#malleus draconia fluff
oepionie · 1 year
Synopsis: A week after the spell incident, Lilia tells Malleus about all the things he's done to you when he lost his memory. Horrified at his actions, Malleus locks himself away in his room to brood.
Character/s: Malleus Draconia x GN! Reader
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Crack-Fluff, Malleus is really dramatic, Intense love, Lilia drags Malleus' ass, Lilia turns into his true form, Malleus has gargoyle bedsheets lol, Flustered Malleus, Malleus kneels for u
A/N: Might have went a little bit overboard here loll, I just read a bunch of sagau zhongli fics and it inspired me eheg
WordCount: 800+ | 💌Masterlist | PART I HERE
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Malleus Draconia was in love with you. There was no doubt regarding that.
Every bit of your affection, no matter how small or big makes Malleus melt. In the aftermath of your love, he has trouble keeping his heart still as it bounces and dances around his chest. His face blossoms a bright red and a wide silly smile remains on his face for hours, leaving his cheeks burning and strained.
The dragon fae always clung onto you, standing by your side like a devoted knight - so vigilant and attentive that it would put his own retainers to shame.
Though, why is it now that you find yourself eating lunch all alone, with your dragon nowhere to be found?
Well…after the incident last week, Malleus dared not to show his face to you.
Lilia had told him about everything that had transpired that day and oh, how he hated to hear about the sorrow of his cherished treasure. It trod on, tore at, and beat at his poor heart. Even more so once he found out he was the cause of your pain. Such an unpardonable act that Malleus, overcome with grief, shut himself in his room.
No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't visit him. Every time you entered the area around his room, a push of wind magic would always carry you away; it was gentle enough to never hurt you but firm enough to never let you get past.
After days of trying, you decided to simply give Malleus his space, hoping that he wasn't taking it too seriously…
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Such a twisted, dreadful feeling which gnawed at his bones and mauled his conscience.
Malleus sits in his bedroom, glaring down at his feet. After locking himself up, the young prince refused to speak to anyone and only came out when it was time for class.
When he was in school, he avoided you like the plague; immediately teleporting away as soon as he caught sight of your figure.
It was safe to say that he wasn't taking the situation so lightly and after a week of his dramatics and Sebek's mourning, Lilia eventually had to step in.
"No!" Malleus growls, tugging his gargoyle themed blanket away from Lilia's grasp and burying his head underneath it.
Lilia sighs and yanks it away from him once more, glaring at Malleus with a stern look. "Do you plan on going about the entire month sulking like this?"
"Yes. Yes I do." Malleus huffs, a puff of fire floating into the air before dissolving into ash and smoke. He turns his back to his guardian and shuts his eyes tight. "Leave."
Silence falls over the room as the two stay still. Lilia squints his eyes, slowly rolling the sleeves to his shirt up. His hair grows, draping over his shoulders and cascading down his back. Malleus turns to glance at him, eyes ripping wide open as he recognises Lilia in his true form.
"I may be old but that doesn't mean I've grown brittle." Lilia rushes forward, tackling Malleus in a vice grip. The dragon writhes in his arms but Lilia's hold doesn't falter one bit. He carries the wriggling fae out the dorm, along a path Malleus was all too familiar with.
"Now, let's go to that darling treasure of yours."
Despite Malleus' protests, the bat fae dragged the poor withered dragon all the way to your dorm.
Once they arrived, Lilia made sure to switch back to the form that you were familiar with.
Unsure of what to do with himself, Malleus stood uncomfortably behind him as the bat fae rapidly knocked on the old rickety wooden door.
There you appeared, disheveled and drowsy with Grim hanging off your shoulder. For the first time in weeks, Malleus' eyes fell upon your figure, and his heart hammered heavily in his chest. Lilia pushed him towards you. "Go on Malleus, I believe you wished to tell them something."
You looked up at him in anticipation, a bright smile on your face. With a trembling sigh, Malleus strode forward.
"I-I'm sorry." He dropped to his knees and bowed deeply, his head striking the ground hard. His shoulders were locked and tensed in a straight line, posture stiff and rigid.
"Malleus!" You gasped, rushing forward. Despite your hasty attempts to urge him to stand, he remained anchored to the ground like stone.
The dragon fae grabbed onto your ankles, his forehead pressed against your feet. "My treasure, I a-am so sorry."
"Oh Malleus, love, you're being a bit too dramatic. It's okay." You shushed him, stooping down to take him into your arms.
Almost immediately, he melts into your embrace, curling up against your chest. His head lay against your shoulder, an arm draped over his eyes. Apologies flowing out of his mouth in an uncommon display of vulnerability.
Sighing, you cast a glance at Lilia who only shrugged as if to say 'Well, he's your problem now.'
"I'll make it up to you." He whispers, throat burning after his numerous confession of guilt. You smiled, burying your face into his hair. "I know, Tsunotarou, I know."
" Though I must say…" You trailed off, and Malleus peered up at you, his eyes wide with curiosity. "That locket you had of me was really lovely."
Malleus coughed, his cheeks turning slightly red. "I hadn't intended for you to ever see it."
"Khee hee~ Ah yes, the locket." Lilia sniggered, grinning impishly. "Prefect, did you know he had a box of true gold specifically custom made for it?"
"He was so protective of it, always growling if someone dared to touch what was his."
"Lilia, please."
"There was even an enchanted silk pillow! He would always place the box atop it. I'm quite sure both the box and the pillow were embedded with a protection spell.
"I beg of you, stop."
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Likes and Reblogs are greatly appreciated and really motivating on my end!
Taglist: @keedas , @spadecentral , @crypticbibliophile ⤷ (want to be added?)
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cloudcountry · 1 year
SUMMARY: As surprised as everyone was when Malleus announced he would be coming on this trip alone, they were even more surprised at your sudden declaration.
CHARACTER: Malleus Draconia
COMMENTS: It kinda bothered me that everyone in the A Firelit Sky event was like "Malleus!??!?!?!" like he wasn't allowed on the trip? LIKE I GET WHY but I kinda just want MC to be like "omg HORNTON!!!! :D" and be genuinely happy to see him because I think that's cute.
Silence fell over the mirror hall as Malleus stepped towards the ground, his arms crossed over his chest. It was only broken by the sound of Jamil’s sputtering and the loud “BWHA?” from everyone else.
“Lilia invited YOU?!” Jamil yelled, his voice raising in volume.
Cater opened his mouth to add to Jamil’s comment, but was interrupted by a blur of black throwing itself at Malleus. Grim yelped at the sudden movement, looking like he’d just seen a ghost.
“Hornton!” you cheered, arms wrapped around his torso tightly, “I’m so glad you’re here!”
The scary expression that had been forming on Malleus’s face immediately vanished as your warmth encircled him, his glare shifting to a soft smile faster than any of your watching classmates could comment on it.
“Hello, Child of Man.” he said, returning your embrace with even more gentleness.
“Aww.” Cater fiddled with his hair, “That’s so sweet.”
“Prefect? Are you sure you should be hugging Malleus?” Trey shook his head, smiling at the unexpected turn of events.
“Yes. I’m sure.” you pouted, tightening your arms around him, “You guys need to be nicer to Malleus!”
“I don’t have a problem with their affectionate gestures.” Malleus said, lifting one of his hands up to pat your head.
“I’m so happy you’re coming Malleus! So Lilia invited you?” you beamed, attention entirely taken by the student in front of you.
“I can’t believe my henchhuman is coddling Hornton.” Grim grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I can hear you, Grim!”
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moonlit-midnight · 9 months
Sunlit Room and Hearts in Bloom
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Characters: Malleus Draconia.
Genre/Trope: AU, Romantic Fluff, Reincarnation.
Summary: The one time Malleus’s human lover was reincarnated as an immortal being.
Warnings: Reader is a female and is a spring fae.
Reaching for your teacup, you bit back a laugh when you noticed that Malleus was holding your right hand the whole time.
“My love, you can let go of my hand now. I’m not going anywhere.” you said teasingly with a failed attempt to suppress a giggle.
Glancing down at his tightly intertwined fingers with yours, a faint shade of rose pink dusted Malleus’s cheeks.
Your lover looked ever so endearing when he felt shy or embarrassed, a rare sight that only the lucky ones like you could see.
He lifted your hand to his lips, brushing a light kiss on your knuckles before letting go of his hold on you.
“I’m just happy to have you here.” Malleus gave you a soft smile, the same smile that you always cherished and adored in every lifetime you lived with him.
“I’m happy to be here with you too.” you beamed, radiant eyes smiling at the corners. 
The living room reacted to your lively mood and the brightness that emitted from you. 
Primrose, daisies and daffodils sprung on the tiled floor. Climbing hydrangeas and trumpet vines covered the walls.
The loveliest thing of all was the floral halo sitting atop your head; a simple yet pretty flower crown made of lilacs, freesia and chrysanthemums.
Spring faeries are truly magical. 
Malleus thought to himself as he marveled at the wondrous view in front of him, a sunlit room alive with vibrant colors and greenery.
Carefully plucking the pink peony that blossomed around your wrist, you cut the stem short and tucked it behind Malleus’s ear.
With an adoring smile, he gently touched the delicate petals.
Then and there he could feel his heart and the world around him blooming beautifully with warmth and happiness.
It was the winter season at the moment, but to Malleus, spring has arrived at last.
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Cuddles? ~ *Malleus Draconia*
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Summary: Malleus doesn’t know much about being in love and dating. So it’s up to you to show him the ropes. And what’s more important than cuddling?
Pairing: Malleus Draconia X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Drabble
Word Count: 538
Warning: N/A
Taglist: @soulangel @savanaclaw1996
“Are you sure about this, Child of Man?” Malleus asked, his brows furrowed.
You nodded, burrowing deeper into his side and pulling his arm over your body. “Yes, I’m sure. This is what two people who care about each other do where I’m from.”
“I see…” He trailed off.
Malleus was still stiff as a board and you couldn’t help but smile. He was trying at least. But this was all so new to him. You didn’t know what to say or do to get him to relax.
Glancing up at him, you asked, “Malleus, are you okay?”
“I’m alright I suppose.”
“You suppose?” You glanced up at him with a slight frown. “Malleus, my dear, I know you’re anxious and this is all new to you, so if you’re uncomfortable, it’s okay to say so. We can stop. I won’t be angry or sad.”
He didn’t respond right away, but eventually, he whispered, “I just don’t know if I’m doing this right.”
Nodding, you squeezed him a little. “You’re doing just fine, I promise.”
“I’m not holding you too tight or anything? This is comfortable for you as well, yes?”
You chuckled despite yourself. “Yes, Malleus, everything is fine. How about you? Are you anymore comfortable or do I need to adjust? Just tell me where you need me and I’ll be there.”
He was silent for a long time and when you looked him in the eyes, they were wide and his mouth was slightly ajar. Before you could ask what was wrong, he mumbled. “I like the sound of that. I want you to be there for me whenever I need you. Is that okay?”
Your cheeks burned at his confession, your hands snaking up to hide it from him. “O-oh, um, yes. That’s alright with me. Though I’m not sure Sebek will care for that kind of request.”
“Oh? Why is that?”
“Well…” Even if Sebek liked to give you headaches, you didn’t particularly want to get him in trouble. “Well, you see, he doesn’t particularly like anyone getting that close to you, given your status and all. But I’m sure he’ll come around to having me around more often. At least Lilia and Silver like me, so that’s a plus!”
Malleus nodded slowly. “Yes, that is good.”
With a sigh, you laid back down against him and pulled his arm over your body once more. “Let’s not worry about that now. I still need to show you how to cuddle properly.”
“Right, of course. Am I doing this right?”
Glancing up, you said, “There is one thing we can try.”
With your free hand, you gently touched the opposite side of his head and leaned it against the top of yours, careful of his horns. His eyes widened at your action but allowed you to continue. His free hand laced with the hand over your body and he pulled you closer.
“Like this?”
You nodded, your cheeks warming. “Yes, like that. Is that comfortable for you?”
His lips pressed against your temple, causing you to gasp slightly in surprise. He had never been this forward with affection before. Perhaps cuddles could change a person.
“Yes, I’m perfectly comfortable being with you like this.”
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‘Cause I Swear, I’d Burn This City Down to Show You the Light
Malleus Draconia x gn reader fluff
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Malleus looked forward to your moments together more than anything in this world. He found himself waiting for nightfall, waiting until he could talk with you in front of Ramshackle underneath the light of the moon.
He saw you with your friends every once in a while, laughing and smiling as you all talked. He didn't know what the feeling in his chest was when he saw that. He wanted to bring you those feelings. Malleus would do anything to preserve that smile.
He didn’t know how often he made you smile. Your eyes lit up as you saw the glowing green fireflies through your window. They always preceded his appearance. And before you could blink, there he was, tall and ethereally handsome and standing in your shoddy garden yet again.
The air around you buzzed with his magic. It held the same weight as the air before a late-summer storm. You told him months ago that he was always invited to hang around your dorm and the glow of his joy hung in the air like the glow of his fireflies (were they his? You didn’t know). And so he sat cross-legged on a pillar in front of your home, holding his little egg-shaped tamagotchi in his hands.
Malleus’ head shot up as he heard the loud creak of your door as you rushed to meet him, parcel in hand. You were bounding with energy. The usual fatigue of your nighttime encounters hadn’t hit you yet.
“Hello child of man. What do you have there?” the fae prince asked, cocking his head to the side in the way he often does when confused. You find it endearing.
“Well, it’s your birthday, right? I wanted to be the first one to give you a present!” Malleus felt a pull in his chest, as if his heart was jumping out from his ribcage.
“You remembered? In all honesty, I hadn’t even noticed that the clock had already struck midnight,” he said, trying to cover up the emotion in his voice at you remembering such a small detail about him. A detail he didn’t even remember telling you.
“Lilia came up to me about a week or two ago to tell me that your birthday was today. I wanted to do something for you, so here!” you placed the parcel in his hands.
He carefully undid the wrapping paper to see a bracelet made of shiny plastic beads and string. The beads were green, black, and purple all in an organized sequence. In the middle of the bracelet was “Tsunotarou” spelled out in silver cube-shaped beads with black lettering. Malleus’ eyes widened. He slipped it around his hand and it fit perfectly against his wrist.
“I’m sorry it’s not much. I know you’re probably used to bigger presents. It does glow in the dark, if that makes it any better,” you say, slightly embarrassed that you’re giving the prince of Briar Valley a glow-in-the-dark kandi bracelet.
He takes your hands into his. Softness leaks into his emerald eyes. He’s smiling with similar softness. You can see that he is moved to tears. Malleus experiences his senses and emotions in the strongest ways possible. He is often composed out of necessity. But he lets that mask drop around you. He lets himself be emotional and he talks about the things he loves. And in this moment, the contact of your hands on his holds an intimacy beyond description.
“This means more than you could ever imagine,” Malleus says.
“I have one, too. I had extra beads after making yours. So I made one with your nickname for me. We can match now, if you want,” you say, removing your hands from his grasp to rustle through your pants pocket and pull out your bracelet.
It is in the same colors, except now it says “child of man” in the same silver and black beads. Malleus gasps softly when he sees it, when he sees how the moonlight glints off of the plastic. He takes the bracelet from you and takes your hand again. He slips the elastic string onto your wrist with the same affection that a lover would slip an engagement ring onto the finger of their betrothed. It’s deeply emotional to a point where it feels silly. You’re both on the verge of tears over exchanging bead bracelets. He does not let go of your hand.
Wordlessly, he lifts your hand to his face, pressing his lips against the bump of your knuckle. Your breath catches in your throat.
“Thank you for this gift you’ve bestowed upon me. I will not remove it. You are kinder to me than anyone has been in centuries. I cannot thank you enough, child of man.” Fae do not often cry, but Malleus feels as if he might.
“I also have ice cream inside, if you want,” you offer, breaking him from his spell-like daze.
"Do you want me to stay? It's late," he says.
"Yes, of course I do. I got it just for you. You're always invited here," and he squeezes your hand, unaware that he's even doing so.
"In that case, it would be my pleasure," Malleus says. He is calm, yet sincere.
You walk hand-in-hand to the kitchen of Ramshackle, where a shoddy mini fridge resides on a countertop. You pull out two rectangles, white and wrapped in plastic.
"What kind of ice cream is this?" He sounds excited. You know it's his favorite food.
"It's ice cream sandwiches. They're Neapolitan, so it's vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry all together" and his excitement shows in his face, grateful as you offer him one.
You watch as he tears open the wrapper and sinks his pristinely white fangs into the chocolate cookie and ice cream. He quickly goes into another bite as you start to dig into yours. You can hear the beads on his wrist softly click against each other as his hand moves.
"So? Thoughts?" You ask, licking your lips of the remains of ice cream.
"I like it. I think the addition of all three flavors is unique. If you are more particularly interested in one flavor over the others, you can eat that one first. Or last, if you're so inclined. I prefer to eat my favorite part of a dish last, to savor it the most." You listen as he explains his ice cream preferences.
"Thank you, child of man. You have brought more joy to my life than you could ever know," and you smile. That smile that caused him to fall so hard.
"Could I request one more thing of you?" He asks.
"Yes of course, Tsunotarou," you say with that same smile.
"Could you stay by my side like this? I know about your desire to return home, but I cannot fathom a future without you." He is so tender and earnest in this request-slash-confession that you feel as if the world is just the two of you.
You have grown fond of this world. You looked at your future in your old world with a sense of looming dread. Now, that dread was finally replaced with hope. Despite everything, you were happy here. You had been planning to ask Crowley to cancel his efforts to return you home. You were going to break the news to Malleus after that, but now seemed like a better time.
“Of course I will. I was secretly hoping you’d ask. I know I miss my old world, but this world is kinder to me than that one ever was. I want to stay by your side, Malleus. I want to stay for as long as you’ll have me.” You are just as tender as he is and he perks up in joy.
“It would be an honor to have you with me. I will write home for my grandmother to set up the preparations,” he says, his smooth baritone voice filled to the brim with excitement.
“Preparations? For what?” You ask, slightly confused.
“Our arrival and the announcement of my future co-ruler of the Briar Valley.”
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malleleothreesome · 5 months
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Under the Mistletoe with Malleus
❤️ summary: Malleus' latest hyperfixation is mistletoe ༶༶༶ 💚 warnings: gender neutral reader, SFW, fluff, romance, Christmas centric but not religious ༶༶༶ ❤️ word count: 4k ༶༶༶ 💚 inspired by: this ask thank you! ♡✧*:・゚
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Malleus listens intently to all the tales you have to tell, all the little pieces of your world, of yourself—all the little snippets that come rushing out from the recesses of your memories, painting a picture of your humanity and the universe you'd once inhabited. All the intricacies and details of how your family would spend Christmas, the foods, the gifts, the songs—he loves hearing all about your unique traditions and experiences. Malleus is endlessly grateful for each of these recollections that you decide to entrust him with—small moments of personal history that hold so much weight in shaping who you are. Your mind runs wild as your thoughts run rampant, a blur of vivid recollections that overwhelm you. Then, he sees the tears brimming on your lash line and the tremble of your lower lip, his heart sinking instantly when the painful weight of homesickness visibly crashes down upon you. His own emotions, his yearning, his gratitude are all clogged up in his throat. When the tears finally drip past your lashes and down your cheeks, you're swaddled in strong, firm arms that cradle you. Malleus doesn't bother with words as he shushes your sobs, only offering his comfort with the secure tuck of your frame against his larger form, and the gentle tracing of his elegant, gloved fingertips along the curve of your back in soothing circles. His soft humming is melodious against the crook of your shoulder, warm and welcoming as he surrounds you completely.
Wanting to make the Christmas season extra special for you, his dearest friend, Malleus spends copious hours poring over the plethora of holiday books he could acquire from the school library—reading and studying each festive tale, tradition, and legend until the pages are wrinkled with the oils from his fingertips. Each chapter carefully absorbed and ingrained into his psyche, his eyes sparkling alight with delight and fascination, relishing in the lightness and warmth of the holidays as he familiarized himself with this magical and jovial festivity. When Christmas rolls around the corner, Malleus ensures the front entrance to Ramshackle dorm is lit up and decked to the nines in brightly glowing lights strung all over the framework—an aura of luminescence and color enveloping the dilapidated architecture with festive spirit. The rest of the exterior of the Dorm was covered with glittering golden tinsel, wreaths, garlands and pinecones—whatever he had deemed as festive in his extensive research.
Malleus was determined to honor this strange holiday—a special and important part of your childhood—but unfortunately, none of the decorations, lights, or Christmas cheer were quite as meaningful and special as what he wanted it all to symbolize. When he heard about the tradition involving a parasitic plant, he was naturally intrigued by the idea that a plant would wilt away and die if not united with a particular organism—it could only flourish and thrive when entwined with its complementary other half. In return, the mistletoe would provide both beautiful flowers and ripe fruit, enhancing the lives of the forest around them and fostering harmony within the ecosystem. However, it was the usage of that plant during a kiss that truly made him delighted by its macabre nature and its value to this sacred human festivity. It seemed befitting somehow that the now dead mistletoe, the melancholy parasite that thrives in connection with others, could bring a measure of life and happiness to all who cross its path through a kiss under its eternal, desiccated embrace. Perhaps, this tradition could serve as his best effort to explain that this gesture was intended as a token of appreciation for the kindness you have extended to him—the pleasure and privilege of having you, such a splendid and bright star, in his dark and dreary world—his reward to you for making him feel alive with such an overwhelming sense of happiness that he didn't even know the sensation could exist until you entered into his life. For Malleus, you were the one to awaken him, to pull him from a long slumber and into your embrace, allowing him the privilege of knowing warmth, love, and joy once more. A ghost of a smile appears on his lips, unbidden, as he imagines the roots of the mistletoe spreading through both your lungs, finding nourishment in each other's energy, a complete symbiosis.
Malleus desired so much that your connection would be reciprocal, as intimate and profound as the magic of this holiday would allow. Though your relationship up until this point has remained platonic, he hopes the magic of this custom might give him permission to love and cherish you as so much more. From the moment he first laid his eyes on you, his heart had already made his decision. That fiery intensity of emotion for you has only been compounded with each meeting the two of you have shared—the yearning that only grows stronger with each moment he spends at your side. His feelings for you have reached a saturation point; the deep well of passion and affection that burns ever stronger within the confines of his chest will not be extinguished unless the source of all his turmoil is revealed and answered in due kind. At long last, he wastes no time in preparing the customary kiss. His heart yearns so dearly for it that even the constant tug of his usual shyness and trepidation could never possibly bring him to halt in his advances. Malleus promised himself that the delicate, thriving thing you and he were developing would not fall prey to the same pitiful demise as the mistletoe if left untouched and unwatered. If you did indeed feel similarly about him, he could only imagine the beauty and majesty that would blossom between your intertwined souls, a union of great and unstoppable potency, a lifetime of adoration and devotion.
Therefore, he procured a large branch of mistletoe, so ripe and abundant with sprigs that its small, white berries shimmered and shone. The hanging plant seemed to call out, in a sing-song tinkle of fairy bell laughs, for his beloved to walk underneath, so he could ensnare you in its clutches and give you an obligatory kiss you couldn’t refuse—or so he hoped. Malleus wrapped the strand with some festive red ribbon, decorated with twirling glittery snowflakes, making it shimmer under the twinkling rays of Christmas light. Then, he carefully balanced the mistletoe at the highest point above the doorsill and stepped back, admiring the way the golden glow of the lights would reflect off the glossy white berries, casting them in an ethereal iridescent glow that made them pop, dancing across its branches as though possessed by some Christmas spirit. They sang for you, just waiting for you to take Malleus up on their unspoken promise of his unrequited, hidden desires for your lips.
With that, Malleus knocked on your door. Though, despite his determination and his willpower—so vast and endless that his ambition was virtually limitless—Malleus couldn't help but be flustered, his hands trembling and sweat forming along his brow, heart rate beginning to rise like a swelling wave until he could hear it beating in his pointed ears. The silence that engulfed him was deafening as his mind replayed the myriad ways you might respond to his advances—sharing his sentiments, returning his affections, giving him the opportunity to finally love and kiss you the way he so desperately, hopelessly yearned. Or—perhaps, his advances could have an unwanted negative reaction, creating friction or even destroying your friendship—if not the very love he sought—completely. Undeterred by the looming anxiety that threatens to drown him like a tempest-wrought sea, his heart manages to remain valiant and brave, the steady rhythm keeping him tethered, ensuring him the courage to risk the possibility of breaking apart and dissipating with the winter wind that sieves through his lithe fingers.
As he hears the creaking footsteps along the old staircase inside, the adrenaline kicks in, giving him the fight or flight impulse he has been lacking, his legs stiffening, threatening to buckle from his immense nerves, knees trembling so harshly that he almost loses his balance. He shuts his eyes, trying to brace himself for whatever comes next, not allowing himself to breathe again until the knob finally gives way and the door is thrown open. At last, Malleus gazes upon your dazzling appearance, flooding his vision with an image he's dreamed about for weeks: you stand before him, bathed in the bright, effervescent light, glittering hues of gold and green like a present wrapped up just for him. Before he even allows you a moment to compose yourself and register his presence, Malleus can't help himself, the need to let his words rush out overwhelming him until his syllables practically stumble over each other.
"I wish to partake in the traditional parasite with you," he tells you quickly, trying to sound confident despite the urgent desperation to speak leaking through in his strained vocal chords, struggling to hide the shakiness that attempts to invade and taint the voice he wanted to convey his longing for you with. His words are filled with hope and trepidation, his emerald eyes wide with vulnerability as the mistletoe glistens under the shimmer of lights he personally strung up, bathing the two of you and your surroundings in a magnificent luminance that casts a perfect spellbinding glow upon the scene. Your mouth falls slightly ajar as your eyelids flutter in confusion before registering his intention, noticing the way his expectant eyes dart between your lips and the hanging plant above your door frame, his intense gaze giving you the most telling implication. The sudden realization of his motive renders your whole being paralyzed. Your face heats up from the sheer impossibility of the moment and your brain fizzles into a complete and utter daze, unsure how to comprehend the enormity of the offer he's extending.
An eternity seemed to pass as the seconds ticked on, his dark brows knitting together as the mist and tension seemed to wrap around the both of you. The sting of the cold wind whistled past the space that seemed to shrink between the two of you in unbearable torment. A curtain of lacy snow was falling around, shrouding everything in a dull glow. The night itself seemed to be in a strange sort of serenity and apprehension—watching his eyes lock onto you so intently and feeling his breath, hot and heavy, mingling in the frost between the two of you. The foggy mist of the cool evening air floats through your hair, tiny particles of frozen water suspended around you and shimmering brilliantly as the beams of multicolored lights shine past and illuminate each crystalline droplet in a celestial aura.
Despite it all, your focus was on him alone.
Finally, he was able to collect the breath stolen from his lungs and continue his confession, taking your floundering silence as an invitation for his explanation. "I had wished to spend some time with you under a mistletoe, even though this is something that humans usually do with their partners or loved ones..." he admits sheepishly. You couldn't stop the gasp that escaped your lips when you saw how glassy and emotive his eyes were, the sparkling lights catching the yellow flecks in his viridescent stare.
A shadowy flush washes over his pale complexion as he allows the words he had tried so long to repress to come flowing freely from his lips. "I've noticed how sad you seemed since you were removed from your world, and I wanted to bring you a little of the Christmas cheer you're accustomed to. I wanted to ensure we'd have a pleasant Christmas, especially with how often you've shown me such loving kindness," a sigh escaped his throat, "you've gone to such great lengths, I wanted you to know just how much you mean to me..." His fingers thread together anxiously as he continues his ramblings. "I was so excited to learn the Christmas tales, legends, and histories behind all the traditions... There is so much joy and good-will involved. It seemed a befitting way to honor our time together. As my beloved friend—," his tone holds a subtle note of reluctance to his last statement as he lingers on the term a bit too long. "I wanted to ensure your time in Twisted Wonderland wasn't depressing, and that you experienced Christmas as best you could under your circumstances." The more his sentences seem to elongate, the further he's pulled into himself and begins to overthink every minuscule aspect of his interaction.
The wind picks up slightly, blowing his silky, ebony locks away from his forehead, revealing the shiny scales that cascade up the top half of his head as his horns poke out through the billowing strands. His long, heavy cloak trails behind him, sweeping up the fresh piles of glittery snowfall, shimmering under the auras of the decorative lights he painstakingly strung for you. Malleus was so imposing in the darkness of the night—there's an ineffable beauty to it as his skin seems to emit its own soft glow. Yet, despite his frightening appearance, he appears so docile and timid standing before you with his head bowed, one foot dragging the toe of his boot along the white slush and ice, kicking clumps of snowy wisps, attempting to abate his mounting anxiety.
"...Are you aware, child of man, of the nature and symbolism of the mistletoe?" He pauses and peers into your eyes, emerald pools pleading for mercy as a crack opens within him, revealing his fluttering soul for your scrutiny, allowing you to glimpse his emotional state in a rare display. "Mistletoe requires the partnership and nourishment of another to keep it flourishing—without its partner, it will wither and die a gruesome death, gasping, desperate, starving..." The strain on his tone is audible, words full of unspeakable yearning as he pines so desperately, the loneliness of centuries seeming to distill within a single, all-encompassing desire for your acceptance and love. His Adam's apple bobs with a hard gulp of apprehension as he seeks the approval he longs for deep within your gaze, hoping he has finally found the love of which he has searched for since the first heartbeat he has taken.
"No matter where it falls, or how strong its stem or seed, it will perish without another plant to sustain and nurture it," his explanation was grave and yet somehow poetic, holding you entranced with rapt attention. Each sentence was meant to mimic his struggle—the endless waiting, and the desperate need for companionship that has weighed so heavy on his aching heart for so long. The solemn confession of a hopeless romantic, yearning desperately for the chance to take root, plant his soul and spread until all the ache was gone, replaced by the warmth and fulfillment of life only a partner could give him.
"And yet, if the two plants come into symbiosis with each other, the result is breathtaking—one would not expect something so simple would possess such transcendent beauty and vibrance," his melodic tenor takes on an ethereal quality, as the wondrous facts he learned are once again brought to the surface, replacing the melancholy in the air. "Mistletoe is capable of blossoming to life; producing flowers and bearing fruits when combined with its host, providing an environment for both plants to flourish and thrive," his heart picks up its pace at the subtle meaning and implication behind his words. "Once a healthy mistletoe becomes entangled with its beloved, the pair remain connected and thrive, ultimately strengthened by the bonds forged in interdependency, blooming brightly against the frigid temperatures of winter." Malleus' soul is brimming and bubbling over with the hope and anticipation of a relationship with you and, in an instant, Malleus understands what it truly means to be alive.
"Since you first crossed my path, the mistletoe within my chest grew with such ravenous appetite, longing to reach out to your heart and find harmony, sharing in warmth and nurturing life. You, my lovely starlight, are a plant of the utmost virtue," he gently caresses your cheek as you fall deeper under his enchantment. His words have rendered you completely immobilized, the smooth silk of his voice ensnaring you, unable to escape its sweet whispers and dulcet tone. "For the first time in all of my years, the bud inside me began to bear fruit and opened my eyes to a paradise I never thought possible. Through a simple act of your kindness, you have breathed life into my tired and aching heart and granted me new purpose." Malleus cups your face so delicately, long, tapered fingers stroking the curve of your cheekbones in loving affection. He gazes at you with glowing, adoring eyes, staring deep into the infinite possibilities of your future together. The soft plumes of the falling snowflakes softly embrace you as his feather-light touch communicates all his longing and unspoken passions. You allow yourself to bask in the tender and raw vulnerability of his heart as the glimmering lights and stars in the sky shine with the promise of a brighter tomorrow for you both.
"I had spent many years in unending isolation. Each passing second in your presence was the happiest, most indescribable euphoria. It took a considerable amount of time to discover these feelings and become aware that they are associated with the yearning for intimacy, something which I was denied for a great amount of my lifespan. I've long desired the things I've learned your Christmas legends signify," the words leave him on a wistful sigh, an endless source of elation. "Of family, comfort, love... All that I desire for Christmas is you," he concludes softly. "It was thanks to my research into the mistletoe that I realized how much I needed your lips as though without them I would never draw another breath, so I ask... Do you wish to be mine? Could I have the gift of your lips, of a kiss?" he requests breathlessly as the tip of his tapered thumb ghosts across the flesh of your plush lower lip, sending shivers throughout your whole being.
At last, the confessions of his affections toward you reach their inevitable resolution, allowing the culmination and coalescence of every feeling and emotion within his soul to burst forth like fireworks, shooting off into the midnight air in an explosion of beauty and intensity that would cause any witness to pause and stare in awe of the magic of the night. Like the soft, romantic tones of Christmas music and the enchanted glimmers of holiday lights, Malleus' spell woven in the lyrics of his confession engulfs you in an aurora borealis of ardent devotion. The feeling of his hands against your cheeks radiates warmth and comfort as he cradles your visage close, tender and secure against the soft flurries that flow all around you, surrounding you with an intimate aura of holiday mirth. You find yourself leaning into his touch as your heart and soul yearn to return the depths of his affection, so openly displayed across his handsome, captivating features. With a surge of adrenaline coursing through your veins, your knees threatening to buckle from his searing yet unyielding stare, you gather the strength to utter the most wonderful syllables you have ever experienced the pleasure of pronouncing—the sum of every single one of his blessings wrapped up neatly into one succinct phrase.
"I love you, too."
Your voice was shaky, unsteady, cracking under the emotion, but the message was unmistakable. The intensity of the moment rendered Malleus stunned and speechless, tears of delight stinging his emerald eyes, brimming at the waterline with the intensity of his joy. Every single day was spent thinking of the next instance where the two of you might cross paths and now, you'd just given him the most spectacular present in the world. Malleus doesn't think about anything else, he just leans in, lips parted ever so slightly, barely containing the gasping breath that escapes his throat as his nose nudges yours and his entire world collapses upon itself before igniting with an incandescence of pure elation. With all the delicate adoration of his whole, enchanted being, he offers you a sweet brush of his soft, inviting lips against yours. A whimper emanates from his mouth as a trembling sob of disbelief is unleashed, reverberating between the two of you and sending every last vestige of his restrained sentiment into you, engulfing your heart in a fervid embrace that crushes you with all the weight of his desperation—his centuries' worth of desire and craving for an end to his misery.
Despite having never been kissed, his lips moved confident and gentle, as though it were as natural as his very breath, or the thrum of his heart. The sensations were unparalleled—better than his wildest expectations as your flesh entwined with his, mingling the pliant texture and pillowy warmth. A satisfied sigh rolls past his tongue, which teases the seam of your mouth, offering gentle, fleeting sensations as he licks and teases your bottom lip. A series of jolts rock your frame when his fangs accidentally nip at the skin. The sound that leaks from his throat as he swipes his tongue over the wound and laps up the warm, metallic liquid of your blood is guttural and broken with the raw emotion of being deprived of such ecstasy for so long. It was heavenly—to finally be united and experience the taste of love, passion, and the transcendent rapture of the one and only person to ever make him feel such happiness. 
He swallows every whimper and moan of your kiss, reveling in the sounds that permeate through your entangled forms and dance on the frosted wind. Your fingers come to thread through his silk-like locks, nails grazing his scalp until a shudder rattles his chest and his tongue can't help but invade the hot, wet cavern of your mouth. There's a subtle pressure placed on the base of your skull, adding a deeper angle, so that he may completely envelope and taste the sweetness of your saliva as you revel in each other. When the chill of the winter winds brings forth the full impact of the cold, and the mistletoe spins aimlessly under its icy breath, swaying above, you are undeterred in the bliss of your newfound love. Your noses smudge as you press yourself further, gaining deeper contact and savoring each brush of his deft, explorative tongue and the tickle of his heated breath fanning against the sensitive surface of your palette. The kiss sparks flames within you that make you forget the bitter chill, warming the deepest crevices of your core, staving off the frigidness of the night and replacing it with the cozy, fluffy heat of your love. You clutch desperately, latching onto the black tailcoat and pressing the muscles and softness of your bodies even closer, desperate for each touch, wanting him as close to your form as you can manage. The fullness of your feelings for each other, and the completeness of his confession, finally come together in a bittersweet, perfect dance of two souls. Forever bound, hearts thudding in unison as you two continue to exchange kisses underneath the mistletoe, filling this merry season with newfound glee and a holiday tradition all your own.
When you two finally make it inside, you sit comfortably with his arms wrapped around you atop a pile of plush blankets, surrounded by mounds of pillows under the twinkling lights of the massive tree he had erected and draped in garland. Next to him, there was nowhere better you'd rather be, snuggling deeper into his warmth, burying yourself in his embrace and cuddled tight under his heavy, weighted cloak as the roaring fire before you burned in a warmth that reflected that of the deep, profound affection the two of you shared for each other. As he held you in his lap, surrounded by the soft music playing in the background and the decorations he'd strung, he looks at you with excitement alight on his beautiful visage, eager to share more fun facts about his latest hyperfixation. With the shimmering lights refracting across the deep emerald pools of his gaze, he starts to ramble, "Did you know, mistletoe is also a sacred symbol of fertility—"
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Woah, woah, woah, woah... I just spent all day working on this, its like, 10:30pm and now I'm just now eating mac and cheese for dinner. I really love what I created, I hope you all do too. This was fulfilling a request for my 12 Days of TWSTmas event, so uh, anon, I'm not sure if this is what you expected of me... I think I projected my own newfound mistletoe hyperfixation onto Malleus a bit too hard, but I hope this meets your expectations. I'm desperate to hear all your thoughts on this one, I really want you guys to love this as much as I do! I wish I had more to say here, but my brain is melting. My exhausted brain longs to sign this off like a corporate email. Best, Erica Malleleothreesome
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Word Count: 682
Warnings: None
Malleus Draconia x Fem!Reader ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶
The quest to elicit genuine laughter from Malleus Draconia had become more than a mere challenge; it had evolved into a journey of connection, a dance of two souls weaving through the tapestry of daily life at Night Raven College. Each day, you presented a new act in the comedy you hoped would crack the stoic exterior of the Dragon King.
Your attempts were many and varied. One day, you tried to tickle a chuckle out of him with a cleverly crafted joke that played on the words of an ancient Draconic spell. Another day, you staged a humorous play with the help of the drama club, complete with exaggerated costumes and over-the-top performances. You even were able to orchestrate a playful riddle, clever and intricate, designed to appeal to Malleus’s intellect. Another day, you enlisted the help of the mischievous students, setting up a harmless prank that left Malleus with a surprised chuckle, though not the laugh you sought.
As the week drew to a close, you found yourselves walking together in the moonlit gardens, a place where the hustle of the college seemed like a distant memory. The night air was cool and crisp, carrying the scent of roses and the distant sound of the nocturnal choir of crickets and frogs.
Each failed attempt was not a setback but a step closer to understanding the enigmatic Dragon King. But as the week progressed, so did the bond between you. Shared smiles, exchanged glances, moments where your hands brushed while walking down the corridor—all these tiny threads wove a connection that was palpable, a silent understanding that grew with each passing day.
It was on a night adorned with a velvet sky and a radiant moon that you found yourselves strolling through the enchanted gardens. The air was cool, carrying the scent of jasmine and moonflower, the garden bathed in a soft, ethereal light.
“You have been quite persistent,” Malleus remarked, his voice a gentle rumble that seemed to blend with the rustling leaves. “I must confess, your dedication to this quest has been… quite endearing.”
You smiled, a plan forming in your mind. “Maybe I’ve been going about this all wrong,” you mused. “Maybe it’s not about the act, but the moment.”
You looked up at him, the moonlight casting a soft glow on his features. “Laughter is the melody of the soul, Malleus. I want to hear yours.”
He considered your words, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. “And what makes you believe that you can draw it out?” he asked, his gaze meeting yours.
“Because,” you replied, your voice filled with conviction, “even the sternest of hearts can find joy in the unexpected.”
The two of you walked in comfortable silence, the gravel crunching softly underfoot. You spoke of small things, inconsequential things, and yet, in those moments, they felt significant. The conversation flowed like a gentle stream, natural and unforced.
And then, as the song “Teitur - One and Only” played in your mind, you found the moment you had been waiting for. With a twinkle in your eye, you recounted a humorous anecdote, one that was personal, heartfelt, and unexpectedly funny.
Malleus listened, his expression unreadable in the moonlight. But as the punchline approached, you stumbled, not in your words, but quite literally over a wayward vine. The surprise on your face, the grace with which you regained your balance—it was a scene straight out of a play, and it was real.
The laughter that followed was rich and warm, echoing through the garden like a melody. Malleus’s laughter, unrestrained and joyful, filled the night air, mingling with the rustling leaves and the distant hoot of an owl.
“I stand corrected,” he said, his laughter subsiding into a series of delighted chuckles. “You have indeed found the right moment, and it was… perfect.”
The two of you paused, the laughter still hanging in the air like a cherished melody. In that moment, under the watchful eye of the moon, you realized that laughter was not just a sound—it was a connection, a shared language that transcended words.
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boomtastics · 7 months
Slams into your inbox
Hey. I heard you wrote for gn reader? AHEMFNSUDHDJSJDJDJ IM SO AHHHHH/pos
Forgive my manners. Could I have a Malleus with a very sleepy s/o? Like they can fall asleep…anywhere
Even in dangerous situations 😭 and like Malleus just falls in love with them even more.
If not, no worries! I saw your repost and I was eating that up so good 😎 please and thank you sm!!!
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Character(s) | Malleus Draconia, Silver
Type | Romance, Fluff
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Mhm..." it was the only sound that came out of you. It was the last class of the day. Trein's class...the most boring of them all.
Trien was talking about some magical sorcerer or something, you didnt really pay attention. You where just trying to stay awake, Rubbing your eyes occasionally or yawning..maybe scratching your arm. All in a weak attempt to not drift off.
"Hey," Sliver said, poking your cheek with his pencil end. "Did you get any sleep last night?" He asked, a slight concern lacing his voice.
"Barely...I do this so much. I stay up on my phone, and then regret it the next day...doesnt help im already tired normally."
Silver chuckled, spinning his pencil in his hand. "I get that..not the phone part but y'know, just being..tired. all the time."
Not long after, classes ended, and right there was Malleus waiting by your class door. "Ah, child of man. How was your day?" He asked, grabbing a hold of your hand.
Still rubbing your eye, you replied "it was fine i guess. Jeez, im so tired. I swear im about to pass out..." you complained. "Oh my, let us go to my dorm, it would be best if you didnt pass out on the floor like Silver."
"Yeah, i guess so...Wheres grim?" You asked, worried for you little friend. "Do not worry, I believe he is with Trappola, Spade, and Rosehearts."
Sighing in relief, your mind was put to ease by his words. Soon, both of you left to his dorm, he held your arm tightly. Making sure if you did pass out, he would catch you immediately and make sure you didn't fall to the floor.
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Getting to the dorm, you practically fell to his bed. "My, your quite comfortable, are you not?" He chuckled, sitting on the bed as it slightly dipped down. You groaned, shifting and moving around to find the perfect spot.
It wasnt long until you were absolutely comfortable and very sleepy. Malleus laid next to you, he reached his hand out towards to you. "May I?.." He asked permission to hold you. You nodded and yawned slightly.
Malleus wrapped his arms around you, holding you carefully and delicately. As if any pressure would shatter you.
"My love.. I am glad that I get to see you everyday. I am glad to be your lover. Each glance that you give me, every smile that we share, all our moments together, I treasure them all. I am proud to be with you, your kind heart had no bounds... I love you."
Awh. How sweet... But you where already asleep by then, his low and smooth voice luring you to slumber.
"Ah.. I suppose I will tell you again when you awake." He kissed your head gently and closed his eyes.
"Rest well my dear."
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©𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒎𝒕𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒔, 𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒅𝒐 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕, 𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒕, 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆, 𝒐𝒓 𝒂𝒅𝒂𝒑𝒕 𝒎𝒚 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒎𝒚 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏.
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cupids-chamber · 1 year
SLEEP WELL DARLING! S/o's putting you too sleep! Malleus and Riddle <3 (Separate!)
GENDER NEUTRAL READER A/N: Riddle's part is heavily self indulgent.. Also sorry if the writings shit! <3
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It was quite the odd request to ask of him.. to read you a book to sleep.. but it seemed to have made you happy.. so he couldn't really deny, and a good book never hurt anyone!
He closed the book, looking up down at you.. the two of you were in bed together, your body clinging onto his waist, sound asleep. He couldn't control the blush that covered his face.. letting out a soft 'ahem' to himself.
He took a moment, taking in your sleepy features.. you looked lovely... breathtaking even.. Focusing on the way you smiled every now and then, he hoped you were having a good dream.. possibly a dream that included him?
Riddle carefully removed your hands from his waist, treating your sleeping form as fragile glass, he carefully laid down on the bed beside you, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you a bit closer.
He couldn't help but let the scent of your distinct shampoo fill his senses, a scent he's all to familiar with. Letting out a sigh of contempt, he couldn't help but give you a ever so gentle, yet lingering peck in the forehead.
"I love you y/n... and good night.." he whispered underneath his breath, being careful as to not wake you.
He woke up before you, choosing to stay in bed for awhile more... He couldn't help but take notice of your hair, how the strands were all out place, he moved the strands way from your face, to get a better glimpse of your face. 'You're so beautiful' he thought.
You awoke to bright rays of light coming from your window, as Riddle pulled up the curtain fully, tying it in place. Turning towards you, he whispered "Good morning love, won't you join me for breakfast?"
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He tucked the blanket over you, pecking you on the cheek. He couldn't help but take in your sleeping figure, you looked so peaceful and comfy in his presence.
He couldn't help but chuckle, remembering the small fit you threw. Claiming that you just wouldn't sleep! You couldn't waste the time you had with him tonight!
Though he found your gesture and words ever so comforting, he couldn't help but smile when he realizes just how comfortable you are around him, not many people enjoy his presence and more or less fear him, but you... you even fell asleep in front of him!
He pets your head, once again, taking in your stunning features, he can't help but wonder how he got so lucky, looking at you this freely, he can't help but falling for you more.
He was about to leave but something held him back.. and before he knew it your hands had wandered to his, lightly tugging him back. He couldn't help but grin.. "I suppose I can stay a bit longer.." he uttered underneath his breath.
You hadn't considered the possibility of waking up, with Malleus in front of you. His head touching yours as he fell asleep in a kneeling position, 'Wasn't he uncomfortable' you thought, but couldn't help but let out a small smile, as you admired his features.
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© cupids-chamber, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work without prior permission and or confirmation from me.
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officialdaydreamer00 · 6 months
if all the requests slots aren't closed kissing on a ferris wheel with silver or malleus? :D
when i tell you sapphy i squealed out loud and kicked my feet
reader isn't yuu, gender neutral reader, irene deadass didn't know how to write silver (so only malleus oop), short imagines bc irene had a sudden shortage of brainworms
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congrats, you've successfully surprised the dragon boy.
man's bluescreened for a second there, but then he chuckled, red adorned his pretty face.
he didn't expect his child of man to be so bold, asking to ride the ferris wheel together, and now having kissed him so suddenly.
he might've brought out the ring™, ready to propose right then and there
instead, he held your closer. a gloved hand lifted your chin, his green eyes seemed especially soft when they met yours.
"how bold of you, child of man, ensnaring my heart just like that." he leaned closer. "i would have given you willingly, had you asked. prithee, would you accept this fae's enraptured soul?"
and he closed the distance with you. the darkened sky was lit brightly with fireworks, yet none was as mesmerising as the two burning souls entwined.
taglist🏷️ @azulashengrottospiano @identity-theft-101 @siren-serenity @minimallyminnie @ryker-writes @dove-da-birb @cave-of-jade @cookiesandbiscuits @thehollowwriter @xen-blank @taruruchi @jaylleoo14 + malleus kissers
remember to reblog if you enjoy my works! ^-^
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oepionie · 1 year
— "PUFFS AND RUFFLES" malleus draconia
SYNOPSIS: On your birthday, Lilia hands you a black dress claiming that you should wear it for your date with Malleus later. He fails to mention how it's a traditional wedding dress in Briar Valley. Oops...?
Character/s: Malleus Draconia x GN! Reader
Tags: Drabble! Fluff, Established relationship, Reader wears dress, Mentions of marriage, Lilia third wheel era, Kissing and making out, Not proofread!
A/N: My last fic before I dip and go study for midterms lolz
WordCount: 600+ | 💌Masterlist
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"Lilia?" You peered through the curtains, calling the old bat over. Lilia gave you a quick glance before sneaking into the dressing room with you, keeping an eye out the corridor to make sure no one was watching.
With a click, the door closed, and Lilia turned to face you. He gazed at you fondly, a smile spreading across his face.
The dress he gave you fit perfectly on your figure. When you walked, the long skirt with its ruffled edges trailed behind you, its puffy sleeves draping across and towards your chest exposing your neck. Atop it, a necklace proudly sat, it's vivid green gem gleaming against the sunlight.
That was Malleus' courtship present to you years ago, as Lilia had recognized it. You were such a funny little thing back then. You had misinterpreted it as a birthday present, not realizing its actual significance in dragon culture. It took months of miscommunication and Malleus' sulking before you finally realized what it truly was.
"Are you sure I should wear this? Would Malleus really like it?" You fumbled with your hands, staring down at your outfit. Lilia gifted you the dress as a birthday gift and it was beautiful—almost as if it emanated some sort of mystical glow. Now you weren't sure how he managed to get your precise measurements, but you chalked it up to magic.
"Would he 'like' it? My dear, of course he would! " Lilia beamed, raising his finger and twirling it around, signaling you to spin for him.
You did as asked, twirling slowly. The flowy black skirt of the dress swirled around you like petals dancing around a flower bud, it looked almost weightless as it delicately floated up the air. When Lillia enthusiastically applauded for you, you grinned, stretched out your arms, and spun around the room.
While tapping your bare feet on the chilly marble flooring, you burst out laughing.
"Lilia? Have you seen the pre-" Gasping, you whipped your head around to face the door, the skirt of your dress pooling around you. Malleus stood by the entrance, jaw slack as he shamelessly stared at you. Embarassed, you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. The last thing you wanted Malleus to see was you dancing around the room like a little kid.
'Oh sevens, you looked so precious.' Malleus snapped out of it and marched towards you, a giddy smile growing across his face.
Thump Thump Thump.
His heart pounded in his chest as he took notice of the necklace clasped around your neck. The dress had already sent him into frenzy but paired with the necklace, it was overkill for him.
"You look beautiful." He whispered, cupping your face in his hands.
His hands trailed over your shoulders and arms before landing on your hips. Your head spun, face flushing as he pulled you closer, your shaking hands finding recluse on his chest. Malleus chuckled and drew you into a slow sensual kiss, his thumb gently rubbing circles on your waist.
While Malleus showered you with affection, Lilia awkwardly stood in the middle of the room. Becoming the third wheel was definitely not part of his plan.
Clearing his throat, Lilia raised an eyebrow at the dragon. Malleus huffed and drew away from you but still kept a hand placed on the small of your back. He turned his attention back to you, examining the dress once more.
"How interesting…" he muttered softly, trailing off. "I'm quite surprised you managed to find a wedding dress in that style."
"Wedding dress…?" You froze, letting Malleus' words sink in.
"Khee hee-Ah that's right! I forgot to tell you, that dress is a traditional dress used for weddings in Briar Valley." Lilia mused, walking over to you and pinching the fabric between his fingertips. "A bit old fashioned but they look like such a dear don't they?"
Malleus gazed at you fondly, clasping your hands tightly in his own. As he fixed his attention on you, his eyes appeared to be gleaming.
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Likes and Reblogs are greatly appreciated and really motivating on my end!
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cloudcountry · 11 months
NRC'S PAINT CHIP PROJECT! — green with envy
"wanting to be special to you. wanting to be the only one you touch. wanting you."
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You were Malleus’s first true friend.
He treasures you in every form, in every mood you come to him in. There’s a glow about you when you’re happy, a cloud around you when you’re upset, and a flame around you when you’re angry. There’s a myriad of other emotions he sees in you, disgust and love and amusement and awe and calmness and anxiety, and each one is more fascinating than the last.
He wants to draw every single one out of you and see how you deal with them. He wants to pick you apart and know every single thing about you because it seems wrong not to know.
But others know.
Others know you just as well, if not better than he does, and it irritates him.
There’s a small, immature part of him that feels the urge to summon lightning and strike down his competition because that’s what they are, right?
He believes humans call his emotion jealousy. He wasn’t aware he could feel something this gut-wrenching, but he supposes you’re such a curious little thing that you’d spawn feelings like this within him without even knowing.
That’s true, you don’t know what you do to him, do you?
Naivety doesn’t suit you.
He wants to be your first friend. He wants to be as special to you as you were to him. He doesn’t want to lose you. No one has ever touched his heart the way you can, and Malleus knows nobody else will ever get as deep into his soul as you did.
You dug your way through the towering stone walls with your own two hands, and the second you broke through, the whole wall he'd built over centuries and centuries crumbled completely. He wishes you weren’t so kind. He wishes your presence wasn’t so comforting and he wishes there was a feasible reason to hate you because he can’t stand being this dependent on you.
You would tell him that you’re not the only kind person in the world.
As Malleus sees you talking and laughing with friends that are him, he hopes you’d be wrong.
He doesn’t want to feel this jealous feeling ever again.
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moonlit-midnight · 5 months
Hearts held with gentle love
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Characters: Malleus Draconia.
Genre: Romantic Fluff.
Summary: In which your lover expresses his gratitude for you in a heartwarming letter. 
GN!Reader, is a third year. Very self indulgent.
Inspired by a letter that I once received.
Happy birthday to one of my favorite fictional princes!💚
To my beloved, and absolute dearest friend in the universe.
Can you believe that three years had gone by since we met? 
It’s been wonderful to know you. All the times we spent together whether they were big or little moments were the happiest moments in my life, so I’m writing you this letter to convey my gratitude for having someone like you by my side. 
My treasure, thank you for making me feel welcomed, and understood in your company when I felt alone and out of place.
Thank you for listening and smiling heartily at my stories when nobody else did, and for keeping me laughing amidst broken days. 
Thank you for being a home for my abandoned thoughts, and for showing me that there’s always room for love for everyone.
Thank you for holding me in your heartfelt embraces when things were difficult, and for willingly choosing to be with me through everything.
Thank you for your genuine friendship made of devotion, trust, support and a steadfast love that I can swear on.
Thank you for making my world a more beautiful place, and for shining a light upon all the rooms in my heart.
— Yours faithfully, Malleus Draconia 
“You really have a way with your words. Whether they are happy words, sad or emotional, I love them all.” your eyes glistened with tears once you were done reading his letter.
Setting it aside, you smiled fondly at Malleus, and his eyes shone at the sight of it.
There was something about that smile of yours that always gave him joy, and made him feel gloriously alive each time he saw it.
“I’m glad to hear that.” He beamed, a smile as gentle as the summer sunrise, lighting up his whole face.
“Thank you, Malleus.” you leaned on his sturdy shoulder, and wrapped an arm around him. 
You felt so real and warm against him. He thought his heart would burst under the weight of your kind touch and unwavering affection.
“What for?” Malleus hummed, holding you closer. 
“For being my devoted friend and lover.” you exclaimed in a sincere tone. “Every time I see you, I smile more and laugh more, and I feel free than the past years combined. So thank you for being by my side.”
Under the brilliant blue skies, painted with golden sunshine, you and Malleus lay on your backs on a field of verdant grass, watching the clouds roll by.
Without taking off his bright green eyes from the peaceful scenery above, Malleus took your right hand, placing an endearing kiss atop it. 
“It’s been my honor, my dear.” 
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Marrying for Love ~ *Malleus Draconia*
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Summary: As Crown Prince of Briar Valley, Malleus is expected to become King one day. However, he still needs to find a partner to rule by his side. And that's where you come in...
Pairing: Malleus Draconia X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Drabble
Word Count: 731
Warning: N/A
Taglist: @savanaclaw1996 @goseew
A/N: An early birthday present for him because we share the same birthday.
You have met a lot of princes in your life, but none were quite like Prince Malleus Draconia of Briar Valley.
He was a rare kind of mage and beauty and an even rarer kind of gentleman. He cared deeply for his people, his friends, and his family. He didn't really have enemies wherever he went. His magic was incredibly powerful and he wielded it well. He was soft-spoken, intelligent, humorous, and compassionate. Malleus was born to be a Prince and strived to prove he was worthy of being King of Briar Valley every single day.
There was just one obstacle in his way: marriage.
According to the customs of this ancient kingdom, he couldn’t ascend the throne until he was married. It was the chink in his relatively perfect armor. Even though he was considered the perfect man throughout the realms, Malleus was hopeless when it came to finding a suitable partner, at least in Lilia's eyes. Sebek was still under the impression it was the other party who had the problem, not Lord Malleus. 
Sure, Malleus could talk to people, but he couldn’t flirt and couldn’t understand flirting to save his life. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t seem to understand the subtleties of romance, much to Lilia's displeasure. He thought he taught him better.
Really, it was no surprise his parents, with the help of Lilia, arranged a match for him.
And that’s where you come in.
Oh sure, you know how to flirt and be coy and romantic with others. But after spending one evening with Malleus, you knew it wasn’t going to work with him. And you’re nothing if not adaptable.
From the first moment you met him, you knew he craved an honest relationship, where you didn't play games and you were very clear with your intentions from the start. You took it upon yourself to just get to know him, all of him, and not just the parts he wanted you to see. It was a start. And he found it was something easy he could do. While you learned more about him and what made him who he is, he learned about you. And what surprised him the most was the fact that he genuinely liked you. And that you genuinely liked him too.
Time was ticking down and you found that this idea of an arranged marriage didn’t seem so terrible. However, you were still worried. Slowly, Malleus was learning how to flirt and be romantic. You were afraid he wouldn’t need you anymore, he wouldn’t care about you anymore as much as he did when you first met. You liked that he needed you. He made you feel wanted and loved. But what if he found someone better?
You kept your worries to yourself. Being the Crown Prince of Briar Valley, Malleus had enough to worry about. You didn’t want to complicate your relationship with him in any way. Nevertheless, in the privacy of your room, you wished that Malleus would be yours just like you were his.
So you can imagine your surprise when he invited you on a stroll through the royal gardens one day. Sure, the two of you often went walking in these gardens, but it usually wasn’t until after all of his royal duties were complete. It was the middle of the day when he sent for you, not late evening after dinner like normal. Though you were confused and more than a little anxious, you did not want to keep him waiting. Quickly, you found him near the entrance to the gardens and the two of you began to walk together, arm in arm.
Malleus eventually stopped in a small pavilion surrounded by your favorite flowers. He sat you down on one of the benches and began a long-winded speech, which wasn't a common occurrence for him. He went on and on about how even though your relationship started as an arranged marriage, he felt something more for you. He thought of you as less of a companion and more of a lover he wanted to treasure forever. He explained that to him, you were the perfect partner to spend the rest of his life with. However, he didn’t feel like he was actually engaged yet.
So he asked you a question:
“Will you marry me?”
And of course, you said, “Yes.”
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revasserium · 1 year
malleus; 818 words; fluff... btwn ch5 and 6 bc i can't stop thinking about malleus turning up to vdc cause mc invited him during one of his midnight walks
“hey! horns!”
“hm? are you still referring to me by that name, child of man?”
the night is dark and thick around you as you flash malleus a smile, leaning on your opened windowsill. at the lilt of your head, malleus pauses, going still as he watches you — so young, so naïve, so… unrelenting.
“what, you don’t like it?”
the prince is a thing of thorn and edge and cool, flickering green flame. still, something like amusement warms his chest as he turns, slow and then slower, his curiosity blossoming inside him like hunger, sharp and sweet. he wets his lips, whets his indelible curiosity against his better judgement and lets the curiosity win. briefly, he wonders if the sayings are true — that it might be a thing of murder, that it might hold so much power.
he takes three long steps towards your window. like this, he almost has to look up to meet your eyes.
“i don’t mind it.”
you laugh, the sound soft and feather-light in the velveteen night. it reminds him of the firefly lights — tiny and effervescent as they are, glittering still against the ever-encroaching darkness, mindless of their own futility.
“so… were you ever gonna tell me you were — what, the crown prince of briar valley?” and here, he finds you laughing again, as if this were some joking matter, as if his position weren’t pressed into the brittle of his bones, sewn into the rigid line of his shoulders, laced into the poison of his smile.
you slump down, resting your cheek against one of your folded arms.
“where is that, even?”
malleus allows himself something akin to laughter as well, letting the sound bubble through him. before he met you, he would’ve thought it felt like poison — roiling in the cauldron of his stomach, bitter and dangerous. but now, he thinks it might feel something like singing, the sound pouring from him, spilling out of him sweet tea or song.
“nowhere of consequence to you, child of man.”
“hm… so, it’s a secret, then?”
he finds himself oddly entranced by the teasing sweep of your lips, by the way your eyes are just a shade too bright. in them, he finds the crescent moon — he finds himself too, but not as he’s always pictured himself. to you, he’s just another student, tall and imposing and strange, but up until now, you’ve had no reason to think otherwise of him. and still, and still…
“not in the slightest.”
“so, show me.”
“would you like to see it, one day? i suppose it wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility.”
you brighten, impossibly. and malleus, not for the first time, finds himself held still by your excitement, by your unwavering trust. by your unassuming nature. has anyone ever looked upon him with such pure, wonderous hope? with not a hint of expectation or hesitation, not a thread of fear or trepidation?
no. he doesn’t think they have.
and yet, here you are, plain as the swinging, silver moon, cut across the star-strewn sky.
“i’d love to!”
“then i suppose you have to stay here long enough.”
“hm?” you cock your head at him and he find himself smiling.
“well, if you were to find your way back to that other world of yours… i might never get to show you briar valley.”
but to his surprise, you simply shrug, waving a hand through the air as if shooing off butterflies.
“oh, i’m not too worried about that. aren’t you like, the most powerful mage ever?”
malleus chuckles, fighting the urge to press a finger to his own lips, to swallow back the sound.
“one of, yes.”
you shrug again, propping your chin on the heel of your hand as your eyes travel up the length of his horns, and then back down again.
“then i’m sure you’ll find a way to bring me back for a tour of your hometown. it’ll be easy!”
malleus nods thoughtfully, watching as you cast your eyes up towards the cloudless sky. you point at the stars, exclaiming about some constellation or other, and he follows your gaze, leaning back against the cool brick of of the wall next to your opened window, letting your voice wash over him like water from a babbling brook.
yes, he thinks, he really would like to show you briar valley one day — be it tomorrow, or the day after. or, perhaps, years from now. still, it’s an invitation extended, and he’s not one to go back on his word.
and yes, he muses, if you were one day to find your way back home, he would find a way to bring you back, even if it took him the rest of his life to do it.
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t4tower-of-t4terror · 2 years
But If I Know You, I Know What You'll Do
Malleus x reader fluff
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It gets harder and harder to sleep during nights at Ramshackle. You don't mind your semi-shitty bed and ratty blankets. You've learned to ignore the constant draft and the ghosts and the fact that Grim snores like a vacuum cleaner. You couldn't really do anything about any of that.
It was your dreams that kept you awake. They were often prophetic, showing a drawn-out story like an animated movie playing for hours. You didn't know how they could perfectly mimic your real-life events.
But between these prophecies were something far worse. You dreamed of your old life. Your old home.
Sometimes you woke up crying, longing for the world you left behind. Sometimes you woke up crying because you know that this world, where you will forever be an outlier, is better than that one. Either way, you were tired of crying. You were tired of pulling Grim close to you solely because you needed to know that you weren't alone.
And so sometimes you would walk. Walk outside of Ramshackle. Walk until your feet took you somewhere new. Walk until your thoughts were gone and your tears left weird tracks down your cheeks.
Here you were now, standing in front of Diasomnia. You had walked to the mirror chamber and ended up here. Why here?
You knew subconsciously that you had a fondness for Malleus. But it was just a fondness. That is all it could be. That is all you would let it be.
And yet.
Here you were, in front of the fae prince's doorstep. You had walked through their stone gates. Somehow the large wooden door in front of the dorm had opened for you, as if it knew who you were searching for.
Your feet dragged. It was late, but you knew he would be awake. He always was at this hour. You trudged to his door, knocking against the wood.
When Malleus opened it, he was shocked to see you, of all people.
"Child of man, what are you doing in Diasomnia?" Malleus asked, before noticing the tear tracks. Noticing how you shook, not from the ever-present chill of the dorm, with it's neon green flames.
He ushers you into his room. Into the soft green candlelight. He looks so pretty in the moments where you can feel the tenderness in his gaze. The flickering light emphasizes his inhuman nature, carving out the valleys of his sharpened cheekbones. You understand why so many revere him, especially in this environment.
"Are you alright?" you can hear the soft concern in his voice.
And then the dam breaks.
He is the prince of Briar Valley, and yet he holds you so close. You feel like glass in his embrace, like you will shatter if he lets go of you.
You cry about the way you don't want to go back to that old world. You don't want to see those people again. It's so much kinder to live in an existence where your past cannot get you. Where the people who hurt you don't even exist.
But it's ironic to you that the world where you are forever outcasted is the kinder one. The world where you are forced to clean up other people's messes, to put others back together after they fall apart. Overblots and kidnappings and more fucking overblots! And nobody can even comprehend why you're so tired.
And Malleus, tall beautiful faerie prince Malleus, listens to every word. And he pulls you close and runs his hand through your hair. And he tells you that he will make this world kinder for you if he needs to burn it all down and start it all from scratch.
But when he takes your hand, he winces. When you pull his fingers away, you realize your ring had scorched him.
"My apologies for my reaction. Is your ring by any chance made of iron?" he asks, his voice smooth and rumbling like thunder in a summer storm.
You nod, not trusting your voice. That ring was wedged deep in your pocket when you had showed up here. It was one of your only reminders that your old world had even existed, besides your existing memories.
"Ah. Iron tends to burn fae folk like myself. You by no means have to remove it, I just thought you would benefit from the knowledge"
And you slid it off of your finger in that instant. You stand before a man who promised to make you safe and happy, and he expects you to hold onto the things that harm him?
The metal clatters against the dark hardwood. It says more than any words exchanged between the two of you could possibly convey. You take his hand into yours and lift his palm to brush your lips against the wound. You both are aware of your lack of magic, but Malleus swears he has been healed in that moment.
Malleus pulls you to his bed. His covers are the most beautiful smoky purple you have ever seen. They feel lavish. You sink into the warmth. He sinks beside you.
When you are comfortable beneath the sheets, you are pulled to rest on Malleus' chest. He holds your hand while you lay, with one arm around you.
The two of you have all the time in the world for words. All the time this universe will provide to ask each other what was to come of this. But tonight you would let the soft scent of briar roses and smoke lull you to sleep.
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