viejospellejos · 3 days
Un loro imita la voz de su dueño para calmar al gato:
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duruto · 2 months
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thestreamweaver · 2 months
Hear me out...
Ororo and Logan are so full circle.
He's a pauper, she's a princess.
He's a wild man, a beast of nature, she's a (former) goddess, an elegant empress of nature's life giving abundance.
When they were mythical creatures, he was a werewolf, and she was a vampire.
He's an agent of pure, unadulterated justice, the kind that doesn't have any qualms about bloodshed for the greater good. She's an ambassador to all, merciful up until the very end, not daring to entertain the idea of taking life unless there is no other option.
Their contrast is perfect. His skin is white, while his hair is black, his eyes are brown, and they get dark when his beastial side is active. Her skin is black, while her hair is white, and her eyes are blue and they glow white when she uses her powers.
Her name means tender mercies, and his name means hollow valley... their daughter Kendalls name means from the bright valley...
There's much more I can say about them to...
They always find each other, they always pull each other through, they always lift each other out of their darkest times, even in death...
So in conclusion... Marvel! We got some bones to pick...
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praline1968 · 25 days
Heureux et souriant week-end ☀️
Have a good & happy weekend 🦜
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wgm-beautiful-world · 2 months
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thewolverineartist · 6 months
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Normalize goofin' around with ur bestie on whiteboard @thattripleabattery
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gashicalmy · 11 months
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Index - aka more animals
Red fan parrot.
I kind of liked it, but he's way prettier in photos ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌
Still, I really like the feathers.
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patternsandprints · 1 year
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viejospellejos · 2 months
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skunk-floof · 8 months
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Tokyo Soul icons
can u tell who my favorites are?
Spoilers: its Geode and Grian
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thestreamweaver · 2 months
Logan didn't like being called an animal... unless it was by his wife and they were making love.
He didn't like being looked down on unless it was literally, when he was on the ground and she was in the sky, or the way she would gaze at him because of their height difference.
He hated flying. Unless he was in her arms, he knew she'd never let him go.
It always irritated him to be ordered around as he always thought of himself as someone who couldn't be controlled, and no one had the right to anymore... but if she was the one doing it, it was less of an obligation and more of a labor of love.
Being held was something he usually avoided. He wasn't a boy who couldn't handle life. He'd lived longer than most anyone that he knew... but he'd do nearly anything if it meant being held by her.
He wasn't romantic in any way, but he'd take his wife on little ventures to favorite places of hers, and even some that he'd found in different worlds.
Ororo hated being closed in any area without an easy escape route. Unless the said area was his arms, she never felt safer than when she was there.
She hated being held down unless it was under him when they were being intimate with each other.
Being looked up to had a lot of weight to it, but when he did it, it added more meaning to the term than what she already knew, and somehow that was comforting to her.
Having the burden of the School to lead and look after was something that was overwhelming at times. But her husband was someone who she could count on to be her strength. He would hold her up when she felt too weak.
Discernment wasn't one of her strong suits, but when she didn't have it, he did. He'd helped her avoid a lot of things, and she couldn't be more grateful.
She'd learned not to be trusting of people and their often sour intentions, but there was no one in existence that she would trust more than her man.
Being touched was something she didn't like often times, but when he did it, it had a sacred feel to it.
Being wild was something that neither one of them could live without. They had it in their systems, it was one of the things that tied them so closely together and had them so in tune with each other. When he did it, it held a whole new meaning, a new definition. The same was for her. It was like a definition had found the root with her. She was not only wild, she was untamable, meant to be free in every sense of the word.
They were unmistakably different in so many ways, but those differences made them stronger... Stronger than many could hope to be. They embrace the differences and each other, knowing nothing would ever be wrong with them as long as they continue to respect them. They were there for a good reason after all... many good reasons.
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serenamatroia · 7 months
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animadiicristallo · 4 months
qualcuno potrebbe spiegare ai miei cazzo di genitori che le cose si possono dire anche senza urlare ogni volta?
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qualifiedcharlatan · 6 months
And the Ripped Ones never collide,
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