awearywritersworld · 4 months
Hii this is so random but do you think Sukuna has cute aggression? I can totally see him experience cute aggression towards Reader haha like pinching her cheeks or something I don't know
tags: fluff. curse words. 500 words.
as he looks down at your sleeping form, your head resting comfortably on his lap, he can't help but feel an uncomfortable pull in his chest.
his teeth grind together and his fingers twitch, a response that leaves him puzzled.
he's reading a good book. he is with you. there are still many hours left in the night. he should be content.
so why does he feel such... agitation.
his hand reaches toward your face, and while he swears he means to do nothing more than caress your cheek, he finds himself pinching your skin between his fingers.
he doesn't realize he's done it until you jolt, staring up at him with sleepy yet wide eyes that seem to beg the question "what the hell?"
"sorry," he says evenly.
"was i snoring or something? there are gentler ways to wake me up, you know," you grumble.
"you weren't snoring. i didn't intend to do that."
your eyebrows knit. "you didn't intend to nearly rip the skin off my face?"
"now you're just being dramatic."
you let out a breath of a laugh, "maybe."
you stretch your arms above your head, and one of your hands moves to cover your mouth as you let out something between a sigh and a yawn.
and he feels it again. more intensely this time.
your shirt's ridden up, so he reaches for the plump flesh it reveals and squeezes it between his thumb and pointer finger.
slapping his hand away, you finally sit up. "hello???? that hurts. have you discovered intrusive thoughts or something? you're supposed to ignore those."
"intrusive thoughts?"
"yeah. it's when you get unwanted thoughts. for example, about doing something violent—"
"oh. i get those all the time."
you stare at him for a moment before rubbing at your temples. "right. you're hopeless."
"this wasn't that. it was a feeling, not a thought."
"...go on."
perhaps he's said too much, because suddenly he really does not want to explain any further, but he does so anyway.
"it's just that you looked so... pleasing... that it made me feel... things."
once you get over his stellar articulation, you understand the situation and it makes you giggle.
"stop that," he commands, pink dusting his cheeks. "now you just look annoying."
"sorry— i'm sorry," you offer. "it's just that, i wouldn't expect you to experience that."
"experience what?" he questions, agitation lacing his tone.
"cuteness aggression."
"i can't even begin to explain how ridiculous that sounds," he deadpans.
"you think i'm so cute," you begin dreamily. placing your hands on either side of his face, you squeeze his cheeks together. "that it pisses you off. you're just adorable."
if you were anyone else, you'd be terrified by the look he gives you. "you're not cute. you're too infuriating to be cute."
"if you say so," you sing, settling back into your spot with your head on his lap. "just try to control yourself, hm? thought you were supposed to be some sophisticated higher being or whatever."
"shut up and go back to sleep."
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i truly believe he would take full advantage of cuteness aggression after this. AND HE'D BE A NIBBLER. god, his teeth would always be leaving little marks on your skin.
he's nibbling on your earlobe and he's nipping at the spot below your ear. it makes you feel so flustered, so you're pushing him away.
and in the most dastardly sugary tone he can muster he's like "i can't help it. you're just so cute."
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suntails · 8 months
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koideres · 7 months
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"I fell onto love like a sword,"
Day 4: Royalty AU
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yuusishi · 8 months
Jamil: I don’t think I can form a meaningful friendship in just 3 days and 2 nights
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svampira · 4 months
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wasted too much time on the thumbnail cause im NAUT redoing it now hopefully the colors look better in the actual piece
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cssandraa · 11 months
new masq swap designs for these two!!
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flumpermergen · 7 months
Slight volume warning
He was just excited to finally be invited to something :(
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foxyd101 · 9 months
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*slides drawing* sorry for starving you all on my Masquerade au. So here's some masq home drawings and a little bit on masq Wally :3
(Something funny is that a fellow mod said that he gives off father vibes, and my response was "wait would that make home a dilf?" And we all died laughing. So home is a dilf now/j)
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So here's a thing I've been working on for months now.
Just a teaser
Ever since I was a lil creature, I was very good at playing things by ear. (Also why I do a lot of remixes.) I always had a hard time coming up with my own stuff, but I thought why not make it easier by making it a fnaf song? And an SL one at that, because favoritism.
Somehow, this works.
Yes, there is singing. I may not be trained to sing, but I'm a music person and I'm not tone deaf, so I tried my darndest. I don't wanna spoil it, so instrumental for you. 😼
The goal is to make the entire thing, music and amv, as close to a bonus feature cheesily edited together music video on a DVD of a home release movie series from the early 2000s as possible. (And on a more personal note, portray how SL has been interpreted in my brain over the past 8 years.)
If that isn't achieved, a cactus will appear on my left elbow.
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awearywritersworld · 4 months
I know Yuji is pretty supportive of Sukuna and Reader's relationship but I'm curious about their whole dynamic now haha like sharing reader and all that? I'm guessing she spends time with Yuji in the morning and Sukuna at night but I wonder what if they want to reverse or something. I dont know I just want more interactions between Yuji and Sukuna / Yuji's pov haha
this is making me imagine them as bickering divorced parents. "no i have wednesdays! you have thursdays!"
anyway! here's a lil snippet of the two of them
sukuna can't bring himself to ask for something so frivolous, but he's not sure there's anyway to backtrack now.
he told yuuji he needs to speak with him, so his vessel is holding his gaze in the bathroom mirror, looking passively interested.
"well, are you going to talk or not?"
"dude, what?"
sukuna sighs in resignation. "i want to... take her... to the art museum. this afternoon."
"oh!" yuuji really can't hide his surprise at the request. "i guess that's fine, but i do have one condition."
"and that is?"
"tonight you have to stay inside your malevolent alter—"
"yeah, shrine, whatever. you have to stay tucked away in there tonight."
"i mean even after i fall asleep."
"what sense does that make?"
yuuji shrugs. "that's my price. her sleepy cuddles and cute little snores are all mine tonight! take it or leave it."
sukuna rolls his eye, scoffing indignantly. "fine, brat."
a few seconds pass. "by the way— you're not going to, like, maim and torture anyone while you're out, right?"
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booitsbeloved · 4 months
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"go away founder nobody likes you plz"
Boy if only I could go back to the time before I checked the reblogs
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(no hate btw)
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vaniccio · 1 year
every day I log on.... every day I block bots
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revcosmos · 3 months
rewrite is rewriting and I'm in tears
there are at least five points in book one/season one alone where I Will sob while writing and it's not even fully plotted out yet
and that's not even counting my new versions of the six ancient warriors' tests because I will probably be at the very least emotional for all of them
that reminds me I need to figure out what I'm going to do with Masquerade's,,, it didnt really resonate with me, it felt oddly disconnected
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pidgecv · 7 months
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UPDATE: It’s called masq!swap idk how I missed that oopsies-
I believe that he’s from a swap tftsmp au? I saw an animatic for it by cassandraa on YouTube and the description says the original design is by sunii on twt (but the characters belong to cassandraa now?) but I don’t have twt so I can’t be for sure or link any other information. Anyways the meme slaps so hard and so does the design so I drew him (I THINK ITS JOHN FROM THE WILD WEST TFTSMP BUT IN THE MASQUERADE TFTSMP SETTING BUT ALSO A ROLE SWAP AT THE SAME TIME???)
Link to original animatic:
i have decided that I am done. I do not believe it will get any better. I cannot fix this. I have doomed myself. I am never looking at this ever again.
I have no idea how to tag this one lol wtf
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cssandraa · 8 months
i made a new fic with masq swap john and sherman!! ✨
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