#lu flora
sweeteastart · 8 hours
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Happy pride month !!
For the occasion, I wanted to draw some Fanart with my headcanons :)) As I am quite new in the LU fandom, I don't have a lot so do drop your own in comments or reblogs, I would love to widen my horizons ♪♪☆ !!
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linderosse · 5 months
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Every Zelda has a favorite Link (excluding their own). Flora’s is Four :)
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nellywizard · 4 months
// TOTK Spoilers
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Where Are You? (LU x TOTK AU Comic)
“Hours later, when the ground began to shake and rubble fell from the sky as they rushed outside to watch Hyrule Castle rising off the ground, malice flooding out of every crack in the land, and one of their members declared missing in the aftermath, Twilight found himself desperately wishing he had pushed a little harder.” — CubanCracker62. “Dark Clouds on the Horizon.” Archiveofourown.org, 11 June 2023, archiveofourown.org/works/47814853. Accessed 20 Jan. 2024.
The making of this comic and story was very heavily inspired by CubanCracker62 on AO3 and their Tumblr @wizard-finix , I highly recommend that you check out their story on AO3, send them your support and kudos, and boost their “The Chain in TOTK” and “Linked Universe fics” series!
This comic in itself was a one-by-one project that I worked on when I could find the time for it. So if you notice how my style changes on each page, it was from weeks to a month or so of improvements in my skills (which I’m highly proud of!).
Linked Universe © jojo56830
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom © Nintendo
Dark Clouds on the Horizon © CubanCracker62 on AO3
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tearsofmydeadhorse · 6 months
how I think different members of the chain would sneeze because I’ve fully lost my mind
before the calamity, he was one of those people who suppress their sneezes, mainly so that he could stay silent. anyone who saw him sneeze would hear a small sound and see him violently jerk with the force of the sneeze, and that was just it.
post-calamity, though, he fully embraces his loud sneezing. rumor has it his sneeze is louder than the roar of a lynel, and flora once joked that he could defeat ganon by the sheer force of it. the chain hates it. every single one of them is put on edge by loud noises, so every time wild sneezes all eight of them have a flash of panic as they all reach for their weapons before they realize, ah. everything is fine. wild just got some dust in his nose.
they all hate it, but they don’t try and tell him to be quiet. he’s an unstoppable force that will not be silenced again
he screams “ACHOO” with every sneeze. he’s competing with wild to see who can do it the loudest, but so far wild’s still winning. wind’s isn’t a scary as wild’s is, because while wild’s is sudden and ear-shattering, everybody within a ten mile radius knows when wind’s about to sneeze because of the fact he goes “ah-ah-ah—ACHOOO” every time it happens. he does it on purpose because he thinks it’s funny, and is currently running in first place on the Most Obnoxious Sneeze list. he takes pride in his position.
time is third on the Most Obnoxious Sneeze list, after wild and wind. he’s got one of those loud dad sneezes, and every time it happens he groans as if he’s shattered all his bones and says something along the lines of, “that was a doozy.” if he sneezes multiple times in one day he’ll start counting them, and every time he goes, “unbelievable. fourth sneeze of the day!” there are multiple groans from the chain. everyone thinks that’s just How He Is, but in reality he’s just being a little shit and takes great amusement in the fact they all think he’s some old man.
when they get to time’s hyrule, malon plays along, acting as if it’s just time’s old age catching up to him. in private, however, the both of them are in hysterics at how seriously the entire chain believes it all. they’re both little shits. will the chain ever know?
he’s one of those people who sneezes about fifty times in one breath. the number of tiny, quick sneezes depends, but they’re always in intervals of four. sometimes it’s four sneezes at once. sometimes it’s eight. sometimes it’s sixteen. the chain’s impressed and a little concerned, and at one point legend makes a comment about how it sounds like he’s multiple people sneezing at once. four just laughs it off (perhaps a little too hard?).
bunny sneeze. that’s all. he’s got the tiniest, and quite honestly the cutest sneeze out of all of the chain. for the longest time he tried to hide it, because he knew exactly how they’d all react, but alas, one day it was a little too dusty in one of hyrule’s caves, and it had to happen eventually.
obviously the entire chain had to comment about it (read: make fun), and it only stopped when legend’s face became as pink as his hair. wind made some comment about how he was grateful legend wasn’t an annoying sneezer like the trio currently battling for the title of Most Obnoxious Sneeze, which resulted in a large argument about who was truly worthy for the title, which changed the topic quickly.
and if there are still a couple of muffled laughs every time legend sneezes, he guesses it is kind of funny. but only kind of.
he legitimately just sounds like he’s coughing. wheezing, even. nobody knows whether or not to say “bless you,” because they don’t know if he’s sneezed or if he’s just got something in his throat. sky thinks it’s funny and will say “no ‘bless you’?” after he coughs sometimes, just to be a little shit and confuse them. they all hate it, because how are they supposed to be polite if sky calls every sneeze a cough and every cough a sneeze?! sky thrives off of their distress. he is the original link, after all—where do you think the others got it from?
they have never heard him sneeze once in his life. he’s so incredibly quiet with it that everyone thoroughly believes he just can’t sneeze. maybe it’s a fairy thing, who knows, they don’t want to be rude! in reality he just needs to be quiet to survive in his hyrule, so his sneezes are a lot less earth-shaking then some of his brothers’ sneezes (hint, hint). still, he doesn’t correct their assumptions. they can handle a little mystery solving, can’t they? plus, he’s a little curious to see how long it will take for them to find out the truth. and seeing them tiptoe around it is a little amusing, too. maybe he’ll even start giving them false clues—would they believe him if he said that fairies didn’t breathe through their noses? that fairies don’t sneeze because they use their wings to breathe?
yes. every link is a little shit, in case you couldn’t tell. hyrule is no exception.
sneezes like a dog. sometimes it just sounds like he’s hacking. his head shakes like a dog’s when he sneezes, too, and he is 100% made fun of for it. “did the ghost of that wolf pelt possess you, rancher?” “been spending too much time around wolfie?” post-wolfie reveal it makes a lot more sense to the chain, but pre-wolfie reveal it’s the funniest thing ever. he’ll sneeze when something’s too strong-smelling or at random moments when sneezing really doesn’t make any sense, and he’s been given the title of “awkward sneezer” because it always happens at the worst time. it’s happened mid-battle before—but really, who can blame him? wild’s bokoblins were putting WAY too much seasoning on their food!
his sneeze is normal. too normal. so remarkably normal that the rest of the chain are determined to find out how he does it. what does he mean, that’s just how his sneeze has always been? it isn’t too loud? too quiet? too canine or feline or any other type of -ine? is he really sure he’s a link, if his sneeze doesn’t sound like something even ganon would fear? he has a sneeze, it’s just so…basic.
warriors just shrugs and says that maybe he’s the only normal one among them. out of all nine, maybe he’s the only sane one. the chain knows this isn’t true.
what they don’t know, however, is that warriors is a master of deception, and that he goes to sleep at night with a smile on his face at the knowledge that the chain will never, ever know his secret…
his sneeze is louder than wild’s.
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psykheofthestars · 3 months
My favourite hc about prophetic dreams in the royale bloodline is that they came from Sky
Artemis: *wakes up in a cold sweat with a very terrified expression*
Aurora: prophetic dream?
Artemis: prophetic dream.
Dot: Those dreams are both a blessing and a curse!
Lullaby: I'm genuinely so glad that Time also gets them, I know I'm not insane!
Flora: I only recently started getting them and I can confirm that they're *TERRIFYING* do you know how many times I've seen scenes of L-Wild being put into danger and having to deal with the fact that I can't even intervene!?
Tetra: I HATE when that happens! It happend so many times while me and Sunshine were seperated during the War of Ages!
Fable: Sunshine.. your denial of your feelings is a river in the desert..
Artemis: Goddesses.. I still remember how you would barely sleep until you two were reunited
*more Zeldas other then Sun telling stories about prophetic dreams*
Sun: wait wait.. They're really that bad? I guess I can manifest a quick vision of my Link but they aren't as terrifying as how you're describing it!
Fable: You.. You don't get the dreams!?!?!?!!!?!
Dawn: Even I get them and I barely have any magic!
Dusk: I.. I'm at a loss for words-
Sky: *wakes up after having a very vivid prophetic dream*
Four: prophetic dream?
Sky: very vivid prophetic dream.
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minty-mumbles · 11 months
Stupid AU idea:
Wild leaves his era before he can tell Flora about the portals/other heroes. Dink, sensing an opportunity, tries to attack Flora while she's unaware her hero is gone.
Flora sees a person who looks like Wild but with grey skin, black hair, and red eyes, and since she already knows about the dark armor, she just assumes that Wild's finally entered his emo phase.
Dink is expecting her to cower in fear of his appearance, a twisted version of the hero of this era. Instead Flora just goes "Oh hey Link, I like the new look! 🥰 Now come taste this soup I just made!"
And Dink is so caught off guard that? He just does?? And by the end of the night he is so, so confused, but also full of delicious soup and high off of the first friendly contact he's ever had.
He keeps coming back, and Flora ends up rehabilitating him. (She may or may not have caught on to the fact that Dink is not Wild about halfway though her first time meeting him, but decided to keep quiet and see where it went)
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layraket · 9 months
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In front of them, the sun sinks into the clouds, lighting up the sky in a blaze of reds, yellows, and oranges. Night insects start their buzzing and a cool breeze whisks away the day’s heat. The sweet taste of hydromelon lingers on Wild’s tongue. Surrounded by friends and family, he closes his eyes. Thank you, Hylia, for granting me this opportunity. I’m home.
what if i tell u that i cried
please go to check @breannasfluff's Linked moments series! this scene being from Hydromelons and Hope
im gonna miss this series so much, at least we got a happy ending!
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y0sei-g4rden · 10 months
Legend : Hey I know that some of the Zelda's were like sleep for a long time, how long exactly??
Hyrule: Aurora was sleep for 600 years
Sky: Sun was sleep for a thousand!
Wild: flora was kinda asleep for like 10-
Wind: 100 years right?
Wild: ...
Wild: plus 10,000 but yeah 👍
Legend: The fuck happened on your second adventure???!!!
Wild: one word, dragons.
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sea-salt-lemon-sugar · 5 months
Hey I like how u draw all of the Link’s + Zelda’s so if u don’t mind and u have time to, could u plz draw some wild and flora?
I'd love to! I love drawing them😙
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witheringeffect · 12 days
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A rough concept piece for a short story I'm working on called "Til Death Do Us Part."
I implemented elements of the Aspect armour because I feel it was a wasted opportunity on Nintendo's part to be a literal Zonai :'(
Chain meets Flora and Wild post TOTK.
Married Zelink. Trans Link. Secret stone holder Link.
Both are very nonchalant about things that happen. Honestly, what haven't they seen at this point??? Oh, what's this? Hylia wants us to join a bunch of Links that have been together for a year and haven't made progress?? Let's go make some progress!
Summoned to the Forgotten Temple, Link finds himself accepting a new journey. With Zelda, of course. No way were either of them going to accept being separated again.
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legendofzoodles · 1 year
Wild: Ancient Sheikah researchers, can you lick the science? 
Zelda (biologist): Sometimes needed, sometimes dangerous. Sometimes, it licks you.
Paya (psychologist): Best not.
Purrah (computer scientist): Nothing else has make the code work, so you might as well try.
Symin (chemist): Dear Hylia NO! DON’T!
Robbie (roboticist): The tingle of blue energy on your tongue is how you know it’s working.
Jerrin (astronomer): ...If your dedication to lick Uranus is what gets us to another planet, then so be it. 
Wild: Good to know.
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snail-studios · 5 months
A gift for @whyoneartheven! Have a flora~
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Merry Christmas <3
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linderosse · 4 months
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The Founder’s Call— Part 4
Sun channels a bit of her inner goddess. Meanwhile, Flora continues to walk that fine line between success and danger. :)
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A/N: I’ll be posting to Instagram as well! If you like my content, please consider supporting me there!
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nellywizard · 10 months
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Hey, guess who joined the TOTK and the LU bandwagon???
Not the first original AU, but you get the gist. Instead its Wild who gets thrown back in time via secret stone teleportation, and Zelda/Flora gets stuck in the sky islands and attempting to find Wild while stopping strange occurences in different regions of hyrule BUUUUTTT the rest of the chain is there to help her find their missing 9th member.
lol I forgot legend pink highlights and twi and time tattoos sorry!!
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gutiuniverse · 28 days
Wild: *sneezes* Flora: Bless you Spirit: *sneezes* Phantom: Are you okay babe? Are you getting sick? Do you need a blanket? Wind: *sneezes* Tetra: Oh my Hylia. Shut up!
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luna-lovegreat · 6 months
Lu Flora, pointing aggressively at Lu Sun:
"Why is she the one called Sun?!?!?!"
Sun: ... :D
Flora *angry*: "I have ONE plant that I really like, but I specialize in technology research people! I like biology too but I literally have made revolutionary discoveries in sheikah tech! Yet I'm known as FLORA?!?!???"
The chain: ...
Flora: *storms off*
Twilight: "should we...?"
Wild: "no. never follow her."
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