#mariaace 🪼
mariaace · 1 day
gut wrenching angst. rin. insecure rin. do it. PLEASEEEEE 😭😭😭
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Warnings:angst (w/comfort); insecure Rin; established relationship
Genre:Angst (w/comfort) Type:one-shot
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'Was it really worth it?' 'What if i never make it?' 'What if Yoichi is actually better?' 'What if...' What if. Those were the thoughts running through Rin's mind right now. Did he often think about that? Yes. Does anyone know? No, well at least he didn't want anyone to know. But at the same time...
Ugh he couldn't keep up like this anymore. *Can you come over?* Was the texts you got from him. *Yeah, sure.* Rin is currently sitting with his legs crossed on his bed thinking and thinking and thinking...
What if things don't turn out the right way? What if Sae hates him forever? What if he fails to be become the best??? What if?? What if... "Breathe." He said to himself. He took a deep breath, bust still couldn't get these thoughts out of his head.
They just kept going. It was like he was having flashbacks. Was he all alone? Against everything and everyone? No. He had you- he thought and suddenly his eyes widened. What if you leave him? What if you think he can't be good enough? What if he isn't good enough?
This wasn't the first time he have these kind of thoughts. About soccer. But now it about you. You, who were with him all the time. You, who always spend your time with him. You, who supported him in everything at every moment. So what if he loses you know?? What will he do?? What if... He started panicking. His hands started to shake, his breathing got heavily. Oh no-
"Rin!!" You quickly shut the door, when you saw your boyfriend in that state. What was happening with him? He got up and walked up to as soon as he heard your voice. You were suddenly wrapped in his arms, that were still shaking. His head rested on your shoulder, he was squeezing you tightly.
As you putted your hands around him, still in shock of the situation, you heard him. Was he... crying? What happened? You knew Rin tho. Things should not be punched with him. He will tell you once he is calmed. "Let's sit on the bed, okay?" He nodded as you both sat and you took his hands, that were still a little shaking.
"Rin?" "Yes?" "Do you want to talk?" You asked hesitant. If he didn't want to, you wouldn't force him to, but how could you help him without knowing what's happening?
Rin took a deep breath and he started explaining the situation. All the times he had different thoughts, about everything that could happen, about soccer, his competition, Sae... How he didn't know what to do, how he was scared of what might happen. His voice was shaky as he spoke, eyes watery.
"Now the thoughts were even about you." Your eyes widened. "Me? But..." You would never hurt Rin, you would never leave him. And he knew it. "I can't control it. There are just some times i can't stop thinking about things." You suddenly pulled him into a hug. "Things like this would never happen, okay? I will always be here with you." "You promise?" "I promise."
He smiled as you kissed him. "Never hesitate to tell me when you think about this, okay?" Rin nodded and you smiled.
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I don't know girly what do we think? @sanaexus
© mariaace 2024 pls do not copy, translate, steal or claim any of my works!
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mariaace · 1 month
Rin Itoshi dating headcanons
A/n: I'm writing this with my bestie @dazailoveschuuya she finally got a tumblr acc and I'm soo happy
Warnings:none Type:headcanons Pairing:Rin
Anime:blue lock Genre:fluff
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Soo back to my boy Rin
The guy is quite shy. He has never and i mean NEVER been in a relationship. So he's rather reserved when you two start dating, but don't worry he'll get used to it💜
Listen it doesn't matter if you are Japanese or a foreigner. He knows english 😚 my boy is smart what can i say??
You know how to play football? Perfect. You don't? He'll tell you how to!! He would looove it if you show interested in football even if you don't play it, because he'll known you actually care about him
Of course tht goes for you too. Tell him about your interest!! He'll insist for you to do so! Even if he isn't into that he'll always listen to you and be at least a little interested and actually may ask you some more questions about it.
Now. You. Aren't. Meeting. Sae. He wouldn't introduce to him if he didn't have to...at first. I think we all know why is that. But of course after you had been in a relationship long enough and he had told you about his brother and past then he'll kinda be okay with it.
Okay now hear me out on this🤭: Rin's hair always gets in his face while he is playing football and first he didn't find it that annoying, but after that, he'll surely prefer to keep it place. So just get some hair pins and put it in his hair while he is laying somewhere and just see his reaction 😊😗
Late night talks>>> i feel like he is a night owl and not an early bird. He can stay the whooooole night talking with you. It doesn't have to be about something deep or anything, just talking
Speaking of that. HIS VOICE OMGGG. ISN'T HIS VOICE SOO AMAZING UGH I COULD LISTEN TO IT FOR HOURS. okay Maria calm down. But like his morning voice?? Call him in the morning it will be worth it🙏🏻🙏🏻 but be careful to not wake him up lmao he is already grumpy enough 😂
I think that he loves eye contact, but can't do it for long, because he short cuts😅 he is so precious i can't with him🖐🏻🖐🏻 but please do eye contact with him, he loves it 🙏🏻🙏🏻
So he isn't into PDA a lot, trust me. Like he won't like do anything first, but if you ask him? Yeah okay. You ask him to hug you? You've got it. You ask him to hold hands? Alright. You ask him for a kiss? Mehhh okay, but a quick one.
Rin would love to just lay in your lap when he is tired from training. He doesn't ask for it though. He just come to you amd instantly lays there. If you want to tell him about your day while he is there, go right ahead. He had maybe fallen asleep a few times at your lap
He is the type of guy to just stares at you while you do something, because he thinks you look beautiful at all times. Like not in a creepy way, just in a loving way
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mariaace · 6 days
Thinking about indirect kisses with Oikawa. When you would be eating lunch outside of the gym before his training, your water bottles next to each other. You'll be talking about how school has been, what he has planned for the next match, strategies, things you're planning to do when it comes time for his training. On usual basis you would stay with him and watch his training, but today you had a little bit more homework so you had to go. You both packed your things and said goodbye. On your way back you drank some water, when you suddenly realised the initials on the bottle that the team puts to recognize them. O.T...
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I'm planning on making this a longer version 🤫
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mariaace · 6 months
Random Megumi hcs ig?(Megumi Fushiguro x reader)
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•Just imagine you introducing Megumi to your friends, family or people you know in general, or just dragging him to some event with more than a few people in it. And like what if he just hides behind you when you are talking to someone or when he wants to say something to you. Like he can go all red and just hides behind you or hug you and bury his face in your neck!! AHH
•I feel like Megumi is an early bird so he would be the one to wake you up in the morning, but like if he came back from a mission reaaaaaally tired and he slept in-just imagine how hot his sleepy voice will be like agjdndhcbdjsv.
•Megumi doesn't show a lot of affection in public, because he is not a fan of PDA. Buuuuuut think about just staying in his dorm holding him/cuddling when Gojo burst in the room, cuz he wants to tell Megumi something and Megumi just hides. Like not really, but like he doesn't look Gojo in the eyes and just lets you to talk to him if he can have the chance. (That goes for almost everyone to come into the room lol)
•I think that at first he would want to keep his relationship a secret just because. Like he has a reason you know!!-Otherwise Gojo would be head over heels, Itadori will faint, Nobara will start asking for details, Makki will give him a lecture about how relationship doesn't excuse him from training, Inumaki will be like 👍👌 etc. But once he get comfortable enough he would just slide it in a conversation like it's nothing and everyone will be like 👁️👄👁️, then everything will become chaos and he will just drag both of you out of there.
•I imagine that when Gojo actually understood that you are in a relationship he would go to Megumi so they could talk about "stuff"(iykyk) amd Megumi would just walk out of the room like he would be 'no nope i am not having that conversation with you nope'
•Nanami would probably ask Megumi from time to time if everything is alright with you and him, just cuz that's Nanami. (That's so random lmaoo)
© mariaace 2024 do not modify, translate, copy or claim any of my works!
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mariaace · 3 months
Megumi bf texts
A/n: i really don't know why i did these
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© mariaace 2024 do not modify, translate, copy or claim any of my works!
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mariaace · 1 month
Can you write dating headcanons for Fyodor,pls?🥺🥺😗😗
A/n:No, I can't./j lmao girl i love you, but those are soo many reqs anyways here you go<3
Warnings:uhm none? Genre:fluff Type: headcanons
Anime:bsd Pairing:Fyodor
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So, let's start with this Russian man
Dating him feels very classy. Like in a way of speaking to you and in general, affection and all of the things that there are in a relationship
Most likely acts at least a little bit more open when he is only with you. BUT in order for that to happen he has to really trust you, even though only to start dating him would take a loooot time
Love language? Meh probably words of information or act of service
Speaking of act of service, he will give you whatever you want and ask him him for. Doesn't matter what it is. You name it? It's yours, he doesn't care if he has to kill for it
Now complimenting you is part of his routine, because you are just so perfect, how can he not compliment you?? Like what is he gonna do then??
Just sitting with him in silence while he does his work. Doesn't matter if you are laying your head in his lap, hugging him, clinging onto him or just sitting beside him in general. It can be rather calming
Yes, Fyodor does gives you nicknames, but just a little bit more ✨classy✨ and probably Russian
Taking you on fancy dates at least once a week is part of his job as a boyfriend for him. Of course he does because he wants to, but he also does it, because he thinks you deserve it.
Eye contact with him is so overwhelming and calming at the same time. Like it's easy to hold eye contact with him, but at the same time it's so hard. I don't think i can explain it better than this.
Would sometimes says something in Russian and then makes you guess what he says. Like a game. If you guess it right, he's taking a break from work to spend time with you. He always gets so surprised wehn you actually do guess something right
This guy is a light sleeper so if you ever wake up in the middle of the night, because of a nightmare or just can't sleep, he'll wake up right after you. Ask you what's wrong and if he can help with something.
Speaking of nights he looks so peaceful while he is sleeping. Like there are a few guys in bsd that would look ten times more beautiful while they are sleeping and he is one of them.
Honestly not a big fan of PDA. Like if you ask him for something? Yeah okay, he's alright with that, but don't expect him to start something first.
Wearing his ushanka >< even if it's just to mess with him. He will be like "Give it back to me right now" but at his mind he would think how cute you look wearing it.
Honestly i know it's Fyodor, but he is the type of guy to let you do that one tik tok trend with the lipstick kisses. Do i know why it is like this? No.
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© mariaace 2024 please do not copy, translate, steal or claim any of my works!
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mariaace · 26 days
Hiii im sorry i don't know if you are taking requests rn so feel free to ignore this! But can you like write what would arranged marriage with gojo be? Feel free to ignore it! :3
A/n: I'm not sure if my reqs were open when you requested this, but I'll do it!! I really hope you like this💜 p.s i am sorry this took so long ><
Warnings:none? Genre:fluff Type: headcanons
Anime:jjk Pairing:Gojo Saturo
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Arrangement marriage with Gojo is uhm... complicated. I would say
First he wouldn't be very open to you and nor would he expect you to be too. He would give you space, because he doesn't want to make you do anything you aren't comfortable with, as he knows how arrangement marriages could be.
After the documents and everything is done he would like to have a talk to you on four (eight) eyes (forgive me), to set some boundaries, in order to know what you are and aren't comfortable with
Honestly you would still get flirty comments once you two get more comfortable with each other. Compliments and other things are just a must with him at this point
Because of the fact that he is a sorcerer, if you aren't one he will make sure that you don't get involved in absolutely anything to do with his battles. The least he wants is for you to get hurt because of him.
If you are however i feel like it would be better for your relationship. Because you would be able to spend more time together and talking to each other. He would help you learn and fight training fights with him would honestly be fun.
He would introduce you to Megumi, Yuuji and Nobara and ofc Nanami. He would ramble a lot to Nanami about your marriage so he probably already knows you. (Speaking of which when Nanami met you for the first time he was like "I am so sorry for you" lmao)
Anyway back to the point. Introducing yo his students went so normal. Nobara and Itadori would probably be more curious and ask a lot of questions about the marriage and you, until Megumi kicks them and apologizes for them. Lmao
Once you two actually grow very comfortable it would be just like having a roommate aaaaand he might catch feeling for you (he will) ><
If he does catch feelings during the marriage he'll tell you the most funny way ever like "Would marry me for the second time" say yes okay?
Honestly being in an arrangement marriage with Gojo is probably fun, not overwhelming and cute.
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©mariaace 2024 please do not copy, translate, steal or claim any of my works !
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mariaace · 3 months
Kuroo with shy!reader
Pairing:Kuroo x gn! reader
A/n: just in the mood to write for our science nerd
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Ohhh okay let's start
Kuroo is an extrovert so most likely for you two to get together he is gonna be the one to make the first move
He is the type guy to just come up and start flirting with you and act all confined, but if you flirt back when you two are alone he'll go like o.0 boy will be so frustrated
I feel like you are probably good friends with Kenma and often stick with these two
Speaking of Kenma even if you don't tell him you like his best friend he WILL know. Kenma is observant so he'll notice, but won't say a word about it.
Kuroo will drag you to watch his practice every single time he can. Yk he is like the captain, the one who is in control there😆
He will also want you to come to his matches. You are his lucky charm what did you expect?
Wearing his jersey>>>>
He'll introduce you to his teammates even if takes times, because of your personality, but he won't rush you.
Wouldn't make you go to crowded places if you don't feel like it. He wouldn't push you to do anything you want
His arm will be around your waist while walking together no questions needed. He likes you close to him
I don't really know if he is really into PDA, but he'll do the normals like pecks, huggs, holding hands (if you are okay with these things ofc)
Again study dates>>>>
Matching things so everyone knows you're his💟
The guy will post you on every social media after asking you to do so.
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© mariaace 2024 do not modify, plagiarize, copy or claim any of my works!
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mariaace · 2 months
Jouno dating headcanons
A/n:why i decided to write this? No idea, but i hope you enjoy!!
Warnings:none Type:headcanons Genre:fluff
Pairing:Jouno Anime:BSD
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So i feel like Jouno is one of the hardest people to date in bsd
Yeah Maria, no shi- NO👺 listen yes, he is sadistic and everything (🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩)
BUT he also have really high sensory issues, because of the fact that he is blind. He is really sensitive to touch and it can easily overwhelm him. Temperature of water, how much time you touch him, where you touch him it really is overwhelming for him, but you don't mind it, he's your boyfriend after all
He is sadistic though. Can't deny it. The guy is just the way he is 💜
Ahem... anyways if y'all think you can fix him ✨no✨ you probably can't even fix your sleeping schedule and you think you can fix him? No bbg
You. Aren't. Meeting. Tecchou. If you aren't working in the Hunting Dogs (or some other organisation) you ain't meeting him. (Maybe if you insist)
He acts annoyed at every little thing you do (spoiler alert-he isn't) like you could just be standing there and he'd be like "could breathe quieter?" 👁️👄👁️
No but seriously especially in public someone would think that he hates you when they see you two
I feel like he makes really good tea. Why? I don't know. It's just how i feel it-black, with sugar, with milk, you name it
Casually steal his uniform hat and then run away 🤭 boy will be pissed, but an absolute simp at the same time
Even though he is overwhelmed by touch i CAN and i will confirm that he does need your touch sometimes to calm himself down, just don't be too sharp with your moves please🙏🏻
Diy his red ends 😚😚 like i don't know who did it for him before you came into his life, but you surely were the one doing it after that
He is the type a guy to just be like "Can you explain where the fuck were you for the rest of my life??? Like couldn't you come in it earlier?!?!"
He loves when you read out loud to him, but would never ask you to do it, because his pride is bigger than his height.
Would say the most insulting thing ever and then turn it into a compliment 😂 like he has that ability
He surely has know memorized your scent so he knows when you are nearby. Like he can smell you (that sounds so weird lmao)
He loves to just lay his head in your lap and ramble for hours about his day at work. It makes him less annoyed
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©mariaace 2024 please don't copy, steal, repost or translate my work!
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mariaace · 1 month
Can you write dating headcanons for Aizawa for me again?😘😘😘😘
A/n:lmao no idea how I'm gonna write this honestly so pls be affirmative
Warnings:none Genre:fluff Type: headcanons
Anime:mha Pairing:Aizawa
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First time writing for mha guys help me
Okay so Aizawa woh.
Dating him would be soo calm. Like if you're a playful person you need to drag him to all the places you wana go, otherwise i don't know how you're gonna do it
Not a fan of PDA. At all. And no he isn't ashamed of his relationship, it's just that there is time and place for affection in his opinion and in public in front of people is definitely neither of these two.
He will act annoyed at some things you do, but he really isn't going to be trust me. Like if you ask him to hold something for you he'd be like "seriously?" and then just grab it out from you 'till your done
Do you love kids btw? Because he has a whole class. The class will probably see you as a parent figure just like they see him. Don't blame them please, these kids went through A LOT at just like 15-16
Deep conversation on a cup of teaching late at night>> like you have at least one night of the week just standing 'till one a.m. talking and it can honestly be so calming, especially if you're going through a hard time
Speaking of talking. HIS MORNING VOICE. Like it's sooo deep and again calming. I- his voice is always calming alright???
He would let you tie his hair and play with it if you want to. Like you wanna style it? Okay just undo it before he goes to work.
Shinsou may have or may have not came over at least two times to you guys' house. Please the boys is so adorable.
Yes he is good with his scarf, but you can't tell me that, that thing did not turned into a not at least a few times. Honestly help him out then please🙏🏻🙏🏻
Yeah if he can he will put you five thousand kilometres away from Present Mic. Like no- just a no for him
He is a pro-hero yk his job is dangerous, so if you don't work as a hero too, he'll make sure that you are not involved in any type of fight or anything like this.
As grumpy as this guy is he would do anything for you. Like even if it's something little like asking him to paint his nails black. If it means seeing you happy he's doing it.
Overall amazing boyfriend honestly<33
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© mariaace 2024 please do not copy, translate, steal or claim any of my works!
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mariaace · 23 days
Hehe,me again. Can you write dating headcanons for Shoto?😗
A/n: My first anime crush i love him so much
Warnings: mentions of scars
Type:headcanons Genre:fluff Pairing:Shoto
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You have to be like very forward and i mean veeeery forward to tell this guy that you like him. Like you can try giving him hints, but he won't pick up on them.
Honestly Shoto would be so confused about his feelings, so he'll just ask Izuku. When he actually tells Shoto that he has feelings for you boy would be like "Interesting. Okay thanks" then would go and tell you LMAO
When you two start dating boy would be CLUELESS. And i mean literally. Please help him out, he hasn't had much (none) as affection growing up, so you'll need go teach him, but dw he's a fast learner.
Love language is act of service and words of affirmation: He is very honest and straightforward with him words, so he will often give you compliments. Act of service, because it's like a way to protect you. To know he is there with you and can do the things you want him to
Now gift giving isn't one of his love languages, but the gifts he gives you would be EXPENSIVE. i think that in the UA he is the richest one so.
Now this boy is insecure about his scar, but ofc he trusts you enough to tell you about it. Pls reassure him he looks as handsome. If you have any scars he will love them so much. Like they will get twice as much compliments.
When the LoV attacks you will be the first person he will search for. Even if you are the strongest in the class, he NEEDS to be there to protect you just in case something happens, okay?
Now about PDA. The boy is sooo neutral about it. Like what's the difference between holding hands in private or public? He just doesn't see it. If he wants to kiss you, he will, it doesn't matter where you are.
Cuddling will be with either him laying his head on your lap or him towering over you. Again he feels like he can protect you that way.
I feel like this guy would do yoga. Don't ask mkay? He will drag you with him...most of the times he does it.
This guys shares headphones with you aaaaall the time. It's like a daily thing between you two.
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© mariaace 2024 please do not copy, translate, steal or claim any of my works!
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mariaace · 1 month
Hehe,me again.😌 Can you write dating headcanons for Inumaki😙😙
A/n:hello. Ofc you again. And YES INUMAKI. Also i promise, I'm writing the reqs😭
Warnings:none Genre:fluff Type:headcanons
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Okay so first you two were most likely friends before you started dating. Shocking i know.
So you know sign language? Do you? Because if you do it would be awesome, but even if you don't you two would till find a way to communicate
You are probably the only one he lets his curse speech. I mean you're the only one who hears him talk freely.. sometimes...
Inumaki, how do i phrase this, he is just so like playful despite the fact that he chooses not to talk
Little games with him that are just between the two of you are the best thing ever. Like, there will be some tings, that only you and him know.
Love language is physical touch and no one can tell me otherwise. Like he can't say exactly how much he loves you, so he'll show you instead, by clinging onto you, hugging you, kissing you every chance he gets etc.
Love language for recieving is also physical touch, but and probably words of affirmation mostly, because he can't say them to you :(
Listening together to music is a daily thing you two do. Like you have a playlist for when you go on walks, train, etc.
Speaking of that, he often feels bad, that he can't talk to you and actually tell you how much he loves you and appreciates you, so pls pls reassure him about it.
Tying his hair up at the front. I don't know exactly how it's called, but like when it's just a little hair at the bangs
Now I've seen a lot of fics about Inumaki using his cursed speech in general, buy i think that he would be too scared to do so, because it's you, he doesn't want to accidentally hurt you in any way.
Me personally my fav headcanon about dating Inumaki, is that when you kiss him his marks from the tounge and the side of his mouth get marked on your face for a little, before disappearing again💜
I also think that he gives very good hugs. Why? Because he always gives hugs to panda and is used to do it, so most of the time it's hugging, he loveees cuddling
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©mariaace 2024 please do not copy, translate, steal or claim any of my works!
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mariaace · 17 days
100 followers event + collab with @transmascaraa
(cuddling headcanons-PM+Hunting Dogs)
A/n:sooo hello guys I've reached 100 followersss and my bf had reached 400, so we decided to make this collab as an event for them💜 Those are basically some cuddling headcanons. I am writing for the port mafia and the hunting dogs. Nyx is writing for ADA and DoA. You can find his work right here.
P.S. I am so thankful to all of you for 100 followers it really means a lot to me<33
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Port Mafia
Cuddles with this man are rather rare ngl. He's busy with his job and everything, buuuut he always makes up for it
He is so gentle with you and careful with how he touches you. This man is a gentleman, you can't expect anything else
He refuses to be the little spoon. Like no chance. He feels like he can protect you more that way even if it's just cuddles.
Most of time, when his head is in your lap, he would expect you to play with his hair. (Maybe would get offended when you don't 😅)
Hug his waist pleasee!! You can't cuddle with that man and don't wrap your hands around that waist. He will also love it<3
Now with this you've really gotta work to get to cuddling lmao. This is the most unaffectionate person from bsd maybe.
Bue still when you do get to it he would be sooo akward for him at first, but he will get used to it..maybe...after a lot of time...
Still cuddles would be like, with him literally crushing you while just laying on top of you, but still he is underweight so you won't feel it a lot
Probably would feel asleep, but would not admit it after that
He always acts like he hates when you ask him for cuddles, but (very) deep down he actually loves it, because it calms him down and his thoughts.
This boy is soo underrated please
Anyways that wasn't the theme. Cuddling with Tachihara is an often thing
He loves to cuddle and be touchy with you. So almost every day after work, he'll just drop his body weight on top of you lmao
In this case tho, he would want to play with your hair. "It calms me down!!" He always says- and maybe it does, after a long day at work
Hand holding while cuddling is something soo important for him. Like he loves holding your hand and because he can't do it more often he insists on doing it while cuddling
Ohhhhh now this sweet.. powerful... gorgeous woman. I need a Gin in my life
Anyways cuddling with her would be you two facing eachother, laying in the bed, with your legs interlocked and her arm around you
She would like for you to tell her how your day has been while you play with her hair. She might fall asleep tho
After that she will tel you about her day and would be like turning around and gesturing with her hands while talking, so you get to pull her back to cuddling
Cuddles before going to bed are her favourite, because then you both fall asleep in each other's arms
The Hunting Dogs
Ehh >< sweet guy i i love him so much.
He is the big spoon. Always. Like most of them, he needs to have the assurance that he can protect you immediately if something happens.
Doesn't talk much while you cuddle. He would just close his eyes and burry his face in the crook of your neck
Would most likely to ask you to talk though, because he loves listening to your voice, so don't blame him if he falls asleep, but this doesn't happen very often
Also he doesn't move around when you two are laying down. Like he'll get in one position and not move until he actually has to get up to go to work
Omg i have already talk about that before but anyway
So like I've said in my Jouno headcanons, i think he has sensory issues, because of the fact that he is blind and is very sensitive towards any kind of physical affection
So in that case cuddles wouldn't happen often, because he gets easily overwhelmed by them
However on days he is very tired or you had a bad day/are also tired, he would. You have to be careful with him though
He likes cuddling with you in general, just pls be careful with him
She would pop onto you like a starfish
Would start ramble, ramble, ramble..until zhe actually falls asleep in your arms
Honestly in order for you to cuddle either one you is veeery tired or you were playfully fighting or tickling eachother, then it turned into cuddles
Her rambles are soo cute. Like she would tell you every single thing about her day, to the smallest detail
Like i said, she would probably fall asleep after that AND would expect you to hug her tight while she is sleeping
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© mariaace 2024 please do not copy, translate, steal or claim any of my works!
Reblogs are highly appreciated!
@dazailoveschuuya @transmascaraa
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mariaace · 18 days
I kissed the scars on his skin...
A/n:Soooo this is something that has been on my mind lately...and i just need to write it
Warnings: Chigiri's scar;Chigiri and reader are already in a relationship Genre:angst/comfort/fluff Type:one-shot
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The match has just ended. Everyone was heading out of the locker rooms as they just got ready, while Chigiri was still in. Sitting on one of the benches with his back pressed against the lockers, towel resting on his shoulders with his water bottle in hand and hair tied up. He was so focused on his thoughts, he didn't even hear you coming.
You nocked on the half opened door to get his attention. His gaze quickly turned to you as you stepped in and closed the door behind your back. "Hey...Is everything alright? You seem down considering you won?" You questioned quietly. Something was up with your boyfriend for the past ffw days, but you decide to not bring up things from early. "Do you think my scar ruins how i look generally?"
You froze as you heard those words. What? His scar? To ruin the way he looks? How did he thought of that? Where did this even came from? Did you say something to upset him before?
"What are you talking about Hyoma? Did i tell you something about that made you feel that way?"
"No no, no at all, just sometimes i really wonder if i would have been prettier to you without the scar...." Oh my....
You stepped closer to him as his gaze didn't leave the floor. When your footsteps got louder he turned to look at you again. You one the hand kneeled right in front of him, taking him by surprise a little.
You smiled and gently placed a kiss on his scar. He shifted a little and his eyes widened. "Does that answer your question?" He was lost of words. "Your scar is one of the most beautiful things on you, do you know why?" He shakes his head in response. "Because it shows how strong you have been and i love that about you, don't ever think the same thing again alright?"
He smiled and bumped his forehead against yours. "By the way congratulations on the win pretty boy." He chuckled and took his towel off from his shoulders. "Thank you." "Should i do this more often?" "Please do." "Then I'll do it after every single one of you matches. Just in case, so you don't forget how much i love you." He smiles and stood up letting his head to help you off from your knees "I could never make the same mistake, when it comes to you."
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© mariaace 2024 please do not copy, translate, steal or claim any of my works!
Reblogs are highly appreciated!
@transmascaraa opinion pls?><
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mariaace · 3 months
Tsukishima texts
My fav bitch lol
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mariaace · 1 month
Can you write Dazai dating headcanons for me, bestie??
(You don't have a choice)
A/n: lmao thanks for giving me a choice bestie/j here is your...thingy<3
Warnings:none Genre:fluff Type: headcanons
Fandom:bsd Pairing:Dazai
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Ehhhhh *sighs and cracks knuckles* let's do this
Dazai is...well Dazai
Having him as your boyfriend means that you'll be in chaotic situations all the time. And no, I don't mean this in a bad way
I mean if you are playful like him you'll already be used to it. If you're not, then you'll get to try tons of new things
In order for you to get really together i feel like you've got to know his past. Either you have known him since he was in the Mafia or you have known eachother for long enough that he is comfortable telling you all the things.
Decently asked you to do a double suicide with him at first. When you rejected again and again- he thought he might have finally found a reason to live.
Okay this got more angst than i wanted it to, back to these
Showing you off to anyone and everything is a love language at this point. Like yes, everyone NEEDS to know he has the most perfect, amazing, caring partner ever - doesn't matter if it's literally a stranger
Okay but from the actual love languages I think his are physical touch and words of affirmation. Like of course you have to know how perfect you are, you don't have a choice. And physical touch is just- just something he can't live without.
He takes many photos of you when you don't look. You are his wallpaper and it changes every day to another picture of yourself. Like he has an album in his gallery only for your photos.
Now if you work at he agency you would probably be there to motivate (babysit) him half of the time, but if you don't then you'll be hearing about Kunikida and Atsushi alllllllll day. After he had asked you about your day ofc.
Speaking of which he is very fast on changing topics on conversations like he can just start like "You won't believe what happened today at the agency- oh btw did you buy the thing you liked..." Like he can not stick to one thing
You're the only one who has seen him without his bandages. And he doesn't have a problem with it. Like you're the most important thing in his life ofc he'll let you.
Every time he sees you, he would pick you up and spin you around. Like hugs in general are a must for him. It feels safe, nice and both of you enjoy it very much<3
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mariaace2024 please do not copy, translate, steal or claim any of my works!
Reblogs are highly appreciated!
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