stardewremixed · 2 years
Masterpost for My SDV Headcanon & Original Fanfics (WIP)
I had some difficulty logging everything here, so I’m redirecting to my hashtags. Since I wasn’t consistent in the beginning, I included multiple hashtag links below. Most posts will be the same on the pages, except for my early days. 
Original Headcanon 
Making Beds - SDV version - SVE version
Weeding the Garden - bachelors - bachelorettes 
Justice for Stardewies (includes other townies)
Friends (Shane, Elliott, Leah) 
Traveling Cart (bachelors) 
What each Townie adds to the Community Center once complete 
Flower Dance (Emily) (Haley) 
After Christmas Sales (SDV + SVE) 
Do they believe in Santa? 
Christmas Cookies (Abigail and Alex) 
First Day of Winter 
Favorite Holiday Treat
Favorite Holiday Movie 
Favorite Holiday Tradition 
10 Birthday Headcanons for Sebastian
Favorite Christmas Carol 
Favorite Christmas Ornament 
Adulting (bachelorettes only)
What would the Stardewies/Stardudes be doing instead of sleeping?
Auctions (Gunther & Olivia) 
Stardewies as kids (Abigail)
Black Friday shopping (SDV + SVE)
Thanksgiving (SDV + SVE) 
Shower Thoughts (SDV + SVE) 
Shane sings 
Misc thoughts (includes townies) 
Random Saturday morning headcanons (includes townies) 
When they were younger (Marnie) 
National Philanthropy Day (SDV + SVE)
National Pickle Day (Harvey + Farmer) 
Stardewies Favorite Desserts (SDV + SVE) 
Veterans Day headcanons (includes townies + SVE) 
Amusement Park Dates with Stardudes (includes SVE) 
How do the Stardudes react to getting injured 
More random Halloween headcanon (includes townies + SVE) 
Halloween headcanon (includes townies + SVE) 
Favorite Halloween treat (bachelorettes only, includes SVE) 
Social Media 
Random Pam headcanon 
Stardudes Favorite Desserts (SDV + SVE) 
Some SVE headcanons
Breast Cancer Awareness Month (includes townies) 
Pasta Headcanons (bachelorettes) 
Pasta Headcanons (bachelors) 
Stardewies at their time of the month
Happy International Archaeology Day (Gunther) 
Villager vacations (includes townies) 
Stardew Valley Neighbors (Part 2, Part 1) 
Date Night with Bachelorettes 
Elliott’s Fall Birthday 
Teach Me (Elliott, Sebastian, Sam, Abigail, Harvey) 
Favors for Farmer 
Favorite tools 
Stardew Valley Coffee Shop
Dates with Bachelors 
First Day of Fall (includes townies) 
Random headcanon 
St. Paddy’s Day
Random Haley headcanons
International Women’s Day (includes townies)
Going to Zuzu City (bachelors/bachelorettes) (townies)
Random headcanons (includes townies) 
Game Night 
Social Media platforms
Haley headcanons 
Random headcanons (includes townies)
Harvey B-day headcanons
Elliott headcanons
Sam headcanons
Original Fanfic Stories 
First Kiss with Shane
First Kiss with Harvey
Alex and Abigail 
Sebastian x (easily blushing) Farmer strolling through the snow
Gus gives Pam a job 
Alex and the Ice Cream Stand
SDV + SVE Pairings 
In defense of Sam Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 
Would you rather? (bachelorettes) (bachelors) 
Linus’ conspiracy tent theories
The leaking roof 
Stray thoughts about Mayor Lewis
For all posts about a specific bachelor/ette or townie, you can find their links here: 
Abigail | Alex |  Elliott | Emily |  Haley | Harvey |  Maru |  Leah |  Penny |  Sam |  Sebastian | Shane 
All Tags:
 Caroline |  Clint | Demetrius | Evelyn | George | Gunther | Gus |  Jas | Jodi | Kent | Leo | Lewis | Linus | Marlon | Marnie | Morris | Pam | Pierre | Professor Snail | Mr. Qi | Robin | Sandy | Vincent
My TS4 Remakes (and HC) 
SDV: Abigail | Alex | The Bouncer | Caroline | Clint | Demetrius | Elliott | Emily | Evelyn |George | Gunther |  Gus | Haley | Hat Mouse | Harvey | Jodi | Kent | Krobus | Leah | Maru | Mayor | Mr. Qi |  Linus | Pam | Penny | Pierre | Robin |Sam | Sebastian | Shane  | Vincent | Wizard | UPDATES 1 
Claire | Jadu | Lance |  Magnus/Wizard | Olivia | Sophia | Suki (Traveling Cart) | Victor 
See also Master Post for Borrowed/Adopted/Altered HC’s written by others 
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livinasimminlife · 11 months
9 Things to Do While I Wait For Mods to Update
...the dreaded patch day that passed messed up my midweek plans. Here are some ideas to help you out in the meantime if you're like me.
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@livinasimminlife replied to your photo: “knowledgeaspiration: had to rebuild that lot (kind of a town hall???)...”:
beautiful! love the ivy!
thank you so much!
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theyaytoast · 5 years
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Caroline Grofield doing her own thing. Enjoying the life in San Myushuno. 
See more of Caroline in @livinasimminlife‘s Bachelor Challenge:  Paramours in Paradise.
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Hey everyone, I’ll be moving all my posts because of Tumblr’s new restrictions. I’ll be posting one post per day so you can reread DMD or perhaps read for hte first time. Read here. Merry Christmas! 
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medleymisty · 7 years
livinasimminlife replied to your post “On mobile so I can’t put a read more, sorry. But so you can choose if...”
Sending hugs and care your way.
clatterbane replied to your post “On mobile so I can’t put a read more, sorry. But so you can choose if...”
*hugs offered*
simosyne replied to your post “On mobile so I can’t put a read more, sorry. But so you can choose if...”
*sends you all the virtual hugs and love that she can* from someone who knows rather closely how you feel, i hope today is good and kind to you, dear!
37645539 replied to your post “On mobile so I can’t put a read more, sorry. But so you can choose if...”
eowijnssims replied to your post “On mobile so I can’t put a read more, sorry. But so you can choose if...”
Keep continuing what you're doing, you're awesome. hugs.
*hugs all the nice healthy normal non-toxic non-abusive friend people* :)
By the end of the day I felt much better! Blasted Kanye’s Amazing on the way home. :)
I’ll be all right. Got that post traumatic growth thing going on. ;)
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lattesimming · 3 years
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@sydney-simsyt @donaeis @ptxfam1680 @pixiesims @anothersmokebreak @livinasimminlife @rosalysims @kaylee-gavin @divadoom @siminycricketsredirect-blog @tinycitysims-blog @sandy-sims @combopoints @plum-babe-blog @monotoned-enthusiasm @syssixluna @starblastedmuffin-archive-blog @inspiredbyennui @thoughts-from-my-game @arilua 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses reduced by 90%
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simscognito · 5 years
Bold Tag
I was tagged by @whyhellosims @fayts4 and @zeussim. Thanks for tagging me. XD
Rules: Bold everything that applies to you and tag 10 people you’d like to get to know better.
I’m over 5’5” // I wear glasses/contacts // I have blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have blue eyes // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backward
Hobbies and Talents:
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language// I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to TV shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during school or work breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend I have known for ten years // My parents are together // I have dated my best friend// I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long-distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sunrise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // The sound of chirping calms me //I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths// autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote(s) // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food// I can drive a stick-shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least three dogs
Tagging @forgotten-pixels @eclipsedshadowk @theyaytoast @justcity @cubsimmer @pamyusims @donaeis @angeliclolasanchez @alittledaylight @livinasimminlife
Apologies if you’ve already been tagged / done this!
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livinasimminlife said: Missing house? It’s annoying when TS3 doesn’t load properly.
No, the EPs and SPs weren’t showing up in the launcher. I thought they did when I started up, but then it said two of the save files couldn’t be used. 
This is what I kept getting, basically. (Note: I own all the EPs and SPs. Yes, even Sweet Treats)
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fallynephemeron · 7 years
A-Z Meme
I was tagged by both dstarsims and anchoredsims,  so I figured I should probably do it :P
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in your own. when you are done tag up to 10 people….most importantly, have fun!
a / age: not ashamed to say I’m 41. 
b / biggest fear: being underwater in deep ocean-  to the point I can’t let my sims scuba dive in TS3.  
 c / current time: 2:53pm 
d / drink you had last: grape juice mixed with lemon/lime soda 
e / everyday starts with: me waking before everyone else and stealing time on the computer usually playing sims 
f / favourite song: R.E.M. Night Swimming 
g / ghosts are real? Not a clue. But ghosts, or spirits or something I believe is real.  
h / hometown: Port Angeles WA.  
i / in love with: nope. lol no one. 
j / jealous of: People that are able to live their lives with functional routines and minimal disruptions. 
k / killed someone: nope. but knew someone who did. l / last time you cried: a few days ago.  Tears of frustration because my youngest wouldn’t do her school work. 
n / number of siblings: 1 younger sister.
p / person you last called/texted: My ex mother in law,   to share the good news that my youngest kids orthodontics assistance from the state had been approved. After two days worth of texts and phone calls keeping her informed of my oldest daughters status in the hospital with appendicitis.  We used to hate each other until she realized what a completely horrible person her son is.
q / questions you’re always asked: How are your kids doing!?  Everyone knows our situation, but we don’t interact much with people unless I run into them at the grocery store or something.   Ah, small towns. r / reasons to smile: my ex hasn’t contacted us in over a year, and looks like he isn’t going to again either.

s / song last sang: singing along to something by green day on the radio. 
u / underwear colour: boring white 
v / vacation destination: camping at the ocean usually, though this summer probably a road trip to CO to visit the ex in-laws 
w / worst habit: eating too much crap 
x / xrays you have had: too many. 
y / your favourite food: pizza and pasta 
z / zodiac sign: Aquarius
I tag: @hureuf @medleymisty @ladyrosedeversailles, @simmreaper, @lilinabe , @livinasimminlife, @valoisfulcanelli, @preferatajaferoj, @37645539
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stardewremixed · 1 year
Return to Stardew Valley (RSV)
I am rebooting my Stardew Remixed story due to (well) lots of reasons. You can read more here. 
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#1 Return to Stardew Valley
Everything has a cycle – birth, life, death. And we return and return again.
Elizabeth ‘Lizzie’ Jackson is convinced she has the worst luck in the star system. When she is fired from her umpteenth job on the anniversary of her best friend’s death, Lizzie makes a series of highly questionable, regrettable decisions. An unexpected invitation provides the perfect excuse to leave town.
However, trouble seems to follow Lizzie as she returns to the one place she never thought she would go again – Stardew Valley. At least there is no shortage of attractive partners… if only she could make up her mind. If only her “butterfly brain” didn’t get in the way. And her special ‘talent’ only serves to complicate her life.
As a young teen, Lizzie was burdened with the ability to sense the paranormal. After a freak accident, she discovered her “gift.” Believing she was cursed, she spent more time talking with ghosts than maintaining a regular relationship. Her time at a supernatural academy helped Lizzie hone her abilities, but they aren’t exactly useful skills among the living. But maybe a mistake can turn into a moment of truth and into a miracle. With a lot of hard work, an unexpected reunion, and an assist from the afterlife, maybe Lizzie can finally change her stars.
First chapter coming 2/14! A Valentine’s present to you all. And there will be many beloved Stardew Valley characters returning. :) 
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livinasimminlife · 10 months
Already seeing Sims 4 autumn CC! While I love autumn, it's too early! 🍂🍁😬
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livinasimminlife · 11 months
Sebastian headcanons with an easily blushing farmer? Maybe strolling hand in hand through the snowy valley? <3
Happy holidays! :)
Ah ha! Found you! I'm so sorry I misplaced this ask. I actually wrote a reply here: https://stardewremixed.tumblr.com/post/700026020736188417/sebastian-x-farmer-easily-blushing-strolling
I hope you caught it.
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livinasimminlife · 11 months
Hey Lizzie <3 Thanks so much for reading my story - I was so happy to see all of your interactions when I woke up this morning. I've just started reading yours and it's so good so far - can't wait to see where it goes
have a lovely day <3
Aww thank you so much! I really enjoyed binging! And I'm in the mood to start up Return to Stardew Valley again. Haha. We'll see how quickly I get a new chapter up.
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livinasimminlife · 1 year
The Sims headcanons
The Goth family - showers or baths?
(I write headcanons frequently for Stardew Valley and thought I could do something similar for Sims.)
Bella Goth
Enjoys quick showers as she always wants to bounce and move onto the next thing. Would rather sleep in than get up early to shower as she is a night owl. She has perfected her morning routine and does her makeup flawlessly every time.
Cassandra Goth
Bella's daughter is the exact opposite and enjoys long, moody baths with bath salts and opera music played on an old Victrola.
Alexander Goth
Enjoyed baths as a kid, and definitely had a rubber ducky that he named Mr. Squeakers. Now days, he is into long showers, where he finds his best creative ideas.
Mortimer Goth
Is a hybrid bath/shower guy, depending on his mood. He definitely is all about appearances though, and spends much time on his grooming routines. Uses loads of product for his hair.
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livinasimminlife · 1 year
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