munson” he smiles broadly, his white teeth pulling against the curve of his bottom lip.
“Welcome madame, let me show you to your seat.” he says as he guides you into the small dining area he’s set up in the kitchen, complete with a single rose dropped into an empty coke bottle.
“I know, I know, it's just we never really get time to ourselves anymore, we've both been so busy lately, and I just wanted to treat my favourite girl.”
“Eddie, it's perfect!” You beam, leaning up to kiss his cheek, feeling his flushed cheeks smile against your lips.
Just as he's about to sit down in the seat opposite you, he bounces back to his feet.
“I almost forgot!” He babbles as he reaches into the fridge to retrieve a bottle of wine. “Harrington helped me pick it out, but I think he just chose this because there was a picture of an lion on the label” he chuckles.
Then for a brief moment you hear him clinking around in the kitchen cabinets in search of some wine glasses.
“Okay..” he huffs “so, like, I ran out of nice cups, is this okay?” He asks as he places down two mugs on the table. His favourite Garfield mug for him, and a red race-car mug for you, from that time when Wayne took Eddie to the Indy 500 a few years back.
He cracks open the bottle and pours a few drops in each mug, before sitting down opposite you.
“Cheers!” He grins, lifting his mug up.
You clink your mug against his and return his cheer. 
You watch as he reaches for the small tub of grated parmesan on the table before sprinkling it on top of his pasta.
“And you like that, huh?” you wrinkle your nose in disgust at his choice of topping.
“What can I say, Sweetheart, I've got a refined palette.” He laughs before twirling up a forkful of noodles.
You dig into your dinner and it's surprisingly delicious. Truly a testament to how hard he'd worked to put together the whole meal for you.
“Y’know, this is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me.” you tell him earnestly.
“Well I just wanted to make you smile, know you’ve been busy working those late night shifts at the diner, and I’m not always the best boyfriend-”
“Aw, no, Honey. Don’t be like that. That’s not true at all.” you stop him before he can discredit himself, and talk himself down, as he often found himself doing.
He looks up at you from underneath his dark eyelashes.
“Eddie, you are the best boyfriend, the only boyfriend, I’ve ever had.” It’s true, you had met Eddie when you were a new student who had just moved into Hawkins and were trying to navigate your way through a new school half-way through the academic year. He was the one who befriended you and that friendship had gone from strength to strength until neither of you could ignore the feelings you both felt for one another anymore. 
“But the fact that you have been my only boyfriend, doesn’t mean that you haven’t been the absolute best boyfriend in my eyes. You make me laugh, you’re sweet and kind, you make me feel safe, and most importantly you make me feel so loved.”
He reaches his hand across the table, taking your hand in his and kissing his lips softly against the back of your hand.
“I think the same of you too, Sweetheart. You’re it for me. You’re my forever girl. Want you in my life always, I mean it.”
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“And now for dessert.” he says as he places down a slice of vanilla sponge cake, complete with gooey vanilla frosting and a cherry on top. “Although I can’t claim this one as my own, compliments go to the bakers at Walmart for this one.”
As you both enjoy your desserts in comfortable silence, you can’t help but let your foot trail up his leg underneath the table, teasingly playing with him whilst you smile innocently at him from across the table.
“If you don’t stop that, we’re going to have a problem here, Sweetheart.” his voice drops to a husky low rumble, his pink lips curving into a smile.
“Maybe, I want something else for dessert too..” you tease him. 
“Let me clear away these plates, you go ahead and wait in the bedroom. I’ve been dying to rip that dress off you since you stepped through the door.” he smirks, his dark eyes raking over you.
Excitedly you jump up from your seat, and make your way over to him, kissing him on his cheek before whispering in his ear.
“Don’t keep me waiting, Teddy.”
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@mrsjellymunson @penguinsandpotterheads @ali-r3n @seatnights @xxbimbobunnyxx @impmunson @paybacksawitch @heydreamchild
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blurredcolour · 4 months
These Protective!Bucky asks are making me lose my mind. We know reader can take care of herself but shit is out of control. My mom always tells me (somewhat) jokingly if I die before her she’ll kill me lol. I have this vision that either on base or in the air, reader is in a serious enough situation that when Bucky returns she’s been sedated. When she wakes up he looks horrid and says to her, “Christ honey, I think I need to remind you if you die before me, I’ll kill ya.” (Later she finds out while she was unconscious that the doctors were somewhat seriously considering sedating Bucky just for some goddamn peace).
Oops my fingers slipped and you got a whole thing
Warnings: blood, reader injury, angst, hospital setting
Bucky sees the red flares from your fort as it nears the runway and dashes down the stairs to his jeep
Tails the ambulance out to your hard stand, stomach plummeting to see that it’s you the crew is sliding out of the hatch onto the waiting stretcher
There’s so much blood, across your face, down your neck, soaked through the bandages around your head
“What the hell happened?!” He snaps at the nearest crew member
“Took some flack near her position, sent her flying back into the radio equipment…she’s been out cold ever since”
“Shit” he hisses and jumps back into the jeep, practically racing the ambulance to the hospital
They’ve got you in triage, behind privacy screens, and he’s pacing back and forth like a caged lion
Reaches one edge of the bed frame before swinging his head back to retrace his steps, practically wearing a hole in the floor
“Major…” the doctor startles him out of his inner turmoil and he looks up sharply
“We’ve got the wound stitched closed, I do not feel comfortable transferring her until she regains consciousness, but the rest of her vitals are good thus far”
“When will she wake up?” Bucky asks
“We don’t know when, or if, that will happen, Major, head wounds are a tricky business. We just have to wait and see.”
So Bucky pulls up a chair to do just that, hands buried in his hair as he sits at your bedside for what seems like hours
You look so fragile in the hospital bed, a stripe of your hair shorn away so they could stitch your scalp laceration
Eventually feels a stirring of your fingers clasped in his hand, the change in your breathing
“Bucky?” You wheezed, obviously confused to see him, to be where you are
“Christ, honey. I think I need to remind you, if you die before me-”
“You’ll kill me, I know…has Meatball been gnawing at your hair, hon?” You tease, lifting an abnormally heavy limb to ruffle his curls
“You should see what they did to yours” he tries to joke back but his voice comes out fractured and he presses his face to your abdomen, shoulders shaking with the effort to restrain the emotions trying to break free
“Shhh John, I’m here, I’m alive”
“You’re gonna stay that way, goddamnit. I’m gonna see to it personally, even if it kills me”
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fanartandfanfiction · 11 months
Hogwarts Legacy modern AU
Sebastian: Does he have an off switch?!
Ominis: Unfortunately not.
Sebastian: Does MC just hate us or something?
Ominis: Meatball PLEASE! -puts head down on desk-
Meatball: 🎶in the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps toniiiight!🎶
Sebastian: Meatball, no more!
Meatball: WEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeEEEEeeeeEEE wee weeoh aweem awaaaay!
Sebastian: You can’t speak in full sentences, how are you singing?!
Meatball: aweem away aweem away aweem away -bobs head along happily-
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poke-rolls-n-grits · 9 months
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Chinese Lion’s Head Meatballs
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cookingwithleiblog · 9 months
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Chinese Lion’s Head Meatballs
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foodmyheart · 11 months
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Homemade Chinese Lion's Head Pork Meatballs With Vermicelli and Cabbage Source: https://reddit.com/r/foodporn http://foodmyheart.tumblr.com | https://campsite.bio/foodmyheart
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Glory of love(Eleazar Denali)
Chapter 9: home sweet home
Table of contents
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“c-come on, you gotta know something?” Bella stuttered out from the dinning room table. I sighed and slammed the wooden spoon I was using to cook dinner.
“Bella whatever it is... It's none of your business” I said turning towrds her.
“so your telling me you haven't noticed anything weird about your boyfriend?” Bella asked as I continued to heat up the spaghetti sauce. Duke came up to me and started to beg. I shrugged at bella as I fed the dog a piece of meatball.
“I don't know, Eleazar is pretty much perfect” I smiled deciding on a sarcastic come back. “and have you given any thought that Edward might think your weird?”
“I resent that!” Bella scoffed as I started to chop some garlic. I rolled my eyes, my back was to her so she missed it.
“I'm sorry honey, but your given a fresh start. maybe you should work on yourself instead of obessing over a boy who thought you stunk in Biology” I said starting to chop faster. She continued to complain and...
“shit!” I said jerking back.
“what happened?” Bella asked just as the door bell rang. The tip of my finger fadded into a deep red.
“I cut myself” I mumbled and headed to the bathroom.
“who's at the door?” Bella asked heading towards the door. “it's Eleazar, let him in please” I said going up stairs with Duke in tow.
As I was rinsing my finger I heard heavy foot steps get closer to the bathroom. “y/n?”
“hang on, don't come in here” I said not wanting to make him uncomfortable with my blood.
I quickly patched my finger up and left the bathroom. I opened the door and saw Eleazar leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.
“are you okay love?” he asked taking my hand. I just shook my head.
“I just nicked myself cooking Bella's dinner” I said. He Kissed my wounded hand. I should have been afraid he'd drink my blood, but I felt at ease. My blood wasn't desirable to him.
“are you sure it's not deep? Carlisle can stitch it up when we get to the house” I quickly kissed his lips silencing him. “I'm fine”
“let's get going” I said grabbing his hand and lead him down stairs.
“dad's working late tonight, Bella” I said grabbing my leather jacket. She nodded grabbing a plate from the cabinet. “okay, have fun”
“bye Mr. Denali” Bella awkwardly waved as we left.
We drove deep in the woods, I knew the Cullens and the Denalis lived outside of town but I never expected for them to be this far out.
As we got closer to our destination my chest tightened with worry. I looked out the window and started to bounce my leg nervously.
“What's troubling you?” he asked placing his hand on my knee to stop the fidgeting. Without thinking I shot him a useless fib.
“I'm fine”
He glanced at me for a second then looked back at the road as he raised an eyebrow. “so it's normal for your heart to sound like a weed eater?”
I chuckled at his unexpected comparison. I rested my head on the back of the car seat and looked at him. “What if your family doesn't like me?”
Eleazar let out an airy chuckle. “that's what's got you all riled up?” he glanced over at me after he took a turn down a dirt road. “I'm taking you to the lions den, you should be more worried about being eaten then being excepted”
I rolled my eyes with a smile. Eleazar sighed and rubbed my thigh. “hey, it's going be fine... I promise. Edward and Tayna already talk so fondly of you and everyone eles is gonna think just the same” I smiled softly.
“here we are” Eleazar said as we got to the drive way. My jaw dropped when I saw the beautiful mansion that peaked behind the trees. It was covered in windows and sleek copper colored wood. It had a modern touch and it was huge.
“holy shit” I mumbled. Eleazar chuckled and parked his Coupe Deville next to a massive blue jeep. The garage was full of expensive vehicles and the room was almost the size of my house.
Eleazar lead me to the front door and opened it. “mi casa su casa” he joked.
“it's amazing in here” I said looking at the glass stair case and all the old antique paintings hanging on the walls.
“what were you expecting Dracula's Castle? Perhaps a few cofens?” Eleazar asked as he rolled up the sleeves of his black dress shirt.
“I don't know what I was expecting” I said lacing our fingers together.
Suddenly I heard foot steps coming from above, I looked up and saw a girl with short dark hair looking over the railing on the second floor.
“Eleazar is here with his girlfriend!” she said happy. I blushed at that label, it was the first time actually hearing it.
The girl was shorter than I was, if that was even possible. I've seen her in the hallways and with Edward countless times but I never got to interact with her. She had gold eyes like the rest of them, but her's held so much more hope and joy.
“I'm Alice, Eleazar's neice” she immediately pulled me in a hug, disconnecting mine and Eleazar's hands. Eleazar rubbed his face and nervously chuckled.
“Alice, she just got here... Giver her some breathing room” I rolled my eyes and waved him off. “oh hush, you wanted me to meet your family, right?”
Alice laughed and gave Eleazar an 'I won' look. She turned back to me and took my head. “come on, everyone eles is in the living room”
She pulled me to this huge room that had a huge Charcoal gray couch that was shaped into an 'L'. A crossed from it was a huge flat-screen and a couple of book shelfs. Windows surrounded it all, making it bright and beautiful.
As I stood there I was met with a dozen pairs of gold eyes. A woman with wavy reddish-brown hair came up to me with open. Next to her was a man about her age. He was young and blond. He was handsomer than any movie star I'd ever seen. Of course he wasn't has handsome as Eleazar.
“I'm Esme and this is my husband Carlisle”
“nice to meet you” I smiled as Esme pulled me into a hug like Alice did.
“I'm glad your finally here... Eleazar wouldn't shut up about it” Carlisle smiled. Eleazar rolled his eyes and playfully pushed his best friend.
“well you already know me” Tayna said coming up next to me then pointed at two blonds. “these are my sisters, Irina and Kate”
“nice to meet you” they both smiled, Irina shook my hand but Kate just smiled and waved. I remembered Eleazar telling me about Kate's gift and how she's always nervous about touching Humans.
“then you got the other Cullens” Eleazar said turning to the couch that was holding a big Buff vampire with dark curly hair and demples, I knew him to be Emmett and he was in my 6th period film class. Next to him was a beautiful blond girl.
“that's Emmett and Rosalie” Emmett set his gamming controler down and smiled. “Jasper is around here somewhere”
“he's out hunting” Alice said then turned to me with a shrugged. “he's the newest to the diet so he's a bit shy around humans” I nodded understanding.
Rosalie then stood up and held her hand out. “nice to meet you”
“huh?” Edward said dropping his book in shock. I raised eyebrow as Edward leaned down and picked his book up.
I turned back to Rosalie and shook her hand, she smiled brightly. “Eleazar talks about you all the time, it's good to finally meet you”
“who are you and what have you done with Rosalie?” Edward asked. Rosalie shot him a nasty look and snatched his book, she bonked him on the head making him tumble back into the couch.
“yeah... Never mind she's back” he grumbled.
Eleazar rolled his eyes and took my hand as I chuckled at the sibling rivalry. “I'm gonna show her around the house”
I waved good bye as Eleazar lead me down a hallway then up the glass stairs. “you have a lovely family”
“yeah... I'm lucky to have them” he said. I stoped and looked at huge frame that held graduation caps. I pointed to them with a arched eyebrow.
“yeah it's one of their inside jokes... We move around a lot” he said as we continued to walk around.
“that must suck... Having to redo school over and over” I mumbled. Eleazar shrugged. “they've gotten used to it”
He showed me a big open room with a huge table and big glossy paino was nestled in the corner. “where we have our 'family meetings'” he air qouted.
We traveled around his humongous home and each room didn't disappoint. Towrds the end he lead me down a hallway that was full with different colored doors.
“umm...this is my room” he said opening the door for me. I walked in and was amazed how well the room fit his personality. It was a dim room with big windows. The meddiem sized room was full of books and records, there was a queen sized bed the set in the middle of the room and on both sides was tall black book shelfs.
“you have so many books” I said gliding my finger tips acrossed the spines. I had myself a laugh when I realized he used the Dewey decimal system to organize his books.
“is this a first addition?” I asked grabing a copy of The Great Gastby, it looked ancient.
“yeah, I got it when Fitzgerald first published it” he said walking up behind me as I studied the old hard back book as his hands fell to my waist. I set the book back in it's original place and continued to explore his corters.
His bed was rustic looking with a dark wooden headboard, above the headboard was an old faded flag of Spain. The bed was made neatly but covered in graded school papers.
“I thought vampire don't sleep” I asked running my finger tips on the black comfter that the bed was dressed in. “we don't... But we like to be comfortable” he chuckled.
I looked around and took notice to his other treasures. There was a pirate like trunk that sat open and it was full of old journals and artifacts from Spain. Next to it was a black Ramirez Guitar.
“you play?” I asked.
He smiled a little and and held up his thumb and pinter finger just half an inch apart. “solo un poco(just a little)”
I gave him and innocent smiled and looked up at him. “play for me?” he looked down like he was debating it really hard. I held my hands together and playfully begged.
“Por favor(please)” I asked giving him puppy eyes. He smiled and rolled his eyes. “okay” I smiled as he grabbed his guitar.
He sat at the edge of his bed and I sat down next to him. He placed his fingers on the neck and strummed it a couple of times to make sure it was in tune.
“any requests?” he asked. I shrugged resetting my chin on his shoulder. “play anything”
“okay” he played and couple of notes and I quickly cought on that he was play Elvis' 'Can't help falling in love'
I fought the urge to Humm along, I just wanted to hear him. By the time he finished the song I was speechless, he played the song so flawlessly and perfectly.
“that was beautiful, I thought you said you only played a little bit” I chuckled as he got up and put the guitar back on its stand.
“Correction, I don't play very often”
“well anytime you play I'm here for it” I said softly. He smiled and held out his hand.
“you want to see the rest of the house?” he asked. I took his hand and he pulled me up from his bed with no effort.
“you have a pool?” I asked. Eleazar chuckled and opened the glass door that led out to this greenhouse like room. Inside was this huge in-ground pool, the water was crystal clear and had beautiful white and pale blue stones suronded it. “yeah the girls wanted a pool, so when Esme designed the house she added it” Eleazar explained.
I looked around and saw the interior design matched the the house. There was expensive beach chairs with nice pillows around it. The pool also had a few love taps, there were cracks in few of the stones and couple of waters guns thrown around.
We walked along the edge as Eleazar talked more. “they use it all the time... It really brings them together”
I stoped at the ledge and stood before him with a playful smirk. “you in swim trunks is a sight I don't mind seeing” he smirked as I placed my hands on his chest.
“Yes... It's a sight to see” he said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes, he truly didn't know how handsome he really was. “but next time we decided to use it you'll be the first to know”
“so you won't mind if I did this” I laughed and pushed him in the pool. He fell gracefully and made a splash the caused my Converse to get soaked. He came back up pushing his dark hair out of his eyes. I chuckled as he locked eyes with me.
“very funny... Very funny” he said as his lips cracked into a smile. I laughed as he swam closer to the edge. “it's not funny, it's hilarious” I said plainly.
I was in the pool in a flash, he moved so fast I missed him leap out of the pool and pull me in with him. I screamed as I fell into the cold water.
He placed his hands in my waist pulling me closer. “now we're even” he clarified. I rolled my eyes playfully and placed my hands on his shoulders.
“correct?” he asked with a smirk. I splashed him and back leaned back a bit. He moved forward and planted a quick kiss on my lips. He pulled back and then splashed my face. I laughed and pushed him back.
This went on for a few minutes and as I was wipping my eyes he disappeared under the water. I looked around noticing that he was gone. “Eli?”
I screamed when I felt myself getting lifted up bridel style out of the water. He laughed as I wrapped my arms around his neck, hanging on. I wiggled out of his grasp and continued our little battle. He grabed my wrists, stopping the splashing. He stared down at me like he succeed in what he was trying to catch. I smiled and got closer to his chest, placing my hands there. He leaned down and captured my lips with his. I felt gust of moist wind as he sped forward. It wasn't his full speed but I felt my back gently hit the pool wall in seconds. I lost myself in the moment as his hand came up and cupped my face, the coolness of his lips and how strong yet gentl he was being. I melted into the kiss as I threaded fingers through his damp hair. I shuddered against his lips when I felt his cold finger tips trailed down the water to my skin.
-------(Cullen's pov)-------
“I haven't heard him laugh like that in years” Tayna smiled as she passed the pool room with Kate. Kate smiled as the laughter didn't let up.
“I hope it ends well” Tayna sighed.
“it will” Esme said. “and right now y/n is what makes him happy, so we'll figure out how to keep her safe”
~~~~~~~~(1st pov)~~~~~~~~
“here you can change into these” he said softly. I looked up from drying my hair and saw his bear chest, it was toned and smooth. My eyes couldn't help travel all over his body. His body was tall and perfect in every way. The dark Levi's that he changed into framed his hips perfectly.
“T-thanks” I stuttered. He handed me his black crewneck and a pair of shorts with a knowing smile. He leaned down and and our noises touched. “am I making you nervous or are you just cold, Darling?”
I gulped after relizing I got cought. “I-i don't know”
He took in my sent then kissed me gently before standing up straight. “you can get changed in the bathroom if you like, you can throw your wet clothes in the tub” he said pointing the the small bathroom that was connected to his room.
I nodded and grabed my towel and the clothes he gave me. I closed the door and sighed when I noticed how red my cheek were. “be cool” I mumbled as I stared at my reflection in the mirror.
I quickly shedded my wet t-shirt and jeans and layed them out to dry in the black bath tub. I took off my soaked bra as well and and dried the rest off the way. The huge, black crewneck gave me immediate comfort. It was warm and his cologne lingard on it. I pulled the shorts up(they were probably one of the girls') and walked back into his room.
Eleazar was setting on his bed with his back against the headboard and a copy of The Shining in his lap. I smiled at his domestic state, hair going different direction, white t-shirt and jeans... The man didn't have to do too much to look perfect.
He looked up and smiled. “care to watch a movie, or are you due back home?” I smiled and pretend to think about it for a second. “I don't think the house will explode if I'm gone for one night”
“excellent, there's movies on that shelf by the Tv, pick anything you like” he said setting the book down on his night stand.
I turned my back and read all the dvds titles. There was a lot of war movies and some dramas. My fingers ran acrossed the spins till my eyes spoted a movie that I loved, Halloween. I grabbed the movie and showed him. “this okay?”
“Sure” he said. I popped the dvd in and climbed under the covers next to him. I scooted close to him and rested my head on his shoulder while his arm wrapped around my waist.
I snuggled deeper into his embrace, his scent overwhelming but comforting at the sametime. Settling down further into his warmth, I closed my eyes just basking in his comfort. I hadn't felt this at peace in forever, in the back of my mind I knew things for moving quickly, but I didn't care he made me happy and I felt safe with him.
His hand gently ran through my fingers as he looked down. “your not too cold are you?” he asked softly.
I shook my head and nudged my face into his neck. He's a vampire, of course he's ice could but I could care less. It was almost comforting since I had a history with getting hot easily.
“it doesn't bother me” I said placing my hand on his chest. A small smile formed on his face as he leaned down and kissed me softly. I reached up and placed my hand on the side of his neck, pulling him closer. As the kiss got more heated I felt his hands start to roam my body. We've kissed before but this felt different, I wasn't complaining though.
I swang my leg over him and stratled his lap as our lips locked. His hands fell and grip my waist, our eyes locked as I grind against him. He let out a grunt as I move my hands to the back of his neck, running my fingers though his hair. His hands moved the the back of my neck pushing his lips harder to mine. His toung gently touched my bottom lip asking for entrance. I granted him entrance as my hands fell to the button of his jeans.
He grunted against my lips and he quickly flips us, making my back hit the bed in seconds. His lips smashed against mine in a sering kiss as his hands had a death grip on my hips. I let out a quiet moan as he quickly worked down my neck, I moan as his teeth biting softly into my skin.
I was like his actions cought up to him, once his teeth gently bit into me he quickly leped from the bed. “I'm sorry”
I looked at him concerned as he started to pacing back and forth infront of his bed. He started rambling in Spanish, words I couldn't understand. I wasn't hurt or anything... I thought it was amazing actually.
I got up and grabed it forearm to stop his pacing, I quickly cought on that it was a nervous habit. “Eli, look at me”
He shook his head. “I can't lose control... And surly don't want to hurt you”
I stared deeply into his eyes then pulled him to my chest. His face nesseled into my neck while his arms coiled around my frame. “you didn't hurt me... And I trust you”
He softly kissed my jaw and looked up. “get some sleep, I'll take you home in the morning” he said dodging the subject. He lifted my body and set me back on his bed, I quickly got comfortable on his side. “do you apose to cuddling?” I asked resting my head on his chest.
“never” he said hugging me closer as I drifted to sleep.
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ghostkidsblog · 1 year
Do you have any headcanons about the Shadow Boys when it comes to food? (I know that's random but I'm hungry so this came to mind)
Of course I don't mind, although I don't know which category of food your asking so I'll try to name at least 5-7 food types.
Griffin stagg
I see Griffin actually loving the flavor of mint chocolate chip ice cream or strawberry ice cream but it has to have small bits of strawberry in it or he refuses to eat it.
Spaghetti and meatballs, his mom made it for him once testing out a recipe and now forever loves them and asks his mom to make them for dinner at least 2 or 3 times a week. He would also help his mom make them whenever he can.
Animal cookies, his favorite would always be the lion shaped cookies, I mean like it's animal cookies, besides I think he used to play with them when he was little
Apple juice and cherry/ strawberry sodas are his all time favorite drinks, you can't tell me he doesn't enjoy cherry or strawberry soda. Also it's a funny moment when there is a fight going on and he is just there drinking his apple juice box in the background.
Billy Showalter
Billy gives me the type of person to like apple pie, along with any dessert that is apple flavored
Chocolate ice cream all the way. He loves and I mean loves Chocolate ice cream, he also enjoys sherbet ice cream
Hates root beer soda, he actually is a fan of coca cola, he likes the classic cola can.
Loves and I mean LOVES Caramel apples on a stick. His sister introduced him to the dessert ever since he was little and they went to the local fair, and has loved it ever sense then.
Vance Hopper
I haven't thought much about Vance so most of these if not all are ideas from a couple of friends on discord gc!
Vance would like to eat old fashioned recipes because his mother would make them for him growing up. ( It can be french,Italian, heck even Greek whatever you headcanon to be he will always love the old recipes)
He is a meat lover, meatloaf,hamburgers,hotdogs,etc. He will love it if it has meat in it.
Rocky road ice cream, I thought long and hard for this one, I genuinely think he would love the rocky road or any Flavor with huts in them.
Spicy chips, he would eat them without a problem. He has a high tolerance to spicy foods and he loves them to snack on.
Cookies, personally snickerdoodles or sugar cookies. He baked them with his mom and molded them with cookie cutter with whatever shapes they had. I like to think vance liking cinnamon treats sue me for headcanoning that.
Bruce Yamada
Mint chocolate chip & chocky chocolate ice cream, I had that idea in my head since freaking October. He would love those two flavors.
Chocolate desserts/treats he would love to have anything chocolate flavored.
Peaches and apples would be his favorite fruit in my book. He would share his peache or apple in slices with his friends/shadow boys.
Big league bubble gum, he also likes other flavors but I can't seem to find what type of flavors there are.
Robin Arellano
I don't care what anyone says Robin is a HUGE SWEET TOOTH KID, he definitely likes those bonbon cookies in the Mexican store
His mom's cooking is the best, whether that be empanadas, enchiladas, heck eve chicken soup, it's his favorite because his mom makes the best food
He strikes me as a sour gummy worm kid, like he would enjoy eating sour gummy worms while everyone else he knows dislike or hate the taste of them or how they look
Chicken tenders was his favorite school food, the only thing that looked safe to eat was chicken tenders and he would gladly give you a full on lecture/rant on how the chicken tenders are the best option (he also like dinosaur nuggets!)
Mangonada & cookies n cream is his favorite ice cream in my book
Finney Blake
M&Ms and 100 grand chocolate bar is his favorite candies (he definitely separates the cold tone M&Ms and warm tone M&Ms then eats the cold tones ones first)
Vanilla ice cream lover but doesn't mind eating other flavors (he would put sprinkles & other toppings on his ice cream you can't change my mind on that)
Grape and cherry soda lover (he definitely goes to the store only getting grape or cherry soda and nothing else)
Garlic bread is his favorite bread to snack on (his mom taught him how to make it when he was a bit young and still has the recipe on how to make it)
He strikes me on loving a chicken Alfredo and beef stroganoff dish (he was sleeping over at Robin's at the time and robin’s mom made these two dishes and Finney loved it so much he asked Robin's mom on how to make them afterwards)
Sorry for such a late response, I've been busy with both personal and school problems. Thank you for being so patient with me and I hope you enjoy this answer for your ask! :D
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