#litg gary
archxvii · 8 months
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season 2 faves. realized im down bad for blond bitches?!
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ariendiel · 27 days
The Islanders at the Met Gala 2024 - Part 2
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and here is part two! I've done this before as well, which you all can find here for 2022, and here and here for 2023. Like last year, I've had to divide it into two posts, with the girls first – link to part 1 here.
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crimswnred · 1 year
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litg S1 and S2 cast tweets (1/?)
check more here.
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operationnope · 5 days
Pillow Talk ~ S2 Part 1
Some things the boys might say before you go to sleep 😴
Noah: *turns reading light down, pulls covers up over you, kisses your cheek, (whispers) “Good night.”
Rocco: “Did I ever tell you about the time I met this Australian, who traded me didgeridoo lessons for a cronut with a Vegemite glaze? It was two, no three summers ago, and I was traveling through Greece, when my truck broke down…”
Bobby: “Sorry about the mess in the kitchen. I was trying to see if I could pull a rabbit out of a cake. I couldn’t.”
Gary: “One, two, or three. Three? You’ve earned yourself a back rub. Good job you didn’t pick two.”
Rahim: “Brunch tomorrow? I know the best place to get poached eggs.”
Henrik: “Alright, the tent’s secured, fire’s put out, and I’ve scouted a berry patch we can forage for breakfast. Come here, I’ll keep you warm.”
Lucas: “That’s enough cuddling, on your back, please. Good girl.” *rests hand on your waist
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ravenadottir · 6 months
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if this is not bobby while getting high with gary and henrik, i don't know what to tell you.
and even drunk lucas, noah and rahim can admit it makes sense.
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csmicletters · 8 months
MC is for Bobby what Lottie is for Gary -
Let me explain my theory, what I meant by that is that they are second option in both cases.
During S2, after multiple replays and different routes it’s clear to me that at ANY moment… I mean it ANY moment Gary would leave Lottie and run to MCs arms, even if his route is a bit more of a slow burn.
Bobby on the other hand, I think he is possibly the standard LI. And still even if we could be with him the whole time, it’s a mess and he needs constant reassurance. And even if you do reassure him at every chance it’s still not enough for him to have your back. He still makes sure to check and take care of Lottie’s needs before MCs at every chance, when he makes her cupcakes because Rocco left (even if MC is the one in a couple with him, Bobby still goes to Lottie) back from Casa they kind of decide to sleep together, even if it ends up not happening or it does I can’t even remember, but he never comes to MC, even when MC is still single and in the same boat as them.
It’s just like he does not care at all in my opinion and couldn’t be bothered to.
So that’s another way that Bobby simply sucks. And that’s why Gary is a gem 💎
Peace out ✌🏼
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styles-harriet · 10 months
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litgpersonalities · 5 months
….Gary?? or, alternatively, Hope??
...Porque no los dos? 😘
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Again- really hope I'm hitting some of this on the head!
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rohanjake · 10 months
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garebearandnan · 10 months
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UPDATED POST to include Bobby
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ariendiel · 10 months
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If anyone has felt the need for a Barbie x LITG profile picture etc, have at it. These are some of our precious S2 Kens, might make some for the girls too if I feel like it 💕
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crimswnred · 11 months
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litg S1 and S2 cast tweets (4/?) • part 1 | part 2 | part 3
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operationnope · 4 days
beloved in your pillow talk post (incredible btw and extremely accurate) I’m dying to know what option one and two were for gary
LOL Thanks, nonny!! I actually did think about what one and two were. Two was relentless tickling, for sure. And one would have been some random chat like, “What do you think purple smells like?”
Fun fact- I based Gary’s pillow talk after a convo from the game, if you chose to make a cheese toastie with him. I wish I could remember it exactly, but it was cute. I miss S2 🥲
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mrsgaryrennell · 6 months
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mp3minded · 4 months
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i don't make the rules but, Gary Rennell never left the villa
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mrsbsmooth · 6 months
….hiiii. um, i'm the gary season 2 pov anon. i'm so warmie at the thought that literally anyone else would want to read the fic, it's been such a labor of love, like two whole years of writing. it's also veeeeerrrry spicy lol, which was another concern of mine, as i've published fics before for other fandoms and such, and had fun doing it, but i had a really awful experience with a now ex friend of mine who had previously beta read literally everything i've ever written. but i'd found out that she was shit talking about my writing behind my back and when i confronted her she just doubled down about it and even posted in this writer's group chat we'd both been in for *years* about how awful my writing was and how glad she was that she would never have to read it again, with a literal picture of something I'd written when i was like, twelve and had sent to her as a joke. anyway, i've been really…insecure about my writing ever since, and i hadn't even realized it until now, and i just wanted to thank you?? you're such a fantastic writer and you're such a wonderful spot in the fandom as well. i've decided to go ahead and start publishing the fic, though it's prooobably going to be a long process, haha. first chapter is up, and if you're into it, i hope you might give it a shot? https://archiveofourown.org/works/52324489/chapters/132367141 anyway just wanted to thank you and say that i love your writing!!!
Okay so before i address a single other thing, I've just finished chapter one and AAAAHHHHHH I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gary's internal monologue is so intriguing, and honestly right now, I needed this. Male POV is one of my absolutely favourite things to read (and write!). I love Cass she must be protected at all costs!
Here's the Gary fic: if i fall (can you let me down easy)
Now, onto the rest.
Firstly, I am so, so sorry that happened to you, but you've gotta fix your language. That's not an 'ex friend'. That's someone who was pretending to be your friend, but never, ever was. It doesn't matter if they did favours for you, or were kind to your face. If they're deliberately putting you down behind your back, they're not your friend, they never were, and you should stop giving them the honour of referring to them as such. Especially not if they took something you shared with them in confidence and used it against you.
Not. A. Friend.
Writing is unbelievably personal. You are putting a piece of your soul, a tiny bit of your own history and story into everything you write. So to share that with someone and have them betray your trust? I can totally understand why you would feel anxious or insecure about sharing it. But I can tell you right now, you have absolutely no reason to be insecure about your writing. Absolutely NONE. This is good. Like I had to go switch the laundry and do the dishwasher, but i had my phone in my hand the entire time just scrolling because I was having a great time reading it.
It absolutely warms my heart that you're publishing it, I hope you continue to do so because I think this really is a great fic. It's such perfect timing as well, given the eps have just disappeared and this is so close to canon so far, urgh. I can't wait.
Encourage everyone (especially the Gary stans!) to go and read <3
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