#magpie feather quill
slashmagpie · 7 months
Pearl and Gem glance at each other. Then, as one, they glance back at Tango, who is, evidently, not Tango.
“Do we have an amnesiacold on our hands?” Gem asks. 
“Maybe,” says Pearl, glancing back at Tango again. “Tango, buddy, you feeling alright?”
“I—” Tango opens his mouth. Closes it again. “I mean, I’m a little under the weather, to tell you the truth—I ate a South African sausage and it disagreed with me.”
Pearl hums. “And it’s messed with your memory a bit, right?”
“Yes! I mean, no—I mean, how did you—?”
“Would you say that you have a bit of an amnesiacold, Tango?” asks Gem.
“You know. Amnesiacold!” Gem says. “When you get sick and forget everything and feel like somebody else?” 
“Ah.” Tango pulls himself to shore. Frowns. “It’s more of an amnesia-food-poisoning, if I’m honest.”
Pearl winces. “Your poor digestive system.”
“It’s not very nice Pearl, I’ll tell you that much,” Tango says, voice low, one hand pressed against his stomach as he pulls a face.
“Okay, that’s enough, I don’t need to hear about your gut issues,” Gem interrupts. “But—you have an amnesiacold! You know, I was an amnesiacold last season.”
“You mean, you had an amnesiacold?”
“No, I was one.” Gem winks. “Like—Tango has an amnesiacold. But you? You’re the amnesiacold. You know?”
Tango’s shoulders hike up with discomfort. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m Tango. And I think you guys should—should skadoodle somewhere else. Should bother-someone-else-ificate. Begone.” 
“I had an amnesiacold last season, you know,” Pearl says. “Gem was one. You can tell us, buddy, we’re not gonna tell anyone.”
“Promise,” Gem says with a nod. “This is a safe space! You don’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not with us.”
Tango stares at them for a long, long moment, then sags, face falling. He looks exhausted, suddenly, and Pearl feels a rush of sympathy. It can’t be easy, being thrown into the game halfway through, with no context for anything.
“It’s been rough, dudes,” Tango says, voice cracking. “It’s been really really rough. I forgot how hard it was to get anything done on this server! There’s so much chaos, and—”
Not-Tango grins. “In the flesh,” he says with a bow of his head. “Or… not my flesh, exactly.” 
“Ren?” Gem asks, tilting her head in confusion.
“Oh, that’s right, you’ve never met…”
Gem and Ren peer at each other for a moment. “You do look familiar,” Ren says eventually.
“Yeah,” Gem agrees. “I mean, obviously you look familiar—you look like Tango!—but… yeah.” 
They stare at each other for a moment more.
“Maybe we met in a dream?” Ren says at last.
Gem nods. “Sure. Makes as much sense as anything else.”
Pearl glances between them, rocking awkwardly back on her heels. She clears her throat, drawing their attentions back to her. “Welcome back, buddy,” she says to Ren. “Good to see you again.”
“I wish that I could say the same,” Ren says morosely. “I thought I was—I was done, Pearl.” Now that she knows it's Ren, she can hear his cadence in Tango’s voice, voice dropping rough and low with drama as he bows his head. “I was done. No more games, not for the ol’ diggity dog. And now… Here I am!” He laughs a little, stretching out his arms to indicate the server at large. “In a body that’s not mine, in a world I’ve never seen, in a game I do not understand.”
“Oh, Ren…” Pearl frowns. She doesn’t know what to say. 
Gem jumps in. “Hey, it’s okay! It’s just one session, you know? You can do one session!”
“I suppose I must.” Ren looks up at them, jaw tightening. “If I am here—I suppose I must.”
“I’d never been in any of these games before I was Cleo for a bit last season,” Gem says. “So you have an advantage there! And, hey—maybe you can come back next season, and we can meet for real?”
Ren shifts uncomfortably. There’s something heavy hanging about him, something Pearl can’t quite understand. She remembers the last time she’d seen him, skull caved in from the dripstone spike dropped on his head. She remembers her own amnesiacold, the exhaustion that had dragged at her before it had settled in, the memories that had plagued her and just wouldn’t go away. And she wonders—
Just how exhausted would you have to be that your body would have to leave as well as the rest of your self?
Just how sick would you have to be before you didn’t want to come back?
Still, Ren steadies himself. Quirks Tango’s mouth into a smile. “Maybe,” he says, meeting Gem’s gaze. “That would be nice, to meet for real.”
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theloverstomb · 9 months
my dad shows love by coming across feathers, fallen birds nests, bones and dead things and asking me “do you want this?”
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elsewhereuniversity · 6 months
They Gentry call her Magpie.
A wordsmith with a love of poetry, a crafter of trinkets, a clever bird with a glittering hoard and too many wits for her own good. She was an easy mark, once, easily lured by shiny baubles and flowery words, a prize songbird fit for slaughter. But, like all corvids, she was both smart and loud; she knew when she was being tricked, and fled into the Library squawking bloody murder, a clarion call for whatever aid could be spared. Her emergence was a storm of reflected light and righteous fury, the grudge of a corvid whose flock had been pestered for far too long. She took back what was hers and then some; her new boundaries clearly drawn in salt and spilled blood. She is a thief, the Gentry say, and she wears her namesake well.
To her fellow students she is Rook, Jackdaw, Raven, Bluejay, Crow - any number of avian names, so long as they are Corvidae in nature. She is an English major with Forbidden friends, a charmsmith of feathers and iron, a poet with a silver tongue, a friend to the crows. In her early days at Elsewhere she was a wanderer lost, pale pink stars on a denim jacket winking out far too fast. A memory lost was found and repurchased, an act of open rebellion which caught the Gentry’s ire. A damascene knife made quick work of the shadows, but that wasn’t the only darkness she faced. Seasonal depression followed her Elsewhere, and a month without a sky takes a toll on the mind. A golden pin now adorns a jacket sewn with stars, and the miniature sun which lights her steps has led many out of the Gentry’s clutches. Webcutter may be her primary weapon, but a phoenix-feather quill or a blown-glass pen are just as deadly in a poet’s hands.
The Gentry call her Magpie. Thief. Enemy.
The students call her Murder.
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sourle · 11 months
HII HELLO HII HIl can i request the traffic light trio (seperate) with a bird demon s/o? As in like. Reader is a humanoid bird person kind of and mildly based off of magpie/ravens, including their behaviour
Meaning that the reader would bring the traffic light trio trinkets they find as a sign of respect and affection, or them being curious and mimicking what the others do in an attempt to bond with them better, etc etc you get the idea.
Im iust rily obsessed w birds rn ahagahdyn you can freestyle this as much as u want!! go wild w bird things i like birds a lot . crows ravens and magpies my beloved flying creechurs
thank u in advance !! :]
A great opportunity to call you Bird Anon. I did one where the reader has wings but not a real bird. Anyway, this is a cute idea! But before i got into rambling let's get to the HCS!
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A bird demon! Oh you both would be having a lot of fun! I see him as one who love to be in the sky as we can see most of the time he transforms into a bird or eagle, couldn't really know what the bird he changed to.
Both of you would fly on the sky while he's in his bird form. Chasing each other in a playful manner. Usually he's the one who always got tired first. Not only he's still not used to being in some form for a long time but because he's not a forever bird like you.
Those small gifts you have him? Yeah he kept it, in a special box he has only for the things you gave him.
He adored how whenever he did something he sometimes mimicked him and followed what he did.
He is sometimes not fond of your curiosity, let's just say it got the best of you and now you're hurt.
Bird demon! She dealt with demons before but knowing about a friendly one is awesome!
She loves how you sometimes copy her movement.
Watching you fly around being happy is making her happy, and adoring you from afar is something she does.. sometimes.
She definitely dresses up as a Raven/magpie once in a Halloween.
You and her would race sometimes! It would be a practice for you to test your speed, and it's helping.
Bonus point if you're able to carry her and fly up the sky with her, she definitely will streams that.
Red son
A demon s/o is definitely what he's searching for, I mean c'mon he has preference and I know for sure a demon is on the list. Why? Idk red son, powerful sh-*rambles and rambles*
You know he has anger issues right? Yeah, whenever he's mad about something or just straight up pissed off. He'll tend to avoid you, to avoid burning your feathers of course. It's too pretty to be Burnt.
He definitely asked you for a single feather to use it as a quill.
He can teleport yes, but sometimes asks you to help him get to a designated location that's far from his teleportation range.
It would be funny if you prank him, like dropping him by "Accident" or just spun around in the sky while you hugged him.
Also he found your curious and mimicking behavior funny. One time his father was reading a book you just sat next to him and read a book of your own that you have no idea what it meant.
This man studied Raven/magpie just to understand you.
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aquadestinyswriting · 4 months
Take My Hand
Summary: Edwin writes his feelings for Selene into his diary as he struggles to come to terms with them.
Words: 637
Tags: @druidx, @sparrow-orion-writes , @homesteadchronicles, @warriorbookworm, @mariahwritesstuff, @ashirisu , @thesorcerersapprentice , @blind-the-winds , @philosophika , @the-down-upside-finch @flashfictionfridayofficial
Warnings: Sappy romantice feelings and angst? Also some pre-emptive grief stuff.
Notes: Written for the Flash Fiction Friday prompt 'Take My Hand' and set around a week before the events of To Heal A Broken Soul.
If you’d only place your hand in mine, I’d be able to show you how much you mean to me. But I can only watch as you push yourself ever further out to sea and leave me standing on the shore.
I can see how much you hurt. Can see the pain being inflicted on you by those with ill intent. And yet I cannot say a word about it. Not if I want to help you save the city you’ve been bleeding yourself dry for.
I want to scream and shout and whisk you away from the vipers with their fangs at your throat. But you’d never come with me. As much as my heart cries out for me to try, I have to respect the choices you’ve made.
Garden above, it’s killing me to know that you’d rather lose yourself to duty than to step back and let anyone else in. I can see how much it’s killing you too, but you’re too stubborn to acknowledge that. It’s becoming almost too frustrating to bear.
It would be enough to make me give up; were it not for the way my heart soars with every smile. The way my soul sings when you l hear you laugh. I know you do not feel the same for me, but I cannot help but continue to fall for you every time we speak. I love you, and I think I always have.
So as much as it hurts, I will sit here on the shore, waiting to jump in when the current inevitably becomes too strong for you to cope. I can only hope that you’ll take my hand when I am finally able to offer it, for I do not know what I shall do if you refuse. 
Edwin heaved a sigh, letting his quill drop to the desk as he placed his head in his hands. His chest ached as he swallowed down a sob. As much as he would continue praying otherwise, he knew what Selene’s choice would be, and it was almost enough to break him utterly. He pulled out his holy symbol and ran his thumbs over the carved, wooden surface. He bowed his head to it and closed his eyes, tears streaming into his beard. He muttered a short prayer, before speaking more candidly,
“Please, watch over her. I know she is no devotee, but I cannot bear the thought of- of-” 
Pre-emptive grief gripped his throat, choking off his words. Edwin felt the gentle caress of Galana on his shoulders, the touch of a mother consoling Her lost child. No words accompanied the gesture, but Edwin felt his shoulders relax as he finally allowed the dam to break. 
He did not know how long it was before he was able to compose himself. When he finally stopped sobbing, he looked out of the window. The soft lights of the lamps outside the garden met his gaze, their orange glow half-blocked by the trees and hedgerows lining the garden’s edge. Edwin rubbed his face and sat upright, closing the diary on the desk in front of him and placing the quill next to the inkpot. He stood and dusted himself down. Time to try convincing the woman he loved to accept his help yet again. Not that he had high hopes right now, but he had to make the attempt anyway. Edwin blew out the candle he’d been writing by, swept out of his office and cast his Windwalk spell to catch Selene as she left the Wizard’s Tower.
Chrackle blinked slowly as he watched the Abouna leave his church from his perch on the tree just outside the window of Edwin’s office. The magpie ruffled his feathers and took off after the human man. Maybe this time his mistress would listen.
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warrior-names · 6 months
Prefixes/Suffixes for SkyClan Cats
Words from things that can't be found in North America or Europe aren't included; this list is made based on SkyClan territory, culture, & prey.
75+ prefixes and 40+ suffixes under the cut!
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mahvaladara · 2 months
OC Deep Dive
I was tagged by @dandylion240 twice so I guess this warrants to deep Dives. Deep dive one shall be with Khal.
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What uncommon/common fear do they have?
Khal is claustrophobic, which is pretty common. He was buried alive for a couple decades/centuries, so he doesn't do tight spaces well and would rather stay out in the open. Curiously he likes small homes.
An uncommon fear he has is of flies. He hates flies. If it so much lands on him he will freak out.
Do they have any pet peeves?
"You're a one-man-army, so you're the perfect person to deal with this". He may be sturdy, powerful, and capable, but he still feels pain, so he hates when people look at him for his 'use'.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
A journal, a teapot and a bowl of fruit.
What do they notice first in a person?
Their voice and their eyes. Their expression especially. Khal is very careful with reading microexpression and often distrusts people at first sight. However, due to his nature to aid and guide those in need, he will often help even those he distrusts, if nothing else in the personal need to either be proved right or wrong on his assumption.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Not going to quantify it because it's not that he has a high pain tolerance but that he will power through the pain. Khal actually has an avarage pain tolerance.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Fight mode. He will put up a fight.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Khal comes from a 'big family', his entire clan were considered siblings and the whole community had the duty to raise the younglings. He is a family man though and Khal would adopt any stray and any orphan he believed needed his help.
What animal represents them best?
There's three animals I believe would describe him best. The independence and curiosity of a cat, the inteligence and sapience of an owl, with the compassion of an elephant.
What is a smell that they dislike?
Citrines. He actually dislikes the scent of citrines.
Have they broken any bones?
Hahahahah. Yes.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
He's a bit intimidating at first sight. He is tall when compared to humans, though short when compared to Drahnvary. He's around the height of the Fae. But he still has that intimidating scary look only the Drahn can give.
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
Night owl. He enjoys the night.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
Kinda hard, he's not picky. He is not a fan of kiwis or papayas. Adores chocolate.
Do they have any hobbies?
Journaling, exploration and history, and he enjoys seamstry.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
He doesn't remember his naming day so he'd be a little emotional that his friends decided to make him a naming day party.
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Yes. He wears circles, rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, jewelry on his hair and his horns. Little shiny trinkets in his clothes and gear. He's very much a magpie. He likes it shiny and flowy.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Actually very neat, very flowery. He is used to writting with a quill or feather and does not like 'pens' and new writting devices. Loves the writting machine though.
What are two emotions they feel the most?
Curious and confident.
Do they have a favorite fabric?
Cotton, velveteen and leather.
What kind of accent do they have?
He has an odd accent. Not from the south. Seems like a mixture between northerner and islander. He doesn't have the same accent has the Drahn have, so he either picked his accent somewhere else or he is much older than originally believed.
I tag @izayoiri, @dandylion240
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chandleralexsmith · 10 months
my father has never been the best with words, except for the ones that make me laugh.  sometimes off putting and ill timed, he weaves a joke into every conversation. ironically, he is the only one that ever finds his humor amusing, and that’s the part causes me to grin.  because words are difficult, my father displays affection in unconventional ways: a feather from a dead bird with an ink well shoved in its calamus, a pair of imitation designer glasses left behind by a fellow trucker, a poorly laminated four leaf clover. like a magpie collecting trinkets that glint and shine, he gives me these gifts, these gifts that are all mine. he wraps each present with his heart, ties a bow of sincerity, and presents them with pride.  “I love you too, dad.” he quickly leaves before the words settle in his gut. my father only calls me beautiful when i’m wearing my easter dress each year- powdery hues draped with hot rolled hair. i carry that compliment close to my chest until spring next year.  I scarcely let my father know how much he truly means to me, but the grey that’s overcame his hair induces a knotting in my stomach that only his hugs can loosen.  a shared silence, a poorly sang rendition of the Eagles, an annual flattery, a handmade quill pen, I love you. 
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sarcasticdolphin · 1 year
“Quill” Smrt and Rudolf (Smrtolf? except there is little Rudolf at the beginning).
For the lovely @adridoesstuff
Cut is not strictly necessary. (Well depiction of Mayerling. So maybe it is needed). Note: the feather in question is black, but has an iridescence to it the way crow feathers or magpie feathers do.
Momma wouldn’t mind. That’s what Rudolf had told himself when he took the flower - a white lily - from her quarters. She was away, and there were always so many flowers there. She wouldn’t ever see any of the flowers there - they would be replaced tomorrow, and she had only just left for Hungary with Papa.
He’d chosen the lily because it looked like a star - like a larger version of the pretty stars that Momma wore in her hair. 
There is a little edge to the wind that night, and the chill rouses Rudolf. He’s worried for the flower.
He should scream for the guards when the man sits down on his bed, but there’s something about him. Something Rudolf can’t put words to. He’s different. And sad. The man looks sad.
And so Rudolf takes his flower and offers it to the man. It won’t last much longer, not without water. And even that would only delay the inevitable. So someone else should get to enjoy it too.
The stem is green, the blossom white when he hands it to the surprised man. Moments later there is naught but a shriveled gray stem and dust falling to the bedspread.
Rudolf starts backward. That’s not how flowers are supposed to work. And it was pretty, so pretty. Tears prick at the edges of his eyes. Why did the flower die? It shouldn’t have, not yet.
The man looks more startled than sad, and reaches out, as if to comfort Rudolf. Like it would somehow make up for the flower he just killed. And his hand stops short of his head, of touching his hair. Rudolf always has liked when the maids style his hair - their fingers are so gentle. He just wants to purr like a cat. But it is unprincely. So he can’t.
The fingers reach out again, holding a dark feather - not quite black, but with shimmers of blue and green and even purple moving through it. Rudolf takes it gingerly, half worried that the feather will die in his fingers just as the flower did in the man’s.
But it doesn’t, and Rudolf looks closer, the ripples of color entrancing him. The surface of the feather is cool to the touch. The man is gone when he looks up.
He’s fifteen when he breaks the feather. It had remained so beautiful all the years, untouched by time. 
Part of him had wanted to make it into a quill - a quill fit for a prince. But he was too afraid to touch it with the knife, to trim it. 
And so he looked, becoming more and more lost in the colors that shone from within.
Until today. He’d been out of quills - all broken as he tried to write. He was angry, so angry with the emperor. He wasn’t a child anymore, but still, his father thought him one. 
And once eight broken quills lay on the desk, it dawned on him. That he must finish the missive tonight. His tutor wanted it in the morning. That it was far too late to get more quills without having unpleasant conversations, even for the Crown Prince.
And so with trembling fingers, Rudolf takes up the knife, and begins to trim his precious quill. He doesn’t take much. He doesn’t take enough. He can barely write with it, going as gingerly as he can. It will be a long slow task, but he mustn’t be rough with it, with this most precious of gifts.
But he loses concentration sometime after two in the morning, his vision swimming as he leans forward. The almost inaudible snap might as well have been a cannon shot. 
Two beautiful pieces lie in his hands as the tears come to his eyes. Someone is singing, he thinks. Odd. But his tears take over. It’s been so long since he shed any. And of all things, over a quill. What would his tutors say?
The broken pieces are gone when he wakes. In their place is the oddest of creations - a quill, but finished with the finest of silver. Unbreakable. And even more beautiful, the feather that sits atop it longer and fuller than the one he’d broken.
A gift, he thinks. From his friend. His guardian angel.
He spills ink on the tear-stained missive. Better for his tutors to think him clumsy than learn of his tears. 
He’s seventeen the first time he sees one of the feathers in his mother’s hands, fashioned into a quill. She holds it so casually. It feels wrong. How can she be so careless with a gift so precious?
He’s thirty when the walls are closing in around him, when he’s gathered his work - though perhaps his friend deserves just as much credit. His thoughts are so much more clear when he’s not alone. The papers are already softening in his hands - his warms hands, the stress having eaten away at him.
The quill, his quill, is still cold. It must be the silver. 
The sight he finds is wrong on so many levels he can’t even speak, the papers slipping from his hands. His mother is writing with a quill - one of his friend’s quills. An ordinary one. She reads over the message once, then again.
And then she snaps the feather in two without a care, discarding the two halves as if they were nothing more than refuse. As much as her cold words are expected, the viciousness of her hands, the cruelty they held, is what breaks him. Or perhaps it wasn’t simple cruelty. She held that quill like it was a spoil of war - destroyed to mock its owner. 
The ornate box that contains his quill doesn’t leave his hands during the entire ride to Mayerling. He’s not running away, but the more he repeats it the less he believes it. 
Rudolf’s hands tremble worse than they have in years. So badly he cuts himself on the sharp quill, crimson blood mixing with dark ink. And so he puts the quill down, just for a moment. To collect himself.
And then he’s in his friend’s arms, yielding to his touch. It’s gentle. But Rudolf is little more than a ragdoll in his arms until he’s drawn close, so close. And with the softest brush of lips, it’s all over.
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thelemoncoffee · 2 years
here they are, the rolling nerds saiouma blog concepts i said i made yesterday
Kokichi User: cunningCapper Bio: "|| Capper's the name, making you irate is my game || He/It/Freak || Moriarty Kinnie, Professional Bear-poker and Wasp-nest Batter, IRL Clown || Sorry I'm a Gemini, I just can't help it || I can speak French between your legs || Plagues on Humanity DNI || Ask my age again and I'll make you the reason Area 51 exists ||"
Inbox names: Askbox - Asky Waskies UwU Submissions - *has this shut off*
His pinned: *his most infamous post* *idk what that would look like* *probably something cursed as fuck*
Blog Theme: -Eyestrain hell -Lots of red (cause i hc that's his favorite color) -He spent money to get one of those PC blog themes that are nearly impossible to navigate -His icon is probably some sorts of eyestrain jester/clown he drew -Banner is a super cursed image he dug up from the depths of hell
Ko's Custom Tags: Reblogs - #Refuck you in the ASS Queue - #Queue Continuum Debate - #Bear Caves and Wasp Nests Not real opinion - #Buddy-buddy with Satan Memes- #Clown to Clown commemeication His Pets - #Munkustrap and The Tapeworms Mutuals - #HORRIBLE BEASTS(affectionate) IRL Friends - #Insane Clown Pussies Boyfriend - #BoyToy Tales Life updates - #The 'I am actually a real person' Tag Asks - #A death threat probably Anons - #The Council of Shades Fanbases - #OwO a fandom wandom? Fave Characters - #Skrungly Gulp Plinko my Blorbo
Kind of posts: -The awful kind -He likes playing devil's advocate so much he has a tag to notify people he doesn't actually believe what he's arguing -The kind of tumblr user that fires the rent lowering shots -Actually a very good debate account despite the insane chaos in his debate unrelated posts -doesn't show his face- not for privacy reasons, but because he likes being seen as less of a human and more of an SCP
Shuichi User: pinetree-feathers Bio: "magpie told me i give off christmas season vibes"
Inbox names: Askbox - mail Submissions - share-a-thing
His pinned: [hello!] ~~~~ >call me pine >*age* >he/him but i'll accept any >half-hispanic japanese >snakes <3 >ppl tell im mean/sassy, i don't know why >this post is tagged with all my custom tags for easy access >*his DNI, whatever that may look like* ~~~~ [don't mind me i'm just a debate kid looking for someone to have discussions with. feel free to start debates with me on posts, but i will stop responding if things don't remain civil, and will block you if you harass me or others on any of my posts] ~~~~
Blog Theme: -Muted colors -Favorite shade of yellow -Either doesn't use a costume PC theme or has a really nice one -Icon rotates between various pieces of fanart he found of his favorite characters. -Banner is a cozy aesthetic picture
Shu's Custom Tags: Reblog - #interacting Debate - #debate corner Memes - #senseble chuckes Pets - #freeloaders Friends and Mutuals - #mi amigos Boyfriend - #mi amor magpie Life Updates - #life story Asks - #pine's mailbox Art - #quill and ink Selfies - #pine photos Aesthetic posts - #scrapbook various Interests - #my media catalog
Kind of posts: -Chill and pleasant kind -He likes to debate but also hates drama, so he only debates on stuff that isn't going to make him have to temporally turn asks off, this results in him sometimes getting into weird and niche debates -Unlike Kokichi he doesn't try to rile people up, so his blog is really peaceful and has a ton of debate unrelated stuff on it that is fun to dig through -He's posts selfies cause he feels much more confident online than he does irl. also he enjoys trying to maintain an aesthetic
it's also worth noting that while they both have tags to talk about each other as lovers and are openly mutuals who frequently debate together, neither have told anyone that they are boyfriends. so no one knows Capper's boyfriend he calls "The Boytoy" that he insisted is an emo deity is actually Pine, and no one knows Pine's beloved "Magpie" who he speaks so highly of is the shitshow king Capper
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slimy-vore-bog · 2 years
So I know the flavors of some of the Hexside squad (Luz, Amity, Willow, Gus, Hunter) have been mentioned but not all. Any headcanons of what they would taste like? I'm not sure about Luz but I think Amity would taste like sweet but sour grape flavored candies, maybe Willow would taste like strawberries or green apple, and I feel like spearmint or peppermint would suit Gus. Plus I was the anon who mentioned Hunter tasting like slightly burnt marshmallows so lol - 🪶
I should not be up right now... I fell asleep around 12 am and it's not even 5 am at the time of writing (4:53 as I'm writing)
But I woke up with bad acid reflux and it's kinda hard to sleep when you're constantly throwing up in your mouth lol
Anyway, TMI of the day over-
Oh it is my fellow great mind! Or fool... We could be both in our own way xD Keep in mind I'm not medicated as I write this; I will be a mess.
Well onto the actual question!
Luz: sweet, intolerably sweet even. Cake fondant type sweet (It's marshmallows, but even more sugar)
Amity: definitely has a sour taste to her, but still majorly sweet. (I prefer to make it lemon, because of the canon line, but sour grape fits better with... everything lol)
Willow: I actually got a request recently, and they mentioned her tasting of honey, which I'm just... Woah, adding green apple to it would make it perfect! Honey with hint of apple is my opinion for now. (also you can make a pun out of honey in Danish, which is basically... "Honey is sweet, but it kinda has a beetaste" because the word for aftertaste is bismag, which means something more like bitaste ((multiple tastes)) but is spelled like the word bee... And Willow has a bee palisman)
Gus: I have no idea, but my first thought was mystery gum for some reason?? Why was that my first idea??? I don't know why I connected it like this, but in my brain I went "Okay, so illusions, right? It would be hard to tell what's 'real' so maybe a guessing game flavor?"
I think that was all? Since uh *is unable to focus* Hunter was already mentioned.
Yep, mentioned what I wanted!! Thanks for the ask! Also feather :D I love feathers!!! I have a lot of them, collect them, even.
Feather jar:
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Feat. my white DS lite, Greenlandic book for children to learn and my giant stuffed animal lol
That was not related xD And the feather is probably meant to be a quill...?
Just wanted to show off my feather collection. The biggest ones are pheasant tail feathers. And the next biggest ones are young seagull feathers (I think). The one with the clean-looking black and white are magpie feathers.
But again, happy to answer an ask! So thanks! c:
(finished writing at 5:37)
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slashmagpie · 9 months
Scar has had a day.
A fun day, certainly! He would never say that he didn’t have fun. That would be a lie, and Scar is not a liar. (A schemer, a swindler, yes, but a liar? Why, he’d never!) But several hours of running Decked Out, one near-death-experience after another, has him shaking all over. He’s sweating in places he didn’t even know he could sweat, and his heart is pounding even faster against his ribcage than the dungeon’s at max clank. 
But he had fun, and he’s achieved his goal of two new cards and a victory tome, so he’s about ready to head home to Scarland for some nice relaxing time—
There is something in the hallway with him.
The hair on the back of Scar’s neck prickles, and he can feel the ravager’s breath against his skin, a sudden rush of hot air in the otherwise frozen crypts. He feels his body freeze, lungs ceasing to function without permission, and he needs to run, needs to flee, he’s going to lose—
“You got lucky at the end there. When you were leaving? There was a ravager coming at you across the thing—”
“Oh gosh!” Scar stumbles backwards, heart in his throat, looking up at Tango as he approaches Scar and his shulker deck across the hall. His words spill out of him so fast he stumbles over the sounds, and Tango stops, staring, as Scar nearly keels over backwards from fright. “Jeez, Tango, oh my gosh, I thought you were a ravager, I’m a little still paranoid, it’s been a—a captivating day—”
Scar’s back hits the blackstone rim of the door behind him, and the sudden terror he’d felt at Tango’s presence suddenly vanishes, leaving him sagging against the wall. Tango blinks owlishly, looking around the dungeon like he’s missed something. 
“H-Hi? Do I…?” Tango looks down at himself, like he’s expecting to see something different, like he might suddenly be a beast with shaggy grey fur and deadly horns, and not a Tango in his frosty blue robes. A laugh wheezes its way out of Scar as the relief turns into an odd sort of dizziness. He feels a little sick. “Wow. Scar? You okay…?”
Scar pulls himself out of the corner, towards his friend, because Tango is his friend, and he’s just—he’s just Tango. Not a ravager, or any other kind of danger, just Tango, who’s spent the last thirteen months making this amazing game for all of the hermits, and who Scar is not scared of.
“Y-Y-You get heightened tension, right, when you play? It’s crazy, like—”
“You are on edge,” Tango tells him with a laugh, and Scar laughs along.
“I was on edge!” he agrees, opening his shulker once again so that he can avoid Tango’s gaze. There’s something about his eyes that are just—Scar doesn’t know. He’s not afraid of Tango. Why would he be afraid of Tango?
“Rarr,” Tango jokes, the worst ravager impression in the world, bearing his teeth and raising his hands like claws, and Scar does not jump. “And stuff.”
…Everything is fine, and normal, and Scar just needs—needs to go back to Scarland. And relax. Because his heart is beating too fast, and he’s played a lot of Decked Out, and he’s had a lot of fun, but he’s jumping at shadows, and at Tangos, and that—that simply won’t do.
(And he does not entertain the notion, not even a slightest bit, that maybe it’s not just him—that maybe there is something going on with Tango—because, really, it’s just Tango. Come on.) 
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ekleipsi · 2 years
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--- Headcanon time!! Talking about Naoto’s canon verse and thus his time with the Gonchiye and how he met Ignis. They started off really, really shitty- absolutely enemies to reluctant partners to unrequited pining to eventual gayness after a 5 or 6 year period together that started off with brutal sparring and disdainful barbs. That said! Ignis means the world to Nao for several reasons, not the least of which is the fact that Ignis is compassionate and managed to erase 18 years of the Gonchiye’s mental conditioning in him. Believing he was only a weapon to be used, Ignis made him feel human and feel like he was a person that deserved good things in his life. 
--- Around when he was 26, 8 years after they met, Ig jokingly brought him a pretty gold ring cause Nao loves shiny things like the magpie he is. Of course, Nao teased him about it and was all “If you’re gonna bring me a ring, you better get down on one knee.” And really just threw Ig off guard and really fucked him up, lmao and then he had no choice but to do it cause Nao called him out on it...AND THAT’S HOW THEY GOT MARRIED. It wasn’t formal or official, but. It’s when Nao considered them married. 
--- He adores that Ignis is considerate to the fact that he’s not a very sexual person- borderline grey/ace with a really low sex drive, his moods and thoughts are very fickle and Ignis never pressures him despite being horny all the time like the dog he is. Treats him very sweetly and doesn’t make him feel guilty or bad about any of it. 
--- Nao does like to troll Ig though, because he’s an old man so he tries to turn their house into a smart house but Ig yeeted his Alexa- so Nao just tinkers around and builds little bots and stuff that creep around the house to scare Ig. His pride and joy is still a tentacle vibrator that he attached a knife to the end of- it was so pure and hilarious to him, he sent a video to Ig while he was at work and just lost it. 
--- Ig custom embroidered a rifle case for him- he’d have it still if they didn’t lose it in Brazil. For his birthday, Ig buys him bullets and takes him out to the range, they still keep in shape together. He makes Ig quills with his feathers and even watched a tutorial on how to make parchment and ink for him on his birthday; Ignis didn’t remember his birthday and told Nao to pick one for him, so of course Nao picked his own so now they just. Share a birthday. 
--- Nao neve referred to Ignis as his husband out loud until after they moved to Spain- he didn’t think it was real and that they’d stay together, until Ignis got the Order of the Lotus tattoo he had (from his mission with Shinjou, his past love) removed. He also contracted his soul to Ignis for eternity in exchange for immortality so he could stay with Ignis forever. He also likes kill stealing from him while they’re out on missions- just pew pew before big man even gets close. It’s like a game. 
--- When Ig holds his arm out while Nao is in the air, he’ll land on it like when guys do the falconing thing. He’s very light and Ig is very strong; Ignis is also the only person he’s ever let preen his wings with him because he trusts and adores him. He perches on Ignis’ shoulders a lot because its a convenient and comfortable spot and its his favorite place to sit when Ig is cooking dinner and he’s curious. Sometimes they’ll read to each other, and sometimes they’ll bring food to each other at work; he loves making drinks for Ig. 
--- Basically just he’s really in love with this man. He’s never been the open, domestic type, but Ig makes him want to try. 
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wysterea · 2 years
Heyo, does Aurora or Magpie have any symbolism and/or iconography related to them? Thank you -SS
I do, yes!!
For Aurora: Red & Gold colour (also these dragons), fire, old books, libraries, sunflowers, red peonies, soft light, candles, quills & inkpots, rabbits. I also have a pinterest for her and a character meme that I hope help!
For Magpie: Green & Black colour, keys, grimoires, black smoke, snowdrops, feathers, cages, frost, poison, malachite, and chimeras (her appearance is based off of a chimera). I also have a pinterest board for her, too!
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I went and did it again! Sorry folks. WIP late day 6, part two of the one I posted two days ago.
Debt (Part 2)
Magpie had already memorized the Lion Queen’s ‘stalking grounds’, a small section of Hawthorn, far away from the conflict-heavy grounds of the Garden Pests and the Ringleaders, but not too far from LAX.
“Probably pick-pocketing the new arrivals and/or getting them hooked on Syrup,” Lily muttered when the techie announced his findings.
“From an objective business standpoint,” Magpie answered, “It’s a sound strategy.”
Harpy rolled his eyes at both of them. “Never mind their business acumen. We need to know what sorts of powers they’ve got.”
Lily huffed at the cloud-haired man. Pouring over dull police reports and sensationalized news articles wasn’t her idea of ‘research’. Cat’s Paw had always teased that she didn’t understand Bureaucrat-ese.
Many more minutes passed, as the wall clock ticked and Swallowtail mindlessly tossed an arrow up and down with its rhythm. Magpie would occasionally call up a crosshairs, preserving a tidbit of information before inevitably flicking it away. Harpy started puffing a thin mist from his nostrils, absentmindedly molding it into various shapes before inhaling it again. Even Lily ended up with a long dead acorn dancing between her fingers as she read report after report about drug dealers and muggers.
In contrast to their restless crew members, Albatross and Midnight Raven both were completely engrossed in the research, only pausing to take notes in pencil on a pad or in the air with a quill, respectively. Lily found herself thinking of the pair as she tried to push past the haze of paranoia the Syrup had given her, struggling to recall their past fights and negotiations.
Raven had always been businesslike and cold in both theaters, fighting for advantage and nothing else. He didn’t hesitate to take an injury if it meant gaining the upper hand, or sacrificing a small holding for a grander prize. Unless it concerned an innocent. She’d seen the Shadowpinner sacrifice a crew member to tip the scales, but never a bystander. There were rumors that he’d stabbed a high lieutenant of the Sawsharks in the chest with a feather for bowling over a construction worker during a scuffle, breaking the civilian’s nose. The man had supposedly turned himself in the day he was able to breathe without a respirator.
Albatross, in almost every way, seemed Raven’s exact opposite, and not just in their color choices. Lily remembered him as talkative in combat, dancing about like the wind despite his size. Red Herring often said that he was the only one that could match them in being ‘hard to catch’ and ‘loud as hell’ both. He’d tried to strike up a conversation with her when the rest of the Murder had left to print the police reports, and though Lily had pushed him away, he still sat next to her by the table. For some reason, behind the paranoia, she knew why he was trying to comfort her. But the Syrup clouded her mind, slowing her thoughts like an ant in tree sap.
Suddenly, Swallowtail leaped up, her hair fanning as arrows manifested in excitement. “JACKPOT!”
She hurried over, quickly tearing the staples holding a packet of paper together. “These are newspaper print outs from around when the Lion Queens first became active. See here, in the classified ads? This one—” an arrow jabbed at small advertisement “—is for ‘Leo Regina Spa‘, and Leo Regina means Lion Queen in Latin! Plus, the address is in the middle of their territory, so it must be their headquarters. It even lists their services as ‘hot stone steaming, deep muscle massages, and herbal treatments’!”
Despite Lily drawing a thorough blank, the rest of the Murder was nodding along as if the ad meant something to them. Swallowtail must’ve caught sight of her face, and she scrambled to explain.
“Oh, right! You don’t know the classifieds code! It’s a gray/black hat thing, but the gangs have adopted parts too. Basically, any crew can take out a classified and put in certain words to send messages to other crews or gangs. In this case, ‘hot stone steaming’ means loansharking, ‘deep muscle massages’ means thugs for hire, and ‘herbal treatments’ mean drugs!”
Evelyn thought she might have overdone it when she saw Lily’s horrified expression. The heroine’s mouth hung open, and one hand twitched towards a nonexistent pocket where, she knew from experience, poison oak seeds usually sat. She’d only seen that look on Lily’s face a few times before, all of them when a villain gang had stepped over the line. Every time, the heroine responded violently.
Without warning, Lily lunged over the table, sending papers flying. Evelyn hit the ground immediately, her chair clattering back, and Lily slid across the piles of print-outs and copies of newspapers. She only made it halfway across when Zachary’s arms caught her in a chokehold.
He dragged her off the tabletop, enduring her kicks and shouts with a grimace. “Let me go, *Shadowpinner*! Let me go! LET ME GO!”
”William!” Raven shouted, dodging her flailing arms, “Help!”
The taller man jumped to his feet, wasting no time grabbing her legs. Victor joined in as well, trying to grasp her arms while avoiding Lily’s injuries. Eventually, she stopped fighting.
“Well then? You’ve got me, *birds*,” Lily huffed, “what’re you gonna do?”
Victor sighed as he spun a cloud to hold her wrists together. “Miss Of the Valley, what do you think we’re gonna do? Sure ain’t gonna leave you in an alley. I spent too much time on those bandages.”
William looked at Lily worriedly. “This must be the Syrup. You wouldn’t normally do this, Lily.”
“Logan?” Zachary asked, trying to ignore Lily’s elbows, “Do you mind keeping a crosshair on her while we go deal with the Lion Queens?”
The techie nodded. Evelyn wouldn’t be surprised if he’d not noticed any of the scuffle, he was so calm. “Sure. Can’t be in my room, though. Too much, uh, y’know. Everything.”
“Where do we put her, then?” William asked, paying no heed to Lily’s squawk at being ignored. “We’ve gotta wait for the Syrup to wear off proper. The garage? The attic?”
Zachary shook his head. “No. Logan, could you get out a map and find 6493 Stanford Avenue? I’m guessing you have no objection to that location, Lily.”
The heroine vehemently shook her head. “Of course not!”
He nodded. “Good. Evelyn, get the station wagon ready. I have to thank you, Lily. Otherwise, I’d never had thought of paying a visit to my old roommate.”
The Murder rolled up to the plain brick building at 6493 Stanford Avenue, sandwiched between an auto repair shop and a truck lot. Lily sat sullenly in the back seat, one of Logan’s crosshairs staring her down, as Zachary walked to the door, pulling up his mask as he went.
A rumpled and bleary-eyed Jamie Jett answered the door, with a far more put-together Oliver O’Connor at her back. “Wha— *Raven*? The hell you doing here at—“ she checked the clock on the wall “—six twenty-nine on a Saturday?!”
Oliver chuckled, not even bothering to hide his face with his mask. “Jamie, anyone else would be awake at this hour. No-one but you goes to bed and five and wakes up at three.”
She grumbled, half heartedly swatting at him with a hand. “Never mind my sleep schedule. I’ll ask you again. What the *hell* are you doin— is that *Lily*?!?”
Zachary sighed. “Yes, that’s Lily London. Yes, she’s in our station wagon. No, we did not kidnap her. No, we don’t want a ransom. She came to us yesterday—“
He didn’t have a chance to finish speaking, as Jamie bolted out the door and started wrenching at the car’s handle. “Let me in, Albatross! Let me in you *birds*!”
Now it was Oliver’s turn to sigh. “She still thinks that’s an insult. I take it that this is serious business?” He gestured at Zachary’s mask.
“Yes, but it will be much easier to explain with everyone together and Ken here to calm down Crescent.”
Both glanced back at Jamie, who was now shouting at Evelyn through the window. The latter was desperately trying to ignore the former, while William struggled to contain his laughter.
Both men sighed in unison. “You’re right. Come on in; we’ve gotta get this all in Jamie’s head before she goes to sleep again.”
Ken was rather surprised to see the Murder in the Wild and Free’s planning room without their masks on, but it was a pleasant surprise. He hadn’t seen Zachary in months.
Lily recounted her story, and besides her trying to play down her lunge at Swallowtail (and Raven’s subsequent dry response), she told everything straight. Jumped by the Lion Queens, let in by Albatross, bandaged by Harpy, and now to be watched over by Magpie as the Murder got even with the gang. But the villains wouldn’t be alone.
“Are we agreed, then?” Zach asked. He looked odd without the beaked mask hiding his mouth and wide black wings framing his face. All of the Murder looked odd without their faces half-hidden, going by first names instead of titles or aliases.
Ken looked to his own crew. Jamie had long stopped sputtering, and was now hugging Lily very protectively, while suspiciously eying Logan’s crosshair. Robin was hugging Lily too, their eyes changing color with every blink. Oliver stood off to one side, and he nodded when Ken met his eyes, ears and tail at rest for once. Ken turned back to his old friend.
“Yes. But we’re still short a few supers, since Lily and Magpie— sorry, Logan, are staying behind. You got any ideas?”
Zach looked puzzled at the question, tapping a finger against his leg. Suddenly, Evie bounced from her spot against the wall, arrows spinning into existence with excitement. “I’ve got an idea! Logan, how many gangs oppose the Queen Lions openly?”
The techie spun up crosshairs in rapid succession, fingers flying faster than they ever did across his keyboards. “A whole lot, but most of that’s on the principle of them being new and the older ones being established. But if you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking, the Dog Whistles are our best bet.”
As if on queue, all Logan, Evie, and Victor all whistled. Victor even puffed a little mist out as he did so. Zach shook his head with a smile at their antics. “Dog Whistles, eh? You got any debt with them, Ken?”
Ken thought for a moment before responding. “Don’t think so. They’re a bit too criminal for associating with them to be a good business move. But I’m guessing you do?”
A nod. “Quite a bit, actually. One of their co-founders, Bottlenose Timothy Torres, owes Will a car repair, Logan a broken arm, and me… several things. Including backup. More importantly, he hates the Queen Lions with a vengeance. Apparently they got a Syrup hand-off with the Golden Hornets busted by the police. Three capable thugs and one lieutenant gone for twenty years minimum, and a relative paralyzed in the firefight. So he’ll be more than willing to raid the Queens.”
Ken nodded, but some of the Wild and Free weren’t as willing to work with an actual gang.
“The Dog Whistles?” Robin asked, incredulous. “They’re drug dealers! Hitmen! Con artists!”
Jamie nodded in agreement. “They ain’t vigilantes, or gray-hats like you birds. They’re just criminals.”
But as Ken opened his mouth to try and convince them to cooperate, Lily spoke up. “I don’t mind.”
Robin looked at her with surprise. “What do you mean, you don’t mind?”
Lily looked at them, holding their gaze strong. “I don’t mind working with criminals. This is all on my behalf; Zachary said as much. The Lion Queens broke the golden rule, and since I’m not able, you guys are going in my place. But they still broke the rule against me, so I have final say. And I say that I don’t mind working with criminals, if it means getting even.”
Jamie sputtered. “Wha— no, that can’t be how that works, no! Ken, this can’t be how this works!”
Ken sighed. “No, Lily’s right. There’s plenty of precedent for the unable wronged party dictating the actions of those that go in their place. You’re sure you want us to work with the Dog Whistles?”
Lily nodded. “Yes. Anything to get even.”
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aquadestinyswriting · 3 months
Last Line and WIP Wed... Friday
Got tagged for the Last Line game by @blind-the-winds and WIP Wednesday by @sparrow-orion-writes. Figured I'd combine them ages later since I've been taking a short break from writing most of this week. Have what I managed to get done before work this morning, which is a snippet of a new one shot for The Wizard's Tale.
Tagging: @druidx, @warriorbookworm, @mariahwritesstuff, @ashirisu, @philosophika, @the-down-upside-finch
Chrackle’s head snapped up, his eyes pinning as he scanned the large room that was his mistress’ office. He shook out his feathers as he noticed the pause in the scratching of Selene’s quill, ~What’s the matter Chrackle?~ the wizard’s voice asked in his head, her mental voice wary. The magpie croaked softly as he fluttered over to one of the many bookcases lining the wall opposite the large window, ~Not sure. Felt a ripple.~ he paused as he cocked his head to one side, trying to sense where the ripple in the weave had come from. There it was again, but it had moved. He swivelled his head towards the bookcase nearest the door, gently pulling some magic from Selene as he cast Detect Magic to see if that made finding the disturbance easier.  Selene gently put her quill down and pushed her glasses up her nose, eyes narrowing behind them. Whatever this ripple was, it was too small to be anything too threatening. That, however, didn’t discount the use of some sort of cantrip designed to distract her attention away from something more malevolent.
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