#mason mount fan fiction
mountttmase · 2 days
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Tell Me Now
Note - just a cute lil mtc blurb based on a TikTok I saw yesterday. I hope you guys like it 🩷
Pairing - Mason Mount × Reader
Word count - 1.1k
Warnings - fluff
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The only good thing about coming back home from holiday was getting to sleep in your own bed again, and waking up this morning in your own sheets put you in the best mood ever. You loved the bed the pair of you had shared down in Cornwall but nothing would ever beat the one at home.
Parker was asleep at the foot of the bed. His paws up in the air as he laid on his back and you smiled as he moved them in his sleep as if he was trying to catch something. Your heart melting at how cute he was and you wanted to reach down and pull him up to lay with you.
‘Good morning baby’ you suddenly heard next to you. Turning your head to see Mason looking at you with bleary eyes and a tired smile but you couldn’t help but find him adorable.
This was the perfect morning.
‘Morning Mase’ you whispered, rolling onto your side so he could wrap you up in his arms and as soon as you were both comfy he popped a quick kiss on your lips and you smiled instantly.
‘How did my beautiful fiancé sleep?’ He smiled and you couldn’t help but giggle. Still not used to those words coming from his lips as you’d only got engaged two nights before and it was still strange to hear.
‘Really good, how did you sleep?’
‘I always sleep good next to you’ he whispered, holding you a little closer as he stroked your back and all you wanted was to spend your morning wrapped up in him like this for hours but you knew he was about to rain on your parade.
‘I better get up, sooner I get this appointment out the way the sooner I can get back so we can cuddle some more’
‘Don’t go, I’ll get cold’ you pouted and even though he looked sympathetic you felt him pulling away and he got up to shower.
‘I won’t be long, my love’ he smiled, kissing the tip of your nose softly and you knew you were blushing at the action even though he did it all the time. ‘You just stay right here, yeah? And I’ll bring us some breakfast back’
‘You’re the best’
‘I know’ he laughed, finally leaving you all alone and you snuggled into his pillow as you inhaled his smell.
You scrolled through TikTok as he showered and changed. A video of a boy trying to say goodbye to his girlfriend caught your eye as she refused to tell him she loved him before he went, and his reaction made you giggle. Wondering how Mason would react if you did the same and even thought it was mean, you told yourself you’d give it a go before he left now.
It wasn’t long before he was dressed, coming over to you and Parker with a smile and you tried to keep your face neutral so he didn’t suspect anything and just like usual he said goodbye to Parker first.
‘Bye bye Parker baby, daddy loves you’ he told him. Kissing his nose as he ruffled his ears before his smiley face was directed at you. ‘Love you too, baby’
‘Have a good day’ you smiled back, watching his face drop as he made his way over to you so he could give you a quick kiss on the cheek on his way out and your heart broke for him as your favourite smile vanished.
‘You too’ he whispered, backing up to the door and looking back as he pulled it open but you just smiled and sent him a little wave. ‘Love you’
‘See you later’ you called as he shut the door, holding your giggles in as you knew he’d be back in soon enough to tell you off and as if by magic he was storming back in and over to your side of the bed.
‘No I’m sorry I’m not having that’ he told you, a small smile adorning his lips but you could tell he was a little frustrated with what you’d done. ‘I can’t go out without being told I’m loved so… I love you, have a good day’
‘You too’
‘Stop it’ he laughed, looking down at Parker as if he was trying to get him on side and you knew you were going to break sooner than you wanted to. ‘She’s being mean to me so we’re gonna try this again’ he confirmed. Scratching Parker between his ears and even though Parker looked confused you could tell he was loving all the attention. ‘Bye Parker, love you mate. Bye baby, I love you too’
‘Bye baby, have a good day’
‘What do you mean have a good day?!’ He cried, laughter bubbling up his throat as he stood there bewildered at your behaviour. ‘I’m gonna be late if you carry on like this. Will you just tell me you love me please?’
‘You’re gonna be late then you better go Mase’ you laughed, nodding him towards the door but he stood his ground and his little angry face was the cutest thing you’d ever seen
‘Not until you tell me you love me’
‘I’m off now, goodbye’ he exclaimed, looking at you with raised eyebrows as if he was telling you what was coming next and you were so close to laughing you thought you might burst. ‘I love you’
‘I’ll see you later’
‘Am I gonna have to act this out for you?’ He huffed, jumping on the bed so he could lay on you fully and you couldn't hold it in now. All the suppressed giggles overflowing from your mouth as he tickled your sides repeatedly. ‘I’m going now okay? I love you’
‘Bye Mase’
‘Tell me you love me or I can’t leave’ he laughed, the sounds joining in with your own and you couldn’t hold it in any longer. ‘tell me now before I scream‘
‘I love you’
‘Better, thank you. I love you too’ he winked and with another swift kiss to your lips he jumped up and was walking back out of the door.
‘You’re insane’ you called after him watching him turn to give you a silly smile before he sent you a wave.
‘And you’re mean. I’ll get you back for this’ he promised and with that he was out the door. Leaving you alone with your giggles and the realisation that the man you’d said yes to really was your forever.
I hope you guys like this 🥺🩷 feedback would be appreciated as always
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someonegoood · 2 months
MY WHOLE LIFE pt. 1 ✫ mason mount
part 1, part 2, final part.
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in which you have a fat crush on your brother’s best friend, without getting much success. (brother’s best friends troop).
CONTAINS: brother’s best friend troop, angst & fluff ! age gap, arguments...
AUTHOR'S NOTE: this is my first work here but anyways i hope you guys like it ! maybe I'll do a part 2...
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You watch proudly in his shirt as you clap in the game's first minutes, chanting while taking pictures of him.
The first half was pretty equal, with some shots from both teams but neither could score. You could see that Mason was getting nervous. He stopped his movements abruptly when the referee called for a corner and looked at the crowd, his eyes sparkling with tenseness.
He gazed down at where his family (and therefore also yours) was and licked his lips. You couldn't help but wonder what would your brother think of your little —huge— crush on his childhood best friend.
In the 34th minute, he passed the defenders and tried to score with a pass from Ben Chilwell, making the goalkeeper lose his balance and thus scoring.
You celebrated the goal screaming it to your brother's face and he couldn’t help but smile at you, happy that you were having a good time. Your cheeks were red after Mason approached the stands and celebrated the goal, dedicating a kiss to where you were.
And that was the effect that Mason Mount had on people, especially you.
Mason was your brother's best friend, you had known him for years. It was a stupid crush that all your friends grew out of but not you. You had to keep drooling every time he was near you, that being almost every day because your brother had him over to dinner nearly every night.
You remember the day the Mount family moved next to your house, a loud and proud British family— Debbie and Tony, Stacey, Lewis and Mason. The day after they had moved in, Debbie and Tony turned up outside your door, asking if your older brother was interested in playing football with Mason.
It didn’t take long for your brother to become close to Mason, both at the cusp of boyhood. Their friendship only bloomed from there.
After spending almost every weekend watching your brother and Mason training, to spending most afternoons around the Mount house playing, you felt like family.
You always found yourself drawn to the boy next door although he was away a lot of the time, playing different matches and training. Mason’s natural affinity and talent for the game, ensured the quality of his skills.
He was slightly older so no doubt he found you childish and would always moan when his parents made him spend time with you.
—Mom, not again! I don't want to play with her, she's boring! —Mason exclaimed with an expression of obvious annoyance on his face.
Mason's mother was the first to figure out your crush on the boy. She first noticed it when you joined the Mounts at a family dinner when you were around thirteen.
Both families were playing football, as usual, while the adults were preparing supper. When you had the ball you felt your body lean way too far back and Mason tried to act on impulse, stretching his body to catch you in time.
—Hold on to me! —Mason exclaimed, extending his arms towards you. However, the weight of the fall was too much, and in an instant, they were both on the grass, in some sort of mess.
—Mase, God, I'm so sorry! I dragged you with me! —you apologized, feeling the blood rise to your cheeks, turning them crimson red.
He brushed the grass off his jacket with an angry expression. —Well done. First minutes into the game and you're already annoying.
—Thanks for trying! —you laughed, shyly. When there was a long silence, you realized that Mason was not joking and was serious. —Sorry, I…
Debbie looked from afar at the little girl carefully while she kept her eyes glued to her son's. She watched her cute little cheeks tinted red as Mason scoffed and begged you to stay away from him.
Debbie would soon get used to it as she watched you fall in love with her son over the next few years.
Until your first boyfriend. An age difference of three years was not a big deal since it was a common factor among your friend's partners. You had recently turned sixteen years old and you thought that you had met the boy who could take you out of the charm that had her wrapped around Mase.
Lyon was older, he was eighteen years old, like Mason. You had met him at school on a spring afternoon. You walked through the school hallways, books clutched to your chest. A gust of wind caused some of the books to fly out of your hands, scattering them across the hallway floor.
Lyon was passing by and noticed the scene. He approached you with a smile and that is how the story started.
Your brother didn't approve of your new boyfriend. He knew that her sister just wanted to show his best friend that the age difference wasn't that important.
Being with Lyon was great at first. You knew that he was not the love of your life, but for the moment he seemed to play the role quite well, so that was fine with you. It was a Friday night and you and your brother were at a party at the house of one of your brother's friends.
You were downstairs in the kitchen while your friends watched you drink alcohol like there was no tomorrow. They realized something was bothering you, but decided not to mention it.
—Where is the lover boy anyway? —Spoke one of your friends.
Your lack of response was when they realized that Lyon was the reason for the sadness that was painted on their best friend's face. He abandoned you, once again. This seems routine, they thought.
You slammed your empty red glass against the kitchen counter, wiping the drip from your chin as you decided that was enough.
—I'll go look for him.
From the corner of the room, your brother wished you good luck and with courage, you stumbled through the party. The house was huge. Enormous windows covered the entire house. From the kitchen window you could see the river of lights going down to the beach.
And there he sat, on the stairs leading to the illuminated outdoor pool, Lyon. A thin blonde girl was sitting on his lap, probably older than you. She took the cigarette from Lyon's lips and placed it on top of her painted red lips.
Tears welled in your eyes as you returned to the house with your heels in hand. With all the bad luck in the world, as you returned, you heard in the background:
—Baby, relax. —You ignored your boyfriend's call as you made your way through the crowd to return to the kitchen, hoping that your brother was still there.
You made it to the kitchen before your boyfriend grabbed you by the back of your arm and pushed you against the kitchen island.
—Come on, I didn't even do anything—
—She was on your lap.
—It's not that serious, okay?—
—It's a big problem! I'm humiliated! —You shouted back, creating a scene you desperately wanted to avoid. Lyon's grip tightened around your arm as he tried to wriggle out of your grasp.
—Let go of me, you're hurting me. —That only made his grip tighten around your arms.
—Let her go, mate. —Your vision was too blurry to focus on what happened next, but you felt Lyon back away.
—Oh yeah?… and what are you going to do about it, Mount? —That's when the punches were thrown and Lyon was left hunched over holding his split lip. Your now ex-boyfriend was grabbed by someone else before he could lunge at who you assumed was your brother, but when you turned your head you saw Mason shaking your hand out of pain.
His knuckles were red and his eyes were darker than what you were used to.
—Let's go to the car. —Said Mason, you nodding your head. —Get in the car. —He said. His tone was strong, not what she was used to.
Still, the ride to your house was silent, you sitting in the front with Mase, while your brother passed out in the back seat. Faint English music played on the radio as Mason's eyes were firmly fixed on the road.
Mason finally spoke. —You really don't know how to choose them, don’t you? — You could only sob again, unable to answer him mainly because he was right and you were ashamed. When the car stopped, he unbuckled his seat belt and murmured that he would walk you to your door.
Mase rocked on his heels as he watched the moonlight highlight the tear-stained cheeks of his best friend's sister. He thought you looked beautiful that night even though you had been crying for the last half hour, your hair hadn't been brushed, and you were digging through your purse like crazy.
Although he would never admit it.
—I got them! —You laughed, waving your keys in the air before bumping your nose with the keychain. You paused as you pushed the key into the door, turning to look Mason in the eye for the first time since the party.
—Thank you. —Mason didn't want to hear it. You were just her best friend’s sister.
—It's no big deal. —
—No… really thank you, Mason. —you smiled and Mason listened too, mainly because it was probably the first time you had called him Mason and not Mase.
After a moment, you dropped your bag to the floor and wrapped your arms around the boy's waist, your head resting on his chest as he quickly moved his hand and rubbed your back.
—Just... make sure the next one isn't a complete idiot, yeah? —he whispered, his chin resting on the top of your head.
That sentence broke your poor little heart.
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footiehoefics · 8 months
Good cop, bad cop
Hi guys! This is the dad Mason fic a lot of you voted on the poll for :). I'm very excited about this one, I hope you guys like it! TW, none, Fluff/Angst, 5.2k words
gif: @doinggreat
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“Boys c’mon! We are running late!” you yelled from your bathroom to your twin boys who were getting their backpacks ready for school. 
“Mommy, I can’t find my lightning McQueen pencil case!” your little boy Sebastian said, barging in your room, almost on the verge of crying. 
“Baby you probably left it at school then like last time, you can check with the teacher when you get there okay? We need to hurry up otherwise we will be late.” 
You grabbed his tiny hand and led him to his and his brother’s, Oliver, room. 
“Oliver baby, c'mon put your shoes on please.”
“Yes mommy.”
Once you got the twins ready, you headed downstairs to grab their lunchboxes and get their water bottles filled up.
“Alright guys, I’m off.” Your husband, Mason, said entering the kitchen ready with his washbag and car keys to leave for training. 
“Bye baby” you said, turning around to give him a peck on the lips. “Can you please make that dish you saw yesterday on tiktok for lunch?” Mason said pouting like a little boy making him look exactly like Seb and Oliver. 
“Fine big baby I’ll do it.” You said, rolling your eyes and laughing at your husband’s childish behavior. He pecked your lips again and turned around to say goodbye to the twins. 
“Bye little monsters”. He got down to hug both of them at the same time. “Listen to your mom and be good at school okay?” he told them. 
“Yes daddy” they both said in unison. 
Mason left and it was just you and the twins. 
“Okay, you have everything right?” you said checking them and they nodded. 
Once everything was ready, you helped them get into the car and into their car seats. 
The drive to school was as usual, blasting music, talking, asking them if they had done their homework, and reminding them to not forget any book or notebook they would need for that day.
You loved dropping them off, and so did Mason. However, now that the season started again, usually he couldn't come with you. 
The boys understood why their dad could not always drop them off or was not at home some weekends, which amazed you considering they were still very young. They were 6, but they were very smart. Their homeroom teacher told you they were exceptional, and it made you so proud and also made you feel relieved. You always wanted to raise two little smart gentlemen. 
Mason would always joke how physically, they were a copy of him but mentally, it was you. 
You arrived at school and parked the car in your usual spot. You got the boys out and tucked their little shirts in, so they looked presentable. You held both of their hands and walked them to the school entry. 
Once you reached their classroom, you greeted Anouska, who was also dropping off her kid. 
“Hi babe!” Anouska said, hugging you. “Hi boys!” Ever since you moved to Manchester, Anouska and Luke had become very close to you. Their kids were now best friends with yours and you couldn’t be more thankful. The one thing that worried you the most was Seb and Oliver not making new friends at a new school. “Reign is already inside, they are starting soon.” You thanked her for letting the boys know they had to go in. 
Once they were settled, you stayed in the car park for a little while talking to her and arranging a brunch this week once the boys were dropped off. 
“Did you hear about the bullying case?” Anouska asked you taking, a sip of her coffee.
“What bullying case?” you asked curiously. 
“Mrs. Adams told me there was this boy in the classroom called Matthew that is being bullied. She said she and the school board will be supervising the whole class to see who it is.” 
“Oh no, did she say how serious it was?” you asked.
“No, she just said the little boy’s mom noticed he came home really upset yesterday so she drove back and talked to her about it.” 
“I hope they find out who it is before it gets more serious.” It hurt you that a little boy was being bullied, it made you think, what if it was your kid? You wouldn’t be able to bear it. 
You said your goodbyes and you headed home. 
Once you got home, you started prepping some stuff for the dish Mason wanted. It wasn’t a complicated dish but it would take time, you wanted it to be ready for him when he got home. 
After being in your own little world, cooking, chopping veggies and tasting everything, you noticed an unknown number was calling you. You found it strange but you picked it up either way. 
“Hi, is this Mrs. Mount?” the voice on the other side of the phone said. 
“Yes, this is she, who is this sorry?” you asked, turning off the stove to concentrate on the phone call. 
“Hi Mrs. Mount, it is Mrs. Adams!” Weird. Why would she be calling you? Maybe one of your boys got sick?
“Oh hi! How are you? Is everything okay with Seb and Oliver? Is one of them sick?” you asked. 
“No, no, they are okay. I wanted to call you because I wanted to discuss something with you.” She responded.
“Sure, what can I help you with?” you sat down on the couch ready to have this conversation. 
“So, today we’ve had our school board supervising the students because we found out yesterday our student Matthew was being bullied. Well, after observing everyone the whole day, we highly think it is Sebastian and Oliver bullying Matthew.” She said on the other line. 
Your heart dropped to your stomach. Your boys were bullying someone? Why? You had never raised them to be mean. 
“Mrs. Mount?” Mrs. Adams asked
“Yes sorry, um are you sure it’s them? I mean, I don’t know why they would be doing that.” You said nervously. 
“Well from everything we have observed, yes, we think it is them. I will talk to Matthew shortly to ask him, and I can let you know when you come and pick them up. Is that alright?” 
“Yes, yes please let me know.” You gulped.
“Alright, sorry if I disturbed you, have a great day!” their teacher said.
“No worries, thank you for the heads up. I'll see you soon.” 
You hung up the phone and you were still shocked at the information you had just received. You wanted to cry. How can your two little boys be bullying someone? You had never raised them to be bullies. You and Mason always made sure they were gentlemen, respectful and humble. You took pride in that, how they were never really materialistic. They didn’t care about having new toys all the time, they didn’t really care about having an iPad or whatever. They always just loved playing outside, watching football and going to the stadium to see their daddy. 
Speaking of daddy, Mason started calling you, making you snap out of your thoughts again. 
“Hey” you said, and you could tell immediately Mason would notice something was wrong. 
“Hi my love, you okay?” he said. 
“Yea I’m just prepping lunch right now.” You said standing up from the living room couch and heading back to the kitchen so you could continue cooking. 
“Speaking of lunch, I don’t think I’ll have time to go eat at the house. Gaffer wants to have a meeting about tomorrow’s game, so I’ll be home a little later.” He spoke. 
“Oh, okay it’s fine. I’ll leave some so you can eat for dinner.” You placed your phone down, put it on speaker and continued chopping veggies. 
“You okay babe?” he asked you. “Yea I’m fine, we need to talk when you get home, about the boys.” 
“Did something happen?”
“Their teacher called, and she said she thinks they are bullying another student.” You said waiting for his response.
“What?” Mason sounded as confused as you were when you got the news. 
“Yea, I was shocked too.” 
“Is she 100% sure it is them?” He asked
“Well not 100%, but she said she will talk to Matthew, the little boy, today to figure out who it is.” 
“Well,” he pauses for a moment analyzing the situation “Let’s wait and see what she says before panicking and if it’s really them wait for me so we can talk to them together.” 
“Okay, yes you’re right. She said she would talk to me when I go pick them up.” you responded.
“Okay, let me know what she says yea?”
“Yea I will, love you.” 
“Love you more, I’ll see you later, babe.” And with that he hung up. 
He was right, you didn’t need to panic right now. You would have to wait another hour to go pick them up and talk to her. 
You had arrived at school early to try and talk to Mrs. Adams before you saw the boys. You wanted to chat to her first before asking the twins any questions. Once you entered the school, you went to their classroom and waited there patiently.  Mrs. Adams saw you, indicated her students to start packing up and approached you with a smile. 
“Hi Mrs. Mount it is good to see you” she greeted you as soon as she opened the door. 
“Hi, good to see you too, you can call me Y/n don’t worry” you said smiling shaking her hand. 
“Well, Y/n, I was able to talk to Matthew and unfortunately we were right. He said Sebastian and Oliver have been picking on him ever since they played football in P.E class two days ago.” She informed you. 
That weird feeling on your tummy came back. You were hoping she would tell you they got it all wrong and it was someone else but now hearing her confirm it was them, it upset you. 
“Oh okay, um, is the school going to do something?” you asked. 
“Well, not yet. We think it’s best if the parents first talk to their children and see what measurements they want to take. If it does continue after the first warning  then the school does intervene with either parent teacher conference or suspensions and detentions.”
“Okay, I will talk to them. I promise this won’t happen again.” You said apologetically.
After the chat with her, you were upset, but you were also furious with your boys. Here you were thinking this morning what if it was them being bullied? You would feel awful and helpless, you can’t imagine what this kid’s mother was feeling.  It bugged you they would behave like this when all you ever taught them was good things. It also made you feel like an awful parent. Were you failing them? What were you doing wrong? You needed to talk to them asap, you knew Mason told you to wait for him but they couldn’t get in the house and start playing and getting all the privileges after what they have done. 
The whole car ride there was no music, you weren’t talking much, your boys were smart and they knew you were mad. 
When you got to the house, you helped them get off their car seats and take their stuff inside. 
“Please, sit down, eat and we will talk.” You said sternly closing the front door. 
The boys sat down at the dining table, waiting for their plates to be served. They were sitting next to each other. You served them lunch and a drink, gave it to them and sat down directly in front of them. 
You waited for them to eat so you could start talking to them. You had no idea what you were going to say, but you needed them to know bullying was not acceptable. 
“So,” you started speaking as soon as they finished “do you know what Mrs. Adams said to me today about you two?” you asked your boys who looked guilty of something but were not saying anything.  They both shook their heads in sync. 
“She told me you two have been bullying Matthew for the past 2 days, is that true?” you asked. They both looked terrified of answering yes, so they both looked at each other waiting for one another to say something. They opted to just shaking their heads again. 
“Sebastian and Oliver, do not lie to me.” You stated.
“We were picking on him when we were playing…” Oliver said quietly. 
“Only when you were playing?” you asked 
“After too…a little bit” Oliver replied, his lip wobbling. 
“Why?” you wanted to know why they were doing this and where they learned to do this.
None of them answered. 
“Where did you learn about bullying and calling people names? Because I am 100% sure it is not in this house.” 
“Daddy picks on people sometimes when he plays, and all the football players do as well…” Sebastian spoke up this time, not looking you in the eyes. 
If there was one thing these boys were obsessed with was football. They would watch any game that was on, no matter what league it was. They loved it. They loved watching the games with his dad, and Mason teaching them everything about it. 
Mason didn’t get pissed off on the pitch often, but you remembered last game he did and the boys saw. They also watched the North London derby where it got heated as well. They were learning this from football, which made sense now. 
“Listen to me carefully, just because you see that being done in football does not mean you have to do it in real life. They are adults competing for points or a trophy, okay? You are kids, football is supposed to be fun, it is not serious. I’m really upset and disappointed with you guys, daddy and I never taught you to do this. We have raised you to be way better than this. How would you feel if a friend of yours calls you names and bullies you? It would not feel good right? You would be sad, is that right?” you asked them, raising your voice a bit. 
They were both looking at you with teary eyes and their lips wobbling trying to hold in their tears. It broke your heart, you had never ever grounded them or punished them but to you this was unacceptable.
“I hate doing this to you boys but this behavior will not be tolerated okay?”  
They both nodded their heads, tears falling from their eyes. 
“Bad behavior means bad consequences, so I’m sorry but no football for a week.” 
They both gasped and looked at you with wide eyes. You knew you could take aways their iPads, their toys, their Pokémon cards, and they would not care at all because they could play football with Mase or just watch it and they would be fine. You needed them to know this was serious and there would be zero tolerance for this behavior. 
“I’m not taking you to watch daddy’s game tomorrow, you will not watch the other games this weekend, and no playing outside with the ball.” You stated making them frustrated. 
“Mommy that is not fair!” Sebastian raised his voice, crying.
“It’s not? Well, you should’ve thought of that before bullying someone.” 
You ended the conversation and told them to go to their rooms to read what the teacher had assigned them. 
You were tidying up the kitchen, the living room and putting away the left-over food for Mase. 
The whole afternoon, you were thinking if maybe no football was too harsh. Your parents were always very strict with you. If you got grounded, you always learned from it and never did it again. You wanted them to learn and never do that again. Mason was always softer with them which annoyed you. They would always convince him to let them go to a friend's house even after not doing their school work, if you would say no they would go to him and he would let them making you the bad cop. 
Time went by and you heard the front door open indicating Mason was home. Your twin boys were excited to have him back after not seeing him all day. They ran up to him and hugged his leg. 
“Hi daddy!” they both squealed. 
“Hi, my boys, how are you?” He knelt down to hug them back. “Where is mommy” he asked both and they looked at each other worriedly. “Kitchen” Oliver responded. 
“What’s wrong?” he asked them.
“Mommy grounded us.” Seb said looking at Mase with sad eyes, the same sad eyes that would convince him to let them do anything. “Yea she said not football for a week, and that we could not go tomorrow to the game.” Oliver continued with puppy eyes. 
You were hearing the whole conversation, hoping Mason would put two and two together, how you were grounding them because they were in fact bullying someone. 
“So you were bullying someone?” he asked them.
“Yea…” Oliver said, looking down at Mason’s lap. 
Mason was pissed, pissed at his boys for behaving like that but also at the fact that you had a conversation with them without him. 
“Go back to your room, I will be up there in a minute to talk to both of you.” Mason said more seriously now. 
Sebastian and Oliver climbed up the stairs and went back to their room shutting the door with their head hanging low. 
“Babe?” Mason called out for you. 
“Kitchen” you responded. 
He entered the kitchen, not giving you a kiss like he usually would, but instead ready to talk about what happened. 
“You already talked with them? Without me?” he asked, you could tell he was upset about it. 
“Yea, I did. I had to, I wanted to know what had happened and why they were doing it.” You said approaching him, ready to hug him.
He backed away a little, making you stop in your tracks. 
“What is this, no football for a week and they can’t go see me tomorrow at the game?” he asked, frowning. 
“Their punishment?” you said it as if it was obvious. 
“And don’t you think that is something we should agree on?” 
“You don’t agree on punishing them?” you asked confused. 
“I agree they should get punished, but not like that babe. Of course, they have to go tomorrow, it’s my first UCL home game.” He said putting down his wash bag on the kitchen counter. 
“I understand Mase but this is the only way they will learn…” you said trying to make him understand. 
“What about no IPad for a week? That seems more reasonable-“
“Mason, they don’t care about their iPad and their toys. They barely use it. They are bullying a kid, do you not see how serious that is? If they are getting grounded, they have to learn after” you said, getting irritated at him questioning your punishment. 
“Of course I know how serious it is, but it’s my game Y/n, it’s important for me” he said trying to make you understand his point. 
“And how else would you ground them? This is the only thing they care about, the only thing they would feel as something harsh. I know you are used to forgiving their actions but this time I’m not letting it slide.” You said turning on your heel ready to go to your shared bedroom.
“I’m not gonna let it slide Y/n, but they are going to the game. I will talk to them-“ 
“Talk to them? That is your punishment? You will talk to them, let them give you the same puppy eyes they give you every time they want something, and you can never say no? And then I always look like the mean parent afterwards because I’m the one that has to put them in check?” you interrupted him. You were annoyed. You always wanted them to be good boys, but without consequences for their actions how could they be? 
“Why are you making it seem as if I don’t ever put my foot down?” he asked angrily.
“Because you don’t Mason, I’m always the one “parenting” them.” You replied. 
“Well, that should say a lot about their behavior in school…” he said, almost whispering it because he knew he would regret it. 
You couldn’t believe he went so low as to blame you for all of this. 
“Excuse me?” 
He didn’t answer anything. The room was silent, and you both were upset with one another. He was upset that you didn’t want to take them tomorrow, and you were upset at him for not putting his foot down and basically blaming you for their behavior. 
“You know what’s funny?” you finally spoke up with tears in your eyes. “They learned this from football.” 
Mason looked at you, regretting even more what he had said. 
“I asked them where they learned this, and they said daddy and football players always fight on the pitch, so they thought it was okay.” 
Mason’s face dropped. “Babe-“he tried to say sorry but you cut him off. 
“I am trying to raise them as gentlemen and the most respectful, kind, humble boys like you were raised too. I’m not doing this to piss them off or to annoy you, I am not taking them tomorrow. If you want them to go to the game then call your brother or your mom and ask them to take them.” With that you finally turned around and headed back to your room. 
Mason was pacing around the kitchen, replaying everything in his head. He had been a douche. He knew you were a good mother. He knew that you always wanted what was best for him and the kids. He felt awful about how the whole thing went down.
Once he gathered his thoughts, he went upstairs to talk to the kids. As much as he wanted them to go to the game, he knew he had to put his foot down at some point. Once he entered the room, the twins were both doing schoolwork.
Mason sat down at the edge of their bed and indicated to them to join him. He was upset, he wanted them to know how upset they had made you and him with their behavior. 
Mason talked to them for a long time, trying to make them understand how what they see football players do, they don’t have to do it. They both cried again after hearing their dad being as upset as mommy was. They both promised Mason they would never do that again and Mason saying he believed them. 
“Does this mean we can go to the game tomorrow?” Oliver asked, rubbing his eyes. 
Mason saw their puppy eyes and their little pouts, he wanted to say, “YES YOU CAN GO.” But he wanted to respect your decision. “No mate, mommy is really upset and if she thinks this is the best punishment then I agree.” 
It would suck for Mase not having you three there. He loved seeing his little team at the box supporting him every weekend. This weekend though, he knew you were right, they didn’t deserve the privilege of being there. 
After their conversation, Mason took them downstairs to eat some dinner. You never went downstairs to eat dinner with them. He knew you were still mad at him. 
“Where is mommy?” Sebastian asked after taking a bite of his sandwich.
“She’s upstairs I think, she was tired.” Mason lied, knowing full well you were probably still upset not wanting to see him. 
“Is she still mad at us?” Oliver asked Mason
“No mate, she is more disappointed. She always wants you guys to be great boys and treat everyone with respect, and you didn’t do that with Matthew.” 
The twins looked upset now, realizing they had disappointed you. 
“I’m sorry Daddy.” Oliver said with teary eyes. 
“I know you are baby.” Mason replied. 
All three of them heard your footsteps, coming down the stairs. Once you entered the kitchen your heart wanted to melt at the sight of your three boys eating dinner together.  
“Hi mommy” Sebastian said hesitantly. 
“Hi my love” you said, giving him a kiss on the cheek, and doing the same with Oliver. 
“Did you like the dish?” you asked Mason, who was eating the dish he had requested in the morning. 
Mason smiled at you replying with a yes, and you didn’t smile back at him, turning around and grabbing leftovers from lunch. You ate in silence, listening to your boys and Mase talk to each other. You were still upset at him, you didn’t want to be, but his comment hurt you. 
“Boys, before you go upstairs, I need to talk to you.” You said before they stood up to go back to their room. 
Mason was curious, so he stayed in his place ready to listen as well. 
“Tomorrow, I will drop you off and the first thing you will do when we get to your class is apologize to Matthew. I already talked to his mom and told her this wouldn’t happen again, and I also told her you two would apologize first thing in the morning.”  You said looking intensely at both, so they understood. 
They both replied with “Yes mommy” and went upstairs to get ready for bed. 
You grabbed their plates and yours to place in the dishwasher. 
Mason came up to you, hugging you from behind. “I’m really sorry about earlier baby” he said, kissing your neck and resting his chin on your shoulder. 
You didn’t say anything, still placing all the utensils in the dishwasher. “Babe please-“ Mason tried to say. 
“Mason I’m tired, I’ve been stressed the whole day about this situation. I really don’t want to have this conversation right now.” You said turning around. 
He respected your decision. He knew he had to give you space and let you have peace for a bit. You lightly kissed his cheek to indicate you appreciated his response. 
The whole night was awful. Both of you didn’t cuddle before falling asleep, didn’t talk about each other’s days like you usually do, you just went to bed and completely ignored each other. 
Once you got up, you did your usual morning routine. Get yourself ready, get the boys ready and pack their lunch. The morning went on by as usual, Mason saying goodbye and leaving for Carrington. 
The whole night you were debating whether to take them to the game. It always meant a lot to Mason having you there and you knew that. 
The drop off went well. You made sure the boys apologized to Matthew, and you talked to his mom again apologizing for their behavior. You also told their teacher to call you if it ever happened again. Mrs. Adams assured you she would. 
You were back at school hours later to pick them up. You were nervous, you wanted Mrs. Adams to tell you there was no bullying today but what if they hadn’t learn? 
“How did they do today?” you asked Mrs. Adams.
“Oh, darling, they were amazing. They played with Matthew the whole day, do not worry about it anymore.” You felt the relief washing over your body as soon as she said that. 
“Okay that’s good.” You sighed.  
“Yea don’t worry. I think they learned their lesson. I was surprised to know it was them, they have always been good boys, top of their class, very respectful. You are doing a good job momma” Mrs. Adams said to you rubbing your arm. 
“Thank you so much.” You smiled at her.
You took the boys back to the car and helped them get into their car seats. 
The drive home, both were talking about how much fun they had playing with their new friend Matthew and asking if they could take him to a game. 
After giving it a lot of thought, you decided you would take them to the game, and call Matthew’s mom and invite them as well. You knew the twins had learned their lesson and you wanted to do something nice for Matthew and his mom as an “I’m sorry”. 
Once you called her and made sure she was available, you let the boys know and they started squealing. 
“Thank you, mommy!” Sebastian screamed running up to you and hugging you. Oliver, jumping up and down, ran towards you to hug you as well. 
“Okay, okay” you laughed at their excited little bodies. 
“Listen to me, this is no reward for bad behavior, okay? You are still not allowed to watch other games on the telly this week, but we are going to support daddy because he needs us.” They both nodded their heads. 
“And we are also doing this for Matthew okay? I want you to be nice to him, show him around and have a good time yea?” they were both jumping up and down from excitement making your heart melt.
You got the boys ready, dressing them with the full united kit Mason had gotten for them and bringing an extra one for Matthew. You met the little boy and his mother at the stadium car park and led them to the box.
The three boys were so excited to see the game and cheer on the team. 
Matthew’s mother had told you thank you a thousand times already, being very grateful at the opportunity given how Matthew is a big Manchester United fan.
Once the players walked on to the pitch, Seb and Oliver started yelling to Mason. He turned his head around and saw his little team in the box, making him smile from ear to ear. 
He was grateful you brought them to the game. He always felt much better and more confident knowing he had you guys there for him. 
The game was amazing, with a last-minute goal winner from Mason. You were so proud of him. It had taken him a while to click with the team and he deserved his goal. The boys were even more excited and ecstatic than before. 
Once the game was done, you all waited for Mason in the players lounge, greeting the other girls and their kids. 
Once you spotted Mason, you told Seb and Oliver, making them jump and run towards him. Mason picked both of them up and hugged them tightly. 
“Did you like that goal?” he asked, smiling at them, both screaming yes. 
“Look daddy, we brought our new friend.” Oliver said, pointing at Matthew. 
Mason placed the twins on the ground, approaching the little boy. “Hello mate, how are you?” he said, hugging him. “Hi, I’m Matthew,” he said, smiling with excitement. “You are his favorite player.” His mom said, making Mason smile.  “Is that so?” Mason asked the boy, “yea..” he replied shyly. 
Mason took pictures with him and his boys to capture the night. He talked to him for a little bit before saying goodbye to Matthew and his mother. Once they left, Oliver and Sebastian started playing with Luke’s son. 
“Hi baby” he said, placing his hands on your neck ready to kiss you. You hadn’t been able to talk to each other since the game ended. 
“Hi babe” you replied smiling and leaning in to kiss him. You kissed him lovingly, not for long since you were in public, but long enough. 
After kissing he hugged you, burying his face on your neck giving you little pecks. You had your arms around his shoulders hugging him tightly. 
“Thank you for bringing them.” You heard him say. “I really appreciate it.”
He pulled away so he could look at you. “And I’m sorry about last night. I was out of line. I got upset because the thought of not having you guys here…I don’t know I need you guys.” Mason told you. 
“I know baby, I know you are sorry.” You said resting your forehead on his. 
“What I do on the pitch, I do it for you guys, no one else.” 
“I know.” You looked up at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. 
“You have been an amazing parent, okay? I need to learn from you, I don’t know how their little pout and puppy eyes don’t get to you.” He said jokingly, making you giggle. 
“Trust me they do, it’s so hard.” You say shaking your head and laughing. 
“But we are a team, yea? We’ve done a pretty good job with them.”
“Yes, we have.” You lean in again and kiss him, this time for a longer time not caring about the other people in the room.
After picking up some Mac Donald’s on the way home from the stadium, you all sat down in the living room to eat and watch a movie together. The boys had created a mini mattress of pillows on the floor and you and mason were curled up on the sofa. 
“Daddy tomorrow uncle Declan plays at 8” Sebastian said suddenly, remembering he had promised Dec to watch his games too. 
“I know, sucks for you mate but you are not watching it remember...?” Mason said, smirking to himself. You wanted to giggle at his response but covered your mouth. 
“But-“ Oliver tried to say but Mason wasn’t having it. 
“No games this week besides mine okay? Let’s keep watching the movie Little monsters.” 
They both gave up and continued watching the movie. 
Mason looked down at you, you were smirking at the fact he finally put his foot down. 
“You're learning” you whispered
“Always, form the best” he whispered back at you, kissing your temple.
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footiehoemcfc · 9 months
Bad day means pottery date
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Hi guys :) I have not written a fic in a while because I'm always busy or I just can't get myself to do it. Howeverrr, SOMEONE, and by someone I mean Soph (@masonmount07) encouraged me to write again. She has been sharing teasers for her fics which are AMAZING and you should deff read the ones she has posted!! That being said I won't commit myself to dates or requests because I don't know how often I will be writing fics. At the moment I have different ideas I want to write but it takes time so bare with me. Anywayss I hope you enjoy it! :) TW: none, 3.9k words, Fluffy
These were the types of days you hated. Feeling like shit, feeling tired, feeling like you could be doing something better with your life. Work had been awful, you were feeling very insecure about yourself for multiple reasons, you had burnout and you were just tired of it. Projects for work kept piling up every single day and it made you want to rip your hair out. You didn’t particularly love your job, but you needed it otherwise…well you would have absolutely no money. 
Your insecurities have always haunted you, however the last couple of years you had worked through them and started accepting your body and everything about yourself because you figured you only have one body, might as well take good care of it and be happy. The problem starts when you start comparing yourself to other women. 
Last weekend Mason had invited you to go see a game of his. You were not dating, but he had asked you out on dates, 4 times by that point. On those dates he got to know you loved football, so he thought it would be great to have you there so you could enjoy the atmosphere and support him. You gladly accepted, you really liked Mason and you loved going to stadiums. You and Mason had never kissed or anything further than that. You had exchange loving glances, kisses on the cheek and held hands during dinner but not much more than that. He never really attempted to as well which made you feel like maybe he just wasn’t that into you. That kind of started your insecurities. However when you went to the game, it hit you. Why the hell would he be into you? Look at these girls in his box. They look absolutely perfect. They were basically Instagram models of course they looked perfect. You felt very out of place. 
Ever since that game you felt mehh about yourself. Mason said hi to you after the game, however you didn’t have a chance to talk to him that much since all of his friends were there and wanted to talk to him. You had been texting for a week now and had planned getting dinner tonight, but in all honestly you were not really feeling it. 
Once you stepped into your apartment, you felt relief. You were home, you could relax and you could have peace of mind. That did not last long though. Not even 5 minutes in, your boss had texted you to come in earlier tomorrow since some of the staff had quit unexpectedly today and they needed backup. That was your last straw. You stared at the message and your vision started getting blurry. Your tears started falling and they didn’t stop. You wanted a break from it and from everything. You threw your phone into the living room sofa, went upstairs and just threw yourself to bed. All the emotions you had came out. You felt dumb for crying so much over a job and over yourself, but you needed it. The crying gave you a headache which resulted in you falling asleep. 
You woke up to the sound of your phone ringing downstairs. You got up from your bed and quickly went downstairs to answer. 
Without glancing at the name you answered, “Hello?”. “Hey you! I’ve been texting you since this morning.” You froze. It was Mason. You looked at yourself in the mirror behind the sofa, your eyes puffy, your hair all over the place. “Oh yea sorry I was really busy at work today I didn’t even get a chance to check my phone.” “That’s alright love, what time should I pick you up?” Shit. The dinner. Do you lie and tell him in an hour, try to get yourself ready and look at least presentable with a stuffy nose and try and get through the whole dinner without crying, or do you just tell him the truth and cancel on him? “Oh yea um listen…” Fuck. Think. “I just had a really bad day, I feel awful doing this to you but I just don’t think I can today.” You closed your eyes hoping for the best. “Oh no, what happened?” His voice was filled with concern which made you feel butterflies in your stomach. “Nothing for you to worry about I promise, just a bunch of workload and um…” your voice cracked. You couldn’t even tell him about your shitty day without crying how were you meant to get through a whole dinner with him. “Yea it’s just a bunch of stuff” you covered your mouth and closed your eyes to stop yourself from crying. “Aw babe, are you okay? I feel awful for you.” He did feel bad for you. You had mentioned to him before how your job was not the best but he didn’t think it was this bad. “Yea” you sniffed and paused for a second to compose yourself, “yea I’m okay don’t worry” you sniffed again and just wanted to hang up because you knew if he started talking to you and try to make you feel better you would just crumble. “I’m really sorry you're having a bad day today, I wish I could help you somehow”, “It’s okay Mase don’t worry, I’m really sorry for canceling so last minute”. You did really feel bad, you were never the type of person to cancel on someone no matter what was going on but today had been just a little too much. “No love, don’t worry. We can see each other another day. Get some rest yea? If you need anything you know I’m here, always” You smiled. These types of comments he made can make  you feel so giddy, but then you remember you haven’t even kissed each other and it just goes away. “Thanks Mase. I’ll text you.” “Of course, goodnight love.” “Night Mase.” And with that you hung up. 
After that call you ordered take out, watched a movie, took a bath and went straight to bed. Your body was exhausted and you had to get in early tomorrow to cover for other people. You were not looking forward to it at all. You wanted to stay in the whole day and not do anything. 
6 am, and your alarm rang causing you to jump from your deep sleep. How did you sleep 8 hours yet you felt like you only slept 1? The thought of going to work made you nauseous. You knew this was not normal. After much thought, you decided to say fuck it and call in sick. Your brain felt like it was fried and your body felt like it was giving up on life. 
After texting your boss you were sick, you didn’t even wait for a response, you went back to bed. You had no energy to give explanations. After sleeping for 3 more hours, you woke up at 9:30 am. You wanted to relax but you also felt like you needed to at least go out for a walk and get fresh air. As tired as you were, you wanted to get some movement going. Lately looking at yourself in the mirror made you feel uneasy. You had bag under your eyes, you felt like your body felt like jelly since you have no time to work out or even take walks. You were not feeling yourself at all. Seeing all those girls in the stadium box made you look hard enough in the mirror to find more stupid insecurities you didn’t even know you had. So, to try and feel a bit productive, you took a shower, put on some yoga pants, a hoodie and decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. Did it make you feel better? Nope, but it did help a little. 
You spent the day reading, talking to your only friend in the office and cooking yourself breakfast, lunch and a snack. Your friend was concerned about you so she suggested you file a complaint to HR for the overload of work you had to do. It wasn’t a bad idea at all and you did it. The whole day Mason hadn’t texted you which felt weird. You would text him when he was free from training but no message came in. Maybe it was because you canceled on him? Maybe he finally realized he is wasting his time with you? Who knows but overthinking made you feel upset. You liked him a lot. Did he like you a lot too, as a friend? As a potential girlfriend? You didn’t know but you still wanted to find out. 
It was 5 pm and no text from him came through.  You were debating whether to bite the bullet or not and just text him yourself but you didn’t want to seem desperate. You started typing on his chat, “Hi Mase” adding a little heart. Press send you idiot, you thought to yourself. “Sent.” You put your phone down and walked away from it like it was a bomb that was going to explode. You idiot, you idiot, you thought. You decided to start cutting up some veggies to start dinner to try and distract yourself. Nerves started settling in. Maybe you should delete the text message if he hasn’t seen it.
You got a little lost in cutting up the veggies that when your phone rang it made you jump. “Jesus Christ” you muttered to yourself. The caller ID “Mase” appeared on your screen. You got nerves all over again. How can a man make you this nervous. “Hi Mase” you answered, trying not to sound terrified. “Hi love, how are you?” he sounded really chirpy which settled your nerves. “I’m better than yesterday, what about you?” “Oh great I’m glad you feel better because I’m picking you up in 30 minutes.” What? Picking you up? You don’t remember agreeing to seeing him yesterday before hanging up. “Umm what?” he laughed at your confused state. “I felt awful about not being able to help you out yesterday so I thought we could do something fun today instead of dressing up fancy and get a fancy dinner. Are you up for it?” You were smiling from ear to ear. He went out of his way to make you feel better and here you were debating or not if you were an idiot for just texting Hi to him. “Really?” you knew he could tell you were smiling and excited. “Yes really” he said chuckling. “So, wear something you don’t mind getting dirty, and I’ll be there in about 30 minutes yea?” “Okay, um but wait what are we doing exactly?” “It’s a surprise.” “A surprise?” “Yes a surprise, so get ready, don’t ask anymore questions and we’ll have fun.” You laughed at his comment. “Okay then I’ll be ready”. 
Wear something you don’t mind getting dirty. What the hell were you doing with him today? Maybe a painting class? A cooking class? Will you go to those rage rooms to break stuff? Honestly you had no idea but it was exciting. You dressed up in some old but cute jeans you didn’t mind getting dirty and a tank top with just a simple jacket. You put on a little bit of makeup and you were ready to go. Mason arrived exactly 30 minutes after to pick you up. Once he pulled up, he rolled down his window and watched you close and lock your door. “Fucking hell you still look beautiful with old clothes” he said making you blush and roll your eyes. “Listen, I still tried to look good.” You opened the door and got in his car. He leaned in and kissed your cheek, “You always look good love.” You blushed yet again at his comment. “Stop it.” You said laughing, and soon enough he started driving you to your surprise date. 
“Are you still not giving me any clues Sir?” you asked once you stopped in a red light. He turned to you, “No Ma'am, no clues, I told you it’s a surprise.” You smiled at his comment and leaned in to kiss his cheek. “Thank you Mason.” You were grateful he was doing all of this to try and make you feel better. “No problem.” You kept looking into each other’s eyes and were leaning in to kiss. You wanted to kiss him more than anything and you felt you were about to, until the car behind you honked to indicate to you the light was green. You both lightly jumped and laughed. 
Once he parked the car you were still confused. The place did not look familiar and there was no sign of what the pace could possible be. “Okay then, follow me.” He took your hand and tangled his fingers with yours, leading you to a blue door. He opened the door for you and once inside you realized were you were. “Oh my god, are we doing pottery?” he laughed at your excitement. “Yes, we are doing pottery.” “Oh my god Mason! I’ve always wanted to try and do it!” “I know you did, you told me on our first date” he said smiling at you. Your heart melted completely at the fact that he remembered. You couldn’t help it and just hugged him,  burying your face in his neck. “Thank you so much” you said, so only he could hear since your whole face was smushed in his neck from how tight you were both holding each other. “You're welcome my love.” Again, melting your heart. 
You both got seated in your places, the machine in front of you and a bucket of water beside you. Once your instructor showed you how it was done and gave you tips, both you and Mason got to work. “Okay so what if we do mugs and we keep each other’s mugs” Mason suggested. “Oooh okay that is a good idea, make it pretty please I’ll be drinking tea out of it every day.” Mason laughed at your comment and both of you started getting the clay ready. 
It got way messier than you thought it would. While trying to get the shape of the mug right, and talking to each other at the same time, Mason’s spinning machine started going way too fast causing the clay to almost fly out and causing both of you to laugh so hard your belly started to hurt. It was becoming the most fun date you have ever been to and your favorite. You loved how easy it was to have fun with him and to see him let his guard down with you. Mason on the other hand, loved seeing you happy, feeling better and making you laugh. 
Since it was the first time attempting to make a mug out of clay, they didn’t turn out great. “Look at your mug!” Mason said pointing at your deformed mug and laughing really hard causing you to laugh as well. “Oh my God you are so rude, look at YOUR mug.” His mug was worse, it was wonky and it was barely standing. Both of you red on the face from laughing so much. “We are not going to be able to drink from this, look at them.” Mason said, causing you to laugh again. You looked over at the shelves and saw different mugs, cartoons, plants and much more already made just missing color. “Okay how about, we grab one of those mugs, paint them for each other, it’s way easier.” You suggested, making Mason agree. “Yea okay, that’s a better idea.” 
Both of you grabbed two identical looking mugs, and the staff gave you different brushes and colors to paint the mugs. Both of you got concentrated in painting the mug, once you were done you didn’t even realize you had been at the place for 3 hours already. 
“Okay I’m done.” Mason said, showing you his mug. It was blue and red with spider webs. “Of course it’s a spiderman mug” you said, chuckling and rolling your eyes. “Don’t judge me, I’m a kid at heart, let me see yours.” You grabbed your mug by the handle trying not to get paint on your hand. “Tadaa '' you said, lifting up the mug. It was light blue and light green. “Oh wow, it looks really cool.” Mason said admiring it. “Well thank you, it’s for you.” Mason smiled and grabbed the mug. In exchange he gave you his mug, you laughed once you realized you were going to be drinking tea everyday out of a spiderman mug.  
Once the paint was dry, the staff packed your mugs into a box and handed it to both of you. You said your thank yous to everyone and went outside. “Okay before we go anywhere else, I had something for you so close your eyes.” You were surprised,  but obeyed and closed your eyes. You heard Mason open his car door and the close it. “Okay open up.” You opened your eyes and saw the most beautiful bouquet of roses. You gasped and looked at Mason who was already blushing and smiling at you. “Oh my God! Mase these are so beautiful! Thank you so much!” You said grabbing the roses. “You're very welcome.” Mason was still smiling at your reaction. “Mase seriously this are so pretty you didn’t have too.” You pulled him in for a hug. He wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his face into your neck. “I know, but I wanted to. I wanted you to have a great day.” You were about to tear up but you didn’t want him to see you cry. You swallowed the lump in your throat and pulled away to look at him. Both of you looked into each other's eyes and had the urge to kiss each other. You have wanted nothing more than to kiss him since the first date. He didn’t hesitate this time and kissed you lovingly. It was the best kiss you’ve ever experience in your life. This made your feelings for Mason much more stronger and hoped he felt exactly the same way for you. He brushed his tongue over your lip and kept kissing you. You didn’t want it to end but both of you had to breathe. Once you stopped kissing, you rested your forehead against his and just smiled. “This was the best date Mase.” You whispered. “I’m glad you liked it love.” He gave you one last peck and opened the door for you to get in the car. He started driving again, this time his hand on your thighs. “Where are we going now?” you asked breaking the comfortable silence. “Well, I don’t want fancy food in a fancy restaurant and I know you don’t either,” he said making you giggle, “so how about some five guys?” “Sound perfect then.”
You ordered Five Guys and started eating in the car. Mason had parked in front of a nice park with a nice view. The meal was really good, it consisted on reliving the mess both of you made with the pottery class and just talking about everything and anything.
“So,” Mason said, wiping his mouth with a napkin “I wanted to ask you what had made you so sad yesterday…I mean if you want to talk about it.” “Oh well” You were debating whether or not to tell him. How do you explain to him that you felt insecure because of all the girls he is friends with and that you hate your job without sounding pathetic. “Um my job has been a pain in the ass. I get projects every day it feels like and a lot of the staff quit unexpectedly so I have to cover for them which means even more work.” You said almost laughing at how ridiculous that sounds. No person should be dealing with the amount of work and burnout you were dealing with. “Oh shit, can’t you talk to your boss or someone like a manager?” “Yea, I mean I called in sick today because I just could not do it. I also filed a complaint to HR which I don’t really know if it will help but you know it’s at least something.” Mason was looking at you and listening attentively. “Okay good, maybe they can help, you shouldn't be feeling discouraged and tired in any job.” “Yea I know, it’s really just my job and I don’t know I’ve been feeling a little self conscious lately which is no big deal but it just throws me off some days you know?” Mason’s concern was evident in his face again. “Why’s that love?” You gulped, dreading to tell him you have felt this way ever since you went to his game. “Well, I don’t know. I just feel like sometimes I think about you and you know you are you and I am me. I feel out of place sometimes, especially last weekend with your friends and those girls. They are gorgeous and live like a different reality than me, but it's not that big of a deal I promise.” You really didn’t want to make it seem you were fishing for compliments or you wanted pitty from him but you didn’t want to lie to him.
“Hey look at me.” He said placing one hand against your cheek for you to look at him. “You can talk to me about this okay? I never want you to feel out of place, specially with me. You are the most gorgeous girl. I’ve really wanted to be with you ever since I met you. I know sometimes my lifestyle is very different from yours but that doesn’t mean I don’t want you. Since our first date I've been beating myself up for not even attempting to kiss you.” He said chuckling and making you smile. “I just really wanted to do this the right way you know? Like go on dates, get to know you first, not rush it. That being said, I’ve been really dying to kiss you though, and I’m glad I finally did.” You smiled at him and leaned in to kiss him one more time. It was not a heated kiss, it had a lot of passion. “I really like you Mase, I also want to do this the right way. Sometimes I just overthink too much and get like awkward I don’t know.” You said making yourself and him giggle. “I like you too. So much. You don’t need to hide your personality from me, you don’t need to always look “perfect” for me. I loved seeing you smiling, laughing, clay all over your face today.” You both laughed remembering how the clay went all over the place. He leaned in again and kissed you one more time. “Thank you for today, really. I've never had anyone go out of their way to do something like this for me.” You said kissing his cheek. “You're welcome. We are doing this again it was way too much fun.” He kissed your nose and you agreed. 
Once you threw the food wrappers in a trash can near by, he drove off to go drop you off. While saying goodbye, he gave you a few more kisses and waited for you to get safely into your apartment. Once you got inside, you couldn't help but feel giddy and giggle to yourself. You heard a ping from your phone. “Cooking classes next date? X” You smiled to yourself as you read Mason’s message. “Perfect.” You replied. The butterflies in your tummy never went away that night.
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mountsgirlsblog · 3 months
hey guys I might start writing fics on here but idk? I might open up a form and I’ll do it when im bored/ have time
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afstory1988 · 1 year
So this is chapter 3 of my new fic about these two.
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after a long dry spell for kylian fanfics, i'm finally being swarmed with both tags and new posts on my timeline with all of your new stories! thank you all for your service for keeping this fan fiction community alive 🫡
all i wanna say is, please keep them coming and don't block your creative juices. it's an honour to read all of your great fics, be it the short ones or the lengthy novella(s), but i'm gonna take my time to slowly read them. my fever brains can only digest one story at a time 🫠 so if i had commented on a rather old post of yours, i'm sorry about that and it also probably means that i had just gotten to it.
this PSA of mine also applies to those of you who write for trent, jude and mason too. y'all are bloody amazing ❤️
p.s. i rmb reading a mason mount fic sometime in jan where he ends up cheating on the reader and she finds out about it during a red carpet event and dumps his ass. i think it was a 2 part fic. if anyone knows what i'm referring to, pls do tag me on that fic as i would like to re-read it 🙃 thanking y'all in advance!!
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landonorrizz · 7 months
- big reputation (charles leclerc) @astonmartinii
- bite the hand (max verstappen) @astonmartinii
- bucket hat almighty (lando norris) @lorarri
- i remember it all too well (lewis hamilton) @leclercsainzz
- say don’t go / invisible stings / lacy @piastriswag
- illicit affairs (lewis hamilton) @jesssssssssica
- salute to me, im your american queen (charles leclerc) @solaireverie
- tis the dilf season (jenson button) @beiasluv
- no 1 fan (george russell) @princepiastri
- i almost do / being again / slut (logan & daniel) @maddiericciardostroll
- everything is papaya (lando & mason) @dannyricsmirrorball
- 1989 (daniel ricciardo) @dannyricsmirrorball
- angels talking (lando norris) @yourmomxx
- i only day cowboys (daniel ricciardo) @lorarri
- mr & mrs (max verstappen) @lewisvinga
- illicit affairs / pt2 / pt 3 (lando & tom blyth) @leclercsainzz
- just propose goddamnit (lando norris) @povlnfour
- stop and think for a second (max verstappen) @lorarri
- ex’s and oh’s (f1 drivers) @lorarri
- heaven knows (lando norris) @folkloresthings
- ballads of lovebirds and puppy dogs (lando norris) @astonmartinii
- is it over now? (charles leclerc) @rhaenella
- everyone wants to be loved (charles leclerc & mason mount) @livin4mybabes
- i want sweet revenge and i want him again / you were my summer love (pierre gasly) @love-belle
- all i want is you (charles leclerc) @cl6teen
- a different light (max verstappen) @userlando
- love is just a word (pierre & carlos) @oyesmendes
- back at it again (charles leclerc) @libraryofloveletters
- what we know (charles leclerc) @cherry-leclerc
- the folklore love triangle (lewis & carlos) @jesssssssssica
- wild nights (charles leclerc) @dilemmaontwolegs
- love of my life (daniel ricciardo) @theweasleytwinsownmyjuicyass
- you belong with me (lando norris) @theweasleytwinsownmyjuicyass
- changed like midnight (max verstappen) @leclercsbunny
- down the aisle (charles leclerc) @writingstoraes
- 90 days (charles leclerc) @writingstoraes
- you gotta move, or move on (charles leclerc) @absolutelynotmate-archive
- my english love affair (lando norris) @ln444
- live fast, die young (carlos sainz) @ch3rryknots
- i can take it (charles leclerc) @ch3rryknots
- congratulations (charles leclerc) @cartierre
- my tears ricochet (lance stroll) @magnummagnussen
- the only one (lando norris) @mirohlayo
- strawberry wine / everywhere, everything (daniel ricciardo) @formulaforza
- every goddam inch of your skin is mine (lando norris) @amaranthineghost
- where do we go now? (pierre gasly) @oconso
- when you’re ready (carlos sainz) @formulaforza
- all eyes on her (daniel ricciardo) @thef1diary
- cardinal sins (daniel ricciardo) @monzamash
- love will always show @vetteltea
- green eyes / brown eyes (charles & carlos) @vetteltea
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httpsuniverse · 1 year
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works under newuniverse are purely fictional. names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. © newuniverse, 2023. do not steal, repost in other platforms, translate and/or claim these work as your own.
updated every time there’s a new work published!
🫀 = personal favourite | 🌟 = hit works
❒ edits ᎒
this just happened — dad!pato o’ward
↳ wherein pato won the jackpot—twice.
baby reveal 📸 — dad!f1 drivers 🌟
↳ the drivers reveal their babies on instagram.
illicit affairs — george russell, mason mount
↳ wolff!reader finds herself in a forbidden love situation.
low, low, lowkey — bf!f2/indycar drivers 🫀
↳ f2/indycar drivers post their private but not secret partners.
lips of an angel — ex-bf!mason mount
↳ maybe wolff!reader never really moved on.
bf 🤝 gf — bf!pierre gasly 🌟
↳ pierre and singer!reader needs to think twice before posting on instagram.
dress — bf!jack doohan 🫀
↳ singer!reader shocks her fans when she reveals her relationship with a person her fans obviously didn’t expect, f2 driver, jack doohan.
babe — lando norris 🌟
↳ they started as strangers, became childhood best friends, became lovers, only to end up as strangers again (maybe).
right where you left lover girl — charles leclerc, ben chilwell 🫀🌟
↳ singer!reader is stuck in the past, until she gets the closure she needed from her ex.
mr lover — ben chilwell 🫀
↳ singer!reader’s life two years later, or the one where ben and y/n went from being dog parents to real parents. (right where you left lover girl sequel)
fine line — christian pulisic
↳ after finding out the secret you’ve been hiding for years, christian made it his mission to be with his own family and of course, to be with you despite your careers and other obstacles that’s keeping the both of you apart. things are moving too fast and it’s starting to worry you. but don’t worry—“we’ll be a fine line”.
storiesforpeanut — lando norris
↳ the one where people find lando’s virtual storybook for his daughter
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❒ narrative works ᎒
ʚ carlos sainz jr. ɞ
nothing yet !
ʚ charles leclerc ɞ
nothing yet !
ʚ daniel ricciardo ɞ
deez nuts
↳ husband!daniel, pregnancy cravings, (500 words, i think lol)
ʚ george russell ɞ
illicit affairs (with mason mount)
↳ angst, cheating
ʚ lando norris ɞ
ʚ mick schumacher ɞ
not me!
↳ fluff, dad!lando, comedy(?)
and then there were three 🫀
↳ fluff, new parents!au, cryptic pregnancy, childbirth, hospitals
ʚ pierre gasly ɞ
daisy, daisy
↳ fluff, pregnancy, mentions miscarriages, birth
ʚ clément novalak ɞ
nothing yet !
ʚ dennis hauger ɞ
nothing yet !
ʚ felipe drugovich ɞ
nothing yet !
ʚ marcus armstrong ɞ
nothing yet !
ʚ pato o’ward ɞ
nothing yet !
ʚ mason mount ɞ
lips of an angel
↳ angst, mentions cheating
ʚ christian pulisic ɞ
easy on me 🫀
↳ angst, unplanned pregnancy, profanities, inaccurate description of mentioned places
ʚ ben chilwell ɞ
nothing yet !
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mountymase · 1 year
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pairing: doctor!reader x mason mount  starring: mason mount, ben chilwell, chelsea fc players mentioned, england nt players mentioned, natalie chilwell (original character) summary: you and your fist meet mason mount tw: this chapter contains mason being an asshole, mentions of alcohol, blood and physical violence. author: this is a work of fiction and my previous work, ‘I did something bad’, newest version & turned into a series
A party to celebrate your graduation from med school sounded lovely at first. When Ben, your childhood and best of all friends, suggested and offered his house as the location, you did feel the excitement at the idea of having an informal and rather wild celebration. Because you knew, Natalie (his sister and also your best friend) knew and probably Ben knew too that your people were nothing but savages when it was about partying for the simple reason you rarely had the chance of doing it, considering you were always studying and on such tight schedule, even for your families.
“Ok, so we have around 50 people coming over? Is that a safe number?” Nat asked as you walked into the kitchen, finding Ben organising some reusable cups over the counter, that was completely taken by bottles of beer and other drinks.
“Ohh, Benny went shopping!” You teased, making him giggle. “50 is a safe number but having the booze on the counter isn’t, we all know people are going to use it to dance once the alcohol kicks in.”
“I’m horrified.” Ben admitted, but not having any sort of regret offering his place.
“You’re so not! I bet you’re excited for your first uni party, even if it’s a goodbye one.” His sister said, poking him on his ribs. 
“Not just me,” Ben mumbled. “The boys are quite excited too.”
The boys.
Of course he’d invite his friends, the footballers. And you couldn’t oppose yourself to it as it was his house, but that wasn’t really Ben’s greatest idea. Not that he usually had many, though. Ben noticed your little eye roll, knowing that although you were one of the greatest fans of the sport, you weren’t much of the players. Except him, of course.
“I promise they’ll behave, bubbles.” He called you by the sweet nickname he had for you since you were kids, hitting you right on your softest spot.
Truth was that Ben was the love of your life and not in a romantic way. He was your ride or die, your person, even if you were now much closer to Natalie and shared a lot more with her — especially because you spent years together sharing the same dream of becoming doctors. Those two were the siblings you never had and you were really so grateful for them. Your grandfather had been lifetime friends with theirs, having even played on the same football team when they were young and the Chilwells were a constant presence at your grandparent’s place, which became your place too when your grandmother stepped in to raise you and you moved at the age of 5.
“They better!” You replied, pointing him your index finger. “But do replace the booze, please. I’d like to have free space for my performance later tonight.”
Natalie chuckled, knowing that you + alcohol + loud music were the perfect match for a full dance/singing performance. “Let’s hope you’ll keep your clothes on this time, Y/n!” She teased, making Ben frown, knowing he was completely unaware of exactly how things went at those parties.
The rest of the day went smoothly. You three watched a film and had pizza for lunch which pleased you a lot — Ben being off season and sort of being able to have a trash day made the menu choice much easier. A post lunch power nap happened too, and even if you definitely were a party girl, if those two decided to cancel it and just do nothing for the rest of the evening, you’d enjoy it just as much. It was about company.
Ben placed a kiss on yours and his sister’s forehead before you two went upstairs to start getting ready for the party, and although you had your own bedroom at his place, you and Natalie were together at her’s as you both tried to sort out an outfit that’d be comfortable and pretty. It was June, early summer but already quite hot, so you two have decided to stick to the party’s “theme”, suggested by Ben. “A Midnight’s Summer Dream, to please the intellectuals,” he said.
“Dress, no bra?” Nat raised an eyebrow at your choice for a white crochet dress.
“To guarantee I won’t end up only in my underwear.” You winked, making her giggle. “So…” you started, watching your best friend doing her makeup, through both of your reflexes in the mirror. “The boys are coming.”
“A few of his Chelsea mates,” Nat started, knowing you sort of wanted a list of who was coming. “Two or three from England’s NT too.” Of course you had been to a bunch of Chelsea’s games, but socialising with footballers wasn’t your top choice of fun. “Don’t bother, really. They’re all very nice.” You just shrugged, back to perfectly painting your lips crimson red. Natalie watched you with a soft yet cheeky smile. “Killer queen, gonna have the ballers at your feet tonight.”
“Ew, Natalie, for real!” You faked a gag and Nat bursted into a loud laugh. “I rather have my lips permanently glued than making out with any of them.”
“That’s harsh. Ben said once a few of them always talk about you, although he explicitly said you and I are forbidden territory.”
“Territory?” You repeated her last word, ignoring all the rest.” What the fuck does Benjamin thinks we are, anyway?” 
“Y/n… come on!” Nat sighed. “Don’t make such a fuss about it. I’m sure they’ll stay in the backyard just having their drinks and boy shitting.”
“Fine. I’m sorry!” You rolled your eyes at her, finishing your makeup and throwing yourself on her queen size bed, on your stomach, so it wouldn’t mess your ponytail. 
It was their behaviour that bothered you, to be honest. Even Ben’s, sometimes, from what Natalie usually shared — sort of like he was a whole different person when out partying with his mates. Fuck boys. 
You could hear all the chattering downstairs, even with the loud music playing. From Natalie’s window, you could also have a partial view of the backyard where Ben was chatting and laughing with some guys, some people from Cambridge near them. Those ballers could be a bunch of playboys but they were so hot you found yourself rubbing your thighs.
When Natalie finally finished her hair, you both went downstairs and found so many friendly and familiar faces that if you had anything troubling you before, it meant nothing now. 
Before you noticed, the house was crowded and you found yourself in need of some fresh air so you went to the backyard, your hips moving perfectly to the sound of every beat and you had the brightest smile on your lips. “Oi, Y/n!” Your little moment was interrupted by a cheerful Ben waving at you. “Be a nice girl and come here and say hi!”
No, you wanted to say. But Ben was so nice, how could you say no to him? A bit tipsy, you made your way to him and his mates, a few prying eyes watching your moves. They were all around a round table with enough booze to invite more thousands people if he wanted. You spotted a bottle of whisky and narrow your eyes at it. “Is that my whisky?” You reached out for a refill, and finally set eyes on Ben’s mates. You were the absolute worst at socialising with new people, so you just raised your glass, giggling as you watched them mimicking you. 
Ben introduced each of them to you, but you couldn’t really keep all the names, blaming on the alcohol because your memory was insanely good when sober. “Hope you guys are having fun and still do when things start to get wild.” You scoffed, watching a few people on the other side of the backyard preparing themselves for a massive body shot. “So hot yet so gross.” You mused, hearing a specific snort followed by the funniest laugh. Mason, if you remembered correctly. Innocently, you just winked at him and turned back to Ben.
“Yes?” He arched his left eyebrow.
“I’m gonna go now because if I stay near the pool for a little longer, I’ll have to be the first to jump.”
“And what is wrong with that?” Mason asked before Ben could.
Another sip on your whisky, the usual burn on your throat not bothering anymore. Just the amazing sensation of feeling so light you could float. “I’m not wearing anything underneath the dress.” You chuckled, facing an extremely annoyed Ben before you left.
Not long after that, you were right where everyone knew you’d end up: the kitchen counter. You were on your knees, hands running up and down your body, moving to the beat of  Rihanna’s song Needed Me. The song ended with you lying there, trying to catch your breath as a friend was watching you while pouring some more whisky in your glass. “Is my lipstick still intact, Nico?”
“Yes,” he nodded. “Would you like me to smudge it for you, though?” Nico teased. If he wasn’t such a fuck boy, you’d say yes. One hundred times yes. Instead, you just snorted and before you could press your lips against his right cheek, some screaming coming from the backyard invaded the kitchen.
“KISS, KISS, KISS!” They were all screaming together as that poor girl was hovered by him, Mason fucking Mount. Even Ben, instead of doing something, just watched and laughed out loud as his friend was being a complete asshole.
“C’mon! You lost the bet, that was the deal!” Mason opened his arms, clearly drunk. You were watching from a short distance but ran fast enough to reach her right when Mason was ready to wrap his arms around her waist and force a kiss.
“She said no, you fucking twat!” You hissed, loud enough so lots of people could hear it. Placing yourself between the two of them, you pushed the girl back before she’d try to tell you it was okay when it clearly wasn’t. And instead of backing off, Mason’s behaviour made your blood boil under your skin.
“Are you a little jealous you’re not the one I was about to kiss, Y/n?” He pouted, making fun of you while everyone just watched. 
“You keep talking shit and you’re gonna get punched, Mount.” Your eyes went straight to Ben, who shook his head, as if he was asking you to control yourself or something. “And you, Benjamin… you should be ashamed.” Turning your attention back to the girl, you placed your hands on her shoulder, not really needing to ask if she was okay. She just nodded, sighing, and left.
“Do you usually ruin all the fun the way you just did, huh?” Your vision instantly blurred at his words. Who the fuck did the think he is? Closing your eyes, you breathed in so deep you almost felt sober again. “Bitch.”
It was the scoff, the mockery in his voice, his entire attitude. Your body was softly shaking now, eyes burning with tears but fuck no, you’d never cry. Not for him nor any other man, ever again. You were trying so hard to control yourself and walk away, with Ben and Natalie now both near you, and you were about to but then Mason decided to poke your shoulder.
“I am talking to y-“ and then he fell on the grass.
With a single blow, you had just turned on your heels and your clenched fist crunched into his face, right on the nose. An instant wave of pain ran from your fist through your arm, but you also felt it disappear almost completely as adrenaline now rushed through your veins. Ben must’ve thought you were going for more when you took a step towards Mason, his mates gathering around to see how he was as he watched you with eyes wide open, completely horrified at what just happened. 
“Do that again and I’ll eat your ass!” You hissed, Ben had his arms around your waist but you never fought to get rid of him, he just naturally let you go once he was sure you wouldn’t do anything. Then, you turned back to him, seeing he was horrified too. “Don’t you look at me like this, I swear to God…” You shook your head and grabbed him by his shirt. “You, Benjamin, you of all people… you watched your mate harassing a woman and didn’t do a single thing to stop him!”
He knew you were disappointed, but he was also so angry you just punched one of his best friends but, at the same time, a huge part of Ben would always think anything and everything you did was amazing. You let go of him but he cupped your face with his hands. “That was fucking awesome, Y/n!”
The excitement in his voice confused you so much, you frowned, watching him burst into a loud laugh. What the actual fuck was wrong with him and that bunch of grown ass men, for the love of God? You could hear Natalie sighing in relief, a few of Ben’s teammates laughing too.
That was so problematic you just wanted to get out of there. With a final deathly glare to Mason, noticing some red blood dots splattered in his white shirt, you left.
Your graduation party, such a huge and important moment of your life, something you fought so hard to achieve as things didn’t come easy to you — completely ruined by a stranger. A fucking idiot. And the frustration that weighed on your entire being felt overwhelming, because you weren’t one to physically hurt people no matter how bad they were, your mission had always been healing them. But you hurt Mason and, no matter how wrong he was, so were you.
That was when you finally allowed those insisting tears to roll down your cheeks once your body finally crashed onto the soft bed. Letting out a scream that was muffled by the pillow you held so tight against your face and chest, all you could think was:
You hated footballers.
If a man talks shit, then I owe him nothing
I don't regret it one bit, 'cause he had it comin
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elisascore · 2 years
elisascore’s about me! (requests open)
hi, i’m elisa/el, i’m 20 and i’m from england :) the world cup has appeared to have rekindled my football phase and i am suddenly getting the warm feeling from football again. so here i am!
i also like writing, and i haven’t been in the fan fiction loop for a while — so i thought why not try it out again? but also please bare with me, as i am most definitely rusty to say the least :,)
also! please bare in mind that i am currently at university and i work, so how active i am will vary, especially in terms of writing.
the players i am currently writing for are: mason mount, jack grealish, marcus rashford and christian pulisic. his list is bound to expand, but for now i’m not biting off more than i can chew, so i just picked a few! i’m not yet open for requests but i may do soon, so stay tuned for that.
i don���t need to throw in the disclaimer about how i do not know nor do i claim to know the actual people, this is purely fictional and parasocial, etc etc — but just putting it out there! it’s just form of fan content for fun and in no way an accurate representation of anything :)
i’d also love to find any other writers and/or football fans on here, so feel free to interact!! i’m also here to share and discover other writer’s work c:
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mountttmase · 2 months
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Not Your Fault
Note - i hope you’re all excited to meet the final bubba 🩷 a few guesses for the name were right but no one guessed the exact spelling 😂 I hope you love them as much as I do though and hopefully I’ll be able to write about them a bit more as we learn about their personality 😌 hope you enjoy and feedback is always appreciated 😘
Pairing - Mason Mount × Reader
Word count - 6k
Warnings - fluff, smut, tiny bit of angst
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Putting the kids to bed with Mason was never an easy task. Mason putting the kids to bed on his own was a recipe for disaster but right now there wasn't much the pair of you could do.
You could hear Mason trying to wrangle your two babies as you sat with your third in the nursery. Ollie trying his hardest to help Mason tame Tilly as she ran riot and you knew Mason was about to explode. You wondered if you should get up to help but Ryley was feeding peacefully in your arms and you didn’t want to disturb him.
‘Welcome to the mad house baby’ you whispered, stroking your finger along his perfect nose all the way down to the end before awkwardly reaching down to kiss his head. ‘You’ll get used to Tills, she’s just excited about you being here’
And she really was.
Never in your wildest dreams did you imagine you’d get pregnant so quickly after agreeing to try again and after your first two pregnancies you thought you knew your body well enough now to know when something had changed. Clearly that wasn’t the case though and it was actually Mason who figured it out first that were pregnant with a little help from Nala.
The kids were at school and Mason came home to find you cuddled up with Nala on the sofa. Her head and paws on your tummy as you scratched her head but as soon as he tried to cuddle you, Nala wasn’t having it. Growling at him when he tried to put his arms around you and pushing him away with her nose.
‘What’s crawled up her arse and died’ Mason laughed. Trying to snake his hands around your middle but Nala would fight him off every time until he gave up and grabbed your boob instead.
‘Mason? Do you mind’
‘Take it up with her, she’s hogging you’ he huffed but you just let it slide. You knew Mason needed to be holding something and if it was your boob then you’d just have to get on with it as he wouldn’t move off. You didn’t think anything of it though, you just knew Nala was protective and after you’d been cuddling for a while she was feeling territorial.
It was two days later that Mason caught you crying in the utility room. Half buried under all of the kids washing and the look of concern on his face just made you cry even harder. You’d been trying to get ontop of the cleaning all day and it the point you just felt overwhelmed.
‘Hey, what’s wrong sweetheart?’ He asked as he helped you up but you didn’t really have an answer for him. Trying to quieten your sobs but you could feel your bottom lip still wobbling as he looked at you softly.
‘Sorry Mase, I don’t even know why I’m crying’ you laughed as he wiped your eyes for you. ‘I’m just a bit emotional at the moment’ you told him and by the small sigh you knew he had something he wanted to say so you raised your eyebrow at him in hopes he’d speak.
‘Baby, you don’t think you might be…’
‘Drowning in washing?’ You laughed but the soft look on his face made you be quiet. He looked genuinely concerned but there was also something behind his eyes you couldn’t quite place.
‘No you wally… pregnant’
Pregnant? You didn’t think so at all. Apart from feeling more emotional than usual you didn’t have any other symptoms that you could think of and you wondered if Mason was just getting ahead of himself.
‘No I don’t think so Mase, I’d know if I was’ you told him but you watched his face soften as he cupped your jaw.
‘Well I know you too, and I think you are’ he teased. ‘You’re all emotional, you’re eating everything in sight and Nala suddenly won’t let me go near you’ he listed off and you blushed at the fact he’d clearly caught you snacking more than usual. ‘Maybe we should check? Just to rule it out’
‘I mean we can but it’ll just be a waste’ you laughed ‘We only started trying a month ago, Mase. I doubt it would have happened that quickly’
‘Don’t doubt my powers of fertility’ he laughed and even though you wanted to smile you were trying your hardest to keep a straight face.
‘You’re insane’ you huffed, grabbing his hand and taking him upstairs to your en-suite. You’d made sure to stock up on tests since you were now trying and you instructed him to wait on the bed while you took it.
‘There you go’ you smiled, walking out of the bathroom and handing him the capped test that was still loading. ‘What do you fancy for dinner? I’ll go get it started’ you told him as you made your way to the door but he grabbed your wrist to hold you in place, looking back at you like you’d lost your mind.
‘You’re not gonna wait?’
‘There's no point, it’ll be negative babe. Now what do you want?’ You told him, shrugging your shoulders as you really believe deep down that you had nothing to worry about as there was no way you were pregnant already.
‘You pick’ he told you quietly, and with a kiss to his forehead you made your way back downstairs and into the kitchen.
Mason was gone for a while, almost to the point where you were about to go and find him but he suddenly appeared in the doorway with his eyes full of tears and a soft smile on his face. You knew he would be upset that it was negative, knowing he wanted a third baby more than anything but you figured at least if he was smiling then he hadn’t taken it too hard.
You didn���t have a chance to say anything though, Mason coming straight over to you so he could cup your face and press gentle kisses over your cheeks which made you blush and your knees weak but you loved his gentle side and you let him shower with you affection.
Before you could reassure him everything would be fine and you had all the time in the world to try for baby number three, he pulled back to look at you and you were frozen in place as you knew what that look in his eye meant.
‘You’re pregnant baby’
‘You’re pregnant’ he laughed, kissing your cheeks again as you froze in his hold. Letting him continue to kiss your face and it’s like his words hadn’t hit you yet until he rested his forehead on top of yours.
‘You're lying’ you whispered, your bottom lip wobbling as your eyes started to burn but he just laughed at you. Reaching into his pocket to pull out the test so he could show you and there it was in black and white. The words pregnant staring you back in the face until you looked up into Masons happy ones. ‘We’re having a baby’
You burst into tears instantly as you fell into Mason's chest. Him holding you close to his body as he rocked you from side to side, letting you know it was okay and that he’d keep you safe, the both of you safe, and when you eventually pulled back he kissed your tears away.
‘I didn’t think it would be this quick, sorry it’s just a bit of a shock’ you laughed, trying to wrap your head around it as your stared back at the word pregnant.
‘It’s alright, baby. Are you feeling okay?’
‘I think so’ you laughed. Letting him grip the back of your thighs so he could place you on the counter and look him in the eye. ‘I just can’t believe it, like I don’t even know what to think’
‘Well It’s still early love, how about we keep it to ourselves for a little while and tell the kids when we’re certain everything’s okay’ he reassured you and you felt yourself relax at how calm and in control he was about everything. ‘We can tell the rest of the world after that when you’re ready but for now it’s just us yeah? You, me and Nala’ he joked before pulling you in for a well needed hug.
So you kept it to yourselves. Telling the kids after your 12 week scan and as soon as Tilly found out you were pregnant she’d barely left your side and was seemingly very quizzical about what was happening. You knew she wanted to come out and ask fully how it had happened but she kept it inside until one night when it was just the three of you.
Ollie was at a friend's house for dinner and after all of you had eaten, you were cuddled up on the sofa with Mason, Tilly nestled in between you. Her head on Mason's chest as you watched whatever was on the tv but soon enough Tilly was ready for a biology lesson.
‘Daddy, how did the baby get in mummy’s belly?’ she asked, her head tilting up to look at him but as soon as you looked up you could see the panic written all over his face.
‘Yeah, how did it happen, Mase?’ You teased wanting to know how he’d worm his way out of this one but you could see he was hating every second of this. Sending you a what the fuck face before looking back down at Tilly who was waiting patiently for him to explain.
‘Okay, so you know how you write a letter to Santa at Christmas?’ He started, Tilly nodding excitedly and you could see the cogs turning in his brain, wondering where the hell he was going with this but let him carry on. ‘Well, when two people who love each other very much want a baby, they write a letter to the stork and then you have to bury it in the garden so they can come and pick it up’
You could see Tilly wasn’t buying it, looking back at him in confusion and you yourself were waiting for what he had to say next.
‘But how?’
‘How what?’
‘His did they get into mummy’s belly’ he asked more firmly this time as Mason was quite clearly skirting around it but knowing Tilly she would ask and ask until she got her answer.
‘Well um… well then the stork, it comes back and uh… and it leaves a seed which is the baby… and uh, that goes in Mummy’s tummy’ he nodded, stuttering the whole way through as he was panicking but you were loving how flustered he was. Trying to hold in a laugh as you covered your mouth with your hand.
‘But how does the seed get in there?’ She persisted, watching Mason now try to hide a smile before his eyes flashed to yours and you knew he was about to say something he shouldn’t.
‘She swallows it’
‘Okay that’s enough for today’ you interrupted, pulling Tilly onto your lap ‘you need to go and pick Ollie up’ you told Mason with a slightly dissatisfied look on your face and he quickly kissed your forehead la with a smile before getting up. ‘Come on missy, let’s get you in the bath, yeah?’
‘Okay mummy,’ she smiled. Reaching over to give Mason a kiss on the cheek before making her way up the stairs and you promised her you’d be right up in a minute.
‘Right I won’t be long’ Mason laughed as he got up, reaching down to help pull you up with him but he must have caught the unimpressed look from you as he began to laugh at your expression. ‘What?’
‘You know what’ you laughed. ‘Maybe If I had swallowed we wouldn’t be in this state would we’
‘I love it when you talk dirty’ Mason laughed. Pulling you into him with his hand on your bum and he squeezed it as he kissed you heavily. ‘I’ll see you soon, maybe when the kids are in bed we can try-‘
‘Mason I swear to god’ you laughed, pulling away and tapping his chest before making a beeline for the stairs but the sound of his giggles as he made his way out the door made you giggle along too.
Things took a turn at the gender reveal though. The four of you not doing anything extravagant but you knew you wanted the kids involved so after you scan you gave your bestie Sid an envelope with the gender inside so she could organise a cake and the next day you were all sat around the kitchen island with wine glasses in hand ready to sink them into the cake and you couldn’t be more excited.
Mason and Ollie didn’t care what the gender was, as did you, but Tilly was gunning for a baby sister. Having already picked out some toys for her to have and she constantly referred to the baby as she. You knew there would be a meltdown if she didn’t get her way but you were trying to distract her as best you could.
‘Okay, are we ready?’ you laughed, popping your hand on Tilly’s glass to help her push down into the cake and after the count of three you shut your eyes and pushed down on both until you hit the board.
It was Tilly crying no that made you realise what had happened. Looking round to see everyone’s glass filled with the blue frosting from the inside of the cake but Tilly’s wails wouldn’t let you enjoy your time just yet.
Mason was trying his hardest to contain his laughter and when you pulled Tilly into a hug to console her, he wrapped his arms around the pair of you whilst Ollie just grabbed a fork and began to dig into his cake.
‘Tilly baby, it’s okay’ you tried to reassure her, holding your laughs in as best you could but she just cried harder.
‘I don’t like boys’ she sobbed into your neck as she held you tight and as much as Mason looked like he was about to lose it, he peeled Tilly away from you and began to talk to her quietly. Eventually taking her out into the garden where you could see him swaying her from side to side as he spoke into the side of her head and eventually she was nodding her head and wiping her eyes
You joined Ollie though, accepting the fork he passed you so you could dig in too while you spoke about the new baby boy on the way and Ollie was very quick to reassure you how excited he was and how much he wanted to help out.
‘Okay, I think we’re on board now’ Mason announced as he walked back in with Tilly on his hip. A smile on her face but her eyes were still red and watery so Mason sat her on the side so you could feed her some cake.
‘Tilly, my new book came today. Shall I read to you for a bit?’ Ollie asked, your heart melting at the way he wanted to cheer her up as Ollie reading to her was their thing. Whenever Tilly was on mad one or overwhelmed he’d often take her over to their little corner to calm down and your heart felt full as she toddled off with her hand in his.
‘So, another boy huh?’ Mason smiled as he came over to you. Resting his hands on your waist as you rested yours on his chest and you were thankful for a little bit of alone time with him.
‘Looks like it. And after two clones of you I’m hoping this one looks a little bit like me’ you told him before he kissed your forehead with a giggle.
‘Are you happy?’
‘Of course, as long as he's healthy I couldn’t care what they are,’ you told him softly and he nodded his head in agreement. ‘What did you say to Tilly?’
‘Told her it’s another boy to boss around. And that if she’s the only girl then she’ll always be my only princess’
‘What about me?’ you pouted, watching Mason roll his eyes but he was leaning down to kiss you just after.
You’d picked a few names out, but just like you’d done with Tilly you wanted to see him before you named him and once you had, the name Ryley seemed to fit him like a glove. Whilst you could tell he was Mason's boy you were constantly told how much he looked like you and it made your heart swell whenever you looked at him.
Tilly also came around as soon as she saw him. Almost bursting into tears at the way her little face softened at the sight of her new brother before she was looking up at you for permission to say hello to him and Ollie was just as perfect as ever with him.
A new baby meant a whole new routine though and lately it meant Ryleys feed came at bed time so Mason had to put the others to bed on his own. Usually he’d love this but clearly the novelty has worn off for Tilly and she was making it as difficult for him as possible.
Soon enough the noise died down. Mason telling Tilly that Ryley won’t want to stay with us if she’s too loud and she finally took the hint and got into bed. Letting Mason read her a very quick story before he went and said goodnight to Ollie with the house falling silent once more.
You felt Mason pop his head into the nursery soon after, his eyes and facial expression soft as he took you in but he couldn’t hide the deep blush on his cheeks. Eyes flicking down to your exposed chest as you fed Ryley and you could see he was debating whether or not he should come in but you nodded your head to motion for him to come over. Watching him carefully make his way over to the pair of you and when he was close enough you lifted your head in hopes he’d lean down and kiss you. Revealing in the feeling of his lips brushing against yours softly and you hummed in delight just before he pulled away.
‘You two alright in here?’ He asked quietly, crouching down so he could kiss Ryley’s head. Your heart fluttering at the adoring way he looked down at him before his gaze was locked on yours.
‘We’re okay. Are you okay?’ You laughed, referring to the nightmare he seemed to have just had with the others and you smiled as he rolled his eyes playfully.
‘Oh you heard that yeah?’ He laughed. ‘Unless you put Tilly to bed she’s a right pain in the arse’ he teased. ‘I love her but my god she’s a handful sometimes’
‘They don’t call her Tilly the tiny terror for nothing’ you winked. ‘You done good though sweet cheeks’
‘Thanks’ he laughed, rolling his eyes again. ‘I’m gonna go sort myself out but I’ll see you in our room in a bit, yeah? Take your time’
‘Okay’ you whispered and with one last heavy kiss to your lips he was making his way out.
You sat Ryley up not too long after so you could wind him. Knowing Mason hadn’t really got to see him all that much today and he’d be itching for a cuddle soon so you made your way back across the hall to your bedroom for some time for just the three of you.
You didn’t questione why the door to your bedroom was shut even though maybe you should have. He never usually shut it as it was harder for you to open with just one hand whilst carrying Ryley and you always kept it open just in case one of the kids needed you but you just shifted Ryley on your chest so he was over your left shoulder and pushed the door open.
You should have known there was a reason why he shut it. Walking around to be met with the sound of his loud breathing and when you rounded the corner and into his view you were shocked by the sight in front of you.
There he was laid on the bed, T-shirt riding high on his perfect body as his boxers had been shuffled down his thighs ever so slightly to free himself and even from the split second view you knew what he was doing as his hand moved up and down. A shocked gasp falling from your lips before you turned and you heard mason fumbling behind you.
‘Shit! Oh god, oh god no’
‘Mase, it’s okay’ you told him, slightly chuckling as you turned back around to face him but the look on his face made your heart drop.
His cheeks were redder than you’d ever seen them, a humiliated look plastered across his face no matter how much he tried to hide it and he looked on the brink of tears.
‘Masey, no don’t get upset it’s alright’
‘I need the bathroom-’
‘No wait’ you called, popping Ryley into his crib as quickly as you could before rushing over to him to stop him from hiding away in the en-suite for the rest of the night and thankfully you caught him before he was able to shut the door. ‘Come here baby, come and talk to me’
‘No I-‘
‘Mase, come on’ you interrupted, pulling him back to bed so you could sit on the edge with him in hopes he’d look at you. He was determined to keep looking down though so in the end you just held him tight and spoke into his hair. ‘It’s okay, you don’t need to be embarrassed or anything. It’s nothing I haven’t seen before’
‘I thought I had more time’ he told you. Holding you tighter but you hated how down he sounded.
‘Look at me’ you whispered, letting him take his own time to gather himself before looking up at you shyly. ‘You don’t need to be embarrassed, it’s perfectly normal’
‘I know I just… it’s still embarrassing’ he laughed. ‘I feel like a teenager who’s just been caught. I just thought you’d be a bit longer with the little man and I’d have time. I haven’t wanted to ask for… you know. I wanted to wait until you’re ready and-‘
‘Who said I’m not ready’ you smiled. ‘I gave birth 8 weeks ago now so that’s two weeks over’
‘I know’ he smiled. I’m just worried that’s all’
‘Worried about what?’
‘I don’t wanna hurt you’ he whispered and your heart broke at his sad face. ‘Remember what happened after Tilly?’ He asked and you nodded solemnly.
It had been six weeks since Tilly had been born and you knew Mason was chomping at the bit to have you. You were too big and uncomfortable towards the end of your pregnancy so it had been months since you’d last been intimate and it was almost as if Mason was counting down the days.
Your night didn’t go as planned though. Unbenounced to you, you still weren’t fully ready and even though Mason had been gentle with you and you’d tried to push through it, it hurt too much and you’d ended up bursting into tears.
Mason felt awful, almost in tears himself as he tried to comfort you but you knew he was blaming himself when he shouldn’t be. In the end you took his face in your hands so you could pepper his cheeks with kisses but your heart was breaking as he repeatedly told you how sorry he was.
‘Masey it’s not your fault’ you told him quietly, but he wasn’t having any of it. Hiding his head into your neck for the rest of the night until the pair of you eventually fell asleep.
He was quiet with you but extra soft for a few days until you could talk it out and let him know it wasn’t his fault. You just had to wait an extra few weeks and everything would go back to normal.
You could see it in his eyes now that he was frightened so you pulled him closer and cupped his jaw so you could look at each other properly.
‘Tilly had a massive head baby’ you laughed. ‘She was a right pain to get out but I don’t feel like I did with Tilly. Ryley was a breeze compared to her and I’m all healed up now. There’s nothing to be afraid of’
‘Yeah?’ He smiled. His body relaxing in your arms as you reassured him everything was okay and the small smile on his lips made you feel a lot better.
‘Yeah, of course. In fact… what do you say we pop Ryley in his nursery for a bit so we can have some time for just us’
‘Wait, what?’ He whispered, his face looking slightly shocked but in all honestly your been craving some alone time with Mason yourself. ‘Are you sure?’
‘100%, Just give me a sec and I’ll be back’ you told him. Slightly untangling yourself from him so you could pick up Ryley and take him over to his nursery. You never left him in here at night but he had his naps in here all the time so you made sure the baby cam was set up properly before dropping a kiss on his head. ‘I’ll be back for you soon, little one. Just keep sleeping for me’ you whispered. Taking one last look before making your way back to Mason.
He was sitting on the bed facing the door when you got back and a sudden wave of anxiety rolled over you as soon as you shut the door. Your body had changed so much since he’d last seen it and you knew you were covered in stretch marks and still sagging in certain places so when he pulled you in between his legs you tried not to look him in the eye.
‘Baby? Everything alright?’ He asked, fingers delicately tracing the backs of your thighs and you just nodded and you pulled him into a hug.
‘I’m okay, just nervous’ you laughed awkwardly. ‘It’s been a while’
‘I know, love. We can go as slowly as you want to though, yeah?’
‘I know’ you smiled, kissing his forehead gently but he could still read your mind and sense how apprehensive you were.
‘And I don’t care what you think your body looks like now. You know that don’t you? I love you and I just wanna make you feel good’
‘I know, Mase’ you smiled, eyes filling at his sweet words. He’d said the same after both your other babies had been born but the words still hit you deep. You didn’t look like you used you, three babies would have an effect on anyone but Mason never cared. He took you as you were and only cared about looking after you, telling you you’d given him everything he’d ever wanted and he’d make sure he looked after you in whatever way you needed.
His hands were trailing all over your bare legs, touching wherever he could as his lips pressed kisses to your chest and you couldn’t help but giggle as he finally got to touch all the places he’d missed for the last few months.
‘What’s so funny?’ He smiled, pinching your bum gently as you steadied yourself but his cheeky smile was melting you.
‘We’ve been together for so many years now, had three kids together and you’re still as horny as ever’ you chuckled, wanting him to know how ridiculous you found him but deep down you knew you were just as bad.
‘That’s what happens when you’ve got the most beautiful wife in the world’ he told you. ‘You know I’ll never not want you. Even when we’re grey and wrinkly I’ll still think you’re hot as fuck’
‘If you’re trying to get me in the mood, talking about old people probably won’t help’ you told him, kneeling onto the mattress and his light laugh made you smile.
‘Noted’ he winked, shuffling back and inviting you to lay with him and once you were next to him he laid you back gently and kissed you with as much passion as he could muster.
He kissed you until you felt dizzy, your hands gripping at him where you could and when when you moaned into his mouth he rolled ontop on you so he could look directly down at you.
‘What do you want baby? You want my fingers?’
‘Yeah? You don’t sound so sure’ he teased but before you could protest he was talking again. ‘I think I know what you really want’
‘What’s that?’
‘You want my mouth, don’t you?’ He whispered lowly into you ear. The sound making you shiver and a gasp to fall from your lip at the sound of his dirty words. ‘Thought so’ he chuckled and before you knew it he was kissing down your neck as he grabbed the hem of your shirt.
You knew it was just Mason and he loved you no matter what, so you let him remove all your clothes as he placed kisses to your exposed skin. Pushing any nervous thoughts out of your head so on you could enjoy the feel of him again.
As soon as his lips touched where they needed to you felt yourself melt. Feeling like you were floating on clouds as he reminded you what you’d been missing out on for months as you tried your hardest to keep your moans at bay and not wake anyone. He made it difficult though. Getting back into the rhythm of things like he’d never been away and soon enough your fingers were getting tangled in his hair as he pushed you over the finish line.
‘Stop biting your lip, I wanna do that’ he laughed, as he made his way back up to your face. Kissing you so you could taste yourself and you let out quiet moan as he gently sunk his teeth into your bottom lip.
‘I’m trying to be quiet’ you laughed, lips against his as you spoke before he stole another kiss from you. Knowing he was ready and raring to go.
‘What do you want now baby?’
‘I want you. All of you,’ you told him. Watching a slight nervousness flicker through him and you wanted to reassure him straight away. Gripping the back of his neck so you could tug him back down for a kiss and as he got into it you began to undress him until you were both naked and needy for each other.
You knew he was watching you the whole time as he pushed his way inside of you. Your face contorting in pleasure as he took his time before bending down to press gentle kisses over your face.
‘Is that okay?’ He whispered, moving his hips slowly so you could adjust to him but you were already seeing stars after not feeling him for so long and all you could muster was a nod. ‘Yeah?’ Breathed, a sense of relief laced through his voice and you nodded as you tried to reassure him further.
‘Yes masey, keep doing that’ you moaned, louder than you’d intended to but it all felt so intense and you knew mason was feeling it too.
‘Should I slow down?’
‘No, just like that’ you sighed. Reaching up to grab his shoulders so you had something to steady yourself but also because you wanted to feel his skin under yours.
‘You wonder why I still can’t keep my hands off of you?’ He moaned, pulling up so he could hold you at your waist and take a bit more control. ‘Fucking look at you, you’re unreal’
‘I know gorgeous. I’m with you, just let go for me’ he told you and you did exactly as he said. Letting him coax you through it until you were spent and he was flopping down gently next to you.
Sometimes you felt like this was your favourite bit. Laying skin to skin with your man as he gently stroked your back and you couldn’t help but nuzzle into him more as you made every second count. You’d missed these moments with him and from the way he was holding you close you knew he’d missed it too.
‘You okay?’ He whispered after a while. Feeling your eyes growing heavier as he lulled you to sleep but you looked up at him with a soft smile as he kissed your nose.
‘I’m perfect’
‘I didn’t hurt you at all did I?’ He questioned quietly but you shook your head so he knew you were fine straight away.
‘I promise you, I’m absolutely fine’ you told him. Pecking his lips softly before sighing. ‘I’m so comfy but I need to go and get Ryley. I don’t like leaving him in there alone for too long’
‘Stay there, okay? I’ll go get little man’ he reassured you. Kissing your head gently before untangling himself from you so he could get dressed and grab your boy.
You got dressed too whilst he was gone and you were just pulling your top over your head as he walked back in with Ryley cuddled into his chest. Your heart thumping at the way they were together and no matter when or where, watching Mason with a tiny human always made your knees weak.
‘Come on boys, mumma needs a cuddle’ you laughed. Jumping up onto the bed and letting Mason pass you Ryley before he laid next to you. His head on your chest as Ryley laid on the other side and you couldn’t stop yourself from looking down at Mason and seeing how happy he was to have some time with Ryley. ‘You okay, Mase?’
‘I’m better than okay’ he smiled, reaching up to give you a quick peck before nuzzling back down into your neck. ‘Thank you for everything, I never thought I could be this happy’
You didn’t have the words for him. Your eyes filling with tears as you kissed his temple but inside you were agreeing with him wholeheartedly. You too never thought you could ever be this happy but as you thought about where you were right now and who you were with, you knew right now your life and your family were complete.
Thank you so much for reading 🩷 I really hoped you enjoyed it and I’d love if you could leave me some feedback if you fancy it 😘
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someonegoood · 2 months
MY WHOLE LIFE pt. 2 ✫ mason mount
part 1, part 2, final part.
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in which life does not go on after Mason breaks your heart over and over again. (brother’s best friends troop).
CONTAINS: brother’s best friend troop, angst, some smut (not really explicit) & fluff ! age gap, arguments...
AUTHOR'S NOTE: here's part 2 ! Mason made his first goal for United and I'm emotional 💞 I'll do part 3 later
taglist: @dreamingofautopia @xjval @sunflower-tia @sad-fridge2323 @girlidekanymore @borbolwra3
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Chelsea added to their story.
Your phone notified you, immediately dampening your mood. Everything was related to him.
It’s been two months since Mason shattered your heart after that nightmare of a night. The funny thing is that a part of you didn’t hate him, a part of you that still loved him existed. 
You had waited for him to text you to ask how you were and if you were free to hang out. And by the time you realized that he wasn’t going to, it was too late… too awkward for you to ask as well. So, both of you had resorted to ignorance and hostility. 
Life eventually went on, even though you had cut one of the most important people out of your life. And you’d see yourself by night, in your dreams. All these faces in the crowded city of London, and for some reason, you’d still try to find his. Mason was no longer yours.
Although he never was.
The first time Mason saw you after that night was a couple of months later, at a family lunch. The two families —Mounts and yours—had united in your family's garden for a little lunch to catch up on life. You had turned twenty and Lyon was old news. 
But Mason’s eyes were stuck on your body as he watched you sit between his sister and your brother just before him. Sipping from a glass of wine that you most likely didn’t like, he glanced at you.
Your brother had brought his new girlfriend with him and even though you were still as close as ever, his attention was on the pretty blonde talking to your nanny.
Mason had spent so much of his life avoiding you, but after the night of the party, he just wanted to make sure you were okay. Although he just couldn’t. 
—Dear, will you serve me a little piece of that cake? —Your mother had her plate in her hand, waiting for Mason to react. It took him about five seconds to come out of his trance and then he served her what she had ordered.
He was too busy thinking about you.
—So, Mason… when is your next match? Your dad told me you were playing for England. —Your mom tried to lighten up the mood since you were not bickering with Mason as you were on other occasions. 
Mason smiled up while you looked at him and caught a glimpse of his beautiful Cheshire cat smile.
—I’m playing next week, on Sunday… —He looked around at everyone and proceeded. —You are all invited, of course. 
After an hour or two, everyone stood up, scattering around the decorated garden. Mason grabbed his phone from the table and headed to the kitchen in search of a beer.
In the background, the voices of the two families blurred together as you finished washing your plate. Both Mount sisters were busy playing card games with their mother and your brother was having a talk about politics, which you were not at all interested in. You had no one to talk to.
Suddenly, you feel someone behind you trying to open the refrigerator. That bloody refrigerator, which, being so old, could not be opened correctly. You turned around, not expecting to see Mason looking at you.
You headed to the refrigerator to open it, so Mason moved from where he was previously standing, leaning on the kitchen counter. You gave the refrigerator a little kick and it opened.
—Thanks… —He said grabbing the beer, the tension being palpable in the air. After a long pause, you continued:
—How are you? —you asked, he could feel your eyes staring into his side profile, but he stared at the sun setting over the British landscape.
—I’m alright.
Scoring some scarce points with Chelsea has become almost impossible under a year ago now, and you really felt sorry for him, knowing everything he and his team put in.
—How are you holding up? —you stood next to him, nudging his shoulder with yours, before looking down at the floor. You felt the look of pity that Mason was giving you, but you tried to ignore it.
—Thank you, really. 
He looked in your eyes this time, he looked so sad, so broken. So desperate for a hug. You didn’t pressure him to answer your question, instead, you gently placed your head on his shoulder looking along the garden in silence.
—It will be alright, you know. —He hummed, knowing you were still hurt because of what he had said.
—I know. —You whispered back. —And don't worry much about scoring, in the least expected moments your shot is the one that serves the most.
He hated how much you believed him because at that moment he felt like the six-year-old boy with dreams bigger than the world itself, who thought everything was possible. 
Mason looked down at you, the smile on his lips was enough to melt your heart, and threw his head back in a laugh. 
—I don't think I’m ever getting rid of you.
Now it was your turn to laugh. After all the laughing he noticed how your eyes shifted from his own to his lips, and then he remembered why he was avoiding you in the first place. He did a face.
—I know, I know. —You said with a sad look on your face.
—You know I’m too old for you, right? —Mason whispered as he leaned his forehead on yours.
—I’m in it for the long game, Mount.
It felt like your heart was twisting and stuttering, sometimes beating too quickly that you were afraid it was going to push you over the edge. You wanted him to notice, to do something to fix it. 
Time went on flying, the last few days being hectic. It was already Sunday and today Mason was playing with England and obviously, you were more than proud. He had invited your brother —his best friend—, you and your family to watch him from the special box for family and friends.
The cold air hits your face as soon as you enter the box with your family. Excited, you see Debbie and Tony, and their children already seated. You were so nervous that your hands were even sweating.
You sit next to Stacey, Mason's older sister. She gives you a smile.
—Nervous about the game? —she asks.
—A bit, yes... —you say as you settle down, your eyes scanning the pitch, looking for him. For Mason. 
—This should be an easy game, England has a better team.
—You never know. —you reply. You were almost freezing, you only had the basic England t-shirt on.
Stacey noticed that you were shivering from the cold and decided to take off the sweatshirt she had tied around her shoulders. She put it on your lap and smiled.
—Put it on, otherwise, you'll freeze to death here. —she said, laughing.
—I'm... —You said about to deny it. For a second, you thought about the cold that you would catch without the sweatshirt, so you decided to take it. —Oh, never mind.
The sweatshirt was white and had his number and surname printed on the front, in a blue font. This made you remember the uncountable times when you stole Mason's sweatshirts just to have his number on you.
Stacey, without you seeing, grabbed her phone and texted his brother: "Just wanted to say that she's here and she's got your name on her sweatshirt. Good luck! We're all rooting for you. And don't worry, she'll wait for you."
All of a sudden, Summer, Mason's niece, came up to you asking if she could sit in your lap to have a better look at the pitch. It was no secret that Summer enjoyed seeing you, as she had grown up seeing your brother and you in the Mount household.
—Look over there, Summer! There is your uncle. —said Stacey, and both Summer and you looked over to where the players were entering the enormous pitch. There he was, beautiful as always.
The whistle was blown and the match started. Everyone was immersed in the excitement of the box, watching the match carefully. The atmosphere was electric, and each second increased the tension.
—Yes! —You screamed when Mason's friend, Declan, scored the opening goal, feeling your heart beat against your chest rapidly. Summer looked up at you with wide eyes, before she started giggling. You smiled and leaned down to where she was and kissed her on the forehead.
The second half started and your eyes only followed Mason running up and down the pitch. Only one goal was scored in the whole 45 minutes of the first half, that being Declan's goal.
Abruptly, Stones stole the ball from a player on the opposing team. He ran alone, jumped over some defenders and, feinting, the ball passed to Henderson on the right side. He analyzed the position of the players spread around the pitch before passing it to Foden, who was almost close to the goal.
He passed it to Mason and he, avoiding the players, aimed and kicked with all his strength.
The world went silent for a moment. He had scored.
After realizing that he had scored a goal, Mason ran to the end of the field, right where you were. The atmosphere was pure shouting, people jumping and celebrating but you only had eyes for Mason.
He looked towards the box looking for those who truly love him and just at that precise moment, you connected glances. With a shaky breath, you stood up from your seat and waved to him, also trying to hold Summer up with your other arm.
Mason's heart melted when he saw that scene and many things went through his head: he couldn't believe he had scored a goal after so long and he also couldn't believe how beautiful you looked with his niece in your arms.
In celebration, he pointed to both of you and you could only sigh in love. The game ended with a great performance from Mason and a win for England.
As soon as he stepped into the box, he scanned the room for you, but Summer caught him off guard.
—Uncle Mase! —she ran toward him and he picked her up, planting a kiss on her cheek while she wrapped her small arms around his neck.
—My favourite person! —His eyes fell on you and he didn't know if it was his imagination or the fact that he hadn't seen you in days, but you looked prettier than usual.
You were standing at the back, watching Mason greet his family. You felt shy and awkward, which made you hate the feeling even more. All you wanted was love from him and for that, you haven't slept well in the days after the family lunch with the Mount's.
—I played well, all thanks to you. —He kissed her head and his niece giggled. The little girl ran toward her mother and then closed the door, leaving you and Mason all alone. Your family had congratulated Mason before and told you they were waiting outside.
—How have you been? —His voice was gentle like he was afraid to say something.
—Mason! —you laughed. —You just scored a tremendous goal for England and you ask me how am I? Sometimes I don't understand you.
—Alright, alright. You have a point! —he laughed, definitely not missing those nervous butterflies in his stomach. He felt like a little boy.
His gaze searched yours with an intensity that sent shivers down your spine. He scratched the back of his neck and then looked at your sweatshirt with his surname and number.
His number looked very good on you, he thought.
He gazed at your lips and he came dangerously close to you. You stepped back, hitting the table. Mason was looking straight into your eyes when he suddenly grabbed you by the waist and sat you on the table. You let out a little squeal. The air was thick with tension, and all you craved was to pull him close and kiss him passionately.
—We-we should go. —you said, clearing your throat. —Your family is waiting.
Quickly, Mason grabbed your wrist.
—Mase... You don’t have feelings. You don’t have a heart.
Now he’s frowning as he tries to unravel your words. His breath hitches.
—I feel things… —your heart twirls with the way his voice sounds. You had always loved his voice. How croaky it was. But you never imagined that it would turn your entire world upside down to hear him say that.
Pushing his hand down, you look back, weak and concerned. He worries you might have suddenly regretted all of this. That you would walk away and never want to talk to him ever again.
What he didn't know is that he's everything you were imagining those long nights… he had never kissed you, not even touched you.
—It’s okay if you want to stop- —he said, while you slid your hands under his t-shirt. Running up and down your hands through his lower torso, you felt his abs contract.
—Mount, I'm certain that I'm okay. —you said, giggling. He smirked. Your core grows tighter with his expressions, now holding onto his broad shoulders.
Unexpectedly, you both heard from behind the closed door someone shout: —Mate, are you there? The party starts at ten, hurry!
Fuck. That was your brother.
Mason had completely forgotten about the party in honour of their win. How the fuck was he getting out of that room with a hard-on? He had to calm himself.
You, on the other side, felt your heart falls into pieces. You thought about how long you had waited for this exact moment, every time you gave your endless hope all you ended up doing was bleeding. And this time, not only he was about to leave you alone but he was going to leave you turned on.
—I'm-I'm sorry... —he said, exiting quickly from the room.
After that match, you only heard from Mason through your brother. He had told you that after the match, at the party, Mason had rejected every girl who appeared to flirt with him.
Apparently, you've had an effect on him.
Mason hated how his heartbeat boomed in his ear when he saw you standing in his parents' house, with a blue shirt that had printed out the number 19 on the back, hugging your figure. 
You had blossomed into a beautiful young woman, you had for sure gone through puberty. He didn’t like to stare but he found it hard not to sometimes. Especially on family boat trips when you would wear a bikini in front of him.
—So, we're leaving after lunch. Do you want to meet at the stadium or at home?
You took a minute to understand. —What?
—The game, remember? We're having lunch here and then driving up to watch the game. —Said your brother, while getting on the boat. About three weeks had passed since you almost kissed Mason and now you were about to hop on the Mount's boat in Portsmouth.
You had completely forgotten about the game. During your conversations with your brother, you could sense that Mason hadn't mentioned anything about that night which was, in a way, kind of relieving.
Just like you, Mason had also forgotten that your family was coming over. But when his sister sent him a text saying that your family would join him before his game, he was flabbergasted.
You both hadn't spoken since the night of the win, but you both were thinking about that interaction since then. To forget that incident, he had spoken to one of his best friends, Ben, in search of a solution.
—Mate, what you need is a good fling. Maybe you should invite someone next time you're going on a family boat day —said Ben, laughing because of what Mason was asking him.
You got on Mason's boat, feeling heavy-hearted once again. After an hour, you were seated on the floor, helping Stacey with a puzzle, after your mom expelled you from the kitchen when trying to help her. Meanwhile, Mason and his mother sat down on the couch.
—She has grown into a beautiful woman, don't you think? —His mom said teasingly, already knowing that you were not the only one fallen for someone.
—Yes, she has. —He looked at you, seeing you laugh at something his sister had said. —Mom... I think I fucked up.
—If you had fucked up, she wouldn't be here.
—No mom, I really- —Mason got interrupted by the entrance of a tall, dark-eye, skinny blond, almost gotten out from a runway. She turned toward Mason and presented herself as Daphne, a friend. Debbie now understood why her son said he had fucked up really bad.
Your brother, seeing Daphne —the supposed fling of Mason— talking with him, turned to you.
—Forget your stuff, let’s just get off this boat. Don’t turn around okay? —his hands gripping strongly your shoulders. He knew how much you liked his best friend.
You laughed and followed your brother down the steps of the boat before stopping in your tracks.
—Since when have I ever listened to you? Dear God, I- — Your mouth fell open as you turned around to be met with Mason and his mother, and the presence of a girl that looked like an actual model.
She was leaning on him and he was laughing at whatever she had to say, while Debbie looked at you with pity. You felt like he had personally ripped your heart out, for a hundred times.
—You knew?
Your brother sighed before running his hands through his hair: —She's only a side thing, a one-time fling. I mean she’s not you, but he decided to find someone before Christmas. —He shrugged his shoulders and you felt the rage creeping up your body.
—What about me? When will I be happy? —you said, crying.
That sentence broke your brother's heart.
19 years to be exact, that's the time you've been waiting for him.
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footiehoefics · 8 months
Chose to be friends, meant to be lovers
gif: @bracedes
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Hi guys! I've been working on this fic for a little while. It is the longest I've ever done but I always say the longer the better (lol). Let me know any feedback you have and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it! :) 7.0k words, TW none, Angst/Fluff, tags: @nightlockcornucopia
“You know…Mason will probably be there tonight.” your friend said, smirking at you. To be honest you were not paying much attention to whatever she was saying, too concentrated on applying mascara. 
“Y/n did you hear me?” Aliyah said, waving her wand in front of your face. “Stop, you will ruin my makeup” you said giggling. “Sorry, yes I heard you.” You replied, closing the mascara tube and placing it where it belonged. You noticed Aliyah was still staring at you. 
“Can I help you?” you asked confused as to why she was still staring at you. Although you know why she was staring at you. “I said Mason will probably be there.” she said again. “Yea he probably will be so?” you said trying to sound unbothered. 
“Sooo…are you like gonna try and shoot your shot finally?” she said, leaning towards you smiling and waiting for your reaction. You rolled your eyes at her statement. “Will you stop with that please?” you said standing up. “Oh come on Y/n I know you better than anyone I know you’ve been falling for him HARD lately.” She was not wrong, you hated that she was not wrong. 
You tried to distract yourself by searching for an outfit in your closet. “Am I wrong?” Aliyah said, again bringing you back to earth. “Aliyah, please,” you said, more annoyed. She was not wrong; however, you know that the possibility of Mason having feelings for you was near 0. 
You had met Mason through a mutual friend at a party. It turned out you had a lot of friends in common and you started seeing him more often at parties or dinners. Of course, when you met him you knew who he was. You could not avoid the big murals for him around London. That and also, you could not avoid his radiant personality. He was charming, always with a smile on his face, and chatted to everyone. He was just a nice human being, very funny and of course, very dreamy. He was probably the most beautiful man you had ever met. 
At first, you and he were not close. Not because he didn’t try to talk to you. You were very shy. Social interactions, the majority of the time, make you feel awkward. Meeting someone new was hell for you, it was hard for you to just have a natural conversation without feeling self-conscious.  He became really good friends with your friend group, hence why you got more comfortable around him as time went by. You loved the way he would include you in conversations, try and get your opinion at times where you were not really talking. 
Fast forward a year later, you and him talked almost on a daily basis. You two were close but you always refrained yourself a little bit. You had noticed how he was always touchy with everyone, he loved to have his arm around someone while talking, hugging everyone. You knew if that man showed you even the slightest bit of affection, you would crumble. You already liked him physically and his personality. All of that combined with his love language would make you fall harder than you already have. 
It's not that he would never hug you or touch you, but you always told yourself “he does this with everyone, it does not mean anything with you.” Sometimes you did pull away and felt bad after the fact because he would look upset. 
“Y/n! I’m your best friend, why won’t you just admit it to me?” Aliyah asked with a pout. “Because there is nothing to admit, okay? We are friends and that is all we’ll ever be.” You closed your closet door and headed to the bathroom to get changed. 
Once inside, you shut the door, and rested against it, closing your eyes. You didn’t think it was that obvious you liked him. You really thought you were hiding it very well. You didn’t like when people tried to figure out if you like someone or tease you about it. It made you uncomfortable and it also made you act differently towards the person you have feelings for. 
You got dressed and looked at yourself in the mirror. You liked what you saw, and hoped Mason did too. Were you trying to look good for him? Yes. Would he say something about it? Maybe, but he probably would say the same thing about another friend. 
Once you stepped out, Aliyah looked at you smirking. “I think Mr. Mount will like it” she said, wiggling her eyebrows making you laugh. “See you're laughing!” she exclaimed. “I’m laughing because you are so annoying and weird.” You said in between laughs. “Yea right y/n.” 
You stopped again to look in the mirror hanging behind the bedroom door. “Y/n, you look great. I promise. And I mean it, Mason will like it.” Aliyah assured you hugging you from behind. “I love you.” You said smiling at her. “Well, I love you more. Ready then?” “Yes, I’m ready.” Both of you grabbed your purses and headed out to the car. 
Once you arrived at the party, two of your friends were already waiting for you at the door with drinks. “C’mon drink up, you guys have to catch up!” your friend Harry exclaimed. “Oh Jesus” you murmured to yourself, dreading the sting this shot of alcohol would cause.  You grabbed the shot glass, placed it in your mouth and threw your head back to drink it as fast as possible. 
Aliyah wiped her mouth and yelped at the flavor of the tequila. “Okay then, this will be your confidence boost to go talk to him.” She whispered in your ear making you giggle. 
Honestly, alcohol sometimes did that to you. It made you more social but in the mornings, you would end up regretting it. 
You walked inside and the place was packed. It was a house party, although right now it did not look remotely close to a house. You could not spot a single piece of furniture since it was so packed. 
“Oh God, finding everyone here will be hell.” Aliya stated, almost shouting because of the loud music, at you. 
Once you got through the swarm of people, you managed to reach the door that led to the back yard. When you stepped outside, you took in a big breath. It felt like there was no oxygen inside the house from the amount of people in there. 
Lucky you, Ben, Kai, Sophia, and all your other friends were outside drinking and hanging out. “Wow you guys made it through no man’s land” Ben said as he spotted you, Aliyah, Harry, and your other friend Nicolas. You all laughed at his comment. 
You all got settled in the outdoor furniture and started talking, laughing, and drinking. You didn’t spot Mason anywhere, not even when you were walking inside the house. You started looking around, trying to spot him but nothing. After 30 minutes, you decided to go inside to get another drink, well that’s what you told your friend. In reality you wanted to see if you could spot Mason. 
Squished between all those people, you could barely see anything. It started getting hot for you, you felt sweat on your forehead and your neck. You didn’t know if it was someone else's sweat or yours at this point. 
You couldn’t get past everyone to go back outside so you decided to head towards the bathroom. You wanted to tidy up, go back out and go around the house to the backyard. 
Once you reached the bathroom door, you opened it and saw your worst nightmare. Mason. With a girl. Kissing.
“Oh shit, um I’m so sorry!” you panicked and slammed the door closed. You stayed there frozen in your spot for a little bit. You were trying to get that image out of your head, but you couldn’t. Mason was against the sink, his arms firm on the sink. The girl had her arms wrapped around his neck and her lips on his. 
You couldn’t tell who the girl was. I mean how could you, you saw a microsecond of it and shut the door. And the microsecond you saw was her face mushed into his. 
You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard the doorknob of the bathroom moving indicating someone was opening the door. You moved away from the door and panicked, not knowing if staying waiting for him and her to come out was better than just running and pretending you never saw anything. 
Mason opened the door and saw the look of panic and shock in your face. He was about to say something when the girl stepped out behind him. 
You couldn’t believe it. You knew Mason was a lady’s guy, everyone knew that. You knew he would hook up with people, it hurt but what could you do? You were just his friend. You knew the type of girls he would hook up with, but you never thought he would go so low as to hook up with her. Alice. 
Alice was the only person in Mason’s friend group that never liked you and she made it clear by showing no interest in you. She would never talk to you, every time you said anything in a group conversation, she would roll her eyes. Aliyah always said it was because Mason was always with you at gatherings, and she felt jealous, part of you thought the same thing but why? You and Mason were just friends. 
You would always tell Mason how Alice never tried with you. He would always say you should try and talk to her to figure out why, but you never did. Well, you intended to but once you wanted to start the conversation, she shut you down. She made you feel like an idiot and said a lot of hurtful things. 
Of course, you told Mason, and he was furious. You told him not to do anything about it. Although not doing anything about it did not mean going out with her. 
It hurt regardless of who the girl was, but the fact that it was Alice hurt even more. He knew how shitty she made you feel. He knew and had witnessed her being crap to you. Yet here he was making out with her. 
“Sorry the bathroom was unlocked so I just opened it, I should’ve knocked.” Your voice was shaky, you felt like the waterfall of tears was threatening to fall. “Yea you should have.” Alice said, annoyed. You looked at her, then at Mason. Mason was red in the face and looked worried. 
You couldn’t bear the sight of them so you started heading towards the front door. 
“Hey Y/n, wait up!” you heard Mason from behind, but you were not in the mood to have that conversation right now. 
You felt him grab your arm once you got to the front door. “Y/n please listen-“
“Mason don’t, sorry I interrupted your time with her.”
“Y/n I’m so sorry, I know it looks bad-“
“You think?” you asked sarcastically, interrupting him again. 
He looked around, opened the door and pulled you outside with him. 
“Listen, I’m sorry, I was trying to take her to the kitchen because-“
“Mason please, stop. I don’t care what you two were going to do. You know, more than anyone, how shit of a person she is, especially with me, and you go and make out with her?” You didn’t mean to raise your voice, but you were hurt. You know you had no right to be mad at him for making out with someone but, your feelings were taking over your brain. 
“Okay, yes I understand, I know how she is, I promise kissing her was not what I wanted to happen, but why are you getting so mad?” he asked, taken back at your rage. 
“I mean, regardless of who it was, I don’t understand why you are so mad, you’re not my girlfriend.”  he said, making your face drop. 
“Yea I’m not Mason but I’m your friend, right? And that is a slap in the face. What would you do if you found me making out with Nicolas?” you asked. 
Nicolas was one of your friends that didn’t vibe with Mason at all. You tried to brush it off but sometimes it was too visible. Mason had told you he didn’t like him, and vice versa with Nicolas. You tried to ignore them on that matter and just encourage them to talk to each other to settle their differences.
“That is different Y/n…” Mason replied. 
“Is it though?” you asked, raising your eyebrow.  
You didn’t want to keep harping on the subject. Yes you were not his girlfriend, but you wish you were. Now most definitely you would never be. 
You felt dumb and pathetic. You spent almost 2 hours getting ready to look beautiful and for him to maybe say something only for this to happen.  
You walked away from him to the main gate. You wanted to leave, not only because you saw what you saw but you knew emotions were getting the best of you and tears were filling your eyes. You didn’t want to make a scene at a party. 
You heard footsteps following you, and when you turned around you figured you would see Mason but it was Nicolas. 
“Hey hey where are you going?” he asked. Tears had already fallen and you looked hurt. 
“Hey, I’m um-“ you tried to get the words out but you choked on a sob. 
“It’s okay, I’m here.” Nicolas said, grabbing you by the waist and pulling you into a hug. 
You hugged him back. You didn’t care if it was him, you were hurt. 
You heard footsteps approaching and you figured it was maybe Aliyah, but you were surprised to see Mason again. 
“Nicolas, can I talk to her alone please.” Mason said sternly. 
Nicolas looked at you, then at him, and back at you. He put two and two together, realizing he was the person who hurt you. 
“What the fuck did you Mason?” Nicolas asked angrily. 
“It’s none of your fucking business, okay? I need to talk to Y/n, alone, so please fuck off.” Mason replied stone cold. 
You didn’t want this to get more heated so you intervened. 
“Stop, okay? I’m fine, I’ll just go home-“
“I’ll drop you off” Nicolas interrupted you, still not glancing away from Mason. 
“I think it’s better if I do, we need to talk-“ Mason tried to say. 
“I’m getting an uber so stop, both of you. I’m ordering it right now.” You said pulling out your phone not wanting to entertain any more bullshit. 
“I’ll wait here with you for the uber.” Mason stated 
“Me too.” Nicolas said, turning to you.
You rolled your eyes at how childish they were being. You waited about 10 minutes for your uber. 10 awkward minutes of silence. Once you finally saw a car approaching the house, you were grateful. 
You didn’t hug either of them goodbye, you just got in and left. 
Mason did not want to be at the party. He was ready to call it an early night, maybe ring you and ask if you wanted to go to his to watch a movie and order food. 
He was not in the mood to drink, party and definitely not in the mood to take care of drunk friends. He had a rough week filled with physios and meetings. 
However, Woody ended up convincing him. How? By stating you were going. Mason had developed feelings for you, this had been going on for a while, now that you two were much closer. 
He loved everything about you, but he couldn’t help but notice you sometimes pushed him away a bit. He didn’t know why, he had never given you a reason to. He tried to brush it off, but now that you two always talked and would always hang out, he wanted nothing more than to be more touchy with you and you resisted it sometimes. He knew you didn’t feel the same way, and it hurt him. 
Once at the party, Mason started scanning the sea of people to see if he could spot you. He couldn’t find you anywhere, so he went outside where all his friends were and asked Sophia if she had seen you. 
“No she’s not here yet, I think she and Aliyah were on their way.” She responded smiling. 
Mason thanked her and went back inside. He spotted Woody with some girls, of course. Once Woody saw Mason, he approached him smiling. “Mate I need your help.” Woody pleaded. “What do you want?” “I met this girl, she’s the one in the blue navy dress, see?” Mason moved his head a bit to see who she was. “Yea I see, what do you want me to do?” Mason asked, confused. “I need you to take Alice somewhere else, I want to be alone with her but she came with Alice so they are attached to the hip.” Mason rolled his eyes. “Mason c’mon, I’m not asking you to do anything with her I know you are waiting for your princess.” Woody said, teasing Mason, making him smile. “I’ll take her to the kitchen so she can talk to other people but if she comes back, it’s not my fault.”  Mason stated, moving towards Alice. 
Alice was always very flirty with Mason, and a lot of his friends knew that she had feelings for him. He didn’t want her to get the wrong impression. 
“Hey Alice, why don’t we go to the kitchen and get a drink?” Mason asked, immediately regretting it. She was visibly drunk, and he had just offered to give her even more alcohol. “Masey, hey of course!” she slurred. 
Alice grabbed his hand and dragged him to the kitchen where all the mixers and bottles were. She poured a drink for her and him with way too much alcohol. Mason was trying to get her to talk to everyone, but she was being very touchy with him. Grabbing his hand, rubbing the back of his neck when they were talking to someone else. He wished it was you doing that, not her. 
Shit. If you saw him right now with Alice all touchy and handsy, he knew you would get mad. He knew you despised her, and she despised you. 
Alice pulled him out of his thoughts. “Mason, can we go to the bathroom?” Hell no he thought. “Um, what do you need? Are you going to be sick?” he asked nervously. “Yea” she said, almost hanging from him. Mason sighed and agreed. He was almost carrying her to the bathroom. He didn’t want her to be sick in front of everyone. He didn’t like her, but he had to be a good person. 
Once inside the bathroom, Mason closed the door without locking it. 
“Okay, do you want me to hold your hair or do you have like a pony tail so your hair doesn’t get dirty?” he asked, and once he turned around he saw Alice just smirking at him. 
“Mase, seriously?” she said, almost laughing. 
Mason gulped. He didn’t want to be in this situation right now. 
“You know something I’ve always wanted to ask you?”
Mason looked nervous and confused. 
“Do you find me attractive?” she asked, batting her eyelashes at him and getting closer. 
“I mean, every girl is beautiful.” He said. 
Alice was very pretty, Mason knew that. But he never saw her as something else. Especially now that he had feelings for you. 
Alice got closer to him, and he backed away but stopped once he reached the sink. His hands were firm on the sink not wanting to do anything that might look like something else to her. 
“Mase c’mon, aren’t you like a lady’s man?” she asked, smirking. She was now closer, her hand around his neck.
He didn’t know what to do. He could perfectly smell the mix of perfume and alcohol. 
Without hesitation she leaned in and kissed him. He was taken back and didn’t stop it. He was frozen but the kiss didn’t last long. 
Someone came in and swung the bathroom door open. Mason pulled away quickly, trying to compose himself. Why did he just let her do that? Alice just pulled away laughing. 
Mason rolled his eyes at her. He grabbed the doorknob to open the door. 
Once he opened the door, he saw you. He didn’t know it had been you who had walked in just now. He was as shocked as you were. 
“Sorry the bathroom was unlocked so I just opened it, I should’ve knocked.” you said with a shaky voice. 
Mason felt horrible. He knew what he did was wrong. He wasn’t thinking about how you would feel at that moment, but to be fair he couldn’t think about anything. His mind froze. 
Alice stepped out of the bathroom a second later. “Yea you should have” Alice said, pulling out her lip-gloss from her purse and reapplying it. 
Mason saw you walking away from the scene and shouted at you to wait up. He wanted to explain everything. You wouldn’t stop walking and once he saw you reach the front door, he grabbed your arm to stop you. 
“Y/n please listen-“ he tried to say
“Mason don’t, sorry I interrupted your time with her.”
“Y/n I’m so sorry, I know it looks bad-“
“You think?” she interrupted him again . 
He looked around, opened the door and pulled you outside with him. 
“Listen, I’m sorry, I was trying to take her to the kitchen because-“
“Mason please, stop. I don’t care what you two were going to do. You know, more than anyone, how shit of a person she is, especially with me, and you go and make out with her?” you said, raising your voice. 
Mason knew what he did was bad, but he didn’t think you get this pissed off and emotional about it. Part of him hoped it was because there were some feelings involved but he didn’t know. 
“Okay, yes I understand, I know how she is, I promise kissing her was not what I wanted to happen, but why are you getting so mad?” he asked, taken back at your rage. 
“I mean, regardless of who it was, I don’t understand why you are so mad, you’re not my girlfriend.”  he said, making your face drop. 
He regretted saying it instantly. He didn’t mean for it to sound bitchy. He just wanted to get to the bottom of it. He wanted to know what you felt. Did you have feelings for him the same way he did with you?
“Yea I’m not Mason but I’m your friend, right? And that is a slap in the face. What would you do if you found me making out with Nicolas?” you asked. 
Mason hated him. Why? He knew and he could tell he had feelings for you. He also hated the fact that he had more confidence with you. Ever since Mason met him, they didn’t like each other but it was more of an unspoken thing. 
“That is different Y/n…” Mason replied. 
“Is it though?” you asked, raising your eyebrow at Mason. 
Once you thanked your uber, you got out of the car and rushed to your front door. The whole drive back to your place your sobs were almost coming out of your mouth. 
You don’t know who you were madder at, him or yourself. 
Why on earth did you think he could feel the same way you did about him? Why? You were just friends. He was him. He was way out of your league. Why were you dumb enough to think you could end up with someone like him? 
All these thoughts plagued your mind while you were taking your makeup off. Removing the makeup revealed the redness on your face from crying. 
You washed your face to try and compose yourself, but all you could think about was that horrible image of Mason kissing her. 
He was right, you weren’t his girlfriend so why were you so mad? Alice is a good reason, but you were more jealous than mad. But how the hell would you tell him “Oh yea I’m mad because it’s not me you’re kissing, it’s her.”
After doing your skin care, you decided to just go to bed and try to get some sleep. At the end of the day, you could not let this ruin your life. It’s just a boy, that’s what you told yourself the whole night “it’s just a boy”, the problem was he was the perfect one. 
The next day, you were thankful you left early from the party. You were not in the mood to deal with a hangover. 
You did your normal morning routine, but also went in and checked on Aliyah. You knocked on her door, no answer. You knocked again, nothing. 
You opened the door and saw a sight you never thought you would see. Aliyah and a guy in her bed. Thankfully, they were covered, and nothing was out in the air. You giggled to yourself and closed the door. 
It was a free day so you decided to clean up a bit around the apartment and make yourself a yummy breakfast. After an hour had passed, Aliyah and the guy came out of their room. Her cheeks were bright pink and you could tell the guy felt awkward, scratching the back of neck. 
You couldn’t help but laugh at the sight. “Oh, shut up y/n” Aliya said, rolling her eyes. You laughed more and introduced yourself to the guy whose name was Andrew. “Well, it is nice to meet you, I cleaned up a bit around because I knew we had a guest over.” You said trying to tease Aliyah and making her laugh. 
They said their goodbyes and both of you sat down on the living room sofa. “Good night then?” you asked, taking a sip of your tea and raising your eyebrows. “Amazing” Aliyah responded, making you chuckle. 
“What about you? Nicolas said you left kind of early, what happened?” It all came back to you; all of the events from the night before. You had done a pretty good job at hiding it and not thinking much about it but now that Aliyah asked you couldn’t hide it anymore. 
You opened your mouth to say something but were quickly cut off with tears pouring out of your eyes. “Oh honey! What happened?” Aliyah asked now concerned and pulled you in a hug. You hugged her back tightly, just wanting to cry the emotions out. 
Once you had cried for a bit, you pulled away and tried to articulate everything. 
You told Aliyah everything. How she had always been right in saying you had feelings for him, how you dressed up yesterday for him, how you saw him kissing Alice, what he said to you afterwards and how mad you were at yourself for being so pathetic. 
“Hey stop it! You are not pathetic! You are allowed to feel sort of betrayed by him. And, you are allowed to have feelings for him and try to impress him. There is nothing wrong with that.” She said comforting you, rubbing your arm. 
“Babe, why didn’t you tell me when it happened? I would’ve come home with you and talked about it.” “No, no, I just wanted to be alone. Nicolas found me crying and I didn’t tell him either but he knew it had something to do with Mason and was mad.” You said remembering Nicolas had waited for you to get in the uber as well. 
“I mean duh, of course he would be mad. He has feelings for you.” Aliyah said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “What?” you asked, confused. “What?” “You just said he has feelings for me?” Aliya rolled her eyes at your question. “You are so naïve sometimes, oh my God.” “Aliyah, he has never said anything.” “I mean he doesn’t have to, it’s obvious. Also, why do you think he doesn’t really vibe with Mason?” Everything Aliyah was saying started making sense. “I guess it could be true…?” 
Both of you spent the day on the sofa catching up on a series you started watching the week prior. You were both caught up on it, but the doorbell made you both look at each other. “Did you order anything?” you asked, thinking maybe she had ordered some food and it was the food delivery guy. Aliyah stood up to open up and replied with a no. 
Once she opened the front door, you both saw Nicolas standing there with some flowers. 
“Hello you!” Aliya said, hugging him. “How was your night?” he said, raising his eyebrows, he clearly knew what Aliya had been up to. “Well, obviously better than yours.” She said laughing. 
Nicolas stepped in the apartment and saw you curled up in the sofa, making his heart melt. “Hey Nic” you said smiling, standing up to greet him. He smiled and hugged you. “Whose are these for?” you asked confused. “Well, um they are for you.” He said shyly. You could see Aliya had that “I told you” look on her face. 
“I’m going to go take a shower and leave you guys” Aliyah stated rushing back upstairs to her room to give you both privacy. 
“Oh wow, why?” you asked, smiling a little. “Well, I wanted you to feel better after last night.” You started blushing. “Thank you, you didn’t have to.” You took the flowers and placed them on the kitchen counter. “I’m going to add water and put them in a vase, thank you.” “No worries.” 
You offered him some tea, he accepted and both of you sat in the living room talking. 
You liked Nicolas, he had been your friend since your first year of college. But you never saw him as something else. Honestly, maybe you should. However, you didn’t want it to turn into something just because you want to get over Mason. You respected him enough to not do that to him. Once you chatted for about an hour, you thanked him again for the flowers and said your goodbyes.  
You cleared up the tea mugs and were about to go upstairs until the doorbell rang again. 
You opened the door, and this was a sight you were not expecting to see. Mason. With flowers in his hand and a card. 
You both just stood there for a moment without saying anything, frankly you didn’t know what to say. He broke the silence, “Can I come in?” he asked. 
You stepped out of the way so he could come in. Once you both reached the living room and kitchen area you immediately regretted letting him in. The flowers Nicolas brought you were still on the kitchen counter in full display. 
Mason stopped in his tracks, taken back. His mind had a million thoughts going through his head. Were they yours or Aliyah’s? If they were yours, who gave them to you? 
“Did someone beat me to it?” he said, chuckling a bit, trying to cut the tension. He was hoping you would answer they were not yours, but his face dropped when you answered. “Um, kind of” you said, chuckling nervously. “Oh, I thought they might have been Aliyah's.” he said, whispering the last part to himself. 
“Can I ask, whose are they from?” Mason asked, dreading the answer. “Nicolas.” You spoke. 
This made Mason’s blood boil. Why would Nicolas bring you flowers? What did he want from you? Mason placed the flowers and the card on the kitchen counter. 
“Why did he bring you flowers?” he asked, annoyed. This now annoyed you. You didn’t owe him any explanation, especially after last night. 
“Why do you care?” you snapped. Mason looked at you with rage. “Just, because” he replied, trying to keep his voice calm. 
“Oh, well you’re not my boyfriend so why are you so mad?” you asked, satisfied with giving him a bit of his own medicine. 
All this tension had even made both of you forget his flowers and the reasoning behind it. Mason’s face dropped, and it gave you a weird feeling in your tummy. You didn’t want to hurt him, but after last night and how he was being right now he deserved it. 
“You know what, I came here to apologize and explain what happened last night but honestly fucking forget it.” He said scratching the back of neck frustrated with the whole situation. He didn’t say anything else and just left. 
You don’t know why you wanted to cry. You knew you hurt him with that comment, but he hurt you too. 
You went upstairs and instead of going straight to your bed, you knocked on Aliyah’s door. “Come in!” you heard from the other side of the door. 
You stepped in the room with tears in your eyes. “What the fuck happened? I thought it was a good thing what Nicolas did?” She pulled you in a hug yet again trying to comfort you. 
“Fuck, I feel so lame I’m crying over a boy.” You said sniffing and pulling away from her. You wiped the tears from your face. “Mason came by after Nicolas left.” “What!? What did he say?”
“Not much, he brought me flowers and a card as well, he saw the flowers Nicolas bought for me and got annoyed, started asking who gave them to me and I said Nic and he got even more annoyed, and then I said the same comment he told me yesterday, got mad and left.” You said, grabbing a Kleenex that Aliyah handed to you. 
“Babe this is like a rom com,” Aliyah said, chuckling to herself. “you’re like in a love triangle who would’ve thought.” She said teasingly trying to cheer you up. “C’mon Aliyah.” “Y/n I’m serious! Why else would Mason be mad that Nic got you flowers? They despise each other because they both have feelings for you. Damn, how are you so smart yet so naive?” she asked herself. 
You thought about it for a second, it made sense but at the same time why would Mason have feelings for you. 
“Wait, did you read the card?” Aliyah said, interrupting your thoughts. 
“No, it’s downstairs.” You said. Aliyah jumped out of bed and ran downstairs to go and get the card. She came back panting from running up the stairs. “Okay well then, read it, maybe it will give you more clarity.” She said handing the card to you. 
You opened the card and saw Mason’s handwriting.
“I don’t even know how to start a letter, so don’t laugh at me. 
I’m so sorry about last night. I would never do something to hurt you like I did last night. Your feelings are more important to me than her or anybody else. I’m sorry for getting defensive last night, you had every right to be mad and I shouldn’t have said what I said, it was low of me. 
You’re my friend and I owe you this apology. Sometimes I wish we were more than that. I wish it had been you I was kissing. I wish you would feel the same way. But if that is not the case then, being your friend and being by your side is enough.
“What does it say?” Aliyah said, curious as to why it left you speechless. 
“He…he has feelings for me” you said in disbelief, almost tearing up again, not looking up. 
“y/n! I told you! I fucking told you! Wow I’m like a genius at reading people” Aliyah was proud of herself. 
You tilt your head up to look at her, with tears brimming your eyes. 
“No, no, no. We are not doing this again. You are not going to cry. You are going to get ready, go to his place and talk to him and tell him you feel the same way.” 
“But-“ you tried to say. 
“Nope, I don’t care, c’mon get up.” Aliyah said pulling your hand so you would get up her bed. 
“But I said something hurtful-“ 
“And he did too, okay? You both did, and you will work It out. Try and work it out.” 
That was exactly what you needed to hear. You left her bedroom to go get ready and drive to Mason’s place. 
Once you put on a hoodie, shoes and got your purse and keys you were heading to Meson’s house. The drive to his house was a bit long, making you start overthinking everything. Maybe this seemed like a good idea 20 minutes ago, but now? What if he’s hurt and you can’t make him forgive you?
You arrived at his house and the nerves started getting bad and settling in your tummy.
You knocked on the door, waiting for him to open up. You heard footsteps approaching the door. There he was, in joggers and a hoodie, with a confused look on his face. 
“What are you doing here?” he asked. 
You hold up the card, again tears forming in your eyes. 
Mason glanced at the card, and then back at you. 
You reached out for him, and he smiled. He grabbed you by the waist and pulled you into a hug. You both stayed there hugging for what felt like forever. You were crying, again. “Fuck, this like the 3rd time I’m crying today.” You said sniffing, making Mason giggle. 
He pulled away, letting you into his house. 
He grabbed your hand and took you to the living room. Both of you sat down and turned slightly so you could look at each other. 
“I’m sorry Mase-“
“Don’t, you don’t have to apologize.  I kind of deserved that either way.” He said cutting you off. 
“Doesn’t mean I’m still not sorry about it.” You said wiping the remaining tears on your cheeks. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you had feelings for me, Mase?” you asked. 
“I feared being rejected by you. I didn’t want to risk losing our friendship. I was scared that if by some miracle you did feel the same way, my lifestyle would be too much, and it wouldn’t work. I was scared by a lot of things. I also, I feel like you sometimes pushed me away a bit. And as for last night, I was trying to be a good wingman to Woody and it backfired so hard. I just froze when she started getting closer to me.” He said not looking at you, almost as if he was ashamed about it. 
“I forgive you.” You said, grabbing his hand. 
“Mase, I always had feelings for you. I pushed you away because I knew if I didn’t, I would just be falling more and more for you. I was also scared of you rejecting me. You know, you are who you are and have this amazing life and everyone loves you, and I’m just me. I didn’t think you would ever feel the same way about me.” You said choking up. 
“We really need to communicate better, fucking hell.” He said, making you both giggle. 
He placed a hand on your cheek, caressing it with his thumb. 
“How can I not fall for you?” he said whispering. 
Your heart melted and just leaned your head against his palm making him smile. “I’m too awkward to even admit all of this to you.” You said smiling. He chuckled. 
He started leaning in more and more, your noses bumping into each other. You finally closed the gap between you both and kissed him. 
You had always imagined this moment. Ever since you met him, and so did he. 
Your lips were moving in sync and it was the best feeling in the world. You didn’t want it to end. You both pulled away and rested your forehead together. 
“You know I wish you would see yourself the way I see you.” He said whispering. 
“Mase…” you said, almost tearing up again. 
“Don’t bring the water falls again,” he said giggling. 
You both embraced each other the whole night. Explaining everything that had happened the night before and that same morning. 
“I don’t want to ruin the moment.” You said looking up at him. 
“Oh uh…” Mason replied, looking down at you. 
“I should talk to Nicolas Mase. I owe it to him.” You said afraid of what he would think. 
Mason thought about it for a second. As much as he didn’t like him, he knew you were right. On the positive side Nicolas would know it was him you wanted and not Nicolas. 
“Can I ask you something?” Mason said not looking at you. 
“Yes of course.” “Did you ever had feelings for him?”, you chuckled at Mason’s jealousness. “No Mase, never.” You got up a bit to be face to face, and gave him a little kiss to assure him you never did. 
“I promise, I just need him to know how I feel about you and to say sorry if he thought there was something else between him and I.” 
“I know, I trust you.” He said, looking at you now. 
“But that can wait,” he got up from the sofa, and reached his hand out for you. 
“Stay here today, with me?”  he asked, giving you puppy eyes. 
“Okay you said smiling.” 
Both of you got ready for bed, he had given you one of his t-shirts and boxers for you to sleep in. 
Before falling asleep and getting into bed with him, you gave a quick text to Aliyah.
You both got under the covers and cuddled each other. The night was filled with kisses, Mason whispering sweet things, and you blushing. This was heaven for both of you, and what you had craved for so long. 
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footiehoemcfc · 1 year
We'll be Alright pt. 4
Hi babies, this is part 4 and the final part of this fic. Please let me know what you think either through asks or a messages! Thank you so much fro all the love on part 1, 2 and 3. Some of you wanted a fluffy part 4 so I did my best in making it good. I hope you guys really like it! I kind of got carried away, this is the longes part yet and there is smutt so warning in advance. It's my first time writing smutt so if it's bad I'm so sorryyy :( just skip it. Anywaysss I hope you guys enjoy it! :) Fluff and smut, 3.3k words.
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The night before could not have been better for you and Mason. You knew Mason always pushed his feelings aside to not crack under pressure, but you knew by his behavior yesterday he had to let it out somehow. 
You woke up and when you reached to grab your phone to see the time, you saw it was 6 am. It was way too early to wake up and all you wanted was to fall back asleep in Mason’s arm. However, once you were fully aware of everything you realized he was not beside you. You were confused, he was not a morning person, especially at this time and this type of days where he was meant to relax. You put on one of his hoodies and your slippers on to look for him in the kitchen. 
It was still a little dark, once you reached the kitchen you saw from the window the beautiful sunrise that was coming up, and you saw your boyfriend sitting in a chair outside watching it. He had his hood up, and a cup of tea on his hands. You opened the sliding door and took a big breath in. Being surrounded by nature was one of your favorite things. You hadn’t realized how beautiful the sunrise looked until you were outside. 
Hearing the door open made Mason turn his head around and look at you with a smile. “What are you doing up so early Mase?”, Mason just chuckled and motioned you to sit on his lap. “Looks pretty right?” Mason asked you, “Yea it does…you still didn’t answer my question though” you said smiling. Mason looked at you and kissed you, “Umm I couldn’t really sleep last night.” “Why didn’t you wake me?” “Just because I wasn’t able to sleep does not mean I was going to make your night miserable” he smiled, and you smiled back. “It doesn’t matter love, you should’ve woken me up” you cupped his face. “Why couldn’t you sleep?” you asked now curious. You were sure it had nothing to do with last night since you felt the conversation you two had was pretty good. “I don’t really know, it’s been like that for a while” Mason sighed. “What do you mean?” “I guess, because I’ve been under pressure and stress, I just haven’t been able to sleep well” he said looking at the sunrise. “But, after last night I really feel better don’t worry” “Are you sure? You know we can loo-“ “Y/n, baby, I promise you I will get better. I have you now with me.” He said smiling at you and that made you smile as well. You felt more assurance in his voice. “Okay, I trust you then, and you always have me.” You stroked his cheek and kissed him. He pulled you in tighter and after the kiss he nuzzled his face into your neck still looking at the sunrise. “I never took you as a sunrise kind of person” you finally broke the silence. “Oi just because I’m not a morning person does not mean I don’t enjoy a view like this” he said poking your side making you laugh. “Especially with you, we should probably do this more often” “Wake up at 6 am and watch the sunrise?” “Yea why not, I have to wake up early anyways to go to training” “Mason, I give it literally 2 days, by the third day we probably won’t want to wake up” you said laughing and Mason laughed as well. “Alright maybe not every day, but it’s nice right?” “Yea it is, it’s very pretty” “Do I need to say the cheesy line ‘not as pretty as you’?” “Absolutely not, way to cheesy for me” you said laughing. You both stayed right there in the same place watching the whole sunrise. 
“Well good morning you two” you heard Sophia’s voice. You turned around to look at her and saw everyone was already in the kitchen cooking breakfast. “Morning Soph, how did you sleep?” “Ugh like a baby, until Kai started sleep talking” this made you and Mason laugh. Still on his lap, Sophia sat in the lounging chair in front of you. “Anyway, how long have you two been awake?” “Since like 6 am” Mason replied making Sophia gasp. “Why the hell would you two do that to yourselves?” “Mase woke up before me and he was here watching the sunrise so I joined him” Sophia smiled “that’s cute, I could never do that with Kai. In no world would we ever wake up that early” you laughed. You heard Ben call you inside signaling breakfast was ready. “Wait! Don’t move, I’m going to snap a pic with the disposable camera you two look cute like that” making you both smile and blush. Sophia brought her disposable camera from the living room and snapped a pic of you Mason, you on his lap both hugging each other tightly and another kissing. “Very cute!” Sophia said squealing. 
All of you went inside to eat breakfast Ben, Kai and Alix had cooked. Before you sat down with the rest you went to your room to go and grab your phone. Once inside, you heard a knock and Sophia emerged from the door. “Well I’m guessing you two talked last night, right?” she said smiling and sitting down on the edge of the bed. You smiled shyly, “yes we did, after we all decided to go to bed, he said we had to talk, and he wanted to start and from there on we just said everything we had to say.” “I’m really glad y/n” “Thanks Soph” you said hugging her. You both went back to the dining room and sat down in the table. Everyone was still in pajamas devouring all the pancakes, eggs, bacon and toast. “Soph, what time do we have to check out” Ben asked after wiping his mouth with a napkin. “In reception they said we had until 12 pm so, we can finish eating get ready and ride our bikes or go to the main hall for a drink before we leave” “Sounds good to me” Alix replied and everyone agreed. “Actually” Mason interrupted, “me and y/n are staying an extra night here so…we’ll just move our things to the new place we have for today and we will see you at the main hall?” You were surprised. Mason hadn’t told you he had booked an extra night for both of you. You looked at him confused but happy as well. It meant a lot to you he took his time to do this for you and you could tell he was putting effort in trying to make it right with you. “Awwww” Ben started teasing Mason, “oh fuck off Ben” Mason said laughing. “Cute, alright I’ll text y/n when we get to the main hall then?” Sophia said and you nodded. All of you got up to go back to the rooms to get ready for the day. 
Once in the room, you started placing your things back in your bag, not packing the neatest way since you were just moving from one place to the other. “I’m hopping in the shower, you want to join me?” Mason asked with just a towel around his waist. You looked up at him from the floor and saw him smirking at you. “As tempting as that sound honey, I do not plan on getting my hair wet since I washed it yesterday so I will have to pass” you said smirking as well knowing you annoyed him a little, “Fine” he said throwing his head back. Mason hopped in the shower and you took the time to pack his thing as well. Once Mason finished showering, he stepped out the bathroom again in just a towel around his torso. “is that your way of seducing me?” you asked raising an eyebrow trying to tease him. “I mean…is it working?” he asked smiling and walking towards you thinking it was, but it honestly was. You loved his body and you loved his tattoos. “Kind of” you turned your back at him, but he grabbed your waist and pushed you down in the bed pinning your arms above your head. He started kissing jokingly all over your face making you laugh since it tickled. Once he stopped, you two just laid there admiring each together for a moment. “How come you didn’t tell me you were booking an extra night for us?” “Well if I had, then it wouldn’t have been a surprise would it?” “Thank you Mase” you free your hands from his grip, cup his face and kiss him slowly. The more you guys kissed, the more heated it got, but you pulled away, “Babee” Mason said whining, “we have to finish packing and moving to the other room, get some pants on” Mason groaned knowing you were right making you laugh lightly. 
All dressed, both of you grabbed your bags and went to reception to collect the new keys for the night. During the walk to your new place, it started pouring rain. “Oh fuck are you kidding me” you whined realizing you washing your hair last night was now useless. Mason just laughed realizing the same thing. “It’s not funny now my hair will be ruined” you said pouting. “C’mon then” he grabbed your hand and made you run to the room. Once he was able to open the door, you both were soaked. “Great this is so great” you sighed, looking at the mirror and seeing your drenched hair. “It’s not that bad love, and with that shirt you look hot” Mason smirked, making you look down. You were wearing a white shirt and with the rain it made the shirt pretty much see through. He could see your black bra. “Okay then, I’m hopping in the shower” “No no no you’re not leaving me hanging again” Mason said pulling you towards him before you were able to reach the bedroom. He grabbed your face and kissed you, this time in a more passionate way. You lifted your arms up and placed them around his shoulders. Still at the front door, you two were making out, his hand moving from your waist to your butt, to your arms. It would be the first time in a while you two would have sex, but you were really craving it not remembering you were supposed to meet everyone in the main hall. He pulled away from you, grabbed you by your back thighs, lifting you up and started carrying you to bedroom, kissing your neck and you moaning in his ear. Once he reached the bed, he again placed down in the bed. He started taking his hoodie off and you laid there looking at his body. You then sat up and took your soaking wet t-shirt off. He kissed you again heavily making you lay back down in the bed. You pushed your tongue in his mouth making him moan. “I missed kissing you like this” he said catching some air. You pushed him so he could now be under you. You sat on his lap and removed your bra, letting your breasts fall. He immediately sat up and took one in his mouth while massaging the other making you moan his name. 
Mason started pulling your joggers down, so you stood up and took them off him doing the same thing with his. You laid in bed just in your underwear. He towered over you looking at your undies, “this are coming off as well love” grabbing your undies pulling them off. He started kissing you from your mouth, to your neck, all the way down to your core. Once he reached the sweet spot, he kissed your thighs trying to be as loving as possible. “Mase please don’t tease” you said looking down at him, loving the view. He just smiled up at you and placed his mouth and tongue right where you need him to. You threw your head back loving the sensation of him eating you out. After a minute or two you felt yourself get hotter and right in the edge of finishing in his mouth, but your phone started ringing. “y/n I swear if you ans-“  you didn’t listen to him and just answered. 
“Hello” you said shakingly over the phone Mason still working his magic on you. “Hey, did you and Mase get the new key?” you realized it was Sophia on the phone. “Yea…yea we did” you said trying to hide your moans and covering your moth when she started speaking again. “Oh okay, well it’s pouring out so we think its best if we leave now, we can’t ride bikes like this.” You closed your eyes trying to not moan, but Mason hadn’t stop. “Oh-“ you were about to moan so you covered your mouth again, Mason smiling while he was still going down on you. “Sorry it cut off, okay well I’m about to shower we both got drenched in the rain” once you finished your sentence you covered your moth again, feeling yourself get even closer. “Okay babe, I’ll see you in London then?” Sophia asked on the other line. “Yep” you barely spit the word out. “Alright, love you have fun with Mason and tell me everything later” Sophia said, and you could tell she was smiling on the other line. “Yea I promise” after saying that you hung up very quickly and moved your hands grabbing Mason’s hair. “Oh my god Mase, I’m going to cum” he didn’t stop, he just kept going until you finished on his mouth. Once you reached your high, he came back to the top and kissed you. You could taste yourself all over his mouth. “Fuck baby” you said sighing trying to recover. You looked down between both of your bodies and saw he was still in underwear. “Why do you have those on still?” teasingly asking. He smiled and started taking them off. 
Once he was completely naked, you started getting even more turned on now. Grabbing his face, you told him moaning “I want you babe”. Mason smirked. You started stroking him and he closed his eyes enjoying what you were doing. He lined himself up and moaned at the feeling of being fully inside you. He started his thrust slowly, both of you enjoying every moment and sensation, sensations you had missed and craved for a long time. After a minute or two he started going faster making your moan even louder. “Fucking hell babe” Mason said looking right at you, forehead touching. He was close and so were you again. “I’m cuming Mason” you moaned against his mouth. “Me too baby, cum with me” both of you started panting and moaning louder and saying profanities. His thrusts started getting sloppier and both of you reach your orgasms. He rested his face in your chest and you played lightly with his hair trying to recover from your second orgasm of the day. He lifted his heap up and kissed you, not I a heated way but passionately. He pulled away and looked at you, “I love you so much babe” he said, “and I don’t know if I said it yesterday but thank you” you looked confused, “for what Mase?” “For being there for me always, and for forgiving me” he stroked your cheek and kissed you again. “I love you too babe” you smiled and said in the kiss. 
Once you both got cleaned up and you washed your hair again, Mason told you he had the whole day planned. You went on a walk after it stopped raining. There was a small lake that hadn’t seen yesterday with boats to ride. You spent the whole day just in each other’s companies. This is what you both needed. You rode the boats, went to the small coffee shop in the dining hall, rode the bikes again and watched the sunset in the same position you watched the sunrise in the morning. Once it had gotten dark, Mason tapped your lap so you could stand up, grabbed your hand and started guiding you back to the room. “I need you, my love, to get ready” you were confused again, “for what exactly?” “Well, I’m taking you on a date, to diner” Mason said smiling, proud of himself. You smiled as well feeling giddy inside. “A date?” “Yes”, he opened the door to your complex and he told you to do your makeup and wear something pretty. 
You started doing your make up in the vanity, Mason already ready came and sat next to you watching you do your makeup. “What should I wear, that dress” you said pointing to the dress hanged in the closet, “or something more casual?” Mason looked at the dress. It was a simple short dress he had bought you, “The dress” he said smiling looking at it remembering he got it for you in one of your trips.
All dressed up, you started walking to the restaurant. It was a very fancy one. Chandeliers, fancy furniture, the food looked fancy and weird but in a good way. “This looks so pretty” “I feel like you want me to say the cheesy line” mason said chuckling and you remembering what it was. You just smiled at him and he got closer to you whispering in your ear, “not as pretty as you baby.” 
Both of you were shown your way to the table. The whole diner was more than perfect. The food was amazing and so was the service. Mason really put effort in trying for it to be more than you could’ve wished for. Both of you talked the whole night, so much you didn’t even realize they had to close for the night. 
On the walk back, Mason gave you his jacket being a complete gentleman. Holding hands, him lifting it up kissing it. This is the Mason you missed. You didn’t need him to be all over you all the time. However, you just need him to be happy not just with you but with everything. It was a rough time for him, but the day he had off you wanted him to enjoy them and relax. Once you were both in pajamas back in bed, Mason cuddled up to you. You look at his eyes, “Promise me if you can’t sleep you will wake me up please” “I promise” he said assuring you. He turned off the light form his bed side lamp and pulled you again back towards him. “Do we watch the sunrise again tomorrow?” he said almost laughing and whispering teasing you since he knew you would not want to wake up. “Only if this time you make tea for me too” “Deal” Mason kissed your cheek and you both called it a night with an “I love you”. 
“Baby” Mason whispered in your ear. “Babe, wake up it’s almost sunrise.” You rubbed your eyes and started waking up. You saw Mason leave the room. You checked the time, 6 am, again. You got up, grabbed a cardigan and your slippers. Once you reached the kitchen, Mason was making tea for both of you making you smile. “Okay tea done” he said handing you your cup. You both stepped outside an sat down in the same position as the previous day watching the sunrise. “Look” you say giving Mason your phone showing him the pictures Sophia had taken yesterday with her camera. “Fucking hell we look good”, laughing you both enjoyed your morning. This is how every other day started with Mason now, watching the sunrise in his lap and a cup of a tea both of you knowing everything would be alright. 
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mouavie · 14 days
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