#lovely mutuals
serendipminie · 5 months
Picrew Tag Game!
I was tagged by @odeblr to cattify myself using this picrew! Thank you so much, Ezra :)
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The blue spots represent the streaks of blue I currently have in my hair! The glasses on my cat self are almost identical to my real ones, so I couldn't not use them :)
I will tag @jongside, @faceglitchsworld, @solaysa, @snoos-tattoos, @seohosincerely, @toxicrevolver, @luvrli, @shadow-of-tea-and-tea, @littlebookworm69, @asoulsreverie and @chronosik only if you want! As always, if you see this and would like to do it too, feel more than welcome!
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annabtg · 22 days
Sluts for Sirius! I’m making us badges
YES!! I will proudly wear it everywhere!!
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liminalpebble · 7 months
If you’re up for something fluffy and/or lighthearted fun - like a month ago I gave another writer I’m following this idea but she‘s been gone since then and I would still love it 🥺
I was in the mood for a Lokitty Fic because it’s been a while and for whatever reason I’min the mood:D If it’s gonna be more fluffy, funny or even angsty is up to you 🫶
Basic idea was Loki disguised as a cat 🐈‍⬛ has been hiding from something/someone in our home. Without him realizing until he’s already in too deep, he starts to fall for us and the way we care for him. Not part of his plan. He hadn’t intended to reveal his identity and surely couldn’t do it now after basically misleading us the whole time.
But what’s been escaping him since as well - we absolutely know. 🤭
A/N: Hey friend! Thanks for this very sweet and fluffy prompt. I accidentally seemed to have made it a multiparter and I have no idea where this is going except definitely to fluff town, and the comfort district. I guess stay tuned? WTF am I even doing??
Much love,
Stray: Part 1
Masterlist link
The rain was tumbling down in heavy sheets as you made your way from the train to your apartment. By now you'd just about memorized how many steps were left from the soaked platform to your door.
The thought depressed you a little, realizing how long you've felt stuck in this life; just another shop girl in the city, a uniform and an apron with a tired person behind it. As the cold water continued to hit you, you were glad to realize the number of steps to the lobby door was finally reaching single digits and picked up your pace in one last jolt of momentum.
Then you heard it; an almost imperceptible mewling under the incessant drumming of the storm. You turned, following the faint noise until you reached the alley and the giant dumpsters housed there. The stench was awful. You held your soaked apron over your nose as you peaked into the crevice. Two of the biggest, most beautiful, aquamarine eyes stared back at you from a void of soaked black fur. It was a cat, and it was absolutely screaming now, realizing it had someone's attention.
It's not like you'd never seen an alley cat before. There were swarms of them around, but there was just something about this one, something so desperately in need of love. The little guy seemed almost confused to be in this position whereas the other strays seemed to resign themselves to their shitty fate.
You braced yourself; tried to talk yourself out of what you knew you were about to do and had never ever done before. It would be incredibly stupid. You weren't even allowed to have pets. You didn't even know if he was sick and you would never have the money to take him to the vet. Regardless, you sighed and scooped the pathetic little creature up, swaddling him in your apron, as you hurried toward the front door. Huffing, you warned him, “Okay buddy, but I swear to god, you better not have rabies.”
Loki was glad to finally be out of the rain and stench, even if it was in a less than ideal form. Several hours earlier he had landed with a crash, cushioned by the heaps of debris. He scoffed realizing his neat black suit and tie and the crisp white shirt were now utterly ruined. His sunglasses were nowhere to be found. The money; all that money that came with him as he dove out of the plane was now safely magicked away, at least.
He groaned pitifully. A fall like that coupled with a mid-air tussle with Thor was enough to floor the younger god, though he hated to admit it. And who was Thor to come after him anyway? This whole D.B. Cooper heist was his fault...all because of that idiotic bet. Loki probably would have laid there feeling very sorry for himself a good deal longer, but he heard the lonely patter of someone running toward him through the downpour. He had to admit he needed help, and it was time for some quick scheming to get it. Good thing this was always his forte.
He had barely accustomed himself to his new feline form and begun mewling loudly when he heard your footfalls slow and watched your shadow move down the alley.
Come on. He thought, imbuing it with the hint of an enchantment. Come find me, mortal.
Loki was incredibly pleased with himself and, frankly, a bit surprised that his ploy worked so easily. Such dull creatures, mortals...such soft hearts., he mused as he dozed in your arms. He was already barely conscious when he heard you quip, “Okay buddy, but I swear to god, you better not have rabies.”
Hey! Rude, he thought, attempting to give a menacing, insulted glare, but it only came out as a grimacing twitch of his whiskers and whining, grumpy, growl.
The human smiled a reluctant little grin and tussled his fur saying, “It's a good thing you're adorable.”
I'm not adorable! I am a god, you dull creature! , he screamed in his mind, but it only left his mouth as another pathetically cute whine.
In your bathroom you clipped your wet hair up one-handed and kept the little creature bundled against your chest. Once your hand was free you tested temperature of the bath with a wiggle of your fingers.
Satisfied, you said, “Alright friend,” holding the cat under his armpits and meeting his eyes, as if you could appeal to his sense of logic. “You stink. I have to give you a bath. You can either except your fate with dignity or you can be a little shit and claw my eyes out. I beg you to accept your fate.”
He thought to himself, Why wouldn't I want a bath? I love baths, you idiot. Now clean me, mortal. I tire of....
“Mrewwoooow!” he screamed as soon as his paw hit the warm water. He surprised you and himself as you both flinched violently. Apparently Loki was unable to resist his new feline aversion to water. Okay...okay...this is new. He mused.
“Okay....Christ! Listen here, you little shit! You can either deal with this while I scrub you down with some Herbal Essences, or you can smell like dumpster juice.”
“Yeah. I know...I know it's not the right thing for cats. I know I should take you to the vet first. I know this is not fucking ideal. I'm...I'm doing my best,” you said, with an unexpected hitch in your throat and slightly-welling eyes, as suddenly you both realized you weren't just talking about the bath anymore.
Loki felt an emotion he couldn't quite categorize; one he seldom felt, one others might call sympathy. So he fought his instinct with all his might and remained quiet and while you carefully washed and rinsed his fur. You smiled as your careful hands cleaned every last patch. “Thank you,” you said softly.
My pleasure, he thought, and meant it. It actually did feel very nice to be clean, and if felt even better when you dried him, and wrapped him in a warm towel in front of the space heater, with one bowl of water, and one of tuna. By the time you had showered and settled next to him on the floor in your pajamas, he already had a full belly and was drifting off again in the pleasant warmth. You sipped your tea and stroked his now very glossy and soft black fur.
“See! You're such a handsome boy now that you don't look and smell like wet trash bag. That wasn't so bad, was it?”
From where his head rested on his delicately crossed paws he lazily opened one stunning eye to glare at you menacingly, but it only made you chuckle.
As you laughed and smiled down at him, stroking his fur, he felt something else he couldn't quite name; gratitude, certainly, but also something else...something like wanting desperately to see you smile as much as possible...something like hoping that sorrow he saw a glimpse of before wouldn't eat you alive...something like just wanting you to be okay regardless of the benefit to himself.
The next time he half-awoke in the night, you were gone and the lights were out, though you had left the space-heater on for him. With his now-amplified hearing, he listened for you, anxious to know you were still there. Only once he heard the gentle undulation of your sleeping breath could he relax into dreams again and wonder what tomorrow would bring.
@mischief2sarawr @ladyofthestayingpower @acidcasualties @unlucky-number-13 @goblingirlsarah @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokihiddleston @lokischambermaid @lokisgoodgirl @marcotheflychair @smolvenger @alexakeyloveloki @littlespaceyelf @loopsisloops @joyful-enchantress @eleniblue @loz-3 @the-haven-of-fiction @sweetsigyn @muddyorbs @icytrickster17 @holdmytesseract @thenerdyoldersister @thedistractedagglomeration @sailorholly @peachyjinx @coldnique @sarahscribbles @peaches1958 @infinitystoner @mischiefmaker615 @coldnique @jennyggggrrr @tripleyeeet @itsybitchylittlewitchy @mochie85
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fireis-catching · 2 months
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haven’t done one of these in a while
thank you to the beautiful @goddessofthebees for tagging me 🖤
tagging (but no pressure to post) @tyrannosaurustex @ayycorn @feldsara @sunset-out-west @youskepticyou @dieselpowerandgunsmoke @jessss-ica @selenicc
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holylulusworld · 22 days
I swear I hate him 🫠
Hmmm....what did you say??? 👀👀👀 *sorry I was staring at the GIFs...*
But imagine ending up between these two...
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Giants dwarfing lil reader...😌😌🥺
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dearreader · 2 months
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heard it was selfie night, here are some photos of me and @silkchifffon yesterday cause we were so cute
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whatthefishh · 1 year
Hello there babes!
As we discussed: Human weighted blanket + Din, please 🥺 smut if you're inspired!
Sorry for taking so long with this!! I hope you like it! I took a little different route from my original idea but, here we go lolll. Thanks @kittyofalltrades for reading it over bb ❤️
*NSFW under the cut* 2k of Din Djarin smut.
You look up from your place on the cot to see the small amount of light being blocked by a giant, dark figure and your heart beats a little quicker at the sight. The way he looks in his beskar is familiar, but it still gives you the same fluttering in your lower belly every time you see him standing tall in his armour. Shoulders so wide you find your eyes dragging over the width of him regularly, wherever you may be.
Right now, Din looks like he’s about to collapse on you, like he’s allowing himself to drop all his weight forward. Frantically holding your hands out to shield yourself, you yell, “Don’t come in the bed in all that metal, you’re gonna crush me!”
Sighing dramatically, he leans away from his previous position, which was seconds away from climbing on top of you, and slowly removes his helmet. Soulful brown eyes meet yours as the black visor is out of sight and drops to the ground. Maintaining eye contact, he begins taking off his chest plate, followed by his under armour garments.
When he first came in, you thought he needed comfort, but the more layers he removed to obey your demand, the more heated your gaze became. He noticed. So, yeah, he starts peeling off the layers with a little more flair and a little less haste. Your mouth goes dry as your lips part. He noticed that, too.
Din finally climbs on top of you in your makeshift bed, and you begin to shift because you think he’s going to hold you from behind. Instead, he holds himself parallel to you before plopping his weight on you completely, face burying into your neck and his hands sliding up and under your pillow to get comfortable.
You’re frozen before your body acclimates to the weight of the warrior, currently nuzzling his nose into you and humming low in his throat. Your legs split on their own accord, hips notching together naturally. Din’s thighs keep your legs open as your hands slide up his back into his curls, holding his head in place from the nape of his neck.
Din’s nuzzling slowly transitioned into pressing his mouth into your skin, leaving you slightly breathless. The combination of melting into the mattress with his full weight on you mixed with the addictive feel of his lips dragging on the sensitive part of your neck was dizzying. He tried to be subtle with the grinding of his hips into yours, causing your breath to catch.
You whimpered when he started sucking slightly after each press of his lips.
“Din…” you sighed.
He responded with a quiet groan before pulling out one of his hands to slide down the side of your body, slightly squeezing the flesh as he did so. He only stopped when he reached your sleeping bottoms, fingers dancing along the waistband.
Pulling back to look peer down at you for permission, you nodded, kissing his chin softly as confirmation. Resting his forehead against yours he reached into your bottoms, fingers seeking out your hot sex, breath heavily leaving him as he finds you already wet.
The usual raspiness of his voice through his modulator left you wanting, but this? When you could feel the vibrations of every noise he made against your rib cage, against your whole being, it lit your skin on fire.
“Din, please,” you whimpered again, desperate for his teasing fingers to fill you in the ways you know your own can’t.
His lips twitch. Bastard.
“Din, Maker, I’m going to-“
“You’ll what? You can’t move even if you wanted to, which we both know you don’t.”
That shouldn’t make you wetter than you already are but you felt yourself leaking on the fingers that rested just outside where you needed them. He pushed the tip of his finger into your hole, just resting inside to feel it flutter around his skin. You close your eyes in an attempt to control your breathing as you realize you’re panting into his mouth, his face inches from yours.
“I love it.”
You have no idea what he’s referring to because all you can focus on is where you need him and where he’s not touching you.
“The face you make. Especially when I do this.”
At the last word, he thrusts the two fingers the rest of the way into your cunt, feeling your walls hug them at the intrusion. Your eyes scrunch closed, mouth drops open and a tiny mewl leaves your lips.
Kissing his way back to the spot on your neck he was nuzzling before, he rests his weight on you entirely again, leaving your limbs heavy. How was it you felt both relaxed and pent up at the same time?
After keeping his fingers still for a long, tense minute, Din begins to slowly drag his fingers out, plays with your folds a bit, spreads your slick around and then pushes back in. He repeats this at such a leisurely pace, thoroughly enjoying just playing with you and building you up, but not paying it any mind. He wasn’t trying to be cruel, you know this. Din just really liked the feel of you, of how your body reacts to him, how even with soft and slow touches he could bring you pleasure. In a steep contrast to his wide knowledge of combat and lethal interactions, he found a reprieve in between your legs.
You keened as the pressure built steadily between your thighs, regardless of his slow pace. The low gruff voice in your ear telling you how soft and wet you were for him was pushing you towards the edge, and you felt engulfed by him. The way you were literally pinned to the mattress by Din’s sheer size, unable to do anything but take the slow torture he was inflicting on you. Your bodies were so tightly pressed together you couldn’t reach his hand, leaving him truly in charge of your pleasure at the moment, and the thought only made you whine louder in his ear.
“Such pretty noises,” he groaned into your neck. “Are you going to come for me? Gush all over me?”
Maker. That almost did it for you, just a little push was all you needed, your breath coming out in half whines now as Din continued to mar your skin with licks and bites.
“Uh-huh.” Was all you could manage with the intensity of the first wave of pleasure washing over you. He curled his fingers inside on the next stroke in and- “Oh!”
Your vision went black as your eyes closed in bliss, pussy clamping down on his thick fingers, which had stilled inside, giving you something to hold on to while you rode out your high.
Belatedly you realize Din is looking at you, perched on one elbow, and he’s been grinding his hardened length into your thigh. The thought of him filling you up in this position sends another shot of pleasure to your core, clenching on his fingers once again.
“Mesh'la, did you need something else? My fingers not enough for you?” At that he pulls them out, resting them against your lips waiting for you to clean them.
You lazily take them into your mouth, licking your spend from them and humming around his digits. Looking up at him through your lashes while he pulls his fingers back, you raise your hips up to press against his length, wordlessly asking for his cock.
Din leans down to kiss you messily, languidly dipping his tongue to dance with yours and your mind goes white in the kiss. It’s all consuming, like a slow fire in your veins, your hand tightening in his curls desperate to keep connected.
All you can think about is his taste, his skillful fingers that he just made you come apart on, the heavy stature of your strong lover resting against you comfortably, Din, Din, all Din.
You’re so lost in his indulgent kiss that you miss his hand moving to line himself up to your entrance, moaning loudly into his mouth when you feel the tip of him starting to breach your core.
Breaking apart for air, Din takes the opportunity to swiftly push all the way inside and watches your face as you fall into pleasure.
Resting his elbows on the bed again, he lets his weight settle into you again, effectively melting you into the mattress before he begins his slow torment. The pace he chooses to start with drives you mad, fingernails digging into his back at every hard thrust back in, but the slow drag when he pulls back is what causes the air to leave you in a gasp.
He continues like that for Maker knows how long, muscles flexing under your hands, low grunts in your ear as you continue to gasp and sigh in his ear, moaning loudly on a particularly hard thrust. After that he picks up the pace, still resting heavily on you but Din’s strength allows him to fuck you into the mattress without ever letting up.
You come a second time, pussy clenching hard around his cock and making his already slick thrusts much smoother. He groans as he feels your slick smearing across your thigh, messily spreading as he continues to fuck you through it.
“That’s it, good girl, that’s what you needed, right?”
Din finally rises to his knees, his length pulling out entirely. He shifts your legs so they’re splayed wide across his thighs before he pushes his cock back in, both of you moaning at the new angle. Holding your hip with one hand, the other pushes down on your lower belly as he begins to brutally fuck into you again.
“Look so good like this. So wet, you take me so well.”
Your fingers scramble to clutch on to him, hands reaching his forearms, desperate to ground yourself as you feel the pressure building uncontrollably again.
“Din, it’s too much, I-“ your pathetic whine as he presses down on you cuts you off from your weak protests.
“Be good for me. You can take me, can’t you? Don’t you want to be my good girl?”
Your whines were hysterical now, his thrusts knocking something devastating inside you, and the large heavy palm that kept its weight on your lower stomach inched its way towards your clit, thumb rubbing you just right.
“Take it, take me. That’s it.” He growls the last part while you cry out, coming for the third time.
A few more brutal, erratic thrusts and he joins you, hot ropes of cum painting your insides as he stills his hips.
Din looks ethereal like this, a marble sculpture with his head thrown back, eyes shut in ecstasy and muscles glowing from exertion.
You’re staring at him, completely dazed as he starts to leak out of you, but you’re not paying it any mind. Even as he comes to and starts to pull out, the action causing you to whimper pathetically from sensitivity, you still can’t take your eyes off him.
He’s saying something now, asking you something.
“I asked if you were okay to walk to the fresher on your own or if you needed my help.”
Blinking owlishly at him as you processed what he was saying, he huffed out a laugh before collecting you in his arms.
The man literally fucked you into the mattress and now he expected you to walk right after?
“Shh, I’ve got you, mesh’la. Did so good for me, let’s wash up now.”
Resting your head against his collarbone as he carried you across his ship, you laughed at the memory of how tired he looked when he initially came to you. Laughing even harder at the idea of how crazy you probably looked to him, hysterical giggles bubbling out of you as he looked down at you in concern.
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zepskies · 5 months
I found your blog a couple of days ago and ever since I‘ve been gobbling up every piece of Dean Winchester stuff you’ve ever written! 😫 Your writing is INCREDIBLE. Just wanted to say that. Thanks for putting your stuff on here so we all get to enjoy it! Hope you have a great day/night and wish you all the best for the upcoming year! ✨
Wow!! 🤩 Thank you so much, lovely! 💖💖
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@soluswolf I hope you're having a great day as well! I just came home from my cousin's wedding, so I'm doing great. I'm a sap, so I love weddings. 💗
And I'm very happy that you've found me and are enjoying my stories! That truly means so much to me every time I hear it.
Because yes, I do write for my creative expression, but I do also write hoping that others in similar situations feel heard and seen, not just entertained.
Sorry, I'm a little emotional right now and am about to be effusive and thankful for a bit...
Since we're getting closer to 2024, I've been reflecting. I think I've probably written about 200,000+ words in the past year alone.
It's more than I've had the creative energy to produce in a long time, and that includes the two and a half years in grad school. (Though to be fair, one of those years was 2020 lol.)
But I genuinely don't think I would have written half as much if not for the wonderful support and feedback I've gotten on Tumblr and Ao3.
To all the amazing people I've been able to "meet" and interact with on here (shoutouts below), your kindness and encouragements have helped me — whether you knew it or not — through stress and grief and moments of apathy, and times where I didn't feel passionate about my craft.
I've also had my original book set aside for a while because I literally didn't have the mental strength to be creative. Jumping into Tumblr has revived that passion for me.
I think it's also made me a better writer (practice makes progress, after all). And for sure, it's made me richer in friends. 💕💕
Happy New Year, everyone!!
I'm going cautious but optimistic into 2024. 💫
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**Special thanks to these lovely people for being so kind and inspiring to me this year:
@thatonewriter15 @chernayawidow @venus-haze @deans-spinster-witch @winchestergirl2 @waywardxwords @iprobablyshipit91 @deansbbyx @kaleldobrev @luci-in-trenchcoats @deanwritings @deanwanddamons @deanwritings @deanbrainrotwritings @deanwinchesterswitch @writeroutoftime @vanillawhiskeyflavoredkisses @jessjad @wayward-dreamer @kazsrm67 @syrma-sensei @violetlilysunshine @k-slla @jackles010378 @iamsapphine @roseblue373 @spnwoman @spnexploration @rizlowwritessortof @pieandmonsters @spnfamily-j2 @lacilou @ladysparkles78 @mimaria420 @stoneyggirl2 @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior @justagirlinafandomworld @pink-sparkly-witch @leigh70 — and I'm sure many others. 💜💜
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serendipminie · 1 month
After so much plotting and deliberation...
It may just be time for me to start writing my Aventio secret agent AU.
In that case!
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mochie85 · 7 months
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I'm alive! I promise.
I'm sorry I haven't been active lately. Those closest to me know what's been going on. But as the year is coming to an end, things start to get more chaotic. Physical, as well as mental, health checks were needed.
I want to apologize to those whom I promised stories for. Believe it or not, I have requests from two years ago still in my Inbox. So of course it compounds to the feeling of being an utter failure to deliver anything.
I also want to apologize to those who have been tagging me in their stories and I haven't gotten around to reading them. I will try to catch up in the following days.
Please, please, please send me your stories. Slide into my DM's. Drop'em down and don't feel embarrassed to. I would love to read them.
Lastly, I want to thank my supportive friends for cheering me on and keeping me grounded. I can't promise my involvement will be more active. But I'll try.
Thank you all. I love you all 🥰💚
@michelleleewise @coldnique @lokisgoodgirl @fictive-sl0th @springdandelixn @wheredafandomat @goldencherriess @salempoe @kkdvkyya @a-witch-with-words @mischief2sarawr @vbecker10 @peachymallow @irishhappiness @simplyholl @tallseaweed @holdmytesseract @immersed-in-mischief @joyful-enchantress @lokisninerealms @loz-3 @chantsdemarins @the-lady-amphitrite @eleniblue @km-ffluv @n3rdybirdee @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokischambermaid @loopsisloops @ladyofthestayingpower @lokiandbuckysdoll @sarahscribbles @ijuststareatstuffhereok89
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liminalpebble · 11 months
Any mutuals wanna come over to my imagination and have brunch with me? I fucking love you and I love brunch and you know I made buttermilk biscuits and fresh coffee. I have no veranda, but we can pretend we have one, and sit on it fanning ourselves...preening for that lovely dandy, Thomas, as he plays tennis in the yard. (Oh my, he really is exerting himself. What stamina! What a specimen).
We could be flappers, sitting in our luxurious dressing gowns well past noon, smoking joints, and talking about that filthy filthy D.H. Lawrence smut we adore and spiking our orange juice with bootleg champagne. We'd discuss which speakeasy we're gonna swan into tonight, and wonder aloud if Thomas would like to be the meat in our hot reckless bad girl bestie sandwich.
Wudda ya say?
@goblingirlsarah @coldnique @lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @gigglingtiggerv2 @muddyorbs @sarahscribbles @ladyofthestayingpower @tripleyeeet @icytrickster17 @loz-3 @thedistractedagglomeration @unlucky-number-13 @marcotheflychair @smolvenger @infinitystoner @lovelysizzlingbluebird @mochie85 @peaches1958 @acidcasualties @granuaile-slore @sunflowerdaydreamer @alexakeyloveloki @littlespaceyelf
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muddyorbsblr · 4 months
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ohh god ohh fuckque…dem black curls really hit different 🥵🥵🥵
also it's an insane level of unfair that if 2024 Tom would dye his hair black again he would look exactly the same as this, like sir i mustache u a question…is u a vampire? is u immortal? is u actually a god?? 😳👀
@holdmytesseract @smolvenger @liminalpebble @ladyofthestayingpower @loopsisloops @give-me-a-moose @tallseaweed @joyful-enchantress @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @lokischambermaid @glitchquake @peachyjinx @lokisgoodgirl @simplyholl @acidcasualties @alexakeyloveloki @coldnique +++ suffer with me besties 🫠
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holylulusworld · 4 months
Wrote a cute little something for Lulu as she is always making us happy with her writing…♥️
Y/N is playing with her and Dean’s little angel who is just 1 month shy of her 1st birthday. Dean has gone to pick up some baby stuff that Y/N needed.
The little angel has been restless, crying on and off. Y/N is trying to soothe her to calm down
Y/N- I know baby, i know *she says to her as she pats on her back* Give mommy one burpy, and you are gonna be all fine.
She keeps on rubbing and patting her back gently to get her to burp after feeding her. She is successful as she hears her daughter giving one large burp
Y/N-Just like your Dad ..huh… *she chuckles at her remembering how exactly Dean does the same after having his meals, specially when its made by her*
But her relief lasts short as the little baby starts to toss and cry again
Y/N-I know baby…i know..i am sorry.
*she keeps on cooing her, finding different ways to make her calm but is unsuccessful*
Y/N- Ok, we are gonna video call daddy, see if he got all your fav things…Tell him to come home soon ..ok baby?
*she talks to her, knowing very well she can’t reply as she hasn’t started speaking yet, she hopes Dean’s voice will calm her down, as it always had*
*She dials the phone and Dean picks up instantly*
Dean(on the Video call)-Hi..Hot momma..missing me already?
*he says with a classic Dean Winchester smirk*
Y/N- Dean, when will you be back? *she asks him while trying to soothe their daughter *
Dean-I have picked up all our angel’s stuff, well, the Confectionery guy over here says the fresh batch of pie for the day will be here in 15 minutes, so just waiting for that *he gives a toothy grin, a little comically scared of Y/N’s reaction*
Y/N-Well this time, tell it to your daughter
*Y/N faces the phone towards her*
Dean-Hi, my baby angel, Daddy will be there shortly *she starts fussing again* Oh no…baby…look at me…my fav girl…Daddy is gonna be home soon..we gonna play all the games…and eat pie *he keeps on talking in hope his voice soothes her down*
The little angel, recognising her father’s voice, look towards him through the screen, and stops crying, just staring at him
Dean-That’s my girl, very good, daddy hates to see you cry *he blows a kiss to her* i am gonna be home soon baby…Dada loves you
The baby girl is just staring at the screen with her glossy green eyes , a small smirk emerging from her lips*you roll your eyes looking at the carbon copy of Dean*
Your head snaps toward your daughter and then towards Dean, back and forth .
*she starts giggling at reaches out for the phone*
Y/N starts pouring kisses at her chubby cheeks “ I knew Dada will be your first words, i won the bet Dean”
She looks back at Camera and sees him already revving up the baby(impala), putting phone on the stand.
Y/N-Dean, what!! You were just at the store a second ago…
Dean looks at the screen, his eyes a little glossy itself-Yeah well, my baby girl needs me home, Dada is gonna be home…pie or no pie…
With that Dean drives off eager to meet lil Angel and hear her say Dada all day long…….
I hope it was good🥹🥹
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Aw...that was so cute and sweet and all Dean deserved. He should've gotten the chance to have a family too. *I loved it with all my heart. Thank you for this sweet gift.*
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sufiiiiiiii · 3 months
old mutuals who left this website but their memory didn’t leave… thinking of you every now and then and hoping you’re well wherever you are
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zepskies · 9 days
Hey, Zepskies! How’re you doing? Hope you’re having a good day :)
I wanted to ask two things:
Is there a certain criteria that you have for an account to be a mutual? If so, what is it?
And secondly, who are some underrated writers on here that you think deserve more recognition? I wanted to go and hype up those blogs so they’d have more of a following.
Hey there! I'm actually doing better after a long week and a half, dealing with an unexpected health issue. 🙃 (I'm much better now.)
Interesting question...
I can't say I have specific criteria for following someone, like a checklist or something. If I find myself interacting with someone quite a bit, whether through their work or mine, and if our energies seem to match, then odds are I'll decide to follow them. If they happen to follow me back and we match like a friendly Hinge connection, then great! lol
Ooh as for underrated (and awesome) writers who I personally love, I can think of a few off the top of my head:
All of these ladies are very talented and their work speaks for itself. Go check them out! 💕
And many more awesome writers are featured on my various rec lists:
Supernatural Rec List
Dean Winchester AU Rec List
Beau Arlen Fic Rec List
Thanks for dropping into my inbox! 💜
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zourried · 1 year
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