#long post under cut
allgremlinart · 3 months
i did not know how to use the internet when atla first dropped, what doujins do i keep seeing you and other blogs keep referencing?? what did i miss…
ADsdhs yeah atla is getting up there in age as a fandom so... obviously over the years there have been numerous doujins/fan comics !! The ones I've talked about on here have mostly been ones I remember seeing as a tween in the 2010s, which was mostly jetko and various slash. I think it would be absolutely impossible to find and list all of the atla doujin that's ever existed, only because there are corners of the fandom that I simply do not visit regularly, and so I'm sure there's stuff I don't know of. HOWEVER !! Fuck it. I'll put together a list of the atla doujins/fan comics I DO know of....
2009 Jetko Doujin Anthology The link above is to a yaoi website and is only accessible through the Wayback Machine. The physical anthology was, at some point, available for purchase, but obviously not anymore. There were multiple artists and stories, but it was all centered around modern au jetko. A friend recently helped me finish a translation of one of the stories - by prolific 2000s/2010s jetko artist Avici1881 - in this anthology - you can find links to most of the full translated story here <3
Jetko Doujin by Avici1881, 愛之門 (The Gateway of Love) The artist originally posted this doujin to their Deviantart, but the translation is a little rough, and it's hard to read in the correct order. Tumblr user @/zaqscans created another version of the translation, which is easier to understand, and can be downloaded here. The story is kind of a riff on "The Cave Of Two Lovers," and it's great.
Zukka Doujin by Avici1881 Like the last one, this one is a spoof on "The Cave Of Two Lovers," although this one is much shorter and more goofy. The only place I've been able to find it is Avici's Deviantart. All of the pages are there, it just takes navigating Deviantart's terrible organizational layout to find them.
Astronaut AU Jetko Doujin by kyosa-europa Now I've never actually been able to find any scans or translations for this one, only what's been posted to the artist's Deviantart. It's an astronaut au. That's about all I've got for it.
Mooncake Festival Jetko Comic by kyosa-europa I think I've seen a Chinese version of this comic too, but I can only find this translated version posted to the artist's Deviantart (which works fine for me, obviously). It's very cute. I believe it is unfinished.
2024 Zukaang Doujin by Yishu (@/shange0211) Rejoice! Doujin from the 2020s! The tradition lives on! I have not personally read or purchased this one, but this artist's work is cute. It's the only one of these that I've compiled that you could actually buy, lol. I do not believe there are any translations of it.
Now obviously this doesn't scratch the surface when it comes to the amount of pairings in atla/tlok (I believe I remember a korralok doujin floating around somewhere at some point) but this is the span of what I've probably referenced on this blog.
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pocket-archer · 6 months
Don’t Tap the Glass AU - notes & timeline
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I'll be writing a journal entry style fic for DTTG and posting occasional comics so this is technically spoilers but posting anyway since it's been a long time coming. Feel free to read if you like 👍
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internal conflict within the Shimada castle leading to the deaths of two brothers and the clan disappearing
some time after (years?) the brothers are reborn as an oni (self-inflicted curse) and minor god (revered as a tragic victim)
centuries later, Cassidy in his early hunting days is attacked by a lycan (deadlock) and to prevent the curse, dismembered his own arm (infected area)
blood loss and shock from doing this nearly kills him but one of Death’s workers (Nevermore!Reaper) notices how stubbornly he’s clinging to life and makes a deal with him (blackwatch)
Cassidy becomes an Undead, able to maintain his human form unless weak or when it’s time to do his part of the deal on the anniversary of his “death”
his deal grants him the ‘deadeye’, able to see who is marked for death and he has to bring them to the Reaper to keep extending his life
he later acquires the new arm for channelling the magic he lost when Turning, help with reaping, and is heavily enchanted to react to non-humans with a burning touch
Cassidy heavily relies on weapons more than his magic because it's not as strong as it used to be and more akin to practical effects or smaller attacks like smoke, stuns, small explosions (ei. wind effect during deadeye, flashbang/magnet grenade, etc) and feels draining to use at the same time as keeping his human appearance
Cassidy finds a way to stay away from innocents whenever the anniversary comes around, feeling more justified in his reaping if he’s taking out those who deserve it. Refusing to reap will end their deal and the Reaper will finally take Cassidy himself
at some point, Cassidy meets Genji Shimada, a traveller who he suspects is also not human, but Genji never brings it up
Cassidy is hired by a “priest” (Zenyatta) to capture the oni lurking within the abandoned Shimada castle, frightening the citizens of Hanamura
The priest warns of a horrible fate if the oni is left alone
Genji vouches for the Priest, and explains some of Hanamura’s legends to Cassidy, who figures Genji must’ve fled from there from the association with Shimada castle, or displaced when his ancestor’s clan fell apart.
bounty money was good too
Cassidy travels to Hanamura to hunt the oni, who he is able to find because the oni is peculiarly marked for death
He wonders if that means the priest will be killing the oni himself after the delivery
Cassidy wins the fight because being Undead has its perks (still hurts tho) and the Oni fought very distractedly (lack of tactic/sense)
He seals the Oni in a lantern that is covered in a variety of seals as oni are not something he hunted before, and he rarely takes jobs involving escorting a live target, so better safe than sorry. He made the seals himself
The oni in its sealed form is surprisingly chattier and snarky, as it didn’t talk during the fight. The two butt heads and bicker throughout the journey. At this point, Cassidy doesn’t consider the oni to really be a person with the rumours that this oni was born out of the tragedies in Shimada castle alone
funnee hijinks of avoiding other monsters or hunters
Vampire hunter!Brigitte encounter
Banshee!Moira encounter
The more human the oni spoke and acted, the more Cassidy questioned what it really was
The amount of detours and unexpected delays of journeying with a live target threw off Cassidy’s predicted drop-off time. The energy on maintaining the multiple seals is draining.
Both Cassidy and oni become more irritable and tired, and argue until Cassidy decides to stop talking to the oni and focus on the job
His Undeath anniversary is soon and the only person around for Cassidy to reap would be his own target
Cassidy detours again to a town to find suitable souls to reap
Oni has become significantly quieter and falling asleep more often. Getting weaker.
The Oni shares that he finally figured out what Cassidy was, through the different magic signatures that carried into the seals. He knows that Cassidy is Undead, and that it is ironic that they’re both cursed. He falls asleep once more, as Cassidy realized that the oni was also once a human.
Encounter with a disguised witch (Mercy) who took notice of his charge, tries to cast an enchantment on Cassidy to hand over the weakened oni for herself
Cassidy catches her act, burning her hand in a handshake
Village is revealed to be false, all the people in it are puppet illusions by the witch. (looks like ragdoll!echos) Cassidy cannot reap.
Time runs out, the Reaper comes for Cassidy
Oni wakes up during the confrontation, overhearing the argument, Cassidy being offered an extension if he reaps the oni whose time was long due, just like him, and overhears that Cassidy has decided not to hand off the oni to anyone
Cassidy doesn’t want to do the Reaper’s dirty work anymore,
they fight
the lantern shatters, releasing the oni
the two of them together fight until the Reaper retreats, vowing to return even before the next deadline
now freed, Cassidy offers for the oni to attack him back, in revenge for being sealed
the oni refuses, they talk instead
Cassidy finally learns that the oni’s name is Hanzo
Hanzo asks more about Cassidy's deal with the Reaper, about Deadeye, and he figured he was marked for death. He asks if he's still marked, Cassidy reluctantly admits that he is, but it's been wavering.
they decide to continue to travel together
Cassidy laments that he will not receive the bounty for turning Hanzo in. Hanzo mentions that there was abandoned wealth back at the Shimada castle. They go back for it as their first destination together.
Cassidy sent a letter back to Genji for the Priest. He will not be completing the hunt.
The Priest shakes his head at this, amused, but strangely optimistic about this development. Genji leaves to search for them instead.
Cassidy learns that Hanzo does not remember everything from when he was human. He remembers his name, yes he always had this tattoo, his family was of summoners, he did something to have been cursed to become this. He thinks he cursed himself in his final moments. He doesn’t remember what his familiars were, nor anyone in his clan
Cassidy mentions Genji as the one who told him about Hanamura’s legends, and that Genji might be one of Hanzo’s technical descendants since they share a last name. Hanzo doesn’t recognize the name Genji.
Hanzo learns that Cassidy enchanted one of his bag’s pockets for hammerspace. Cassidy uses this for multiple hats. Hanzo hates that.
Werewolf!Winston encounter. They fight until Winston turns back. They thought he would’ve turned back into a human. He didn’t.
Hanzo eventually remembers what he looked like as a human, for a supply run into town where he needed to be disguised like Cassidy
Same town has Einherjar!Zarya who is also a hunter, not an active one, but protects that town. She keeps squinting at them.
Anytime time they try to mention/question about Winston's.. condition (gorilla), something interrupts them
the witch returns, having captured the Reaper (Jack-o-Lantern!Reaper) as a servant after being denied the oni
Cassidy makes a new deal with the Reaper, that he will forget about Cassidy and Hanzo’s souls in exchange for being broken out
[more time for adventures here]
Will-o-wisp!Tracer and Satyr!Lucio “help” them through a forest
catch a ride on a ship with pirate!Torbjorn, warning from pirate!Baptiste about monsters in the water, (unseen, pirate!Ana in background talking w Genji)
Siren!Symmetra encounter
here comes the giant fist (swamp monster!doomfist)
Ana is there after they arrive, makes fun of them for getting attacked by the swamp monster
There’s a circus! (roadhog, junkrat, soldier)
Genji finally finds them. Hanzo remembers. He does not take it well.
Hanzo's death marker revealed to be referring to his humanity and identity, as being in isolation as an oni he would've eventually lost himself. Suddenly remembering what he did and being overcome with the emotions drives him out of control
Genji and Hanzo fight (reference to dragons animated short except big oni attacks), and meanwhile Cassidy recreates his seals to suppress the frenzy to help Genji's words reach Hanzo
probably some crying but 👍
Other notes/encounters
Widowmaker is a monster hunter
Sombra is another monster hunter (knows Cassidy’s secret)
Kiriko (Matsuri?) is still a shrine maiden, or helps care for it, specifically the shrine Genji is connected to. They hang out :)
Ramattra is a necromancer that puts souls in dolls and bots (haunted doll!Ashe, victorian doll!Echo, gearbot!Bastion? what a weird family...) (this means ashe technically appears twice but it's possible because the lycan attack was years ago and she could've died since then and doll!ashe isn't the same
Enchanted armour Pharah and Reinhardt if they appear
No one ever sees Zenyatta's face under the cloth, and Genji only ever describes it vaguely
Junkenstein's Revenge and Wrath of the Bride could still happen to a degree but very different dialogue/origins for the four heroes
Cassidy can't see death markers through glass so he couldn't see Hanzo's having changed during travels because of the lantern
Cassidy can safely lose and reattach limbs as an undead but can't heal/regenerate too much lost mass on his own. He cannot have his head or heart pierced, that could still kill him
Hanzo has to physically eat as well for strength so part of him getting weak over time was seals, the other was cuz he was starving. He could eat people technically, but tries to stick to animals, and magic-adjacent stuff is more filling (he got a couple birds from the fight with Reaper)
Genji's abilities as a deity are wind and weather based (swift strike no cooldowns) and he can still summon his dragon familiar from before. He still uses weapons unlike Hanzo who is more melee now as an oni (though has storm related effects like lightning)
They probably stop by the town that had Zarya and Winston every once in a while because it's actually a chill town once they get to know you
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howlsnteeth · 3 months
hi, just wanted you to know that if you ever wanted to like. interest-dump about cotl and your thoughts about the lore/storyline and stuff as ive seen you show in your art, id read PARAGRAPHS. im so curious and love to hear about people's interest in game/story/media lore and the interpersonal relationships within the universe!!! - from an autistic system who has loved your art since like. forever. (u can call us moss)
okay hi moss :3
i'm kind of due for an infodump on my cotl headcanons, so! i'll try be somewhat concise because this is going to be a long post anyway rip. i drew some pictures :D
(i can't really think of any warnings to give outside of usual cotl themes/killed race/dying/blood/etc but let me know)
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obviously watching the destruction of your entire race is traumatic as fuck, also because it likely took a few weeks or months to achieve. so they died pretty underweight/weak bodied/pretty shut down. the bishops are gone by the time lamb is revived by toww, and their body hadn't quite made it to a 'body pit' (or food pit). still, they get Their Bell from another of their race on the way out. probably weren't thinking about it too hard and just desperately wanted to grab something while their eyes burned in their sockets and this red crown fit like molded clay in their hand. my lamb has a little notch out of their left ear which was caused while escaping, which ends up never healing because of a few reasons but mostly because i like it.
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over the course of the game/story they start to slowly physically change. after revival it takes scars a Long time to fade, considering lamb is technically a walking corpse, and also because of their affiliation with Death (narinder, who has similar i'll mention later). they get dark marked lines under their eyes from that classic 'bleeding eyes' action during rituals/etc. their ears but especially horns get longer and sharper. their way of coping is similar to most lambs, jokes and pulled punches.
by the end of the 'main game/toww fight,' they've already made their choice, and start flexing their control/communication with the red crown itself. it gets harder for toww to view through it, and lamb gets somewhat intoxicated with the idea of an ultimate revenge, having killed all the other bishops. they've done everything they can to stop their cult members noticing signs of weakness, but as things get more stressful this kind of rubberbands around to them seeming extremely unstable. by the time they go to fight toww they're muttering nonstop, barely aware, and also they let their wool get longer and basically end up with a mullet. <3 because it's funny to me
they obviously beat toww and for them it's like a smashing of clarity, like a gripped handle let go, standing up from the river of blood. it's freeing but also the most pain they've ever been in. and instead of killing toww this pit in their stomach spares him. lamb went from a corpse to a god and now, in some sick way, they want to watch a god turn into a living corpse, just like them. because with every other sheep dead, narinder is the only one with a connection to that genocide, the cause of the other bishops doing it.
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narinder hates their fucking guts. obvs. he thinks, or knows, that lamb is doing it on purpose. but narinder's body hasn't been normal for far, far too long. even before he was made death (as in artworks i've done with him), his body turned skeletal and rotted away. lacerations open all over his body, but especially down his front torso. when he's first brought to the cult, lamb gives him red robes, also because of this 'problem'. but narinder does every single thing he can against them. he gets white robes and lets them turn bloodied and disturbing to everyone around him.
even washing them stops working, and lamb does resign slightly to letting him sit in his dirty stupid robes. it's the pettiest shit. narinder also keeps his veil, and lamb can't bother with a reason to take it away. let that dumbass keep his yuck robes and veil. you can only stick him the stockade for a week before your other followers get too concerned.
over time, they do end up getting closer, but it comes from a place from both being touched and changed by Death, the red crown, and the choices of the other bishops. it takes a really long time and only after all the other bishops have been recruited (another whole thing). both of them catch themselves enjoying little things, and then having moments of all the pain bleeding through. an example is over time narinder does end up wearing darker robes, but it's fairly gradual. in this piece, it's lamb getting too deep in the countless lives that were taken from their race, triggered by blood (a whole little story thing), and narinder does make the (semi subconscious) choice to wear dark robes.
anyway you're probably looking at that giant shadow in the picture huh. it takes a long time but lamb Does end up truly becoming a bishop.
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not 100% done with this design, but it has the basics. their main horns end up breaking off (thinking of a story behind that still). the main thing with them that i really like is they have multiple strings of bells on them. so everyone starts associating the sound of ringing bells as Death. so if you hear them, they're coming for you. that being said, they also have the ability to move completely silently, despite being covered in bells. which adds to the scaring-the-fuck-out-of-everyone factor.
there's a ton more i could get into with the other bishops, ratau, the duck siblings, the crowns themselves, more aym and baal, but i'm probably gonna do more artworks with them so i can talk more then :3 this is already too long lmao
thanks for the ask though!! it's nice knowing people are interested in my stuff :D (it's also worth mentioning that i am also a system and have alters of lamb, narinder, and aym and baal, who all contribute to this stuff)
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bionicle-ramblings · 7 months
... I apologize in advance, but also regret nothing
This has been on my for a VERY long time and now I'm getting it out
Bionicle characters as cats!
More specifically if you owned these cat!Bionicle characters
This post is going to be SUPER long under the cut
Hope you enjoy!
Nuju: Used to be an outdoor cat before finding the paradise that was the indoors. Took a while to get him inside, and there’s no way in hell he's leaving, and you wouldn't get rid of him for the world. Nuju still enjoys laying against cold windows and drinking cold water from your cup or dipping his paw in it, even likes laying on ice packs when they're still frozen. He doesn't like being pet that much, will claw you if you go near him, and gets mean and nasty when someone tries to pick him up or hold him, and that sometimes includes you. He enjoys being on places that are hard for people to reach, and those places are the best to JUDGE on, because he'll either disapprove of something you're doing or about to do or he'll disapprove of the company you invited over; you ruined the perfect silence of his home. Regardless, he loves you, though he shows it through laying on you, rubbing against you, playing, all that jazz. You still let him go outside, but you're always with him, and you make sure you got out when the night sky is clear because Nuju meows and purrs SO MUCH when he sees the stars. He likes watching the snow fall too, and you sometimes take him outside so he can play in the snow. He's got a clear and pronounced meow, and you swear he knows what will make you tick because he's yelled at you until you brought snow in or brought out a tray of ice or an icepack for him to lay on. He likes to move things around too, so that's fun to keep watch for, especially when he sees you're drinking coffee. In terms of breed, he's like a white haired persian, and you make sure he's looking his best, even if he yells at you for it(though he does like it). Some of your friends and family wish you'd gotten a cat that was friendlier while others think he's a riot because of the resting bitch face he has and seeing him in the snow or laying on a tray of ice is adorable. If they push his buttons or pet him when he doesn't want to be, he will move their cups or plates or even cutlery or even phones when they aren't looking so they're on alert and confused. He wears a collar like the boss he is and you made sure it had star or snowflake patterns on it just for him
Matau: Has been through a fair number of homes before ending up with you. He's a cat with hardly any chill; you wake up to a cat racing up to you every morning before darting away, maybe even vaulting off the walls and door. He also likes playing and will climb up on you until you can hold him or until he reaches your shoulders. You've gotten him toys for enrichment, but he goes to entertain himself by playing with and showing off for you first. You've asked if the amount of activity he has is normal, but the vets assume it's just hyperactivity and maybe super zoomies, which you assume makes sense because he's a tabby. He's got fur that's more green than the usual tabby golden organge, but he's still a tabby. The vets explained that's from a previous home and while he's healthy, the dye used still needs to wash/grow out. Matau calms down when you're chilling. You need to help him relax, like help him sit and lay down, but you get him calm with some scratches and just telling him he's a good boy. He's also a peacock in cat form; he likes to strut and show off his body and legs. Owning Matau, you learn that he can bark, chirp(like a bird), squeak, croak, caw, and make all sorts of sounds no cat should be able to make. You once heard him imitate your ringtone and have had your phone on vibrate since. He learned to imitate that as well. Whatever you do, Matau is with you doing it, and that includes making meals, even when you've had to cook stuff. You've tried everything and he will not stay off the counters. You've also started bringing a cat carrier where you go and leaving the heating or cooling on in your car because Matau wants to be with you 24/7. You two love being outside, but Matau ends up being the reason you have too many friends. Some people think he needs some chill pills, but they change their minds when they see him calm down and even perform by barking and making all his "not a cat" sounds. Some people find him endearing, even when he's shoulder surfing. You've tried and failed many times to give him a collar, but he knows you two are going out whenever he sees the harness you got just for him
Nokama: For a while, she was the bookstore/library/campus class cat that stuck around for lectures or for reading, which you swear you've seen her do because you watched her paw at someone to turn to a certain page in a book and nuzzle them before sitting down and slowly read the page. Eventually, you ended up both feeding her and helping her read books enough that she followed you home. Even since, you've had the BEST study/school mate ever. Nokama will paw at your pen or pencil when you've got the answer wrong, will help you stay awake to study just a little longer before reminding you to go to bed, and will be resting on your shoulder as you read or do homework or study. Leisurely reading is especially fun because when you reach the plot twist, you two are both shocked. You also swear that Nokama can understand EVERYTHING you say. You've vented about your day and find Nokama at your heels and looking up at you, like she's listening. Your peers, friends, and family find it doubtful, but you just know that you're right, having tested it by saying something outrageous to the point Nokama stared at you and began stalking toward you, and then avoided going near you when you revealed it to be a lie and to have gotten proof that you were right. Not a very outdoorsy cat. She'll watch the world from outside the window and go from your house to the library to the bookstore to class and back, but that's it. That's all she wants to do with the outdoors. She's not a very "nighttime" cat either, as she'll rest with you and fall asleep close by. She's not a loud cat at all. When she meows, it's gentle and you hear it whenever you two "talk." You also hear it whenever you're bathing or showering or when she's asking to have a bath because Nokama likes water and is possibly the cleanest cat in the world because of her love for water. She is the cat everyone wishes they had, being a quiet, mellow, smart, Russian Blue, but they also retract that when they realize you were right when you said Nokama knows and understands what people say because, when talking amongst each other or on the phone, they see her watching them a bit longer than they think she should and had the literal HELL scared out of them when they asked her a question AND SHE NODDED AT THEM. You wanted to get her a little bowtie collar, but Nokama picked a simpler collar for herself and who are you to deny your friend her choice?
Onewa: For a while, he was a cat that a lot of people avoided because whenever they tried to get close, he'd back away and his at them. He even hissed at you when he saw you, but you learned his previous owner died and your heart won you over, so you went home that day with a very angry, very hissy cat that you had to tell to calm down a few times as you set up the room he was staying in and let him adjust to his new home. For a while, you two left each other alone; he stayed out of your way, you stayed out of his. As a hobby, you carve stuff and often set pieces of cut off wood down on the floor to deal with later. You found Onewa scratching one of the pieces and started to give him his own aid to carve up. While you two aren't exactly ride or die best friends, you're close enough that he'll greet you when you come home, let you pet him, and lay on or by you for a while, or until you have to move. He'll only go outside to join you in carving, but that's it. He's also slow to warm up to you and keeps an eye on you because he's nervous to lose you too. Onwea's also good at getting what he wants. You've seen him sitting by his food bowl, the door to the patio or mini balcony you carve on, or anywhere else, and you've gotten lost in his eyes. It's easy to because he's a Siamese and they have STUNNING eyes, but you're putty when Onewa wants something and he knows it. He also "laughs" at you whenever you stub your toe or have you get something you put down somewhere on accident. You get him back when you catch him staring at your carving or watching something sappy that you threw on because you felt nostalgic and lightly pick on him for it. He doesn't get you back in any drastic ways, just ignores you and hisses at you, but you two make up and are back to being friends later. NO ONE really wants to be near him, but that's fine because Onewa doesn't want to near them either. Just you. Anyone who's tried to pet him, despite your warnings, has gotten scratches as a lasting reminder. No bites, just scratches, and they'll have to get through YOU if they want to give Onewa back to the shelter. You could not get a collar on him to save your life; he's taken that as a challenge and that's a fight you're not willing to fight
Whenua: A friend gave him to you because they couldn't take care of him. Whenua minded a bit because you and your home were new to him, but he soon got used to living with you, and you got used to him leaving through the window and returning with something he found like a pretty leaf or flower or, what takes him A WHILE to come home for, war medals, vintage coins, anything old or vintage that he's so proud of finding, and you're proud of all his finds, as long as he doesn't bring any animals home, dead or alive. There was an instance where a mouse got in and he wouldn't let it go or leave you alone until you told him what it was. That's fine because he is eager to hear more about what he found because you easy access to the information(don't you just love the internet?). Whenua likes chilling with you when he's not seeking information or things from the outside to find. He's usually hanging out on your shoulders, napping on your lap or on your stomach, or chilling in your arms. You've always known cats can see in the dark, but Whenua takes that fact and runs, because during a power outage, he found the flashlight, candles, and batteries for the flashlight than you did. You asked your friend about it and they admitted it isn't a trick they taught him, he just knows how to find stuff and won't leave you alone until you tell him what he found, and you know he found something when he meows. It's a very low, very easy to hear sound that gets your attention every time. When your friend was able to take care of Whenua again and asked him if he wanted to go with them("He's a lot smarter than people think he is," they said.), Whenua looked lost for a moment before rubbing against your friend and then hopping onto your shoulders. It was at that moment where you both realized that Whenua had found his home and it was better to not move him again, your friend promising to visit as much as possible. You two got him a collar together, one that looked cool and that Whenua brought to you both to learn more about because it was one of those flea collars so he's a little more safe when he's venturing and looking for stuff
Vakama: Was a rescue from a house fire, but has since recovered and will enjoy the warmth of a fireplace, bonfire, a heating pad, and even a blanket in your home. Better yet, he'll find you lounging and, after a bit of letting him know he can join you, lay on or beside you. If you're taking a bath or shower, expect to find Vakama laying either right by the door or laying near your towel. It actually took a little while for you too to get close because, at first, he only stayed in the room you made for him so he could adjust, hiding himself in the corner or taking shelter in the holder he was brought home in. He warmed up to you once he knew you weren't a threat. You've never seen a cat panting in real life until you've had Vakama, and you see in numerous times because he gets nervous a little too easily for a cat, i.e. when you're cooking, when you go to the bathroom or shower and close the door, leave for work or school, when it's time to eat, when you're sitting for too long, when you're standing too long, when you go outside, when you take him outside with you, it's all at the drop of a hat. You've tried giving him medication to calm him down, but he'd rather snuggle up to you instead. For the longest time, you thought he was unable to meow, thinking it was permanent damage due to the fire, but while drawing or sculpting at the table, on the couch, or wherever, you heard an odd, polite little meow-honk and saw Vakama quickly join your side, honking away until he saw what you were doing. After he tried pawing at it, you got him his own little sketchbook, some pet-safe ink pads, and pet-safe, air dry clay so he could join while you create. You think Vakama can see the future and turn invisible sometimes, mainly because he's a little too good at hiding and you thought you actually lost him the first time he "disappeared." You didn't; you found him in the kitchen, looking for you. You say he can see the future because he saved you from getting boiling water all over you by sitting on the table and staring at you until you picked him up off of it. He's a fairly pretty Burmese cat, with red-auburn furr and the greenest eyes on a cat ever. His furr always feels weird, though, but the vets explained it to be because of the fire. Your friends and family either love him or hate him. On one hand, the perpetual hiding, poor meowing, and the need to ALWAYS be by you is a little annoying, but seeing a cat that loves you so much that he sleeps in your coat or jacket is adorable and he's saved your life a good handful of times in the past. There was an instance where younger relatives scared the living Heaven and Hell out of him and he didn't make any kind of appearance. You heard him meowing and found him in the dryer, which you swear you closed, while he GLARED at you. He didn't stay mad when you relaxed with a heating pad nearby and ultimately took a nap. You put a collar on him once, one with a bell, and he hid from you for a whole day or two before you lured him out and took off the collar so you two wouldn't be upset ay each other. He honkedat you so the collar could be put back on, but you had to take the bell off first, and Vakama hid it from ypu after you did. You know you will NEVER find that bell again because Vakama knows ALL the best hiding spots
Takua: One half of a bonded pair. He's a little guy, but he's an old breed of cat, one that turns heads and make people ask if you're actually going to adopt him because they can care for him instead. You carry pepper spray of you when you adopt Takua and the cat he's bonded with. He's an adventurous little one, always eager to see what's new, and that includes your hime because he slipped out of the carrier he was in and immediately started looking around. He wasn’t too upset when you had to have him stay in the same room as his friend so he could adjust, but when he's out for reals and exploring, he always gives you this look of, "Don't lock me in that room again." It's not a matter of him disappearing on you, you just find him in the weirdest places like in an empty sink, in your shoe, on the cabinets, the underbelly or your table, your laundry basket, the pantry, all sorts of places. You always find him because he's got a very chirpy meow and he meows enough that you teach him to "whisper" because neighbors started getting mad at you. You SOMETIMES take Takua outside, but you have to hold onto him so he doesn't go anywhere. He's never run away or anything, but you don't want to risk it. He's good at finding things around your home, too. Hair ties, Bobby pins, spare change, snacks, you name it. He also likes chilling on your shoulder and even on your head. Whatever you're doing, he wants to do, so he's got a mini "laptop," there's a bowl you have for him to chill in while you cook, you've got little books for him to "read," just a BUNCH of little things so he doesn't feel left out. Your friends and family love and adore him, even if his high energy and tendency to wander gets to them sometimes. He wears a collar with a bell, and you somewhat regret it because now he RUNS into the room and rolls around as much as possible to eother get the bell for himself or to make as much noise as possible
Jaller: The other half of the banded pair. He's also a little guy, but you've been scratched and bitten by him before. He didn't trust you that much, but be started to when he saw you weren't going to do anything to him or Takua. He's always trailing near Takua, making sure nothing happens to him. You tried getting him some mini stuff so he didn't feel left out, but you found that getting him little cozy thungs to lay or sit on works better. He's very easy to make purr and he'll curl up on you, but you need to help him relax because he's always on guard. Spiders, flies and bugs don't come into your home anymore because Jaller hunts them down. He even alerted you when someone nearly stole a package you had. You rarely hear him meow, but when he does, it doesn't sound like meowing. It sounds like a shout instead, which is especially fun to hear when he's looking for Takua with you. He likes warm things too, much more than Takua, so heating pads and warm blankets are a must. He looks after you to the point where he might as well be a guard cat. You sometimes see Jaller pulling Takua around by his scruff, but no longer intervene because he growled at you when you accidentally made him let go and Takua ran to climb the curtains. You're not fully sure what breed of cat Jaller is, as in certain loght his fur can look either gold or red. He's too calm to be a tabby, so your options are limited. Also limited is his patience with any visitors you have over because they distract him while he's "working." They think he's an adorable little grouch, but they never see when Jaller is about to swat at them for saying that. Jaller does wear a collar, but it doesn't have a bell.
Nixie: Another little cat and a one that followed you home, this time from a night walk. You'd never seen her before, but you know she's seen you because she's a little too friendly, like she knows you will adopt her. She's a fairly chill cat, oddly enough. She just stares at you a lot. Nixie didn't let you pet her at first, but soon she did. You have a few astrology books, and she doesn't leave you alone until you take them out and lay them out for her. You didn't know cats could read, but you learned they did when you saw Nixie reading your books. And staring at the astrology poster on your wall. You have had your day saved by Nixie, whether that be when she more or less revealed someone you were meeting was someone to not associate with, when she let you know the smoke detector was broken, when she knocked a cup of tea over because there was something in the tea you were allergic to, and more. She more or less wanders around your home, only knocking books to the floor so she can read them. Doesn'tmind you picking her up, but she likes to lay on you and rest on your shoulder or lap. Your friends do not believe you when you tell them all the things Nixie does. Your family does, though, because you stayed over once with Nixie, had a family vacation, and many family members swear they found Nixie trying to pull the books from the shelf before she opened them up and started reading them on the floor. Nixie also woke you up early the next morning to get breakfast because she, somehow, knew who was cooking and what they were making. And knew the roads were bad from a storm and hid everyone keys long enough for them to learn of the damage. She's a Russian Blue, like Nokama, but she has a very whispery meow, one people hear when she gets close enough to them. Enjoys a good bath too, but she's a menace in that she'll try joining you in the tub or just lay on the side of the tub and dip her paws in the water. She REFUSES to wear a collar, having lay on her side and not moved for hours when you put one on her. You did take it off, but Nixie hid the collar so you wouldn't try again. She still loves you and still vibes with you, but you know she hasn't dropped the collar
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lola-legendary · 8 days
Octopath Musical Concept
@beantothemax @throne-anguis
4 sections, each contains 1 of everyone’s chapters. 57 songs total.
Track Number: Character chapter belongs to | Name of Song (Where it’s played)
long post under cut
Section 1
01: Ophilia | Flamesgrace’s Cleric (Ophilia’s Song)
02: Cyrus | Mysterious Beneath (Dungeons)
03: Tressa | Let’s Find Treasure! (Tressa’s Song)
04: Olberic | Unbending Blade (Olberic’s Song)
05: Primrose | Dancer, Dancer (Primrose’s Song)
06: Alfyn | Got Your Back (Alfyn’s Song)
07: Therion | Stay Wary (Danger approaching motif)
08: H’annit | IT’S A FREAKING CAT (H’annit’s Song)
Section 2
09: Therion | Noblecourt…? (… Noblecourt.)
10: Therion | Batty Scholars (No Offense, Cyrus) (Orlick Battle)
11: Alfyn | Hurt, then Heal (Olberic - Alfyn conversation)
12: Alfyn | Sometimes It’s Better This Way (after Vanessa is defeated)
13: H’annit | Picking Up the Scent (Stoneguard)
14: H’annit | Master! (Finding Z’aanta)
15: Ophilia | Child (Meeting Emil)
16: Ophilia | Dog. (Fighting the wolf)
17: Tressa | Capitalism!!! (Tressa, Quarrycrest)
18: Tressa | Damnit, Morlock! (Battling Morlock)
19: Cyrus | Odette (Meeting Odette) [this is an Odette solo by the way. I have no idea which one of the travelers named this.]
20: Cyrus | Oh, No, Anything But The Weird Blood Sacrifices! (Fighting Gideon?)
21: Olberic | Friends, I Suppose (Meeting Ned and Cecily)
22: Olberic | And I Your Shield (Tournament)
23: Primrose | Old Acquaintance (Meeting Arianna)
24: Primrose | Left Wing (Killing Rufus)
Section 3
25: H’annit | The Seer (Meeting Susanna)
26: H’annit | DRAGON! (Fighting the dragon)
27: Primrose | Deja Vu (Noblecourt, again)
28: Primrose | Clipped Wings (Killing Albus)
29: Ophilia | No Harm (Before boss battle)
30: Ophilia | Scholar and Cleric (After Mystery Man and Shady Figure are defeated)
31: Cyrus | Fallen Down (Kidnapping) [This “song” is more of a script with music, but it counts]
32: Cyrus | Therese (Lucia’s location revelation)
33: Olberic | To What End (Party Banter)
34: Olberic | Unbending, not Unbreaking (Battle against Erhardt)
35: Therion | Don’t Be a Fool (Battle against Gareth)
36: Therion | Memories (Sharing backstory/Therion's Song)
37: Alfyn | Miguel (Battling Miguel)
38: Alfyn | Doubt (Party Banter)
39: Tressa | Edbart's Shield (Banter with Cyrus and Olberic)
40: Tressa | My Treasure (Party Banter)
Section 4
41: Therion | Hideaway (Approaching and entering Northreach)
42: Therion | Darius (Battling Darius) [everyone gets to take a chance to diss him]
43: Ophilia | Dread (Entering Wispermill)
44: Ophilia | No Longer Human (Battling Mattias)
45: Tressa | Esmeralda (Battling Esmeralda)
46: Tressa | My Treasure (Reprise) (The auction)
47: Primrose | Play the Part (Entering Everhold)
48: Primrose | Puppets (Battling Simeon)
49: H'annit | Petrified (Battling Redeye)
50: H'annit | Family (Party Banter)
51: Olberic | Monster (Battling Werner)
52: Olberic | My Purpose (Battling Werner) [Follows previous song directly]
Bonus Track: Cyrus | We Care About You (Party Banter) [Only observed live]
53: Alfyn | Never Give Up (Alfyn regains confidence in his abilities and purpose)
54: Alfyn | Big Birb (Battling Eagle)
55: Cyrus | Love (Before Lucia Battle) [It's basically a love song from Lucia to Cyrus, who is very confused about what the fuck is happening and why this creepy woman is confessing to him]
56: Cyrus | How To Go On From Here (Decoding the Mural/Cyrus' Song) [This is Cyrus' ONLY song. The only song that he has notes to his words.]
57: All | Going Back To Life (Everyone goes home and continues what they were doing a changed person)
Bonus Track 2: Cyrus | Galdera (Performed offstage) [Cyrus reads into the microphone. No singing involved.]
Bonus Track 3: All | Last Goodbye (Credits)
whew. That was tiring.
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familyofpaladins · 3 days
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(From a post talking about how I make an au everytime I watch another movie)
Oh you're spoiling me @sonderquill by indulging me in my au's. Also careful what you wish for lol
Okay heres a list of different Tmnt Au's that I've made in my head!! :D
Princess bride au
My own tmnt iteration au =Youngest leo (and oldest Mikey, but I tend to focus on leo)
Turtleverse - not so much an au as.... a big ol crossover and filling in some gaps from canon
Pacific rim au- I was actually gonna do a tmaynt promt with this au, but I skipped it because it was giving me trouble but I might come back to it
Treasure planet/island au - set in space like treasure planet but I pull in a bit more of the plot/events from the book
brother bear au - setting and details a little iffy
Looking through my notes to double check my Au's, I apparently also had a pokemon au, but I dont really remember where I was going with it lol
And now, Princess and the frog turtle au
Longer descriptions under the cut because uh. It got long lol (most of these are personality and character based from 2003 series, but could also be from other series/general/non specific iteration as well)
Princess bride au and Youngest Leo Au have links to their own posts so I'm not gonna say much more about them on this post
Turtleverse- So this is .... mostly just a place for all the iterations to hang out and meet each other. Kinda like the place in Across the Spiderverse. Theres not much for plot, except. The turtle in charge of everything in the turtle verse is the Donatello who disappeared in Same as it Never Was (2003 series). In this au, that Don was experimenting with alternate dimensions and time travel and accidentally sent himself to another dimension. Because of where ever he was sent, it takes him a while to travel through dimensions and then spends years hopping from universe to universe trying to find home. But because of [science stuff that I'm going to blame on quantum physic even though that's probably not the right term] his body isnt tuned to his home dimension anymore, and so if he ever made it back he wouldnt be able to stay there. And/or by the time he makes it back the events of same as it never was have already happened. So instead, he "maps" out the other turtle universes and allows crossovers to happen and a big ole hang out. (Like I said before, theres not really a Plot, but if there was, itd would probably have somethign to do with Don being A Bit controlling of the different universes and them not messing with Canon Events (like Manuel in Spiderverse), because he knows 03 Don made it to his home dimension, and while 03 Don got his brothers tow work together and defeat shredder, Don's brothers died and SAINW Don holds that against 03 Don and dosnt want other turtles interfering with other universes. So the plot would be addressing... all that while probably also dealing with some other interdimensionalproblem)
Pacific Rim au- like I said, I hope to draw of this and explain it more there. But I'll go ahead and give a run down. This is a human au. The bros are 4 identical brothers that pilot the only four man jaeger. They can also pilot a normal two man jaeger in any combination. But one day when a kaiju that comes out of the rift is more powerful than they expect, it tears into their jaeger and Donnie gets ripped out. After they get their damaged jaeger back to shore and injuries taken care of. They search for Donnie but never find him and (logically) assume he died. What they dont know is that donnie miraculously made it to shore and got picked up by some locals. But Don got a head injury and doesnt remember who he is and no one else realizes that he's the jaeger pilot who was lost at sea. (The bros are fairly private and so their faces arent publicized, and after people from the jaeger program looked for donnie, they really figured he was gone ((okay actually there is debate between the brothers)) so they didnt keep up the search.) As for Donnie, he assumes he's just a person whose home was destroyed by the kaiju and that theres just no one left to look for him. A man that goes by the nickname Leatherhead, takes him in and as the years go by the work on building the wall to protect against kaiju attacks (Don does his own research on the kaiju on the side tho). Anyway. After Don is gone, they cant pilot the 4man jaeger anymore and work in teams of two. But because of disagreements about Don's fate (like how they argued in SAINW) they dont work quite as well together. So Raph and Casey are drift compatible . And Leo and Usagi are Drift compatible. Mikey probably Could drift with others (if I wanted to bring in Mondo gecko into the au theyd be drift compatible), but he's trying to make sure his bros stay together and works with them.
BUT. Mikey hurt his arm during a fight. (Maybe just broken, maybe loses it if I want to lean into the SAINW parallel) So he's benched for a while. With all the gossip of the 4 drift compatible brothers losing a member and getting new drift partners eventually photos of their faces get out there. Someone who works on the wall keeps up with jaeger pilot gossip and thinks, "hey that guy kinda looks like those pilots. Guess the jaeger program really is going to shit if one is retiring to work on the wall" and maybe jokes about it with others. Eventually a rumor starts that theres a retired jaeger pilot working there. Don, who is probably going by a different name but I havent decided what yet, doesnt pay much attention to rumors and if he Does here, absolutely doesn't think it's about him. He doesnt pay much attention to the jaegers and focuses more on the kaiju themselves. Anyway, Mikey ends up hearing the rumor (because he's bored when benched and so goes out and wanders and also is secretly working on rebuilding their 4man jaeger) and goes "well it's not me, and I know it's not Raph or Leo... ". So trying to keep his hope down in case it's not what he thinks, (because really, it's been 5 years. If it was donnie he would have come home. Right?) He goes to see who this look a like is. He goes to where the wall is being built and looks around for a while and is about to call it quits when he bumps into someone. Don does a double take at the person he bumped into because he was looking at his notes instead of where he was walking. Realizes he's probably in the way and apologizes and goes to walk around. Then Mikey, who was so stunned to suddenly run into his brother (who he knows is donnie. Even with the scar he can see peaking out underneath his hair on his temple) who has been Gone for Five Years. He stops Don and questions where he's been. Don is very confused doesnt know what to make of this person who looks such like him. Eventually they put it together that don has lost his memories and Mikey begs Don to come back with him. Don isn't really sure what to think, (could this really be his brother?), he doesn't know this guy and doesnt know if he believes the "yeah I'm your brother and you have 2 more identical brothers as well" and he has been gathering impressive data on the kaiju that he doesnt want to abandon. So mike goes, come see my brothers and you'll see and if nothing else, you can conduct proper research with other scientist there. So don says yes. (But really. After just a minute of talking with mikey, Don would have gone back with him because he could Feel a connection and he Has to figure out the truth of what happened to him). Anyway they go back, Don meets his other missing brothers, theres crying and hugs and apologies and awkwardness. They do a drift at some point and Thats what brings back all of Don's memories. Something something they end up saving the day. I havent thought much plot past the bros reuniting lol
(God that was long. sorry)
Treasure planet/island au- setting is in space like Treasureplanet, so the boys are turtles. But some plot/events and character roles taken from the book. Splinter and the bros help run an inn. Theyve all grown up hearing stories of the Pirate Krang and his hidden treasure. Someone comes to the inn with a map (I'm thinking baxter stockman. Possibly in this weird brain/tentacle form since this is space and I can use his weirder forms) and other pirates pancake the inn and burn it down with the bros barely escaping with the map. Casey is a friend of the family and they go to his house. Leatherhead is a doctor/scientist and was with the turtles at the time. Mikey and/or Don are messing with the map and are the ones to figure out how to open it. Once they realize they have Krang's Treasure Map, they set out to find it. Casey and leatherhead hire the crew. Leatherhead hires the well renown Captain April O'Neil with firstmate Traximus the triceraton. Casey hired the cook and his daughter who helped hire the rest of the crew. Oroku Saki is an utrom in an exo-suit "with a passion for cooking". His adopted daughter Karai is an excellent sailor. :) Anyway they set sail. April knows soemthign is up with the crew and doesnt trust them one bit. The turtles are slightly suspicious of Saki, but mikey likes cooking with him, Don is fascinated by his exo-suit, and Leo likes training with Karai, and is charmed by Saki's "Honor". Raph doesnt trust them at all, but has no proof for anything and his brothers seem okay with them so he keeps his temper down (as much as he can. He's raph tho lol) anyway. Leo (and mikey maybe?) eventually overhear Shredders real plans to create a mutant and take over the ship. The rest of the events are a little unplanned because it's a mix of book events and movie events and I didnt write down everything that I apparently originally thought of. But two of the brothers (originally wrote down Mikey and Raph but that might change) sneak off the ship to join the pirates pretending to think that they are still good loyal crew. They get away from the pirates and meet The Fugitoid, Professor Hunnicut, former navigator for the Pirate Captain Krang. Later 2 of the other turtle brothers (maybe leo and don?) Are trying to get the main ship back and have a epic fight with ... someone. Maybe hun or bishop and/or Karai. Idk. Like I said. Iffy plot points. Karai is the one who has a change of heart and helps the brothers. Also the pirates may not be after treasure so much as, say, a giant portal that can take them across the galaxy in the blink of an eye. Fugitoid may or may not have actually been the one to booby trap the planet so no one could use the technology again for evil.
Brother bear au- setting would probably change. but idk to what/where exactly. The brothers, when reach a certain age are given totems/amulets/soemthing(depends on setting) with a certain trait. Leo the oldest gets Guidance. Don second oldest gets Wisdom. And raph is supposed to get his. he gets Love. Gets mad about the animal he gets. (I havent fully decided if I'm sticking with the whole turning into a Bear thing and giving the eagle and wolf to leo and don. Or to turn raph into a turtle demon(like the ones from the ninja tribunal arc) because then I'm not sure what animal/creature to give to the rest of the brothers. Anyway). Mikey is the youngest and hasnt recieved his yet. things happen, Raph goes a bear/turtle monster and Leo does saving his brothers (I'm sorry leo 😭). Raph decides to go after the "monster" again, despite Don and mikey telling him not to. Raph goes out, kills it, and gets turned into said creature. Donnie who had followed after Rpah thinks his other brother has now died as well and decides he need to go after it as well. Mikey may or may not join him (I havent decided). Raph meets a young one along the way, and while I was originally thinking Tyler(? From lone raph and cub 2003) I think this would be a good spot for Spike/Slash. (I could also change it that mikey is the kid he picks up along the way, it could work. but I also like the idea of the 4 of them actually being brothers the whole time) anyway. travel shenanigans and raph realizing that the "monsters" arent monsters meanwhile Don is having A Time following the creature who killed two of his brothers.
Pokemon au- I'm just gonna screenshot what I have in my notes because I dont really remember where I was going with it lol
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And then the newest addition to the Au's and what prompted that other post
Princess and the frog, I mean turtle- theres so many different ways I could go with this. But I think I'm leaning towards an au where, somehow, at least one of the brothers (who are mutant turtles) gets cursed into a normal turtle (because I think its funny). They're all trying to figure out how to break the spell/curse. They find April and think she is a princess whose kiss will break the spell, but she's not a real princess and ends up cursed too. So then they're ALL trying to figure out how to fix it. Havent decided if it's the situation from some of the original stories where the frog has to eat off the princess's plate three times, or kissed by a princess or "true loves kiss". But if it is the true loves kiss, I'm going the Platonic Love is just as true love as romantic love route.
This one hasnt been cooking in my mind as long so it's not as detailed, but I do like the idea of the turtles and april helping each other try to reverse the curse. (It could also be that casey and/or april got cursed originally and the turtles are there to help them find a solution. Or it could be that the brothers are supposed to be human and got turned into turtles/or turtle mutant)
So yeah, theres the different Tmnt Au's I have :)
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hula-zombie · 1 year
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→ Arriving May 2023 🍼
Surprise or maybe not so surprise? I have kind of posted before, but I've been vague. Big life changes coming for 2023!
What a roller coaster. I didn't meant to go absent again, but life has been putting me through my paces.
2022 was an okay year, but there were losses. Which has made this whole process just a little more stressful. I'm happy to say now, I'm expecting! Baby has made it to the anatomy scan, and they are looking like a healthy little baby. I'm beyond excited and nervous as Spring approaches, but I'm also very ready for this next chapter. If everything keeps on track, I'll be having a little girl come the end of May.
In other news, I went for a new job? And I got it? So I'm movin' on up and start that tomorrow. 2022 ended on a really great note, and I am so ready to see what 2023 brings.
I'm wish I was doing more sims stuff, I wouldn't be lying if I said I don't think about my sims, my old stories, or just playing the dang game often- but I really just have no interest into the new infant patch.. so I'm waiting.
I hope to stick around and be active, to whatever capacity that is- but I have a feeling that once the baby arrives, this chapter for me may be closed, at least for a bit.
Thank you to everyone that's been kind to me here and supported me, talked to me, interacted with me- it's meant so much and has made my simblr experience fun.
If you can, good vibes/thoughts/prayers are greatly appreciated. This is something I've wanted for a long time and honestly wasn't sure would happen. 🤞 I made it to May. I'm about halfway there.
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ghoooooooooooooooost · 9 months
sorry for filling the tags + my blog w this stuff. the whole thing is just so upsetting to me; n since i was known as a projmoon artist for a long while i wanted to talk abt it
even w the apology i don't see myself picking the series back up
i had an angrier version of this post in my drafts since yesterday that was was planning to wait until october to post. i wrote it without foreseeing the apology today so my mood is different but i still stand by some of what i said so here's those points:
"i'm never drawing any projmoon characters or touching limbus company or playing/reading anything they release from now on (NOTE: this doesn't include the commissions i'm still working on)
what's certain is that this was all handled in the worst way possible n completely soured my interest in a series that meant a lot to me. the criticisms you can say abt the pm user association doesn't erase how the other artists were crunched, how one of the english translators wasn't protected, how vague n confusing pm has been, or how pm needs to do better
or hell. even just how broken limbus is as a game for those who only care abt that. this thing should've never been a gacha
i have my pm art archived on itchio. don't complain to me abt my fanart being unrebloggable n don't reupload things i deleted; they have been archived for free"
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irbcallmefynn · 7 months
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Bit of a simple one here. Nauno simply spying a new target. Didn't spend all too long on it.
Yesterday I looked up if Avali could eat chocolate (did not find my answer btw) and noticed that planets in the habitable zone for humans would be unbearably hot for Avali. So it's time for me to bullshit an explanation for why Nauno isn't miserable or outright dead that will probably contradict things I've said or drawn before!
The temperature where Fynn Nauno and Euphi live is quite variable. In the winter it can get bitterly cold, and Nauno is all over that. Sometimes they might bring an icepack with them if it's a bit warmer out, like seen above. More often than not though, Nauno is completely fine in the winter.
In the summer? Forget it. This guy is not going anywhere in the summer. The AC in his room is very very strong (thanks to a little demon magic from Fynn), so it's basically a refrigerator in there (Fynn can't even walk in there without feeling sick). Fynn (with some help from Euphi) "borrowed" some chemistry equipment from a nearby school and use it to make their own dry ice. They then make "Dry Ice Packs" for Nauno, which help a lot! It's at least enough for him to go out and get lunch with Fynn during the summer.
For Fynn it's basically the opposite. Loves the summer, can't go outside during the winter. One time when visiting his mom (which he does every couple of years) he picked up a few loose stones from Hell and keeps them in his pockets during the winter. So at least his hands are nice and warm, so he won't collapse from the cold. He'll just be super uncomfortable.
Euphi doesn't really care much about the temperature. It's precipitation that bothers heart. Euphi can't walk outside at all without an umbrella if it's raining or snowing. It's not going to kill heart, but it is extremely unpleasant and painful (basically imagine sweating into an open wound. Not very pleasant is it?)
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kankuroplease · 26 days
Who are the characters you hate in anime? and the villains you like?( for me I like Garo in one punch man 🤩)
Very few characters earn actual hate from me because I don’t take anything that serious. But anyways, this is a long post. So under the cut it goes
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I can give you my strongly disliked character list;
Sae - Peach Girl. Beginning of my trust issues
MeiMei - JJK. Whole weirdo and a waste of a badass
Shou Tucker - FMA. Worst anime dad, hands down
Danzo - Naruto. Stole my boys eye, stole bug dilfs adoptive son, and a general coward that tried to act like he wasn’t
Yasui - 7 Seeds. makes my blood boil and I don’t care about his redemption
Hisoka - HxH. makes my ass itch
Zoldyck family (minus Killua and Alluka) - HxH. icky ass itches
Mr. Yashiro - Erased. Added stress to my life and subtracted a year or two because of it.
Robin - Heavenly Delusion. For OBVIOUS TW reasons
Griffith - Berserk. I need him dead yesterday
Light - Death Note. I just don’t like him
Mineta - BNHA. Why?
Koza - Samurai Champloo. I can forgive a weak character, I can not forgive a manipulative backstabbing character that is also weak
Shindo - Sk8. Unhand that boy, sir.
Favorite Villains (I don’t count them all as bad guys, but they are antagonist);
Dabi - BNHA. Yeah he did it all, and? Look at his home life.
Enji Todoroki - BNHA. Not a villain but a whole ass villain at the same time.
Madara - Naruto. He had a point
Itachi - Naruto. I know what he did, but…
Kisame - Naruto. Nart hubby #2
Obito - Naruto. I’d wait for him to get out of jail Ngl. Nart hubby
Overhaul - BNHA. Terrible. Horrendous. Belongs in jail even, but I have a visual type
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Aizen - Bleach. Smash
Ulquiorra - Bleach. My boy deserved better 😭
Unohana - Bleach. I support her wrongs
Grimmjow - Bleach. He’s not so bad
Sukuna - JJK. He’s hot
Toji - JJK. I was informed he goes here but I don’t believe it 🤧
Gyutaro - Demon Slayer. Such a good big brother
Akaze - Demon Slayer. Loved his wife and won’t consume women? A wins a win
Rem - Death Note. I don’t think my baby belongs here, she’s just an amoral Pookie
Millions Knives - Trigun. It’s a love hate thing
Gilgamesh - Fate series. A beautiful disaster. 
Izaya - Durarara!! Asshole (affectionately)
Scar - FMA. The splits. I would do them for him
Broly - DBZ. Again, splits. I volunteer as tribute!
Fujimoto - Ponyo. He’s a loving father and he did nothing wrong 😤
Sesshomaru - Inuyasha. Not counting the sequel the OG mangaka would not agree with either.
Sephiroth - FFXII. not an anime but THE hottest villain and a total shame to not mention
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the-canon-nebula · 1 year
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Y’all I wanna vamp about my Cobalt blue boi for a minute.
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With me writing Metal Sonic, I do wanna end the whole minutiae of “Uh-Oh, here comes Sonic’s edgy copy, let’s see him get beat up by Sonic some more.”
We’ve seen, countless times, that Metal Sonic is much more complex than simply one of Sonic’s Rivals. Knuckles, Jet, and Shadow fit the bill of ‘Rival’ more than Metal Sonic really does; Metal Sonic is just as much a bad guy as Eggman, Dr. Starline, or the Zeti, and there is only one thing that holds him back.
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As installed by Eggman himself, Metal Sonic was designed to be stronger, smarter, and faster than Sonic. Later on in the IDW timeline (Where most of Metal’s lore is based on), Eggman himself implanted his own evil- his drive, his intelligence, his vision, into Metal Sonic’s data, which allowed him to transform into Neo Metal Sonic, which he can still do at will. Eggman even gave him the ability to copy bio-data of others to copy their abilities and enhance them with his own strength.
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In the process though, Eggman gave Metal one Caveat. His Programming is, to not only destroy Sonic, his other prime directive is to Obey and Protect Eggman. This, obviously, is a major thing that holds him back from not just becoming a major villain, but probably one of THE most powerful villains that Sonic could ever face.
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During his Neo Metal Sonic arc, Neo Metal could have IMMEDIATELY and EASILY killed Sonic then and there... but he didn’t. Instead, Neo Metal needed to know where Dr. Eggman was, if he were still alive, and Sonic used that lack of knowledge to his advantage.
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During the Metal Virus saga, Metal Sonic brought Dr. Eggman from his state of amnesia, which caused Eggman to go mad and create said Metal Virus, which as you can see here, infected Sonic, amongst millions of other Mobians. While Sonic is arguably right, the real reason why is because Metal Sonic was forced to by his programming. Metal’s rebellious attitude had been removed by Eggman prior to this event, making him obedient. Gemerl and Omega weren’t forced back into Eggman’s Army, but Metal Sonic was.
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Not to mention, It is shown in several parts that Metal Sonic is being held back by his own obedience to Eggman. It’s obvious that, if it weren’t for his Programming, that Metal Sonic would just go after Sonic without any second thought... and Sonic knows it. Sonic knows in the second image that Metal is held back by his programming, and that Metal hates it.
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It’s even shown during the Metal Virus Arc that, since he is already a machine, he is immune to the Metal Virus. Which implies something else; a little bit more of Metal’s jealousy.
Not that he could get infected, mind you, but because Sonic is an organic being. That he can choose his own path in life. That Sonic had freedom. Metal Sonic doesn’t have that option.
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Even during the Surge Arc, if it was 1 on 1 between him and Surge, Metal could very easily kick her ass, but it was because Surge had help from Kitsunami that Surge could defeat him. Even when Surge had the Dynamo Cage, when Metal and Sonic teamed up they were a match against her, but not without her taking out Metal Sonic early by immediately draining his battery with her amplified Electrokinesis... And this only happened because Surge targeted Dr. Eggman, who was leaving the scene because he was a pussy. She, too, took advantage of Metal’s weakness to protect Dr. Eggman.
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We can see though that Metal Sonic is capable of being a complete and total badass and savage villain. Metal Sonic could very easily have snapped Starline’s arm like breaking a toothpick. He could have easily killed Sonic when he had the opportunities to. Metal Sonic is capable of his own independent thought; contemplating his own existence, making his own schemes, and fighting on his own without Dr. Eggman’s input.
In short- Metal Sonic is severely underutilized in IDW, and even in the canon Sonic Games, all because of his programming with Dr. Eggman. If that little bit of code was gone?
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Metal Sonic could rule the whole goddamn planet.
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allgremlinart · 7 months
Top 10 Zuko Outfits Cus I Can Do Whatever I Want
he's like the only character in the show with this kind of outfit diversity so like of course I'm going to do this. also yeah there's a lot of ponytail ones on here who the fuck do you think I am YOU are ??? . let us begin ->
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10. The Rip Grandpa Fit
rip grandpa 🥰
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9. The "Hey Wait He Looks Different Here"
hey wait he looks different here ?
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8. Workout Wifebeater
you know he had to have smelled crazy you know it would have been fucking awful to be stuck on that boat with him.
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7. Book 3 Daddy's Boy
look its probably just because he was so fucking miserable all the times he was shown wearing it but yeah
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6. Tea Boy
Tea Boy...
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5. Big Pink Idiot
he's pink and bald like baby mole rat. he's about to get tricked by his sister Charlie Brown and Lucy style. can you even ask for anything fucking else ?
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4. Towel Boy
we see him in this exactly once for about 30 seconds. like you needed a whole character model for this ?? for Towel Boy ?? well I appreciate it. cus he looks like a vulnerable square.
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3. Date Night
so fucking snazzy but I'm pretty certain his uncle dressed him for this so it makes sense
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2. Book 1 Extraneous Robe
again why did they need a whole character model for this why was it important to let us know that this villain also sometimes had a cute off the clock outfit he wore around the house. what was the reason.
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1. Tea Boy 2.0
Tea Boy... he looks so feaking cozy and I'm gonna throw up.
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catwingsathena · 2 years
Okay. Unpopular opinion time. (I haven’t been in the Dracula Daily tag in a while because I was seeing some stuff there that was really upsetting me, so I don’t actually know how unpopular this opinion is, but from what I’ve seen I Have A Feeling.)
Jonathan’s declaration on October 3rd that he’ll become a vampire too if Mina becomes one isn’t a good thing, actually. I love him despite it, not because of it. But I do love him despite it, and I think it makes complete sense in light of his character and, especially, the trauma he’s been through.
Minor spoilers (and somewhat lengthy analysis) below the cut:
(At least, I think the spoilers are minor. There’s no actual discussion of what happens beyond this point, although possibilities—that have already been brought up in Dracula Daily—are discussed. Use your good judgement about whether to click on the readmore.)
Don’t get me wrong. I do love Jonathan, very much, and I don’t blame him for feeling this way, for reasons I’ll get into later. But I think it’s important to note here that Mina very explicitly does not want that. She’s literally willing to kill herself to avoid hurting her friends (minor spoilers: it comes up later that, if necessary, the others could kill her and make sure she didn’t turn, by doing the same things they did with vampire Lucy’s body). And, if vampires work the way I interpret them in this novel (and I think my reading is heavily supported by the text), if Mina becomes a vampire, her soul—the real Mina—will be trapped in her body, watching it commit atrocities forever, unable to rest or have any influence over what the body that used to be hers does. The fact that Jonathan is willing to condemn her to that fate, which he himself was willing to face almost certain death to avoid, when she has clearly expressed a preference to do the same if it comes to it, is just as much a violation of Mina’s agency as shutting her out of group vampire hunting was.
And yet I have so much sympathy for Jonathan here. I think this resolution is reflective of a character flaw that’s probably just part of him (and part of what makes him an interesting and realistic character), and. I think a lot of it is a response to the trauma he went through this spring/summer.
For one thing: a huge part of the horror of Jonathan’s experience in Castle Dracula was the sheer, prolonged isolation. For months on end, he had no one to talk to except the man who was psychologically abusing him and probably plotting to kill him. He had no way of contacting the outside world. He was deeply, profoundly alone.
And he has made up his mind that Mina is not going to go through the same thing.
Even if Mina is trapped in her body, she’s still in there. If he can’t save her, he can at least keep her company, even if he’s likewise trapped. She won’t be as crushingly lonely as he was if he has anything to say about it.
Which brings me to my next point.
After what Jonathan went through, I’d be surprised if he doesn’t have some degree of learned helplessness. Some belief, that he will not give voice to even in his own journal, that he is probably actively fighting but that creeps in all the same, that they are doomed and there’s absolutely nothing he can do about that. (Side note: escaping by himself, leaving a scar on the Count with a shovel, and getting another swing in with a giant knife are probably helping with that. But still. He was stuck there for months, walking that tightrope and knowing that if he stepped out of line he’d be killed, having his every attempt at escape or communication brutally thwarted. It’s got to be a Thing.)
So, as hard as he’s trying to resist it? I’m pretty sure there’s a part of Jonathan that believes Mina is going to become a vampire, no matter what he or she or anyone else does to stop it. That Dracula will have his way in the end, and that any attempts to thwart his plans—even so far as keeping Mina from turning—are doomed to fail. And he’s made up his mind that she won’t go into that land alone—that she won’t be there alone, like he was.
Tl;dr Jonathan’s determination to become a vampire with Mina if he has to is a bad call, but it’s grounded in both realistic character flaws and likewise realistic trauma responses, so I don’t really blame him.
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bionicle-ramblings · 25 days
Humanized AU thoughts. And both are ship thoughts, and thanks to @crystaltoa and @chancetimespace for indulging me on my nonsense
Both thoughts are under the cut because this is going to be long
First thought is of Vakama and Matau. One night, while the other Toa are sleeping, one of them, either Vakama or Matau, can't sleep and ends up finding the other. Like, Vakama, either after a long day or just because he's still not used to being a Toa yet, is just laying in bed. After some tossing and turning, he gets up and wanders around the base the Toa call home. No one else is awake, but he does find Matau still up, barely. After a moment, he goes into Matau's room, and accidentally scares Matau for a moment because, "Where did you sneak-come from!?"
After some convincing("Just for tonight. I'm not used to sleeping on my own yet. Blame the Morbuzakh for making me and my friends have to live together."), Matau lets Vakama lay next to him in bed. He is not letting the Firespitter lay on the floor, which is cold and hard. Vakama's also very warm, so no way Matau's making him move
And, after a short amount of time, still unable to sleep, Vakama asks Matau if he's still awake, and Matau is, because he hasn't shared a bed in a while. Vakama's up because Matau's got cold feet. Like he died from his ankles down. Matau moves, and then turns onto his other side once he notices some scars on Vakama’s back, old ones from his Matoran days. From when he asked a Vahki a question. Matau traces the scars and explains how he got a scar from the Vahki once, and has since fought to stay out of trouble. After that brief "opening up" talk, the two try to sleep, and are successful, more so when Matau drapes an arm over Vakama
Second thought is after a mission, Nokama is in a bathing room, like a public bath house, but semi-public and near or in the base. She's meditating, taking in the warm water and the quiet
Then the door to the room opens and closes, the latter snapping Nokama back to awareness. It's just Vakama and he hasn't noticed her, either because he's just tired or because he's zoned out. Regardless, Vakama has his back turned and doesn't notice Nokama as he undresses
Ga-Metru here also has public pools and bath houses, but Nokama is still silent as Vakama undresses, revealing both scars from the Vahki and their missions, and revealing that he is BUILT, as he has been taught to swing a hammer and being and tool-maker and then mask-maker. He's not ripped, just well built. Either way, Vakama gets the hell scared out of him once he really sees Nokama. She didn't look anywhere she shouldn't, don't worry, and she's not hogging the bath(it's like the size of a large hot tub or a pool. People can sit in it and have space away from each other). Vakama does say he can go to another bath, but Nokama insists; the water's nice and it takes a while to fill up a bath, so cowabunga
Vakama agrees, and he sits across the pool from her, even curling up and sitting with his knees to his chest. Evidently, he's never shared a bath before. At all. Ta-Metru is not as open as Ga-Metru, as Nokama can clearly see. She does ask if Ta-Metru is, at all, a... straight and narrow. Vakama admits it actually isn't, as he has seen Ta-Matoran share a dwelling for the night before the Morbuzakh struck, but nothing was ever public. What you do behind closed doors stays behind closed doors, and that's that. They're crafters, not people who are open about their bodies
That's another thing Nokama noticed
Regardless, they bathe and wash up, or at least Vakama does while Nokama goes back to meditating, tipping her head back to rest. And exposing a scar she got from a Vahki. Vakama didn't ask, but Nokama knows he's staring and clarifies it was a Vahki, but doesn't want to talk about it beyond that. Vakama laments that he thought being a Toa would mean being left alone by the Vahki, not having to tip-toe around them
There's more talking, but the two ultimately just relax, even end up sitting next to and resting against each other. Something they didn't expect about being Toa was just how isolating it is; Nokama's used to having her students around to teach and Vakama's used to seeing his friends and having them around. They haven't really been able to do either since becoming Toa and likely won't be going back to that life again
It's also kind of sad and the two are grateful the other is there. Makes the moment a little more bearable
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dragonofeternal · 6 months
So this year has been really, really good in terms of like... reminding/validating that I'm actually like smart and good at what I do?
First off, I got my new job which whips ass and is super fun and challenging and pays way better and where my ability to do nine million different things is like very valuable. Like oh yeah, I can reformat this word doc/that powerpoint. Do you want me to do a little bit of graphic design to make this actually look nicer? Oh, you need this video for a presentation but it's on a site other than youtube? Yeah sure, I'll rip it for you. And also just the day-to-day of being able to take good notes, and being able to help copyedit training materials, and generally being a pleasant and mostly on top of things person in the office.
THEN, I took one of Killian's creative writing classes along with them. Which, for one thing, was super fun, good teacher, nice to have an organized space/time to hang out and talk about writing. But also it was really validating to have someone outside of the internet/my inner circle of friends read and critique my work who was like... I dunno another adult/serious writer type person? Our teacher is a published poet -- Though more specifically she's prolific as a TRANSLATOR of poetry. A fair number of the translated Palestinian poets you've seen being posted around tumblr recently are most certainly her work. -- and when she realized the level I was writing at she started critiquing my work a lot harder. Still had nice stuff to say! Just also being willing to dig in and point out places where I could improve.
We actually hung out with her last night at a fellow classmate's band's show and she took both me and Killian aside for expanded critique/thoughts on our final pieces, and said some really nice stuff which included that she sees both of us as like professional-grade writers who should continue to hone their craft and who she really wants to see succeed/get shit published/etc. I'm currently letting a short story (that is... probably gonna end up as a novella orz) that I wrote for class sit before I do another draft of it, and then she's offered to do a more critical line edit for me so I can shop it around and get it published somewhere really good.
(Which is also interesting because I see myself as working very much in genre spaces and she's very in the "literary" sort of mode, and she said that she saw a lot of literary prowess and style in how I wrote which she could see getting it published in a more literary type journal. And that's like a weird/wild thought bc of my complicated thoughts on the way the literary/publishing world looks at and treats genre writing blah blah blah....)
At the SAME show, though, our teacher had brought along a friend, who is also a teacher at the community college. Said friend works for the theatre department and recognized me from volunteering to act at a one-day event last semester for Killian's playwriting class. Like this was an event where I was acting for MAYBE a grand total of fifteen minutes. And she basically said "HEY YOU'RE REALLY GOOD, WHY HAVEN'T I SEEN YOU AT ANY OF THE AUDITIONS?" So then I chatted with her some about how I've done a lot of theatre over the years but time/jobs/money meant I haven't had a chance to in a long time...
But now my job is a 9-5! So I gave her my number and I'm now basically the understudy for if/when someone drops out of the productions currently going on. Apparently they have a lot of issues with people dropping suddenly so it's likely that I'll end up doing something next semester! Which is good cuz like. Damn, do I love the theatre, and I've missed it A LOT.
I dunno just having two different people being really impressed about my creative work in a short time was really, really mood/ego boosting? I dunno. When I last did theater in Pittsburgh I ended up feeling really burnt out by the exhausting sense of always having to hunt for work, feeling like I wasn't good enough, etc... And last year I was struggling a lot with feeling like all my writing was futile/unwanted/etc... So having people remember me and be super complimentary was. Nice.
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ferrets4eret · 2 years
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Hi tumblr, been a while since i posted art huh
Anyways i bring to you scott major 1995 except this scott is from an au one of my mutuals made on tiktok! (Their @ is rinisgay2.0 im pretty sure if you wanna look into it more)
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Some basic info about him and more from me below cut
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Alright so the first photo is a screenshot you can find on the video they made about the au on tiktok about yk what gem each character is, where the gem is, etc and the second photo is a screenshot of our dms to each other about the au. They were basically explaining to me the whole backstory and stuff.
I also wanna say that the gems and the little team they said are a team made up of lizzie, jimmy, pixel, katherine, fwip and gem.
A short explanation about it would be that lizzie realized that xornoth would 100% be cancelled by twitter and for good reasons so she decided that instead of staying with him (bc he kidnapped them at some point) she would form a team and when they go to the next planet they would stay there instead of leaving. That planet being earth.
Anyways so enough abt a minecraft au now lets get talking about me 😁
So basically uh now that schools going on ive had less and less time to brainrot on tumblr and make my own posts besides reblogging a bunch of things. Ive also been using tiktok a little more, just cause some videos there are funny and theres a lot of cool cosplays. Thats also how i met my mutual who made the empires au (their also an eret fan like me and we are a little uncommon so yk i had to become besties with them) but anyways yeah
Also i still do draw, i draw alot if im being honest. But most things that i draw now are unfinished sketches and if i do finish a drawing then i like to keep it to myself for personal joy. Just occasionally sharing it with irl friends. And honestly, as an artist, i dont think owe anyone my art (im also not taking commission and ive never tooken commissions before so yeah i think i really dont owe anyone art). Sure its nice to share it with people, but im a very introverted person when it comes to sharing things like art so yeah.
Anyways sorry for rambling, i will post more things about the au tho so if you really wanna see my art lookout for those! :D
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