#lucette riella britton
pumpkincarriage3 · 2 years
Cinderella Phenomenon: Lucette Was Wrongfully Cursed
So, this might be a hot take on the game since Lucette is portrayed to be this rude person that needs to be taught “kindness” so she doesn’t become a “tyrant and cruel ruler”, at least that is what everyone expects her to be. At least in the game.
Lucette never once came across as a really rude or mean person to me. Maybe she was a bit blunt when the more polite thing to do would be to be quiet, but she didn’t actually do anything wrong.
Let’s start off with Lucette’s supposed “wrongdoings”. One thing that is brought up in the game is that she fired Annice. The characters say she was wrong to do such a thing, but that’s false. From Lucette’s perspective Annice tore the dress of one of her dolls and failed to do her job. So, she fired her, Annice didn’t correct that wrong assumption and inform Lucette it was actually a crow that tore it.
Delora knows Lucette thinks that Annice tore the dress, and fired her for it, but thinks Lucette is in the wrong for that. Realistically, if someone breaks (rips) the belongings of the Crown Princess, they would probably get a worse punishment than just being fired. And all Lucette did was fire some that she thought failed their job, so she wasn’t wrong for that. It was wrong for people to think she should just let it go when that’s the normal reaction for a noble.
Lucette was also seen as being in the wrong for not being nice to her new family, but that’s expecting way too much from her. The King barely ever spent time with her even when he finally had the opportunity and just brought in this entirely new family without warning. Then he expects Lucette to treat them with kindness even though he treats them with much more kindness than he has ever treated her with, from her perspective replacing her mother who did no wrong, and still barely gives her any emotional support or attention. She’s just expected to accept it. Most teenagers would get mad and be upset if something like this happened.
That’s not even touching on the fact that you can actively tell the King sees Lucette as a mini version of her mother and that’s probably why he’s neglecting his own child. But he’s never actually properly called out by anyone but Lucette. And he’s not the only one. Everyone always sees her mother before they see Lucette, and because of that they treat her horribly for something that she hasn’t even done. It’s normal for her not to want to interact with others when she knows they are constantly talking behind her back. She shouldn’t be expected to treat them kindly when they can’t treat her with any respect.
That’s the entire reason Delora curses her. Even with the year that she spends with Lucette, or just about, even after Lucette confesses all her troubles to her, she only ever sees Lucette as a mini version of her mother. She expects Lucette to be this super kind person when that’s not something anyone really has the right to ask of Lucette considering how most people treat her.
And it doesn’t help that no one ever told Lucette who her mother actually was. Most people just assumed she knew who she was and that’s why they acted so bothered when she defended her mother at times. Well, either assumed, expected, or acted like she knew. But there’s a good portion of the cast that should know that Lucette didn’t truly know who her mother was. The King and Delora in particular.
That’s not to say Lucette can’t be a tad too blunt or harsh to people that are kind to her. But considering how most people treat her, it’s no wonder she thinks people are just faking it to get at her.
It’s kinda like the whole thing with Emelaigne. Emelaigne did nothing wrong, but besides being blunt and a little harsher that absolutely necessary, Lucette did nothing wrong when interacting with her. Everyone kept pushing Emelaigne on to her, while they all talked behind her back about how Emelaigne would make a better Crown Princess. And the King, who no doubt heard this, did nothing to correct it or ease any potential worries Lucette might have. 
Then there’s the whole thing with Lucette’s childhood. Not touching on how Lucette’s mother emotionally manipulated and abused her as well as kept her isolated, people weren’t even kind to Lucette then. The one person that was, was Waltz. And Lucette didn’t remember him.
But from bits that we are shown, children did actively take advantage of Lucette when she was younger. They would call her cruel and pick on her when she didn’t do what they wanted. Which Lucette’s mother used to manipulate her.
Point being, no one ever gave Lucette a chance to be anyone but a mini version of her mother. They never saw Lucette. Which is why when Lucette didn’t act super sweet to them, they assumed the worse. The only one I can say actively gave her a chance to just be with the knowledge of who she was, was Rumpel who had lost his memories, Parfait, Emelaigne, Ophelia, Fritz, and Waltz. I’m not including Delora, because after being with Lucette for a year she should have realized Lucette was never a bad person. The King was just a horrible father. I’m also not including Karma, because even though his route was amazing, he outright admitted to planning on taking advantage of Lucette from the start and getting her to break his curse. Just not in the way it happened in his route.
Of course, with all this said, I still love the game to pieces. It has interesting lore and is well crafted. I understand they couldn’t make Lucette pure evil because she was the protagonist, but I just never felt like she deserved the punishment she got.
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aoikasaa · 7 months
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finally, our lady of the hour, Lucette !
with that, the reveal of our main cast concludes. but wait, 8 characters were announced, so that means 2 more charms are to be revealed...?!
check out the other cast reveals here!
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fairytale-poll · 6 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
She's part of the badass princess prison break troupe who kick ass to 80s rock music and also soooo stressed about cleanliness. She deserves a win 😩
Bachelorette number 1 is a mentally abused shut-in from a kingdom far, far away. She likes sushi and hot tubbing anytime! Her hobbies include cooking and cleaning for her 2 evil sisters. Please welcome... Cinderella!
Her story makes a fun twist on the Cinderella story. She's not a Cinderella character so much as she has a Cinderella curse. Basically the clock strikes midnight one night, and everyone in the kingdom has forgotten who she was. She's been a snotty princess her whole life, but she wakes the next morning a snotty peasant, with one valuable item, a necklace with a glass slipper charm on it. To restore her status and everyone's memories, she must do three good, selfless deeds, and for each deed she will gain a piece of the second glass slipper charm, until she has a pair. Once she completes the pair, everything will go back to the way it was before, except for the princess will have changed her distrustful hateful ways and become a royal that the people can be proud of.
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galaxieflora · 2 months
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Otome heroines part 2
Characters (from left to right):
Sanjo Yunoha (Yunohana spRING!), Lucette Riella Britton (Cinderella Phenomenon), Lulu (Wand of Fortune), MC (Mr. Love Queen's Choice), Hanna (Will o' Wisp), Fiona Galland (Black Wolves Saga), Tiana (Beastmaster and Princes), Takanashi Yuuki (Paradigm Paradox), Ogawa Aoi (Natsuzora no Monologue), Mari (Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side: 4th Heart) and Kasuga Tamaki (Hiiro no Kakera)
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lizzileth · 10 months
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Lucette's dress re-design was made by @artemhiss for something we're working on
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cleaetpauline60 · 2 years
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♡ Heroine Otome Game ♡
❥ Lucette Riella Britton [ Cinderella Phenomenon ]
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otomes-and-tears · 2 years
Hi! You said in your post that you accepted requests for Cnderella phenomenon. I read your rules and I have two prompts that I believe that fit your rules. The first prompt is a Lucette/Rod soulmates AU. The second prompt is Lucette's wedding with Rod. Sorry if I misunderstood any of your rules. Since you have an AO3 account, you can fullfil my prompts there if you like the ideas. I can't put the link, but you just have to search for the "otome games SFW plot bunnies" prompt meme challenge.
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♦ redamancy (1/?) ♦
► tags/warnings: Rod x Lucette, Soulmate!Au, Implied/referenced child abuse.
► words: 1216
► summary: Fate, Lucette discerned, never had been particularly kind to her. It was a bothersome thing. An annoyance, really. She has been born with everything, all the pretty dolls and jewellery that any girl could ever dream of. Servants waiting on her, ready to realise her every whim. She had everything. Everything except a soulmate. ► a/n: Also being posted on AO3 ♡ ► Masterlist
“Mother, are you and father in true love? Like in the fairytales?”
It seemed like the wrong thing to say, judging by how her mother’s lips quirked downwards, displeased. 
Anyone living in the palace was accustomed to the tiny intricacies of Hildyr’s expressions. The way her brow furrowed in annoyance, or the specific way she held herself when she was angry.
It was an important skill to acquire while living in the palace, but no servants, not even the king himself were quite as adept as Lucette, the crown princess.
She loved her mother, truly.
Even when she was harsh, her mother would always be truthful and teach her the most valuable lessons.
That’s why she learned not to bother her, to be able to read her moods to guarantee that she wasn't being a burden.
That’s why she mustn’t waste her time with questions unless they’re truly important.
Still, as silly as it seemed, knowing this was of the utmost importance to Lucette.
At her age, a soul mark was bound to appear anytime and she needed to be prepared!
“I thought I forbid you to speak of fairytales. Have you been reading them?”
“N-no, Mother.” Lucette said, truthfully. She considered stealing one or two books but figured it wouldn’t be worth her mother’s ire. “I overheard someone in the palace talking about it today.”
“Then I have to find that person and make sure that they know what an appropriate topic of conversation in the palace is.”
“B-but mother, the true love in fairytales sounds so nice! Do you think I can fall in love with a prince?”
Her mother’s brows furrowed in annoyance. Lucette could feel it in the air— the static-y tension that arose every time she made a misstep.
She didn’t mean to insist. Didn’t mean to speak out of turn, but she really wished to know why.
Weren’t her parents in love? Why are they married then? 
She heard whispers in the corridors about mother not being blessed with a marking. About her father being bound to another. Were these things true? Were they not just nasty rumours?
Hildyr’s hand touched Lucette’s chin, gently raising her head so that her mother could properly see her.
She smiled. It was the same smile she always gave before giving her a lesson.
Her answer wouldn’t please Lucette, she could already tell. None of mother’s lessons were ever things she’d wanted to hear, after all, but there was no use in being told comfortable lies only to have the truth revealed later on.
Lucette was a big girl of ten and the crown princess, she more than needed to be told the truth.
“Dearest one, true love like that does not exist.” She said, firmly. Lucette did her best to hide the disappointment she felt at the statement. “The love between mother and child is the truest kind. It cannot be replicated by anything else.” 
“But… What about soulmates?”
“All other kinds of love are an illusion. My love is all you will ever need. Do you understand me, my heart?”
“Yes, mother.”
Fate, Lucette discerned, never had been particularly kind to her.
It was a bothersome thing. An annoyance, really.
She has been born with everything, all the pretty dolls and jewellery that any girl could ever dream of, Servants waiting on her, ready to realise her every whim.
She had everything.
Everything except a soulmate.
She used to yearn for it, at a young age. 
Stand in front of the mirror and check every inch of her body for a mark, any mark, any indication that her soulmate was there and that they existed.
But it had been for nought. No markings ever appeared and she had been burdened with the knowledge that she was, in fact, alone.
It seemed fitting. Her father never loved her, he didn’t even like her most days, the servants would at best shower her with apathy and her own kingdom despised her despite Lucette not having ever set foot outside of the castle walls.
Mother had been Lucette’s only source of love, but she was long gone now, leaving only her lessons in her wake.
Romantic love, her mother taught her, was an illusory thing.
A useless invention. Something made to distract people from their duties.
Soulmates were much the same. An invisible shackle bound to your ankle. A mysterious magic made to limit people’s potential, a weakness.
It was a good thing Lucette didn’t have one, she had said, these things only cause heartbreak. They could only stop her from achieving greatness, like her mother.
Not long after Lucette’s questions about soulmates, exposing one’s soulmark and even the mention of fated ones made the list of the unmentionable topics in the castle, with strict punishment for noncompliance.
And with that, for years following, Lucette barely thought about it.
Emelaigne had a soul mark.
Because of course, she did.
Her new step-sister had a way of always managing to get things that Lucette had failed to acquire, even if she seemed to be a failure in all other regards.
Still, she had a soul mark that she loved to show off:
A white carnation on her left shoulder.
Purity .
Luck .
Pure love .
What a fucking joke .
Emelaigne’s mother, Ophelia, also had one:
A single forget-me-not, that seemed to perfectly match King Genaro’s.
Lucette had never even seen his marking before, the small flower on his wrist, against his pulse, being hidden by cufflinks and gloves before her mother’s death.
The only person in that family who didn’t seem quite as comfortable showing his soul mark off was Rod, who scarcely even mentioned it.
It made him slightly less intolerable than the rest of his family, in her eyes. It wasn’t strong praise, since he carried his own brand of despicable, but Lucette’s hatred towards him lessened by his inclination to keep to himself and not rub her inadequacy in her face, like his sister seemed to often do (even if, admittedly, accidentally).
Still, he had one.
She was certain of it, since Ophelia and Emelaigne would always talk about when he’d meet them instead of awkwardly side-stepping the topic like her father often did with her, when he even remembered her lack of soulmate.
Lucette had no idea what it was or where it was located, but the existence of Rod’s soulmate was a certainty.
(Distantly, she wondered what his mark looked like, but she banished these frivolous thoughts as soon as they appeared)
It was bad enough to be forced into playing happy families with commoners, but even worse when she was made to feel so out of place when this was supposed to be her court. Her family.
Maybe this is why her father showed them so much love and care.
They had marks.
They had a soul bond.
They were, by definition, loveable . 
Lucette was no such thing.
He heard it often, Servants in the corridors whispering about how she didn’t have a mark because she lacked a soul. These cutting remarks bothered her far more than she ever cared to admit, even if they came from those below her.
(Distantly, she wondered if their jokes had a small backing in truth).
Not for the first time, she wished they’d all disappear.
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madokasoratsugu · 2 years
let it snow
[Fritz/Lucette/Varg; fluff Christmas oneshot]
summary: On Yule, Lucette finds herself in a snowy town with Fritz and Varg, stuck in an inn where there's only one bed left. Luckily, Lucette is used to sharing it with the two.
a/n: this was meant to be done last december. it is now two months away from christmas. happy early holidays !!!!! :”DD
read on ao3
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dashythroughthesnow · 2 years
if i had a nickel for every time i came across an otome heroine born on the same month as i am, i'd have two nickels - which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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A Review of Fritz’s route (after adapting it into a different world)
This is going to be a long, mainly negative rant about Fritz and his route and how my thoughts and feelings went into adapting his route into The Cursed Prince, my Pokemon Special and Cinderella Phenomenon crossover. You can read the fan fic series here: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2424433
When I first played the game, I was really interested in Fritz. He has such a strong first impression, with being pretty much the only character who’s actually nice and Lucette likes (sorta). When I learned his dad was the one who attempted to or actually instigated the coup, I was more interested in his backstory and more of his dad’s motives in his route.
Unfortunately, my expectations were massively disappointed, so much that I actually don’t really like him. In hindsight, it made sense, as the devs themselves said that it was a product of creative conflicts with a previous writer and they tried their best to work with what they have. But I didn’t know this at the time, and I was just very disappointed. The most of the backstory we got for Alcaster was in Karma’s route. Fritz’s route was basically just Varg route and a shitshow happening, and I don’t like Varg, I want to learn more about Fritz. Replaying it once soured my opinion of it further and was a big reason why I wanted to write The Cursed Prince: so I could rewrite Fritz’s route. So the route was very highly anticipated for me, so much I worried about the quality of Moon’s (Rumpel counterpart) because she was so close to Emma’s story and yet so far.
But replaying it again and rewatching it made me appreciate the plot of Fritz’s route, however, I wasn’t satisfied with the split between Varg’s and Fritz’s screentime and the romance was nonexistent. Fritz was also super bland compared to Varg because of his absolute refusal to talk about himself and I still don’t like Varg. Varg and Fritz were also too different for me to see the two as the same person, despite their physical similarities. Even though Fritz’s family and home life was clearly very shitty, it doesn’t really make much sense why he has this dark side that could manifest as a whole evil alter ego, which falls on his refusal to talk about himself and Varg just being a smarmy vague asshole. It took the fandisk to explain it, and even then, it really doesn’t fit with how Varg is presented. I have to give props to the writers for wanting to be ambitious with Fritz’s route but...it just fell flat, especially with Fritz’s lack of screentime in prior routes.
So Velvet Cloaked-Wolf ended up taking the plot, but addresses my issues with Fritz/Varg and the relationship. While Emma definitely doesn’t answer all the questions surrounding her or address all of her issues, she’s obviously from unideal circumstances (even though not everyone’s circumstances are obvious about how so unideal they are that they are suffering from some sort of mental disorder), she still talks about her life, treats X somewhat like an equal friend (not reciprocated though), has more screentime in Tempest’s Mermaid, side-stories, and her own story, and Ylfa’s characterized as having Emma’s traits but unrestrained and doing more evil things. That also makes her a ruthless bitch who is more entertaining to write than Varg, who is this smarmy bad guy that is kinda not interesting as a villain because he doesn’t do many bad things outside of his route. Besides chasing after the royal siblings, the forced kiss, and blowing up the tavern, it’s not anything overly dickish like Ylfa’s actions.
Further adding to my dislike of Fritz is how he is a nice guy whose life is completely and utterly shit. He does not have many personal victories against the cruel hand of fate. Sure he rescued the royal siblings and broke his curse on Karma’s route, but he gets caught and killed by his own dad in the end, so it was sorta moot for the first one and definitely moot for the second one. Fritz doesn’t even get to break his curse in his own route, Varg erases himself, though I guess resisting against the evil queen counts as a victory? Not a very satisfying one, because the opposite scenario that is the bad ending was just him being simply too weak to endure it and it’s pretty hard to explain why that is so when you make the wrong choices that don’t involve him. Even if one takes the interpretation that this happened because Lucette didn’t make the choices that bonded with Fritz well enough, which was how Rod’s, Karma’s, and Rumpel’s bad endings happened, it doesn’t feel as natural since Fritz wasn’t even there for most of the route. The only victory Fritz gets in that route is to be with Lucette (but that leaves a bad taste in my mouth since he dies in Rod’s route because he doesn’t get to see her). The only other (kinda) lasting personal victory he has is in Waltz’s route, but the bad ending exists.
He has more victories in Evermore (which is ambiguously canon as a fandisk), but that’s still only on three routes where he’s still alive and himself. And it would sting a lot for routes where he’s not with Lucette’s since he has a crush on her and would have his feelings hurt, and he’s demoted from being Lucette’s bodyguard because your father staging a coup against the royal family makes you very suspicious. Not only that, he’s dead on Rod’s route while his bastard of a father is still alive, which is both stupid and infuriating on so many levels because he doesn’t even do anything much there, while his death was more logical in Karma’s route as he was the reason why the Marchen was able to save the king and queen in time. Fritz is just <i>too</i> tragic, and that makes him less likable because there seems to be no point rooting for him if he’s going to get fucked over in the end.
Don’t get me wrong, I know Emma has a lot of shitty luck as well, more so than Fritz when it comes to a semblance of a stable childhood, and made some bad, fatal decisions as well. But she isn’t completely lacking agency as Fritz does and she is smart, but also mentally unstable and has not been in the wider part of society for most of her life. Her fates in Korrina’s good ending and her own bad ending are by her own hand, quite literally in the bad ending, though said mental instability was a result of things outside of her control. She also has two more victories than Fritz does, and the victory of surviving her curse is emphasized more. The first one is Shauna’s route by thwarting Silver’s plans, surviving her curse, and running away to live a life she wants in both endings (but at the expense of abandoning her own responsibilities and hurting people around her), and in Shauna’s good ending, indirectly saving a good friend and hooking her up with her crush. The second one is kinda Korrina’s bad ending by killing Black and ending the coup, but she’s too broken at that point to care, so it may not count. And while she does want to marry X, she doesn’t care about a marriage with him enough to be too torn up playing matchmaker and is quite content with her own status. Basically: Emma has a wayyyyy shittier hand in life than Fritz, but she comes out on top more than he does because she’s less moral and more selfish than he is. However, she only achieves her own true happy ending because of her faith in X, like Fritz does with Lucette.
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otome-corner-cafe · 4 months
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Delivery today!!!!!!
I pre-ordered Cinderella Phenomenon keychains by @aoikasaa and they arrived~! 💖😍🥰😘💖💖💖
They’re gorgeous!
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They’re detailed and pretty and my favorite characters from the game!
And the bookmarks! Aaaaahhhh! I want to use them because I got them but I also don’t want to use them because they’re too cute!
So happy I pre-ordered! Thanks for the amazing products
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brownpuffball · 1 year
Help with Fandom Tree fill
Anyone willing to help write a fill for this entry? It only needs to be 100 words long and can be posted either in the comments or in the Ao3 collection.
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aoikasaa · 18 days
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i want to draw whatever i want and whatever i want is basically stupid fritz/varg comics
note: last comic is slightly traced from the og wotakoi panel
commissions are open / kofi and shop linked on blog
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fairytale-poll · 7 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
[No Propaganda Submitted]
Her story makes a fun twist on the Cinderella story. She's not a Cinderella character so much as she has a Cinderella curse. Basically the clock strikes midnight one night, and everyone in the kingdom has forgotten who she was. She's been a snotty princess her whole life, but she wakes the next morning a snotty peasant, with one valuable item, a necklace with a glass slipper charm on it. To restore her status and everyone's memories, she must do three good, selfless deeds, and for each deed she will gain a piece of the second glass slipper charm, until she has a pair. Once she completes the pair, everything will go back to the way it was before, except for the princess will have changed her distrustful hateful ways and become a royal that the people can be proud of.
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ikemen-bully · 2 years
Tempted to redo Rod route from Cinderella phenomenon because that was quality tsundere we got there
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lizzileth · 2 years
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i am once again doing an out of date meme but anyways
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