#loki season two
I came into season 2 of Loki knowing how it ended. This is not something that endears me to fiction, because knowing how it ends is for a re-watch. If I come in knowing the ending, it only results in me consciously or subconsciously looking at the show to see how the puzzle comes together rather than enjoying the ride.
I also came into Loki season 2 pleasantly enjoying how they approached time travel in season 1 (ex. far better than say Endgame), but not terribly impressed, because I've seen it done better.
I enjoy the characters, and I like time travel, and I wanted to enjoy the ride despite all this.
But the last 2 episodes of Loki truly took me aback. The discussions of science vs fiction in episode 5 were a pleasant surprise. But the last episode...
I can't say I've encountered a time loop of the character's own making before in visual media (not to say it doesn't exist, but that I can't think of an instance I've seen on screen). I've seen a character driven mad in a time loop they're stuck in, but not watched one they chose. And Tom Hiddleston played it pitch perfect. He has all the desperation, the efficiency, the exhaustion, and yet the perseverance to fix this problem - but not quite the madness. Because he understands why he's there and what he needs to do instead of being trapped there by some other force. Listen to how Loki encourages Victor down the walk, with all the right words but none of the inflection- he's done this too many times before. But listen to him talk to Victor on his way back - the encouragement is genuine because this is the first time it's happened. In these scenes alone you see what Loki's been through during all the times we haven't seen him go back. But it also on a small scale encapsulates the futility and hope that's a part of every time travel story.
Putting Loki through hundreds of years to fix this problem is so understated, but the perfect way to show that he didn't come to his sacrifice at the end without doing literally everything he can to fix the problem. And making Loki a long-living demi-god actually improves the circumstances, because he has a perspective that few would on time. And it shows his growth on how much time he's willing to spend on humans he's known so little compared to his lifetime (prior to the aforementioned centuries of trying to fix this issue).
Making a way to get out of the time loop the final ethical problem of a 2 season show, and 12 years of Hiddleston (impeccably) playing a character stuck in his ways is inspired. It's an episode that was far more focused on Loki himself in a way I hadn't even noticed the show wasn't doing until now. And the choice to make the god of chaos the enabling of a multiverse allowing chaos and free will to exist forevermore is perfect.
While I can't say this show or finale was perfect, it was firing on far more cylinders than I anticipated. And I was much more moved by the ending than I ever expected to be.
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villainboygirl · 8 months
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What I love in this scene is Loki's reaction.
I thought that Loki would be impressed by Mobius' rage, or that he would be amused. Or that he would immediately start torturing Brad as soon as Mobius got out of the cell.
But no: Loki was stunned by Mobius' reaction.
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So, at first, he took steps to stop Mobius before he went too far and escorted him away safely.
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Then he followed Mobius to make sure he was okay, asking him over and over without using aggressive tones, despite Mobius trying to downplay it.
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Loki saw that Mobius was trying to hide how shaken he was, so he suggested to eat a slice of pie to reassure him down.
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Without pressure, he calmed him down until Mobius was ready to open.
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And then he reassured him gently.
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This shows how much Loki has changed: instead of being overwhelmed by anger and the desire for revenge, he put the well-being of Mobius, a person dear to him, first, without hiding the concern and affection he feels for him. And Mobius, in return, demonstrated that he placed full trust in Loki, expressing his innermost emotions to him.
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jiyascepter · 7 months
life was simpler when loki just wanted that stupid blue cube
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fla-t-line · 7 months
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Lonely God
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loki-us · 6 months
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It’s the casual way Mobius sets his chaotic boyfriend The God of Mischief loose on everyone. Mobius is so attuned to Loki, he immediately knows how he’s going to react, offering him a gentle warning or permission to proceed. And Loki carefully waits for that permission before he acts, implying this is a familiar dynamic that’s been established beforehand.
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aritks · 6 months
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I bet he was crying inside of happiness.
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annoyingboing · 7 months
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what in the rom com did i just watch
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lokiusincorrectquotes · 8 months
Season 1
Mobius: NO
Season 2
Mobius: YES
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bumblebeebean · 8 months
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I love how instead of trying to calm Loki or persuade him not to fight, Mobius just tells him to be "gentle". He didn't do the whole "it's not worth it" or "just let it go" stuff. He just accepted the fact that Loki would be petty and even encouraged it.
It really shows that Mobius also has a small mischievous side to him, first planning to torture Brad with Loki, then this. Brings me joy ❤
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Let's first roll past the implications of the two very isolated characters of Loki and O.B. having a friend/companion for that long (not because I don't want to, but because I can't even begin to unpack what the show couldn't do and then effectively retconned by changing time again.) But Loki coming back from centuries (!) of learning mechanics, physics, and engineering with O.B. that he seemingly learned out of nowhere to everyone else, gave me some serious Tony Stark "When did you become an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics?" "Last night." energy. (Even though it obviously was not overnight).
Now all I can think of is if you could put this Loki and Tony Stark in a room together, and get them past their differences, what a scientific conversation these two could have...
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littlekinng · 7 months
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i’m sorry
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jiyascepter · 8 months
loki over there losing his shit in this scene:
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meanwhile mobius:
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why is he like this 😭❤️
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teabag-of-mischief · 8 months
One of my favorite things is when Loki says something with a british pronunciation and Mobius repeats it with an american pronunciation, for example:
"No, I was in the paast"
"What do you mean in the päst?"
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grungyboiii · 7 months
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These two sitting together eating pie and talking about feelings
The definition of an ideal date
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